CE543 - Module 5 - Part I

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CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Traffic Control

Bachu Anilkumar
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Civil and Env. Engineering
IIT Patna
E-mail: [email protected]
Module 5: Traffic Control

Signs, markings, islands and signals; At-grade and grade separated Intersections;
Rotaries; Basic principles of intersection signalization; Signal Design – HCM approach;
Analysis of signalized intersection, signal coordination
Traffic Control Devices

Traffic Signs - IRC 67 : 2012

Regulatory Signs
Warning Signs
Informatory Signs
Road Markings - IRC 35 : 2015
Traffic Signals
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Traffic Control Devices 1

To promote highway safety and efficiency
Orderly movement of all road users on streets and highways
No advertising message or any other message that is not related to traffic control.
Fulfil a need;
Command attention;
Convey a clear, simple meaning;
Command respect from road users; and
Give adequate time for proper response.

Traffic Signs and Road Markings MUST BE the primary, and sole, means of
communication between Road System and Road User for efficient navigation
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Traffic Signs 2

Regulatory Signs
Stop and Give-way
No parking and No stoppage
Speed limit
Vehicle control
Restriction ends
Compulsory direction control

Violation of these signs is a legal

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Traffic Signs 3

Purpose: Warn the road users of certain hazardous conditions

Shape - Equilateral triangle - apex upwards - White B/G - Red Boarders - symbol in
black colour
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Traffic Signs 4

Guide the road users along routes, inform them directions and distance
Direction and Place identification, Facility information, parking and flood gauge
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Traffic Signs 5
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Traffic Signs 6
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Road Markings 7

Guiding and controlling traffic on a highway

Serve as a psychological barrier
Help to signify the delineation of traffic path and its lateral clearance from traffic
hazards facilitating safe movement
Types of markings
Longitudinal markings
Transverse markings
Object markings
Word messages
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Longitudinal Markings 8

Longitudinal Markings- Can be in White or Yellow in colour - Solid or Broken

Solid white - you cannot change the lane while driving

Broken white - you are allowed to change lane but cautiously
Yellow solid - No overtaking
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Longitudinal Markings 9

Longitudinal Markings- Can be in White or Yellow in colour - Solid or Broken

Double yellow - Passing or changing lane is NOT allowed

Broken yellow - passing cautiously
Solid with broken - Not allowed to overtake from solid line side.
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Longitudinal Markings 10

Longitudinal markings
Center Line
Traffic lane line
Bus lane markings
Warning lines
Edge lines
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Transverse Markings 11

Transverse marking - marking provided across the carriageway for traffic control with
broken lines, single/ double continuous lines
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Road Markings 12

Object marking - Marking on obstructions in a carriageway (traffic island, medians) or

obstructions near carriageway (signal posts, pier, etc.)
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Word Messages 13

Word Messages - Information to guide, regulate, or warn the road user through word
message on road surface.
Characters for word messages are usually capital letters.
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Parking Marking 14

Promotes more efficient use of the parking spaces

To prevent encroachment on places like bus stops, fire hydrant zones etc. where
parking is undesirable.
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Hazardous Location Marking 15

Change in width of road

Hazardous location
Road-rail level crossing
Check barriers
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Traffic Signals 16

Traffic signals must operate at all times

If properly designed signals will:
Provide for orderly flow of traffic
Reduce frequency of some crashes
Increase capacity
Provide gaps for minor movements
Result in excessive delay
Increase frequency of some crashes
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Traffic Signals 17

Signal Faces and Visibility

Generally 3 to 5 lenses
8 in or 12 in diameter
Minimum sight distance
Must operate continuously
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Traffic Signals 18

Pedestrian Signals
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Traffic Signals 19

Other Traffic Signals

Lane-use control
Ramp meters
Intersection Control
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Intersection Control 20

# of conflicting points of conven-

tional 4- legged intersection
Merging - 8
Diverging - 8
Crossing - 16
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Levels of Control 21

Level I - Basic rules of the road

Level II - YIELD or STOP control
Level III - Signalization
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Basic Rules of the Road 22

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Basic Rules of the Road 23

Stopping Sight Distance

Distance travelled during perception/reaction time
Distance required to physically brake/stop the vehicle

SSD = vt +
2g(f ± G)
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Basic Rules of the Road 24

Drivers on conflicting approaches must be

able to see each other in time to assess
whether an "impending hazard" is imposed

b dA − b adA
= → dB =
dB − a a dA − b
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Basic Rules of the Road 25

Analysis Steps:

Calculate dA
Calculate dB,act
Calculate minimum dB
Check if dB,act < minimum dB , unsafe
and move to level II or III.
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Basic Rules of the Road 26

Approach 2
To avoid collision from the point at which visibility is established, Vehicle A must travel 188
past the collision point in the same time that Vehicle B travels to a point 12ft before the
collision point.

dA + 18 dB − 12
1.47vA 1.47vB
dB = (dA + 18) + 12
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Basic Rules of the Road 27

Analysis Steps:

Calculate dA
Calculate dB,act
Calculate minimum dB
Check if dB,act < minimum dB , unsafe
and move to level II or III.
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Basic Rules of the Road 28

dA = 1.47vt + = 196.5ft
30(0.348 ± 0.01G)

adA 20 × 196.5
dB = = = 25.4ft
dA − b 196.5 − 42

dB,min = 1.47×40×2.5t+ = 300.3ft
30 × 0.348

dB = (196.5 + 18) + 12 = 298ft.
Both are far larger than the actual distance !!
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Basic Rules of the Road 29

Potential Remedies??

Implement intersection control, using STOP or YIELD control or traffic signals

Lower the speed limit on the major street to a point where sight distances are
Remove or reduce sight obstructions to provide adequate sight distances
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YIELD and STOP Control 30

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YIELD and STOP Control 31

Based on gap acceptance behaviour

Three components
Distance from the driver’s eye to the
front of the vehicle (assumed to be 8 ft)
Distance from the front of the vehicle to
the curb line (assumed to be 10 ft)
Distance from the curb line to the center
of the right-most travel lane
approaching from the left, or from the
curb line to the left-most travel lane
approaching from the right

dA−STOP = 18 + dcl
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YIELD and STOP Control 32

The required sight distances for Vehicle B

dB = 1.47 × Vmaj × tg
tg - average gap accepted by minor street
driver to enter the major road, seconds
Range - 6.5 to 12.5 seconds
Typical value - 7.5 seconds
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YIELD and STOP Control 33

Consider the case of a STOP-controlled approach at an intersection with a two-lane

arterial with a design speed of 40 mi/h.
dA−STOP (from left) = 18+6 = 24 ft
dA−STOP (from right) = 18+18 = 36 ft
dB,min = 1.47 × 40 × 7.5 = 441 ft.
Calculate actual distance of Vehicle B
from the collision point when visibility is

adA 36 × 24
dB,act,left = = = 216 < 441
dA − b 24 − 20

16 × 36
dB,act,right = = 576 > 441
36 − 35
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YIELD and STOP Control 34

Warrants for YIELD Control

When the ability to see all potentially conflicting traffic is sufficient to allow a road use
traveling at the posted speed, 85th percentile speed, or the statutory speed to pass
through the intersection or stop in a safe manner
If controlling a merge-type movement on the entering roadway where acceleration
geometry or sight distance is not adequate for merging traffic operations.
At a second crossroad of a divided highway, where the median width is 30 ft or
greater. A STOP sign may be installed at the entrance to the first roadway of a divided
highway, and a YIELD sign may be installed at the entrance to the second roadway.
At an intersection where a special problem exists and where engineering judgment
indicates that the problem is susceptible to correction by use of a YIELD sign.
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Traffic Control Signals 35

Ultimate form of intersection control

Alternately assigns right-of-way to specific movements
Provide for the orderly movement of traffic
Increase the traffic-handling capacity
Provide continuous movement - if coordinated !!
Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other traffic,
vehicular or pedestrian, to cross.

To increase capacity, to improve safety, and to provide for orderly movement

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Traffic Control Signals 36

Excessive delay
Excessive disobedience of the signal indications
Increased use of less adequate routes as road users attempt to avoid the traffic
control signal
Significant increases in the frequency of collisions (especially rear-end collisions)
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Traffic Control Signals 37

Warrants for Traffic Signals

Warrant 1 : Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 2: Four-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 3: Peak Hour
Warrant 4: Pedestrian Volume
Warrant 5: School Crossing
Warrant 6 Coordinated Signal System
Warrant 7: Crash Experience
Warrant 8: Roadway Network
Basic Principles of Intersection Signalization

Components of Signal Cycle

Types of Signal Operation
Treatment of Left Turns
Discharge Headways, Saturation Flow, Lost Times, Capacity
Critical Lane Group Concept
Optimum Cycle Length
Left Turn Equivalency
Delay as a Measure of Effectiveness
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Components of Signal Cycle 38

Cycle - One complete set of rotation through all of the indications provided
Cycle length - Time that it takes to complete one full cycle
Interval - Period of time during which no signal indication changes
Change interval
Clearance interval
Green interval
Red Interval
Phase - consists of a green interval, plus the change and clearance intervals that
follow it.
It is a set of intervals that allows a designated movement or set of movements to flow
and to be safely halted before release of a conflicting set of movements.
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Components of Signal Cycle 39

Change interval
Transition from GREEN to RED
Timed to allow a vehicle that cannot safely stop when the “green” is withdrawn to
enter the intersection legally.

Clearance interval
Red, Transition from GREEN to RED
All movements will have RED
Timed to allow a vehicle that legally enters the intersection on “yellow” to safely cross
the intersection before conflicting flows are released.
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Components of Signal Cycle 40

Green interval
Movements permitted have a “green” light
Other movements will have RED light
Denoted with Gi

Red interval
All movements NOT permitted will have a “RED” light
Denoted with Ri
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Types of Operation 41

Pre-timed Operation
Semi actuated operation
Fully actuated operation
Computer Control
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Components of Signal Cycle 42

Pre-Timed Operation
Cycle length, phase sequence, and timing of each interval are constant
Follows a pre-determined plan
Multi-dial controllers: One for peak and off-peak

Semi actuated operation

Detectors placed in minor street
Always green for major road
Minor will get green when there is a demand
Green returns to Major road (i) after reaching maximum green on minor or (ii) no
further demand
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Components of Signal Cycle 43

Fully-Actuated Operation
All approaches will be monitored by detectors
Green allocation - information from detectors and programmed rules
Cycle length, phase split, sequence of operation MAY CHANGE !!

Computer Control
Computer acts as a master controller - coordinating lot of signals
All signals in the network must use the same cycle length (or an even multiple
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Treatment of Left Turns 44

Permitted left turn - Left turn is allowed along with opposing through movement
Must select an appropriate gap in the opposing traffic stream.
left-turn volumes are reasonable and where gaps in the opposing flow are adequate
to accommodate left turns safely.

Protected left turn - Left turn is allowed when opposing through movement is stopped
Protects left-turning vehicles by stopping the opposing through movement.
Can lead to multi-phase signalization

Can be a combination of permitted and protected.

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Discharge Headway 45

First headway
First headway is relatively long !!
Must go through the full
perception-reaction sequence
Second is shorter - PRT overlaps
Constant headway achieved is referred to as
the saturation headway (h).
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Saturation Flow 46

Similar to capacity of approach - if the
signal were always green
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Lost Times 47

Start-up Lost Time

The time lost in the starting of the green
time interval when a traffic signal phase
changes from red to green
Headway vary for first few vehicles and
then remain almost constant
Sum of additional time involved in initial
l1 = ∆i
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Lost Times 48

Start-up Lost Time

Possible to model the amount of green time required to discharge "n" number of
vehicles !!

Tn = l1 + nh
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Lost Times 49

Clearance Lost Time

Time interval between the last vehicle’s front wheels crossing the stop line, and the
initiation of the GREEN for the next phase.
Denoted by l2
Un-utilized time.
Occurs at the end of the GREEN signal.
Start-up lost time: beginning of the GREEN signal.
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Lost Times 50

Total Lost Time

Start-up lost time: beginning of the GREEN signal.

Clearance: End of the GREEN signal
Total lost time = Startup + clearance

tL = l1 + l2

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Effective Green Time 51

The actual signal goes through a sequnce of intervals:

Green - All-Red - RED.

Yellow and All-Red should be provided

One set - RED
Another set - GREEN, YELLOW and ALL-RED
Modelling perspective
Effective GREEN - Time that vehicles are moving
Effective RED - Time vehicles are NOT moving
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Effective Green Time 52

Effective Green, g = Gi + Yi − tL,i

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Capacity of an Intersection Lane 53

Saturation flow rate(s) - Capacity of an intersection lane - assuming that the light is
always GREEN.
ci = si
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Sample Problem 54

Consider a given movement at a signalized intersection with the following known

Cycle length, C = 60 s
Green time, G = 27 s
Yellow plus all-red time, Y = 3 s
Saturation headway, h = 2.4 s/veh
Start-up lost time = 2.0 s
Clearance lost time = 1.0 s
For these characteristics, what is the capacity (per lane) for this movement?
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Critical Lane and Time-Budget Concepts 55

Time-Budget: Allocation of time to

various vehicular and pedestrian
movements at an intersection through
signal control
Critical-lane: Identification of specific
lane movements that will control the
timing of a given signal phase

Critical lane - Lane with the most intense traffic demand, not the lane with the highest
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Critical Lane and Time-Budget Concepts 56

Establishment of Time Budget

Movement of vehicles in critical lane 1

Movement of vehicles in critical lane 2
Start-up and clearance lost times for
vehicles in critical lane 1
Start-up and clearance lost times for
vehicles in critical lane 2
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Signalized Intersection Capacity 57

Assume total lost time is constant for all phases. Total lost time per signal cycle

L = N × tL
Total lost time in an hour
LH = L
Time devoted for critical lane movements

TG = 3600 − LH
Maximum sum of critical lane volumes
TG 1 3600
Vc = = 3600 − NtL
h h C
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Example 58

Example: If the signal at this location has

two phases, a cycle length of 60 seconds,
total lost times of 4 s/phase, and a saturation
headway of 2.5 s/veh. Calculate maximum
sum of critical lane volumes
1 3600
Vc = 3600 − NtL
h C

1 3600
Vc = 3600 − 2 × 4 = 1248veh/h
2.5 60
Total available time = 3600-(60 × 8) = 3120 sec. i.e. 2.5 seconds per vehicle.
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Observations 59

Cycle length ↑ - Capacity ↑

Longer cycle lengths - cycles ↓ - lost
times↓ - effective green time ↑ - sum of
critical lane volumes ↑
Relationship gets flatter - cycle length ↑
Capacity ↓ - Phases ↑
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Minimum Cycle Length 60

Minimum Acceptable Cycle length

1 3600
Vc = 3600 − NtL
h C


Example: Vc =100 veh/h; h=2.5 s; tL = 4 s and N=2

C=   = 26.2s
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Minimum Cycle Length 61

Demand is uniformly distributed
Every second of effective green time is utilized


How to overcome??
Take PHF into account - estimate the flow rate in worst 15-minute period
Capacity utilization - 80 % to 90%.
Divide the Vc with PHF and expected utilization of capacity

(3600/h) × PHF × (v /c)
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Minimum Cycle Length 62

Example: Vc =100 veh/h; h=2.5 s; tL = 4 s and N=2

C=   = 26.2s

Example: Vc =1000 veh/h; h=2.5 s; tL = 4 s and N=2, PHF - 0.95 and v/c ratio - 0.9

C=   = 42.6 sec
(3600/2.5) × 0.95 × 0.90
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Minimum Cycle Length 63

Impact of Utilization of Capacity

Example: Vc =1200 veh/h; h=2.2 s; tL = 4 s and N=3, PHF - 0.90 and v/c ratios from 1.00
to 0.80

C=   = 64.8 ≈ 65
(3600/2.2) × 0.90 × 1.00
v/c ratio
0.95 → 85 seconds
0.90 → 130 seconds
0.85 → 290 seconds
0.80 → -648.6 seconds

Practical limit: 120 seconds

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Example 64

Using the time-budget and critical-lane concepts, determine the number of lanes required
for each of the critical movements and the minimum desirable cycle length.

1 3600
Vc = 3600 − 2 × 4 = 1357veh/h
2.3 60
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Example 65

1 3600
Vc = 3600 − 2 × 4 = 1357veh/h
2.3 60

N-S artery: Six lanes

E-W artery: Four lanes
PHF: 0.95 and v/c - 0.9
Desirable cycle length

Cdes =   = 77.7 ≈ 80
(3600/2.3) × 0.95 × 0.90
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Concept of Left-Turn Equivalency 66

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Concept of Left-Turn Equivalency 67

How to consider the effect of left-Turn vehicles??

Through vehicle equivalents
How many through vehicles would consume the same amount of effective green time
traversing the stop-line as one left-turning vehicle ??

In the same amount of time, the left lane discharges five through vehicles and two
left-turning vehicles, while the right lane discharges eleven through vehicles.

11 = 5 + 2ELT → ELT = 3.0

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Concept of Left-Turn Equivalency 68

Relationship Among Left-Turn Equivalents, Opposing Flow, and Number of Opposing

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Concept of Let-Turn Equivalency 69

An approach to a signalized intersection has two lanes, permitted left-turn phasing, 10%
left-turning vehicles, and a left-turn equivalent of 5.0. The saturation headway for through
vehicles is 2.0 s/veh. Determine the equivalent saturation flow rate and headway for all
vehicles on this approach.
One left turn vehicle is equivalent to 5 through vehicles
One left turn vehicle consumes 5.0 times the effective green time as a through vehicle
10% of the traffic stream will have 2 × 5 = 10 sec of saturation headway
90% of vehicles will have 10 seconds
Average sat headway = (0.9 x 2.0)+(0.1 x 10.0) = 2.8
Saturation flow rate = 3600/2.8 = 1286 veh/hg/ln.
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Concept of Left-Turn Equivalency 70

Relationship between Ideal (only through) and Prevailing Conditions

sprev = sideal × fLT

sprev 3600/hprev hideal

Left turn adjustment factor, fLT = = =
sideal 3600/hideal hprev

hprev = (PLT ELT hideal ) + ((1 − PLT )hideal )

hideal 1
fLT = =
(PLT ELT hideal ) + ((1 − PLT )hideal ) 1 + PLT (ELT − 1)
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Delay as Measure of Effectiveness 71

Point locations within a network

Measures of effectiveness - Highway - not relevant
Speed ??
Density ??
Delay, Queuing and Stops
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Tyes of Delay 72

Most common measure - delay

Stopped-time delay
The time a vehicle is stopped in queue while waiting to pass through the intersection
Approach delay
Includes stopped-time delay
Also adds time loss due to deceleration from the approach speed to a stop and the time
loss due to reacceleration back to the desired speed.
Time-in-queue delay
Time from a vehicle joining an intersection queue to its discharge across the STOP line on
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Tyes of Delay 73

Travel time delay

Difference between the driver’s expected travel time through the intersection (or any
roadway segment) and the actual time taken.
Difficult to establishing a “desired” travel time
Control delay
Delay caused by a control device, either a traffic signal or a STOP-sign.
Approximately equal to the time-in-queue delay
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Types of Delay 74
Delay types for a single vehicle approaching a RED signal

Units: Seconds per vehicle, Vehicle-seconds, Vehicle-minutes and Vehicle-hours

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Theoretical Models of Delay 75

N-T Plot
Number of vehicles arriving and departing
vs. time
X-axis: Time
Divided into effective Red and Green
Y-axis: No. of vehicles
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Theoretical Models of Delay 76

Waiting time in queue, W (i)

Number of vehicles queued at any time, Q(t)
Aggregate delay for all vehicles (vehicles x

Major Assumptions
Uniform arrival rate
Queue is building at a point
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Theoretical Models of Delay 77

Case 1: Stable Flow

No signal cycle fails

Departure function catches up with arrival
Sum of triangular areas
Uniform Delay
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Theoretical Models of Delay 78

Case 2: Individual cycle failures within a stable


Few signal cycles will fail

Some vehicles may not get served
Departure function catches up with arrival
function - at the end of time period.
Overall period is stable, with individual cycle
Overflow delay.
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Theoretical Models of Delay 79

Case 3: Demand exceeds capacity for a signif-

icant period

Worst case scenario - All cycles will fail

Vehicles may not get served at the end of
each cycle - accumulate
Typically happens when v/c > 1
Overflow delay
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Components of Delay 80

Components of delay - Analytical models

Uniform delay
Assumption of uniform arrivals
Stable flow with no cycle failures
Random delay
Additional delay beyond uniform delay
Random flow
With few cycle failures
Overflow delay
Capacity is less than the demand
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Webster’s Uniform Delay Model 81

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Webster’s Uniform Delay Model 82

Aggregate uniform delay, UD = RV

h  g i
Length of RED phase, R = C 1 −

V = v (R + tc )

v (R + tc ) = stc → R + tc = tc
s  R
R = tc − 1 → tc =  s 
v −1
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Webster’s Uniform Delay Model 83

 
V = v (R + tc ) = v R +  s
 

   g i  vs 
vs h
V =R =C 1−
s−v C s−v

1 2h  g i2  vs 
Aggregate uniform delay, UD = C 1−
2 C s−v
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Webster’s Uniform Delay Model 84

1 2h  g i2  vs 
Aggregate uniform delay, UD = C 1−
2 C s−v
Average uniform delay per vehicle? - divide with number of vehicles arriving during the
cycle = arrival rate x cycle length
2 h vs i
C 2 1 − Cg
  g 2
s−v 1 1− C
UD = = C
1 − vs
2vC 2
Another form in terms of capacity: s =
 g 2  g 2
1 1− C 1 1− C 
UD = C   = C 
2 1 − vc Cg 2 1− g
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Random Delay 85

Vehicle arrivals are random

Inter-vehicle arrivals - possion distribution
v/c < 1.00
Webster’s random delay formulation:

Random delay per vehicle, RD =
2v (1 − X )

Total delay, D = 0.90(UD + RD)

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Overflow Delay 86

Arriving vehicles exceeds capacity

Queue grows - overflow delay, in
addition to UD
v/c > 1.00
Two components: UD and OD

1 − Cg

1 h gi
UD = C  g  = 0.5C 1 −
2 1 − C 1.00 C
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Overflow Delay 87

Aggregate overflow delay?

1 T2
Agg OD, ODa = T (vT − cT ) = (v − c)
2 2
Average overflow delay? - Divide with cT

Avg OD, OD = (X − 1)
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Overflow Delay 88

Average delay per vehicle during time

period from T1 to T2

T1 + T2
Avg OD, OD = (X − 1)
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Inconsistencies in Random and Overflow Delay 89

Random delay per vehicle, RD =
2v (1 − X )

Avg OD, OD = (X − 1)

What happens when X → 1 ??

RD - Infinity
OD - ZERO ??
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Inconsistencies in Random and Overflow Delay 90

Uniform delay - v/c less than 0.85

Overflow delay - v/c more than 1.5
Most frequent cases - 0.85 to 1.15
How to bridge this gap ?? - Akcelik
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Inconsistencies in Random and Overflow Delay 91

" s  #
cT 12(X − Xo )
OD = (X − 1) + (X − 1)2 +
4 cT

Xo = 0.67 +
T - Analysis period. h
X - v/c ratio
C - Capacity, veh/h
S - Saturation flow rate, veh/sg
g - Effective green time, s
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Delay Estimation - Example 92

Example: An intersection approach has an approach flow rate of 1,000 veh/h, a saturation
flow rate of 2,800 veh/hg, a cycle length of 90 s, and a g/C ratio of 0.55. What average
delay per vehicle is expected under these conditions?

Calculate v/c ratio

c = s(g/C) = 2800(0.55) = 1540 veh/h
v/c = 1000/1540 = 0.55
Decide what delay equation to use ?
Uniform delay equation may be applied

C [1 − (g/C)]2 90 [1 − 0.55]2
d= = = 14.2sec/veh
2 1 − (v /s) 2 1 − (1000/2800)
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Delay Estimation - Example 93

Example: What will happen if the demand flow rate increased to 1,600 veh/h?

Calculate v/c ratio - v/c = 1600/1540 = 1.039

Decide what delay equation to use ? - UD and OD: Akcelik Equation for OD

UD = 0.5C[1 − (g/C)] = 0.5 × 90[1 − 0.55] = 20.3s/veh

" s  #
cT 12(X − Xo )
OD = (X − 1) + (X − 1)2 +
4 cT
" s  #
1540 × 1 2
12(1.039 − 0.734)
OD = (1.039 − 1) + (1.039 − 1) + = 39.1s/veh
4 1540 × 1
sg 3600
× (0.55 × 90)
Xo = 0.67 + → 0.67 + = 0.734
600 600

Total Delay = UD+OD = 20.3+39.1 = 59.4 s/veh

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 94
HCM Method

Steps involved:
Development of a safe and effective phase plan and sequence
Determination of vehicular signal needs
Yellow and All-RED intervals
Critical lane volumes
Lost times per phase
Cycle length
Allocation of effective green time - Splitting the green
Determination of pedestrian signal needs
Minimum pedestrian time
Check whether vehicular green meet minimum pedestrian needs
If not, adjust timings to ensure pedestrian safety
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Development of a Signal Phase Plan 95

Provision for left turn

Left-turn volume
Conflicting volume

vLT ≥ 200 veh/h

xprod = vLT × ≥ 50, 000
vLT = left-turn flow rate, veh/h
vo = opposing through movement flow rate, veh/h
No = number of lanes for opposing through movement
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 96

Signal Phase Arrows
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 97

Used to illustrate signal phase plans phase plans

Phase diagram - shows all movements being made in a given phase within a single
block of the diagram.
Ring diagram - shows which movements are controlled by which “ring” on a signal
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 98

Common phase plans

Simple two-phase signalization

Exclusive left-turn phasing
Leading and lagging green phases
Exclusive left tun with leading green
Eight-phase actuated control
Exclusive pedestrian phase
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 99

Two-Phase Signal
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 100

Exclusive left-turn phasing

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 101

Leading and Lagging Green Phases

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 102

Exclusive left turn with leading green

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Phase and Ring Diagrams 103

The Exclusive Pedestrian Phase

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 104

Determination of vehicular signal needs

Determination of vehicular signal needs

Yellow and All-RED intervals
Critical lane volumes
Lost times per phase
Cycle length
Allocation of effective green time - Splitting the green
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 105

Determination of vehicular signal needs

Determination of Change and Clearance Intervals

Change Interval (Yellow): Allows a vehicle that is one safe stopping distance away
from the STOP line.

y =t+
2a + (64.4 × 0.01G)
y =t+ , SI Units
y= length of yellow interval
t = driver reaction time
S85 = 85th percentile speed of approaching vehicles
a = deceleration rate of vehicles
G = Grade of approach
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 106

Determination of vehicular signal needs

Determination of Change and Clearance Intervals

Clearance Interval (All-Red): Vehicle enters intersection legally - Provide sufficient
time for the vehicle to cross the intersection
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 107

Determination of vehicular signal needs

No pedestrian traffic

w +L
ar =

Significant pedestrian traffic exists

P +L
ar =

Some pedestrian traffic exists

w +L P +L
ar = max ,
1.47S15 1.47S15
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 108

Determination of vehicular signal needs

Points to Remember
Yellow time - 85th percentile speeds
All-red time - 15th percentile speed

S15 = S − 5

S85 = S + 5
S = average speed in mi/h.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Determination of Lost Times 109

Total lost time = Start-up lost time + clearance lost time

Start-up lost time, l1i = 2 s/phase

Clearance lost time, l2i = y + ar − e

e=motorist use of yellow and all-red, approximately 2 s/phase.
Lost time per phase, tLi = l1i + l2i = l1i + yi + ari − e
tLi = yi + ari → Total Lost time, L = tLi
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Critical Lane Volumes 110

Calculate critical lane volumes under each phase

Finally sum up all critical volumes of each phase
Proceed signal design with Vc
How to calculate critical volume ??

Convert demand volumes to through vehicle equivalents

Left turning vehicles
No. of left-turning vehicles
No. of lanes in opposite direction
Opposing flow
Right turning vehicles
Pedestrian volume
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Critical Lane Volumes 111


Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Determine Cycle Length 112

Number of phases
Total lost time
Peak hour factor
volume to capacity ratio
Saturation headway (or) saturation flow rate

Cdes =  
 

× PHF × (v /c)
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Splitting the Green 113

Split the total available effective green time to various phases

Total effective green time in the cycle

gToT = C − L
gi = gTOT ×
C - Cycle length
L - Total lost time
gTOT - Total effective green time in cycle
Vci - Critical lane volume for phase or subphase, in tvu/h
Vc - Sum of the critical lane volumes
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Check for Pedestrian Requirements 114

Minimum pedestrian green requirement

L Nped
GP = 3.2 + + (2.7 × ), for WE > 10ft
GP = 3.2 + + (0.27 × Nped ), for WE ≤ 10ft
G - Minimum pedestrian crossing time
L - Length of crosswalk
Sp - Average walking speed of pedestrians
Nped - Number of pedestrians crossing per phase in a single crosswalk
WE - Width of crosswalk
If GP < G + Y OK, otherwise re-design.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Signal Design 115

Steps - HCM Approach

Develop a phase plan
Convert volumes to Through-Vehicle Equivalents
Determine critical lane volumes
Determine Yellow and All-Red intervals
Determination of lost times
Determine desirable cycle length
Allocate effective green to each phase
Check pedestrian requirements
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 116

Moderate pedestrian volumes

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 117

Step 1: Develop a phase plan - Only one lane i each

approach - not possible to protect the left turn

vLT ≥ 200 veh/h

xprod = vLT × ≥ 50, 000

xprodEB =10x(315/1)=3150 < 50000

xprodWB =12x(420/1)=5040 < 50000
xprodNB =10x(400/1)=4000 < 50000
xprodSB =10x(375/1)=3750 < 50000

No criteria met !! - No need to protect the left turn movements.

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 118

Step 2: Convert Volumes to Through-Vehicle Equivalents

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 119

Step 3: Determine Critical-Lane Volumes

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 120

Step 4: Determine Yellow and All-Red Intervals

Average approach speed - 30 mi/h, S85 = Sav + 5 = 35mi/h, S15 = Sav − 5 = 25mi/h

1.47S85 1.47 × 35
y =t+ = 1.0 + = 3.6s
2a + (64.4 × 0.01G) 2 × 10 + 0

P = Sum of two-15 ft lanes and 10-ft crosswalk: 15+15+10 = 40 ft.

P +L 40 + 20
ar = = = 1.6s.
1.47S15 1.47 × 25
Both streets have the same width, crosswalk width, and approach speed, the values of y
and ar will be same for both Phases A and B.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 121

Step 5: Determination of Lost Times

Start-up lost time, l1 = 2.0 sec

Yellow time, y = 3.6 sec
All-red time, ar = 1.6 sec
Clearance lost time

l2 = y + ar − e = 3.6 + 1.6 − 2 = 3.2sec

Total lost time per phase, tL = l1 + l2 = 2 + 3.2 = 5.2sec
Number of phases = 2; Total lost time, L = 5.2+5.2 = 10.4 seconds
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 122

Step 6: Determine the Desirable Cycle Length

Cdes =  
 

× PHF × (v /c)
Cdes =   = 33.5sec
1615 × 0.92 × 0.90

Round off to highest 5 seconds → Cycle length = 35 seconds

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 123

Step 7: Allocate Effective Green to Each Phase

Cycle length = 35 seconds
Available green time, effective green time = 35-10.4 = 24.6 seconds

VcA 470
gA = gTOT = 24.6 × = 12.5sec.
Vc 924
VcB 454
gB = gTOT = 24.6 × = 12.1sec.
Vc 924
Actual green times:
GA = gA − YA + tLA = 12.5 − 5.2 + 5.2 = 12.5 s
GB = gB − YB + tLB = 12.1 − 5.2 + 5.2 = 12.1 s
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Design of Two-Phase Signal 124

Step 8: Check Pedestrian Requirements

Moderate pedestrian - 200 per hour

How many per cycle? - 3600/35 = 103 cycles per hour
200/103 = 1.94. Approximately 2 pedestrians per hour.

L 30
GpA,B = 3.2 + + 0.27Nped = 3.2 + + 0.27 × 2 = 11.2s
Sp 4.0

Gp < G + Y
GpA = 11.2 < 12.5 + 5.2 = 17.7s OK
GpB = 11.2 < 12.1 + 5.2 = 17.3s OK

The signal safely accommodates all pedestrians. No changes in the signal timing for
vehicular needs is required.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 125

Exclusive Left Turn

Moderate pedestrian volumes

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Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 126

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 1: Develop a phase plan

vLT ≥ 200 veh/h

xprod = vLT × ≥ 50, 000
EB: VLT = 35 < 200
xprodEB =35x(500/2)=8750 < 50000, Not needed
WB: VLT = 25 < 200
xprodEB =25x(610/2)=22875 < 50000, Not needed
NB: VLT = 250 > 200; Protection required
SB: VLT = 220 > 200; Protection required
Need to protect the left turn movements of NB and SB.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 127

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 2: Convert Volumes to Through-Vehicle Equivalents

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Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 128

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 3: Determine Critical-Lane Volumes

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Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 129

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 4: Determine Yellow and All-Red Intervals

Speed limit - 45 mi/h : No differentiation between S85 and S15 .

1.47S85 1.47 × 45
yA,B,C = t + = 1.0 + = 4.3s
2a + (64.4 × 0.01G) 2 × 10 + 0
Width of N-S street - 55 ft. → P= 55+10 = 65 ft.
P +L 65 + 20
arA,B = = = 1.4s.
1.47S15 1.47 × 45

Width of E-W street - 60 ft. → P= 60+10 = 70 ft.

P +L 70 + 20
arC = = = 1.3s.
1.47S15 1.47 × 45
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 130

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 5: Determination of Lost Times

Assuming start-up lost time and e as 2.0 s

Lost time per phase, tL = Y = y + ar = Yellow time + All-Red

YA,B = 4.3 + 1.4 = 5.7s

YC = 4.3 + 1.3 = 5.6s

Total lost time, L = 5.7+5.7+5.6 = 17 sec.

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 131

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 6: Determine the Desirable Cycle Length

Cdes =  
 

× PHF × (v /c)
Cdes =   = 109.7sec
1615 × 0.92 × 0.90

Round off to highest 5 seconds → Cycle length = 110 seconds

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 132

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 7: Allocate Effective Green to Each Phase

Cycle length = 110 seconds
Available green time, effective green time = 110-17 = 93 seconds

VcA 263
gA = gTOT = 93 × = 21.6sec.
Vc 1130
VcB 516
gB = gTOT = 93 × = 42.5sec.
Vc 1130
VcC 351
gC = gTOT = 93 × = 28.9sec.
Vc 1130

Check for total cycle length: 21.6+42.5+28.9+17 = 110 → OK

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 2: Intersection of Major Arterials 133

Exclusive Left Turn

Step 8: Check Pedestrian Requirements

Moderate pedestrian - 200 per hour

How many per cycle? - 3600/110 = 32.7 cycles per hour → 200/32.7 = 6.1 ped

L 60
GpB = 3.2+ +0.27Nped = 3.2+ +0.27×6.1 = 19.8s < GB +YB = 42.5+5.7 = 48.2 OK
Sp 4.0

L 55
GpC = 3.2+ +0.27Nped = 3.2+ +0.27×6.1 = 18.6s < GC +YC = 28.9+5.6 = 34.5 OK
Sp 4.0

The signal safely accommodates all pedestrians. No changes in the signal timing for
vehicular needs is required.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 134

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Moderate pedestrian volumes

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 135

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 1: Develop a phase plan

vLT ≥ 200 veh/h

xprod = vLT × ≥ 50, 000
EB: VLT = 300 > 200, Protection required
WB: VLT = 150 < 200
xprodWB =150x(1200/3)=60000 > 50000,
Protection needed
NB: VLT = 50 < 200; Not required
SB: VLT = 300 < 200; Not required
Need to protect the left turn movements of EB and WB.
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 136

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 2: Convert Volumes to Through-Vehicle Equivalents

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 137

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 3: Determine Critical-Lane Volumes

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 138

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 4: Determine Yellow and All-Red Intervals

EWAvg - 50 mi/h; NSAvg - 35 mi/h.

1.47S85 1.47 × 55
yA1,A2,A3 = t + = 1.0 + = 5.0s
2a + (64.4 × 0.01G) 2 × 10 + 0
1.47S85 1.47 × 40
yB = t + = 1.0 + = 3.9s
2a + (64.4 × 0.01G) 2 × 10 + 0
Width of N-S street - 40 ft.
P +L 40 + 20
arA1,A2,A3 = = = 0.9s.
1.47S15 1.47 × 45
Width of E-W street - 96 ft.

P +L 90 + 20
arC = = = 2.6s.
1.47S15 1.47 × 30
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 139

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 5: Determination of Lost Times

Assuming start-up lost time and e as 2.0 s

Lost time per phase, tL = Y = y + ar = Yellow time + All-Red

YA1,A2 = 5.0 + 0.9 = 5.9s

YA3 = 5.0 + 0.9 = 5.9s

YB = 3.9 + 2.6 = 6.5s

Total lost time, L = 5.9+5.9+6.5 = 18.3 sec.

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 140

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 6: Determine the Desirable Cycle Length

Cdes =  
 

× PHF × (v /c)
Cdes =   = 95.3sec
1615 × 0.85 × 0.90

Round off to highest 5 seconds → Cycle length = 100 seconds

Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 141

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Step 7: Allocate Effective Green to Each Phase

Cycle length = 100 seconds
Available green time, effective green time = 100-18.3 = 81.7 seconds

VcA1,A2 315
gA1,A2 = gTOT = 81.7 × = 25.8sec.
Vc 998
VcA3 334
gA3 = gTOT = 81.7 × = 27.3sec.
Vc 998
VcB 349
gB = gTOT = 81.7 × = 28.6sec.
Vc 998
Anil (IITP) | CE 543 - Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety

Case 3: Intersection of Major Arterials 142

Exclusive Left-Turn Phase Plus Leading Green

Specific lengths of all phases

Total length of combined Phase A1 and A2 = 25.8+27.3 = 53.1 seconds

gA1 = 53.1 × = 15sec
158 + 400

gA2 = 53.1 − 15.0 − 27.3 = 10.8sec

GA1 = 15.0 sec YA3 = 5.9 sec
GA2 = 10.8 sec GB = 28.6 sec
YA1,A2 = 5.9 sec YB = 6.5 sec
GA3 = 27.3 sec C = 100 sec

No pedestrians in this intersection. No Step 8 !!

Bachu Anilkumar
IIT Patna
[email protected]

Thank You !!

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