Magnetic Beads Purification

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Magnetic Beads for DNA Purification 07/20

(Catalog # M1502-5, 100 Rxns; Store at 4°C)
I. Introduction:
BioVision’s Magnetic Beads for DNA Purification are paramagnetic particles coated with carboxyl groups that can reversibly bind to
DNA. The magnetic beads are formulated to specifically bind to DNA and remove unwanted excess primers, adapter dimers, salts and
enzymes from a wide variety of reactions. These beads can be used for PCR purification, NGS library prep cleanup and concentrating
DNA. An important feature of the magnetic beads is their flexibility due to their ability to size-select the DNA fragments simply by changing
the DNA:Beads ratio. BioVision’s Magnetic Beads allow for high recovery of DNA using a quick and simple procedure.

Figure 1. Purification of DNA using Magnetic Beads

II. Applications:
 PCR DNA Purification, NGS library preparation etc.
III. Key Features:
 High recovery
 No centrifugation or filtration required
 Seamlessly integrates into NGS Library Prep workflows
 No salt carryover
 Cost effective
IV. Sample Types:
PCR products, DNA from adapter-ligation and other enzymatic reactions
V. Shipping and Storage Conditions:
The beads are shipped in a gel pack. Tightly seal and store the magnetic beads at 4°C upon arrival. Freezing may reduce the binding
efficiency of the beads and result in lower yield. The beads are stable for 1 year when stored at 4°C. Do not freeze the beads.
VI. Appearance:
Beads appear brown and may settle during storage. Vortex and mix thoroughly for at least 30 sec before use. It should appear
homogenous and consistent in colour.
VII. User Supplied Reagents and Equipment:
 Freshly prepared 70% ethanol
 Nuclease-free water
 Tris-Acetate (10 mM pH 8.0) or TE Buffer (10 mM Tris-Acetate pH 8.0, 1mM EDTA) for DNA elution
 Magnetic separation rack (for microcentrifuge tubes or 96-well plate format)
 Microcentrifuge tubes
VIII. Protocol for DNA Purification using Magnetic beads:
The protocol given below is a standard protocol for PCR purification using a bead:DNA ratio of 1.8X. This protocol can be adapted for
different bead:DNA ratios for size selection (please see Figure 2 below) or different sample volumes. For large sample volumes(eg. >100
μl), we recommend splitting the sample into 2 or more wells in a PCR plate or performing the purification in a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube
with a suitable magnetic separation rack. Before starting, ensure that the DNA Purification Beads have been warmed up to room
temperature (RT) for 30 min, and prepare fresh 70% ethanol for the wash step.
1. Add 1.8 μl DNA Purification Beads per 1.0 μl of sample (eg. 90 μl beads per 50 μl sample) for a bead:DNA ratio of 1.8X. Pipette
the entire volume 10 times to mix thoroughly. Allow the mixed samples to incubate at RT for 3-5 min for optimal binding.
2. Place the reaction plate or microcentrifuge tube onto the magnetic separation rack for 5 min to allow for the solution to clear
and the beads to collect on the magnet.

155 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 USA | T: (408)493-1800 F: (408)493-1801 | | [email protected]
3. Keeping the plate or tube on the magnet for the entire wash step, carefully aspirate and discard the cleared solution. Avoid
disturbing the beads.
4. Dispense 200 μl of 70% ethanol to the side of the tube or well opposite to where the beads are to avoid disturbing them and
incubate for 30 sec at RT. Aspirate and discard all of the ethanol from the well. Repeat for a total of 2 washes.
5. Allow the plate to air-dry for 2-5 min to remove residual ethanol. Air-dry the beads until they no longer appear shiny, but before
they start to crack. If the beads are not dried enough, residual ethanol may affect downstream reactions. If the beads are
overdried, it may be more difficult to elute the DNA from the beads completely.
6. Remove the plate or tube from the magnet and add 15-50 μl of the desired elution buffer (nuclease free water, Tris-acetate or
TE buffer) to resuspend the beads. Pipette the entire volume 10 times to thoroughly resuspend the beads and ensure there are
no clumps. Incubate at RT for 1 min, then place the tube or plate on the magnet for 2-5 min.
7. Once the beads collect on the magnet, carefully transfer the eluant to a new tube. If there are beads carried over, place the
eluant tube on the magnet to remove the residual beads and transfer the eluant into another new tube.
8. The purified DNA is ready for downstream applications or storage at -20° C.

Figure 2. Size selection capability of Magnetic Beads for DNA Purification. Magnetic beads can be used at different ratios of
beads:DNA volume to effectively purify DNA from reaction buffer components and enzymes as well as size select for larger or smaller
bands. For eg. a ratio of 0.6X beads:DNA volume would remove fragments under 200 bp if the beads-bound fraction was retained, or
remove all fragments larger than 200 bp if the unbound fraction was retained (Figures A and B). Figure C shows that a 0.9X ratio is
effective at removing primer or adapter dimers of under 100 bp compared to unpurified samples, which is useful for NGS library
preparation applications and PCR amplicon purification.
IX. Related Products:

Product Name Cat. No. Size

DNA Library Prep Kit for IIlumina Sequencing K1475 12 Rxns
Magnetic Separation Rack M1501 Reusable
PCR DNA extraction Kit K1444 100 Preps
Cell & tissue genomic DNA extraction Kit K1442 100 Preps
Agarose gel DNA extraction kit K1441 100 Preps
Plasmid DNA extraction kit K1445 100 Preps
Blood genomic DNA extraction kit K1443 100 Preps
Gel and PCR DNA Purification Kit K1455 50 Preps
RobustReady™ PCR Mix M1130 200, 1000 Rxns
Breeze™ PCR Mix M1134 200 Rxns
Tissue Advance™ PCR Kit M1145 100 Preps
FireStart™ PCR Mix M1141 200 Rxns
Mag-Lentivirus and Retrovirus Purification Kit K1458 20, 100 Preps
Mag-Adenovirus Purification Kit K1459 20, 100 Preps

FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY! Not to be used on humans.

155 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 USA | T: (408)493-1800 F: (408)493-1801 | | [email protected]

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