Fire Fighting Appliances

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 Emergency fire alarm.

 Fire main line, fire hydrant, fire hose, nozzle.
 Main fire pump and emergency fire pump.
 Fixed fire fighting installation (co2, foam, sprinkler, hyper mist)
 Portable fire extinguishers ( DCP, Water, CO2, Foam)
 ISC (international shore connection)
 Fire wallet
 Ventilation arrangement
 Fire doors
 Fire man’s suit and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
 Emergency escape breathing device (EEBD)
 Emergency fire escape routes. (Emergency exits)
 Fire blanket.
 Portable foam applicator.


 At least 2 outfits is required on all vessels. On tankers 4 outfits shall be provided.


 Protective clothing to protect skin from heat and outer surface shall be water proof.
 Boots of rubber or other non conducting material.
 Rigid helmet to protect against impact.
 Approved type electrically safe lamp. On tankers explosion proof type.
 Axe provided with high voltage insulation rubber grip.
 Self contained breathing apparatus SCABA volume of air shall be at least 1200 Ltrs and be capable of
functioning of at least 30 minutes.
 Life line of at least 30mtrs length and pass approval test by static load 3.5Kn for 5 minutes without
failure, connected by snap hook.


 Two signal plates are provided: one screwed to the bet lows and one attached to the
 Harness. It is anticipated that communication between the wearer and the bellows operator
will be by giving short, sharp pulls on the life line.
For example:
1 pull = More air required.
2 pulls = Give more slack on lifeline.
3 pulls= Help me out immediately/ Come out immediately.


 Should be stowed according to fire control plan.

 Outfit condition must be checked for wear and tear (no cuts, no damage, always dry).
 Conditions for helmet and boots to be checked.
 Life line properly coiled condition of snap hooks to be checked.
 Electric torch if required to be charged or replace battery.
 SCBA to be checked.
 Axe condition of handle and rubber grip to be checked.
 Easily accessible marked with IMO symbols.


Pre entry checks on B.A sets:

 Visual inspection
 Cylinder content test
 High pressure leak test
 Whistle warning test
 Face/mask seal test
 Positive pressure test
 Supplementary air test

It is part of Fire mans outfit. Can also be used in enclosed spaces or dangerous spaces.

Each fire mans outfit should have 2 spare cylinders. On tankers 4 fire mans outfit are required.

4 fire mans outfit will have cylinders 4 Nos.

Spare cylinders 2 for each 8 Nos.

Total 12 Nos.

Shore service once in 5 years.

“In case of filling arrangement available then one spare cylinder will be sufficient. In this case on tanker
8 cylinder required.”

Weekly Maintenance

 Condition of cylinders.
 Pressure to be checked on pressure gauge or open the cylinder valve, close demand valve and
observe gauge reading the reading should not fall down.
 Whistle test close the cylinder valve and slowly open the demand. The pressure will slowly drop
down, At pressure 20 observe for audible alarm.
 Pressure should be between 180 – 220 for approx for 20minutes.
 Clean the area around mouth piece and face mask.
 Check for positive pressure i.e. when the face mask is worn and without opening the demand valve
and cylinder valve try to breath, it must stick tightly to face.
 Used cylinder must be replaced with fully charged ones.
 Restore in same position for next use.


 It helps to escape from hazardous area/compartment. It should not be used for fighting fires. EEBD
provides oxygen for 10 minutes.
 EEBD should be stored in a suitable bag protected from environment, with donning instructions
printed on it.
 During escape it should protect eyes, nose, and mouth. It should be capable of carrying hands free
i.e. during escape your hands must be free after donning.
 The face mask should be made of flame resistant material and provide clear view.
 In case to rescue a person who is unconscious, any person who is wearing SCBA can hand carry this
to the area.
 One training set which must be marked clearly.
 Shore service once in 5 years.

Class Elements Extinguishers
A Solids-wood, clothe, paper, rubber, plastic Water/foam

B Flammable liquid-oil, greases, tars, oil based Foam

paints, lacquers, flammable gases

C Gases- (electrical fire) Dry chemical powder (DCP)

D Metals- magnesium, titanium, aluminum etc Dry powder

F Cooking oil- cooking fat, oil grease Wet chemical

9 liter at least 5 kg at least 5 kg at least

Use – Class A Use- burning For burning liquid Burning liquid and Cooking oil
(Solids-wood, liquid fire and electric fire electric fire
clothe, paper,
rubber, plastic)

Do Not Use: Do Not Use: Do Not Use: on Do Not Use: on Do Not Use:
burning liquid, electrical fire and metal fire metal fire
electric, metal fire flammable Metal

Fire Hoses

1. Fire hose shall be 1 for each 30mts of length of ship but, not less than 5 in all.

2. At any point on ship 2 jet of fire hose shall be able to reach. Jet 1 FIRE Jet 2

3. Length:

 15 m in machinery space
 20 m in other space and open deck
 25 m for open deck on ships with a max breadth in excess of 30 m

4. Diameter:

 65 mm (deck/engine)

Fire Hose diameter 65mm ( Engine/Deck).

FOG applicator or Lance Nozzle.

Fire nozzle:

Nozzle diameter 19mm (Engine/Deck) with Jet and Spray

Nozzle diameter 12mm (Accommodation) with Jet and Spray.

All nozzles of dual of dual purpose type (i.e: spray and jet) in corporations a shut off

Standard nozzle size 12mm, 16 mm, 19 mm

Fire hydrant:

 Number and position such that at least two jets of water not come from the same hydrant can reach any part
of the ship
 One shall be from a single length of a hose


 Check for physical damage of hose.

 Check condition of rubber washers.
 Leak test.
 One Hydrant on Port and Starboard side in Engine Room.
 For Tankers Isolation Valve at end of accommodation and every 40mtrs to increase pressure.
 Copper seizing wire must be used to connect hose with coupling.
 Fire Hydrant will be placed on Port and Starboard side on deck.

Portable Fire Extinguishers.

 At least 5 portable extinguishers shall be carried above 1000 GRT.

 They shall be placed as close as possible to the entrance of the space.
 On the extinguisher as well as on the bulk head it should be clearly marked on which class of fire it
can be used.
 CO2 portable extinguisher shall not be used in accommodation spaces except in case like radio room,
bridge electrical controls, galley where electrical fires takes place and where non conducting media is
 Dry chemical powder and CO2 5 Kg at least
 Foam type 9 Ltrs at least.
 Spare chargers 100% for 1st 10 extinguishers and 50% for remaining extinguishers. Total spare
chargers not more than 60 nos.
 Instructions for recharging shall be carried on board.
 Extinguishers which cannot be recharged on board shall have the spare extinguishers.
 Portable Foam applicator 20 Liters + 20 Liters spare foam forming liquid. Foam nozzle capable of
being connected to fire main through fire hose usually placed near boilers, generators, incinerators,
purifiers. During oil fire the output of foam shall be at the state of 1.5 m3/ minute at the nozzle.

Maintenance MGN 276

 Condition of extinguishers for leaks and corrosion.

 Check nozzles free from dust.
 Plunger tags and safety pins.
 Shake the DCP Extinguishers to avoid the powder from caking.
 Location and markings as per fire plans.

 Every year on board by competent person.
 Every 5 years discharge and refill (on board/shore).
 Every 10 years pressure test hydraulic by shore.



 For tankers of 20,000 DWT or more it is mandatory.

 Capable of extinguishing oil spill fires and also prevent ignition of spilled oil not yet ignited.
 Shall be capable of combating fires in ruptured tanks.
 Deck foam shall be capable of simple rapid operation.
 Rate of foam solution shall be 0.6 ltrs/min/square meter of deck area. Foam property 0.6ltrs shall
cover square meter in a minute.
 Capacity of any monitor shall be at least 3ltrs/min/square meter of the area (monitor output shall
cover square meter in a minute for 3ltrs foam at least.
 For 20,000 DWT at least 4 monitors shall be provided. Number and position of foam main out lets
shall be such that at least two applicators can be directed on to any part of cargo tanks.
 System should be able to produce foam for 20 min if I.G fitted and if not than for 30mins.
 Foam expansion ratio shall not exceed 1:12 (1 liter concentrate shall give 12 liters foam).
 Control area should be far from cargo area, next to accommodation readily accessible.
 Monitors shall be free to rotate 360 degree, check condition of handle and rubber grip.


 Cargo vessels of 1000 GRT or more at least 2 fire pumps.

 Total capacity of fire pumps 180 cubics/hr maximum.
 Each pump should deliver not less than 25 cubics/hr for at least 2 jets of water.


 Total capacity 40% of the capacity of main fire pump.

 The emergency fire pump shall deliver not less than 25 cubics/hr for at least 2 jets of water.
 It should be able to meet the above criteria in all conditions of list, roll, trim, pitch and heel.

 Co2 is an excellent smothering agent for extinguishing all fires. Since it is particularly effective in
machinery spaces, pump rooms and Cargo spaces.
 In oil fires don’t use water because the fire will increase, the water is heavier so it settles down and
the top oil will keep burning. The water makes the oil to splash.
 Water flooding can cause stability problem and spoils the equipment.
 High expansion foam can be used on oil fires in machinery spaces instead of CO2 but not low
expansion foam.
 DCP cannot be used no cooling effect and damage to equipment.
 CO2 is less maintenance and DCP might form a cake and more expensive.


 40% of Gross volume of large machinery space to be protected (excluding casing e.g. main engine
 35% of the Gross volume of large machinery space to be protected including casings.


 30% of the Gross volume of largest cargo space.

 CO2 calculations 1Kg of CO2 should cover 0.56 cubics of area number of cylinders should be
calculated accordingly.


 85% of CO2 charge must be released into machinery spaces within 2 minutes.


 2 separate controls pilot cylinders to be provided to release CO2 in protected space with alarm.
 2. One control shall be used for opening the valve into the protected space and 2 nd control shall be
used to discharge CO2 from the cylinder bank.
 3.2 controls shall be located inside a release box, clearly marked for the particular space.
 4. The fixed CO2 shall be capable of operating from 2 different remote places. (one positions CO2
room the other fire control station).
 5. Control box containing pilot cylinders when locked the key must be available next to box in break
glass type enclosure.
 The locked control box when it is operated it will activate a klaxon within the space and also
automatically stop ventilation fans, etc.

 System alarms should be checked weekly by opening the control box.
 Once in 3 months blow air through CO2 piping system.
 Once in a year CO2 level should be checked.
 Once in 5 years over hauling of CO2 bottles by shore.
 Pressure test once in 10 years.
 Open lock, immediately the vents will be closed automatically and alarm will rise.
 Choose the selection engine room or pump room.
 Pull the lever to operate pilot cylinder.
 Out of 2 cylinders one will activate the relay as per choice. (Eng/room or pump room) the other will
activate the cylinder bank as per the requirement.
 Eng room all cylinders will activate, pump room designated cylinders will activate.


Comes in machinery space. It should auto and manual activation without loosing main propulsion
system it should be able to operate. Supply duration 20mins. Generally works on fresh waters, usually
connected to fresh tanks.

Recommended Areas this is in addition to fixed fire fighting system.

 Generator platforms
 Boiler fronts.
 Incinerators.
 Purifier area.


 The main purpose is to protect the above areas without necessity of engine shut down, personal
evacuation and without sealing the space.
 Hyper mist /High fog water drop size 0.005mm average. It can be used on any class of fires (including
high voltages) provides cooling and smothering effect.
 Advantages cheaper because Fresh Water is always available and can be reused again and again
where as CO2 it is not possible. Less maintenance.

 Used in paint lockers works on salt water.
 Operation Outside the paint locker there will be valve which has to be opened.
 Maintenance Once in a month remove the nozzles and clean. Try out once a month.


3 types of detectors are in use Heat, Smoke and Flame.

Heat Detectors Range 54 deg c to 78 deg c. When the rate of rise of temperature is 1 deg/min and the
temperature rises 54 deg c (or as per pre adjusted temperature) it should activate the alarm. However
the higher side 78° c should not exceed used generally in galley and machinery spaces.

Smoke Detectors density of smoke exceeds 2% obscuration per meter used in stairways, escape route,
accommodation spaces.

Types Ionization, optical smoke detectors use of light source to determine obscuration or light scatter
caused by smoke particles entering the chamber.

Flame Detectors Infrared and ultra violet frequency produced by flame will be detected by infrared
detectors. The detectors mainly detects the flame flickering frequencies.

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