PH3151 Engineering Physics UNIT 1-30

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Engineering Physics
Course material
First semester
(Common to all branches of BE/B.Tech)
R- 2021

Dr. K. Gopalakrishnan
Professor & Head
Mr. S.Senthil kumar
Assistant Professor
Mrs. T.Jayapraba
Assistant Professor



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 To make the students effectively achieve an understanding of mechanics.
 To enable the students to gain knowledge of electromagnetic waves and its applications.
 To introduce the basics of oscillations, optics and lasers.
 Equipping the students to successfully understand the importance of quantum physics.
 To motivate the students towards the applications of quantum mechanics.
Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of the CM – kinetic energy of
the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: Rotational kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of
inertia - theorems of M .I –moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque –
rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angular momentum – rotational energy state of a rigid
diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum – double pendulum –Introduction to nonlinear oscillations.
The Maxwell’s equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Conditions on the wave field -
properties of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and waves in matter - polarization -
Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and momentum in EM waves: Intensity, waves from localized sources,
momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone reception. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves
from a non-conducting medium-vacuum interface for normal incidence.
Simple harmonic motion - resonance –analogy between electrical and mechanical oscillating systems - waves on a
string - standing waves - traveling waves - Energy transfer of a wave - sound waves - Doppler effect. Reflection
and refraction of light waves - total internal reflection - interference –Michelson interferometer –Theory of air
wedge and experiment. Theory of laser - characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated emission - Einstein’s
coefficients - population inversion - Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser, semiconductor laser –Basic applications of lasers in
Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves –Compton effect - The Schrodinger equation (Time
dependent and time independent forms) - meaning of wave function - Normalization –Free particle - particle in a
infinite potential well: 1D,2D and 3D Boxes- Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence principle.
The harmonic oscillator(qualitative)- Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling(qualitative)- Tunneling
microscope - Resonant diode - Finite potential wells (qualitative)- Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic
potential –Basics of Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.
After completion of this course, the students should be able to
 Understand the importance of mechanics.
 Express their knowledge in electromagnetic waves.
 Demonstrate a strong foundational knowledge in oscillations, optics and lasers.
 Understand the importance of quantum physics.
 Comprehend and apply quantum mechanical principles towards the formation of energy bands.
1. D.Kleppner and R.Kolenkow. An Introduction to Mechanics. McGraw Hill Education (Indian Edition),
2. E.M.Purcell and D.J.Morin, Electricity and Magnetism, Cambridge Univ.Press, 2013.
3. Arthur Beiser, Shobhit Mahajan, S. Rai Choudhury, Concepts of Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill (Indian
Edition), 2017.
1. R.Wolfson. Essential University Physics. Volume 1 & 2. Pearson Education (Indian Edition), 2009.
2. Paul A. Tipler, Physic – Volume 1 & 2, CBS, (Indian Edition), 2004.
3. K.Thyagarajan and A.Ghatak. Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications, Laxmi Publications, (Indian
Edition), 2019.
4. D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Walker. Principles of Physics, Wiley (Indian Edition), 2015.
5. N.Garcia, A.Damask and S.Schwarz. Physics for Computer Science Students. Springer- Verlag, 2012.
SSM College of Engineering - Department of S & H (Physics)


Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of

the CM – kinetic energy of the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: rotational
kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I –
moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque –
rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angular momentum – rotational
energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum – double
pendulum –Introduction to nonlinear oscillations.

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Let us discuss about some of the basic definitions related to motion of the particles in a
circular (or) rotation motion.


The change in position of the particle moving in a circular

path with respect to an angle (dθ) is called angular displacement.
Angular displacement dθ = (θ1 - θ2)
Unit for angular displacement is Radian
The relation between angular displacement (dθ) and liner
displacement (l) is given by, Arc length l = R dθ


The rate of change of angular displacement is called angular velocity.

Angular velocity ω = dθ/dt
Unit for angular velocity is Rad S-1
The relation between angular velocity (ω) and liner velocity (v) is given by, V = r ω


The rate of change of angular velocity is called angular acceleration.

Angular acceleration α = dω /dt (or) d2θ/dt2
Unit for angular velocity: Rad S-2


The moment of inertia times of angular velocity of the particle is called angular
momentum. Angular momentum L = I ω
Unit for angular momentum is kgm2 S-1
Inertia is defined as the tendency of an object to maintain its state of rest or uniform
motion along the same direction. Inertia is a resisting capacity of an object to alter its state of
rest and motion (direction and /or magnitude)

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Dynamics is the study of motion of bodies under the action of forces.
Example: The moon affecting the ocean waves is the best example for the
external force that acts on a body.
Multi -particle Dynamics
Motion in respect of a group of particles in which the separation between the particles
will be very small i.e., the distance between the particles will be negligible.
In dynamics, we use to study all the physical parameters by considering an object as a
point mass and its shape and size is ignored.
But, in real world problems, objects will execute rotation motion also along with
translational motion, example if we throw a chalk -piece in air, it has combined motion of both
translation and rotational.
As both the translational motion and the rotational motion depend on the shape and size
of the object, both cannot be ignored even if it is negligible.
In the universe most of the object consists of many particles (Multi -particle) which have
equal (or) unequal mass. If an object consists of multi-particles for which, if the size and shape is
negligible, then, it is called system of particles (extended object).


(i) A system consists of many particles with different masses and different position from
the reference point.
(ii) The mass of the system is equal to the sum of the mass of each particle in the
Therefore, if the mass of the entire particles of the system (system of particles) is concentrated at
a particular point that point is called centre of mass of the system.

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If the mass of the entire in the system is concentrated at a particular point, then that
point is called centre of mass of the system.
Let us consider a fulcrum placed along the x-axis which is not at equilibrium position,

The position of masses m1, m2, m3, mn-1, ……….. m n at a distance x1, x2, x3….. xn-1, xn
respectively from the supporting point (or) fulcrum.
The tendency of a mass to rotate with respect to origin or supporting point is called
moment of mass.
If the moments on both sides are equal, then the system is said to be in equilibrium. The
total moments with respect to the fulcrum is
m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3,…… mn-1 xn-1+ m n xn = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑥𝑖 = 0 ……….(1)
If the total moment is equal to zero, then the centre of mass will lie at the supporting
point (or) fulcrum and the system is said to be in equilibrium.
But from the above fig, we can see that the total moment of the system is not equal to
zero (unbalanced position), therefore the fulcrum should be adjusted (to a distance X) with
respect to the centre of mass area in order to get the balanced position of the system and to reach
equilibrium condition (balanced position) as show in fig:
Under equilibrium conditions, we can write equation (1) as
∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑥𝑖 -∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑋 =0
𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑥𝑖
X= ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖

∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑖s the mass of the system

∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑥𝑖 is the moment of the system

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The distance moved to obtain equilibrium position (or) so called the centre of mass in a
one dimensional system is given by,
m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3,……
X= ………………….……………(3)
m1 + m2 + m3,……


When a system contains ‘n’ number of particles, where the mass and position of each
particle is represented by mi and ri respectively, then
Then centre of mass of the system
∑𝑖 mi ⃗𝑟𝑖
𝑐𝑚 = ⁄∑ 𝑚 ------------------------ (1)
𝑖 𝑖
Equation (1) represents the summation of the centre of mass of a system. However, this
equation will not hold good for continuous bodies, because a continuous body will have
infinitesimal small region.
Let us consider the mass of the one such small region ‘dm’ and its position ‘r’ if the
elemental mass mi is arbitrarily very small in the region i.e., if 𝑚𝑖 tends to zero, then equation
(1)will become an integral over the entire volume of the body.
∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑟̅𝑖
⃗ 𝑐𝑚 = lim
𝑚𝑖−>0 ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖

∫ 𝑟 𝑑𝑚
⃗ 𝑐𝑚 =
𝒓 -----------------------------(2)

Equation (2) represents the center of mass of continuous bodies

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The motion of the centre of mass is nothing but the force required to accelerate the
system of particles with respect to the centre of mass.
The motion of the centre of mass shall be obtained as follows.
Let us consider an external force ‘F’ acting on the system of particles along the x-axis.
The centre of mass of the system along x-axis shall be written as
𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑖
x𝑐𝑚 = ∑

(or) xcm ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 = ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑥𝑖
Since∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 = M, we can write
Mxcm = m1x1+ m2x2+ m3x3+ --------------------------------(1)
Differentiating once again with respect to time ,we get
𝑑𝑥𝑐𝑚 𝑑𝑥1 𝑑𝑥2 𝑑𝑥3
M = m1 +m2 + m3 +………
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

Differentiating once again with respect to time

𝑑2 𝑥𝑐𝑚 𝑑 2 𝑥1 𝑑 2 𝑥2 𝑑 2 𝑥3
M = m1 + m2 + m3 +………………………… (2)
𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡 2

Since, acceleration a = d2x/dt2, therefore equation (2) shall be written as

M acm= m1a1 + m2 a 2 + m3a3 +…… …………………………… (3)
According to Newton’s second law, we know F = ma
Equation (3) shall be written as
Fcm =F1+F2+F3+…….
Fcm = ∑𝑖 𝐹𝑖 ------------------------ (4)
Equation (4) represents that the force on the centre of mass is equal to the sum of the
force that acting on the system of particles. This forces is required to move the particles with
respect to the center of mass.
Let us consider a multi particle system with ‘n’ number of particles in which each particle
is moving with come velocity. Let ri be the displacement and v be the velocity of the ith particle
at any instant of time as shown in fig.

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Then, the kinetic energy of the ith particle shall be

written as
𝐸𝑘 = ∑𝑖 2 𝑚𝑖 𝑣𝑖2 --------------------------------------- (1)

If v the velocity of centre of mass with respect to

the origin ‘o’ and v cm is the velocity of ith particle
with respect to centre of mass. Then, the velocity of
the ith particle can be written as
Vi = Vcm+ Vim ------------------------------------------(2)
Substituting equation (2) in equation (1),we get
Ek = ∑𝑖 2 𝑚𝑖 (𝑣𝑐𝑚 + 𝑣𝑖𝑚 )2
Ek = ∑𝑖 2 𝑚𝑖 (v2cm+v2im+2vcm.vim) (or)
1 2 1 2 1
Ek = 2 ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑉𝑐𝑚 + 2 ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑉𝑖𝑚 +2 ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑉𝑐𝑚 𝑉𝑖𝑚 ) -----(3)

Here, ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 =M
The total momentum with respect of centre of mass of the system,
i.e., ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑉𝑖𝑚 = 0
Therefore, eqution (3) becomes
1 1 ……….
Ek = 2 𝑀 v2 + ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 v2im (4)

Equation 4 represents kinetic energy of system of particles.

In equation 4, we have two kinetic energy terms
Term 1; 1/2Mv2cm which represent the kinetic energy of centre of mass of the system
Term 2: ½ ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 v2im which represents the sum of kinetic energy of all particles
(moving with centre of mass) with respect to the origin


Rigid body
A rigid body is an object which has definite shape and size and does not change due to
external force. In other words, Rigid body can be defined as an extended object in which the
distance between particles is not altered during its motion.

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Rotational motion
A rotational motion in a rigid body may be considered as a stationary motion and here,
the rotation is caused by a couple acting on the body. Its state can be changed only by applying a
couple (or) set of couples.
Let us consider two particles say p1and p2 which
revolves in a circular path about the point A and B
Here, it is found that the centre of each circle lies
on OY and the radii of these circles. (AP1 and BP2)
will be equal to perpendicular distance from the axis
We know that in rotational motion, though the particle will have different linear
velocities, they will have same angular velocity. Therefore all the particles will rotate through an
angle (dɵ ) in a small interval of time dt
Angular velocity ῳ = 𝑑𝑡

The corresponding angular acceleration i.e. rate of change of angular velocity is

ɑ = 𝑑𝑡


Rotational kinematics describes the inter-relationship between the angular

displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration with respect to the time.
It describes the rotational motion of the particles without considering the mass (or) forces that
affect the rotation.
Kinematics of rotational motion for constant angular acceleration with respect to an axis
of rotation is analogue to kinematics of linear motion.
The equations governing the linear motion and rotational motion with various
relationship between displacement, velocity ,acceleration and time are provided in the table as

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S.NO Linear motion Rotational motion

1 Vf = Vi + α t 𝜔𝑓 = 𝜔𝑖 + 𝛼𝑡
2 S = Vi t + 1/2 α t2 1
𝜃 = 𝜔𝑖 𝑡 + 𝛼𝛼𝑡 2
3. V2f = Vi2 +2aS 𝜔𝑓2 = 𝜔𝑖2 + 2𝛼𝜃
Here, Here,
Vi is the initial velocity at t=0 𝜔𝑖 is the initial angular velocity at t=0
Vf is the final velocity at ‘t’ 𝜔𝑓 is the final angular velocity at ‘t’
a is the acceleration α is the angular acceleration
t is the time t is the time
S is the displacement θ is the angular displacement


Definition:- Rotational Kinetic energy of a rigid body is defined as the sum of the kinetic
energy of all the particles in the rigid body rotating about the axis of rotation
Let us consider a rigid body rotation about an axis XX with constant angular velocity 𝜔 as
shown in fig.
All particles in rigid body have the same angular velocity
‘𝜔’ but with different linear velocity ‘v’ here the velocity ‘v’
varies with radial distance from the axis XX’
Let v1, v2 , …….vi be the linear velocity of the
particle of masses m1 m2.…..mi rotating about the axis of
rotation at distance r1, r2……..ri respectively.

The K.E of the particle with mass m1 = ½ m1vi2

The K.E of the particle with mass m2 = ½ m2v22
The K.E of the particle with mass mi = ½ mivi2
Total K.E = ½ m1 vi2 + ½ m2v22 +…........+ ½ mivi2 …………..……(1)
Since all the particles move with same angular velocities (𝜔) but with different linear
velocities (v1, v2,……. vi) at different distance (r1, r2 …… ri,) form the axis of rotation.
𝑣1 = 𝑟1 𝜔 ∶ 𝑣2 = 𝑟2 𝜔: …. 𝑣𝑖 = 𝑟𝑖 𝜔

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Equation (1) becomes

1 1 1
Total K.E = 2 𝑚1 𝑟12 𝜔2 + 2 𝑚2 𝑟22 𝜔2 + … … . . + 2 𝑚𝑖 𝑟𝑖2 𝜔2
Total K.E = 2(∑𝑖 𝑚ir2i) 𝜔2 .......................................................(2)

The moment of inertia of body

I=∑𝑖 𝑚I ri2 ………………………………………………(3)
Equation (2) becomes,
1 ---.-----(4)
Total Kinetic energy = I 𝜔2

Equation 4 represents the rotational Kinetic Energy of the particles i.e., rigid boidy
Moment of inertia of a body about an axis is defined as the summation of “product of
the mass and square of the perpendicular distance” of different particles of the body from the
axis of rotation. UNIT : kgm2
The property due to which a body does not change its state of rest or motion is called ‘Inertia’.
For the motion in a straight line, inertia depends on the mass of the body i.e., if the mass
is more, then the inertia will be more.
However, when a body moves about an axis the kinetic energy of its rotation not only
depends on its mass and angular velocity, but also depends on the axis about which the rotation
is taking place.
Thus the angular inertia not only depends on the mass, but also depends on the square of
the distances of particle from the axis of rotation.
Let us consider a rigid body ‘B’ which consists of ‘n’ number
of particles located at different distances from the axis of
rotation XX’ as shown in fig.
The moment of inertia of the particle 1 = m1r12
The moment of inertia of the particle 2 = m2r22

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We can get the moment of inertia of the entire rigid body by summing the moment of
inertia of all particles. I = ∑ 𝑚𝑖 𝑟𝑖2 …………………(1)
Equation (1) represents the moment of inertia of rigid body.


The moment of inertia is not only depends on the rotation of axis but also depends on the
orientation of the body with respect to the axis, which is different for different axis of the same
body .
Based on the orientation of the body and with respect to the rotating axis moment of
inertia shall be calculated for various bodies by using the following theorems,

1. Parallel axis theorem

2. Perpendicular axis theorem.
It states that moment of inertia with respect to any axis is equal to the sum of moment
of inertia with respect to a parallel axis passing through the center of mass and the product of
mass and square of the perpendicular distance between the parallel axes .
let us consider a body of mass ‘M’ for which the centre of mass axts at G. let AA’ be the
an axis parallel to xx’ passing through G. let ‘x’ be perpendicular distance between the parallel
axis AA’ and XX’ as shown in Fig.
The body consists of ‘n’ number of particles with different
masses and at different distances from the XX’ axis. Let
mi be the mass of one such particle in the body, located at
a distance ri from the XX’ axis
The moment of inertia of this particle with respect
to XX’ axis is
dIXX’ = mi ri2 ………………………………(1)

The moment of inertia of the entire body with respect to XX’ axis is

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IXX’=∑ 𝑑𝐼𝑋𝑋 ′ = ∑ mi 𝑟i ……………….………... (2)

Similarly, the moment of inertia of this particle with respect to AA’ axis is
dIAA’= mi (ri+x)2 ……………….………..(3)
The moment of inertia of the entire body with respect to AA’ axis is
IAA’ = ∑ 𝑑𝐼𝐴𝐴′ = ∑ mi (ri+x)2
IAA’ = ∑ mi 𝑟i 2 + ∑ 2mi 𝑟i x + ∑ mi x2 ………………(4)
Substituting equation (2) in equation (4) we get,
IAA’ = IXX’ + 2x ∑ mi 𝑟i + M x2 ……………….…....….(5)
Where, M = mi [Mass of the body]
According to centre of mass for a rigid body mi ri = 0
Equation (5) as

IAA’ =IXX’ +M x2
The above equation represents parallel axis theorem.
It states that the moment of inertia of a thin plane body with respect to an axis
perpendicular to the thin plane surface is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia of a thin
plane with respect to two perpendicular axes lying in the surface of the plane and these three
mutually perpendicular axes meet at a common point.
Let us consider the thin plane body of mass M and three
mutually perpendicular axes XX’ YY’&ZZ’ passing
through the point ‘O’
Let YY’&ZZ’ axis lie in the surface of the thin
plane, and XX’ axis lies perpendicular to plane surface as
show in Fig. The moment of inertia of the thin plane
with respect to XX’ axis is
dIxx’ = mi ri2 ……………………….(1)

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The moment of inertia of the entire body with respect to the axis XX’ is
Ixx’ = ∑ mi 𝑟i2 …………………………………….(2)
From the Fig ,we can write, ri2 = yi2 + zi2 ……..(3)
Substituting equation (3) in equation (2), we get
Ixx’ = ∑ mi (yi2 + zi2)
Ixx’ = ∑ mi yi2 + ∑ mi zi2 …..……(4)
We know that
The moment of inertia of a thin plane with respect to YY’ axis is I YY’ = ∑ mi yi2 and
The moment of inertia of a thin plane with respect to YY’ axis is I ZZ’ = ∑ mi zi2
Equation (4) becomes
The above equation is representing for perpendicular axis theorem.
When a body contains ‘n’ number of particles where the mass of each particle is
represented by m1 ,m2………mi and its position ils represented by r 1,r2,with respect to the
rotation axis ,then , The moment of inertia of the body I = ∑ 𝑚𝑖 𝑟𝑖2 …………………..(1)
Equation (1) represents the summation of moment of inertia of a system. However this
equation will not hold good for a continuous body, because a continuous body will have
infinitesimal small regions.
Let us consider the mass of one such small region ‘dm’ and its position is ‘r’
If the elemental mass mi is arbitrarily very small in the region (mi tends to zero),the
equation (1) will become an integral over the entire volume of the body .
I= lim ∑𝑖 𝑚𝑖 𝑟𝑖2 =∫ 𝑑𝑚𝑟 2

I= ∫ 𝑑𝑚𝑟 2 ……………………………….(2)
The above equation represents the moment of inertia of continuous body
The moment of inertia of continuous body method is used to find the moment of inertia
for various bodies with different shapes
 Circular Ring  Hollow cylinder
 Circular disc  Solid sphere
 Solid cylinder  Hollow sphere etc.,

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The moment of inertia for various objects with various rotational axis along with their
structure is given in the table below,
S.No Object Rotating axis Structure M.I(I) kgm2
1 Circular disc Through COM(center of 1
𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
the disc) & ┴ to disc 2

2 Circular disc Through diameter of the 1
𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
disc &║rl to disc plane 4

3 Circular disc Through edge of the 3

𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
disc)& ┴ to disc plane 4

4 Circular disc Through edge of the 𝐼 = 4𝑀𝑅2

disc &║rl to disc plane
5 Solid cylinder Through center and 1
𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
along the central axis of 2

the cylinder
6 Hollow cylinder Through the center and 1
𝐼= 𝑀(𝑅12 + 𝑅22 )
along the central axis of
the cylinder
7 Solid sphere Through diameter of the 2
𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
solid sphere 5

8 Solid sphere Through tangent of the 7

𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
solid sphere 5

9 Hollow sphere Through diameter of the 2

𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
Hollow sphere 3

10 Hollow sphere Through tangent of the 5

𝐼= 𝑀𝑅2
Hollow sphere 3

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Let us consider a rigid diatomic molecule containing two atoms of masses m1 and m2,
separated by a distance ‘x’.
The centre of mass of the system diatomic molecule lies between the two atoms and is
denoted by the point ‘O’. Let x1 and x2 be the distance of two atoms from the point ‘O’

From fig, we can write x = x1+x2 ………………..………..….(1)

Since the system is balanced with respect to the center of mass ,
m1 x1 = m2 x2 …………………………...….……(2)
From equation (1) we can write
x2 = x-x1 …………………………..……..….(3)
substituting equation (3)in eqn (2)we get
m1 x1 = m2 (x-x1)
m1 x1= m2x- m2x1 (or)
m1 x1+ m2x1= m2 x (or)
(m1+m2) x1 = m2x
x1 = ( 𝑚
𝑚2 𝑥 ………………………..(4)
1 +𝑚2 )

From equation (1) we can write,

x1 = x – x2 ……………………….(5)
similarly, by substituting equation (5)in eqn (2)we get
m1 (x-x2) = m2 x2
x1 =
𝑚1 𝑥 …………………….…(6)
( 𝑚1+𝑚2 )

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Moment of inertia
The moment of inertia (I) of a diatomic molecule with respect to an axis passing through
center of mass of the system shall be written as
I = m1 x12+m2x22 ……………………(7)
Substituting equation (4) and equation (6) in equation (7),we get

𝑚2 x 𝑚1 x
I = m1[𝑚 ]2 + m2[𝑚 ]2
1 +𝑚2 1 +𝑚2
𝑚1 𝑚2
I= x2 ……………………….(8)
𝑚1 +𝑚2
𝑚1 𝑚 2
Since , µ= is called the reduced mass of the system , we can write equation (8) as
𝑚1 +𝑚2

I= µ x2 …………………….…………(9)
Equation (9) represents the moment of inertia of diatomic molecule.
Moment of force:-The product of the
magnitude of the force and the perpendicular
distance from the point to the line of action
of force.
The moment of force F about O is Mo = F x d

A couple constitutes a pair of two equal and
opposite forces acting on a body in such a way
that the lines of action of the two forces are not
in same straight line.
Couple = MA =MB = p x d
Torque is defined as the moment of force
acting on the body in rotational motion with
respect to the fixed point.
Torque τ = force x Radius

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Dynamic of rigid bodies
The dynamics of rigid bodies is the study of effect force and couple and its variation with respect
to the rigid body
Concept of Rotational dynamics
 Dynamics is the movement of the rigid body under the force, which depends on where
the force is acting and the state of restriction of the object.
 If the object has no restriction and force is acting through the center of gravity, then the
movement of the object is purely translational as explained by Newton law of motion.
If the object is under the restriction (it is rigidly fixed at one point, called pivot) and if the
force is acting in such way that the line of force is not passing through the pivot .This is the
concept of rotational dynamics.
Let us consider two equal and opposite forces F and –F acting tangentially with respect to
the pivot ‘O’ on the rim of a circular disc from the extremities of diameter as shown in fig.

F - the distance moved by the force

θ - length of the arc AB
Work done by two forces constituting a couple =2Fr θ
The length of the arc AB = rθ
Work done by a single force = F r θ
Fr is the moment of the couple (or) torque (τ)
Work done by the torque = τ θ
If L is the angular momentum of the rotating body
then the relation between torque and angular momentum
Torque τ = 𝑑𝑡

Special case
If the object rotation is anti –clock wise, the direction of torque to outward. If the object
rotation is clock wise , then the direction of torque is inward.

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Rotational dynamics of rigid bodies

The rotational dynamics of rigid bodies are described by the laws of kinematics and the
applications of Newton’s laws for linear motion and rotational motion
1. Torsional pendulum
2. Double pendulum
3. Gyroscope
The relation between torque (τ) and angular momentum (L) is
Torque τ = 𝑑𝑡

If no net external torque is acting on the body if τ net = 0

τ net = 0 =˃ =0

The above equation is known as the law of conservation of angular momentum


A rigid body when the moment of inertia increases, then, the angular velocity will
decrease, if the external net torque is zero.
Illustration to explain the law of conservation of momentum
Let us one ice dancer dancing
as shown in fig. From the fig A, we
can observe that the dancer spins
slowly when the hands are stretched
out. This is due to moment of inertia
increases, thus angular velocity ( 𝜔)
decreses resulting in slower spin
From the fig B, we can observe that the
dancer spins faster when the hands are
brought closer to the body.

This is due to moment of inertia decreases, thus angular velocity (𝜔) increases resulting
in faster spin

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Let us consider a rigid diatomic molecule having two atoms of masses m1 and m2
connected by a weightless rod of length ‘x’
This rigid diatomic
molecule rotates with an angular
velocity 𝜔 ,with respect to an
axis through the centre of mass
‘O’ and is perpendicular to the
connecting rod as shown in fig.

We know that, the kinetic energy of rotationg diatomic molecule is

K.E = 2 𝐼𝜔2 ………………(1)

The angular momentum of a rotating body is

L=I 𝜔 (or)
𝜔=𝐼 ………….. (2)

Substituting equation (2) in equation (1), we get

1 𝐿2
K.E = I
2 𝐼2
1 𝐿2
K.E = 2 𝐼
K.E = 2𝐼 …………. (3)

The moment of inertia of a rotating diatomic molecule is

I= µx2 ……………………………. (4)
µ= is the reduced mass
Substituting equation (4) in equation (3) we get
Kinetic energy (K.E) = ……………..(5)
2µ𝑥 2

Equation (5) represents the classical equation for kinetic energy of a rigid diatomic
molecule, in which the energy levels are continuous for all possible valves of ‘L’.
But according to quantum mechanics, we know that the energy values are discrete.
∴ Based on the quantum theory, the angular momentum ‘z’ shall be written as

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L= √J(J + 1) ћ ………………(6)
Where J is the total angular momentum quantum number and its values are 0,1,2,3,….. and so on
Substituting equation (6) in equation (5)we get
(√J(J+1)) ћ2
K.E (EJ) = 2𝜇𝑋 2

J(J+1) ћ2
EJ = …………….….… (7)
2𝜇𝑋 2

Thus, equation (7) represents the rotational kinetic energy a rigid diatomic molecule
quantum mechanically.
Special cases
(i) When J=0 ,equation (7) becomes E 0 =0
(ii) When J=1,equation (7) becomes
2ℎ 2
E1 =2µ𝑥 2

E1 =µ𝑥 2 …………………….………..(8)

(iii)When J=2, equation (7) becomes

2(3)ℎ 2
E2 = 2µ𝑥 2

3ℎ 2
E2 = µ𝑥 2 ………………………….……..(9)

From eqn (8) and eqn (9), we can write

When J=3 equation (7) becomes
3(4)ℎ 2
E3 = 2µ𝑥 2

6ℎ 2
E3 =µ𝑥 2

E3=6 E1
EJ = 𝐸1

From the above results, we can confirm that rotational kinetic energy of rigid diatomic
molecule is quantized and discrete.

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A gyroscope is a device which is used to measure (or) maintain the angular velocity and
orientation, without changing its magnitude.
The device has a spinning wheel (or) disc mounted on a base in which an axis of rotation
The main principle used in gyroscope is the product of angular momentum which is
experienced by the torque on the wheel.
There are different types of gyroscope
 Mechanical gyroscope
 Optical gyroscope
 Gas bearing gyroscope
It consists of four main parts as shown in fig.
1. Rotor
2. Gimbals spinning wheel
3. Spinning wheel
4. Gyroscope frame with base.

In gyroscope the massive rotor is fixed on the supporting rings known as gimbals. The rotor
will have three degrees of rotation, which will be helpful to the following parameters.
i. Angular velocity (𝜔)
ii. Angular momentum (L) and
iii. Torque (τ) of the rotational motion.
The above three parameters are inter related. Here the direction of angular momentum
acts in the same direction as that of the rotational axis in symmetrical bodies.


Without spinning
If there is no spinning of wheel (L=0) the free end only move to horizontal plane (xy
plane) due to gravitational force .

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With spinning
If there is spinning of wheel, the free end moves
towards downward direction combined with the spin of
the wheel about the axis.
Downward force W = mg will act at a distance
‘r’ and will produce a torque which in turn will produce
an angular momentum simultaneously and rotates the
spinning wheel along the horizontal plane

Therefore, gyroscope movement steadily increases depends upon time interval in

horizontal direction based on the equation,
∑𝜏 = or ∑ τ dt = dL …………………..(1)

Due to the constant direction, torque and angular momentum will alter its direction
without change of magnitude. As a result, the axis of rotation of wheel does not fall. Thus the
gyroscope maintains its orientation even though the base is moved to any place.
 Gyroscopes are used in the following areas.
 They are used as compasses in boats, aeroplanes air craft’s etc,
 Gyroscope is used in spacecraft in order to navigate the spacecraft to the desired target.
 It is also used to stabilize the shops, satellites, ballistic missiles, etc.,
 Gyroscopes are used in gyroscopes for maintaining the direction in tunnel mining.
 In recent days, gyroscopes along with accelerometers are used in smart phones for
providing excellent motion sensing.


The torsion involves shearing strain and hence the modulus involved is the Rigidity
When a disc (torsion pendulum) is rotated in a horizontal plane, the disc executes simple
harmonic oscillation due to the restoring couple produced in the wire.

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A torsion pendulum consists of a wire with one end fixed to a split chuck and the other
end fixed to the centre of the circular disc of radius R.
L the distance between the chuck ends to the disc
r the radius of the suspended wire.
The circular disc is rotated in horizontal plane so that the wire is twisted through an angle
The various elements of the wire will undergo shearing strain and a restoring couple is
produced. Now if the disc is released, the disc will produce torsion oscillations.
The couple action on the disc produces an angular acceleration in it which is proportional
to the angular displacement and is always directed towards its mean position.
Form the law of conservation of energy the total
energy of the system is conserved.
Total energy of the torsion pendulum = potential energy
(P.E) + kinetic energy (K.E) ------------- (1)
Total energy confined to the wire is equal to the work done
in twisting the disc

ɵ ɵ
Restoring couple (P.E) through an angle 𝜃 = ∫0 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑋 𝑑 𝜃 P.E = ∫0 𝐶𝜃 𝑑 θ
C θ2
P.E = ……………………………………………..(2)

𝜔 = is th angular velocity with the disc oscillates, due to the resorting couple
The kinetic energy confined to the rotation disc (Deflecting couple) = 𝐼𝜔2
K.E = 𝐼𝜔2 …………………………………….….…….(3)

I is the moment of inertia of inertia of the circular disc

𝐶θ2 𝐼𝜔2
Total energy T = + = Constant ……………………..(4)
2 2

Differentiating equation (4) with respect to time ‘t’ we get,

𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜔
Cθ +I𝜔 =0 …………….……………..(5)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

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𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜔 d2 θ
Since the angular velocity 𝜔 = and Angular acceleration = 𝑑𝑡 2
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

We can write eqn(5) as

𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜃 d2 θ 𝑑𝜃 d2 θ
Cθ +I . 𝑑𝑡 2 =0 or [C θ + I ]=0
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 2
Here , ≠0
d2 θ −𝐶 𝜃
Angular acceleration = …………..…..(6)
𝑑𝑡 2 𝐼

Negative sign indicates that couple tends to decrease the twist on the wire
Period of oscillation
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝜃
The time period of oscillation T= 2π√ = π√𝐶𝜃
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ⁄𝐼

The time period of torsion oscillation T= 2π√𝐶 …..……….(7)

1 𝐶 1
Frequency of oscillation f = 2π √𝐼 .: f= 𝑇

Rigidity modulus of the wire

If ‘r’ is the radius of the wire and ‘L’ is the length of the wire suspended, then we know
𝑛π𝑟 4
The torque per unit twist C = ………………………(8)

Substituting eqn(7) in eqn (8) we get

𝐼 2𝐿 4𝜋2 2𝐿𝐼
𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝑛𝜋𝑟 4 : 𝑇2 = 𝜋𝑛𝑟 4

(or) 8𝜋 𝐼 𝐿
Rigidity modulus of the wire (n) = 𝑇 2𝑟 4 Nm-2

Thus the torsion pendulum shall be used to find the rigidity modulus for various materials.


Double pendulum consists of two pendulums in which one pendulum is attached to the
end of the other pendulum. If the motion is small then the pendulum behaves as a simple
pendulum. If the motion is large then it behaves as a chaotic (disorder) system.

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Let us consider a double pendulum
suspended to a point ‘o’ which consists of
pendulum-1 of mass m1and pendulum-2 of
mass m2 as shown in fig. Let l1 be the length of
pendulum-1, l2 be the length of pendulum-2 ,θ1
and θ2 - oscillate at an angle respectively

Let x1 (OA) and x2 (OB) be the displacement of pendulum -1 and pendululm-2

respectively, along the x1 -axis and let y1and y2 be the displacement of pendulum -1 and pendulum -2

respectively, along the negative y-axis.

Then, from the Fig. we can write
sin 1 

x1  l1 sin 1 ……………..(1)

Similarly from fig .we can write

cos 1  
y1  l1 cos 1
Here the negative sign is imposed due to negative y-direction.
Since the displacement of pendulum -2 depends on pendulum-1, from fig we can write the displacement
of pendulum -2 along x-axis as
x2  x1  x '
From Fig, we can write
sin  2 
x '  l2 sin  2

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Substituting eqn (4) in eqn (3), we get

x2  x1  l2 sin 2 ………………………………………….…….. (5)

Substituting eqn (1) in eqn (5), we get

x2  l1 sin 1  l2 sin 2 …………………………………………. (6)
Similarly we can write the displacement of pendulum-2 along ‘y’-axis as
y2  y1  y ' ……………….……. (7)

From the fig, we can write

cos  2  
y '  l2 cos  2
……………..……. (8)
Substituting eqn (8) in eqn (7), we get
y2  y1  l2 cos 2
---------------------------------------------------------.-------- (9)
Substituting eqn (2) in eqn (9), we get
y2  l1 cos 1  l2 cos 2
…………………………………..…….….….. (10)
Equations (1), (2), (6), and (10) represent the displacement at various positions of the double pendulum.
Differentiating equation (1) we get
dx1 d (l1 sin 1 )
vx1  
dt dt
d1 𝑑𝜃1
vx1  l1 cos 1 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝜃̇
dt 𝑑𝑡

vx1  l1 cos 11

……………………………………………………………. (11)
Differentiating equation (2) we get
vy1  l1 sin 11
Differentiating eqn 6, we get
dx2 d (l1 sin 1  l2 sin  2 )
vx 2  
dt dt
vx 2  l1 cos 11  l2 cos  2 2
Differentiating eqn 10, we get

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