M.method (Assignment Group 2)

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—| Assignment :- Mathemetiical Method. | Submrtted by: Abida __Co Benish_Toved__ (2.9) Eman. Ca | Mina Renmab — Cv) __| Munitba_Talniy (65. Sora__khan (85) Shatonury Nae Sook (84) ERE C4) - Riman (95) , Ma'am Sadia Naeem Z _Depertmernits- r _ emetic: __ = - | Gacents Funcriow. — [saattematicida Gouge Gemulo cst." developed Greens chyon__ove__namec\_agter_Brttish the___concey in___1820s: |Deginrbion:- —|digperenibic eoyucihion a exer 0 Consicler__c—_\inear__\nemogyeneous. w —_[udree is “a.” ligperentbiadl Soy uathion/opetatior | a ROS ROS 5 Pg O dd | uinete__the. fanciion a POs PCO, PG ove _| the __‘boundaty_cendrtions__are__ Continuovs__on {4b}. _R.CO420 on fasb]__and Vg) =O. 9___E =O, 19. =--90 >(2) nl _| where anna anna al mony V2 ad, Ord! y/C gear a dy COD a | Suppose —trali_the._homegeneous boundary valve _|where_the_\mear__porms \ya=,V, in yl y“(ad aifid 6-y.o? aR yf Cy 002 sph ye Cb) (4D JOD2——-9y Ob) ove \meatly__independerit« |_poblem oven by _(4)_te _@)__ has only, _ | triviel__solubion__yooso. = 2. problem (2) te (4) __i tne: puncte. = 2 GrCayt) ucted for —ciny. pout. ts Geteh Anal_uinich Ane__galoniney pour pmperties. 1 \n—cach—np_the_tatenats fase ane Choy | the __punctton__C,Lagtd, Considered_-01s_ ol ——_|op 2's a __solutbion _op (4), then ss. L LA {oy} =° | G2_GUGD_'s continue) __ane\__has__Continueus, denivodwwe’ with respect_te__x__upto oder. |_Cn~ 2) inclusive __¢or_a¢ %_G_CGot)_sect.ispies the _Ypewadany_conchttatoas (3), thee _S V Ce =0. fot___te=0)1925—— 90 —| Ezpansione= _ “Consider the __hamogen cous duyperentiod - |-eoyuccbion [ogondd enon — a DSS 48D y= 9 ae an. . F—4. unas} C9) omnes \neadlyy independent Solution cp anyucction (s) 4 then ts general sa S |.can_ be _wur'tten__u | gs ry. 284 Oo Since ‘ _ 7 Gyeens__function__can be__used asa __ mathematica eolizertion or Dirac. Debka function. AG OG HD 6 Loma, | gtr) 0 por gett § Get) 0 for ast | Yor at = _ _ __ | D_= LO k) =O | The.__generad solution com be _usrtthen as, _ “Gusts | NY@*BY,05 aexet E 09 x BY OD Lex eb | then__using previous _C1__4)_condirh fons __we can aininake _censtantt__Ond__yeoyired_{s__ our Green's _ __ L_gancbin. _ _ Question __Based__On__ Construction | Gyeen’s. Fundt on. — 4. [ For. ( = | ence. |_yOO so for__given__loandary ~ yelue problem: Emad at 25 function ipesen, npn ei =. yao Solubions- Ooty ——Siice_the _opvern _eayyoitiion is _Ihamagenees \On. yl) =o vy => at > dL = A _ e>) =>) =O. =p—Y=Axr& Davie seubion= Y¥(0) =O. 7 goo) = ACE O= B YOO) = AxxB ane yl xe) => yLO = AL+ 6 = Abrg=0 _=> flo Synce AsO. fA=%=0 = YJO.=.0_ esy.uect fon__(2)__yields =>. Stnce, ie) only _trivred _sdubian =S Therepoves Green's —punctuiba exist__and__{s__oytven Guat) Niuaid OZ%2b (8). Gap exe |B temo _ Constanta use properties ap _Gyeen’s _—— _funct ten. GU) _sabispy the boundary Gnd ibion. 4LO=o. z Sturt) =0 i Get) =AW)x% = 8 =» %=0 Also» yO = 8 = GLLtd =o GL) =céx D____ O = Ci+ D = Cl =D =» Ds ch _Thereperes S(Xgtre 2 AATO Ce Xet Gs Cx-@ texeh ~ “Guutl= Sh cent e 4 * 1s tenek aa L@__@0ud)_is_coibinuows ob azeb_ aot he, Lim Gtx, t) = Ln GLb) a Lim CG. O . wt - Sat Bn CO spb Ce Ae ».pub iy 4D. or _ ye Ozxet 3(S2 Gas Boao terel af 2G 2a = -\_ Or Ne OK yet PCD ater he At A--) t-£ pt-At+pl _) tL Ate) tL Ale 14-4 Aa £t £ pak in_(S). 29-64 GG Fe uy ret = wt OD texed | Now, use cendttion ap Jump discontinuity _ — ate, Tec y= JZ@0 o2xet £UXD texck seopuined _Gyreea!S__punetyon | _Consbruck__Greens_eunction__ag boundary __ a\ue_eebblem. yxy =O» for. O22) Be oe Yo =0. is, yO =o | Sclubion- __| __Gyiven_Ihomageneous DF is. yy” a g-=0 + OM ty =o ae é ~ 2\ uy a. {oo ewe yn0 _ _ _ Nusa licny eayrodiisn iS = — x 7 _ fe | desert de S54 Solution __is. YOO. Acoskx+bsinka 5 > | — aes aoe For__trtvial__sclubtonz= Yo) =O ps cos (o) + Bsns) =O —____—— AOD +00 AO. ———| and __y.cr). = 9 ____ - => Aces.) 4 BStae) =O = e ox8sin(d =o ‘ oy 2D oy ields_on ly —trtvial__selubion por ___ ndayy —_value_prdb\en _ _ : _—Therecorey Greerls_ | punebion__enist. ond__{s__given__es, ~_ i Bee UTICA (ca acl 7 a0 num —_ | GUeb=3— eclhe 502) Ccaskx+Dsinkx » ters 2 jamie constant ___use. properties __ap_Green | Gb, Soukis pies Boundary Conditions: | y®)so > Oot) oO Flo = Acoso) +&sin(o). oO = AAO aa =4 > Gxt) =o an Coos. Ce) DS K=O Cc = —DStAk a Cask a ~ VOrRSinFx > Ofzet | 7 = PSE CADSR > tex ae _ _ Gua = Binkx 7 5 Ofxet b ‘Sinkcxcesk= isa) oe a CSE anne |G cayts 3 ENN esac sing 7 _G! Cat) is _conitin uous ob pot. Linn G) Gab) = jing, Gyan) = Lina yay) | _psinbet 9) esent _ Cost OO ie _ Bynkbcsk toca Sto(et-©) pa . a _ esi kx pestorteese sy Si alex © Smt) sR =\o Cesinka 402A et ___ves GUct) = 3 esinets sinter) ytexed sin (et- KE) __| Novo Use. Condition _op jump ——discestinuty 29 \ 2 | = 2) | x Npeth Neng PC e- SsINELCesCee Ce) _eRCort = <2 sinQet-) : 4 —|—-\ cast XS OCRt=!) ~| 7 __Sintet-) -e snGt en) - sin Cet _ Stn tS) Sra) =sintki-)~ Sin 7 sind =D Using Syne) _ Sin STOREY 7 = (sin) scone sb HSVNOA-E) sight 9 beXE9 | Ga, De ‘ yeSink, STOR Xs_respuired) Green: puncbton |.3__Selwe oe. eSinx__with B.C __y)no5 v4 Y@P_. ae Are__omoqeneais _D.F _correspanding; _te _osven DE is oy Lo ox =— Js Arb» _O> |For __tniwal__scluditons- 4 (o)=o => A+€£(e) =90 AsO and. YOO -% WiC) =o => Qro - | Since Azo= o— = yO = Hence __eayuarbion “D yields only _‘titvied _sclukion 4O_s0__pst qua —Baund valve pte. ——| heron, Green ond i Qyven as. CreQa seme : {+ Gas 2) * Dx 5 tered ' e@ | To __yemmowe ai eta etree _functi [On — | Guat) _sabspies “eamndary. _ Conditions: 4(2= =D => Gort =o _ (ot) = A+tBCe) __filSos a st ¥/(h=0 dot)= —~@- _| GLOsti= Deo : _ put Eee (2) eemnsnneneene ei eamuenee a) od al 5 beer OO 9 ; ~cobimuons is ate nat ma Gua ye ean (2) Lee ste xe |-Nous Use condition of _jump___discentbinuity. 2G com 5 Or |xatr OM Nee RODD o-% = = B=) 7 hus. _ exer Gout) = 3% 2 t 3 tenes, 1S reayuinedl Greens Funct fon. —| 09 = Pewmec ors | Since Now __Solut ion ___op __Given__D-E__in_tems oe fr T | Green!s___funct ion __cam_be _wavtlen as, -——— —=(qetsntate—— —— — Answer. ay cata Greens __funebion =O with oytven_ Be ath | Sdubione diay! 20 (a) WY WN Lo Axe dx ve 3 Jy=0 ae a7 Nurilipay eqyuation _{ & 3 co av gn A (do) =< ok —} do, 4 =) _ dx dn _ => YyOO_= AAR a yO = A+ Be* > (2) & ___| Yor _strivial__solubion:-_ | Y(e) =o YOO = ee —|__—» Axe’ =o _y/Q) so | AB => be _=0 — As 6 SNe ___e+0 4 =B=0 = i eqywahion_()_ elds only t tiivies solution yO.=o0 the given beandary value —petlen. al¢ Therefore, Greens funclion exist _And_is \ ArBe a 227 {_GqOst) = yee! semen —> (a Yo__temove __Constonit_, use properties _of Greens fon. -@ Gast) sais pies Boundory Conditions» Yl) = 0 =» Glos) =o = _Ate’B=0 A+& =o K =A yi so > _G! Crt) =o L De =O. Sxnce__ ee +O »D so @ pub_ftn__@) KU=eD—5— eget [Gc Cast= ¥ ° — - q » be xz) G.Gxt) is continuous ait nat | ts Gy, _ Lim_@ Cast) = Lim Oat) gor At =lé —__|_Use___Candbion -of__jump—discontinuthy 9 2a ox Iastt Ml aat BLD = o- fet) —) fs -\ et Se +| pb_in (sy =i—(1se*)—5 Oe 28 last) = % i , Ue) ge rel | is yeoyuited__Gyeen's -punchion, _ __|Transporm_ Method s= fo _—Vronsyorm__mebod__pavtdes_@. | \oridge Sockween the commonly __used_ method |r _Sepétbron ap _arriable__and__numentcod = technicye__ot__selviney__\tneeu_parbtel_cligperenittad esp ection. - Laplace Tronspom. __e_Fourrer__ Tran: _|»_Hanleel Transport. v Laplace Tronspormatbrons- [a ge = fe peda eee == ao: al? Examples | o* (aces st. — asinst) 7 Solubjons- A, je* Ocosst —sio Ste = = AR ee 55 cosst OF sinsty ~ 4 GO) SD sAdesbt = S-% (s-CDSrs*_s— Cas” (san 28s is de“ sint= b (1394S Gade” (-4538 = 28-9 dng. (sx2)425 ) Fairier_“Vranspermadbione- FAGCOY = \_(e peods. Wwe _ eee eo wa _ - am los WW) _ _ _ — ___| Solutions— _—__— _ = {= OD da a ae — Ss = ee — _\, em dew tk 1 | ~ a a{es2 -e —--- ~ stk Dn te a E E iid) Wankel TWanspormobions= | a The roproite. Home| __trensesrmedifon__of tro e(x) (022 £0). depined___cr |__d5¢@d4= — LLIp(SO8L | Ezample:- _ |_____e CW se” 9 NS OU | 42} ca ~fere x. J, lsd ECan (sOde=_9 — 2 Caasy Ti 4S? : Wie b Ans:

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