BSBSUS511 Project Portfolio

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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 1

First published 2021

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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 2

Project Portfolio – Part A 5
Section 1: Briefing report 6
Section 2: Stakeholder meeting 10
Section 3: Policies and procedures 11
Section 3: Policies and procedures 13
Section 4: Action plan 15
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants) 23
Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants) 24
Section 6: Best practice memo 26
Section 7: Sustainability register 27
Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report 28
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business) 30
Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report 31

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 3

Student name: Mohammed Rizwan Moin Uddin

Assessor: Shawaldeep Kaur


Business that this Workplace policies and procedure sustainability

assessment is based on:

Area of sustainability: Finding what suits for the employees.

Description of policies and


Policy and procedure 1

Policy and procedure 2

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 4

Project Portfolio – Part A

Use Part A of your Project Portfolio with Assessment Task 2.

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Section 1: Briefing report

Introduction Grow Consultants specializes in management consulting and has

been in operation for 5 years.
State the purpose of the
report, including current We provide various services to support companies.
organisational sustainability
• Review the key performance indicator for current manager
leadership conduct.
Attach copies of any
• Adapt your leadership programme depending on the results of your
relevant, current policies and
procedures or company
information to this section of Paul Burns, the company's principal consultant and director, recently
your portfolio. participated in training on sustainable business methods. The
strategic plan was also recently modified, and Paul's attendance at
the workshop had an impact. The mission statement also contains the
following phrases:
As a business, we are dedicated to ensuring the health of the financial
and environmental systems, as well as the wellbeing of people and
other living things. On display, the explanation appears to be giving lip
service, as there are no specific actions depicted in the Vital Arrange.
Paul is skilled at developing a supportability plan and methods that
include all aspect of the business, including at least: travel,
purchasing, office energy use, office supplies, and cleaning. But, Paul
has also made it clear that he does not need to incur money when
defining policy and technique since all of the work must be done in-
house and that specialists should not be engaged in this way.

Sustainability facts and Current issues and hones inside the association are as takes after:
• The staff lounge, restrooms, and all workspaces have more modern
Include information on fluorescent lighting. Frequently, once the workday is over, these lights
sustainability facts and are turned off.
figures, as well as the
• There are business vehicles for the two core specialists. Both cars
benefits to businesses.
needed to be refurbished because they are currently five years old.
• There are no official reminders or procedures for personnel to use
Attach links to relevant their vitality.
research, company
• The business does not have a plan for purchasing equipment;
information etc to this section
instead, it purchases it as needed. Getting anything at the moment is
of your portfolio.
sometimes difficult.
• Workers make sporadic purchases of stationery. As a result,
notepads and A-grade printer paper are frequently in abundance, and
there are also plenty of garbage cans that are typically utilised
• The business offers frequent training and meetings. All catering on
all plates and cups must be provided by an outside caterer (plastic).

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 6

• A contracted cleaner who employs common cleaning supplies cleans
the office once every week.

Business planning, Current company strategies for creating arrangements and strategies
opportunities and are as follows:
• The need for the arrangement and approach should be developed,
Describe how sustainability and a preliminary briefing report should be written. The essential
can be built into business arrangement has also recently undergone an alteration. It includes the
planning and can inform following justification as part of the mission statement: As a
business opportunities to profession, we are dedicated to the health of the financial and
reflect the organisation’s biological systems that support both people and other living things. A
commitment to sustainability. sustainability plan and initiatives will be developed to address all
aspects of the economy, including at the very least:

• Cleaning
• Travel
• Purchasing
• Office vitality use
• Office supplies
• Cleaning
• Travel
• Purchasing
• Office vitality use
• Office supplies

Example sustainability Policy 1

policies and procedures
Provide workers the option of working from home once every week.
Report on three sustainability
policies and procedures that
you have identified and
reviewed. Summarise the
areas that they address. Policy 2

Include copies of the policies Replace the majority of light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones like
(or links) to this section of LEDs or CFLs.
your portfolio.

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Policy 3
Avoid using paper as much as possible. Sending requests for
proposals and citations as PDF files through email, for instance.

Life cycle mapping A life cycle assessment (LCA) quantifies how a product or
service will affect the environment.
Explain life cycle mapping as
it relates to one of your • How are items produced? What hardly ventilation, water,
policy areas (using and warming?
Sustainability Victoria
• How was the product transported? Using a truck, rail, or
resources from their
an aircraft?
website), including lifestyle
stages, life cycle map, life • What types of raw materials made up the generating
cycle matrix and identify and handle, and where did they come from? What about
selecting the most effective fertiliser, seeds, and soil?
strategies to reduce
environmental impact.
An LCA's main goal is to promote choice-making rather
than merely providing information. It is written with a
specific goal in mind, like making a product more cost-
effective. It provides the framework for any CSR or
supportability strategy inside a business. A Life Cycle
Assessment may be interesting for item management for
two reasons.
1: Adhere to regulations Reason
2: Developments with Unused Items.
Within the specific industry: initially, supply chain
management and procurement: Find much better vendors,
then, marketing and deals: Respond to customer requests
for sustainability. The executive level and strategic
management are last. consolidate maintainability
throughout the whole organisation.
Sustainability often sounds like a novel concept. Being
more maintainable actually means using less energy,
reusing resources, or streamlining forms—actions that
may rapidly boost revenue, save a lot of money, and
reduce a company's reliance on external sources of

Legal requirements in The triple bottom line of environmental quality, social

relation to workplace equality, and economic success as well as the GRI
sustainability Standards, which are the worldwide standards for
sustainability reporting, are Australian and international
List and explain key
standards related to business sustainability.
legislation related to
sustainability and that is Environmental management according to ISO14001
relevant to the business.
ISO 26000:2010 Social Responsibility Guidelines

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The AS/NZS 3598:2014 specifications.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Corporations Act 2001
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
1999 (EPBC Act)
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
(EPBC) Act Regulations

Sustainability actions Maintenance operations to suggest the maintenance

activity schedule for the following year: 1/ Need actions:
Include example
sustainability actions to
inform the sustainability
1Required actions: • Whenever possible, refrain from using
action plan for the next 12
paper. Delivering citations and requests for proposals as
months. You should identify
PDF files by email, as an example.
at least five ideas initially,
including identifying priority • Use email, phone, video and sound conferencing, and
actions and longer-term instant messaging.
actions. • Keep your energy use low. Using low-energy light bulbs
throughout and making sure computers are shut down
after use are two examples. 2. Longer-term measures
· While going to and from work and when travelling for
business, use moo affect transportation. Consider using
public transportation, biking to work, or carpooling.
• Buying strategy: Go for products with a less natural
impact. Natural safe cleaners and detergents are one

Performance indicators Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide benchmarks

from which to monitor progress and can show if a
Provide recommendations
movement has succeeded in achieving its goal. Using
on suitable performance
Shrewd objectives may be a way to make sure that they
indicators that can be used
are precise, quantitative, doable, relevant, and timely.
to measure environmental
performance once the • By 2022, 50% of representatives will work at least three
policies and procedures are days a week from domestic locations.
By 2023, all employees will be aware of the acquisition
• A 20% reduction in the vitality fee by 2023.
• A 20% reduction in paper fees by 2023.
By 2023, 50% of MPs will commute using mowing

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 9

Continuous improvement Getting a grip on persistent advancement is also crucial
because it involves continuously watching, investigating,
Discuss possible strategies
and checking forms, frameworks, plans, and techniques as
for ensuring that resource
well as compliance, which might help to assure the
efficiency continues to occur.
importance and viability of the supportability arrangement.
Exercises for continuous improvement may involve:
• Encouraging employees to take risks or test out novel
• Collaborative and group work.
• enhancing procedures
• establishing measurable goals Sharing information and
gathering underutilised ideas to make changes

Policy options After defining the nature of the problem or problems,

options for arranging the data from the investigation are
Recommendations for policy
provided. The following minimal sustainability
options including discussion
arrangements and procedures will be developed to satisfy
on likely effectiveness,
all trade counting perspectives: Travel, spending, using
timeframes and any costs.
office energy, using office supplies, and cleaning

Proposed scope Policy 1

Provide a scoping of the Purchasing
Sustainability Policies and
• Wherever possible, limit the use of paper. Sending
Procedures, including a list
citations and requests for proposals as PDF files through
of headings to be included
email, for instance.
and a brief description of
each heading. • The business has regular get-togethers and workshops.
An outside caterer provides catering, using only recycled
dishes and glasses (paper).
• Have a plan for purchasing equipment and make
purchases of hardware as needed; typically, purchasing
anything is extraordinarily expensive at the moment.
• Increase the frequency with which you purchase
essential stationery items to avoid building up large
supplies of items like scratch pads and printer paper.

Policy 2
Office vitality use
• Create official ways for personnel to use their vitality or
put up reminders.

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• Keep your energy use low. Using low-energy light bulbs
throughout and making sure computers are shut down
after use are two examples.
• Switch to moo vitality bulbs for the majority of your light
• Once the workday is over, make sure that all the lights
are turned off.

Attach: Current policies and procedures ☐

Links to research ☐

Links to review procedures ☐

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Section 2: Stakeholder meeting

Summarise the stakeholder Supportability overview and how it manifests Six employees
feedback received the overviews, and all six responded.
How will you implement the Which of the taking after activities are you mindful of within the
stakeholder feedback in your workplace?
policies and procedures?
• Staff 1: Reduce monitor brightness when reusing.
Attach a recording of the
• Staff 3: Reusing, transportation (riding, walk, or use public
meeting if your assessor did
transportation to work), and using innovation to lessen effects, such
not observe or participate in
as the suggested e-books.
the meeting.
• Staff 2: Save water by not leaving the faucets running for too long.
Attach any notes from the
meeting to this section of your • Staff 5: Reusing, turning off lights, and printing on both sides.
Portfolio. Staff part 4: Routine vitality audits.
Staff part 6: Recycling.
How concerned are you almost maintainability by and large?
Staff part 1: We are all capable of sustainability, which is
exceptionally important.
• Staff part 2: Very worried, but I believe the government needs to
take care of it.
Staff part 3: is crucial.
Staff part4: Sincere care. I have a duty to do whatever I can for my
• Staff part 5: Somewhat worried.
• Staff part 6: The idea isn't quite obvious.
How important is sustainability to you?
• Employee 1: This is crucial. Everybody needs to do their share.
• Employee 2: This is crucial. The office should serve as an
Employee 3: A crucial matter. The administration needs to make that
• Employee 4: This is crucial. Sustainability is a collective
Employee 5: Pretty significant, but ultimately, we're all required to
• Employee 6: Extremely crucial. the conviction that what I do on a
daily basis directly affects our business and its success.

Scope Policy 1
Use the feedback from the
meeting to finalise the scope of

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 12

your sustainability policies and
procedures including: provided (paper).

required outcomes
• Develop a
 methods of
implementation. arrangement for
acquiring hardware
and buys gear
when required;
acquiring anything
is on extraordinary
the time. • Improve
recurrence of
buying stationary
prerequisites to
dodge huge stocks
of things such as
scratch pads and A
printer paper.
• Avoid the utilize
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 13
of paper wherever
conceivable. For
solicitations and
cites through mail
as PDF files.

• The business has regular get-togethers and workshops. An outside

caterer provides the food, and all the dirty plates and cups are
provided (paper).
• Have a plan for buying equipment when it is needed. Purchasing
anything is typically expensive at the moment.
• Increase your frequency of purchasing office supplies to avoid
having to buy large quantities of items like scratch pads and A
review printer paper.
• Wherever possible, limit the use of paper. For instance, mailing
citations and requests for proposals that are PDF files.

Policy 2: Vitality efficiency

• Create official ways for personnel to use their vitality, or put up

• Keep your energy use low. For instance, using low-energy lighting
throughout and making sure computers are shut off after use. •
Switch to moo vitality bulbs for the majority of your light fixtures. •
When the workday is over, make sure to turn off all the lights.

Recording of meeting (if relevant) ☐

Notes from meeting (if relevant) ☐

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Policy and Procedure 1

Section 3: Policies and procedures

Purpose statement The Grow Management Consultants' maintainability strategy refers to

the utilisation, development, and assurance of resources at a rate and
Explain the main reason for
in a way that enables people to fulfil both their immediate requirements
the policy and the issue it is
and the needs of future generations. The supportability approach maps
designed to manage.
out our dedication to fine-tuning and outlining criteria to develop
environmentally responsible operations. Detailing the organization's
attitude on acquisition and sustainability, the obtainment arrangement
provides a clear explanation of goal.

Scope All government departments are currently concentrating on reducing

their carbon footprint, cutting waste, and advancing sustainability.
Outline overarching policy
Sustainable procurement could be a strategy whereby businesses
principles, for example,
meet their needs for goods, services, labour, and utilities in a way that
organisational commitment
achieves value for money over the course of a lifecycle while also
and compliance with
tending to value standards for practical improvement, thus benefiting
social structures and the environment over time and across
geographical boundaries.

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain Develop a strategy for acquiring Operations Manager
enough detail to enable equipment and acquire it when
action, so the procedure is you need it; often, getting
supported and applied. If anything is difficult at the moment.
there are consequences
relating to not following a Make efforts to avoid having large Administration Officer
procedure, these must be inventories of items like scratch
stated clearly in this section. pads and A review printer paper
by regularly purchasing stationary
Roles and responsibilities essentials.

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Use as little paper as possible.
should be documented.
Send an email with a PDF version
The following table should of an invoice or offer, for instance.
be used. Numbering should
be used. The firm holds regular get-
togethers and workshops. An
outside caterer provides catering,
using paper plates and cups

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Policy and Procedure 2

Section 3: Policies and procedures

Purpose statement Sustainability is the use, development, and conservation of resources

at a rate that enables people to satisfy their immediate requirements
Explain the main reason for
while also taking into account the needs of future generations. Our
the policy and the issue it is
dedication to standards and procedures that encourage ecologically
designed to manage.
responsible behaviour is outlined in the sustainability policy. Policies
that promote energy efficiency can, in particular, promote economic
expansion, lower emissions, and enhance energy security. Efficiency in
energy use has several advantages. lowering the demand for energy
imports, cutting back on domestic and economic expenses, and
lowering greenhouse gas emissions

Scope All government departments are currently concentrating on reducing

their carbon footprint, cutting waste, and advancing sustainability.
Outline overarching policy
Energy efficiency basically refers to using less energy to do the same
principles, for example,
task, or eliminating energy waste. Several factors contribute to
organisational commitment
sustainable financial gain through energy efficiency. As a result, it helps
and compliance with
to reduce carbon emissions, which results in less climatic change. It
also occurs as a result of the development of jobs, which reduces
poverty and enhances economic livelihoods.

Procedures Procedure title Responsibility

Procedures will contain 1. Keep your energy use low. Office Manager
enough detail to enable Using low-energy light bulbs
action, so the procedure is throughout and making sure
supported and applied. If computers are shut down after
there are consequences use are two examples.
relating to not following a
procedure, these must be 2. Replace the majority of Office Manager
stated clearly in this section. lightbulbs with moo vitality bulbs.

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3. Ensure that when the workday Administration Officer
Roles and responsibilities
is over, all lights are switched off.
should be documented.

The following table should 4. Design official procedures for Operations Manager
be used. Numbering should personnel to use their vitality or
be used. put up signs to remind them.

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Section 4: Action plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Current: (insert month & year here)

Issues Comments

Every workstation, staff room, and lavatory include more modern fluorescent lighting. Frequently, these lights are turned off when the workday is over.

Yet there aren't options for e-books. The business has regular meetings and workshops.

The organisation doesn't have a strategy for acquiring hardware; instead, it purchases it as needed even though getting anything is usually difficult at
3 the moment.

There are on-site stops, and all of the personnel drive their own vehicles to work. The office is about 10 minutes' walk from the closest railway
4 station.

Staff members often acquire large inventories of supplies like scratch pads and A review printer paper when they make ad hoc stationery purchases.
5 Non-recycled paper is used to transport the books.

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Future: (insert month & year here)

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

• When at all possible, avoid using paper. • By 2023, paper fees will be 20% lower.
1 Delivering PDF files of requests for proposals and citations, as an example.

• Use email, phone, video and sound conferencing, and instant messaging. • By 2022, 50% of representatives will work at least three days a
2 week from domestic locations.

• Don't use too much energy. For instance, using low-energy light bulbs • A 20% decrease in energy prices by 2023
3 throughout and making sure computers are turned off after use.

Usage moo impact transportation for business trips as well as trips to and By 2023, 50% of employees will commute to work using mowing
4 from work. Consider using public transportation, biking to work, or services.

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Strategy for Achieving Objectives
Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name

Develop Procurement Policy Q1, 2022

a. Establish a strategy for equipment acquisition and purchase equipment as needed; Operations
typically, getting anything is on a special basis at the moment. Manager

b. Make an effort to regularly purchase office supplies to avoid building up large Q1, 2022 Administration
inventories of items like scratch pads and A review printer paper. Officer

c. Use as little paper as possible. Send a PDF version of an invoiceor offer, for Q1, 2022
Office Manager
instance, by email.

d. The firm holds regular get-togethers and workshops. An outside caterer provides Q1, 2022
catering, using paper plates and cups alone.

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 21
Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name

Office Manager

Energy Efficiency
a. Keep your energy use low. Using low-energy light bulbs throughout and making sure Q1, 2022
Office Manager
computers are shut down after use are two examples.

b. Supplant most light bulbs with moo vitality light bulbs. Q1, 2022 Office Manager

c. Ensure that when the workday is over, all lights are switched off. Q1, 2022

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 22
Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name


d. Provide official reminders for personnel to use their energy, such as signs. Q1, 2022

a. To eliminate needless travel, utilize instant messaging, video and audio Operations
Q3, 2022
conferencing, the telephone, and email. Manager

b. Employ eco-friendly modes of transportation for journeys on business and to

and from work. Using public transit, biking to work, and carpooling are a few Q3, 2022

c. Encourage staff to work from home Q3, 2022

d. Utilize renewable energy in business vehicles. Q3, 2022 Office Manager

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Resourcing plan
Strategies Resources required Source Name

a. Human, financial, physical. Human, financial, physical. Operations

b. Procurement Policy Manager

c. Human, financial, physical. Human, financial, physical. Administration

d. Buying stationary requirements Manager

Insert each strategy here.

e. Human, financial, physical. Human, financial, physical.
Office Manager
f. Computer, internet for online paper

g. Human, financial, physical. Human, financial, physical.

Office Manager
h. Conference rooms, internet, equipment for online conferences.

a. Human, financial, physical. Human, financial, physical.

Office Manager
b. Low energy light pubs

c. Human, financial, physical Human, financial, physical.

Office Manager
d. Low energy light pubs

e. Human, financial, physical Human, financial, physical. Administration

f. Low energy light pubs Officer

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 24

Strategies Resources required Source Name

Formal energy
usage procedures
Formal energy Human, financial, physical. Operations

usage procedures
g. Human, financial, physical
h. Formal energy usage procedures

a. Human, financial, physical Human, financial, physical. Operations

b. Equipment for online meetings Manager

c. Human, financial, physical

Human, financial, physical. Administration
d. Public transport, low impact transport (bycycle, carpool, Manager
walking, etc.)

e. Human, financial, physical Human, financial, physical. Operations

f. Online platforms for distance working Manager

g. Human, financial, physical Human, financial, physical. Office

h. Upgrade company vehicles Manager

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 25

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 26
Continuous improvement Getting a grip on persistent advancement is also crucial as it will help
to assure the importance and feasibility of the maintainability method
Explain your strategy for
because it involves continuously monitoring compliance as well as
continuous improvement
forms, frameworks, plans, and strategies. The following are examples
of continuous improvement exercises:
Establishing measurable goals;
Exchanging information and gathering innovative concepts to support
Encouraging employees to take risks or test out novel concepts;
Collaboration and group work

Tracking and monitoring To keep the policy current and effective, continuous improvement
success requires monitoring, assessing, and examining processes, systems,
strategies, and procedures.
Outline your strategy for
tracking and monitoring the This could be achieved by performing audits, looking over bills,
success of the policy keeping an eye on paperwork, examining training results, checking to
see if efficiency goals have been met, regularly speaking with system
and procedure users, observing key performance indicators, and
monitoring key performance indicators.

Supporting implementation The administration team should lead by example, motivate, and
engage partners at every stage of the process to support the
What support will you
implementation of working environment supportability strategies. We
provide to others during
need a framework or clearly laid out arrangement that can be used to
guide usage. The structure and its implementation can also be
communicated via a communication plan. Utilization may also be
supported throughout communications by:
Fostering feedback;
Building ownership via open communication;
Being positive and participating in the presentation.

Reviewing implementation The best way to implement work environment supportability strategies
is to conduct a survey, record the findings, get feedback, carry out any
Describe your strategy for
necessary medical treatment to advance exhibitions, and make any
reviewing implementation.
necessary modifications to combine improvements. All relevant
How will outcomes be
partners and key staff should be informed of all the findings from the
documented? How will
records used to monitor the execution and ongoing change of the
feedback be provided? How
supportability arrangement. This is done to ensure that the information
will trends be identified and
gathered and documented is simple and provides a clear picture of:

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 27

• How goals are achieved?
• Enhanced effectiveness?
• How projects are carried out?
• How well the strategy is being put into practise?
The findings might be presented in a report that is given at staff
meetings, made available on the job site, texted to employees, or
announced through other crucial communication channels. Reports,
which can be easily arranged and provide visual representations of
numbers and data, are often an excellent method to exhibit this kind of
data. Forms for record keeping, surveys, and changes should be
available so that activities, execution, costs, and timings may be
tracked and then used for surveys. For instance, keeping track of
electricity costs, evaluations that have been tried, criticism that has
been received, or advance reports.

Feedback Providing feedback may support the maintainability policy's long-term

commitment while also boosting motivation and accelerating success.
Describe the process that
To encourage the most possible critique, consultation with partners is
you used to seek feedback
crucial. By using appealing communication, it is possible to gain useful
on your action plan.
feedback on natural improvements while fostering engagement, which
Summarise the feedback makes partners more inclined to support the strategy's goals when it is
that you received and put into practise. Also, interact with others who have a purpose in order
describe how you to persuade them and get their opinions so that the technique is
incorporated it. worthwhile and important. The information must be presented in the
Attach a copy of the most significant format when presenting to major partners.
feedback that you received
to this section of your

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Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants)

Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 1 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if
you are working with the case study business).
Note: If you are completing Option 2 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you later in this document.

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Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)

Areas of RTO and practices Area of sustainability:

Energy efficiency

Use of consumables/ Identify equipment that use energy and determine which equipment
materials/ technology/ uses the most/least energy?
A computer
 Identify equipment that
use energy and determine
which equipment uses the Are switches left on overnight/weekend?
most/least energy? NO
 Are switches left on
 Do staff use the sleep mode/screen saver?
 Do staff use the sleep
mode/screen saver? Yeah.

 What practices are What practices are currently in place to help minimise energy
currently in place to help wastage?
minimise energy  Use moo vitality bulbs to replace the majority of your
wastage? lightbulbs.
 Once the workday is over, make sure to turn off all the

Energy usage e.g. water, How is energy used on a daily basis?

electricity gas
Water, electricity, and gas
 How is energy used on a
What things/tasks use up the most energy?
daily basis?
A power source
 What things/tasks use up
the most energy? Are switches left on overnight/weekend?

 Are switches left on No

overnight/weekend? Are staff using energy sensibly?
 Are staff using energy

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 30

sensibly? Yes. Keep energy consumption low. For example, use a low-
energy light bulb to ensure that your computer shuts down after
 What practices are in work.
place to support effective
energy use?
Create formal energy usage procedures for staff or signs to remind

Waste Describe workplace waste.

 Describe workplace  Paper & printing products
 Office equipment
 How is it disposed of?
 Miscellaneous waste
 Are staff conscious of
How is it disposed of?
waste management
practices e.g. recycling,  Paper & printing products
reuse, disposal?  the use of paper bins
 Office equipment
 hiring pass bin
Are staff conscious of waste management practices e.g. recycling,
reuse, disposal?

Date of inspection/review:

Completed by:

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Section 6: Best practice memo




1. Paper and printed matter

 Documentation is done on paper and printed material, ranging from straightforward meeting
notes to business inventories.
 Here are some recommendations to assist you cut down on unused paper and printed
material at your workplace.
 Use the paper's reverse side. Paper trash may be recycled by shredding it and by recycling
cardboard boxes used for shipping and packing.
 Keep recyclable paper items apart.
 Email out memoranda and rough draughts of papers.
 Online staff handbooks and other store guidelines.
 Provide air dryers or reusable towels to cut down on the use of paper towels.
2. office supplies
Office hardware might include everything that has to be upgraded, including workstations and
The following suggestions can help office supplies last longer and enhance the office's prestige:
Purchase used furniture.
 Invest in used or more seasoned printers, fax machines, and copiers.
 Recycle machinery and apparatus. Invest on sturdy, high-quality equipment’s.

3. Random waste

Common areas like a water station or lavatory are present in most businesses. Some locations
additionally see some activity during downtime and may produce some waste as a result.
These are some suggestions for minimising the many types of waste in the office:
To limit the use of water bottles, set up drinking water stations and provide biodegradable dishes and

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Section 7: Sustainability register

Develop a sustainability register here. Remember that your sustainability register will be used for recording and tracking all continuous improvements in resource
efficiency. Your register should be able to include, as a minimum:
 the ability to record the reported opportunity
 the action to be taken
 the person with responsibility for the action
 timelines
 outcomes.

Sustainability Register

Ability to record the reported opportunity: Reports writing

Action to be taken: Public three more recycling bins

Person with responsibility for the action: Administration Officer

Timelines: December 2021

Outcomes: Reduce paper & printing products

Date of registration: 9/11/2021

Approved by: Director

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Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report

Analysis of staff survey results Supportability overview and how it manifests Six employees
and achievements against received the overviews, and all six responded. Which of the
targets following activities are you conscious of at work?
• Employee 1: Reduce monitor brightness when reusing.
• Employee 3: Reusing, transportation (riding, walk, or use public
transportation to work), and using innovation to lessen effects, such
as the suggested e-books.
• Employee 2: Save water by not leaving the faucets running for too
• Employee 5: Reusing, turning off lights, and printing on both sides.
• Employee 4: Routine vitality audits.
• Employee 6: Recycling

How worried are you generally with almost maintainability?

Staff 1: We are all capable of sustainability, which is exceptionally
• Staff 2: Very worried, but I believe the government needs to take
care of it.
Part 3 of the staff is crucial.
Staff 4: Sincere care. I have a duty to do whatever I can for my kids.
• Staff 5: Somewhat worried.
• Staff 6: I'm not quite sure I get the premise.
How essential do you think sustainability is?

Employee 1: This is crucial. Everybody needs to do their share. •

Employee 2: This is crucial. The office should serve as an example.
Employee 3: A crucial matter. The administration needs to make that
Employee 4: This is crucial. Sustainability is a collective
Employee 5: Pretty significant, but ultimately, we're all required to
Employee 6: Extremely crucial. the conviction that what I do on a
daily basis directly affects our business and its success

Analysis of energy audit data Sustainability objectives

and achievements against

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targets As a sustainability objective, reduce electricity use by 20% within six
months, and increase staff understanding of sustainability initiatives.
The results of the energy audit are as follows:
• Connect to natural gas, converting to an energy source with one-
third the greenhouse gas emissions of coal-fired electricity; replace
halogen downlights with energy-efficient downlights and
Swap out an electric storage hot water heater for an instantaneous
solar hot water heater; and • swap out an air conditioner with an
inverter air conditioner that uses less energy. To do an energy audit
• $2,415 in annual energy costs
• 18 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually six months later:
• Annual energy bill: $1,800.
• Annual greenhouse gas emissions: 10.2 tonnes After a year:
• Annual energy bill: $2,215
• Annual greenhouse gas emissions: 14 tonnes

Recommendations for Supportability activities actualized include:

additional actions that need to
Green buying policy created (on staff intranet, email sent to
be taken based on a review of
employees to advise); Green transportation policy prepared and
the data
implemented (on staff intranet, email sent to staff to advise). Energy
audit and all recommendations implemented, including notice
regarding energy consumption (switch off lights at night, dim
brightness, turn off taps) (on staff intranet, email sent to staff to
Recommendations for further measures to be performed based on
data analysis:
1. Determine if sustainability strategies and regulations are
successful. Identify the reasons for success or failure.
2. The increase might be explained by the hiring of four new
• No adjustments were made to the energy goals to account for
additional hires.
3 Update the sustainability policy and procedures to take the
aforementioned concerns into account.

Summary of success of Prior to energy 6 1 year later

sustainability policy and audit mont
procedure based on analysis. hs

Annual energy bill $2,415 $180 $2215


BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 36

Annual greenhouse 18 tonnes 10.2 14 tonnes
emissions tonn
- 22%

• Greater performance objective reached (20%) six months later •
One year later: Better performance than before the electrical audit,
but substantially worse performance than six months later. • All staff
members are guaranteed to be aware of sustainability duties. 100%.
• The addition of four new employees may possibly be responsible
for the increase.
• Energy objectives are no longer being updated to take into account
the additional staff.

Updates to sustainability policy Changes to Sustainability Policies and Procedures for Four New
and procedure to account for Workers Previous sustainability objectives: Cut electricity usage by
recommended improvements 20% in six months. • Increase knowledge of sustainability activities
among all employees. Revised Sustainability Objectives: Decrease
electricity usage by 10% in a year. • Inform all staff members—
especially the four new hires—about environmental measures.

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Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business)

Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 2 with Assessment Task 3 (that is, if
you are working with your own business).
Note: If you are completing Option 1 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this template. A
separate template has been provided for you earlier in this document.

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Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report

Resources Policy on sustainability

Were the resources that you The company's resource consumption was to be decreased as a
identified and sourced in your result of the sustainability policy that was put in place. Resources
action plan adequate to were measured, monitored, and the company activities were altered
implement the sustainability to use less resources in order to accomplish this.
 The approach proved effective in reducing the company's
 How did you resource use. The monitoring and recording of sustainability
measure/monitor developments, which showed a progressive reduction in the
resources? quantity of resources consumed, made this evident. Because
the strategy helped the company to use fewer resources and
 Describe any
save money, sustainability benefits were also realised.
Were the resources that you identified and sourced in your
 Describe any
action plan adequate to implement the sustainability policy?
 How might you resource
your next implementation  How did you measure/monitor resources?
differently to improve
 Describe any gaps/shortfalls.
Lights are often left on after the work day has finished.
There are no formal energy usage procedures for staff or
signage to remind staff.
The company does not have a policy for purchasing equipment
and buys equipment when required; often purchasing whatever
is on special at the time.
Vehicles old and now upgraded.
Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc basis, often
resulting in large stocks of items such as notepads and A grade
printer paper.
Describe any oversupplies:
Use of more electricity even when not needed.
How might you resource your next implementation differently
to improve sustainability?
 More training to increase awareness and efficiency in
 Brainstorming meetings to make sure we come up with good
ideas, such as sustainability weeks, ride to work week with
incentives, more support from senior management.
 Compost bin in kitchen.

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 More training and more support from senior management, such
as a budget for the initiatives.

Providing support  More training to increase awareness and efficiency in

Describe the support that you
provided to others to  Brainstorming meetings to make sure we come up with good
implement the policy. ideas, such as sustainability weeks, ride to work week with
incentives, more support from senior management.
Attach notes, correspondence
and other evidence of support  Compost bin in kitchen.
that you provided to this
 More training and more support from senior management, such
section of your portfolio.
as a budget for the initiatives.

Tracking and recording Setting objectives for resource reduction is one thing that might
sustainability improvements have been done more successfully to boost sustainability gains.
This would have inspired employees to consume less resources and
Describe the strategies that
given the organisation something to aim for. More employee training
you used to track and record
on resource conservation is another item that might have been done
sustainability improvements.
more effectively.
 How did these comply
If this had been done, it would have been simpler for employees to
with organisational
comprehend the sustainability policy and how to use it in their work.
policies and procedures?
Changes to the policy
 How did you document
outcomes? The policy was improved as a consequence of its application by
setting targets for resource reduction and enhancing staff training on
 What trends did you
resource reduction.
Attach copies (or screen shots)
of your tracking, recording and
documentation to this section
of your portfolio.
You should also attach or link
to relevant policies and

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Stakeholder Participant input and consultation
Stakeholders were happy with how the policy was put into practise.
How did you provide feedback Stakeholders were happy with the results of the policy and its
to relevant stakeholders about advantages for sustainability. They were also pleased with the policy
the implementation and results changes and thought that they will help the business become more
of the policy and procedure? sustainably run.
How else did you engage with
stakeholders during
Attach copies of feedback
correspondence and/or results
to this section of your portfolio.

Sustainability results The approach had positive sustainability effects since it allowed the
company to save money and utilise fewer resources.
Summarise the sustainability
gains that were made as a Setting objectives for resource reduction is one thing that might
result of implementation. have been done more successfully to boost sustainability gains.
This would have inspired employees to consume fewer resources
 Is there anything that you
and given the organisation something to aim for. More employees
could have done
training on resource conservation is another item that might have
differently to improve the
been done more effectively. This would have made it easier for
sustainability gains?
employees to understand the sustainability policy and how to use it
 What changes did you in their job.
make to the policy as a
result of the

Attach a final copy of the policy

with changes highlighted to
this section of your portfolio.

Attach: Evidence of support provided ☐

Copies (or screen shots) of tracking, recording and


Copies (or links) of relevant policies and procedures ☐

Feedback correspondence/results ☐

Final policy ☐

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