This document contains a sample exam for a computer networks course. It includes multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and long answer questions testing knowledge of networking concepts and technologies. The exam covers topics such as network models, protocols, network devices, IP addressing, and Ethernet standards.
This document contains a sample exam for a computer networks course. It includes multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and long answer questions testing knowledge of networking concepts and technologies. The exam covers topics such as network models, protocols, network devices, IP addressing, and Ethernet standards.
This document contains a sample exam for a computer networks course. It includes multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and long answer questions testing knowledge of networking concepts and technologies. The exam covers topics such as network models, protocols, network devices, IP addressing, and Ethernet standards.
This document contains a sample exam for a computer networks course. It includes multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and long answer questions testing knowledge of networking concepts and technologies. The exam covers topics such as network models, protocols, network devices, IP addressing, and Ethernet standards.
6 If you wanted to have 12 subnets with A class C network
Roll No. .................. 120851/030851 IP, which subnet mask would you use? (CO-6) 5th Sem / Branch : Computer, IT, GE a) b) Sub. : Computer Networks c) d) Q.7 Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 Time : 3Hrs. M.M. : 100 standard for wireless LAN? (CO-2) SECTION-A a) CDMA b) ALOHA Note: Multiple choice questions. All questions are compulsory c) CSMA/CD d) CSMA/CA (10x1=10) Q.8 Any Ipv6 address size is ______? (CO-6) Q.1 A___________ is a set of rules that governs data a) 128 bits b) 64 bits communication. (CO-1) c) 16 bits d) 32 bits a) RFC b) Server Q.9 Which is not an objective of network security? (CO-5) c) Standard d) Protocol a) Identification b) LOCK Q.2 A device that connects networks with different protocols c) Authentication d) Access Control (CO-6) Q.10 The information that gets transformed in encryption is a) Switch b) HUB _______. (CO-5) c) Gateway d) Proxy Server a) Plain text b) Parallel text Q.3 An interconnected collection of piconet is called____. c) Encrypted text d) Decrypted (CO-2) SECTION-B a) Scatternet b) Micronet Note: Objective type questions. All questions are compulsory. c) Mininet d) Multinet (10x1=10) Q.4 Couumnication channel is shared by all the machines on Q.11 Connection oriented service is less reliable than the network in______. (CO-1) connection less. (True/False) (CO-1) a) Anycast b) Broadcast Q.12 In 10 Base T, the T represents to ______. (CO-1) c) Multicast d) Unicast Q.13 BSS stands for ____. (CO-2) Q.5 HTTP is a _____ protocol. (CO-6) Q.14 The first layer from top is OSI model is _____. (CO-6) a) Transport layer b) Application layer Q.15 Client/Server model is more secure than Peer to Peer c) Network layer d) DLL model. (True/False) (CO-1)
(1) 180851/170851/ (2) 180851/170851/
120851/030851 120851/030851 Q.16 Expand CSMA/CD. (CO-1) Q.30 List the various traditional Ethernet standards. Explain Q.17 Identify the class of IP address (CO-6) their features. (1+4) (CO-4) Q.18 Browser uses ____ protocol to access web page. (CO-6) Q.31 Name the connecting/interconnecting devices based on Q.19 Expand CRC. (CO-3) layers of OSI models. Explain the working of any one of Q.20 IP address is a loopback address? (True/False) them. (2+3) (CO-6) (CO-3) Q.32 Define Cryptography. Explain symmetric Encryption SECTION-C with suitable diagram. (CO-5) Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any twelve Q.33 Explain the handshaking process between client and questions out of fifteen questions. (12x5=60) DHCP server. (CO-3) Q.21 Explain in brief the network computing models. (CO-1) Q.34 Explain the function of Gateway in brief. (CO-4) Q.22 Compare LAN, MAN and WAN on speed of Q.35 Write various applications of Bluetooth. (CO-2) transmission, reliability, design complexity, ownership & scale. (CO-6) SECTION-D Q.23 Explain three network services for users in brief. (CO-1) Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any two questions Q.24 Explain Circuit Switching with its merits and de-merits. out of three questions. (2x10=20) (CO-1) Q.36 Explain the architecture of WLAN (IEEE 802.11) Also Q.25 Write five differences between OSI and TCP/IP write the advantages of WLAN over Wired LAN. (7+3) reference models. (CO-6) (CO-2) Q.26 Calculate the requirement of links and ports at each node Q.37 Explain switching techniques in details with their merits if someone wants to connect six nodes using mesh and demerits. (CO-1) topology. (CO-6) Q.38 Write note on followings: Q.27 Brieflly explain the function of PING, IPCONFIG AND a) Fast Ethernet & Gigabit Ethernet (5) (CO-1) NETSTAT. (CO-4) b) Workgroup & Domain networking (5) (CO-3) Q.28 Draw the Ipv4 header and explain in brief the function of each field. (CO-6) Q.29 Calculate the sub network address if the destination address is and the subnet mask is (CO-6)