Queuing Theory Introduction

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What is a queue ?

Queuing is quite common in fields like calls waiting in telephone exchange, a supermarket, at
petrol station, bank counter, waiting be machine, , at doctor s
clinic, at toll gate .

Queues in system are formed if the arrival rate ( number of arrivals per unit of time of customers is
more than the service rate ( of arrivals serviced unit time of the service facility channel .

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is queuing system ?

The entities called customers, or , or , depending what

appropriate for situation hand

The limited resources are dispensed servers channels) and lines of requests form in front of
these servers.

Customers who service are said to arrive at server and place demands on
resource be by server .

The server s) the into which arriving customers are directed together constitute the service
facility, or Queuing system, or simply system

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Objectives of Queuing theory

The Queuing theory provides an answer to the following problems in a Queuing system-
1. How to decrease the queues in size providing additional service facilities without losing profit
2 How to maximize the profits by reducing the long time in queues
3. How to achieve balance the cost additional service and
prevention long in queues.

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Characteristics of Queuing system

The pattern.

The arrival pattern the in the join the .

The number arrivals per unit of time arrival rate) in successive intervals is random variable which
follows Poisson distribution with

The time the consecutive arrivals (inter arrival time an exponential distribution with mean

The arrival pattern should specify the-

1. of that is permitted to ,
2 queue length,
3 maximum number of customers requiring services . e . nature of the (finite or infinite
from which customers arrive.

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The service pattern.

The service pattern describes the manner in which the services are provided to the customers .

The number of customers serviced per unit of time (service rate) or inter-service time is a random
variable which follows a Poisson distribution with mean }L

The time to complete the service for a customer has an exponential distribution with mean ( property
of Poisson process) .

The service pattern should also specify the

1. number of servers (channels) that is permitted,
2. arrangement of servers ( in series or parallel)
3. maximum number of customers serviced at a channel.

Assumptions about Queuing systems-

1. If the server is free, i. e., not already serving a customer, an arriving customer goes immediately
into service. No time at all is spent in the queue.
2. If the server is not free ( busy ) , then the customer joins a queue of waiting customers and stays in
the queue until entering service.
3. When the server becomes free, a customer is chosen from the queue according to a scheduling
policy and immediately enters into service. The time between the departure of one customer and
the start of service of the next customer is zero.
4. Customers remain in the facility until their service is completed and then they depart .
5. Customers do not become impatient and leave before they receive service.

The queue discipline.

The queue discipline specifies the manner in which the customers are selected for service. Few common
disciplines are-

1. FCFS (First come first served) or FIFO (First in first out )

2. LCFS (Last come first served) or LIFO ( Last in first out ) ,
3. SIRO ( Service in Random Order) .
The most common among these is FCFS .

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Representation of Queuing models.
A Queuing model ( system) is specified in the form (a / b / c ) : { d / e ) , where

1. a denotes the type of distribution of number of arrivals per unit of time ,

2. b denotes the type of distribution of service per unit of time,
3. c denotes the number of servers,
4. d denotes the capacity of the system i .e. maximum queue size,
5. e denotes the queue discipline.

We shall deal with the following models:

1. (M/ M / ) : ( / F I F O ) , infinite capacity, single server, Poisson queue model ,

2. (M/ M/ s) : ( / F I F O ) , infinite capacity, s servers ( multiple servers) , Poisson queue model ,
3. (M/ M/1 ) : ( k / F I F O ) , finite capacity, single server , Poisson queue model,
4. (M/ M / s) : ( k / F I F O ) , finite capacity, s servers (multiple servers) , Poisson queue model,
where M stands for "Markov" indicating that the number of arrivals in time t and the number of
completed service in time t follow Poisson process which is a continuous time Markov process.


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