Case Study - Coca Cola From Me
Case Study - Coca Cola From Me
Case Study - Coca Cola From Me
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New product launch - Coke Zero
Coca-Cola Zero - which has the taste of Coca-Cola with zero
calories because it uses artificial sweeteners instead of sugar
- has been one of the most successful TCCC product launch
since 2005-6. The drink was originally targeted primarily to health
conscious, 18- to 39-year-old males. The advertising of Coke
Zero was modified to its primary target market by referring to it as
'calorie-free' instead of 'diet'. This was because the target market
tended to connect the word 'diet' with female drinks; 'calorie-free'
was thought to give the product a more masculine image. For this
reason, Coke Zero was sometimes nicknamed 'Bloke Coke'.
Market research from 2015 onwards, however, showed some
confusion about the perceptions of sugar content within Coke
Zero. Competitors put similar products to consumers and TCCC
made moves to present its consumers with new alternatives.
TCCC announced that a new product, Coke No Sugar, would
enter the market, with the international rollout commencing
in Australia in 2017. Coke No Sugar clearly brands itself as
containing 'no sugar', whereas some felt Coke Zero indicated
zero calories, zero kilojoules or zero sugar, while others were
largely unsure. TCCC wanted to make a firm stance on what the
product is and was, with the branding of Coke No Sugar firmly
aligning with a clear status fitting with their goals of 'continuing
on a journey towards finding a recipe which tastes closer to Coke'. Coke Zero was launched in 2006, which also
meant many years of product research had advanced since then and, as such, a product that was better-tasting
was now available.
After initial upset from consumers, later statements from TCCC stated that Coke Zero would still be available
in Australia but that TCCC thought people would love the taste of Coca-Cola No Sugar so much that, eventually,
Coke Zero might be gradually phased out. TCCC adopted the safe strategy that throughout the rollout of their
new product, and until the market was secured, consumers will be able to purchase both Coke Zero and Coke
No Sugar.
Coca-Cola advertising
Since 'Coca-Cola' was released onto the Australian market in 1937, TCCC has used advertising campaigns
as a major selling technique. Originally targeted at older age groups, the target market was modified in the
1950s to concentrate on teenage and young adult consumers. For the past 60 years, teenagers and young
adults have grown up believing that this product is a part of their lives: 'The Coke Side of Life'. Coca-
Cola has achieved strong brand loyalty due to the huge amount of money TCCC spends on advertising
each year. Various types of media are used to advertise the Coca-Cola brand in general, and Coca-Cola
drink in particular. For example, newspapers, magazines, the internet, television, radio, posters and
billboards are all used.
Even though nearly everyone knows what Coca-Cola is, the company still spends billions of dollars on
this fonn of promotion.
While many wouldn't see the point in dedicating such a large part of their budget to this form of
promotion, advertising constantly keeps the product in the public's mind and reminds people that they need
a nice cold carbonated drink. The effectiveness of their advertising campaigns is that they train consumer's
brains to associate the brand with a good feeling (such as happiness, relaxation and friends) rather than a
soft drink. Coca-Cola has appealed to many different cultures and ages as a result of their advertising. This
is due to the fact that no matter what the people in the advertisement are doing, the commercial portrays
them enjoying themselves.
Coca-Cola's packaging
Sometimes, the shape of the packaging
Which soft drink do you think of when you see this
can become part of the product itself.
One of the most easily recognised
shapes in the soft-drink market is the
distinctive 'pinched in at the waist'
Coke bottle. In 1977, Coca-Cola
argued that the 'distinctively shaped
contour' had become so well known
that it was granted trademark
protection by the United States Patent
If you think of Coca-Cola when
looking at the silhouette of the bottle
shown in the figure, this advertising campaign was successful. The image was indeed part of a
campaign run by the company. Besides the shape of the silhouette, nothing suggests this is an
advertisement for Coca-Cola. No colours or logos are used. Yet your mind instantly thinks of Coca-
Cola's product. This advertisement is only successful because of previous marketing campaigns run by
the company. The company's creative marketing strategies have been a key reason Coca-Cola has
dominated the soft-drink market for over 100 years.
In its first year, about 10 servings of 'Coke' were sold per day. Today, approximately one billion servings are
consumed worldwide every day. This equates to about 11 500 serves every second of every day.
Product differentiation
• Product features; e.g. bottle shape
• Advertising to reinforce image
• Recognised brand name, symbol, logo and colour
Product pricing
• Reduce prices for specific promotional activities and supermarket sales
• Premium pricing for niche products
• Bulk pack pricing
Fully worked solutions and sample responses are available in your digital formats.
An interview with Alegria Bartock, Omni Electronics Pty Ltd
Interviewer: What does Omni Electronics produce?
Alegria: Omni manufactures a range of home theatre systems including digital receivers and integrated digital
Interviewer: Alegria, what is your role in the business?
Alegria: I am the Sales Manager.