Wakuma Reports in Ob2

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ID NO: 1497/13

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT

This summer practical attachment was conducted to analyze the real working environment with
that field of study. That is the attachment was to determine how theoretical learned course is
applied in the real world. It focuses to identify for the financial system from the lowest level up
to highest level of organizational structure. in addition it is to increase the experience of student
and also, it’s a way to test the student how they get benefit from practical activity related to
learned course in a classroom and how they can identify some strength and weakness of the
company which they take internship on it, and by what method they recommend for the
weakness of company and support for strength of it as one of the learned body, Regarding with
this practical activity during internship period how they can compare and identify the reality
and gap between practical activity and learned course in classroom which is more benefit for the
life of one student, consequently It's focus on how the student can use written document and
information that get from society and other different material to write the history, Capacity,
objective and other related information about one company. Generally, the aims of practical
attachment program are to make student beneficiary.

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First of all, thanks to God to help me, make me to stay in life until today and enable me to
complete my task. Second, I want to say thank you the manager and employees of Oromia Bank
where I assigned (Sagure Branch) they gave to me their endless help starting from the date when
I gave them my practical attachment letter up to, I finished my practical attachment work.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all individuals and institutions that have guide me
materially and morally for the preparation of the report.

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OB Oromia Bank

ATM Automated Teller Machine

ETB Engaged in trade or business

GAAP generally accepted accounting principles

POS point of service

SWOT Strength weakness opportunity threat

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List of figures
Figure 1: organizational structure of OB.....................................................................................................4

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List of figures...............................................................................................................................................V
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1
1.1. Back ground of the organization.......................................................................................................1
1.2. CARDINAL ISSUES (Mission, Values, vision and objective)................................................................1
1.3. Organizational Structure (How the organization is organized to achieve objectives and mission)...3
1.4. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the organization.........................4
1.4.1. Strength of the organization......................................................................................................4
1.4.2. Weakness of the organization...................................................................................................5
1.4.3. Opportunity of the organization................................................................................................5
1.4.4. Threat of the organization.........................................................................................................5
1.5. Problem observed that affect the organization at current time and its critical issue.......................5
1.6. Suggested solution for the identified problems (to minimize problem)...........................................5
CHAPTER TWO: ACTIVITY REPORT....................................................................................................7
2.1. Back ground of department.........................................................................................................7
2.2. Objectives and major responsibilities as well as activities of the department or division...........7
2.2.1. Objective of the department...............................................................................................7
2.2.2. Major responsibilities and activities of a department..........................................................7
2.2.3. The responsibilities and major activities me as a member of department..........................8
2.3. Performance Evaluation of my activities......................................................................................8
2.4. Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures.........................................................8
2.4.1. Problems that encountered on the job................................................................................8
2.4.2. Remedial solution I have taken............................................................................................9
2.5. Problem division or department or suggested solutions.............................................................9
2.6. Suggested solutions for the problems.........................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE: ATTACHMENT EVALUATION...........................................................................10

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3.1. Rationales of Practical Attachment............................................................................................10

3.2. Significance of practical attachment..........................................................................................10
3.3. Relevance of organization and my activities to my study..........................................................10
3.4. Applicability of the theories and other in class on the real world or practical work environment
3.5. Major problems that I faced during the attachment.................................................................11
3.6. Suggested solution and way forward for attachment................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..........................................................13
4.1. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................13
4.2. Recommendation...............................................................................................................................13

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1.1. Back ground of the organization

Oromia Bank (OB) is an Ethiopian private bank headquartered in Addis Abeba. It was founded
on September 18, 2008.

Oromia Bank S.C began operation on 25 October 2008 with a starting capital of 110
million birr (Br), surpassing the minimum capital requirement by 35 million Br. With its
headquarters located in front of Dembel City Centre, near Getu Commercial Center in its own 13
story building on Africa Avenue (Bole Road).

Established with the commercial banking business objectives, OIB is undertaking a universal
commercial banking services such as deposit mobilization, lending of money, remittance service,
and international banking services and interest free banking. The Bank has now launched
electronic banking systems such as Card banking known as Oro-Card (ATM and POS), Mobile
Banking named as Oro-Cash, Agent Banking-Oro Agent and Internet banking namely Oro-Click.
The number of OB branches have now reached 500 throughout Ethiopia all connected by core
banking system. The Bank is now one of the most influential and popular private banks in
Ethiopia and also known for pioneering Interest free banking services.

Sagure branch is one of the branches of Oromia bank which established in 2012 it was located in
Sagure, Oromia, Ethiopia. Oromia bank Sagure branch started working within few employees
but, currently there are 18 employees, from those 11 males and 7 females, and has more than
10000 customers.

In Oromia bank sagure branch there are 2 masters degree, 9 BA, and 7 diploma or supportive
department employees.

In general, by adopting or accepting different working techniques Oromia bank Sagure branch
tries to achieve it is vision, mission and to bring desire economic development in the country.

1.2. CARDINAL ISSUES (Mission, Values, vision and objective)

 Vision of the organization

“To be the bank of your first choice”

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 Mission of the organization

“We are committed in proving full-fledged and best quality commercial banking service within
the pertinent regulatory requirements with due diligence to sustainable business
while empowering the wising middle and discharging social responsibility by engaging
highly qualified, skilled motivated and disciplined employees and state of the art information
technology, adding real value to the shareholders interest and with the public trust”.

 Values of the organization

 Persistence, endurance and tenacity;
 The satisfaction of its highly esteemed customers;
 Transparency, integrity and confidentiality;
 The building up of a real team spirit;
 The groom of potential successors from among its employees to all its jobs
 including the managerial ones;
 Total respect to its customers and employees;
 Highly competent and motivated human resources, who are committed to
upgrading their skills by taking the types of training that the OIB gives to them;
 Making the OIB a perpetually learning and innovative organization;
 Encouraging a sense of belonging among all its employees; and The upholding of
corporate citizenship

 Objective of the organization

Every organization is established for their own objectives. To achieve they have to work hard
and follow up effectively.

Oromia bank Sagure branch has the following objectives.

 To maximize customer satisfaction.

 To develop competence with other private banks.
 To build change for all bank staffs.

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 To deposit mobilization service.

 To enhance and facilitate the development of the country.
 To maximize profit of the bank by creating difference.

1.3. Organizational Structure (How the organization is organized to achieve

objectives and mission)

Organizational structure is the most important part for office to achieve its objectives and

How the organization is organized to achieve their objectives and mission?

All departments in this organization are related to each other. The other department can control
the activity of other. Also, on their daily activities they must report to the body which controls
each department. Also, they control each other to minimize the problem on job, to be fair and
acceptable by every department. To achieve the objective and vision they obey responsibility for
the job given to all departments. Let we see to how they control each other;

The customer service officer reports the daily activity to the A/senior customer service officer.
Also pass all physical tickets done on transaction daily to the branch controller to ensure their
activity by comparing the recorded transaction on the system. A/senior customer service reports
his or her activity to the customer service manager. Customer service manager reports to branch
manager. Branch controller passes all tickets to senior branch controller after ensured the balance
on physical counted tickets and on system became equal. Then senior branch controller again
checks and report to branch manager. So finally, all activity in bank is controlled by the manager
of the bank.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT

Branch manager

Customer service Senior customer service officer/ Cashier Accountant


Customer relation officer

Loan officer Loan officer

Customer service

Figure 1: organizational structure of OB

1.4. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the


Oromia Bank has its strength and weakness side there are also have good opportunities and
threats that speed up and retard the bank over all work process respectively.

1.4.1. Strength of the organization

• Public Confidence /brand image
• Large Customer Based
• Strong and dedicated officers
• Different types of service according to customer demand
• Strong management
• Punctuality

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT

• A bank used good rewarding systems for employee’s motivation like to salary increment
and performance

1.4.2. Weakness of the organization

• Inadequate internal and external communication system
• Insufficient documentary material
• Large customer queue (i.e., it takes more time)
• Insufficient organized documentary material

1.4.3. Opportunity of the organization

 Growing foreign remittance inflow
 Large infrastructure and social development
 Use of advance technology for better service
 Internet based banking service

1.4.4. Threat of the organization

 Number of competitors is very high
 Existence of black market
 Poor telecommunication and power supply

1.5. Problem observed that affect the organization at current time and its critical

Current problems observed that affect Oromia bank Sagure branch

 The primary problem regarding the historical back ground of the organization. This
problem rises due to lack of organized and return document in the organizations
 Lack of superior service quality
 High competition from aggressive expansion of private financial institution
 Wastage of resource like use telephone line for personal call repeatedly
 Inefficiency of office materials like computers, furniture and others when compared
to the number of customers
 File management and documentation improperly among some workers.

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1.6. Suggested solution for the identified problems (to minimize problem)

The possible solutions that I suggested for the problem are the following

 It should full fill all the necessary materials which are technologically improved to
facilitate its service
 The organization should have provided a quality service for its customer to being a
good competitor in the market
 The organization appraisal system should be based on efficiency and effectiveness
that means resource consumption way should be wise and manageable.
 To solve the problem a lack of data about historical back ground of the organization,
I advise to gather some information from head office and try to document with the
help of supervisor.

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2.1. Back ground of department

Customer service officer department is one of the sectors of Oromia Bank Sagure Branch. It
performs its duties and responsibility by setting specific and feasible goals and objectives which
support to speed up customer satisfaction and profit maximization of the bank.

2.2. Objectives and major responsibilities as well as activities of the department or


2.2.1. Objective of the department

 To ensure standardization and uniformity in the customer service process.

 To smoothly implement integrated banking solutions in customer service process.
 To have single source of reference to perform.
 To determine duties and responsibilities that each employee at all level in the customer
service process.
 To provide efficient and quality service to its customer.

2.2.2. Major responsibilities and activities of a department

1 Account opening: - there are many types of accounts those are: -

 Saving account – is interest bearing deposit opened by legal and physical persons,
organization and association.
 Demand deposit account – shall mean an interest-bearing account opened only by
customers who are literate.
 Special demand account – means a non-interest-bearing account that is opened to full
fill the request of customer who for one not wants interest for their deposit.
 Fixed time deposits – a type of account deposit is received at certain period of time
without movement a minimum of three month and attracts higher interest rate than others.
 Earmarked account – means account opened with other description after the name of
the account holders such as club, business and work shop account.

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2 Duties related to customer service – Opening account, pay cash& receive cash

2.2.3. The responsibilities and major activities me as a member of department

As a department member I also have the responsibilities of performing the activity of the
department. Based on the general activities, I perform the following specific activities as an
apprentice. When I was participating at Oromia Bank in Sagure branch

• I opened account for more than 10 customers by supporting employees

• I check the name, date and signature of the customer to be filled properly in the low be
• I participated in different writing and typing activities that help for customer service.
• I help employes in coping different identification card.
• Protecting the office resource from damage.
• I gave different service for department and customers.
• I fill different forms by helping customers.

2.3. Performance Evaluation of my activities

From the first day that I have started practical work on Customer service department;

• I could understand how to deliver bank service to customers

• I could understand how to use different electronics materials.
• I could understand the different type of communications in the organization at all.
• I have good communication with others at work place
• To ask necessary data I could communicate with employes from time-to-time etc.…

2.4. Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures

2.4.1. Problems that encountered on the job

There are some problems which affect me on my activities of 15 days. Some of these problems
are from the organization and some are from customers. As organization some the problems are
lack of seats, lack of user (access) for me and others are the problem of light and network those

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT

hinder my activities not to serve customer properly. From customers some customers don’t care
about criteria’s to be fulfilled properly rather than looking only about the service.

• Some of them don’t sign on the ticket and some signature on the ticket and on the book
are different
• No correct order of sender name which is difficult to serve customer
• Some are careless to respect the employees and rule
• Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read

2.4.2. Remedial solution I have taken

 By using the user of others, I have done my activities

 I worked my activities more time by standing for the lack of seat
 I have told to branch manager these problems to be minimized
 Through customer I have told to them to fill criteria properly
 I have told to branch manager to find solution how customers fill all criteria

2.5. Problem division or department or suggested solutions

The major problems that face the department are the following.

• There is a big internet connection problem or network problem, especially in the first one
week’s I started my practical attachment.
• There is inefficiency of some materials like chair, table and so on.
• Some workers have problems on their behavior and didn’t give proper service to

2.6. Suggested solutions for the problems

 Asking concerned body to get enough networks that help to provide proper service for


 To solve the problems of inefficiency of materials by asking additional budget for the

department and purchasing these materials and make available for the department.

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 Some misbehavior that disturbs working condition and improperly, must be punished

according to rules and regulation of the organization.

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3.1. Rationales of Practical Attachment

Rationales of the practical attachment are the practical reason to decide how to act on the
attachments some of the following listed is reason of practical attachment.

• It is for the case that the apprentice to realize the theory in class to real world through
• It is for that the apprentice should compare and contrast the economic thought with
practical work
• It is that how the problem is identified and the solution is found
• It is for that the apprentice to check the relation he/she has with others on work etc.

3.2. Significance of practical attachment

Since the main objective of this practical attachment course is producing qualified, confident and
competent students, it has the following major significances.

• Benefiting students, by improving their skill and knowledge, increasing problem solving
capacity, changing attitude and for preparing graduation paper
• It will minimize training cost incurred by employers
• Benefiting university in such a way that can produce well trend man power, gathering
information for problem solving researches
• It develops student research making skill

3.3. Relevance of organization and my activities to my study

My organization and my activities are somewhat relevant in enabling me to observe the vision,
mission, objective and SWOT analysis of the organization and problem of the organization with
their suggested solution and major responsibilities of the department. It also helps me write the
practical attachment report in good manner. In addition, the organization and my activities are
related to know how the hierarchies the administration level and branch for head the office.

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Finally, organization and my activities are cooperatively significant to improve my ability in

much aspect to my study.

3.4. Applicability of the theories and other in class on the real world or practical work

Applicability of theories in practical work environment is very interesting and important. In our
filed there are many theories that applied on real world. Some theories which are applicable
when I conduct this practical attachment are the following.

• Micro Economics – how to maximize profit

• Principle accounting- working payroll and debit credit balance
• Consumer’s behavior: -How to understand the different types of consumer behavior.
• Management: -knowing of the different types of management hierarch types which
includes horizontal, vertical, diagonal and the downward and upward managerial types
within my organization.

3.5. Major problems that I faced during the attachment

I faced many problems, during I work this practical attachment the major ones are mentioned as
follow as:

• At the beginning time they didn’t give me full freedom to do activities independently.
• Shortage of some extra or additional working materials like chair and computers for
• Some employees are not interested for sharing their experience.

3.6. Suggested solution and way forward for attachment

The problem mentioned above are solved by: -

 I was trying to adapt new environment and working condition gradually by studding
behavior of department member and sharing experience among them.
 To solve transportation problem, I try to wake up early

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 The organization should have to buy additional materials like chair and computers that
help for training
 The organization should give the opportunity for students to participate in a given
activities freely in order to improve their knowledge and producing self-confident

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4.1. Conclusion
Internship is very important program in which the students are exposed to real application area of
their concern there by developing their practical skill in proper manner. And, the internship
helped me more than you think.

The internship is the mirror of what the student sees his real person in it.

4.2. Recommendation
To improve this program, the university, the organization, supervisors, students and others must
be work together.

These are areas which must be improved:

 Some organization simply takes acceptance for the students without any preparation at
the place students assigned.

 The school / department/ should have to prepare appropriate related organization with
their specific field of study for their internship

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL ATTACHMENT


̶ The interview; information from the employers of the organization.

̶ The daily and weekly activities.

̶ Oromia Bank S.C. website, www.orobank.com, visited January 05,2015


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