Energia en Palas
Energia en Palas
Energia en Palas
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Electric shovels are used for loading in opencast mines. Energy efficiency assessment of electric shovel is
Received 4 March 2020 important to minimise its electrical energy usage. Specific power consumption (SPC) has been used as
Received in revised form performance indicator to assess energy efficiency of shovel. A modelling framework is developed for
27 March 2021
estimating SPC of electric shovel from operating time and power measured for each process. The model is
Accepted 16 April 2021
Available online 3 May 2021
illustrated with a case study of 42 cu. m. P & H shovel operating in a large opencast mine of India. The SPC
of shovel is optimized for actual operating cycle time components (idle time and digging time). Results of
field measurements show that digging operation consumes maximum power in comparison to other
Energy efficiency
operations of electric shovel in a cycle. The model has been used to assess the energy saving potential of
Electric shovel electric shovel by using the real time operational data. The minimum SPC of electric shovel is 0.12 kWh/
Opencast mine cum for zero idle time and the energy saving potential is 13.45%. The optimization of SPC has also been
Cycle time done for different digging conditions. The model developed can help to set a target for energy con-
Power consumption sumption of electric shovel operating in a mine.
Energy savings © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
Oskouei et al. revealed that the operator's skill affect the energy 1.1. Working of electric shovels and its energy consumption
efficiency of the mining machinery [14]. The study done by Karpuz
et al. revealed that there is an increase in digging power con- 1.1.1. Working of electric shovels
sumption with an increase in the cutting depth and operator's An electric shovel operating in an opencast mine consists of a
performance [15]. The results of simulation experiments conducted large bucket which is connected by ropes and driven by electric
by Awuah-Offei, K. revealed that an operator, operating near the motors for different operations during loading. It has a revolving
optimal levels with a 44 cu. m bucket capacity can save over frame that supports a boom consisting of dipper handle supported
$114,000/- in the electricity costs for digging cycle alone as by a hoist rope. Four electric motors (hoist motor, crowd motor,
compared to an average operator [16]. swing motor and propel motor) along with their drive system
The performance of P & H electric shovel was studied by Pat- control the operations (digging, swinging and propelling) in a
nayak et al. by measuring the performance parameters (voltage, shovel. Motors and their operations are listed as follows:
current) and their variation during digging and hoisting operations
[17]. A dynamic model was developed for the performance evalu- Hoist motor that drives the hoist drum and used for hoisting
ation of cable shovel using NewtoneEuler techniques. The effect of operation
both linear and angular motions of dipper handle and dipper on Swing motor which swings the boom and dipper attached from
shovel performance has been studied [18]. The energy efficiency of side to side
a typical truck and shovel mining system has been modelled using Crowd motor controls dipper handle by means of rope.
stochastic process simulation. A linear correlation between fuel Propel motor for movement of the entire machine
consumption per cycle with cycle time components and payload of
trucks has been done. The fuel consumption per cycle for various The dipper of the electric shovel is first crowded into the soil,
operating strategies including effective shovel utilization, increased hoisted for digging and bucket filling. The filled bucket is then
shovel capacity and shorten haul roads has been calculated [19]. An swung over the dump-truck to unload the material. All the motions
analytical model was developed by Sahoo et al. for benchmarking of the shovel are controlled by the operator by using joystick con-
energy consumption of dump trucks using a linear optimization trollers attached near the operator's seat. The movement of dipper
technique [11,20]. The influence of the operator's technique on the of the electric shovel operating in an opencast mine showing the
digging efficiency and productivity of the machine has been ana- crowd, hoist and swing operations is shown in Fig. 1 [25].
lysed and the digging energy of shovel is calculated from the bail
force and crowd rate [21]. Awuah-Offei et al. has modelled energy
efficiency of cable shovel by optimising crowd and hoist speeds
using shovel kinematics and dynamics [22]. Wang et al. and Bi et al.
have optimized energy consumption of cable shovel through tra-
jectory planning for optimal excavation in mine [23,24].
In this paper, real time operational data has been used for
assessing the energy efficiency of electric shovel. Specific power
consumption (SPC) is optimized using a modelling framework from
the input field data of operating time and power consumption of
different operations of electric shovel in a large opencast mine.
Specific power consumption depends on the material handled by
the electric shovel. An optimization of the specific power con-
sumption has been done by varying digging time and idle time of
shovel for constraints of the maximum power consumption and
material handling demand. The parametric analysis and sensitivity Fig. 1. Dipper movement of the electric shovel [25].
analysis of the model has been done.
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
tcycle ¼ tdig þ tswing þ tswing;b þ tul þ tidle (1) The cycle time varies with the digging time and major power is
consumed during digging operation. Hence, SPC is minimized for
Number of buckets excavated by the shovel per hour (Xb ) is different digging time assuming that digging time depends on the
calculated using Eq. (2). Energy consumption of electric shovel in digging difficulty during shovel operation as Eq. (13).
one cycle is estimated using average power drawn during different
shovel operations (dig, swing, unload, idle) and time of the oper- tdig tdig;k ðk ¼ 1ðeasyÞ; 2ðmoderateÞ; 3ðdifficultÞ Þ
ation. The annualised energy consumption (ET ) for annual oper- k; denotes digging difficulty
ating hours (H) is given as Eq. (4). The material handled by shovel
The power consumed for total shovel operation is restricted by
per year with bucket capacity (Cb ) and fill factor (Fb ) is estimated
maximum rated power of connected electric motors supplying
using Eq. (5).
power where i; j indicates number of operations performed by
. electric shovels and number of connected electrical motors.
Xb ¼ 3600 tcycle (2)
Pi Pj (14)
Ecycle ¼ Pdig tdig þ Pswing tswing þ Pul tul þ Pswing;b tswing;b þ Pidle tidle
i¼1 j¼1
All variables are positive.
ET ¼ Ecycle Xb H (4)
3. Case study of an electric shovel operating in a coal mine
Qm ¼ Cb Fb Xb H (5)
The specific power consumption based on annual energy con- A case study of an electric shovel operating in Dipka opencast
sumption is shown in Eq. (6). coal mine of M/s South Eastern Coalfields Ltd (SECL), Bilaspur, India
has been presented to evaluate the energy efficiency. The installed
SPCshovel ¼ ET =Qm (6) production capacity of the mine is 25 MTPA with average stripping
ratio of 1 m3/T of coal. The annual electrical energy consumption of
the mine is 49.3 GWh/y in 2014e15 [28]. The connected load of the
electrical machinery in mine is 38.49 MW. The electric shovels (four
2.1. Optimization of specific power consumption numbers of 10 cu. m. And two numbers of 42 cu. m.) consume 32%
of the total electrical energy.
The minimum specific power consumption (SPCshovel ) of electric A field trial was conducted on a 42 cu. m P&H shovel to assess
shovel is calculated using Eq. (7) from annual energy consumption the energy efficiency from the cycle time study for 1-h loading cycle
and material handling demand. The overall electrical energy of the and actual power measured. The continuous power ratings for hoist
shovel in the model includes the losses of 6.6 kV line as power has motors, crowd motor, swing motor and propel motors of electric
been measured at 33/6.6 kV substation end. The objective function shovel are 1887 kW, 547 kW, 746 kW and 716 kW respectively [25].
to optimize specific power consumption of a single electric shovel The connected load of electric shovel is 7235 kW (2 hoist motors, 1
in a shovel-dumper combination mine is given as: crowd motor, 2 swing motors and 2 propel motors). The physical
Minimise parameters of P & H electric shovel are given in Table 1. Five dump
trucks were allocated to the shovel at the pit for hauling operation.
The loading cycle of shovel include five different operations; dig-
Pi ti Xb H
ging, swinging, unloading, swing back and positioning/waiting
SPCshovel ¼ i¼1 (7)
QD time. The time scales of different loading operations were
measured using a digital timer. During the same time of operations,
Subject to the following constraints:
power analyzer was connected at the electrical substation to
Cb Fb Xb H QD (8) measure the electrical parameters such as power, current, voltage
Cb Fb Xb H Qs (9)
Table 1
The idle time is considered as zero. Physical parameters of P & H electric shovel [25].
Model 4100C
Nominal dipper capacity 45.9 cu.m.
Nominal Payload 81.6 t
Rated suspended load 154.2 t
Bucket fill factor 0.80 (assumed)
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
Table 2
Variation of the cycle time of P & H shovel during study period.
Digging Time (s) Swing Time (s) Unloading Time (s) Swing Back Time (s) Cycle Time (s) Waiting Time (s)
Maximum 29 10 7 13 48 287
Minimum 6 3 3 5 19 0
Average 11 7 3 9 30 24
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
Table 4
Estimation of SPC with and without idle time.
The solution procedure and model results are presented for two
cases of an electric shovel:
The SPC is initially optimized for zero idle time and average idle
3.3. Performance evaluation of electric shovel time of 11s. It is a linear optimization having linear constraints. The
SPC is then optimized for different digging conditions and the
Specific power consumption (SPC) is used as the energy per- constraints of the maximum power consumption given as Eq. (11).
formance index to assess the energy efficiency of electric shovel. The optimization problem is solved by excel solver using Eq. (7) to
Mean power consumption and the material handled calculated Eq. (12) including Eq. (1) to Eq. (6). The digging time optimization
from the cycle time have been used to evaluate SPC. The actual SPC for different digging conditions is solved using Eq. (1) to Eq. (14).
is calculated by considering the idle time of 24s during the study The minimum energy consumption per cycle in shovel for
period whereas the minimum SPC is calculated by minimizing the tidle ¼ 0 and average digging time of 11s is calculated as 4.07 kWh
idle time to zero. The power consumption varies in every instan- whereas annual energy consumption is 3226 MWh/y. Minimizing
taneous second from real time data taken using load manager the idle time is a no cost energy conservation measure whereas the
during the operating cycle of shovel as shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. minimisation of the digging time depends on density, fragmenta-
Therefore, the mean power is calculated from the average of tion of soil, depth of cut due to hoist and crowd movement of the
maximum and minimum power consumption for the range of each shovel. The operator's skill is required due to minimise both idle
operating cycle. The energy assessment of electric shovel with and time and digging time.
without idle time is given in Table 3.
The energy consumption per hour in total operating cycle of a
shovel is calculated as 315 units with idle time and 488 units
without idle time. The energy consumption for the digging opera-
tion is calculated as 215 units (68%) and 385 units (78%) respec-
tively for 2240 cu. m. and 4032 cu. m. per hour of the material
handled. The annual material handled, energy consumption and
SPC estimated without idle time and with idle time are given in
Table 4.
The material handling is calculated from mean cycle time of 30s
(From Table 2) using Eq. (5). The material handling is estimated to
be 26.61 Mcu. m/y assuming a bucket fill factor of 0.8 and annual
operating hours of 6600 h (20 h/d, 330 d/y). Material handling rate
decreases with the increase in cycle time. Fig. 9 shows the variation
of the material handling rate and the energy consumption with
increasing cycle time. The cycle time has been increased from 30s to
48s by increasing the digging time from 11s to 29s assuming zero
idle time and constant swing and unloads time.
Fig. 9. Variation of material handling rate and energy with cycle time.
Table 3
Energy assessment of shovel with and without idle time.
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
The minimum SPC obtained by idle time optimization is maximum material handling rate of 26.61 cu. m/y is obtained at
0.12 kWh/cu. m. The minimum SPC obtained for easy digging is zero idle time for a constant digging time. The material handled
0.0778 kWh/cu. m. , and 0.277 kWh/cu. m. for difficult digging. decreases with idle time as shown in Fig. 10. The material handled
is obtained for operating hours of 6600 h/y considering machine
4. Results and discussions breakdown and availability.
The SPC varies linearly with idle time and the minimum SPC is
4.1. Specific power consumption 0.12 kWh/cu. m at zero idle time. However, on actual operating
conditions, the average idle time is about 24s. This will result in
From the case study, the average cycle time for loading one energy loss due to idling of electric shovel. The SPC of shovel has
bucket of the material into the dump truck is calculated as 30s for been increased from 0.12 kWh/cu. m. at zero idle time to 0.14 kWh/
zero idle time and mean digging time of 11s. The actual operating cu. m at idle time of 24s. As electric shovel is highly energy inten-
SPC of the electric shovel in an opencast coal mine of India is sive equipment hence, a change in SPC of 0.02 kWh/cu. m. will save
0.14 kWh/cum whereas the minimum SPC is 0.12 kWh/cum for significant energy. An optimal operation of electric shovel by
tidle ¼ 0. Comparing the SPC with idle time and SPC without idle reducing idle time only can result in annual energy saving of
time, the energy saving potential is calculated as 13.45%. The result 295 MWh amounting to about $ 32,651/y.
is compared with the actual performance of a 42 cu. m. P & H The effect of digging time on SPC for zero idle time has been
electric shovel operating in Dipka opencast mine and found that studied in the present case study. The digging cycle include
minimizing the idle time from 27 min to 10 min decreases SPC from continuous motion of dipper employing crowding and hoisting
0.23 kWh/cu. m. to 0.15 kWh/cu. m for 116 cycles [28]. The digging operation to form a digging trajectory. The power consumption
operation consumes maximum share of energy consumed by during digging depends mainly on the suspended weight of the
electric shovel. The model result is compared with specific digging dipper (dipper and bucket), hoist speed and height raised by dipper
energy of electric shovel for blasted material. The specific digging during digging operation from start of digging to unloading of the
energy is calculated between 0.115 kWh/cu. m. to 0.205 kWh/cu. m. material. The digging operation contributes to actual production of
for easy and difficult digging [29]. The SPC can be further decreased electric shovel and consumes major share of energy consumption
by decreasing the average digging time. However, the digging time out of all other operations in a cycle. From Fig. 7, the variation of the
depends on the material hardness, density and type of the ore, power consumption during digging operation is significant and
depth of cut, fragmentation etc. The crowd and hoist speed during varies from 167 kW to 1933 kW. The mean digging time is calcu-
the shovel operation affect digging time. However, increasing the lated as 11s whereas the minimum and maximum digging time are
speed increases the power required for crowd and hoist operation. recorded as 6s and 29s as shown in Fig. 5. The variation of material
Hence optimal speed should be calculated to minimise the SPC and handled and SPC of the shovel with increase in digging time from
will be discussed in future research. 11s to 29s for tidle ¼ 0 are shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. Fig. 14 shows
the variation of energy consumption with digging time considering
4.2. Parametric analysis average power of 1050 kW. The total energy consumption increases
from 3226 MWh/y to 4615 MWh/y by increasing the digging time
The parametric analysis of the model has been done to inves- from 11s to 29s. The variation of SPC with material handled is given
tigate the effect of idle time and digging time on the SPC. The in Fig. 15. Assuming 0e6s for easy digging operation and 7se11s for
variation of the idle time and its effect on material handling and
SPC are given in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. The result shows that the
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
Fig. 15. Variation of SPC with material handled due to change in digging time.
The input data of 0e6s is considered for easy digging, 6e11s for
moderate digging and 12e29s for difficult digging. The value of k in
Eq. (13) is the upper limit of input range of digging time and is
known as the degree of digging difficulty. The optimal SPC is
computed as 0.078 kWh/cu. m for easy digging, 0.12 kWh/cu. m for
moderate digging and 0.277 kWh/cu. m for difficult digging
assuming zero idle time and constant swing and unload time.
5. Sensitivity analysis
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
Table 5
Sensitivity analysis of operating input variables-With idle time.
Input Base % Change Change SPC,base SPC, change SPC, change Sensitivity Sensitivity
value over over over base over base
base base
value value
(Upper) (Lower)
Table 6
Sensitivity analysis of operating input variables-Without idle time.
Input Base % Change Change SPC, change SPC, change Sensitivity Sensitivity
value over over over base over base
base base
value value
(Upper) (Lower)
6. Energy saving potential A modelling framework developed for optimising SPC by con-
trolling two input variables (idle time and digging time) is applied
The energy saving potential in an electric shovel (ES ) is esti- to a case study of P & H electric shovel of 42 cu. m. operating in a
mated using Eq. (16) by comparing the SPC without idle time large opencast mine of India (Dipka opencast mine at SECL mine
(SPCwo ) and SPC with idle time (SPCw ) in case of idle time optimi- located at Bilaspur, India). The results of the study indicate that the
zation. The SPC with idle time indicates the specific power con- energy saving potential of the mine case study is 13.45% by idle
sumption of shovel during actual operating cycle. Similarly, energy time optimization. The optimal SPC computed for easy, moderate
saving potential by digging time optimization is calculated by and difficult digging are 0.078 kWh/cu. m., 0.12 kWh/cu. m and
comparing the SPC obtained on average digging time and SPC ob- 0.277 kWh/cu. m for an assumption of zero idle time and constant
tained on actual digging time. swing time.
Energy saving potential is calculated using Eq. (16) as: This model can be used to assess the energy saving potential
using the real time operational data of electric shovel in any
ðSPCw SPCwo Þ 100 opencast mine. The model developed can help to set target of po-
ES ¼ (16)
SPCw wer consumption of electric shovel operating in any opencast
Since the digging time varies widely due to its dependency on mines.
the material density, hardness and speed of the dipper, energy
consumption also varies with time. Hence, the average digging time
of 11s is considered as minimum value for moderate digging Declaration of competing interest
operation. The minimum SPC is calculated as 0.12 kWh/cu. m for
digging time of 11s. An energy savings of about 13.45% is obtained The authors declare that they have no known competing
by idle time optimization. In the present case study as the digging financial interests or personal relationships that could have
time varies between minimum time 6se29s, energy saving has appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
been estimated by minimizing the digging time below 11s. A
decrease in digging time by 1s will increase the energy saving
potential by 7.4%. The proposed energy saving during digging Acknowledgement
operation can be achieved by increasing the hoist and swing speed.
The authors acknowledge their thanks to Dr P.K.Singh, Director,
7. Conclusion CIMFR for giving permission to publish this paper. Authors are also
grateful to Dr P.B.Choudhury, Dr A K Singh of CSIR-CIMFR for their
The objective of the study was to assess the energy efficiency of support. We acknowledge our thanks to Department of Electronics
an electric shovel operating in an opencast mine. In the present and Information Technology and Head of Department, Electrical
study, specific power consumption (SPC) has been used as the en- Department of Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology. The
ergy efficiency index. Real time data of operating time and actual authors are also grateful to South Eastern coal fields Ltd. For
power consumption of each operation of a shovel has been used for providing data to study the specific power consumption of Dipka
estimation of specific power consumption. opencast mine for P & H electric shovel.
S.A. Topno, L.K. Sahoo and B.S. Umre Energy 230 (2021) 120703
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