Student Exam Form
Student Exam Form
Student Exam Form
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vH;FkhZ dh ?kks"k.kk
eSa HAMMAD RAMZAN iq=@iq=h DILSHAD AHMED Q‚eZ la[;k 230026335
'kiFkiwoZd ?kks"k.kk djrk@djrh gw¡ fd vkosnu i= esa esjs }kjk vafdr leLr fooj.k iw.kZr;k lR; gS rFkk vkosnu i= ds
lkFk layxu vad i= ] tkfr çek.k i= bR;kfn dh Nk;k çfr;k¡ oS/k gSa A vkosnu i= esa of.kZr lwpuk,a@ç'u i= vLi"V
vFkok viw.kZ ,oa xyr gksus dh n'kk esa vFkok visf{kr U;wure ;ksX;rk /kkjd u gksus ds dkj.k vgZ u gksus dh n'kk esa
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk fcuk dksbZ lqpuk çsf"kr fd;s ijh{kk vkosnu i= @vH;FkZu fujLr fd;s tkus ij eq>s dksbZ vkifÙk ugha
gksxh A ços'k ,oa ijh{kk lEcU/kh fu;eks esa fdlh Hkh le; fd;k x;k çR;sd ifjorZu eq>s loZekU; gksxk A ijh{kk esa
lfEefyr gks tkus ds mijkar Hkh =qfV ik, tkus ij fo'ofo|ky; }kjk esjh lEiw.kZ ijh{kk fujLr fd;s tkus ij eq>s dksbZ
vkifÙk ugha gksxh A eSa ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ @djrh gw¡ fd
foxr ijh{kk o"kksaZ esa vuqfpr lk/ku ç;ksx djus ds vijk/k esa nf.Mr ugha gqvk gw¡@gqbZ gw¡ A ijh{kk ,oa ikBîØe lEcU/kh
fu;e rFkk funsZ'kksa dk esjs }kjk Hkyha&Hkkafr v/;;u dj fy;k x;k gS A fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd ¼vU;leLr 'kqYd lfgr½
vU; vko';d çi= ekbxzs'ku vkfn ukekadu gsrq ,oa orZeku ijh{kk dh vgZrk gsrq vkosnu i= ds lkFk layXu gS A lkFk
gh eSa ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ @djrh gw¡ fd mi;qZä ijh{kk ds vfrfjä eSa bl fo'ofo|ky; @ fdlh vU; fo'ofo|ky; dh
fdlh vU; ijh{kk esa lfEefyr ugha gks jgk gw¡ @jgh gw¡ A eq>s fo'ofo|ky; }kjk fu/kkZfjr @ ifjofrZr ijh{kk dsaæ ij
ijh{kk nsuk Lohdk;Z gS A eSa ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡@djrh gw¡ fd ;fn ijh{kk lEcU/kh dksbZ fookn gksxk rks mldk U;kf;d
{ks= e¢jB uxj fLFkr U;k;ky; ;k mPp U;k;ky;
bykgkckn ¼ç;kxjkt½ gksxk A
uksV&1 %& vH;FkhZ ds bl ?kks"k.kk i= ij gLrk{kj u gksus ij og ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dk ik= ugha gS A
uksV&2 %& ijh{kk Q‚eZ dh gkMZ&d‚ih fu/kkZfjr le; lhek ds vUnj lEcaf/kr egkfo|ky; esa tek djuk vfuok;Z gSA
uksV&3 %& vH;FkhZ }kjk ?kksf"kr bl dkslZ dk ços'k o"kZ & 2023
15 December, 2023
çkpk;Z@çkpk;kZ dk çek.k
ç fd;k tkrk gS fd mi;qZä vkosnd@vkosfndk bl egkfo|ky; dk@dh laLFkkxr@O;fäxr Nk=@Nk=k gS A esjs
Kku rFkk fo'okl esa Nk=@Nk=k ds fo#) ,slk dksbZ rF; ugha gS tks ijh{kk ls oafpr djus ;ksX; gks ,oa egkfo|ky; esa
ços'k fo'ofo|ky; dh ços'k fu;ekoyh ds vuqlkj fy;k x;k gS A Nk=@Nk=k }kjk çLrqr fooj.k fo'oluh; gS A ;g
Hkh ç fd;k tkrk gS fd vfHkys[kkuqlkj ] orZeku mifLFkfr ds vk/kkj ij ;g vis{kk dh tk ldrh gS fd laLFkkxr
vH;FkhZ viuh okafNr mifLFkfr fu;eksa ds vuq:i l= fd 'ks"k vof/k esa çkIr djus esa l{ke gS rFkkfi ijh{kk çkjaHk gksus ls
iwoZ mifLFkr iw.kZ u gksus dh lqpuk fo'ofo|ky; dks i`Fkd ls çsf"kr dh tk,xh A ;g Hkh ç fd;k tkrk gS fd
Nk=@Nk=k lEcaf/kr ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy, vgZ gS A
çkpk;Z@çkpk;kZ@fo-fo foHkkxk/;{k
fnukad gLrk{kj vkosnu i= tkapdrkZ ds gLrk{kj ¼eksgj lfgr½
¼egkfo|ky; Lrj ij½
(in Hindi)
(in English) HAMMAD RAMZAN
2. Father's Name (in Hindi) (in English) DILSHAD AHMED
3. Mother's Name(in Hindi) (in English) FARHEEN
4. Permanent Address 4908/B,GALI NO 1, EAST OLD SEELAM PUR, GANDHI NAGAR DELHI 110031
5. Category OBC Phone No. 8810430481
6. Date of Birth 17-11-2004 Email [email protected]
7. Length of Residence ............................
8. Year of Admission to Degree class in the College 2023
9. Year of Passing the intermediate Exam in Art/Science/Commerce/Agriculture.........................
10. Name of Board / University Conducting the intermediate Examination
11. if allready enrolled in Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut - Enrollment Number........................
12. Name of Course/Exam passed in the year from the
13. Whether dong Ph.D. or any other degree of any other University in India / Abroad, you may please state full
14. The examination/course for which studying/ appearing at the time of filling the form
B.B.A.-Year-1-Semester 1
15. If, enclosed Migration Certificate of another University/Board; its Certificate No.:.............................
and date of issue ................................................ University Board ......................................................
16. Medium Name : English
Your Faithfully,
Declaration .............................................
I certify that above named candidate is not enrolled in Chaudhary Charan Singh (Signature of Student)
University, Meerut earlier and has filled the form himself and believe the
above information is true. .............................................
(College Seal)................................... Principal's Signature
(Note : Enrollment alone does not entitile a candidate to appear at University Examination)