MD, Transcript

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Ministry of Higher Education

Directorate Of Private Student's Affairs

Cheragh Medical Institute of Higher Education
Faculty of Curative Medicine
Academic Transcript

Name: Rohullah
Last Name: Sultani
Father Name: Abdul Wase
Date of Birth: 1997-09-04
Admission Date: 2016-03-01
Graduation Date: 2023
Student ID: 00845
Diploma: MD
House Job Start Date: 2022-03-14
House Job End Date: 2023-03-30
Issue Date: 2023-07-16

Semester 1st - SPRING 2016 Semester 2nd - FALL 2016

Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects 0 Subjects
rCredits IMarie Grade,Credits M ~ Credits
1m Marl< Grade Credits Hn /Mark !Grade

I Chemistry (I) 3148 55 : D I I _!_6 55 D I Chemistry (2) 2 32 • 61 D

2 Cellular Biology 2 32 74 C I 16 79 C 2 Molccular Biology 3 48 78 C
3 Physics (I) 2 fj2T14 C I 16 74 C 3 English (2) 3 48 98 A
4 Ens)isb (I) 3 48 87 B 4
....- P~(2) 2 32 74 C IS) 14 1C
5 Islamic Studies (I) 2 L32 83 8 s Enviroomcot Conservation 2 32 79 C
6 Mathematica (I) ~ 1 32(66 1
D 6 Islamic Studies (2) 2 ...E.._ 64 D
7 7 Malhcmatics (2) 2 32 80 B
Total Toca! Scores Toca! Total Scores Average
Number of Subjccu Avcnac GPA Result Number of Subjects GPA Result
Credits in Credit Credill in Credit
9 17 1228 72.24¾ 2.61 Paued 8 17 T 1318 77.53¾ 2.8111 P&SiCd

Semester 3rd - SPRING 2017 Semester 4th - FALL 2017

Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects 0 Subjects Ctedit---- CNdit
Credits °"""
11n °""
Marie Gntdc Credits Hn Marie Grade Crcdill Hn Marie Gntdc Credits
,__ 11n Marie Grade

Islamic Studies (3)
General Embryology

67 D
] I
English (4)
Islamic Studies (4)
Systemic Embryology
4 Anatomy (I) 3 48 65 D I 116 66 4 Anatomy (2) 3 48 69 D 16 65 D
s Physiology_JI) 3 48 +¾fo C l6-r-70.._£_ 5 Physiology (2) 3 48 55 D 16 90 A
[6 Histology (I) 2 32 70 C 16 100 A 6 Histology (2) 2 32 S5 D f 16100 A
7 Genetics 2 32 76 C 7 Biochemistry (I) 2 3281 B I 16 75 C
8 Medical Terminology 16 74 C 8 Clinical Slcills (2) I 16 I()() A
9 Clinical Slcills..J!) 16 90 A 9
----- 1
Total Total Scores Total ITotal Scores
Number of Subjects Ave111gc GPA Result Number of Subjects Avera~ Result
Cn:dits in Credit CredilB in Credit
,- 12 20 ·• 1464 73.20% 2.66 Puac:d 12 20 1464 73.20% 2.66 Passed

Semester 5th - SPRING 2018 Semester 6th - FALL 2018

Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects 0 Subjects Cndic
Marie Grade Credits '::- Marie Gnide
Credits ";:' Credits ,... Mari< Grade Credits ,... Marlc Grade
I Virology (Micro-Biology) I D I Mycology (Micro-Biology) I 16 73.50 C
2 Anatomy(J) 3 t 48 65 D .....!,6 85 B 2 Parasitology 16 73.50 C 16 C
3 P~l!Ology (3) 3 48 65 D 16 86 B 3 Medical Ethic, 16 90 A
64 roo .E....i
4 Bacterio~ 3 48 66 D 16 69 D 4 Gcnaal Pathology 4 1 16 C
5 Bio-pbysics 2 32 81 B 16 95 A 5 Pharmacology (I) 2 32 90 A 16 A
88--1 B 6
6 Bio-Chem,i!_tryJ.2) 2 32 ..2L C 16 Behavioral Science 2 32 90 A ,---
7 Clinical Slcills (3) 16 100 A 7 lmmuoology 2 32 88 B I 16 73 C
8 8 Adictology 16 91.SO A
9 9 Community Medicine (I) 2 32 95 A
Total Total Scores Total Total Scores
Number of Subjects Average GPA Result Number of Subjects Average GPA Result
Credits in Credit 1 ,___ - Credits in Credit
12 20 1492 74.60% 2.73 P&Med 13 20 1609.S 80.48% 3.02 Pasaed
Semester 7th - SPRING 2019
. Semester 8th - FALL 2019
Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects Cndit Credi, No Subjects Cndh Cmlit
Marl< Grade
Credits[Marie Grade
Hn Marie Grade Credits Hn Grade Credits
Credits 11n Marl< 11n
I Systemic Pathology (I) 3 48 8J B I 16 90 A I Svstcmic Pathology (2) 2 32 81 B I 16 90 A
2 PharmacolOllY (2) 2 32 S4 B I 16 95 A 2 Pharmacology (3) 2 32 98 A
3 Community medicine (2) 2 32 91 A 3 Community Medicine (3) 2 32 90 A
B 2 A

4 SemiolOllY 3 48 87 B 2 32 100 A 4 Catdiovascular Medicine 2 32 89.S0 32 90
5 Principle of General Surverv 2 32 91 A B s Respiratorv Medicine 2 32 96 A I 16 91 A
6 Forensic medicine I 16 92 6 General Suntcry 2 32 83 B 2 32 94 A
7 Toxicology I 16 91 7 Anesthesia I 16 87.S0 B I 16 90 A
Total Tow Scorca Total Total Scores Result
Number of Subjccli Number ofSubjects Average GPA
Credits in Credi1 ~ Credits in Credit
II 20 1791 89.55o/. 3.48 Pasacd 12 20 1801.5 90.08% 3.50 Passed

Semester 9th - SPRING 2020 !fl' I
Semester 10th - FALL 2020
Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects CNldk No Subjects c-
Credill Crcdill Hn Marie Grade Credill Hrs Mark Grade
I Communl Medicine (4) 2 ""
32 I Community Medicine (5) I 16 88 B ~-. f... , ....

2 Medicine (GI} 3 48 88.S0 2 Neohrology I 16 86 B I 16 100 A

3 s cry (GI} 2 32 90 3 Surgcry(GI~oocndages) 2 32 81 B 2 32 80 B
4 4 64 86 4 Omtetrics (2) I 16 96 A I 16 80 B
5 16 98 5 Radiology 3 48 76 C I 16 80 B
6 6 DcnnatoloRY 2 32 65 D I 16 78 C
7 7 Pediatrics SUlllcrv I 16 97 A I 16 83 B
8 8 TraumatoloKY 1 16 90 A I 16 93 A
Toial Tow Scores Tow Total Scores
Number of Subjects Average GPA Result Number of Subjects Average GPA Result
Credits in Credil Credits in Credit
II 20 1824.5 91.23% 3.56 Passed 15 20 1651 82.55¾ 3.13 Passed

Semester 11th - SPRING 2021 < Semester 12th - FALL 2021
Theory Practice Theory Practice
No Subjects Credi, No SubjectsQodit Crull! Cmlil
Credits Marie Grade Credill Maril Grade Credill Marie Grade Credits Marie Grade
"" •... ,: ""
~y .;, . Community Medicine (7) I
"" A
I Community Medicine
(6} 60 DI 16 :. I 16 100
2 Medicine Endocrinology I 16 92 A I 16 97 A 2 Hematology I 16 93 A I 16 95 A
3 GvnecolOllY (I} I 16 70 C I 16 100 A 3 Rhcumatology I 16 94 A I 16 100 A
4 Thoracic &: vascular SUrRcrv 2 32 61 D 2 32 100 A 4 GvnccolOllV (2) I 16 87 B I 16 100 A
s Pediatrics Medicine T (I) 2 32 86 B I 16 100 A 5 Internal ncdiauics (2) 2 32 91 A 1 16 100 A
6 Orthopedics 1 16 80 B I 16 80 B 6 Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery 2 32 85
7 Neurology 2 32 99 A I 16 95 A 7 ENT 2 32 15.S0
8 Ophthalmology 2 32 71 C I 16 100 A 8 Neurosurgery 1 16 90 A 1 16 95 A
9 1.-:··,•~.:::111;7; ,-·,··;H,fl' i~,., r:"71•••1 ,<,
'·:,,j ;. •'.r: l ' i l !'1,,/ )j; j '\' 9 Psycbolol[Y 2 32 80 B 1 16 100 A
Tocal Tocal Scores Toial Tocal Scores
Number ofSubjeclS Average GPA Result Number of Subjects Average GPA Result
Credits in Credit Credits in Credit
IS 20 1708 85.40% 3.27 Passed 16 20 1809 90.45'1. 3.52 Passed

Total Average: 81.88% Total CGPA: 3.09 Total Grade: B

Grading System: A =>90 Marks, 80<= B <90 Marks, 70<= C <80 Marks, 55<= D <70 Marks F <55 Marks

SGPA = Semester Grade Point Average. CGPA= Cumulative Grade Point Average ---.

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