Surveillance Robotin Hazardous Placeusing Io TTechnology

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Surveillance Robot in Hazardous Place Using IoT Technology

Conference Paper · December 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ICACCCN51052.2020.9362813


19 389

4 authors, including:

Akilan .T Utkarsh Pandey

Amity University, Kolkata Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra


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2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)

Surveillance Robot in Hazardous Place Using IoT


T. Akilan Satyam Chaudhary Princi Kumari Utkarsh Pandey

Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE
Galgotias College of Galgotias College of Galgotias College of Galgotias College of
Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology
Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—This paper deals with human surveillance through very cost effective. Arduino Uno micro-controller is used
the technology based on IoT featuring robotics using an Arduino while creating a robotic car and is interfaced by embedded C
UNO microcontroller that is controlled by a smartphone and a programming language. Various Sensors work simultaneously
PC. The objective is to develop a spy robotic car which is suited and acts.
to provide an act of continuous surveillance in hazardous
environment. The robot is capable to record the real-time When any obstruction is detected, the PIR sensor detects
streaming in day time and night time as well through wireless movement while surveillance of any person or animal in a
camera. Those movements of the robot are controlled manually hazardous place. The ultrasonic sensor is required to calculate
at the user end. This robot reduces human intervention directly distance of an object by sending its waves. In Robotic industry
in a hazardous place where continuous supervision and security Internet of things (IOT) has proved its prominent
is necessary. The complete system comprises of various sensors functionalities that deploy internet connectivity to different
like PIR sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and gas sensor interfaced with devices. Internet is used as a medium to transfer the data from
Arduino board. Spy robot monitor the live streaming the robot to the user [2]. Working combination of Arduino and
information and transfer it to the connected Android device. Internet of things is a great achievement in various areas. This
Android application can control the navigation of the robot from robot is mainly built to solve the problem of threats in
a large distance using WIFI communication. Further troubling and deadly places and can also be used in domestic
advancement of this project will lead to usage of spy robots even
areas in hospitals, school and movie theaters etc.
in defense and mining areas. Border areas require complete and
uninterrupted supervision for country’s safety and security from II. LITERATURE SURVEY
enemies and using spy robots can beworthwhile.
In [1], Jignesh Patolia, Haard Mehta, Hitesh Patel,
Keywords— Arduino board, Gas Sensor, PIR sensor, Ultrasonic Patel.V.T discusses a system for observing the human
Sensor, Wireless Camera. movement in the war region and war border area which can
minimize the risk of human life as soldiers of armed forces
I. INTRODUCTION can assess the situation of the area prior enter into it. The war
Robot is a hardware device which is mainly made to do field robot comprises Arduino Uno board was interfaced with
various tasks and reduce human efforts. Software and L293D, HC-05 and night vision wireless camera. Camera is
hardware constitute to make machinery which is called robot. placed on the top of the robot and can monitor minimum of
Robotic technology is the future to deploy risky and life 100 m transmission distance. It has the feature of rotating 360
threatening tasks. As human’s life is precious and also human degrees by the means of android application. That android
cannot reach everywhere so here comes the need of robots to application is created through MIT app inventor and is used
help the humans to overcome their limitations. As robots for the total navigation control of the robot.
provide accurate results this has become a great advancement In [2], G. Anandravisekar, A. Anto Clinton, T. Mukesh
in robot industry. Robots are very helpful in hazardous places Raj, L. Naveen, M. Mahendran has proposed a robot which
as it’s not possible to humans to reach out there in areas of execute the act of continuous supervision in the household
enemies and places full of threats. Android Operating system areas. It is capable to reduce the human labour as well as
is very much helpful in operating robotic system through human error. The robot is controlled by mobile or laptop
smart phones easily [1]. The activities assigned to the robotic through IoT with help of Cayenne software. It is used to send
system are controlled manually by human. Surveillance is very instruction to the robotic system. Arduino interfaced with
essential in hazardous environment which is dangerous for ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module for unlimited range of operation
human beings as these are life threatening. Places that required receives those commands. DC motors, ultrasonic sensor to
continuous monitoring are mining areas, urban disasters, detect any obstruction, IR sensors and wireless camera that
hostages situation, explosions and many more. Arduino provides audio and video streaming data to the user end are
technology is advancement while dealing with robots also it’s used in this project.

ISBN:978-1-7281-8337-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 775

2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
In [3], Mohammad Shoeb Shah, P.B. Barole presents a of different motors at the identical time[8]. This is advanced to
cost effective robot using Arduino uno microcontroller which dispense 600mA bidirectional current ts at voltage 5V to 36V.
can carry out the act of surveillance as well as rescue It establishes a connection between cars and manipulates
operation. The robot is equipped with passive infrared sensor, circuits. Input 1 and Input 2 are related up with the virtual
ultrasonic ranging module, DHT11 temperature and humidity output pins at the L293D module. The Drivers of L293D
sensor, MQ-135air quality sensor, accelerometer sensor, module are related in matched set, with the drivers 1 and 2
gyroscope sensor, magnetometer sensor, GPS sensor, associated via 1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 associated with the
Bluetooth and WIFI module, motor driver and robotic arm. aid of three,4EN. When an associated input is high then the
The robotic arm is a type of jointed arm and consists of driver which is associated get enabled and their corresponding
gripper to pick up objects with ease. It is controlled remotely outputs get aligned and in position with their inputs. L293D
by end user via internet. Solar panel is also connected to motor driving module is shown in fig. 2.
provide with the facility to charge battery with solar power.
In [4], Diksha Singh, Pooja Zaware, Dr Anil Nadgaonkar
has developed a surveillance robot for real time video
streaming and audio transfer. The wireless mini robot is
controlled by android based application named BLYNK.
Arduino uno R3 is used as robot control board and it is
incorporated with NodeMcu ESP module and L293D.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is paired with android supported
mobile device along with security credentials. Username and
password is only known by the authorized person also by
predefined by the developer in the programming of the
system.. It makes this wireless mini robot control completely
secured from trespasser.
Fig. 2. L293D Motor Driving Module
C. ESP8266 Wi-FiModule
A. Arduino Uno Microcontroller The sensed output voltage has been transferred via the ESP
A single-board microcontroller that makes the application on server using WiFi network. The data which is being
easy to access with various interactive objects and its transmitted on server can be observed on laptops or mobiles
surrounding is called Arduino Uno. It also known as to be a by way of connecting to that Wi-Fi server and via gaining
microcontroller board, which supports the ATmega328P. This access to the IP address[9,10]. It is also referred to as low-
board contains 14 input/output digital pins in which 6 output price WiFi chip and associated with a complete WiFi protocol
pins are used for PWM, 6 input pins as Analog, ceramic stack and along with a microcontroller unit. This module is a
resonator with 16 pins as measured in MHz self co SOC that is mixed of TCP/IP protocol stack which
(CSTCE16M0V53-R0), it is having a power jack with USB gives access to the Wi-Fi to the microcontroller [figure 3].
connection, an ICSP and reset push button [3,4]. The ESP8266 WIFI module also plays certain task like hosting the
connection is made from microcontroller which is done by a software and offloading all Wi-Fi networking capabilities
PC through USB cable, a ADC adapter or battery to invoke it. from alternative software.
Fig. 1 Shows the Arduino Uno Microcontroller.

Fig. 3. ESP8266 Wifi Module

Fig. 1. Ardunio Uno Microcontroller
D. Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR)
B. L293D Motor Driving Module
This module is a sixteen pin driving force module IC that
makes the person to have command at the direction and pace

2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)

wavelength, it could be easily identified by the


It is an electronic sensor, used for determining infrared

light which radiates from devices in its field of view is called a
PIR Sensor. Every object having the temperature above zero
level will emit some energy in the kinda radiation form
[Figure 4]. That kind of radiation possibly not seen by human
Fig. 6. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
eyes usually because it radiated in the form of infrared
electronic sensor. The generation or the emission of energy for IV. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS
the detection can’t be done by PIR device[11]. They only
work on detecting infrared radiation that is radiated heat A. Blynk Software
emitted by or reflected from the particular objects. For controlling and monitoring hardware remotely and
displaying the sensors relevant data, Blynk software is used.
Blynk layout various similar API and UI for all the compatible
hardware [5]. It supports ethernet, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, serial and
cellular connection types to connect to the microcontroller.
This platform provide three vital components [Figure 7]:
• Blynk App: It helps to create interfaces for IoT based
projects using several widgets provided.
• Blynk Server: It manages all the transmission is
happening between the android device and any
Fig. 4. HC-SR501 PIR sensor hardware devices. Blynk Cloud is also available so
that user can easily run private blynk server locally.
E. Gas sensor(MQ-135)
• Blynk Libraries: It is responsible to enable
The MQ-135 [Figure 5] Gas sensors is used for communication with the server and facilitates the
maintaining and controlling the tools or the equipment of air processing of all the incoming and outgoing request
quality and mainly it is appropriate to identifying or measuring and instructions.
the different gases like LPG, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol,
Benzene, Smoke, Carbon di-oxide[12]. This gas sensor having
digital pin, it can utilizes the sensor to work without any
microprocessor or microcontroller and suitably accessible
when users are trying to detect a particular gas.

Fig. 5. MQ-135 Gas Sensor

F. Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor use to transforms the electrical energy
Fig. 7. ESP8266 Connectivity
into acoustic waves or sound waves and conversely. An
ultrasonic wave is also an acoustic wave signal which is
B. Arduino IDE
travelling at a frequency more than 18kHz. The generation of
ultrasonic waves at 40 kHz frequency is done by HC SR04 This Arduino IDE is an open source and cross platform
ultrasonic sensor[6,7]. A microcontroller is used for software, it can be used for write programs, compile it and
transmission with an ultrasonic sensor and further direct a burn into Arduino boards. The Arduino Integrated
signal to the ultrasonic sensor for the measuring of distance. Development Environment consists of two different sections,
As the Duty cycle of this trigger signal is 10µS and when one is compiler and another is editor. Text editor is used to
triggered, the sensor used to generate the eight acoustic wave making the codes[13]. These codes are called as sketch and
bursts and initiates a time counter. As soon as the reflected .hex file is saved. Arduino IDE is compatible with Windows,
signal received the timer stops. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic MAC and LINUX operating system. It is suitable and simple
sensor is shown in figure 6. to make by the programming codes which helps the robot to
make the movement and it may very helpful for the sensors to

2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
be interfaced with microcontroller to do the appropriate action The wheels of the robot are added with the DC motors,
which is going to be performed further. each have 30 rpm speed. Each motor implemented here is
needed 12v power supply to run in good speed, which is
V. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE supplied by external battery mounted in the robot side. These
The proposed surveillance robotic system comprises of motors which are interfaced with the Arduino controller
Arduino uno board which is integral part, incorporated with through the relay driver. Two motors was accessed by four
several sensors for the working of the robot to its full relays. Different sensors like Ultrasonic sensor, PIR sensor,
potential. The various sensors are basically used for displaying MQ-135 gas sensor are connected to the system which
the sensory information, which will enhance the functionality increases the efficiency as they will stop the system to become
of the robot to a great extent. The robot is operated by the user a complete failure in the case anyhow camera breaks or does
sitting at remote location through the internet. The complete not work. ESP8266 Wi- Fi module is interfaced with Arduino
navigation of the robot is managed manually by the user with board to provide the internet connectivity[14]. For connection
the help of Android smartphone or laptop with Blynk software of the robot system to the internet through BLYNK software
installed in it[15]. The movement of the robot depends on the itself. All the communication between the smartphone and the
visual feedback coming from the camera implanted on the hardware is easily managed through the customized dashboard
robot. [Fig. 8] and Fig. 9 shows the complete Interfacing created with the help of Blynk. The microcontroller is
diagram of the robot. organised using the Arduino IDE software. Coding in Arduino
IDE is not complicated as it consists of various inbuilt
WIFI Internet
functions and commandslish units as identifiers in trade, such
as “3.5-inch disk drive.”

Ultra Sonic
Gas sensor

Driver Camera

Fig. 10. Interfacing Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino Uno

Relay DC Motor

Fig. 8. Block diagram of the robot

Fig. 11. Distance detection using ultrasonic sensor

Ultrasonic sensor measures the distance by generating high

frequency sound waves notice the reflected back echo of
sound waves and calculate the distance by the time taken to
get back. Interfacing with Arduino makes it feasible to work in
an intended manner.

Fig. 9. Overall Interfacing diagram of the robot

2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
Fig. 12. Interfacing MQ 135 gas sensor with Arduino Uno in the desired direction properly like left, right, forward

and backwards. It can sense various objects and also

things coming towards it. It shows proper live streaming
of video contents. Every sensor has the capability to work
Fig. 13. Gas Detection using MQ135 Gas sensor
on different aspects like detecting gas, live human
The MQ-135 Gas sensor is use for the overall detection. The robot can be easily controlled from outside
management of air quality and it is suitable for measuring environment with the help of any android device and
the various hazardous gases like, LPG, Nitrous oxide, laptops. This project is very beneficial and convenient for
Alcohol, Benzene, Smoke, carbondioxide. This gas sensor the places where human access is impossible and life
applies SnO2, it has very extreme resistance in the clear threatening.
air as a gas-sensing material. The resistance of the gas REFERENCES
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