EFI 2023 Role of Spatial Information For EUDR Due Dilligence
EFI 2023 Role of Spatial Information For EUDR Due Dilligence
EFI 2023 Role of Spatial Information For EUDR Due Dilligence
Disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed in this Insight are solely those of the authors and do not reflect
the views of the Sustainable Cocoa Programme of the European Union or its funding organisations. The authors
bear full responsibility for the content, analysis and recommendations presented herein and welcome any
feedback on its content.
1. Introduction
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)1 aims to reduce the risk that products and supply
chains from several commodities associated with deforestation and forest degradation –
cattle, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soya and wood – are placed on the EU market or
exported from it.
Cocoa and its derived products fall under the scope of this regulation. Operators2 must
therefore perform due diligence before placing cocoa or its derived products on the EU
market. Due diligence consists of up to three steps: 1) information collection, 2) risk
assessment, and 3) risk mitigation. In addition to information on the product and chain of
custody, operators are required to collect:
Based on this information and additional documentation, operators will need to assess the
risk of non-compliance of cocoa with the requirements. In their risk assessment, operators
must take into account, among other criteria: the presence of forests; the prevalence of
deforestation and forest degradation in the sourcing area; the risk of mixing compliant and
non-compliant products; and substantiated third party concerns. Where necessary, operators
would then need to mitigate identified risks to a negligible level and document how that was
Spatial information, coming from Earth observation technologies and Global Position
Systems (GPS), can play an important role in the due diligence of operators and the
controls by EU Member States competent authorities.
Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2023 on the
making available on the Union market and the export from the Union of certain commodities and
products associated with deforestation and forest degradation and repealing Regulation (EU) No
As defined in the EUDR, an operator is any natural or legal person who, during a commercial
activity, places relevant products on the market or exports them.
The following data could be used to determine if cocoa is EUDR compliant:
In addition, to assess and manage deforestation risks, in particular the risk of leakage4, other
types of data and tools could be used. These include, for instance:
The EUDR defines ‘relevant legislation of the country of production’ as ‘the laws applicable in the
country of production concerning the legal status of the area of production in terms of: (a) land-use
rights; (b) environmental protection; (c) forest-related rules, including forest management and
biodiversity conservation, where directly related to wood harvesting; (d) third parties’ rights; (e) labour
rights; (f) human rights protected under international law; (g) the principle of free, prior and informed
consent (FPIC), including as set out in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (h)
tax, anti-corruption, trade and customs regulations’. Spatial data on protected areas, for instance,
could provide insight into the legality of land-use and environmental requirements, but other data may
be needed to assess the risk of non-compliance with other aspects of legality.
In this context, we define leakage as the risk of cocoa not coming from the plot it was identified to.
2. Understanding and implementing the EUDR
zero-deforestation requirement
The EUDR requires operators to compile “adequately conclusive and verifiable” evidence
that cocoa has not been produced in a forest area that was converted to agricultural use
after 31 December 2020.
The EUDR uses an internationally recognised definition of forest from the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It defines forest as “land spanning
more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of more than
10%, or trees able to reach those thresholds in situ, excluding agricultural plantations and
land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use”. Agricultural use refers to
“the use of land for the purpose of agriculture, including for agricultural plantations and set-
aside agricultural areas”.
The definition of forest combines biophysical characteristics with the exclusion of lands
under other predominant uses. The inclusion of ‘in situ’ means that forest areas that
temporarily do not meet the thresholds but are expected to regenerate would be considered
as forest. This applies unless another land use, such as agriculture, has been identified as
the predominant use, for example in fallow lands. The EUDR does not define “set aside
agricultural areas”, nor the specific temporal bounds for what constitutes agricultural use.
Forest cover data aligned with the FAO forest definition and the 2020 cut-off date
would be a key source of information to assess risks of EUDR non-compliance.
Remote sensing provides useful, transparent, accessible, and sometimes near-real time
information that can support operators in complying with due diligence obligations. There are
a multitude of datasets and platforms related to forest cover and tree canopy cover, ranging
from freely available global and regional datasets, official nationally produced data, and
service providers offering customised analyses using satellite imagery and unique
proprietary methodologies.
Two new datasets will soon be made available: the EU Forest Observatory map, to be
produced by the JRC, and the Science Based Targets Network/World Resources Institute
(WRI) Natural Lands map. They will utilise the FAO definition of forest and cover the period
of 2020. As such, they may be particularly useful for assessing the risk of non-compliance
with the EUDR deforestation-free criteria.
** aligned with the FAO biophysical criteria to define forests, with limitation on the representation of specific land uses (i.e.
agricultural plantations)
• Landsat 4 (1980) to Landsat 9 (2023, 30 metres resolution), accessible via the NASA
portal, SEPAL and Google Earth Engine (GEE)
• Sentinel 1 synthetic aperture radar data available since 2014 and Sentinel 2 A & B
optical data with a spatial resolution of 10 metres available since 2015, accessible via
• Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative and Planet’s biannual mosaics
from December 2015 to August 2020 and monthly five metre mosaics from
September 2020, accessible via Planet, SEPAL and GEE for non-commercial uses
What datasets regarding forest cover around year 2020 are
available at national level?
Nationally produced data, such as a national land cover and land-use map or a forest/non-
forest map, can serve as a primary source of information and facilitate operator compliance
with the EUDR (table 2). This data often provides greater accuracy than global products and
may already be available through national systems.
While national data can serve as an important source of information for risk assessment, it
may not be fully aligned with the EUDR requirements. National products may use the
national definition of forest, which may differ from the FAO definition used in the EUDR.
Further, data may not be available for 2020, given national data might have been prepared
for other purposes than EUDR compliance risk assessment. Nevertheless, national data
may be combined with existing global or regional products to capture a picture of forests as
defined under the EUDR in the country in 2020.
Table 2. National forest data availability in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroon
Reference map Forest Data accessibility Comments
at cut-off date definition
2020 national land FAO definition The map will be Version 1 map
cover map made publicly validated by the
(BNETD-CIGN) available for viewing JRC, with accuracy
v.1 and download of 84%. A second
Côte d’Ivoire version is under
2019 and 2021 Differs from Available for -
national land FAO definition viewing, not for
cover maps download
Ghana Commission
2020 national FAO definition The map is currently Map development
forest/non-forest (same as being developed and supported by FAO
map (MINFOF) Cameroon should be made
Cameroon definition) publicly available in
Box 1: Côte d’Ivoire’s national 2020 land cover baseline map
The Government of Côte d’Ivoire produced a 2020 national land cover map, which was
developed by the national GIS Centre (BNETD/CIGN) with the technical and financial support
of the EU Sustainable Cocoa Programme.
The first version of the map (June 2023) provides detailed information on 28 land-use classes
that were defined and adopted consensually among public and private stakeholders. These
classes also align to the classification of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). The map is based on Sentinel 2 images from 2020 processed via the GEE platform,
training data collected during two national field campaigns, as well as cocoa geolocation data
from the cocoa-coffee sector.
The JRC conducted the external validation of the map in July 2023. An overall accuracy of
84% is achieved using the IPCC 6 class land cover legend. A second version of the map is
under preparation (end of 2023) and aims at increasing the accuracy of specific classes.The
map will be made available to the public on an international platform.
Map 1: 2020 Land cover map of Côte d’Ivoire. Source: BNETD-CIGN (June 2023)
Existing forest cover datasets at global, regional or national levels were not developed with
the purpose of assessing EUDR compliance. These datasets vary in many important
ways that affect their usability for due diligence, including in: the definition of forest used;
variable of interest such as the percentage of tree cover, which is not equivalent to forests;
resolution; accuracy; and scale and coverage (both geographically and time range). When
selecting data to assess compliance risk with the deforestation-free criteria, operators should
• Clarify the definition of forests used and potential implications of differences with the
EUDR definitions (e.g. over or under-estimation of forest cover; status of agroforestry
systems, etc.) when using existing land-use or forest cover maps.
• Ensure that agricultural trees are excluded from the forest classes.
• Be mindful of the 31 December 2020 cut-off date when selecting satellite images or
building a satellite mosaic to analyse forest area. In the context of West Africa, it is
advised to build mosaics5 during dry and raining seasons to understand the contrast
between the various types of vegetation (phenological differences of forest types).
The accuracy of available data sources should also be considered. No single data set or
map can provide sufficiently accurate information to be used as the sole source of data to
determine cocoa’s EUDR compliance. Sources of forest lands or land cover data might be
available at jurisdictional, national, regional or global scales. Robust jurisdictional or national
forest data usually offers higher accuracy, including for instance more accurate
differentiation of forest from cocoa and other tree crops in cocoa-producing countries. When
operators choose data to evaluate compliance risks, they must use and combine the best
information at their disposal to determine the risk of non-compliance. They should therefore
take into account:
Sometimes, information products derived from Earth observation data might present
limitations, such as errors of omission of forests (when forest is mistaken for another land
class) or of commission (when another land class, such as agroforestry cocoa for instance,
is mistaken for a forest). In other instances, a specific plot might match the definition of
forests, but in reality, is under set-aside agricultural use, such as fallow land. To address
these limitations, operators might consider to:
• In case of doubt or low level of confidence in the data, conduct further analysis with
the use of very high-resolution images (Planet, SPOT, etc.) and/or ground truthing.
• Document land uses, in particular in the case of fallow land, by working with suppliers,
in cooperation with authorities and/or through audit processes.
A satellite image mosaic is a composition of several satellite images into a seamless and cohesive
representation of a larger geographic area (e.g. a country).
• Extend data collection to pre-2020 when possible, to understand recent changes in
the forest cover and help determine the land-use history of an area to determine if
land was recently used for agricultural purposes.
The database is managed and updated by the Ministry of Forests and Fauna with WRI
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is managed by the United Nations
Environment Programme’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), with
support from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and its World
Commission on Protected Areas. It provides a publicly available global dataset of protected
areas. It is the most up-to-date and complete source of information on protected areas at the
global scale, updated with submissions from governments, non-governmental organisations,
academia and industry.
Although it is the best global level data available on protected areas, it may not be complete
or fully accurate for every country. While submitted by governments and other institutions, in
most contexts, WDPA has not been officially endorsed as the trusted source of official
national data. There may be discrepancies between official sources and the WDPA dataset
for a country.
Map 2: Comparison of WDPA and national data on protected areas in Côte d’Ivoire (source: EFI, based on various datasets)
When comparing the available protected area boundary data from WDPA and the official
Ministry information6 in Côte d’Ivoire, important discrepancies can be observed (see map 2).
WDPA data identified a total of 8.6 million hectares of protected areas, including 5 million of
classified forests.7 In contrast, data from the Ministry of Water and Forests shared with
cocoa companies signatories of the Cocoa and Forest Initiative (CFI) reveals considerable
Protected area data used for the purpose of this comparison is that shared by the Ministry of Water
and Forestry with signatories of the Cocoa & Forest Initiative in May 2019 and additional data
provided by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
WDPA: UNEP-WCMC (2023). Protected Area Profile for Côte d’Ivoire from the World Database on
Protected Areas, October 2023. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net
differences in both size and location, identifying a total of 5.9 million hectares of protected
areas, of which 3.9 million of classified forests. Additional boundaries of classified forests not
captured by this dataset are used by other government services. These discrepancies might
partially be because a large part of the borders of classified forests are not up-to-date,
accurate or legally endorsed.
National parks and classified forest boundary maps Boundaries of ‘enclaves’ within
available upon request to the Ministry in charge of classified forests are integrated in
the Environment and the Ministry of Forests and classified forests map, but not in the
Côte Water. They have been shared with signatories of WDPA
d’Ivoire the Cocoa & Forests Initiative in 2019.
National parks and forest reserve boundary maps Boundaries of admitted farms in
are not publicly available. They have been shared forest reserves are unavailable
by the Forestry Commission with signatories of the outside the Forestry Commission
Ghana Cocoa & Forests Initiative.
To overcome some of these limitations and harmonise efforts across the sector, producer
countries along with cocoa operators and other stakeholders can build consensus and
alignment on reference data and methodologies (see efforts undertaken by Ghana in box 3).
The following recommended actions can help improve access to, and use of, robust and
relevant spatial data to support EUDR compliance:
• When choosing data and/or service providers to assess EUDR compliance, ensure
that these make use of data that is: aligned to EUDR requirements; based on
transparent methodologies and international standards; and, ideally, peer-reviewed.
• Cross-check multiple sources of data to increase confidence in baseline information,
and conduct additional checks in case of doubts.
• When available, use robust national/subnational forest cover data.
• Support mapping improvements, including on protected area boundaries and land
cover data, through sustainability programmes, and share this data with government
and other actors.
At the time of writing (October 2023) the European Commission was already working on providing
guidelines on the definition of “agricultural use”.
• Share polygon data with authorities to help to improve the accuracy of land use/land
cover classification products.
• Seek alignment on methodologies and approaches to assess EUDR compliance risks
and risk mitigation and make this information available to stakeholders.
One hundred percent accurate maps or a single best deforestation monitoring or risk
assessment approach do not exist. They are based on imperfect data, varying
interpretations, and different methodological choices. Transparency on these choices is
required to make sense of available information and ensure credibility of sustainability
monitoring systems. Furthermore, cooperation between and among public and private actors
is needed to improve the quality and robustness of reference data.
Disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed in this Insight are solely those of the authors and do not
reflect the views of the Sustainable Cocoa Programme of the European Union or its funding
organisations. The authors bear full responsibility for the content, analysis and recommendations
presented herein and welcome any feedback on its content.
The European Forest Institute is one of the implementing partners of the EU Sustainable Cocoa
Programme in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroon. We are supporting producer countries in developing
robust standards and tools to achieve traceable and deforestation-free cocoa.
Information and publication of EFI’s Sustainable Cocoa Programme can be found here: