FHLM NGO Constitution 2012

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To bring Jesus Christ’s Faith, Hope, and Love to youth and communities
through using the Word of the Lord, holistically transforming and empowering
them to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.

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FHLM Faith Hope Love Missions
CCBO Christian Community Based Organization
OVC Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children
HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BoG Board of Governors
CF Community Facilitators
CW Community Workers
CSL Community Spiritual Leaders
FC Field Coordinators
NGO Non Government Organization
CBO Community based Organizations
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisals

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LIST OF ACRONYMS …………………………………………………………………2
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………….3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………...5
Article 1 Name of the Organization……………………………………………………...6
Article 2 Mission and Vision……………………………………………………………..6
2.1 Vision………………………………………………………………………………..6
2.2 Mission………………………………………………………………………………6
2.3 Location of the offices……………………………………………………………….6
2.4 Supremacy of the Constitution……………………………………………………….6
Article 3 Objectives……………………………………………………………………...6
Article 4 Membership…………………………………………………………………….7
Article 5 Administrative Structure………………………………………………………..7
5.1 The Board of Trustees………………………………………………………………..7
5.2 The Executive Committee……………………………………………………………8
Article 6: Office bearers ………………………………………………………………….8
Article 7: Organization funds and finances……………………………………………...
Article 8: Meetings……………………………………………………………………....10
Article 9: Disqualification and vacation of office………………………………………..
Article 10: Dissolutions………………………………………………………………… 11
Article 11: Amendments of the constitution………………………………………… ….11

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REALIZING we are seeking to glorify God in everything we do. We are developed as a

cross-cultural organization through prayer and service to the Lord in Uganda. We want to
bring long-term discipleship, a firm Spiritual foundation and teaching of God's Word, to
children and the local peoples of Uganda.

ACKNOWLEDGING that a God fearing generation and society can be restored in

Uganda through concerted efforts by individuals, churches and Christian groups or

RECOGNIZING the important role that Christian community based organizations

continue to play in spiritual formation and in providing socioeconomic services in
Masaka District

CONVINCED of the need for the CCBOs to share information, experiences and work
together in spiritual formation and evangelization besides other social services within the

AWARE that such aspirations can only be realized through collective voice by an
organized and united men and women under a properly constituted organization

FIRMLY RESOLVING to utilize our right to choose the means by which we shall be

DO HEREBY resolves on this day of 2nd/September/2010 in the Executive meeting of

FAITH HOPE LOVE MISSIONS in the name of all members present and absent and
yet to join to adopt this constitution for the good guidance and development of the

We do here by firmly resolve to utilize our right to choose the means by which we shall
be governed.

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FAITH HOPE LOVE MISSIONS (FHLM) is a Christian Community Based
Organization founded in 2010 in Masaka District. FHLM has been developed as a cross-
cultural organization through prayer and service to the Lord in Uganda. We want to bring
long-term discipleship, a firm Spiritual foundation and teaching of God's Word, to
children and the local peoples of Uganda. This will be done through teaching Bible
Studies in the project, in local schools, and churches. This will also be completed by
bringing teams of missionaries and charity workers to Uganda in order for this goal to be
fulfilled. We intend to partner with secondary schools, churches, local CBO and NGO’s,
so the fundamentals of spiritual and holistic education are accomplished. The children
and peoples can then begin to build a strong spiritual life and education. In turn God will
grow them in spirit and knowledge giving them faith hope and love in their community
and themselves.

It was also formed as a result of:

 Breakdown on the side of the mainstream church to reach out to school children
and local people to build a strong spiritual life and education.
 Inadequacy of the mainstream church to bring long-term discipleship, a firm
Spiritual foundation and teaching of God's Word, to children and the local peoples
of Uganda.
 Failure of many children and adult people to live their God given purpose in life:
 Failure of the children and the community to know about the gospel.
 Shortfall of social services especially in the hard to reach sub counties of rural
 Failure of orphans and other vulnerable (OVC) to attain their full human rights
and freedom and access to basic needs.
 Deficient life skills series (life skill, adult life skill preparations, and family
relational skills, health, hygiene and AIDS awareness) that holistically develop
the individual.

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 Lack of a well designed Outreach program (evangelism, community outreach,
mercy ministry) to impact the community including children, youth and the adults
both spiritually and socioeconomically.

Supremacy of the constitution

This constitution shall be the supreme law of the organization. It shall be binding on all
the individuals, persons or members who have stake in the organization activities and

This constitution has been written so as to guide all stakeholders of this organization to
follow the rules and procedures

By putting the constitution in place, we need to assure our beneficiaries, partners and
funding agencies that we are an organized legal entity with community focused
empowerment and development programmes.

We hope to establish proper governing guidelines that will allow proper accountability
within the entire organization. We believe that this constitution will enable us bring
services to the communities in the most efficient and effective ways.

Article 1: Name and Identification

The name of the Organization is FAITH HOPE LOVE MISSIONS (hereinafter referred
to as FHLM).
Article 2: Vision and Mission
2.1 Vision:
A generation discipled in the ways of Jesus Christ
2.2 Mission:
To bring Jesus Christ’s Faith, Hope, and Love to youth and communities through using
the Word of the Lord, holistically transforming and empowering them to fulfill their God-
given purpose in life.
2.3 Location of the Offices
The head offices of the organization shall be situated in Masaka town or sub-perish i.e
Soweto. Other Community offices shall be opened in the various areas where the agency
shall be operating from time to time as shall be found necessary.
Article 3: Objectives
Purpose Statement/Overall Objective:
We are a cross-cultural organization seeking to glorify God in everything we do, through
prayer and service to the Lord in Uganda. We want to bring a firm Spiritual foundation
and teaching of God's Word, to youth and communities of Uganda. This would be done
through Discipleship, Outreach, and Evangelism. This empowers youth and communities
to live a full life through spiritual growth and education. In turn giving them faith, hope,
and love.

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The objectives of Faith Hope Love Missions shall be;
3.1 Bring spiritual formation to children and community to build long term disciple ship
and live God’s purpose driven life.
3.2 Enable the orphans and disadvantaged children to attain education through child
sponsorship and provide other care services to vulnerable children.
3.3 Mobilise financial and other resources to execute the organization activities.
3.4 Create Community Organizational Networks (Names, list of, and contacts of school,
church, missionary teams and NGO partners) so as to share information, concepts and
3.5 Design a Missionary team program to assist in the growth of the outreach programs,
Youth Ministry programs, and Youth Sponsorship program.
3.6 Develop Youth Ministry programs (retreats, camps, bible teaching, fellowship, prayer
meetings, discipleship) where youth may come together, bond, fellowship, learn,
grow and develop healthy relationships
3.7 Design Outreach program (evangelism, community outreach, mercy ministry) to
impact the community including children, youth and the adults.
3.8 Promote behavior change within the targeted communities to prevent the spread of
HIV/AIDS especially in young people using Christ centered approaches.

Article 4: Memberships
The membership of the organization shall be categorized as follows:

Permanent membership: This shall comprise of all the founding members that
subscribed to this constitution whose membership shall not be subject to vote or
admission or terminated by any member other than through loss of interest, gross
misconduct, resignation or death.

Ordinary membership: This shall be admitted or dismissed by the permanent members

upon satisfying or bleaching the criteria and articles of this constitution.

Honorary Membership: This shall be granted as a token of appreciation by the

permanent members to any person who will have greatly contributed to the nurturing,
promotion, support and development of the organization.

Any member shall be with liberty to resign his or her portfolio in writing to the chairman
who shall either accept or reject the resignation.

4.1 Membership shall be open to the public to all those able to meet the membership
4.2 Any individual shall cease to become a member through voluntary withdrawal of
membership or membership may be forfeited in case of failure to meet the requirements
of membership as stipulated.
Article 5: Administrative Structures
There shall be 3 governing organs of the project.
-The Board of Governors (BoG)
-The Executive committee

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-The grass root committees or community Spiritual Leaders
5.1. The Board of Governors shall consist of more than 7 members from the target
community that are both involved and not involved in organization activities.
 The board of Governors shall be the highest authority of the project.
 To review and amend the constitution
 Approve or consent to the safety and disposal of the property of the organization.
 Approving the project’s estimated annual budget
 Receiving and discussing reports from the executive committee in addition to
approving new plans for the project.
 The board of governors shall be the top governing body entrusted with the
custodianship and the property of the organization.
 To appoint and / or confirm the external auditors, receive and act on the annual
external audit report of the Programme accounts.

5.1.1 Eligibility for election as a member of the board of Governors shall depend on;
~ Technical expertise of an individual member of the organization
~ Experience in the achievement of set objectives and organization planning.
~ The community leaders elected to the board must be of high moral integrity and value
the principles set forth in the organizations Vision Statement.
~ Ability to serve voluntarily and dedication to community spiritual growth and

5.2 The Executive Committee

There shall be an executive committee, which will be comprised of not less than 5 of the
9 members listed below who are either members or employees as due to their
qualifications with the following portfolios.
1) Executive Director
2) Assistant Executive Director
3) General Secretary/Information Manager
4) Treasurer
5) Director-Public Relations
6) Director-Education/Youth
7) Director- Youth Sponsorship
8) General Legal Counsel
9) Student Youth Representative
The Executive Committee shall be the management organ, conducting administrative
affairs of the organization and shall have full powers to act on behalf of the board of
Governors. The executive committee shall be responsible for:

1. Approving project proposals intended to mobilize resources for the organization,

agreements /contracts approving the annual budget, supplementary or additional
estimates of revenue and expenditure of the organization.
2. The executive shall have the entire mandate to outsource funding for the
organization. The main source of funding shall be from all possible strategies to
obtain funding to run the activities, plus others in kind contributions, fundraisings,

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auctions and cost sharing by organization and beneficiaries and the community at
3. Receiving analyzing and subsequent approval of the staff and community
facilitators’ reports concerning the organization activities to be presented to the
board and other stakeholders.
4. Preparing or find the cause to prepare, review and update the organization work
plans and the strategic plan as the organization need arises.

5.3 The grass root committees or community spiritual leaders

 The grassroots committees will be comprised of community workers
(CW) and Community Spiritual Leaders (CSL) headed by the field
coordinators (FC) that will link the organization to the community.
 The field coordinators from different sub counties will elect their own
chairperson that will represent the community on the board of Governors.
 The community committee will participate in community sensitization and
mobilization, surveys, sensitization, planning and implementation of the
program activities.
Article 6: Office Bearers
6.1 Qualifications of Office Bearers
The members elected on the executive committee shall be with relevant qualifications
which suit their respective offices. An experience in NGO and CBO related work is
mandatory with the positions of the Board Chairman and Executive Director, as the
superior heads of the organization.
Tom A Assistant Director
Tom K

Rock Youth
Daniel Susan
Representative Marketing/PR Legal Counsel Sponsorship

Liz Board Board

Member Member Member


6.2 Responsibilities of each Executive committee member

1. The Executive Director shall:

b) Be the Chief administrative authority of the organization
c) Be the Chief spokesperson of the organization

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d) Be the overall supervisor, advisor, monitor and controller of all the activities of
the organization.
e) Be the lead staff to mobilize resources for the organization programs.
f) Design effective project proposals for prospective donors and funders of the
g) Convene and preside over all the executive and general assembly meetings.
h) Have residual powers to take anonymous decisions in the best interest of the
2. The Assistant Executive Director shall:
a) Assist in project proposal writing and correspondences to donors, funders and
well wishers
b) Be in charge of mobilization, sensitization, identification and admission of the
clients and beneficiaries
c) Liaise and network with all the relevant institutions, authorities, bodies and
persons to associate, support and partner with the organization.
d) Be in charge of all the programs work plans implementations
e) Work hand in hand with the community in the implementation of the project

3. The Treasurer
a) Be responsible for all the financial matters affairs and records of the organization.
b) Prepare and present budgets for the organization in the executive committee,
board and during the annual general assembly meetings.
c) Initiate, plan and present to the management, board and the general assembly
meetings, ways and means of raising funds for the project.
d) Supervise, monitor and control all the expenditures of the project
e) Be answerable to the board committee and executive director and any other
donor, sponsor and other members.
f) Present true periodical financial statements and reports to all stakeholders of the
organization; funding partners, executive committee, board and beneficiary
g) Oversee the financial flow of the organization funds.
h) Offer financial expertise in the organizational fund management.

4. The General Secretary/information secretary shall:

a) Be in charge of the day management and for that matter type and print work plans
for the organization to be approved by the board
b) Be the immediate supervisor to monitor and control all the project equipment and
c) Be responsible for the identification, mobilization and evaluation of the applicants
and beneficiaries of the project.
d) Arrange the meetings with all the relevant local authorities, bodies or persons and
the beneficiaries, parents/guardians and brief them on the activities, criteria and
requirements for support
e) Implement the work plan, policies of the management and the general assembly.

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f) Handle all correspondences and be the custodian of all the organization data,
minutes, documents, files, records and any other materials equipments and
g) Do any other work as assigned by the management

5. The Director-Marketing/Public Relations shall:

a) Coordination of field activities with the organization.
b) Conduct regular field interactions with the community members to monitor and
evaluate the outcomes and impacts of the project.
c) Link the Community workers with the organization and send reports back to
d) Assist to organise and plan field exposure visits for visitors, staff and the board
e) Organize and plan for home assessments and field visits during the PRA
exercises, sensitizations and mobilization to identify the right beneficiaries.
f) Be in charge of the transport affairs and coordinate field visits for staff and
community facilitators and workers
6. The Director Youth Sponsorship shall:
a) Regularly monitor donor websites and identify and inform donor opportunities
matching the work of the organization
b) Maintain a website and regularly update it with information about organization’s
c) Assist the Director in writing concept notes, project ideas and project proposals
and ensure their timely submission
d) Undertake independent research in finding alternative resources for long-term
sustainability of the organization
e) Assist the Director in developing business plans to generate income from various
f) Undertake online research and build contacts with potential individual donors
and raise funds for the activities of the organization.
g) Maintain relationships monthly with existing donors and respond to their
requests regularly and keep updating them about the work of the organization
h) Improve and develop communications material for the organization such as news
letter, brochure, website, annual report, DVD, poster etc.
i) Organize or provide assistance in organizing any fundraising events for the
j) Suggest other innovative ideas for effective resource mobilization

7. Board Member shall:

a) Sets tone for the committee work
b) Ensures that members have the information needed to do their jobs
c) Oversees the logistics of committee’s operations
d) Reports to the Board’s Chair
e) Reports to the full Board on committee’s decisions and/or recommendations
f) Works closely with the Director and other staff as agreed to by the Director

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g) Assigns work to the committee members, sets the agenda and runs the meetings,
and ensures distribution of meeting minutes
h) Initiates and leads the committee’s annual evaluation

Article 7: Organization Funds and Finances

7.1 Finance
The sources of Finance for the organization shall be:
 Membership and Annual subscription
 Donations, aid, sponsorships and grants
 Fundraising activities and promotions
 Proceeds from the Income Generating projects
 Any other lawful sources
7.2 Bank Accounts & Audit
 The organization shall open up and operate a bank account in a
reputable bank
 The principal signatory to all the bank accounts shall be the Board
chairperson and the treasurer and the rest shall vary depending on
the available situations such as ease of availability when called
 The organization shall keep proper books of accounts which shall
be accessible by all members of the board, executive and other
 The board may appoint auditors and any other experts in finance
and investment matters.
 The organization’s fiscal year is from 01 January to 31 December
of each year.
Article 8: Meetings
The board shall hold its meetings as many times as possible upon notice from the
Chairman and general secretary of not less than 24 hours in writing, e-mail or
telephone or by short messages sent on members mobile phones.

There shall be at least one general Assembly (AGM) once a year. All such meetings
shall be by notice from the chairperson through the secretary general of not less than
7 days in writing.

The quorum at the board meeting shall be 4 members and for the general assembly
50% of the fully paid up members.

The methods of the voting on any decision at the board meeting and the general
assembly shall be determined by the board of governors at such a meeting.

The executive committee shall at least have 1 monthly meeting to ensure

effectiveness, proper management and implementation of the projects’ work.

Article 9: Disqualification and Vacation of Office

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Consideration for removal from office shall depend on misconduct, abuse of office,
incapacitation, death or financial misappropriation. In circumstances where an individual
ceases to be a member of the project, all records like the Identity card cease to be valid
and where possible the concerned individual shall be requested to bring them back to the
organization offices.
Article 10: Dissolution

I. A proposal to dissolve the organization will be deemed to have passed if a

majority of not less than ¾ of members entitled to vote at the general meeting so

II. A notice of intention shall be given to the secretary 120days before the general
meeting at which it is proposed to move the motion.

III. Distribution of assets

In the event of the organization being dissolved, all liabilities legally due by it
shall be fully discharged and a surplus of funds and assets remaining shall be
distributed to any association, society, organization or institution in Uganda
having similar objectives.

Article 11: Amendment of the constitution

I) The articles of this constitution shall be subject to review from time to time as need
II) This constitution may be amended after obtaining consensus from the stakeholders
represented by their signatures.

We, the undersigned on behalf of the different stakeholders of FAITH HOPE LOVE
MISSIONS(FHLM), agree to be bound and to act in accordance to this constitution, and
have put our respective signatures and seals this ……….day of …………………….2010.

____________________________ ______________________________
Tom Kamulegeya Date
For and on behalf of Board of Trustees/Governors

______________________ ______________________________
Rita Beach Date
Executive Director/Chairperson Executive committee

_____________________________ ______________________________
Mukisa Rita Date
Director-Public Relations

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