1 AJP-One Page Syllabus

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Program: -Computer Engineering Sem.: -5th

Course: -Advanced Java Programming Course Code: - 22517
a) Develop programs using GUI Framework (AWT and Swing).
b) Handle events of AWT and Swings components.
Course Outcomes c) Develop programs to handle events in Java Programming.
d) Develop Java programs using networking concepts.
e) Develop programs using database.
f) Develop programs using Servlets.

Unit Mark
Marks Hrs Content of Unit
No. Distribution
• Component, container, window, frame, panel.
R Level 02
• AWT controls & layout managers : AWT controls: labels, buttons,
1 12 U Level 04 08 checkbox, checkbox group, scroll bars, text field, text area
• use of layout managers: flowLayout, borderLayout, gridLayout,
A Level 06 cardLayout, gridbagLayout, menubars, menus, dialog boxes, file dialog.
• Introduction to swing Swing features,
R Level 02
• Difference between AWT and Swing
• Swing Components,Japplet, Icons and Labels,TextFilds ,
U Level 02
2 10 08 Comboboxes, Jbutton, CheckBoxes, Radio Buttons.
• Advance Swing Components,Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trres, Tables,
A Level 06 Progress Bar, Tool Tips
• MVC Architechture
R Level 02 • The delegation Event Model, Event sources, Event listeners
• 2 Event classes. The Action Event class, the Item Event
U Level 02 class, the Key Event class, the Text Event class, the Window Event
class.Adapter classes, Inner classes, Event listener
3 12 08
A Level 08 • Interface, the ItemListener Interface, the KeyListener Interface, the
MouseListener Interface, the MouseMotion Interface, the TextListener
Interface, the WindowsListener Interface
R Level 02 • Basics of Networking Socket Overview: Cliend/ Servers, Intenet
Addressing. Java and the Net: The Networking Classes and Interfaces.
4 10 U Level 04 06 • InetAddress: Factory Methods, Instance Methods. TCP/IP Client Sockets:
Whois, URL: Format, The Url Class URL Connection: TCP/IP Server
A Level 04
Sockets Datagrams:DatagramPacket, Datagrame Server and Client.
R Level 02 • Introduction to JDBC:ODBC, JDBC Architechture: Two and Three Tier
U Level 04 models, Types of JDBC Drivers, Driver Interface, Driver Manager class.
5 12 08 Connection Interface, Statement Interface, the java.sql.package
A Level 06 Establishing connection & retrieving information Resultset
• The Essential JDBC Program
R Level 04 • 1Servlet Type of Servlet, Servlet life cycle. Creating Simple Servlet: The
U Level 04 10 Servlet API, javax.servlet Package, Servlet Interface, Servlet Config
6 14
Interface, ServletContextInterface,ServletRequest ,ServletResponse,
A Level 06
GenericServlet Class

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