Assessing The Contemporary Employment Prospects of DEBESMSCAT Graduate Programs: A Comprehensive Tracer Study

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Volume: 15
Pages: 294-309
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1365
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10211794
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-14-11
Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Assessing the Contemporary Employment Prospects of DEBESMSCAT

Graduate Programs: A Comprehensive Tracer Study
Ulysis L. Ferreras*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The purpose of this study was to track the status of DEBESMSCAT Graduate School graduates in three
curricular areas from 2017-2021, as well as their personal profiles, professional careers, and perceptions of
graduate programs. A descriptive survey method was used. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire
created using Google Forms. The study participants were 133 graduates who graduated between 2017 and
2021. The frequency distribution, percentage, and weighted average of the data were calculated. Most of the
graduates were single, female, and aged 25-29. The main reason for completing a postgraduate course was the
prospect of career advancement and a strong passion for the profession. Graduates were in regular/permanent
employment and were promoted within 3 years of graduation. Most of the graduate respondents had a monthly
income of P25,000-29,000.00 and a very high level of job satisfaction. The degree they completed was very
relevant to their current work. The content of the curriculum was very useful, and the study conditions and
postgraduate study conditions were very good in terms of the quality of the faculty's teaching and the
academic counseling offered. Competences and skills acquired through the graduate program have a high
contribution to the personal and professional development of graduates. Strengths of the graduate program are
research competence, quality of teaching, study program and profile of the faculty, application of graduates,
and institutional services, on the other hand, weaknesses are equipment, extension, continuity, and
institutional services according to the perception of the respondents. It may consider improvements to the
curriculum to address its weaknesses and accept suggestions for improvement posted by students.

Keywords: graduate tracer study (GTS), employment, competencies, curriculum, graduates

Introduction Study tracking, identified by Mathed (2008) and

supported by Balingbing (2014), helps maintain
curriculum relevance and increases the marketability
Employers and governments around the world are of graduates by understanding their professional
increasingly recognizing the benefits of a university outcomes. Findings from these studies can inform
degree, with opportunities in the knowledge economy policies that address societal issues such as
expanding, particularly for executives (Top unemployment and guide educational institutions to
Universities, 2013). Individuals pursue master's and meet industry expectations (Pia et al., 2014; Guzman
doctoral degrees for various reasons such as self- et al., 2008).
development, career advancement, job change, and
external factors (Teowkul et al., 2009). Research such Given the ever-changing societal environment,
as "Motivational Factors of Graduate Thai Students institutions must remain attuned to current trends and
community needs to ensure the continued relevance of
Pursuing Master's and Doctoral Degrees in Business"
their educational offerings. This is key to creating
reveals that master's students expect better earnings,
graduates capable of thriving in a dynamic work
greater job mobility, and easier entry into new
professions (Teowkul et al., 2009).
The significance of this study is multifaceted: it
Graduate Tracer Studies play a vital role in gathering
provides valuable insights for graduate school deans,
data on graduate employability and assessing the
guides curriculum decisions, and program
relevance of the program to current employment improvement; plays a key role in assisting education
requirements. This research approach fosters strong planners by providing essential data to assess graduate
links between educational institutions and their quality and ensure curriculum relevance; informs
graduates, facilitating improvements in curriculum, strategic decisions and from curriculum development
teaching methods, research capacity, consultancy to staffing and evaluates the effectiveness and
services, and links with industry. It also helps in responsiveness of graduate programs; research reveals
evaluating the impact of education on professional and data on graduate employability, academic skills,
academic growth among graduates such as graduates workplace skills and the need for broader policy
of Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial State College improvements, including a potential Commission on
of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT). Higher Education (CHED) study tracking mandate;

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

ultimately, this research is critical to evaluating Literature Review

organizational performance and managing institutional
Graduate Education and Career Outcomes
This study focuses on the evaluation of graduates of
the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, The landscape of graduate education has long been
Master of Arts in Education, and Master of Science in recognized as a pivotal platform for shaping
Agriculture programs at the DEBESMSCAT Graduate individuals' career paths and their contributions to
School. The respondents are graduates of these national development. This literature review presents a
programs between 2017 and 2021. comprehensive analysis of diverse studies that delve
into the intersection of graduate education and
Offering a range of graduate degrees including subsequent career outcomes across various
Doctorates in Education, Master of Arts in Education, professional domains and geographic locations.
and Master of Science in Agriculture, DEBESMSCAT
Graduate School recognizes the importance of tracking The studies included in this review cover a spectrum
the employment status of graduates and the impact of of themes, from the relevance of U.S. graduate
its curriculum initiatives on their personal and education in agricultural development for East African
professional lives. Therefore, this study entitled " agriculturalists (Acker, 1988), to the influence of
Assessing the Contemporary Employment Prospects of university prestige on early career prospects in South
DEBESMSCAT Graduate Programs: A Korea (Jung & Lee, 2016). Additionally, the
Comprehensive Tracer Study" is of significant value. employability and productivity of graduates from
private higher education institutions (Bueno, 2017)
Research Questions and the appropriateness of graduate education courses
for work competencies (Guiamalon, 2021) are
In this paper, the professional backgrounds of discussed.
graduates of the Doctor of Education in Educational
Exploring the competencies and skills required for
Leadership, the Master of Arts in Education, and the
professional foresters in European graduate education
Master of Science in Agriculture were examined in
(Arevalo, Pitkänen, Gritten, & Tahvanainen, n.d.) is
terms of their profile, their professional career, and
also a focus, along with the profiles, employment
their perception of the relevance of their chosen degree
status, and skills of Master of Arts in Education
curriculum and skills they learned at work during their
graduates from various Philippine institutions
studies. In particular, the study answers the following
(Buenvinida & Yazon, 2017; Matos & Billones, n.d.;
research questions
Cruz, 2022).
1. What is the profile of the graduates in terms of:
The synthesis of these studies intends to offer a
1.1 Personal characteristics;
comprehensive understanding of the relationship
1.2 Degree Program graduated; and
between graduate education and subsequent career
1.3 Reason for pursuing graduate studies?
achievements, highlighting strengths, areas for
2. What is the status of the professional career of
improvement, and potential pathways for developing
graduates in terms of:
more impactful and relevant programs for future
2.1 Employment;
2.2 Income; and
2.3 Job satisfaction? Acker's study (1988) investigated the perception of
3. What are the perceptions of the graduates towards U.S. graduate education's relevance to the careers of
the graduate programs in terms of: Tanzanian agriculturalists. The findings revealed a
3.1 Relevance of the program to the present job of moderately perceived relevance of U.S. education to
graduates; careers and national agricultural development
3.2 Usefulness of curriculum for professional work; objectives. Specific areas, such as research training,
3.3 Study provisions and conditions; were seen as more relevant than social science and
3.4 Contribution of competencies/skills learned in knowledge transfer. While demographic factors
graduate program to graduates professional correlated with career relevance, they did not
development; necessarily align with relevance to national objectives.
3.5 Strengths and weaknesses of the graduate Recommendations included incorporating international
program; and content and practical skills training to enhance
3.6 Suggestions to improve the graduate program? relevance.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Jung & Lee (2016) explored whether university effectively in the workplace.
prestige impacts graduates' early career outcomes in
South Korea. Results indicated that graduates from Matos & Billones (n.d.) analyzed graduates' profiles,
prestigious universities earned higher initial salaries. skill development, and benefits earned. Although
However, university prestige had no significant impact graduates saw skill development, most did not obtain
on job satisfaction. Notably, male graduates were more administrative or supervisory positions. The
influenced by the university's reputation, while female recommendation highlighted enhancing the curriculum
graduates were more influenced by personal factors and providing support to encourage graduates to
such as internship experience. pursue higher degrees.

Bueno (2017) focused on graduates' employability and Cruz (2022) provided insight into graduates' profiles,
productivity from various programs at private em p loy m en t statu s, acq u ired sk ills, and
institutions. The majority of graduates secured recommendations. Most graduates were employed in
supervisory and managerial roles, expressing the education sector, reporting high relevance of
satisfaction with their salaries. Recommendations learn ed sk ills to their jobs. The prim ary
included the enhancement of curricula through more recommendations were focused on offering doctoral
practical training and closer collaborations with programs and improving infrastructure.
industries to develop workplace skills.
The comprehensive analysis of various studies
Guiamalon (2021) emphasized the appropriateness of encompassing graduate education and subsequent
graduate courses and their impact on graduates' work career outcomes presented in this literature review
competencies. Graduates rated the courses as highly offers invaluable insights into the multifaceted
appropriate, demonstrating a significant relationship dynamics influencing job employment, satisfaction,
between courses and their work competencies. and the applicability of acquired skills within the
Recommendations suggested further enhancement of professional landscape. Drawing from studies that
research and practical skills, as well as strengthening scrutinize the relevance of U.S. graduate education to
linkages with organizations to support faculty and agricultural development, the impact of university
students. prestige on early career prospects, and the
employability and productivity of graduates from
Arevalo, Pitkänen, Gritten, & Tahvanainen (n.d.) diverse programs, this synthesis contributes a holistic
discussed the competencies and skills required for perspective on the intersection between graduate
professional foresters, comparing the perceptions of education and the workplace. These findings provide a
universities and employers. Both groups agreed on the foundation for understanding the complexities
importance of various competencies, but employers surrounding graduate school programs and their
identified larger gaps in certain areas. The study influence on career success, offering valuable
emphasized the need for stronger partnerships between guidance for evaluating the alignment of education
universities and employers, potentially through with employment requirements and skill utilization in
internships, to address these competency gaps and the contemporary professional environment.
strengthen students' generic skills.

Buenvinida & Yazon (2017) traced graduates of an Methodology

education program, emphasizing reasons for
enrollment, employment status, and skills learned. The
findings suggested that human relations skills were The research design used in this study is a descriptive
predominantly used, while the study highlighted the survey method, chosen for its effectiveness in
need to motivate graduates for further studies and providing a comprehensive understanding of the
sustain adequate facilities to support learning. personal and professional profiles of graduates and
their evaluation of their educational experiences during
Macalalad, Buenviaje, Regalario, & Laguador (2016) their academic journey.
focused on MBA graduates and their employability
and job performance. The study showed that the MBA Respondents
program positively impacted graduates' job
performance in terms of competence, commitment, From 2017 to 2021, DEBESMSCAT produced 235
and credibility. Recommendations included graduates. The number of respondents to the study was
collaborative research projects to apply MBA chosen using purposive sampling. 133 graduates out of
knowledge and utilize information technology more 235 responded to the questionnaire. Table 1 shows the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

distribution of respondents by program and graduation graduates actively participated in the survey.
Rooted in human capital theory, particularly the works
Table 1. Distribution of Respondents by Program of Schultz (1961) and Becker (1964), this study
examines the relationship between graduates'
education and their role in the labor market. According
to this theory, education equips individuals with the
marketable skills and expertise necessary to increase
their productivity. He emphasizes that the higher the
level of education, the more job opportunities and
better wages can be expected in the labor market.
Human capital theory views skills as valuable assets
Instruments of the Study and underlines the idea that individuals can invest in
their education to increase their marketability. As
In terms of data collection, the research uses a technological advances continue to shape the
descriptive questionnaire inspired by the Higher workforce, the job market increasingly values these
Education Commission's Tracer study questionnaire. skills. Becker (1964) emphasizes that knowledge and
This questionnaire is thoughtfully tailored to meet the skills acquired through education significantly
specific objectives of the study. Expert input from influence worker productivity.
graduate school faculty members was sought to ensure
content validity. Their expertise helped assess whether The central objective of this study is to assess the
the questions accurately captured the intended employability characteristics of graduates and the
constructs, leading to necessary revisions. extent to which the skills, training, and values acquired
Furthermore, the questionnaire underwent pilot testing at the institution contribute to their competence,
with a sample similar to the target population, relevance, and usefulness in professional life. The
resulting in its division into seven parts. Part A objectives of the study are closely aligned with human
collected general information about the respondents, capital theory as they focus on assessing the
Part B focused on their profiles, Part C explored the competencies and skills graduates have developed
motivations that led them to study the graduate during their tenure at the institution and how these
program, while Parts D and E delved into employment skills translate into their professional experiences.
and income data. Section F contained statements
regarding job satisfaction, and Section G assessed the The study includes a comprehensive examination of
relevance of the program to respondents' current the distribution of graduates based on various profile
employment. The survey was administered digitally, variables. This includes evaluating graduates'
primarily through Facebook and Messenger accounts, perceptions of the relevance and usefulness of the
using Google Forms. The collected data were then program's curriculum, as well as the skills and values
subjected to quantitative analysis using statistical they have acquired during their employment. The
methods such as frequency distributions and weighted study also investigates the work characteristics of
mean calculations. graduates in terms of their starting positions as well as
their current employment. The study uses descriptive
Procedure statistical measurements to achieve its objectives.

The data analysis process involved careful Finally, this research is based on the evaluation theory
organization, systematic counting, and appropriate and teaching effectiveness model as stated by Fetalver
coding to obtain meaningful insights and draw et al. (2012). According to this perspective, the value
valuable conclusions. Several statistical methods were of a program is judged based on its intended goals, and
used to ensure a thorough analysis of the data, those goals are measured by the results they produce.
including frequency percentages, rank orders, and This approach establishes criteria for making informed
weighted means. judgments. As Gronlund (1981) further supports, the
primary purpose of assessment is to determine the
The target population of the study consisted of extent to which students are meeting learning
DEBESMSCAT graduates between 2017 and 2021, a objectives.
total of 235 individuals. The selection of respondents
was guided by a purposive sampling approach, 133 Ethical Considerations

Participants in the tracer study were fully informed

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Research Article

about the purpose, procedures, and potential risks and the respondents, suggesting that many embarked on
benefits of the study. They voluntarily agreed to their graduate studies shortly after completing their
participate without any coercion. Consent forms were undergraduate degrees. The 50-54 age group
provided, and the study's objectives and potential represents a smaller fraction, accounting for only 2%
outcomes were clearly explained. Protecting the of respondents. The alumni body is predominantly
identity and privacy of the participants was crucial. female, with women making up 69% of all
Measures were taken to ensure that personal respondents, while men constitute 31% of the surveyed
information was kept confidential and that data was population. This demographic profile provides
anonymized before analysis, removing any identifiable valuable insights into the diversity and composition of
details that could link responses back to an individual. DEBESMSCAT Graduate School alumni during the
The study ensured that collected data was stored specified period. These findings indicate that the
securely to prevent unauthorized access or breaches. DEBESMSCAT Graduate School has attracted a
Data collected was used only for the purposes outlined diverse group of students in terms of marital status,
in the study and was not shared for any other purpose with an emphasis on younger individuals who pursue
without explicit consent from the participants. graduate studies soon after their undergraduate
Participants were not compelled to take part in the education, and a notable gender disparity among its
study and had the right to withdraw at any stage alumni. These implications could serve as a basis for
without any consequences. The study respected the further research and program development to cater to
diversity of the participants, their beliefs, and their the specific needs and preferences of the alumni
values. Sensitivity to cultural differences and population.
individual circumstances was maintained throughout
the research. The researcher was transparent about Table 2. Demographic Profile of the Graduates
their methods, data collection techniques, and how the
data would be used. Openness about the study's
processes enhanced trust and credibility.

These ethical considerations guided the design,

implementation, and analysis of the tracer study for
graduate students, ensuring that the research was
conducted with the highest ethical standards and
respect for the participants involved.

Results and Discussion

This section encompasses the culmination of careful

data collection, analysis, and interpretation, shedding
light on the courses, outcomes, and implications for
graduate students' academic journeys and subsequent
professional paths. It stands as a comprehensive
presentation and contemplation of the acquired data,
revealing patterns, and insights into the graduates'
employment, skills application, and overall career
The data in Table 3 reveals the distribution of
graduates across three distinct graduate programs:
Graduates’ Profile in Terms of Personal
Table 3. Distribution of Graduates per Year
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and Deg ree P r o g ra m

Table 2 shows the demographic profile of

DEBESMSCAT Graduate School alumni from 2017 to
2021. Approximately 54% of the graduates are single,
while 46% are married, reflecting a diverse range of
marital statuses among alumni. The majority of alumni
fall within the 25-29 age group, constituting 49% of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

driven by a desire for professional growth rather than

It can be gleaned from the table that the MAED solely for career advancement. They regarded attaining
program consistently had the highest total of graduates a Master's degree as a significant personal
in five years. This means that students are always achievement.
interested. Notably, enrollment has changed. The
Graduates appear to recognize the value of advanced
program reached a record high of 64 graduates in
studies as a means to bolster their professional paths,
2019, a five-year high.
seeking to attain higher positions and qualifications in
their respective fields. Following closely behind,
Unlike the MAED program, overall enrollment in the
"strong passion for the profession" emerged as the
MSA program was low. The numbers were stable but
second most prominent motivator. This finding
lower compared to MAED, which had the highest
highlights the intrinsic motivation among respondents,
graduates in 2018 with 5 graduates. The EdDEL
indicating a deep-seated commitment to their chosen
program has maintained relatively stable graduates
fields of study. The pursuit of graduate education as a
throughout the five years, with a slight increase in
means to cultivate expertise and excel in their
respective professions underscores the dedication of
Considering the aggregate total graduates across all these individuals to their craft.
three programs, it is clear that the MAED program
In third place, "inspired by a role model" serves as an
contributed significantly to the overall graduation rate.
intriguing motivator. This suggests that influential
These findings provide insight into the trends in
figures in their fields have ignited the desire for further
popularity and enrollment in graduate programs over a
academic exploration among respondents. Role models
five-year period. Program chairpersons and
may have played a pivotal role in shaping the career
educational institutions can use this information to
aspirations and educational pursuits of these
better understand student preferences and trends,
individuals. Equally, "no particular choice or no better
enabling them to make informed decisions about
idea" emerged as the least cited reason for pursuing
program development, marketing strategies, and
higher education among respondents. While this may
modifications to meet student demands and handle
indicate a smaller cohort of individuals who embarked
them properly. The data highlight the importance of
on their graduate journey without a specific driving
monitoring enrollment to ensure that graduate
force, it is essential to acknowledge that diverse
programs are consistently aligned with student
motivations exist among graduate students, with many
aspirations and institutional goals.
driven by more purposeful objectives such as career
Table 4. Reasons for Pursuing Graduate Degrees advancement and passion for their profession.

These diverse motivations for pursuing graduate

degrees among respondents reveal reasons that drive
individuals to invest in higher education for the sake of
their academic and professional growth. The findings
provide valuable insights into the multifaceted nature
of motivation, which encompasses career aspirations,
personal passions, and external inspirations, ultimately
shaping the diverse paths of individuals seeking to
further their education and professional development.

Status of Professional Career of Graduates in

Terms of Employment, Income, and Job

In Table 4, the predominant reason reported by Table 5 accentuates the exceptional employability of
respondents for pursuing advanced degrees was the DEBESMSCAT Graduate School alumni, with an
"prospect for career advancement." This finding overwhelming number securing regular or permanent
underscores the critical role that advanced education employment positions. This robust employment
plays in enhancing career opportunities. In alignment landscape underscores the value of advanced education
with Menez's (2014) research, the graduates indicated in promoting career stability and progression. While
that their pursuit of advanced studies was primarily contractual appointments constitute a small fraction,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

they serve as a point of contrast, highlighting the

prevalence of permanent employment and the enduring educational investment and employment outcomes,
benefits of graduate education for respondents. As an emphasizing the role of these programs in fostering a
extension of Menez's (2014) research, it can be skilled and highly employable workforce that meets
observed that the graduates in the present study also the needs of the local job market. These insights can
displayed consistent employment status, signifying a be valuable for educational institutions seeking to
notable degree of job stability. These findings tailor their offerings to the demands of the job market
underscore the enduring benefits of advanced and enhance the employability of their graduates.
education in ensuring the career stability and
progression of DEBESMSCAT Graduate School Table 6 provides a comprehensive view of the current
alumni. The tough employment landscape not only occupations held by the respondents at the time of the
reflects the remarkable employability of the graduates survey, shedding light on the alignment between their
but also highlights the long-term advantages of higher graduate degrees and their professional roles.
education in providing job security and opportunities
for professional growth. This information can serve as Table 6. Position of Graduate in their Employment
a testament to the value of advanced education and can
guide educational institutions in further enhancing
their programs to continue nurturing highly
employable graduates.

Table 5. Position of Graduate in their Employment,

Type of Employer, and Place of Work

One striking observation from Table 6 is the clear

alignment between the respondents' graduate degrees
and their current positions. The positions listed in the
table encompass a wide range of roles, from educators
to administrators, supervisors, and other specialized
positions. This alignment suggests that the graduates'
academic pursuits and specialized knowledge acquired
during their graduate programs have directly translated
into their professional roles. It underscores the
relevance and applicability of their advanced education
The data in Table 5 highlights a prominent trend: the in their respective fields.
overwhelming majority of respondents, almost all of
them, are employed by public sector employers within To put it differently, the vertical articulation of
the local area. This finding not only signifies a strong positions or designations within the table highlights
presence of public employment opportunities but also the upward trajectory of many respondents' careers. A
suggests a significant alignment between the significant proportion of them are progressing towards
graduates' educational backgrounds and the job administrative and supervisory roles, reflecting a
market's demand. Cagasan et al. (2017) discovered a positive career trajectory that is often associated with
strong connection between the degrees obtained from the acquisition of advanced degrees. This progression
VSU and the graduates' current employment, is indicative of their commitment to professional
indicating that these graduate programs significantly growth and their ability to assume leadership and
enhanced their skills and job prospects. This supports decision-making responsibilities within their
the current tracer study's findings. organizations. Menez's (2014) research revealed that
the majority of MBA graduates were employed in
The implications of these findings underline the local positions, with many occupying roles in the
effectiveness of the educational programs in preparing professional and managerial domains.
graduates for careers in the public sector within the
local area. It showcases the direct link between While a substantial portion of respondents is on a

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Research Article

trajectory towards administrative and supervisory nature of career progression in educational settings.
roles, it's worth noting that 92 percent of them
currently belong to the rank-and-file category. This Conversely, respondents who experienced promotions
statistic reflects the diverse spectrum of roles within six years or more after graduation represent the
the surveyed group, with the majority actively smallest proportion within the data set. This finding
contributing to various facets of their organizations. suggests that, for some, achieving higher positions
The presence of these rank-and-file positions is a may involve a longer-term trajectory, potentially
testament to the diverse array of career opportunities influenced by factors such as institutional seniority or
that DEBESMSCAT Graduate School alumni have the complexity of the roles they aspire to.
successfully navigated. This disclosure underscores the
enduring value of advanced education in shaping and The data provides valuable insights into the dynamics
enhancing the careers of these individuals, providing of career progression following graduate programs,
valuable guidance for both graduates and institutions emphasizing the multifaceted nature of advancement
seeking to foster career advancement and professional and the various factors at play. These implications can
development. inform decisions and strategies related to education,
career planning, and institutional policies.
Table 7 offers insights into the length of time it took
The findings presented in Table 8 shed light on the
respondents to achieve promotions following the
distribution of respondents' monthly gross family
completion of their graduate programs, shedding light
incomes, offering insights into the economic profiles
on the dynamics of career progression within the
of the surveyed cohort.
surveyed cohort.
Table 8. Monthly Gross Family Income
Table 7. Number of Years Before the Graduates Get
Promoted After Completed the Graduate Degree

The data demonstrates that a substantial portion of The data reveals a pronounced pattern in respondents'
respondents, comprising 39 percent of the total, family income distribution, with the majority,
experienced promotions to higher positions within a accounting for 35 percent, falling within the monthly
remarkably brief timeframe of three years or less after gross family income bracket of P25,000 to P29,000.
completing their graduate studies. This swift career This income range emerges as the most prevalent
advancement underscores the immediate impact of among the surveyed group, signifying that a significant
advanced education on their professional trajectories proportion of respondents have family incomes within
and affirms that progression opportunities are this particular band. This observation suggests a
accessible to those who invest in graduate degree degree of economic stability and comfort among these
programs. individuals and their families.

Significantly, a notable proportion, accounting for 32 A smaller fraction of respondents, representing 6

percent of the respondents, has not yet undergone percent of the total, reported monthly gross family
promotions at the time of the survey. This observation incomes of less than P20,000. This income category
underscores that while opportunities for advancement represents a minority within the dataset, indicating that
are abundant, promotions within educational a relatively small portion of respondents may be
institutions may be contingent on factors such as navigating financial constraints or are in lower-income
institutional needs and the availability of positions households.
commensurate with the qualifications of existing staff
members. This insight emphasizes the multifaceted On the other end of the spectrum, a noteworthy 7

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

percent of respondents reported monthly gross family responses signify a general sense of contentment and
incomes of P50,000.00 and above. This upper echelon fulfillment among the majority of respondents in their
of income earners highlights the presence of professional roles. This high level of work satisfaction
individuals within the surveyed cohort who enjoy can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the
higher levels of financial prosperity, potentially alignment of their careers with their educational
reflecting the cumulative benefits of their graduate backgrounds, opportunities for career advancement,
education and career advancements. job security, and a sense of purpose within their
respective roles.
The income distribution data reveals economic
disparities and varying levels of financial well-being High levels of work satisfaction are associated with
within the surveyed cohort. These findings can guide several positive outcomes, including increased
efforts to support individuals with different economic productivity, better mental and physical health, and
backgrounds and aspirations, and they underscore the higher levels of engagement and commitment to one's
potential economic benefits of graduate education and job. In the context of educational institutions, satisfied
career advancement. employees are more likely to contribute positively to
the learning environment and the overall mission of
Figure 1, which illustrates the levels of work the organization.
satisfaction among respondents, provides a visual
representation of their overall contentment with their The findings underscore an overwhelmingly positive
current employment situations. This analysis delves sentiment among the surveyed individuals regarding
deeper into the significance of these satisfaction levels. their work in educational institutions, with 97 percent
expressing high levels of satisfaction. This high work
satisfaction is likely a result of factors such as career
alignment with educational backgrounds, opportunities
for career advancement, job security, and a sense of
purpose within their roles. This positive sentiment is
associated with various benefits, including increased
productivity, improved well-being, and stronger
commitment to their jobs. However, the small minority
(3 percent) reporting lower satisfaction levels suggests
the presence of individuals with reservations or
concerns about certain aspects of their employment.
Figure 1. Graduates’ Satisfaction with their Current
Addressing the concerns of this minority is crucial to
Job maintaining and enhancing overall workplace
satisfaction in educational settings, ensuring that the
The graph demonstrates that a substantial majority of
majority continues to positively contribute to the
respondents, accounting for 97 percent, reported high
institution's mission and learning environment.
levels of work satisfaction. Specifically, 62 percent of
respondents expressed being "much" satisfied with Table 9 presents a comprehensive overview of the
their current work situations, while an additional 35 extent to which DEBESMSCAT graduates are
percent stated they were "very much" satisfied. These satisfied with various aspects of their professional
findings collectively underscore an overwhelmingly situations. The findings provide valuable insights into
positive sentiment among the surveyed individuals their perceptions and experiences in their respective
regarding their work. careers.
On the contrary, a small minority, constituting 3 The data indicates that, on average, respondents
percent of respondents, indicated a lower level of expressed a high level of satisfaction with the
satisfaction, describing their work satisfaction as
characteristics of their professional situations. The
"little." While this group represents a minor fraction of
overall impression of the respondents, with an average
the surveyed cohort, their responses suggest that there
rating of 3.34, leans strongly toward "very great
may be some individuals who have reservations or
extent." This collective sentiment underscores a
concerns about certain aspects of their current
prevailing sense of contentment and fulfillment among
the surveyed graduates in their professional roles.
The prevalence of "much" and "very much" satisfied

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Table 9. Extent of Satisfaction on the Characteristics

of Professional Situation as Perceived by the
This observation highlights the potential financial
challenges that some graduates may be facing and the
need for continued efforts to enhance compensation
and financial well-being. the high levels of satisfaction
among graduates regarding job security, knowledge
and skills acquired, and overall professional
contentment reflect well on the educational
institution's ability to prepare graduates for successful
careers. However, the recognition of potential financial
challenges implies the need for ongoing support and
efforts to enhance graduates' financial well-being.
These findings can guide the institution in tailoring its
programs and support services to continue meeting the
evolving needs and expectations of its graduates.
Among the attributes evaluated, job security emerges
Perceptions of the Graduates Towards the
as the most highly rated characteristic, with a weighted
average of 3.65. This finding suggests that graduates Graduate Programs in terms of Relevance of
feel a high level of confidence in the stability and Degree to the Present Job
security of their employment. Job security is a crucial
factor in promoting overall well-being and peace of Table 10 provides valuable insights into how
mind among employees, and the data indicates that DEBESMSCAT graduates perceive the relevance of
respondents in this study perceive it as a substantial their degrees to their current employment, shedding
strength in their professional situations. light on the alignment between their educational
backgrounds and their professional roles. The data
The second-highest rated characteristic is the illustrates a remarkable consensus among respondents
knowledge and skills acquired, with a weighted regarding the relevance of their degrees to their current
average of 3.54 falls within the "Very Great Extent" employment. A substantial majority, specifically 68
category on the satisfaction scale, which indicates that percent of respondents, expressed that their degrees are
the graduates have expressed a high level of "very relevant" to their current jobs. This resounding
satisfaction in this specific aspect of their professional endorsement of the pertinence of their educational
situations. This suggests that the graduates highly qualifications underscores a strong connection
value the knowledge and skills they have gained or between their academic pursuits and their professional
developed in their educational and professional roles.
journey, and they perceive this as a significant and
positive feature of their professional lives. It highlights Table 10. Relevance of Degree to the Present Job
their recognition of the importance of continuous
learning and personal and career growth through the
acquisition of knowledge and skills. This suggests that
respondents value the ability to enhance their
knowledge and skills through ongoing education and
professional development. The satisfaction with
continuous learning opportunities underscores a
commitment to personal and career growth among the Conversely, a mere 3 percent of respondents indicated
surveyed individuals. that their degrees have "little relevance" to their
employment. This small minority, while representing a
While respondents expressed satisfaction with their minor fraction of the surveyed group, suggests that
income levels, with a rating of "great extent," the there are individuals who perceive a disconnect
weighted average for income was the lowest at 3.05 between their educational backgrounds and their
among the evaluated characteristics. current job responsibilities. This observation may be
due to factors such as evolving career paths or
This finding implies that while respondents may unforeseen shifts in professional focus.
appreciate their salaries, there is a perception that their
incomes may not fully meet their financial demands.

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Research Article

The overwhelmingly high proportion of Table 11. The Usefulness of the Curriculum for
respondents perceiving their degrees as "very Professional Work
relevant" to their current work carries significant
implications. It indicates that the educational
programs offered by DEBESMSCAT Graduate
School are effectively equipping graduates with
the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their
chosen careers. This alignment between education
and employment enhances graduates' abilities to
contribute meaningfully to their respective fields and
organizations. The data further breaks down the assessment into core
and concentration courses, with weighted means of
2.89 and 2.86, respectively. Both categories receive
When degrees are perceived as highly relevant to
favorable ratings in the "very useful" range. This
employment, several positive outcomes may follow. suggests that graduates perceive both core and
These include increased job satisfaction, enhanced concentration courses as instrumental in equipping
performance, career advancement opportunities, and a them with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel
higher likelihood of making valuable contributions to in their chosen fields. These courses are seen as
their organizations. Graduates who see their education valuable building blocks that facilitate their
as directly applicable to their work are often more professional practice.
motivated and engaged professionals.
While electives have a slightly lower weighted mean
compared to core and concentration courses, it's
The findings imply that DEBESMSCAT Graduate crucial to note that the descriptive interpretations for
School's educational programs are successful in electives are still categorized as "very useful." This
preparing graduates for their professional endeavors, indicates that even though the electives may have
resulting in a workforce that is not only well-equipped received a marginally lower quantitative rating, they
but also highly motivated and aligned with their are still regarded as highly valuable and applicable
chosen career paths. This alignment benefits both the components of the curriculum.
graduates and the organizations they work for, The consistently high ratings across all curriculum
fostering a more productive and satisfied workforce. components suggest that the educational programs
offered by DEBESMSCAT Graduate School
The Usefulness of the Curriculum for Professional effectively prepare graduates for their professional
Work as Perceived by the Graduates practice. When graduates perceive the curriculum as
highly applicable, it signifies that they have acquired
Table 11 provides a comprehensive view of how the necessary competencies and knowledge to thrive in
their careers.
DEBESMSCAT graduates perceive the applicability
of the curriculum to their professional practice. The A curriculum that is perceived as highly applicable can
findings offer valuable insights into the effectiveness result in several advantages for graduates, including
of educational programs in preparing graduates for increased confidence in their professional capabilities,
their careers. enhanced job performance, and the ability to adapt to
evolving industry demands. Graduates who feel well-
The data reveals a consistent and positive trend in prepared are more likely to make valuable
contributions to their organizations and drive positive
respondents' assessments of the curriculum's
changes within their fields.
applicability to professional practice. The overall
assessment, with an average weighted mean of 2.80, The implication of this finding is profound. A
leans strongly towards "very useful." This collective curriculum that is perceived as highly applicable offers
sentiment indicates that graduates view their numerous advantages for graduates. It leads to
educational experiences as highly relevant and increased confidence in their professional capabilities,
practical in the context of their professional roles. enhances job performance, and equips them to adapt to
evolving industry demands. Graduates who feel well-
prepared are more likely to make valuable

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contributions to their organizations and drive positive even though they may not have received the highest
changes within their fields. The high level of rating. These aspects are considered important
confidence in their education's practicality not only components of the academic environment, contributing
benefits the graduates but also strengthens the to a well-rounded educational experience. In Dela
reputation and impact of DEBESMSCAT Graduate Cruz's (2022) research, it was observed that graduates
School in producing professionals who are well- highly regarded the program's alignment with
equipped and highly capable in their respective fields. professional demands and the professors' expertise in
core subjects. On the contrary, they assigned lower
Table 12 offers valuable insights into DEBESMSCAT ratings to laboratory and library resources, suggesting
Graduate School's study provisions and conditions, that graduates may not have fully utilized these
providing an overview of how graduates perceive facilities during their academic journey.
various aspects of their academic environment.
The overwhelmingly positive perceptions of study
Table 12. Study Provisions and Conditions of the provisions and conditions have several implications.
Graduate Programs as Perceived by the Respondents Graduates who view their academic environment
favorably are likely to be more engaged, motivated,
and satisfied with their educational experiences.
Additionally, high-quality teaching, as indicated by the
exceptional rating for "faculty teaching quality,"
enhances the learning outcomes and overall academic
excellence of graduates.

While the ratings are highly positive, there may still be

opportunities for continuous improvement in areas
where ratings are slightly lower. Graduates' feedback
on equipment, library stocking, and laboratory
The data reveals an overwhelmingly positive facilities can inform strategic decisions to enhance
assessment of the graduate school's study provisions these resources further and ensure that they continue to
and conditions. The average weighted mean for meet the evolving needs of students. In Dela Cruz's
respondents' overall perceptions is an impressive 4.57, (2022) study, it was revealed that graduates
which translates descriptively as "very good." This emphasized the need for expanding program offerings,
collective sentiment reflects a high level of satisfaction with a particular emphasis on the desire for additional
and contentment among graduates regarding the doctoral programs as their primary request.
academic environment and support systems provided Furthermore, they advocated for enhancements in
by the institution. infrastructure, including improvements in building
facilities, ICT resources, and laboratory facilities.
One standout aspect highlighted in the chart is "faculty Additionally, they recommended the introduction of
teaching quality," which received the highest weighted distance learning options, the establishment of an e-
mean of 4.80. The descriptive interpretation of "very library and enhanced learning resources, and the
good" underscores the exceptional quality of teaching exploration of partnerships with private institutions.
provided by the faculty at the graduate school. This
high rating suggests that graduates have a strong This aligns with the current study's findings as both
appreciation for the expertise, dedication, and sets of recommendations underscore the importance of
effectiveness of their instructors. It is indeed program expansion, infrastructure improvement, and
reasonable to assume that the faculty meets the the incorporation of technology-enhanced learning
students' expectations and contributes significantly to resources. It suggests a shared concern among
their educational experiences. graduates for the continual enhancement of
educational offerings and resources to better meet the
While "equipment and library stocking" and the evolving needs of learners.
"availability of laboratory facilities" received slightly
lower weighted means at 4.37 and 4.32, respectively, Table 13 provides valuable insights into how
it's important to note that both ratings still fall DEBESMSCAT graduates perceive the contribution of
comfortably within the "very good" category. This competencies and skills acquired during their graduate
indicates that graduates perceive the availability of programs. The data reveals a highly positive
resources, equipment, and facilities as satisfactory, assessment of the skills and knowledge gained, with

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Research Article

some competencies standing out for their exceptional "risk-taking" received slightly lower weighted means
ratings. at 4.55 and 4.54, respectively. These competencies,
while still categorized as "very high," suggest that
Table 13. Contribution of competencies/skills learned there may be opportunities for further development in
in the graduate programs to graduates’ personal these areas. Graduates may benefit from additional
development support or resources to enhance their writing skills and
willingness to take calculated risks in their
professional endeavors.

The exceptionally positive perceptions of

competencies and skills acquired during graduate
programs have significant implications for graduates'
career prospects and capabilities. Graduates who
possess a wide range of skills and competencies are
better equipped to navigate complex and dynamic
professional landscapes, making them valuable assets
to their organizations and industries. Cagasan et al.
(2017) discovered that the degrees obtained from VSU
were closely aligned with the graduates' current
employment, indicating a strong relevance between
education and professional roles. This finding
establishes a connection with the current study's
The data shows that graduates hold an overwhelmingly results, where graduates overwhelmingly perceive that
positive perception of the contribution of competencies the competencies and skills acquired through their
and skills learned in their graduate programs, with an graduate programs have had a highly positive impact
average weighted mean of 4.62, categorized as "very on their personal and professional development. It
high." This collective sentiment reflects a strong belief implies that the education received in these graduate
among respondents that their graduate education has programs has equipped them with valuable skills that
significantly enriched their skill set and competencies, directly benefit their current job roles, mirroring the
enhancing their overall preparedness for their careers. alignment observed in Cagasan et al.'s research.

Among the competencies and skills evaluated, "ability The slightly lower ratings for writing skills and risk-
to work independently" received the highest weighted taking highlight areas where graduates may continue
mean of 4.73, categorized as "extremely high." This to refine and develop their abilities. Recognizing these
exceptional rating indicates that graduates attribute a opportunities for growth can motivate graduates to
substantial part of their capacity to work autonomously seek out additional training or experiences to further
and self-reliantly to their graduate education. The enhance these competencies.
ability to work independently is a crucial skill in
professional settings, and this high rating suggests that The positive perception of competencies and skills
the graduate programs have effectively cultivated this acquired during graduate programs implies that
competency among graduates. graduates are well-prepared for their careers and have
a competitive edge in the job market. These
Following closely, both "human relations skills" and competencies not only benefit graduates but also
"intellectual knowledge" received commendable contribute to the institution's reputation for producing
ratings, with weighted means reflecting their strong highly skilled professionals. Recognizing areas for
contributions to graduates' skill sets. These improvement, such as writing skills and risk-taking,
competencies are highly regarded by respondents, can guide graduates in their ongoing professional
indicating their importance in fostering effective development and support their continued growth in
communication, teamwork, and problem-solving these important areas.
abilities, as well as a deep understanding of their
respective fields. Table 14 provides valuable insights into the strengths
and weaknesses of DEBESMSCAT's graduate
While the ratings for all competencies are notably program, as perceived by graduates.
positive, it's worth noting that "writing skills" and

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Table 14. Strengths and Weaknesses of Graduate fostering connections and collaborations with other
Programs as Perceived by the Respondents institutions, organizations, or industries. Stronger
linkages can enhance opportunities for research,
internships, and networking. The cost's lower ranking
implies that graduates may perceive the program as
relatively expensive. Addressing cost concerns can
make education more accessible and attractive to a
broader range of students. The ranking of institutional
services as a weakness indicates that there may be
opportunities to enhance support services provided to
students, such as advising, counseling, and career
services. These services play a critical role in students'
academic success and well-being.
The data highlights key areas where the program
excels and identifies potential areas for improvement. The identification of strengths and weaknesses
The strengths of the graduate program are as follows: provides valuable feedback for program improvement.
(1) Research capability. Graduates' recognition of Leveraging and further enhancing the program's
research capability as the top strength suggests that the strengths can contribute to continued excellence.
graduate program effectively equips them with Addressing weaknesses can lead to improvements that
research skills and the ability to conduct meaningful benefit both current and future students.
research. This is a crucial asset in academia and
The result implies that the identification of strengths
various professional fields. (2) Teaching quality. The
and weaknesses in the graduate program is a valuable
high ranking of teaching quality indicates that
step in the process of program enhancement. By
graduates value the excellence of instruction they
building on its strengths and addressing its
receive. High-quality teaching enhances learning
weaknesses, the program can continue to provide high-
outcomes and contributes to the overall educational
quality education, meet the needs of its students, and
experience. (3) Program of studies. The strong
contribute to the overall success of both graduates and
program of studies indicates that the curriculum and
the institution.
course offerings are well-designed and aligned with
the educational objectives of the graduate program. Table 15 presents valuable suggestions from
This alignment is vital for preparing graduates for their respondents on how to enhance the course curriculum
careers. (4) Faculty profile. The faculty profile's high of DEBESMSCAT's graduate school. These
ranking signifies that graduates appreciate the suggestions reflect the perspectives and insights of
qualifications, expertise, and professionalism of the graduates and can inform strategic decisions to
faculty members. A skilled and dedicated faculty is improve educational offerings.
instrumental in delivering quality education. (5)
Employment of graduates. The recognition of the Table 15. Suggestions to further improve your course
employment of graduates as a strength suggests that curriculum
the graduate program effectively prepares graduates
for successful entry into the job market. Graduates'
employability reflects positively on the program's

On the other hand, the identified weaknesses of the

graduate program are facilities, extension, linkages,
cost, and institutional services. The identification of
facilities as a weakness suggests that there may be
room for improvement in the physical infrastructure
available to students. Enhancing facilities can
contribute to a more conducive learning environment.
A lower ranking for extension indicates that there may
be opportunities to expand outreach activities and
engagement with the community and external
Cagasan et al. (2017) identified areas for enhancement
stakeholders. Stronger community ties can benefit both
that encompassed strengthening research capabilities,
students and the institution. Weaknesses in linkages
suggest that there may be room for improvement in
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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(4): 294-309, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1365, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10211794, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

enhancing skills in scientific article writing, expanding Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
doctoral and distance education offerings, improving researcher arrived at the following recommendations:
internet accessibility and learning resources, increasing (1) Individual Program Support. Institutions that have
housing facilities, and acknowledging outstanding different motivations for individuals to pursue higher
extramural students during honors and awards education should consider providing more
ceremonies. These findings parallel the current set of individualized policy support. It can be a flexible
recommendations and suggestions being considered in curriculum that allows students to tailor their
the present study. education to their specific career aspirations and
personal passions. Providing one-on-one guidance and
mentoring can also help students get the most out of
Conclusion their educational experience. (2) Department of
Continuous Business Development. Given graduates'
Based on the findings of the study, the following high employability and stability, organizations should
conclusions were formulated: (1) Graduates are invest in and expand their career development
motivated by a combination of career aspirations, services. These services may include in-service
personal desires, and extrinsic motivations. These support, continuing professional development
multiple incentives provide valuable insights into the opportunities, and financial counseling to help those
factors that lead individuals to invest in higher experiencing financial difficulties. In addition,
education for academic and career advancement. It institutions must maintain outreach mechanisms and
also highlights areas where organizations can tailor address minority issues to ensure that all graduates
programs and support to the different needs and benefit from an education. (3) Curriculum
aspirations of their graduates. (2) The results development and infrastructure investment. To
emphasize the significant professional and maintain the quality of graduate programs, institutions
professional competencies of DEBESMSCAT must measure academic performance in line with the
graduates, who mainly obtain permanent professional evolving labor market and industry requirements. In
positions. Their advanced degree is well suited to their addition, weaknesses in facilities, expansion activities,
professional roles, demonstrating the practicality and stakeholders, costs, and institutional infrastructure
relevance of their education. Many graduates progress need to be addressed. Investments in physical
to management positions, indicating good career facilities, advanced technology, and infrastructure are
outcomes. The data also reveal financial difficulties, necessary to ensure a conducive learning environment.
with some struggling financially while others have This gives students the resources and support they
higher incomes, highlighting the potential economic need to su cceed . By im p le m en t in g these
benefits of a graduate education. Furthermore, recommendations, institutions can better support the
respondents in most cases express high satisfaction diverse needs and aspirations of their graduates,
with work and think favorably about their enhance career development services, and ensure that
compatibility with work, opportunities and job their graduate programs remain highly relevant and
security. is a shared emphasis on the lasting effective in preparing students for their professional
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