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MBOT Director Application Form - Oct 2011

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Candidate Name: Address: Your Current Position and Title: Phone Number(s): E-Mail Address:


1. Candidate Information
Briefly describe yourself under the following headings:

Work Experience (attach resume if preferred)

Present: Relevant Previous:

Examples of Leadership

Other Association Memberships and/or Community Connections Previous Board of Directors Experience Previous Experience on an Executive Committee Advocacy Experience Examples of Peer Recognition, i.e. .Awards Received

MBOT Committee Work

Last Revised: October 2011

Please rate your Experience from 1-4 in the following with 1 being low experience and 5 being high experience: Management Strategic Planning Human Resources Accounting/Finance Marketing Communications/Public Relations Technology Policy Advocacy/Government Relations International Trade Business Programs/Events Fundraising

Low 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

High 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2. Company Information
Briefly describe the organization with whom you work:
Core Business, including sector and number of years in Business Credentials Held Markets served, provincial, North American, Global

Employees in Peel Region and Mississauga Employees in Canada Employees globally

Last Revised: October 2011

Ownership Check all that Apply

Private Public Domestic Foreign Not For Profit Academic Partnership Registered Charity

Where is the organization headquartered?

3. Expectations of Board Members:

It is imperative that potential Board of Directors members understand expectations of a Board member and that their employer supports the time and costs associated with fulfilling those expectations. Please read and fully consider the following List of Expectations: Be viewed and conduct oneself as a responsible corporate citizen. Be at least 18 years of age. Declare any conflicts of interest. Have the support of their employer to hold the position of Director for a 3-year term and a maximum of 6 years. Attend 6 Board meetings per year. Exercise best efforts to attend the signature events held by MBOT: Chairs Gala, Awards Gala, Mayors Address, Politicians Appreciation Evening. Often on short notice, politicians and dignitaries will offer to meet with MBOT Directors. Make best efforts to attend such events. Participate in or lead a task force to advance committee work or MBOTs strategic plan. Assist with efforts to help MBOT grow. For example, identify and visit with potential new members. Consider holding a position on the Executive Committee, including the position of Chair.

Last Revised: October 2011

4. Sign off
The answers and information I have provided in this Application are true. I have read the List of Expectations of an MBOT Director and can commit to honour those expectations. Dated this __________ day of _________________, 2010. __________________________________ Signature Please submit Board of Directors Application Form to MBOT Nominating Committee c/o Sheldon Leiba, President & CEO, by email [email protected] or fax to 905-273-4937 by Tuesday, November 1, 2011. Thank you for your Application.

Last Revised: October 2011

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