Autism Research - 2013 - Tager Flusberg - Minimally Verbal School Aged Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder The

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Minimally Verbal School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum

Disorder: The Neglected End of the Spectrum
Helen Tager-Flusberg and Connie Kasari

It is currently estimated that about 30% of children with autism spectrum disorder remain minimally verbal, even after
receiving years of interventions and a range of educational opportunities. Very little is known about the individuals at
this end of the autism spectrum, in part because this is a highly variable population with no single set of defining
characteristics or patterns of skills or deficits, and in part because it is extremely challenging to provide reliable or valid
assessments of their developmental functioning. In this paper, we summarize current knowledge based on research
including minimally verbal children. We review promising new novel methods for assessing the verbal and nonverbal
abilities of minimally verbal school-aged children, including eye-tracking and brain-imaging methods that do not require
overt responses. We then review what is known about interventions that may be effective in improving language and
communication skills, including discussion of both nonaugmentative and augmentative methods. In the final section of
the paper, we discuss the gaps in the literature and needs for future research. Autism Res 2013, 6: 468–478. © 2013
International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Keywords: behavioral intervention < intervention; early intervention < intervention; school age < pediatrics; spoken language;
minimally verbal ASD; alternative and augmentative communication; eye-tracking

Research in the field of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cognitive skills? (c) Which interventions may be effective
has flourished over the past two decades. However, the in improving their language and communicative skills?
vast majority of studies have focused on either young
toddlers and preschoolers or older higher functioning,
verbal children primarily because they are easier to evalu- Minimally Verbal Children with ASD
ate using standard assessment tools, and they are more
compliant during behavioral or neuroimaging experi- It is not known how many children with ASD remain
mental investigations. Recently, the Interagency Autism with little expressive spoken language abilities by the
Coordinating Committee (IACC) highlighted the dearth time they reach school age. Older statistics suggest that
of knowledge about nonverbal children with ASD (IACC over half of all children with autism failed to acquire
2011 Strategic Plan: spoken language [National Research Council, 2001];
2011/index.shtml). As awareness about this issue grew in however, more recent studies suggest that this figure is
recent years, Autism Speaks held a series of meetings in now lower, at around 30%, in part because of the broad-
2009 on “Characterizing cognition in nonverbal indi- ening of diagnostic criteria, in part because more verbal
viduals with autism,” and the National Institutes of children are now identified as having autism and in part
Health (NIH) convened a workshop that was held in April because of earlier diagnoses as well as greater access to
2010 to identify what is currently known, what are the more effective early interventions that significantly
gaps in our knowledge and what are the research oppor- improve spoken language and communication skills in
tunities that could address these gaps. In this paper, younger preschoolers with ASD, thus potentially prevent-
which grew out of the NIH workshop, we summarize ing them from remaining nonverbal at later ages
current research on minimally verbal school-aged chil- [Tager-Flusberg, Paul, & Lord, 2005].
dren with ASD, focusing on three main questions: (a) We do not understand why, despite access to interven-
Who are these children? (b) What novel technologies tions, some children fail to make progress in acquiring
could be used to assess their receptive language and other language, but what is clear is that this group of children

From the Department of Psychology and Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts (H.T.-F.); Graduate School
of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, California (C.K.)
Received September 3, 2012; accepted for publication August 7, 2013
Address for correspondence and reprints: Helen Tager-Flusberg, Department of Psychology, Boston University, 64 Cummington Street, Boston, MA
02215, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
Support for preparation of this paper was provided by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (NIDCD RO1 DC 10290-S1; P50 DC 13027)
and Autism Speaks (#2468) to HTF and NIH (NIMH R01 MH084864), Autism Speaks Hi Risk/Hi Impact (#5666) and HRSA (UA3MC11055) to C.K.
Published online 7 October 2013 in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/aur.1329
© 2013 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

468 Autism Research 6: 468–478, 2013 INSAR

is extremely variable, and therefore, no single explana- are able to use alternative means for communicating to
tion will account for all minimally verbal children. While varying degrees of proficiency, including sign language,
some children slowly acquire language during the pre- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), VOCA
school years, estimates are that about two thirds to three (Voice Output Communication Aids) or even written lan-
fourths of all children will have some words and that at guage, suggesting that these children may vary in their
least half will be able to use phrase speech by the time preference for relying on visual or auditory modalities for
they enter primary school [Anderson et al., 2007; Howlin, communicating with others.
Magiati & Charman, 2009; Turner, Stone, Pozdol, & One common assumption is that all children who fail
Coonrod, 2006]. Thus, while most preschool-aged chil- to acquire spoken language have low nonverbal intelli-
dren with ASD are preverbal—they will eventually learn to gence quotient (IQ) scores. However, a recent large-scale
use spoken language—about 25–30% will be nonverbal, or study of preschoolers found that while some minimally
only minimally verbal by the time they enter kindergarten verbal children have low nonverbal IQ, others do not
[Anderson et al., 2007]. Given the goal that “useful [Munson et al., 2008]. Similarly, while some minimally
speech by age 5” consistently predicts better social and verbal school-aged children have low receptive and
adaptive functioning later in life, the IACC set a long- expressive language skills, other children with minimal
term goal that 90% of children with autism would expressive language scores have good receptive language
acquire useful speech by age 5. Thus, most efforts at abilities, which are correlated with their nonverbal abili-
increasing spoken language have been focused on chil- ties [Rapin, Dunn, Allen, Stevens, & Fein, 2009]. These
dren younger than 5 years of age. examples of heterogeneity in cognitive and linguistic
The distinction between preverbal and nonverbal may skills among minimally verbal children with ASD provide
be significant, but at this point is difficult to determine. support for the view that no single underlying mecha-
One issue is the lack of clear definitions of preverbal nism will explain why these children do not learn to
and nonverbal. Take for example definitions of “nonver- speak.
bal” preschool-aged children for different intervention Few studies have investigated factors that predict who
studies. Romski et al. [2010] defined nonverbal toddlers remains nonverbal beyond the early preschool years. Ret-
as those whose Mullen expressive language scores were rospective parent report data suggest that infants who are
below 12 months and had fewer than 10 intelligible later diagnosed with autism and fail to acquire spoken
spoken words. Yoder and Stone [2006] defined their pre- language show very significant delays in developing oral
school participants as nonverbal or low verbal based on motor skills during the first year of life [Gernsbacher,
fewer than 20 different words used over three separate Sauer, Geye, Schweigert, & Goldsmith, 2008]. The major-
language samples. Koegel, Shirotova, and Koegel [2009] ity of studies focusing on predictors of spoken language
included preschool-aged children with no functional have investigated toddlers and preschoolers. The ability
words and no object label correspondence, and Kasari, to imitate sounds and simple movements is one key pre-
Paparella, Freeman, and Jahromi [2008] defined as low dictor of expressive language [e.g. Luyster, Kadlec, Carter,
verbal 3–4 year old children who had fewer than 5 spoken & Tager-Flusberg, 2008; Stone & Yoder, 2001; Thurm,
words based on the combination of observational and Lord, Lee, & Newschaffer, 2007]. Response to joint atten-
standardized assessments. Given that toddlers and pre- tion predicts receptive language [Anderson et al., 2007;
schoolers are chronologically young, the extent to which Luyster et al., 2008; Sigman & McGovern, 2005], and
they may be just preverbal (they are delayed in their lan- nonverbal cognitive abilities predict both expressive and
guage now but will use spoken language in the near receptive language [Luyster et al., 2008; Thurm et al.,
future) vs. nonverbal (they do not use spoken language 2007]. In some cases, the almost complete absence of any
now and will continue to not use spoken language in the social motivation may be associated with no spoken lan-
near to far future) is unclear. guage. As these nonverbal children get older, about 25%
The literature on minimally verbal children with ASD is begin to show more significant adverse consequences of
quite sparse, and there is little consistency in the defini- having no means for communicating, with increased
tion of this group. In some cases, these individuals lack all social withdrawal on the social lethargy subscale of the
spoken language: their vocalizations only include atypi- Aberrant Behavior Checklist [Lord, 2010]. These findings
cal nonspeech sounds and some vowel approximations. underscore the urgent need to begin investigating what
In other cases, their expressive language is extremely the underlying mechanisms are that prevent some chil-
limited with just a few words or fixed phrases (e.g. Want dren with ASD in acquiring spoken language and what
X) used infrequently and only in limited contexts. Other the possibilities are for interventions implemented at
children included in this group may have some spoken older ages.
language, but they are primarily echolalic or use In the literature on language acquisition, the bench-
stereotyped or scripted language in ways that appear mark of acquiring some spoken language by the age of
noncommunicative. Some children who do not speak five is considered highly significant; thereafter it is

INSAR Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD 469

unlikely that a child would acquire significant linguistic testing situation, attention or interest in the testing mate-
skills [e.g. Tager-Flusberg, Paul, & Lord, 2005]. Neverthe- rials, interference from challenging behaviors, anxiety or
less, it is now clear that some children with ASD do begin frustration, and basic responses such as pointing skills
speaking after this point, as highlighted in a review by [Tager-Flusberg, 1999]. For all these reasons, it is often not
Pickett and her colleagues [Pickett, Pullara, O’Grady, & possible to conduct direct assessments using currently
Gordon, 2009]. They surveyed the literature from 1951– available standardized tests (but see the companion paper
2006 and identified 167 cases of children who started on current options for assessing this population; Kasari,
speaking after age 5. The majority began talking between Brady, Lord and Tager-Flusberg).
the ages of 5 and 7, and some at even older ages, up to age With the advent of newer technologies that have been
13. These children had some conceptual and semantic applied successfully to other nonverbal populations such
abilities that allowed them to map sounds to meaning as preverbal infants, novel methods for assessing mini-
and were more likely to have nonverbal IQ scores over 50. mally verbal children with ASD are now potentially avail-
All the successful children at these older ages seemed to able. These include the use of eye-tracking measures [cf.
be motivated to communicate orally and had received Aslin, 2007; Aslin & McMurray, 2004], neurophysiologi-
intensive, often behaviorally based, training in the for- cal measures including event-related potentials (ERPs) or
mation of sounds and words. While the majority of these electroencephalography [EEG; Choudhury & Benasich,
children increased their single word utterances, only 2011; Connolly, Marchand, Major, & D’Arcy, 2006] and
about one third moved into phrase speech. magneto-encephalography [MEG; Imada et al., 2006],
Gordon [2010] conducted a case study of one nonver- which are more feasible to implement than other brain-
bal boy with ASD who began a highly intensive home- imaging methods. At this point, most of these methods,
based intervention with experienced clinicians at the age which do not require the child to understand or follow
of 12. He progressed from having just a single word at age even minimal instructions and do not require an overt
12 to acquiring a relatively large single-word vocabulary motor response, are in the development phase for studies
and multiword utterances through the adolescent years. on minimally verbal children with ASD, with several
At age 22, this young man continued to show progress in research groups evaluating their reliability and validity.
spoken language. The intervention program was flexibly Thus far, work has begun to evaluate these implicit
implemented and multifaceted. Initially the focus was on methods as ways of assessing minimally verbal children’s
speech articulation skills, borrowing techniques from receptive language or auditory processing skills. While
the adult aphasia literature. Over time, the program was they seem to hold promise as useful measures, not every
changed frequently, addressing the specific individual child can comply with even the minimal demands of
needs of the young man. The significance of this case these methods, all of which require some degree of
study is in demonstrating what might be possible during motion control.
the adolescent years, although some caution is warranted
as it is unlikely that the same progress could be replicated Eye Tracking
across the majority of nonverbal individuals with ASD.
Looking behavior has been used extensively in studies of
infants’ cognitive and linguistic knowledge [Aslin, 2007;
Novel Technologies for Assessing Receptive Aslin & McMurray, 2004], as well as in research on
Language and Cognition visual preferences in children and adults with ASD [e.g.
Boraston & Blakemore, 2007; Chawarksa, Volkmar, &
Most of the published studies on older minimally verbal Klin, 2010; Klin, Jones, Schultz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002;
children with ASD fail to provide much information Pelphrey et al., 2002]. With the advent of newer models
about the participants other than age and expressive lan- of eye-tracking systems, it is now possible to collect accu-
guage level [cf. Pickett et al., 2009]. One significant rate recordings of looking time without requiring any
barrier is the dearth of valid, reliable and appropriate apparatus to be mounted on the child’s head or other
means for direct assessments of this population. Instead, invasive procedures. Instead, these systems (e.g. Tobii
most studies that do report on some characteristics of eye-tracking systems; rely on
their sample rely on parent report measures (question- infrared sensors that are embedded in the computer
naires or interviews) rather than clinical testing. Standard monitor to capture corneal reflection, which is the basis
methods for assessing even foundational cognitive or for detecting a person’s point of gaze. Calibration is fast
receptive language skills depend on a range of behaviors and easy, and does not require the participant to follow
that may not part of the repertoire of the minimally verbal instructions; it is achieved by placing attention-
verbal child. These include the ability to develop rapport grabbing icons on the computer screen that can be fol-
with the examiner, the motivation to comply with task lowed automatically. The method does require that the
demands, capacity to understand the pragmatics of the content of the computer screen before and during any

470 Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD INSAR

task administration is sufficiently engaging for children plished in a minimal amount of time to make this
to maintain attention without them moving out of the method feasible and more easily tolerated, especially by
range of the embedded sensors. minimally verbal children with ASD. The use of an elec-
To assess receptive language, the basic assumption of trode cap or net significantly reduces the time needed for
eye-tracking measures is that when a child hears a word, attaching electrodes. No matter how quickly electrodes
phrase or sentence, he or she will locate and then look are placed, with or without a cap or net, they may be
longer at an image (picture, cartoon or video) that matches quite uncomfortable for some children. It is therefore
the target language than at an unrelated image placed next important to develop a training protocol that might take
to the matching image. If a child looks reliably longer at several sessions that would gradually introduce and
the matching image (ensuring through counterbalanced desensitize the child to the electrode system. While some
presentation that the child does not show a significant bias movement is possible during the collection of electro-
to looking mostly at one side of the screen), then it is physiological measures because data can be corrected for
assumed that the child understands the linguistic stimu- a certain degree of motion, data collection during stimu-
lus. Current studies are underway by Tager-Flusberg and lus presentation should be accomplished with minimal
her colleagues [e.g. Edelson, Fine, & Tager-Flusberg, 2008] movements, especially of the head and eyes since trials
and others to establish that for minimally verbal children on which there is movement or eyeblinks must be
with ASD, eye-tracking measures provide a valid assess- discarded.
ment of receptive language. Thus far, lexical comprehen- As noted, different components of the ERP reflect dif-
sion has been tested using parent information about ferent aspects of linguistic processing [for review, see
which words a child understands. Preliminary data indi- Friederici, 2005]. Lexical meaning can be assessed using
cate that, like verbal children with autism and typically the N400 (a negative wave, between about 250 and
developing children, minimally verbal children with 600 msecs, usually peaking at about 400 msecs after
autism look longer at matching pictures for words that stimulus onset, collected from electrodes placed over
they know, but fail to do so for words they do not under- central/parietal regions). The amplitude of the N400 will
stand [Edelson et al., 2008]. be reduced if prior to hearing the word, a semantically
related prime (e.g. picture or word) is presented. This
Neurophysiology difference in the N400 amplitude can be taken as an
index of lexical comprehension. For morphosyntactic
For over 30 years, ERPs have been used to index different processes, there are both early (left anterior negativity,
aspects of language comprehension as well as other occurring 200–400 msecs post stimulus) and late (P600
aspects of cognitive functioning [Kutas & Federmeier, positive wave form peaking at around 600 msecs) com-
2011]. While most research has been conducted with ponents of the ERP that are elicited if a person detects
typical adults, ERPs have been applied to other popula- ungrammatical speech, for example incorrect plural/
tions including preverbal infants [e.g. Friedrich & tense marker (e.g. *The girls dances). Meaningful con-
Friederici, 2010], children with language and other nected speech is distinguished from nonmeaningful
neurodevelopmental disorders [Bishop, 2007], or adults connected speech by a slow positive component primar-
who have suffered strokes or other neurodegenerative ily over temporal lobe sites. To collect these data, children
disorders [e.g. Byrne et al., 1999; Kotz & Friederici, 2003]. just need to look at the computer screen (if visual stimuli
Studies of ERPs in verbal children with ASD have inves- are used) and listen passively to the linguistic stimuli; no
tigated language and other cognitive processes, such as overt response is needed.
face recognition [for review, see Jeste & Nelson, 2009]. These paradigms are all currently being implemented
ERPs reflect the activity of populations of neurons (pri- by Benasich and her colleagues in studies of both
marily from pyramidal cells) time locked to specific younger and older minimally verbal children with ASD
stimulus events. Because this activity is collected at the [Benasich, Shafer, Flax, Yu, & MacRoy-Higgins, 2011].
skull surface, brain activity must be averaged over a rela- With training and preparation, the majority of partici-
tively large number of trials in order to achieve a reason- pants were able to provide useful data [see also
able signal-to-noise ratio. ERPs provide sensitive measures Connolly, Reitzel, Szatmari, & Harrison, 2011]. In pre-
of temporal (but not spatial) aspects of stimulus process- liminary findings, Benasich et al. [2011] reported that
ing, and specific components of an ERP provide measures some minimally verbal children showed the expected
of distinct processing stages, for example perceptual, ERP responses while others did not. These findings
semantic or grammatical aspects of language. suggest that neurophysiological measures can distin-
Electrophysiological responses are collected from elec- guish between children who do understand speech from
trodes attached to the head. Ideally, placing the elec- those who fail to, although it should be noted that not
trodes, which can vary in number depending on the all participants with ASD were able to provide sufficient
system or specific research paradigm, would be accom- artifact-free data for analysis.

INSAR Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD 471

MEG comparisons, averaging across participants. For all these
technologies, there is a trade-off between having a suffi-
MEG is another brain-imaging tool that provides sensi- ciently large number of valid trials (yielding usable,
tive information about brain processing of stimuli by artifact-free data) and the length of a testing session. Eye
measuring electromagnetic brain signals from the cortex tracking can be used to assess a wide range of linguistic
[for review, see Hari, Parkkonen, & Nangini, 2010]. MEG processes, but some children will fail to look at the com-
records dipolar magnetic fields produced by populations puter screen or may show a bias to attend only to one
of neurons firing synchronously. Like ERPs, MEG offers side. For paradigms that rely on subtle timing of eye
sensitive measures of temporal aspects of neural process- movements as a measure of linguistic knowledge, there
ing; when structural images of the brain are also avail- may be some concern that oculomotor abnormalities that
able, then MEG can also provide excellent spatial have been identified in some children with ASD will
resolution. A MEG system is, however, far more expensive affect interpretation of data [e.g. Takarae, Minshew, Luna,
than EEG, not portable and is generally not available & Sweeney, 2007]. While MEG provides the richest data
outside major research centers. Most MEG machines are on temporal and spatial processing from cortical systems
built for adult use and may require adaptation for use and is well suited for single-subject data collection, it is
with younger children [Imada et al., 2006]. expensive and currently less well developed for capturing
A few studies have used MEG to investigate auditory specific stages of linguistic processing than ERPs. We
[e.g. Gage, Siegel, & Roberts, 2003; Roberts et al., 2010] or return to discussing the needs for further development of
visual processing [e.g. Bailey, Braeutigam, Jouskaki, & these novel methodologies in the final section of this
Swithenby, 2005] in ASD, although its primary use has paper.
been to investigate impairments in neural mechanisms in
adolescents or adults ASD (and other disorders) rather
than as a noninvasive tool for assessing cognitive or lin-
Interventions for the Minimally Verbal Child
guistic function. Nevertheless, because passive paradigms
With ASD
can be implemented with MEG, it has some potential to
be used for these purposes, as is the case with ERPs [Gage,
Most children beyond preschool age are not completely
Isenberg, Fillmore, Osann, & Flodman, 2011]. For MEG to
nonverbal; they often have some words or phrases that
be used effectively with minimally verbal children, train-
may or may not be used communicatively. Our under-
ing for motion control and tolerance of the machine are
standing of how well these children respond to interven-
needed, although unlike functional magnetic resonance
tions depends on who is included in intervention studies
imaging, there is no noise associated with the machine,
and how we define pretreatment characteristics. Cur-
and the participant can be seated upright in greater
rently, we have limited information on children who may
comfort without being encased in a tube.
have the most difficulty with spoken language. Interven-
Evaluation of Novel Methods of Assessment tion studies often exclude “low-functioning” potentially
nonverbal children. For example, studies of comprehen-
Given the significant challenges inherent in the assess- sive early interventions [e.g. Dawson et al., 2010; Lovaas,
ment of cognitive, linguistic and behavioral skills in the 1987] have excluded children with developmental quo-
minimally verbal child with ASD, there is a need for new tients (or IQ scores) below 35 or developmental ages
methods that involve exclusively passive paradigms, no below 12 months. Intervention studies of older, school-
overt responding or even the ability to understand aged children often focus on verbal higher functioning
instructions. Several tools are now available that rely on children (e.g. improving pragmatic skills), also excluding
eye movements or neural measures of response to stimuli children who are minimally verbal. As a result, we know
that seem promising, at least for some children. Never- little about the heterogeneity in language learning of a
theless, we are still a long way from having psychometri- broad spectrum of children, particularly during transition
cally sound measures that take advantage of these new periods, from preschool to school age, childhood to ado-
tools. For each of the technologies reviewed here, there lescence and adolescence to adulthood.
are advantages and disadvantages. For all of them, chil-
dren must receive training to tolerate the testing environ-
Interventions Targeting Spoken Language Outcomes in
ment and minimize movement. Tasks must be designed School-Aged Children
carefully to ensure that they capture specific perceptual,
cognitive or linguistic processes, engage the attention of For the school-aged minimally verbal child, the focus is
the child and maintain the child’s interest. Methods must often on functional communication outcomes. Several
provide meaningful measures at the individual child studies have used naturalistic behavioral methods such as
level; this is currently more easily achieved for eye track- incidental teaching to increase spoken language and
ing and MEG than for ERP, which relies mostly on group functional communication outcomes. One example in

472 Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD INSAR

this line of work found that, compared with discrete trial picture cues and also increased their spontaneous produc-
training, creating more opportunities for incidental tion of spoken requests. Thus, PECS does not appear to
teaching via parents was associated with greater success inhibit the development of spoken language, but there is
in increasing verbal responses in three nonverbal boys only limited evidence that the use of PECS facilitates
between 6 and 9 years of age [Charlop-Christy, Carpenter, increased spoken language [Schlosser & Wendt, 2008].
Le, LeBlanc, & Kellet, 2002]. The boys in this study One further limitation in all these studies is that when
learned to say and generalize set phrases, such as “Good language is targeted or is reported to improve, the lan-
morning,” but there is no evidence that they could spon- guage function is nearly always limited to requesting.
taneously produce nontargeted words or phrases. Other Despite single-subject studies of successful use of AAC
studies have used functional communication training to speech-generating systems for increasing communication
decrease problem behaviors and increase communication and spoken language in some individuals [Schlosser &
[Mancil, Conroy, & Haydon, 2009]. In nearly all cases, Wendt, 2008; Sigafoos et al., 2004], researchers report
interventions target the training of words or phrases that very limited use of AAC devices either in classrooms or at
are often set phrases or words used to request, “I want . . .” home [Brady, 2010]. One issue may be the lack of specific
Thus, in these studies, changes in communication were teaching strategies that can be utilized by teachers and
limited to the requesting function and increased respond- parents when they have access to an AAC system. Unlike
ing, not spontaneous initiations. PECS, which has a specific sequence of teaching children
how to use the system, speech-generating devices do not
have a similar teaching package for teachers. Given new
Interventions Using Augmentative and
Alternative Communication technologies providing speech output (e.g. tablets with
the proloquo2go application), development of interven-
There is currently considerable emphasis on the use of tions using these devices is urgently needed.
augmentative and alternative modes of communication
for school-aged children who are minimally verbal. Aug-
Application of Preschool Interventions to
mentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems School-Aged Children
encompass any nonspeech means for expressive and
receptive communication including sign language, visual Because there has been little in the way of developing
systems and speech-generating devices (e.g. VOCA). The specific interventions for older, minimally verbal chil-
growing availability of the iPad and other tablets, for dren, an alternative approach is to apply or adapt
example, has generated a great deal of enthusiasm for evidence-based interventions that have been designed
their potential to help minimally verbal individuals com- and evaluated on younger children with ASD. The
municate. However, more commonly applied AAC younger developmental age of preschoolers with autism
systems rely on “low-tech” solutions such as the PECS. may be commensurate with the skill levels of older mini-
PECS is an augmentative communication system in mally verbal children, such that adapting effective early
which children exchange pictures in order to communi- interventions for older children may prove beneficial.
cate with others and is widely applied in classrooms of One issue to consider is whether these same interventions
children with ASD. that have been evaluated in young, essentially preverbal
In the only randomized clinical trial (RCT) including children will work equally well with older children who
children over age five, the effectiveness of PECS for 84 are minimally verbal.
children was assessed [Howlin, Gordon, Pasco, Wade, & Several studies have found that preschool-aged chil-
Charman, 2007]. In this study, randomization was at the dren with limited spoken language skills become
unit of the classroom, including all children in the class verbal from exposure to augmentative communi-
between 4 and 10 years of age who were reported to have cation approaches including PECS, sign language or
limited language based on the Autism Diagnostic Obser- speech-generating devices [e.g. Romski et al., 2010;
vation Schedule diagnostic assessment. The main find- Sulzer-Azaroff et al. 2009]. These outcomes with younger
ings were that the children in classrooms whose teachers, children appear stronger than those obtained from older
parents and staff had received PECS training initiated minimally verbal children. For example, one RCT with
communication at a higher rate using PECS, but there preverbal toddlers of mixed etiologies reported increased
was no main effect on the use of spoken language. vocabularies when these children were using speech-
Indeed, there is little evidence that PECS increases the generating devices [Romski et al., 2010]. Toddlers who
production of spoken language [Preston & Carter, 2009]. received interventions of speech input or output using
One exception is a study that used a single-subject mul- a speech-generating device had larger spoken and aug-
tiple baseline design in which two of the three children mented vocabularies compared with toddlers who
were over age 5 [Charlop-Christy et al., 2002]. Both the received only standard speech therapy. Thus, these data
older children increased their use of requesting with the suggest significant benefits of speech-generating devices

INSAR Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD 473

in increasing communication (spoken and augmented) at predictor of language outcome might be the ability to use
least over a short period of time in preschool-aged chil- even a single word. In an ongoing RCT with preschoolers
dren. A reasonable question is whether intervention strat- comparing PECS (visual approach) with PRT (verbal
egies in these studies are different from those applied to approach), one of the predictors of better outcomes in
older children, and if so, are they applicable to older both conditions was if a child had one or more words
children so that they might strengthen treatment out- prior to treatment [Schreibman, 2010]. In another study,
comes in the minimally verbal older child? even a minimal amount of language predicted spoken
Other studies of preverbal preschoolers have focused language gains in children who began PECS treatment
more directly on spoken language. Using naturalistic between 4 and 10 years of age [Gordon et al., 2011].
behavioral approaches, specifically, pivotal response Other factors could also play a significant role in lan-
training (PRT), Koegel et al. [2009] found that 3- and guage outcomes. In examining the prediction to language
4-year-old children with ASD acquired spoken words if over the course of 2 years for children who began inter-
they were cued to attend (e.g. using a “high five” gesture) vention when they were about 4 years old, Bopp,
prior to being prompted to say a word. Thus, recruiting Mirenda, and Zumbo [2009] found that two factors were
the children’s attention and then delivering the word significant: inattentiveness and social motivation. Chil-
prompt yielded significant improvement in producing dren who scored high on measures of inattentiveness and
words. These young children had failed to respond to demonstrated limited social motivation made far less
traditional behavioral treatments and had been consid- progress in acquiring language. These findings were
ered “nonresponders” to other interventions. In another found independent of the children’s initial autism sever-
study using a combination of naturalistic, developmental ity scores and nonverbal IQ. Interestingly, behaviors one
and behavioral strategies, 3- and 4-year-old children with would expect to interfere with language development
autism were randomized to one of three conditions: joint such as acting out or repetitive behaviors were not asso-
attention intervention, symbolic play intervention or ciated with language outcomes. Sherer and Schreibman
control applied behavioral analysis (ABA) only [Kasari, [2005] found that the best responders to PRT interven-
Freeman, & Paparella, 2006]. Children in all three condi- tions were those children who were more engaged with
tions were simultaneously receiving 30 hr of ABA center- objects, had some verbal behavior (echolalia), had more
based preschool services. The two experimental social approach and had less avoidance behavior. Thus,
interventions (joint attention and symbolic play) not directly targeting problems in social motivation, atten-
only yielded significant improvements in joint attention tiveness and object play skills may be important targets
and play skills, they also predicted better expressive, for children who do not make significant progress in
spoken language one year later [Kasari et al., 2008]. In a developing language.
child by treatment interaction, the study found that chil-
dren who began treatment with fewer than five spoken Summary and Evaluation of Interventions Research
words in their repertoire made the most gains in spoken
language if they received the joint attention interven- Current intervention research for the minimally verbal
tion. Taken together, these studies suggest that specific older child with ASD has mostly focused on behavioral
strategies (e.g. cueing for attention), content (e.g. joint and naturalistic interventions aimed at encouraging
attention) and mode of communication (e.g. augmenta- spoken language with or without the assistance of AAC
tive) may all affect the production of spoken language in systems. To date, there is scant evidence for effective
preschool-aged children who begin treatment with language interventions for these children. Most success
limited or no spoken words; it remains to be seen if the has been found in helping children increase requesting
same strategies could be effective in promoting speech in initiations and responses, primarily in studies using visu-
older minimally verbal children. ally based augmentative systems such as PECS, but there
are no data on improvements in other communicative
Factors Associated with Communication Outcomes functions, such as commenting. There is also limited
spoken language change as a result of AAC interventions
A number of pretreatment child characteristics may help with older children.
in predicting language outcomes and point to potential One issue to tackle is the heterogeneity in the defini-
treatment targets. Several studies have found that joint tions of “nonverbal” and in assessments of child charac-
attention skills (both responding and initiating) predict teristics prior to intervention. Knowing more about the
later language acquisition. For example, Sigman and characteristics of the children enrolled in intervention
Ruskin [1999] reported that responding to joint attention studies across a wide range of behaviors will allow us to
predicted spoken language up to 10 years later in a understand better child response to treatments (RTIs),
sample of children with autism who were originally thus giving us the potential for creating individualized
assessed during the preschool years. Another important treatments for optimal outcome. The data from studies

474 Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD INSAR

of younger children suggest that attentiveness, social [e.g. Bryson, Landry, & Smith, 1994]. As we make
motivation, object play skills and even a limited vocal progress in identifying the underlying mechanisms or
repertoire predict better communication outcomes. These alternative pathways, the potential to discover predic-
are components of interventions that may need further tors in infancy or early childhood will be possible,
development for older minimally verbal children with leading eventually to preventive treatments and
ASD. interventions that may be implemented during this
optimal period of development.
3. Studies targeting minimally verbal children with
Future Research
ASD, including those addressing core mechanisms or
potential treatments, should provide comprehensive
This overview of current research on minimally verbal
evaluations of each child across multiple behavioral
children with ASD has highlighted how little we know
domains in a range of social contexts. Although such
about them. There is a clear need to define a set of research
assessments may be difficult to accomplish, investiga-
agendas that can address the many gaps in our knowledge.
tors should attempt to examine behaviors that are
So few publications focus specifically on the older mini-
known precursors of language (including object play,
mally verbal child; in our view, children below the age of
joint attention skills, intentional behaviors, imitation,
5 who are not speaking should be considered preverbal, as
vocalization and nonverbal cognitive abilities; see
they still have the potential to acquire spoken language
companion paper, this issue, by Kasari et al.). New
skills given appropriate interventions. We do not know
technologies for assessing cognitive and linguistic
whether minimally verbal children over the age of 5 are
abilities should be further developed with particular
similar to younger children, but with more profound
attention paid to developing psychometrically valid
impairments in autism and related symptoms, or whether
measures based on implicit measures derived from eye-
they are characterized by qualitative differences at the
tracking or neuroimaging methodologies. Adaptations
genetic, neurobiological or behavioral levels [e.g. Flax,
of current standardized tests on tablets or touch-screen
Hare, Azaro, Vieland, & Brzustowicz, 2010]. Research
computers might also be more effective methods for
studies addressing the full scope of issues raised by this end
assessing this population by capitalizing on their moti-
of the ASD spectrum are clearly needed. We outline here a
vation and engagement with these technologies.
number of questions that need to be answered if we are to
4. New research paradigms are needed for intervention
begin to meet the urgent needs of these individuals.
studies that, for example, integrate assessment with
1. In what ways are minimally verbal children with ASD intervention. In conducting future research studies,
different from minimally verbal children with intellec- investigators will likely need to use creative research
tual disability (without ASD)? While some of the chil- designs such as RTI or sequential treatment designs.
dren with ASD who do not learn to speak also have Treatment as usual designs are not as informative if
severe levels of intellectual disability, it seems that children have already had access to adequate interven-
others do not; for any given level of intellectual dis- tion but had made limited spoken language progress.
ability, the child with ASD is more likely to remain Rather than offering more of the same, researchers
nonverbal. Studies that compare these populations need to employ comparative treatment designs to dis-
may reveal the specific characterization and signifi- entangle the active ingredients of intervention and to
cance of social motivation or other factors unique to determine which children benefit most from a specific
ASD for acquiring spoken language skills. intervention, or sequence of tailored intervention
2. Nothing is known about the mechanisms that explain strategies. There is also the potential for incorporating
why some children with ASD do not learn to speak. novel implicit and brain-imaging measures to assess
There are hints in the literature that oral-motor skills changes that may occur prior to observable behavior
[e.g. Gernsbacher et al., 2008], auditory processing changes during the course of an intervention and to
skills [e.g. Gage et al., 2011] or even genetic factors assist us in better understanding the mechanisms of
[e.g. Flax et al., 2010] differentiate this group, but treatment change.
there are still no studies that specifically address this 5. Intervention studies with older children have gener-
core issue. We also know little about how children ally relied on case studies or single-subject designs,
with ASD may make use of alternate routes to spoken and the participants enrolled in these studies have
language. At the neurobiological level, some children not been adequately characterized. Randomized con-
may acquire spoken language relying more on the trolled trials are rare. A critical consideration is that
right hemisphere than on the more typical left hemi- the comparison with a no-treatment control group, or
sphere for processing language [e.g. Knaus et al., 2010; practice as usual, may not be appropriate with older
Redcay & Courchesne, 2008]; others may acquire lan- children already exposed to current practices and not
guage through reading rather than in the spoken form progressing as expected. There is some promise in the

INSAR Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD 475

application of alternative treatment designs such as Benasich, Nancy Brady, John Connolly, Nicole Gage,
sequential multiple assignment randomization trial Barry Gordon, Portia Iversen, Rebecca Landa, Janice
designs that should be considered in future studies for Light, Catherine Lord, Mark Mahone, Stewart Mostofsky,
this population [Collins, Murphy, & Strecher, 2007]. Rhea Paul, MaryAnn Romski, Laura Schreibman and
6. Studies are needed that examine the transition from Larry Shriberg. We are grateful to all the participants for
preverbal to verbal as children move into the school sharing their expertise.
years. Particularly around the age of 4–5 years, there
may be specific developmental changes that place a
child on a path to becoming verbal or to remain only References
minimally verbal. Novel interventions that target this Anderson, D.K., Lord, C., Risi, S., DiLavore, P.S., Shulman, C.,
transitional stage may be important to develop with the et al. (2007). Patterns of growth in verbal abilities among
goal of improving the language outcomes of this group. children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Consult-
7. New technologies are rapidly being introduced for use ing and Clinical Psychology, 75, 594–604.
as interventions for minimally verbal children. In par- Aslin, R. (2007). What’s in a look? Developmental Science, 10,
ticular, a growing number of applications are being 48–53.
Aslin, R., & McMurray, B. (2004). Automated corneal-reflection
developed for the iPad and other tablets that are
eye-tracking in fancy: Methodological developments and
receiving considerable attention in the media and
applications to cognition. Infancy, 6, 155–163.
from consumers. But little research has been con- Bailey, A., Braeutigam, S., Jouskaki, V., & Swithenby, S. (2005).
ducted to evaluate these technologies, and most do Abnormal activation of face processing systems at early and
not have systematic curricula associated with them intermediate latency in individuals with autism spectrum
that would potentially enhance their efficacy. Studies disorder: A magnetechnephalographic study. European
are needed that would fill the gaps in our knowledge Journal of Neuroscience, 21, 2575–2585.
about how these technologies might be used most Benasich, A., Shafer, V., Flax, J., Yu, Y., & MacRoy-Higgins, M.
effectively and what the limits might be for imple- (2011). Assessing cognition and language in nonverbal chil-
menting interventions on these platforms for this dren with autism: Is the frog green? International Meeting for
population. Novel language interventions could also Autism Research, San Diego, CA, May.
Bishop, D.V.M. (2007). Using mismatch negativity to study
be developed that capitalize on a child’s interest and
central auditory processing in developmental language and
strengths in other areas. For example, music might
literacy impairments: Where are we and where should we be
serve as bridge and facilitate spoken language in some going? Psychological Bulletin, 133, 651–672.
nonverbal children [Wan & Schlaug, 2010]. Bopp, K., Mirenda, P., & Zumbo, B. (2009). Behavior predictors of
language development over 2 years in children with autism
spectrum disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and
Conclusions Hearing Research, 52, 1106–1120.
Boraston, Z., & Blakemore, S.-J. (2007). The application of eye-
We have clearly made considerable progress in under- tracking technology in the study of autism. Journal of Physi-
standing early predictors of language acquisition and the ology, 581, 893–898.
development of effective interventions that target tod- Brady, N. (2010). AAC for children with autism. NIH Workshop
dlers and preschoolers with ASD. In contrast, we know on Nonverbal School-Aged Children with Autism, Bethesda,
almost nothing about minimally verbal older children, MD, April.
Bryson, S., Landry, R., & Smith, I. (1994). Brief report: A case
children who despite access to these interventions fail to
study of literacy and socioemotional development in a mute
acquire spoken language skills. We hope that this review
autistic female. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disor-
will stimulate the research community to begin to
ders, 24, 225–231.
address some of the pressing needs for this group of Byrne, J., Connolly, J., MacLean, S., Dooley, J., Gordon, K., &
individuals who, for too long, have remained at the Beattie, T. (1999). Brain activity and language assessment
neglected end of the autism spectrum. using event-related potentials: Development of a clinical pro-
tocol. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 41,
Acknowledgments Charlop-Christy, M., Carpenter, M., Le, L., LeBlanc, L., & Kellet,
K. (2002). Using the picture exchange communication system
This paper grew out of a Workshop convened by NIH on
(PECS) with children with autism: Assessment of PECS
April 13–14, 2010 on the topic: Nonverbal children with
acquisition, speech, social-communicative behavior, and
autism. The workshop was chaired by Connie Kasari, problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 35,
Helen Tager-Flusberg and Judith Cooper, and the plan- 213–231.
ning committee included Frank Avenilla, Lisa Gilottty, Chawarksa, K., Volkmar, F., & Klin, A. (2010). Limited
Dan Hall, Alice Kau, Lana Shekim and Ann Wagner all attentional bias for faces in toddlers with autism spectrum
from the NIH. Participants included: Grace Baranek, April disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67, 178–185.

476 Tager-Flusberg and Kasari/Minimally verbal children with ASD INSAR

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ogy, 122, 320–338. Howlin, P., Gordon, R.K., Pasco, G., Wade, A., & Charman, T.
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