Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam
Paper 1
Paper Code: 2058/1
Total Marks: 50
Total Time: 1 hour And 30 minutes
Q1: Passages from the Holy Quran [8 MARKS] [12 Minutes]
a) Teachings
b) Importance for modern Muslims
(Any two out of three)
c) Ways in which the Holy Quran was revealed between 610 – 632AD
Q3, 4,5
a) Biography of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
c) Mothers of faithful
e) Important personalities
Paper 2
Paper code: 2058 / 2
Total marks: 50
Total time: 1 hour & 30 mins
Q1: The Ahadith in syllabus (20 ahadith)
a) Believe / theme
[8 marks , 12 minutes]
Q3, 4, 5 : -
a) Caliphs
b) Articles of faith
c) Jihad
d) Pillars of Islam
Candidates are required to choose any two questions out of three. 14 marks, 23 minutes (per
A fourteen mark question is divided into 2 Parts (a) and (b).
Descriptive contains 10 marks
Evaluative contains 4 marks
Give an account of the conditions required for ablutions (wudu) and the method of
performing it? [10]
Ans: Wudu is the foremost requisite before Prayers and the Prophet's Sunnah gives Muslims the details of
conditions and method of Wudu to follow:
Condition of wudu
1 Intention should be made.
2 Entire wudu should be in a continuous process, without a break, no part should be allowed to dry before the other
is Left.
3 It should be done in the Prescribed order.
4 Washing should start from right side then Left.
5 No part should remain dry.
6 It is recommended to brush one's teeth or use miswak before or after wudu.
Methods of wudu
1) Wash both hands up to wrists
2) Gargle three time!
3) Sniff in water with nostrils using right hand. We use left hand to clean nose (thrice.)
4) Wash the whole face with both hands from the forehead to the chin. and from Lobe of one ear to the other.
5) Wash the right arm then the left arm up to the elbows.
6) Wet the hands and perform masah by wiping hands on one fourth of the head, both ears are cleansed outside, the
thumb is used to wipe the back of the ear and the index finger is used for the inside and the back of the two hands
are passed on the nape of the neck.
7) The right then the left foot is washed up to the ankles.
“O you who believe when you prepare for prayer wash your faces and hands to the
elbows and lightly rub your head and wash your feet to the ankles.”
Thus, Muslims perform Wuzu so they can becomes clean and purified.
Q: Describe the timings and preparations of regular Prayers.
Student A : Level 1
Muslims are bound to perform prayers at fixed times. An early morning prayer is Fajar, early afternoon
prayer is Zuhr. The prayer which is performed at late afternoon is Asr while Maghreb is performed in the
evening. The Prayer at early night is Isha prayer.
For performing these prayers preparations are made. Wuzu should be performed and Kiblah should be
faced. We should remove pictures from the place of prayer. Friday prayer is performed at afternoon while
Eid prayers are in the morning. We offer prayer when the Azan is called out. Some Muslims perform prayer
in the mosque and some in their houses.
Student B: Level 2
Fajar starts from dawn until just before sunrise. Zuhr, at midday, Asr until the sunsets, Maghreb between
sunset and the end of the day light and Isha is performed at night.
The prayer requires the following preparations. Wuzu, which requires washing of hands, mouth, nostrils,
face, arms, brushing head and washing feet. Kiblah should be faced, surface should be clean, making
intention to fulfill the prayer and body should be covered properly.
Student C Level 3
To perform five daily prayers are obligatory for Muslims. They are Fajar, Zuhr, Asr, Maghreb and Isha. Fajar
starts from down until just before sunrise. Zuhr, from midday until afternoon, Asr from afternoon until the
sunsets, Maghreb between sunset and the end of the day light and Isha is performed when night starts
until just before dawn but it is prefer to perform before midnight.
There are some specific preparations of prayer. A person should make the intention of the prayer. It is a
state of heart one does not have to say it loudly or in words. Prayer must be offered at its stated time. The
place or surface and clothes should be clean. A person must perform wuzu.
The Holy Quran says: "O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer wash your faces and hands to the
elbows, and lightly rub your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles".
This means that a person should wash his hands then his face and wipe the head. He has to wash his feet
of the end. Each part has to be washed thrice. If water is not available a person can perform Tayammum
(dry ablution). There is a particular dress code. Men should be covered from naval to knees and for women
whole the body should be covered except the face and hands .One must face the holy Kabah during every
There are some specific preparations of prayer. Wudu (purification) or Ablution is very important part of
preparation of prayer. This involves washing of hands, mouth, nostrils, face, arms, across the head, ears,
back of the neck and the feet. This is traditional method. After greater impurity, in place of wudu, Ghusl
has to be performed. The importance of Wudu has been laid down in Quran in the following words:
“O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer wash your faces and hands to the elbows, and lightly
rub your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles”. )
Wudu is significant as it is still performed with dust i.e. Tayammum (dry ablution), even if water is not
available. Performing ablution leads to purity and cleanliness. However, other aspects such as place and
clothes of Prayer should also be clean. There is proper dress code which must be followed to offer the
prayer. This dress code is different for males and the females. Men should cover their bodies at least from
novel to the knees while for women it is important that whole body should be covered, except for their
hands, feet and face. This teaches Muslims about modesty.
Finally one should face the Kiblah i.e. the Holy Kabah to offer the prayer. The Holy Quran save in this
“Turn then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosques: where ever you are, turn your faces in that
Here 'Sacred Mosque' refers to the Holy Kabah and this verse orders that all Muslims should perform their
prayers while facing this place which emphasizes not only importance of this place as the “House of Allah”
but also emphasizes on Muslim discipline and equality.
Then one must say Niyyah i.e. intention to fulfill prayer in obedience to Allah. It is a state of heart; one
does not have to say it loudly or in words. Its aim is to concentrate fully on the worship forgetting all the
materialistic and worldly activities.
Q: Describe the particular features of the Friday Prayer (Juma) and the main features of the
Friday Sermon. [10]
=) Obligatory on
•Muslim Male adults
•Can not be said alone.
• Women are encouraged.
• Two Azans
. • After the first Azan - close all your transactions
• The Holy Quran says:
"O you who believed when the call is proclaimed on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of
Allah and Leave off business."
• Personal Hygiene.
• Taking bath
• Wudu can also be performed.
• Wearing neat and clean clothes.
• Use of fragrance, (non-alcoholic).
• Go to the Mosque.
Wait for 2nd Azan.
• Teaches them patience.
• After the Azan Imam stands on the pulpit and delivers sermon in Arabic
• Sermon consists of two parts.
• After the first part imam stops and sits back.
•Stands again and recites 2nd part of Sermon.
Friday Sermon instructs
• fashion our lives according to Quran and Sunnah.
• Glorifies and praises Allah.
•Praises of Prophet (S.A.W).
• Interpretation of Quranic verse.
• Reference of Hadith
• Reminds Muslims about their duties towards Allah and other human beings.
• Reminds Muslims-consequences of doing evil things
• Sermon Refreshes the faith of Muslims and makes them pious.
- Etiquettes of Listening Sermon.
• Remain silent (Durood can't be recited)
• Mobile should be switched off.
•Two Rakkah farz (takes 4 Rakkah of zuhr)
•Can't be delayed.
• After prayer Muslims discuss problems and share information and develop a brotherhood .
Note: Sequence can't be changed.
Q: Describe the particular features of Friday congregational prayers (Jum'a) and the main
features of the Friday sermon. [10]
Friday prayer is compulsory on all Muslim male adults and they offer it in congregation because it cannot
be said alone. In some Muslim communities' women are also encouraged to offer this prayer. It has two
Azans. After the first Azan, Muslims close their sales transactions according to the orders of Allah. The Holy
Quran says in this regard,
"O you who believe, when the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday, hasten earnestly
to the remembrance of Allah and leave off business".
This verse shows that it is imperative for Muslims to stop working after the Azan of Friday prayer. This
enables them to prepare for the prayer. Its preparations include taking a bath following the tradition of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH). But Wuzu can also be performed instead of taking Ghusal as it leads to cleanliness
and purity. Muslims wear their best cloth and apply non-alcoholic perfume. Then they go to the mosque
after early afternoon and wait for the second Azan. This teaches them patience.
After this Azan, Imam stands on the pulpit facing the audience and delivers a sermon in Arabic. This
sermon has two parts. After the first part, the Imam stops for a while and sits back on the pulpit. Then he
stands again and recites the second part of the sermon. The Friday sermon instructs the Muslims to
fashion their lives according to the Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Imam glorifies and praises
Allah, confirming the aspect of Tawhid. He also praises Holy Prophet (PBUH) and sends peace and blessings
upon him. There is an interpretation of Quranic verses that have been selected for the particular sermon.
Imam also gives reference of the authentic ahadith lo elaborate the topic. The imam reminds the whole
congregation about their duties towards God and their fellow beings and he warns the people against the
consequence of doing evil and reminds them of the hereafter. He also prays for the welfare of the
community. The sermon refreshes the faith of a Muslim and makes him pious.
It is necessary to remain silent during the sermon and listen to it attentively. During the sermon Darood
cannot be recited. This means that mobile phones have to be switched off before the sermon as they can
cause disturbance. Then Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder in rows and offer two Rakats prayer behind
the imam. This prayer takes place of Zuhr prayer and instead of 4 Rakats of Zuhr only 2 are offered. This
completes the prayer. This prayer cannot be offered as Qaza (delayed because of congregational nature.
Muslim women, children, sick etc. are excused to offer this prayer. After the completion of prayer, Muslims
discuss problems and share information and develop brotherhood. Then they are allowed to go back to
their work.
Ans: Furthermore when Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder during the congregational Friday Prayer
forgetting all the social and economic differences It promotes equality Also, Friday Prayer provides
Muslims an opportunity to discuss and solve their problems, hence they help each other and become
source of comfort for each other. This eventually spreads brotherhood in the society
When the large number of people gather in a mosque for congregational prayer. This make Muslims feel
strong. This congregational prayer gives us a message that Allah wants Muslims to be united under his
Congregational Friday Prayer gives Muslims & opportunity to gather at one place and listen to the sermon
of the Imam. So they become aware about teachings of Quran and sunnah and understand rights of fellow
beings. And by learning a lesson from the teachings given in the sermon they care about each other. This
spreads unity and brotherhood in the society as they act upon the teachings of Holy Prophet S.A.W." None
of you truly believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for his brother’’
It is important because when a Muslim offers daily prayer, he remembers his Lord more frequently which shows that
he is aware of His presence all the time and therefore avoids committing sins and becomes more pious. This has also
been confirmed by the Quran as it says that prayer keeps a Muslim away from shameful and indecent acts.
Furthermore, he not only comes closer to Allah but also secures his place in paradise as the Holy Prophet says
'Prayer is key to paradise’. Thus by praying regularly, he will be successful in the hereafter.
Also in Salat a Muslim goes through different recitations and body postures such as Surah al Fatiha and Ruku etc
through which worshipper recognizes the omnipotence of Allah and portrays his submission and nothingness before
God which makes him humble and strengthens his faith.
First, the intention is made in a standing position and hands hanging down the side of the body. The
worshiper then raises his hands to the ears, and then recites Takbir-e-Tehrima, "Allah is Greatest". In this
way, worshipper praises His Lord who created him. This marks the opening of prayer.
The hands are then brought down on chest or navel, and they are folded in such a manner that the right
hand is above the left hand. This position is called Qiyyam. In this position Sana, Tawz and Tasmiha is
recited in which the worshipper glorifies. After this Surah Fatiah is recited which is the first chapter of the
Holy Quran. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "No Salat without Fatiah". This shows its compulsion. In this, the
worshipper asks Allah to show him the straight path. After recitation of Surah Fatiah the worshipper says,
"Ameen" (O Lord! Accept my prayers). After this he recites another surah from Quran e.g. Surah Al Kausar.
One can also recite any three short verses of Holy Quran. This is called Qirat. Qiyyam is a compulsory part
of a Salat.
On completion of Qiyam, the worshipper says "Allah is Greatest" and places his both hands on the knees.
In this position, he recites Tasbih-e-Ruku, "Glory to my Lord the Mighty" three times and then stands up
again for a while and recites, "Allah listens to him who praises him". Then he himself praises Allah by
saying, "All praise are for Allah alone". This is an obligatory act and is called Ruku. This act in a prayer
shows our dependence on Allah by becoming humble and modest before him.
Then the worshipper says, "Allah is Greatest" and goes in the prostration in which he places his forehead,
nose, palm, knees and feet on the ground and recites Tasbih-e-Sajdah, that is,” Glory to my Lord the most
High" thrice. Then he sits back for a while which is called Jalsa and performs the second prostration like the
first one. It is a compulsory act, which shows our nothingness before Allah, as He is the Creator and we are
the creations. This completes a single Rakah.
Also when Muslims are able to meet each other in the mosque, this provides them with an opportunity to discuss
and solve their problems. Therefore, when they help each other and become source of comfort for each other, this
eventually spreads unity and brotherhood in the society as the Holy Prophet says "None of you truly believes, until
he wants for his brother, what he wants for himself.”
Furthermore, those Muslims who are praying alone e.g. in their homes, know that other Muslims at
different places are praying with them at the same time as prayers are offered within a fixed period of
time. So this gives them a sense of togetherness as a part of the same community i.e. Muslim Ummah.
When Muslims offer Salat it helps them to stay away from the sins as according to the Holy Quran the
prayer keeps them away from indecent and shameful acts. Hence, when all Muslims refrain from evil
deeds, it leads to a pure and modest society whose members have respect and positive feelings for each
There are some specific preparations of prayer. Wudu (purification) or Ablution is very important part of preparation
for prayer. This involves washing of hands, mouth, nostrils, face, arms, across the head, ears, back of the neck and
the feet. This is traditional method. After greater impurity, in place of wudu, Ghusal has to be performed. The
importance of Wudu has been laid down in Quran in the following words:
"O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer wash your faces and hands to the elbows, and lightly rub your
heads, and wash your feet to the ankles".
Wudu is significant as it is still performed with dust i.e. Tayammum (dry ablution), even if water is not available.
Performing ablution leads to purity and cleanliness. However, other aspects such as place and clothes of prayer
should also be clean. There is proper dress code, which must be followed to offer the prayer. This dress code is
different for males and the females. Men should cover their bodies at least from navel to the knees while for women
it is important that whole body should be covered, except for their hands, feet and face. This teaches Muslims about
Finally one should face the Kiblah i.e. the Holy Kabah to offer the prayer. The Holy Quran says in this regard,"Turn
then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction".
Here 'Sacred Mosque' refers to the Holy Kabah and this verse orders that all Muslims should perform their prayers
while facing this place which emphasizes not only importance of this place as the 'House of Allah' but also
emphasizes on Muslim discipline and equality.
Then one must say Niyyah i.e. intention to fulfill prayer in obedience to Allah. It is a state of heart; one does not have
to say it loudly or in words. Its aim is to concentrate fully on the worship forgetting all the materialistic and worldly
Outline the main features of congregational prayers on the Eid festival
Eid prayers became Wajib after Holy Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Medina. Holy Prophet (SAW) offered all
the Eid prayers outside the city of Medina except one when it was raining. It is sunnat-e-Mu'akkadah.
It is compulsory for all Muslim male adults and they offer it in congregation as it cannot be said alone. It
can be offered in a mosque or in any open place. In some Muslim communities’ women & children are also
encouraged to offer Eid prayers. Eid prayers are not substituted for obligatory Fajr prayers and there is no
Qaza for these prayers because of their congregational nature. The time Eid prayers is any time after
sunrise but before noon. Eid al-Fitr takes place on 1st of Shawal, after the completion of fasting during the
month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha is celebrated on 10th of Zilhaj to mark the completion of Hajj. Usually
Eid-ul-Adha prayers are held a little earlier than Eid ul-Fitr because of the reason of sacrifice. The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) has said,
"The days of Tashriq are of eating and drinking and remembering Allah, the Exalted"
This hadith shows that Eid is a day of thanksgiving in which Muslims assemble in a brotherly and joyful
atmosphere to offer Eid prayers.
Before the prayers Muslims take a bath following the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH) but Wuzu can also be
performed instead of Ghusal which lead to purity and cleanliness. Muslims often wear new clothes and
apply non-alcoholic perfume. It is Sunnah to eat odd number of dates before going for prayer on Eid ul Fitr.
On Eid ul Adha, eating is delayed till after the Eid prayers and then the believer may eat of his sacrifice.
There is no Azan or Iqamat for Eid prayers. These prayers consist of two Rakats under the Imam. There are
six additional Takbirs. The first 3 Takbirs are said after Sana before starting Surah Fatiha and the second 3
Takbirs are called in the second Rakat just after Surah Fatiah and before the Ruku. One is to raise hands
during each pronouncement of Takbir, bring them down and then again raise them. The rest of the prayer
is completed in the usual manner. The method of Eid-ul-Adha and Eid-ul- Fitr is the same.
After the two Rakats, the Imam stands on the pulpit, faces the audience and delivers the sermon in Arabic,
which had two parts. After the first part the Imam rests back for a while and then delivers the second part
of the Sermon. The Sermon (khutba) is sunnah and should be heard attentively. The Muslims should be
completely silent during the sermon; even recitation of Darud is not allowed. Mobile phones should be
switched off before the sermon as they can cause a lot of disturbance. In the sermon of Eid ul Fitr the
Imam draws the attention of audience to Sadqah-tul Fitr (a charity for the poor), and in the sermon of Eid
ul Adha to offer sacrifice. Muslims women, children, sick, travelers etc. are excused to offer this prayer.
After this, prayer is completed and the Muslims exchange greetings of Eid. In Eid ul Adha, Muslims offer
sacrifice in remembrance of the act performed by Hazrat Ibrahim (RA) and then distribute the meats in
three portions. One portion is for the poor and needy, one for family and one for friends. In both Eid's
Muslims invite their friends and families and have parties to celebrate the festival.
Furthermore, when Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder, during the congregational Eid prayer, forgetting
all social and economic difference so it promotes equality.
When Large number of people gather in a mosque for congregational Eid prayer this makes Muslims feel
that they are strong. This congregational prayed give
us a message that Allah wants Muslims to be united under his name.
At the end of Eid prayer, Muslim exchange greetings as Eid is a special Festival. Hence they forget their
previous hostilities and renew their relations creating a stronger bond among themselves.
Congregational Eid prayer gives Muslims to gather at one place and listen to the sermon of Imam. They
Listen to the sermon of Imam and a become aware about Sadqat-ul-fitr .By Learning the lesson from
teachings given in the sermon, they care about each other e.g financially.
Helping their Muslim brothers by giving charity. Thus when Muslims become source of a comfort for each
other this leads to unity and brotherhood in the society. Thus they act upon teachings of Holy Prophet
"None of you truly believes until The wants for his brother what he wants for himself.’’
Friday prayers are obligatory Farz whereas Eid prayers are wajib or sunnat-e-muakkadah. Friday prayers are offered
in the afternoon and replace obligatory zuhr prayer they are held weekly whereas Eid prayers are offered after
sunrise but before noon and do not replace obligatory Fajr prayer and are held yearly (both). Friday prayer has
sermon before prayer whereas Eid prayers have sermon after prayer. The sermon of Friday prayer makes Muslims
aware of the teachings of holy Quran and Sunnah of The Holy Prophet whereas Eid prayers sermon provides Muslims
with the teachings of charity and sacrifice. Friday prayers have iqamat, Azan and no takbirs whereas Eid prayers do
not have iqamat and Azan but have 6 additional takbirs. Muslims often wear new clothes on Eid and on Friday prayer
best clothes. After Friday prayer Muslims discuss and solve problems whereas in Eid they great each other.
•Proper dress code / Place should be clean •Any dress code and no prerequisite like clean
There are many differences between a regular and private prayer. Regular prayer has to be offered at a
fixed timing such as Fair, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha but a private prayer can be offered at any time.
Private prayer has no such conditions unlike regular prayer where the worshipper has to perform wudu
and make niyah.
A private prayer can be performed while facing any direction but when offering regular prayer it is
obligatory to face the Kabah.
A regular prayer is a pillar of Islam hence it will be questioned on the DOJ. The Holy Quran says "Establish
prayer and practice charity". However, Muslims will not be questioned about their private prayer on the
When offering a regular prayer, Muslims are required to follow a special dress code i.e. men should be at
least covered from the naval to the knees. While a womens whole body should be covered except from her
face, hands and feet, no such requirement is required for Dua.
A private prayer can be said in any language but regular prayer should only be performed in Arabic. There
is no call to private prayer unlike regular prayer.
Another difference is that while offering a regular prayer, postures are fixed however, private prayer can
be said in any posture.
•Defination of player
• Development
• Timings and Method
• Explanation of Delayed prayer
• Situation
• People who are exempted
Prayer is a pillar of Islam and is obligatory on all Muslims. the Quran says.
Delayed prayer is offered just like regular prayer however only, farz, Rakkats are offered. But for Isha, three
witter should be offered. It is also recommended that if person missed Fajr Prayer then he must offer the
sunnah. Qaza prayer is just like regular prayer and the same method is followed but intentions should
be made that it is Qaza.
If a Muslim is suffering from severe sickness e.g high severe, and in that situation, he knew that he would not
be able to offer the prayer and he would not be able to create a connection with Allah then he is allowed to
delay the prayer until he fully recovers.
If a student is able to offer his / her zuhr prayer and intended to offer, Asr prayer but he was too much
absorbed in his/her studies that he totally forgot the timings of the Asr prayer Then he offered the Asr prayer
and after offering he saw that the sun has set but it was not deliberate so it can be offered as Qaza.
Sleep is such a situation in which a Muslim is allowed to delay his/ her prayer. Suppose a person offered his Isha
prayer and intended to offer his Fajr prayer but he couldn't because of his sleep then he can offer this as Qaza.
If a doctor is operating to save the life of the patient and the time of prayer falls and the doctor is allowed to
delay his/her prayer and continue the surgery. The victims are rescuers catastrophe are also allowed to delay
their prayer as if the victims are not in a mental situation that they can offer prayer so they can delay prayer as
they are busy in saving their lives.
In physical jihad, when Muslim are engaged in wares are, although Muslims mostly offer salat ul khouf (prayer of
fear) yet if a soldier or a group of soldiers are appointed at an important strategic location and they know that if they
leave their post to offer the prayer, it may prove
disastrous for the Muslim army. Therefore they may delay their prayers until they are replaced by another group of
In some situation there is a fear of Life e.g. If a person is passing through a forest he can't start offering his /her
prayer there because of the fear of being attacked by wild animals.
Children are excused to offer prayers as they do not know the importance of worship.
(Insane) They are not in their right State of mind so they are fully exempted from offering prayer.
Delayed prayer is sign of Allah's mercy he never wants to burden His creation being Al rehman and AL Rahim.
Qi Describe how Fasting is carried out in day of Ramadan. OR Describe how fasting is
carried in month of Ramadan.( Note: To answere the second question Month of Ramadan) from the
beginning till the last point all points should be written)
During a fast Muslim abstain from eating and drinking. This enables them to understand the problem of the poor
who starve throughout the day.
Muslims also refrain from smoking and marital relationship.They should be particularly pious and avoid from
indulging in lies and indecent acts e.g quarreling and abusing. This teaches them self-control.
They should remain honest upright. They are not allowed to and cheat and lie. Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
said " If a Muslim indulges in telling Lies, then Allah does not need his hunger or thirst.”
They should remember Allah by going to mosques for offering five daily prayers and should also recite the Holy
Quran as it was revealed in the month of Ramadan. It is important that they should live their lives in normal routine,
making or asking for no concessions to lack of food eg neither
a fasting Muslim should spend whole day in his / her bed nor an employee should ask his employer to reduce his
workload or working hours.
The time of Maghrib prayer i.e sunset Muslims breaks their fast with a date or water which is a Sunnah of Holy
Prophet. with the intention of "o Allah, I fasted for you and I believe in you and I put my trust in you and I break
my fast with your sustenance.” Then they offer their Maghrib prayers. Then they have a meal often eaten with
In the evening, Muslims go to offer the Tarawih which can also be offered alone. It has a minimum of 8
and maximum of 20 Rakkhas. During Tarawih Muslims Listen to the recitation of the Holy Quran when in
congregation and then they themselves recite it when they offer the Prayer alone.
In the last 10 days. Muslims go to mosque for itteqaf .Muslim men withdraw to mosque and women do it at home. In
this act of worship they avoid any contact to world thus any dedication and love for Allah so that they can gain his
pleasure and blessings.
Sadqat-ul-Fitr is charity given to the poor usually in the month of Ramadan. Hence this promotes economic balance
in the society and brings rich and poor closer to each other. There are certain Muslims who can delay their fast e.g
sick and expected mothers have been exempted from
keeping a fast but only till l next year. This is because they have to take medicines and need nourishment. Similarly
travelers have also been exempted because they may be tired (physically weak) due to travelling.
(note: to Answer the second question( Month of Ramadan) all points have to be written
from start till end)
Q: Explain the individual importance of fasting?
It is also important because when a Muslim fasts and starves in the month of Ramadan only a for sake of Allah and
remembers his Lord more I frequently during his fast and in Tarawih prayers. This shows that he is aware of his
presence and therefore avoids committing sins and becomes more pious This also means that while fasting he has
devoted his complete soul to the obedience of Allah and therefore recognizes the supremeness of Allah which
makes him more steadfast and strengthens his faith.
The Holy Quran says that fasting teaches us self-restrain. This is when Muslims fast they stay away from food, water,
etc. So they learn patience and tolerance.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said “When the month of Ramadan comes the doors of Heavens are open. and the doors
of Hell are closed." This tells that fasting in the month of Ramadan not only brings a Muslim closer to Allah but will
also be gifted heaven in reward.
Fasting is a gift from the believer to his Lord, in which he shows his gratitude to his Lord in return for Countless
blessings bestowed on him.
Furthermore, when a Muslim fasts and goes without food, he comes to know about the difficulty of people who have
no food. So this makes him sympathetic to these people. and he becomes ready to help them when Muslim fast
they encourage each other and support each other.
Also during the month of Ramadan Muslims gather at mosque and perform tarawih Prayer by standing shoulder to
shoulder to each other. This shows that whether rich or poor king or servant, everyone follows the code of equality.
2) Furthermore in the Mosque, they get an opportunity to discuss their problems and hence help each other to solve
those problems this promotes brotherhood. Also during Tarawih Muslims recite Quran and ponder over its meaning
and since Quran emphasizes on respect of human beings that is why they become considerate towards each other.
Zakat consists of giving set proportions of possessions for the poor. It is compulsory on all adult rich Muslims to give
away a portion of their wealth or other possessions as commanded by Allah provided such wealth or property etc.
If a Property has remained in their ownership uninterruptedly for a complete lunar year as the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
has said 'No charity is due on a property until a year has passed away on it’’
Zakat is not payable on buildings, shops or total capital but on savings of the income that may have been
generated from them. Zakat is not payable on precious stones and immovable property or machinery.
The minimum amount of wealth/weight or number of different articles for the payment of Zakat is called nisab.
...The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said in this regard: 'No charity is due on less than five wasq; no charity is due on
fewer than five camels; and no charity is due on less than five uqiya”.
Its rate on annual savings is 2.5% and there are set percentages for other possessions as well which include gold,
silver and livestock.
In case of Gold, a Muslim who has 7.5 tolas of it or more will give 2.5% of its value as Zakat while if he has 52.5 tolas
or more of Silver, he'll give 2.5% of its value as Zakat.
Zakat is also liable on camels, cattle, or goats for example if a Muslim has 40-120 goats then one goat is due as Zakat.
There is no fixed month or date for payment of Zakat because whenever a lunar year completes on certain wealth or
other possessions, Zakat becomes payable.
However, it is usually paid during the month of Ramadan. Muslims also distribute Zakat ul Fitr at the end of Ramadan
to the poor so that they can also celebrate Eid with them just after Ramadan.
The Zakat is often distributed for the Muslims needy by mosques but it can also be paid directly by
to the deserving ones or Muslim Governments can collect it.
In Pakistan on every first of Ramadan Zakat is deducted from saving accounts in banks by the Government and is
then distributed to the poor and needy etc through Zakat committees.
The Holy Quran tells us about the recipients of Zakat in the following words "Alms are for the poor and the needy
and those employed to administer (the funds); for those whose hearts have recently reconciled (to Truth); for
those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer”.
This clarifies that Zakat should be given to the above-mentioned eight groups and nobody else.
Based on this verse, the ways of spending Zakat funds can be classified as follows:
For the poor who do not have enough to take care of most of their basic needs.
For the needy whose many basic needs are met but their income does not take care of other important needs.
For those as wages whose job is to collect and distribute the Zakat funds.
For those who are close to accepting Islam as a religion/ New converts.
For freeing a Muslim person from bondage (whether a slave in the old times or a prisoner of war i.e modern times)
For those who are indebted and cannot pay their loans.
In the cause of Allah (jihad), Zakat can be given to those who fight in the cause of Allah (SWT).
For the wayfarer/ traveler who is stuck in a foreign land and do not have enough money to go back to his homeland,
even though he might be rich otherwise
Zakat helps to purify not only ones wealth but also ones heart from
greed as Holy Quran says, “Take O Mohammad from their wealth a charity by which you purify them..”
Zakat is considered to be blessings for both giver and receiver. The Holy Quran says in this regard “By that which you
lay out for charity seeking the countenance of Allah (will increase ) it is these who will get recompense
Thus it not only solves the financial problem of receiver but as per Quran the giver earns the blessings of Allah and
his wealth is multiplied.
10 Mark Question
• Describe the main stages of Hajj? [outline]
4 mark Questions.
• Explain the importance of Hazrat Ibrahem (A.S) in Hajj.
• Explain the difference between Hajj and Umrah
- What is Talbiya ? How does Talbiyah sum up relationship between the pilgrim (Hajji) and God.
• Muslim believe that Satan tried to mislead Ibrahim (AS) at three places where the Jamarat are situated in Mina.
• When he was on his way to sacrifice his son in Allah's way and he in turn stonned the devil
- In memory of this act the three pillars of Jamarat are stoned by the pilgrims Hazrat Hajra( A.s) ran several
times between the hills of Safa and Marwa in search of water for her infant son. Sayee is performed in
memory of this act in which pilgrims run between the two hills during Hajj.
“Safa and Marwa are among the signs of Allah” (the Holy Quran).
According to Muslim belief Adam and Eve were reunited at Arafat
On the day of judgement humankind will assemble at Arafat .
Staying at Arafat is a compulsory component of Hajj without which Hajj is void.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said "Hajj is staying at Arafat” which means that this is most important
element of Hajj (2nd obligation).
Pilgrims after their combined zuhr and Asr prayers at Arafat and listen to the sermon of the imam. in
memory of the Last sermon of the ton Holy Prophet ( SAW).
Describe the main stages of Hajj?
On 8th of Zilhai, a Muslim pilgrim must perform Wuzu or Ghusal for purification. Then the pilgrim wears Ihram
i.e. men wear two white pieces of Unstitched cloth to cover their upper and lower body and women wear their
normal clothes covering their whole body except hands, feet and face. Pilgrims are under certain restriction
while wearing Ihram e.g. they are not to cut their nails etc. Wearing Ihram is the first obligation of Hajj. After
this, the pilgrims should offer two Nafal prayers and make intention of Hajj. Also, Talbiyah should be
continuously recited i.e. "Here I'm O Lord, Here I'm".
On the same day the pilgrim should reach Holy Kabah and perform, Tawaf e Qudum i.e. 7 circumambulation
around Holy Kabah, starting from Black stone and ending at the black stone, anti-clockwise. While encircling the
Holy Kabah they also kiss the Black stone physically and symbolically. After that the pilgrim should offer a
private prayer (dua) at Multazim i.e. place between door of Holy Kabah and the Black stone. Then he offers two
Nafal prayers at the place of Ibrahim where the footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) are found while he was
constructing the Holy Kabah. The pilgrim then drinks the water of Zamzam and then performs Sayee i.e. brisk
walk between the mounts of Safa and Marwa 7 times, starting from Safa ending at Marwa. This is done in
memory of Hazrat Hajra (AS) who was searching for water for her infant son Hazrat Ismail (AS). Holy Quran
says, “Verily, Safa and Marwa are among the signs of Allah".
Before offering the Zuhr prayer of 8th Zilhaj, the pilgrim should proceed to Mina and offer Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib
and Isha there. The pilgrim spends the night in the plain of Mina.
After the Fair prayer next day (9th of Zilhaj) in Mina, the pilgrim should move to Arafat. Here he should listen to
sermon, perform combined Zuhr and Asr and then perform wuquf-e-Arafat between noon and dusk. In the
Wuquf the pilgrim remembers Allah in order to obtain his forgiveness. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Hajj is
staying at Arafat". It is the second obligation of Hajj and without it Hajj is void. Arafat is important because all
Muslims will gather in the plain of Arafat on the Last day. It is the place where Hazrat Adam and Eve were
reunited after their expulsion from Heaven and Holy Prophet (PBUH) also gave his last sermon in the plain of
After sunset without offering Maghrib prayers, the pilgrim should proceed to Muzdalifa i.e. 10th of Zilhaj. Here
combined Maghrib and Isha prayers should be performed. The pilgrim collects pebbles for Rami and spends the
night in the remembrance of his Lord.
After offering the Fajr prayer, the pilgrim will leave for Mina (10t h of Zilhaj) and should stone the Jamarat-ul-
Aqba (biggest pillar representing Satan). Before this act Talbiyah is stopped. Then the pilgrim should offer
sacrifice by slaughtering an animal. This is done in order to remember Hazrat Ibrahim (AS's) sacrifice of his son.
Hazrat Ismail (AS). Then men should shave their hair and women clip a lock of their hair (Waiib Act). This is an
indication that the Hajj is coming towards an end and the pilgrims can change to their normal clothes. After this
the restrictions of Ihram are over.
The Pilgrim should stone 3 Jamarats from 11th to 12th or 13th of Zilhaj to follow Holy Prophet (PBUH's Sunnah.
The stoning should start from the smallest to the biggest i.e. Jamarat-ul-Sughra, Wusta and then Aqba, 7 times
each day. This symbolic stoning is called Rami. In between this stay (10th - 12th), the pilgrim should go to Holy
Kabah and perform Tawaf-e-Ziyarat. It is the third obligation of Hajj. Those who offer: Haji-e-Tamattu also
perform Sayee after this Tawaf. Before leaving Mekkah, the pilgrim should also perform Tawaf-e-Wida.
Q: Give a brief description of the importance of each of the following in Muslim belief and
A) Holy Kabah
B) Ihram
C) Eid UL -Adha :
The Holy Kabah was built by Adam and Later restored by Ibrahim and Ismail and again in the time of the Holy
Prophet (SAW)
They try to kiss the Black stone as they pass it Following the Prophet’s example.
Ihram is the state of purity which Muslims enter when beginning the pilgrimage. The chief sign for men is two pieces
of white cloth worn around them. For women it is normal clothes covering the whole body except face and hands. It
removes sign of distinction and makes all pilgrims appear equal. In the state of Ihram the pilgrim Comes under
particular restrictions of conducts such as no cutting of hair or nails. Wearing Ihram is part of the first Obligation.
Muslims celebrate this by slaughtering an animal on 10th of Zilhaj in Mina. (wajib act) Then do this in order to
remember HZ. Ibrahim (A.S) sacrifise his son. HZ. Ibrahim (A.S) was instructed to make this sacrifice as a sign of
obedience. The act celebrated at the high point of the annual Pilgrimage.
ALL over the world families celebrate this feast by making a sacrifice
Q: Describe the importance of Hazrat Ibraheem and his family in Hajj (10)
Hazrat Hajra (R.A) ran between the mounts of safa and Marwa several times in search of water for her
infant son Hazrat Ismail. In memory of this act Sayee is performed by the pilgrims who ran between the
mounts of Safa and Marwa 7 times Starting from Safa and ending at Marwa. Holy Quran says "Verily Safa
and Marwa are among the signs of Allah.” While Hazrat Hajra (AS) was looking for water Hazrat Ismail (AS)
scraped his heels on the ground from where the fountain of Zamzam appear. In memory of this act pilgrims
drink the water of Zamzam while performing Hajj. The importance of Zamzam is such that without drinking
it once tawaf remains incomplete.
When Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was taking his son for sacrifice following the orders of Allah he was stopped
by the Satan three times Hazrat Ibraheem rejected him three times by throwing pebbles at him and
remained firm on the orders of Allah. In memory of this act pilgrims perform the rituals of Rami at Mina.
They perform Rami on the 10th of Zilhajj and hit Jamarat ul Akba seven times. However on 11th 12th or 13th
they hit all Jamarats 7 times, each day starting from the smallest to the biggest i.e Sughra, Wusta and then
Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) took his son Hasrat Ismail for sacrifice following the orders of Allah. However Hazrat
Ismail was replaced by a lamb. In memory of this act pilgrims offer sacrifice on the l0 th of Zilhaij at Mina.
Muslims all around the world also sacrifice and celebrate the feast of Eid ul Adha. The meat of sacrificed
animal is divided into three portions (friends family, poor.)
Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) and Hazrat Ismail also built or rebuilt the Holy kabah In memory of this act, pilgrims
offer two Nafal prayers at the "place of Ibraheem” where the foot prints of Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) are
found. They perform,Tawaf around it, which is 7 circumabulations around the Holy kabah Starting from the
Black stone and ending and the black stone anti clockwise. While performing Tawaf they also kiss the
Blackstone physically or symbolically following the tradition of Holy Prophet(SAW).
Q: Explain the individual importance of Hajj?/ Explain the importance of Hajj for a Muslim
in Islam.
is a pillar of Islam therefore obligatory on all affording Muslims as the Holy Quran says, "Pilgrimage to the house of
Allah is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey". This means that pilgrimage is mandatory on
Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform it. Therefore, when an affording Muslim performs Haji, he
not only gets closer to Allah but also earns His blessing.
Hajj is a source of forgiveness. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that after the performance of (Haji) a pilgrim becomes
as pure as a newly born baby. This confirms that by performing this pillar a Muslim is highly blessed, Allah who
accepts his repentance by forgiving his sins and hence, that Muslim will be blessed with paradise in Hereafter.
Pilgrimage helps Muslims to learn about the sacrifices and difficulties faced by the most important personalities of
Islam in the way of Allah and still they remained steadfast e.g. sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and his family. Thus
the knowledge of their spiritual devotion refreshes and strengthens ones faith and therefore he becomes more
Q: Explain the communal importance of Hajj?
Pilgrimage enables Muslims to meet one another from all across the world and provides them with an opportunity
for sharing news and discussing various issues facing the Muslim community. Thus, they feel as part of a larger
Muslim community i.e. Ummah whose members are concerned for each other.
During pilgrimage all Muslims wear same simple dress i.e. Ihram by forgetting their race, colour or the social status
and therefore accept the Islamic teachings of equality.
Furthermore, they perform different ritual of Hajj i.e. Tawaf, Stay in Mina, Wuquf-e- Arafat etc. at the same time in
the same places, thus they are reminded that they are all united under one God.
More than two million Muslims gather in Mecca for the performance of Haji each year. They not only show their
dedication to Islam by performing one of its pillars together but also feel strong as followers of the same faith.
Q: What is Talbiya? How does Talbiyah sum up the relationship between the Pilgrim (hajji) and God?
“Here I am o Allah in response I to your call here I am here I am You have no partner here I am. verily all praise
grace, and sovereignty belong to you. You have no partner.”
Talbiyah is recited throughout the Haji and so it develops a strong link between the man and his creator.
Talbiyah shows complete submission, devotion and obedience to Allah and man’s position as His slave who is
significant and humble before Him. (NEW POINT) He also recognizes that all blessings are by Allah and it is fitting
for man to recognize Him as the controller of one's affair recognizing his oneness and unity.
In it, he recognized Allah as the master of universe and rejects any concepts of Shirk. He says that Allah is worthy
and exclusive of worship.
Q Explain the difference between Hajj and umrah? (less than Pilgrimage)
Pillar/Obligatory Not a Pillar/Voluntary
Visit places like Mina, Arafat etc Don’t visit places like Arafat, Mina etc
Hajj is a pillar of Islam and therefore obligatory on all affording Muslims as the Holy Quran says "Pilgrimage
to the house of Allah is a duty man owe to Allah". Umrah however is not a pillar of Islam and therefore is
voluntary. There are three types of hajj whereas there are no types of Umrah. Hajj is answerable on the
last day whereas Umrah is not. There are different obligations of Hajj but they are no obligations of Umrah.
Rituals like rami and sacrifice are also preformed in Hajj but not in Umrah. Hajj is from 8-13th Zilhaj
whereas Umrah is anytime of the year. Hajj is also carried out once a year. Both hajj and Umrah's
intentions are carried out at Meeqat. Talbiyah is stopped at Mina 10 th of Zilhaj for hajj and Talbiyah for
Umrah is stopped upon reaching haram.
Q What acts do pilgrims (Hajis) perform on the l0th zilhaj and how does the rest of
Muslims community celebrate this day? [10]
on the l0th of ZiLhajj at the time of dusk, Muslims leave Arafat and proceed to Muzdalifa. In Muzdalifa
they offer Maghrib and Isha prayers combined.Then they collect pebbles for rami and spend night in the
remembrance of Allah and in the plain of Muzdalifa.
After Fajar prayer they leave for mina. In Mina they perform rami by stonning the Jamarat ul Aqba.
(Largest pillar representing satah). 7 times before this Talbiya is stopped.
This act is performed in remembrance of Hazrat Ibraheem his who was going to a sacrifice his son in
obediance to the orders of Allah but satan mislead him so in return he stonned the satan in order to stop
Then the pilgrims sacrifice an animal. This act is also performed in the remembrance of Hazrat Ibraheem
IA.S) who was ready to Sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail.At the time of sacrifice, Hazrat
Ismail (As) was replaced by lamb.
This act is pilgrims (mens) Shave their heads and women cut a lock of their hair. This is a wajib act.After this
pilgrims are also allowed to change back to normal clothes as the restriction of Ihram is over. On the l0 th of
Zilhajj, the pilgrims are also allowed to perform Tawaf-e-ziyarat without which Hajj is void.
Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is seven circumambulations around the Holy kabah starting from Black tone and ending at
black stone.
They also kiss the Black Stone symbolically or physically. Then they perform private prayer at Multazim i.e
the place between black stone and the door of Holy Kabah.
Then they offer two nafal prayer at place or Ibrahim. It is the place where footprints of Hazrat Ibraheem
(A.S) were found while he was reconstructing the ka'abah.
Then they drink zamzam as Prophet (S.A.W) without drinking Zamzam tawaf is not complete. This is done
in the remembrance of Harzat Ismail (As) who scrapped his heels is in the ground and fountain of zamzam
In case of “Hajj-e- Tamattu" they also perform Sayee i.e brisk walk between Mount of and Marwa 7 times
starting from Safa and ending at Marwa . This act is done in the remembrance or Hazrat Hajra (A.S) who
ran between these mountains several times as she was searching for water for her infant son Hazrat
Ismail. The Holy Quran says, "Safa and marwa are among the signs of Allah.”
On the 10th of Zilhajj Muslims all around the world celebrate Eid ul Adha as it is a day of sacrifice (yaum un
Nahr) Also After performing the Eid-ul-Adha they sacrifice an animal and meat of the sacrificed animal is
divided into 3 portions friends, family and poor). Muslim often have parties and gathering to celebrate this
special occation.
Ten mark Question.
Q: Pilgrimage to the house of Allah is a duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the
journey.For whom is the annual A Pilgrimage compulsory and which Muslims are
exempted from it? What thing are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram ?
The pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime is the righteous duty of every Muslim.
It is obligatory on every adult, same, free Muslim who can afford to bear the expenses of this journey.
Hajj is compulsory for all those Muslims who can meet the travel expenses and their expenses while at Hajj and also
have enough funds to Leave behind for their dependents and household till the pilgrims return.
Danger to Life owing to war in certain areas in or around the Holy Land or in one's own country may free a person
from the obligation of performing Hajj.
Also a woman is not allowed to proceed to pilgrimage without a 'mahram’ male and if she can't find a mahram it is
not obligatory for her to perform pilgrimage.
ii)To shave, trim hair, nails.
•To use abusive or soul language
• To indulge in marital relations.
•To hunt or kill an animal is however; harmful or dangerous animals can be killed.
•To wear sewen clothes, but women are exempted from this.
•To use perfume or oils.
•To cover the face.
•To cut plant or tree.