Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Name Daysi Reinoso

Content What content area(s) does this lesson cover?

area(s)/developmental The content area this lesson covers is Math. Introducing mathematical concepts to our young
domain(s) addressed learners fosters a love for numbers and shapes, creating a positive relationship with math.
How does this lesson support all five domains of child development?
Language Domain: To introduce the activity, I will play a song for students containing various
rhyming words. Exposing students to rhyme helps them improve their phonological awareness
and develop crucial skills for reading and writing.
Physical Domain: students will engage in a “leaf hunt” that will take place outside the classroom.
This will allow them to engage in a physical fitness activity and develop gross motor skills since
they will be walking and running. Also, they will improve their fine motor skills when they
collect and manipulate the leaves.
Socio-emotional Domain: Students will converse with their peers to determine what color of
leaves they need to collect. Also, they will cooperate to ensure they collect everything they need
for the activity.
Cognitive Domain: Students will identify various colors and shapes when manipulating leaves.
Also, they will sort leaves according to their color.
Brief description and Why is there a need for this lesson (include citation)?
rationale for the lesson Early exposure to mathematical concepts allows students to develop problem-solving and
sorting skills, spatial awareness, numbers, shapes, pattern recognition, one-to-one
correspondence, and counting. Acquiring these skills at this age lays the foundation for more
complex mathematical concepts in later education. Additionally, sorting activities in preschool
are crucial for developing skills like categorization, critical thinking, and organization. Children
are naturally attracted to sorting objects; it's how they make sense of the world around them.
We, as educators, need to provide opportunities for children to develop this concept and
eventually understand the relationships and differences between objects. According to Boaler
(2018), exposing children to complex mathematical concepts at a young age helps create a
positive relationship with math, laying the foundation for them to approach it with a
“mathematical mindset.”
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

This lesson is:

* A new concept/activity * A continuation of a previous lesson/activity

* A review of a previous * A conclusion of a concept

Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 15-20 minutes, no
Timeframe more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
3O minutes - Includes an outdoor activity
Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience? SMART
Lesson objectives must align with the assessment of student learning.
Students will be able to classify leaves based on their color after collecting them.
Connections to guidelines/ Which NYS Early Learning Guidelines or Next Generation ELA Standards are addressed? Are there
standards/milestones other standards used?
PK.PDH.6. Engages in a variety of physical fitness activities
PK.SEL.4. Develops positive relationships with their peers
PK.MATH.11. [NY-PK.MD.2.] Sorts objects and shapes into categories; counts the objects in each
Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson? Which academic language demands am I targeting? Choose one, including language
functions, vocabulary, syntax, or discourse that is central to this learning segment. How is this
activity using the specific language demand? Language objectives must align with the assessment
of children’s language learning.
Language Functions: compare and contrast.
Students will compare and contrast the leaves collected. I will encourage students to describe
the leaves we collected: the differences and similarities among leaves. Students are not only
developing mathematical skills by sorting leaves but also relevant linguistic concepts when they
describe and explain their observations.

Resources/materials needed: - The song “We are going on a Leaf Hunt.”

- Colored construction paper
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
(Include any worksheets or - Leaves
sources of evidence for - Individual paper bags
children’s learning you will use
during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if Ipad and speaker to play the song
Procedures (step by step) Objective(s) SAME FROM ABOVE
Students will be able to classify leaves based on their color after collecting them.
Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to
introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process of getting them interested and
I will invite the students to participate in a group discussion about the leaves we see outside. I
will prompt their discussion by thinking aloud: “Mmm, On my way to work, I have noticed that
the leaves are falling off the trees.” Once everyone has had a chance to share, I will say, “Since
there are so many leaves on the ground, wouldn’t it be fun to collect them and bring them to our
class?” Then, I will introduce the song “We Are Going on a Leaf Hunt” (to the tune of We Are
Going on a Bear Hunt) and invite students to join in and dance along.
Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this
learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try); and ask for
active involvement (we try) during a whole group session.
1. I will play the song again for students to become familiar with it and build excitement
about the activity.
2. I will ask students to gather around the table where I had previously spread out different
colors of paper: yellow, green, brown, orange, and red. I will ask the students to identify
the colors on the table. Then, I will explain that as we go outside on our leaf hunt, they
need to be excellent observers to find leaves for each color of paper.
3. I will distribute paper bags that students will utilize to store the leaves they collect
4. We will sing our song outside as we explore our “forest.” I will ask students occasionally
about the colors of the leaves we need to collect.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
5. Once we return to the classroom, I will invite the students to join me in the meeting area
and share what they observed outside and what leaves they could collect. Their answers
will be recorded on a chart titled During our leaf hunt…
6. Then, I will ask them to help me sort out the leaves I collected during our leaf hunt. The
different paper colors will be placed in the center. I will pick 3-4 leaves from my bag and
model the sorting process. I will say, “Look at this leaf. Mmm, what color is it?” “What
color paper does it belong?”
7. Once we finish sorting as a group, students will do it on their own
Independent Practice (small group activity, working with partners, or independently- You TRY).
I will divide the students into groups of 4 and ask them to sort out the leaves they collected by
placing them on the corresponding colored paper on their table. I will rotate around the groups
to encourage students to share their ideas, explain their thinking, and work cooperatively to
classify all their leaves.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps):
After they have completed sorting out their leaves, I will invite the students to join me in the
meeting area. I will ask students open-ended questions to determine if they grasped the concept
of sorting: “What did we do with the leaves today?” “How did we sort our leaves?” “Are there any
other attributes we can use to sort our leaves?” “What are other ways to play with leaves?”

Method of assessing children’s Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s

understanding of Outline the steps you will take Learning Outline the steps you Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) to evaluate student’s prior will take to evaluate students’ Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, knowledge(i.e., What are the learning. What evidence will I take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or skills and/or content have to assess whether students language learning. What
worksheets you will use for knowledge the students need to have successfully achieved the evidence will I have to assess
assessment(s) effectively engage in the content objectives (i.e., rubrics, whether students have
activity?). checklists)? successfully achieved the
During our leaf hunt, I will I designed a rubric that will help content objectives?
assess students’ color me evaluate students’ learning of I will evaluate students’
recognition, one-to-one this mathematical concept. I will language learning during
correspondence, and matching the group discussion after
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
skills. This will give me a use this rubric as I work with our leaf hunt, and during
clearer idea of the students’ each small group. small group activities. I will
knowledge level and an insight be rotating around groups
into how they will approach to listen to the student’s
the activity. ideas and how they
describe the leaves they
had collected outside.
Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners, a culturally
instruction/instructional identified delays or responsive pedagogy, and anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
modifications disabilities (i.e., IEPs and 504 What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
Describe how you will support plans) students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet
struggling learners. What considerations should I the lesson’s objectives?
I will offer one-to-one keep in mind regarding cultural Before the lesson, I can ask the parents to help translate the
instruction. This way, students relevance, age appropriateness, colors into their language. Then, I will introduce the colors in
can take their time to process and ability levels for all their home language utilizing visual aids. I will create cards
this new concept and ask as learners? with the colors we will focus on and write the words in their
many questions as they need. I will provide books that home language.
display trees worldwide to
Describe how you will support support my students' cultural
learners who have mastered the diversity. When we go outside
concepts and need additional to collect our leaves, I will take
challenges. the book with me and ask the
To support the learners who students to compare the trees
have mastered the concepts, I and leaves they see with the
will encourage them to find ones from the book.
other attributes by which they
can sort their leaves, such as
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in
Follow up/Extension activities class?
I will create different opportunities for children to engage in sorting activities, such as bringing
in a new set of wooden blocks and asking the students to help me organize them. This will be an
Family Engagement Activities excellent opportunity to see what other attributes children notice when sorting items.

How can I support families in extending the learning in their home environment?
I will share the concept we learned today with parents. I will invite them to take advantage of
spontaneous opportunities to engage their children in activities at home to practice this skill.
Such as asking the child to help unpack groceries and sort fruits or vegetables by color or having
them help you separate laundry by color/type of clothing/shape.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2



Student’s name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________

Math Yes No Comments

One-to-one correspondence

Recognizes colors

Match objects of the same color


Participates in group discussion

Takes turning during activities

Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2


Student’s name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________

Grade: Preschool

Directions: Select the score from the category that best reflects student’s performance.

Category: Sorting objects into categories

Objective: Students will be able to classify leaves based on their color after collecting them.

Emerging 1 Satisfactory 3 Proficient 4

I am learning to match objects of the I can match more than two objects of I can sort objects by color.
same color. the same color

Student’s Score _______________

Teacher’s comments:

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