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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Test–Retest Reliability of an iPhone® Inclinometer Application
to Assess the Lumbar Joint Repositioning Error in Non-Specific
Chronic Low Back Pain
Alejandro Caña-Pino 1 , Luís Espejo-Antúnez 1 , José Carmelo Adsuar 2, * and María Dolores Apolo-Arenas 1

1 Department of Medical Surgical-Therapy, Medicine Faculty, Extremadura University, 06006 Badajoz, Spain;
[email protected] (A.C.-P.); [email protected] (L.E.-A.); [email protected] (M.D.A.-A.)
2 Promoting a Healthy Society Research Group, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Extremadura,
10003 Cáceres, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Background: The joint position sense (JPS) has been used as an indirect marker of pro-
prioception in subjects with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP), showing impairment
in previous studies. It seems necessary to devise reliable tests to measure proprioceptive deficits
in subjects with NSLBP. The objective of this study was to analyse the test–retest reliability and
smallest real difference (SRD) of lumbar proprioception through the JPS indicator in a sample of
patients with NSCLBP. Methods: Fifty participants with NSCLBP performed three repetitions of 30◦
 lumbar flexion while standing and sitting using the iPhone® inclinometer application to measure the

lumbar joint repositioning error. For the reliability analysis, we performed an intra-session test–retest.
Citation: Caña-Pino, A.; Results: The total sample ICC values were excellent for standing (0.96) and sitting (0.93) 30◦ lumbar
Espejo-Antúnez, L.; Adsuar, J.C.; flexion. In addition, our results showed that, for the total sample, an SRD < 12% can be considered
Apolo-Arenas, M.D. Test–Retest as a true change in proprioception concerning this procedure. On the other hand, men have better
Reliability of an iPhone® Inclinometer
reliability than women in both standing and sitting positions. Additionally, the sitting position has
Application to Assess the Lumbar
better reliability than the standing position. The standard error of measurement (SEM) percentage
Joint Repositioning Error in
was 4.2 for standing and 3.8 for sitting. The SRD percentage was 11.6 for standing and 10.4 for sitting.
Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain.
Conclusions: The iPhone® inclinometer seems reliable for assessing proprioceptive ability through
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,
18, 2489.
the lumbar joint repositioning error in subjects with NSCLBP in both standing (ICC = 0.96) and
ijerph18052489 sitting (ICC = 0.93) positions. This technological device showed a lower measurement error for sitting
position (SRD < 12%).
Academic Editor: Paul Tchounwou
Keywords: non-specific low back pain; proprioception; joint position sense; reliability; smart phone
Received: 12 February 2021
Accepted: 26 February 2021
Published: 3 March 2021
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral Currently, numerous studies address non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP),
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
however, the battery of tests and measuring instruments used for the evaluation of physical
published maps and institutional affil-
and psychological fitness is varied. NSCLBP is defined as persistent back and sacrum pain
lasting more than 12 weeks; it occurs in 85% of cases for unknown reasons, is unrecogniz-
able, and affects 12–33% of the adult population [1].
Although the most studied etiologic factors in NSCLBP include psychosocial fac-
tors [2], lack of self-efficacy [3], and changes in postural and proprioceptive control [3–8],
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. the large number of external indicators or variables (i.e., variability in the recording and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. measurement instrument used) as well as internal factors (i.e., age, stage of development or
This article is an open access article
professional work performed) have been shown to influence parameters related to postural
distributed under the terms and
control [7,8], making it difficult to reach a consensus on which instruments and parameters
conditions of the Creative Commons
to use in the practical management of pathology. Postural control has been defined as
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
the ability to maintain, obtain or re-establish balance in any posture or activity through
information processing by the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive system [9]. Postural

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 2 of 11

control deficits have been detected in subjects with NSCLBP during the first three months
of evolution, remaining even after the symptoms have subsided [4,7,8].
Individuals with NSCLBP have shown structural (i.e., muscle atrophy and fat infiltra-
tion) and functional (i.e., altered neuromuscular coordination between the superficial and
deep back muscles) changes in the trunk muscles [10,11]. These changes lead to alterations
in proprioception, deficits in tactile discriminatory acuity leading to interference with
motor control [4,12,13]. According to Romero-Franco et al., optimal motor control requires
excellent proprioceptive skills to recognize and reproduce corporal positions [14]. Propri-
oception is defined as “the perception of joint and body movement as well as position
of the body, or body segments, in space” [15]. This definition differs from the concept
of kinaesthetic sense by referring specifically to “the sense of position and movement of
our limbs” [16]. Proprioception is an essential aspect of balance. Impaired proprioception
has been shown to affect normal coordinated movement; there may be an increased risk
of injury as the intensity of low back pain and disability increases [17]. Several studies
have shown alterations in the proprioception of the lumbopelvic region in patients with
NSCLBP [5,6,18,19]. In this sense, proprioceptive decline probably leads to an increased
reliance on the visual and vestibular system during a static bipedal stance [5,19–22].
When applying for therapeutic exercise programs in patients with NSCLBP, the only
way to affirm if back muscle and lumbar proprioception is being improved is to assess local
proprioceptive errors with specific tests such as joint position sense (JPS) [23–25]. The JPS
test measures how well a participant can replicate a “target position” of the lumbar spine.
These are presented through visual feedback, manual guidance, or verbal feedback. After
presentation of the target position, the participant is moved out of the position and asked
to replicate it actively [26]. In addition to the interest in proprioceptive evaluation, there is
no consensus as to the most appropriate posture and measurement instrument in subjects
with NSCLBP [26–28]. In this sense, to date, there is insufficient evidence to associate a
specific position (e.g., sitting or standing) to the suffering of low back pain [29,30]. Equally,
no user-friendly technological device is available either, which would be reliable and valid
for assessing proprioceptive error in this type of subject [26,28].
In recent years, the knowledge of different modalities of therapeutic exercise (discrim-
inative perceptual exercise, sensorimotor exercises with the tactile stimulus, dissociative
exercises, proprioceptive exercises, etc.) has increased significantly; however, the outcome
measures analysed were pain, disability, quality of life, and return to work [31]. Studies
measuring the degree of proprioceptive acuity are limited to improvement in motor con-
trol [32]. Among these is the degree in joint repositioning error as the most widely used
outcome measure; however, to date, there is no gold standard procedure for its measure-
ment. This could be the reason why there is no clear evidence of the impact of therapeutic
interventions on proprioceptive deficits in subjects with NSLBP [13,33].
In light of this, it seems necessary to devise reliable tests to measure proprioceptive
deficits in subjects with NSCLBP.
The JPS has been used as an indirect marker of proprioception in subjects with NSCLBP,
showing impairment in previous studies [23–25]. Since this test evaluates the capability
to recognize and reproduce lumbar spine positions, it often requires the time-consuming
task of analysing images through specific software and/or sophisticated instruments such
as an isokinetic dynamometer, inertial sensors, an electrogoniometer, or photo-analysis
(high-resolution camera) to monitor proprioceptive deficits in people with NSCLBP [14,34].
Although these types of measuring equipment are reliable and valid, they are not portable
and their installation is time-consuming [35]. For this reason, some authors have designed
and validated methods to quickly and easily obtain proprioceptive errors by developing
smartphone applications based on the inclinometer integrated into smartphones [14,35].
For measurement, the iPhone® has been used as an inclinometer in other populations
and their reliability has been evaluated for mobility on people with cervical spine [36,37],
lumbar spine [38–40], and thoracic spine [41] pathologies; standing lumbar lordosis [42];
ankle dorsiflexion [43,44] and inter-limb asymmetries [44]; active wrist range of motion
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 3 of 11

in asymptomatic subjects [45]. To date, there is no gold standard instrument for the
assessment of JPS in the lumbar region of subjects with NSCLBP.
To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have evaluated the reliability,
smallest real difference (SRD), and standard measurement error (SEM) concerning lumbar
proprioception in patients with NSCLBP measured with the iPhone® inclinometer applica-
tion. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyse the test–retest reliability and SRD
of lumbar proprioception through the JPS indicator in a sample of patients with NSCLBP,
by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for relative reliability and SRD
and SEM for absolute reliability.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Size
A sample size of 37 participants with two observations per participant achieves
95% power to detect an intra-class correlation of 0.91 (excellent reliability) under the
alternative hypothesis when the intra-class correlation under the null hypothesis is 0.75
(good reliability) using an F-test with a significance level of 0.05. The null and alternative
hypotheses were established following the study by Walter et al. [46].

2.2. Participants
A total of 50 participants (25 females and 25 males) were included in the study
after verifying that they met the inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria included: (a) being
aged between 18 and 45 years [47], (b) experiencing NSCLBP for ≥3 months [1,48], and
(c) speaking Spanish as their native language. The diagnosis of NSCLBP was made by a
physician. Participants suffering from “pain between the costal margins and the inferior
gluteal folds with or without referred pain to the leg [49] were included, provided they
scored at least 3/10 on the numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) (ranged from 0–10, with
0 representing no pain and 10 representing the worst pain) [50]. Patients with NSCLBP
were allowed to have referred pain in the leg above the knee as long as no neurological
symptoms were present [51].
The exclusion criteria included [1]: (a) pregnancy, including six months postpartum;
(b) a history of back or lower limb surgery; (c) signs of symptoms of neuropathic pain (e.g., a
painful radiculopathy) [51]; (d) trauma to the back or lower extremities in the last three
months; (e) metal spine implants; (f) neurological or vestibular disorders; (g) consumption
of drugs with a potential effect on balance in the 24 h before the study; (h) a diagnosed
psychiatric disorder or severe cognitive impairment.
The study was approved by the ethics committee of the University of Extremadura, ref-
erence number 77//2018. The study was performed following the updates to the Helsinki
Declaration, modified by the 64th General Assembly of the World Medical Association
(Fortaleza, Brazil, 2013).

2.3. Measurements
Several measurements were collected for sample characterization. First, we asked
about age, time since the onset of low back pain, and its intensity through the numeri-
cal pain rating scale (NPRS). Second, the participant’s bodyweight (kg) and height (cm)
were measured without shoes. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated according to the
following formula: BMI = weight (Kg)/height2 (m). JPS (degrees) was used to assess the
lumbar joint repositioning error (The JPS is the measurement described in the Reliability
Procedures section).
The iPhone® 10 (Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA, USA) was used as a measuring instrument
with level application (iHandy© level). The iHandy® level application is integrated into the
iPhone® and is a free application with a visual display similar to that of a digital inclinome-
ter in regard to numeric size. The application uses the iPhone® ‘s built-in accelerometer
and a digital display to display the angle measured. There is no reported accuracy of this
application by the manufacturer. The unit of measurement was degrees (◦ ).
inclinometer in regard to numeric size. The application uses the iPhone®‘s built-in accel-
erometer and a digital display to display the angle measured. There is no reported accu-
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 4 of 11
racy of this application by the manufacturer. The unit of measurement was degrees (°).

2.4. Reliability Procedures

iPhone® Procedures
inclinometer parameters, as well as the participant’s position, to assess
iPhone ® inclinometer parameters, as well as the participant’s position, to assess
the lumbar repositioning error through the JPS, were set according to the following
the lumbar
instructions joint repositioning
(Figure error through
1): (i) The standing positionthe wasJPS,
alongside to the
the following
feet externally(Figure 1): (i)
rotated The standing
in relation to the position
with the arms alongside
(approximately the body,
20 degrees),
their feet externally rotated in relation to the progression line (approximately
their heels three centimetres apart, to look at a fixed point at eye level. (ii) The seated 20 degrees),
their heels three centimetres apart, to look at a fixed point
position was in a height-adjustable seat according to the length of the shank, without at eye level. (ii) The seated
backrest, feet resting on the ground and arms resting on the front of the thighs. The feet a
position was in a height-adjustable seat according to the length of the shank, without
kept withfeettheresting
same on the ground andasarms
distance/rotation in theresting
standingon the front of (iii)
condition. the The
thighs. The®feet
waswere kept
placed inwith the same
an upright distance/rotation
position immediatelyasabovein the the
standing condition.
iliac crest, (iii) The
at a point midwayiPhone®
was placed
between in an upright
the anterior superiorposition immediately iliac
and posterosuperior above the iliac
spine, fixedcrest,
withata abelt;
point (iv)midway
inclination of the inclinometer was 0°; (v) the 0° position of the inclinometer was set as(iv)
between the anterior superior and posterosuperior iliac spine, fixed with a belt; the the
inclination of the inclinometer was 0 ◦ ; (v) the 0◦ position of the inclinometer was set as the
starting position. (vi) The range of movement was 0 to 30°, where the subject was passively
led starting position. to
by the evaluator (vi)a The range of(vii)
30° flexion; movement waswas
the subject 30◦memorize
0 to to , where thethis subject was for
position passively
led by the evaluator to a 30 ◦ flexion; (vii) the subject was to memorize this position for
s; (viii) the subject actively returned to the initial position. (ix) Later, the subject had to
10 s; reproduce
actively (viii) the subject actively
the position returned
in three to the initial
repetitions. position.
The first repetition(ix) was
Later, the subject
a practice trialhad
to actively reproduce the position in three repetitions. The first repetition
for familiarisation with the test and was therefore a non-valid trial. In the reliability anal- was a practice
yses, thefor familiarisation
second trial was usedwithas thea test and
“test” was
and therefore
the a non-valid
third trial was usedtrial. In the reliability
as a “retest”. The
analyses, the second trial was used as a “test” and the third trial
time between attempts was five minutes. The order of the standing and seated evaluations was used as a “retest”. The
time between attempts was five minutes. The order of the standing and seated evaluations
was randomly determined. The time between evaluations was 10 min. The evaluations
was randomly determined. The time between evaluations was 10 min. The evaluations
were conducted in an environment without visual or auditory signals. All evaluations
were conducted in an environment without visual or auditory signals. All evaluations
were performed by a single evaluator with a graduate degree in physical therapy and
were performed by a single evaluator with a graduate degree in physical therapy and
previous experience.
previous experience.

1. Evaluation ® inclinometer. (A) Initial position: standing 0◦ lumbar flexion;

Figure 1. Evaluation with with iPhone
iPhone ® inclinometer. (A) Initial position: standing 0° lumbar flexion;
(B) Final position:
(B) Final sitting
position: sitting ◦
30° lumbar
30 lumbarflexion.

2.5. 2.5. Statistical

Statistical Analysis
TheThe variables
variables included
included ininthe
followed aa normal
Wilks test was carried out to check the distribution of data. Data concerningcharacterization
test was carried out to check the distribution of data. Data concerning the the charac-
of the sample
terization were given
of the sample were as the mean
given as theand
meanstandard deviation.
and standard Student’s
deviation. t-test was
Student’s used
was used to see if there were statistically significant differences between test and retest,also
to see if there were statistically significant differences between test and retest, and
andbetween genders.
also between The significance
genders. level was
The significance leveldetermined at p <at
was determined 0.05.
p < 0.05.
The reliability was studied through relative reliability and absolute reliability statistics.
The reliability was studied through relative reliability and absolute reliability statis-
The relative reliability was determined by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)3,1 [31].
The ICC data were calculated using the next parameters: (i) model: two-way random effects;
(ii) type: single rater and, (iii) definition: consistency [52].
The following classification was used for interpreting the ICC [53]: an ICC less than
0.5 corresponds to poor reliability, an ICC from 0.5 to 0.75 corresponds to moderate reli-
ability, an ICC from 0.75 to 0.9 corresponds to good reliability, and an ICC greater than
0.9 corresponds to excellent reliability.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 5 of 11

Absolute reliability was determined by SEM and SRD. No change below SEM can
be considered
√ real [54]. The SEM was calculated with the following formula: SEM =
SD· 1 − ICC where SD is the mean SD of the two repetitions. The SEM% was calculated

with the formula: SEM% √ = SD 1 − ICC/Meantest1&test2 × 100 [55]. The SRD formula
was SRD = 1.96·SEM· 2. This score √ was subsequently turned into a percentage with
the formula: SRD% = 1.96·SEM· 2/Meantest1&test2 × 100 [55]. The SEM% and SRD%
allows comparison of SEM and SRD with other instruments to measure the proprioceptive
deficits [55].
Bland–Altman analyses were performed to show the level of agreement between
tests and retests regarding standing and sitting lumbar flexion. In these graphics, the
x-axis represents the mean of the test and the y-axis shows the difference between the two
measurements (1–2; 1 = test; 2 = retest). Plots show “the bias” and limits of agreement
(LOA) calculated to 95%. Bias values close to zero represent strong agreement and the
smaller range between these two LOA are interpreted as better agreement [56].

3. Results
Table 1 includes the characteristics of the participants for the total sample and men
and women sub-groups.

Table 1. Characteristics of the study participants.

Total Men Women

(n = 50) (n = 25) (n = 25)
Age (years) 33.58 (7.29) 32.16 (7.53) 35 (6.88) 0.170
Height (cm) 174.30 (0.14) 174.84 (0.13) 172.64 (0.14) 0.225
Weight (kg) 71.40 (5.20) 71.52 (5.20) 70.48 (5.26) 0.486
BMI (kg/m2 ) 24.49 (3.09) 24.05 (2.18) 24.93 (3.79) 0.321
Intensity of pain perception (NPRS) 6.9 (1.2) 7.3 (1.0) 6.6 (1.4) 0.068
Average pain duration (months) 37.5 (36.7) 28.1 (28.4) 46.8 (41.9) 0.071
Standing joint position sense (◦ ) 5.55 (3.07) 5.57 (2.91) 5.52 (3.28) 0.953
Sitting joint position sense (◦ ) 4.22 (2.52) 4.19 (2.47) 4.25 (2.63) 0.927
* Student’s t-test; p < 0.05: statistical significance; cm: centimetres; kg: kilograms; m: metres; NPRS: The scale ranges from 0 (“no pain at
all”) to 10 (“worst imaginable pain”); ◦ : degrees. Table 1 includes age, anthropometric measurements, body composition, intensity of pain
perception, average pain duration, and joint position sense.

Table 2 shows the descriptive data of the test and retest measures. No significant
differences were observed between the test and retest measures of either standing or sitting.
There were also no significant differences for the men and women subgroups in any of the
variables studied.

Table 2. Summary of iPhone® Inclinometer.

iPhone® Inclinometer
Measure 1 Measure 2
Test Measurement Mean (SD) Mean (SD) p*
All participants
Standing 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 30.14 (5.87) 30.44 (6.81) 0.244
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 27.84 (3.67) 27.62 (4.23) 0.297
Standing 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 30.80 (6.53) 31.16 (7.82) 0.376
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 28.68 (4.22) 28.52 (4.48) 0.476
Standing 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 29.48 (5.18) 29.72 (5.68) 0.465
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion (◦ ) 27 (2.86) 26.72 (3.84) 0.442
* Student’s t-test.; p < 0.05: statistical significance; ◦ : degrees; SD: Standard Deviation.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 6 of 11

Table 3 shows relative reliability (ICC) and absolute reliability (SEM, SEM%, SRD, and
SRD%). Total sample ICC values were excellent for standing (0.96) and for sitting (0.93) 30◦
lumbar flexion. The ICC was slightly better for standing than for sitting.

Table 3. Test–Retest Reliability of standing and sitting lumbar flexion in 2 measurements with an interval of minutes
between measurements.

All (n = 50) iPhone® Inclinometer

Assessed Action ICC (95% CI) SEM (◦ ) SEM (%) SRD (◦ ) SRD (%)
Standing 30◦lumbar flexion 0.96 (0.93–0.98) 1.27 4.2 3.51 11.6
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion 0.93 (0.88–0.96) 1.05 3.8 2.90 10.4
Men (n = 25)
Standing 30◦ lumbar flexion 0.96 (0.92–0.98) 1.40 4.5 3.88 12.5
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion 0.97 (0.93–0.99) 0.78 2.7 2.16 7.5
Women (n = 25)
Standing 30◦ lumbar flexion 0.96 (0.91–0.98) 1.90 6.4 5.26 17.8
Sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion 0.86 (0.71–0.94) 1.24 4.6 3.45 12.8
ICC: Intra-class Correlation Coefficient; CI: Confidence Interval; SEM: Standard Error Measurement SRD: Small Real Difference; ◦ : degrees;
%: percentage.

SEM% was 4.2 for standing and 3.8 for sitting. On the other hand, SRD% was 11.6 for
standing and 10.4 for sitting.
In the men sub-group, ICC values were excellent (>0.96) for two variables, both
standing and sitting lumbar flexion. SEM% were around 1.5% for standing and 0.75% for
sitting. SRD% were around 12% for standing and 7% for sitting.
In the women sub-group, ICC values were excellent (>0.95) for standing and good
(>0.80) for sitting lumbar flexion. SEM% were around 2% for standing and 1% for sitting.
SRD% were around 18% for standing and 13% for sitting.
The ICC was slightly better for standing than sitting lumbar flexion.
The results obtained show that the lumbar joint repositioning error appears to be
sensitive to changes in position, showing a detection in the lower measurement error for
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, x 7 of 11
the sitting position (SRD < 12%).
Figure 2 shows the Bland–Altman plots of the standing 30◦ lumbar flexion. The
Bland–Altman plots indicated that the points outside the 95% LOA were less than 2%.

Standing 30º lumbar flexion

+ 1.96 SD
Test 2 - Test 1

0 Bias

- 1.96 SD

0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots with the bias and the limits of agreement for standing 30◦ lumbar flexion.
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots with the bias and the limits of agreement for standing 30° lumbar

Figure 3 shows the Bland–Altman plots for sitting 30° lumbar flexion. The Bland–
Altman plots indicated that the points outside the 95% LOA were less than 4%.

Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots with the bias and the limits of agreement for standing 30° lumbar
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 7 of 11

Figure 3 shows the Bland–Altman plots for sitting 30° lumbar flexion. The Bland–
Altman plots3 indicated
Figure shows the that the pointsplots
Bland–Altman outside the 95%
for sitting 30◦LOA were
lumbar less than
flexion. The 4%.
Altman plots indicated that the points outside the 95% LOA were less than 4%.

Sitting 30º lumbar flexion

+ 1.96 SD

0 Bias

- 1.96 SD

0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 3. Bland–Altman plots with the bias and the limits of agreement for sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion.
Figure 3. Bland–Altman plots with the bias and the limits of agreement for sitting 30° lumbar flex-
4. Discussion
According to our best knowledge, the reliability of two trials (test/retest) of standing
4.and sitting 30◦ lumbar flexion has not been previously reported regarding NSCLBP mea-
sured with the iPhone® inclinometer. The total sample ICC values were excellent for both
According to our best knowledge, the reliability of two trials (test/retest) of standing
standing (0.96) and sitting (0.93) 30◦ lumbar flexion. In addition, our results showed that,
for the total30°
sitting lumbar
sample, an flexion
SRD < 12%has can
notbebeen previously
considered as a reported
true changeregarding NSCLBP meas-
in proprioception
ured with the
concerning thisiPhone
® inclinometer.
procedure. On the otherThe total
hand, mensample ICC values
have better were
reliability thanexcellent
women in for both
both standing and sitting positions. Also, the sitting position has better reliability than the that,
(0.96) and sitting (0.93) 30° lumbar flexion. In addition, our results showed
for the total
standing sample, an SRD < 12% can be considered as a true change in proprioception
The absolute
concerning reliability data
this procedure. On (SEM and SRD)
the other obtained
hand, in this
men have studyreliability
better are excellent.
women in
results could perhaps help to improve knowledge about which changes could be considered
beneficial after therapeutic intervention, or, on the contrary, to consider these changes as
normal measurement variability. From a clinical point of view, previous studies such as
that of Georgy et al. [34] and Kolber et al. [38] measured this same variable in subjects with
NSCLBP and healthy subjects. They obtained absolute error values lower than those shown
in this study. Therefore, it is not possible to affirm real changes in proprioception. The
results obtained in the present study in terms of SRD could allow the clinical interpretation
of other studies. Other studies, such as that of Kolber et al., did not show statistically
significant differences for the JPS after performing a comparison between the iPhone®
inclinometer and gravity-based bubble inclinometer in healthy subjects. They reported
high concurrent validity, (ICC = 0.86). In our study, we obtained an excellent ICC for
standing (ICC = 0.96) and sitting (ICC = 0.93) with 95% confidence. This could be explained
by the fact that the changes detected are lower than the SRD%, obtained in the present
study (standing: 4.2; sitting: 3.8). On the other hand, Georgy et al. observed no differences
for this variable measured with an isokinetic dynamometer between healthy subjects and
subjects with NSCLBP, disagreeing with the conclusions reached by these authors. These
results appear consistent with recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses that state the
lack of conclusive results with respect to this variable in subjects with NSCLBP [26,28].
Currently, there are different methods for measuring lumbar proprioception. In ad-
dition to the JPS test as the most commonly used procedure, there is also the threshold
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 2489 8 of 11

to detection of passive motion (TDPM) and directional motion perception (DMP). The
TDPM is a proprioception procedure that measures sensitivity to the detection of move-
ment. Starting from a neutral lumbar spine posture, participants undergo passive lumbar
movement in custom devices at a constant velocity and indicate the earliest point that they
sense a positional change. This can be combined with DMP, where participants indicate
the direction of the passive movement. The outcome measures are the smallest range of
motion (ROM) at which the participant reported movement (TDPM) and the direction of
movement reported compared with the correct direction (DMP) [26].
Regarding the measuring instrument, some studies report non-statistically significant
results when comparing a healthy subject to NSCLBP, concluding that the measurement in-
strument was not sufficiently accurate and there was heterogeneity in the sample [26,28,57].
In our study, the inclinometer uses a fixed vertical reference point made by gravity, so it
is stable as long as the zero points are accurately calibrated and set [38]. With the rise of
smartphone ownership among therapists, there is a greater opportunity to use devices
to support clinical decision-making [58]. Several studies have examined the validity and
reliability of goniometer applications based on smartphones designed to measure the ROM,
taking into account the three most common factors affecting the measurement: the patient,
the device, and the examiner [36,37,39,42,44,45,58].
On the other hand, taking into account the valuation position, the results observed for
the sitting position show somewhat higher reliability values than the standing position.
This position has been associated with the presence of chronic low back pain in sedentary
workers [27]. Although there is no clear evidence that a specific posture is the cause of
low back pain, there is no clear evidence that a specific posture causes low back pain [59];
these results could be used to assess lumbar repositioning errors in working subjects that
are seated for the majority of their working day. Future studies are needed to determine
this aspect.
Some potential limitations need to be addressed. As for external validity, it is not
possible to generalize the data to another type of population with low back pain because
the functional capacity of these patients depends on other factors, such as psychosocial
factors. The absence of an inter-evaluator measurement and the measurement on different
days so that the patient can become familiar with the protocol is recommended.

5. Conclusions
The iPhone® inclinometer seems reliable for assessing proprioceptive ability through
the lumbar joint repositioning error in subjects with NSCLBP in both standing (ICC = 0.96)
and sitting (ICC = 0.93) positions. This technological device showed a lower measurement
error for the sitting position (SRD < 12%).

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.C.-P. and L.E.-A.; Formal analysis, A.C.-P.; Investi-
gation, A.C.-P.; Methodology, A.C.-P. and L.E.-A.; Resources, M.D.A.-A. and A.C.-P.; Supervision,
L.E.-A., J.C.A. and M.D.A.-A.; Writing—original draft, A.C.-P., L.E.-A. and M.D.A.-A.; Writing—
review & editing, A.C.-P.; L.E.-A. and J.C.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the ethics committee of the University of Extremadura,
reference number 77//2018 on 07/06/2018.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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