Aleatorio Coisas Randomicas

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Random Names

Elven (male) Elven (female)

Male Female Dwarf Eowiorion Fynia Orc
Carannyn Calyan Tomli Tining Elvang Gadush
Aethabryn Brwryan Femli Lómil-Gang Eowadried Vrart
Addraryn Nylyan Lifur Tinylas ë Vong
Glac Nona Helir Amimbor Celithien Panak
Maerraent Elynoic Goifur Fen Cilmawen Gogdish
Lunvan Yseana Doirin Pal Molia Pidush
Glynry Sealla Firin Forfirion Galil-Ganiel Hidush
Ser Ysill Kulin Thron Eärárith Bunk
Rhaenry Sobrylla Kamli Thrurion Pithrawiel Pogar
Glygwyn Naelonna Fegnus Unebrildur Eowuniel Erurt
Laddyn Clovyan Tugnar Findel Elril-Gadia Vadish
Toddyn Merulonna Demli Amoldur Amiclya Vraurk
Din Dullyra Mognus Amér Hil-Gawen Pogor
Rugwyn Saenoic Lilir Urindil Caladriethi Pork
Glunyc Alona Rifur Iser el Ragdush
Yrynyc Daecla Silir Glebrildur Celadrielin Grirt
Rhyrcyn Nycla Dunus Isadriendil d Higdish
Lollyn Civyan Tilir Golas Cuwiel Rilo
Addraryn Gwyryan Gobur Celdur Iseniel Rigor
Dynnyn Clalyan Glemli Gararion Gláthiel Bong
Lyryn Dwniver Glanus Isebririon Gadriewiel Pronak
Vugwyn Alinoic Gofur Héril Elvaclya Vanak
Gleodoc Jeacla Fulir Lómumbor Glaclya Grark
Caraenry Lyna Doinar Anilith Urilmadith Rilg
Addriran Ysolonna Domli Harandel Puclya Borg
Yrudoc Brwlonna Tugnar Eäradrieril Githrang Griol
Dar Nyll Doran Mararil Anádith Hilo
Blaer Gwwra Donus Gilith Cil-Gaclya Porg
Ric Meraecla Lugnus Elviril Análindë Vugdush
Yryr Elossa Segnus Isendel Randra Grak
Vaebryn Brealonna Bili Galund Corfiwien Gugor
Tuddry Mebrylla Rinar Pyrion Urilmalith Gonak
Codoc Ysaessa Dosil Pithralas Cithraviel Gort
Monyc Rilonna Goisil Amémbor Tinewen Palo
Gyr Doniver Safur Elrebrildur Anewiel Vuurk
Carer Lalla Ligan Urithrar Elebriwiel Vrashnak
Gaebryn Lwngwen Foran Anor Deliviel Pudish
Rinnyn Merulyan Hasin Amimbor Anolith Graol
Mydd Merwcla Tolin Delithrawyn Códith Hurt
Gwyryn Naera Rili Eäriombor Gebriwiel Vulg
Yraryn Rwra Kosin Vebrindil Cebrithien Rugar
Maddry Gweara Hesil Teldur Hethien Purg
Carocyn Sylyan Naran Glelad Fodith Pishnak
Dibryn Alolonna Benar Glaraldor Celóthiel Bink
Caraeran Dira Humli Anil-Galas Hórith Vrirg
Gwomyr Elulonna Kobur Miril Lómudë Raol
Glagwyn Ciryan Honus Amithral Caludien Burk
Taercyn Mereadda Bagan Gil-Garion Amáwen Vurag
Rheorcyn Mussa Munus Celóng Tudien Vrang
Rhanvan Jeadda Gusur Elidien Vrirt
Random NPC’s
1. Haydon (Farmer), human, male, 47 years old, 194 cm, 100 kg, long auburn straight hair, blue
eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
2. Merugo (Citizen), hobbit, male, old, very short auburn straight hair, blue eyes Clothes: High,
soft boots, gray jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Poor
3. Treatlan (Nailer), human, male, 42 years old, 169 cm, 63 kg, very short brown straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, gray coat and gray trousers Wealth: Average
4. Ulaulith (Citizen), human, female, 50 years old, 166 cm, 74 kg, short brown straight hair, blue
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, blue coat, brown blouse and brown long skirt Wealth: Very
5. Laroreld (Citizen), human, male, 35 years old, 172 cm, 70 kg, short auburn wavy hair, blue
eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
6. Bugo (Farmer), hobbit, male, old, no hair, blue eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown jacket
and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
7. Rhibryn (Farmer), gnome, male, old, long blonde straight hair, blue-brown eyes Clothes:
Low, hard boots, blue jacket and red trousers Wealth: Average
8. Treash (Farmer), human, male, 20 years old, 192 cm, 76 kg, short brown straight hair, blue
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, green coat and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
9. Graywyr (Fool), human, male, 55 years old, 177 cm, 74 kg, no hair, blue eyes Clothes: Low,
hard boots, blue coat and red trousers Wealth: Average
10. Urarawyn (Procurator), Elven, male, 882 years old, 175 cm, 78 kg, short black curly hair,
blue eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Rich
11. Forfimbor (Farmer), Elven, male, 784 years old, 181 cm, 66 kg, long brown curly hair, blue-
green eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, red jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
12. Lothiralith (Citizen), human, male, 30 years old, 175 cm, 87 kg, very short black wavy hair,
blue eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown jacket and red trousers Wealth: Average
13. Haerrawen (Singer), human, female, 36 years old, 160 cm, 53 kg, long black curly hair, brown
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown coat, gray bluse and gray long skirt Wealth: Average
14. Lothav (Vintner), human, male, 29 years old, 190 cm, 87 kg, long brown straight hair, brown
eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, green jacket and green trousers Wealth: Average
15. Alywen (Citizen), kender, female, middle age, short blonde curly hair, green eyes Clothes:
Low, soft boots, brown coat, brown blouse and red long skirt Wealth: Very poor
16. Delebriwyn (Citizen), half-elven, male, 113 years old, 166 cm, 74 kg, long black straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
17. Rayrd (Dentist), human, male, 48 years old, 183 cm, 70 kg, long blonde wavy hair, brown eyes
Clothes: High, soft boots, green coat and black trousers Wealth: Very poor
18. Babo (Farmer), hobbit, male, old, no hair, blue eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, yellow coat and
brown trousers Wealth: Poor
19. Alirend (Citizen), human, male, 28 years old, 170 cm, 79 kg, long auburn straight hair, brown
eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
20. Gwauclya (Farmer), human, female, 26 years old, 157 cm, 59 kg, very long brown wavey hair,
blue-green eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown dress Wealth: Poor
21. Elvithralith (Citizen), Elven, male, 435 years old, 184 cm, 76 kg, long brown curly hair, blue
eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, green coat and green trousers Wealth: Very poor
22. Abilanyth (Farmer), human, male, 40 years old, 168 cm, 66 kg, long blonde straight hair, blue
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, black coat and black trousers Wealth: Average
23. Ocomag (Bellmaker), human, male, 25 years old, 170 cm, 84 kg, short brown straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
24. Lómandra (Bronzefounder), Elven, female, 313 years old, 170 cm, 67 kg, very long brown
straight hair, brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown dress Wealth: Average
25. Afiralith (Gemcutter), human, female, 18 years old, 177 cm, 80 kg, long brown straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, gray coat, brown blouse and brown short skirt Wealth:
Very poor
26. Belirion (Citizen), halfelven, male, 457 years old, 183 cm, 68 kg, short blonde wavy hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, gray coat and gray trousers Wealth: Average
27. Vobur (Farmer), dwarven, male, young, very short brown wavy hair, green-brown eyes
Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
28. Adrelar (Fool), human, male, 38 years old, 180 cm, 87 kg, short black wavy hair, brown eyes
Clothes: High, soft boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
29. Triram (Citizen), human, male, 24 years old, 170 cm, 51 kg, brown wavy hair, brown eyes
Clothes: High, hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
30. Gwayp (Farmer), human, male, 38 years old, 177 cm, 59 kg, very short blonde straight hair,
blue eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, gray jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Very poor
31. Galorfinduil (Citizen), Elven, male, 690 years old, 174 cm, 67 kg, short brown straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, gray jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Poor
32. Ryc (Bricker brick baker, not mason), kender, male, middle age, very short black wavey hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, gray coat and brown trousers Wealth: Poor
33. Periagrin (Belter), hobbit, male, old, very short black straight hair, brown eyes Clothes: Low,
hard boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
34. Glade (Barber), human, female, 51 years old, 171 cm, 63 kg, very long red straight hair, gray
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, red dress Wealth: Very poor
35. Zohanidd (Combmaker), human, male, 40 years old, 184 cm, 53 kg, long black wavy hair,
blue eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Very poor
36. Zealoth (Singer), human, male, 48 years old, 193 cm, 70 kg, long black straight hair, brown
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, blue coat and red trousers Wealth: Average
37. Nydirassa (Locksmith), human, female, 20 years old, 174 cm, 68 kg, short brown wavy hair,
brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown coat, red blouse and green short skirt Wealth:
38. Adrerir (Weaver), human, male, 39 years old, 187 cm, 77 kg, very short brown wavy hair,
blue-green eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Rich
39. Adomadan (Citizen), human, male, 40 years old, 174 cm, 64 kg, long blonde straight hair,
green-brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown jacket and black trousers Wealth: Rich
40. Nydaykor (Bellfounder), human, male, 21 years old, 170 cm, 52 kg, long red curly hair, gray
eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, gray jacket and blue trousers Wealth: Very poor
41. Adwalet (Farmer), human, male, 32 years old, 173 cm, 57 kg, long blonde wavy hair, green
eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, green coat and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
42. Jardobard (Citizen), human, male, 30 years old, 168 cm, 78 kg, long auburn wavy hair, brown
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, green coat and red trousers Wealth: Average
Random Taverns

The Cock and Hen

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: poor - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Fried pig.

The Sign of the Jester

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: poor - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Roasted fish.

Broken Tankard
 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Steamed goat..

The Licked Monk

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Toasted goat with saffron.

Old Grant's Ale-house

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Toasted goat.

The Satyr and Stiletto

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Creamed hen.

Ales 'n Beds

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Creamed hen with garlic.

The Singing Boar

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Strained chicken.

The Blind Basilisk

 Food quality: fair - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Boiled beef.

Inn of Rose Gem

 Food quality: fair - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Baked beef with mixed vegetable.

The Ruby Blade

 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Strained chicken in egg sauce.
The Golden Dragon Inn
 Food quality: fair - Services/Comfort: poor - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Baked pig.

Aerie of the Eagles

 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Broiled fish with potato.

The Inn of the Great Arm

 Food quality: great - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
Specialty of the House: Steamed pig in turmeric sauce.

The Lions Den

 Food quality: great - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Pureed cabbage.

The Cat's Claw Inn

 Food quality: fair - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Steamed goat.

The Three Gables

 Food quality: great - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Pureed cabbage.

The Full Tankard

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Fried goat with tumeric.

Rearing Hippogriph
 Food quality: great - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Pureed corn in sage sauce.

The Fox and Hound

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: fair
 Specialty of the House: Fried hen.

The One-legged man

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Fried hen.

 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: great - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Roasted corn.
The Adulteress' Lookout
 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Toasted hen.

The Open Book

 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: great - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Roasted corn with sage.

The Sign of the Golden Orange

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Toasted chicken in onion sauce.

The Happy Hooker

 Food quality: good - Services/Comfort: good - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Braised beef.

The Ranger's Lookout

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Toasted chicken.

Vincent's Gin-palace
 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Creamed chicken.

The Sign of the Cringing Eunuch

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Creamed fish with onion.

The Bent Elbows

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Creamed fish.

The Giant's Nose

 Food quality: average - Services/Comfort: average - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Creamed fish.

The Shot in the Dark

 Food quality: fair - Services/Comfort: fair - Safety level: average
 Specialty of the House: Boiled pig.
Random tavern visitors I
1. Braydus (Innkeeper), male, middle age, Clothes: Low, hard boots, white apron, red jacket and
gray trousers Wealth: Average Stats: Strong, low skill Weapons: Heavy club
2. Hus (Serving maid), female, middle age, Clothes: High, soft boots, white apron, brown blouse
and yellow short skirt Wealth: Very poor
3. Cerinyth (Serving maid), female, very young, Clothes: Low, hard boots, white apron, blue
blouse and black short skirt Wealth: Average
4. Bem (Pinmaker), hobbit, male, middle age, short brown straight hair, blue eyes Clothes: High,
soft boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
5. Qoin (Bookbinder), human, female, 25 years old, 177 cm, 73 kg, long brown wavey hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, brown coat, brown blouse and brown long skirt Wealth:
Very poor
6. Nob (Tailor), human, male, 60 years old, 192 cm, 75 kg, long brown wavey hair, blue-brown
eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, yellow coat and yellow trousers Wealth: Poor
7. Fabeth (Joiner), human, female, 31 years old, 146 cm, 56 kg, long brown curly hair, brown
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, green coat and yellow dress Wealth: Average
8. Aseras (Farmer), human, male, 53 years old, 174 cm, 89 kg, long auburn straight hair, blue-
green eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Rich
9. Broakon (Farmer), human, male, 29 years old, 171 cm, 72 kg, long blonde straight hair, brown
eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, red jacket and red trousers Wealth: Very poor
10. Sir Nydeild (Knight), human, male, 25 years old, 167 cm, 52 kg, very short black straight hair,
blue eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, gray cloak, gray tunic and green trousers Wealth: Very
rich Stats: Normal strength, normal skill Weapons: Magic Broadsword, longbow, lance
Armour: Ringmail, shield
11. Miryndra (Farmer), human, female, 57 years old, 155 cm, 53 kg, short black straight hair,
green-brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, green coat, gray blouse and gray short skirt
Wealth: Average
12. Etiawin (Mercenary), human, male, 62 years old, 188 cm, 78 kg, short black wavey hair, blue-
brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, black cape and brown trousers Wealth: Average Stats:
Normal strength, high skill Weapons: Magic twohanded sword, dagger Armour: Hard leather
13. Choawyr (Farmer), human, male, 25 years old, 184 cm, 81 kg, very short red straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Average
14. Rériand (Farmer), halfelven, male, 665 years old, 193 cm, 82 kg, long auburn straight hair,
blue-brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, blue coat and blue trousers Wealth: Very poor
15. Lady Adrelani (Knight), human, female, 44 years old, 167 cm, 52 kg, long red straight hair,
blue eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, gray cloak, gray tunic and gray trousers Wealth: Average
Stats: Strong, high skill Weapons: Magic battleaxe, dagger, lance Armour: Ringmail, shield
16. Siwiel (Hunter), elven, female, 777 years old, 175 cm, 63 kg, short black wavey hair, blue-
brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, red cape and yellow trousers Wealth: Very poor Stats:
Strong, low skill Weapons: Hunting crossbow, dagger Armour: Soft leather
17. Cira (Soldier), human, male, 45 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg, long black straight hair, brown eyes
Clothes: Low, hard boots, black cloak and black trousers Wealth: Average Stats: Strong, low
skill Weapons: Moringstar, magic shortsword Armour: Ringmail, shield
18. Wicianwan (Farmer), kender, male, very old, short blonde straight hair, brown eyes Clothes:
Low, soft boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
Random tavern visitors II
1. Wicerrann (Innkeeper), male, old, Clothes: High, hard boots, white apron, brown coat and
brown trousers Wealth: Very poor Stats: Normal strength, high skill Weapons: Heavy club
2. Olenda (Serving maid), female, middle age, Clothes: High, soft boots, white apron and yellow
dress Wealth: Very poor
3. Yaybaen (Serving maid), female, middle age, Clothes: Low, hard boots, white apron, yellow
blouse and brown long skirt Wealth: Poor
4. Cilinyth (Farmer), human, male, 49 years old, 184 cm, 54 kg, very short brown straight hair,
blue eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, green jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Average
5. Rhohamond (Citizen), human, male, 55 years old, 190 cm, 72 kg, long red wavey hair, blue-
green eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, green coat and gray trousers Wealth: Very poor
6. Glardohan (Drunk Citizen), human, male, 30 years old, 180 cm, 63 kg, short blonde straight
hair, blue eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown jacket and gray trousers Wealth: Very poor
7. Arilathien (Butcher), human, female, 44 years old, 156 cm, 46 kg, short blonde wavey hair,
brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, blue coat, red blouse and gray short skirt Wealth: Very
8. Eowigowyth (Tanner), human, male, 62 years old, 182 cm, 84 kg, short brown wavey hair,
blue eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, yellow jacket and yellow trousers Wealth: Rich
9. Góldur (Very drunk Cleric), elven, male, 1147 years old, 175 cm, 61 kg, short brown wavey
hair, brown eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown jacket and brown trousers Wealth: Very poor
Stats: Weak, high skill Weapons: Mace Armour: Soft leather
10. Olohawyr (Mercenary), human, male, 46 years old, 168 cm, 71 kg, short red straight
hair, gray eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, gray cloak and brown trousers Wealth: Average
Stats: Strong, low skill Weapons: Magic shortsword, longbow Armour: Ringmail, shield
11. Velald (Fighter), human, male, 18 years old, 176 cm, 66 kg, very short black wavey
hair, brown eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, brown cloak and black trousers Wealth: Poor
Stats: Strong, normal skill Weapons: Shortsword, magic dagger Armour: Ringmail, shield
12. Briloth (Drunk Farmer), human, male, 57 years old, 169 cm, 73 kg, very short brown
wavey hair, brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, yellow coat and green trousers Wealth:
13. Gay (Citizen), human, male, 21 years old, 168 cm, 72 kg, short blonde wavey hair,
green eyes Clothes: High, soft boots, brown coat and brown trousers Wealth: Average
14. Legorfidë (Citizen), halfelven, female, 348 years old, 153 cm, 47 kg, long black wavey
hair, gray eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, green coat and red dress Wealth: Average
15. Miroilia (Farmer), human, female, 61 years old, 156 cm, 56 kg, long auburn straight
hair, blue eyes Clothes: Low, hard boots, red coat, blue bluse and blue long skirt Wealth:
16. Prirath (Very drunk Singer), human, male, 26 years old, 187 cm, 80 kg, long brown
wavey hair, brown eyes Clothes: High, hard boots, black jacket and red trousers Wealth: Very
17. Eteri (Farmer), human, male, 33 years old, 193 cm, 104 kg, long red straight hair,
brown eyes Clothes: Low, soft boots, brown coat and gray trousers Wealth: Very poor
Random Treasures

A belt made of Tiger pelt. On the belt are:  Fishhook

 A pouch made of Silk. Inside are the A pouch made of Canvas. Inside are the
following: following
o Brush  Bone Mug
o Magnifying Glass  Chisel
 Iron Chain  Manacles with Key
 1 gp, 12 sp  Magnifying Glass

A sack made of Wool. Inside are: A pouch made of Wool. Inside are the
 Small Silver Mirror following:
 Comb  Bronze Ring
 Magnifying Glass  7 gp, 1 sp
 Crow Bar  Vile

A belt made of Canvas. On the belt are: In the pockets are:

 A pouch made of Wool. Inside are the  Parchment
following  Comb
o 2 Silvered Dice  1 gp, 19 sp
o Crowbar
 A pouch made of Wool. Inside are the A pouch made of Wool. Inside are the
following following:
o Tooth Pick  Crowbar
o 2 gp, 5 sp  Manacles with Key
 Magnifying Glass
Gold Bracers (worth 40gp)  Quill
A sack made of Canvas. Inside are: In the pockets are:
 Light Brown Dirty White Candle in the  Crowbar
shape of a Kobold
 Gems (Garnet 17gp, Smoky Quartz 2gp)
 Small Silver Mirror
 Magnifying Glass
 3 gp, 22 sp
 Quill
A sack made of Canvas. Inside are:
A backpack made of silk. Inside are:
 Wrench
 Coins (43gp, 14cp)
 Tooth Pick
 Grappling Hook
 Flask
 Shale Decanter
 11 sp
A pouch made of Canvas. Inside are the
A pouch made of Cotton. Inside are the following:
 Pliers
 Map
 Manacles with Key
 6 gp, 2 sp
 In the pockets are
 Brush
 Brown Purple Candle  Comb
 Silver Necklace  2 gp, 3 sp
 Comb A pouch made of Seal pelt. Inside are the
A pouch made of Cotton. Inside are the following:
following:  Chalk
 Manacles with Key  Manacles with Key
 Magnifying Glass  Copper Bottle
 Pound of Dried Berries
 4 gp, 8 sp In the pockets are:
 3 gp, 4 sp
In the pockets are:  Bank Note
 Crowbar
 Fishhook A backpack made of Silk. Inside are:
 Scroll  Coins (5gp, 5sp, 27cp)
 Chalk  A Book (The cover of the book has a
 Bone Dice Etching of Seaweed on it and the pages
are made of Vellum. It is worth 63gp,
A sack made of Wool. Inside are: The book tells about History of Grey
 Adamantite Die
 Mirror
 Fishhook
 Mithril disk A backpack made of Moose Skin. Inside are:
 Mithril Cup
A belt-pouch made of Silk. Inside are
 A Book (The cover of the book has a
 Gems (Carnelian 28gp, Jasper 37gp)
Circle Etchings on it and the pages are
made of Parchment. It is worth 33gp,
A pouch made of Silk. Inside are the following:
The book contents falls apart when
 A Bank Note for 100gp opened)
 Manacles with Key
 Crowbar A sack made of Dragon Skin. Inside are:
 Manacles with Key  Electrum Necklace
  Electrum Amulet
A backpack made of Silk. Inside are:  Parchment
 Coins (2gp, 43sp, 69cp)
 Bronze Sculpture In the pockets are:
 Bronze Necklace  Tooth Pick
 Crossbow  Manacles with Key
 A Bank Note for 50gp
A sack made of Dragon Skin. Inside are:
 Crowbar A pouch made of Wool. Inside are the following
 Parchment  Gold Die
 Chalk  Platinum Amulet
 Land Deed  6gp, 5sp
 In the pockets are A pouch made of Canvas. Inside are the
 Chalk following:
 7 gp, 2 sp
 Bronze Bracers Broad Sword
The pommel is made of Silver. There is a
A sack made of Cotton. Inside are: Canvas Wrap. The hilt is made of Bone, with an
 Chisel Etching of an Orc. The blade is made of
 10gp, 2sp Mithril, with Carving of Moss.
 Tooth Pick
Broad Sword
A sack made of Tiger pelt. Inside are:
 Crowbar The pommel is made of Steel. The hilt is made
of Obsidian, embedded with Etching of
 Light Red/Light Green Candle
Medusa. The blade is made of Copper, with
 Map Carving of leaves.

Crossbow Broad Sword

The stock is made of Bone. The bow is made of The pommel is made of Maple Wood, with a
Pine Wood. It is strung with a Cord. It has 17 Carving of Leaf. The hilt is made of Pine Wood
bolts. The bolt is made of Maple Wood. The tip and has a Panther pelt wrap.
is Barbed, and made out of Iron.

Hand Axe
The grip is made of Cherry Wood with a Wool
The stock is made of Gold. The bow is made of Wrap. The shaft is made of Bone, with Carving
Bronze. It is strung by a Electrum cord. It has of Troll.
95 bolts. The bolt is made of Slate. The tip is
made out of Copper.
Hand Axe
Staff The grip is made of Obsidian. The shaft is made
of Mithril, with Hex Etchings. The blade is
The shaft is made of Pine Wood, with Carving made of Silver, with a carving of a building.
of Plant life.

Hand Axe
Broad Sword
The grip is made of Bone. The shaft is made of
The pommel is made of Gold, with a Etching of Walnut Wood, with Carving of Oak Tree. The
Maiden, There is a Canvas Wrap. The hilt is blade is made of Pine Wood, with Paisley
made of Cedar Wood. The blade is made of Etchings.
Bone, with Etching of Seaweed. Footman’s Flail
The grip is made of Iron. There is a Wolf fur
Wrap. The shaft is made of Bronze, with
Broad Sword
Etching of Egyptian Lantern. The head is made
The pommel is made of Quartz, with a Carving of Bone, and the surface is Jagged Points,
of Orc, There is a Wolverine pelt Wrap. The hilt which are made of Granite.
is made of Bone, embedded with Etching of
Wedge. The blade is made of Walnut Wood,
with Oval Etchings.
Long Bow
The bow is made of Oak Wood. It has 29
Footman’s Flail arrows. The shafts are made of Bone. The tips
The grip is made of Bronze. The shaft is made are made out of Gold.
of Mithril. The head is made of Steel, and the
surface is beaded, with Mithril beads.
Long Bow
The bow is made of Antlers. It has 11 arrows.
Dagger The shafts are made of yew wood. The tips are
The pommel is made of Bone, with a Carving made out of Steel.
of leaves. There is a Moose Skin Wrap. The hilt
is made of Maple Wood, with a Square
Etchings. The blade is made of Bone, with Long Bow
Circle Etchings. The bow is made of Bone and sinew. It is strung
with a String. It has 35 arrows. The shafts are
made of Bone. The tips are Barbed, and made
Dagger out of Adamantite.
The pommel is made of Bone, with an Etching
of the Sun Dragon. The hilt is made of Slate,
with a Circle Etchings. The blade is made of Two Handed Battle Axe
Platinum. The grip is made of Bone. The shaft is made of
Steel. The blade is made of Bone, with Carving
of Efreetti.
The pommel is made of Bone, with a Etching of
Statue, There is a Cotton Wrap. The hilt is made Two Handed Battle Axe
of Walnut Wood, embedded with Hex Etchings. The grip is made of Bone. There is a Moose
The blade is made of folded steel. Skin Wrap. The shaft is made of Cedar Wood.
The blade is made of Mithril.
The pommel is made of Slate, with a Etching of Two Handed Battle Axe
Werewolf. The hilt is made of Bone. The blade The grip is made of Slate. The shaft is made of
is made of Gold, with a carving of a Nymph. Gold. The blade is made of Cherry Wood, with
Hex Etchings.
Long Bow
The bow is made of Yew wood. It has 16 Two Handed Battle Axe
arrows with Oak Wood shafts. The tips are The grip is made of Gold. There is a Cotton
made out of Silver. Wrap. The shaft is made of Quartz, with
Diamond Etchings. The blade is made of Bone,
with Etching of a statue.
Random Villages

Village - Silverstown
Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Skilled slave (2), Beggar (1), Fisherman (2), Prostitute (1), Unskilled
laborer (7), Harper (1), Herald (1), Jeweller (1)[1], Scribe (1)[2], Litagant (1),
Parchmenter (1), Pilot (1), Tentmaker (1), Timberwright (1), Weaponsmith (1)[3],
Random Villages
Woodsmith (2), Man at arms (1), Mercenary (7), Sapper/Archer (1),
Priest/Shaman (2)[4][5], Knight (1), Baron/Earl (1),
Surrounding country: Agricultural slave (2), Poor thrall (13), Manor servant (6),
Thrall (41), Chief serf (1), Serf (16), Skilled slave (1), Wealthy thrall (55), Farm
labourer (4), Fisherman (3), Hunter/Trapper (1), Scribe (1), Semi-skilled laborer
(1), Tenant Farmer (5), Freefold farmer (4), Metalsmith (2), Miller (1), Thespian
(1), Timberwright (1), Woodsmith (1), Man at arms (1), Priest/Shaman (1),
Random Villages

Village - Keytown
Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Skilled slave (2), Beggar (1), Fisherman (2), Hunter/Trapper (1),
Jester/Fool (1), Prostitute (1), Tinker (1)[1], Scholar/Tutor (1)[2], Semi-skilled
laborer (1), Teamster (1)[3], Toymaker (1)[4], Unskilled laborer (1), Charcoaler
Random Villages
(1), Clothier (1)[5], Embalmer (1)[6], Glassworker (4)[7][8][9][10], Hideworker
(1), Scribe (1)[11], Mason (1), Perfumer (1)[12], Pilot (1), Potter (1)[13],
Mercenary (9), Sapper/Archer (1), Priest/Shaman (1)[14], Baron/Earl (1),
Surrounding country: Agricultural slave (2), Poor thrall (21), Manor servant (7),
Thrall (35), Chief serf (4), Serf (21), Wealthy thrall (43), Farm labourer (6),
Fisherman (2), Hunter/Trapper (3), Tenant Farmer (6), Freefold farmer (1),
Charcoaler (1), Metalsmith (1), Miller (2), Woodsmith (2), Man at arms (2),
Mercenary (1), Knight (1),
Random Villages

Village - Cleftville
Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Skilled slave (2), Beggar (2), Cook/Chef (1)[1], Domestic servant
(2), Fisherman (2), Scholar/Tutor (1)[2], Scribe (1)[3], Semi-skilled laborer (2),
Unskilled laborer (8), Mercantyler (1)[4], Parchmenter (1), Perfumer (1)[5],
Random Villages
Potter (1)[6], Man at arms (1), Mercenary (6), Gladiator (1), Priest/Shaman (1)
Surrounding country: Agricultural slave (2), Poor thrall (24), Manor servant (6),
Thrall (39), Chief serf (5), Serf (18), Wealthy thrall (44), Farm labourer (1),
Fisherman (3), Hunter/Trapper (2), Tenant Farmer (5), Freefold farmer (2),
Charcoaler (1), Innkeeper (1), Thief (1), Metalsmith (3), Miner (1), Parchmenter
(1), Woodsmith (3), Man at arms (1), Mercenary (1), Priest/Shaman (1), Knight
Random Villages

Village - CoopersForge
Print this village! In fact, print a couple and put them in your RPG notebook so you always have an
adventure to play.
Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Skilled slave (3), Animal trainer (1)[1], Cartographer/Artist (1)
[2], Fisherman (2), Hunter/Trapper (1), Longshoreman (1), Prostitute (2), Semi-
Random Villages
skilled laborer (3), Unskilled laborer (5), Mercantyler (2)[3][4], Parchmenter (1),
Mercenary (2), Sapper/Archer (1), Priest/Shaman (2)[5][6], Knight (1),
Surrounding country: Poor thrall (25), Manor servant (6), Thrall (40), Chief serf
(1), Serf (21), Wealthy thrall (48), Beggar (1), Farm labourer (2), Fisherman (5),
Hunter/Trapper (4), Scribe (1), Tenant Farmer (3), Freefold farmer (4), Hideworker
(1), Innkeeper (2), Metalsmith (2), Potter (1), Timberwright (1), Woodsmith (1),
Priest/Shaman (1), Knight (2),
Random Villages

Village - Becksville
Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Beggar (4), Fisherman (1), Longshoreman (1), Prostitute (3), Tinker
(2)[1][2], Scribe (1)[3], Semi-skilled laborer (2), Teamster (1)[4], Unskilled
laborer (5), Clothier (1)[5], Embalmer (1)[6], Harper (1), Hideworker (1),
Random Villages
Innkeeper (1)[7], Mercantyler (2)[8][9], Perfumer (1)[10], Weaponsmith (2)
[11][12], Woodsmith (1), Man at arms (2), Mercenary (5), Sapper/Archer (1),
Gladiator (1), Knight (3),
Surrounding country: Poor thrall (28), Manor servant (5), Thrall (36), Chief serf
(3), Serf (20), Wealthy thrall (38), Farm labourer (4), Fisherman (2), Executioner
(1), Hunter/Trapper (1), Scholar/Tutor (1), Tenant Farmer (6), Freefold farmer (5),
Candle maker (1), Miller (1), Miner (1), Salter (1), Woodsmith (1), Man at arms
(1), Sapper/Archer (1),
Random Villages

Village - Ensville Point

Random Villages

Map Key:Numbers in brackets, for example "[3]", indicates the builing number of
the merchant or artisian. Numbers in parentheses, for example "(2)", indicates
how many of each listed profession lives within the area.
Town folks: Skilled slave (3), Fisherman (2), Longshoreman (1), Scribe (1)[1],
Semi-skilled laborer (2), Unskilled laborer (4), Woodcutter/Iceman (1), Hideworker
Random Villages
(1), Jeweller (1)[2], Scribe (1)[3], Thief (2), Mercantyler (1)[4], Metalsmith (1)
[5], Thespian (1), Weaponsmith (1)[6], Woodsmith (1), Mercenary (3), Knight (1),
Surrounding country: Agricultural slave (3), Poor thrall (24), Manor servant (4),
Thrall (38), Chief serf (2), Serf (20), Wealthy thrall (52), Farm labourer (2),
Fisherman (2), Hunter/Trapper (2), Tenant Farmer (6), Thatcher (1), Toymaker (1),
Freefold farmer (3), Charcoaler (1), Innkeeper (2), Mason (1), Metalsmith (1),
Miller (1), Potter (1), Weaponsmith (1), Woodsmith (3), Mercenary (1),

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