Lecture 12

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Physics 127b: Statistical Mechanics

Kinetic Theory

Kinetic theory is the simplest approach that describes the dynamics of enormous numbers of particles. Often
it is the only one where we can make progress in actually calculating numbers such as viscosity or electrical
conductivity! It describes nearly ideal gases: usually the interactions are only taken into account in the
collisions (to be defined below) that lead to the approach to equilibrium, and not in the properties of that
equilibrium (such as the equation of state, compressibility etc.). In some cases (e.g. Fermi liquid theory) it
is useful to take other effects of the interactions into account in a mean field sort of way.
An “ideal gas” is a good approximation for a system consisting of a low density of particles or quasiparticles
(thermal excitations from a quantum ground state). In the latter case the density of quasiparticles is always low
at low enough temperatures, and so kinetic theory is useful. Since we are often interested in low temperature
properties of a quantum system, this application makes kinetic theory much more interesting. So kinetic
theory is useful in:

• classical gases;

• the interstellar medium (particles and phonons);

• plasmas;

• quantum systems at low temperatures (e.g. phonons and rotons in a Bose superfluid; phonons in solids;
particle-hole excitations from a Fermi sea…);

—a surprisingly large variety of interesting systems.

We will phrase the argument in terms of the classical gas.

The simplification

The full description of a many particle system involves the phase space distribution
ρ(Ex1 , xE2 . . . xEN ; pE1 , pE2 . . . pEN ; t)d 3N qd 3N p giving the probability (fraction of members of the ensem-
ble) of finding the system with particle 1 at a position between xE1 to xE1 + d xE1 with momentum between pE1
to pE1 + d pE1 , particle 2 ….—a very complicated and complete description.
Kinetic theory works with the one-particle distribution f (E E t)d 3 xd 3 p giving the average number of
x , p,
particles in volume d x about xE and with momentum in a range d 3 p about p.
E It is normalized to the total
number of particles N Z Z
d 3 x d 3 p f (E
x , p,
E t) = N. (1)

It is related to the full description by integrating over N − 1 particles:

f (E
x , p,
E t) ∼ N . . . ρ(E x , xE2 . . . xEN ; p,
E pE2 . . . pEN ; t)d 3 x2 . . . d 3 xN d 3 p2 . . . d 3 pN (2)

where the ∼ derives from the complicated normalization choice for ρ—if ρ were normalized so that the
integral over all xEi and pEi were unity, the ∼ would be replaced by an equality. Any single particle quantity
can be calculated from f , but obviously a great deal of information is thrown away in getting to f , and
not everything can be calculated in terms of it. For example, the average interaction energy from pairwise

particle interactions cannot be exactly calculated from f , since this involves two particle correlations. But
we are dealing with nearly ideal gases, so this is OK!
In a classical context we often prefer to deal with the velocity rather than momentum. We can use a distribution
x , vE, t) (a different function obviously—I should use fp and fv —but they only differ by a factor of m3
f (E
and I’ll be sloppy in the notation, using f for whichever one we are currently using.)

Elementary results

I presume you have seen the elementary kinetic theory results for the equilibrium gas. If the following are
not familiar, you can look in Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics §7.9-13 by Reif. Another
good reference on Kinetic Theory is the first chapter of Physical Kinetics by Landau and Lifshitz.
In a spatially uniform region and in equilibrium the distribution is the Maxwell distribution
2 /2k T
f (E
x , vE, t) → f (E
v) = n B
, (3)
2π kB T
with n = N/V the number of molecules per volume. (Check the normalization.) Other distributions easily
follow. For one component of the velocity the distribution is
g(vx ) = dvy dvz f (E
v) (4)
e−mvx /2kB T ,
=n (5)
2π kB T

and for the speed the average number

√ √ of particles with speed between v and v + dv is 4π v 2 f (v)dv. This
√ √
function has a maximum at v = 2 kB T /m, and averages v = 8/π kB T /m and v 2 = 3kB T /m.
It is easy to calculate simple results for the ideal gas by appropriate integrals over f (E
v ). For example the
number of molecules hitting unit area of surface per unit time (or the rate at which molecules exit through
a hole small compared to the mean free path so that bulk flow is not established known as effusion) is 41 nv̄,
and the pressure is 13 nmv 2 .

Boltzmann Equation

For an ideal gas each particle evolves independently under its own Hamiltonian and so the evolution of f is
given by a Liouville equation
=0 (6)
where the total derivative along a phase space trajectory xE(t), p(t)
E is taken, i.e.
∂f ∂f ∂f
+ vE · + FE · =0 (7)
∂t ∂ xE ∂ pE

writing vE = p/m E for d xE/dt and d p/dt

E = FE with FE the force from any applied potential. (The result for
f (E
x , vE, t) is readily derived.) This is known as the Vlasov equation or the collisionless Boltzmann equation.
We now take weak interactions into account by adding a “collision term” to the right hand side

df df
= . (8)
dt dt coll

Of course, without specifying df/dt|coll this is an empty statement. The secret of the full Boltzmann equation
is deriving this term, and then its consequences on the evolution of f .
Since f is a truncation of the full phase space distribution, and we know (in principle!) how this evolves
under the full Hamiltonian including interactions, we can derive an equation for f , and then the “collision
term” appears as everything that does not fit on the left hand side of Eq. (8)! The following is meant to be a
brief sketch of this, and certainly not a complete derivation. Again Physical Kinetics is a good reference for
a more complete treatment.
Let’s consider normalized N particle distributions (i.e. the normalized version of ρ) f (N ) (E
x1 . . . xEN ; pE1 . . . pEN )
such that Z Z
. . . f (N ) d 3N xd 3N p = 1 (9)

and reduced distributions f (1) (E

x1 , pE1 ), f (2) (E
x1 , xE2 ; pE1 , pE2 ) etc. are then
f = . . . f (N ) dτ2 . . . dτN
f = . . . f (N ) dτ3 . . . dτN
. (12)

(denoting xE1 , pE1 by τ1 and the phase space volume element d 3 x1 d 3 p1 by dτ1 etc.). Our f is just Nf (1) .
Then it is not too hard to show that
∂f (1) (τ1 ) ∂f (1) (τ1 ) ∂f (1) (τ1 )
+ vE1 · + FE (E
x1 ) · = (13)
∂t ∂ xE1 ∂ pE1
x1 , xE2 ) ∂f (2) (τ1 , τ2 )
∂u12 (E
N · (14)
∂x1 ∂ pE1
where u12 is the pair interaction potential. Note that the term on the right hand side is very similar to the
force term on the left hand side, but involves two particle correlations and so depends on f (2) .
We could imagine deriving an equation for ∂f (2) /∂t, and then the two equations would solve the problem.
Unfortunately, it is becomes apparent that the equation for f (2) will involve f (3) etc., and we develop an
infinite hierarchy of equations. (This is typically the case where we try to solve a many body problem by
looking at equations for low order correlation functions—there is no free lunch!)
We “derive” the Boltzmann equation by approximating the right hand side with terms only depending on
f (1) . There are two essential pieces of physics in the approximation. Firstly, it is assumed that only two
particles are ever interacting together (i.e. three body interactions are neglected beyond the product of pairwise
interactions). Secondly the effect of the correlations on a short time scale induced by the collisions are ignored
in subsequent collisions—the approximation of molecular chaos. In a dense system we might worry that two
particles that have just collided may rapidly collide again due to the particles “rattling around” in a cage of
neighbors. In a dilute gas this does not seem likely, so the assumption seems very reasonable. However this
approximation has a profound effect: the original Liouville equation satisfies the time reversal invariance of
the original equations, whereas the Boltzmann equation does not. This of course is vital if we are going to
study the relaxation towards equilibrium and dissipative processes. It is usually the case that the transition
from reversible to irreversible dynamics appears through “sleight of hand” rather than careful, systematic

The Relaxation Time Approximation

We will first study the effect of collisions in a simple approximation: we suppose that collisions relax the
distribution back to the equilibrium distribution or a local equilibrium distribution exponentially with a single
time constant τ
df f − f0
'− . (15)
dt coll τ
Here f0 is often the global equilibrium distribution. However since the collisions conserve certain quantities—
maybe energy, momentum, particle number etc.—these are not changed and f0 may describe the local
equilibrium at fixed values of these conserved quantities. The quantities conserved depend on the application:
in scattering off fixed impurities energy and number are conserved, but not momentum; in binary collisions in a
gas energy, momentum and number are all conserved. The local equilibrium distribution will be characterized
by the appropriate conjugate fields (temperature for conserved energy etc.) that may not be the global
equilibrium value.
Consider the simple example of a charged gas in a constant, uniform electrical field scattering off fixed
impurities—the problem of electrical resistance.
The Boltzmann equation is
q EE ∂f f − f0
· =− (16)
m ∂ vE τ
since the other terms on the right hand side are zero in steady state and for a spatially uniform situation.
(Both these conditions can easily be relaxed, e.g. to consider the transient in a spatially varying field, or
the response to a time varying field.) The distribution f0 here is just the equilibrium one. For small electric
fields, f will be close to f0 , and we can use this substitution on the right hand side, i.e. for f = f0 + f1 with
f1 small
τq ∂f0 τq ∂f0
f1 ' − EE · = − EE · v̂ (17)
m ∂ vE m ∂v
where v̂ is the unit vector along vE,and the second expression results since f0 is spherically symmetric. Now
the electric current is easily calculated
jE = σ · EE = q vEf (E v ) = q vEf1 (E v) (18)

(since f0 yields zero current). This gives the conductivity tensor

τ q2 ∂f0
σij = v − v̂i v̂j d 3 v. (19)
m ∂v

This is readily calculated for f0 the Maxwell distribution or for a f0 the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the gas
of electron quasiparticles in a low temperature (compared to the Fermi energy!) metal. In either case the
integral is just nδij with n the particle density, giving a diagonal conductivity

σ = nq 2 τ/m. (20)

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