CMPDI VisionReport
CMPDI VisionReport
CMPDI VisionReport
Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Govt of India chaired a review meeting of CMPDI on
22.03.2022 regarding Future Business Outlook and diversification initiative of CMPDI.
Secretary, MoC desired that a comprehensive long term future vision of CMPDI may be
made by a committee of CMDs of subsidiary of Coal India.
The committee has been given a mandate to prepare CMPDI's vision plan for next 30
years in respect of Business Opportunity in Coal and other sectors keeping in view
diversification opportunities such as Just Transition, Exploration and P&D consultancy in
other minerals etc.
CONTEXT ....................................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................3
1. PRESENT OUTLOOK .........................................................................................5
1.1. BACKGROUND OF CMPDI............................................................................................5
1.2. INDUSTRY SCENARIO ..................................................................................................5
1.3. SHIFT IN EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITIES .....................................................................6
1.4. PLATEAUING OF COAL PRODUCTION ..........................................................................7
1.5. INDIA’S PANCHAMRIT COMMITMENTS .......................................................................7
1.6. HIGHER CONSULTANCY RATES ....................................................................................8
1.7. S.W.O.T ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................8
2. FINANCIAL TRENDS .......................................................................................11
2.1. TURNOVER ............................................................................................................... 11
2.2. SEGMENT WISE % SALES OF CMPDI........................................................................... 11
2.3. CLIENT-WISE REVENUE SHARE .................................................................................. 12
2.4. MANPOWER STATUS ................................................................................................ 14
2.5. AVAILABLE INFRASTRUCTURE AND EXPERTISE .......................................................... 15
3. VISION ..........................................................................................................16
INTERNATIONAL MARKET ..................................................................................................... 16
3.2. EXPERTISE IN MINERAL MINING CONSULTANCY ........................................................ 16
3.4. ALTERNATE USE OF COAL.......................................................................................... 18
3.5. RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET .................................................................................. 18
3.6. LEADING R&D INSTITUTE .......................................................................................... 19
3.7. JUST TRANSITION ..................................................................................................... 19
4. STRATEGY AND WAY FORWARD ...................................................................21
4.1. CLIENT BASE EXPANSION .......................................................................................... 21
4.2. UPDATION OF SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SERVICES ............................... 22
4.3. AGILE PRICING OF SERVICES...................................................................................... 24
4.4. WIDE PUBLICITY OF EXPERTISE ................................................................................. 24
4.5. UPSKILLING AND RESKILLING OF MANPOWER .......................................................... 26
4.6. DIVERSIFICATION NEEDS OF CIL AND ROLE OF CMPDIL .............................................. 26
4.7. R&D POWERHOUSE OF MINING SECTOR ................................................................... 27
5. RECENT INTITIATIVES AT CMPDI....................................................................29
6. FUTURE OUTLOOK ........................................................................................30
CMPDI was conceived and proposed in 1972 by a joint study group with Polish experts
of M/s Kopex as a comprehensive planning set-up under one roof. CMPDI was
established on 1st November, 1975 as a subsidiary of CIL with four coal producing
subsidiaries viz. ECL, BCCL, CCL and WCL. CMPDIL continued to operate with headquarter
at Ranchi and seven Regional Institutes (RIs) located at Asansol, Dhanbad, Ranchi,
Nagpur, Bilaspur, Singrauli & Bhubaneswar the seven strategically located Regional
Institutes designated to render consultancy services to each of the seven coal producing
subsidiaries of CIL.
CMPDI, a Mini Ratna (Cat-I) company, is a leading consultancy organisation having total
solutions related to the mining sector under one roof and has a multi-disciplinary talent
pool of mining, environment, remote sensing and survey, civil, electrical and mechanical,
electronics, ICT, etc. It has taken years of diligent efforts in pursuit of excellence to
develop new capabilities as per industry and nation’s requirements. Being a subsidiary
of CIL, CMPDI provide its services at door steps of all other coal producing CIL’s
subsidiaries. And this will further help in accomplishing the objectives in respect of five
key commitments at the world stage made by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of our country
during the ‘National Statement’ at the COP-26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland’ where
he said that the country would strive to achieve net zero emissions by 2070. So, in
nutshell, CMPDI is a group of experts, which provide comprehensive solutions related to
coal mining consultancy under one roof.
and other minerals. Major and minor minerals are being auctioned by state governments
on Composite License Scheme.
This change presents itself as an opportunity as well as challenge for CMPDI to obtain
more consultancy assignments in Mine Planning and allied services. Opportunity is to
leverage CMPDI’s established presence in this Mining consultancy sector as a premium
agency and the challenge is to look out for private players entering in the sector and
prepare for facing that challenge to maintain its pole position.
Other changes happening in the mining sector are evolution of compliance requirement
based on corporate governance code, e.g in environment management of mining areas
regarding Mine Closure practices and with respect to climate change related
commitments of the Government of India and for better management of scarce earth
resources such as groundwater etc.
Now, further exploration works will have to be obtained from NMET and
competitive routes from commercial block owners. Also, exploration works for other
minerals will have to be sought from competitive routes or NMET funds.
Moreover, in order to enhance the topline and bottom line maximum utilization
of departmental resources including 2D/3D seismic survey would have to be ensured in
place of the carrying out the same through outsourcing agencies which was done when
targets were very high. This will ensure utilization of departmental resources at an
optimum with judicial exploration targets for longer sustenance period. Also, proper
phasing out of exiting drilling rigs fleet with no new addition has to be taken up.
For many commercial blocks also Mine planning work has already been done in case of
CMSP blocks. The new Mine Planning & Design works from commercial mining space will
be very less in quantum. Therefore, new clients in overseas market will have to be
reached out to maintain Planning & Design vertical.
It entails that there will be a pressure on coal sector to look for alternate end uses
of coal as thrust on thermal power sector may reduce. CMPDI may look for opportunities
in this regard to develop alternate use of coal, develop expertise in renewable energy
sector and provide consultancy to coal companies to diversify their businesses to be
future ready.
However, there is much scope of optimization and create agile models of pricing as per
the client requirements and needs for staying relevant and maintain leadership position
in view of an emerging competitive market.
1. Heavy dependence upon CIL subsidiary & Ministry of Coal for earning revenue.
2. Dependence upon GSI/MECL for Regional exploration data which is prerequisite for
detailed coal exploration.
3. High operating cost and fixed cost i.e. employee compensation, etc. in comparison to
peers in the industry.
4. High rate of superannuation of skilled and experienced executive, workforce and
attrition of new recruits after being trained.
5. Non diversification i.e. only restricted to coal industry.
1. Coal is the most dominant energy source in India's energy scenario. Around 80% of
the country' s power generation is coal based. India is the 2nd largest coal producing
country in the world mining over 730 million tonnes per annum. The Coal India has been
given the responsibility to stop the import of thermal coal by 2023-2024 by producing 1
BT of thermal coal. As such there lies a great opportunity to encash the revenue from
enhanced activities of CIL.
2. Auction/ allotment of coal blocks to private companies by the Government have
created more market opportunities for CMPDIL outside CIL.
3. To diversify in exploration in other minerals.
4. Develop as an agency acting as a service platform providing complete exploration and
mining solution.
5. Expansion of services in the field of exploitation of CBM/CMM/UCG/Shale Gas/Other
nonconventional energy resources.
6. CIL is also procuring coal properties abroad. CMPDIL, being associated with CIL in
these ventures can also look to expand its horizon in other countries by enhancement
of business promotional & PR activities both in national and international arena.
7. The Indian Cabinet has opened up the coal secto r to commercial mining by private
entities, in a game changing move t hat puts an end to CIL's monopoly. With the entry
of these private players, opportunity for CMPDIL increases.
1. The Indian coal sector is inching towards liberalization with 100% FOi. Being basically
state-owned mines in the past, the status is slowly getting favorable to such
governmental reforms. Further opening of the coal sector may result in market
competition from other domestic or international consultancy service providers.
2. In absence of commensurate growth in Regional Exploration, sustenance of detailed
drilling capacity seems difficult.
3. Coal is fast being replaced by renewable energy sources like solar, wind, etc. Over the
years, the development of these alternative power sources will increase and become
cheaper which may pose threat to the conventional business of CMPDI.
4. Restriction in exploration in forest area and law and order problem are affecting the
drilling operations in these areas.
5. Being a dominantly human resource driven company, present high age profile will
prove detrimental in future. Expert manpower is fast depleting, as many of its
experienced technical experts are superannuating.
For the purposes of this report the Turnover, Segment wise percentage of sales break-
up and Client-wise Revenue data were referred and analysed.
Recently concluded FY 2021-22 saw a drop in Revenue by more than 200 crores. It may
be observed from Figure 1 that previous three FYs shows a growth curve with constant
increase in Total Revenue.
This fall in Revenue is mostly because of lesser fund received towards exploration of
non-CIL blocks under CSS scheme received from MoC, compared to previous three
financial years.
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Exploration P&D Environment Geomatics
969.21 985.99 974.4
1000 917.23
42.54 34.86 21.07 34.18
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
CIL MoC Outside Parties
Figure 3: Client wise revenue data of CMPDI for last 4 FY.
Revenue from Outside CIL & MoC clients has a very small share and inconsistent. This is
a thrust area where concerted efforts are required and has huge potential for filling the
gap generated due to MoC funds. Also, diversifying clients will also create sustainability
in future.
3498 3379
3500 3286
3162 3068
2500 2581
2448 2394
2000 2300 2244 2179
917 931 892 862
500 824 798
1.4.2017 1.4.2018 1.4.2019 1.4.2020 1.4.2021 1.3.2022
Executive Non-Executive
2020-21 2021-22
CMPDI provides complete sustainable mining solutions under one roof with multi-
disciplinary manpower and infrastructure.
Since the opening up of coal sector for commercial mining after suitable amendments in
MMDR Act, there has been multiple round of auctions and 50 coal blocks have been
successfully auctioned.
The widening of commercial space in coal with multiple players coming in presents an
opportunity for CMPDI to extend its reliable consultancy services to them. However, for
commercial block owners many of whom might be new in the business, would require
complete ‘end to end’ and customized solutions as per conditions of blocks. CMPDI
needs to be ready to bring in its experience to help block owners to reach their
milestones on time.
Another important area of expansion in near future can be providing consultancy to coal
sector in International market. Although coal is at an end in Europe and North America,
and other major coal producing countries have their own well established planning and
consultancy wings; coal will be a major energy source and growing sector for many
African and Central Asian Countries. CMPDI can step up its engagement with these
countries through relevant forums to market its dependable services and which will also
be low cost compared to other foreign consultants.
There is a push for auctioning major and minor mineral blocks for commercial and
captive uses.
Mine Planning and Resource Exploration services need to be developed at the expertise
level of coal and a good presence can be made in the mineral sector as well. CMPDI also
has many expert services such as Environment management, Geospatial services,
hydrogeology etc which are sector agnostic and can be provided to mineral blocks
without any further additional value addition.
Thus, mineral sector is an area where CMPDI can explore the potential to increase its
presence and create a segment of services to be rendered in future.
Mining industry will keep growing to achieve the self-reliance and development of
nation, so the environment management in mining operations will be tightened and
regulatory compliance will increase. CMPDI has to be ready for this scenario and
establish a leadership position in providing environment management planning and
ambient parameter routine monitoring. There will also be requirement of new solutions
in coal and other mineral mining as well when environment monitoring framework
Also, Mine Closure Planning and monitoring will also be a very crucial part of mining
lifecycle where CMPDI has been providing services and there is a lot of scope for further
expansion with infusion of satellite imagery or drone surveys.
The environment division will always have to be abreast with latest laws and policy
framework and keep on updating its skill-set and laboratories with relevant training and
equipment. It can be the biggest revenue earner for CMPDI in future, thus environment
division will have to be monitored and strengthened regularly.
Coal industry has generally been perceived as a polluting industry, however, it is the end
use of coal and not mining which causes major air pollution. India has huge reserves of
coal which may last for 100 years or more. The biggest use of coal that is thermal power
may decline in future with establishment of renewable energy sources.
If alternate ways of making end use of coal on large scale can be found, then future of
mining companies may be secured. CMPDI can take a lead in devising R&D cases or
driving Pilot projects as Project Implementation Agency for alternate uses of coal such
as Coal to Liquid or Coal to Gas. These end products may be used in other industries such
as fertilizer, petro-chemicals, etc.
In India alone, there is a huge market for solar power infrastructure. CMPDI has
developed a Solar Cell and trained manpower in designing Solar Power Plants. It can help
Coal India achieve its 3000 MW target of Solar Power. CMPDI should explore the market
and reach out to other PSUs and clients for consultancy assignments in Solar Power.
Wind Power is another area that can be explored by CMPDI to gain expertise in design
and engineering. It can be used in suitable conditions over OB or other feasible land
sites. There is also constant evolution in Wind turbine applications making them less
space taking and workable even in low speed wind conditions.
Coal mining in India has traditionally been a labour intensive industry due to socio-
political conditions of the country and the post nationalisation mandate of Coal India.
CIL has achieved those objectives and has uplifted many families from the poverty line
in its operating areas. Going in to the future and thinking of the decline in the production
of coal after 25 years or so, there is a case for increasing mechanization and reducing
the labour intensive operations of the mines. This opens up a plethora of opportunities
for new technology adoption and innovation in the coal as well as other mineral mining
sector as well.
CMPDI being the nodal agency of R&D and S&T activities for CIL and MoC, should take
the lead in this area and act as the lead agency for studying, driving pilots and adopting
new technology which may make mining in India more mechanized, safe, cost effective
and environmentally sustainable. CMPDI can collaborate with leading scientific
institutes and present to them the challenges of mining sector and also coordinate with
them during the development of solutions which can be technologically optimum,
scalable and cost effective for deployment in mines.
Within next 30 years, CMPDI should establish itself as the nodal agency of R&D for entire
mining sector in India with all R&D efforts running through them for a cohesive
development and diversification of mining sector fit for a sustainable future.
There are several barriers to this transition. Until recently, coal was the cheapest way to
provide energy. The supply variability of renewable energy and the cost of energy
storage to manage this variability, along with limitations in the current grid
infrastructure undermining its distribution, has affected the expansion of renewable
energy. Furthermore, the Indian Railways’ dependence on high coal transport payments
to cross-subsidize passenger fares, has also made the move away from coal unpopular.
The quantitative numbers are often delusional when it comes to their manifestation on
the quality of life of the people concerned. For instance, while several reports have
highlighted that the green jobs which will be so created by this clean energy transition
will be significantly greater than the coal jobs that might be lost, there is a significant
fault line which is measuring each job as an equally dignified one. The majority of jobs
which will be generated in renewable power projects will be construction work, which
are seasonal, extremely precarious, devoid of social security and informal.
Such factors makes the participation and carefully outlined thought process of coal
companies even more important, to protect interests of all the stakeholders in the areas
of its business influence. CMPDI can play a lead role on behalf of the entire coal sector
to understand the requirements of Just Transition strategy and prepare an equitable
strategy towards Just Transition. Even the implementation part including spreading
awareness among all stakeholders can be taken up by CMPDI. For this personnel in Legal
and Community Development cadre can be initiated straight away to acquaint
themselves with the future requirements of Just Transition and enable CMPDI to act as
interface of coal sector and policy makers.
CMPDI has been at the centre of expansion of Coal India, having experience of almost 8
fold increase in production capacity from 75 MT in 1975 to more than 620 MT in 2021-
22. Coal India will soon reach 1 Billion Tonne Production and there on will maintain
production levels with peak going to 1.2 BT as per present planning. CMPDI has already
prepared plans for next 1 BT of Coal mining by CIL. While the major Planning & Design
works may not be at the same levels which were in last 5 years. Also, major exploration
works in CIL blocks will probably be over in next 5-6 years. Thus, CMPDI needs to expand
its client base to achieve a sustainable future.
There are lots of opportunities in the present industrial scenario viz., mineral sector is
expanding, there are new commercial coal block and other mineral block owners, solar
energy development as standalone projects for captive use or diversification efforts, and
international mining sector is vast and growing. Even State governments require a lot of
consultancy regarding policy frameworks, compliance development and block auctions
to develop their respective mineral sector for ushering industrial development. CMPDI
can thus focus on developing client base in following category of clients to provide its
consultancy services:
Public and Private companies in other mineral sector
State Governments
Commercial Coal Mining Players
International Mining and Allied ventures
However, venturing out from fold of CIL & MoC will require a lot of reformation on part
of work culture, improvement in efficiency of manpower and optimum infrastructure.
CMPDI has to reform and scale up its capabilities rapidly. Also, CIL though having
perspective plan ready for next 15 years, will require to operate more efficiently and in
tighter environment and other statutory compliance to maintain the tremendous 1 BT
production level and more. For this, CIL will need its in-house consultant CMPDI for
constant 24X7 support which operates at less than 1% of its operational revenue and
CMPDI should be prepared to provide complete support towards that end. Support of
CIL only will enable CMPDI to venture out in market to expand client base.
Also there has been a trend that many clients have just got the planning stage works
such Geological Report, Mine Plans, etc., only developed by CMPDI and then no further
work post operationalization. Such clients can be reengaged by offering them mine
operation related services by CMPDI such as:
o Independent Engineer Services
o Mine Closure Implementation and Monitoring
o Environment & Social Impact Studies
o Laboratory services
o Contractual issue Resolutions
o Energy Audit and Conservation studies
o Survey or Land Mapping Services
CMPDI can emerge from just mine and mine infrastructure planning consultants to
‘C2C2C’ (concept to commissioning to closure) Mine consultants. For CIL subsidiaries
also, CMPDIL can serve as backbone for expeditious implementation of various
monitoring and other stipulations from statutory bodies at CIL mines with involvement
in Operational Planning as well.
CMPDI has “evolution” as one its core value and objective. Over many years as and when
new solutions for compliance, business models or capacity increment were required
CMPDI completed the task of coming up with the required solution. CMPDI needs to
continue in this path and keep itself aware with latest technological and compliance
requirement of the mining operations and cater to them by creating viable and optimum
solutions technically and economically sound.
2D/3D exploration methods, Solar Power planning, MDO mode model tender
documents, Drone Survey etc. are some of the recent examples which show how CMPDI
can take up any new task and introduce it successfully in the mining sector. This trend
will have to continue and CMPDI has to come up with new solutions and services as
when required which are scalable and deployable in the mining sector of India.
Some of the services that have been identified which are relatively new and where
expansion is required are:
Services of CMPDI are charged on an Engineering Day (ED) basis with ED rates revised
annually. The ED rate involves all the costs associated with a project including travel and
stay for field works or meeting with client during the course of assignment of the
associated team.
There has been a concerning feedback from many clients that the schedule of charges
of the services of CMPDI are quite high compared to private consultants in India. For
Coal India subsidiaries the charges involve unlimited after sales support of any
consultancy assignment at door step. This may not be the case for the other clients
outside CIL.
Thus, an agile pricing mechanism for outside CIL clients may be adopted where as per
requirement of client regarding scope of after sales support and detail in the report, the
schedule of charges may be made competitive. Some clients may require reports for
compliance only, where as some for techno-commercial feasibility aspects only, so
pricing of services can be made as per those specific requirements only and other
aspects in built in ED mode of costing may be shed to corner more market share and
increase client base.
ED based billing is also dependent on manpower which is reducing year by year and a
lean organization with higher efficiency will be a must for financial sustainability of the
company. So, instead of ED booking for billing, other modes such as Milestone based
billing in Lump Sum or Percentage of Total Project Cost may be explored to reduce
dependency on manpower.
In mineral mining sector although CMPDI is known but there is no significant level of
engagement. Similarly, CMPDI do have exposure of working in international territories
and driving many collaborative projects with international agencies but there is still no
presence of CMPDI’s consultancy services in International mining space.
These lack of presence in key markets where diversification of CMPDI is aimed will have
to be seriously considered and apt measures to create awareness amongst stakeholders
for making inroads in these markets will have to be taken.
There can be various modes to showcase the expertise of CMPDI. Primary ways can be:
There are many trade bodies, business chambers, professional group institutions
etc. which can be gateways to create a beneficial network, induce recognition and
find business opportunities. CMPDI can become a member of such bodies which
are active in relevant sectors such as mining, energy, geomatics etc. to reap
For international markets, high commissioners/ambassadors of the identified
countries can be contacted via email to seek their time where mutually beneficial
collaboration avenues can be explore. CMPDI can leverage its PSU status being
backed by the Govt. of India and position itself as a dependable consultancy
organization for their mining and energy sector.
Strategically placed advertisements in high quality publications.
Keeping the skill level high and relevant as per industrial trends and requirement is a
dynamic process. There always has to be a lookout on the new and emerging trends and
get manpower trained in it at the right time. This is upskilling. There are various
technologies where CMPDI can train its manpower to be future ready such as data
analytics, metal mine planning, mineral exploration, higher environmental qualifications
and certifications etc. This will also enable to analyze the new compliance related,
financial or technological needs of the industry and create optimum solutions for them.
Another important aspect will be to reskill manpower that gets idle if one of the business
verticals get down. Exploration of coal will likely reduce in the coming future. So, after
making full use of the departmental resources as per the existing work load in place of
placing thrust on outsourcing, the remaining manpower deployed in exploration
segment can also be reskilled in other emerging verticals such as survey, environment
where business prospects are higher. This is required for efficient utilization of its
Thus, the combination of upskilling and reskilling manpower has to be constant and
dynamic endeavor to keep an industry oriented and relevant skill set to maintain
leadership position as the premiere consultant in mining sector.
CIL plans for a forward vertical integration to own and operate Aluminium smelting as
Aluminium is the metal of future and will always have a high demand and the biggest
cost input of bauxite processing to create aluminium is electricity. So CIL can use its coal
at its own captive power plants and produce aluminium as a downstream product to
cover its coal mining expenses.
Another strategy is to own solar cell manufacturing unit to produce the solar cells that
will be deployed in the mass scale solar power plants that may run the future. Other
diversification strategies include alternate use of coal, international ventures etc.
For such diversification apart from its traditional business CIL will require reliable and
constant steering and consultancy. CMPDI can be that compass which can point out the
right direction. For this CMPDI will have to dedicate a small team getting trained in the
essentials of the businesses aimed in diversification, so that CIL can then take up such
ventures and then further training and trickle down of expertise in other manpower of
Coal Indians can happen through CMPDI.
Other such areas where CMPDI already has developed some expertise such as OB to
SAND, Solar Power planning, Eco Park Development etc. can be provided to all
subsidiaries for diversification and utilizing their idle land pockets.
During the meetings of the committee, discussions with officials from CMPDI were
held and it was found that CMPDI had already taken some steps in the direction of the
strategy points enlisted in this report. These steps are still in nascent stage and needs to
be expanded in their scope for gain of the company. Some of these initiatives are listed
In conclusion the committee is of the view that CMPDI has the potential for achieving its
vision for emerging as a global player in the evolving earth resources sector. There are
other dimensions which have come on to the scene and needs to be looked and analysed
thoroughly. CMPDI should traverse the future path for its Vision of next 30 years with
following in mind:
CMPDI has played the role of key agency in the growth of coal sector in India with
inputs for policy formulation as well as industrial implementation for various
initiatives of Coal mining industry
The role of CMPDI needs to scale up from Coal Sector to other minerals
The expertise gained over time in multifaceted solutions and aspect of
dependability being a Government undertaking must be leveraged in overseas
market as well
CMPDI should aim to develop as a sector agnostic and dependable solution
provider to mining and energy sector that sustains itself even beyond coal and the
efforts should start now.