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\ (4 [ON 2023 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY - peery re art Cou leas SUBJECT CODE: 3140611 SUBJECT NAMES Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics wey No | PAPER SOLUTION’ ANSWER KEY/ ASSESSMENT CHART eo mS - B) yerociy ob plate JY = | Distaxce bel” Plate gy = 008 TS an | shaess T = 225 M/m™ | | paessuye aemnenelty pon ie | = 10x4 i | = 40:00 . | 23s oF | pe] Oil 5.4 |. 13:60 | | | pratt) by ha = he (sn = 5 | | . | \ | predidd Pa ~ Pe peas [00 ™ 0-757 cp) y = ast aby water dis plod q-gt x 250 x F25.x 075 o- ANS=1 Ww}. ab Wooden bes = 22-4922 KN -- Let B center of bouncy se op = 275. 0-375 a es ny i : sae el | 7° es 4G aS x 1254 0-75 ! = o-1¥36™ i te om = 08 +8M s 0-375 4 01736 = O'S48E™ mg 0-06 | 0+ 5486 — 0: 5000 = 0. 0486 wm --—— ANE meracenaic Herat = ZaFmm = 0-127 OF G3) Biaweter = geSo m ob water Col © “ pa. dibb by? Lengte b= 250 Einierions yacter = 0075 nee BLY 028 «2504 _ 3-50 B> gga a et Ort ~ oe bres ra) s prischange = AXV = M4 Coney 11813 0-01496 “m3ls —-- ANS a 3fs Bu] camel oidth b = 400m | ()) Discnwame Gz 3S 8s 04 | Disenonge PX Wait widen Ge H hae = BO. 75 Welslm | critical depth de = C%) 5 2 2 (ZS) S 7898 m ~-~ ANS | +81 BG © oF 2 Qe ches ee a= AY pics As comminan €4, SatlshY sqacaws auction Exist. a-4 b=e-25-™ ~ ae eo 7 | 35 ol q= 3, = 2a8 wis 04 aso TS eee exe S2s2uS = 2 sy, caiical depth de = ¢ % ve C 22-9456 ™ As di & de —e Hyaqoulte sua Gi eect ao Ms. als be2sow 5 Squae plate _ c as 250M = = = oo Fr@ay Joan 2 qeia(25x2-5) @+ 22) * a 25m = 199-2656 kN ~--- ANS » 7 4 kas . Ze het = Bast Mat 2S B.seasnee = g:25+ 01603 = 34103 m ~~~ ANE 95 fo | diz o-2™ haa i vi = So TIS ae uy = 0-01 POise dun 2 0-03 Poise p, = 1000 HS lu? Pe 2 750 F8Iw3 Fon dynamic Similosity — Rey nolds number Som Prvich — fe Ve de —— ai aE oh HES — Fee re sooo . 02. S93. F = See ot O°! = Ao-es IS m-= ~~ ANS Le qs AxN = ng (ond™* 40 at 20-8142 mis ~ 5/5

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