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https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJOT e-ISSN: 2615-8140 | p-ISSN: 2615-7071

Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

Folk Music as an Important Tool in the Moral and Aesthetic Education

of Students
Nazarova Diyora Jamolovna
Lecturer at the Department of Music Education, Andijan State University
Annotation: By its very nature, music vividly depicts in the lessons of music culture, by teaching Uzbek folk
people's lives, their attitudes toward reality, and various music, schoolchildren are interested in folk music,
inner experiences through a variety of sound colors. love, patriotism, respect for adults, morality, the
Music enhances people's spiritual and moral world by ability to feel beauty and fostering feelings of
influencing their emotions. appreciation.
The article highlights the important role of folk music in Part 1 The role of folk art in the moral and
the moral and aesthetic education of students.
aesthetic education of students.
Keywords: Music education, music methodology, By its very nature, music vividly depicts people's
Uzbek folk instruments, human emotions, labor, lives, their attitudes to reality, and various inner
ceremonies, yalla, lapar, big songs, seasonal songs, experiences through a variety of sound colors. Music
folk holidays. enhances people's spiritual and moral world by
influencing their emotions. It serves as a tool for the
Introduction. Today's era requires a comprehensive development of noble qualities. Our national melody,
study of the process of revival of our national values, which is an invaluable spiritual property of our people,
our centuries-old artistic heritage and traditions. is of is notable not only for its richness of words and
particular importance as an important tool in educating melodies, but also for the unique way of life of the
in the spirit. Folk music - labor, ceremonies, epics, Uzbek people, national musical instruments, national
yalla, lapar, big songs, seasonal songs (Navruz, folk values and cultural traditions. . Folk music is created
holiday), which have been living for centuries in the in different working conditions, from historical events,
history of our singing, contribute to the development in merry play - laughter or tragedy, it has been
of lyrical works and the art of singing. The master polished for many years and passed down from
includes the work of composers. Most importantly, the generation to generation, from mouth to mouth. The
inner experiences are clearly reflected in these works. basis of any national music is folk music. Uzbek folk
Folk music plays an important role in the moral and music, like other forms of folk art, is rich in simple,
aesthetic education of schoolchildren. That is why the compact and perfect forms and a variety of genres.
Law "On Education" and the State Educational
Standards Program pay great attention to our national Folk songs enrich the works of the ensemble not only
music, classics, national values, Uzbek folk art, and by memorizing them verbatim, but also by adding
include music in grades I-VII. The program is based something of their own to it in a creative way. It
on the principle of simple to complex, ranging from reflects the brightest examples of our national music,
Uzbek folk instruments, folk melodies and songs to the deep thoughts and ideas of the people, rich in
the history of makom art and shashmaqom songs. philosophical thinking. On the basis of folk music, we
Today, in all secondary schools, one of the main issues can clearly see the historical events of each nation, its
is the moral and aesthetic education of the younger struggle for freedom and happiness, a prosperous life.
generation, the educational process. Such Is
opportunities in the art of music serve as a unique Because our people begin to understand the "mother
resource for students to become well-rounded goddess", which is an elegant and relaxing form of
individuals. The relevance of my graduate work is that music, when a child who has not yet spoken, is lying
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Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

in a crib. So folk music is the art that is closest to the music, which expresses the inner experiences,
human heart. Uzbek folk music is divided into two philosophical thoughts, the most delicate emotions.
types depending on its artistic performance and Ashulla is often used in musical performances, such as
performance students: I broad folklore, II professional mola and kachirma. Another type of song is the big
singers, and modern music, such as composition and song. A great song is performed without
composition. accompaniment, it is performed by a performer, and
the performer has a large or lipopcha in his slave. The
The first includes popular genres of folk music: lyric,
tray makes the sound louder, directing the sound to
ceremonial, labor, lapars, allas, termas, epic and
one side and clicking without losing the method. a
children's songs.
large song is usually sung by two or three or four
The second includes master music genres with a singers standing up. Each singer takes turns reciting
certain level of musical knowledge and performance the beginning, the end, and then the end. Examples of
skills. such songs are "Let there be one", "There were many",
Uzbek folk music is also divided into four local styles, "I am lost", "Intercession". The term "ashula" was first
which are divided into four local styles: lifestyle, given in the form of "homug" in the 11th century
customs, holidays, various labor ceremonies, musical scientific literature, in the "Dictionary of the Turks" by
genres, musical instruments, performance skills. Mahmud Kashgari, which means "song". bidiradi. The
performers of the song are called "guyanus",
1. Surkhandarya Kashkadarya local music style. "ashulakash", "laparchi" and "ulanchi". The songs are
2. Bukhara Samarkand local musical style. sung in many places without any words (kaliq, kayrak,
karsak, likobcha, sometimes dutar, doira, dombira). In
3. Khorezm local music style. Allah's prayers, the name of the child in the cradle is
4. Fergana Tashkent local music style. added, and the song itself is performed without the
instrument. A mother wants her child to be happy and
Each local music style has its own characteristics and
healthy in the future. Allah is said in a gentle, calm,
traditions. It has been formed over the years and calls
lyrical tone. God, it's not just about putting the baby to
for the study and respect of the centuries-old musical
sleep. According to Ibn Sina, a child who hears Allah
traditions and national values of our people. For
will grow up healthy, well-mannered and well-
example: Surkhandarya Kashkadarya oasis - with the
developed. The mother goddess expresses her hopes
words of epic poetry, baxshi art, drums, sibizik, ghatir
for her brother, and the tattoo vibrates at the same
pay, chanqobuz;
time. It reflects the situation of shaking the cradle.
Bukhara Samarkand oasis - maqom, shashmaqom
Lapar is a royal and dancing melody, usually
mavrigi; men perform 2,3 dances to the
performed solo, in pairs, and sometimes in public.
accompaniment of a round accompaniment, with
Occasionally there will be a round of applause from
applause, musical art (women's art), instrumental
the audience. This includes such popular works of our
words such as kayraktosh, zang;
people as "OMON yor", "Ililla yor", "black hair".
Khorezm oasis - Suvaras, folk songs and lapars, games Lapars are sung in a humorous and humorous way. An
- dances, khalfach, epic and maqom, I will be in example of this is our famous lapars Tamara, Tumiod
harmony with the art of music; Otaboyeva.
The Tashkent-Fergana oasis is characterized by kata Yalla is a genre of cheerful, danceable singing and
songs, children's folklore, national, lapar, maqom, dancing. Yalla is usually performed with a vocal
epic, yalla, and composition traditions of tanbur, sato, ensemble and dance. The performers are divided into
and neighboring musical instruments. dance and vocal ensembles and perform to applause.
The most important type of folk music is folk songs. One of the peculiarities of this genre is that sincere
Ashula is the most developed genre of Uzbek vocal love is sung with passion and enthusiasm. Yalla
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Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

embodies the image of a loyal companion who knows Each nation has its own music, which reflects the
the value of independence and destiny. M: Examples brightest examples of national music. National
are Namangan apple, yali-yali, Bogmacha bilagim, upbringing is an inexhaustible source of musical
Fabrika, and apple pomegranate. understanding, because it is a diverse, fascinating
world that directly captures the human heart and mind.
The national anthem is more about content, morality,
and humanity. They are small in range and compact in Restoration of the originality of our national culture in
finger-length poems. Bakhshis sing such songs to the independent Uzbekistan, artistic and moral education
accompaniment of drums. M: It is possible to cite the and development of students in secondary schools is
team "Nasihat" performed by Chori Bakhshi. one of the urgent tasks today. National music is a
charming world that captures the human heart and
Seasonal ceremonial songs - various rituals and
mind. One of the most important tasks of music
customs of the Uzbek people have been formed over a
education is to teach interesting, engaging and
long period of time. 'will be held. From ancient times
entertaining songs to students in music culture classes.
the following ceremonies have been performed for
Every folk music reflects national traditions, customs,
four seasons.
rules of etiquette, historical events. It is important to
Religious melodies - from the time when the Uzbek study folk music in secondary schools. Because folk
people converted to Islam, the recitation of surahs and music is the basis of professional music.
verses of the Holy Qur'an has been created by reciting
Uzbek folk music is taught in music culture classes
them for moral education.
from primary school to seventh grade on the basis of
It is advisable to start with elementary school to study the DTS program. The melodies and songs included in
folk music. the DTS program are appropriate for the age of the
a) Students should start with small folk melodies, students. It helps to learn more about Uzbek folk
national instruments, and children's folk songs. melodies and songs, musical instruments, and the
work of composers. The use of folk instruments in
b) In order to develop the skills of understanding conjunction with the piano plays an important role in
Uzbek folk melodies, there should be a live shaping the national basis of music education. From
performance on the national instrument, a picture of the 4th grade onwards, students begin to learn the
the instruments, a picture of the performers, an basic features of folk music in music culture classes.
exhibition of the melody, an exhibition of pictures and From the 4th grade onwards, students will be
the content of the work. interested in science based on life experiences,
c) In order for students to understand the melody participate in clubs with their favorite activities, and
correctly, they need to tell a short, concise story about develop their worldviews. Accordingly, the studied
the work and then analyze it with the children. work should be appropriate to their age, sound range
in terms of genre, size and art. Every teacher should
g) Musical rhythmic movements in accordance with make effective use of our national music and organize
the content of the work, the use of methods of music culture lessons. In this case, it is advisable to
educational dialogue, the development of a creative sing excerpts from folk melodies and songs, especially
attitude to the work. as a vocal-choral exercise, and by this means to absorb
It should be noted that for each class it is important to the sounds of national music into the feelings of the
clearly define the educational, moral and spiritual child.
goals of musical materials. Folk music, melodies and Uzbek folk songs are gradually becoming more
songs not only inspire students with subtle pleasure, complex, starting with simple small songs. Examples
but also teach them to cultivate morality and a deeper of such songs are "Chamanda gul", "Boychechakk",
sense of human qualities.

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Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

"Lola", "Choriy chambar", "Yomgir yag'alak", according to their age should be close to their inner
"Yalama yorim". world and influence their morals. Children should
listen carefully to cheerful and sad music, as well as
These songs instill in children spiritual purity, love of
festive and uplifting music. The musical pieces that
nature, respect for adults, morality. Another example
are listened to and sung each school year become more
of this is "good boy" N.Norkhojayev "Wise boy", "We
complex in form and content. Modern music culture
are soldiers", "My homeland" Sh.Yormatov "Flower
needs to be armed with a variety of forms and media,
mother" Ye.Shwars "Don't leave my teacher" Sh.
handouts and non-traditional style lessons, visual aids
Works such as Yormatov's music play an important
and technical means.
role in educating students morally and aesthetically.
We need to introduce students to the world of great
Works for listening to music also start with simple
music, to understand that Uzbek folk music is very
small-scale works and then gradually become more
rich in genres, meaningful, meaningful, and one of the
complex. M: "Doloncha", "Dutor bayoti", "Andijan
main tasks today is to cultivate morality and culture.
polka", "Lola raqsi", "Qari navo", "Ferganacha",
"Sharob-I", "Navruz ajam", "Munojat" including. The age of the rapid scientific and technological
revolution, in which we live today, is also reflected in
Pupils listen to meaningful merry music with pleasure
folk art.
and play music and dances, which arouse their interest
in Uzbek folk songs, gain their love and moral The great changes taking place in the socio-political,
education. Creates a foundation for shaping. That is cultural and economic life of our country require
why music is an effective tool for the comprehensive special attention to the education of a new person, to
development of children's spiritual and moral world. the arts, literature, including the art and science of folk
Students will be interviewed (question-answer) and art. also set very important tasks.
analyzed to understand what they are listening to and
Part 2 Ways to introduce folk music to music
to express their thoughts and impressions. Then the
culture lessons.
play will be heard again. If possible, if the music
teacher first listens to the work on the national Folk music, like other forms of folklore, is an art form
instrument (doira, rubob, dutar) and then on the that has many historical facts, from artistic and
magnetic tape (or vice versa), the students will have a ideological content to simple, concise, and perfect
deeper understanding of the musical work. values are forms.
achieved. If students listen to a piece of music using a The brightest colors and subtleties of the national
variety of musical movements, or imitate it and play it music are reflected in the deep thoughts and ideas of
on a dutar, rubob, doira, gijjak, or draw a story and the people, rich in philosophical and social thinking.
draw a picture according to the content of the melody, At the heart of folk music can be seen the events of
the effect of the work on the students is long. time will each nation, its struggle for happiness.
be saved and they will be able to enjoy music and
cultural food. The songs, chants, and melodies The rich music created by our wise people is our great
recommended for teaching in general education spiritual wealth, which is also an invaluable source for
schools in each classroom should be carefully thought the moral and ideological aesthetic education of the
out and delivered to the students. Singing is a practical younger generation. Because the baby begins to
and effective way for children to develop a sense of perceive the most elegant and relaxing form of folk
music. Singing and listening carefully to each piece of music - the mother goddess in the crib before she
music teaches students to visualize images through speaks. So folk music is the closest thing to the human
musical sounds and to evaluate music correctly. heart. Therefore, a special place in the music programs
Performances in music culture classes should be of secondary schools of the Republic is given to folk
educational. The work that children listen to or sing music. Folk music materials are required to be
included in each class's annual curriculum.
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Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

Because folk music is the basis of professional music, materials should clearly define the interrelated goals
and every composer can create a new work of high art and take into account each specific opportunity. As
and polyphony only as a result of the appropriate use students learned their characteristics for music genres
of folk music styles and elegant melodies. Proof of this in the primary grades, in 4th grade they were first
is the fact that the major and minor modes of modern introduced to the basic features of the art of music, its
music, which are common to all nations, were formed simplest and most popular genres, and the difference
only as a result of the high development of folk music between professional music and professional music
lessons and were determined by the emergence of created by a composer. , to explain that the genre of
classical music. folk music has a long history of development, as well
as artistic folklore, to sound in a simple, fluent, bright
Regular study of selected folk songs and children's
tone, melancholy and cheerful charm, as well as to ask
songs in the program in the primary school, learning to
and answer questions about famous folk singers. This
understand the music of fraternal peoples on the basis
means that in 4th grade, students need to be able to
of skills of understanding Uzbek folk music, teaching
think in a way that is a little bit faster. In the upper
students the melody of the song and poetry. learning to
grades, folk music is studied in a more serious way,
understand and comprehend the content correctly can
and listening to music plays a key role.
use artistic images specific to the art of singing.
Conclusion. Linking the learning sessions with the
In the study of folk music in grades 4-7 should be
students' conversations about Uzbek folk music, the
explained various pedagogical activities,
richness of the means of expression of Uzbek folk
conversations, stories, questions and answers, short
music types and genres, and the fact that it is the
conversations, essays, work with textbooks, effective
national pride of our people. It is very useful to
use of additional literature. It is known that students,
explain to the readers that the source, came, that the
especially in grades 6-7, have a strong perception of
events in the history of our people are reflected to a
information and are interested in understanding the
certain extent in melodies and songs of different
essence of new issues. Therefore, in the study of each
genres. Students will listen to examples of Uzbek folk
work, the short-term interesting information of the
songs based on their experience in understanding
reader about the musical culture, the nature, artistic
Uzbek folk songs.
and ideological content of the work of the nation,
which is the owner of this work, is of great List of used literature
importance. 1. D.Karimova, A.Mansurov, "Music" textbook for V
Conversation and question-answer methods in the grade.
study of the work strengthen the creative attitude of 2. G. Sharipova "Methods of teaching music" text of
students to the work. Folk music is a mirror of the
lectures 2000
period. Therefore, it reflects the essence of the period
he created, the tragedy of that nation, the history of the 3. H.Nurmatov, "Music" textbook for II grade 2002
struggle for freedom, the dream of happiness. That is, 4. H.Nurmatov, N.Norkhojayev, "Music alphabet"
folk music has its own artistic language. textbook for I grade 2001
Folk musicians have created simple, concise and deep 5. H.Nurmatov, Handbook for VI grade, T :. 1997
thoughts, melodies of folk epics and ghazals in
accordance with the artistic, ideological and poetic 6. M. Inomova "Pedagogy" (text of lectures), T :.
tone. Therefore, it is expedient to link folk music with 2002
the materials studied in literature lessons, especially in 7. M. Rakhimov "Chrestomathy of songs" collection,
grades 4-5, where folklore is widely used, and to study T :. 2002
folk music. it must take advantage of this opportunity.
It should also be noted that for a class, the program
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Volume: 03 Issue: 12 |Dec 2021

8. O.Fayziyev "Education of delicacy in music"

9. O.Ibrokhimov and others "Music" textbook for IV
10. K. Muminov's collection of songs "Koyosh
yurtim", T :. 2000
11. S.Yuldashev "Development of music education
and training in Uzbekistan", T :. 1995
12. Sh. Janaydarov "Instrumental Ensemble", T :.
13. H.Nurmatov, D.Omonullayev and frogs "State
Educational Standards", music program.

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