Method Statement and Risk Assessment General

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General Method Statement and

Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment

Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

1. Objective

This method will explain the work of solar panel installation. The installation location is on the
zincalum roof. With the installation location on the roof, work methods are needed that are
appropriate to the conditions and needs in the field. Mobilization of workers from bottom to
top using scaffolding spread across two locations. Moving or shunting material from bottom to
top will use an electric hoist attached to special scaffolding for material going up or down. All
existing workers have previous experience in working at heights and electrical work.

2. Scope

The scope of work discussed in this work method is the stages of mounting installation work
to the interconnection process.

3. Organization Chart

a) Site Manager
b) Engineer
c) SHE Officer
d) Drafter
e) SPV
f) Pekerja

4. Role and Responsibility

a) Site Manager

• Organize and supervise work so that it is in accordance with the Implementation

Method and work sequence that has been determined
• Prepare work to be carried out in safe conditions according to work safety
standards and procedures
• Coordinate and communicate with the Project Manager regarding the work.
• Monitor the implementation of the work safety system in the implementation of work
• Make a daily work plan
• Coordinate with suppliers / subcontractors

b) Engineer:

• Prepare work methods to be used as a reference in the site

• Checking the stages of work in the field
• Prepare working drawings
• Prepare material documents
• Collaborate with relevant supervisors to monitor and procure materials.
• Carry out technical coordination with related subcontractors
General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

• Check the results of the anchor strength test

c) SHE:

• SHE together with the engineering team will help and ensure that the work follows
occupational safety and health provisions and regulations.
• Provide safety induction to all workers
• Control and hold regular Pre-start meetings / tool-box meetings led by the
• Create and monitor a healthy and safe work environment
• Ensure all equipment is suitable and safe to use
• Ensure that all workers comply with safety requirements for work
• Ensure materials are placed, used and disposed of in the right place
• Ensure use of eye protection (googles) when drilling
• Ensure correct use of platform when working above
• Ensure the use of a body harness when working at height

d) Drafter:

• Ensure work is carried out within specified limits

• Monitoring before and during implementation

e) SPV.

• Manage and supervise the workflow or work flow of the team and each individual in
the team
• Define goals, communicate objectives, and monitor team and individual


Work Method

1. Inspection roof condition

Before starting work on raising all the mounting materials and solar PV to the roof, an
inspection process must be carried out on the condition of the roof, by sweeping each
side of the roof to ensure that there are no roof leaks or potential leaks. If there are
indications of leaks, the potential points at vulnerable points must be marked one by
one using a permanent marker or Pilox paint. This is done to provide a warning sign
regarding problematic roof conditions. So you can avoid more serious damage.

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

2. Transfer Material

Transfer material activity is an activity in a project, where the material that is located in
the warehouse is moved to a certain point to facilitate the ongoing work process. This
shunting process will use a 2 ton capacity Hand Pallet which is used to move heavy
materials (Solar Panels, Rails and Mountings and also Trolleys to move smaller items
(Drills, Keys, Gallons and others).

3. Erection Scaffolding

Scaffolding is used as access for manpower and materials to climb onto the roof.
Scaffolding calculations must be appropriate to their use. The scaffolding is installed
by the scaffolder and before use it is inspected by the scaffolding inspector.

4. Lifting Materials

Lifting materials using an electric chain hoist which has been installed on the

5. Set Up Mounting dan Rail

Set Up mounting is an activity in solar panel installation work which is included in the
initial stage of construction. Set up mounting is carried out in the early weeks of the
project to place the mountings and rails in place according to the technical drawings
that have been made. The mounting and rail set up method uses work tools in the
form of an L key and a cordless drill. To make the set up process easier, use ball
thread to ensure appropriate size and aesthetics.
The ILP roof uses the L-Feet mounting type, so there are parts of the roof that need to
be drilled to place the L-Feet in the position of the roof frame. The L-feet which is
carried out by the drilling process on the roof must be coated using Aquaproff to
ensure that the roof does not experience leaks even though rubber is available on the
underside of the L-Feet.

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

6. PV Module Set Up

Set up of solar panels is carried out after the mounting and rail set up work is
complete. In this work, the lifting process will also be carried out first or lifting the
solar panels to the roof. The lifting process will use an Electric Hoist with a load
capacity of 500 Kilograms. Electric Hoists are installed on scaffolding that has been
built specifically for lifting and shredding materials. There are two lifting points
according to the scaffolding standing point. After the Solar Panel is on top, the panel
is installed or set up by placing it on the rail structure that has been installed
previously. To carry out the PV setup, use a size 8 L key and a cordless drill. Set Up
will refer to the approved technical drawings along with the layout and dimensions.

7. Cable tray set up

The cable tray set up process is an activity after the solar panel set up activity is
complete. Just like other set up activities, in this activity a cable tray will be installed
which will later become the cable route from each string of solar panels that have
been installed to the inverter shelter. The cable tray used is adjusted to the number
of cables passed with a maximum fill ratio of 40%. The cable tray is installed
adjacent to the walkway and also the plumbing on the same rail support

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

8. Plumbing Set Up

Set up plumbing is the next stage and can be carried out in parallel with the cable
tray work, the plumbing set up process uses the same work tools as other set up
work. Later, the plumbing will function as a water source for post-commissioning
solar panel maintenance activities.

9. Walkway Setup

Walkway as a means of stepping for activities on the roof in solar panel maintenance.
Set up the walkway is done by attaching the FRP grating with M clips to the support
rail that has been installed and is adjacent to the plumbing and tray.

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

10. Pulling cable

The cable pulling process is carried out after the set up work on the roof is complete.
Cable pulling work is done by pulling the cable from top to bottom according to the length
and cable requirements that have been calculated previously.
This process will require the maximum amount of manpower to help run this activity
smoothly. Cables will be connected from each existing string and then directed to the
inverter located in the inverter shelter. In this activity, cable installation will also be
checked for suitability to prevent installation errors that result in malfunction or
equipment damage

11. Interkoneksi

Interconnection is the final stages of the project. Where it will connect the inverter to the
existing electrical system in the building. At this stage it will be carried out by manpower
who has an Electrical K3 certificate considering the high risks involved. In this process,
there will be a blackout for a while to help manpower carry out the process of connecting
the cable networ

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465

6. Tools and Equipment

No Alat Spesifikasi QTY

1 Hoist Elektrik Kelas 500 Kg 2 Unit
2 Hand Pallet Kelas 2 ton 1 Unit
3 Trolley Kelas 200 Kg 1 Unit
4 Bor DC 12V 1.5A 8 Unit
5 Kunci L 8 mm 17 Pcs
6 Tang Skun - 1 Unit
7 Gerinda - 1 Unit


No Material
1 Solar Panel
2 Rel dan assesoris
3 Mounting
4 Kabel DC
5 Kabel AC


No Jenis Personil ( Jabatan ) Quantity

1 Site Manager 1
2 Field Engineer 1
3 Drafter 1
4 HSE Officer 1
5 Electrical Technician 1
6 Electrical Helper 14
7 Vendor Rack Inverter 3
8 Vendor Starway 3

General Method Statement and
Revisions: 0 Risk Assessment
Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus, Tegelon, Pelang, Kec. Mayong,
Jepara Regency, Central Java 59465


Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Form Date:31-10-2023

Rev: 0

page 1 of 1

Tolerance Yes/No
Rating S x L
Rating S x L


Risk Impact Hierarchy of Control
Additional Risk Regulatory
No Activity Hazard Identification
Controls Reference

Human Environmental Property Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Name of activity
1 install scaffolding Pinched, Scaffolding fell, yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no Make sure the 1.1 law NUMBER
Scaffolding Broken scaffolding to be 1 YEAR 1970
used meets Article 4
company safety
standards. Must
use PPE such as
gloves, safety
helmet, safety
shoes and full
body harness.
Make sure the
scaffold is in a
stable condition
during the
Carefully check
the condition of
the scaffolding
for possible
cracks, rust,
breaks, bends or
other defects.
Clean the scaffold
from remaining
mud, lubricants,
etc. carefully.
2 Install Hard Pinched, Scaffolding fell, yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no Make sure the 1.1 law NUMBER
Baricade Scaffolding Broken scaffolding to be 1 YEAR 1970
used meets Article 4
company safety
standards. Must
use PPE such as
gloves, safety
helmet, safety
shoes and full
body harness.
Make sure the
scaffold is in a
stable condition
during the
Carefully check
the condition of
the scaffolding
for possible
cracks, rust,
breaks, bends or
other defects.
Clean the scaffold
from remaining
mud, lubricants,
etc. carefully.

3 Surveyor Fallen yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no install hard 2.1 law NUMBER
barricades 1 YEAR 1970
around the work Article 3
area (roof),
provide training
to work at
heights, ensure
that you always
wear gloves.
4 L Feet installation, scratched, pinched yes no no 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 carry out a 3.1 law NUMBER
modules mounting simulation of 1 YEAR 1970
work methods Article 3
that have been
totally approved,
ensuring that all
workers wear
gloves, safety
shoes, glasses,
wear full body
harnesses and
wear 3m gloves.

5 lifting the PV material fell, roof wire yes yes yes 4 5 20 yes yes yes yes yes 3 2 6 no ensure that the 3.1 law NUMBER
module using a broke operator and 1 YEAR 1970
truck crane rigger have SILO, Article 3. 3.2 Law
ensure that the No. 8 of 2020
truck crane has a
SILO that is still
active, ensure
that the truck
crane is always
surrounded by
barricades, there
is always a daily
inspection carried
out by the
operator (P2H),
workers who
mobilize PV
modules are
ensured that they
have been
trained lifting
6 Disassembly and fell, got stuck yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no Dismantling the 3.1 law NUMBER
Install PV Module PV module is 1 YEAR 1970
carried out Article 3
according to the
work method
that has been
approved, with a
number of
workers of 6
people, 2 people
in the bucket and
4 people
dismantling the
PV module, and
ensuring that all
workers wear
gloves and

7 install the cable fell, got stuck yes yes YES 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no carry out a 5.1 law NUMBER
tray simulation of 1 YEAR 1970
work methods Article 3
that have been
totally approved,
ensuring that all
workers wear
safety shoes,
goggles, wear full
body harnesses
and wear 3m
8 bridge installation Being hit by material, being yes yes yes 5 4 20 yes yes yes yes yes 3 2 6 no ensure that the 7.1 law NUMBER
(pipe rack) crushed, falling operator and 1 YEAR 1970
rigger have SILO, Article 3
ensure that the
truck crane has a
SILO that is still
active, ensure
that the truck
crane is always
surrounded by
barricades, there
is always a daily
completed by the
operator (P2H),
workers are
ensured that they
know the
working methods
that have been
implemented. in
total acc.

9 pulling the dc cable fell, slipped yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 4 2 8 no carry out a 8.1 law NUMBER
to the inverter simulation of 1 YEAR 1970
station work methods Article 3
that have been
totally approved,
ensuring that all
workers wear
gloves, safety
shoes, glasses,
wear full body
harnesses and
wear 3m gloves.
Don't pull cables
while running,
coordinate if
there are
obstacles in your
10 megger dc cable Heat Blast, electrocution yes yes yes 5 5 25 yes yes yes yes yes 4 2 8 no Must be done by 9.1 Law No. 33 of
competent 2015. 9.2 Law
people No. 4 of 1980

11 Checking PV electrocuted yes yes yes 4 4 16 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no When starting 10.1 Law No. 33
module string the inspection to of 2015
voltage check the
voltage, make
sure the worker is
wearing safety
shoes, glasses,
wearing a full
body harness and
wearing 3m
12 Hydrotest Injury yes yes yes 4 4 8 yes yes yes yes yes 2 2 4 no Only calibrated 11.1 law
pressure gauges NUMBER 1 YEAR
and pressure 1970 Article 3.
safety valves 11.2 Law
should be used to Number 4 year
ensure accurate 1980
readings and
reliable safety
warning boards
must be placed to
personnel from
entering the test
zone. The
pressure should
be raised
gradually and
under control,
allowing the
pipes to strain
and giving
sufficient time to
identify leaks or

Step 1 Step 3

Step 2
Step 4

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