Primary Seven Pre-Ple Set I Examination 2023 Mathematics

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District ID: ……………………………………………………………
Read the following instructions carefully;
1. This paper has two sections A and B FOR EXAMINERS’ USE
2. Section A has 20 short questions. (40marks) ONLY
3. Section B has 12 questions. (60marks) Qn. No. Marks Initials
4. All answers to questions in section A and B must be 1-5

written in the space provided below. 06-10

5. Any hand writing that cannot easily be read may 11-15
lead to loss of marks. 16-20
6. Do not fill things in the boxes shown: “for 21 – 22
25 – 26
examiners’ Use only”.
27 - 28
29 – 30
31 - 32

SECTION A (40 Marks)

1|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
1. Fill in the missing numbers:-
5 + 5 = ______ x______

2. Write the value of two fifth of one million in words.

3. A packet of coffee has a mass of kg. Find the total mass of 3
similar packets in grams.

4. With the help of a ruler and a pair of compasses, draw a

perpendicular line to line PQ through point O.


5. Shade (X – Y)1
2|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554

6. Find the unknown P.

32P = 101four

7. Find the range of 0.5, 2, 1 and -2.

8. Prime factorize 72 and state your answer in power form.

9. If the length of arc xy is 44dm. Find the length of xo.


o y
10. Subtract:
Min Seconds
5 20

¯2 45

3|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
𝟐 𝒙
11. Given that, 𝒙 = and 𝒚 =2. Simplify: .
𝟑 𝒚

12. A guest house has rooms numbered consecutively from RM:36 to

RM:60. How many rooms does it have?

13. Decrease Shs.18,000 in the ratio of 2:3.

14. If Ο represents 6 balls. Draw a picture graph to represent 15


15. A fisherman saw a boat on water at a bearing of 0750. What was the
bearing of the fisherman from the boat?

16. Find the square of 𝒚3 .

4|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
17. Solve the inequality: 5 – 3y < 17.

18. What value must be subtracted from 5p to get 2p – 6 ?

19. Find the GCD of 20 and 36.

20. A school has 8 dormitories each with 55 students. If the school has a
total enrollment of 900 students, find the number of day scholars in
the school.

SECTION B (60 Marks)

21. At a birthday party, 30 people ate meat (M) only. y people ate both
meat and fish (F). 12 people ate fish only, (y + 6) people ate neither
of the two types of sauces.
(a). Complete the Venn diagram. (1 mark)

Ո(M)=___ Ո(F)=___

5|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
(b) If 26 people did not eat meat. Find the value of y. (2marks)

(c) How many people ate meat? (2marks)

𝟐 𝟏 𝟏
22.(a) Simplify : - ÷ . (2 marks)
𝟑 𝟒 𝟐

(b) Workout: . (3 marks)

23. A father shared sh. 500,000 equally among 2 boys and (x + 2) girls.
If each child got sh. 25,000;
(a) Find the value of x. (3marks)

6|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
(b) Find the difference in the total share of boys and girls. (2marks)

24. A motorist drove an average speed of 72km/hr from Kampala to

Masaka. On his return journey through the same route, he drove at a
speed of 96km/hr. If he spent 25 more minutes on his first journey
than the return journey, find the distance from Kampala to Masaka.

25. Given that the LCM of Fp and Fy is 90.

Fp Fy

32 X

(a) Find the value of x. (2marks)

(b) Find the GCF of Fp and Fy. (2 marks)

7|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
(c) List down the multiples of 9 less than 20. (1 mark)

26. Given that, X = 2y – 1. Complete the table below. (5marks)

x -1 7
y 2 -2

27. Use the figure below to answer the questions below.

(a) Find the value of n. (3 marks)

(5n – 6)0 x 9n0


(b) Find the size of angle PTS. (2 marks)

28. (a) What is the additive inverse of the value of ¯3 - ¯7 ? (3 marks)

8|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
(b) Use the number line below to workout ¯3 x 2. (2 marks)

-8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0

29.(a) Using a ruler, pencil and a pair of compasses only, construct a

triangle ABC where AB = 8cm, <A = 450, <B = 600. Drop a
perpendicular line from C to meet AB at X. (4 marks)

(b) Calculate the area of the triangle. (1 marks)

9|P a ge
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
30.(a) Find the principle that can yield sh.72, 000 in a bank that gives an
interest rate of 20% per annum in a period of 6 months. (3 marks)

(b) Calculate the amount of money that will be on that account by the end
of 6 months. (2 marks)

31. The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 12600.

(a) Find the number of sides the polygon has. (2 marks)

(b) Name the polygon. (1 mark)

(c) Find the size of each interior angle of the polygon. (2 marks)

10 | P a g e
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554
32. The table below shows the exchange rate at a Forex Bureau.

Currency Buying rate (Ugsh.) Selling price (Ugsh)

Us Dollar ($) 3700 3800
British Pound (£) 5100 5200
Kenya sh. (Ksh) 36 37
(b) A trader had 5000 Kenyan shillings. How much money did he get
in Uganda shillings? (2 marks)

(b) A tourist had 7600 pound sterlings. How much money in Us dollars did
he get from the Fore Bureau? (3 marks)

------- END ---------

11 | P a g e
(STECO) Education consultancy Kampala, Entebbe Rd. 0756062054 / 0776920590 /0742908554

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