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Chapter 10

Strategy implementation: CORPORATE LEVEL 3. Leadership style – leadership style of a

company is likely to influence the pattern of
relationship, control system, and reward and
UNDERSTANDING A BUSINESS career system, within it. Studies reveal that
ORGANIZATION leadership style contributes significantly to the
successful implementation of corporate
A business organization can be a sole strategies
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. A sole
proprietorship is owned by one person, a The following are various leadership styles that can
partnership is owned by two or more partners, and be employed by company:
a corporation is organized by at least five, but not
a) Autocratic
more than fifteen persons. A business organization
b) Laissez- faire
mav engage in merchandising, service, or
c) Democratic
d) Bureaucratic
An organization, whether business- e) Transformational
oriented or not, is composed of a group of f) Transactional
individuals working together for the attainment of g) Situational
specific goals and objectives. It must have the ability 4. Reward and career system – The reward and
to divide activities and, at the same time, coordinate career system of company is critical factor in
them to facilitate the achievement of its goals and effective implementation of strategic
objectives. The ability of a business organization to management. An effective reward and career
divide and coordinate its various activities is system motivates employees to perform
influenced by the following elements: outstandingly. It provides job security and
opportunities for career advancement to all
1. Pattern of relationship – The organic structure of employees regardless of their educational
company influence the relationship of the people background, experience, and expertise. The
and the offices comprising it. A positive system includes compensation, benefits,
relationship existing in a company contributes to recognition, and training and development
the effective implementation of formulated 5. Corporate governance – It refers to the
strategies. relationship among shareholders, board of
a) Flat structure- a flat organizational structure directors, and the management in terms of
of company exists when there are only few function, roles, responsibilities and
or no layers of management between the accountabilities
managers and employees. Responsibilities of Board of Directors:
b) Functional structure- company is divides • set corporate strategy, vision, and mission
into a small units with specific functions
• they hire and fire CEO and top management
c) Divisional structure- Large companies that
• they control, monitor, and supervise the top
operates across geographical areas or
worldwide adopt a divisional structure where
• they review and approve the acquisition and
their business activities are divided
use of resources
according to market, product, service or
region • protect the interest of shareholders
d) Matrix structure- a hybrid of functional and
divisional structure
Strategy implementation: CORPORATE LEVEL
2. Management control system – is a tool that collects and ➢ uses
Vision – defines what it wants to achieve in
information to assist management in monitoring and reviewing the the future. It answers the question, “What
activities and performance of different functional units to see if they
does the business want to become?”. The
are directed toward the attainment of goals and objectivesvision of must be clear, specific, and brief and
company in one sentence.
➢ Mission – It describes what company should do Chapter 11
to meet its vision. It defines the existence of
Strategy implementation: BUSINESS AND
company and answer the question “What is our
business now?”
➢ Goals and Objectives – are the action words of CONCEPT AND NATURE
the mission and vision. Goals are broad
statement on how to achieve the vision of Different business functional units have to formulate
company. Objectives are specific end result that their own VMGO.
a company wants to achieve within specified IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS AND
➢ Strategy – Plan formulated to effectively
achieve a company’s mission and objectives
through the efficient utilization of resources.
➢ Policies – Internal broad guidelines intended to
support the formulation of a strategy in order to
achieve organizational goals and objectives
through proper utilization of resources
• Increased Sales Revenue (e.g., increase of
new customer)
c) Identify the people involved, dates for program
review, and completion time. – The strategic
program for a project, activity or process requires
people who are going to execute the strategic
activities to pinpoint responsibilities and
accountabilities. These people must have
necessary knowledge, skills, and competency to
efficiently achieve the desired output.
d) Prepare the program report – The program report
should include information about the expected
business risk, the problems encountered the
hindrances and limitations faced, and some
recommendations to facilitate the completion of the
program and the achievement of the objective. In
general, the language of the program must be clear,
concise, and simple. It must lead to understanding,
not doubts and confusion.

A budget is a plan expressed in
quantitative, monetary value. It includes the
1. PROGRAMS revenue and expenditure budget. The basis of a
➢ Programs vary in content and structure across budget is the business and functional level
business and functional units. strategic objective, in coordination with a program.
➢ However, all programs are anchored on the In preparing a budget the resources of a company
general business objective (e.g., to increase are taken into account. This may serve as the cap
the revenue by 50% this year). that will limit the setting of the budget amount.
➢ It is participated by different functional level
managers and other key personnel of a 3. PROCEDURES
particular division. ✓ The Procedures, known as the standard operating
a) Define the business or functional procedures (SOP) Specify the detailed or step by
objective – The objective must be vertically step process to be carried out to achieve the
consistent with the corporate level objective. completion of a program.
It must also be horizontally consistent with ✓ The format of the procedure varies among
the objectives of other business and business and functional units. It can be a simple
functional units. step, a hierarchical-step, or a flowchart format.
b) Set the key performance indicator (KPI) – ✓ The Procedures must be consistent with the
The KPI varies among businesses, objectives of a business or functional unit.
processes, and functional units. An effective
KPI must be based on reliable data and
should fit to the particular program, process,
or activity being measured.
Most KPIs fall under the following broad
• Increased customer value (e.g., number of
• Improved production processes (e.g.,
average processing time)
• Reduced Manufacturing Cost (e.g., number
of waste or spoilage)
ATTENTION: Peter Hun, - Marketing Department
It contains words to express courtesy to the
What is Formal Letter? recipient. It also known as the Salutation.
A formal letter is a professional letter, which is Examples: Dear Sir/Madam,
written in formal language, in a prescribed format
Ladies and Gentlemen,
and in the stipulated format. This letter is mainly
used for professional communication. Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. + Surname,
Parts of Formal Letter To the HR Department,
1. Heading Dear Hr Recruiter,
This includes the writer’s address (no name), 6. Subject Line
followed by the current date.
It is a short statement where you mention the purpose
Example: for writing letter. Preferably be in single lined and be
written in capital letters.
Ex. ‘Sponsorship request for the upcoming Nashville
“RE: Claim Number 129523 - Filing Documents and
Policy Information.”
2. Date Line
7. Body of the Letter
The date line is used to indicate the date the letter
This refers to the entire message of the letter, which
was written.
has two to three paragraphs.
1st Paragraph: It answers the question: Why are
you writing this letter?
2nd Paragraph: The middle presents details of the
3. Inside Address message.
This includes the receiver’s name and address, so 3rd Paragraph: It answers the question: What do
that it can be mailed easily and without any you want the reader to do?
8. Complimentary Close
The complimentary close is a short and polite remark
that ends your letter.
Example: Best regards, Respectfully, Sincerely,
9. Signature Line
4. Attention Line
This refers to the signature over the printed name of
is used when you want to make sure the letter the sender with designation, if any
reaches the right person.
10. Identification Initials
These are initials on the name of the person who
ATTENTION: President, Department of Sales and wrote or typed the letter.
Examples: Andrew Benson, and the typist’s name OPTIONAL PARTS OF THE FORMAL LETTER
is Carrie Dale, AB/cd, or AB:cd
11. Enclosure Line
These are additional documents attached to your
letter. It can be your resume, transcript of records,
references or any documents. 4. ENCLOSURE LINE
Example #1: 5. COPY NOTATION
Letter of Recommendation When responding to people with authority of
Businesses, college/institute, employer, organizations,
Government etc.
Example #2:
When applying for a job:
Enclosures: (3)
•Cover Letter, Recommendation, Resignation
Example #3: letter
Enclosures: Birth Certificate (Original plus 2 •When filing a complaint or making a request.
•Sales Pitch

12. The Copy Notation (CC:)

Office Communication
-Also stands for Carbon Copy.
Office communication refers to any type of intra
-Lets the recipient of the letter know who else is and inter-office transaction using hard and soft
receiving a copy of the letter. written forms of messages.
Example: CC: Loid Forger Types of Office Communication
Yor Forger 1. Intra-Office Communication – communication
that takes place among the employees of a
Anya Forger
particular office or team. (the word "intra" means
13. Postscript Notation "within").
1) Oral Communication – Commonly used
(commonly known as PS) mode. Including face to face conversation
In business letters, PS notation is used to which is the most natural way of
highlighter emphasize an item. transmitting the message. Highly efficient
for small groups
Examples: 2) Written Communication – Can be read
at any convenient time. It can take the
form letters, notices, circulars, reports,
memos, etc. It tends to be complete,
clear, precise, and correct
i. Types of Written Communication
1. Memorandum/Memo – It is written to
communicate information important,
to be remembered. Less formal in
Three purposes of business because they 4. Agenda – Are considered to be the list
write a Memo: prepared before the meeting, which contains
• Persuading readers to do somethings all the important topics that need to be
• Communicating a directive discussed in the meeting. Written in the future
• Providing technical information tense

Tips for writing Memos Important things that an Agenda

should include:
• Include all identifying information Clearly
state purpose ➢ Location
• Use headings or lists to alert readers to ➢ Date
key information ➢ Timings
• Use correct language ➢ Topic
• Keep in mind its historical nature ➢ Topic Description
➢ Time distributed to each topic
Objectives of Memo ➢ Name of each member
• Conveying information
• Informing decisions
5. Minutes – is a record of all the discussed
• Making a request a response to a question
topics in the meeting. It is prepared after the
• Making a suggestion
meeting ends by the secretary.
• Presenting an informal report
• Proposing a solution to a problem Items to be included in Minutes:
• Documenting a reference for future use ➢ Time and Date of the meetings
2. Circular – Are used to communicate a formal ➢ Name of the Members
message to a large number of people like ➢ All the topics discussed in detail.
shareholders, suppliers, business friends, ➢ Decisions taken
employees etc. It circulates the same 6.
messages to all receivers.
3. Notice – A notice is a short piece of formal 2. Inter-Office Communication – occurs between
writing. It is used to announce events, extend employees in different departments. (the word
invitations, give instructions or to make "inter" means "between")
Types of Inter-Office Communication:
Five (5) essentials of a Notice
1) Business Letter – Is a letter from one
✓ What company to another, or such organizations
✓ When and their customers, clients, or other external
✓ Where parties. The overall style of letter depends on
✓ Who the relationship between the parties
✓ How concerned.
Content that an effective notice must have: 2) E-mails – It requires attention to detail,
awareness that your email reflects you and
✓ Name of Organization/Institution your company, and a professional tone so
✓ Date of issuing notice that it may be forwarded to any third party if
✓ The heading "Notice" needed. Email often serves to exchange
✓ Eye-catching tide information within organizations
✓ Purpose such as scheduling a meeting,
informing people or drawing attention.
✓ Details like date, time, venue, duration,
program, etc.

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