Agency Reviewer (D. Sanchez)

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Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof.

Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Article 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations
Hello Block C! which the agent may have contracted within the scope of his
This reviewer is a product of the hard work of Carlo Go, Martin Lagmay, Arrow
Pabiona and Ron Reodica.
As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his power, the
Cases in italics are the specific cases discussed in class. Most repeated
principal is not bound except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly.
provisions are re-stated. Notes are from De Leon or class notes. (1727)

Re: annotations, Ma’am uses De Leon, most of her questions during recitation can Article 1317. No one may contract in the name of another without
be answered by reading De Leon. Read Casis’ book for a deeper analysis. Sir Casis being authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a right to
explains the gray areas of the law and the nuances of the cases. represent him.
Good luck! ☺
A contract entered into in the name of another by one who has no
I. Introduction authority or legal representation, or who has acted beyond his powers,
shall be unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by
the person on whose behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked
A. How is Agency Defined 1868 by the other contracting party. (1259a)
Article 1868. By the contract of agency a person binds himself Article 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they
to render some service or to do something in representation or are ratified: (1) Those entered into in the name of another person by
on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of the one who has been given no authority or legal representation, or who
latter. (1709a) has acted beyond his powers;

1. Consent – 1868, 1869 to 1872, 1898,

1901, 1910, 1317, 1403(1) a. Express; ratification
b. Implied; ratification
Article 1869. Agency may be express, or implied from the acts of the
principal, from his silence or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate 2. Object
the agency, knowing that another person is acting on his behalf 3. Consideration – 1875
without authority.
Article 1875. Agency is presumed to be for a compensation, unless
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a specific form. (1710a) there is proof to the contrary. (n)

Article 1870. Acceptance by the agent may also be express, or implied

from his acts which carry out the agency, or from his silence or B. Who are the parties to the contract of
inaction according to the circumstances. (n)
Article 1871. Between persons who are present, the acceptance of the C. Must the parties be capacitated?
agency may also be implied if the principal delivers his power of
attorney to the agent and the latter receives it without any objection. Rallos v. Felix Go Chan
(n) Doctrine: Relationship of agency whereby one party, called the
principal (mandante), authorizes another, called the agent
Article 1872. Between persons who are absent, the acceptance of the (mandatario), to act for and in his behalf in transactions with third
agency cannot be implied from the silence of the agent, except: persons. The essential elements of agency are: (1) there is
consent, express or implied of the parties to establish the
(1) When the principal transmits his power of attorney to the agent,
relationship; (2) the object is the execution of a juridical act in
who receives it without any objection;
relation to a third person; (3) the agents acts as a representative
(2) When the principal entrusts to him by letter or telegram a power
and not for himself, and (4) the agent acts within the scope of
of attorney with respect to the business in which he is habitually his authority.
engaged as an agent, and he did not reply to the letter or telegram. (n) Facts: Petitioner is the attorney-in-fact of Concepcion Rallos.
After the death of the latter, petitioner sold the property to the
Article 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of the principal, respondent. The administrator went to court to have the sale
exceeding the scope of his authority, and the principal does not ratify declared unenforceable and to recover the share of Concepcion’s
the contract, it shall be void if the party with whom the agent heirs.
contracted is aware of the limits of the powers granted by the Held: Sale is invalid. Agency is extinguished through the death
principal. In this case, however, the agent is liable if he undertook to of either principal or agent. In this case, the court speaking
secure the principal's ratification. (n) through Justice Muñoz-Palma had the opportunity to define the
relationship of a contract of agency and the elements thereof.
Article 1901. A third person cannot set up the fact that the agent has
exceeded his powers, if the principal has ratified, or has signified his
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. (n)

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Orient Air Services v. CA (Private Respondent American to 174php. A witness testified that in the receipt it appeared that
Airlines) Flores was a managing agent.
Doctrine: An agent-principal relationship can only be effected Held: Evidence is sufficient to sustain a finding that Flores was
with the consent of the principal, and must not in any way be the agent of the defendant with authority to bind the defendant.
compelled by law or by any court. Flores was acting within the scope of his authority in ordering
Facts: Petitioner is the agent of American Airlines in the these goods, and that his admissions as to the receipt of the
Philippines. As the agent, the petitioner was authorized to act as goods are binding on the principal, absent of evidence to the
its exclusive general sales agent within the Philippines for the contrary.
sale of air passenger transportation. Orient Air had reneged on
its obligations under the agreement by failing to promptly remit Prudential Bank v. CA (Private Respondent Aurora Cruz)
the net proceeds of the sales for the months of January to Doctrine: A principal is liable to innocent third persons for
march. American Air severed its ties with the Petitioner. Upon obligations contracted by the agent.
filing a case in court, the trial court, affirmed by the Court of Facts: Respondent invested 200,000 in Central Bank bills with
Appeals, ordered American Airlines to reinstate the petitioner as the Petitioner. The agent of the respondent, Quimbo, prepared
its agent. the documents for the transaction. When asked to “roll-over” or
Held: The ruling regarding the reinstatement of the agency renew her invested, she was asked to sign a withdrawal slip by
relationship is set-aside. Compelling American Air to extend its Quimbo. The agent explained that this was a new requirement of
personality to Orient Air violates the principles and essence of the bank. When Cruz returned and sought to withdraw her
agency, defined by law as a contract whereby “a person binds money, the 200,000 she invested was gone.
himself to render some service or to do something in Held: Petitioner should pay the respondent. Qui per alium facit
representation or in behalf of another, WITH THE CONSENT per seipsum facere videtur “He who does a thing by an agent is
OR AUTHORITY OF THE LATTER. considered as doing it himself.” 1911: Even when the agent has
exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the
Uy v. CA (Private Respondent National Housing agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had full
Authority) powers.
Doctrine: An agent of the seller is not a party to the contract of
sale between his principal and the buyer. Since only the parties Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corp.
thereto as against each other may violate a contract, the real Doctrine: Any sale of real property of a corporation by a person
parties-in-interest must generally be either party to the said purporting to be an agent thereof, but without written consent
contract. from the corporation is null and void. An agency contract
Facts: Petitioner is authorized to sell 8 parcels of land by the involving immovable requires an SPOA.
owners. By virtue of such authority, petitioners offered to sell Facts: Eternit was engaged in the manufacture of roofing
the lands to the Respondent. Only five were paid for by the materials. The president of the company wanted to stop
NHA because of a report from the DENR that the remaining operations in the Philippines because of the political situation
area is located at an active landslide area not suitable for housing (advent of the EDSA revolution). The board wanted to dispose
projects. Petitioners filed a complaint for damages against NHA. of the properties and offered to sell the said properties to the
Held: Petition dismissed. The agent is not a party to the petitioner through Marquez. Marquez negotiated the final price.
contract of sale and may not file an action upon the contract. Eventually, the company did not decide to sell due to the
Agents may file when it is an assignee of the Principal. An agent improved political situation. Litonjua filed a case for specific
is an assignee when there is an agreement granting them the right performance and damages.
to receive payment and out of the proceeds to reimburse Held: Petition dismissed. Marquez did not have the authority to
themselves for advances and commissions before turning the bind Eternit. The agreement was not in writing and there was no
balance over to the principals. board resolution authorizing Marquez to do such. Even if he was
Notes: For commissions, the agent must go against the principal a member of the board, a resolution was needed.
NOT the third party (or in this case, the buyer). Notes: A corporation is separate and distinct from the
individuals comprising the corporation. It can only act through a
Macke v. Camps board resolution issued by the Board of Directors. Since there
Doctrine: One who clothes another with apparent authority as was no real authority, the acts of Marquez were not valid.
his agent and holds him out to the public as such, cannot be
permitted to deny the authority of such person to act as his agent Notes on the topic:
to the prejudice of third persons. Characteristics of Agency
Facts: Macke and Chandler sold their bills of goods to Camps 1. Consensual because it is perfected by mere consent
and there was a balance for 177.50php. Upon demand, the 2. Principal because it can stand by itself without the need
defendant failed and refused to pay the said balance. Macke of another contract
testified that on the order of one Ricardo Flores, who 3. Nominate because it has its own name
represented himself as an agent for the defendant, he shipped 4. Unilateral if it is gratuitous because it creates
the goods to the defendant. Flores later acknowledged the obligations for only one of the parties, ie, the agent; or
receipt of the said goods and made various payments amounting bilateral if it is for compensation because it gives rise to
reciprocal rights and obligations

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

5. Preparatory because it is entered into as a means to an II. What is the form of the contract of
end, ie, creation of other contracts. agency? 1869, 1874
Representative relation: based on trust and confidence
Article 1869. Agency may be express, or implied from the acts of the
Fiduciary relationship: extends his personality. principal, from his silence or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate
the agency, knowing that another person is acting on his behalf
Object: execution of juridical acts in representation or on behalf without authority.
of another.
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a specific form. (1710a)
Consideration: presumed for compensation, burden of proof to
whoever asserts it is gratuitous. Article 1874. When a sale of a piece of land or any interest therein is
through an agent, the authority of the latter shall be in writing;
Must the parties be capacitated? otherwise, the sale shall be void. (n)
GR: Must be capacitated. Strictly speaking the agent does not
need to be fully capacitated, since he enters in the capacity of the
principal. The agent is a LITERAL extension of the principal’s A. Oral
B. Written

Angeles v. Philippine National Railways

Doctrine: Normally, the agent has neither rights nor liabilities as
against the third party; he cannot thus sue or be sued on a
contract. EXCEPTION: When the agent is constituted as an
Facts: PNR informed Romualdez that he authorized it accepted
his offer to buy PNR’s scrap or unserviceable rails. Romualdez
addressed a letter to PNR that he authorized Angeles to be his
lawful representative. PNR suspended the contract due to
discrepancies involving 500,000php. Angeles filed a suit against
PNR for specific performance and damages.
Held: The spouses Angeles are not the real parties-in-interest.
Complaint is dismissed for lack of cause of action.

Jimenez v. Rabot
Doctrine: Where the owner of real property desires to confer
upon an attorney-in-fact authority to sell the same, it is necessary
that the authority should be expressed in writing; but it is not
necessary that the property to be sold should be precisely as
described. It is sufficient if the authority is so expressed as to
determine without doubt the limits of the agent’s authority.
Facts: Jimenez owned three properties assigned to him as one
of the heirs in the division of the estate of his father. While he
was staying at Vigan, he confided his property in Alaminos to
the care of his sister. He wrote to his sister a letter in which he
informed her that he was pressed for money and requested her
to sell one of the parcels of land and send the money to pay for
his debts. The sister sold the land to Rabot. Jimenez now claims
that his sister did not have valid authority to sell the parcel of
Held: The letter was enough to bind Jimenez as a principal in
the sale of his parcel of land.

City-Lite Realty v. CA (Private Respondent FP Holdings

and Realty)
Doctrine: When the sale of a piece of land or any interest
therein is through an agent, the authority of the latter shall be in
writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void.
Facts: FP holdings owned a property with a total lot area of
71,754 square meters with a total lot area of 9,192 square meters

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

in front. Through Metro Drug, the lot was sold to City Lite. FP AF Realty v. Dieselman Freight Services Co.
Holdings refused to sell the front part to City Lite. FP Holdings Doctrine: Contracts or acts of a corporation must be made
only requested Metro Drug’s assistance in finding buyers for the either by the board of directors or by a corporate agent duly
property. authorized by the board. Absent such valid
Held: Metro Drug had no authority to sell. It was acting as a delegation/authorization the rule is that the declarations of an
mere broker. As a broker, its duty was only to bring the parties individual director relating to the affairs of the corporation, are
together for a possible transaction. not binding on the corporation. The sale of a land cannot be
ratified EVEN if there was an acceptance of benefits.
Cosmic Lumber v. CA (Private Respondent Isidro Perez) Facts: Cruz, Jr., a board member of Dieselman, authorized
Doctrine: Principal is chargeable and bound by the knowledge Polintan as broker. Politan assigned a certain Noble to sell the
of/or notice to agent, received while the agent was acting as same lot. Noble offered the lot to the petitioner, which the latter
such. This is intended to protect those who exercise good faith accepted. The petitioner asked for board resolution, only the
and not as a shield for unfair dealing. original TCT was presented. Cruz, Sr. acknowledged 300,000 as
Facts: Cosmic Lumber executed a SPOA appointing Estrada as earnest money and was required the petitioner to accept the sale
attorney-in-fact with the power to initiate, institute and file any at 4,000 per sqm. Cruz, Sr. eventually terminated the offer.
court action for the ejectment of third persons and/or squatters Dieselman filed a case stating that there was a perfected contract
in a lot. Estrada, by virtue of her power of attorney, instituted an of sale.
action for the ejectment of private respondents and recover the Held: Cruz, Jr. had no authority and his acts cannot be ratified.
possession of a portion of the lot. Estrada entered into a In order for the sale to be valid, there must be a written
compromise agreement with the respondents, Cosmic was not delegation by the Board of Directors. Such sale cannot be
informed of such compromise. ratified.
Held: The compromise is void. Entering into a compromise was Notes: There was no board resolution, even if there was the
not part of her duties (only to institute cases), no authority as an authority given was not for the sale. The best evidence to prove
agent to sell. The highly reprehensible conduct of Estrada the authority would be the power of attorney.
constituted an extrinsic or collateral fraud.
Notes on the topic:
San Juan Structural Steel v. CA (Private Respondent
Motorich Sales Corporation) Re: sale of land without a written authority. It is the actual sale
Doctrine: A sale requiring written authority is void without the which becomes void if it is done without an SPOA, NOT the
said authority. It cannot be ratified. agency relationship.
Facts: Petitioner through Nenita Gruenberg (Board member
and treasurer) agreed to enter into a contract of sale of real Best evidence of a principal-agent relationship: Power-of-
property with the petitioner. Petitioner paid 100,000, but Attorney
Motorich refused to sell. It stated that Nenita’s signature was not
enough to bind the company and there was no evidence that she
was authorized to sell the said property.
Held: Nenita was not authorized to sell and Motorich did not
ratify the said sale. A corporation is different from a person. The
petitioner has the burden of proving that Nenita was authorized.
The said acceptance letter was only handwritten and contained
Nenita’s signature
Notes: This case exemplifies the importance of a board

Delos Reyes v. CA (Private Respondent Daluyong Gabriel)

Doctrine: Contract has no consent, when one in behalf of
another who has never given him authorization therefor enters
into an agreement, unless by law he has a right to represent.
Facts: Gabriel owns a 5,010sqm lot in Davao. Since he is
residing in Mandaluyong, he placed his sister Rita de Rey as
administrator over the said property. Subsequently, he sent his
son to replace Rita as the administrator. Gabriel’s son agreed to
sell part of the property to the lessees Delos Reyes. Gabriel
ordered the petitioners to stop building.
Held: Sale was invalid. Son had no authority since he was
neither authorized as agent nor the owner of the property.

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

III. Who has the obligation to determine IV. How is agency distinguished from other
existence and scope of agency? contracts/relationships?

Keeler Electric Co. v. Rodriguez A. Master-Servant – 1689- 1699

Doctrine: Inquiry on whether authority exists:
Article 1689. Household service shall always be reasonably
1. The law indulges in no bare presumptions: must be compensated. Any stipulation that household service is without
proved or presumed from facts compensation shall be void. Such compensation shall be in addition to
2. Agent cannot establish his own authority either by the house helper's lodging, food, and medical attendance.
representations or assuming to exercise it.
3. An authority cannot be established by mere rumor or Article 1690. The head of the family shall furnish, free of charge, to
general reputation the house helper, suitable and sanitary quarters as well as adequate
4. Even a general authority is not an unlimited one food and medical attendance.
5. Every authority must find its ultimate source in some
act or omission of the principal. An assumption of Article 1691. If the house helper is under the age of eighteen years,
authority to act as agent for another of itself challenges the head of the family shall give an opportunity to the house helper
inquiry. for at least elementary education. The cost of such education shall be
Burden of proof lies with the person dealing with the assumed a part of the house helper's compensation, unless there is a stipulation
to the contrary.
agent that the latter is indeed authorized as an agent. He must be
able to trace the source of the agency.
Article 1692. No contract for household service shall last for more
Facts: Keeler was engaged in the electrical business, and in the than two years. However, such contract may be renewed from year to
sale of what is known as the “Matthews” electric plant. year.
Montelibano approached Keeler at its Manila office, claiming
that he was from Iloilo and he could find purchasers for the Article 1693. The house helper's clothes shall be subject to
“Matthews” plant. Keeler agreed and Montelibano would get stipulation. However, any contract for household service shall be void
10% commission from every sale. Montelibano sold the plant to if thereby the house helper cannot afford to acquire suitable clothing.
Rodriguez who paid the former. Keeler was claiming payment
from Rodriguez Article 1694. The head of the family shall treat the house helper in a
Held: Rodriguez should pay Keeler. There was nothing on the just and humane manner. In no case shall physical violence be used
face of the receipt to show that the recipient was the agent of, or upon the house helper.
that he was acting for the principal. It was his persona receipt
and his personal signature. There was no evidence that he had Article 1695. House helpers shall not be required to work more than
any authority, real or apparent to receive or receipt for the ten hours a day. Every house helper shall be allowed four days'
vacation each month, with pay.
Article 1696. In case of death of the house helper, the head of the
Yu Eng Cho v. Pan American World Airways, Inc.
family shall bear the funeral expenses if the house helper has no
Doctrine: Persons dealing with an assumed agent are bound at relatives in the place where the head of the family lives, with sufficient
their peril to ascertain not only the fact but also the extent of the means therefor.
agency. Burden of proof is for them to establish. Declarations of
the agent alone are insufficient to establish the fact of his Article 1697. If the period for household service is fixed neither the
authority. head of the family nor the house helper may terminate the contract
Facts: Yu Eng Cho bought plane tickets plane tickets from before the expiration of the term, except for a just cause. If the house
Tagunicar who represented Tourist World. He booked a flight helper is unjustly dismissed, he shall be paid the compensation already
from HK – SF, when he called Pan-Am to confirm the airline earned plus that for fifteen days by way of indemnity. If the house
manifest. When he arrived in SF, he confirmed the flight back to helper leaves without justifiable reason, he shall forfeit any salary due
Manila but his name was not in the manifest. him and unpaid, for not exceeding fifteen days.
Held: Pan-Am is not liable for Tagunicar’s acts. The burden of
proof lies with the petitioner to prove that Tagunicar was an Article 1698. If the duration of the household service is not
determined either by stipulation or by the nature of the service, the
agent of the petitioner. head of the family or the house helper may give notice to put an end
to the service relation, according to the following rules:

(1) If the compensation is paid by the day, notice may be given on any
day that the service shall end at the close of the following day;

(2) If the compensation is paid by the week, notice may be given, at

the latest on the first business day of the week, that the service shall
be terminated at the end of the seventh day from the beginning of the

(3) If the compensation is paid by the month, notice may be given, at

the latest, on the fifth day of the month, that the service shall cease at
the end of the month.

Article 1699. Upon the extinguishment of the service relation, the

house helper may demand from the head of the family a written
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

(3) If the compensation is paid by the month, notice may be given, at

the latest, on the fifth day of the month, that the service shall cease at H. Negotiorum Gestio/Quasi-Contract –
the end of the month. 2144, 2145
Article 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge of the agency or
Article 1699. Upon the extinguishment of the service relation, the management of the business or property of another, without any
house helper may demand from the head of the family a written power from the latter, is obliged to continue the same until the
statement on the nature and duration of the service and the efficiency termination of the affair and its incidents, or to require the person
and conduct of the house helper. concerned to substitute him, if the owner is in a position to do so.
This juridical relation does not arise in either of these instances:
B. Employer-Employee – 1700 (1) When the property or business is not neglected or abandoned;
Article 1700. The relations between capital and labor are not merely
(2) If in fact the manager has been tacitly authorized by the owner.
contractual. They are so impressed with public interest that labor
contracts must yield to the common good. Therefore, such contracts
are subject to the special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining, In the first case, the provisions of articles 1317, 1403, No. 1, and 1404
strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours of regarding unauthorized contracts shall govern.
labor and similar subjects.
In the second case, the rules on agency in Title X of this Book shall be
C. Lease of Service – 1644 applicable. (1888a)

Article 2145. The officious manager shall perform his duties with all
Article 1644. In the lease of work or service, one of the parties binds the diligence of a good father of a family, and pay the damages which
himself to execute a piece of work or to render to the other some through his fault or negligence may be suffered by the owner of the
service for a price certain, but the relation of principal and agent does property or business under management.
not exist between them. (1544a)
The courts may, however, increase or moderate the indemnity
D. Independent Contractor – 1713 according
I. to the circumstances
Judicial of each case. (1889a)
J. Broker – (City Lite, p.393)
Article 1713. By the contract for a piece of work the contractor binds
himself to execute a piece of work for the employer, in consideration
of a certain price or compensation. The contractor may either employ Sevilla v. CA (Private Respondent Tourist World Service
only his labor or skill, or also furnish the material. (1588a) Inc.)
Doctrine: The agency being coupled with an interest cannot be
E. Trust – 1440 revoked at will, the agency having been created for the mutual
interest of the agent and the principal. Sevilla acquired a business
interest in the branch.
Article 1440. A person who establishes a trust is called the trustor; Facts: Sevilla ran a branch of Tourist World Services Inc, 4%
one in whom confidence is reposed as regards property for the benefit was to go to Lina Sevilla and 3% was to be withheld by the
of another person is known as the trustee; and the person for whose
benefit the trust has been created is referred to as the beneficiary.
Tourist World Service, Inc. Tourist World appeared to have
been informed that Sevilla was connected with a rival firm.
Tourist World padlocked and closed the branch managed by
F. Sale -1458 Sevilla.
Held: Sevilla is an agent of the respondent. When she agreed to
Article 1458. By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties woman the branch, Tourist World must have done so pursuant
obligates himself to transfer the ownership and to deliver a to a contract of agency. It is the essence of this contract that the
determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor a price certain in agent renders services “in representation or in behalf of
money or its equivalent. another.” Sevilla solicited fares, but she did so for and on behalf
of her principal.
A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. (1445a)
Notes: She was not an agent because she had no salary and had
G. Partnership – 1767 a monetary interest in the business. There was no partnership
absent a “parity of standing.” The agency can be gleaned from
the nature of her duties.
Article 1767. By the contract of partnership two or more persons
bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a Shell Co. v. Firemen’s Ins. Co. of Newark, NJ
common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among
Doctrine: To determine the nature of the contract, courts do
not have or are not bound to rely upon the name or title given it
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of by the contracting parties, should there be a controversy as to
a profession. (1665a) what they really had intended to enter into, the way the
contracting parties perform their obligations
Facts: Car owned by Salvador Sison was brought to Shell
Gasoline Station for washing. The car was placed on a hydraulic
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

lifter but the car fell. The insurance company brought an action
against Shell. Shell argued that the branch was an independent Gonzalo Puyat and Sons v. Arco Amusement Co.
contractor. Doctrine: There can be no agency where the person is both the
Held: The gas operator was an agent of Shell. The operator agent of the vendor and the purchaser.
owed his position to the company and can be removed at will. Facts: Respondent was engaged in the business of operating a
The service station belonged to the company and the receipts cinematograph. Puyat was acting as exclusive agent in the
indicated an agency relationship. Philippines for Starr Piano Company. Arco purchased sound
reproducing devices from Puyat. Arco ordered the equipment
Dela Cruz v. Northern Theatrical Enterprises and paid a 10% commission plus all expenses. Arco discovered
Doctrine: For as long as an employee has the power to that the price quoted to them with regard to their orders was not
represent his employer and enter into binding transactions, he is the net price but rather the list price and that Puyat was able to
both an employee and an agent. purchase at a discount. They sought a reduction from Puyat.
Facts: An employee was seeking reimbursement from his Held: The stipulated commission was only an additional price
employer on the ground that he was an agent. The respondent which the buyer bound itself to pay.
operated a movie house and employed Dela Cruz as a guard. A
certain Martin wanted to enter the theater without a ticket. Dela Lim v. People
Cruz was attacked by Martin and demanded reimbursement Doctrine: Estafa is present where contract to sell is constituted
Held: Plaintiff was not employed to represent the defendant by another as a mere agent. There is an agency to sell where the
corporation its dealings with third parties. He was a mere agreement was to pay to the owner the proceeds as soo as it was
employee hired to perform a certain specific duty or task, that of sold.
acting as special guard and staying at the main entrance of the Facts: Petitioner proposed that she be the one to sell Ayroso’s
movie house to stop gate crashers. tabacco. The proceeds of the sale would be given to Ayroso as
soon as it was sold. Out of the P799 sale of the goods, petitioner
Nielson and Co. v. Lepanto Consolidated was only able to pay P240.
Doctrine: In both agency and lease of services one of the parties Held: It was a contract of agency and not a contract of sale. It is
binds himself to render some service to the other party. Agency, unbelievable that she would go to the extent of actually going to
however, is distinguished from lease of work or services in that Ayroso’s house and transport the goods if she did not intent to
the basis of agency is representation, while in the lease of work make a profit out of the transaction. It is highly unlikely that it
or services the basis is employment. The lessor of services does was merely a favor for Ayroso.
not represent his employer, while the agent represents his
principal. Agency is a preparatory contract, as agency “does not Pacific Commercial v. Yatco
stop with the agency because the purpose is to enter into other Doctrine: The broker, unlike the commission merchant, has no
contracts.” relation with the thing he sells or buys. He is merely an
Fact: Petitioner was employed by the respondent to operate intermediary between the purchaser and the vendor.
mining dams of Lepanto (owns the rights to the mine). Because Facts: The process of sale was that Pacific would look for
of the war, the dam was destroyed. Nielson was to manage and purchasers, and the buyers’ orders would be relayed to Victoria’s
operate the mining properties and mill on behalf, and for the Milling Office in Manila. The Manila office would then endorse
account, of Lepanto. Nielson was authorized to represent the order to their Negros branch. The delivery would then
Lepanto in entering, on Lepanto’s behalf, into contracts for commence. There were two types of deliveries: Delivery ex-
hiring of laborers, purchase of supplies, and the sale and warehouse where the sugar would be first deposited in the
marketing of the ores mined. warehouse before delivery to the purchaser; OR Delivery ex-
Held: Contract of lease not of agency. The main purpose of the ship, where the delivery would be through shipment and an
contract was to operate the mill and not to represent Lepanto. agreed upon port of arrival. Pacific was assailing the merchant
sales tax imposed upon it by the CIR. Victoria paid the tax but
Quiroga v. Parsons Harware BIR also collected from Pacific
Doctrine: What differentiates a sale of items from an agency Held: In delivery ex-warehouse, he acted as a commission agent.
created for the purpose of selling the said items is 1. Whether the The deposit in the warehouse was made upon Pacific’s own
party receiving the item pays the price. 2. Whether the recipient account and at its own risk until the buyer claimed it; hence it
can return the items if unsold by him was in Pacific’s possession and at their disposal. In delivery ex-
Facts: Petitioner entered into a contract whereby the former ship, Pacific mas merely an intermediary between the purchaser
grants the exclusive right to sell his beds in the Visayas. On and the vendor. He acquires neither the possession nor the
receiving the beds he was obliged to pay for them whether or custody of the things sold. His only office is to bring together
not they were sold. He was given a 25% commission per sale of the parties to the transaction. Pacific was unjustly taxed in the
the bed. delivery ex-ship.
Held: The contract in question embodied a sale primarily
because the defendant “on receiving the beds, was necessarily Ker v. Lingad
obliged to pay their price within the term fixed.” Doctrine: In agency, the transfer does not make the property as
the agent’s own, but that of principal, who remains the owner
and has the right to control sales, fix the price, and terms,

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

demand and receive the proceeds less the agent’s commission V. Some classes of agents (Excluded)
upon sales made. A. Attorneys-at-law
Facts: CIR assessed P20k against Ker. Ker was the USRI’s
“Distributer” and was precluded from disposing such products B. Auctioneers
anywhere else not stipulated unless with written consent from C. Brokers
USRI. The prices, discounts, terms of payment, terms of delivery D. Factors, commission merchants – 1903 -
and other conditions of sale were subject to change in the 1908 (infra, p.13)
discretion of USRI.
Held: Since the company retained ownership of the goods, even
as it delivered possession unto the dealer for resale to customers,
the price and terms of which were subject to the company’s
control, the relationship between the company and the dealer is
one of agency. In sale, the transfer puts the transferee in the
attitude or position of an owner and makes him liable to the
transferor as a debtor for the agreed price, and not merely as an
agent who must account for the proceeds of a resale, the
transaction is a sale. In agency, the transfer does not make the
property as the agent’s own, but that of principal, who remains
the owner and has the right to control sales, fix the price, and
terms, demand and receive the proceeds less the agent’s
commission upon sales made.

Hahn v. CA (Private Respondent BMW)

Doctrine: Specific circumstances such as those presented in this
case, clearly show a contract of agency despite the name of the
agreement entered into by the parties. It is the nature not the
nomenclature, which determines the true essence of the contract.
Facts: Alfred Hahn is a Filipino citizen doing business under the
name Hahn-Manila. It executed a “Deed of Assignment with
Special Power of Attorney” whereas, Hahn was the exclusive
dealer for BMW here in the Philippines. After inspection, BMW
found that the quality of Hahn-Manila was not up to the
standards required so it sought to cancel this exclusive dealership
and BMW offered Hahn a “standard importer contract” to
which Hahn refused. BMW cancelled all transactions with Hahn
so the latter filed a complaint for specific performance against
BMW to compel it to continue the exclusive dealership.
Held: Hahn is an agent for BMW. Hahn claimed that he took
order for BMW and transmitted them to BMW. Upon receipt of
the order, BMW fixed the down payment and pricing charges,
and notified Hahn of the scheduled production month for the
orders, and reconfirmed the orders by signing and returning to
Hahn the acceptance sheets. Payment was made directly to
BMW and Hahn never paid the purchase price of BMW cars
sold in the Philippines. BMW, as the principal, retained control.

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

VI. What are the classifications of agency C. Agency by operation of law – 1869,
contracts? 1884(2), 1930, 1931
Article 1869. Agency may be express, or implied from the acts of the
A. Express agency; implied agency principal, from his silence or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate
the agency, knowing that another person is acting on his behalf
B. Agency by estoppel; no consent – 1900, without authority.
1911, 1921, 1922
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a specific form. (1710a)
Article 1900. So far as third persons are concerned, an act is deemed
to have been performed within the scope of the agent's authority, if Article 1884. The agent is bound by his acceptance to carry out the
such act is within the terms of the power of attorney, as written, even agency, and is liable for the damages which, through his non-
if the agent has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority according performance, the principal may suffer.
to an understanding between the principal and the agent. (n)
He must also finish the business already begun on the death of the
Article 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the principal, should delay entail any danger. (1718)
principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the
latter to act as though he had full powers. (n) Article 1930. The agency shall remain in full force and effect even
after the death of the principal, if it has been constituted in the
Article 1921. If the agency has been entrusted for the purpose of common interest of the latter and of the agent, or in the interest of a
contracting with specified persons, its revocation shall not prejudice third person who has accepted the stipulation in his favor. (n)
the latter if they were not given notice thereof. (1734)
Article 1931. Anything done by the agent, without knowledge of the
Article 1922. If the agent had general powers, revocation of the death of the principal or of any other cause which extinguishes the
agency does not prejudice third persons who acted in good faith and agency, is valid and shall be fully effective with respect to third
without knowledge of the revocation. Notice of the revocation in a persons who may have contracted with him in good faith. (1738)
newspaper of general circulation is a sufficient warning to third
persons. (n) D. Universal, general and special -1867
Article 1867. A limited partnership formed under the law prior to the
Y un Kwan Byung vs. Philippine Amusement Gaming effectivity of this Code, may become a limited partnership under this
Corporation Chapter by complying with the provisions of article 1844, provided
the certificate sets forth:
Doctrine: The law makes no presumption of agency and
proving its existence, nature and extent is incumbent upon the (1) The amount of the original contribution of each limited partner,
person alleging it. Whether or not an agency has been created is and the time when the contribution was made; and
a question to be determined by the fact that one represents and
is acting for another. (2) That the property of the partnership exceeds the amount sufficient
Facts: There was a junket chip agreement between ABS Corp to discharge its liabilities to persons not claiming as general or limited
and PAGCOR. PAGCOR wanted ABS Corp to be accountable partners by an amount greater than the sum of the contributions of its
for the payment of a Korean’s chip as ABS Corp was, in the limited partners.
agreement, the one responsible for the winnings of its foreign
A limited partnership formed under the law prior to the effectivity of
players. this Code, until or unless it becomes a limited partnership under this
Held: There is no implied agency in this case because PAGCOR Chapter, shall continue to be governed by the provisions of the old
did not hold out to the public as the principal of ABS law.
Corporation. PAGCOR's actions did not mislead the public into
believing that an agency can be implied from the arrangement
with the junket operators, nor did it hold out ABS Corporation E. Durable agency – 1930 (see above)
with any apparent authority to represent it in any capacity. The
Junket Agreement was merely a contract of lease of facilities and Siasat v. IAC (Private Respondent Teresita Nancianceno)
services. Article 1869 of the Civil Code states that implied Doctrine: A general agency pertains to the scope of the
agency is derived from the acts of the principal, from his silence authority. An agency couched in general terms pertains to the
or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency, knowing nature of the authority granted to the agent.
that another person is acting on his behalf without authority. Facts: The petitioner and the respondent entered into a
Implied agency, being an actual agency, is a fact to be proved by document stating that the respondent was to represent the
deductions or inferences from other facts. United Flag Industries and to deal with any entity in connection
with the marketing of their products. The agency relationship
was revoked by the principal stating that the respondent had no
authority to sell.
Held: Teresita is entitled to the commission from the
transactions arising out of the general agency. While a principal
may revoke an agency at will, at the time fixed by the manager

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Article 1878. Special powers of attorney are necessary in the following

for the termination of negotiations, the defendant agent had cases:
already earned the commissions agreed upon and could not be (10) To bind the principal in a contract of partnership;
deprived thereof by the arbitrary action of the plaintiff. (11) To obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety;
(12) To create or convey real rights over immovable property;
D ominion Insurance v. CA (13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
Doctrine: To cover all the business of the principal, it is not (14) To ratify or recognize obligations contracted before the agency;
necessary to state “all the business of the principal.” It is (15) Any other act of strict dominion. (n)
sufficient that the listed authorized transactions apparently cover
all that is required to run the business. Article 1879. A special power to sell excludes the power to mortgage;
Facts: Plaintiff Guevarra instituted a civil case for sum of money and a special power to mortgage does not include the power to sell.
against defendant Dominion Insurance Corp. (Dominion). (n)
Guevarra claims to have advanced P156, 473.90 in his capacity as
manager of Dominion to satisfy certain claims of the latter’s Article 1880. A special power to compromise does not authorize
submission to arbitration. (1713a)
Held: A perusal of the Special Power of Attorney would show
Article 1881. The agent must act within the scope of his authority. He
that petitioner Dominion (represented by third-party defendant may do such acts as may be conducive to the accomplishment of the
Austria) and respondent Guevarra intended to enter into a purpose of the agency. (1714a)
principal-agent relationship. Despite the word "special" in the
title of the document, the contents reveal that what was
constituted was actually a general agency. Being a general agency, 1. Mortgage – 1878(7)
Geuvarra was limited to acts of administration. Payment requires PN B v. Sta. Maria
a separate SPOA being an act of strict dominion. Having Doctrine: Special power of attorney to mortgage real estate is
deviated from the instructions of the principal, the expenses that limited to such authority to mortgage and does not bind the
the agent incurred in the settlement may not be reimbursed from grantor personally to other obligations contracted by the grantee,
the principal. However, in this case, the right to recover is in the absence of any ratification or other similar act that would
justified under the general law on obligations and contracts, if he estop the grantor from questioning or disowning such other
paid without the knowledge of the debtor, he can recover only obligations contracted by the grantee.
insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the debtor. Facts: The siblings of Maximo Sta. Maria were alleging that
under the special power of attorney, they had only given him the
F. Couched in general terms; couched in power to mortgage property jointly owned by them and not to
borrow money.
specific terms – 1877 -1880 Held: The authority granted by defendants-appellants (except
Valeriana) unto their brother, Maximo, was merely to mortgage
Article 1877. An agency couched in general terms comprises only acts
of administration, even if the principal should state that he withholds
the property jointly owned by them. Maximo alone must answer
no power or that the agent may execute such acts as he may consider for the loans he contracted.
appropriate, or even though the agency should authorize a general and
unlimited management. (n) BPI v. De Coster
Doctrine: Where in an instrument powers and duties are specified
Article 1878. Special powers of attorney are necessary in the following and defined, all of such powers and duties are limited and
cases: confined to those which are specified and defined, and that all
(1) To make such payments as are not usually considered as acts of other powers and duties are excluded.
administration; Facts: Respondent de Coster, with the consent of her husband
(2) To effect novations which put an end to obligations already in acting as her agent, acknowledged and delivered to BPI a
existence at the time the agency was constituted;
mortgage on certain real property. She alleges that her husband
(3) To compromise, to submit questions to arbitration, to renounce
the right to appeal from a judgment, to waive objections to the venue executed the mortgage in excess of the powers given to him whilst
of an action or to abandon a prescription already acquired; the bank wanted the property foreclosed.
(4) To waive any obligation gratuitously; Held: The husband exceeded his power of attorney. The real
(5) To enter into any contract by which the ownership of an mortgage was void.
immovable is transmitted or acquired either gratuitously or for a
valuable consideration; 2. Loan/borrow - 1878(7)
(6) To make gifts, except customary ones for charity or those made to
Hodges v. Salas
employees in the business managed by the agent;
(7) To loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent and Doctrine: The terms of the power of attorney are limited; the
indispensable for the preservation of the things which are under agent was thereby authorized only to borrow any amount of
administration; money which he deemed necessary. There is nothing, however,
(8) To lease any real property to another person for more than one to indicate that the defendants had likewise authorized him to
year; convert the money obtained by him to his personal use.
(9) To bind the principal to render some service without Facts: Defendants executed a power of attorney in favor of
compensation; Yulo to enable him to obtain a loan and secure it with a
mortgage. Yulo obtained a loan but acquired P10K for himself.

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

The defendants were alleging that Yulo exceeded his power

because the stipulations in his authority state that he may only 5. Compromise – 1878(3)
perform acts necessary to the performance of his trust. D ungo v. Lopena
Held: The agent’s acts were never ratified by the principal. The Doctrine: When it appears that the client, on becoming aware
terms of the power of attorney are limited. In applying part of of the compromise and the judgment thereon, fails to repudiate
the funds to pay his personal obligations, he exceeded his promptly the action of his attorney, he will not afterwards be
authority. heard to contest its validity. A compromise is a contract and that
a third person cannot bind another to a compromise agreement
3. Sell – 1878(5) unless the third person has obtained a special power of attorney.
Strong v. Gutierrez Facts: Petitioner was not able to sign the compromise
Doctrine: The requirements are met if there is a clear mandate agreement between him, his co-debtor and their
from the principal specifically authorizing the performance of creditor/mortgagor. However, when the Tri-Party agreement
the act: such a mandate may be either oral or written, the one was drawn, petitioner was already able to sign.
thing vital being that it shall be express. Held: A compromise is a contract and a third person cannot
Facts: Plaintiff owned 800 shares of capital stock of Philippine bind another to a compromise agreement. However, the
Sugar which were purchased by the defendant through a broker compromise agreement was only unenforceable until ratified.
who dealt with the plaintiff’s agent (with special power to collect Since the petitioner sign the tri-party agreement, he is estopped
money and the general power to manage Strong’s business). Sale from questioning its validity.
was not made known to the plaintiff, hence the action was
instituted to recover the shares. Vicente v. Geraldez
Held: The agent did not have the power to sell the shares. An Doctrine: Special powers of attorney are necessary, among other
agency stated in general terms only includes acts of cases, in the following: to compromise and to renounce the right
administration. In order to compromise, alienate, mortgage, or to appeal from a judgment. As a general rule an officer or agent
to execute any, other act of strict ownership, an express of the corporation has no power to compromise or settle a claim
mandate is required. The express mandate required by law to by or against the corporation, except to the extent that such
enable an appointee must be one that expressly mentions sale. power is given to him either expressly or by reasonable
implication from the circumstances.
Katigbak v. Tai Hung Co. Facts: Hi Cement Corp. acquired a Placer Lease Contract
Doctrine: While it is true that a power of attorney not recorded (mining claims). Vicente et, al claimed that some parts of the
in the registry of deeds is ineffective in order than an agent or mining claims are theirs hence the suit. They decided to have a
attorney-in-fact may validly perform acts in the name of his Compromise Agreement however the Corporation’s President
principal, and that any act performed by the agent by virtue of refused to sign it. TC however still rendered judgment.
said with respect to the land is ineffective against a third person Held: TC found that the counsel for the Corporation entered
who, in good faith, may have acquired a right thereto, it does, into the agreement without the written authority of his client
however, bind the principal to acknowledge the acts performed and the latter did not ratify the same. Orders therefore made by
by his attorney-in-fact regarding said property. the court have been issued in excess of jurisdiction and grave
Facts: Po Tecsi authorized his brother to sell some of his abuse of discretion. The compromise agreement was signed only
property, but the same was not recorded. Said land was sold by by the lawyers for petitioners and lawyers for Hi Cement. The
the agent to Katigbak. latter did not submit to the Court any written authority from
Held: Po Tecsi’s brother was authorized by Po Tecsi to sell their client to enter into a compromise.
subject land and, as a result, was able to validly transfer
ownership to Katigbak. 6. Other acts of strict dominion –
4. Lease – 1878(8) Insular Drug Co. v. N ational Bank
Chua v. IAC (Private Respondent Vicente Go) Doctrine: The right of an agent to indorse commercial paper is
Doctrine: The special power of attorney is necessary to lease a very responsible power and will not be lightly inferred. Any
any real property to another person for more than one year. person taking checks made payable to a corporation, which can
Facts: The principal, through her agent but without a special act only by agents does so at his peril, and must abide by the
power of attorney, leased the property to Chua with an option consequences if the agent who indorses the same is without
to buy. When the principal sold the property to another upon authority.
expiration of lease, Chua alleged that the principal violated their Facts: The agent placed certain checks of the petitioner in his
right of option to buy. personal account. The Bank allowed him to place the checks in
Held: The contract involves the lease of real property for a his account even though the checks were not named for him.
period of more than one year. The contract was entered into by Held: The bank defrauded petitioner. The bank permitted the
the agent. The law requires that the agent be armed with an SPA agent to indorse the checks. The bank credited those checks to
to lease the premises. the personal account of the agent and permitted him and his
wife to make withdrawals without there being any authority
from the drug company to do so. The bank made itself

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

responsible to the drug company for the amounts VII. What are the obligations and liabilities of
represented by the checks. agents to their principals?
Notes: Indorsement of checks is also an act of strict dominion.

Notes on the topic: A. Act within scope of authority – 1879,

1880, 1881, 1882, 1887
Kinds of Agency:
Agency may be classified as follows: Article 1879. A special power to sell excludes the power to mortgage;
and a special power to mortgage does not include the power to sell.
1. As to manner of its creation
a. Express – one where the agent has been actually
Article 1880. A special power to compromise does not authorize
authorized by the principal either orally or in submission to arbitration. (1713a)
b. Implied – one which is implied from the acts of Article 1881. The agent must act within the scope of his authority. He
the principal, from his silence or lack of action or may do such acts as may be conducive to the accomplishment of the
his failure to repudiate the agency, knowing that purpose of the agency. (1714a)
another person is acting on his behalf without
authority, or from the acts of the agent which arry Article 1882. The limits of the agent's authority shall not be
out the agency, or from his silence or inaction considered exceeded should it have been performed in a manner more
according to the circumstances. The enumeration advantageous to the principal than that specified by him. (1715)
of implied agency in 1869-1870 is not exclusive.
2. As to authority conferred: Article 1887. In the execution of the agency, the agent shall act in
a. Couched in general terms – one which is created accordance with the instructions of the principal.
in general terms and is deemed to comprise only
acts of administration In default thereof, he shall do all that a good father of a family would
b. Couched in specific terms – one authorizing only do, as required by the nature of the business. (1719)
the performance of a specific act or acts.
3. Agency by Estoppel: Estoppel precludes a person B. Carry out the agency – 1884, 1928, 1929
from denying or asserting anything contrary to that
which has been established as the truth by his own Article 1884. The agent is bound by his acceptance to carry out the
deed or representation either express or implied. It agency, and is liable for the damages which, through his non-
arises in cases where the principal by his culpable performance, the principal may suffer.
negligence permits his agent to exercise powers not
granted to him, even though the principal may have no He must also finish the business already begun on the death of the
notice or knowledge of the conduct of the agent. principal, should delay entail any danger. (1718)

Article 1928. The agent may withdraw from the agency by giving due
notice to the principal. If the latter should suffer any damage by
reason of the withdrawal, the agent must indemnify him therefor,
unless the agent should base his withdrawal upon the impossibility of
continuing the performance of the agency without grave detriment to
himself. (1736a)

Article 1929. The agent, even if he should withdraw from the agency
for a valid reason, must continue to act until the principal has had
reasonable opportunity to take the necessary steps to meet the
situation. (1737a)

C. Not to carry out the agency – 1888

Article 1888. An agent shall not carry out an agency if its execution
would manifestly result in loss or damage to the principal. (n)

D. Loyalty – 1889, 1890, 1491

Article 1889. The agent shall be liable for damages if, there being a
conflict between his interests and those of the principal, he should
prefer his own. (n)

Article 1890. If the agent has been empowered to borrow money, he

may himself be the lender at the current rate of interest. If he has been
authorized to lend money at interest, he cannot borrow it without the
consent of the principal. (n) 12
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Article 1491. The following persons cannot acquire by purchase, even J. Specific Obligations of Commission
at a public or judicial auction, either in person or through the Agents – 1903- 1908
mediation of another:
Article 1903. The commission agent shall be responsible for the
(2) Agents, the property whose administration or sale may have been goods received by him in the terms and conditions and as described in
intrusted to them, unless the consent of the principal has been given; the consignment, unless upon receiving them he should make a
written statement of the damage and deterioration suffered by the
E. Diligence – 1885, 1887, 1909 same. (n)

Article 1885. In case a person declines an agency, he is bound to Article 1904. The commission agent who handles goods of the same
observe the diligence of a good father of a family in the custody and kind and mark, which belong to different owners, shall distinguish
preservation of the goods forwarded to him by the owner until the them by countermarks, and designate the merchandise respectively
latter should appoint an agent or take charge of the goods. (n) belonging to each principal. (n)

Article 1887. In the execution of the agency, the agent shall act in Article 1905. The commission agent cannot, without the express or
accordance with the instructions of the principal. implied consent of the principal, sell on credit. Should he do so, the
principal may demand from him payment in cash, but the commission
In default thereof, he shall do all that a good father of a family would agent shall be entitled to any interest or benefit, which may result
do, as required by the nature of the business. (1719) from such sale. (n)

Article 1909. The agent is responsible not only for fraud, but also for Article 1906. Should the commission agent, with authority of the
negligence, which shall be judged with more or less rigor by the principal, sell on credit, he shall so inform the principal, with a
courts, according to whether the agency was or was not for a statement of the names of the buyers. Should he fail to do so, the sale
compensation. (1726) shall be deemed to have been made for cash insofar as the principal is
concerned. (n)
F. Account/Deliver – 1891
Article 1907. Should the commission agent receive on a sale, in
Article 1891. Every agent is bound to render an account of his addition to the ordinary commission, another called a guarantee
transactions and to deliver to the principal whatever he may have commission, he shall bear the risk of collection and shall pay the
received by virtue of the agency, even though it may not be owing to principal the proceeds of the sale on the same terms agreed upon with
the principal. the purchaser. (n)

Every stipulation exempting the agent from the obligation to render Article 1908. The commission agent who does not collect the credits
an account shall be void. (1720a) of his principal at the time when they become due and demandable
shall be liable for damages, unless he proves that he exercised due
G. Solidary Liability – 1894, 1895 diligence for that purpose. (n)
Article 1894. The responsibility of two or more agents, even though
they have been appointed simultaneously, is not solidary, if solidarity Article 1909. The agent is responsible not only for fraud, but also for
has not been expressly stipulated. (1723) Austria v. CA
negligence, which(Private Respondent
shall be judged Sps.or Abad)
with more less rigor by the
Doctrine: In a contract
courts, according of agency
to whether (consignment
the agency of goods
was or was not for a for
Article 1895. If solidarity has been agreed upon, each of the agents is sale) it is not necessary
compensation. (1726) that there be prior conviction for
responsible for the non-fulfillment of agency, and for the fault or robbery before the loss of the article shall exempt the consignee
negligence of his fellow agents, except in the latter case when the from liability for such loss.
fellow agents acted beyond the scope of their authority. (n) Facts: While walking home to her residence, the agent was
robbed. Among the things stolen is petitioner’s diamond
H. Pay Interest – 1896 pendant.
Article 1896. The agent owes interest on the sums he has applied to Held: It was not necessary that the robbers be convicted first
his own use from the day on which he did so, and on those which he before the loss of the thing shall exempt the consignee from
still owes after the extinguishment of the agency. (1724a) liability, absent any proof that she was negligent. Considering
the circumstances of the area at that time, since criminality was
I. Fraud; negligence – 1909 not as rampant as it is now, it was truly a fortuitous event and
J. The agent is responsible not only for fraud, but also for she cannot be held liable for its loss.
Article 1909. Notes: What was required was a mere preponderance of
negligence, which shall be judged with more or less rigor by the
courts, according to whether the agency was or was not for a
evidence, which is why the court did not require a prior
compensation. (1726) conviction.

PN B v. Manila Surety
Doctrine: An agent is required to act with the care of a good
father of a family and becomes liable for the damages, which the
principal may suffer through his non-performance.
Facts: The bank failed to collect a certain amount even though it
was tasked by ATACO to receive and collect from the Bureau.
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Held: The Court of Appeals is erroneous for holding that the Municipal Council of Iloilo v. Evangelista
Bank is not answerable for negligence in failing to collect from the Doctrine: An agent empowered to pay the debts of the
principal debtor but for its neglect in collecting the sums due to principal, and to employ lawyers to defend the latter's interests,
the debtor from the Bureau of Public Works; contrary to its is impliedly empowered to pay the lawyer's fees for services
duty as holder of an exclusive and irrevocable power of attorney rendered in the interests of said principal, and may satisfy them
to make such collections. The bank deprived the surety of any by an assignment of a judgment rendered in favor of said
possibility of recoursing against that security. principal. When a person appoints two attorneys-in-fact
independently, the consent of the one will not be required to
D omingo v. D omingo validate the acts of the other unless that appears positively to
Doctrine: The duties and liabilities of a broker to his employer have been the principal's attention.
are essentially those which an agent owes to his principal. Facts: When judgment was awarded for Tan Ong, various
Facts: The broker failed to disclose to his principal the payment claimants appeared stating claims over the judgment, including
to him by the buyer of P1K as a gift for having the principal their attorney/administratrix. TC said all deeds of
reduce the purchase price. The principal alleges that the agent’s assignments/claims are valid.
actions are fraudulent and such should cause the forfeiture of Held: The attorney in fact of the appellant was empowered by
his 5% commission. the principal to make as assignments of credits, rights and
Held: Commission is withheld. The agent who takes a secret interests, in the payment for professional services rendered by
profit, without revealing the same to the principal, is guilty of a lawyers.
breach of his loyalty and is bereft of his right to collect
commission from his principal. Notes on the Topic:
Notes: An agent should even account for ‘secret’ profits. In
reality that is not how things go. Instructions: The manner of performance
Authority: Source of power
Severino v. Severino Commission agent: typically a consignment relationship
Doctrine: An agent cannot acquire or assert a title adverse to
that of a principal regarding properties that are the subject
matter of agency.
Facts: The brother of the principal worked as the administrator
over the principal’s land. When the principal died, the brother
obtained a title over the whole of the land.
Held: The defendant came into the possession of the property
here in question as the agent of the deceased Melecio Severino
in the administration of the property. The relations of an agent
to his principal are fiduciary and it is an elementary and very old
rule that in regard to property forming the subject-matter of the
agency, he is estopped from acquiring or asserting a title adverse
to that of the principal. The brother should give the land to the
administratrix of the estate of the principal.

Green Valley Poultry v. IAC (Private Respondent ER

Squibb & Sons)
Doctrine: The commission agent cannot, without the express or
implied consent of the principal, sell on credit. Should he do so,
the principal may demand from him payment in cash, but the
commission agent shall be entitled to any interest or benefit,
which may result from such sale.
Facts: Squibb authorized petitioner to be its distributor. Their
contract had another stipulation which stated that the payments
for the purchases of their products will be due 60 days from the
date of invoice. The petitioner sold the products on credit
without authority from Squibb. Petitioner, upon demand of
payment by Squibb, alleges that their contract was a mere
agency to sell and it did not purchase the goods from Squibb.
Held: The contract need not be categorized considering the
facts of the case. Whether viewed as an agency to sell or as a
contract of sale, the liability of Green Valley is indubitable.
Adopting Green Valley's theory that the contract is an agency to
sell, it is liable because it sold on credit without authority from
its principal. Art. 1905 of the Civil Code is exactly in point.

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

VIII. Responsibility for acts of substitutes – Film’s vault since International Film had no vault of its own.
1892, 1893 Gabelman assumed responsibility for the film. The vault burned
Article 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if the principal has Held: The verbal contract between Gabelman and Albo was a
not prohibited him from doing so; but he shall be responsible for the
sub-agency or submandate. As such, Lyric Film is not civilly
acts of the substitute:
liable for the destruction of the film by fire because as sub-agent,
it was not obliged to fulfill more than the contents of its
(1) When he was not given the power to appoint one;
(2) When he was given such power, but without designating the mandate. It was not obliged to answer for damages caused to the
person, and the person appointed was notoriously incompetent or principal by failing to fulfill its mandate. The fact that the film
insolvent. was not insured does not constitute fraud or negligence on the
part of Lyric Film, because as sub-agent they never received such
All acts of the substitute appointed against the prohibition of the instructions from the principal Int’l Films, and insurance of the
principal shall be void. (1721) film did not form part of their obligation.

Article 1893. In the cases mentioned in Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding Notes on the Topic:
article, the principal may furthermore bring an action against the Subagent – person to whom the agent delegates as his agent,
substitute with respect to the obligations which the latter has the performance of an act for the principal which the agent has
contracted under the substitution. (1722a) been empowered to perform through his representative.

GR: Agent may appoint a subagent

Del Rosario v. La Badenia (Costa v. La Badenia) Except: When substitution is prohibited
Doctrine: The principal cannot deny the existence of substitute
agents whom he recognized.
Facts: Aragon established a central distributing agency or depot
at Legaspi with the plaintiff, Teofila del Rosario de Costa,
nominally in charge, though her husband, Bernardino de Costa
appears to have been the actual manager of the agency. The
statement of goods received by the Legaspi agency from the
factory in Manila are charged against Teofila del Rosario de
Costa, while credits are given on various items, such as,
withdrawals of goods from the depository at Legaspi shipped to
other towns, remittances made to the head office in Manila,
money paid over to the general agent, advertising expenses,
commissions on sales, salaries of employees, and other expenses
incident to the conduct of the business. The company did not
want to pay the plaintiffs amounts charged over the course of
the business.
Held: The petitioners were actually the agents of La Badenia.
The fact that the defendant corporation carried the Legaspi
account in the name of the general agent, Aragon, and carried no
account with the plaintiffs, would seem to negative the
contention that plaintiffs were simply merchants purchasing
their goods in Manila at wholesale and selling them locally on
their own account. The general agent (Aragon) who was in
control of the Legaspi business, and who was fully conversant
with all of its details, clearly recognized the right of the plaintiffs
to have credit on their account for the amount of these unpaid
claims. This agent had employed the plaintiffs to assist him in
extending the sale of the defendant's products, and the
defendant was well aware of this fact.

International Films (China), Ltd. v. The Lyric Film

Exchange, Inc.
Doctrine: A sub-agent, is not obliged to fulfill more than the
contents of its mandate.
Facts: International Film (lessor) and Lyric Film (lessee) entered
into a lease contract for the showing of the film “Monte Carlo
Madness.” Upon expiration of the contract, Gabelman, an agent
of International Film, requested that the film be kept in Lyric

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

IX. What are the obligations and liabilities of issued promissory notes novating the mortgage in his own name.
agents to third parties? PNB now wants to hold the aunt liable for the debts incurred by
the nephew since he was her agent.
Held: There is nothing in the said mortgage deeds to show that
A. Agent acting within scope of authority – Mauro is attorney-in-fact of the principals, and that he obtained
1883, 1897, 1899 the loans mentioned in the aforesaid mortgage deeds and
constituted said mortgages as security for the payment of said
Article 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the principal has no loans, for the account and at the request of said principals.
right of action against the persons with whom the agent has
From the titles as well as from the signatures therein, Mauro,
contracted; neither have such persons against the principal.
appears to have acted in his personal capacity. Furthermore, the
records do not show that the loan obtained by Mauro, was for
In such case the agent is the one directly bound in favor of the person
with whom he has contracted, as if the transaction were his own, his principal. The special power of attorney, does not authorize
except when the contract involves things belonging to the principal. Mauro to constitute a mortgage on the real estate of his principal
to secure his personal obligations. Therefore, in doing so by
The provisions of this article shall be understood to be without virtue of the document, he exceeded the scope of his authority
prejudice to the actions between the principal and agent. (1717) and his principal is not liable for his acts. Therefore, Mauro and
not his principal is personally liable for the amount of the
Article 1897. The agent who acts as such is not personally liable to promissory note.
the party with whom he contracts, unless he expressly binds himself
or exceeds the limits of his authority without giving such party Philippine Products v. Primateria
sufficient notice of his powers. (1725) Doctrine: In cases where there is excess authority, the law does
not provide that both the agent and principal are liable.
Article 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts in accordance with the Facts: Primateria Zurich was engaged in the trade of agricultural
orders of the principal, the latter cannot set up the ignorance of the products. Primateria Zurich through Baylin and Primateria
agent as to circumstances whereof he himself was, or ought to have
Philippines agreed to buy copra from the petitioner. Respondent
been, aware. (n)
failed to pay 33,000. The lower court ruled that Primateria
B. Agent acting outside of authority – 1897, Zurich should pay, Baylin and Primateria Philippines were
1898, 1911 absolved since they were merely agents. The petitioner is now
asking that Baylin and Primateria Philippines should not be
Article 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of the principal, absolved since they exceeded the authority given to them.
exceeding the scope of his authority, and the principal does not ratify Held: Primateria Philippines and Baylon should not be included.
the contract, it shall be void if the party with whom the agent We do not see how petitioner can recover from both principal
contracted is aware of the limits of the powers granted by the and agent. The petitioner invoked 1897 but it does not show that
principal. In this case, however, the agent is liable if he undertook to the agent exceeded his authority. Furthermore, it must be the
secure the principal's ratification. (n)
principal who alleges that the agent exceeded his authority not
the third person.
Article 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the
principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the
latter to act as though he had full powers. (n) NPC v. National Merchandising Corporation
Doctrine: The agent who exceeds the limits of his authority is
personally liable and the third person who contracts with the
1. With notice to third parties – 1901 agent in such a case would be defrauded if he would not be
allowed to sue the agent.
Article 1901. A third person cannot set up the fact that the agent has Facts: The NPC and Namerco, as representative of
exceeded his powers, if the principal has ratified, or has signified his
International Commodities Corporation of New York, executed
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. (n)
a contract for the purchase by the NPC from the New York firm
of 4,000 long tons of crude sulfur for NPC’s Maria Cristina
2. Without notice to third parties Fertilizer Plant in Iligan City at a total price of P450,716. The
stipulation in the contract of sale is that the seller would deliver
PNB v. Agudelo the sulfur to Iligan within 60 days from notice of the
Doctrine: When an agent negotiates a loan in his personal establishment of a letter of credit and that the failure of the
capacity and executes a promissory note under his own seller to deliver would subject the seller to pay liquidated
signature, without express authority from his principal, giving as damages, The New York firm failed to deliver, due to its inability
security therefore real estate belonging to the latter, also in his to secure shipping space. The general manager of NPC then sent
own name and not in the name and representation of the said a letter to Namerco stating that the “non-availability of bottom
principal, the obligation constructed by him is personal and does or vessel” was not a fortuitous event that would excuse non-
not bind his aforesaid principal. performance. NPC sued the New York Firm, Namerco, and the
Facts: Mauro was the attorney in fact of his sister and aunt. In Domestic Insurance Company for the recovery of the liquidated
his transactions with PNB he initially acquired loans and secured damages.
it with the property of the two. When the loans matured, he
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Held: Evidence shows that the New York Firm sent Namerco a any amount advanced to Dolores. Grupe and Orozco obtained a
cable message stating that the sale was subject to the availability loan from Tuason. The instrument evidencing the debt was duly
of a steamer. This fact, however, Namerco failed to disclose to recorded in the Registry of Property, and it appears therefrom
NPC and, contrary to its principal’s instruction, it agreed that the that Grupe, as attorney-in-fact for Vargas, received from Tuason
non- availability of a steamer was not a justification for a loan of P2,200 and delivered the same to the Orozco; and that
nonpayment of liquidated damages. Namerco acted beyond the to secure its payment, he mortgaged the property of Vargas with
authority given to it by its principal and virtually acted in its own Orozco’s consent. But Orozco denies having received the loan
name and not as agent and it is therefore, bound by the contract Held: Grupe signed as attorney-in-fact of Vargas and, pursuant
which, however, is not enforceable against the principal to instructions, delivered the money to Orozco. Orozco cannot
simply deny having received the P2,200, there being
PNB v Welch, Fairchild & Co., Inc. overwhelming evidence to show her receipt. The fact that the
Doctrine: The agent in any event must be precluded from doing agent bound himself to pay the debt does not relieve from
any positive act that could prevent performance on the part of liability the principal for whose benefit the debt was incurred.
his principal. This much, ordinary good faith towards the other Individual liability of agent is merely a further security and does
contracting party is required. Even if the principal and the agent not affect or preclude the liability of the principal
have a private agreement regarding something which a third
party does not know of and affects his rights, such agreement Cervantes v. CA and PAL
cannot be upheld. Doctrine: The acts of an agent beyond the scope of his
Facts: LCN was organized in Manila for the purpose of authority do not bind the principal, unless the latter ratifies the
engaging in the business of marine shipping. WCF acted as an same expressly or impliedly. Furthermore, when the third person
agent for LCN for purposes of arranging the sale and transfer of knows that the agent was acting beyond his power or authority,
the vessel. The arrangement was for PNB to furnish money in the principal cannot be held liable for the acts of the agent. If the
exchange for the delivery by WCF/LCN of the insurance said third person is aware of such limits of authority, he is to
policies taken out on the vessel. A problem arose in the blame, and is not entitled to recover damages from the agent,
arrangements and so WCF in Manila, wrote a letter to PNB unless the latter undertook to secure the principal's ratification.
requesting for the money to be paid with the promise of (In pari delicto doctrine)
delivering the insurance policies at a later time. PNB agreed and Facts: PAL issued to Cervantes a round trip plane ticket for
gave money, but WCF and LCN never gave the insurance Manila-Honolulu-Los Angeles-Honolulu-Manila, which provided
policies to PNB. On the way to the Philippines, the ship sank. for an expiry date 1 year from issuance (March 27, 1990). On
WCF collected the insurance proceeds, and applied the money to March 23, 1990, Cervantes used the ticket. He arrived in Los
LCN’s loans to it (LCN’s loans to WCF, consisting of expenses Angeles on the same day and booked his LA-Manila return ticket
for arranging for the sale/ transfer/ repairs of the vessel). with PAL and it was confirmed for April 2, 1990 flight.
Held: The bank can go against the agent in this case. According Cervantes checked in at PAL counter in SF but was not allowed
to the insurance policy, it was stated that the bank will collect to board. The PAL personnel marked the ticket: “Ticket not
insurance to the extent necessary to cover the amount advanced accepted due to expiration of validity.”
by it. The bank relied on that promise and thus the defendant Held: Employees of PAL had no authority to extend the period
cannot go back on it, since it is the right of the bank to collect of validity. Cervantes knew this from the very start when he
such. Even though the agent may have been authorized to do so called up the Legal Department of PAL before he left for the
by the principal. it is manifest upon the simplest principles of United States of America. He had first hand knowledge that the
jurisprudence that one who has intervened in the making of a ticket in question would expire on March 27and that to secure an
contract as an agent cannot be permitted to intercept and extension, he would have to file a written request for extension
appropriate the thing which the principal is bound to deliver, at the PAL's . Since the PAL agents are not privy to the said
and thereby make performance by the principal impossible. The Agreement and petitioner knew that a written request to the legal
agent in any event must be precluded from doing any positive counsel of PAL was necessary, he cannot use what the PAL
act that could prevent performance on the part of his principal. agents did to his advantage.
This much, ordinary good faith towards the other contracting
party requires. C. Agent acting in his own name; exception –
Tuazon v Orozco
Doctrine: The fact that the agent bound himself to pay the debt Article 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the principal has no
does not relieve from liability the principal for whose benefit the right of action against the persons with whom the agent has
debt was incurred. Individual liability of agent is merely a further contracted; neither have such persons against the principal.
security and does not affect or preclude the liability of the
principal. Principal is liable to pay debts of agents within the
scope of their authority. Smith, Bell v. Sotelo
Facts: Vargas, husband of Orozco, executed a Power of Doctrine: When the agent acts in his own name, the principal
Attorney in favor of Grupe, authorizing the latter: (1) to dispose shall have no right of action against the person with whom the
of all his property, particularly, a house and lot; and (2) to agent has contracted with. The agent is directly liable as if the
mortgage the house for the purpose of securing the payment of transaction was his own
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Facts: P and R entered into contracts, the former to sell to the Facts: Santiago Syjuco was appointed by the couples Vicente
latter, 2 steel tanks (PhP 21k) to be shipped from NY and and Cipriana Syjuco as the administrator of their property from
delivered to Manila within 3 or 4 months, 2 expellers (PhP25k) 1902 until June 30, 1916, when his authority was cancelled.
to be shipped from SF in September 1918 or as soon as possible, Santiago purchased the launch Malabon with the money of his
2 electric motors (PhP 2k each) - "Approximate delivery within parents. The parents are contending that the launch should be
ninety days. — This is not guaranteed." The tanks arrived at given to them. The trial court, Santiago was ordered to return
Manila on the 27th of April, 1919: the expellers on the 26th of the launch Malabon, casco 2584, and an automobile.
October, 1918; and the motors on the 27th of February, 1919. R Held: In July 1914, Santiago bought the launch it in his own
refused to receive them and pay for the goods . P sued R for the name from the Pacific Commercial Co. and afterwards registered
non-receipt and non-payment. Special defense of R: R had made it at the Custom House. However, such acts does not necessarily
the contracts in question as manager of the intervenor, the show that the defendant bought it for himself and with his own
Manila Oil Refining and By-Products Co., Inc which fact was money. The transaction was within the agency contract with his
known to the plaintiff parents. The fact that he acted in his own name may be only a
Held: According to Art 247 of the Code of Commerce, when violation of the agency on his part. The question is not in whose
the agent is to act for the principal, “he must state that fact; and favor the sale was executed for nor in whose name the sale was
if the contract is in writing, he must state it therein or in the registered, but with whose money the launch was bought.
subscribing clause, giving the name, surname, and domicile of
said principal” Art 246 of the Code of Commerce: "When the NFA vs IAC (Private Respondent Superior Shipping)
agent transacts business in his own name, it shall not be Doctrine: When things belonging to the principal are dealt with,
necessary for him to state who is the principal and he shall be the agent is bound to the principal although he does not assume
directly liable, as if the business were for his own account, to the the character of such agent and appears acting in his own name.
persons with whom he transacts the same” The Old Civil Code, Facts: Medalla, as commission agent of Superior Shipping
in Article 1717, states that when the agent acts in his own name, Corporation, entered into a contract for hire of ship with the
the principal shall have no right of action against the person with NFA. Under the said contract Superior obligated to transport on
whom the agent has contracted with. The agent is directly liable the same vessel 8,550 sacks of rice belonging to NFA. Upon
as if the transaction was his own. The foregoing provisions lead delivery, Superior wrote a letter requesting NFA that it be
us to the conclusion that the plaintiff is entitled to the relief allowed to collect the amount stated in its statement of account.
prayed for in its complaint, and that the interverior has no right NFA informed Superior that it could not grant its request
of action, the damages alleged to have been sustained by it not because the contract to transport the rice was entered into by
being imputable to the plaintiff. NFA and defendant Medalla [who did not disclose that he was
acting as a mere agent]. NFA then paid defendant Medalla
Rural Bank of Bombon vs CA (Private Respondent P25,974.90, for freight services in connection with the shipment
Gallardo) of 8,550 sacks of rice.
Doctrine: It is a general rule in the law of agency that, in order Held: It is an undisputed fact that Gil Medalla was a
to bind the principal by a mortgage on real property executed by commission agent of respondent Superior Shipping Corporation
an agent, it must upon its face purport to be made, signed and which owned the vessel "MV Sea Runner" that transported the
sealed in the name of the principal, otherwise, it will bind the sacks of rice belonging to petitioner NFA. When things
agent only belonging to the principal are dealt with, the agent is bound to
Facts: Gallardo executed an SPA in favor of Aquino authorizing the principal although he does not assume the character of such
him to secure a loan from any bank or lending institution or agent and appears acting in his own name. In other words, the
otherwise mortgage the property of Gallardo. A Deed of Real agent's apparent representation yields to the principal's true
Estate Mortgage was executed by Aquino in favor of the Rural representation and that, in reality and in effect, the contract must
Bank of BombonThey learned that Aquino obtained loans from be considered as entered into between the principal and the third
the bank solely for his personal use and benefit; that the person.
mortgagor in the deed was defendant Aquino instead of plaintiff
Gallardo Gold Star Mining Co., Inc. v. Lim-Jimena
Held: Aquino's act of signing the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage Doctrine: The principal may sue the person with whom the
in his name alone as mortgagor, without any indication that he agent dealt with in his (agent's) own name, when the transaction
was signing for and in behalf of the property owner, Ederlinda "involves things belonging to the principal."
Gallardo, bound himself alone in his personal capacity as a Facts: Lincallo and Jimena were co-owners of mining claims.
debtor of the petitioner Bank and not as the agent or attorney- Lincallo bound himself to give to Jimena 50% of the proceeds
in-fact of Gallardo. from the claims in exchange for Jimena providing capital.
However, Lincallo entered into several contracts wherein he did
Vicente Syjuco v. Santiago Syjuco not disclose to the other contracting parties that he had a co-
Doctrine: The agent is bound to the principal although he does owner. He also failed to forward to Jimena his rightful share in
not assume the character of such agent and appears acting in his the proceeds. Lincallo also transferred the mining claims to Gold
own name. The agent’s apparent representation yields to the Star.
principal’s true representation and that the contract must be Held: Lincallo, in transferring the mining claims to Gold Star,
considered entered into between the principal and third party. acted as Jimena's agent with respect to Jimena's share of the

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

claims. Under such conditions, Jimena has an action against X. What are the obligations and liabilities of
Gold Star, pursuant to Article 1883, New Civil Code, which principals to agents?
provides that the principal may sue the person with whom the
agent dealt with in his (agent's) own name, when the transaction
"involves things belonging to the principal." A. Advance/reimburse – 1912, 1914, 1918
Article 1912. The principal must advance to the agent, should the
Far East Bank and Trust Company vs Cayetano latter so request, the sums necessary for the execution of the agency.
Doctrine: In order to bind the principal by a mortgage on real
property executed by an agent, it must upon its face purport to Should the agent have advanced them, the principal must reimburse
be made, signed and sealed in the name of the principal, him therefor, even if the business or undertaking was not successful,
otherwise, it will bind the agent only. It is not enough merely provided the agent is free from all fault.
that the agent was in fact authorized to make the mortgage, if he
has not acted in the name of the principal The reimbursement shall include interest on the sums advanced, from
Facts: Leonor Cayetano executed an SPA in favor of her the day on which the advance was made. (1728)
daughter Teresita Tabing authorizing her to contract a loan in an
Article 1914. The agent may retain in pledge the things which are the
amount of not more than P300K and to mortgage her 2 lots.
object of the agency until the principal effects the reimbursement and
The bank loaned Tabing P100K secured by 2 promissory notes pays the indemnity set forth in the two preceding articles. (1730)
and a real estate mortgage over the 2 properties. The mortgage
document was signed by Tabing and her husband as mortgagors Article 1918. The principal is not liable for the expenses incurred by
without stating that Tabing was executing the mortgage contract the agent in the following cases:
for and in behalf of Cayetano. The bank foreclosed the
properties for failure to pay the loan. A notice of public auction (1) If the agent acted in contravention of the principal's instructions,
sale was sent to the Cayetanos. Their lawyer responded and unless the latter should wish to avail himself of the benefits derived
requested the auction sale be postponed but the sale was held as from the contract;
scheduled. More than 5 years later, Tabing, on behalf of (2) When the expenses were due to the fault of the agent;
Cayetano, sent a letter to the bank expressing the intent to (3) When the agent incurred them with knowledge that an unfavorable
repurchase the lots for P250K. The bank refused and stated that result would ensue, if the principal was not aware thereof;
the minimum asking price was P500K. The Cayetanos filed a (4) When it was stipulated that the expenses would be borne by the
agent, or that the latter would be allowed only a certain sum. (n)
complaint for annulment of mortgage and extrajudicial
foreclosure with damages. B. Indemnify – 1913 (Dela Cruz v. No
Held: In order to bind the principal by a mortgage on real Theatrical)
property executed by an agent, it must upon its face purport to
be made, signed and sealed in the name of the principal, Article 1913. The principal must also indemnify the agent for all the
otherwise, it will bind the agent only. It is not enough merely damages which the execution of the agency may have caused the
that the agent was in fact authorized to make the mortgage, if he latter, without fault or negligence on his part. (1729)
has not acted in the name of the principal. HOWEVER,
notwithstanding the nullity of the real estate mortgage executed C. Solidary Liability – 1915
by Tabing, laches is applicable. It is the negligence or omission
to assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting a Article 1915. If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a
presumption that the party entitled to assert it either has common transaction or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to
abandoned it or declined to assert it. the agent for all the consequences of the agency. (1731)

Notes on the Topic: D. Compensation – 1875

Article 1875. Agency is presumed to be for a compensation, unless
Agent acting within the scope of his authority: there is proof to the contrary. (n)
GR: Principal is liable to third parties
E. Agent’s Lien – 1914
Agent acting outside the scope of his authority:
GR: Agent is liable to third parties Article 1914. The agent may retain in pledge the things which are the
E: Third party in bad faith object of the agency until the principal effects the reimbursement and
E to the E: Property of the Principal (agent in GF) pays the indemnity set forth in the two preceding articles. (1730)

GR: Principal ratifies, Principal is liable to third parties

Macondray v. Sellner
Doctrine: At the time this agency was revoked, the defendant
agent had already earned the commissions agreed upon, and c
ould not be deprived thereof by the arbitrary action of the
plaintiff in declining to execute the contract of sale. It would be
the height of injustice to permit the principal then to withdraw
Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

the authority and terminate the agency as against an express and terms on which it is to be made, and until that is
provision of the contract, and perchance reap the benefit of the done his right to commission does not accrue
agent’s labors, without being liable to him for his commissions. Facts: Brimo verbally authorized Mencarini to negotiate the sale
Facts: Defendant sold a piece of land to the plaintiff company. of property. Mencarini was to receive as his compensation the
Prior to transfer of the title, the land was flooded and so plaintiff excess of the purchase price over and above P150,000. Rocha
asked defendant to find another buyer. Plaintiff agreed they were agreed to help Mencarini in finding a purchaser and
willing to dispose of the land for P17,175 and defendant could received from Brimo an authorization similar to that of
get commission for whatever he sells above that. Defendant Mencarini. Rocha obtained an offer from Vicente Madrigal.
found a buyer named Barretto who agreed to purchase the land Before closing the sale Brimo, at Rocha's request, gave the latter
for P18,892.50. Defendant told Barretto he was ready to close a power in writing that said: …“The remaining one hundred
the deal but Barretto wanted to examine the title and the deed thousand pesos should be paid to us within the period of one
first. Plaintiff informed defendant he had to consummate the year from date with interest at 6 per cent per annum until paid.
sale immediately, Manager of plaintiff wrote to the defendant Provided that the purchaser shall give banking security for the
that unless the purchase price would be paid at 5pm of that same payment of these one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).”
day, the deal would be off. Defendant was only able to receive Rocha protested against the clause that the “purchaser shall give
the check 36 hours later. Plaintiff refused to accept the check banking security…” and claimed that Brimo agreed to strike this
and claimed the sale was cancelled out if Rocha sells the land to Madrigal. The sale to Madrigal,
Held: There is no question as to the general doctrine that the however, failed to prosper A few days later Brimo, through
principal may revoke the authority of his agent at will in the another agent, sold the property to Concepcion Leyba for
absence of a contract fixing the duration of agency. But at the P175,000.
time this agency was revoked, the defendant agent had already Held: Rocha is not entitled to commission. "In all cases, under
earned the commissions agreed upon, and could not be deprived all and varying forms of expression, the fundamental and correct
thereof by the arbitrary action of the plaintiff in declining to doctrine is, that the duty assumed by the broker is to bring the
execute the contract of sale. minds of the buyer and seller to an agreement for a sale, and the
price and terms on which it is to be made, and until that
Danon vs Brimo is done his right to commission does not accrue." (Danon
Doctrine: A broker is never entitled to commissions for vs. Antonio A. Brimo and Co.) If Rocha was able to establish
unsuccessful efforts. If the efforts of the broker are rendered a that Brimo agreed to strike out the part of the agreement that he
failure by the fault of the employer, then the broker does not protested against, then, he could have the right to recover.
lose his commissions. The right of the principal to terminate his However, he only presented oral evidence. This is not enough to
authority is absolute and unrestricted, except only that he may outweigh the written instrument.
not do it in bad faith
Facts: Brimo informed Danon that he desired to sell his factory Inland Realty Investment Service, Inc. and Roman M. De
(Holland American Oil Co) for P1.2M. Brimo promised to pay los Reyes vs. CA (Private Respondent Gregorio Araneta
Danon 5% commission of the stipulated price provided that Inc.)
Danon could sell the factory for that amount. No definite period Doctrine: When the broker-agent is not the efficient procuring
fixed to affect the sale. Sellner was also negotiating the sale of cause in bringing about the sale, such broker-agent is not entitled
the factory for Brimo. Danon found a purchaser, Prieto, and to the stipulated broker’s commission. The lapse of more than 1
offered him Brimo’s property for P1.2M. Prieto set for an year and 5 months between the expiration of the broker-agent's
appointment for the negotiations but this didn’t push through as authority to sell and the consummation of the sale is a significant
Sellner also found another purchaser who bought the factory for index of the broker-agent's non-participation in the really critical
P1.3M. Danon filed a case to recover the sum of P60,000, events leading to the consummation of said sale.
alleged to be the value of services rendered by him to Brimo as a Facts: GAI granted to Inland Realty a 30-day authority to sell its
broker 9,800 shares of stock. IR then sent proposal letters to
Held: Danon did accomplish finding a person who might have prospective buyers, among them Stanford Microsystems (SM).
bought the factory but no sufficient evidence that Prieto SM counter-proposed to buy the shares at P1,000. Upon receipt
definitely decided to buy the price at P1.2M since the board of of the counter-proposal, IR wrote GAI to register SM as a
directors had not resolved to purchase it. His services didn’t in prospective buyer. GAI replied that the price offered by SM was
any way contribute towards bringing about the sale of the too low. The authority to sell given to IR by GAI was extended
factory. He was not “the efficient agent or the procuring cause several times the last being on December 2, 1975 for 30 days
of the sale”. The broker must be the efficient agent or the from said date. On July 8, 1977, IR finally sold the 9,800 shares
procuring cause of the sale. The means employed by him and his of stock to SM for P13.5M. Afterwards, IR formally demanded
efforts must result in the sale. He must find the purchaser, and through a letter to GAI of their 5% broker’s commission. GAI
the sale must proceed from his efforts acting as broker. refused to pay alleging that IR’s authority to sell expired 30 days
from December 2, 1975 (the third and last extension).
Rocha vs. Prats Held: Inland Realty is not entitled to the 5% broker’s
Doctrine: The duty assumed by the broker is to bring the minds commission. IR did nothing but submit SM’s name as
of the buyer and seller to an agreement for a sale, and the price prospective buyer. They did not succeed in outrightly selling the
shares under the predetermined terms and conditions set out by

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

GAI e.g., that the price per share is P1,500. The lapse of more to bring SSS and Doronilla back together. 100,000 php granted
than 1 year and 5 months between the expiration of IR's to Prats as compensation for his efforts and assistance in the
authority to sell and the consummation of the sale to SM is a transaction.
significant index of IR’s non-participation in the really critical
events leading to the consummation of said sale. IR was not the Uniland Resources vs Development Bank of the Philippines
efficient procuring cause in bringing about the sale and is Doctrine: The middleman who introduced two parties,
therefore not entitled to the broker’s commission. eventually leading into a consummated sale, but who had no
authority (express or implied) from the seller to broker the
Infante v Cunanan transaction cannot be allowed a commission except on equity
Doctrine: An agent may be entitled to commission even if the considerations.
sale is consummated after revocation of the authority, if done in Facts: Marinduque Mining Corporation obtained a loan from
bad faith. the DBP and as security therefor, mortgaged certain real
Facts: Infante owned two parcels of land she owned and properties to the latter. These two lots had, however, been
contracted Cunanan and Mijares to sell the land for 30k. previously mortgaged to Caltex. For failure of the Marinduque
Purchaser will assume the mortgage in favor of Rehabilitation Mining Corp. to pay its obligations to Caltex, the latter
Finance Corporation. She also agreed to give them 5% foreclosed its mortgage on the aforesaid two lots. APT on the
commission on the purchase price plus whatever overprice they other hand, to recover its investment on the Marinduque
may obtain. Respondents found Pio S. Noche as buyer. BUT, Account, offered for sale to the public through DBP its right of
Petitioner said she was no longer interested in selling the redemption on said two lots by public bidding, Caltex, though,
property. However, Petitioner dealt directly with Pio S. Noche required both lots to be redeemed but the bidding only had one
and sold the land for 31k. Upon knowing this, Respondents bidder, the Counsel Realty Corp. (an affiliate of Glaxo,
asked their commission. Philippines, the client of Uniland), and only for the warehouse
Held: Respondents claim that while they agreed to cancel the lot. Seeing, however, that it would make a profit if it redeemed
written authority given to them, they did so merely upon the the two lots and then offer them for sale, DBP retrieved the
verbal assurance given by petitioner that, should the property be account from APT and redeemed said lots. DBP subsequently
sold to their own buyer, Pio S. Noche, they would be given the held a public bidding and again, there was only one bidder, the
commission agreed upon. Petitioner had changed her mind even Charges Realty Corp. for only the warehouse lot. After the
if respondents had found a buyer who was willing to close the aforesaid sale, Uniland asked for payment of its broker's fee in
deal. She took advantage of the benevolence of the other and instrumenting the sale of the warehouse lot to Charges Realty
acts in a manner that would promote her own selfish interest. Corp.
This act is unfair as would amount to bad faith. This act cannot Held: Uniland was never able to secure the required
be sanctioned without according to the party prejudiced the accreditation from DBP to transact business on behalf of the
reward which is due him. latter. The letters sent by petitioner to the higher officers of the
DBP and the APT are merely indicative of petitioner's desire to
Prats v. CA (Private Respondent Doronilla) secure such accreditation. HOWEVER, the Court recognizes
Doctrine: Agent who was not the efficient procuring cause of Unilands efforts in bringing together DBP and an interested and
the sale may be awarded if he was somehow instrumental in financially-able buyer. Uniland's persistence in communicating
bringing the parties together. with DBP reinforced the seriousness of the offer. The Court in
Facts: Doronilla was the registered owner of a parcel of land equity grants petitioner the sum of Pl00k for the role it played in
(300 hectares). He had tried to sell his land and thus had the transaction.
designated several agents. At one time, he offered said land to
SSS but failed to consummate any sale. Subsequently, Doronilla Domingo vs Domingo, supra p. 14
gave Prats an exclusive option and authority in writing to
negotiate the sale of his property. Prats worked to negotiate the
sale to SSS. Eventually, a writer offer to sell was formally made
by Prats to SSS. A few days after, SSS sent a telegram stating that
they are “considering purchase of the property for its housing
project”. Negotiations followed with the conclusion of SSS
agreeing to purchase the property. A deed of absolute sale was
executed b/w Doronilla and SSS. The full purchase price already
having received by Doronilla, Prats demanded the payment of
his professional fee as real estate broker as computed under the
agreement. Doronilla refused to pay said amount.
Held: On June 2, 1968, exclusive authority given to Prats
expired. On June 20, 1968, offer of Doronilla to sell was
formally accepted by SSS. Prats was not the efficient procuring
cause in bringing about the sale because his exclusive authority
already expired when the offer was formally accepted. However,
as a measure of equity the Court noted that Prats had taken steps

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XI. What are the obligations of principals Held: Gonzales contends that she cannot be charged for the
to third parties? misrepresentations of Gomez. Having accepted the benefits of
the misrepresentation, she cannot escape liability for them.

A. Agent acting within scope of authority – Tuason v. Orosco, supra p. 17

1883, 1910, 1917
Article 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the principal has no
right of action against the persons with whom the agent has
contracted; neither have such persons against the principal.

In such case the agent is the one directly bound in favor of the person
with whom he has contracted, as if the transaction were his own,
except when the contract involves things belonging to the principal.

The provisions of this article shall be understood to be without

prejudice to the actions between the principal and agent. (1717)

Article 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations
which the agent may have contracted within the scope of his

As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his power, the
principal is not bound except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly.

Article 1917. In the case referred to in the preceding article, if the

agent has acted in good faith, the principal shall be liable in damages
to the third person whose contract must be rejected. If the agent acted
in bad faith, he alone shall be responsible. (n)

B. Agent acting outside scope of authority –

1900, 1911, 1916, 1917 (see above)
Article 1900. So far as third persons are concerned, an act is deemed
to have been performed within the scope of the agent's authority, if
such act is within the terms of the power of attorney, as written, even
if the agent has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority according
to an understanding between the principal and the agent. (n)

Article 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the
principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the
latter to act as though he had full powers. (n)

Article 1916. When two persons contract with regard to the same
thing, one of them with the agent and the other with the principal,
and the two contracts are incompatible with each other, that of prior
date shall be preferred, without prejudice to the provisions of article
1544. (n)
C. For crimes; for torts

Gonzalez v. Haberer
Doctrine: A principal is liable to third persons when the former
has accepted the benefits of the agent’s bad faith.
Facts: Gonzales and Gomez (agent of wife) sold a lot to Haberer
representing that they were in actual possession of the lot, that
the greater portion was not in dispute. Upon seeking possession,
practically the entire land was occupied by adverse claimants and
the title was disputed. Haberer asked for rescission of the

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

XI. Duty of third parties dealing with agent – Article 1926. A general power of attorney is revoked by a special one
1902 granted to another agent, as regards the special matter involved in the
latter. (n)
Article 1902. A third person with whom the agent wishes to contract
on behalf of the principal may require the presentation of the power
Article 1927. An agency cannot be revoked if a bilateral contract
of attorney, or the instructions as regards the agency. Private or secret
depends upon it, or if it is the means of fulfilling an obligation already
orders and instructions of the principal do not prejudice third persons
contracted, or if a partner is appointed manager of a partnership in
who have relied upon the power of attorney or instructions shown
the contract of partnership and his removal from the management is
them. (n)
unjustifiable. (n)

Barreto v. Sta. Maria

XII. How is agency extinguished? Doctrine: The contract of agency can subsist only so long as the
A. Revocation; agency coupled with an interest – principal has confidence in his agent, because, from the moment
1873, 1919 to 1927 such confidence disappears and although there be a fixed period
for the exercise of the office of agent, a circumstance that does
Article 1873. If a person specially informs another or states by public not appear in the present case the principal has a perfect right to
advertisement that he has given a power of attorney to a third person, revoke the power that he had conferred upon the agent owing to
the latter thereby becomes a duly authorized agent, in the former case the confidence he had in him and which for sound reasons had
with respect to the person who received the special information, and ceased to exist. Agent cannot claim damages from revocation
in the latter case with regard to any person. unless it is to evade payment.
Facts: Barreto filed a suit against Sta. Maria for fees incurred as
The power shall continue to be in full force until the notice is an agent of La Insular Cigar and Cigarette Factory. Barreto was
rescinded in the same manner in which it was given. (n)
claiming that he was unlawfully dismissed as an agent and is thus
entitled to his just compensation
Article 1919. Agency is extinguished:
(1) By its revocation;
Held: Petitioner actually resigned on the occasion of the
(2) By the withdrawal of the agent; disappearance of a client on credit.
(3) By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the
principal or of the agent; Dialosa v. CA (Private Respondent Baterna)
(4) By the dissolution of the firm or corporation which entrusted or Doctrine: Where the agency contract stipulated that the agent is
accepted the agency; authorized to dispose the subdivided property until the same is
(5) By the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the agency; fully disposed of, the authority to sell continuous until all the lots
(6) By the expiration of the period for which the agency was are sold. The contract cannot be terminated by the landowner
constituted. (1732a) before then.
Facts: Baterna is a licensed real estate broker and was under the
Article 1920. The principal may revoke the agency at will, and compel
the agent to return the document evidencing the agency. Such agreement to sell, transfer and convey certain lots owned by the
revocation may be express or implied. (1733a) respondent realty. It was stated in the contract that the petitioner
is engaged as an agent until all the subject property as subdivided
Article 1921. If the agency has been entrusted for the purpose of is fully disposed of. The petitioner then rescinded the agency
contracting with specified persons, its revocation shall not prejudice contract because it wanted to reserve the remaining unsold lots
the latter if they were not given notice thereof. (1734) for their six grandchildren. There were 27 lots which remained
Article 1922. If the agent had general powers, revocation of the Held: The authority to sell of the respondent is not extinguished
agency does not prejudice third persons who acted in good faith and until all the lots have been disposed of. When the petitioners
without knowledge of the revocation. Notice of the revocation in a revoked the contract, they become liable to the private
newspaper of general circulation is a sufficient warning to third respondent for damages for breach of contract.
persons. (n)
N ew Manila v. Republic
Article 1923. The appointment of a new agent for the same business
or transaction revokes the previous agency from the day on which
Doctrine: The powers of attorney made the plaintiff lumber
notice thereof was given to the former agent, without prejudice to the company the contractor’s agent in the collection of amounts due
provisions of the two preceding articles. (1735a) to the contractor. However, given that the contractor collected
the payments directly from the defendant, the agency had
Article 1924. The agency is revoked if the principal directly manages therefore been revoked. (Art. 1924)
the business entrusted to the agent, dealing directly with third persons. Facts: Contractor made lumber company its agent to collect
(n) amounts due to the contractor but what happened was the
republic dealt directly with the contractor
Article 1925. When two or more principals have granted a power of Held: The powers of attorney made the plaintiff lumber
attorney for a common transaction, any one of them may revoke the company the contractor’s agent in the collection of amounts due
same without the consent of the others. (n) to the contractor. However, given that the contractor collected

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

the payments directly from the defendant, the agency had the sending of the said tobacco, the defendant terminated the
therefore been revoked. (Art. 1920 and 1924) relations between him and the agent. This fact was not made
known to the plaintiff. The plaintiffs demanded from the
D y Buncio v. Ong Guan defendant for payment, the defendants refused.
Doctrine: The making and accepting of a new power of Held: See doctrine. Defendants must pay.
attorney, whether it enlarges or decreases the power of the agent
under a prior power of attorney, must be held to supplant and Compania General de Tobaccos v. Diaba
revoke the latter when the two are inconsistent Doctrine: The defendant had the perfect right to believe that
Facts: Plaintiff claims that the property (ricemill and camarin) the agent had authority to represent the principal in their
belongs to its judgment debtor, Ong Guan Can, while transactions, until he was otherwise informed
defendants Juan Tong and Pua Giok Eng claim as owner and Facts: Compania initiated an action to recover a sum of money
lessee of the owner by virtue of a deed dated July 31, 1931, by (P442.00) from Diaba for goods sold to him by Gutierrez
Ong Guan Can, Jr (Compania’s Agent) Diaba admits to purchasing goods in the
Held: The first recital of the deed is that Ong Guan Can, Jr., as amount of P692.00, as well as selling abaca and other goods to
agent of Ong Guan Can, the proprietor of the commercial firm the agent in the amount of P1,308.00. Diaba claims a balance of
of Ong Guan Can & Sons, sells the rice-mill and camarin and P616.80 against Compania for these sales
gives as his authority the power of attorney. The receipt of the Held: Compania should pay. There is no convincing proof in
money acknowledged in the deed was to the agent, and the deed the record that the orders of Gutierrez’s suspension given by
was signed by the agent in his own name and without any words Compania had been communicated to Diaba. Therefore, Diaba
indicating that he was signing it for the principal. it is at once had the perfect right to believe, until otherwise informed, that
seen that it is not a general power of attorney but a limited one the agent of the plaintiff, in his purchase of abaca and other
and does not give the express power to alienate the properties in effects was still representing the plaintiff in said transactions
question. The title of Ong Guan Can not having been divested
by the so-called deed, his properties are subject to attachment D el Rosario v. Abad
and execution Doctrine: A mere statement in the power of attorney that it is
coupled with an interest is not enough. In what does such
Garcia v. De Manzano interest consist must be stated in the power of attorney.
Doctrine: It is necessary that the first agent be informed of the Facts: The late Tibrucio executed an irrevocable SPOA
execution of the power-of-attorney to the second agent in order w/interest in favor of his mortgagee, authorizing to sell and
to extinguish the agency with the first agent. Failure to establish convey the parcel of land. Tiburcio died leaving the debt unpaid.
the fact that the first agent knew of the execution of the second Primitivo, acting as Tiburcio’s attorney-in-fact sold the parcel of
power-of-attorney, the authority extend to the first agent land to his son Teodorico Abad for P1.00 and the payment by
remains valid. the vendee of the mortgage debt of Tiburcio to Primitivo.
Facts: Narciso gave two power-of-attorney: one to his son and Held: The power-of-attorney here was not coupled with
subsequently, one to his wife. The son sold the half interest of interest. The fact that Tiburcio, the principal, had mortgaged the
the streamer acting under his powers improvements of the parcel of land to Primitivo, the agent, is
Held: The power of attorney of the wife that came later did not not such an interest as could render irrevocable the power of
revoke the one given to the son’s, which was earlier. No proof in attorney executed by the principal in favor of the agent. In fact
the record that the first agent, the son, knew of the power-of- no mention of it is made in the power of attorney. The mortgage
attorney to his mother. Under the law, it is necessary for the on the improvements of the parcel of land has nothing to do
defendants, in order to establish their counterclaim, to prove that with the power of attorney and may be foreclosed by the
the son had notice of the second power-of-attorney. They have mortgagee upon failure of the mortgagor to comply with his
not done so, and it must be considered that Angel Manzano was obligation. As the agency was not coupled with an interest, it was
acting under a valid power-of-attorney which had not been terminated upon the death of Tiburcio sometime in December
legally revoked on the date of the sale of the half interest in the 1945, and Primitivo, the agent, could no longer validly convey
steamer to the plaintiff. the parcel of land to Teodorico Abad in 1947. The sale,
therefore, to the later was null and void.
Rallos v. Yangco
Doctrine: It was the duty of the principal, on the termination of Caleongco v. Claparols
his relationship with the agent to give due and timely notice Doctrine: Irrevocability of the power of attorney may not be
thereof to interested third parties. Failing to do so, he is used to shield the perpetration of acts in bad faith, breach of
responsible to such third parties for whatever goods may have confidence, or betrayal of trust, by the agent for that would
been in good faith and without negligence sent to the agent amount to holding that a power coupled with an interest
without knowledge, actual or constructive, of the termination of authorizes the agent to commit frauds against the principal.
such relationship. Facts: Respondent operated a factory hiring Kho To to market
Facts: Plaintiff sent to Collantes, as agent of the defendant, 218 products, introduced him to petitioner. Respondent gave
bundles of leaf tobacco. This was sold for 1,744php, but the petitioner a power-of-attorney. Respondent soon learned of
agent did not return the amount due to the plaintiffs because he different acts and situations wherein petitioner cheated and/or
converted it for his own use. It appears however, that prior to misrepresented his principal.

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

Held: Respondent may revoke the agency. It must not be Facts: Gabina Labitoria mortgaged 3 parcels of land to the PNB
forgotten that a power of attorney can be made irrevocable by to secure an indebtedness while she was alive. The estate failed
contract only in the sense that the principal may not recall it at to comply with the conditions of the mortgage. The PNB asked
his pleasure; but coupled with interest or not, the authority the sheriff of Tayabas to proceed with the sale. The special
certainly can be revoked for a just cause, such as when the administrator filed a motion in court in which an order was
attorney-in-fact betrays the interest of the principal, as happened asked requiring the sheriff to vacate the attachment over the
in this case. mortgaged properties and to abstain from selling them.
Held: In Carter vs. Slocomb, the sale after the date of the death
B. Withdrawal – 1919, 1928, 1929 of the mortgagor is valid without notice to the heirs of the
mortgagor. However, in order to protect the interests of the
Article 1928. The agent may withdraw from the agency by giving due estate, we should follow the procedure pointed out in Sec 708 of
notice to the principal. If the latter should suffer any damage by the Code of Civil Procedure, as it would also not jeopardize any
reason of the withdrawal, the agent must indemnify him therefor, rights of the mortgagee. Sec 708 of the Code of Civil Procedure
unless the agent should base his withdrawal upon the impossibility of states that the party may foreclose a property by ordinary action
continuing the performance of the agency without grave detriment to
himself. (1736a)
in court. It would be inconsistent with the portion of the law
governing the settlement of estates of deceased persons to hold
Article 1929. The agent, even if he should withdraw from the agency otherwise.
for a valid reason, must continue to act until the principal has had
reasonable opportunity to take the necessary steps to meet the Ramon v. Caoibes
situation. (1737a) Doctrine: An agency is terminated, among other causes, by the
death of the principal or of the agent. When Caoibes made use
Valera v. Velasco of the power of attorney, his principal, Concepcion was already
Doctrine: The fact that an agent institutes an action against his dead.
principal for the recovery of the balance in his favor resulting Facts: This involved agency given to a nephew on war claims
from the liquidation of the accounts between them arising from vs. the heirs of the principal who constituted the agency.
the agency, and renders and final account of his operations, is Held: Nephew Caoibes, as agent, had the obligation to deliver
equivalent to an express renunciation of the agency, and the amount collected by virtue of said power to his principal,
terminates the juridical relation between them Concepcion, or, after her death, to the administratrix of her
Facts: Agent sued principal because the principal still owed him estate, Consolacion.
1,100 from managing principal’s property. Principal sold his
right of redemption and it ended up with the agent. Principal Herrera v. Luy Kim Guan
tried to assail this by saying that at the time of the acquisition the Doctrine: The death of the principal does not render the act of
buyer was still his agent and the suit filed by agent earlier was not an agent unenforceable, where the latter had no knowledge of
renunciation of the agency. such extinguishment the agency.
Held: Sale is valid, the agency was already renounced. Although Facts: Agency given to Luy Kim Guan before principal Herrera
the agent has not expressly told his principal that he renounced left for China. Heirs claimed that the sales were fraudulent and
the agency, yet neither dignity nor decorum permits the latter to executed after the death of Herrera.
continue representing a person who has adopted such an Held: Since it was not sufficiently proved that Herrera died
antagonistic attitude towards him when the transactions occurred, the court sided with the
presumption that the agency was subsisting then.
C. Death; agency coupled with an interest –
1919, 1930 to 1932 Rallos v. Felix Go Chan, supra
Doctrine: Agency is ipso facto extinguished upon the death of
Article 1930. The agency shall remain in full force and effect even the principal or the agent pursuant to Art. 1919. Therefore, any
after the death of the principal, if it has been constituted in the
act of an agent after the principal’s death is void. There are two
common interest of the latter and of the agent, or in the interest of a
third person who has accepted the stipulation in his favor. (n)
exceptions to this rule: Art. 1930 & Art. 1931 (agent was
unaware of the death of the principal and third person
Article 1931. Anything done by the agent, without knowledge of the contracted with him in good faith).
death of the principal or of any other cause which extinguishes the Facts: This is a case of an attorney-in-fact, Simeon Rallos, who
agency, is valid and shall be fully effective with respect to third after of his death of his principal, Concepcion Rallos, sold the
persons who may have contracted with him in good faith. (1738) latter's undivided share in a parcel of land pursuant to a power of
attorney which the principal had executed in favor. The
Article 1932. If the agent dies, his heirs must notify the principal administrator of the estate went to court to have the sale
thereof, and in the meantime adopt such measures as the declared uneanforceable and to recover the disposed share.
circumstances may demand in the interest of the latter. (1739) Held: It is clear that Simeon, the agent and brother, was aware
Pasno v. Ravina of the death of his principle at the time he sold the latter’s share
Doctrine: The power of sale given in a mortgage is a power to Go Chan Co (as found as a finding of fact by the trial court).
coupled with an interest which survives the death of the grantor. Therefore, 1931 cannot be applied because Simeon did not act in

Agency Exam Reviewer – Block C 2016 Prof. Dionne Sanchez Go/Lagmay/Pabiona/Reodica

good faith. The good faith of a third person is irrelevant if not

coupled with the good faith of the agent.

D. Dissolution of the firm/corporation

E. Accomplishment of the object/purpose
F. Expiration of the period
G. Civil interdiction, insolvency
Notes on the Topic:

The modes of extinguishment:

1919 (1 and 2) – by the subsequent acts of the parties which may

be either a. mutual consent or b. unilateral act of one of them
1919 (3 and 4) – by operation of law
1919 (5 and 6) – by agreement

Modes provided are not exclusive.

1927 Agency coupled with an interest example:

Option 1: I will sell if you appoint me as agent
Option 2: As a contractor I owe payment to the suppliers and
the client owes me payment. I can assign the supplier as an agent
to collect from my client.

Test to see if the agency is coupled with an interest:

Is the agency relationship just for compensation?
Will anyone else be affected? -


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