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A given sequence of numbers is such that in any set of four consecutive

numbers, the sum of the first and third terms is equal to the sum of the
second and fourth terms. If the 3rd and 14th terms are 4 and 7 respectively
and the sum of the first 18 terms is 57, what is the sum of the first 23 terms?


A) 125

B) 112.5

C) 135

D) 120


A shopkeeper had 15 cartons of pencil boxes with him and each carton had
120 pencil boxes, with each pencil box having 15 pencils. If the shopkeeper
was able to sell only 10% of the pencils present in 15% of the pencil boxes in
20% of the cartons that he had, how many pencils was the shopkeeper able
to sell?

a) 81

b) 99

c) 72

d) 78


A cuboid has a volume of 64 cubic units. Find the minimum possible value (in
units) of the sum of the lengths of all the edges of the cuboid.

ABC is a three-digit number such that ABC = 5(AB + BC + CA), where AB,
BC and CA are all two-digit numbers. Find the total number of possible values
for the number ABC.


If the largest angle of a triangle is twice the sum of the other two angles, nd the
maximum possible ratio of the shortest side of the triangle to that of the longest
side of the triangle.


The standard deviation of the observations 4086, 4090, 4082, 4094, 4078,
4102, 4098 is


b) 8.

c) 8.25.

d) 7.25

John participated in a 500 m race, during which he increased his speed by

10% after every 100 m that he covered. If he finished the race in 3 minutes
and 14 seconds, what was his approximate speed for the first 100 m of the

a) 7.73 kmph

b) 6.12 kmph

c) 6.47 kmph

d) 7.12 kmph


Five friends A, B, C, D, E went to a tiffin centre for breakfast. Of the five items
available, A, B, C, D, E do not like idly, puri, dosa, upma, vada respectively.
Each person orders exactly one item and between them, they order all the
five items. In how many ways can they order their breakfast?


In a country called Numsyland, the people use a certain number system to

the base n (n > 2) and the currency of the country is Nollar. Franky, a resident
of the country, one day received twice his daily wage because the digits of his
wage (in Nollars), which was a two-digit number, were accidentally reversed.
If the value of n is the least possible, then what is the decimal representation
of the excess wage (in Nollars) paid to Franky on that day?


A, B and C started a job. On the first day, C being unwell is not able to work
at his full capacity and he leaves after one day. The other two complete the
work and B gets a share of ₹5100 out of a total of ₹18000 paid for the job. If
each of A, B and C can complete the job normally in 10 days, 20 days and 5
days respectively, then find the percentage efficiency with which C worked on
the first day.

a) 50%

b) 60%

c) 75%

d) 80%

A) 9

B) 13

C) 17

D) 14


In the figure below, the lines represent one-way roads which allow travel only
southwards or only eastwards. Find the number of distinct routes by which a
car can reach point Q from point P.

a) 64

b) 84

c) 56

d) 90


M and N are two natural numbers, such that the indices of the highest powers
of 5 in N! and M! are 64 and 28 respectively. Find the maximum difference
between the values of N and M.

Find the area (in sq. units) of the polygon formed by joining the points (2, 0),
(3, 2), (4, 6), (1, 7), (–1, 4) and (0, 2), in that order.


a) –28 ≤ y ≤ 75

b) 39 ≤ y ≤ 52

c) 13 ≤ y ≤ 63

d) –63 ≤ y ≤ –13

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