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English Weekly Plan

Week (4)
Grade:1 Date:17-21/12/23
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend Long Weekend

Monday Reading / Writing Companion Book: U.3 Read the story “Nate the
/ L.1: “Nate the Snake is Late” Pgs. 12 - Snake is Late” Pgs. 12 -21
21 Genre: Fantasy Essential Question:
How do we measure time? Pgs. 10, 11

Tuesday Reading / Writing Companion Book: U.3 Copy the high frequency
/ L.1: “Nate the Snake is Late” Pgs. 12 - words twice in your
21 High Frequency Words: away, now, copybook .
some, today, way, why Practice Book Pg.

Wednesday Grammar: Plural Nouns with -es Practice book pg.154

Irregular Plural Nouns Study for spelling bee round
Practice book Pgs. 153,156 2

Thursday Spelling Bee Round 2 Practice book Pg. 163,165

Phonics & Spelling: long a: a_e
Practice book Pgs. 164, 167

Social 1 Unit3-Lesson 3 : The Compass Rose Assignment on classera

Workbook pg.34

Social 2 Unit3-Lesson 3 : The Compass Rose Assignment on classera

Workbook pg.34

French Revision : U2: L1,L2 Devoir sur classera .

Une fiche de travail .

Pop Quiz Irregular Plural Nouns

Spelling Make, take, came, game, gate, late,

Words some, today
Grade 2
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Classera Homework

Reading and Writing
Review the lesson
Literature Anthology (Online Reading Text)

Reading/Writing Companion pages 52 to 54

Vocabulary:Root Words and Antonyms P.B page 172

P.B pages 154 and 155 P.B page 178

Phonics:Phonological Awareness - Identify and

Generate Rhymes

P.B pages 173 and 174

Wednesday P.B pages 186 and
Grammar:Action Verbs – P.B pages 183 and 187


Online Activity – Basic Verbs

Phonics and Spellings Practice Book
pages 180.
Phonics: Long a sound (Different representation)

P.B pages 175 and 176

Spelling practice: page 179

Spelling Bee Competition Round 2 Practice for Spelling

Social 1 Classera
Unit 4, Lesson 1: The Arabs before Islam Homework
Pages 51 and 52 (Student Book)
Social 2 Workbook Pages 34 and 35 Workbook Page 36
French Revision : U2: L1,L2 Devoir sur Classera.
Une fiche de travail .
Pop Quiz Review of the week’s learning Classera
Spelling Words Nail, train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh,
sleigh, prey, scrape, strange, good, often, two.

Grade 3
Day Title + Classwork Homework in

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Review the lesson
Unit 3: Reading and Writing Get a Backbone pp.54-55
Use the vocabulary
Essential Question: How is each event in
history unique? words in a sentence.

Reading/Writing Companion pp. 60 to 64

agreeable , appreciate, boomed,
descendants, resources, population,
transportation, vehicles
We’ll complete Spelling Bee Round 1

Tuesday Reading/Writing Companion pp. 65 to 67

P.B p.151B
P.B p.152
P.B pp.154 &155
Practice for your
Phonics: Word Sort r-Controlled sound Dictation
P.B pp.151A & 152

Grammar: Future Tenses– P.B pp. P.B p.160
157& 158

Online Activity – Subject-verb

Thursday Spelling practice:
Phonics and Spellings p.162
Phonics: Prefixes

P.B p. 163

Writing practice: p.70

Spelling Bee Competition Round 2

Social 1
Unit 4: Lesson 1- The Arab Society before Workbook
Islam. Pg. 37-38
Student’s Book, Pg. 63-64

Social 2
Unit 4: Lesson 1- The Arab Society before
Islam. Review the lesson.
Student’s Book, Pg. 63-64

French Revision : U2: L1,L2 Devoir sur Classera .

Une fiche de travail .

Pop Quiz
In Classera

Words Careful,pair,bear,dear,here,stairs,where,r
ear,career,wear, there, gear

Grade 4
Day Title + Class work Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Unit 3 Practice for the Spelling Bee
Reread‘’Judy’s Appalachia” Competition
Reading and Writing Companion
pg. 33-39

Tuesday Wonders Practice Book:

Phonics/spelling Pg: 166

Plurals Dictation Practice

Some kids like to lie around on
Wonders Practice Book: Pg: 163-165
their couches and watch
television after school. Other
kids have hobbies that they like
to do. They enjoy
collecting stamps or building
models with real engines.

Wednesday Grammar

Linking Verbs

Wonders Practice Book: Pg: 157-159

Thursday Writing Homework on Classera.

Write a biography on someone


Round 2 Spelling Bee Competition.

Social 1
Unit 3: Latitudes and Longitudes

Lesson 1:Latitudes. Workbook pgs.27,28

Student’s Book-Pgs.50,53

Social 2
Unit 3: Latitudes and Longitudes

Lesson 1:Latitudes.
Workbook pgs.27,28
Student’s Book-Pgs.50,53
French Revision : U2: L1,L2 Devoir sur classera .
Une fiche de travail .

Pop Quiz


Grade 5
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Reading Read the the passage “Gulf
Spill Superheroes”
Unit 3: Introduction to the text. “Gulf
Spill Superheroes” Reading and Writing
Companion pg. 32-37
Essential Question: What benefits
come from people working as a group? Practice for the Spelling
Bee Competition
Reading and Writing Companion pg.

Vocabulary Read the the passage

Unit 3: “Gulf Spill Superheroes” “Gulf Spill Superheroes”

Essential Question: What benefits Make sentences with the

come from people working as a group? vocabulary words.

Reading and Writing Companion pg. Reading and Writing

32-39 Companion pg. 32-39

Wednesday Phonics/spelling Wonders Practice Book:

Pg: 130 and 131
Open Syllable

Wonders Practice Book: Pg:127- 129


Action Verbs

Wonders Practice Book: Pg: 121-122

Round 2 Spelling Bee Competition.

Social 1
Unit 3: Lesson 4

The African Horn and Comoros Workbook, Pg. 36-38

Student’s Book, Pg. 61-66

Social 2
Unit 3: Lesson 4

The African Horn and Comoros Individual Project:

Student’s Book, Pg. 61-66

Unité 2: des jardiniers en herbe Apprendre les chiffres en
p13-14 lettre

Autodictée( dictation)

Ils visitent la maison et le

jardin du peintre.

Pop Quiz

Spelling Words

Grade 6
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Reading Comprehension Study the vocabulary
Wonders Reading/Writing Companion words
(6-Unit 2):
Genre: Historical Fiction
Essential Question: What was life like Practice Book: Page
for people in ancient cultures?
Text Reading:
Literature Anthology Roman Diary

Vocabulary: alcove, commerce, Classera

domestic, exotic, fluent, stifling,
upheaval, utmost
Pgs. 143-148

Vocabulary: Page 134 & 135

Practice Book: Pg. 107 & 108

Notebook: Vocabulary words &


Present Project
Tuesday Grammar: “Possessive Nouns” Practice book; Pgs. No. 99

Practice book;
Pgs. No. 97 - 101

Wednesday Phonics/Spelling: Open Syllables Practice book; Pgs. No. 106

Study the spelling and
brutal, secure, panic, cabin, fever, voter, vocabulary words for
vanish, nylon, detect, resist

Practice book; Pg. No. 102-105

Thursday Writing: Write a Historical Fiction

(Journal entry about everyday life
in an ancient civilization) Write an expository text

Listening: Watch the video on “What was
life like for people in ancient cultures?”

Speaking: “Respond to the video on

“What was life like for people in ancient

Reading/Writing Companion; Pgs.

Present Project

Social 1 Unit 3 Classera

The Arab World

Lesson One
Arab World Location
The World Today Student Book Pgs. 45 -

The World Today Student Book Pgs. 45 -

Present Project

Social 2 Lesson One Workbook Pgs. 35

Arab World Location
The World Today Student Book Pgs. 45 -
The World Today Student
Book Pgs. 33 - 35

French Révision unité 1 p10-11 Apprendre les verbes

avec les trois
vous) a l'impératifs
-pour inviter (venir )
-pour conseiller (faire)
-pour donner des
consignes et des ordres
(regarder -partir-mettre

Pop Quiz Students will be given a pop-quiz based Classera on Tuesday

on lessons taught in class.
Will be displayed on Classera Class on Thursday
Grade 7
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Essential Question: Should we make a Study the vocabulary
home in space? words and meanings
Reading/Literature: Future of Space Make sentences with 5
Exploration could see Humans on Mars, words
Alien Planets
Pop Quiz (Classera)

Genre: Short Story

Crafts and Structure: Figurative


My Perspective Student Book

Unit 2. Pgs. 172-177

Notebook: Vocabulary words & meanings

Tuesday Convention/Grammar: The Principal
parts of Verbs Study for Flip Learning
My Perspective Student Book
Unit 2. Pgs. 180 My Perspective Student
My Perspective Student Book
Unit 2. Pgs. 180 Unit 2. Pgs. 178 – 179

Present Project

Pop Quiz (Notebook)

Wednesday Concept Vocabulary: Colonize,

planetary, interstellar, astrophysicists, Notebook
customary, honorary, revolutionary, +
spaceship, planet, mission, alien, Study the spelling and
engineer vocabulary words for
dictation tomorrow
Speaking/Presentation: Research
and present a topic

Listening: Listen to an audio on a

subject matter, then discuss or
answer questions accordingly
My Perspective Student Book
Unit. Pgs. 181

My Perspective Student Book

Unit. Pgs. 178 – 179

Flip Learning
Writing: Editorial Notebook
My Perspective Student Book Write an Informative Text
Unit 2. Pgs. 164 – 169

Present Project
Social 1 Unit 3
Living Together Classera

Lesson One
Study for
The World Today Student Book
Pgs. 50-52 Flip Learning tomorrow

Present Project

Social 2 Lesson One

Dialogue The World Today
Flip Learning
Pgs. 28-29
The World Today Student Book Pgs.
50-52 Pop Quiz (Classera)
Workbook Pgs. 28-29

French Unité 2 leçon 1 j’adore les jeux vidéo!

P 26-27 Workbook P66

Pop Quiz
Grade 8
Day Title + Class work Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Reading and Literature Answering
From Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence Comprehension Questions
by Doris Pilkington. Unit 2; Pg
Tuesday Learning vocabulary words for the week Writing a summary of the
Urgently, Nervously, Confidently, passage read in class
Cautiously, Drizzly
Wednesday Learning Adjectives and Adverbs Homework on Classera
Thursday Listening and Speaking Exercise Homework on Classera
Social 1 Citizenship: Rights and Duties Workbook in class
Global Citizenship
Social 2 The Importance of Education of Homework on Classera
Global Citizenship
French Révision chapitre 1 p 22-23/P 64-65 Homework on
Pop Quiz Students will be given a pop-quiz Will be displayed on
based on lessons taught in class. Classera
Grade 9

Day Title + Class work Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Reading and Literature Answering the
The Voyage of the James Caird from Comprehension passages
the Endurance by Caroline
Alexander. Unit 2 Pg. 179-190
Tuesday Vocabulary words Writing a summary of the
Pitched, Reeling, Upheaval, Ordeal, passage read in class
Meager, Strife
Wednesday Grammar: Punctuations: Colon, Worksheets on the
Semicolon and Dashes and the Grammar Topic
correct usage of them.

Thursday Speaking and Listening Exercise Homework on Classera

Social 1 Lesson 2: Renunciation of Workbook Questions
Violence and Extremism
Social 2 Fighting Violence and Workbook Questions

Pop Quiz Students will be given a pop-quiz Will be displayed on

based on lessons taught in class. classera
Grade 10
Day Title + Classwork Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Reading: The Doll’s House
pg 150 - end
distress, amelioration, aversion,
asphyxiation, listlessly, travail.

Tuesday Reading: The Doll’s house

pg 150-end
Craft and Structure: Plot Analysis,
Vocabulary: distress, amelioration, aversion,
asphyxiation, listlessly, travail.

Wednesday Writing: Argumentative Essay

Debate: Should all high schoolers be
assessed for mental health issues?
Agree or Disagree?

Thursday Listening and speaking:

Social 1 Lesson 3: Europe Adopts Democracy Research Work

Mass Society Prevails

Social 2 Hierarchy in Society

Women’s Right Homework on Classera

French Unité2 : leçon 1 : notre camp de vacances

Workbook p 66

Pop Quiz Online classera

Grade 11
​Day Title + Class work Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Vocabulary: emperor, imperial, solitude,
symbolism, repetition, imagery,
metaphor, simile,
Reading: Poems by Emily Dickinson
Tuesday Online Assignment on
Grammar: Pronoun case

Wednesday Writing: Argumentative Essay

Debate: Should all high schoolers go
to college? Agree or Disagree?

Thursday Listening and speaking:

Social 1 Lesson 7: The American revolution Online Assignment on


Social 2 Lesson 7: The American revolution

Complete homework

French Unite 2 lecon 1 : on l'achète p26-27

Workbook p 64

Pop Quiz On classera

Grade 12

Day Title + Class work Homework in comment

Sunday Long Weekend

Monday Literature:The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I Use the vocabulary words
pp.258-268 in meaningful sentences.
Anchor Text: (RL.12.10,L.12-10.1B) Vocabulary: revolt,
Genre: Drama captivity,assualt,flout,
Vocabulary: revolt, captivity,assualt,flout, rebellious,treasons p.258
rebellious,treasons p.258

Tuesday Literature:The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I

Grammar: Double and Incomplete
Comparisons p.35-36 (booklet)

Wednesday Literature:The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I Assignment in Classera

Grammar: Capitalization p.38-39 (booklet)

Thursday Literature:The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I

Speaking & Listening

Social 1 Lesson 5: The Beginning of Lend-Lease Research

and The Invasion on USSR pp.27-28

Social 2 Lesson 5: The Beginning of Lend-Lease

and The Invasion on USSR pp.29-32

French Unité 2: leçon 1 : une collecte au collège

Workbook p 70

Pop Quiz On Classera

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