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Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -01
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
1. Answer the following :
1. Define magnetic flux. Write its S.I. unit. Is it a scalar or vector quantity ?
[ Ans. Magnetic flux (ϕ) : It is defined as the total number of magnetic lines of force passing normally through a given
ϕ=¿ ⃗ A ¿ BA cos θ
It’s S.I. is Weber (Wb). It is a scalar quantity
2. (i) What is electromagnetic induction ? CBSE (AI)-2015
(ii) Describe, with the help of a suitable diagram, how one can demonstrate that emf can be induced in a coil due to
the change of magnetic flux.
[ Ans. (i) Electromagnetic Induction : Whenever magnetic flux linked with a closed circuit is changed, an emf and hence a
current is induced in the circuit. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction.

(ii) Demonstration :
When a bar magnet is either pushed towards or
pulled away from coil as shown, magnetic flux linked with the coil
changes and galvanometer shows deflection. This shows that emf is

3. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. CBSE (F)-2017,2009,(AI)-2016,2015

[ Ans. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic Induction :
(i) Whenever there is change in magnetic flux linked with a circuit, an emf is induced in the circuit. The induced emf
lasts so long as the change in magnetic flux continues.
(ii) The magnitude of induced emf in a circuit is equal to time rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the circuit.
dϕ ϕ −ϕ
i,e, e=¿ −¿ N =−N 2 1
dt t
4. When a bar magnet is pushed towards or away from the coil connected to a galvanometer, pointer in galvanometer
deflects. Identify the phenomenon causing this deflection and write the factors on which the amount and direction of
the deflection depends. CBSE (AI)-2016
[ Ans. Phenomenon : Electromagnetic induction
Factors : (i) Amount of deflection depends on the speed of movement of the magnet
(ii) Direction of deflection depends on the sense (towards or away) of the movement of the magnet
5. A rectangular loop and a circular loop are moving out of a uniform magnetic field region to a field-free region with a
constant velocity v. In which loop do you expect the induced emf to be constant during the passage out of the field
region? The field is normal to the loops. NCERT-2017

[ Ans. In rectangular loop

Reason : In the case of circular loop, the rate of change of area of the loop during its passage out of the field
region is not constant, hence induced emf will vary accordingly.
2. Answer the following :
1. State Lenz’s law. CBSE (AI)-2015,(AIC)-2015,(D)-2014,2009
[ Ans. Lenz’s law : The direction of induced current is such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux responsible for
its production
2. Illustrate by giving an example, how Lenz’s law helps in predicting the direction of the current in a loop in the
presence of a changing magnetic flux ? CBSE (AI)-2015,(AIC)-2015,(D)-2009
[ Ans. Illustration :
When north pole is moved towards loop, due to Lenz’s
Law loop will repel it by inducing current in anticlockwise direction.
Similarly, when north pole is taken away current will be induced in
clockwise direction.
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -02
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
3. Answer the following :
1. Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation described below : CBSE (AI)-2017,2011
[ Ans. A – positive
B- negative

2. A bar magnet is moved in the direction indicated by the arrow between two coils PQ and CD. Predict the direction
of the induced current in each coil. CBSE (AI)-2017,2012

[ Ans. Q to P through ammeter and D to C through ammeter

(Alternatively: Anticlockwise as seen from left in coil PQ clockwise as seen from left in coil CD
3. The electric current flowing in a wire in the direction from B to A is decreasing. Find out the direction of the induced current in the
metallic loop kept above the wire as shown. CBSE (AI)-2014
[Ans. Clockwise

4. A conducting loop is held above a current carrying wire ' PQ ' as shown in the figure. Depict the direction of the current induced
the loop when the current in the wire ' PQ ' is constantly increasing. CBSE (AI)-
[Ans. Clockwise

5. A conducting loop is held below a current carrying wire ' PQ ' as shown in the figure. Predict the direction of the induced current
the loop when the current in the wire ' PQ ' is constantly increasing. CBSE (AI)-
[Ans. Anticlockwise

6. What is the direction of induced currents in metal rings 1 and 2 when current I in the wire is increasing steadily ?
[ Ans. Clockwise in loop 1, anticlockwise in loop 2 CBSE (AI)-2017

7. The closed loop (PQRS) of wire is moved in to a uniform magnetic field at right angles to the plane of the paper as
shown in figure. Predict the direction of the induced current in the loop . CBSE (F)-2012
[Ans. Anticlockwise

8. A long straight current carrying wire passes normally through the centre of circular loop. If the current through the
wire increases, will there be any induced emf in the loop ? Justify CBSE (D)-2017
[ Ans. No,
Reason : As the magnetic field due to current carrying wire will be in the plane of the circular loop, so magnetic flux
will remain zero/ Magnetic flux does not change with the change of current
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -03
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
4. Answer the following :
1. A bar magnet falls from height ' h ' through a metal ring as shown in figure. CBSE (AIC)-2001
(i) Will its acceleration be equal to ' g ' ?
(ii) What will happens if the ring in the above case is cut so as not to
form a complete loop ? Justify your answer.
[ Ans. (i) acceleration will be less than g (a< g )
Reason : as the magnet falls, magnetic flux inked with the metal
ring increases. By the Lenz’s law, induced current in the
ring opposes the downward motion of the magnet
(ii) acceleration will be equal to g (a=g)
Reason : when the ring has a cut, emf will be induced but no induced current flows through it. Hence motion of
the magnet is not opposed. Magnet will fall with acceleration equal to g
2. Figure shows two identical rectangular loops (1) and (2), placed on a table along with a straight long current
carrying conductor between them. CBSE (AI)-2005
(i) What will be the direction of induced currents in the loops when they
are pulled away from the conductor with the same velocity v ?
(ii) Will the emfs induced in the two loops be equal ?
Justify your answer.
[ Ans. (i) in loop (1) - Anticlockwise
in loop (2) – Clockwise
(ii) No, emf will not be equal because the rate of change of
magnetic flux in the two loops are different
5. Answer the following :
1. What are eddy currents ? How are they produced ? CBSE (AI)-2011,2009,(F)-2009,(AIC)-2006
[ Ans. Eddy currents : The induced circulating currents produced in the bulk piece of a conductor, when it is subjected
to a changing magnetic flux, are known as eddy currents
Eddy currents are produced when a bulk conductor is placed in a changing magnetic field

2. Give two uses of eddy currents. CBSE (AI)-2009

[ Ans. (i) magnetic braking in electric trains
(ii) to produce heat in induction furnaces
(iii) electro magnetic damping

3. Why eddy currents are considered undesirable ? CBSE (AI)-2011,2009

[ Ans. Because (i) they heat up the metallic core and dissipate electrical energy in the form of heat.
(ii) they always oppose the motion.

4. How are eddy currents minimized ? CBSE (AI)-2011,2009

[ Ans. (i) using laminating iron core
(ii) using slotted iron blocks
5. The motion of a copper plate is damped when it is allowed to oscillate between the two poles of a magnet. What is
the cause of this damping ? CBSE (AI)-2013
[Ans. It is due to eddy currents produced in the plate

6. The motion of a copper plate is damped when it is allowed to oscillate between the two poles of a magnet. If the
slots are cut in the plate, how will the damping be affected ? CBSE (AI)-2013
[Ans. The damping is due to eddy currents produced in the plate. Slots reduce eddy current hence damping will be less

7. A light metal disc on the top of an electromagnet is thrown up as the current is switched on. Why ? Give reason.
[Ans. Due to eddy currents set up in the disc CBSE (AI)-2013
Reason : As the current is switched on, eddy currents are set up in metal disc due to increasing magnetic flux.
By Lenz’s law lower face of the disc will have the same polarity as that on the top end of the
Electromagnet, resulting in a repulsive force. Hence, it is thrown up
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -04
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
6. Answer the following :
1. What is meant by self induction ?
[Ans. Self induction : When a changing current is passed through a coil, an emf is induced in the coil due to change in
magnetic flux passing through it. This phenomenon is called self-induction.
2. Define self-inductance of a coil. Write its S.I. unit. CBSE (AI)-2017,2015,2010,(D)-2009,(F)-2009
[Ans. Self inductance : It is defined as the total magnetic flux linked with the coil, when unit current flows through it.
Its S.I. unit is Henry (H)
3. What is meant by back emf ? When current in a coil changes with time, how is the back emf induced in the coil related to it ?
[Ans. Back emf :The self-induced emf in a coil due to changing current flowing through it, is called the back emf as it
opposes any change in the current in a circuit (e=¿ −¿ L ) CBSE (AI)-
4. A plot of magnetic flux ( ϕ ) versus current ( I ) is shown in the figure for two inductors A and B, which of the two
has larger value of self-inductance and why ? CBSE (D)-2010
[Ans. Inductor A
Reason : ϕ=L I ⇨ L= I ¿ slope
As ( slope ) A > ( slope ) B
⇨ ( L)A> (L)B
5. Figure shows an inductor L and a resistor R connected in parallel to a battery through a switch. The resistance
is same as that of coil that makes L. Two identical bulbs are put in each arm of the circuit. CBSE (AI)-2003
(i) Which of the bulbs lights up earlier when S is closed ?
(ii) Will the two bulbs be equally bright after some time ?
Give reason for your answer.
[Ans. (i) Bulb B2 lights up earlier
Reason : induced emf across L opposes growth of current in B1
(ii) yes, after some time both bulbs will be equally bright
Reason : after some time current reached its maximum value in L
and self-induction plays no role
6. What is meant by mutual induction ?
[Ans. Mutual induction : When a changing current is passed through a coil, an emf is induced in the neighbouring coil due
to change in magnetic flux passing through it. This phenomenon is called mutual-induction.
7. Define Mutual inductance of a coil. Write its S.I. unit. CBSE (AI)-2015,2005,(D)-2009,(F)-2009
[Ans. Mutual inductance : Mutual inductance of two coils may be defined as the total magnetic flux linked with one coil,
when unit current flows through the other coil.
Its S.I. unit is Henry (H)
8. The circuit arrangement given in the figure shows that when an a.c. passes through the coil A , the current starts
Flowing in the coil B. CBSE (AI)-2008
(i) Name the underlying principle involved
(ii) Mention two factors on which the current produced in the coil B depends.
[Ans. (i) principle : Mutual induction
(ii) factors; (a) mutual inductance of two coils
(b) rate of change of current in coil A
(c) resistance of coil B
9. Figure given below shows an arrangement by which current flows through the bulb (X) connected with coil B, when
a.c. is passed through coil A . Explain the following observations : CBSE (AI)-2008,(AIC)-2002
(i) Bulb lights up
(ii) Bulb gets dimmer if coil B is moved upwards
(iii) If a copper sheet is inserted in the gap between the coils how the
brightness of the bulb will change ?
[Ans. (i) bulb lights up due to induced current in coil B because of mutual
(ii) when coil B is moved upwards, flux linked with it decreases, induced current decreases so the bulb gets dimmer
(iii) eddy currents will be set up in the copper sheet, which will oppose the passage of magnetic flux. Induced emf
in coil B de creases hence brightness s of bulb will decrease
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -05
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
7. Answer the following :
1. The peak value of emf in an a.c. is E0 . Write its (a) rms and (b) average value over a complete cycle.
[ Ans. (a) Erms =¿ (b) Zero ] CBSE (F)-
2. The instantaneous current from an a.c. source is I =5 sin 314 t . What is the rms value of current ?
I0 5
[ Ans. I rms =¿ =¿ =¿ 0.707 X 5=3.54 A CBSE (DC)-
√2 √2
3. Calculate the rms value of the alternating current shown in figure. CBSE (D)-2001

√ √
2 2 2 2 2 2
I +I +I 2 + (−2 ) +2
[ Ans. I rms =
1 2 ¿ 3
=¿ 2 A
3 3

4. (i) Define the term inductive reactance. Write its S.I. unit. CBSE (AI)-2015,2011,(DC)-2008,(D)-2003
(ii) Show graphically the variation of inductive reactance with frequency of the applied alternating voltage.
[ Ans. Inductive reactance (X L) :
The obstruction offered by an inductor to the
flow of alternating current through it, is called inductive reactance
X L =¿ ωL=2 πfL ⇨ X L∝ f
Its S. I. unit is Ohm (Ω)
5. (i) Explain the term capacitive reactance. Write its S.I. unit. CBSE (AI)-2015,2011,(DC)-2008,(D)-2003
(ii) Show graphically the variation of capacitive reactance with frequency of the applied alternating voltage.
[ Ans. Capacitive reactance (X C) : Its S. I. unit is Ohm (Ω)
The obstruction offered by a capacitor to the
flow of alternating current through it, is called capacitive reactance
1 1 1
X C =¿
2 πfC
⇨ XC ∝ f

6. What is meant by impedance ? Write an expression for impedance of L-C-R circuit. What is it’s S.I. unit ?
[ Ans. Impedance (Z) :
The obstruction offered by the combination of resistance and effective reactance to the flow of
alternating current through it, is called impedance

√ 2
Z=¿ ( R ) + ( X C −X L )2
Its S. I. unit is Ohm (Ω)
7. A lamp is connected in series with an inductor and an a.c. source. What happens to the brightness of the lamp
when the key is plugged in and an iron rod is inserted inside the inductor ? Explain. CBSE (F)-2017,(AI)-2016
[Ans. Brightness decreases
Reason : When iron rod is inserted, inductance L increases
⇨ X L =ω L & Z=¿ √ R + X
2 2
L also decreases and current
Hence brightness ( I 2 Z ¿ increases .
8. A bulb is connected in series with a variable capacitor and an a.c. source as shown. How the brightness of bulb
changes on reducing the (a) capacitance and (b) frequency ? Justify your answer. CBSE (AI)-2016,(D)-2010
[Ans. (a) Brightness will decreases
1 Hence brightness (
Reason : When capacitance is reduced, reactance ( X C = ) 2
ωC I Z ¿ decreases
⇨ Z=¿ √ R2 + X 2C also increases and current decreases

(b) Brightness will decreases

Reason : When frequency is reduced, reactance ( X C = ) increase.
2 πfC
⇨ Z=¿ √ R2 + X 2C also increases and current decreases

Hence brightness ( I 2 Z ¿ decreases



Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -06
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
8. Answer the following :
1. Define quality factor (Q-factor) and give its significance. What is its S.I. unit ? CBSE (D)-2016,2013,(AI)-2015
[Ans. Quality factor: It is defined as the ratio of resonant frequency to the frequency band width of the resonant curve

ω0 ω0 L 1 L
i,e, Q= = =
2∆ω R R C
Significance : It gives the sharpness of resonance. For larger value of Q, resonance will be sharper and
consequently the circuit will be more selective.
Unit : It has no unit
2. Name the factors on which Quality factors depends. CBSE (D)-2009
[Ans. Resonating frequency ( ω 0 ) and band width (2 ∆ ω ¿
3. Why should the quality factor have high value in receiving circuits ? CBSE (D)-2016,2013,(AI)-2015,(DC)-2014
[Ans. For high value of Q, resonance will be sharper and consequently the circuit will be more selective
4. Define the term ‘sharpness of resonance’. Under what condition, does a circuit become more selective ? CBSE (F)-2016
[Ans. Sharpness of resonance : The ratio of resonant frequency to the frequency band width of the resonant curve is the
measure of sharpness of resonance (called Q-factor) and is given by
ω0 ω0 L
¿ =Q
2∆ω R
For high value of Q, resonance will be sharper and consequently the circuit will be more selective
5. (i) Mention the factors on which resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit depends. CBSE (D)-2009,(AI)-2005
(ii) Plot a graph showing the variation of impedance of a series LCR circuit with the frequency of applied a.c. source.
[Ans. (i) Factors : values of inductance L and capacitance C
f 0=¿
2 π √ LC
9. Answer the following :
1. Define the term power factor. State the condition under which it is (i) maximum and (ii) minimum. CBSE (D)-2010
[ Ans. Power factor : It is the ratio of resistance to the impedance of an a.c. circuit
i,e, cos ϕ=R/ Z
(i) when, Z=R , cos ϕ=R/ Z ¿ 1=¿ maximum
i,e, when the circuit is purely resistive, power factor is maximum
(ii) when, R=0, cos ϕ=R/ Z ¿ 0=¿ minimum
i,e, when the circuit is purely inductive or capacitive, power factor is minimum ]
2. Define the term ‘Wattless current’. CBSE (AI)-2015, (D)-2011
[ Ans. Wattless current : The current which flows in a circuit without consuming any electrical power is called Watt less
In a purely inductive or capacitive circuit, cos ϕ=R/ Z ¿ 0
⇨ P ¿ V rms X I rms X cos 0 ¿ 0
3. The power factor of an a.c. circuit is 0.5. What is the phase difference between the voltage and current in the circuit ?
[Ans. 60
Reason : cos ϕ=0.5 ⇨ ϕ=¿ 600 CBSE (AI)-
4. In a series LCR circuit, V L=V C ≠ V R . What is the value of power factor ? CBSE (AI)-
[Ans. V L=V C ⇨ IX L =IX C ⇨ X L =X C
⇨ Z=¿ √ ( R ) + ( X C −X L )2 ¿ R
⇨ Power factor, cos ϕ=R/ Z ¿ 1
5. In an a.c. circuit, the instantaneous voltage and current are V =200 sin 300 t Volt and I =8 cos 300 t Ampere
respectively. Is the nature of the circuit is capacitive or inductive ? Give reason. CBSE (AI)-2015
[ Ans. Capacitive, Reason : Given, V =200 sin 300 t & I =8 cos 300 t ⇨ I =8 sin(300t ¿+ π /2)¿
As the current leads voltage by phase angle π /2. Hence the circuit is Capacitive
6. Can the voltage drop across the inductor or the capacitor in a series LCR circuit be greater than the applied voltage
of the a.c. source ? Justify your answer. CBSE (D)-2005,2002
[ Ans. Yes, because in series LCR circuit, V L or V C are not in same phase, hence cannot be added like ordinary
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -07
Part (A)-VSA & SA Questions
10. Answer the following :
1. An a.c. source of voltage V =V 0 sin ωt is connected one by one, to three circuit elements X , Y and Z . It is
that the current flowing in them, CBSE (AIC)-2008
(i) is in phase with the applied voltage for element X
(ii) lags the applied voltage in phase by π /2, for element Y
(iii) leads the applied voltage in phase by π /2, for element Z .
Identify the three circuit elements.
[ Ans. (i) X-Resistor (ii) Y- Inductor (iii) Z- capacitor
2. Write the principle of which a transformer works. CBSE (AI)-2015,2014,2012,(F)-2008
[Ans. It is based on the principle of mutual induction
i,e, whenever there is change in magnetic flux linked with a coil, an emf is induced in the neighbouring coil
3. Why cannot a transformer works on d.c. ? CBSE (AI)-2015,(F)-2008, (DC)-2010
Why can not a transformer be used to step up d.c. voltage ?
[Ans. d.c. cannot produce a changing magnetic flux in the primary and hence no emf will be induced in the secondary
4. Why is the use of a.c. voltage is preferred over d.c. voltage ? Give two reasons. CBSE (AI)-2014
[Ans. 1. A.C. voltage can be steeped up & stepped down using a transformer, but same is not true for d.c. voltage
2. A.C. voltage can be converted in to d.c. voltage by using rectifier but d.c. voltage cannot be converted in to a.c.
5. These days most of the electrical devices we use require a.c. voltage. Why ? CBSE (AI)-2015
[ Ans. (a) It can be stepped up/ stepped down
(b) It can be converted in to d.c.
(c) line loss can be minimized
6. In India, domestic power supply is at 220V,50Hz, while in U.S.A. it is 110V,50Hz. Give one advantage and one
disadvantage of 220V supply over 110V supply. CBSE (AI)-2004
[Ans. Advantage – power loss at 220V supply is less than that at 110V.
Disadvantage- 220V is more dangerous than 110V because its peak value (311V) is more than peak value (155.5V)
for 110V supply
7. Why is the core of a transformer is laminated ? CBSE (DC)-2002
[Ans. to minimize the energy losses due to eddy current
8. Mention the two characteristic properties of a material suitable for making core of a transformer. CBSE (AI)-2012
[Ans. (i) Low coercivity/ Low retentivity (ii) High permeability
9. Why is the core of a transformer made of a magnetic material of high permeability ? CBSE (DC)-2010
[Ans. to increase the magnetic flux in the core, due to which flux leakage decreases & efficiency increases

10. Does a step up transformer violets the principle of conservation of energy ? CBSE (D)-2011,(DC)-2009
[ Ans. No, In an ideal transformer input power is always equal to output power, due to which if voltage increases, current is
reduced in same proportion
11. (i) What is the source of energy generation in an ac generator ? CBSE (AI)-2011
[Ans. Mechanical energy used in rotating the armature coil is the source of energy generation in an ac generator
11. (ii) Can the current produced by an ac generator be measured with a moving coil galvanometer ? (D)-2007
[Ans. No
12. Show a plot of variation of (i) magnetic flux and (ii) alternating emf versus time generated by a loop of wire rotating
in a magnetic field in an ac generator. CBSE (D)-2014
[Ans. (i) (ii)

Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC ) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -08
Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
1. Answer the following :
1. Explain, with the help of a suitable example, how we can show that Lenz’s law is a consequence of the principle of
conservation of energy. CBSE (F)-2017,(AI)-2015,(AIC)-2015,(D)-2009
[ Ans. Lenz’s is a consequence of law of conservation of energy :
A bar magnet experiences a repulsive force when brought near a closed conservation of energy.
coil and attractive force when moved away from the coil, due to induced
current. Therefore external work is required to be done in the process,
which appears in the form of electrical energy.

In the absence of Lenz’s law, no opposition by induced current and we

would be obtaining electrical energy without doing any work, which is
impossible. Thus, Lenz’s law is in accordance with the principle of

2. What is motional electromotive force (motional emf) ?
A rod of length l is moved horizontally with a uniform velocity ' v ' in a direction perpendicular to its length through a
region in which a uniform magnetic field is acting vertically downward. Derive the expression for the emf induced
across the ends of the rod. CBSE (D)-2014,2013
[ Ans. Motional emf : The emf induced across the ends of a conductor due to its motion in a magnetic field is called
motional emf
Expression for motional emf : induce an emf given by
Magnetic flux enclosed by loop PQRS dϕ
e=¿ −¿
ϕ=¿ BA=Blx dt
Since X is changing with time, the rate of change of magnetic flux will
−d −dx
⇨ e=¿ dt ( Blx ) ¿ Bl dt ( )

⇨ e=¿ Bl v Where v= , because velocity v is in decreasing direction of x
3. Figure shows a rectangular conducting loop PQSR in which arm RS of length ' l ' is movable. The loop is kept in a
uniform magnetic field ' B ' directed downwards perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The arm RS is moved with a
uniform speed ' v ' . Deduce the expression for the : CBSE (AI)-
(a) emf induced across the arm ' RS '
(b) external force required to move the arm, and
(c) power dissipated as heat.
[ Ans. (i) Induced emf :
Magnetic flux enclosed by loop PQSR
ϕ=¿ BA=Blx
Since X is changing with time, the rate of change of magnetic flux will induce an emf given by

dϕ d
¿ ( Blx ) =¿ Bl
dt dt
dt ( )
⇨ |e|=Bl v
(ii) External force required to move the arm RS:
e Blv
Induced current, I= ¿

( )
2 2
⇨ External force required, F=BIlsin 90=B l¿B l v
(iii) Power dissipated as heat :

( )
2 2 2 2
2 Blv B l v
P=I R= R=¿
Remedial measures/revision – XII (PHYSICS) By M.K.GUPTA P.G.T(Physics)
Unit-IV (EMI & AC ) Notes/Important FAQs/Graded Assignments page -09
Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
2. Answer the following :
1. Use the expression for Lorentz force acting on the charge carriers of a conductor to obtain the expression for the
induced emf across the conductor of length l moving with velocity v through a magnetic field B acting perpendicular
to its length. CBSE (AI)-2015
[ Ans. Motional emf by using Lorentz’s force:
Lorenz’s force on any charge q in the rod
F m=Bqv
This force will be towards Q
work done in moving the charge from P to Q
W =Fm X l ¿ Bqv l
Now the induced emf ¿ work done per unit charge
W Bqvl
⇨ e=¿ q =¿ q
⇨ e=¿ Bl v
2. A metallic rod of length ' l ' is rotated with a frequency ' ν ' , with one end hinged at the centre in a uniform magnetic
field B as shown. Derive an expression for- CBSE (AI)-2015, (AIC)-2014,(D)-2012,2008
(a) induced emf and induced current in the rod
(b) magnitude and direction of the force acting on the rod
(c) power required to rotate the rod
[ Ans. (a) As the rod is rotated, due to Lorentz force, free electrons in the
rod move towards the outer end and get distributed over the ring.
Thus, an emf is induced across the ends of the rod
dl of the rod
induced emf across the length
de=¿ Bv dl=B(lω)dl ¿ Bω ldl

l l l
l2 1
⇨ e=¿ ∫ Bωldl ¿ Bω∫ l dl e=¿ Bω 2
Bω ( l −0 )

0 0 0

1 2 1 2 2
⇨ e=¿ 2 Bω l ¿ 2 B (2 π ν)l =π νB l
e 1 Bω l 2 πνB l
Induced current, I= ¿ =¿
R 2 R R

( )
2 2 3 2 3
1 Bω l 1 B l ω πνB l
(b) Force on the rod, F=BIlsin 90=B l¿ =
2 R 2 R R
Direction of this force will be opposite to that of the Lorentz’s force
2 2 2 2 4
e π ν Bl
(c) Power required to rotate the rod P=¿ =¿
3. Describe briefly three main useful applications of eddy currents. CBSE (F)-2015, (AI)-2010,2009
[ Ans. (i) Magnetic braking in trains:
In some electrically powered trains, strong electromagnets are situated above the
rails. When the electromagnets are activated, the eddy currents induced in the rails oppose the motion of the
train. As there are no mechanical linkages, the braking effect is smooth.
(ii) Electromagnetic damping:
Certain galvanometers have a fixed core made of nonmagnetic metallic material. When
the coil oscillates, the eddy currents generated in the core oppose the motion and bring the coil to rest quickly.
(iii) Induction furnace:
It is used to produce high temperatures and can be utilized to prepare alloys, by melting the
constituent metals. A high frequency alternating current is passed through a coil which surrounds the metals to
be melted. The eddy currents generated in the metals produce high temperatures sufficient to melt it.
(iv) Electric power meters: The shiny metal disc in the electric power meter rotates due to the eddy currents.
Electric currents are induced in the disc by magnetic fields produced by sinusoidally varying currents in a coil
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
3. Answer the following :
1. Derive the expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid of cross sectional area A , length l , and having n
turns per unit length. CBSE (AIC)-13,(AI)-2005,(D)-2012,2009,2008
[Ans. Self inductance of a long solenoid :
Let a current I is flowing through a long solenoid, then magnetic field at its centre
μ0 N I N
B=¿ μ0 n I ¿ [∵ n ¿ ]
l l
⇨ magnetic flux linked with each turn of the solenoid
μ 0 N IA
ϕ=BA ¿ ¿

( )
Nϕ N μ0 N IA μ0 N A
⇨ L=¿
I l
μ ( nl ) A 2
⇨ L=¿ 0 =¿ μ0 n Al
If we fill the inside of the solenoid with a material of relative permeability μr , then
2 2 2
L=¿ μ0 μr n Al ¿ μ0 μr n π r l
2. Derive an expression for the self-inductance of a circular aired coil. Name the three factors on which the self-
inductance of a coil depends. CBSE (AI)-2015
[Ans. Self inductance of an aired coil :
magnetic field at the centre of circular coil
B=¿ μ0 ∋ 2 r ¿
⇨ magnetic flux linked with each turn of the coil
ϕ=BA ¿ ¿ μ πNIr
2 0
⇨ Self inductance of the coil

Nϕ N 1
I 2 ( 1 2
μ 0 πNIr =¿ μ0 π N r
2 )
Factors on which self inductance of a coil depends :
(a) the number of turns in the coil
(b) the area of cross section of the coil
(c) the permeability of the core material
3. (i) Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids of same length wound one over
the other. CBSE (AI)-2017,2014,2009,(D)-2015,2012,2005,(F)-2013,2011
(ii) Write the factors on which the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids depends. CBSE (AI)-2015
[Ans. Mutual inductance between two co-axial long solenoids of same length wound over the other :
Magnetic field at the centre of solenoid S2
μ0 N 2 I 2
B2 = μ0 n2 I 2=¿
Magnetic flux linked with each turn of inner solenoid S1

ϕ 1 = B2 A1= ( μ Nl I ) A = μ N l I A
0 2 2
0 2 2 1

Hence mutual inductance

1 1
⇨ M 12=¿ I =¿ I
N ϕ
1 N 0
2 2 1
μ N I A
=¿ ) μ0 N 1 N 2 A1
μ 0 (n¿¿ 1 l) ( n2 l ) r 21
⇨ 12 =¿ 2
¿ ¿ μ0 n1 n2 r 1 l
Similarly, M 21=μ0 n1 n2 r 1 l
⇨ M 12=M 21=M =μ0 n1 n2 r 1 l
If a medium of relative permeability μr is filled in between the solenoids then
M =μ0 μr n1 n2 r 1 l
Factors on which mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids depends :
(i) number of turns and separation between two solenoids
(ii) relative orientation of two solenoids
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
4. Answer the following :
1. Two concentric circular coils, one of small radius r 1 and the other of large radius r 2 such that r 1 ≪ r 2 are placed
co-axially with centres coinciding. Obtain the mutual inductance of the arrangement. Give two factors on which the
coefficient of mutual inductance between a pair of coils depends. CBSE (AI)-2015,(D)-2015, (AIC)-2015
[Ans. Mutual inductance between two co-axial with centres coinciding circular coils :
magnetic field at the centre of the outer coil
μ0 N 2 I 2
B2 =
2r 2
magnetic flux linked with inner coil

ϕ 1 = B2 A1=
( μ0 N 2 I 2
2 r2
Hence mutual inductance

⇨ M 12=¿
I2 2 r2 (
N 1 ϕ1 N 1 μ0 N 2 I 2

μ N N A
A1 ¿ 0 1 2 1
2 r2 )
μ0 N 1 N 2 π r1
⇨ M 12=¿
2 r2
Factors on which mutual inductance of a pair of a coil depends :
(i) number of turns and geometrical shape of two coils
(ii) relative orientation of two coils

2. In an experimental arrangement of two coils C 1 and C 2 placed co-axially parallel to each other, find the expression
for the emf induced in the coil C 1(of N 1 turns)corresponding to the change of current I 2 in the coil C 2(of N 2 turns).
CBSE (AI)-2015, (D)-2015
[Ans. Induced emf in coil C 1 due to change in current through C 2
We have, N 1 ϕ 1=M I 2
For varying currents,

N1 ( ddtϕ ) ¿ M ( ddtI )
1 2

−e=¿ M (
dt )
dI 2

e=¿ −M (
dt )
dI 2
⇨ ]
3. Obtain an expression for the energy stored in an inductor/coil/ solenoid of self-inductance ' L ' when the current
through it grows from zero to ' I ' . CBSE (AI)-
[ Ans. Energy stored in an inductor/coil/solenoid :
When a current flows through an inductor/solenoid, work is
done against back emf ( e = −L ), which is stored as magnetic
Rate of work done, when a current I is passing through the inductor
=¿ |e| I =¿ ( L dIdt ) I
[ ]
I2 1
⇨ W = ∫ L I dI = L = L I2
0 2 0

U= L

μ N A
But for a solenoid, L=¿ 0

⇨ U =¿ 2(
1 μ0 N 2 A 2
I )
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
5. Answer the following :
1. An a.c. voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied across a pure resistor of inductance R . Find an expression for the current
flowing in the circuit and show mathematically that the current flowing through it is in phase with the applied
voltage Also draw (a) phasor diagram (b) graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit. CBSE (AIC)-
[ Ans. We have the applied a.c. voltage
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
By Kirchhoff’s loop rule,

⇨ IR=V 0 sin ωt
⇨ I =¿ sin ωt
⇨ I =¿ I 0 sin ωt -------(2)

Where I 0=¿ is the peak value of a.c.
From (1) & (2) we conclude that voltage and
current are in the same phase
Phasor diagram V-I graph
2. For a given alternating current, I = I 0 sin ωt , Show that the average power dissipated in a resistor R over a
1 2
complete cycle is I R. CBSE (AI)-
2 0
[ Ans. We have, I = I 0 sin ωt
Average power dissipated per cycle
T T 2 T
1 1
T ∫ I R dt=¿ T
∫ ( I 0 sin ωt ) R dt=¿ I 0T R
∫ sin 2 ωt dt
0 0 0
2 T

⇨ P ¿
I0 R
T 0
∫ 2 (
1−cos 2 ωt
dt )
[∫ ]
2 T T
⇨ P¿ 0 dt −∫ cos 2 ωt dt
2T 0 0
I0 R
⇨ P ¿ [ ( T −0 ) ] ¿]
⇨ P ¿ I 02 R
3. An a.c. voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied across a pure inductor of inductance L. Find an expression for the current
flowing in the circuit and show mathematically that the current flowing through it lags behind the applied voltage
by a phase angle of . Also draw (a) phasor diagram (b) graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit.
[ Ans. We have the applied a.c. voltage CBSE (F)-2017,(AI)-2015,2011,(DC)-2008,(D)-2003
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
By Kirchhoff’s loop rule,
V −L ¿0
dI V V
⇨ dt ¿ L =¿ 0 sin ωt
V Obviously, effective resistance of the circuit
⇨ ∫ dI ¿ 0 ∫ sin ωt dt
⇨ I =−¿ 0 cos ωt=¿ ¿ −¿ I 0 cos ωt
⇨ I = I 0 sin(ωt− 2 ¿ )¿ ------(2)

Where, I 0=¿ ------(3)
known as inductive reactance ( X L) given by X L =¿ ωL=2 πfL

From (1) & (2) we conclude that current in the circuit lags behind the voltage in phase by
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
6. Answer the following :
1. An a.c. voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied across a pure capacitor of capacitance C . Find an expression for the
flowing in the circuit and show mathematically that the current flowing through it leads the applied voltage by a
phase angle of . Also draw (a) phasor diagram (b) graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit.
[ Ans. We have the applied a.c. voltage CBSE (AI)-2015,2011,(D)-2015,2003,(F)-2014
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
By Kirchhoff’s loop rule,
¿ V 0 sin ωt
dq d
⇨ I =¿ dt ¿ dt ( C V 0 sin ωt )
V Obviously, effective resistance of the circuit
⇨ I = ωC V 0 cos ωt = 0 cos ωt known as capacitive reactance ( X C ) given by
⇨ I = I 0 cos ωt = I 0 sin(ωt+ 2 ¿ )¿ ------

Where, I 0=¿ ------

1 1
X C =¿ =¿ Phasor diagram V-I graph
ωC 2 πfC
From (1) & (2) we conclude that current in the circuit Leads the voltage in phase by
2. When an a.c. source is connected to an ideal inductor show that the average power supplied by the source over a
complete cycle is zero. Also plot a graph showing the variation of voltage, current, power and flux in one cycle.
[ Ans. We have, V =V 0 sin ωt CBSE (F)-2017,(D)-2016,(AI)-2015
π ⇨ P ¿0 ¿]
& I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt− ¿ )¿ ¿−¿ I 0 cos ωt
Average power per cycle
1 1
T ∫ V X I dt =¿ T

∫ V 0 I 0 sin ωt cos ωt dt
V 0 I0
⇨ P ¿
∫ sin 2 ωt dt

3. When an a.c. source is connected to a pure capacitor show that the average power supplied by the source over a
complete cycle is zero. Also plot a graph showing the variation of voltage, current, power and flux in one cycle.
[ Ans. We have, V =V 0 sin ωt CBSE (AIC)-2017,(D)-2016,(AI)-2015
π ⇨ P ¿0 ¿]
& I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt+ ¿ )¿ ¿ I 0 cos ωt
Average power per cycle
1 1
T ∫ V X I dt =¿ T

∫ V 0 I 0 sin ωt cos ωt dt

⇨ P ¿ 0 0
∫ sin 2 ωt dt

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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
7. Answer the following :
1. An alternating voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied to a series combination of a resistor and an inductor. Using phasor
diagram, derive expressions for impedance, instantaneous current and its phase relationship to the applied voltage.
Also draw graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit. CBSE (AIC)-2014
[ Ans. AC through LR circuit :
We have the applied voltage
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
From phasor diagram

V =¿ √ V 2R + V 2L ¿ ( IR ) + ( I X L )2 ¿ I √ ( R )2 + X 2L

V Z=¿ √ R2 + X 2L
⇨ I = R 2+ X 2
√ L
Obviously, effective resistance of the circuit, known
as impedance is given by
Obviously, I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt−ϕ ¿)¿ ----(2)
VL I 0 X L X L ωL
Where, tan ϕ ¿ =¿ = =
⇨ ϕ=¿ tan R ( ωL )
From (1) & (2) we conclude that current in the circuit
lags behind the voltage in phase by ϕ.
2. An alternating voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied to a series combination of a resistor and a capacitor. Using phasor
diagram, derive expressions for impedance, instantaneous current and its phase relationship to the applied voltage.
Also draw graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit. CBSE (AIC)-2014
[ Ans. AC through CR circuit :
We have the applied voltage
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
From phasor diagram

V =¿ √ V 2R + V 2C ¿ ( IR ) + ( I X C )2 ¿ I √ ( R )2 + X 2C

⇨ I = R 2+ X 2
√ C
Obviously, effective resistance of the circuit, known
as impedance is given by
Z=¿ √ R2 + X 2C
Obviously, I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt+ ϕ ¿)¿ ----(2)

VC I 0 X C X C 1/ωC
Where, tan ϕ ¿ =¿ = =
⇨ ϕ=¿ tan ωCR ( 1
From (1) & (2) we conclude that current in the circuit
lags behind the voltage in phase by ϕ


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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
8. Answer the following :
1. A series LCR circuit is connected to an a.c. source having voltage V = V 0 sin ωt . Using phasor diagram, derive
expressions for impedance, instantaneous current and its phase relationship to the applied voltage. Also draw
graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit CBSE (AI)-
[ Ans. AC through LCR circuit :
We have the applied a.c. voltage From phasor diagram
V =V 0 sin ωt -------(1)
√ √ 2

V =¿ V 2R + ( V C −V L )2 ¿ ( IR ) + ( IX C −I X L )2 ¿ I R2 + ( X C −X L ) 2

⇨ I = R 2+ X − X 2
√ ( C L)
Obviously, effective resistance of the circuit, known as

impedance is given by

√ 2
Z=¿ ( R ) + ( X C −X L )2
Obviously, I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt+ ϕ ¿)¿ ----(2) From (1) & (2) we conclude that current in the circuit

V C −V L leads the voltage in phase by ϕ.

Where, tan ϕ ¿ =¿
I 0 X C −I 0 X L X C − X L
I0 R R

⇨ ϕ=¿ tan−1 ( X −R X )

2. A voltage V = V 0 sin ωt is applied to a series LCR circuit. Derive the expression for average power dissipated over
cycle. Under what condition is -
(i) no power is dissipated even though the current flows through the circuit,
(ii) maximum power dissipated in the circuit. CBSE (AI)-2016,2015,2014,(D)-2016
[ Ans. We have the applied voltage
V =V 0 sin ωt

& I =¿ I 0 sin(ωt+ ¿ ϕ) ¿ Where, ϕ=¿ tan−1 ( X C− X L

R )
⇨ P=¿ V X I =V 0 sin ωt X I 0 sin(ωt+ ¿ ϕ) ¿
⇨ P=¿ V 0 I 0 sin ωt X ¿
⇨ P=¿ V 0 I 0 ¿
Average power per cycle
1 1
T ∫ P dt ¿ T ∫V 0 I 0¿ ¿
0 0
V 0 I 0 cos ϕ V 0 I 0 sin ϕ
⇨ P¿
∫ sin ωt dt +¿

∫ sin 2 ωt dt
0 0

[ ]
V I cos ϕ T T
⇨ P¿ 0 0 +¿ 0 ∵∫ sin ωt dt= ∧∫ sin 2 ωt dt=0

T 2 0 2 0
V I V 0 I0
⇨ P ¿ 0 0 cos ϕ ¿ X X cos ϕ
2 √2 √ 2
⇨ P ¿ V rms X I rms X cos ϕ Where, cos ϕ=R/ Z is called power factor

(i) For a pure inductive or capacitive circuit, ϕ=
⇨ P ¿ V rms X I rms X cos 2 ¿ 0 which shows that, no power is dissipated even current flows through the circuit

(ii) at resonance when X L =X C , ϕ=0

⇨ P ¿ V rms X I rms X cos 0 ¿ V rms X I rms =¿ maximum
Which shows that at resonance m ax power is dissipated
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
9. Answer the following :
18. Draw a schematic diagram of a step up/step down transformer. Explain its working principle. Deduce the expression
for the secondary to primary voltage in terms of the number of turns in the two coils.
In an ideal transformer, how is this ratio related to the currents in the two coils ?
CBSE (F)-2017,2012,2009,(AI)-2015,2010,(D)-2016
[ Ans. Transformer : It is an electrical device which, which is used to increase or decrease the voltage in a.c. circuits.
Principle : It is based on the principle of mutual induction, i,e, whenever there is change in magnetic flux
linked with a coil, an emf is induced in the neighbouring coil

Working :
When an alternating voltage is
applied to the primary, magnetic flux linked with
it changes which links to the secondary and
induces an emf in it due to mutual induction.

Back emf induced in Primary

e p ¿ −¿ N p
Similarly, emf induced in the secondary es Vs Ns
dϕ = = =r
e s ¿ −¿ N s ep Vp Np
dt --------(2)

−N s
es dt Ns
⇨ ep

−N p
As the primary has negligible resistance, e p=V p and if secondary is in an
open circuit then e s ¿ V s , Then from (1) we have

Where, r =¿ , is called transformation ratio
Now, if the transformer is ideal, then
power input ¿ power output

⇨ V P X i p=¿ V s X is
is Vp Np 1
⇨ ip
= =
Ns r
It shows that when voltage is stepped-up, the current is correspondingly reduced in the same ratio, and vice-versa
18.(ii) Describe briefly any two energy losses, giving the reason of their occurrence in actual transformer. How are these
reduced ? CBSE (D)-2016, (AI)-2015, 2010, (F)-2012, 2009
[ Ans. Energy losses in a transformer :
(i) Copper loss : Energy loss as heat due to resistance of primary and secondary is called copper loss and can be
minimized by using thick copper wires
(ii) Iron loss : Energy loss as heat due to eddy currents in the iron core is called Iron loss and can be reduced by
using a laminated iron core
(iii) Hysteresis loss: Magnetisation of iron core is repeatedly reversed by the alternating magnetic field and
energy is lost in the form of heat in the core. This is called hysteresis loss and can be
minimized by using a core of a material having low hysteresis loop.
(iv) Flux leakage : There is always some flux leakage; i,e, all of the flux due to primary does not passes through
the secondary. It can be minimized by winding primary and secondary coils one over the other
18.(iii) How is the transformer used in large scale transmission and distribution of electrical energy over long distances ?
CBSE (AI)-2016,2010,2008,(AIC)-2014,(F)-2009
[ Ans. (a) output voltage of the power generator is stepped-up so that current is reduced and as a result, line loss I 2R is
also reduced
(b) It is then transmitted over long distances to an area sub-station, where voltage is stepped down.
(c) It is further stepped down at local sub-stations and poles before a power supply of 220 V reaches our homes
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Part (B)-SA (II) & Long Answer Questions
10. Answer the following :
1. (i) Explain with the help of a labelled diagram, the principle and working of an ac generator and obtain expression
for the emf generated in the coil.
(ii) Draw a schematic diagram showing the nature of the alternating emf generated by the rotating coil in the
magnetic field during one cycle. CBSE (AI)-2016,2015,2011,(F)-2012,2009,(D)-2010,2007
[ Ans. AC generator : It is a device which converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy.
Principle : It is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, i,e, whenever there is change in magnetic flux
linked with a coil, an emf is induced in the coil
Working : Obviously, when sin ωt
When the armature coil is rotated in a uniform magnetic field, =1
effective area of coil ( A cos θ ) changes continuously due to which
magnetic flux linked with it changes. Hence an emf is induced in the
circuit and a current flows through the coil
At any instant the magnetic flux linked with the coil
ϕ=¿ B A cos θ=¿ ¿ B A cos ωt
⇨ Induced emf in the coil
dϕ d
e = −N = −N ( BA cos ωt )
dt dt
⇨ e = −NBA (−ω sin ωt ) = NBA ω sin ωt

e = e max = e 0 = NBA ω
⇨ e = e 0 sin ωt
e e0
& I= = sin ωt = I 0 sin ωt
2. In a series LCR circuit connected to an a.c. source of variable frequency and voltage V =V 0 sin ωt , draw a plot
showing the variation of amplitude of circuit current with angular frequency of applied voltage for two different
values of resistance R1 and R2 ( R1 > R2 ) . Write the condition under which the phenomenon of resonance occurs.
Answer the following using this graph: CBSE (F)-2016,(AI)-2015,(DC)-2014,(D)-2013
(a) In which case the resonance is sharper and why ?
(b) In which case the power dissipation is more and why ?
(c) Which one would be better suited for fine tuning in a receiver set ?
[Ans. Resonance condition : X L:=¿ X C or V L:=¿ V C
ω0 L 1 receiver set
(a) Sharper for R2 Reason : Sharpness of resonance ¿ ∝
(b) More power dissipation for R2
V 1
Reason : At resonance, power dissipation¿ ∝ (for same V )
ω0 L 1
(c) for larger value of Q (= ∝ ¿ , resonance will be sharper hence
circuit with resistance R2 would be better suited for tuning the ]
3. In a series LR circuit X L =R and power factor of the circuit is P1. When capacitor with capacitance C such that
X L =X C is put in series, the power factor becomes P2. Calculate P1 / P2. CBSE (D)-2016, (AI)-
[ Ans. For LR circuit power factor
P1 ¿ = 2 = 2 2 ¿ R ¿ 1
Z √ R + X L √ R + R R √2 √2

When X L =X C is put in series, for LCR circuit power factor

R R R P 1 1/ √ 2
P2 ¿ Z = 2 ¿ ¿1 ⇨ ¿ ¿1 ]
√ 2
( R ) + ( X C −X L ) R P2 1

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