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STONE AGE 3 History ARMA ‘Medieval — ~ Modern Ancient History { y “0, No written text Written text Excavation Stone Age Copper Age ‘Gnazsteo use of stones to make use of copper use of Bronze tools and other things Havappa Age Proto-historic ‘Pre-historic Written evidence No wri but cannot be mitten understood evidence Si A Categorised on the basis of ‘stones used Palaeolithic Neolithic (9,000 BC-4,000 BC) 7,000 BC-1000 BC) S Lakh BC-10,000 BC) a ARMA AD CAnno Domini) or ‘BC (Before Christ) CE (Common Era) = 2008C Jesus Christ’ ©Tarth: 4000 Million years old Gu 7 4th stage > vn stage ate 7 Pleistocene ae Ice Age After Ice Age Palaeolithic CPalaeo: old; lithic: stone) Lower/Early Palaeolithic Middle Palaeolithic ‘Upper Palaeolithic * 5 Lakh BC-50,000 BC + 50,000-40,000 BC * 40,000-10,000 BC * Ice Age ) * Based upon ‘flake’ technology © Coincided with last phase ‘© Main occupation: Hunting & food of Pleistocene Lower Palaeolithic sites: gathering ° Appearance of Homo Soan/Sohan: Punjab sapiens (modern man) © Belan Valley: Uttar Pradesh—>Cave/Rock shelters ‘© Famous site: Bhimbetka © Didwana: Rajasthan (Madhya Pradesh) —> * Nevasa: Maharashtra Caves/rock shelters + Hunasagi/Hungsi: Karnataka Flint stone ¢ Pahalgam: Kashmir ‘°Patne: Maharashtra —> Ostrich evidence found for the first time 3 Other Upper Palaeolithic sites: © Inamgaon ARMA ° Nevada © Didwana: Rajasthan ‘Maharashtra ( ical Distr * Meaning: Late Stone Age/ © Langhnaj: Gujarat ‘e Micro: small; Lith: Mesolithic/Microlithic period District: Mehsana) Hunters and stones ©8000 BC-4000 BC Bhimbetka: Madhya) oHerders Transitional phase between Pradesh (near Bhopal) Palaeolithic and Neolithic * Chopani Mando: Uttar Warmer climate; increased flora Pradesh Cnear Allahabad and fauna in Belan Valley) Provides earliest + Bagor: Rajasthan evidence of eSangepakape Karnataka mestication of Tuticorin: Southern Tamil 7 animals Nadu ° Adamgarh: Madhya Pradesh “Neolithic (Neo: new, Lithic: stone) * Food producers —>Practiced agriculture * 7000 BC-10,000 BC © Pottery—sTo store excess food grains (black and red pottery) © Art —>Bhimbetka Crock paintings of humans, birds, animals) * Neolithic people owned property & Sites: ARMA * Mehrgarh: Baluchistan Cevidence of houses, crops like: wheat, barley, cotton) * Kashmir Valley: Burzahom and Gufkral ‘Burzahom: 7 16 km West of Srinagar > Domestic dogs were buried with their masters (skeleton evidence) / Tools and weapons made of > People lived on a lake side in pits “Bones except.Chirand Gufkral: ? It is also known as ‘cave of potters’ (41 km Southwest of Srinagar) ? Agriculture and domestication of animals * Bihar: Chirand (Bone tools) ‘* Karnataka: Sanganakallu, Brahmagiri, Maski, Piklihal, Hallur—>Millet cultivation * Uttar Pradesh: Allahabad—> Cultivation of rice * Andhra Pradesh: > Around Bhima, Krishna and Tungabadra rivers > Budihal ? Utnur: earliest site > Nagarjunakonda © Tamil Nadu: Paiyampalli and Kaveri * Belan Valley: Koldihwa and Mahagara (domestication of Rice in 7000 BC) © Garo Hills in Meghalaya Cu mines © Dagjali Hading: Assam CJadeite'stone seen here) Khetri mines CRU) Catal Huyuk: Turkey Cone of the first human protocities) Malajkhand (MP) «1st metal to be discovered by humans: a ¢ ies (6 Age/Chaleolitjic A © People lived in rural communities Sites: Ge + South-eastern Rajasthan: Ahar and Gilund near ‘Banas Valley) © Eastern India: Chirand (Ganga), ‘Burdwan district, Midnapore district ° Western Madhya Pradesh: Malwa (Narmada), Kayatha (Kalisindh), Eran ‘* Western Maharashtra: Jorwe (first) —»Parvara (Godavari) © Svalda (Tapti river) © Ganeshwar (Rajasthan) 2 Tools made of copper obtained oe: Under Jorwe: © Nevasa * Daimabad Clargest site) * Chandoli * Inamgaon o Nasik ¢ Navdatoli (Narmada) ‘Burial Habits: They practiced ‘Urn’ burial © Did not know about horses and burnt bricks Pottery: ° Black and red * Ochre coloured pottery One liners CFrom MCQs) © The word India that came from the Indus is called Sindhu in Sanskrit ‘* Megalith (grave/memorial) that were the stone pieces set in a circular shape around the grave: Cairn circle, © The practice of erecting Megaliths began about: 3000 years ago © A celt in Neolithi¢ period is: A tool ® First Rice evidence: Koldihwa (Uttar Pradesh) « The skull of Homo erectus was found in: Hathnora (Madhya Pradesh near Narmada) Gauri Gun Dam (site): Telangana ARMAI

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