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Safia Bad Road Narela-110040

Question Paper
Name: -______________________ Date: - ________
Class: - XI Time: -3 hours
Subject – Computer Science M.M- 70
General Directions:
 Please check this question paper contains 35 questions.
 The paper is divided into four sections-A, B, C, D and E
 Section A, consists of 18 questions (1 to 18). Each question carries 1 mark.
 Section B, consists of 7 questions (19 to 25). Each question carries 2 marks.
 Section C, consists of 5 questions (26to 30). Each question carries 3 marks each.
 Section D, consists of 3 questions(31 to 33)of 5 marks.
 Section E, consists of 2 questions (34 and 35). Each question carries 4 marks.
 All programming questions are to be answered using Python language only.

Ques. No. Question Marks

1 Data in computer terminology means? 1
a. Figure c. Both a and b
b. Raw facts d. None of these
2 The language processors are ……………… 1
a. Compiler c. Language Translators
b. Interpreter and Assembler d. All of these
3 A microprocessor is- 1
a. Capable of performing the arithmetic operation
b. Capable of performing a logical operation
c. A solid state device
d. All of the above
4 Which of the following is latest in printer? 1
a. Inketjet printer c. DotMatrix printer
b. Laserjet printer d. 3D printer
5 CPU has two main components…………….and …………….. 1
a. ALU and Memory Unit c. Input and Output unit
b. CU and ALU d. None of the above
6 Which of the following is a GUI based OS? 1
7 Who represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system 1
and make the hardware run?
a. Hardware c. Software
b. CPU d. None of these
8 Python is a …………. 1
a. High level language
b. Object oriented language
c. Interpreted language
d. All of these
9 Which type of software is tailor-made software? 1
a. General Application software
b. Customized Application Software
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
10 Which of the following functions will return the always a tuple of three elements 1
a. find() b. index() c. partition() d. split()

11 Storage of 1 KB means the following number of bytes: 1

a. 1064 c. 964
b. 1024 d. 1000
12 Python Character set consists of following: 1
a. Alphabets , digits, tokens, special symbols
b. Alphabets, digits, special symbols, whitespaces
c. Digits, symbols, spaces, lists
d. None of these
13 There is error in this code. Which is the correct code? 1
>>>Print(Reshma is performing well in Olympics”)
a. Print(‘Reshma is performing well in Olympics’)
b. Print(“Reshma is performing well in Olympics”)
c. print(“Reshma is performing well in Olympics”)
d. print(Reshma is performing well in Olympics)
14 Arrange Terabyte (TB), Zettabyte (ZB), and Gigabyte (GB) in increasing order. 1
a. TB, ZB, GB c. ZB, TB, GB
b. GB, TB, ZB d. None of the above
15 Find the output of the following code: 1
a , b , c=23,45,78
print(“Sum of “,a,”and”,b,”=”,sum)
print(“Difference of “,c,”and”,b,”=”,diff)
print(“Product of “,a,”x”,b,”x”,c,”=”,prod)

a. Sum of 23 and 45=86

Difference of 78 and 45=33
Product of 23x45x78=80730

b. Sum of23and45=86
Difference of78and45=33
Product of23x45x78=80730

c. Error in the program

d. Sum of23and45=86
Difference of78and45=33
Product of23x45x78=80730
16 Whenever the computer is started or a software application is launched, the required 1
program is loaded into …………….for processing
a. ROM c. RAM
b. CPU d. CU
Q.No 17 and 18 are Assertion and Reason based Questions. Choose the most
appropriate answer.
17 Assertion (A):Python is a programming language. 1
Reason (R):Using python any software can be designed . Python is a high level
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true
e. Both A and R are false.
18 Assertion (A):Operator is a type of token. 1
Reason (R):Identifiers start with alphabets or underscore.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
e. Both A and R are false.
19 Solve the following questions: 2
a.110011010 + 11111111
b. 1111110-1000101
20 Define the following: List, Tuple 2
21 What is De Morgans’s Theorem in Boolean? 2
22 Fill in the blanks: 2
a. Commutation Law: B+A=……………and A.B=…………..
b. Association Law: A+(B+C)=…………………………
23 What do you understand by, “Python is free and open source software”? 2
24 Solve the following: 2
a. Convert (34.45)10 to binary number system.
b. Convert (100.1101)2 to decimal number system.
25 Explain IPO cycle with a diagram. 2

26 When are dictionary is more useful than list. 3
27 What is the difference between optical memory device and magnetic memory 3
device? Give examples.
28 Write a python program to calculate the answer of below mathematical problem. 3
A (B ( C + D) % 2) - 32
29 Answer the following: 3
a. Name the two modes in python.
b. Write any two disadvantages of python.
c. What are tokens?
30 What is the difference between unary and binary operators in python? Give 3
31 5
Give the output of the following when n1=4, n2=3, n3=2

A. n1+=n2+n3
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11

B. n1=n1**(n2+n3)
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 1024
d. 2024

C. n1**=n2+n3
a. 1024
b. 2024
c. 1000
d. 2020

D. n1=’5’+’5
a. No Output
b. Error
c. 10
d. 55

E. n1=float(10)
a. 10
b. 10.0
c. 1
d. No output
32 Data can be of many types e.g., character, integer, real, string etc. Anything enclosed 5
in quotes represents string data types in python. Numbers without fractions represent
integer data. Numbers with fraction represent real data and True and False represent
Boolean data. Since the data to be dealt with are of many types, a programming
language must provide ways to handle all types of data. Python is capable of
handling many data types: numbers, strings, list, tuples, dictionary.

A. What are float numbers?

B. Write the syntax of list.
C. Which is mutable? List or Tuple.
D. How do you represent strings in python?
E. Give an example of dictionary data type.
33 Computer organization refers to logical structure of a computer describing how its 5
components are connected to one another; how they affect one another’s functioning
, and contribute to overall performance of the computer. Computers follow IPO

A. The physical electronic components of a computer are called:

a. Software c. Firmware
b. Hardware d. Humanware
B. The recorded instructions and programs that govern computer working are:
a. Software c. Firmware
b. Hardware d. Humanware
C. Which one is the input device?
a. MICR c. OCR
b. Scanner d. All of these
D. Which one is the output device?
a. Touchscreen c. Pendrive
b. Projector d. All of these
E. Primary memory is
a. Volatile c. Non-volatile
b. Both a and c d.None of these
34 WAP which takes a number as input from user and check whether the number is 4
Palindrome or not.
35 Solve the following: 4
a. Prove that X . (X + Y)=X by Truth Table method.
b. Draw logic circuit for the following expression:
Y = ab + b’c + c’a’
c. Obtain the Boolean Expression for the logic circuit shown below:
(Draw this also).

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