AI Research Report

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AI has become an integral part in various
Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, is domains today. Some of the points which throw
a field of computer science and technology that light on its importance are listed below:
focuses on creating systems and machines
1. Automation and Efficiency: AI enables
capable of performing tasks that typically
automation of repetitive and mundane tasks,
require human intelligence. These tasks
leading to increased efficiency and productivity
encompass a wide range of activities, including
in various industries. This, in turn, allows
problem-solving, learning, reasoning,
humans to focus on more creative and strategic
understanding natural language, and even
perceiving and interacting with the world.
2. Healthcare Advancements: AI aids in disease
AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized
learning, natural language processing, and treatment plans. It also enhances medical
computer vision, have seen significant imaging, improving accuracy and early
advancements in recent years, revolutionizing detection.
various industries, from healthcare and finance 3. Natural Language Processing: AI-driven
to autonomous vehicles and robotics. chatbots and virtual assistants improve
customer support, automate interactions, and
The development of AI raises both exciting provide information more efficiently. AI can
opportunities and important ethical and societal generate convincing text in different styles,
challenges, such as privacy concerns, job making it challenging to discern whether it was
displacement, and the responsible use of AI in written by a human or a machine. A very recent
decision-making processes. As AI continues to example being AI powered chatbot on Snapchat.
evolve, it plays an increasingly prominent role in “Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google
shaping the future of technology and Assistant are like your digital buddies who never
our daily lives. get tired of answering your questions, telling you
jokes, and playing your favorite songs – all
thanks to their AI superpowers!"


Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly
1. AI-powered medical diagnostics: AI can be
evolving, and its future implementation is
used to analyse medical images and data to
a topic of much debate. Some experts believe
help doctors diagnose diseases more
that AI has the potential to solve some of the accurately and quickly. For example, AI
world's most pressing problems, such as algorithms are being used to detect cancer
climate change and poverty. Others are in medical images with a higher degree of
concerned about the potential risks of AI, accuracy than human radiologists.
such as job displacement and existential
threats. 2. Personalised medicine: AI can be used to
analyse a patient's individual medical
history and data to create personalised
▶ In his book “SUPERINTELLIGENCE” Nick treatment plans. This could lead to more
Bostrom explores the potential benefits and effective and efficient treatment for
risks of AI. He argues that AI could be used to diseases.
create a world with unprecedented levels of
prosperity and well-being. However, he also 3. Virtual assistants: AI-powered virtual
warns that AI could pose an existential threat assistants can help patients manage their
to humanity if it is not carefully managed. healthcare, such as scheduling appointments,
refilling prescriptions, and providing health
information. This could free up doctors' time
▶ The future of AI implementation is to focus on more complex tasks.
uncertain, but it is clear that AI has the 4. Robotic surgery: AI-powered robots can
potential to profoundly change the world. It is perform surgery with greater precision and
important to have a thoughtful and informed accuracy than human surgeons. This could
discussion about the potential benefits and lead to safer and more effective surgeries.
risks of AI so that we can ensure that it is
used for good.


▶ Automated manufacturing: AI can be used to automate tasks in manufacturing, such as quality

control and inspection. This could lead to increased productivity and efficiency in manufacturing.

▶ Predictive maintenance: AI can be used to predict when equipment is likely to fail. This could help
manufacturers schedule maintenance more effectively and prevent unplanned outages.
▶ 3D printing: AI can be used to optimise 3D printing processes, such as the design of parts and the
selection of materials. This could lead to the creation of new and innovative products.

▶ Smart factories: Smart factories use AI to collect and analyse data to improve production
processes. This could lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in manufacturing.

IBM's "Global AI Adoption Index 2022" revealed that over half (53%) of IT professionals report that their
deployment of AI has increased over the past 24 months, indicating that the adoption of AI is continuing
to rise. This percentage is substantially higher than in 2021 when just 43% of businesses reported that
their firms were boosting their AI adoption in response to COVID-19.

 Personalised learning: AI can be used TRANSPORTATION
to personalise learning for each
student, based on their individual  Self-driving cars: Self-driving cars are
needs and interests. one of the most anticipated applications
of AI in transportation. They have the
 K-12 AI curricula: a mapping of potential to revolutionise
government-endorsed AI curricula: transportation by making it safer, more
The report builds on the results of a efficient, and more accessible.
survey on “AI curricula for school
students” which was circulated to all  Intelligent transportation systems:
UNESCO Member States in 2022. The Intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
report will inform the development of use AI to improve traffic management,
the AI Competency Framework for optimise routing, and reduce
Students congestion. ITS are already being used
in some cities, and their use is expected
 Adaptive assessments: AI can be used to grow in the future.
to create adaptive assessments that
tailor the difficulty of questions to each  Drone delivery: Drone delivery is
student's ability level. This could help another promising application of AI in
students get the most out of their transportation. Drones can be used to
assessments. deliver goods and services quickly and
efficiently, especially in remote areas
 Gamification: AI can be used to gamify
learning, making it more engaging and  Drone Taxis aka flying cars
motivating for students. This could
One of the most exciting and innovative
help students stay motivated and
AI applications in transportation is a
engaged in their studies.
drone taxi. Pilotless helicopters present
a unique solution to combat the carbon
emissions, eliminate traffic congestion,
and reduce the need for expensive
infrastructure construction plans.
Besides, drone taxis will help people
reach their destination much sooner,
minimising their commute time.


With the advent of AI, the common misconception is that AI is going to take over the world. Humans will
lose their jobs and everything will be automated.

Source: Harvard business review


However, according to a study conducted by
Harvard Business Review on more than 1,500 Companies benefit from optimising collaboration
companies, it was found that firms achieve the between humans and artificial intelligence, five
most significant performance improvements
when humans and machines work together. principles that can help them do so:
Through collaborations, both AI and Humans 1. Reimagine Business processes
complement each other's strengths, what comes
naturally to people can be tricky for machines, 2. Embrace experimentation and employee
and what’s straightforward for machines remains involvement
virtually impossible for humans. For a business to 3. Actively direct AI strategy
be successful, we need both to work with joint
efforts. 4. Responsibly collect data
5. Redesign work to incorporate AI and
cultivate related employee skills.
Human-AI collaboration is becoming
increasingly prevalent in various To take full advantage of this collaboration,
fields, including healthcare, finance, companies should understand how to enhance the
customer service, and scientific productivity of both and redesign business
research. As AI technologies
processes to develop the partnership.
continue to advance, finding ways to
effectively integrate them into
human activities and decision-
making processes will be a critical
focus for future development and
Huge Fall in Exports PA GE 7


AI use in many business sectors has grown by 270% over the last four years. Nearly half (49%) of
companies expect adopting AI to create jobs, well ahead of the 23% of respondents who expect it to
displace jobs. AI is expected to play the role of data scientists, data specialists, and business intelligence

Automotive and aerospace industries are expected to have employment gains. Where, the research,
design and business management services, information and technology services and electronics sectors
follow closely behind.
“AI will probably not make human workers obsolete, at least not for a long
time”- Forbes
What jobs are most likely to be automated?
1. Customer service representative
Most human customer service interactions are no longer done by phone with human employees manning
the lines. Most of the time, the queries and problems of customers are repetitive. Answering these
queries does not require high emotional or social intelligence. Therefore, AI can be used to provide
automated responses to frequently asked questions.

2. Receptionists
The majority of companies across the world are now using robots at their reception. Even the calls are
being managed by AI now. Aimes Reception can see, listen, understand, and talk with guests and

3. Accountants/Bookkeepers
Many companies are now using automation and AI for their bookkeeping practices. AI-powered
bookkeeping services provide an efficient accounting system and flexibility and security, considering
that they are available as cloud-based services. Using ai algorithms, AI will ensure the data is collected,
stored, and analysed correctly. Using an AI accounting service is significantly less costly than paying an
employee’s salary to do the same job.

3. Salespersons
Gone are the days when corporations required salespeople for advertising and retail activities.
Advertising has shifted towards web and social media landscapes. The built-in target marketing
capabilities in social media allow advertisers to create custom content for different types of audiences.

5. Research and analysis

The fields of data analysis and research are areas that already implement the use of artificial intelligence
as a method of streamlining the process and identifying new data without human assistance. The
processing power of modern computers allows for the efficient sorting, extrapolation and analysis of
data. As artificial intelligence continues to improve, there may not be a need for humans to play a role in
data analysis and research.

6. Warehouse work
Online sales are a steadily growing industry and comes with an increasing need for processes and
automated systems that efficiently get orders onto trucks for delivery. One area of focus for streamlining
the process has been the use of automation.

Certain roles are more vulnerable to this than others, Miller adds — especially ones that are highly repetitive
or based on very specific instructions or rules that lay out what needs to be done.

On the flipside, tasks that change often and therefore require things like adaptability and flexibility are harder
for technology to replace.

OVER THE SPACE o Legal Professionals and Judges
About 85 million jobs will be in the risks which Lawyers, Judges and Ethicists deals with
will be automated by 2025. We had heard on the the complex legal and ethical frameworks
debate of AI can’t replace jobs? While the of laws. These jobs can’t be fully replaced
technology has the potential which can automate by AI as these jobs requires the deep
certain tasks and transform industries especially expertise in their particular fields. While AI
which are repetitive or routine works. According can assist in these fields, the depth and
to research, AI could make about 400 million to breadth of knowledge required, along with
800 million people lose their jobs by 2030. But the need for critical thinking and
the repetitive or routine or service jobs can be understanding, make it difficult for AI to
replaced but can’t be replace the emotional fully take over.
intelligence, critical thinking, Analytics.
o Skilled Craftsmen and Artisans
o Educators Artisans such as jewelry, pottery,
Teaching is not just giving information and woodworking, glassblowing, handicraft
educating the students but it also about makes work, etc. These are the work which can’t
the students inspired, understand and replace by AI because this requires keen
motivating. It requires personal touch, sense of human touch and hand
adaptability and emotional intelligence which AI movements. The work which requires
can’t replace. creativity and attention to details, makes
them highly reliant on human dexterity.
o Counselling and Therapy Roles
The Counselling and Therapy are the jobs that
can’t be replaced by the AI for a good reason.
These are roles which required mental health
support, counselling and therapy requires active
listening, empathy and understanding of human
emotions. However, AI can’t replace it.
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The Research Team Project Head:

ASCEND- The Entrepreneurship Cell Kaushik Agarwal

Sri Venkateswara College Research Department Heads:



Research Team:

Yuvraj Raika

Shivangi Jindal

Peehu Goyal


Daksh Kasana

Sanchi Sibal

Keya Pathak

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