Fungi Bacteria and Virus - H C Dubey

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A Textbook Of

Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Department oj Biosciences
Sardar Patel University
Vatlabh Vidyanagar

a division of
Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd
Regd. Office: 5 Ansari Road, New Delhi 110002
Head Office: Vikas House, 20/4 Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201010
Distt. Ghaziabad, U.P. (India)

1985 Edition

Copyright ©H.C. Dube, 1978

Printed at Gautam Packaging, Okhla, New Delhi (India)

Dedicated to the sacred memory of
my father Pandit Beni Madhav Dube,
and my friend Sashi Kant Shrimal,
who were deeply interested in the
publication of this book.
Their demise last year has
pained me beyond measure.

Major scientific breakthroughs in modem biology and in particular

the branch which at present goes by the name of molecular biology,
have centred around fungi, bacteria and viruses. What has been learnt
about the how and why of life, in the last hundred years with the
help of the above three is by any yardstick a biological revolution.
Man moved mountains but remained ignorant as to what ailed him
or his cattle and crops. Hundreds of thousands of people frequently
died in one stroke of epidemic like that of smallpox. The loss of
cattle and crops was equally devastating. As late as 1840’s a potato
famine in Ireland caused death of over one million people and an
equally large number lit d toother places. But sweet are the uses
of adversity as man has always been impressed by calamity. The
arm-chair scientists could no more defer decision. The ‘jerjir^theory’
of disease propounded by Louis Pasteur, and Robert Koch was a
great event in human history. Bacteria were proved to be the cause
of several human and animal diseases. Anton de Bary, proved that
Phytophthora, a fungus, was responsible for the Irish potato
famine. The journey since then has been thrilling. The mysterious
tobacco mosaic virus came as a parting gift of the 19th century.
Many discoveries, having the effect of demolishing bombshells pro¬
vided many intellectual shocks. TMV, though no longer as mysteri¬
ous as it was in 1920’s quite often makes scientists feel like a child
playing on the sea shore. The tempo of research is such that even
really significant discoveries are accepted as common place.
It is always a pleasure to read and write about such important
organisms. My brief for writing this book is one self-satisfaction. I
have enjoyed myself writing this book. Hope students will also feel
the same while reading it. I remember with gratitude my ‘microbial
mentors’ Professors R.N. Tandon, T.S. Sadasivan, K.S. Bhargava,
K.S. Bilgrami, H.D. Kumar and Dr P.C. Misra. Thanks are due to
my two research colleagues Dr H.N. Gour and Dr Miss Sunila
Mathur for many stimulating and enjoyable discussions.

H.C. Dube


Characteristics of life; Division of liying things


What are fungi; Classification

3. division EUMYCOTA 10—22

General characteristics; Habitat; Thallus; The cell-structure;

Nutrition; Growth; Reproduction; Parasexual phenomenon;
Life cycle

4. sub-division MASTIGOMYCOTINA 23-47

Class Chytridiomycetey, Key to orders of Chytridiomycetes;

order Chytridiales; Family Olpidiaceae; Genus Olpidium; Class
Plasmodiophoromycetes; Plasmodiophora brassicae; Class Oom-
ycetes; Order Saprolegniales; Family Saprolegniaceae; Genus
Saprolegnia; Achlya; Order Peronosporales; Family Pythiaceae;
Genus Phyihium; Genus Phytophthora; The Irish potato famine;
Late blight of potato; Colocacia blight; Family Albuginacae;
Genus Albugo (—Cystopus); Family Peronosporaceae.

5. sub-division ZYGOMYCOTINA 48-57

Key to the orders of class Zygomycetes; Order Muco rales;

Family Mucoraceae; Genus Mucor; Genus Rhizopus; Family
Pilobolaccae; Genus Pilobolus; Order Entomophthorales; Genus

6. sub-division ASCOMYCOTINA 58—86

Introduction; Development of Ascus; Formation of Ascocar^s;

Classification. Class Hemiascomycetes; Key to the orders of class
Heraiascomycetes; Order Endomycetales; Genus Saccharomyces;
Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Class Plectomycetes; Genus Aspergillus
(*=Eurotium); Genus Penicillium; Class Pyrenomycetes; Order
Erysiphales; Family Erysiphaceae; Powdery mildews; Undnula


STATUS 202—207

Discovery of viruses and their nature; Structure of Viruses;

Important events in Virology; Biological status of viruses

18. THE VIRION 208—212

Definition of Viruses; Differences from other obligate parasites;

The Virion; The nucleoid; The Capsid; The Envelope; Enzymes
and other Contents; Classification of Viruses


Bacteriophages; X (Lambda) phage; Tobacco Mosaic Virus

(TMV); Cyanophages


Growth cycle of bacteriophages; The lytic cycle; Lysogenic

cycle; Growth cycle of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)


Symptoms; Transmission of plant viruses; Tobacco Mosaic

(TMV)—Disease cycle; Control; Potato leaf—roll; (Potato
Virus 1, Solatium Virus of Leaf—roll Virus)—Symptoms; Trans-
mission; Bunchy top of banana (Banana Virus I)—Symptoms;
Disease cycle; Control


INDEX 231—240

In his boot “The Nature of Life”, Szent Gyorgi writes: “life as such
does iiat exist; no body has ever seen it; the noun life has no sense,
there being no such thing.” But a definition is necessary containing
everything it has to contain and excluding everything it has to ex¬
‘‘Life may be considered either as a property or as a manifestation
or as. a state of organisms.” But what are organisms? 'What is the
specific property of living organisms which is not found in nonliving
(inanimate) world?
An organism is a complex, organized, specific system able to repro¬
duce its kind.

Characteristics of Life
1. An organism always derives from a pre-existing organism. (It
never developes de novo). So organisms have a genetic continuity.
2. The organism synthesizes constituent parts from food and ener¬
gy. The organism consumes the food (i.e. metabolizes) for synthesis
and growth.
3. The organism is the independent unit of reproduction.
4. An organism is composed of macromolecules—(proteins, nucleic
acids, carbohydrates) which work in co-operation and follow the rules
of co-ordination strictly. When some molecules get rid of the control,
"“molecular diseases"” appear. Tumors (cancer) are the products of un¬
controlled growth and cell divisions.
5. Living organisms are metastable ‘maxwell demons’ whose stable
state is death.

Division of Living Things

Since long ago living things have 'been divided hya ‘common sense’
division into plants and animals, which showed contrasting characters.
1. Animals move-plants don’t.
2. Animals ‘eat’ food; are heterotrophic—plants manufacture
their food themselves within their body (autotrophic).
3. Animals have a definite size—plants don’t have a definite size.
2 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

This classification however proved unsatisfactory when Leeuwen¬

hoek, a Dutchman, viewed a hitherto unknown world of microorga¬
nisms under his simple microscope. After the invention of the com¬
pound microscope by Hooke, an Englishman in 1820, the microbes
began to be explored with great enthusiasm. Some organisms showed
characters of both plants and animals. Where to put an organism
which was motile (animal character) and green (plant character) e.g.
Euglenal To solve this confusion Haeckel, a German biologist in
1866 proposed a third kingdom protista (protiston=very first), in
addition to the plant and animal kingdoms, ‘Protista’ includes orga¬
nisms that don’t have the development of tissues e.g. algae, fungi,
' bacteria, protozoa etc. Later the protists themselves were divided into
■ two large groups—lower and higher protists. In the lower protists,
were put the bacteria and the blue-green algae, which lack a definite
nucleus, and hence called—Prokaryotes. Higher protists, like the
.plants and animals, have a true membrane-bound nucleus.
Whittaker in 1969 proposed a five kingdom classification of living
: world (Fig. 1.1). These are:


(unicellular eukaryotes!

( = Proka,yota)g

Fig. 1.1. Five kingdoms of the living world (after Whittaker, 1969).
1. Monera—The kingdom of bacteria and blue-green algae. It in-
> *y tides all prokaryotic organisms. t >> i
JH | 2. Protista—includes the unicellular eukaryotes. ( i \>J 5 jJ*
j. Planatae or Plant kingdom—includes all green plants.
C ** 4. The Fungal kingdom.
^ 5* Animalia or the Animal kingdom.

Introduction to the Living World 3

However, most biologists recognize only four kingdoms. The pro¬

tista are distributed among the multicellular organisms of their kind
in animals, plants or fungi.
Then, at the cellular level there are only two kinds of organization
—Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic. The differences between the two
groups Prokaryota and Eukaryota are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Differences between Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cell Structure

Character Eukaryote cell Prokaryote cell

Nuclear membrane, chromo- Present Absent.
somes, spindle apparatus, A single circular DNA
mitosis, meiosis). molecule present.
Other cell organelles
(Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Present Absent.
Golgi body, Endoplasmic
reticulum, Lysosomes).
Ribosomes 80 s type 70 s type
S—sedimentation coeffici¬
Cell wall Made of cellulose Made of mueopeptide
(green plants) or
chit in (fungi) never
Flagella and cilia Show characteristic Made of flagellin mole¬
9+2 fibrillar struc¬ cules twisted around each
ture. other.

Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), the

discoverer of the microbial world was a
Dutchman. He was a merchant and had no
formal training at a university. There were
no ‘professional scientists’ then as we have
today, and only those who had the urge did
the job as a pastime. Science was not pursu¬
ed for earning a living; it was a dedication.
Leeuwenhoek ground glasses with great care
and made simple microscopes by mounting
them between two small metal plates. Ob¬
jects could be magnified up to 300. times
the original diameter. Though a merchant,
he did not make the microscopes for sale
but for looking on any minute object. “Dea:
God, what marvels there are in so small a
creature/’ said Leeuwenhoek. /"

The beautiful and delicate umbrella of mushrooms (The fungus

flowers) must have attracted the attention of those who love to watch
nature. The Greek naturalists of 300 b.c., regarded them as the
products of thunder. Some hated them as “evil ferment of earth”;
thus knowing that they were poisonous. But it was also realized
that some of them are delicious to eat and people were so fond of
Truffles’, ‘puffballs’ and ‘mushrooms’ that wealthy people insisted on
cooking these themselves. So the mycophagist man started collect¬
ing mushrooms and also recorded characters which differentiated
the poisonous ones from the edibles. Their poisonous property was
so efficacious that when some most reliable and sure poison was
needed—as when killing a king, these poisonous fungi were taken
help of. The Roman emperor Claudius Ceaser was murdered by his
wife in 54 a.d. by mixing his food with the decoction of a mushroom
Amanita phalloides. A bad thing indeed!
The scientific study of these objects started only in seventeenth cen¬
tury when the microscope became available. Antonio Micheli (1729),
made an extensive study of fungi and discovered that spores were re¬
productive structures produced by fungi, which on germination gave
rise to the fungus. The association of fungi with several plant disea¬
ses, especially the wheat smut was known since ong but it was only
in 1861 that a fungus was accepted as the cause rather than a product
of disease. In 1845, the potato crop of Europe in general and of Ire¬
land in particular, was devastated by a disease ‘late blight of potato’.
Potato was staple food of Ireland and this disease brought such a dis¬
aster that about one million people died of starvation and over 1.5
million people fled to other countries especially to USA. Commissions
were set up to go into the causes of this disease. It was found by de
Bary to be caused by a fungus Phytophthora infestans. Since then, a
new science Plant Pathology started which now deals with diseases of
plants caused not only by fungi but also by bacteria, viruses, nema¬
todes, and several environmental factors.
Fungi : Characteristics and Classified ion 5

Since ancient times man has loved to get the ‘kick’ by a drink,
without bothering that his cup contained the product of fermentation
caused by a fungus. It was prov¬
ed by Louis Pasteur, the great
French biologist, to whom also
goes the credit of giving the
‘germ theory of disease’, that a
chemical—(enzyme) produced by
veast cells converted the sugar
into alcohol. Since then began
the study of chemical activities
of living organisms, which is now
line of the most fascinating
branch of science; called bio-
The penicillin was discovered
in 1928 by Alexander Fleming of
Britain from the fungus Petti-
cillium noiatum, which in 1940’s
emerged as a ‘wonder drug’ for
the treatment of bacterial diseases. It gave another important ‘niche’
to fungi in the realm of biological sciences as producers of antibiotics.
Then, in Japan some intelligent farmers noticed that their rice
plants grew unusually tall but gave no or poor yield. The disease
was named ‘bakane’ or foolish rice disease. The tallness, associated
with paleness, was caused by a new type of growth substance called
the Gibbered ins, produced by the fungus, Gibberella fujikuri
(—Fusarium mpniliforme), which caused the ‘bakane’ disease.
Earlier, Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) was isolated from RJiizopus niger
before it could be detected in other plants.
The ‘biochemical genetics’, which later developed into the charm¬
ing ‘molecular biology’ was founded by studies with Neurospora
crassa, a fungus. It was especially suited for genetical analysis.
Neurospora dethroned Drosophila from the kingdom of genetics but
soon yielded to bacteria, which in turn, yielded to viruses. Neverthe¬
less, in 1952 Aspergillus nidulans emerged again on the scene when
Pontecorvo and Roper of Glasgow discovered a novel type of sexual
reproduction called ‘parasexual phenomenon.’ Fungi, thus contihu^
to be important organisms in genetics.
“Without fungi even death will be incomplete,” said Pasteur. The
dead cellulosic vegetation is decomposed into carbon and minerals
6 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

which are returned to the same environment from which they were
taken. Thus, fungi maintain the carbon and mineral cycles in nature.
But we have to keep them at arms length. They are great nuisance;
grow on everything from jam to leather and poison or destroy them.
The ‘hallucinogenic fungi5 have caused greatest damage by making
us perceive the sound and sight which does not exist. LSD (d-
lysergic acid diethylamide) produced from Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
gives an unreal, extraordinary lightness and hovering sensation. It
has greatly corrupted our frustrated youth. Fungi produce interesting
metabolites which are put to innumberable uses.

What are Fungi?

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms, which resemble plants in that
they have cell walls. But they lack chlorophyll, which is the morf
important attribute of plants. Their cell wall too is not like the cell
wall of plants. It is made up of chitin and not cellulose (except one
group of fungi—the Oomycetes). The lack of chlorophyll, hence
absence of photosynthesis, makes fungi heterotrophic in nutrition—
saprophytic, parasitic or symbiotic. Their storage product also
differs from plants in not being starch but oil and glycogen which
occur in animals. Because of these peculiar characteristics fungi
have been separated from the plant kingdom and placed under the
kingdom Mycota or ‘fungal kingdom.’
It is difficult to have a managable precise definition of fungi in¬
cluding all the diverse characters. The main characteristics of fungi
are as follows; ‘ \ ■ ' «•
Nutrition—heterbtrophic and absorptive; ingestion of food rare.
Thallus—unicellular, filamentous (mycelial) or occasionally
plasmodial (naked mass of protoplasm).
Cell wall—made up of chitin (cellulose only in class Oomycetes).
Nucleus—eukaryotic, characteristically small, near the limit of
resolution of light microscope.
Life cycle— simple to complex.
Sexuality— asexual and sexual.
Habitat—ubiquitous; saprobes, parasites, or symbionts.

The classification followed here is based on that proposed by
Ainsworth (1966), which has been followed in The Fungi—An
Advanced Treatise,(1973) edited by Ainsworth, Sparrow7 and Sussman.
Fungi; Characteristics and Classification 7

The Kingdom Mycota (or subkingdom of plants for the more

conservative) is divided into two divisions—Myxomycota (for plas-
modial forms) and Eumycota (for non-plasmodial, usually filamentous
forms with cell wall). Some mycologists do not accept Myxomycetes
as fungi, but these continue being studied with fungi by tradition.
These are deftly defined as ‘organisms studied by mycologists’. The
Eumycota is divided into five sub-divisions: Mastigomycotina, Zygo-
mycotina, Ascomycotina, Basidiomycotina and Deuteromycotina. Each
sub-division is further delimited into classes. The classification* is
detailed below:

Kingdom—Mycota (Fungal kingdom)

Division Division
Myxomycota Eumycota
(4 classes) (5 sub-divisions)
1. Acrasiomycetes 1. Mastigomycotina
2. Hydromyxomycetes Class—Chytridiomycetes
3. Myxomycetes Class—Hyphochytridiomycetes
A. Plasmodiophoromycetes** Class—Oo mycetes
2. Zygomycotina
Class—T ri chomy cetes
3. Ascomycotina
Class—Hem i a scomypetes
4. Basidiomycotina
5. Deuteromycotina

in the early days of inycology, the Eumycetes were divided into

•Divisions end in—mycota; sub-divisions in—mycotina; Classes in—mycetes;

sub-classes in—mycetidae; orders in—ales; families in—aceae.
••Class Plasmodiophoromycetes, because of certain common characters,is in¬
cluded in both Myxomycotina and Eumycotina.
8 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

four classes based on the type of the sexually-formed spore:

- Phycomycetes (Oospores or zygospores), Ascomycetes (ascospores),
Basidiomycetes (basidiosppres) and Deuteromycetes or ‘Fungi imper-
fecti,’ having no sexual reproduction and forming asexual spores
only. It was realized by Sparrow in 1943 that the water molds, in¬
cluded in the sub-class Oomycetes of Phycomycetes, was a hetero¬
geneous group of unrelated fungi. Their zoospores were uni and
biflagellate; and all did not form Oospores. Sparrow in 1958, on the
basis of the flagellation, their nature (tinsel or whiplash), and posi¬
tion on the zoospores, divided Oomycetes into four groups and rank¬
ed them as classes. The four classes were:
1. Ghytridiomycetes—Zoospores with a posterior, whiplash
2. Hyphochytrdiomycetes—Zoospores.with an anterior tinsel
type flagellum.
3. Plasmodiophoromycetes—Two anterior equal flagella, both
4. Oomycetes—Two lateral flagella, one whiplash, the other
The other sub-class of Phycomycetes—the Zygomycetes was, how¬
ever, a well-defined group. With the changes in Oomycetes, it was
also raised to class level. Finally class Phycomycetes was replaced by
five classes. Another class Triehomycetes included a small group
of endoparasites of arthropods. Thus fungi came to have nine in¬
stead of the old four classes (these were: Chytridiomycetes, Hypho-
chytridiomycetes, Plasmodiophoromycetes, Oomycetes, Zygomycetes,
Triehomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes).
This was followed by Alexopoulos (1962) and several other mycolo¬
Further modifications were made in the above classification in
light of the new informations and Ainsworth (1966) gave the classi¬
fication, which we shall follow in this book.

de Bary (1831—1885)

Heinrich Anton de Bary, a German, was a medical man. In 1855 he took up*
botany and made important contributions to mycology, de Bary’s mycological
interests were more biological and physiological than taxonomic. He discovered
many things. The establishment of Phytophtkora as cause of the late blight of
potato (which ravaged the potato crop in Europe in 1840’s) and the discovery of
heteroecism stand out as the most important, de Bary is called as “The founder of
modern Mycology” and “The father of Plant Pathology”'.
Fungi: Characteristics and Classification 9“

de Bary

Louis Pasteur (1822—1895)

Pasteur, a Frenchman, was by training a chemist. His interest in fermentation

stemmed from his observation that Penicillium glaucum utilized only the d-isomer
of tartaric acid from a racemic (dl-> mixture. After that Pasteur never looked
back and made a tremendous effect on the biological thought. It was he who put
forward irrefutable evidences which killed and buried the theory of “spontaneous
generation” of organisms. He propounded and established the “germ theory of
disease.” In 1888, the Institut Pasteur was established in Paris to further his dis¬
3. division EUMYCOTA

^General Characters
Habitat. Fungi are everywhere—in water, air and soil. They
are found in hot deserts and on high mountains; they grow on rocks,
living or dead plant and animal bodies, jams and jellies, leather,
paper and plastics. The wide distribution of fungi is because of
their potential to utilize any kind of substrate under any kind of en¬
vironment. Thus, there are the cellulolytic fungi, cutmolytic fungi
and lignin decomposing fungi, named on the basis of the substrate
decomposed. Coprophilous fungi thrive on dung of herbivores,
while keratiuaceous fungi live on the dead remains of animals.
Thallus. The thallus may be unicellular on filamentous. Fungi are
characterized by their hyphae (sing, hypha)— the long tubular, much
branched structures which collectively are called mycelium (pl=
mycelia). The hyphae may be unseptate or septate (Fig. 3.1). The

Fig. 3.1. Showing portions of coenocytic and septate hyphae.

unseptate hyphae have nuclei scattered in the cytoplasm—this con¬

dition is known as coenocytic condition. However, in such hyphae
adventitious septa1 are formed to delimit reproductive structures
or older portions of hyphae. In the septate hyphae the septa have
perforations through which cytopl^mic strands including nuclei
migrate from one cell to other. The plasma membrane is continuous

*Septa are of two types: primary and adventitous. Primary septa are formed
during mitosis or meiosis to separate the daughter nuclei. Vegetative septa, on
the other hand, are not associated with nuclear divisions but are formed to
delimit sex organs or to cut off older hyphae.
division Eumycota 11

through the pore (Fig, 3.2). A characteristic ‘dolipore’ septum has

Fig. 3.2. Primary septa, A. perforated septum, and B. a

Dolipore septum.

been found in certain Basidiomycotina.

Sometimes the hyphae aggregate to form tissue-like structures
which in a cross-section appear as if made of parenchymatous cells of
higher plants (Fig, 3.3). This is called Pseudoparenchyma and con-

Pseudoparenchyma Prosenchyma

Fig. 3.3. Fungal tissues (=PIectenchyma): Pseudoparenchyma

and prosenchyma.

sists of rounded fungal cells. Less compact structures consisting of

hyphae made of elongated ceMs, called Prosenchyma. These are
found mostly during formation of stroma or fruiting bodies of Asco
and Basidiomycotina. All fungal tissues are called Plecterichyma.
The cell structure. The electron microphotographs of fungi have
demonstrated that a fungal cell has an eukaryote cell structure
(Fig. 3.4). It has double-membrane-bound organelles (v/z., nucleus
12 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

and mitochondria) tubular endoplasmic reticulum, the golgi apparatus

and the ribosomes. The ribosomes, however, differ from those of normal
eukaryotic cell in lying free in the cytoplasm and not attached to ER.

Ribosomes Lomasomes Cell wall

Fig. 3.4. Ultrastructure of a fungus hypha.

A plasma membrane surrounds the cytoplasm. An unusual feature of

the fungus cells is the presence of Lomasomes which appear as pani¬
cles, vesicles or tubules at some places between the cell wall and the

Fig. 3.5. Showing some stages of the mitotic divisions (=Karyochorisis)

in fungi. A. Metaphase, B. Telophase, and C. Interphase.
division Eumycota 13

plasma membrane. The function of lomasomes is not yet clear. The

cell is surrounded by a wall which is composed of chitin, and not
cellulose (except in Oomycetes). Chitin is a polymer made up of N-
acetyl glucosamine units.
The nuclei of fungi are very small, near the limit of resolution
power of the light microscope. This makes cytological studies
difficult. Electron microscopic studies have revealed that the nuclear
membrane does not disappear but constricts like a dumbbell during
the formation of two nuclei. This type of division is called ‘Karyo-
chorisis’ (Fig. 3.5). In meiosis, however, the nuclear membrane
Nutrition. Fungi are heterotrophic organisms which derive their
nutrition from external sources. The fungi have absorptive or holo-
phytic type of nutrition. The substrate is dissolved and then absor¬
bed (Fig. 3.6).’ For this, the fungi produce extra-cellular enzymes
which degrade the insoluble substrate into smaller fragments and

Fig. 3.6. Showing degradation of an insoluble polymer into soluble

units (Holophytic nutrition).

finally into soluble units which are then absorbed by the hyphae.
The fungi live as parasites, saprophytes or symbionts. As parasites,
fungi grow on plants, animals and human beings causing diseases by
their presence. Fungal parasitism varies from facultative parasitism to
obligate parasitism. The facultative parasites can grow saprophy-
tically in the absence of the host while obligate parasites (downy
mildews, powdery mildews and rusts) grow only on their specific
14 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

hosts. All the classes of fungi include important plant pathogens.

Fungi, in general, are not important parasites of human beings.
When fungi grow on dead organic matter they are called sapro¬
phytes. Here also, the saprophytism may vary from facultative
saprophytism to obligate saprophytism. They have poor or no
parasitic ability, respectively. Some fungi lie int the soil on a piece
of dead leaf but they cannot grow even little in the soil. Strong sapro¬
phytes produce antibiotics and fungistatic substances in the soil,
which don’t allow the growth of other fungi—especially the para¬
sites. This is called antibiosis or mycostasis. There is competition
everywhere, and it occurs in soil also. A teaspoonful of soil contains
millions of organisms and thus they have an acute house problem.
There is struggle for existence; one prevents the growth of the other.
Like ours, theirs is also a busy, vexed, quarrelsome world. But there,
survival is of the fittest only!
Saprophytic fungi are ihdispensible in the maintenance of the
carbon and mineral cycles in nature, and the decomposition of
cellulose and lignin present in the dead vegetation. Thus, they clear
the ‘garbage’ of nature.
Fungi enter into permanent association with other organisms in -

Fig. 3.7. Showing: A. Mycorrhiza on a portion of root and

B. Fungus mantle and the hyphae in intercellular spaces of

which both partners benefit. This is called symbiosis. The Lichens

and Mycorrhiza are such symbiotic relations of fungi, In lichens
division Eumycota 15

{see Chapter 10), they are the partners with algae. In Mycorrhiza
(meaning ‘fungus roof) the fungal hyphae form a compact pseudo-
parenchymatous mantle around the roots (Fig. 3.7) of some vascular
plants like, Pinus and also extend into the cortex. The mycorrhiza
help in absorption of minerals. The fungus mantle acts as a water
sponge. Some plants won’t grow until their roots have come in touch
with the mycorrhizal fungi.
Growth. Growth involves cell enlargement, accompanied by cell
division and cytoplasm synthesis. The tip of the hyphae (50 to 100 n
in the apical region) is the zone of
elongation and is filled with proto¬
plasm (Fig. 3.8). The rest of the hypha
is vacualated and is incapable of elonga¬
tion. But it helps in growth by syn¬
thesizing the cytoplasm, which is
continuously transported to the tip.
The fungus grows only at the tip. The
growing hypha forms branches in
acropetal order behind the growing
apical region. A soft portion appears
on the wall which bulges out as a bud
and extends to form a lateral hypha.
Secondary and tertiary branches are
formed in the same way.
r* 4-u • i i . Fig. 3.8. Showing growing
Growth is measured by increase in tip of fungus hypha.
the radius of a fungus colony growing
in a Petridish or more accurately by taking the dry weight of the
ffingus grown in a liquid medium after 5, 10 or 15 days.
Reproduction. Fungi multiply by non-sexual (vegetative, and
asexual reproduction) or sexual methods of reproduction. The non-
sexual methods (fragmentation, budding, fission, chlamydospores,
oidia, zoospores, aplanospores, conidia etc.) serve to multiply the
fungus and disseminate it to far off places. The fungus extends its
family. But the function of sexual reproduction is different. It occurs
usually during conditions which are not suitable for the fungus
growth. The fungus winds up by restoring to sexual reproduction',
and undergoes hibernation or resting period.

(A) Non-sexual or Asexual Reproduction

The various types of non-sexual reproductive methods (Fig. 3.9 and
3.10) are the following:
16 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Oidia (—Arthrospores)

Fig. 3.9. Showing formation of asexual reproductive bodies

[arthrospores, chlamydospores, budding and fission (in yeasts

Fig. 3.10. Asexual reproduction contd. Formation of various types

of zoospores; formation of sporangiospores in sporangia; formation
of conidiosporangium and conidia. Note the behaviour of conidi-

(a) Fragmentation. A small bit of the broken hypha establishes

division Eumycota 17
a new colony. Fragmentation occurs frequently in nature and is em¬
ployed in the laboratory to keep the fungus growing by transforming
small portions to new culture tubes.
(b) Budding. A small soft portion of the cell wall bulges out like
a weak zone of the cycle tube, and a daughter nucleus migrates into
it. The bud is pinched off by constriction at the point of the origin
of the bud. Sometimes, budding is so quick that a chain of cells is
formed due to non-detachment of the daughter cells.
(c) Fission. This occurs in fission-yeasts only. It is characteristic
of bacteria. The cell divides in transverse plane into two cells.
(d) Chlamydospores. These are thick-walled, resistant spores
which are formed to tide over the adverse environment. These are
formed by formation of thick walls around celis. Chlamydospores are
not detached from the hyphae. When the rest of the hyphae die, these
remain viable.
(e) Arthrospores or Oidia. The ceils of the hyphae at the distal
end round off and separate in basipetal succession (from apex towards
the base of the hyplia). On germination, the arthrospores give rise to
new fungus colonies.
(/) Sporangiospores and Conidia. Spores formed internally,
inside a sac-like structure called sporangia, are called sporangio¬
spores. Conidia are formed externally on the tip or sides of specializ¬
ed hyphae (called conidiophore).
The sporangiospores may be.flagellate or non-flagellate. The flage¬
llate spores are called zoospores and are formed mostly by aquatic
or soil fungi. The non-flagellate spores are called aplanospores and
are produced by terrestrial fungi. The sporangia, usually, are borne
on specialized hyphae called sporangiophores, which in some fungi are
branched in such a characteristic way that the genera are identified
by their sporangiophores e.g. downy mildews (Peronosporaceae).
Similarly, conidia are borne on conidiophores, which too may be
characteristically branched and useful in taxonomy. The conidio¬
phores.lie externally or formed inside flask-shaped or globular struc¬
tures called pycnidlum or flat, disc-shaped acervulus.
The zoospores are uniflagellate or biflagellate and this character
forms the basis of separation of the four classes of the sub-division
The flagella are hair-like appendages, which are of two distinct
types viz,, whiplash and tinsel. The whiplash flagella are much
thinner at the tip. The tinsel type flagella have large number of small
hair-like outgrowths on their entire length.
18 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

The flagellum of fungi has the 9 + 2 structure (Fig. 3.11), which

is a characteristic feature of flagella and cilia of eukaryotic orga¬
nisms. The pro¬
karyotes (bacteria
and the blue-green
algae) lack the 9+2
structure and are
made of eight rows
of flagellin (protein)
molecules, twisted
around each other
like a rope.
In the 9+2 struc¬
ture (Fig. 3.11) the
flagellum is com¬
posed of 9 peripheral pairs of fibrils surrounding two central fibrils
{hence the name 9 + 2). The two central fibers are attached to the
blepharopiast lying inside the motile cell. The membrane surround¬
ing the 9+2 fibrils is continuous with the plasma membrane of the
•cell. Sometimes a thread-like rhizoplast connects the blepharopiast
to the nucleus.

(B) Sexual Reproduction

Gametangia are produced on same or different mycelia (thalli)
which by fusion bring about plasmogamy (fusion between two sexual
•cells). Karyogamy (fusion of sex nuclei) results in the formation of
a diploid nucleus which immediately or after sometime undergoes
meiosis to form four haploid nuclei. The fung achieve plasmogamy
by a variety of mechanisms (Fig. 3.12), viz., Gametogamy, Game-
tangiogamy, Spermatization,and Somatogamy.
(a) Gametogamy (Fusion between gametes or Planogametic copu¬
lation). Gametes are naked (without walls) sex cells, which copulate
to form a zygote. If the two gametes are similar in size they are called
isogametes and their copulation, isogamy. Copulation between two
dissimilar gametes, one smaller (male) and the other bigger (female),
is called anisogamy. The fusion between a male; motile gamete and
a non-motile female gamete (oosphere or egg) lying in the oogonium,
is called heterogamy e.g. Monoblepharis_
(£) Gametangiogamy. (Fusion between gametangia). When the
gametangia are similar in shape and size (i.e., isogametangia) then
these are designated as + and - gametangia rather than as male
division Eumycota 19

and female. When the gametangia are of different shapes, these are
called heterogametangia—the male is usually smaller and club-
shaped, while the female is bigger and globular. Fusion between

Fig. 3.12. Sexual reproduction. Figure shows the various mechanisms

of plasmogamy (fusion between sex cells).

two similar gametangia results in a zygote whichis called sygospore.

The zygote formed by the fusion between morphologically distinct
gametangia is called a oospore and the process, oogamy. The plas¬
mogamy between them is brought about by (/') gametangial copula¬
tion, or (ij) gametangial contact.
(f) Gametangial copulation is of two types. In one (e.g. Mucor or
yeast), the entire gametangia fuse, the intervening wall disappears
20 A Textbook of Fungi,. Bacteria and Viruses

and their contents come to lie in the common cell formed by their
fusion. In the other type (e.g.. Rhizophidiuni)y the contents of the
male gametangium migrate into the female gametangium through a
pore or a fertilization tube. The male gametangium is left empty.
O'O Gametangial contact. The antheridium (and occasionally also
the oogonia) is not differentiated into definite protoplasts or gametes
but are represented only by their nuclei. The male nuclei (never the
cytoplasm), migrate into the oogonium through a pore dissolved at
the point of contact or through a fertilization tube formed. by the
antheridium, example: Pythium,. Phytophthora.
(c) Spermatization. This occurs in Asco-and Basidiomycotina.
Spermatia (sing, spermatium), which are minute, male gametes, are
formed like coftidia on spermhtiophores. The spermatiophores may be
formed exogenously or arranged inside a spermogonium e.g., Puccinia.
The spermatium,when comes in contact with the female gametangium
through wind, insects, water sugary exudates etc.;, releases the male
nucleus into the female gametangium through a pore.
(d) Somatogamy. In some higher Ascomycotina and Basidio¬
mycotina, sex organs are not formed. The somatic cells,, as such, act
as gametangia. Their fusion is governed by rules of homothallism
and heterothallism.Thus somatogamy may occur betweencells of the
same hypha—(in a homothallic genus) and between cells of different
thalli (in a heterothallic fungus).. Anastomosis, which is frequent in
higher fungi, brings the male and female nuclei under one cell. Cells
of the monokaryotic hyphae of Asco-and Basidiomycotina fuse result¬
ing in plasmogamy and establishment of a binucleate cell. From this
cell the dikaryotic mycelium is formed.


The imperfect fungi do-not form gametes or gametangia and also do

not show even somatogamy. Sexual reproduction, involving karyo-
gamy followed by meiosis, does not occur. But the purpose of sexual
reproduction, which is genetic recombination, is achieved through a
novel method (Parasexual phenomenon) discovered in 1952 by Ponte-
corvo and Roper of Glasgow in Aspergillus nidulans. The details are
described in Chapter 9.

If the male and female gametes or the gametangia are borne on the
division Eumycota 21

same thallus, the fungus is said to be liomothallic. However, when

the two gametangia are borne on different thalli the fungus is known
as heterothallic, and the phenomenon heterothallisjn. Hetero-
thallism was first observed by A.F. Blakeslee (1904) an American
geneticist in Mucor (details see Chapter 9).


The fungi are haploid organisms having haploid nuclei in their cells.
The thallus reproduces itself by asexual methods (Fig. 3.13). Even-

S?ig. 3.13. A generalized life cycle of fungi. The relative lengths

iof these stages may vary from fungus to fungus.
22 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

tually, through sexual reproduction a diploid zygote is formed. The

zygote represents the diploid phase. This phase is terminated by
meiosis, forming haploid spores. These spores on germination form
the haploid somatic phase.
In Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina, plasmogamy is not follow-.
ed by karyogamy. The two nuclei of opposite strains remain as paired
nuclei—called dikaryons, which increase in number by simultaneous
or conjugate divisions and give rise to dikaryotic hyphae. These are
of limited duration in Ascomycotina. Only a small portion of the my-v
cellium viz., the ascogenous hyphae, are dikaryotic,but in Basidio¬
mycotina these extend thiough the major portion in the life cycle. The
monokaryotic mycelium is of very short duration and its function is.
only to establish the dikaryotic, mycelium as soon as possible. Thus*
the dikaryophase which is non-existent in Mastigomycotina and
Zygomycotina are present for short duration in Ascomycotina an4
extensive in the Basidiomycotina.
4. sub-division MASTIGOMYCOTINA

Fungi having flagellated zoospores and gametes are included under j

the sub-division Mastigomycotina. These have coenocytic hyphae.
The Mastigomycotina consists of four classes; each class having a
characteristic type of flagellation of the zoospores. The four classes
1. Chytridiomycetes—Zoospores with a single posterior whiplash.
flagellum and a conspicuous nuclear cap.
2. Hyphochytridiomycetes—Zoospores with a single anterior*
tinsel-type of flagellum.
3. Plasmodiophoromycetes—Anteriorly biflagellate zoospores;
both of whiplash type but unequal
in length.
4. Oomycetes—Laterally biflagellate, flagella of equal size; one
whiplash the other of tinsel type. Sometimes
anteriorly biflagellate.


The class Chytridiomycetes is characterized by the single posterior

whiplash flagellum of their zoospores. It is divided into three orders
on the basis of (/) the presence or absence of a true mycelium, (ii)
the type of sexual reproduction, and (m) formation of resistant spo¬
rangia by the zygote.


A True mycelium absent; rhizomycelium present in some species

AA True mycelium present
B Sexual reproduction by planogametic copulation, thick-
walled resting-spore invariably formed —Blastocladiales
BB Sexual reproduction by copulation between motile male
and non-motile female gamete contained in an oogonium
(heterogametic copulation). No resistant sporangia
24 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses


The order Chytridiales has several families. We shall study the genus
Olpidium included in the family Olpidiaceae.


In this family the thallus is endobiotic (i.e. remains inside host cell)
and holocarpic (i.e., the whole thallus is converted into a zoospo¬
rangium or a resting sporangium). Sexual reproduction is by piano-
gametic copulation which results in the formation of a biflagellate
zygote. The zygote enters the host cell and forms a resting sporan¬
gium,which on germination forms zoospores. Olpidium is a typical
example of this family.


Olpidium has come to lime light as a carrier (vector) of viruses. Its

role as a vector of viruses causing plant diseases (e.g., big lettuce
vein) is proved beyond doubt. About 30 species of Olpidium are
known which parasitize algae or roots of higher plants. Olpidium bras-
sicae infects roots of cabbage and other species of Brassica. O. viciae
infects leaves and stems of Vicia unijuga.
The posteriorly uniflagellate zoospores swim actively in the film
of water. When they come in contact with the roots of the host
plant, the zoospores settle down on the root hairs (Fig. 4.1), lose the
flagellum and encyst i.e., develope a wall. A pore is dissolved on the
root hair, the protoplast enters the cell while the cyst is left behind.
Inside the cell, by growth and nuclear divisions it develops into a
multinucleate single-celled thallus. In 4 to 5 days the whole thallus
is transformed into a zoosporangium. The contents cleave into zoo¬
spores. Exit tubes originate from the thallus and penetrate the host
cell wall to open outside. The tip dissolves and zoospores rush out
and reinfect the root hairs.
Zoospores also behave as gametes. Sahtiyanci (1962) observed that
zoospores produced in the same sporangium do not copulate. He also
showed that the fungus exists as two distinct strains, and zoospores,
produced by thalli of opposite strains only copulate. Zoospores, which
are of the same size, copulate outside the host. It is called isogamy
(copulation between two similar planogametes). A biflagellate zygote
is formed, which, after swimming for sometime, encysts and infects
roots in the same way as described for the zoospore. Inside the host
sub-division Mastigomycotina 25

cell, the zygote forms a thick-walled resting sporangium, which re¬

mains dormant for many months. At the time of germination, the two

Root cell


<en root hai

Exit tube

Zygote Karyoqamy

Entry of protoplast

Fig. 4.1. Life cycle of Olpidium brassicae.

nuclei fuse and undergo meiosis. Large number of zoospores are

formed which are released by exit tubes.


“The class has only one order, the Plasmodiophorales with a single
26 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses'

family, Plasmodiophoraceae. The fungi of this class, which are all

obligate parasites of higher plants, algae and fungi, form a wall-less,;
naked plasmodium as the somatic phase. It is a multinucleate mass,
of protoplasm, which can move in amoeboid fashion. It lies inside the-
host cells. It forms zoospores which bear two unequal flagella or
whiplash type at their anterior end.
Plasmodiophoromycetes differ from Myxomycetes in the following;
1. Produce zoosporangia, which are absent in Myxomycetes;
2. Lack fruiting bodies, present in Myxomycetes.
3. Spore walls contain chitin, not cellulose.
4. Peculiar protozoan type of nuclear division.
5. Plasmodia are haploid, which are diploid in Myxomycetes..

(Club-root disease of cabbage)

P. brassicae causes the club-root disease of crucifers especially the

mustard. The roots become
hypertrophied and club shaped
(Fig. 4.2).
Life History
It consists of two phases: thej
primary phase and the secon-
Normal root dary phase (Fig. 4.3). The pri-
Club root mary phase occurs in the root
hairs while the secondary phase
occurs in the cortical cells of
the root. The hypertrophy and
Fig. 4.2. ‘Club root’ disease of cabbage hyperplasia of the ccrtical cells,.
caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae. which result in the formation
of club-like thick roots, is associated with the secondary phase.
Primary phase. Infection of the root hairs occurs during the
seedling stage. Resting spores, which lie dormant in the soil up to
several years, germinate and a circular pore is formed on its wall. An
apically biflagellate zoospore comes out and the cyst is left behind..
The zoospore penetrates the root hair and forms a uninucleate primary
plasmodium. By growth and repeated mitotic nuclear divisions, the
plasmodium becomes large and multinucleate. Later, by cleavage,
several multinucleate segments are formed and each develops into a
zoosporangium. Thus the plasmodium becomes asoru*consisting:
sub-division Mastigomycotina 27

of several sporangia. Further nuclear divisions occur in each zoos¬

porangium and zoospores ar§ formed which are liberated to the tt*


y/^Ftagella shed
Resting spores
in host-cell h
Infection of root hair
\^ y Primary plasmodium

\ Multinucleate pr,
▼ / plasmodium

Cleavage of
Karyogamy plasmodium

plasmodium ^

^ Zoosporangia
' with zoospores

Secondary plasmodium

Infection of root hair

Zygote -released

Fig. 4.3. Life cycle of Plasmodiophora brassicae (after Ingram and

Tommerup, 1972).

terior into the soil through an exit tube formed on the sporangium on
through pores formed on the root hair. The zoospores fuse (isogamy^
and form a binucleate quadriflagellate zygote. Karyogamy does not
follow plasmogamy.
Secondary phase. The zygote penetrates a root hair and enters the*
cortex, where it forms a multinucleate secondary plasmodium. Kary¬
ogamy takes place and the secondary plasmodium becomes a diploid
plasmodium. Meiosis follows and the resulting haploid nuclei multiply,
by mitotic divisions. By cleavage of the cytoplasm and wall formation*
28 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

several uninucleate haploid resting spores are formed. Hypertro-

phied^ club-shaped roots develop during the secondary phase. The
resting spores are released into the soil after death and decay of the


The members of the class Oomycetes are characterized by—

h Equally biflageliate zoospores. The flagella are borne on
the lateral or sometimes at the anterior end. The flagella are of
tinsel and whiplash type; the former directed forward and the latter
backward during movement.
2. Oogamous type of sexual reproduction. The male and
female gametangia are always cf different shape. The male sex organs,
called antheridia (sing, antheridium), are club-shaped while the
female sex organs—oogonia (sing, oogonium), are globular. The
zygote formed is called an oospore which originates and matures in
the oogonium,
3. The cell wall is made of cellulose. In rest of the fungi it is
made up of chitin.
The Oomycetes are divided into four orders: Saprolegniales, Lepto-
mitales, Lagenidiales, and Peronosporales. We shall study some genera
belonging to Saprolegniales and Peronosporales.


The term ‘water mold’ is customarily used for genera belonging

to the order Saprolegniales. The zoospores are formed in zoospo¬
rangia. Oogonia never have a periplasm. A . peculiar feature of this
group is the production, of two types of zoospores (or their equiva¬
lents) in succession. This is called ‘dimorphism5 or less accurately
‘diplanetism’, a term used in older literature. The two types of zoo¬
spores are termed primary and secondary zoospores. Sometimes the
one form of the zoospore is represented only by a cyst.
There are five families (Dick, 1973) viz., Saprolegniaceae, Thraus-
tochytriaceae, Ectrogellaceae, Haliphthoraceae and I eptolegniellaceae.
The families are characterized by: (0 the form of the thallus, (//)
holocarpic or eucarpic nature of the thallus, (Hi) degree of diffe¬
rentiation of the zoosporangium from the vegetative thallus, (i‘v) the
zoospore cyst diameter, and (v) oospore structure. We shall study
sub-division Mastigomycotina 29

only one family Saprolegniaceae which includes the important genera

Saprolegnia and Adilya.


Oospores inside the oogonium possess an outer ooplast layer and an

endospore. The encysted zoospores range m ^ze from 8-15m Zoo¬
sporangia are filamentous or cylindrical. In Saprolegnia the zoospores
are vigorously motile from the moment of their discharge. The zoo¬
spores of Adilya, on the other hand, encyst at the mouth of the zoo¬
sporangium .


Habitat. It is an aquatic submerged fungus found in well-aerated

ponds. The whole life cycle is completed in water. They occur fre¬
quently on submerged plant and animal debris, especially dead fish,
during the initial stages of decomposition. They are aquatic “primary
sugar fungi”and fail i;o decompose the complex polysaccharides like
Thallus. It consists of branched coenocytic hyphae.

Isolation and Culture of Saprolegnia

Houseflies, ants’ eggs or small seeds, such as those of Brassica sp.,
are used as baits to ‘catch’ the fungus from the water. Seeds should
be boiled for 2-3 minutes until the coats split. The baits should be
placed in large Petri dishes containing pond water. Gentle aeration
helps in preventing bacterial contamination which is frequent. Within
2-3 days characteristically coarse and aseptate hyphae appear.

Asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is accomplished by
the zoospores (Fig. 4.4). Cylindrical zoosporangia develop at the
tips of hyphae which produce numerous biflagellate zoospores. When
mature, they can be seen jostling one another within the zoospo¬
rangium. The apex of the zoosporangium suddenly breaks and the
zoospores escape. At first the zoospores come out rushing;as if dis¬
charged by pressure; but afterwards the remaining zoospores escape
slowly. A cine film of the emptying sporangium has shown that the
zoospores escape with the blunt end foremost, but as soon as the
spores are outside, their direction of motion reverses, and they swim
with the pointed end forward. The zoospores are propelled by their,
flagella, one pointing forwards and the other trailing behind.
A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Primary zoospore
f ’W V
Prjmai^y zoospore Germination ^

/ Secondary zoospore

Empty sporangial cases

Encysted Secondary

Developing sex



X = Pla*mogamy)

Fig. 4.4. Life cycle of Saprolegnia.

sub-division MastigomycOtina 31

Dimorphism (=Diplanetism) is a characteristic feature of

Saprolegnia^ The apically-biflagellate primary zoospores, which are
liberated through a pore at the tip of the zoosporangium, swim about
for sometime, (a few minutes), come to rest and encyst, i.e. withdraw
the flagella and form a thin wall. After a short period of rest (few
hours), a papilla develops on the cyst; its tip dissolves and a reni-
form zoospore bearing two lateral flagella (secondary zoospore)
creeps out leaving the empty cyst behind. The secondary zoospore
comes to rest and forms a cyst. The cyst germinates by forming a
hypha which forms a new colony.
'‘Sporangial proliferation. It is an interesting phenomenon cha¬
racteristic of Saprolegnia, which enables the formation of several
sporangia- at the same Escaping zoospores
site. When a zoospor¬
angium has liberated
the primary zoospores,
a second zoosporangium
is formed within the
old one, which pushes
out of the remnants of
the previous sporan¬
gium fFig 4.5). A
third sporangium may
, be formed similarly
within the second spor¬
angium. The septum Fig. 4.5. Showing sporangial proliferation in
at the base of the empty Saprolegnia.
sporangium bulges out
and forms a new hyphal tip, which grows through the old sporangium
and forms a new sporangium within the old one. The emptied sporan¬
gia, as a rule, are not detached and remain attached to the somatic
Dimorphism and sporangial proliferation are two curious pheno¬
mena characteristic of Saprolegnia.
Chlamydospores (Gemmae). Some portions of the hypha become
septate and thick-walled. These are called chlamydospores or
gemmae. On detachment, they germinate and form a new thallus.
Sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is brought about by
gametangial contact’ (gametangiogamy). Club-shaped antheridia
and globular oogonia are formed on the same hypha. The oogonium
32 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

is bigger in size than the antheridium and is thick-walled. At first

it is muitinucleate, but some of the nuclei disintegrate and the pro¬
toplasm differentiates into one to several uninucleate haploid eggs
or oospheres.
The mature antheridia are multinucleate,which get attached to the
oogonium. One or more fertilization tubes are formed by the
antheridium, which enter the oogonium and further form branches,
which approach the oospheres. One male nucleus enters each oos-
phere and fuses with the female nucleus forming a diploid zygote
Each fertilized osphere secretes a thick and smooth wall and gets-
transformed into an oospore. The oospores contained within the
oogonium, undergo a resting period. The oospores are usually
not dispersed and remain within the oogonium. After a period
of rest, the oospores germinate in situ. The germ tube pushes
out of the oogonium wall and forms a hypha which forms a club-
shaped ‘germ sporangium’at the tip. Zoospores are formed in the
germ sporangium which on liberation germinate to give rise to a new
Parthenogenesis. In most species of Saprolegnia, apogamous-
development of oogonia into oospores without fertilization has been
noticed. Such oospores are haploid.

genus ACHLYA

Habitat. Achlya is the largest genus of the family. It is found in

ponds and soils. It is isolated in laboratory like Saprolegnia, using
hemp seeds and dead flies as baits.
Thallus. Hyphae are coenocytic, highly branched and have cellu¬
lose in their cell wall. Some of the hyphae penetrate the substratum
and form a rhizoidal system while the rest remain above and form
the hyphal system.

Asexual reproduction. Zoospores are formed in cylindrical
zoosporangia borne on undifferentiated zoosporangiophores (Fig. 4.6). j
The primary zoospores, which are all ejected together,and not one by
one as in Saprolegnia> are turned into cysts as soon as they come out.
The cysts are arranged as a hollow ball at the tip of the sporangium.
Each cyst, after a short rest period, gives rise to a laterally-biflagel-
sub-division Mastigomycotina 33

Jate secondary zoospore. So, there is only one swarming spore in the
life cycle of Achlya.

Fig. 4.6. Asexual reproduction in Achlya.

Achlya lacks dimorphism and sporangial proliferation. However,

after the ejection of spores, a new sporangium is formed’by'its side.
The differences between Saprolegnia and Achlya are given below:

Saprolegnia Achlya

Dimorphism Present Absent

Sporangial proliferation Present Absent
Zoospore liberation Slow In one stroke, the zoospores
encyst at the tip of the
sporangia to form a hollow
ball of encysted, primary
34 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Sexual reproduction. It is similar to that of Saprolegnia. The

male and female sex organs are borne on different thalli and their for¬
mation is controlled by four types of hormones designated as A, B, C
and D. The hyphae of opposite strains induce each other to form
the sex organs.
The club-shaped antheridium, borne on antheridiophore, lies
appressed to the globular oogonium, borne on female branches on
hypha of opposite strain. The antheridium forms a fertilization tube,
which penetrates the oogonium and form s branches. Each branch
approaches one oosphere. The oogonium contains usually eight
oospheres. The oospheres after fertilization transform into oospores
which remain inside the oogonium and undergo a resting period. At
the time of germination, the oospores germinate to form a germ
sporangium, which, in turn, forms zoospores with anterior flagella.
The zoospores encyst and give rise to the hyphae.
Note. The haploid or diploid nature of the somatic hyphae is
disputed. If the thallus is haploid then the gametangia will be
haploid, and meiosis will occur during oospore germination to form
the haploid thallus. If, however, the thallus is diploid (as reported by
Sanshome 1961), then the meiosis will occur at the time of gametan-
giai formation and the diploid zygote will germinate without under¬
going meiosis to form diploid thallus.


The genera belonging to Peronosporales show morphological changes

which are more suited to the amphibious or terrestrial habitat of
these fungi. Sporangia in dry weather instead of forming zoospores
germinate directly by germ tube, thus behaving as conidia. The
intercellular hyphae of parasitic genera form haustoria which enter;
host cells and absorb nutrients.
In sexual reproduction the order is similar to Saprolegniales but
the oogonium shows differentiation inio a central ooplasm and
peripheral periplasm. The ooplasm contains the female nucleus
(or nuclei) and is, therefore, called egg or oosphere. It is the female
The order is divided into 3 families—Pythiaceae, Albuginaceae^
and Peronosporaceae, on the characteristics of sporangiophore and
sub-division Mastigomycotina 35


A Sporangiophores not distinguishable from hyphac; if distin^

guishable then indeterminate in growth —Pythiaceae
AA Sporangiophores easily distinguishable from the somatic
B Sporangia in chains, produced by a short club-shaped
unbranched sporangiophore —Albuginaceae
BB Sporangia, singly or in clusters borne at the tip of charac¬
teristically-branched sporangiophores of determinate
growth —Peronosporaceae


The family includes aquatic, amphibious or terrestrial fungi, many

of which are important parasites of plants e.g. Pythium and Phyto-


This is a large genus having 92 spp. (Waterhouse, 1968). Pythium

attacks several crop plants and causes root rot and ‘damping off’ of
seedlings. Some important species of Pythium and the diseases they
cause are mentioned below:
P. debaryanum—Damping off of tobacco and chillies.
P. aphanidermatum—Soft rot of papaya, damping off of potato.
P. graminicolum—Rhizome and root rot of turmeric.
P. myriotylum—‘Foot rot’ of ginger.
Habitat. Although some species are aquatic parasitizing algae.
36 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

majority of them are soil inhabitants causing “damping off” disease

of seedlings (Fig. 4.7) of several economically important plants. In
damping off diseases, the seedlings topple down due to rotting of
tissues of basal portion of stems or roots caused by several species
of Pythium, the most important being P. debaryanum, P. aphanider-
matum, and P. ultimum. The fungus can grow and reproduce sapro-
phytically in soil as well as parasitically within host tissues.

Isolation and Culture

Pythium can be obtained by germinating mustard seeds in soil
contained in dishes. Some seedlings topple down due to ‘damping ofF
and the fungus can be easily isolated from the rotted basal portion
of stem of such a seedlings on PDA (potato dextrose agar) medium.
Pythium grows very rapidly. Some species form sporangia only
when grown on natural substrates like sterilized grass, oat-meal or
by supplying certain sterols in the medium.
Thallus. The mycelium consists of slender coenocytic and branch¬
ed hyphae which contain cellulose in their cell walls. Septa are
formed only to delimit reproductive organs or to cut off older hyphae.
In host tissues the hyphae are both intercellular and intracellular.
Haustoria are not produced.

Asexual reproduction. Globose or oval sporangia are borne
terminally on the hyphae (Fig. 4.8). Distinct sporangiophores are
not formed. At the time of zoospore formation, a bubble-like
vesicle with a long stalk emerges on the sporangium. The sporangial
protoplast moves into the vesicle. The zoospon s are formed in this
vesicle. This process is completed within 15 to 20 minutes. When
the crowded zoospores start rocking motion, and bounce on the wall,
the delicate vesicle bursts like a soap bubble releasing zoospores.
The zoospores, which are reniform and biflagellate, after swimming
for sometime in the film of soil-water, come to rest; encyst (J.e. with
draw the flagella and form a wall) and germinate by forming a germ
The zoosporangia in dry weather germinate directly by a germ
tube rather than by forming zoospores and thus behave like conidia.
Sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is oogamous and
occurs by gametangial contact. The oogonia and antheridia may be
terminal or intercalary and borne on the same or different branches.
The oogonium is globose and has a single multinucleate oosphere in
sub-division Mastigomycotina
Vesiple Vesicle bursts releasing zoospores



Encysted zoospore/jgv 0^

^Sporangiophore Germination

Somatic hypha

Developing sex organ

Direct germination • Anltieridium


• Antheri;
Oosphere (egg)-fc%?J^

Haplophase (n)
Fertilization tube/ /■/
Gametangial contact

Fig. 4.8. Life cycle of Pythium debaryanum

38 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

the centre surrounded by a layer of periplasm. Antheridia, which are

elongated or club-shaped and smaller than the oogonia, appear
around the oogonium. Mature oogonia and antheridia are uninuc¬
leate. On gametangial contact, each antheridium forms a,-ferti¬
lization tube which grows through the oogonial wall and the peri¬
plasm and finally enters the oosphere. The male nucleus is, re¬
leased into the oosphere where plasmogamy takes place. Karyoga-
my may follow immediately or may be delayed until spore germina¬
tion. The oosphere forms a thick, smooth or spiny wall, which in P.
debaryanum remains loose in the oogonium (aplerotic). It is fused
with the oogonial wall (plerotic) in some other species, e.g. P. torulo-
sum. It undergoes a period of rest before germination. The mode
of germination of oospore is determined by temperature. At higher
temperatures (28°C) the oospore germinates directly by forming a
germ tube, while at lower temperatures (10-17°C) it germinates by
forming a ‘germ sporangium’ at the tip of a stout hypha. The first
division of the zygote is assumed to be meiotic. Zoospores (or the
germ tube),formed by the oospores, infect susceptible seedlings and
cause damping off disease.

Control Measures
Damping off of seedlings and root rots caused by Pythium are more
common in soils of high water and humus content. Thus, water
logging in fields should be avoided. Soil sterilization to kill the
fungus is done through fungicides (perenox, formaldehyde or Borde¬
aux mixture). But the better method of control is to treat the seeds
before sowing with protective fungicides like organomercury com¬
pounds or copper fungicides.


Phytophthora, which shows much resemblance to Pythium, however,
differs in several ways. The important differences lie in the following
1. The method of sporangia! germination (no vesicle is formed and
the zoospores are fashioned in the sporangium itself).
2. The production of distinct sporangiophores which are easily dis¬
tinguishable from the somatic hypha.
3. Sporangia are lemon-shaped with a distinct papilla.
4. The resumed growth of the sporangiophore tip pushes the
sub-division Mastigomycotina &

terminal sporangium to lateral position. Repeated occurrence of this

results in a sympodial zigzag growth of the sporangiophore bearing
swelling marks of detached sporangia.
5. Phytophthora completes its life cycle only within its host tissues.
It has no saprophytic existence in soil. It lives as dormant mycelium
in the dead host-remains lying in the soil.
6. Shows requirement for thiamine (Cantino, 1966).

The Irish Famine

In 1845, a great potato famine occurred in Ireland. The potato
fields all over Europe started stinking and nothing was left in the
tubers to eat. Though the disease was serious throughout Europe, it
created catastrophe in Ireland, where about one million people died
and 1.5 million people fled to other countries. The great grandfather
of John F. Kennedy, the illustrious former President of USA, was
an immigrant during this famine. But, as the proverb goes, even the
darkest cloud has a silver lining. This most tragic event also left a
blessing. It compelled the arm chair scientists to stand up and go
to the fields and get to the cause of the pestilence. Diseases could no
more be witnessed helplessly as a curse of God or caused by such
agents as lightning or thunder of clouds. It forced governments to
appoint commissions to go through all aspects of the disaster. The
result was very satisfying ! Berkeley of England and de Bary of Ger¬
many finally dug the gold. They proved that the disease was caused
by a fungus which was later named as Phytophthora. With this dis¬
covery the fog that had blinded man since ages was dispelled. A
new science—Plant Pathology was born. Pasteur and Koch were
doing the same for human and animal diseases i.e,9 discovering and
proving bacteria as the agents of infectious diseases on one hand and
fighting with the halters of progress at the other, who continued
believing that the bacteria were produced by disease rather than they
produced the disease. Sometimes, the scientists took quarrelsome
attitude and their arguments got the overtones of political campaign¬
ing. Ultimately, after several centuries of unpardonable ignorance
man knew about those that caused disease. Pasteur, Koch, de Bary
and some others are the true saviours of humanity.
Serious epiphytotics (=epidemic) of late blight still occur but they
have lost their teeth. At present the farmers are warned when the
disease is likely to occur. Fungicidal sprays, disease resistant
-varieties, now keep the disaster at a long distance. Some important
40 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

diseases caused by Phytophthora are the following:

1. Late blight of potato—caused by P. infestans
2. Colocasia blight—caused by P. colocasiae
3. Leaf blight of Sesamum (til)—caused by P. parasitica var.
4. Bud rot of toddy palm and coconut palm—P. palmivora
Habitat. Phytophthora survives in the dead host tissues left in
the soil. P. infestans, as a rule, survives as dormant mycelium in
infected potato tubers. However, it can be cultured in laboratory.
Thallus. The hyphae are coenocytic and highly branched, which
grow mainly intercellularly in the host tissues. The fungus derives
nourishment from the host cells through specialized food-absorbing
organs called haustoria (sing, haustorium). These are peg-like pro¬
jections of the hyphae into the host cells. The optimum temperature
for fungal growth is around 20°C; above 26°C the hyphae die.

Isolation and Culture of Phytophthora

Phytophthora can be isolated from the soil with the help of an
apple used as a bait. Take an unripe apple. Stab one side of it
with a needle and press it into the soil. After a few days take it out.
A brown rot appears on the fruit. Wash the fruit thoroughly and
place a portion of the rotted tissue in a dish containing tap water.
A fluffy mycelial growth appears in 24-28 hrs. Some hyphae are
lifted from the periphery with a needle and transferred to a PDA
tube. A pure culture of Phytophthora is obtained.

Asexual reproduction. Chlamy do spores—Terminal or intercalary
chlamydospores are abundantly formed on the hyphae.
Sporangia. A low temperature (18—20°C), accompanied by,
high relative humidity (91—100%), are the requisites for sporangial
production. Sporangiophores emerge through the stomata from
the lower surface of infected leaves (Fig. 4.9) and bear terminally,
lemon shaped sporangia with a distinct beak (Fig. 4.10). The renewed
growth of the sporangiophore gives it a sympodial zigzag shape. On
potato tubers, the sporangiophores emerge in large numbers from th-
cut surfaces. The sporangia are deciduous (fall off) and get widely
disseminated through soil water (especially irrigation water) or
through wind. Wind-disseminated sporangia, germinate directly
by germ tube and, thus, functionally become conidia. They are
highly susceptible to desiccation. In presence of water, the sporan-
Fig. 4.9. Sporangiophores and sporangia
of Phytophthora infestans hanging from
the lower surface of blighted potato leaf.

4.11 (a) 4.11 (b)

Fig. 4.11. Symptom of Mate blight' of potato leaf caused by
P. infestans, A. early symptoms, B. leaves killed and lesions
extend to stem.
Fig. 4.12. Blight of Colocasia (arvi)
leaf, caused by P. co/ocasiae. Note
the zonations.

Fig. 4.13. 'White blisters' on raddish

leaf; caused by Albugo Candida.

Fig. 4.14. Hypevtrophied inflore¬

scence of mustard due to Albugo
sub- division Mastigomycotina


mm Zoospore^®"



Somatic hypha


Somatic hypha ^V/Voung

/ j antheridiumr

IP^Germ Haplophase(n)
sporangium /\


19 Oospore
/Q \ '•,^^-Antheridium

Fig. 4.10. Life cycle of Phytophthora infestans.

42 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

gium germinates directly (by forming a germ tube) or forms ^zoo¬

spores. This is dependent on the temperature. Low temperature
(12°C) favours zoospore production while high temperature (24°C)
induces direct germination. Reniform, biflagellate zoospores, after
swimming for sometime, come to rest, encyst and germinate by a
germ tube. On leaf, the tip of the germ tube develops into a flattened
bulbous structure called appresorium (pi. appresoria). An infection
hypha originates from the appresorium which enters the leaf tissues
and establishes an intercellular mycelium. Dead, blighted (brown
coloured) areas appear on the leaves. After a few days, numerous
sporangiophores emerge from the lower surface of infected leaf and
form zoosporangia. Zoospores in the soil infect the tubers.
Sexual reproduction. It is of oogamous type and occurs by
gametangial contact. P. infestans is heterothallic i.e. two mating
types are required for sexual reproduction. In nature, sexual repro¬
duction is very infrequent as the two mating types are rarely found in
the same locality.
On the basis of the position of the sex organs, the species are desi¬
gnated as paragynous or amphigynous. In the paragynous type
(Example —P. cactora), the sex organs lie laterally, while in the
amphigynous type (Example —P, infestans and P. colocasiae), the
young oogonium grows through the antheridium and after emerging
above develops into the mature globose structure. The antheridium
forms a funnel or collar-shaped structure at the base of the oogoni¬
um. The oogonium, which is initially multinucleate, at maturity
contains a single nucleus. The protoplasm at the centre of the
oogonium is called ooplasm which contains the female nucleus and
serves as the female gamete—called egg or oosphere. The cytoplasm
surrounding the ooplasm is called periplasm. The club-shaped
antheridium, which too is initially multinucleate, finally contains a
single male nucleus. The male nucleus reaches the oosphere through
a fertilization tube formed by the antheridium. Plasmogamy followed
by karyogamy results in a diploid zygote nucleus. Parthenogenetic
development of unfertilized oosphere into oospore is also known.
The oospore fills the cavity of the oogonium (Plerotic type of oos¬
pore). After a rest period the oospore ..germinates and forms a
zoosporangium at the tip of the germ tube. Zoospores of the two
mating types are formed in equal numbers which give rise to thalli
of opposite mating types.
sub-division Mastigomycotina 43


Pathogen—Phytophthora infestans
The disease is world wide in occurrence and is reported also from
all parts of India. Epiphytotics never occur on the plains, but are
frequent on Hills. The non-availability of high relative humidity
during the crop season (October-December), prevents the disease
occurrence. The fungus, present in potato tubers, fails to survive
the high summer temperature on the plains. The disease recurrence
occurs through ‘seeds’ (tubers) stored in cold-storages. The name
*late blight,’ is given to this disease because, compared to another
disease—‘Early blight’ (caused by Alternaria solani),it occurs late in
the season. The brown spots appear on leaves only at the time of
flowering; grow very fast and soon cover the entire foliage (Fig. 4.11).
Ultimately, the infection reaches the underground portions of the plant
and infects the tubers. Independent infection of tubers also takes
place by zoospores present in the soil.

Control Measures
1. Certified, disease-free tubers should be used for sowing.
2. Fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, Dithane D-14, Dithane Z-78
and Dithane M-22 etc.) should be sprayed regularly, right from the
seedling stage.
3. When the fungicides fail, the extreme step is taken to save the
tubers by spraying sulphuric acid on the foliage, several days before
harvesting. The foliage is killed, and along with them the fungi also
meet their end.


Pathogen—P. colocasiae
The disease occurs during rainy season (August-September). Cir¬
cular to irregular brown patches appear on the leaves which show
distinct zonations (Fig. 4.12). Drops of a yellow liquid appear on
the brown areas. The affected tissues dry and fall off, leaving holes
.and cuts on the surface of the leaves. The corm also gets infected
and starts rotting.
The disease perpetuates from season to season through infected
cOrms which are used as seeds.

1. By spray of fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, Blitox-50 and
44 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Dithane Z-78) regularly at fortnightly intervals.

2. Disease-fre,t corms, obtained from disease-free areas,, should be
used for sowing.


The family contains only one genus Albugo (=Cystopus), which is*
an obligate parasite. It is characterized by stout, club-shaped, un¬
branched sporangiophores which bear a chain of sporangia at the:
apex. Haustoria are knob-like. The oospore is plerotic i.e. comple¬
tely fills the oogonium.

The genus has 25 species, all obligate parasites of higher plants;

causing white blisters (areas of raised host epidermis) on the foliage.
The name ‘white rust’ is a misnomer, because the name ‘rust’ is used
only for the fungi belonging to order uredinales of class Teliomycetes
(Basidiomycatina) and the diseases they cause. In addition to the
blisters, the fungus causes hypertrophy of different floral parts and
forms tumors of varying sizes on all parts—stems, leaves, veins*,
petioles etc.
The important species are the following:
1. A. Candida {—C. candius)—causes white blisters (Fig. 4.13) on*
members of Cruciferae like Brassica, cabbage, Raphanus, ‘Horse
raddi&h,' Capsella etc. Sometimes these diseases cause considerable
2. Albugo ipomae-panduranae-on plants belonging to Convolvula-
3. A. bliti—common on Amarantaceae.
4. A. tragapogonis—on members of Compositae.
5. A. Occidentalis—infects Spinach.
6. A. portulaceae—on Portulaca.
Biga (1955) gave a key for identification of the species of Albugo,.
based on host specificity, oospore ornamentation and conidial cha¬
Habitat. The fungus is an obligate parasite and grows in the
inter-cellular spaces of host tissues. In absence of the host, the
fungus survives on host debris as oospores—or dormant mycelium.
It has no saprophytic growth.
Thallus. Coenocytic tubular hyphae lie in the inter-cellular
spaces of the host and derives nutrition from the host cells through
sub-division Mastigomycotina 45

knob-like haustoria.

Asexual reproduction. Sporangia or Conidia. After attaining
a certain stage of maturity, hyphae aggregate at several places under
the epidermis (Fig. 4.15). Club-shaped sporangiophores of deter¬
minate growth, with thick lateral walls and a thin apex, arise to
form a palisade layer. These cut multinucleate sporangia which
remain attached to form a chain at the apex. The oldest sporangia
lie at the top and youngest at the base of the chain. The walls
between the sporangia fuse to form a gelatinous disc-like structure
called disjunctor or separation disc. The disjunctors are dissolved
by water, and the sporangia are set free. The numerous sporangia
that are produced at the apical end of sporangiophores, push against
the epidermis which bulges out and ultimately breaks. When the
epidermis bursts the white mass of sporangia become visible as a
white crust on the leaf surface. These areas with broken epidermis
. and creamy mass of sporangia appear as pustules or blisters on the
The young sporangia are globose but due to mutual pressure
become hexagonal. They are disseminated by wind. Germination
occurs when the sporangia reach a suitable host. The mode of
germination depends on the availability of water. If water is avail¬
able zoospores are formed, otherwise the sporangium germinates
directly by forming a germ tube and thus behaves like a conidium.
Mature 4—12 biflagellate and reniform zoospores are formed in the
sporangium which move into a vesicle formed on the sporangium,
before they are released. After a swimming period, the zoospores
come to rest, encyst and germinate by a germ tube. The germ tube
enters the host and establishes an inter-cellular mycelium. The
repeated production of sporangia spreads infection to more and
more plants.
Sexual reproduction. When the crop season approaches its end,
sexual reproduction ensues. The hyphae penetrate deeper into the
tissues and form sex organs. The onset of sexual reproduction is
usually indicated by hypertrophy (Fig. 4.14) of the infected part.
The sexual reproduction is by gametangial contact of dissimilar
sex organs (oogamous). There are cytological differences in the
fertilization of the various species. The following description is for
A. Candida.
The antherida and oogonia, borne terminally on somatic hyphae
46 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses




Fig. 4.15. Life cycle of Albugo Candida.

sub-division Mastigomycotina 47

are multinucleate in the beginning, but later become uninucleate by

lisorganization of the nuclei. The antheridia, as usual, are club¬
s'laped while the oogonia are globose. There is a single egg (oos-
phere) surrounded by a periplasm. The fertilization tube, formed by
the antheridium, carries the male nucleus into the oosphere where
the two nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote nucleus. The oosphere
develops a warty wall and becomes the oospore. In the mean time,
the diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis, followed by several mitotic
divisions to form a multinucleate oospore. The ridges on the oos¬
pore wall provide a useful criterion for the identification of th^
various species of Albugo. The multinucleate oospore, after a pro¬
longed resting period (which extends up to * the next crop season)
germinates and forms reniform biflagellate zoospores. The zoos¬
pores are released from a vesicle borne on the germinated oospore.
The zoospores after swarming for sometime encyst and germinate
to form a germ tube which infects the host plant.
Parthenogenetic development of the oospore has been reported for
A. evolvuli by Thirumalachar et al. (1949).

Physiological or Biological Specialization in Albugo

Any species of Albugo, for example A. Candida, which is identified
by certain morphological criteria like-size of sporangia and the
markings on the oospore wall, attacks only members of the family
Cruciferae and not others. But A. Candida that infects one host e.g.
Brassica will not infect raddish. This means that A. Candida obtained
from different hosts are not the same and, therefore, have to be
named differently. Thus, the species are divided into groups
below species level. These are called biological forms and the phe¬
nomenon biological specialization.


The family Peronosporaceae includes fungi which cause 'downy

mildew’ diseases of several important crops. The name 'downy
mildew’ is given because of the hanging sporangiophores from the
lower surface of leaves through stomata. The sporangiophores
branch and bear sporangia at their tips. The sporangia usually
behave as conidia. The various genera are identified on the basis of
the characteristic branching of their sporangiophores. The impor¬
tant genera are Peronospora, Bremia, Basidiospora, Sclerospora,
Piasmopara, Pseudoperonospora, and Bremiella. All cause destruc¬
tive diseases of important crops.?
5. sub-division ZYGOMYCOTINA

-These fungi, like Mastigomycotina, are coenocytic in their hyphal

structure. Both the groups are erstwhile relatives and till recently
they were put together as sub-classes under the class Phycomycetes.
The sub-class Zygomycetes, remained unaltered as it consisted
of similar forms but the sub-class Oomycetes was a conglomera¬
tion of dissimilar forms and underwent much changes. Ultimately
4 classes replaced the Oomycetes, all put under the sub-division Masti¬
gomycotina. The Zygomycetes and another sub-class Trichomycetes
(fungi living in the alimentary canal of arthropods) are put together
under sub-division Zygomycotina. The Zygomycotina differ from
the Mastigomycotina in the following characters.
1. Production of aplanospores (non-motile sporangiospores), and
not zoospores.
2. Production of zygospore and not oospore. Zygospore is the
fusion product of both male and female gametangia, while the oos¬
pore is derived from oosphere only, and
3. Presence of chitin in their cell walls and not cellulose.
Zygomycotina is divided into two classes—Zygomycetes and Tricho-
mycetes. The class Zygomycetes is represented by three orders, viz.,
Mucorales, Entomophthorales, and Zoopagales. Trichomycetes are
intracellular parasites or commensels living in the alimentary canal
of arthropods.


A Chiefly saprophytic; asexual reproduction by spores or occasio¬

nally by conidia —Mucorales
AA Chiefly parasitic on insects, asexual reproduction by modified
sporangia acting like conidia or by true conidia
B Modified sporangia are discharged with force
BB Conidia passively discharged —Zoopagales

(Pin molds or sugar fungi)

Mucorales are mostly saprobes living on dead plant or animal

sub-division Zygomycotina 49

material or dung. Some are weak parasites of higher plants and

animals, while still others are obligate parasites on other fungi (espe¬
cially on other Mucorales and mushrooms). These are called ‘pin
molds’ because of the sporangia, that appear as black dots in the
cow-web like hyphae. These are also referred as ‘sugar fungi’ be¬
cause they utilize most simple carbohydrates (sugars) leaving complex
ones (e.g., polysaccharides) for other microorganisms. Enormous
number of spores are produced in the sporangia of some genera while
only few to one spore is produced by others. Sporangia having few
spores are called “sporangiole.” The single spore in the sporangium
by fusion with the sporangial wall might have given rise to a coni-
dium. This suggests the origin of conidia from a sporangium. Many
fungi of this group are imports nt in industry for their metabolic
There are fourteen families ii Mucorales according to Hesseltine
and Ellis (1973) which are differentiated on the basis of sporangio-
phores and the sporangia and to lesser extent on the habitat and
sexual reproduction. We shall study Mucor and Rhizopus (family
Mucoraceae) and Pilobolus (Pilobolaceae).


In Mucoraceae the sporangia have a distinct columella projecting

in the sporangia. The spores are passively discharged. The family
Pilobolaceae is characterized by the explosive shooting of the entire

genus MUCOR

Habitat. Mucor is a large genus with 42 known species which

are essentially saprophytes. Some species e.g. M. ramannianus and
M. hiemalis, occur in soil. Other species e.g. M. mucedo and M.
hiemalis appear regularly on dung of herbivorous animals.

Economic Importance
The harmful effects of Mucor in spoilage of food, textile, leather is
well known. Less known are their beneficial activities. They are
important in the bio-degradation of complex organic materials.
Species of Mucor are used in fermentation process in industry for the
conversion of starch into glucose which is then acted upon by yeast.
Yeast does not produce the enzyme amylase and therefore it cannot
degrade starch.
50 A Textbook of FungU Bacteria and Viruses

Asexual reproduction. Sporangia spores are produced within
spherical sporangia borne on long unbranched sporangiophores
(Fig. 5.1.) The sporangiophore grows as an erect hypha; its apical
growth ceases and the tip swells into a globular structure full of
protoplasm. The spherical structure is separated from the hypha
by a septum which later bulges and projects into the former as a
dome-shaped structure called columella. The spherical structure
including the columella is called the sporangium. The protoplasm
cleaves into numerous multinucleate segments; each of which
secretes a wail and becomes a spore called the sporangiospore.
Meanwhile, the sporangial wall on the external surface develops
minute needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate.
When the sporangial wail dissolves on maturity, the spores remain
firmly adhered to the columella in a drop of fluid and are not blown
off even by strong winds {see Fig. 5.1). The spores when dispersed,
usually by insects, germinate immediately by germ tube or remain
Chlamy do spores. Chains of round and thick-walled chlamydos-
pores are formed on the hyphae. When the walls are thin these are
called gemmae. When rest of the hyphae die, the chiamydospores
and gemmae survive.
Torula condition. The hyphae of M. racemosus form yeast like
‘sprout’ cells or oidia in sugar solutions. This is called yeast or
Torula condition’.
Sexual reproduction. It occurs through fusion of similar gametan-
gia (gametangial copulation) and subsequent production of a thick-
walled zygospore. Both homothallic and heterothallic species are
known. The phenomenon of ‘Heterothallism’ was first discovered in
Mucor in 1904 by A.E. Blakeslee (Details see in Chapter 9). The op¬
posite mating types are designated as ‘plus’ (+■) ‘minus (—) strains
which are morphologically alike and hence the terms male and female
could not be used.
Differentiation of sex organs starts when hyphae of similar (in
homothallic strains) or of opposite strains (in heterothallic strains)
come in contact. Gametangial branches, called progametangia, arise
from each of these hypae. Each progametangium enlarges at the tip
which is delimited by a cross wall. The terminal multinucleate swol¬
len structure is called the gametangium. The remainder of the pro¬
gametangium is called suspensor. The two gametangia are of equal
size. The wall between them dissolves and the protoplasm of
sub-division Zygomycotina

s' / If Spores
^ Sporangial || cemented
wall dissolves to columella

Progametangium Sporarigiospores
disseminated ^O®
by termites, ©


Somatic hypha

/ Cf Mx
©gr Sporanglospores

/ ■
—Germ sporangium

Progametangium M ^
Zygdspore germination
lgiurn^ ^
Gametangium ^
jr Karyogamy 8*
\// yz Suspensor>

Jj Gametangial
jff copulation
7 (Plasmogamy)

Fig. 5.1. Life cycle of Mucor sp.

52 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

the two intermingle. The nuclei of opposite strains pair which

later fuse to form diploid nuclei. The cell formed by the fusion of
the two gametangia, enlarges considerably; its wall thickens and
becomes black and warty. This is the zygospore, though it may be
more appropriately called a zygosporangium containing a closely-
fitting zygospore. Meiosis occurs before the zygospore becomes
The zygospore, on the return of suitable conditions, germinates to
form a hypha which bears a germ sporangium. Half of the spores
formed in the germ sporangium are of (+) strain while the other
half of the spores are of (—) strain. However, in Mucor mucedo
■occasionally all the spores are of one strain only, all "plus’ or all
* minus’. It is explained to be due to disintegration of all but one
nucleus—resulting from meiosis. The surviving nucleus multiplies and
its progeny, which naturally is of one kind only, enter the germ
sporangium and incorporated in the spores. Whether (+) or (—)
mating type will survive is a matter of chance.


Rhizopus, which is often considered similar to Mucor, is however,

much different. Cultures of Mucor cause no contamination in
laboratory, while Rhizopus is‘ a thorough isbecause of the'
rapid dispersal of the spores of Rhizopus,which does not occur with

Economic Importance of Rhizopus

Many saprophytic species of Rhizopus are use 1 in the production
of industrially important substances e.g., R. stolonifer O R. nigricans)
produces fumaric acid. R. oryzae produces alcohol. R. sinensis, R.
stolonifer and R. nodosus produce lactic acid.
Species of Rhizopus are used in fermentation process to convert
starch to sugar to be later acted upon by yeast. Strains of Rhizopus
are used in Indonesia in the preparation of a delicious food called
*Tempeh’ from Soybeans which is regularly eaten by millions of
people there. As a parasite, Rhizopus often attacks apples and other
fruits especially during storage, causing soft rot. Sporangiophores
develop on the rotted surface.
Rhizopus, as compared to Mucor, has short, stout, stiff sporangio¬
phores which bear black sporangia. The mycelium consists of two
kinds of hyphae (Fig. 5.2); the aerial hyphae called stolons, which
sub-divisibn Zygomycotina 53

arch over and root like rhizoids that enter the substratum. Sporangio¬
phores arise from the junction of stolon and rhizoids. There is no
such distinction of hyphae in the mycelium of Mucor.
There is difference in the
method of dispersal of spores Dry spores’
also. The wall of the sporan¬
gium of Rhizopus cracks into a
number of small fragments; the
columella collapses .and the
sporangiospores are quickly
blown away by wind.
The sexual reproduction,
though similar to Mucor, differs
in cytological details. Karyo-
gamy takes place before the
onset of dormancy of zygospore,
the meiosis is delayed until its
germination. In Mucor, meiosis Fig. 5.2. Rhizopus: hyphae and
precedes the dormancy. The sporangium.
differences between Mucor and
Rhizopus are given below:

Mucor Rhizopus

1. The mycelium consists of one The mycelium is distinguished into sto¬

kind of hyphae. lons (aerial hyphae) and rhizoids (root
like hyphae.)
2. Sporangiophores may arise at Sporangiophores arise only from the
any place. junction of rhizoids and stolons.
3. Sporangiophores are long and Sporangiophores are much shorter, stout
delicate. and stiff.
4. Sporangiospores remain adher¬ Sporangiospores easily blown by wind
ed to the columella and not dis¬ and thus cause frequent contamina¬
seminated easily. Usually mites tions in laboratory.
bring about dissemination.
5. Meiosis occurs before the dor¬ Meiosis occurs at the time of zygospore
mancy sets in the zygospore. germination.


The family Pilobolaceae is.characterized by the explosive shooting of

the entire sporangium. ~
54 A Textbook of FungU Bacteria and Viruses

("shot gun’ fungus or the ‘hat-thrower.’)

Pilobolus (Fig. 5.3) is a ‘coprophilous’ fungus i.e. it is found on

dung of herbivore animals (horse, cow, sheep, rabbit etc.).
Fresh dung is incubated in a damp chamber under a bell jar kept
in light. After 1—3 days, a forest of sporangiophores of Pilobolus
appear which can be seen with a hand lens. These may persist up to

tight Spores

X/.Drop of....
5 Vesicle ®c &
? Exuded droplets,
°-y7Exuded dropletsjj Gametangium Zygospore
/ Sporangiophore B / /

Young ~~

- Trophocyst

Fig. 5.3. Pilobolus sp-> A. sporangial apparatus, B. sporangia

ejected with a drop of fluid, C. sporangiospores, D. stages in
sexual reproduction.

about 15 days but usually decline after 7 days. Dung samples should
not be placed in air tight containers as in that condition nematodes
and insects break up the dung and produce anaerobic conditions.
Tliallus. The hyphae are coenocytic, and much branched; charac¬
teristic sporangiophores arise from the hyphae.

Asexual reproduction. Sporangiophores may be terminal or
intercalary in position on the mycelium. If it arises terminally, the
sub-division Zygomycotina 55

sporangiophore initial is cut off by a single septum; if intercalary, by

two septa.
The sporangiophores, 0.5 to 1 cm high, are strongly phototropfc. It
consists of a bulbous basal cell (trophocyst) embedded in the dung,
a straight stalk, which enlarges apically to form a crystal-clear sub-
sporangial vesicle, which is capped by a comparatively small, black
sporangium. The sporangium is separated from the sporangiophore
by a columella. The sporangium contains 15000 to 30000 spores.
The entire sporangium is violently thrown off with a speed of 14
metres per second towards light up to a distance of about 2 metres.
This forceful discharge gives the fungus names like the ‘shot-gun
fungus9 and the ‘hat-thrower9. The sporangia fall on grasses, and
-along with the grasses reach the alimentary canal of heribivore
animals. The spores pass undamaged in the alimentary canal, where
they receive the pretreatment stimulatory to their germination later
in the deposited dung.
The periodicity of sporangial production in Pilobolus is a
rhythmic phenomenon. Successive crops of sporangia appear each
morning at a definite interval of 24 hours, and discharged in the
afternoon. Such rhythmic phenomena (which are several and occur in
many organisms other than fungi) are called ‘Circadian rhythms9
or 24-hour ‘biological clock9. Sporangial production in Pilobolus
occurs only in alternating periods of darkness and light. The ‘bio¬
logical clock.’ can be regulated by shifting the 12 hour dark and
light periods so as to get sporangial production at any hour in day
or night.
Sexual reproduction. The genus has both heterothallic and ho-
mothallic species. Fusion of two multinucleate gametangia of oppo¬
site strains leads to the formation of a thick, smooth-walled zygo¬
spore. The suspensors are twisted around each other and then separa¬
ted like jaws of a pair of tongs. The zygospore is held by their tips.
After a period of dormancy, the zygospore germinates and forms a
sporangiophore and the sporangium. Meiosis occurs and haploid
spores are produced in the sporangium. The germination of the
zygospore, however, has been infrequently seen. It can germinate
directly producing a mycelium.


A characteristic feature of this order is that the mycelium breaks

into byphal bodies from which conidiophores arise. Conidia are
56 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

violently discharged. Sexual reproduction occurs by copulation bet¬

ween two hyphal enlargements acting as gametangia (gametangial
copulation). Waterhouse (1973) recognises a single family Entomo-
phthoraceae and six genera.


(The ‘fly fungus*)

The genus Entomophthora has about 100 species, which attack:

several insects. E.
muscae attacks house*
flies and causes ‘fly-
cholera,’ which i&
quite common especi¬
ally during summers.
Dead flies surrounded
by a halo of conidia"
are frequently seen
> Conidia on window panes>
(Fig. 5.4V Healthy
flies contact the sticky
conidia and get infect¬
ed. The disease quite
often appears in epide¬
mic form.
Fig* 5.4. Entomophthora muscae, A. dead fly on a
glass pane surrounded by ejected conidia.

Life History of E. muscae

The sticky conidia when come in contact with a fly, adhere to its.
body with the help of the sticky mucilage that surround the conidia
(Fig. 5.5). In absence of the host, the conidia produce secondary
conidia by budding. Ifhe conidia germinate andJfthe germ tube
enters the body through thinner portions of the body like the inter-
segmental areas or through the joints of the appendages. Inside the
body, the free end of the germ tube buds off to produce cells which
give rise to hyphae. The hyphae soon become septate and break to
form hyphal bodies. The hyphal bodies multiply by budding and
soon the entire body of the fly (head, thorax, abdomen and even the
tarsi) get choaked with the hyphal bodies. The insect becomes com¬
pletely plugged with the fungus Finally, all the internal structures
are destroyed. Such fungus-stuffed flies become restless and cling
sub-division Zygomycotina 57

to any substratum (glass panes, branches or leaves) with the help of

their mouth parts. The insect dies in a firmly attached position.

Fig. 5.5. Entomophthora muscae. Asexual reproduction ; (1—4);

Sexual reproduction (5; 6).
Shortly after death, the hyphal bodies form conidiophores which
emerge out through the inter-segmental portions. The conidiophores
are club-shaped and bear a single conidium at the tip. Conidiopho¬
res, protruding out the inter-segmental regions, form white bands on
the body and the fly looks like a different species. Flies die charac¬
teristically in the afternoon after 5-8 days of infection. Conidia are
discharged violently as in case of Pilobolus. The conidiophore
bursts shooting the conidium to a distance of 2-3 cms. A biconvex
water-filled cavity appears in the conidium above the septum, which
generates a hydrostatic pressure that brings about the violent dis¬
charge. The enormous number of the ejected conidia form a white
ring (halo) around the dead fly.
Conidium formation is followed by sexual reproduction leading to
formation of zygospores. Hyphal bodies act as gametangia. The zygo¬
spore is formed by:
■(/') enlargement of one of the two gametangia,
(if) on an outgrowth arising between the two hyphal bodies, or
(///) from one of them after fusion. The role of the zygospore is not
known; probably it germinates by a germ tube after a resting period.
Parthenogenetic development of zygospore is also known. Then the*
zygospore is called an Azygospore.
6. sub-division ASCOMYCOTINA

Fungi belonging to Ascomycotina are characterized by:

(1) an ascus;
(2) a septate mycelium;
(3) the production of a fruiting body, and
(4) the absence of flagellated structures.
Of all, the ascus is the most important; rather one character which
makes a fungus an Ascomycotina. An ascus is usually an elongated
sac-like structure which contains normally eight ascospores. The
hyphae have septa which are perforated in the centre. Cytoplasmic
strands and nuclei freely migrate from one cell to the other. The
thallus, except in the yeasts, is filamentous.

Asexual reproduction. The asexual reproduction occurs by:
(1) Budding or fission—Fission is characteristic of bacteria and
among fungi it occurs only in fission yeasts,
(2) Fragmentation, occurs frequently in all fungi,
(3) Chlamydospores, and
(4) Conidia.
The Ascomycotina have specialized in conidial production and it is
said that conidia have reached their zenith in this group. A variety
of conidia are produced in hundred different ways. Conidiophores
may lie externally on the hyphae or inside fruiting bodies (Fig. 6.1)
called pycnidium (pl.~ pycnidia) or acervulus (pl. = acervuli).
The conidiophores may be free or aggregated in various ways. When
the conidiophores are fused it is called synnema (pi. —synnemata).
Less compact fusion is called a coremium. Sometimes,conidiophores
arise from a cushion—like stroma—(a mass of hyphal tissue). It is
called a sporodochium. A pycnidium is a globular or flask-shaped
fruiting body having an ostiole at the top while the acervulus is a
disc-like structure usually formed under the epidermis or cuticle of
the host plant. The conidia are of various shapes, sizes and colours.
Sometimes the conidial masses give characteristic colour to the fun¬
gus e.g., green mold—Penicillium or black mold—Aspergillus.
sub-division Ascomycotina 59

Sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction occurs by several

methods viz., gametangial copulation, gametangial contact, spermati-
nation or somatogamy.

A portion of the fruiting body


Fig. 6.1. Asexual reproductive bodies of Ascomycotina,

Pycnidium and Acervulus.

Gametangial copulation. The somatic cells sometimes act as game-

tangia (e.g. yeast) which fuse to form a unicellular diploid cell, which
develops directly into an ascus. There is no dikaryophase i.e.9 at no
stage the cells are dikaryotic.
Gametangial contact. Morph ologically-distinct antheridia and as¬
cogonia (sing—ascogonium—female sex organ) are produced in some
Ascomycotina. The ascogonia are usually globular and bear a hair¬
like outgrowth called trichogyne. Sometimes, as in Aspergillus or
PeniciIlium, the ascognium is cylindrical and without a trichogyne.
The antheridia are usually club-shaped. The male nuclei pass into
the ascogonium either through the trichogyne or through a pore
formed on the ascogonial wall at the point of contact with the an-
theridium. In some species, the antheridia, though present, are defunct
(non-functional) and the ascogonia form asci parthenogenetically.
Spermatization. Spermatia are minute, conidia-like male cells
which are produced on short spermatiophores in the same way as
conidia are produced by conidiophores. The spermatia .reach the
60 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses ?
trichogyne, get attached to it and empty the contents into the tri-
chogyne. The male nucleus migrates and reaches the ascogonium,
where it pairs with the female nucleus to form the dikaryon (nuclear
Somatogamy, Somatic hyphae of compatible strains fuse and the
male nucleus migrates into the ascogonium through the septal perfora¬
tions. Frequently,undifferentiated somatic cells act as the ascogo¬

Development of Ascus
The male nuclei, on reaching the ascogonium (Fig. 6.2) form
dikaryons (pairs of nuclei) with the female nuclei. They don’t fuse
immediately to form diploid nuclei as occurs in the Mastigo—and
Zygomycotina. Thus, the karygamy is delayed. A dikaryophase
intervenes between plasmogamy and karyogamy. Small protuberances
appear on the ascognium (or the somatic cell acting as the female
cell), which grow and form ascogenous hyphae. The dikaryons
multiply by conjugate (simultaneous) divisions and the daughter
nuclear pairs migrate into the ascogenous hyphae- Later,septa are:
laid down in the ascogenous hyphae. Each cell of the ascogenous
hypha is dikaryotic except the terminal cell which contains a single:
nucleus. The dikaryophase in Ascomycotina is represented by as¬
cogenous hyphae; rest of the hyphae remain monokaryotic and take
part in the formation of a thick protective covering around the asci-
Any dikaryotic cell of the ascogenous hyphae elongates and bends to
form a hook or crozier-like cell, called ‘crook cell.’ Its two nuclei
divide mitotically in a way that their spindles lie vertically and
parallel to each other (see Fig. 6.2). Two daughter nuclei, one from
each spindle, lie at the bend of the hook while one nucleus lies at the
tip and one near the basal septum. Two septa are laid down to form
three cells—uninucleate basal and apical cells and a binueleate
penultimate cell. The penultimate cell acts as the ascus initial cell.
The basal and apical cells later fuse and the nucleus of the basal cell
migrates into the apical cell, through a pore formed at the point of
contact. Thus, the apical cell becomes binueleate and repeats the
above events to form a second ascus initial cell. This occurs repeated¬
ly, and several penultimate cells are formed which give rise to asci.
The penultimate, or ascus initial cells,elongate into a club-shaped
structure. The two nuclei, which remained as a dikaryotic pair from
the time of plasmogamy, fuse to form a diploid nucleus. Thus, the
Trichogynd Ascogenous hyphae
;sub-division Ascomycotina

Fig. 6.2. Showing stages in ascus formation.

62 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

plasmogamy and karyogamy occur at different places; plasmogamy in

ascogonium and karyogamy in the ascus initial cell. The diploid
nucleus undergoes meiosis resulting in the formation of four haploid
nuclei. Segregation of mating types and other characters takes place-
during the meiotic division. The four nuclei, by a mitotic division,
form eight nuclei. Ascospores are organized around these eight nu¬
clei by Tree cell formation’. Some cytoplasm accumulates around
each nucleus and later a wall is laid down. The cytoplasm left unused
is known as the epiplasm, and probably serves for nutrition of the
developing ascospores.
The ascus has-proved to be of great help to the geneticist in the
analysis of segregation of characters during meiosis. The meiotic
products are arranged in an
1st division ii nd division
segregation ordered fashion and can bo
patterns* patterns taken out for genetic analysis.
The segregation of characters,
whether occurs during the first
or the second division of
meiosis, can be known. Because
the final division is mitotic
converting the tetrad into 8
nuclei, pairs of ascospores have
the same genetical constitution.
In all, there are six possible
patterns of segregation of
characters (Fig. 6.3); two
patterns,if segregation of alleles
Fig. 6.3. Showing patterns of segregation occurs in the first division of
of characters during first or second meiotic meiosis, and four patterns if
divisions. the segregation occurs during
the second division of meiosis. The ratio of types 1 and 2 to the
other types depends on the position of the allele on the chromosome
in relation to its centromere.

Formation of Ascocarps
During the development of asci, the surrounding monokaryotic
hyphae organize a thick protective coat around the developing asci.
The wall is formed by prosenchymatous or pseudoparenchymatous
fungal tissues. The protective coat and the asci are jointly called
as the ascocarp. Three types of ascocarps are known viz., cleisto-
thecium, perithecium and apothecium (Fig. 6.4). Cleistothecium,
sub-division Ascomycotina 63

'hich is usually globose is completely closed. The perithecium is

* etiolate Le., has a pore and is usually flask-shaped. The apothecium

Surface view Vertical section


Fig. 6.4. Types of ascocarps. Whole fruiting bodies and their vertical

is an open, cup shaped ascocarp having an exposed hymenium (layer

of asci). The asci are usually elongated and club shaped, though
globose or ovoid asci also occur frequently. These asci, which may
be stalked or sessile, are arranged in a layer called hymenium. Inter¬
mingled with the asci in the hymenium are present sterile hair
like structures called paraphyses (sing, paraphysis), which help in
liberation and dispersal of the ascospores. The ascus wall may be
64 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

unitunicate or bitunicate and this is an important character in the

taxonomy of Ascomycotina. The unitunicate asci have two thin walis
which appear as a single wall. The bitunicate asci have an outer rigid
wall and an inner extensible wall. The inner wall on maturity comes
out after the breakage
^ of the outer wall. The
extensible inner wall
has an apical pore
a through which the
spores are forcibly
ejected. In unitunicate
asci, the ascospores
are ejected through
several ways (Fig. 6.5)
a pore, a slit, an

V operculum (lid) or by
breaking of the apical
wall. In a large num¬
Fig. 6.5. Types of ascus openings : A. no pores
ber of Ascomycotina
B. apical pore, C. operculum, D. slit, E. bitu¬ the ascospores are re¬
nicate ascus, the inner wall extends out of the leased forcibly.
outer rigid wall. The ascospores when
reach a suitable substratum, germinate and give rise to a monokar
yotic mycelium.

Important Exceptions
1. Ascogenous hyphae, asci and ascocarps are not formed in class
2. Asci are formed sometimes in cavities or locules formed in a
stromatic mass of hyphae—it occurs in class Loculoascomycetes.

The sub-division Ascomycotina is divided into six classes on the
basis of the presence or absence of ascocarp and its shape. The
classes are : (/) Hemiascomycetes, (i7) Loculoascomycetes, (Mi) Plec-
tomycetes, (iv) Laboulbeniomycetes, (v) Pyrenomycetes, and (vi) Dis-
The characteristics of the various classes are as follows:
1. Hemiascomycetes—Asci naked; no ascogenous hyphae, no
sub-division Ascomycotina 65

2. Loculoascomycetes. Asci bitunicate; ascocarps formed in

locules or cavities in stroma formed by hyphal aggregation.
3. Fleet ©my cetes. Unitnnicate asci, which are typically globose,
are borne (not in a hymeninm) at various levels mostly in a cleisto-
thecium. The asci are evanescent i.e. dehisce when the ascospores are
4. Laboulbeniomycetes—Specialized ecto-plrasites of insects.
The thallus consists of a foot cell (anchored in the exoskeleton of the
host) and a filament of cells which form conidia. Asci are formed in
perithecia and are deliquescent.
5. Pyrenomycetes—Asci unitnnicate, cylindrical, persistent, arra¬
nged in a hymenial layer in cleistothecium or perithecium.
6. Discomycetes—Cylindrical asci are arranged in a hymenium
and borne in apothecia.


Class Hemiascomycetes includes Ascomycotina in which the asci are

naked; no ascogenous hyphae or ascocarps are produced. There are
two orders—Endomycetales and Taphrinales.


A Asci arise directly from the zygote, formed by copulation of two

cells or parthenogenetically from a single cell. —Endomycetales
AA Asci arise from binucleate ascogenous cells formed by breaking
of cells from hyphae. —Taphrinales


The order has four families, viz., Ascoidaeeae, Endomycetaceae,

Saccharomycetaceae and Spermophthoraceae. We shall study the
genus Saccharomyces belonging to the family Saccharomycetaceae,
which is characterized by the scanty or no mycelium.


The term ‘yeast’ refers to Ascomycotina which are unicellular and

reproduce asexualiy by fission or budding and form naked asci, with¬
out any ascocarp. The Brewer’s and Baker’s yeast is Saccharomyces
66 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria .and Viruses

(Brewer’s and Baker’s Yeast)

Man has known bread and wine since antiquity but not Saccharo-
myces cerevisiae. However, fermentation, the conversion of sugar
into alcohol, attracted the attention of best minds in the latter half of
the 19th century. This naturally gave a place of pride to yeast.
Louis Pasteur the great scientist of France contended that fermen¬
tation was brought about by the life activities of yeast which grew
and increased in dry weight in sugar solutions. “No fermentation
without life,” claimed Pasteur. Leibig, a German chemist, chal¬
lenged Pasteur’s findings and claimed that the ferment was an extra¬
ordinarily labile organic substance formed by interaction of air with
something present in plant juices. After two years of Pasteur’s death,
Buchner in 1897 produced cell-free yeast extract which brought about
the fermentation. The extract, though derived from yeast, was life¬
less; something like cell-free extract of brain capable of thinking!
Later, the name zymase was given to the chemical that caused fer¬
mentation. It was an enzyme, which literally means ‘in yeast.’ This
discovery of enzyme gave birth to the science of Biochemistry. So
Biochemistry owes as much to man’s thirst for alcohol as Chemistry
owes to his greed of making gold (Alchemy).
Yeasts, because of their ability to ferment sugar, are named Saccha-
romyces (sugar fungi). In, a well-aerated sugar solution the yeast
^ grows and undergoes normal aerobic respiration producing carbon
dioxide and water. However, in absence of oxygen, the aerobic
respiration ceases and fermentation takes place resulting in the pro¬
duction of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. In brewing industry,
alcohol is the desired product,whereas in baker es, C02 is utilized to
make the bread porous and light.
Yeasts are the richest source of Vitamin-B Complex and dried yeasts
in form of tablets are used as a nutritional supplement in medical
Habitat. Yeasts occur abundantly on substrates rich in sugars
like the surface of fruits and nectar of flowers etc.
Thallus. Yeasts are unicellular organisms of all possible shapes—
circular, oval, elongated, rectangular dumb-bell-shaped and triangu¬
lar. Individually, the cells are colourless but colonies appear white,
.cream-coloured or light brown. The colony characteristics, along
with physiological reactions, are used in the identification of species.
The colonies of yeasts strongly resemble bacterial colonies.
sub-division Ascomycotina 67

The yeast cell (Fig. 6.6) has a cell wall which consists of mannan
and glucan in addition to chitin. Inside, there is a big vacuole which
occupies a large portion of the cell. The nucleus lies on one side of the
vacuole and very close to it. The cytoplasm, in addition to the diffe-

Fig. 6.6. A typical yeast cell. Saccharomyces eerevisiae.

rent usual cell organelles, contains glycogen, oil and refractile volu¬
tin granules (an inorganic metaphosphate polymer) as reserve mate¬
rials. The vacuole was previously considered to be a part of the nu¬
cleus but the electron microphotographs have conclusively demons¬
trated that the nucleus and the vacuole are separate entities, each
surrounded by its own membrane.

Life History
S. eerevisiae shows an alternation of haploid and diploid genera¬
tions (Fig. 6.7) which is a rare thing in fungi (another example is
Allomyces, an aquatic Chytridiomycete). Each generation is perpetu¬
ated by budding and is equally extensive and important.
In budding, a small protuberance appears at one or more places on
the cells, which grow into daughter cells. The nucleus divides by
constriction; the nuclear envelope does not break. Chromosomes are
not seen even in electron microphotographs. The daughter nucleus
enters the bud along with the other organelles. Before the daughter
cell is pinched off by formation of a wall, it produces another cell
68 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

and in this way a chain of cells is produced during active growth.

The chains appear like a short hypha.

Fig. 6.7. Life history of S. cerevisiae.

The haploid cells of (+) and (-) mating types, grow indepen¬
dently and multiply by budding. After a period of growth two haploid
cells of opposite strains copulate to form a diploid cell. The diploid
yeast cells are bigger and their colonies grow faster. The diploid
sub-division Ascomycotina 69

cells also increase their number by budding until the conditions* for
a change to haplophase arise. The diploid cells act as asci. The
diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis and four haploid nuclei, two of
each strain, are produced. Ascospores are formed incorporating
these nuclei. The ascospores are liberated by breaking of the ascus
wall. Each ascospore resembles an yeast cell though much smaller.
They grow into haploid cells and start budding to establish the haploid
phase, thus completing the life cycle.


The asci are produced at different levels (not in a definite hymenium)

inside the ascocarp;which is mostly a cleistothecium. The asci are
unitunicate and evanescent i.e. dehisce at maturity so that the asco¬
spores lie free inside the cleistothecium. When the wall of the
cleistothecium breaks, the ascospores are released. Cain (1972) has
pointed out that no single character is unique to this class and, there¬
fore, several characters must be taken into account for identification
of the genera and species.
There are three orders—-Eurotiales, Onygenales and Microascales.
The order Eurotiales includes nine families based on the nature of
the ascocarp wall (peridium) and the conidial state. The family
Eurotiaceae, which includes the two important genera Aspergillus and
Penicillium, bear catenate conidia (conidia in chains) on phialides.


Introduction and Economic Importance

The genus, though world wide in distribution, is more prevalent in
tropical countries. Conidia of Aspergillus are always present in the
air and cause contamination in laboratory cultures of bacteria and
fungi. A. niger is called Sveed of the laboratory.’ The various species
are of great importance because of their harmful as well as useful
activities. When Aspergillus infects lungs (Pulmonary Aspergillosis)*
the symptoms resemble tuberculosis. In England, in the year 1960*
about 100,000 Turkey poults died by eating groundnuts infected with
Aspergillus flavus. A toxin—called afiatoxins, produced by A.flavus,
was responsible for the poultry deaths. Aflatoxins are, however*

♦In laboratory the yeast cells can be induced to form ascospores by growing
them on agar containing 0.5% sodium acetate but no other nutrients. *
70 A Textbook of FungU Bacteria and Viruses

harmless to human beings. Strains of Aspergillus niger are used in

the manufacture of citric acid, gluconic and itaconic acids. Species
of Aspergillus are used (as described earlier for Mucor and Rhizopus)
for hydrolysis of starch into glucose in alcoholic fermentation by yeast.
Aspergillus nidulans is the historical fungus in which the parasexual
phenomenon was discovered in 1952 by Pontecorvo and Roper.
Habitat. Species of Aspergillus are found in any conceivable habi¬
tat because of the bizarre enzymes that they produce. They cause
spoilage of stored products, such as grain, food stuffs—including jams
and jellies, salted meat, fish and leather. They are the ‘green molds’
that cover the shoes or leather goods in humid weather.
Some species are weak parasites causing diseases of fruits during
storage and transit.
Members of the Aspergillus glaucus, A. halophilicus and A. restric¬
ts groups are the most xerophytic of all fungi and grow where all
other fungi are excluded. The grains stored commercially below 13%
of moisture content (equivalent to R.H. below 70%), are attacked by
these three species of Aspergillus and are thus called ‘storage fungi’
(Christensen, 1965). Other fungi cannot grow at this low relative
humidity. As a result of their activities, the percentage germination
of grains falls; they are rendered unfit for food and contain toxins
which can cause health hazard.
Thallus. The hyphae are hyaline, septate and branched. The cells
are multinucleate.

The conidial stage is dominant and the sexual state is either absent
or rarely produced. Species which have only conidial stage are
called Aspergillus while those in which sex organs are formed are
designated as Eurotium.
Asexual reproduction. Conidia are produced in enormous
quantity. The mycelium starts forming conidiophores very early.
The long and erect conidiophores. arise from a particular thick-walled
foot cell. (Fig. 6.10). It forms a terminal swollen vesicle. Bottle
shaped structures called sterigmata or phialides, arise all over the
surface of the vesicle and produce chains of conidia at their tips.
When there are two layers of sterigmata, the lower most is called
primary sterigmata or metulae and the upper, as secondary sterigmata
or phialides. The phialides are bottle-shaped. The neck is called
the spore-producing tube; the conidia are formed inside this tube
(Fig. 6.9). A portion of protoplasm with a nucleus,inside the neck, is
sub-division Ascomycotina 71

delimited by a septum. The protoplasm rounds off, develops a

Fig. 6.8. Aspergillus, A. conidiophore bearing conidia on phialides,

B. conidiophore with metulae, phialides and conidia.

wall which fuses

with the wail of the conidium
Daughter nucleus Septum wall
tube and becomes
a conidium. The
basal portion of the Neck 7
tube elongates and region
outs off another Phialide
conidium and in
this way conidia are
produced at the tip
of the phialide. The Fig. 6.9. Aspergillus. Formation of conidia by
conidia remain phialides.
attached in chains.
The conidia are circular, multinucleate and have thick and rough
The colour of the conidiophores and the conidia are responsible
for the colour of the colony, which may be green (A. flavus), yellow
(A. ochraceus), brown (A. tamari), black 04. niger), white (A. candi-
dus) etc. The colony colour is an important criterion in the identifi¬
cation of species. The conidia, which are ‘dry’, are easily detached
and disseminated by wind.
Sexual reproduction. Some species, e.g., A. niger, lack sexual
reproduction. Species of Aspergillus forming sex organs are put
72 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses*

under the genusEurotium, Emericella and Sartorya. Degeneration of

sex organs, especially of the antheridium, is common. The antheridia
and ascogonia are produced closely on the same somatic hypha (Fig..
6.10). Both are multinucleate, helical and elongated structures, which -
coil around each other. Antheridia may be functional or defunct.
Pairing of nuclei, derived from antheridia and ascogonia, (or more
commonly only from ascogonium), occurs in the ascogonium. Ascoge-
nous hyphae arise from the ascogonium and pairs of nuclei migrate in¬
to them. The ascogenous hyphae grow to unequal lengths and produce
asci at different levels. Simultaneously, with the development of the
asci, hyphae arise from the base of the ascogonium and collect around
the sex organs and form a characteristic simple astomatous (non-
ostiolate) ascocarp. The pseudoparenchymatous wall of the asco-
carp—peridium and the asci are jointly called as cleistothecium
(pl. = cleistothecia). The cleistothecia, which are spherical and
small (100-200 /x), contain large number of minute, 8-spored, globose
asci. These are evanescent, and dissolve leaving the ascospores free
inside the cleistothecium. The clestothecia open by natural weather¬
ing or by rupturing from internal pressure created by maturing
ascogenous hyphae. The ascospores have a distinct central peripheral
groove which divides the ascospore into two equal halves. The ascos¬
pores resemble pulley wheels. The wall of the ascospore is sculptured.
On germination, the ascospores produce germ tubes which give rise to-
the mycelium.
Parasexual reproduction. Some of the species which exist only
as conidial stages and do not form sex organs e.g. Aspergillus nidulans
are reported to have a parasex. Hyphae of different strains by
anastomosis give rise to hyphae containing nuclei of different kinds.
Such hyphae are called heterokaryotic and the process heierokar-?
yosis. These hyphae derive the benefit of both nuclei. Karyogamy bet¬
ween genetically-different nuclei occurs in the heterokaryotic hyphae.
The diploid nucleus is usually incorporated in conidia, which on ger-
mination;give rise to diploid thalli. The diploid nucleus multiplies by
mitotic divisions. Occasionally during these divisions, a peculiar
phenomenon—the ‘mitotic crossing over’ occurs which brings about
new genetic recombinations. This is the most important phase of
parasexual cycle as it gives the benefit of sexuality to the fungus.
Next event is haplodization. In this the diploid nuclei during
division lose chromosomes (aneuploidy) and ultimately become,
haploid. So, instead of meiosis, aneuploidy produces the haploid
sub-division Ascomycotina 73



74 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

nuclei. The significance of the parasexual phenomenon in the deve¬

lopment of genetically-new nuclei, compared to sexual reproduction,
is negligible. The formation of diploid nucleus and ‘mitotic crossing
over’, both are rare events. For details see Chapter 9.


Introduction and Economic Importance

Though cosmopolitan in distribution, species of Penicillium are
more prevalent in temperate countries. This is the opposite of
Aspergillus. Because of its importance in industry, especially in
antibiotic and cheese manufacture, extensive work has been done on
various aspects of Penicillium. The important activities of Penicillium
are as given below:
1. Antibiotic Production. The antibiotic Penicillin is manufactur¬
ed from P. chryrsogenum whose several high antibiotic producing
strains are available. P. notatum from which Alexander Fleming had
discovered the penicillin is, however, not used in the industrial pro¬
duction. The ‘wonder drug’ penicillin, though discovered by
Fleming in 1927, was not put to commercial production until 1945.
It is active (as a bacteriostatic agent) against Gram -Fve bacteria and
also against some of the larger viruses and rickettsia. Penicillin is
no w a generic term used for an entire group of antibiotics..
The antibiotic Griseofulvin is produced from the fungus P.
griseofulvum. It is used in the treatment of dermatophytic diseases
(diseases of skin, nails, hair and feathers) like ringworms, atheletes’
foot and epidermophytics. It is fungistatic and not fungicidal i.e. does
not kill the fungus. It is active only against fungi having chitin walls
and thus, ineffective on.Oomycetes, yeasts and bacteria.
2. Cheese Industry. P. roqueforti and P. camemberti are used in
the production of cheese having special flavours called Roquefort and
Camembert cheese.
3. Plant Parasites. Blue mold of citrus fruits (P. italicum), green
mold of citrus fruits (P. digitatum) and rot of apples (P. expansum)
are some of the important diseases caused by Penicillium. Several
species of Penicillium are associated with spoilage of food, leather
and clothes.
Thallus. The mycelium .consists of highly branched and septate
hyphae consisting of uninucleate cells.
sub-division Ascamycotina 75

Asexual reproduction. The dominance of the conidial state in
the life of Penicillium is greater than even in Aspergillus. The chara¬
cteristic conidial apparatus (Fig. 6.11), which resembles a brush or
broom, is called a Penicillus (Penicillium = small brush). Long,
septate conidiophores
arise from any cell of Conidia
the hypha, and not
from a foot cell as in
Aspergillus. The coni¬
diophores branch
once or twice at two-
third of its total length.
These branches are
called primary sterig-
mata (^rammi) and
secondary sterigmata
{=metulae), which
finally bear the bottle¬
shaped phialides.
Fig. 6.11. Types of conidiophores of Penicillium,
Conidia (phialospores) A. P. thomii, B. P. cyclopium.
are produced in the
neck region of the phialide,as described earlier for Aspergillus. Long
chains of conidia are formed with youngest conidium at the base.
These are globose to ovoid and look like glass beads under the micro¬
scope. As in Aspergillus, the coloured conidia—green, blue, or yellow,
give the characteristic colour to the colony, which aid in identification
of species. In some species,the conidiophores unite to form coremia
(sing, coremium).
Sexual reproduction. In most of the species sexual reproduction
does not occur at all. Conidia are the only method of reproduction.
Even the species in which sexual reproduction is known, it is a rare
event and, therefore, of academic importance only.
The uninucleate mycelium forms a swollen cylindrical ascogonium
(Fig. 6.12) which is uninucleate in the beginning but by repeated
nuclear divisions comes to have 64 nuclei. An antheridial branch,
which originates on a separate hypha, coils around the ascogonium
and cuts a terminal antheridium. The wall at the place of contact
of the two sex organs dissolves but nuclear migration from the
antheridium has never been observed. The male nuclei can be seen
in the antheridium even after the formation of ascogenous hyphae.
A Text took ofFungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Fig. 6.12. Life cycle of Penicillium (—Talaromyces).

sub-division Ascomycotina 11

i ometimes the antheridial branch appears late, and by the time it is

f ormed, the ascogonium is in advanced stage of fruiting. Thus, the
female nuclei in the ascogonium pair and form the dikaryons, which
by conjugate divisions form several dikaryons. Septa are formed
in the ascogonium. Ascogenous hyphae arise from the binucleate
cells of the ascogonium and produce asci at different levels. The
somatic hyphae, in the meantime, grow and surround the ascogenous
hyphae and asci and form a two-layered wall (peridium). Ultimately,
a cleistothecium is formed. On the basis of determinate or indeter¬
minate growth of the ascocarp, PeniciIlium is called by different
generic names. If it continues growing in size (indeterminate growth)
the fungus will be called Talaromyces, if it stops growing (determinate
growth) after attaining a definite size, the fungus is called Carpenteles.
The asci are globose and evanescent,liberate the ascospores in the
cleistothecium. The ascospores are freed after the decay of the
cleistothecial wall. The ascospores, as in Aspergillus, resemble pulley-
wheels and on germination form a germ tube, which develops finally
into the somatic mycelium.


The class Pyrenomycetes is characterized by unitunicate asci which

are arranged in a definite hymenium, usually inside a perithecium
(ascocarp with a pore). The perithecia may be globose or flask¬
shaped. In exceptional cases (Erysiphales - Powdery mildews), the
ascocarp may be a cleistothecium. The important point is the
presence of asci in a definite layer-the hymenium. Fungi having
cleistothecia with a hymenium belong to Pyrenomycetes.
A typical perithecium (Fig. 6.4) is flask-shaped, having a bulbous
base and an elongated neck which has a pore (ostiole) at the apex.
The hymenium lines the base and the lateral walls of the cavity of
the perithecium. Short, hair-like outgrowths, called periphyses (sign
=periphysis) line the neck region and some of them emerge through
the ostiole of the neck.
There are four orders (Muller and von Arx, 1973) viz., Erysiphales,
Meliolales, Coronophorales and Sphaeriales.


The Erysiphales are ectoparasites on higher plants. The asci are

arranged like a palisade layer within a non-ostiolate dark perithecium.
78 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses'

Families in the order vary in number according to different authors..

Ainsworth (1963) recognizes only one family, Erysiphaceae while*
Bessey (1961) recognized six families. Yarwood (1973) recognizes the
following two families:
1. Erysiphaceae—Powdery mildews with colourless hyphae, and
2. Perisporiaceae (syn^Meliolaceae) which include the ‘dark


Powdery Mildews
The ‘powdery mildews’ are obligate parasites of higher plants mostly
dicotyledons. There are eight genera (Yarwood, 1973). These are :
Sphaerotheca, Podosphaera, Erysiphe, Phyllactinia, Microsphaeray
Uncinula, LeviHula and Acrosporium. The genera are identified on
the basis , of (0 the nutnber of asci (one or many), and (//) the
appendages present on the cleistothecium.

Economic Importance
The powdery mildews, except a few, like the Powdery mildew of
grape, generally do not cause much damage, and are easily controlled.
Some important powdery mildew diseases are the following:
Powdery mildew of grapes— Uncinula necator
Powdery mildew of rose —Sphaerotheca pannosa
Powdery mildew of wheat —Erysiphe graminis
Powdery mildew of ‘Shisham’—Phyllactinia corylea
(Delbergia sissoo)

(Powdery mildew of Grapes)

The fungus causes much damage to grapes and frequently destroys,

the whole crop. In 1850, it caused unprecedented damage in France
and attracted much attention. Millardet’s accidental discovery of
Bordeaux mixture (a mixture of copper hydroxide, copper sulphate
and water in the ratio of 4:4:5) was related to this disease. The
disease occurs in India also. In addition to forming the powdery
coating pf conidia on leaves, stems, and fruits, it also causes stunting
of plants, deformation and mummification of fruits.
Thallus, The much-branched, septate hyphae consist of short
uninucleate cells, which spread over the leaf surface (Fig. 6.13).
sub-division Ascomycotina 79

Globular haustoria enter the epidermal cells and draw nutrition

from them.

Asexual reproduction. Large number of short, erect, hyaline
conidiophores arise from the mycelium and cut a row of oval, hyaline
conidia. A conidiophore has a stipe of one or more cells, a generative
cell and one or more maturing conidia. The enormous number of
conidia form a powdery coating on the leaves- hence the name
powdery mildew. The conidia have a high water content and need
no free-water for germination. Maximum germination occurs in
remarkably low humid atmosphere. It is interesting that free water is
inhibitory for germination and sometimes lethal to the conidia.
The conidia, largest in fungi (20-50/m),. are wind-disseminated. On
reaching a suitable host, these germinate and form hyphae which lie
externally on the leaf surface. The hyphae form haustoria which
penetrate only the epidermal cells and derive nutrition without caus¬
ing any visible damage to the host cells.
Sexual reproduction. Coloured cleistothecia appear on the super¬
ficial mycelium at the end of the host season. Sex organs are borne on
adjacent hyphae. A globular, single-celled and uninucleate ascogon¬
ium is formed by swelling of one of the cells. The antheridium, which
is also uninucleate, is stalked and is thinner than the ascogonium.
Plasmogamy occurs when the intervening walls dissolve. Pairing of
nuclei takes place. The ascogonium elongates and becomes 2-3 sep¬
tate. Ascogenous hyphae arise from the central cell and form asci
without formation of croziers. The ascus formation is accompanied
by the development of the peridium from the surrounding somatic
hyphae. The peridium is 2-3 layers thick; the inner most layer consist¬
ing of thinner nurse cells (used up by developing asci). Appendages
with coiled tips, a characteristic feature of Uncinula, arise from the
outer most peridial layer. Appendages with coiled tips and the many
asci are the two diagnostic features of this genus.
Cleistothecia are minute, round and black structures,, which repre¬
sent the resting stage of the* fungus. At the return of suitable
weather, the ascocarp breaks by the pressure generated due to swel¬
ling of asci after absorbing moisture. The asci spread out like a fan,
and finally, when the ascus wall bursts, the ascospores are liberated.
The ascospores germinate only on the host surface to produce the
superficial mycelium.
In India, the cleistothecia of Uncinula have not been reported and
80 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Germination on host epidermis

Conidium''\1 Appresorium
Generative hypha
Stipe Epidermis of
Haustorium host leaf



Germination on
host epidermis



Cleistotbecium^Ss^ -21

Fig. 6.13. Life cycle of Uncinula necator causing Powdery mildew of grapes.
sub-division Ascomycotina
therefore, the recurrence of the disease is supposed to be through
conidi a only.


In this order the ascocarps are spherical, hemispherical or flask¬

shaped (bo tuliform). They are mostly ostiolate, rarely closed and lack
an apical layer of gelatinous cells. The erstwhile orders Chaetomiales,
Diaporthales, Xylariales, Hypocreales, Sphaeriales and some others
are now put together (Muller and von Arx, 1973) in a single order
Sphaeriales. However, they are arranged in fifteen families such as—
Diaporthaceae, Xylanaceae, Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreaceae and the
rest into several additional families. The families are distinguished
by the morphology of the ascus, size, structure and colour of the
ascospores, the presence of germ pores or germ slits, the texture of the
peridium, the development and the morphology of stromatic struc¬
tures and the conidial states.
We shall study the genus Chaetomium belonging to the family
Melanosporaceae. Earlier it was placed in the order Chaetomiales and
family Chaetomiaceae.


It is a cellulose-degrading fungus which damages paper and fabrics.

. Ascus Extruded ascospores

-Curly appendages

Mycelial appendages

Fig. 6.14. Chaetomium globosum, A. Perithecium with coiled and

mycelial appendages, B. Globular asci containing ascospores.
82 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Chaetomium globosum (Fig. 6.14) rapidly degrades cotton cellulose

and also causes soft rot of wood. It is also coprophilous i.e.9 grows
on herbivore dung.

Asexual reproduction is rare. Only five out of over 85 species
are reported to produce conidia. The perithecium, a product of sexual
reproduction, is flask-shaped having an elongated beak which has a
distinct ostiole. The perithecium is covered by long hairs. These are
of two types. Those at the neck are curly while those at the base are
straight. The ascospores lie free in the perithecial cavity in a gelati¬
nous mass formed by dissolution of the ascus walls. The ascospores
are always unicellular and dark. They germinate to form the myce¬
lium which later produces the perithecia.


Ascomycotina forming apothecia are included under the class Dis-

comycete’s. The commonly used names of these fungi e.g., cup
fungi, earth tongue, morels and truffels are based on the shapes of the
apothecia. The apothecia may lie underground or above-ground.
The underground fruiting bodies of truffles are dug by dogs trained
for this purpose. Truffles, on cooking provide delicious food. The
dogs also eat them and spread the ascospores. Korf (1973) has
recognized seven orders under the class Discomycetes. These are:
Medeolariales, Cyttarilaes, Tuberales, Pezizales, Phacidiales, Ostro-
pales, and Helotiales. We shall study only Pezizales.


Pezizales are characterized by minute to large, epigean apothecia

(rarely hypogean) of various shapes. The asci are clavate, operculate
and discharge the ascospores violently. There are two sub-orders
(Sarcoscyphineae and Pezizineae) and seven families (Korf, 1973).
We shall study the genera Peziza and Morchella belonging to the
families Pezizaceae and Morchellaceae, respectively.

genus PEZIZA

Habitat. Species of Peziza are saprophytes found on rotten wood,

manure heaps and soils rich in organic matter.
sub-division Ascomycotina 83

Thallus. The branched septate mycelium consists of uninucleate

cells which lie buried in the soil. Its presence is indicated by th2
fruiting bodies, the
cup-shaped apothecia
(Fig. 6.15), which are
the conspicuous and
visible part of the
fungus. The feeding
mycelium is perennial,
while the fruiting body
is short-lived and
degenerates after pro¬
duction and libera¬ Fig. (.15. The cup-shaped apothecia of Peziza,
tion of the asco-
The apothecium of Peziza is t up-shaped, one to several centimeters
in diameter and pale (P. vesicuhr) to brilliantly orange-coloured
(P. aurantia). The cup of P. auranaa looks like a piece of orange

Asexual reproduction. It is rare. However, in P. repanda and P.
vesiculosa conidia are reported to be formed. It’s role in the life cycle
is negligible.
Sexual reproduction. Somatogamy between hyphae of opposite
strains (in heterothallic species) or between two cells of the same
hypha (in homothallic species), results in plasmogamy and formation
of a dikaryotic cell. Sexual organs are not formed at all. Ascogenous
hyphae arise from the dikaryotic cell and the fruiting body is organiz¬
ed around the developing asci (Fig. 6.16). Eventually, a cup-shaped
apothecium is formed.
The apothecium consists of three parts (Fig. 6.17): (/) the hymen-
ium, (/'O the hypothecium, and (///) the excipulum. The hymenium,
which consists of a layer of asci and paraphyses, lies at the inner sur¬
face of the cup. The asci are club-shaped or cylindrical having eight,
obliquely-arranged ascospores. The paraphyses, which are found
intermingled with the asci, may be longer, equal or shorter than the
asci. Sometimes, the tips of the paraphyses branch, which unite to
form a layer called epithecium, covering the hymenium. The
hypothecium is a thin layer of interwoven hyphae lying below the
hymenium. The main body of the apothecium is called excipulum.
84 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

It-may be divided into an outer ectal excipulum and an inner

medullary excipulum—the central part. The ectal excipulum is

Fig. 6.16. Life cycle of Peziza,

made up of pseudoparenchymatous tissue, while the medullary exci¬

pulum is made up of prosenchymatous tissue.
The asci in the hymenium are erect at the bottom of the cup
and curved on the side walls (Fig. 6.17 A). This arrangement
of asci at different angles is to facilitate upward vertical dis¬
charge of the ascospores. This ingenious device is the result of posi¬
tively phototropic nature of asci and the paraphyses. The ascospores
are ejected by ‘puffing’ in instalments. When the mature asci are* in
stretched condition, the operculum is thrown open even by a little
jerk of wind. The ascospores are violently ejected in large numbers
and form a miniature cloud.
The ascospores, when reach the humus-rich soil or moist wooden
log, germinate and form the haploid mycelium, which bear the cups
that crowd on manure heaps.
Phototropic Ascus
curvature of asci
and paraphyses* Ascospore
. Paraphysis






— C

tissue of ectai excipulum
Prosenchymatous tissue
of medullary excipulum

Fig. 6.17. Vertical median section of a Peziza cup showing

A. phototrophic curvature of asci and paraphyses at three places in
the hymeniuin. B. A portion of the hymenium, and C.y Tissues 84
of excipulum.
sub-division Ascomycotina 85

(The Morels or Sponge Mushrooms)

The morels are extremely delicious to eat and are popular in India by
the name ‘Gucchi.’ The various true morels are the different species
of Morchella viz., M. conica (conical morel), M. delicosa (delicious
morel), M. hybrida (hybrid morel), M. esculenta (the common morel).
All are edible. Unfortunately, they have not been cultivated com¬
mercially. Their fruiting is uncertain and we don’t know the condi¬
tions that induce fruiting in the vegetative thallus. Even in labo¬
ratory, we grow them only in the mycelial stage; fruiting never occurs
in laboratory pure cultures. This is the reason the morels continue
to be the food of the rich.
Habitat. Like Peziza, species of Morchella grow on manure heaps,
humus-rich soils, old logs and stumps in forests.
The Thallus. The mycelium grows inside the substratum and
derives nutrition from the organic material of the substrate. The
fruiting bodies, the visible edible part, are formed especially after
The fruiting body. It is a stalked
apothecium, 10-15 cm in height
(Fig. 6.18). The thick stalk stipe is
hollow and bears a sponge-like or ‘honey
comb’ like pitted pileus. Both stalk and
the pileus are hollow. The pileus is
whitish grey to dark brown, depending
on the species and the age. The pileus
has convoluted ridges and furrows
(Fig. 6.19). The furrows are lined by
hymenium consisting of asci and para-
physes. The asci have curved tips and
contain 8 ascospores. The ridges lack the
Fig. 6.18. Morchella
hymenium. The ascospores are violently esculenta, the * fruiting
discharged. body.
Life cycle. The ascospores give rise to haploid monokaryotic
mycelia. Somatogamy between cells of opposite strains results in
the formation of a dikaryotic cell. Ascogenous hyphae originate
from this dikaryotic cell which later form the asci. The fruiting
body is formed by the vegetative hyphae and, ultimately, the stalked
apothecium is formed.
86 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Fig. 6.19. Morchella esculenta, A. section through the pileus showing

hymenium in furrows, B. Magnified view of a portion of the
y. sub-division BASIDIOMYCOTINA

The mushrooms and toad stools with which mycology Started, the
rusts and smuts, which have been devastating crops since recorded
history, the ‘shelP and ‘bracket’ fungi that lie attached to the trees
sapping their vitality, all belong to Basidiomycotina. These are the
highest evolved fungi.
The important characteristics of the sub-division are:
1. The basidium,
2. The extensive dikaryophase,
3. The clamp connections, and
4. The dolipore septum.

The Basidium
Like the ascus of Ascomycotina, the basidium is a diagnostic feature
of Basidiomycotina. A typical basidium is a club-shaped structure
bearing apically four basidiospores on pointed projections called
sterigmata. The basidium may be septate, phragmobasidium or
unseptate, holobasidium. In rusts and smuts, the basidia are entirely
of different nature. Basidiospores are formed after karyogamy
and meiosis of the diploid nucleus in the basidium, and are, therefore,
uninucleate and haploid. These may be of two or more mating
types. On germination, the basidiospores give rise to monokaryotic
primary • mycelium.
The Thallus. Three types of mycelia viz., primary, secondary and
tertiary are found in the Basidiomycotina.
The primary mycelium is monokaryotic (i.e., made of haploid
uninucleate cells) and is formed by germination of the basidiospores.
These are of different mating types. It exists for a very short period
and gives rise to the dikaryotic secondary mycelium.
The secondary mycelium. It consists of dikaryotic (binucleate)
hyphae formed by the following methods:
1. somatogamy between cells of monokaryotic hyphae,
2. fusion of two basidiospores, and
3. spermatization of female sex organs.
The single binucleate cell, formed by fusion of two cells of the
primary mycelia or between two basidiospores, divide repeatedly and
88 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

give rise to secondary mycelium—example, smuts.

In spermatization, which occurs in Puccinia, spermatia reach the
female receptive hyphae through wind, insects etc., and dikaryotize
one of its cells. Thus, a binucleate cell is formed. The male nucleus
divides and its daughter nucleus migrates into the adjacent cell, which
then becomes bini^cleate. This division and migration of the male
nucleus converts the primary mycelium into a secondary mycelium,
the secondary mycelium is multiplied by binucleate spores, e.g.,
aeciospores, which give rise to more and more thaili of secondary
The secondary mycelium forms the major portion of the somatic
phase. Thus, the Basidiomycotina have an extensive and independent
dikaryophase. In Ascomycotina,the dikaryophase is of short dura¬
tion, limited to the ascogenous hyphae, which have no indepen- .
dent existence. The dikaryophase ends with the formation of basi-
dia, which usually develop on the terminal cells of the dikaryotic
hyphae. The karyogamy and meiosis occur in the basidia and four
haploid nuclei are formed. The basidiospores, formed from these
haploid nuclei, represent the haplophase. In rusts and smuts the
karyogamy and meiosis occur in special spores called teliospores,
which are formed from cells of the dikaryotic mycelium.
The tertiary mycelium is associated with the basidiocarp formation
around the basidia. Its hyphae are also dikaryotic like the secondary

Clamp Connection
It is a hook-like structure associated with the conjugate division of
the dikaryons in the secondary mycelium. It is a by-pass for the
nuclei, if they cannot pass through the septal pore, as may happen
due to presence of a dolipore septum. A small outgrowth called
‘clamp-connection’ arises between the two nuclei (a and b) of a
binucleate cell (Fig. 7.1) and forms a curved hook. The two nuclei
divide simultaneously. Their spindles are oriented in such a way
that the daughter nucleus of the upper nucleus lies in the clamp while
that of the lower nucleus comes close to the upper nucleus. The
clamp bends and its tip touches the cell; the intervening walls dis¬
solve and the nucleus in the clamp migrates into the cell to lie close
to the lower nucleus. Two septa are now laid down: one longitudi¬
nal at the place of the origin of the cl&mp connection, so as to cut
its original connection wi(h the cell, and the other transversely at
right angles to the first longitudinal septum. A new daughter cel! is;
sub-division Basidiomycotina 89

formed. The clamp remains permanently attached to the hypha.

Its presence indicates that the hypha is dikaryotre.

Clamp connection

Fig. 7.1. Cell division with clamp connection formation.

Dolipore Septum (see Fig. 3.2—Chapter 3)

Electron microscopy has revealed another characteristic feature of
Basidiomycotina, the dolipore septum. It is a mechanism to stop
nuclear movement from one cell to other.
The septum around the central pore projects laterally to form, a
barrel-shaped pore. The pore on the two sides is surrounded by a
cap-like structure—called the parenthesome or ‘nuclear pore cap.9
It is made up of a double membrane and its function is to shut the
The simultaneous occurrence of clamp connections and dolipore
septum suggests that the clamp connection is a fiby pass’ in hyphae
having closed septum.

R epr o duct ion

Asexual reproduction. Budding, fragmentation, oidia, chlamy-
dospores and conidia are formed by Basidiomycotina. However,
asexual reproduction is not of much importance in their dissemina¬
Budding of basidiospores is quite common. Oidia are formed by
separation of cells of primary mycelium. This increases the chances
of contact between primary mycelia of opposite strains for dikaryoti-
zation. Fragmentation of the secondary mycelium is common. The
inoculum for inoculating the compost in mushroom cultivation is
90 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

obtained by fragmentation of secondary mycelium. Uredospores and

aeciospores, produced by rusts e.g. Puccinia, are conidial in origin.
Sexual reproduction. Distinguishable sex organs are not formed
in Basidiomycotina except in Puccinia, where spermatia and
receptive hyphae are distinctly the male and female structures. The
plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis, which comprise sexual repro¬
duction, occur at different intervals and at different places. Plasmo-


\ Karyogamy

Fig. 7.2 Showing the six stages in basidial development in

Hymeno-and Gasteromycetes.

gamy occurs when secondary mycelium is initiated. Karyogamy is

delayed due to the extensive dikaryophase. Eventually, the karyogamy
occurs in the basidia (formed by the terminal cells of the dikaryotic
secondary mycelium,(Fig. 7.2) or in teliospores,and the promycelium
(Fig. 7.3). Segregation of characters occurs during the meiotic divi¬
sion, which follows karyogamy. Four haploid nuclei are formed.
Sterigmata arise as little outgrowths; their tips swell, into each of
which a haploid nucleus migrates. The swellings develop into basidio-
The teliospores germinate and form a club-shaped promycelium in
which karyogamy and meiosis occur. It becomes septate and four
cells are formed, each bearing a basidiospore on a short pointed
sterigma. The karyogamy and meiosis, sometimes, occur in the
teliospore. Thus, the teliospore and the promycelium jointly perform
the function of a basidium. The germinating teliospore is called
hypobasidium and the promycelium, the epibasidium. Both jointly
sub-division Basidiomycotina 91

form the basidial apparatus. The teliospore, before germination,

is regarded as eacysted probasidium.

Us t/la go

Fig. 7.3. Basidial development in Teliomycetes, during teliospore

germination, A. Puccinia, B. Ustilago.

Discharge of basidiospores. In majority of Basidiomycotina,

the basidiospores are discharged violently. The mature basidiospores
are perched asymmetrically on the tip of the curved sterigmata
(Fig. 7.4). The basidiospores have a minute projection—the hilar
appendix, near the point of attachment to the sterigma. Just before
a spore is shot out, a minute bubble of fluid, (not a drop) appears at
the hilar appendix; it grows to a certain size and its expansion results
in explosive throwing of the basidiospores;up to a distance of 0.1 mm.
The mature spores are violently discharged in succession and not
92 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses?


[ basidiospore
bubble Bubble

Fig. 7.4. Explosive discharge of basidiospores by the ‘Water drop


Compatibility. About 90 per cent of the investigated genera of

Basidiomycotina are heterothallic. They may be bipolar (37%) or
tetrapolar (63%). Bipolar species produce basidiospores of two mat¬
ing types, while the tetrapolar species produce basidiospores of four
mating types.'
‘ The basidiocarp. Basidiomycotina, except, the rusts and smuts,,
bear their basidia in fruiting bodies called the basidiocarp. The higher
Basidiomycotina become conspicuously visible by their beautiful basi-
. diocarps which are also called as ‘fungus flowers.’ The somatic
hyphae remain hidden under the substratum. The basidiocarps vary
greatly in size, from minute^microscopic to 3 feet or more in dia¬
meter. The shapes are fantastic. Mushrooms, shelf fungi, coral fungi,,
puff balls, stink horns and bird’s nest fungus, are all important Basi¬
diomycotina named on the shape of their basidiocarps. You will love*
them at the first sight.

The sub-division Basidiomycotina consists of 3 class-es: the Telio-
mycetes, the Hymenomycetes, and the Gasteromycetes.


A Basidiocarp lacking and replaced by teliospores (encysted pro-

basidia) grouped in sori or scattered within the host tissue;
parasitic on vascular plants —Teliomycetes»
AA Basidiocarp usually well developed; basidia typically organized
in a hymenium; saprobic or rarely parasitic—Hymenium pre¬
sent or absent.
^ub-division Basidiomycotina 93

B Hymenium present and exposed before the spores

mature. Basidiospores are violently discharged
BE Basidiocarp remains closed at least until the basidio¬
spores have been released from the basidia. Basidio¬
spores not released with force; Basidium not in¬
volved in the discharge of spores. . —Gasteromycetes


The class includes Basidiomycotina which form teliospores and lack

basidiocarps. The teliospores on germination form a septate promy¬
celium on which are borne the four basidiospores. Teliospores are
encysted probasidia. The basidiospores are capable of multiplication
by budding. The daughter basidiospores are called sporidia.
It consists of two orders: the Uredinales and the Ustilaginales,
which include the rust and smut fungi,respectively.


1. The order includes the rust fungi which total about 4000 species
distributed among 100 genera. All are obligate parasites of angio-
sperms, gymnosperms and ferns. Some of the rust diseases do great
'damage to our crops e.g., wheat rust, coffee rust etc.
2. Basidiocarp is absent and,therefore,there is no tertiary mycel¬
3. The. hyphae—usually secondary mycelium, remain in the inter¬
cellular spaces of the host tissue and derive nutrition through haus-
4. Clamp connections are rare.
5. Teliospores originate from the apical cells of dikaryotic hyphae.
These may be unicellular or multicellular. The structure of teliospores
forms the basis of identification of the rust genera.
6. The rusts have a pleomorphic life cycle, which in its basic form
contains five distinct spore-states,that differ morphologically and cyto-
logically. These are pycnia, aecia, uredinia, telia and basidia.*
If all the states are produced on the same host the fungus is called

•Various synonyms exist for each of these stages: Pycnium (syn. spermo-
£onium, pycnidium), Aecium (syn.' Aecidium, cluster cup), Uredinium (syn.
uredosorus, uredium), Telium (syn. teliosorus, teleutosorus).
94 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

autoecious. But in many rusts these spore states are formed on two
hosts, the pycnia and aecia occurring on one host and the uredinia
and telia, on the other. Such rusts are called heteroecious. On
germination the teliospores form basidiospores.
All the spore forms may not be formed in the life cycle of a rust,,
and based on this, three types of life cycles are recognized—the
macrocyclic, demicyclic and microcyclic. In the macrocyclic or
long-cycled life cycle, all the five spores are formed. In demicyclic
rusts uredinia are not produced. Microcyclic life cycles have only telia.
The macrocyclic and demicyclic rusts may be autoecious or heteroe¬
cious,but the microcyclic rusts are, by necessity, always autoecious.
The pycnia represent the gametic stage; the aecia represent the
stage in which dikaryotization occurs; the uredinia represent the
conidial or repeating, asexual stage, while the telia and basidia
(=promycelia) represent the stages in which occur the karyogamy
and meiosis. The term spermogonium is frequently used for the
pycnium. But this is not correct, as spermogonia denotes only ‘male’
sex organs while rust pycnia bear both male and female structures
(the spermatia and the receptive hyphae).
The order Uredinales includes 3 families: Pucciniaceae, Melamp-
soraceae and Coleosporiaceae (Wilson and Henderson, 1966). In
Pucciniaceae the teliospores are stalked while in the other two
families they are sessile. We shall study the genus Puccinia belonging
to the family Pucciniaceae.


The genus Puccinia is an obligate parasite and is extremely host-

specific. Attempts to isolate and grow the fungus in laboratory,
which started from the beginning of this century, after several
failures, have succeeded to great extent. Williams, Scott and Kuhl,
the Australian scientists, in 1966 succeeded in growing P. graminis
tritici on a non-living mineral medium. But in their culture
the organism behaved inconsistently and erratically. It never formed
the various spores in the sequence as formed on natural hosts. This
could be due to the change from parasitic to saprophytic mode of life
in the culture tube. The organism, however, in nature lives only as an
obligate parasite.
The fungus causes ‘rust’ disease of several economically important
plants. Some of the important species are as follows:
(0 P. graminis. It has 6 sub-species or formae specialis,which.
sub-division Basidiomycotina 95

attack only one particular host of Graminae; but basidiospores of all

sub-species infect Berber is,the alternate host.
P. graminis tritici infects wheat.
P. graminis avenae infects oats.
P. graminis hordei infects barley.
P. graminis secalis infects rye.
Even these sub-species consist of physiological races which grow
only on a particular variety of the host. The physiological races are
designated by numbers e.g., P. graminis tritici 138.
07) P. malvacearum causes hollyhock rust.
077) P. coronata causes crown rust of oats.
(iv) P. antirrhini causes snapdragon rust.


Three types of wheat rusts are known and all of them occur frequent¬
ly in India. These are:
(/) Black or stem rust caused by P. graminispritici
07) Orange or brown rust caused by P. recondita (=syn. P. triti¬
(iii) Yellow or stripe rust caused by P. striiformis (-syn. P. glu-


Pathogen—Puccinia graminis tritici

It is a macrocyclic, heteroecious rust as it produces all the five
known types of spores (basidiospores, spermatia, aeciospores, uredo-
spores and teliospores) and needs two hosts—wheat and barbery, to

Fig. 7.5. Uredial and telial stages of Puccinia gar minis tritici.
on wheat leaf.
96 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

complete the life cycle. Uredo-and teliospores are produced on

wheat (Fig. 7.5) while spermatia and aeciospores are produced on

Cluster cups(Aecia)

Fig. 7.6. Pycnial and Aecial stages of Puccinia, graminis tritici

on Berberis sp.

barbery (Fig. 7.6). Basidiospores are produced on promycelium for¬

med by teliospores on germination.

The Life History

On wheat, the first infections of the year are produced by uredo-
spores (Fig. 7.7), blown from far off places where rust develops earlier
(as from hills to the plains of India and to Canada from Southern
America) or by aeciospores produced on barbery. Both the spores
are binucleate and when germinate on wheat leaf,produce germ tubes
which enter the *ieaf through stomata. The dikaryotic mycelium
grows intercellularly and produces haustoria which draw nutrition
from host cells but without killing or damaging the host tissues. A
relation oPpeaceful coexistence* develops between the host and the
pathogen. The mycelia produce localized infections. After sometime
the hyphae accumulate at several places under the epidermis and
sub-division Basidiomycotina 97

form uredosori (sing, uredosorus). The uredosori appear as rust-red

pustules—hence the name “red rust”. Uredospores develop in the ur¬
edosorus. Due to the pressure of the developing uredospores, the
overlying epidermis breaks and the uredospores are exposed. The
uredospores are single-celled, stalked, thick-walled, oval spores (see
Fig. 7.5) which contain enough reserve food to sustain them during
long distance dissemination. The spores have four equatorial “germ
pores.” The uredospores are capable of immediate germination on
wheat leaves. They cause several successive infections during the sea¬
son and spread the fungus and the disease from field to field. At the
close of the wheat season, the uredosori start producing lesser number
of uredospores and increasing number of teliospores. Finally the ure¬
dosori are turned into teliosori (—telia) producing only teliospores.
Teliosori are also produced independently from the mycelium produ¬
ced by late uredospore infections.
Teliosori (sing, teliosorus) are black, and elongated pustules, occ¬
urring on the stem and leaf bases (see Fig. 7.5). Teliospores are stalk¬
ed, bicelled, spindle-shaped, dark-brown structures with a pointed
apex and thick smooth wall. Each cell is binucleate and has a germ
pore. The upper cell has the germ pore at the apex while the lower
cell has it at the side. It is a resting spore which represents the Sfexual
apparatus of the fungus in which karyogamy and meiosis occur. The
two nuclei fuse and a diploid nucleus is formed in each cell. It
undergoes a resting period in this condition attached to wheat straw
or in soil.
On the return of favourable weather in spring, the, teliospores ger¬
minate. Each cell forms a curved promycelium. The diploid nucleus
undergoes meiosis in the promycelium and forms four haploid nuclei
of two mating types. Septa are laid down to separate them into four
cells in the promycelium. Each cell produces a single basidiospore
borne asymmetrically on a fine sterigma (pi. sterigmata). Two of the
basidiospores are of one strain and the rest two of the other strain.
The basidiospores are thin-walled spores, which are violently dischar¬
ged by the “water drop method.”
The basidiospores can infect only barbery and not wheat. Wind¬
blown basidiospores when reach a barbery leaf, germinate in a drop
of water, the germ tube enters the leaf by mechanical penetration of
the epidermis. Inside, an intercellular monokaryotic mycelium (+
or — mating factor, depending on the basidiospore) is established
which draws nutrition through haustoria. Several basidiospores may
infect the same leaf and each basidiospore establishes a primary
98 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

mycelium. In due course, each diseased spot develops a flask-shaped

pyenium (Fig. 7.6) which opens on the upper surface of the leaf by an.
ostiole. The pyenium wall is lined internally by a layer of spermatiop-
hores at th£base. These cut minute single-celled, uninucleate sperma-
tia which ooze out through the ostiole in a sugary,fragrant solution.*
The ostiole is surrounded at the fringe by stiff hairs called periphyses
(sing, peraphysis), which support the sugary droplet, containing the
spermatia. In addition to spermatiophores, long flexuous hyphae
called receptive hyphae, arise from the lateral wall of the pyenium,
and grow out through the ostiole. The receptive hyphae represent the
female sex organ,while the spermatia are the male gametes. But these
are self sterile. Several pycnia of opposite mating types (+ or —)
are generally formed on the same leaf.
Along with the pycnial development, some of the hyphae of each
mating type reach near the lower surface of the leaf and form a knot
of hyphae, called the protoaecium. It consists of a row of long
basal cells and a surrounding mass of displacement cells.
Spermatization takes place through the agency of insects, which are
attracted by the fragrance of the nectar. Fusion of adjacent drops
also aids in spermatization. When spermatium of one strain comes in
contact with the receptive hypha of the opposite strain, the wall dis¬
solves at the point of contact and the male nucleus migrates into the
female receptive hypha. Thus, one cell of the receptive hypha is dika-
ryotized. The male nucleus by mitotic division forms a second male
nucleus, which moves to the next cell and in this way the male
nuclei, produced by successive mitotic divisions, pass down and all
the cells of the primary mycelium are dikaryotized. Dikaryotization
by fusion of primary hyphae has also been re* orted for P. graminis.
Eventually, the pallisade-like “basal cells” of the protoaecium are
dikaryotized. Now, the protoaecium develops into the aecium. The
cells other than the basal cells i.e., the displacement cells,degenerate.
Each binucleate basal cell cuts a chain of binucleate cells which
occupy the cavity formed by dissolution of the displacement cells.
The binucleate cells of the chains are alternately large and small. The
large cells develop into aeciospores while the smaller ones, called
disjunct or cells, gelatinize, liberating the aeciospores. The mass of

*In thistle rust, caused by P. obtegens, the pycnia emit a sweet smell like
that of violets. It is claimed that a scent is associated with Barberis leaves bear¬
ing pycnia of P. graminis,but it is too faint to be detected unless one has a very
sensitive nose.

+_ Basidiospores of
p»ir ✓ different strains

Meiosis m 1

Basidiospores infect
barbery leaf and from
m- pycnia of opposite strains.

Teliospore germination ‘

/I Teliospore
y\ i
Nectar drop
Spermatiumof opposite
strain fuses with
receptive hypha


Reinfection of
Uredospore wheat leaves through
x stomata

rr\ /£\_Aeciospores

sub-division Basidiomycotina 99

aeciospores is covered by a membrane called peridium which is deri¬

ved from the peripheral basal cells. The whole structure is called
aeciiun. The chains of aeciospores push through the peridium and
emerge out of the epidermis. The broken peridium hangs down the
lower epidermis. The aecial stage is often called “cluster cupM stage
because of the formation of cup-like aecia in clusters.
The aeciospores by crowding become hexagonal but tend to regain
the turgid globular shape. These contain enough reserve food. The
aeciospores are unable to germinate on barbery. When they reach
wheat leaves by wind dissemination, the aeciospores germinate. The
germ tube enters through the stomata and establishes a dikaryotic
mycelium which develops into a uredosorus.
Recurrence of black stei a rust on the plains of India. On
the plains of India, the urtdosori appear late in the month of
March or April when the wheat
season is at the end. The reas n for
the late appearance of the diseas> is
the non-availability of infecting
propagules (aeciospores or uredos-
pores) on the plains. The barbery
bushes are not found on the plains.
The recurrence of the disease every
year was explained by Dr K. C.
Mehta (1931) of Agra College, Agra.
He showed that the winds blowing
downwards from the Himalayas in
North and Nilgiri in South, carry
uredospores. The uredospores are
produced late on hills, in January,
as the rust overwinters in the cold
months from November to January
or February. The infection spreads,,
by late February. The uredospores
start contaminating the wind. The K.C. Mehta
infection spreads in steps, first at
the foot of hills near Nepal, and later in the distant upper Gangetic
plain. By then, it is March and the fungus is too late to cause much
In South India, the black rust appears early, in the month of
September, especially at the foot of the NiUiri and Palni hills. Here
the wheat crop is sown in July and continues till December and,
100 A Textbook of Fungi* Bacteria and Viruses

therefore, the damage is greater.

Control of Wheat Rust
1. Use of resistant varieties. Rust resistant varieties of wheat
are available and their use is the safest and cheapest method of con-
2. Barbery eradication. For a heteroecious rust, like the black
rust of wheat, it might be expected that eradication of one
host—(the economically unimportant host) barbery, may control
the disease by cutting down the life cycle of the fungus. It proved
effective in USA. But if infection occurs by uredospores brought
through winds, barbery eradication may not be of any use. In plains
of India, for example, the source of primary infection lies in the hills.
Nevertheless, barbery eradication will be helpful in one way that its
absence will exclude the chances of dikaryotization and development
of new genetic varieties of the fungus.


The uredial and telial stages of the brown and yellow rust of wheat
are depicted in Fig. 7.8. The symptoms and important differences
between the three rusts of wheat are given in Table 7.1.

Brown rust

Fig. 7.8. Uredial and telial stages of the brown and yellow rust of wheat.
Table 7.1. Comparison of the three rusts of Wheat
Black rust (P. graminis) Orange or brown rust P. recondita Yellow rust P. striiformis
(=P. triticina) glumarum)

. Stems are most seriously attacked, followed Attacks leaves almost exclusively, very Leaves are most severely attacked followed
by leaf sheaths, leaves and ‘ears’, in decreas- rarely leaf sheaths or stem. by leaf sheaths, stems and eats.


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►. 240 races of the pathogen are known; 14 re- 100 races are known but only 14 are re- Out of the 14 races, 10 are reported from
ported from India. ported from India. India.
. The annual recurrence of the disease on the Same as of black rust. In addition to uredospores from hillsvthe in¬
plains is through uredospores blown down oculum initiating primary infection is provid-
from hills late in the wheat season. ed by some locally growing “collateral hosts.”
102 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Physiological Races
P. graminis infects several hosts belonging to the family Graminae.
The uredospores of P. graminis, which infect wheat, fail to infect
another host-say oat or barley. Similarly, uredospore produced
by P. graminis on barley, fails to infect any other host. Erikson,
(1891) a Swedish botanist, designated each isolate by a third name
(trinomial nomenclature) and called it sub-species or “formae
specialis.” Thus, the name P. graminis tritici was given to the
isolate that infects wheat; P. graminis hordei for the isolate infecting
barley and P. graminis avenae for the isolate infecting oat. Laterrit
was found by Stakman and Levine of USA (1922) that in P. graminis
tritici, the-isolate that infects one variety of wheat fails to infect ano¬
ther variety. Thus, a further identification is needed to indicate the
variety of the host. These are called physiological races. Over 200
physiological races of P. graminis tritici are known. The physiological
races are designated by numbers e.g., P. graminis tritici 138. The
work of identification of the physiological races is very important.
Before developing a resistant variety a knowledge of the existing
races is essential. It is a difficult job and is done only by specialists.
But we can see how it is done. For delineating the races of Puccinia
graminis tritici, uredospores, obtained from different areas, are ino¬
culated on ‘differential varieties’ (these are 12 in number for wheat
rust fungus). The infections produced, on the basis of number and
size of pustules formed, are graded on a standard chart as follows:
0. Immune—no pustules produced, no sign of infection.
1. Very resistant—only faint chlorotic spots surrounded by necro¬
tic tissues appear.
2. Moderately resistant—minute scattered pustules appear.
3. Moderately susceptible—medium size pustules and chlorotic
spots appear.
4. Very susceptible—medium to big size confluent pustules formed.
X. Heterogeneous—size of pustules vary but mainly mixture of
type 1 and 4.
Small variations in the grades are indicated by one or two plus or
minus signs e.g. 2~, 2""", 2+, 2++ etc. The identification of physiologi¬
cal races is a difficult task; the fluctuating effect of the environmental
factors adds to the complexity. Thus, certain races produce the X-
reaction under some conditions but not under others.
Fungi are a treacherous lot. Their physiologic races can be further
demarcated into “biotypes” by adding another variety to the stan¬
dard differentials. Uppal and Gokhale (1947), Gokhale (1950) and
:sub-division Basidiomycotina 103

Prasada and Sreekantiah (1956) discovered the existence of two bio¬

types of race 42; one of race 15 and one of race 21 of P. gramlnis
tritici, respectively.
A knowledge of all the existing physiologic races is essential before
work on breeding for resistance is undertaken. Mehta in 1931 started
the work on examining the physiological races in India which was
continued mainly by Vasudeva, Prasada, Gokhale and Uppal.
New races continue coming up in the nature’s 'field laboratory’ by
the genetic recombinations and mutations. Once they arrive, they
multiply unchecked, as other races are ineffective on the hitherto re¬
sistant host. The resistant host, thus, selects the new race and brings
about, what is aptly called, the 6man-guided evolution.’ Thus, the
plant breeders have to be on the alert.


1, The fungi included in this order are called smut fungi and the
diseases they cause are called smut diseases.
2. The teliospores are formed from all the cells of the secondary
dikaryotic mycelium by developing a thick resistant wall.
3. Basidiospores are formed directly on a septate or non-septate
promycelium produced by the teliospores on germination. There are
no sterigmata. The basidiospores are passively discharged.
4. Except one small family—Graphiolaceae, smuts do not form a
5. Mycelium is intercellular and forms haustoria which draw7 nutri¬
tion from the hosts cells.
6. Clamp connections and dolipore septa absent (Talbot, 1970).
The Ustilaginales and Uredinales show close resemblance. Both
groups are important plant pathogens growing in the intercellular
spaces and deriving nutrition through haustoria. Both lack dolipore
septa and clamp connections. The differences between them are
given in the table below.

Characters Uredinales (rusts) Ustilaginales (smuts)

Teliospores Present, formed by terminal Present, formed by intercal¬

cells of secondary myce¬ ary as well as terminal cells
lium. of secondary mycelium.
Basidiospores Present in definite numbers, Not in definite numbers.
usually 4, borne on sterig¬ Sterigmata absent; basidio¬
mata; violently discharged. spores passively discharged.
Basidiocarp Absent Present in Graphiolaceae.
104 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

The order Ustilaginales is divided into 3 families—the Ustilagin-

aceae, the Tilletiaceae and the Graphiolaceae (Fischer and Holton,,
1957). The genera of Ustilaginaceae produce a septate promycelium
bearing lateral basidiosportfs* In Tilletiaceae, the promycelium is a
hollow tube, which bears the basidiospores at the tip. The Graphic-
laceae is different from both the above families in having a basidio-


Ustilago causes smut diseases of several economically important

plants. Some of the important species and the diseases they cause are:
U. tritici (loose smut of wheat), U. nuda (loose smut of barley), U.
avenae (loose smut of oats), U. maydis (smut of maize), U. scitaminea
(smut of sugarcane) and U. occidentalis (smut of Cyanodon).
In nature all the species, except Umaydis, live only as parasites
on their specific hosts and are incapable of saprophytic existence. U.
maydis, however, grows profusely on manure heaps. As will bo
evident later, this species is different in many ways from rest of the-
species of Ustilago. Though incapable of saprophytic existence,.
Ustilago is not an obligate parasite because it has been cultured in the'
In all smut diseases, except the smut of maize, the hyphae become^
systemic in the host tissue but the sori of teliospores are formed only
in certain parts of host, usually the ovary or the inflorescence. The
sori are covered by a host membrane. This is a distinguishing feature
of this genus. In loose smut of wheat, barley and oat, the ears are
transformed into a black mass of spores, which after the rupture of
host membrane, become free and are blown by wind in such huge
amounts that something like a smut cloud can be seen. In smut of
sugarcane the whole floral axis becomes a black, sooty whip-like
structure due to its transformation into smut spores. The smut of
maize is different and smut sori are formed on any part of the host.
Habitat. Except U. maydis9 which grows well saprophytically, all
other species grow only parasitically inside their host tissues.
Thallus. The mycelium is of two types. The primary mycelium,
consisting of uninucleate cells, is formed by the germination of basi¬
diospores and is of very short duration; even absent in some cases.
The secondary mycelium is dikaryotic i.e., the hyphae consist of
binucleate cells. It extends practically through the entire life. It grows
intercellularly and draws nutrition fro#i host cells through haustoria^
Fig. 7.9. 'Loose smut' disease of wheat. The Fig. 7.12. A. campestris photo¬
ears are converted into black mass of spores. graph of the fruiting body.

Fig. 7.14- A 'fairy ring' of Agaricus in natural Fig. 7.15. Spore print of
habitat. Agaricus.
Fig. 7.19. Amanita phalloides—\he Fig. 7.21. Pofyporus betulinus.
fruiting body in natural habitat. natural view.

sub-division Basidiomycotina 105

(except. U. maydis). The mycelium grows extensively and is present-

in every part of the host. Eventually, at the end of the host season,
the hyphae accumulate in the part where smut sori are to be formed.
The binucleate cells round up to form thick-walled teliospores.
In nutrient solutions, the mycelium breaks into yeast-like cells
which show7 characteristic ‘budding.’ This is known as the ‘Torula’
or‘yeast’stage. This phenomenon has earlier been seen in Mucor
and Rhizopus.

Asexual reproduction. Budding of basidiospores is the most
common method of asexual reproduction. Fragmentation, and in
some species,conidia are the other means of asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction. Sex organs are absent. But the sexual
reproduction, represented by karyogamy followed by meiosis, does
occur and brings about the genetic recombination. The function of
sex organs is taken up by somatic cells which transform into telio¬
spores. Plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis are separated in space
and time, i.e., occur at different places and at different time. Plasmo¬
gamy is brought about by the fusion between two uninucleate cells
of opposite mating types, which may be the basidiospores or cells of
the primary mycelia. Most of the smut fungi are heterothallic. The
karyogamy is delayed until teliospores germinate and form a pro¬
mycelium. The diploid zygote nucleus undergoes meiosis to form
four haploid nuclei, two of each mating type.
The promycelium is divided into four cells by horizontal septa.
A bud arises,from each cell into which one nucleus passes. The bud
develops into a basidiospore and is pinched off. In some species the
promycelium may continue forming the basidiospores. In some
species e.g. U. maydis, the basidiospores themselves by budding form
sprout cells ( = daughter basidiospores or secondary sporidia). In U.
tritici there are no basidiospores; the cells of the promycelium form
infection threads which fuse to establish a dikaryotic hypha that
grows and develops into the secondary mycelium.


Pathogen JJ. tritici

Symptoms, Plants, produced by internally-infected seeds contain
the hyphae in every nook and corner of their body. But marked
106 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

symptoms appear only when ‘ears’ come out. Sometimes the infected
plants are stunted in growth. The ears instead of containing grains
contain black mass of spores (Fig. 7.9). The sori In the early stages
are covered by a thin membrane derived from host tissue but later
the membrane ruptures and the spores become a loose mass; hence
the name ‘loose’ smut.

Life History
The disease is internally seed-borne i.ethe fungus lives in dormant
stage in the embryo of the seed (Fig. 7.10). Such seeds look perfectly

Teliospores blown to
wheat flowers,

/ on wheat flowers



Teliospores I
i _ lx „ f » Smutted ear
formed in ^ f


Dikaryotic Dikaryotic hypha


infected seed
Seed germination
infected plant

Fig. 7.10. Life cycb of U tritici causing loose smut of wheat.

normal and there is no method to detect the infection unless they are
grown and watched till the^ar’formation. The seedlings, and later
the whole plant is infected by its extensive dikaryotic mycelium,
which grows intercellularly and derives food through haustoria. The
plants are said to be systemically infected. The hyphae collect in
the ovaries and the hyphal cells found off, develop thick walls and
sub-division Basidiomycotina 107

become teliospores. The farmer is taken by surprise when smutted

‘ears’ appear from healthy-looking , plants. The teliospores, after
the rupture of the covering membrane, are blown by wind. When the
teliospores are blown off, only the rachis is left behind. The telio¬
spores when land on the feathery style or ovary of wheat flowers,
germinate to form a promycelium. Karyogamy, followed by meiosis,
results in the formation of 4 haploid nuclei, 2 of each mating type.
Septa are laid down in the promycelium so as to form four celis,
each containing a single haploid nucleus. From each cell a thin-
hypha-like outgrowth emerges. These are called the ‘infection
threads', the counterpart of basidiospores, formed in other species
of Ustilago. The typical basidiospores are not formed in this species,
but their function is performed by the infection threads. These in¬
fection hyphae individually are unable to grow and parasitize the
ovary unless two infection threads of opposite mating types fuse and
form a dikaryotic hypha. Thus, what the single nucleus fails to do is
done by the joint action of two nuclei. The dikaryotic hypha grows
through the ovary wall and reaches the ovule. It crosses the testa,
endosperm and ultimately infects the embryo. The mycelium becomes
established in the seed formed by the infected ovule and becomes an
inseparable part of it. The hyphae lie dormant in the seed and spring
to life again when the seed is sown in field and a seedling is formed.
Such internally infected seeds give rise to systematically infected
plants. The fungus lives its vegetative life and at the end of the wheat
season forms sori transforming the entire inflorescence, except the
rachis, into a black mass of spores.

1. Seeds for sowing should be obtained from reliable places where
the disease does not occur.
2. If there is any doubt, the seeds may be treated by ‘hot water
method’. The method was discovered by Jensen in 1889. Seeds are
soaked in shallow warm water contained in pots and then spread in
hot scorching sun during the day. The hyphae die due to the heat of
the sun, much quicker than the embryo. The safety line is very thin
and there is every chance of killing the seeds. But the risk is worth
3- Use of resistant varieties is the best method of avoiding the
108 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses r

Pathogen—Ustilago maydis
The pathogen is much different from the other smut fungi. The
important differences are the following:
1. In addition to parasitic life, it grows well saprophytically in
2. It grows intracellularly and does not form haustoria.
3. Does not grow systemilcally in the host but remains localized
to several independently infected parts.
4. Smut sori are formed on almost all the above-ground parts of
the plant—the cob, the leaf and the stem.
5. The fungus induces tumor formation, and outgrowths, as big as
a child’s head, are frequently formed. These are filled with telio-
6. The primary mycelium, which in other species is incapable of
growth in the host tissue, grows sufficiently well in the host tissue.
However, the dikaryotic secondary mycelium grows more vigorously
than the primary mycelium.
Symptoms. Sori (galls) containing teliospore are formed on all
above-ground parts. Galls of different sizes appear; the biggest galls
are formed on the cobs.

Life History
The fungus lives saprophytically in soil. When the maize crop is-
available in the field, the basidiospores, blown by wind currents,
reach the . plants and germinate to form a monokaryotic primary
mycelium (Fig. 7.11). The primary mycelium makes some growth in
the host tissue, but the vigorous growth starts only when the dikaryo¬
tic secondary mycelium is established by anastomosis and fusion of
hyphae of opposite mating types. Dikaryotization is necessary for
gall formation. The fungus does not spread in the host tissue but
remains confined to the vicinity of the place of infection and forms a
sorus of teliospores. Big masses of sori appear in the form of galls
or tumors. Each gall is the product of a separate infection. The telio¬
spores are formed by rounding up of the binucleate cells. In the
beginning the telia are covered by the host tissues but later the
covering ruptures and the teliospores become free. The spores are
disseminated by wind. They germinate to form a club-shaped promy¬
celium in which karyogamy and meiosis occur, resulting in the for¬
mation of four haploid nuclei. Segregation of sex occurs during.
sub-division Basidiomycotina 109

J leiosis
and out of the four nuclei formed, two are of one mating
type and two of the other mating type. Four septa are laid down

•5 (el's
r. ...4


j -J* Secondary
Dikaryotic / Jsh~ sporidia
secondary hypha
Monokary otic
primary hypha

Fig. 7.11. Life cycle of U*tnaydis causing smut of maize.

"Which divide the promycelium into four cells, each containing one
haploid nucleus. A bud develops on each cell into which passes the
nucleus. The bud later develops into a basidiospore. The basidio-
spores are passively discharged, and blown by wind to cause more
infections. These form secondary sporidia by budding.

Control Measures
1. Use of resistant varieties is the safest and cheapest method of
2. Soil sanitation. The soil should be sprayed with fungicides to
kill the fungus present in the soil.


SHymenomycetes, as the name suggests, includes Basidiomycotina

110 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

which form their basidia in a hymenium. The hymen inm is exposed in

the fruit body from the very beginning of the basidiocarp develop¬
ment. Thus, the basidiospores are exposed before they are mature.
The basidiospores lie perched obliquely on sterigmata, and are dis¬
charged violently by the‘water drop’method. The class Hymeno-
mycetes is divided into 2 subclases: Phragmobasidiomycetidae and
Holobasidiomycetidae. The former subclass includes genera which
form septate basidia while the latter includes forms with unseptate
holobasidia. Each subclass is divided into several orders and families.
The orders Agaricales and Aphyllophorales belong to the Holobasi¬
diomycetidae. They are distinct by their fruiting bodies. Tn Agaricales
it is fleshy and made up of thin-walled hyphae, which inflate. Such a
construction is called monomitic. The fruiting body of Aphyllopho¬
rales may be made up of one or more of the following three types of
hyphae viz., (/) thin-walled generative hyphae, (//) thick-walled,
unbranched skeletal hyphae, and (iii) thick-walled binding
hyphae. The construction may be monomitic (comprising only of
generative hyphae), dimitlc (with generative and skeletal or binding
hyphae) or trimitic (comprising all the three types of hyphae). In
addition to this, the hymenophore (gills) of Agaricales, during the
developing stage, is surrounded by a ‘veil’, which is absent in the


Mushrooms and toadstools are included in the order Agaricales.

Their fruiting bodies are like umbrella, which grow frequently on
manured soils. Mushrooms include both edible and poisonous
species. Their identification is difficult. The word ‘toadstool’ in fact,
isMdistortion of the German word “Todestuhl”, which means “death
chair.” This indicates that their poisonous nature was known much
before mycology started. In fact, the name mycology was given to the
study of mushrooms (mykes= mushroom).
The mushrooms are rich in proteins and vitamins but are eaten
particularly for their irresistible flavour. Mushroom cultivation is an
expanding industry in several countries, including India. Agaricus
campestris (in industry called A. bisporus) is the most commonly
cultivated mushroom. However, all the mushrooms are not edible and
only an expert can tell the edible from the harmful ones. Many
manuals with beautiful illustrations are available to help in the identi-
sub-division Basidiomycotina 111

fication of mushrooms. Amanita verpa, the ‘destroying angel’—is the

most poisonous mushroom. Its other species are also deadly poison¬
ous and no antidote is known. Some mushrooms are Hallucinogenic.
Psilocybe—the ‘sacred mushroom’, which includes many hallucino¬
genic species, produces Psilocybin, a hallucinogenic chemical. Now
Psilocybin is synthesized and employed in the study of Schizophrenia
—a mental disease with split personality. A number of mushrooms
form mycorrhizal association with roots of trees, while some others
are being tried for antibiotic production.
Smith (1973) has recognized 15 families. We shall study Agaricus
campestris and Amanita phalloides, belonging to the family Agarica-
ceae and Amanitaceae, respectively.


The generic name Psalliota has been used for this fungus in older
literature. Agaricus campestris is cultivated extensively under the
industrial name A. bisporus. In culture,the physiological and morpho¬
logical characters show marked differences to justify the change of
Habitat. The fungus grows in lawns, fields and forests round the
year. The extensive mycelium remains hidden in the soil; only the
fruiting body is visible.
Thallus. The mycelium, which remains underground and grows
saprophytically, is the dikaryotic,secondary mycelium. It is formed
by somatogamy between monokaryotic primary mycelia of different
mating types formed by germination of the basidiospores. The pri¬
mary mycelium is of short duration. The fruiting body, which forms
the magnificent umbrella aboveground (Fig. 7.12), is made up of
dikaryotic hyphae called tertiary mycelium. The fruiting body is
ephemeral and lives only for a few days. The secondary mycelium,
however, is perennial and continues growing for several years and
form fruiting bodies year after year. The fruiting body, or the
basidiocarp, (Fig. 7.13) has a stalk (stipe) and a circular cap (pileus)
A skirt-like ring of tissue, called annulus, surrounds the stipe a
little below the pileus. The gills (=lamellae) can be distinctly seen
if the stipe is removed and the pileus is inverted. The pileus on the
under surface, bears numerous, vertically-hanging gills, which con¬
verge from periphery towards the stipe. The gills are of different
lengths and bear basidia all over the surface. The basidia produce
basidiospores in astronomical numbers.
112 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses
sub-division Basidiomycotina -113

Fairy Rings
The fruiting bodies of Agaricus campestris form “fairy rings?’ Th ^
umbrella-shaped basidiocarps, ‘The fungus flowers”, formed in circles
on the ground, provide a beautiful spectacle which could be described
as fairies dancing in a circle (Fig. 7.14).
The fruiting bodies being ephemeral, the pleasant sight is short¬
lived. But the mycelium persists in the soil and continues growing as
a circular colony, in the same way as a circular fungus colony grows
in a Petri dish in the laboratory. As the outer edge of the colony
grows, older parts in the centre die and degenerate. The next time
when the fruiting bodies are formed the ring is bigger in diameter.
The dead remains of the fruiting bodies make the soil more fertile
and rings of greener grasses are formed where once stood the um¬

Asexual reproduction. A. campestris produces only chlamydos-
pores; conidia and oidia are not known.
Sexual reproduction. The sexual reproduction is represented by
karyogamy and meiosis, which occur in basidia, borne on the gills.
The nuclei of opposite mating types come together and form dikar-
yons after the fusion of the monokaryotic primary hyphae. The
dikaryons multiply by conjugate divisions in the extensive, secondary
mycelium. Ultimately, club-shaped basidia develop from the terminal
cells of these secondary hyphae. The binucleate cell enlarges and
becomes broader and club-shaped. Karyogamy and meiosis occur
resulting in the production of four haploid nuclei. Segregation of sex
occurs during the meiosis and the nuclei are of two or more mating
types, depending on the type of the heterothallism (bipolar or tetra-
polar). The nuclei later migrate into the sterigmata and from there
into the basidiospores, perched asymmetrically on the tips of the ster¬
igmata. The basidiospores, on germination, form primary mycelia,
which by anastomosis and plasmogamy,establish the secondary myce¬
lium. The basidiospores, which are borne asymmetrically on sterig¬
mata are discharged forcibly by water drop method {see Fig. 7.4).
The basidiospores are produced in enormous numbers. If the earth
is not covered by mushrooms, this is because the chances of failure
of spore germination are also equally great. Spores “rain down” at
a rate of half a million spores per minute during the two or three
days of the existence of the sporophore (fruiting body). If the pileus
114 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

is detached from the stipe and placed on a paper, a ‘spore print’

(Fig. 7.15) can be obtained showing radiant lines between the spore
masses which represent the spaces between the gills. The spore print
is of great help in identification of species.
Structure of the basidiocarp, (syn. = fruiting body, sporo-
phore). It is made up of tertiary,dikaryotic mycelium. It consists of
a stalk (stipe) and an umbrella-like pileus.
The Stipe. The stipe is negatively geotropic and this helps it in
holding the cap high, much above the ground level. This enables the
vertically-falling spores to be drifted away by wind. Anatomically,
the stipe consists of an outer cortex made up of pseudoparenchy-
matous tissue and a prosenchymatous central medulla consisting of
less compact longitudinal hyphae through which food materials are
transported to the pileus.
The Pileus. It is a convex fleshy structure which later becomes^

D- Section through a gill

E - Section of a hymenium
Fig 7.16 A. campestris, anatomy of the pileus.
sub-division Basidiomycotina 115
flat. It’s upper surface is white or coloured—(red, yellow, purple,
orange, pink, green or brown). The lower surface bears the verti¬
cally-hanging gills, which radiate from the periphery and converge
towards the stipe. The gills are pink in the beginning but later
become dark-brown. The gills are of different lengths (Fig. 7.16).
There are the full length gills, which stretch the whole length;
between these lie the half length gills; and between each full length
and half length gill lies a quarter length gill, Gills are separated
from each other by a distance of about 0.5 mm. This distance far
exceed? the distance (0.1 mm) to which the spores are shot horizon¬
tally in the interlamellar space. This allows the smooth, downward
falling of the spores.
A vertical tangential section of the pileus shows wedge-shaped
gills covered with hyroenium (Fig. 7.17). The hymenium consists


Fig. 7.17. A. campestris, showing, A. path (trajectory) of
discharged basidiospores, B. the discharge of basidio¬
spores one after the other.

of elongated club-shaped basidia of different lengths arranged at

right angles to the surface of the pileus. Intermingled with the
116 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

basidia lie the paraphyses (basidioles) which are thought to be young

basidia. The gills are positively geotropic. This ensures their down¬
ward vertical orientation.
The gills are made up of elongated cells called trajna, from which
short branches run obliquely towards the outer surface to form a com¬
pact mass of hyphae called sub-hymenium. The hymenium is borne
on this.
Discharge of basidiospore. The basidiospores are violently dis¬
charged by the ‘water drop method’. The trajectory (path) of the
released spores is a sporobola (Fig. 7.17). Spores are shot horizontly
up to the middle of the space between the gills which then fall down

Fig. 7.18. Life cycle of Agaricus campestris.

vertically. The distance between the gills far exceeds the distance
to which the basidiospores are shot. Even a little tilt of 5° of the
gjtts from the exact vertical position may obstruct the free down¬
ward fall of the spores. But this is not allowed to happen. The
sub-division Basidiomycotina 117

gills are positively geo,tropic and any deviation from the vertical
position is immediately corrected by growth movements at the place
of attachment of the gills with the pileus. The life cycle of the fung-
gus is depicted in Fig. 7.18.


Man as a mycophagist (fungus eater) has been interested in mush¬

rooms since ancient times and wealthy people took special delite in
cooking their mushrooms themselves.
But the identification of edible from the poisonous species was
difficult. This made mushroom eating a risk. So mushroom culti¬
vation of reliable delicious forms began. Mushroom cultivation,
though started in the early 17th century by French horticulturists,
became a thriving industry by 1850 in Paris. But until recently it
was a gamble growing mushrooms. The crop frequently failed.
The fruiting bodies did not appear. But now the knowledge derived
from studies of their requirements for growth, nutrition and repro¬
duction etc., have enabled their cultivation a sure and profitable
There are many species of edible fungi notably those belonging to
genera Agaricus, Boleus, Lepiota and Morchella but only Agaricus
campestris (=A. bisporus) is cultivated in Europe, North America
and elsewhere. However, some other species are now being increas¬
ingly grown e.g., Volvariella volvacea (the ‘padi straw’ mushroom)
in India and far East.
A. campestris when artificially cultivated, shows alterations in its
morphology and physiology and is, therefore, designated^.by a different
name, A. bispora. It is usually grown on a mixture of horse manure
and straw, which must undergo some decomposition before the mush¬
room can grow well on it. The mixture is allowed to “ferment” in
compost heaps of 1—2 meters height under controlled conditions of
humidity, aeration and temperature. The well-composted manure
mixture is filled in trays. The compost is now mixed with mycelial
pieces (of the size of groundnuts) obtained from pure cultures of the
fungus. This is called “spawning”. Hyphae permeate the compost*
After 2-3 weeks the compost beds are covered with a thin layer,
(2.5 cm) of soil or peat—vermiculite mixture. This is called “cas¬
ing”. Without casing the fruiting bodies are not formed. The
stimulating factor provided by the casing is not known. After a
month, fruiting bodies start making appearance. Higher tempera-
118 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

ture of the bed (15-21°) favours mycelial growth while a lower

temperature (!3-15°C) favours fruiting body formation. So the tem¬
perature is kept below 15CC after the initation of fruiting.
Though easily described, mushroom growing is a complicated
process?but certainly not beyond human control.

genus AMANITA (=The “toadstool”)

The word “toadstool” is generally applied to any of the larger fungi

other than the common mushroom—Agaricus; and especially to
those, which like the mushroom, have caps with gills. It is generally
thought that only mushrooms can be eaten and the ‘toadstools’ are
dangerous. But all toadstools are not poisonous; some are harm¬
less, while others are pleasant and edible. However, the deep fear of
toadstool poisoning deters most people from trying even the whole¬
some types. Some are articles of beauty used for decorations. Amanita
grows on soils of all kinds and is common in deciduous woods. Some
of the well known species are the following:
A. phalloides (Fig. 7.19)—the ‘death cap’. It is very poisonous
and responsible for most of the deaths recorded from fungus poison¬
ing. Unfortunately, as the symptoms of poisoning do not appear
until about twelve hours after the fungus has been in stomach, control
is difficult. Poisoning is due to a mixture of three toxins: * amanitine,
p amanitine and phalloidine.
A. muscaria— fly agaric’, It is poisonous and was once used
against flies.
A, pantherina—‘panther cap’, It is also poisonous. The cap has
markings, which appear like stripes of a panther.
A. citrina— false death cap’, It is harmless but unpleasant to eat
due to the disagreeable smell it emits.
A. rubescenes— the ‘blusher’. It is edible and delicious; but since
it is soon attacked by insect larvae, it is difficult to collect sound
The fruiting body. Like Agaricus, it also has a stalk (stipe) and
a pileus bearing gills below {see Fig. 7.19). Amanita is easily dis¬
tinguishable from Agaricus by:
(/) the volva—which is a cup-like structure surrounding the swol¬
len basal portion of the stalk,
(ii) the adhering fragments of tissues on the pileus surface*
(iii) the gills are free,
(iv) the cap is easily detachable from the stalk,
sub-division Basidiomycotina ■ 119

(v) the spores and the gills are white, and

(v/) the stalk is smooth and narrow upwards.
The fruiting body, when young, is covered by a membrane called
universal veil or general veil (Fig. 7.20). When the cap expands,
the universal veil is torn. The remnants at the base'form the characte¬
ristic volva, some of the fragments remain attached to the pileus


Fig. '7.20. Amanita phallaides. structure of the

fruiting body, B. position of universal and partial

In Agaricus, only the cap in the young stage is covered by a veil-

partial veil; which forms the annulus ring, on rupturing due to ex¬
pansion of the cap. Amanita has the partial veil also. So like Agaricus,
it has the annulus at the upper portion of the stalk.
The life cycle of Amanita is similar to that of Agaricus described
earlier. ■ y

The order Aphyllophorales differs from Agaricales in: (0 having a

complex fruiting body, and (//) the absence of the “veil” around the
120 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

hymenophore. E.M. Fries (1821—32), “The Linnaeus of Mycology”

in Ins book “Systema Mycologicum” and later in “Hymenomycetes
Europaei” (1874) classified the genera now included in Aphyllophora-
les. on the basis of field characters, particularly the shape of the basi-
diocarp and the configuration and orientation of the hymenophore.
The modern system of classification (Patouillard, 1900; Bourdot and
Galzin, 1928; Corner, 1932; Donk, 1964) lays stress <m aricroscopic
features like anatomy, hyphal characteristics and spores. Donk
(1964) has recognized 20 families within Aphyllophorales but in the
coming years more families may be created.
We shall study only Polyporus, a typical genus belonging to the
family Polyporaceae. ,


The Polyporaceae or ‘bracket fungi’ are lignicolous (lignin decompo¬

ser) terrestrial, humicolous and sometimes parasitic, causing ‘heart
rot’ of conifers and decay of timbers. Wood decay is of two types:
brown rot and white rot, depending on the colour formed due to
the decay. In brown rot, the cellulose is decomposed, and the brown
lignin is left behind e.g., but-rot of conifers and building woods. In
white rot, the lignin is decomposed and the rotted wood gets a white
appearance e.g., white rot of hard woods by Ganoderma. Drs S.R.
Bose, K.D. Bagchee, B.K. Bakshi and R.S. Thind have contributed
much to our knowledge of Indian Polyporaceae.


This is the largest genus of Polyporaceae and its several species are
important wood-rotting fungi. P. sulphurens causes wood rot of
oaks and other trees; P. squamosus causes ‘heart-rot’ of a number
of forest trees; P. betulinus causes ‘heart-rot’ of birch trees
(Fig. 7.21). Destruction of the heart wood makes the trees hollow
which eventually die. Some, e.g., Polyporus schweinitzii, attack the
lower part of the trunk and the roots (butt-end rot), making the
trees liable to snap off in gales.
The mycelium ramifies within the substratum. It consists of sep¬
tate dikaryotic hyphae which usually show clamp connections. The
fruiting body (the basidiocarp or sporophore) develops as a lateral¬
ly-stalked, fan-shaped, bracket which may be 20-40 cms in diameter
and 2-3 cms thick. A vertical section of the fruiting body (Fig. 7.22}
shows the following zones: (0 pileus surface, (it) context, (Hi) tube
sub-division Basidiomycotina 121

layer (iv) pore surface, and (v) hymenium.

The piieus surface may be smooth or incrusted. The context is
white below,which linns the tube layer. The tube layer consists of

Fig. 7.22. Polyporus betidinus. A. structure of the

Fruiting body attached laterally to a tree trunk,
B. hymenium around the pore, and C. components
of the, hymenium. - '

vertically-placed tubes which open below at the under surface of the

fruiting body called the pore surface; hence the name Polyporus...
The tubes are lined internally by hymenium, which consists of basidia
and sterile structures, like paraphyses, cystidia and setae-r-all placed at
right angles to the length of tne tube. The basidiospores are shot
into the cavity of the tubes, which then fall below through the pores
and get disseminated by wind. Spore output is enormous. A single
fruiting body may produce a billion spores.
The species may be annual or perennial. The annual forms pro¬
duce new basidiocarps each year. The perennial species add a new
122 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

layer of tubes each year.


Gasteromycetes are characterized by:

1. Non-explosive discharge of basidiospores. The basidium
plays no role in theii f^fease.
2. Angiocarpy—the fruiting body remains permanently closed or
opens only when the spores are mature and released*
3. The fruiting body consists of an outer sterile portion called
peridium and an inner fertile portion called gleba.
The presence or absence of a hymenium is the most important cri¬
terion for further division of the class. Dring (1973) recognizes nine
orders under Gasteromycetes.


Includes puffballs and the earth stars. The fruit body is epigeal
(the earlier stages are often hypogeal), globose, which varies in size
from a few mm to over 1 meter in diameter; usually sessile, rarely a
few have a pseudostem. The peridium is divisible into two layers, the
exoperidium and the endoperidium. The fertile part, called gleba,
consists of smooth, light coloured spores and well-developed capiili-
tium. The order is divided into several families. We shall study
typical genera of families Lycoperdaceae and Geastraceae.

genus LYCOPERDON—(The Common Puff-Ball)


The puff-balls are globose to pyriform in shape, depending upon

the length of the stalk (Fig, 7.23). These are found growing in pastu¬
res on ground in woods or on tree stumps. The basal part is sterile.
When young, it is surrounded by fragile spines which soon fall off or
get rubbed off. The outer layer of the peridium withers and a pore is
formed on the inner membrane at the top of the fruiting body (Fig.
7.24). This membrane acts like a bellows, puffing out spores through
the pore when some object strikes the membrane. The fertile portion,
gleba, is of lacuouose type z.e., consists of cavities, each lined with a
hymenium. All the species are edible.
jsub-division Basidiomycotina 123

Fig. 7.24. Lycoperdon, dehiscence of the outer layer of the

peridium and formation of a pore on the inner membrane.

genus GEASTRUM—(The Earth Star)


The‘earth stars’ differ from the‘puff-balls’in that the outer peri¬

dium splits radially and opens out like rays of a star (Fig. 7.25). Such
iruit bodies lying on the ground gave the name ‘earth star’. A pore is
formed on the inner peridium at the top. The spores are released
through this pore. -
8. sub-division DEUTEROMYCOTINA (=Deu-
teroraycetes, Fungi Imperfecti)

Deuteromycotina includes fungi having septate mycelium which

reproduce only by asexual methods. These fungi lack sexual repro¬
duction or the perfect stage and are, therefore, called “fungi imper¬
fecti.’’ According to C.T. Ingold7this is a ‘dust—bin’ group in which
are thrown the fungi whose proper systematic position is not known.
The genera are formally called "form genera’ and the classes in which
they are placed are called form classes. This is to indicate their arti¬
ficial composition.
The conidia produced by the imperfect fungi resemble the conidia
of Ascomycotina and,therefore, it is supposed that these are Ascoiny-
cotina which have lost (or did not evolve) sexual reproduction. When¬
ever the perfect stage of an imperfect fungus is detected in nature or
in laboratory cultures, it is shifted to the proper place on the basis of
the fruiting body. In most cases the perfect stages have been found to
belong to Ascomycotina.
In the absence of sexual reproduction the genetic variations are
brought about by mutation and heterokaryosis. Heterokaryosis is the
occurrence of different types of nuclei in the same cytoplasm. Thus
the organism derives benefit of the genetic potentials of the other
type of nuclei ; but this is a temporary benefit. The nuclei are separa¬
ted at the time of conidia formation. Heterokaryosis occurs by anas¬
tomosis among different types of hyphae and the fusion of their cells.
In addition to the normal occurrence of mutation and heterokaryosis,
a parasexual phenomenon (a novel type of sexual reproduction)
has been discovered in several imperfect fungi. But this is very rare
phenomenon and its contribution in the evolution of new genetic
variants is not known.


Several plant diseases (especially leaf ^pots, fruit rots and wilts)
and animal as well as human diseases are caused by these fungL
Some important diseases are given below:
sub-division Deuteromycotina 125

Plant Diseases
Wilt of cotton — Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectun.
Wilt of brinjal -Verticillium dahliae
■Grey mold of apple and strawberry fruits—Botrytis cinerea.
Foot rot of rice - Fusarium moniliforme
Blast disease of rice-Firicularia oryzae
Brown leaf spot of rice—Helminthosporium oryzae
Early blight of potato —Alternaria solani
Leaf spot (Tikka disease) of groundnut - Cercospora personata
Grey blight of tea leaves—Pestalotiopsis theae, (—Pestalotia theae)

Human Diseases
Head “ring worm”—Microsporum audouini
Foot “ring worm” or 'Atheletes foot’—Trichophyton interdigitale

Animal Diseases
Head ring worm of cats and dogs -Microsporum canis


Earlier these fungi were grouped by Saccardo (1899) into four orders,
Moniliales, Sphaeropsidales, Melanconiales and Mycelia-Sterilia. In
Moniliales, the conidia. and the conidiophores are borne directly on
hyphae. In Sphaeropsidales, the conidia are formed inside flask¬
shaped pycnidia,and in the , Melanconiales, the conidia are formed
in flat,disc-shaped structures, called acervuli, formed beneath the
epidermis or cuticle. In Mycelia Sterilia, as the name itself suggests,
the fungi are sterile and do not form conidia at all, but do form
sclerotia which serve as propagules. In the classification followed
here (Ainsworth, 1973),the Moniliales and the Mycelia Sterilia are put
together under the class Hyphomycetes, while Sphaeropsidales and
Melanconiales are merged to form the class Coelomycetes. The ‘false
yeasts’, (that do not form ascospores), which were earlier placed
under Moniliales,are now treated as a separate class-Blastomycetes.


A True mycelium absent or poorly developed. Budding cells (yeast

like-cells) with or without pseudomycelium.—Blastomycetes
AA Mycelium well developed: budding cells absent,
B Mycelium sterile or bearing spores directly or on special
branches (sporophores). —Hyphomycetes
BB Spores formed in pycnidia or acervuli —Coelomycetes
126 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses■


The conidia and the conidiophores are borne directly on the hyp-
hae. Some of the genera have mycelium which is sterile i.e., do not
form spores. On the basis of conidial ontogeny i.e., the mode of
conidial development, the genera are placed under eleven sections.
This classification was proposed by Hughes in 1953, which was
strengthened by Tubaki (1958) and Subramanian (1962-1965). In the
older classification of Saccardo, the Hyphomycetes were identified
by the shape? of the mature conidia i.e., conidial morphology. We-
shall not enter into a detailed discussion of the two classifications^
Some important genera of Hyphomycetes are described below.


The genus consists of several saprophytic and parasitic species. The

mycelium, which is branched and septate, is hyaline (transparent) in
the beginning but later becomes dark in colour. The conidiophores
are short and bear obclavate conidia, which are pointed at the
distal end and have transverse as well as longitudinal septa. After de¬
tachment, scars are left on the conidiophore. A. solani, A. tenuis are
the common species which cause diseases of great importance.


Pathogen; Alternaria solani

The disease is quite common in India, and occurs on about three
week old plants. Since this blight occurs earlier than the “late blight”
of potato (caused by Phytophthora infestans), it is called ‘early blight’.
Symptoms. Well-defined leaf
spots appear on the leaves which
grow and cover bigger portions or
the entire leaves (Fig. 8.1). This
is called blight. The pale brown
Concentric rings leaf spots show concentric rings-
called ‘target board’ symptom.
In humid weather the disease
spreads faster. The infected tis¬
sues die, dry and fall off. This
Fig. 8.1.‘Early blight’of potato leaf . greatly reduces the photosyn-
caused by Alternaria solani. thetic area of the leaves.
The Disease Cycle (=Life Cycle of the Fungus)
Conidia or mycelia lie in the soil or on plant debris and
. sub-division Deuteromycotina 127

perennate the fungus in absence of the crop. When the potato crop
is sown and the leaves are
formed, the conidia reach the
leaves through wind and germi¬
nate. The germ tubes enter the
leaves through stomata or by
direct penetration of the epider¬
mis, and form inter or intra¬
cellular mycelium^ The myce¬
lium secretes enzymes and toxins
which kill the cells. The fungus
derives nutrition from these dead
cells. When the cells die, the
leaf spot symptoms appear. Cla-
vate conidia having both trans¬
verse and longitudinal septa
(Fig. 8.2) are formed on the F'g- 8.2. Conidia and conidiophore of
hyphae. The conidiophores show Alternaria solanL
‘knee’-like swellings which indicate the position of the detached
conidia. The conidia are wind-disseminated and in this way the
disease spreads to more plants throughout the season. In the absence
of the host plant, the hyphae or conidia remain in the fallen leaf
tissues or in the soil.
Control Measures
1. Field sanitation and rotation of crops can minimize the disease.
2. Regular spray of fungicides like Dithane Z-78, controls the dis¬
Conidia are pyriform (Fig. 8.3) usually bi-septate and have a small
hilum at the base. These are borne apically on conidiophores which
emerge through the stomata. P. oryzae causes the ‘blast disease’ of rice.
Pathogen: Piricularia oryzae
This is the enemy number one of rice crop and occurs in India
Symptoms. Spindle-shaped spots (Fig. 8.3), ash-coloured in centre
with brown margins, appear* on the leaves, culms, glumes, and the
stalk (neck) of the panicle. The ears are also infected and bend down¬
ward due to rotting of the stalk.
128 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

"Fig. 8.3. Piriculciria oryzae. A. Symptom of blast disease of rice (spindle-shaped

leaf spots and neck rot), and B. Conidia and conidiophore.

The Disease Cycle ( = Life cycle of the pathogen)

The conidia survive in plant debris, in soil or on the collateral
hosts. When the rice crop is available, the wind-blown conidia land
on the leaves. On germination, the germ tubes .enter the leaves to
establish an inter or intra-cellular mycelium.” The fungus grows
inside the host tissues and forms conidiophores which emerge through
the stomata and bear conidia. The conidia spread the infection to
more plants throughout the season. When the crop is harvested,
they remain in the debris left behind in the fields. Alternatively,
the conidia may infect and live on other collateral hosts until the next
rice crop is available.
’ The conidia are brown, cylindrical
and transversely-septate to form
many cells. (Fig. 8.4).
Several species of Helminthospo¬
rium cause serious plant diseases
like the brown leaf-spot of rice
(H. oryzae), leaf-spot of maize
(H, maydis), Victoria blight of oats
(H. victoriae\
Much work has been done on the
Fig. 8.4. Helminthosporium conidia toxins secreted by H. victoriae and
on conidiophore. H. maydis. It has been shown that
sub-division Deuteromycotina 129

the pathogenicity of these species is because of their toxins. These

toxins have contributed much to our knowledge of the mechanism of


Species of Fusarium are important because they cause root rot and
wilt diseases of several plants. In wilt diseases the leaves droop down
as happens in unwatered plants. The water absorbed by the roots is
not transported to the leaves due to the blockage of the xylem vessels
by the hyphae. The leaves,due to shortage of water, droop, dry and
die. All the wilt-causing species of Fusarium are called as F. oxy-
sporum. The hyphae are septate and branched. The conidiophores
are short and consist of a group of spore-producing cells called pbia»
tides (Fig. 8.5). Each of these form curved, sickle-shaped macroco-
midia and globular micro-conidia. The spores are held together in

• Slime

Agar surface

Fig. 8.5. Fusarium sp. The macro-and micro conidia borne on conidiophores
in a slimy mass.

slime and, therefore, these spores are called slime spores. These are
not wind-disseminated. In Alternaria, Piricularia and Helminthospo-
rium, the spores are dry spores and are easily blown by wind.


Grove (1919) introduced the term Coelomycetes to include those

imperfect fungi which formed conidia inside a cavity formed in the
substrate on which the fungus grows. Thus, the pycnidial and acervu-
lar Deuteromycotina are now placed under the class Coelomycetes.
More than 1100 genera are described, about 400-500 of which are
130 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

There are two orders: Melanconiales (for acervular forms) and

Sphaeropsidales (for pycnidial or stromatal forms). While the
Melanconiales has a single family—Melanconiaceae, the Sphaerop¬
sidales is separated into four families. Sutton (1973), however, has
not divided the Sphaeropsidales into families.
Pycnidia (sing, pycnidium) are flask-shaped to globose; variably
pigmented and provided with a small papilla or a long neck, which
has an apical opening called ostiole. These may be immersed, semi-
immersed or'superficial in relation to their substrate.
The acervuli (sing, acervulus) are flat, disc-shaped fruiting bodies
below host epidermis or cuticle. Short conidiophores arise from an
immersed pseudoparenchyma formed by the hyphae. The conidia
rupture the overlying covering of the host tissues. The fruiting body
does not have a wall of its own.


Majority of the genera are parasitic and cause leaf spots. Pestalo-
tiopsis, Colletotrichum and Gloeosporium are the important genera.

genus PESTALOTIOPSIS (=Pestalotia)

The conidia are spindle-shaped or clavate; five-celled, the three

middle cells are coloured while the terminal cells are hyaline (Fig.
8.6). The upper terminal cell, called the superior hyaline cell, bears 3
(rarely 2 or 4) setae. The posterior hyaline cell is called the inferior
hyaline cell. It bears a short pedicel, with which the conidia are
attached to the conidiophore in the acervulus.

Fig. 8.6. Pestaldiiospis theae. A. acervulus,. B. conidium.

sub-division Deuteromycotina 131

Pestalotiopsis causes many important diseases, viz:

—grey blight of tea (P. theae)
—leaf spot of litchi (P. paucista)
—leaf spot of mango (P. mangiferae).

GREY BLIGHT OF TEA (Thea sinensis)

Pathogen—Pestalotiopsis theae (==Pestalotia theae)

Symptoms: This is the most common blight disease of tea leaves
and does considerable damage to the crop. First, small brown spots
appear which later spread and cover
the entire leaf blade. The old lesions
turn grey and masses of 'conidia
appear as black dots on the grey
background (Fig. 8.7). The infected
portions turn brittle and fall off Acervuli on
leaving irregular cuts on the leaves. ash-coloured
Life Cycle
The hyphae are hyaline, septate,
branched and grow inter and intra-
cellularly inside the host. Acervuli Fig. 8.7. Grey blight disease of
are formed below the epidermis, tea leaves caused by P* theae.
which have a distinct basal wall from
which conidiophores arise and bear conidia (Fig. 8.6.). The epidermis
later breaks and the conidia lie on the surface of the leaves. The
conidia are spindle-shaped, 5-celled, the 3 central cells are dark while
the terminal cells are hyaline. The apical hyaline cell bears 2-3 setae
and the lower hyaline cell bears a pedicel. The conidia germinate
mostly by the central cells and infect more leaves. In the absence
of the host the mycelium persists in dead host tissues.

1. The blighted leaves should be collected and burnt to prevent in¬
fection next year.
2. Spraying of the crop should be done frequently by Bordeaux
3. Water-logging favours the disease and, therefore, should be
132 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses


The conidia are hyaline, elongated, with rounded ends and slightly
narrower in the middle. G. musarum is the most important species
which causes ripe rot of banana fruits. Brown spots appear on the
skin of the fruits which become sunken and the rotting encroaches
the edible portion. Acervuli appear on the sunken black areas.


It is similar to Gloeosporiwn except that it produces dark-brown,

long setae in the acervulus (Fig. 8.8). However, this is a variable
character and the
validity of existence
of two genera is ques¬
tionable. Both the
genera have the same
sexual stage G/ome-
rella, which forms
beaked perithecia. Fig. 8.8. Colietotrichum—conidiophores and setae
in the acervulus.
Species of Colietotrichum cause important diseases e.gRed rot, of

Fig. 8.9. Phyllosti:ta. A. Pycnidia on leaf, B. a stream of snores coming

out of the />ycnidium, as seen under the microscope.
sub-division Deutcromycotina 133

sugarcane (C. falcatum), anthracnose of bean (C. lindemuthianum),

anthracnose of jute (C. corchorum) etc,


The pycnidia vary in size* shape, colour and consistency of the wall
and provide the basis for identification of the genera. The conidia,
formed inside pycnidia, may be hyaline or coloured, septate or
unseptate. Phorna, Phyllosticta, Ascochyta, Diplodia, Septoria etc.
are the important genera.
Phorna, Phyllosticta and Macrophomina, all the three genera have
similar small, dark, globose, ostiolate pycnidia, sunk in the substratum
(Fig. 8.9). Cooidiophores are short and bear hyaline spherical or
oval, one-celled conidia. There is no real distinction among these
genera. If the fungus grows on leaves it is called Phyllosticta; on
stem, it is Phorna or Macrophomina,depending on the conidiai size. It
is now felt that the three genera should be called by any one name.
If the leaf spots bearing pycnidia are teased by a needle and examin¬
ed under the microscope, a stream of minute conidia is seen lowing
out of the pycnidia.


A.F. Blakeslee, an American Geneticist in 1904 made an important

observation with Mucor, which resulted in the discovery of Hetero¬
thallism. Blakeslee observed that while some isolates of Mucor'
formed sporangia as well as zygospores (e.g. M. tenuis), some others
failed to form the zygospores and reproduced only by sporangio-
spores. When he grew these non-sexually-reproducing isolate with
other similar isolates, zygospores appeared in the region where the
hyphae of the different isolates came in contact with each other. (See
Fig. 9.1). Blakeslee coined the terms homothallism and hetero-
thallism to explain this phenomenon. The homothallic species were

Fig. 9.1. Heterothallism in Mucor hiemalis,

A. Petridish culture showing zygospores only along the junction of
two mycelia of opposite strains,
A Magnified view of the zone of zygote formation.
Heterothallism, Hetefokaryosis and Parasexual Cycle 135

those that produced zygospores independently, while heterothallic

species required the presence of the opposite mating type. Af.
hiemalis, M. mucedo, Rhizopus nigricans are examples of Hetero¬
thallic species. Since the two mating types were morphologically
indistinguishable, Blakeslee designated them as the (+-)and(—)
mating types or strains (not male or female) Blakeslee assumed that
the (+) strain represented the female and the (-) strain represented
the male sex. We now don’t speak of (+) and (—) sexes but only as
(+) and (—) strains or mating types.

Pattern of Distribution of Sex Organs in Fungi

On the basis of the distribution of sex organs,fungi can be put in
the following categories:
A. Hermaphrodite in which both male and female sex organs
occur on the same thallus.
B. Dioecious (sexually dimorphic)—The two sex organs are
present on different thalli.
C. Sexually undifferentiated. The male and female sex organs
are morphologically similar and, therefore, indistinguishable.
A hermaphroditic fungus having both the sex organs may be homo-
thallic or heterothallic. When the two sex organs, present on the
same mycelium, are unable to mate this is because of self sterility
and is called physiological heterothallism (Whitehouse, 1949).
Such fungi need genetically-different nuclei, which does not occur
when the same thallus forms both the sex organs.
The dioecious fungi, in which the male and the female sex organs
are borne on different thalli are, by necessity, heterothallic. This is
called morphological heterothallism (Whitehouse, 1949). In this
case, heterothallism is made obligatory because the opposite and
morphologically distinct sex organs are formed only on different
The sexually undifferentiated fungi e.g. Mucor, Rhizopus, and
several members of Asco-and Basidiomycotina, do not have morpho¬
logically distinguishable sex organs. These can also be homo-or
heterothallic. The heterothallic forms provide another example of
physiological heterothallism. The requirement for the other thallus
does not lie in morphologically distinct sex organs but in genetically
different nuclei which are not available in the same mycelium.
So, heterothallism, according to Whitehouse (1949), can be caused
by the absence of the morphological sex organs of opposite type
136 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

(morphological heterothallism) or by the absence of genetically diffe¬

rent nuclei (physiological heterothallism).
Whatever be the reason of heterothallism, the fact remains that
different thalli are needed for the sexual reproduction, A hetero-
thallic species may not be only of two mating types. There can be
four types of thalli, and one thalius can mate only with only one of
the rest three. This is called tetrapolar heterothallism.

Bipolar Heterothallism
Fungi in this category have two mating types, each containing
genetically different nuclei. The sexual compatibility is controlled by
a pair of genetic factors A and a located at the same locus on diffe¬
rent chromosomes. This is therefore also called as 4Two allele hetero¬
thallism.” During meiosis, the two chromosomes, containing the
alleles A and a, are separated in the haploid spores (germ spores,
ascospores or basidiospores). The spores give rise to two types of
thalli, which must come together to bring together the two nuclei
carrying the compatibility factors A and a. The two mating types are
designated as (+) and ( —) strains.
The 4Two allele” or “bipolar” heterothallism is found in Muco-
rales (Mucor, Rhizopus, Phycomyces), Ascomycotina (Neurospora
Ascobolous), Basidiomycotina (.Puccinia graminis and the smut fungus
Ustilago levis).

Tetrapolar Heterothallism
Fungi in this group form thalli of four mating types. This type of
heterothallism is governed by two pairs of compatibility factors Aa
and jBb, located at different chromosomes, which segregate indepen¬
dently during meiosis. If crossing over occurs between the mating
type loci, four types of segregations (AB, Ab, aB, ab) are possible
depending on the chromosomal arrangement.
A a

b Ab ab

Thus four types of spores (,AB, Ab, aB and ab) are formed which give
rise to four types of thalli. Only those thalli that have nuclei carrying,
opposite genes for both the factors, can mate. The resulting zygote
must have the genotype Aa> Bb.
Majority (63%) of the heterothallic Basidiomycotina are tetrapolar
forming four types of basidiospores.
Heterothallism, Heterokaryosis and Parasexual Cycle 137

However, if crossing over does not take place, only two types of
spores (AB and ab or Ab and aB) are formed and only two types of
thalli are produced. Since it is governed by two factors it is called
Secondary homothallism. In some bipolar species the two
nuclei, which should give rise to hyphae of two mating types, are
contained in the same spore. Thus,the hypha produced behaves as
homothallic though involves genetically different nuclei. This situa¬
tion is termed “secondary homothallism.”
Korf and Hartman recommended that the terms Homothallism
and Heterothallism should be abandoned. Esser (1959) suggested the
use of the terms monoecious and dioecious, as done in higher plants.
Call by whatever Term’ you please, the function of heterothallism
remains unaltered. Heterothallism is a device for achieving outbreed¬
ing, which is a genetic desirability. Homothallism brings in inbreed¬
ing and provides no chance for genetic change.


Heterokaryosis is the main source of variation in the imperfect fungi

(Deuteromycotina), which lack sexual reproduction. The term
Heterokaryosis was proposed by Hansen and Smith in 1932, who
reported it for the first time in Botrytls cinerea.
The presence of genetically different nuclei in an individual is
called heterokaryosis and the organism heterokaryon. Essen¬
tially, a heterokaryon possess two sets
0 -'vyvv-* ;•
of chromosomes, just like a diploid Mutation
organism, but instead of being contain¬
ed in a single nucleus, the two sets of
chromosomes lie in separate nuclei, If* \ o*J
sharing the same cytoplasm. Hetero-
karyons show dominance and thus fusion
resemble diploids in many respects;
Heterokaryosis is a major factor in
natural variability and sexuality. The
heterokaryotic condition can arise in a
fungus by three methods viz., (i) Muta¬ Diplodization
tion, (ii) Anastomosis i.e., fusion bet¬ Fig. 9.2. Showing the three
ween genetically different hyphae and mechanisms of heterokaryon
(Hi) Diplodization—fusion between formation.
haploid nuclei to form diploid nuclei (Fig. 9.2).
138 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Mutations occur frequently in fungi and a homokaryotic mycelium

is frequently converted into heterokaryotic one. Anastomosis between
spores and hyphae is a universal feature of higher fungi and certainly
must be a potential source of heterokaryosis and,thus, of variability.
Whether nuclei' migrate from one thallus to another is a debated
point but the hyphae having nuclei of both parents arise at the point
of fusion. Heterokaryosis is often accompanied by parasexual cycle.


Until 1944, the sexual cycle was the only means of exchange of
genetic material. It is to the credit of microbial geneticists that a
series of novel methods of genetic recombination are now known in
bacteria, which do not involve karyogamy and meiosis. These are
transformation, conjugation, transduction, lysogeny and sexduction,
which differ from the standard sexual cycle. The mechanism of each
of these ‘alternatives to sex’ is described in detail later in the
chapter on reproduction in bacteria (chapter 15).
A similar alternative to sexual reproduction was discovered in
the imperfect fungus Aspergillus nidulans in 1952 by Pontecorvo and
Roper of Glasgow. This they called parasexual cycle. In this,
genetic recombination occurs in vegetative cells by the mechanism of

Homozygous Heterozygous Products of occasional

Haploid nuclei diploid nucleus mitotic crossing over
/ Diploid nuclei « .

diploid nucleus

Haploid nuclei

Sorting out of Hapiodization and formation of
diploid strains haploid strains through haploid conidia
through diploid

Fig. 9.3. Stages in the Parasexual cycle.

Heterothallism, Heterokaryosis and Parasexual Cycle 139

anitotic crossing over, which brings the same result as is achieved

by the meiotic crossing over.
The parasexual cycle involves the following steps (Fig. 9.3)
1. Formation of heterokaryotic mycelium.
2. Nuclear fusions and multiplication of the diploid nuclei.
3. Mitotic crossing over during division of the diploid cells.
4@ Sorting out of the diploid strains.
5. Haplodization.

Formation of Heterokaryotic Mycelium

The methods of formation of heterokaryotic mycelium are describ¬
ed above under the head “Heterokaryosis.”

Nuclear Fusions and Multiplication of the Diploid Nuclei

Nuclear fusion in vegetative heterokaryotic hyphae was first noted
by Roper (1952) in Aspergillus nidulans. Nuclear fusion may occur
between genetically similar and dissimilar nuclei, resulting in the
formation of homozygous and heterozygous diploid nuclei, res¬
pectively. Diploid heterozygous nuclei are formed very rarely (at a
frequency of one in a million). In such'hyphae, five types of nuclei
are present; 2 types of haploid nuclei, their two types of homozygous
diploids and the one type of heterozygous diploids.

Mitotic Crossing Over

Crossing over is a phenomenon which occurs during meiosis and
gives rise to new linkage of genes—gene recombination. However,
mitotic crossing over was discovered in 1936 by Stem in Drosophila.
A similar mitotic crossing over occurs during the multiplication of
the diploid heterozygous nuclei though at a low frequency of 10~2
per nuclear division. However, in some other fungi e,g., Penicillium
chrysogenum and Aspergillus niger, the frequency of mitotic crossing
over is as high as during meiosis in sexual reproduction; both lack
sexual reproduction. Mitotic crossing over is the most important,
or ‘key’ event in parasexual cycle, as it is during this step that genetic
recombination occurs.

Sorting out of Diploid Strains

The segregation of the diploid strains occurs when uninucleate dip¬
loid conidia are formed. The colonies that are formed by diploid
oonidia are recognized by various methods e.g. higher DNA content
and bigger (1.3 times) size of the conidia and certain phenotypic
140 A Textbook of FungU Bacteria and Viruses

characters of the colony.

The diploid colonies show appearance of sectors on the Petri plate*
which produce haploid conidia. This indicates that some diploid
nuclei must have undergone haplodization forming haploid nuclei,
which later get sorted out in haploid conidia. Some of these haploids
are genetically different from the original haploid parental nuclei.
This is because of the recombination that occurred during the mitotic
crossing over.
Haplodization occurs at a constant frequency of 1G“3 per nuclear
division. The haplodization occurs not by a reduction division
(meiosis), but by aneuploidy-—a phenomenon in which chromosomes
are lost during mitotic divisions. It happens like this. During mitosis
of the diploid nucleus, the chromatids fail to separate (non-disjunc¬
tion) in the anaphase stage. One daughter nucleus gets one chromo¬
some more (2n4-l), while the other gets one chromosome less
(2/i—I) than the normal 2 sets of chromosomes (In). Both the
daughter nuclei are called aneuploid. The deficient aneuploid
nucleus (2/2 — 1) may lose more chromosomes in the successive
mitotic divisions and finally reduced to haploid state (jn). Mitotic cros¬
sing over and haplodization occur also with the diploid hymozygous
nuclei but, since, the two nuclei are similar, crossing-over products
or the haploid nuclei formed by haplodization, are genetically no
different from the haploid parent nuclei.
The parasexua! cycle, thus, like the sexual cycle, involves plasmo-
gamy, karyogamy and haplodization but not at a specified time or
place. Every step differs drastically. The differences between the two
cycles are given in the Table 9.1.

Table 9.1. A comparison between the sexual and the parasexual cycle

Sexual cycle Parasexual cycle

Nuclear fusion occurs in specialized Nuclear fusion occurs in vegetative

structures. cells.

Zygote usually persists for one gene- Zygote persists for many generations
ration only. by mitotic divisions.

Recombination occurs by crossing Recombination by mitotic crossing

Heterothallism, Hetefokaryosis and Parasexual cycle 141

Sexual cycle Parasexual cycle

over during meiosis. The crossing over which is a rare event and occurs
over occurs in all chromosome pairs in a single chromosome arm. Haplo-
and is accompanied by a reduction dization, unlike meiosis, is indepen¬
in the chromosome number. dent of crossing over.

Products of meiosis readily recogniz¬ Recombinant nuclei lie in the vegeta¬

able which can be isolated easily. tive cells and can be recognized only
by suitable genetic markers.

A lichen is an association between an alga and a fungus in which the

two organisms jointly form a thallus that is distinct from either part¬
ners. The fungal partner is known as mycobiont and the algal part¬
ner as the phycobiont. Both the partners are benefited by the asso¬
ciation. Such an association is known as symbiosis or mutualism.
The fungus derives nutrition from the alga,which, in turn, is protected
by the fungus. The benefit derived by the fungus is more than
what it gives to the alga, but it happens in all symbiotic associations.
The mutual interdependence is absolute; the components are incap¬
able of any free existence; except in laboratory cultures. It is not x
casual association.
The mycobionts are usually Ascomycotina and occasionally Basi-
dio-or Deuteromycotina. Atleast 26 genera of algae (8 blue-green,
1 yellow-green and 17
green algae) are found
as phycobionts. Nos toe
(blue-green) and Trebouxia
(green alga) are the most,
commonly encountered
phycobionts (Fig. 10.1)*
The fungal and algal part¬
Fig. 10.1. The two common phycobionts
(algal partners) of Lichens. ners lose their identity in
the lichen thallus. The
lichens are designated by new generic and species names and the
names of fungal and algal partners are not included in their nomen¬
It is being increasingly felt that the fungi, forming lichen associa¬
tions, should be classified like other fungi at their appropriate place
in the fungal kingdom. Similarly phycobionts too should be included
in the general algae. Cifferi and Tomaselli in 1953, named the licheni-
zed fungi by adding -myces to the name of each lichen genus. Thus
the mycobiont of Collema was named as Gollemomyces.
Habitat. Lichens can withstand extremes of climate and, thus, are
found everywhere ranging from hot deserts to chilly mountains..
The Lichens 143

They can colonize rocks, but are also found growing on fertile soils.
The tree trunks on hills are the most common sites of lichen growth.
In some places the growth is so luxuriant that lichens are used as
fodder for cattle. But, lichens are most sensitive to air pollution and
probably that is the reason they are not found near cities (Nash III
The Thallus. The numerous types of thalli that the lichens exhi¬
bit, can be grouped under three morphological categories. These are
Foliose (leaf-like), Crustose (crust-like) or Frnticose (branched—

gal layer

Apothecia Upper

Crustose layer

f>rin H| layer



Fig. 10.2. The three morphological forms of Lichens and their anatomy.

upright or pendulous) (Fig. 10.2). Anatomically, the three forms

show much variation.
(0 Foliose. These leaf-like lichens, in a transverse section, show
144 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

much resemblance to an angiosperm leaf. Starting from above it has

the upper cortex? an algal layer, medullary layer and lower
cortex. The upper and lower cortex are made of ‘pseudoparenchyma-
tous tissue5 formed by fungal hyphae. The medullary layer consists of
loosely interwoven Jiyphae. Pores or hair like‘schizoids’ are found
on the lower surface. Example. Physcia, Sticta, Parmelia etc.
(ii) Crusfose. The crustose thalli do not show much differentia¬
tion. There are no cortical layers. The algal cells are surrounded by
the loosely arranged hyphae. Example. Graphis, Verrucaria.
(Hi) Fruticose.There is a central medullary layer surrounded by the
more compact mass cf hyphae. The algal cells lie in a uniform layer
or as patches in the hyphae. Example. Usnea, Cladonia, Evernia.
Growth of Thallus. Lichens grow at an extremely slow rate, usu¬
ally less than 1 mm per year. The maximum growth that has been
recorded is 4 mm in one year. The thalli mature and reproduce after
4-8 years of growth. Equally surprising is their age. It has been calcu¬
lated to be 1000 to 4500 years (Beschel, 1961). Lichens are in no
hurry !
The slow rate of growth is due to the fastidious requirements of
lichens. A low light intensity, cool temperature and moisture (in the
form of fog) are the requirements for growth. These conditions occur
only for a few hours in the morning on hills. The water requirement
is the critical factor. The lichen thalli behave like agar gel and absorb
moisture from the humid environment upto 100-300 times of their
dry weight. They lose the water also with the same rapid rate.

Asexual reproduction. Asexual reproductive methods (including
vegetative reproduction) are the main source of multiplication (Fig.
10.3). The sexual reproduction is insignificant in the life of lichens.
Fragmentation. Death and decay of old parts of the thallus pro¬
duce smaller pieces which give rise to new thalli.
Soredia (sing, soredium). These are minute outgrowths—formed
on the upper surface of the thalli in distinct pustule-like sori called
sorelia (sing, sorelium). The large number of soredia form a
powdery coating on the surface. Each soredium consists of a few algal
cells surrounded by a mass of hyphae. These are dry and, therefore,
easily blown by wind. Each soredium gives rise to a lichen thallus.
Isidia (sing, isidium). These are stalked outgrowths of the thallus
containing masses of algae and fungal hyphae surrounded by a portion
of the thallus cortex. These are not detachable. Accidental breakage
The Lichens 145

results in their dissociation from the thallus.


Pycnidium fragmentation

Fig. 10.3. Asexual reproduction in Lichens by soredia, isidia, conidia and


Conidia are formed in pycnidia but these stand poor chance

<one in a million) of meeting the right type of algal partner for re¬
constituting the thallus.
Sexual reproduction. Only the fungal partner shows sexual re¬
production. Ascospqres are formed in ascocarps (Fig. 10.4), which
are mostly apothecia (e.g. Physcia, Parmelia, Usnea, Cladonia etc.).
The non-occurrence of sexual reproduction in the phycobiont is a
weak point in the perpetuation of the lichens. The ascospore has,
.9 .9

the words of the popular song, “one in million” chance to come

contact with the right algal partner to initiate a new lichen associa¬
tion. Ahmadjian (I960) asked a very pertinent question. What hap¬
pens to the spores (conidia and ascospores) of the mycobiont in
nature? It has not yet been answered!


Use as fodder. The “reinder moss” in Tundra and the “Iceland

moss” in Iceland and some species of Lecanora, occurring on barren
plains and mountains of Western Asia, are used as feed for cattle.
Medicinal value. The “dog lichen” (Peltigera canina) is useful in
146 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Fig. 10.4. A. Showing apothecium of Lichens in surface view, B. vertical

median section, C. a portion of the hymenium.

the cure of hydrophobia. The lung wort—Lobaria pulmunaria is used

in the treatment of lung infections. But an assessment of their efficacy
is not done.
Dyes. Orchill, obtained from species of Roccella and Lecanora, is
used in dyeing of woollen and silk fabrics. The stain “Orcein,” used
for microscopic preparations, is a purified form of the Orchill. The
chemical indicator Litmus is also derived from the above lichens.
First colonizers of rooks. Lichens are the first to start coloniza¬
tion of bare rocks. Crustose lichens produce acids that dissolve stone
particles in crevices of rocks and establish their thalli. Foliose lichens
come next in their capacity to initiate rock colonization.'
Harmful effects. During hot seasons, the dry lichens on tree
trunks catch fire quickly, which is soon transmitted to tree tops.


The algal and fungal components of several lichen genera have been
isolated and grown in culture. It has been found that they grow extre¬
mely slowly—not more than 1-2 mm in a year. The mycobionts are
dependent for growth on external supply of vitamins. e.g. thiamine
and biotin. However, when,both the components were grown together,
the algae died. Sometimes, the dead algal cells were found to be filled
with fungal hyphae. Death of algal cells was noted when the myco-
biont of the lichen Collema tenax was grown with its algal compo¬
nent Nostoc or with any other alga isolated from other lichen genera.
The Lichens 147

It was explained that the first reaction between the two partners is
that of parasitism of the alga by the fungus. The algae which survive
this parasitism enter into lichen association.
Ahmadjian, however, in 1962 succeeded in synthesizing the lichen
Acarospora fuscata by growing its fungal and algal components to¬
gether on a medium on which each alone failed to grow. This gave a
valuable indication that the condition which was unfavourable for
each of them independently was favourable for a joint growth and
formation of lichen.
Thus, a very delicate balance exists between their association and
if there is any disturbance, dissociation results. Their association is a
“marriage of convenience.” Under the luxuriant conditions in labo¬
ratory culture, the lichens dissociate and this creates a big hurdle in
the study of their biology.

“Dear God, what marvels there are in so small a creature.”


Antony Van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 discovered the microbial world

by his simple microscope but it was only after the invention of the
compound microscope by Hooke in 1820, that bacteria came in lime
light. Ladies, who saw a drop of curd or vinegar under the micro¬
scope containing teeming millions of small creatures, vowed to stop
eating them.
These minute creatures were designated as “small microscopic
Species” or “infusorial animacules”. Se’dillot, a retired surgeon of
the French army coined the word ‘microbe’ in 1878. It was imme¬
diately adopted by Pasteur, who did not like the awkward expression—
“infusorial animacules”. The importance of the microbes was not
known until their role in (/) fermentation, (ii) disease causation, and
(in) degradation of dead organic matter, was discovered by the mic¬
robial hunters. Pasteur said, “but for the work of microbes, death
itself would be incomplete”. We now know that the dead bodies are
broken down to elemental form by microorganisms, mainly bacteria.
The bacteria, which are prokaryotic in cellular organization, are
placed in a single class Schizomycetes and classified into 10 orders
according to the Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Biology.
Habitat (Ecology). Bacteria are omr present. They inhabit
every conceivable habitat. They live in soil and water and are dis¬
seminated through water or wind-blown dust particles. Some are
deadly parasites of plants, animals and human beings. Yet, others live
peacefully with plants as symbionts, e.g., Rhizobium, (which forms
root nodules of Legumes and fixes atmospheric nitrogen) or as com-
mensels in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals, (where they
help in digestion of food stuffs). In soil, the bacteria, alongwith the
fungi, liberate minerals and COa from organic matter to the atmos¬
phere, without which, as Pasteur so succinctly said, even death would
be incomplete. The nitrifying bacteria oxidize the ammonia, pro¬
duced during mineralization of organic matter, into nitrate which
increases the soil fertility. Similarly, the H2S that is evolved from
The Bacteria 149

sulfur-containing organic compounds is oxidized to sulfate by

sulfur bacteria. The denitrifying bacteria reduce nitrates to mole¬
cular nitrogen,while the sulfur reducing bacteria produce sulfides.
Free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria reduce the nitrogen of the atmos¬
phere to amino compounds. The dangerous diseases that bacteria
cause have made them permanently infamous and the bacteriologists
owe it to the laymen to improve the public image of bacteria by
highlighting their beneficial aspects.
The bacterial cells (Fig. 11.1) are surrounded by a wall made up of
mucopeptide, which is peculiar to bacteria and not found elsewhere.
Its amount varies in the cell walls of the two main divisions of the
eubacteria; Gram -f ve and Gram, — ve. In Gram 4-ve bacteria it is
the major cell wall component (80%). However, in Gram —ve bacte¬
ria it is present in small quantity; the major portion being formed
by lipoprotein and lipo-polysaccharide. The cell wall is surrounded,
in some bacteria, by a polysaccharide in the form of a definite
layer called capsule. When the polysaccharide is more fluid in con¬
sistency, it forms a loose mass of slime surrounding the wall. Motile

Fig. 11.1. The bacterial cell.

bacteria have flagella whose number and position differ. Bacterial
flagella lack the ‘94-2’ structure (characteristic of eukaryote flagella)
and are made up of flagellin molecules. The piH, which are minute
hair-like superficial appendages, covering the surface of most of the
Gram —ve bacteria,are helpful in holding the cells to water surface
and during conjugation. Inside, the cell shows very little structure,
and lacks an organized nucleus and other organelles—chloroplast.
150 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

mitochondria, golgi body, endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. The

cytoplasm contains: (a) particles, (b) reserve materials as granules,
and (c) soluble substances. The genome is not organized into chro¬
mosomes but represented by a circular,%long DNA molecule attached
to the cell membrane. It is concentrated in the cytoplasm, which can
be stained and seen in light microscope. The photosynthetic bacteria
have lamellae (thylakoids) and vesicles which constitute the photo¬
synthetic apparatus. Mesosomes are particles concerned with bac¬
terial genome-replication and septum formation during the cell divi¬
sion. Ribosomes having the sedimentation coefficient of 70S lie free
in the cytoplasm. The reserve materials appear as granules, or lie in
dispersion phase. The granules are (a) organic lipid or polysaccharide
granules, and (b) elemental sulfur, in sulfur bacteria. The cell sap
contains high molecular weight (e.g., various soluble enzymes and
t-RNA) and low molecular weight (amino-acids, nucleotides)ssubsta-
nces, which occur in different zones of the cytoplasm as “pools”.
We shall now study the bacterial cells, its various parts in some
detail. Structurally, the bacterial cell can be divided into 5 regions.
I— Surface appendages—flagella, pili.
II— Surface adherents— capsules and slime layers.
III— Cell wall.
IV— Cytoplasm and organelles,
V— Special structures—endospores, stalks,
SURFACE APPENDAGES (Flagella and Pili)

Fig. 11.2. Flagella and pili as seen in electron microphotograph.

The Bacteria 151

Flagella (=sing. flagellum). Flagella (Fig. 11.2) are the organs of

locomotion in motile forms and many times longer (4—5 /i long)
than the bacterial cell. They are fundamentally different from the
flagella or cilia of eukaryotes in lacking the 9+2, structure. Flagella
and cilia of eukaryotic cells are morphologically and physiologically
similar. Cilia are shorter, present in greater number and have a co¬
ordinated beat.
The bacterial flagellum (120—150 A in diameter) is cylindrical,
hollow strand made up of protein molecules (Fig. 11.3), called flagel-
lin which are structurally similar to the proteins of the hair and
muscles. Each flageliin molecule is 40 A in diameter. Several (usually

Fig. 11.3. Structure of a bacterial flagellum. Eight parallel chains

of flageliin molecules arranged to form a hollow cylinder.

3-8) longitudinal chains of flageliin molecules run longitudinally twin¬

ing around each other to form a wavy helical or rope-like structure.
A cross section of the flagellum reveals 8 flageliin molecules around
152 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

a central space. The flagellum consists of three morphological parts:

a basal body, the hook and the filament (Fig. 11.4). The basal body
is anchored in the plasma membrane; the hook penetrates the
wall and the filament is
Filament the part that appears in
the stained preparations.
The cell wall is necessary
for the flagellar movement.
■ wa,! If the wall is removed, the
Plasma membrane flagellar movement ceases,
sal body The antigenic property
Fig. 11.4. Showing the5 three parts of fla- of some U1 of the
LUC bacteria
gellum of a Gram +ves bacterium. {e.g..
{e.g., Salmonella, H anti-
gen) resides in the flagellin molecules.
A comparison of the bacterial and eukaryotic flagella is given in
Table 11.1.

Table 11.1. Comparison of bacterial and eukaryotic flagella

Bacterial flagellum Eukaryotic flagellum

1. Is single-stranded (made up of 1. Made up of axoneme and sheath,

several parallel protein fibrils). The axoneme consists of 9 peri-
hollow, helical in appearance. No pheral and 2 central strands (94*2
sheath. arrangement).
2. 4-5 i* long and 120 A in diameter. 2. Upto200|x long; 2000 A in dia¬
3. Possess antigenic, property. 3. Have no antigenic property.
4. Consists almost entirely of protein. 4. Contains about 70% protein, 20%
lipid and 10% polysaccharide.
5. Does not show the presence of 5. The protein contains all the usual
certain aminoacids {e.g. cysteine). amino acids.
6. Isolated flagella do not possess 6. Isolated flagella show ATPase
ATPase activity. activity.

Pili (=^Fimbriae). These are superficial appendages, which are much

smaller and narrower than the flagella, and are present in great
numbers. The pili help in adhesion of bacterial cells during conju¬
gation and to the water surface for better aeration. When they
bring about adhesion of bacterial cells with red blood cells, the phe-
The Bacteria 153

nomenon is called hemaglutmation. Pili, like flagella, are made

entirely of proteins.

SURFACE ADHERENTS—(Capsules and Slime Layers)

Some bacteria have a gelatinous covering around them. If the cover¬

ing is a loose mass, it is called slime (Fig. 1J.5). When it is relati¬
vely narrow and well-
defined, it is called a Capsule Microcapsule
capsule. Chemically,
capsule and slime are
same—a polysaccha¬ Cell wall
ride of glucose. In
Bacillus anthracis, it is
polypeptide- Depend¬ Slime
ing on the thickness,
the capsule is desi¬
gnated as a mac¬
Fig. 11.5. Showing the surface layers of bacteria;
rocapsule (more
capsule, microcapsule and slime layer.
than ,2a thick) or a
microcapsule (less than .2fj). ■
The production of capsule and slime is a hereditary, mutable
character. The capsules protect the pathogenic bacteria from phago¬
cytosis and also serve as a storage product, which may be consumed
when needed. Certain pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Pseudomonas solan-
ace arum, causing wilt disease of several plants) owe their virulence to
the capsule-polysaccharide or slime.


The cell wall of bacteria (and also of blue-green algae) differs from
rest of the plants in being made up of mucopeptide and not cellulose.
This difference provides a site where bacterial pathogens can be
attacked by antibiotics without damaging the diseased eukaryotic
plant or animal.
Mucopeptide is a polymer made up of alternating units of NAG
(N-acetyl glucosamine) and NAM (N-acetyl muramic acid) joined
by 3, 1-4 linkages. NAG and NAM are amino sugars (see struc¬
ture in Fig. 11.6). The mucopeptide chains are laterally linked by
short chains of amino acids, which originate at the carboxyl group
of the muramic acid molecules. The amino acid chains are linked
154 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

among themselves by a diamino acid like lysine and diaminopimelic


f L-Ala
1 1

Fig. 11.6. Part of a mucopeptide molecule; the backbone

polymers linked by short amino acid chains.

acid. Some of the amino acids are D-isomers, which is quite pecu¬
liar, as in normal metabolism only L-amino acids are used.
The cell walls of Gram +ve and Garm —ve bacteria differ in
their chemical composition (Fig. 11.7). The wall of the Gram +ve
bacteria is homo¬
geneous containing
85% or more of
- - - - Cytoplasm * mucopeptide and
Gram + ve Gram—ve simple polysacch¬
aride, like teichoic
Fig. 11.7. The cell wall of Gram +ve and Gram —ve acids (teichos =
bacteria. M. mucopeptide, LPr lipoprotein, LPs, wall) which are
Lipopolysaccharide. polymers of ribitol
and glycerol phosphates. Teichoic acids serve as antigens and also
regulate entry of ions. The cell wall of Gram —ve bacteria contain
only 3-12 % mucopeptide, the rest being lipo-protein and lipo-poly-
saccharides. The wall of Gram — ve bacteria, in electron microphoto¬
graphs appears tripartite i.e. 3-layered. The cell wall differences of
The Bacteria 155

the two groups are given in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2. Differences in the cell walls of Gram *f ve and

Gram —ve bacteria.

Points Gram positive Gram negative

1. Appearance in electron Homogeneous layer 3-layered

2. Chemical composition Mucopeptide forms major Muramic acid forms only
portion of the wall (85% 3-12% of the total dry
of the dry weight), rest weight; major portion
being simple polysaccha¬ contributed by lipidprb-
rides, like teichoic acids. tein, lipid polysaccharide
Do not contain lipids. complex. Thus their wall
has high lipid content. No
teichoic acid.
3. Rigidity Much rigid due to presence Less rigid, due to plastic
of greater amount of muco¬ nature of lipid-protein-
peptide. polysaccharide complex.

Gram + ve and Gram — ve Bacteria

Christian Gram, a Danish physician, in 1884 divided bacteria (the
eubacteria), by a staining method, into two major groups, the Gram
+ve and Gram — ve. Those that retain the Gram’s stain after alcohol
treatment are called Gram -f ve,while those that lose the stain are
designated as Gram — ve.

The Staining Method

A bacterial suspension prepared from a young culture is spread on
a glass slide and fixed by gentle heating. The slide is then dipped in
crystal-violet and dilute iodine solutions successively. The bacteria of
both groups, get stained to deep purple colour. The preparation
is then treated with alcohol or acetone for the decolorization test.
Gram -fve bacteria retain the stain while the Gram — ve bacteria get
decolourized. This observation can be made without using a micro¬
scope by simply looking at the slide. When counter-stained with
safranin or carbol-fuschin, the Gram — ve become red while the
Gram + ve bacteria remain deep purple.
156 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses


Suspension from a young bacterial culture


Smear (heat-fixed)

Stain with crystal-violet followed by dilute iodine solution

Smear stained (deep purple)

Dip in alcohol or acetone
l " I
Smear decolourizes Smear retains colour
Gram — ve Gram -j-ve
Counter-stain with safranin Counter-stain with
or carbol-fuschin. safranin or carbol-fuschin,
Red stained. No change.

This differentiation by a simple staining method is related to

chemical differences in the cell walls of the two types of eubacteria.
Experiments have shown that in the Gram’s reaction, the cell cyto¬
plasm itself gets stained (and not the wall). The high lipid content of
cell wall of Gram —ve bacteria allows the alcohol to pass through the
wall and reach the cytoplasm to remove the stain. In Gram +ve bac-
teria, due to the absence of lipids in the cell wall, the alcohol fails to
reach the stained cytoplasm. However, if the cell wall is removed by
lysozyme enzyme, the protoplast (wall-less bacterium) can be decolou¬
rized by alcohol. This proves that the wall serves as a barrier to
alcohol entry.
Thus Gram’s staining method is a good 'rough-and-ready’ method
to differentiate between the two kinds of cell walls.


Soluble Cytoplasmic Constituents

The cell sap contains high molecular weight substances (large
number of enzymes and t-RNA) and low molecular weight substan¬
ces like amino acids and nucleotides.

The Nucleoid
In bacteria, the genetic material (DNA) is not bound with proteins
to form chromosomes. The genome consists of a single closed ring
1000/x long. Thus in a bacterial cell the DNA molecule is over a
The Bacteria 157

thousand times longer than the cell itself. The DNA helix must un¬
twist itself every half an hour at every replication during cell division.
The expression “the tangled skein of life” for the DNA, could have
not been more appropriately coined. DNA molecule is attached to
the cell membrane possibly at the mesosome. The DNA, in fulgen-
stained preparations, is seen concentrated forming a gel-like structure
less dense than the cytoplasm. This concentrated structure is called
nucleoid or nucleoplasm. There is no nuclear membrane, and spindles
are not formed during cell division.

Lamellae and Chromatophores

Photosynthetic bacteria have lamellae (thylakoid) or vesicles
'(Fig. 11.8) also called chromatophores instead of chloroplasts.

Fig. 11.8. Photosynthetic organelles (lamellae and chromatophores) of

Chromatium, the sulphur purple bacterium. The two are interchange¬
able depending on light intensity.

Lamellae consist of two parallel unit membranes, which may be small

or long-extending throughout the cytoplasm*
Chromatophores (or vesicles) are hollow spherical structures about
300 A in diameter. Much of the cytoplasm appears occupied by
them. The bacterial photosynthetic apparatus (lamellae and chroma¬
tophores) contains the pigments together with enzymes and the elec¬
tron transport system for the photosynthetic phosphorylation of the
light reaction. They are devoid of the enzymes associated with bio¬
synthesis in the dark reaction.

These are small particles (100 A in diameter), which, along with
the reserve materials, give a granular appearance to the otherwise
158 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

homogeneous cytoplasm. In photosynthetic bacteria, however, the

ribosomes are overshadowed by the chromatophores. Ribosomes of
bacteria differ from eukaryotic ribosomes in that they lie free in the
cytoplasm (in eukaryotic cells they lie attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum) and that they have a sedimentation coefficient of 70S>
against 80S of eukaryotes ribosomes.
Mesosomes. These are ex¬
tensions of the plasmamem-
brane, (Fig. 11.9), which simul¬
taneously initiate DNA replica¬ Mesosome
tion and septum formation dur¬
ing cell division. Once they were Developing septunv
designated as “bacterial mito¬
chondria” but now it is clear
that they are not equivalent to
eukaryotic mitochondria. The Fig. 11.9. Showing mesosome, and its*
available evidence suggests that association with septum formation dur¬
mesosomes, most likely, have ing cell division.
diverse functions which vary
from cell to cell and even vary from one growth phase to another.

Reserve Materials
Granules. The cytoplasm itself is a homogeneous aqueous solu¬
tion of soluble proteins, enzymes, cell solutes, inorganic ions and
metabolites of small molecular weights. Under electron microscope
the cytoplasm appears granular due to the reserve materials. Some
reserve materials lie in a state of fine dispersion in the cytoplasm.
The reserve materials can be classified into 3 categories:
1. Organic polymers—polys^iCcharidQS, lipids etc.
2. Inorganic metaphosphate granules—Volutin granules which are
polymers of phosphate inso¬
luble reserves.
3. Elemental sulfur—present in sulfur-oxidizing bacteria; serves
as energy reserve.

SPECIAL - STRUCTURES (Endospores, Stalks)

Endospores. The genera Bacillus and Clostridium as well as a few cocci

and spirilla are able to form resistant structures known as endospores.
A densely-staining body forms within the cell which in a short time
becomes a heat-resistant, refractile spore. The bacterial cell in which
The Bacteria 159

the endospore is formed is termed a sporangium (Fig. 11.10).

Usually one endospore is formed in each cell, the sporangium.
The environmental factors that are known to favour endospore
formation include: (/) low concentrations of organic and nitrogen¬
ous nutrients, (ii) relatively high
concentrations of oxygen, and
(in) the presence of certain cat¬
ions, particularly Mn2+ and K+. Sporangium
The presence of Fe3+ and Ca2+
increases the heat stability of the
, endospores.
For endospore formation, the Fig 11.10. Endospore formation
chromatin together with some in bacteria! cell (Sporangium.)

cytoplasm is enclosed by a thin septum. Thus, a cell is formed

within the mother cell—the sporangium. This endospore cell is sur¬
rounded by a number of outer layers or envelopes. These are the
cortex and one or two spore coats. Ultimately, the spore is liberated
which can withstand exti ernes of temperatures and chemical effects.
At the return of congenial environment, the endospore germinates
and produces a vegetative bacterium.
Stalks. The stalked-bacteria have stalks which differ in their* mode
of origin and nature. In Caulobacter group, the stalk is a narrow ex¬
tension of the cell; the wall of the stalk being continuous with the
wall of the cell. The cell division is by a transverse fission and not
by binary fission as the two daughter cells are not identical. Apical
cell carries the polar flagella and later develops the stalk. The lower
daughter cell develops the flagella (see Fig. 12.11, Chapter 12).
The other type of stalk is found in Gallionella. The stalk is not a
part of the cell but a secfeted product. It is heavily impregnated with
ferric hydroxide and for this reason these bacteria are referred to as
Iron bacteria. When a cell divides, the stalk bifurcates each branch
bearing one daughter cell.

Three major morphological types of bacteria have been recognized on

the basis of the mechanism of their movement and the rigid or
flexible nature of the cell wall. These are: the Eubacteria, the Myco¬
bacteria and the Spirochaetes. The distinction between the three
groups is given in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1. Distinctive features of bacterial groups

Nature of metabolism
Mechanism of Nature of cell
Bacterial types Non-photosyn¬
movement wall
Photo synthetic

Eubacteria Through Thick, rigid Few Most

Myxobaeteria By gliding Thin, flexible None All
Spirochaetes By action of Thin, flexible None All
axial filament


Eubacteria (Fig. 12.1) include various types of unicellular bacteria

as well as the filamentous Actinomycetes.

A. Unicellular Eubacteria {order—Eubacteridles)

The unicellular forms may be spherical {coccus), rod-shaped
{bacillus), curved rods {vibrio) or spiral {spirillum). The stalked-bac-
teria and the budding-bacteria are also single-celled eubacteria.
{a) Coccus (plu. Cocci). These are spherical cells which exist singly
on in groups of two or more cells. The genera are named: Micrococcus
for single cells; Diplococcus—when occur in pairs; Streptococcus—
when the cells adhere in chain; Staphylococcus—when in clusters and
Sarcina—when cells form cubical masses. These different associations
result due to the differences in the plane of'cell divisions and non¬
separation of the daughter cells.
Morphological Types of Bacteria 161

(b) Bacillus (pi. bacilli). These are small rods which may be flagel¬
lated or non-flagellated. The flagella may be present at one end, on

Spirillum Vibrio

Actinomycete Actinomyces

Fig. 12.1. Showing various types of eubacteria.

both ends or all over the body. This number may also vary from one
to many. The flagellation (Fig 12.2) is described as monotriehous
(single flagellum on one side), lophotrichous (a tuft of flagella on
one end), amphitrichous (tuft on both the ends) or peritrichou*
(flagella all over the cell).
(c) Vibrio (pi. Vibrios). These are short, curved, comma-shaped,
flagellated and monotrichous i.e. one flagellum present at one end.
162 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

(d) Spirillum (pi. Spirilla). These are spirally twisted and non-
flexible, may be flagellated or non-flagellated.

Fig. 12.2. Flagellation in bacteria.
(e) Stalked bacteria (order Caulobacteriai^s). These are single-
celled, f *;alked-bacteria (Fig.
12.3). A tuft of flagella is pre¬
sent on one side (lophotrich-
ous). The staik is a part of the
cell as m Caulobacter but it is
a secreted product in the genus
Gallionella. The base of the
stalk is knob-like and sticky.
Thus several stalked cells are
joined by their knobs to form
a^rosette like structure (Fig.
Fig. 12.3. Caulobacter, a stalked bacterium. 12.3). Cell division occurs by
A. rosette formed by adhesion of the bases transverse fission which is
of the stalks, B. a single cell showing divi¬
not binary fission because the
sion by transverse fission.
Morphological Types of Bacteria 163

basal and apical daughter cells are different in structure. The apical
cell, which is equipped with polar flagella, swims away and later
develops a stalk.
(/) Budding Bacteria (order Hyphomicrobiales). Example—
Rhodomicrobium. The cells are like a foot-ball having a swollen part
and a thinner tube. The tube gradually increases in length and swells
to form a new globular cell. Ultimately a network of cells is formed.

B. Mycelial Eubacteria = Actinomycetes (order Actinomycetales)

For a long time the Actinomycetes were included under fungi, but
after the elucidation of their prokaryotic celt structure they were
shifted to under bacteria. The morphological similarities with the
fungi are, however, remarkable. Compared to fungi, the filaments of
Actinomycetes are very thin (1-5 m). These form asexual reproductive
bodies, conidia and sporangiospores,ai.d also multiply by fragmenta¬
tion. Actinomycetes are present in soil and are the most important
source of antibiotics. Some also cause important diseases of plants,
animals and human beings. A key to the important genera is given


A Mycelium transient and limited—Mycobacterium

(reproduces by binary fission).
AA Mycelium extensive.
B Reproduction by fragmentation.
C Aerobic—Nocardia
CC Anaerobic—Actinomyces
BB Reproduction by conidia
C Conidia in chains—Streptomyces
CC Conidia single or in clusters—Micromonospora
BBB Reproduction by sporangiospores—Actinoplanes.



These bacteria lack a rigid cell wall and also the flagella. They show
gliding movement. The individual cells are cigar-shaped, which
divide by binary fission. The cells live as a colony in a common slimy
mass. At the time of fruiting, the cells aggregate and heap up to
164 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

form characteristic fruit bodies (Fig. 12.4). The slimy mass hardens
to form tree-like branches
Germinating which bear bri§ht|y
CySt coloured oval or spherical
/ cysts. Each cyst consists of
,anSr several hundreds of cells.
On germination the cyst
wall breaks and the cells
glide out. The myxobac-
teria live mostly in soil,
dung and water. The
Fig. 12.4. Chondromyces, a myxobacterium. aquatic forms are impor-
A. fruiting body consisting of cysts borne tant cellulose-decomposers,
on hardened slime, B. germination of cysts gome cause most destruc-
andjreiease of cigar-shaped cells of Chond- . diseases of fishes

SPIROCHAETES (order Spirochaetales)

These are relatively large, helical or spiral bacteria which lack a rigid
cell wall (Fig. 12.5). Flagella are absent. The locomotion is not by

Fig. 12.5. Spirochaetes.

flagellar movement or gliding but by flexions of the body, caused

by contraction of an axial filament called crista, which is wound
Morphological Types of Bacteria 165

spirally around the cell and anchored in the cytoplasm at each end.
The contraction of the axial filament is caused by its contractile pro¬
teins. The spirochaetes divide by binary fission and do not produce
any resting spores.
The important genera are Spirochaeta and Cristispira. They live in
muddy waters and cause diseases like jaundice and syphilis in man.

RICKETTSIAE—Their Status (?)

These are rod-shaped, minute, bacteria-like organisms. With the

exception of one, Rochalimaea quintana—the trench fever agent, all
species are obligate parasites. They resemble viruses in that they
multiply only within a living cell and can be cultured only on tissue
or yolk culture. But this resemblance is superficial. They resemble
bacteria very closely as these have: (1) enzymes, (2) nucleic acids of
both the types (DNA and RNA), (3) divide by binary fission (4) have
mucopeptide in their cell wall and (5) are sensitive to antibiotics.
However, till date they have not been included among the bacteria.
Rickettsia may possibly be a link between bacteria and viruses.
These cause serious diseases of human beings (e.g. Typhus, Q
fever etc.) but are harmless to the arthropods, which serve as their
(Protoplast, Sphaeroplast, L-form and

The chemical composition of the cell wall of bacteria has provided a

method to attack the bacteria without damaging the host cells. The
ability of bacteria to survive without or with a damaged cell wall has,
therefore, great importance from medical as well as academic point
of view.
Lysozyme, present in tears, nasal drops and white portion of hen’s
egg^and the antibiotic penicillin (both discovered by Alexander Flem¬
ing), kill the bacteria by attacking their cell walls (Fig. 13.1). The




Fig. 13.1. Showing sites of action of Lysozyme and Penicillin

on the bacterial wall.

bacteria, deprived of their walls, become osmotically fragile and

burst. Depending on the extent of the removal of cell wall and capa¬
bility of reproduction, the following three types of wall-less bacteria
are known.
Protoplast. A protoplast is a completely wall-free cell which is
bound only by the plasmalemma. It lacks all those properties of *
cell which are associated with the cell wall.
Bacteria Without Walls 167

SphaeropJast. It is a bacterial cell with damaged cell wall. The

wall is not completely removed. Therefore, only some of the proper¬
ties of the cell wall are lost.
L-form is a protoplast or sphaeroplast-like body capable of growth
and multiplication in this form.
All the three forms are osmotically fragile. Because of this osmotic
fragility, the wall-less bacteria (usually the protoplasts) are used for
isolation of enzymes, nucleosides, ribosomes and other cell consti¬

Formation of Protoplasts and Sphaeroplasts

Protoplasts are obtained from Gram 4 ve bacteria, while Sphaero¬
plasts are formed from Gram —ve bacteria. The reason lies in the
composition of their walls. Gram 4 ve bacteria have only mucopep-
tide in their wall and, therefore, enzymes {e.g. lysozyme) and anti¬
biotics (e.g. Penicillin and Cephalosporin), which attack the muco-
peptide can remove the wall completely and form protoplasts. In
case of Gram— ve bacteria, the wall consists of lipo-protein, lipo
polysaccharide layers which are not attacked by these agents. A
single agent can not remove all the components of the wall. Thus, the
wall of Gram —ve bacteria is damaged but not easily removed com¬
pletely. Though the wall of Gram 4ve bacteria also contains wall
materials other than mucopeptide, e.g. teichoic acid, these do not
prevent lysozyme from reaching the lower most mucopeptide layers.


Klienberger-Nobel in 1935 discovered the L-forms (L for Lister

institute). L-forms can be produced in the laboratory from both Gram
4 ve and Gram — ve bacteria by the action of antibiotics. Penicillin
is most widely used for this purpose. The bacterial suspension is
spread over a Petri plate containing solidified bacterial growth
medium (Fig. 13.2). Penicillin solution is placed in a well made by a
cork-borer in the centre. The penicillin diffuses out forming a ezone of
inhibitionwhere no bacterial colonies appear. At the edges of the
plate normal growth occurs and this zone is called the £zone of nor-
mal growth\ After some days, fried-egg-shaped colonies of L-forms
appear between the zone of inhibition and zone of normal bacterial
growth. The L-form colonies can be lifted and cultured at higher
concentration of penicillin as at lower concentrations the L-forms
revert to normal bacterial cells with walls.
168 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

-diffuses out


Fig. 13*2. L-forms. A. formation of L-forms of bacteria in laboratory by

Penicillin treatment. B. normal and L-form colonies (fried-egg shaped) of
the bacterium.

Multiple fission budding

Hg. 13.3. Multiplication of L-form through elementary corpuscles
formed by multiple fission and budding.
Bacteria Without Walls 169

L-forms are formed in bacteria-infected animals and the tissues

provide protection from osmotic lysis. Since these forms revert to
normal cells when antibiotic therapy is stopped, the bacteria cause
chronic diseases. L-forms resemble protoplasts and sphaeroplasts in:
(0 Jack of flagella, (//) inability to sporulate, (Hi) lack of some or
all cell wall antigens, and (iv) reversion to normal cells when the
antibiotic treatment is stopped.
The ability of L-forms to multiply is a feature of great interest.
The L-forms do not multiply by binary fission which is the normal
mode of bacterial reproduction. They increase in size (upto 50 n in
diameter compared with 1-/* in the normal cell) and then form
large number of small (.1—.3 M-) units—called “elementary corpus-
cles” by fission or budding (Fig. 13.3). The elementary corpuscles
grow and repeat the multiplication. When the antibiotic treatment is
stopped, the L-forms revert to normal cells and cause the disease
again. In this way they escape the antibiotic and cause chronic infec¬
A comparison of the Sphaeroplasts and Protoplasts is given in the
Table 13.1,

Table 13.1

Sphaeroplast Protoplast

1. The wall is damaged but 1. The wall is completely removed.

not completely removed.

2. Obtained mostly from 2. Obtained mostly from Gram 4 ve bacteria.

Gram —ve bacteria.

3. Properties associated with 3. Properties associated with cell wall are corn-
wall (viz., cell rigidity, pletely lost,
osmotic stability, antige¬
nic property, resynthesis
of flagelia, flagellar move*
ment) are lost but not

4, Mesosome is not extruded 4. Mesosomes are extruded from the cytoplasm

but retained between the (Fig. 13.4).
170 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Sphaeroplast Protoplast

plasmalemma and the

T\ •#- Protoplast.
Fig. 13.4. Mesosome extruded from protoplast.

5. Can resynthesize the cell 5. Fail to resynthesize the wall because the
wall wheii the sphaero- mesosome, which is required for synthesis
plasting agent is with¬ of cell wall material, is extruded out.
drawn. This is because
the mesosdme, Whien was
retained, is available for
cell wall synthesis.

L-forms show all the properties of Sphaeroplasts or Protoplasts

(depending on the Gram +ve or Gram -ve nature of the parent bac¬
terium) and, in addition, have the capability to grow and multiply.
Thus, they show a mechanism to escape the wall-attacking enzymes
and antibiotics.

MYCOPLASMA (=^PPLO—Pleuropneumonia Like


These are walHess bacteria, occurring in nature as disease-causing

agents of plants, animals and human beings. These were first isolated
from bovine sheep suffering from pleuropneumonia. Now, many plant
diseases viz,, yellows which were earlier thought to be caused by viru¬
ses are now known to be caused by Mycoplasma. The human inferti¬
lity ^nd abortions are now known to be due to Mycoplasma infections
of the urenogenital tract. They are the agents causing a typical human
pneumonia and possibly leukaemia.

1. Mycoplasma lack cell wall (Fig. 13.5), have no shape (pleomor¬
phic)—hence called “jokers in the microbiological pack.” Do not
revert to normal cells and are osmotically stable.
Bacteria Without Walls *

2. pass through bacteria-proof filters.

3. grow on culture media; form colonies with dense central por¬
tion giving “fried egg” appearance.

Plasma membrane

Genome (DNA)


Fig. 13.5. Mycoplasma, cell structure.

4. usually require sterol for growth.

5. are insensitive to enzymes and penicillin, but killed by tetracy¬
clines and other antibiotics which affect cell metabolism rather than
the wall.

Interrelationships of Mycoplasma
The genus Mycoplasma was included among bacteria under a sepa¬
rate order Mycoplasmatales. However, in 1966, the International


Antibiotic Antibiotic treatment
treatment stopped

Bacterial cell^

(Gram-t-ve or
Gram - ve)

Tig, 13.6. Showing possible origin of Mycoplasma from bacteria

via L-forms.
172 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Committee of Nomenclature of Bacteria recognized Mycoplasma as

different from bacteria and placed it under a separate class Molicufes
which consists of two genera Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma.
Mycoplasma resembles L-form in (i) having similar uitrastructure,
07) soft pleomorphic cells, devoid of mucopeptide wall, (Hi) not
osmotically fragile, and (iv) growth on media without osmotic pro¬
tection. They differ from L-forms in the following characters : (i)
while the L-forms revert to normal cells when the antibiotic is re¬
moved, Mycoplasma never synthesizes the wall and (ii) while L-forms
are non-pathogic, Mycoplasmas are important pathogens. These
similarities suggest that in nature Mycoplasma might have origina¬
ted from L-forms by loss of the capacity of reversion to normal cells.
Thus, L-forms, which are closest to Mycoplasma, could be thought of
as their proginator (Fig. 13.6).


Mycoplasmas cause important diseases of plants, animals and human


Plant Diseases
Witches broom of potato and opuntia, Aster yellows, Com stunt
and the Sandal-spike disease (threatening the Sandalwood industry
in our country), are caused by Mycoplasma.

Human Diseases
The human infertility is caused by 3 species of Mycoplasma, vzz.,
M. hominis, M. fermentans and T. mycoplasma. Gnarpe and
Friberg (1973), two Swedish doctors isolated T. mycoplasma: from the
sperms (the head and middle region) collected from infertile (barren)
human males. Doxyccyline treatment cures infection by T. myco¬

Animal Diseases
Bovine pleuropneumonia and infectious agalaclea are important
animal diseases.

All organisms grow by assimilating materials from their environ¬

ment. What kinds of materials do the different organisms require
from their environment? In other words we can ask what are the
nutritional requirements of different organisms? These materials are
called nutrients which are used for building and maintaining the
structure and organization of the organism. The elements (nutrients)
which bacteria (and fungi) require are:
~ hydrogen and oxygen as water.
—oxygen for aercbic bacteria.
—hydrogen for anaerobic bacteria.
—carbon from carbon dioxide or organic compounds.
—nitrogen as ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, amino acid, organic
bones or as nitrogen gas for nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
-^Phosphorus as phosphate.
—sulfur as element, sulfate or other compound.
—Magnesium, calcium, potassium, molybdenum and some other
metals in trace amounts.
-—vitamins of B group are required by some bacteria (vitamins
A, C and D are not required by fungi and bacteria).

Nutritional Types of Bacteria

Originally biologists recognized two main types of nutrition: auto-
trophic, in which the organisms live on entirely inorganic compounds,
and heterotrophic, in which the organic substances serve as the nut¬
rients. Green plants are the typical autotrophs and animals are typical
heterotrophs. However, now it is known that a sharp distinction can
not be made between the two types. Even the typical autotrophs like
the green plants require specific growth factors which are organic com¬
pounds. Thus, new nutritional classifications have been made. If the
need for the growth factor is disregarded, the organisms can be classi¬
fied on the basis of the energy source: light or chemical oxidatioa
which are the ultimate sources of energy for all organisms. Organisms
which use sunlight are called phototrophs (photosynthetic) and those
174 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

that use chemical eaergy are called chemotrophs (chemosynthetic).

Another classification can be made on the basis of the source of
the electron, inorganic or organic compounds. The nutritional types
will be named as organotrophs or lithotrops. Organotrophs use or¬
ganic compounds as electron sources while the lithotrophs derive them
from inorganic sources—like hydrogen, H2S, ammonia or sulfur.
A synthesis of the two criteria viz., energy source and electron,
donor, can be used for the nutritional classification.
The following four nutritional types emerge:
1. Photosynthetic autotrophs (Photolithotroph). These are
photosynthetic bacteria which use inorganic electron donor H2, H2S,
NH3, S etc. (but never water) for reduction of C02 to organic com¬
pounds, e.g. green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobacteriaceae), purple sulfur
bacteria (Thiorhodaceae). Because of the non-utilization of water as
electron source, 02 is never evolved during bacterial photosynthesis.
2. Photosynthetic heterotroph (Photoorganotroph). These are
also photosynthetic bacteria but with the difference that instead of
inorganic substances, organic substrates supply the electrons for redu¬
cing C02 in presence of sunlight, example: non-sulfur bacteria. Thus,
here also 02 is not evolved.
3. Chemosynthetic Autotroph (Chemolithotroph); No orga¬
nisms other than some bacteria come in this nutritional category.
They derive their energy for growth from oxidation of inbrganic
substances. A number of specialised groups of bacteria belong to this
category viz., the hydrogen bacteria, the colourless sulfur bacteria,
nitrifying bacteria, iron bacteria etc. Most of them are autotrophic
and use COa as the source of carbon.
All the energy-yielding reactions of chemolithotrophic bacteria are
oxidation-reduction reactions in which the hydrogen or electrons are
transferred from one compound to another. The acceptor of the elec¬
tron may be oxygen or another inorganic substance. The energy is
trapped in ATP molecules during the transport of hydrogen to the
oxygen, as it occurs during respiration of organic compounds.
(a) Hydrogen Bacteria. These oxidize hydrogen in presence of oxy¬
gen e.g., HydrOgenomonas
H2-H 02-* H20 4- energy
The key reaction in the oxidation of hydrogen is splitting of mole¬
cules into two hydrogen atoms by the enzyme hydrogenase.
(b) Nitrifying Bacteria. The oxidation of ammonia into nitrate
occurs in two steps, each carried out, by a specialized group of
Bacterial Nutrition and Mineral Cycles 175

(0 In the first step ammonia is oxidized into nitrite by species of
the genus Nitrosomonas. The energy liberated is the sole source of
energy for growth of these bacteria. The carbon is obtained from
NH3+1|02 — - N02“ + H20 + H++energy
d0 In the second step, the nitrite is converted into nitrate. This is
brought about by species of the genus Nitrobacter, which use this
energy for growth. Here also carbon is derived from C02.
N02 + i02 ■—> N03" + energy.
(c) Sulfur Bacteria, d) Oxidation of elemental sulfur. ThiofeaciK
lus thio-oxidans obtains energy from oxidation of elemental sulfur.
Sulfuric acid is produced. This bacterium thus can survive in ex¬
treme acidic environment.
S°+H20 + 1£02 — -* H2S04 + energy.
d0 Oxidation of H2S to S—Beggiatoa uses the energy from oxida¬
tion of H2S for growth, and the product sulfur is stored as granules
in its filaments.
H2S + 0-* H20 + S° t energy
(d) Iron bacteria. This is the most interesting and most simple oxi¬
dation. Example—Ferrobacillus, The Ferric iron is deposited as7 in¬
soluble ferric hydroxide.
Fe+2-> Fe+s+e~
4. Chemosynthetic heterotroph (Chemoorganotroph). Ener-_
gy is obtained from oxidation-reduction reactions using organic com¬
pounds as the oxidizable substrate. Animals, fungi and most bacteria
(e.g„ Escherichia coli) are chemoorganotrophs.
The bacteria in this category secrete extra-cellular enzymes which
degrade complex nutrients,~ carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc. into
simple smaller units which are absorbed and oxidized for release of
energy. If Oa serves as the ultimate hydrogen acceptor the energy-
yielding oxidation is called respiration; if it is an inorganic substanc
other than oxygen, it is called anaerobic respiration. It is called
fermentation if an organic substance serves as the hydrogen accep¬

Bacterial Fermentations
Carbohydrates are the most important substrates of bacterial fer-
176 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

mentations. At least seven distinct types of fermentation of glucose

is known, each having a different end product.
Proteins and amino acids are also fermented. Much less is known
about these fermentations as compared to glucose fermentation. The
bacteria are employed for the industrial production of these products
of fermentation.

Bacterial Respiration
Aerobic respiration. The oxidation of organic compounds by
oxygen is called aerobic respiration; C02 4 HaO are the end products.
The role of bacteria (as scavangers) in disposal of organic debris is
of great significance. They are capable of oxidizing any organic com¬
pound found in the living world.
Anaerobic respiration. Species of the genus Desulfovibrio oxidi¬
se organic compounds anaerobically, using sulfate as the hydrogen
acceptor (oxidant). Another important anaerobic respiration involves
the use of nitrate as hydrogen acceptor. It is reduced to N2 or NH3
by the denitrifying bacteria. It is important to note that the sulfate
reducers can not use oxygen even when available, but the denitrifying
bacteria use nitrates only in the absence of oxygen. The denitrifying
bacteria restore the nitrogen gas to the atmosphere and, thus, are of
great importance in maintaining the nitrogen cycle.


The elements present in the living matter are returned to the atmos¬
phere from which they were taken. The part of the earth, which

Living organisms ■ » Organic remains

excretion and excreta


Fig. 14 1. Circulation of mineral elements in the biosphere.

Bacterial Nutrition and Mineral Cycles in
supplies the organisms with materials for growth and energy, toge¬
ther with the living organisms is called the biosphere. The elements
circulate constantly from the non-living part of the biosphere to tin
living part. Microorganisms, particularly bacteria play a major role
in this cycling of biologically-important elements like carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen and sulfur (Fig. 14.1).
Carbon cycle. Bacteria play CO2 in
only a minor role in the fixation air
of carbon. This is done mainly
by green plants. However, they
are essential for return of C02 hotosynthesis decomposition
to the atmosphere. As biologi¬
cal scavangers, bacteria (and
fungi) oxidize the organic com¬
pounds and set free the locked compounds
carbon as C02. This is done by
Fig. 14.2. The Carbon cycle.
chemoorganotrophic bacteria
(Fig. 14.2).
Nitrogen cycle. Bacteria are important both in fixation and liber¬
ation of nitrogen (Fig. 14.3). Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live indepen¬
dently in soil or as symbionts in root nodules of plants, especially of
legumes. The free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria are Clostridium
(anaerobic), Azotobacter (aerobic) and Rhodospirillum (photosynthe¬
tic). In addition to bacteria, filamentous heterocy^tous blue-green
algae are also important nitrogen fixers, especially in tropical coun¬
tries. Nitrogen fixation by fungi, though suspected since long, has
not been conclusively proved. The symbiotic bacterium associated
with root nodules is Rhizobium leguminosarum (earlier called Bacillus
radicicola). The nitrogen fixing bacteria (free living or symbiotic)
form organic nitrogen compounds from the atmospheric nitrogen
which enrich the soil. The root nodules also ultimately reach the soil
and the nitrogen compounds contained in them are made available to
the soil.
The nitrogenous organic compounds are decomposed to form
ammonia which is oxidized to nitrite, (N02~), nitrate (N03~), ions
by different nitrifying bacteria. Nitrosomonas oxidizes ammonium
to nitrite and Nitrobacter oxidizes nitrite to nitrate. The oxidation of
ammonia is the key step in the nitrogen cycle. These are utilized by
higher plants and reused in synthesis of organic nitrogen compounds.
However, these are oxidized to N2 by denitrifying bacteria and in
this way the nitrogen gas fixed by nitrifying bacteria is returned as
178 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

nitrogen gas after use, to the atmosphere.

Fig. 14.3. The Nitrogen cycle.

The sulfur 'cycle. The role of bacteria in the sulfur cycle of

nature is negligible. There is ample sulfate in the earth’s crust. This
is in contrast to nitrogen, which does not occur in rocks. The main
supply of nitrogen in the soils or natural wa ers ultimately comes
from the nitrogen jas of air.

Bacteria multiply by all the known methods of reproduction. The cell

division by ‘fission’ is characteristic of bacteria and is shared by none
except yeasts. The novel methods of sexual reproduction that occur
in bacteria, though different from the classical type involving karyo-
gamy followed by meiosis, bring about the same end result v/z.,
genetic recombination.
The bacteria reproduce asexually by fission, endospores, cysts,
fragmentation, sporangiospores, and conidia. The sexual reproduction
is represented by transformation, conjugation, transduction and
lysogenic conversions.


Fission. The bacterial cell divides into two by fission (Fig. 15.1)
Mostly it is binary fission in which the two daughter cells are identi¬
cal. Division is a very quick process and is completed in 30 minutes. Ir
6 hours a million bacteria are produced from a single parent cell.

Fig. 15.1. Binary fission. One bacterium gives rise to two identical cells.

Fission involves formation of a septum and chromosome division

(replication of genome). Both the events occur simultaneously and
are triggered by a mesosome.
DNA replication. The bacterial ‘chromosome’ (the circular
DNA molecule) divides (replicates) resulting in the production of
two circular ‘chromosomes’ (Fig, 15.2). The molecule is duplicated at
a site that traverses the whole molecule. This site is called replicat-
180 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

ing fork. It is that point where the two strands become four. In-each
of the two daughter circular ‘chromosomes5, one strand is derived
from the parent and
^— -Initiation point the other is new. This
type of replication in
if \\ which one strand is
H JJ old and the other is
newly synthesized is
, called the semicon-

1 servative replica-
tion. This mechanism
°f replication was
(f/Y )) proposed by Cairns
JJ m 1963 and is known
o .• r , as Cairn’s model.
>-^ —- Replication fork n n .
| Cell division. A
y peripheral ring of
plasmamcmbrane in-
vaginates and grows
/A\ \\ centripetally to form
11 1) a double membrane
Septum (Fig. 15.3).
Wall material is depo-
\ sited between the two
membranes of the
septum. The two
JJ Y\ events i.e. septum for-
[( jJ mation and the cross
vv JJ wall synthesis occur
\ simultaneously. The
2 DNA molecules cell division is follow¬
ed by separation of
Fig. 15.2. Showing replication (duplication) of the daughter cdls as
the bacterial chromosome. The Cairn’s model. unicellular bacteria
by dissolution of the
matrix between the newly synthesized walls. However, in the Actino-
mycetes, cell division occurs without separation and thus the cells are
not separated.
Higgins and Shockman (1971) have proved that mesosomes are
involved ir. the initiation of both the events viz., the DNA replication
Reproduction in Bacteria 181

|«- Plasma membrane

|<#- Cell wall

Fig. 15.3. Septum and cell wall formation during bacterial cell division.



Fig. 15.4, Binary fission in Cocci. Successive divisions occur in more than
one plane and give rise to various forms of Cocci.
182 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

and the septum and wall formation. These two events occur simulta¬
neously during cell division.
In the spherical forms (cocci) divisions may occur in any plane but
in bacilli, divisions occur perpendicular to the long axis of the cell.
In cocci divisions occur as follows (Fig. 15.4).

Division in One Plane

1. If two divisions occur in same plane without separation of
daughter cells then pair of cells is formed; example Diplococcus.
2. When more than two divisions occur in the same plane a chain
of cells results e.g. Streptococcus.

Division in more than One Plane

1. Two divisions at right angles—result in groups of 4 cells e.g.
2. Three divisions each at right angles result in cubical structure
e.g. Sarcina.
3. Many irregular divisions in all planes result in a cluster of cells.
Endospore. It is an extremely resistant asexual spore. The
endospore of Clostridium tetani—the causal organism of tetanus,
survives even boiling for as long a period as one and half hours. In
no other group of plants such resistant spores are known. Fmdospores
are formed by species of Bacillus and Clostridium.
Only one spore is formed in a cell and the whole cell is not consum¬
ed in its production. A septum is laid down around the concentrated
genome. Additional walls are laid
'down ar. und this septum, which are
called cortex, and outer and inner
walls (Fig. 15.5). Thus a new cell is
formed within the parent cell, which
is then called a sporangium (see
details in chapter 11). The endospore
Fig. 15.5. Structure of a bac¬ may be central, lateral or terminal in
terial endospore, as seen in position. Sometimes, it is larger than
a cross section. the diameter of the cell. The endos-
pores are difficult to stain and are
grouped on the basis of their shape, size and position.
Cysts. These are less resistant than endospores. The whole cell is
transformed into a cyst (Fig. 15.6). When the cyst wall breaks, the
Reproduction in Bacteria 183

enclosed cell moves out. Cysts are formed in Azotobacter and Jvlyxo
bacteriales e.g. Myxococcus, Chon-
dromyces etc.
Fragmentation, Sporangiospo¬
res and Conidia. These methods
of asexual reproduction are common
in Actinomycetes and are same as Fig. 15.6. Cyst formation and
seen in the fungi (Fig. 15.7). In fact germination.
before their prokaryote cell-stru¬
cture was discovered, Actinomycetes were placed in fungi.


Fig. 15.7. Fragmentation (arthrospores) and conidia

formation in Actinomycetes.


These passions which only they in their sport

Call love; they too are love, tender and furious
And with particularities curious
Not love of the everyday sort—Paul Verlaine.

Until 1940’s any idea of a sexual reproduction in bacteria was

considered ridiculous. Bacterial cytology was a diffuse and contro¬
versial subject. Even the genetic material was not clearly demonstrat¬
ed. However, since then, events have moved so rapidly that bacterial
genetics, in association with viral genetics, has given rise to the
development of a new science—the Molecular Biology, which
occupies the same position in biological sciences, as Atomic Physics
has long occupied in physical sciences.
This rapid development of bacterial genetics was because of:
(0 the highly precise methods of study.
184 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

(ii) the extremely rapid growth and small size. Millions of bacteria
are easily handled and held in a drop of fluid.
(7/7) the variety of genetic mechanisms that operate in bacteria
greatly facilitated genetic analysis, and
(?v) it proved easier to relate the genetic phenomena to the
structure and function of the biologically important macro¬
The most important achievement was the discovery that the sexual
reproduction (karyogamy followed by meiosis) was not the only
method of genetic recombination and that nature employs several novel
methods, hitherto undiscovered, to achieve the same end. There
exist four mechanisms of genetic transfer in bacteria, which differ in
the mode in which DNA is acquired by the recipient bacterium.
These are:
Transformation. In this, the DNA is absorbed from the external
medium. This is the method employed in laboratory to bring about
recombination; but it may be occurring, in nature as well.
Conjugation. The recipient female cell (F~) receives the DNA
from a donor bacterium—Hfr, a male with high fertility rate, through
cellular contact. Though it appears similar to conjugation of higher
forms, bacterial conjugation is peculiar and different.
Transduction. The DNA is acquired through a virus. Thus, it is
a “phage-mediated genetic transfer.”
Lysogeny. It involves association of genetic material of a virus
with that of the bacterium. Although different from above methods,
it also provides a permanent genetic modification of the bacterial
We shall adopt a historical approach in the study of sexual repro-
ductionr as it will give a better perspective and make the subject more
Genetic Recombination. When the DNA enters the recipient
cell by any of the three mechanisms (through medium, by conjuga¬
tion or through a bacteriophage), it can synapse with the homologous
region of the recipient genome and undergo recombination to give
new genome types. The reciprocal product of the recombination
process is broken down by DNAase enzyme.


(i) Griffith observed Transformation in bacteria. In 1928,
Reproduction in Bacteria 185

Fred Griffith, an English bacteriologist, made an important observa¬

tion which initiated a biological revolution. He was working with the
bacterium Pneumococcus pneumoniae (then called Diplococcus), the
causal organism of ‘pneumonia’. He had both the virulent and the
avirulent strains which differed in morphology and colony characters.
The virulent strain was capsulated i.e. had a capsule around the cell
and formed a smooth colony on growth medium. The avirulent strain
was non-capsulated and formed a rough colony. The strains used by
Griffith were as follows:
Diplococcus strain Morphology Colony
Virulent Capsulated Smooth
Avirulent Non-capsulated Rough



Heat-killed virulent

Virulent strain

Fig. 15.8. The “Transformation” experiment of Griffith wirh Pneumococcus.

186 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

The virulent strain caused death of mice on injection while the

avirulent strain was harmless (Fig. 15.8). The heat-killed virulent
strain failed to kill the mice. However, when the living avirulent strain
and the heat-killed virulent strains were mixed and injected the mice
died. How? Was the avirulent strain transformed into virulent
strain in association of the dead virulent bacteria? Yes! Griffith
could isolate from the dead mice, bacteria, which had the characters
of the virulent strain and proved virulent on injection into another
mice. This character was transmitted to the progeny as a stable
heritable character. Griffith called the phenomenon transformation
and suggested that the heat-killed bacteria provided the transform¬
ing principle. He thought (erroneously), that the transforming prin¬
ciple was the polysaccharide of the capsule. The nucleic acids as
bearers of hereditary characters were not known then.
The phenomenon caught the attention of medical bacteriologists
and during the succeeding years it was found that transformation
could be achieved without involving mice, by growing the avirulent
strains and heat-killed virulent strains together in Petri dishes. Trans¬
formation thus became a laboratory process.
(H) Avery, MacLeod and McCarty showed in 1944 that DNA
is the genetic material. After ten years of vigorous experimenta¬
tion these American workers in 1944
chemically identified the transform¬
ing principle. It was DNA. This was
a big achievement which proved for
the first time that DNA was the gene¬
tic material. For pinpointing the
transforming principle, they extracted
the DNA, polysaccharides and pro¬
teins from the killed bacterial cells in
pure form and added each separately
to the avirulent cultures (Fig. 15.9).
But only DNA brought about the
transformation. Protease and RNA-
degrading enzymes could not prevent
the transforming action whereas
DNAase, inactivated the transform¬
ing activity. This cleared DNA as the
transforming principle.
After this, transformation for several other characters was noted
Reproduction in Bacteria 187

like the transformation of streptomycin-sensitive cells to strepto¬

mycin-resistant cells and tryptophan-independent strains to trypto¬
phan-requiring strains.

Virulent heat-killed Disrupted cells
bacteria (capsulated)

Purified DNA

Avirulent strain DMA Virulent strain

(non-capsu fated) (capsulated)

Fig. 15.9. Transformation by DNA. Experiment of Ave ry,

MacLeod and McCarty.

Mechanism of Transformation
A fragment of DNA, present in the medium, gets adsorbed on the
recipient cells and then enters the bacterial cells (Fig. 15.10). Inside
the cell, it replaces the homologous part of the bacterial genome.
This results in the development of new characters which pass on to
the progeny cells as stable and heritable character.

Virulent progeny.

Fig. 15.10. Mechanism of Transforimtion.


Discovery of mutation in bacteria by Delbruck and Luria in
1943. An important aspect of study in genetics is mutation, which
is sudden spontaneous heritable change of the genetic material.
Edward Tatum and Joshua Lederberg

USA in 1943. In a population of bacteria, where several million cells

can be contained in a drop of fluid, mutations, how so rare, become
common and can, by selection, soon replace the original colony.
Discovery of conjugation in Escherichia coli by Lederberg
and Tatum in 1946. Edward Tatum, by inducing mutation with the
help of ultraviolet and X-ray irradiations, developed strains of
E. coli (strain K12) which showed deficiency for some growth factors
(auxotroph). These strains could be used as genetic markers to
identify the introduction of new characters.
Tatum, with his student Joshua Lederberg, set about to look for
genetic recombination in E. coli. They succeeded. Lederberg and
Tatum reported genetic recombination in E. coli in 1946. Their ex¬
periment is illustrated in Fig. 15.11.
One parental strain (A-B-C+D+SrP’) requires factors A and B for
growth and was resistant to streptomycin and sensitive to phage. The
other parent (A+C+C~D-SfP0 required supply of growth factors C
and D and was streptomycin sensitive and phage resistant. Individu-
Reproduction in Bacteria 189

ally, both the strains were unable to grow on minimal media* (which

lack any growth factor). But when the two strains were mixed and

| (SRPs) (ssn

Minimal medium "T Mimmal medium

<no growth) v (no growth)

Recombinants Minimal medium


Fig. 15.11. The experiment of Lederberg and Tatum suggesting

recombination in E. coli.

then spread on the same minimal medium, colonies appeared and

grew in the absence of any of the growth factors ABC or D. How
come? The growth of the colonies suggests the development of re¬
combinant bacteria which must be A+B+C+D+ genetically.

•A medium which supplies all the minimal nutritional requirements is called

a minimal medium. The organism that grows on the minimal medium is called a
prototropb. A mutant of prototroph, which fails to grow on the minimal medium
is called an auxotroph. It becomes deficient in some growth substance a specific
pure substance t.g. a vitamin or an amino acid. The medium, that supplies the
deficient growth substance (s), is called a complete medium for the auxotroph.
190 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

When tested for streptomycin and phage resistance, (see lower part
of Fig. 15.11) these markers also appeared in hew combinations.
None of the parents were double sensitive or double resistant (SSPS
or SfPr) but, as seen in Fig. 15.11, the two colonies (3 and 4)
were double resistant SrPr as they grew on both streptomycin and
phage-containing media. Three colonies viz., 6, 7 and 8 were double
sensitive as they did not grow on any plate.

Mechanism of Conjugation
The exact mechanism of the genetic exchange was worked out by
three groups of scientists led by Lederberg in Wisconsin, USA,
Hayes in London^and Woolman in Paris. That transformation was
not involved, was proved by the finding that cell-free extracts of one

F+(male) X F-(female)

Migration of one F factor into female cell

F+(male) F+(male)

Fig. 15.12. Conjugation between F+ (male) and F~ (female) resulting in the

conversion of female into male due to transfer of the fertility factor, F.
Reproduction in Bacteria 191

bacterium failed to transform the other cells. It was demonstrated

that in E. coli K12 strain, physical contact was involved and the DNA
from one passed into the other cell through a conjugation tube. This
was demonstrated by a method called “interrupted mating experi¬
ment.” The process is vastly different from chromosome transfer in
higher organisms.
Strains of E. coli show sexual differences, one acting as donor of
genes (male) and the other as recipient of genes (the female). The


Breaking of the integrated DNA for replication

Migration of a portion of daughter

chromosome into female cell

Hfr Synapsis of homologous portions^

Recombinant genes Degraded?

Recombinant F

Fig. 15.13. Conjugation between high fertility male (Hfr) and female;
(F“) cells, resulting in production of recombinant female.
192 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

maleness is bestowed by a fertility factor called F factor and not a

chromosomal gene. The fertility factor is autonomous and lies free in
the cytoplasm. The F factor is now known to be a circular DNA mole¬
cule which is equal in size to the DNA of a bacteriophage. In a con¬
jugation between F+ and F_ (Fig. 15.12) the bacterial chromosome is
not involved. Only a duplicate of the F factor passes into the female
cell. The recipient is converted into a male cell. So the sex in E. coli
can be said to be ‘infectious’.
The F factor is an infective element, now called an episome,
which can live in two states—either free in the cytoplasm or integrated
with the bacterial ‘chromosome’. When inserted in the ‘chromosome’,
the F+ male becomes a Hfr male, “high fertility male.” It is a new
type of male, which shows enormous increase in its frequency of re¬
combinations. Supermales of James Bond ! When such a Hfr male
conjugates with a female F- the genetic material is transferred (Fig.
15.13) . The female is not converted into a male as the F+ factor is
not passed on. The genetic material may replace homologous por¬
tions of the female genome. This brings about genetic recombination.
The F factor and the bacterial chromosome have many homologous
■sites and their integration can occur on any of the many possible
sites. The bacterial chromosome breaks at the site of attachment and
becomes a linear DNA molecule having the F factor always at the
rear end. With various Hfr strains, the site of the breakage varies.
Chromosomal replication starts at that end which is directed towards
the conjugation tube. According to Jacob and Brenner, the F repli¬
cator (replicator of the F factor DNA) serves as an initiation point
for replication of the integrated DNA. One of the daughter chromo¬
somes enters the female cell.
For the transfer of the complete replicate of the DNA, about 2
hrs are needed but in nature the mating never lasts so long. Due to
interruption in the mating, only a portion of the chromosome enters
the female cell; the F factor being always at the rear end never goes
to the recipient cell.
By artificially interrupting the mating, the sequence in which the
genes enter the female cell can be known. This sequence suggests
that the bacterial chromosome is a circular DNA molecule. The sequ¬
ence of genes remained the same though the site of entry varied (Fig.
15.14) . This would result by the breaking of the circular chromosome
at different places. The direction of entry of chromosome can also
reverse. All this is possible only with a circular molecule.
Reproduction in Bacteria 193

Fig. 15.14. Showing that the order (sequence) of genes

entering the female cell remains same though the start¬
ing gene (the gene entering first) varies due to breakage
at different sites on the “chromosome.”

The F factor, because of its episomal nature, can spontaneously

dissociate and go back to the cytoplasm again. The Hfr males are
then reverted to F+ males.
Now conjugation is reported in several other bacteria also.
Sexduction. During the dissociation of the F factor from the
chromosome’, it may carry some of the bacterial genes (Fig. 15.15).

F+(male) Hfr (High fertility male)



Faulty separation

F'( prime male)

Fig. 15.15. Showing interconversion between male and high ferti¬

lity male. Faulty release of the fertility factor results in Sexduction
and production of F' (F prime) male.

Such a mutant fertility factor is designated as F' (F prime).

When such F' factors are transferred, the recipient bacterial cells be¬
come heterozygous for that part of the DNA which the F' had
194 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

obtained from the male bacterium. This phenomenon is called Sex-

duction (Jacob and Adelberg 1959) and is employed to obtain par¬
tial diploids.


Lederberg and his student Zinder in 1951 started looking for re¬
combination in Salmonella typhimurium—the mouse typhoid bacte¬
rium. They used the same techniques which Lederberg and Tatum
had used with E. coli. They obtained nutritionally-deficient mutants
(auxotrophs) which failed to grow on the minimal medium. When a
mixture of the two mutants were plated together, recombinants
appeared in a few cases but not with other strains. When they analy¬
sed the cause they discovered a new type of gene exchange, which
involved the mediation of bacteriophages. Zinder and. Lederberg
described this new method of gene acquisition in 1952 as Transduc¬
In their experiments, conjugation was ruled out by the following
experiment (Fig. 15.16). A U tube was taken which had a sintered

Fig. 15.16. The Transduction (U tub?) experiment of Zinder and Lederberg.

Fig. 15.17. Modus operandi of Transduction. 194
Reproduction in Bacteria 195

glass filter between its two arms, through which bacteria could not
pass. Two auxotrophs (^nutritionally deficient mutants) were grown
in the two arms (strain A in one arm and strain B in other). The
medium from one could freely go into the other arm. Recombinants
appeared in the bacterial population of one of the arms only. Why?
Transformation was also ruled out as DNAase (the DNA splitting
enzyme) had no effect on the gene transfer.

The Mechanism of Transduction

It was found that the strain A was a lysogenic strain {see chapter
20) harbouring a temperate phage (Fig. 15.17). A small amount of
the phage was always present in the medium as, occasionally, some
cells lysed and released phage particles. The phage particles are
small enough to pass through tfc s filter and attack the bacterial strain
B in the other arm, which were se isitive to the phage. During lytic
cycle of the strain B, the viruse during maturation formed particles
that accidently contained a pie a of bacterial DNA, in place of the
normal viral DNA. These phages, c died transducing phages, when
attacked the strain A, behaved as a temperate phage. The DNA of
strain B, brought by the virus, integrates with the DNA of the A
strain. This integration results in recombination between the homo¬
logous portions of the recipient and acquired DNA. The genome of
the recipient is modified.


Sometimes the DNA, brought by the phage, does not integrate with
the genome, of the recipient bacterium and expresses itself indepen¬
dently. It does not replicate and so it passes on during binary fission
to only one of the two daughter cells. For example the motile
character transduced in a non-motile strain, at the time of cell division
is passed on only to half of the progeny. The transduced DNA goes
to only one of the daughter cells, as it is neither integrated with the
chromosome nor it replicates itself.

Partial diploids (=Syngenotes).

Instead of replacing (or exchanging) their homologous regions some
recombinants show addition of new genome with the genome of the
recipient. This was detected in bacteriophage, which showed recom¬
binants that had two loci for galactose, viz., gaD, gal+, as occurs in a
diploid condition. Morse called such limited or partial diploid®
as syngemotes.
196 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses


Andre Lwoff and his group at Paris reported lysogenic conversions in

bacteria. In transduction it is the
bacterial DNA that is exchanged
with the homologous portion of
the recipient bacterial DNA. In
lysogex&y, it is due to exchange
with the viral DNA during lyso-

Lysogeny is that state in which

the genome of a temperate phage
gets integrated with bacterial
'Vv. * ' jl host-genome. This integrated
"Vs •? viral genome is called prophage,
WM*_ * * Li ' which- in integrated state exists
;a ; . ; V in non-virulent form. It is repli-
‘f-'l aKaHK cated like any other segment of
Andre Lwoff the bacterial chromosome and is
passed on to the progeny.
Occasionally, (one in a million), the ‘symbiotic’ relation breaks
down and the phage genome separates from the bacterial genome (Fig.

Fig. 15.18. Showing normal and fau’ty separation of phage DNA

from bacterial genome. A piece of bacterial DNA is incorpo¬
rated into the phage DNA and vice-versa.
Reproduction in Bacteria 197

15.18). When the separation is faulty, this results in the incorporation

of a piece of the viral DNA into the bacterial DNA and vice-versa,
The viral DNA becomes a permanent part of the bacterial chromo¬
The viral genome is also modified due to the coming of the bacte¬
rial genome. This is called defective phage, and sometimes this
mutant phage is unable to carry out some of the stages of the lytic

Bacteria as Pathogens
First bacterial disease, the 'fire blight’ of pear, was described in
1878 by T.J. Burrill, —only two years after Koch’s demonstration of
the role of Anthrax bacillus in animal diseases. F.F. Smith by 1900
established the role of bacteria as plant pathogens.
Species in all major families of higher plants are known to be
attacked by one or more bacterial pathogens.
Symptoms. The symptoms produced by bacterial pathogens are
not markedly different from those incited by fungi. The main symp¬
toms are:
Wilting—Pseudomonas solanacearum is most important which
causes wilt of several crop plants.
Blight—-Leaf blights are usually caused by species of Xanthomonas
and Pseudomonas.
X. orytae causes 'leaf-blight’ of rice.
P. tabaci—‘wild-fire’ disease of tobacco.
Leaf spot—Angular leaf spot of cotton Xanthomonas malvacearum.
Canker—Xanthomonas citri causes citrus canker.
Gall—‘Crown gall’, on over 142 angiospermic genera, is caused by
Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Bacteria are found in the peripheral zone
of the galls. Since growth patterns resemble those of animal and
human cancerous tissue, bacterial galls are most extensively studied.
Scab—Potato scab caused by Streptomyces scabies.
Although most bacterial pathogens induce one major symptom,
some diseases show more symptoms. In the bacterial blight of paddy
(X. oryzae), the disease syndrome comprises blight and wilt symp¬
Bacterial lesions are characterized by an overlying waxy layer. In
wet weather bacterial masses ooze out from the lesions and on
drying, get deposited as waxy scales. The bacteria cannot be dislod¬
ged unless softened by dew or rain.


The important plant pathogenic genera and their important charac-

Bacterial Diseases of Plants 199

teristics are given in the following Table*

TABLE 16.1. Characteristics of Important Plant Pathogenic Bacteria

Genus Symptoms No. of Gram's Colony Motility

species stain colour

1. Agrobacterium Galls 5 _ White Motile

2. Corynebacterium Wilt, blight, 10 + »» Non-mo tile
3. Erwinia Blight, soft 6 —. 55 >>
4. Pectobacterium Soft-rot 1 55 »»
5. Pseudomonas Wilt, leaf-spots 85 Charac¬ »5

6. Xanthomonas Wilt, leaf-spots, 47 •* Yellow Motile

Characteristics of Bacterial Pathogens

Some important features of bacterial pathogens are the following:
1. All are non-spore-forming rods.
2. All except Corynebacterium are Gram negative.
3. Only Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas are pigment producers.
About half of the pathogenic bacteria belong to the genus Pseu¬
4. Prevalence of water is the key factor of the environment that
influences disease development.
5. Bacterial cells have a passive entry into host through stomata,
lenticels, wounds, insect bites or through implements. Such
direct entry enables them to escape the toxic effects of chemi¬
cals exuded by plants.
6. They colonise the intercellular spaces, vascular bundles and
•spaces (‘bacterial pockets’) formed by dead cells.


Wind dispersal of bacterial cells is not of any significance, because

they lose their viability when carried by winds. Wind-driven rain is
the major source of dispersal of foliage pathogens. The bacterial
cells that come out in oozings through stomata, lenticels or breaks
in host tissue, are scattered to adjacent plants: Irrigation water is
200 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

major source of dispersal of soil bacteria. Spread through imple¬

ments is another important method of dispersal. Insects cause spread
and also make wounds on the host through which infection occurs.
Pathogens causing wilt of Cucurbits and Stewart’s wilt of com are
examples of insect dissemination.
Bacterial phytopathogens do not form spores and thus compared
to fungi, their survival is inefficient. The bacterial cells are easily
killed by the unfavourable environmental factors. Those that cause
foliage diseases usually survive under layers of slime on leaves or
seeds. Nevertheless, there are examples of their survival upto 24
years under a laboratory jar. Bacterial pathogens usually do not
survive long in soil because of lack of the saprophytic ability.


Pathogen—Xanthomonas citri
It is a Gram — ve bacterium which has two polar flagella. The
name Xanthomonas is derived from Greek word, Xanthus, which
means yellow, as the bacterium produces a yellow pigment in the
growth medium.

Lesions consisting of depressions with raised margins are called
canker. Cankers appear on all parts of citrus plants (Fig. 16.1). At
first, raised pustules are formed, which rupture and depressions
appear at these places. Yellow hallows surround the cankers on the
leaves but not on fruits. In cases of severe infections, the leaves fall
off causing defoliation of the plant Infected twigs dry up.

Disease Cycle
The bacterial cells can survive in soil for 4-5 years in the absence
of the host. Thus soil serves as the main source of infection. The
infected twigs, leaves and fruits carry the bacteria and cause infec¬
tions. The bacteria enter the leaves and other parts of the plant
through stomata or cut surfaces in a film of water. Wind is unimpor¬
tant in the spread of plant pathogenic bacteria. The bacterial cells
grow and multiply in the intercellular spaces and cause the symp¬

1. Diseased plants should be removed and burnt as soon as detec¬
1 h -
i 5;:
l y
11 $§ ft
rv ■
|$tii % *
1 it?
1 (
Ii 1 i

1i #
¥ *
1 9

1 I
. m

m i
1 i#
1 % &

Fig- 16.1. ''Citrus Canker" symptoms on leaves (A), and stems (B), caused by
Xanthomonas citri.

Fig. 16.2. Wilt disease

of tomato caused by
Pseudomonas so/ana-
Bacterial Diseases of Plants 201

2. Fungicides like Bordeaux mixture, Bordeaux oil emulsion con¬

trol the disease.
3. Antibiotics like Streptomycin sulfate, Phytomycin and Agri-
mycin 100, also control the disease but because of their high cost,,
these are not commonly used.


Pathogen—Pseudomonas solanacearum
It is a Gram —ve bacterium having two polar flagella. In addition
to tomato, the pathogen causes wilt of other plants also like potato,
egg plant (bringal), ground nut and banana. On the basis of their
host range, P. solanacearum is divided into three races 1, 2 and 3 bv
Buddenhagen and Kelman (1964). Race 1 has a wide host range while
race 2 and 3 infect only a few plants. The pathogen produces slime
which causes the wilt symptoms. Mutant strains, which don’t produce
slirne, cease to be pathogenic.
Symptoms. The most obvious symptom is the epinasty /.<?.,
drooping down of the leaves, petioles and branches, much in the
same way as seen when plants are not watered (Fig. 16.2). The other
important, symptom is the browning of the vascular tissues. Vein¬
clearing, chlorosis of leaves, defoliation and stunting of growth also
accompany wilting and browning symptoms.

Disease Cycle
The pathogen is common in soil everywhere. The bacterial cells
enter the roots through injured surfaces in a film of water, and reach
the xylem vessels, where they grow and multiply. Occasionally, they
form bacterial pockets in the root cortex. The slime, produced by the
bacteria in the xylem vessels, increases the viscocity of the sap. This
results in slow upward movement of water. The leaves get reduced
supply of water and the leaves show symptoms of drought. The
plants dry and die. The bacterial cells reach the soil after death and
decay of the host plant tissues.

Use of resistant varieties, which are available, is the only control

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite them, little
fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum. SwifWDe Morgan


It is surprising that inspite of the great civilizations, empires and the

enormous knowledge about himself, man did not know anything
as to what ailed him. Mumps, measeis and small pox occurred
frequently. Millions of people died in one stroke of any epidemic
and still great sages so erroneously believed that it was caused by
cloud and thunder. No wonder then, that man ignored plants and
their diseases. Compared to the age of the human race the -germ
theory of disease’ is a quite recent achievement.
Pasteur, after successfully establishing bacteria as cause of disease,
attempted to solve the mysterious nature of the cause of rabies. In
the absence of any germ, he called the disease agent as virus
'Broken’ tulip flowers were extremely popular for the beauty of
their variagated flowers (Fig. 17.1). People under the grip of ‘tulipo-
mania’, never knew that their obsession was diseased. The horticultu¬
rists, who grew7 and transmitted them by grafting were equally igno¬
rant. However, when it affected the tobacco crop in Germany and
Holland, the necessity for information about the cause was felt.
Adolf Meyer of Germany initiated investigations in 1886 and failed
to isolate any bacterium or fungus from the diseased tissues. Never¬
theless, the sap of these diseased plants was capable of causing the
disease in other plants. He claimed that infectivity of the sap was
lost after Alteration through bacteria-proof Alters.
Ivanowsky of Russia in 1892,* disproved Meyers’ claim that the
sap lost infectivity after Alteration. He demonstrated that the sap
Tetained infectivity even after passing through best bacterial Alters.
But he too, like Meyer, could not think of any thing beyond bacteria
as a disease agent. He thought that some very minute Alterable
Fig. 17.1. 'Broken' tulips, A virus
disease in which the flowers exhibit
streaks or lines of contrasting

JH. Temin D. Baltimore

f. C. Bawden
Viruses—Discovery, Nature and Biological Status 203

bacterium, or a poison formed by bacteria, was responsible for the

Then came an intellectural jump. Beijerinck (1896), a Dutch
scientist, said that the infective agent was definitely not a bacterium.
He experimentally demonstrated that the filterable, infective principle
was also diffusible like a liquid. He called the infective principle a
contagious living fluid—“contagium vivusn flisidum”. However,
he was not correct as, later in 1915-1917, it was proved with bacterio¬
phages that viruses are particulate and not a liquid. Beijerinck could
not distinguish between molecules of fluid and very small ‘living’
More and more diseases of both plants and animals were demons-
strated to be caused by similar filterable agents e.g. yellow fever of .
human beings, sarcoma (a type of cancer) of chickens and dwarl
disease of rice. It was also noted by Hashimoto and his colleagues in
Japan (1894) that the dwarf disease of rice was transmitted by in¬
After the animals and plants, bacteria too were found to be infect¬
ed by a similar contagious substance. Twort, an English bacterio-
j logist (1915) and d’Herelle (1917), a French-Canadian, independently
noticed that their turbid bacterial colonies on agar plates turned
‘glassy’ and could not be sub-pultured. If a trace from this ‘glassy’
material was added to a healthy colony, the latter also became
‘glassy’ due to death of the bacteria. Disease and death do not spare
even bacteria! d’Herelle wrote: “7 saw that the broth culture, which the
night before had been very turbid, was perfectly clear, all the bacteria
had vanished, they had dissolved away like sugar in water. As for the
agar spread, it was devoid of all growth. What had caused clear spots
was in fact an invisible microbe, a filterable virus, but a virus parasitic
. on bacteria”. He noted that dilutions of over a million times retained
the power of dissolving the bacterial colonies. d’Herelle called the
virus, bacteriophage (bacteria-eater).
The action of the bacteriophage was called as “Twort-d’Herelle
phenomenon.” Both the scientists thought that their discovery of
bacteria-eaters could be a panacea to cure all bacterial diseases. How¬
ever, it did not happen inspite of intensive efforts by many workers.

Nature and Structure of Viruses

The physical and chemical nature of viruses eluded scientists
until 1930’s. In the absence of powerful microscopes like the pre¬
sently available electron microscope, other methods were successfully
204 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

employed to study them. Ultracentrifugation, which enabled the

separation of bacteriophages, came as a great help in gaining infer-
mation about viruses*
In 1933, Martin Schiesinger, a Hungarian chemist working in;
London, separated and purified bacteriophages by the technique of
ultra centrifugation arid showed that it consisted of equal amounts of
protein and DNA. From the data of the rate of sedimentation of phage
particles he calculated their size viz., 1000 A in length. Martin’s great
discovery, however, was eclipsed by the more dramatic (though less
important) announcement by Stanley (1935) of crystallization of
Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)S a feat for which he got a Nobel prize.
Stanley thought the crystals to be pure proteins. It was the pioneer
work of F.C. Bawden and N.W. Pirie of England which showed that,
the viruses consist of protein and nucleic acid. The chemical nature-
of viruses was settled. It consisted of nucleic acid and protein. The-
viruses chemically were proved to be nucleo-proteins.

Structure of Viruses
Before the advent of the electron microscope also the structure and
shape of viruses was studied with great accuracy by indirect chemical
methods. The viruses were found to be of two shapes—rods and
spheres. But the development of the electron microscope and the
techniques of negative staining and double shadowing, developed
in 1940’s, enabled to take pictures—(electron microphotographs) of
viruses. The rod-shaped viruses turned out in these photographs to
be helical. Spherical viruses appeared to be polyhedrons—mostly
icosahedrons (made of 20 faces). The protein coat was showed to be
not a single shell but composed of several units called capsomeres.
Thus, the electron microscope made many familiar things new and
new things familiar.
Contributions of molecular virology to the biological world are
many. Studies with bacteriophages established the basic pattern of
virus replication; confirmed the nucleic acid as the genetic material
and contributed fundamental knowledge about the gene structure.
Some of the important discoveries are listed in a chronological
sequence in Table 17.1.
Study of viruses, (virology) became an independent science. Be*
cause of their importance as disease agents and also* because of their
use as excellent tools in genetic analyses, virology came to occupy a
central place in molecular biology.
Viruses—Discovery, Nature and Biological Status 205

TABLE 17.1. Important Events in Virology.

Year Event

1886 Adolf Meyer of Germany proved that the Tobacco Mosaic disease
was infections; but any pathogenic organism could not be isolated.
1892 Ivanovvski of Russia showed that the infectious agent after passing
through most reliable bacteria filters retained infectivity.
1896 Beijerinck a Dutch scientist said for the first time that bacteria were
not associated with this disease. The pathogen was not particulate
but a contagium vivum fluidum —contagious living fluid.
1915 Twort, an English bacteriologist, observed death of bacterial colonies.
1917 d’Herelle, a French-Canadian scientist, also noted conversion
of turbid bacterial colonies to ‘glassy’ masses which contained dead
bacteria. He observed that cultures upto million-time dilutions re¬
tained the infeciivity. He coined the term ‘bacteriophage’—the
1933 Schlesinger, a Hungarian refugee working in London, reported pre¬
sence of only nucleic acid (DNA) and proteins in bacteriophage.
However, its significance was not realized. That was not the age of
nucleic acids.
3935 Stanley an American biochemist-isolated and crystallized TMV and
claimed that viruses were made exclusively of proteins. The crystal¬
lization was an inanimate character. He was awarded Nobel prize.
1936 Bawden and Pirie of England demonstrated nucleic acids and pro¬
teins in viruses. They established that viruses were nucleoproteins.
1938 Delbruck, a Berliner working at California, discovered mutation in
viruses and initiated work with bacteriophage of Escherichia coli (T
1942-48 Luria, an American, and Delbruck elaborated on the process of
replication of virus genome.
1951 Safleraian and Morris, American scientists, discovered Cyano-
phages, the viruses that attack blue-green algae.
1952 Zinder and Lederberg discovered Transduction (virus-mediated DNA
exchange in bacteria).
1952 Hershey and Chase, two New York scientists, showed that the pro¬
tein part of virus was noninfectious; and that the nucleic acid was
responsible for infection and heredity. Thus they corroborated the
earlier findings of Avery, MacLeod and McCarty that DNA was the
genetic material.
1953 LwofF and his group at Pasteur Research Institute, Paris discovered
temperate phages; initiated elucidation of the lysogenic cycle in
bacteriophages and the lysogenic conversion, a new type of gene
exchange in bacteria.
1955 Takahashi (of Japan) and Frankel Conrat (of USA) reconstituted
TMV from its proteins and RNA.

Definition of Virus
According to Luria and Darnell (1968) “Viruses are entities whose
genome is a nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, which reproduce inside
living cells and use their synthetic machinery to direct the synthesis of
specialized particles—the virions, which contain the viral genome and
transfer it to other cells”

Differences from other Obligate Parasites

Viruses differ from Rickettsiae and the Psittacosis group of or¬
ganisms, (which are also obligate intra-cellular parasites) in the follow¬
ing respects:
(1) Viruses contain either DNA or RNA, never both.
(2) Virus proteins are synthesized on the host ribosomes.
(3) Viruses multiply by independent synthesis of their constituents,
nucleic acid and proteins, and their assembly rather than by growth
and division.
The Virion. Virion is a technical term for the virus. A virion
consists of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat. The nucleic
acid is called nucleoid (which may be DNA or RNA, never both) j
and forms the genome. In animal and bacterial viruses (bacterio¬
phages), the nucleic acid is DNA while in plant viruses it is always
RNA. The protein coat is called capsid. It consists of many sub¬
units, which are similar or occasionally dissimilar, called capso-
meres. Virus particles which somehow lose the capacity to
infect are called nucleocapsid. Some animal viruses possess an enve¬
lope around the protein coat, which is made up of virus protein and
host-cell lipids. These viruses are called Lipoviruses. In many
groups of viruses, there is an additional protein layer between the
capsid and the nucleoid, this is called virus core. In addition to the
typical nucleoprotein construction, some viruses have carbohydrates
and lipids (influenza virus and Vaccinia) and enzymes.
The nucleoid. Nucleoid (the nucleic acid component) is located inter¬
nally within a protein coat. As said above, only one type of nucleic acid
RNA or DNA (never both) is found in a virus. In plant viruses it is
The Virion 209

RNA while in animal and bacterial viruses (with a few exceptions) it

is DNA. Viruses are classified now (Lwoff and Tournier, 1966) on the
nature of their nucleic acid into Deoxyvira and Ribovira. Another
generalization is that the viral RNA is single-stranded while the DNA
is double stranded. However, exceptionally some viruses have been
found which have double stranded RNA (Reovirus) or single-stran¬
ded DNA (<f>X 174).
The amount of nucleic acid in a virion varies from 1% to 50%.
Higher percentages of nucleic acid are associated with larger DNA
viruses like the bacteriophage, while lower contents are found in
animal viruses.
The nucleic acid is the infectious part and contains the codes for
the synthesis of proteins and its own synthesis (replication) and their
assembly into virions. Usually, the nucleic acid is a single molecule
but in some viruses (<e.g. influenza-virus and double-stranded RNA of
Reovirus) it consists of 5-10 pieces. The nucleic acid molecule is
usually linear but circular viral DNA is found in bacteriophages e.g.,
the Coliphage X infecting Escherichia coli. Whether the circularity
of the chromosomes in these phages is a permanent feature is not
The capsid. The capsid, is the protein coat surrounding the inter-

Fig. 18.1. Showing the various shapes of viruses and their relative sizes.

nal nucleoid, and has the following functions.

(1) It protects the nucleic acid from unfavourable extra-cellular
(2) It facilitates nucleic acid entry into host cells*
210 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

(3) In many animal viruses, it helps in the synthesis of nucleic acids

and proteins during growth cycle in the host cell, and
(4) It is antigenic.
Compared to the nucleoid, the protein coat shows a complex struc¬
ture (Fig. 18.1). It is mostly cubical (icosahedron, 20 faces) or a heli¬
cal long rod. The capsid is made up of units called capsomeres.
The electron microphotographs and X-ray diffraction analyses have
revealed that the capsomeres are spherical in cubical viruses and
grape like in helical, rod-shaped Tobacco Mosaic
Virus. In. the icosahedrons (Fig. 18.2), the num¬
ber of capsomeres present on one edge can be
counted in the electron microphotographs and
the total number of capsomeres present in the
capsid can be calculated by the following for¬
W4& mula:
10(n—l)2 f 2
Fig. 18.2. Model of a where, w=number of capsomeres on one edge.
polyhedral icosahed¬
ron (20 faces), show¬
In Adenovirus the capsid is worked out to con¬
ing arrangement of sist of 252 capsomeres. It has six capsomeres on
252 capsomeres. each edge.
The cylindrical helical capsids, for example in TMV, are much
simpler. The component units of the capsid are arranged in a
helical pattern on the RNA helix.
The Envelope. Some animal viruses (Herpes viruses and Pox viru¬
ses) have 10-18 mm thick lipo-protein envelope around their protein


Enveloped virus
Host cell membrane
Membrane protein of virus
Viral genome

Fig. 18.3. Diagram showing budding of an enveloped virus from

the host cell membrane.

coat. The protein is of viral origin and the lipid is derived from the
host. One characteristic feature of the envelope is that it is covered with
The Virion 211

projections called spikes, about 10 nun long; the size varies in diffc-
rent viruses. The enveloped viruses are formed in three steps (Fig.
18.3): (0 the formation of nueleocapsid, (ii) the insertion of viral pro¬
teins in the host plasmamemhrane, and (ill), budding—the virion nucleo-
capsid enveloped by the modified plasma-membrane is budded off.

Enzymes and Other Contents

Enzymes. The first enzyme discovered in any virus was neurami¬
nidase in influenza-virus and Paramyxo viruses. For many years it
remained the sole enzyme known in virus particles. Tn 1967, Kates
and McAuslan found DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity
in Vaccinia virus. Since then DNA or RNA polymerases have
been detected in several other animal, plant and insect viruses. These
enzymes, collectively called as “transcriptases,” synthesize the
messenger RNA from the virion nucleic acid, which may be double
stranded DNA or single or doui ^.e-stranded RNA. A reverse trans¬
criptase has been detected in RNA tumor virus, which synthesizes
DNA from smgle-stranded RNA template.
These enzymes are essential for infection and growth of viruses.
If these enzymes are removed, the nucleic acids alone fail to infect
and grow. Only one enzyme, the reverse transcriptase of RNA-tumor
virus has been isolated in pure form.
Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have been detected in influenza
virus and some other animal viruses. However, their utility is not

Classification of Viruses
Earlier, the viruses, on the basis of their hosts, were classified into
plant viruses, animal viruses and bacterial viruses (bacteriophages).
But with the development of knowledge of the physicochemical
characteristics, a new classification was proposed by Andre Lwoff and
Tournier in 1966, which has been accepted by the Provisional
Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses (PCNV), especially constitu¬
ted for this purpose.
The classification is based on the following criteria of the viruses,
(1) Nature of nucleic the acid—DNA or RNA.
(2) Symmetry of the capsid—helical, cubical or both (binal).
(3) Presence or absence of envelope around the capsid.
(4) Diameter of helical forms.
(5) Number of the capsomeres in cubical forms.
212 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

In this classification (see below) viruses are placed under phylum

VIRA. On the basis of the nucleic acid, it is divided into 2 sub-phyla
—Deoxyvira (containing DNA) and Ribovira (containing RNA).
These sub-phyla are divided further, on the basis of symmetry of
the protein coat, into classes. Thus sub-phylum Deoxyvira is divided
into 3 classes: Deoxyhelica, Deoxycubica and Deoxybinala. These
classes are divided further into orders on the basis of presence or
absence of an envelope surrounding the virus; and then into families
on the basis of more than one character, like diameter of the parti¬
cle (in helical viruses), and number of capsomeres (in cubical forms).
The genera and species are named on characters like base com¬
position of the nucleic acids, molecular weight and antigenic proper¬
ties of the capsid, host specificity, virulence and the symptoms, pro¬
duced by the infected host.


I -

sub-phylum-Deoxyvira sub-phylum-Ribovira
class—Deoxyhel ica class—Ribohelica
order—Chaetovirales order 1 Rhabdovirales
class—Deoxycubica ,, 2 Sagovirales
order—Haplovirales class—Ribocubica
class—Deoxybinala order 1 Gymnovirales
order—Urovirales „ 2 Tagovirales


Viruses that attack bacteria are called bacteriophages (or only pha¬
ges), a term coined by d’ Herelle in 1917, which means bacteria-eater.
Bacteriophage T* (Fig. 19.1) has been studied in great detail and
will be used as a typical example of bacterial viruses. It has a head
and tail-like structure.
The head contains the Protein coat
double- stranded DNA.
How this DNA is packed
inside the head is not
known. The head has the
shape of two halves of an
icosahedron connected by
a short, hexagonal prism.
The tail is helical. The
presence of two types of
symmetry in the protein
coat is called binal sym-
metry and is found ex¬
clusively in bacteriopha¬
ges and cyanophages. The
tail is made up of a cubi¬
cal hollow tube surroun¬
ded by a contractile
sheath. On one end it is F»g 19.1. Diagram of r4 bacteriophage,
joined to the head by a
‘colar’ while at the other end itlias a hexagonal plate which has
six short, small fibers (‘tail pins’) at every corner and 6 tail-fibers.
While the long, tail fibers are associated with adsorption of the

* Bacteriophages attacking Escherichia coli were termed T type and numbered

1-17, by Max Delbruck in 1938. Extensive work that has been done with these
phages has raised it to the status of a model virus system. Similarly, there are X
(Lambda) phages, a name coined by Andre Lwoff, which were used in the study
of lysogeny.
214 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

phage on the bacterial wall, the short tail fibers hold the phage fast
to the host during sheath contraction and DNA injection. During ad¬
sorption, a pore is dissolved in the bacterial wall, probably by a
phage enzyme and the DNA is injected into the bacterial cell. Phages
have two types of life cycles, lytic cycle (exemplified by T series of
phages infecting E. coll) and lysogenic cycle (example, X lambda
phages). Details about these life cycles will be seen in chapter 20 on
the “Growth Cycle of Viruses”.

It consists of a DNA-filled head,

similar to that of T phages but the tail
is simple (Fig 19.2). It is hollow tube
without a contractile sheath. It is built
with sub-units which are arranged as
staked discs. The tail terminates as a
single tail fiber. The tail is joined to the
body by a narrow neck. The head is an
icosahedron, while the tail is helical—
thus it shows dual or binal symmetry
of the protein coat.
Fig. 19.2. Diagram of a Lambda
(X) bacteriophage.
TMV is structurally very
simple. It is a helical hollow
rod (3000A long and 17.5A
in diameter) (Fig. 19.3). The
nucleic acid is a single-stran¬
ded RNA helix. That this
RNA is genetic material
of the virus was shown by
Gierer and Schramm (1956)
and subsequently confirmed
by the reconstitution experi¬
ments of Frankel Conrat
(1956). The sub-protein units
of the capsid are tagged on Fig. 19.3. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
showing protein subunits tagged on the
the RNA so as to form a close
RNA helix.
spiral. Each capsid is made
Bacteriophages and the Tobacco Mosaic Virus 215

up of 2200 sub-units, each a polypeptide with a molecular weight

of 1700.


The viruses that attack blue-green algae are called Gyanophages.

These are DNA viruses, consisting of a head—icosahedron in shape,
and a long, helical tail. Thus, these viruses show dual or binal
The first Cyanophage was discovered in 1963 by Safferman and
Morris, which parasitized 3 blue-green algae—Lyngbya, Phormidium%
and Plectonema, hence named LPP-1.

The virus particles are non-motile and reach the hosts passively
through cell sap of the previous host, water, insects etc. The events
which take place during virus growth cycle are:
1. Adsorption of the virion on the host cell surface.
2. Entry of the nucleic acid or the whole particle (in animal virus)
into the cell.
3. Transcription and translation.
4. Genome replication.
5. Assembly of new virions and
6. Release of virions from the cell.
The whole process is called the virus growth cycle. It is of very
short duration for bacteriophages (completed in 20 minutes) but some
animal viruses have longer cycles. This agrees well with the similar
short or long life of their hosts.


Bacteriophages, on the basis of their growth cycles, lytic or Lyso¬

genic), can be divided into two groups—the virulent and tempe¬
rate phages. The virulent phages, which are typified by T series*
show a lytic cycle in which the sensitive bacterium lyses and large
number of newly-formed virus particles are liberated. In the lysoge¬
nic cycle the virus (called temperate phage) does not multiply, and
there is no death of host, cells.
The lytic cycle. This cycle occurs in T series of phages which
attack E. coli (Fig. 20.1). The sequence of events of lytic cycle are:
1. Adsorption. The phage adsorbs on specific “receptor sites” on
the bacterial wall with the help of tail fibers and the basal plate.
2. Injection. The small fibers (tail pins) hold the phage in position
and a pore is dissolved in the wall (probably by phage enzyme). Then,
by the contractile action of the sheath, the hollow central tube
penetrates through the wall and the DNA is injected into the cell.
3. Protein synthesis. The phage-DNA Takes over’ the protein syn¬
thesis machinery of the cell and forms viral messenger RNA and
The Growth Cycle of Viruses 217

through them the proteins. Some proteins are used as enzymes for
the viral DNA synthesis. Proteins of the coat are also synthesized.

Bacteriophage (T2)

.'Empty protein coat

Phage DNA

injection of DNA] Bacterial DNA

Lysis of bacteria! into bacterium
cell and release of virions.

Phage DNA

Bacterial DNA
Maturation—genomes Protein synthesis degraded
wrapped in protein coal


: A4 ’ v ^ Components .of the coat

Viral genomes

Fig. 20.1. Lytic cycle of a bacteriophage (T%).

4. Genome synthesis. Viral DNA by replication gives rise to several

copies of the viral genome for the production of progeny.
5. Maturation and release. The genomes are wrapped by the pro¬
tein-coat parts to form mature phages. At a certain critical time the
wall of the host bacterium lyses and about 200 mature phages per
cell are liberated.
Lysogenic cycle. It occurs in X (Lambda) phages attacking E.
coli. This type of growth cycle was discovered by Andre Lwoff of
Paris. The phages that show lysogenic cycle are called temperate
phages and the bacteria in which this occurs are called as lysogenic
strains. The process is called lysogeny. The cells do not lyse and no
virus particles are formed. A kind of “symbiotic” association deve¬
lops which is called lysogenic state.
The DNA of the phage, after adsorption and injection, enters the
cell (Fig. 20.2) but instead of taking over the host’s protein synthesis
machinery, the viral genome gets integrated with the bacterial genomee
Bacteriophage (Lambda
_'y Bacterium (lysogenic strain) 218
A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Fig. 20.2, Lysogenic cycle of X bacteriophage.

The Growth Cycle of Viruses 219

The viral genome in this integrated state is called a ‘prophage’. This

new genome, made of viral and bacterial genomes, replicates as one
unit and the daughter genomes are passed on to the offsprings. Thus
the virus genome continues multiplying in the daughter lysogenic
bacteria indefinitely.
However, occasionally (at a rate of l in a million cells), the associa¬
tion breaks down and the viral gbhotne is released into the cytoplasm.
This dissociation is called induction. It can be artificially indu¬
ced by ultraviolet light or other methods.. On release, the viral
genome enters ihe lytic cycle and forms mature temperate phages,
which are released by lysis of the bacterial cell.


The Tobacco mosaic virus (see Fig. 19.3) has no specialized organ
for adsorption or injection as seen in the bacteriophages. So, the
virus reaches inside the cell as a complete particle through cell sap
via abr.asions of the host surface.
The protein coat of the virus is dissolved by host enzymes and the
synthesis of mRNA, proteins and the genome as well as the matura¬
tion of the virus particles occur in the nuclei and not in the cytoplasm.
The lysis of cells does not occur and the virus particles move into
•other cells of the plant through plasmodesmata and also possibly
through the phloem. It is not known, for sure, whether the virus parti¬
cles are translocated inside the plant as complete particles or as naked
RNA. Ultimately, the release of the virus particles occurs, however,
not through cell lysis but through sap from injured tissues.

Virus diseases of plants may be systemic i.e. spread throughout

the host plant or local—restricted to certain areas. Mostly the
symptoms appear on the leaves. Death of tissues is rare in virus
diseases of plants. The following are the important symptoms of
virus diseases.
1. Mosaic, Mixed light-green and yellow patches appear on the
leaves and make a mosaic pattern. This is caused by systemic
infection. Example—Tobacco mosaic, Mosaic of cucurbits, Mosaic
of potato, (Fig. 21.1), Mosaic of sugarcane etc.
2. Yellows. Uniform chlorisis of the leaves e.g. Rice yellows.
3. Enantions. Hair-like outgrowths called enantions appear on
the leaves (Fig. 21.2); stems etc. Enantions frequently accompany
mosaic symptoms, e.g. Dolichos enantion mosaic.
4. Vein-clearing, Vein-handing and Vein-thickening. Vein¬
clearing (Fig. 21.3), commonly seen on ‘BhindF, involves yellowing
of the veins and the veinlets. The rest of the leaf remains green. In
vein-banding, the opposite occurs. The whole leaf is turned yellow,
except the veins which appear green.
5. Leaf-curling or Leaf-rolling. It is a very common symptom.
e.g. Leaf-curl of papaya, Leaf-curl of tomato (Fig. 21.4), Leaf-roll
of potato.
6. Little-leaf Symptom. The leaves become small and closely
placed to form a rosette-like structure, e.g. Little-leaf of bringal.
7. Stunting. General retardation of growth results in stunting
or plants, e.g. Bunchy top of banana (Fig. 21.5).
8. Breaking and greening of plants. Changes in colour of
petals give them a varigated appearance. The 'broken’ tulip flowers,
because of their beautiful look, were once very popular. When petals
become green due to virus infection, it is called virescence.
9. Tumors—appear on leaves or roots. Tumors are outgrowths
produced by uncontrolled division and growth of cells.
10. Witches Broom. The leaves become reduced in size, the
internodes are shortened and the abnormal growth of leaves results in,
Fig. 21.1. Mosaic symptom (potato

Fig. 21,2 (b)

Fig. 21.2 (a). Enantions (outgrowths) on the lower surface
of virus infebted leaf.
Fig. 21.2 (b). Enantions on the lower surface of virus-infected
tobacco leaf.
Fig. 21.3. Vein-clearing of
'bhindi' leaf.

Fig. 21.4. Leaf curl of


Fig. 21.5. Bunchy top of banana.

Virus Diseases of Plants 221

a densely-packed structure called witches broom.

Usually many symptoms appear together. The infected plants
may be stunted in growth, their leaves may show mosaic symptom
and outgrowths—enantions, may also develop on them. Later, due
to prolonged infection, the leaves show necrosis. So, many symptoms
occur simultaneously in the same plant.


Viruses being non-motile, are carried passively from one place to

-other. A knowledge of the mode of their transmission is of great
help in controlling the diseases caused by them. The following are the
main means of virus transmission.
1. Transmission by Contact. Only few viruses are transmitted
through this method, the most important being the TMV. Plants
grow very closely in several crops and frequently rub against each
-other to cause abrasions. The cell saps come in contact and viruses
are transmitted to healthy plants. Sometimes, the sap of the diseased
plants comes in contact with healthy plants through implements.
The most common source is the processed tobacco, used in cigars,
cigarettes etc. Grafting, artificial or natural, is another important
method of contact-transmission. Cuscuta. growing on several closely
growing plants, causes natural grafting by carrying the virus from one
plant to others.
2. Transmission through Seeds and Organs of Vegetative
Propagation. Seeds produced by diseased plants carry virus parti¬
cles in their seed coats, endosperm or embryo. Such seeds give rise
to infected plants. Organs of vegetative propagation like the tubers,
bulbs, rhizomes, stem cuttings etc. derived from infected plants, give
rise to infected plants.

Transmission through Nematodes and Fungi

The nematodes, and soil fungi are important carriers (vectors) of
viruses. These vectors are carried to long distances through irriga¬
tion water; and along with them, the viruses, that they harbour, also
reach far-off places. Three nematodes viz., Longidorus, Xiphinema
and Trichodorus transmit about 12 important plant pathogenic viruses.
In fungi, the unicellular “water molds” —called Chytrids (e.g.,
Olpidium and Synchytrium) are vectors of several viruses. The viruses
contained in plant debris also reach long distances through water.
222 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

Transmission Through Insects

No other group of diseases is so much dependent on insects for
transmission as are the viruses.
Aphids, leaf-hoppers, thrips, beetles and mites transmit large
number of viruses.
(/) Aphids, Aphids are most important among all insect vectors.
Myzus persicae is the most important aphid (Fig. 21.6). The
viruses transmitted by aphids may be non-persistant or persistant,
depending on the shorter or longer duration of their spread through
the aphids. The non-persistant viruses lie in the epidermal cells of
the host plant and get attached to the mouth parts (the stylets) of the
aphids which carry them to large number of plants. It is a mechani¬
cal transmission through stylet. Thus the viruses are called stylet-
borne viruses. The persistant viruses, called circulating viruses,
inhabit the phloem of plants and the aphid must penetrate the stylet

or Stylet-borne
viruses in
Stylet in epi<

Circulating viruses
multiply in the body
of the aphid and
reaches the salivary

Circulating (Persistant)
viruses in phloem
Stytet reaches

Fig. 21.6. Diagram showing acquisition of viruses by aphids A. stylet-borne

virus, B. circulating virus.
Virus Diseases of Plants 223

into the phloem (sieve tube) to acquire these viruses. There is a latent
period between the acquisition of these viruses and the time when the
aphid becomes infective. The circulative viruses multiply inside the
body of the aphids and pervade the whole body; ultimately reaching
the salivary glands. The aphids remain infective throughout their life.
00 Leaf-hoppers. Leaf-hoppers show greater biological rela¬
tionship with the viruses than the aphids. There is no mechanical
transmission by them. Viruses, transmitted by leaf-hoppers, are not.
transmitted by other vectors. This is called vector specificity j.e.
only a particular species or race of the leaf-hopper can carry the
virus. Hereditary transmission of viruses to the off-springs of leaf
hoppers has been detected upto several (31) generations. The leaf
hoppers are also affected adversely by association with the viruses. It
has been found that the vectors die early and show decreased power
of reproduction. The various vectors (nematodes, fungi and insects)
and the viruses that they transmit are given in Table 22.1.

TABLE 21.1. Vectors and the Plant Viruses they Carry

Vector Virus transmitted

Xiphinema index Grape ‘fan-leaf’ virus
Olpidium brassicae Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
Tobacco stunt virus (TSV)
Lettuce big-vein disease virus.
Synchytrium endobioticum Potato virus X (PVX)
Myzuspersicae (aphid) Potato leaf-roll virus.
Nephotettix apicalis (leaf-hopper) Rice dwarf disease virus
Cicudulina sp. (leaf-hopper) Maize streak virus.
Thysanoptera (thrip) Wheat spotted-wilt virus.
Bemisia tabaci (white flies) Tomato leaf-curl virus infecting



Pathogen—Tobacco Mosaic Virus—(TMV).

Symptoms— Chlorotic and dark-green patches appear on leaves to>
give a mosaic look. Enantions may appear on the lower surface.
224 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

Disease Cycle. The virus particles reach the plants first from
plant debris or through tobacco products carried by farmers for
smoking. Inside the host cells, the virus particles multiply and produce
large number of TMV particles. The virus particles spread to other
parts of the'plant i.e<9 become systemic, through plasmodesmata or
phloem. The virus particles are disseminated to other plants through
contact. The diseased leaves, used in the manufacture of cigars etc. by
carrying the viruses, serve as the main source of infection. The viruses
also remain in the fields in the plant debris on the ground. The parti¬
cles can remain viable outside the host tissue for upto 25 years.
Control, (i) Cultivation of tobacco on soils free from the
(ii) Chances of contact transmission through smoking or imple¬
ments should be avoided.


This is a very important disease of potato causing severe losses.

Pathogen. Potato virus I, (—Solanum virus or Leaf-roll virus).
Symptoms. The margins of the leaves roll inside. Rolling usually
starts from the lower leaflets. The rolled leaflets become stiff, rigid
and leathery. Tuber production declines and in severe infections the
tubers show necrosis i.e., death of cells.
Transmission. Diseased tubers are the main source of infection.
Myzus persicae and some other species of the genus Myzus serve as


The disease is common in India.

Pathogen. Banana virus I.
Symptoms. The leaves form a densely-crowded rosette at the
apex. The diseased plants show extremely stunted growth (see Fig.
21.5). Chlorosis and curling of the leaves also occur.
Disease Cycle. Infection is initiated by diseased suckers. The'
-viruses are transmitted to more plants by an aphid. The aphid has
to feed on the diseased plants for about 17 hours to become infective.
Heavy concentration of aphids can be seen on the base of the 'stem.’
Control. Diseased plants should immediately be uprooted and
burnt to avoid further infections of adjacent plants. Unfortunately
most of the seedless varieties of banana are susceptible to this virus.

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Abortive transduction, 195 Annulus, 111, 119

A caraspara fuscata, 147 Anthrax bacillus, 198
Acervulus, 17, 58, 59, 130 Antibiotics, 14
Achlya, 29, 32, 33 Aphids, 222
Acholeplasma, 172 Aphyllophorales, 110, 119
Acrasiomycetes, 7 Apothecium, 63
Acrosporium, 78 Arthrospores, 17
Actinomyces, 163 Ascochyta, 133
Actinomycetes, 163, 183 Ascomycetes, 8
Actinop lanes, 163 Ascomycotina, 7, 58
Adelberg, E.A., 194 Ascus development, 60-62
Adenovirus, 210 Aspergillosis, 69
Aeciospores, 98, 99 Aspergillus, 58, 59, 69 75
Aecium, 98, 99 A.flavus, 69
Afiatoxin, 69 ^. glaucus, 70
Agaricus campestris, 110, 111-118 /l. halophilicus, 70
bisporus) nidulans, 20, 70, 72, 138
Agrobacterium, 199 <4. 69, 71, 139
Ahmadjian, V., 145, 147 *4. ochraceus, 71
Ainsworth, G.C., 6, 8, 78, 125. ^4. restrictus, 70
Albugo (a*Cysiopus), 44-47 -4. tamari, 71
>4, 44 Athelete’s foot, 125
^4. Candida, 44 Autoecious, 94
^4. ipomeae-panduranae, 44 Auxotroph, 188, 189, 194, 195
occidentalism 44 Avery, O.T., 186, 187, 205
A. port alacae, 44 Azotobacter, 177, 183
/<. tragapogonis, 44 Azygospore, 57
Alexopoulos, C.J., 8
Allomyces, 67 Bacillus, 160, 161, 182
Altemaria, 127 2?. antharicis, 153
v4. so/am*, 43, 125-127 Z?. radicicola, 177
Amanita, 118 Bacteria, 148-201
citrina, 118 budding in, 163
muscaria, 118 capsule of, 153
A* pantherina, 118 cell division of, 180, 181
rube scenes, 118 cell structure in, 149
-<4. phalloides, 118 cell wall of, 149, 153
/L verpa, 118 chromatophores, 157
Anastomosis, 20, 137 conjugation in, 184, 187-194
Andrews, 206 cyst of, 182, 183
Aneuploidy, 72, 139 * endospore of, 158
Anisogamy, 18 fermentation in, 175, 176
232 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

flagella of, 349, 151 Blakeslee, A,F.,21, 50, 134

flagellation in, 361 Blastocladiales, 23
Gram -f ve/Gram —ve, 149, 151 Blastomycetes, 125
granules in, 158 Blepharoplast, 18
habitat of, 148 Blight, 198
lysogeny in, 196-197 Bolens, 117
mesosomes in, 158 Bordeaux mixture, 78
morphological types of, 160 Bose, S.Rf, 120
nucleoid of, 156 Bctrytis cinerea, 125, 137
nutrition in, 173 Bcurdot, H., 120
plant pathogenic, 198-201 Bretnia, 47
respiration in, 176 Bremiella, 47
ribosomes of, 157 Brenner, S.G., 192, 206
slime of, 153, 201 Broken tulips, 220
stalk of, 359 Brown rot, 120
transduction in, 194, 195 Buchner, E., 66
transformation in, 184-187 Buddenhagen, I., 201
Bacteriophage, 203, 205, 213 Budding, 17, 89
Bagchee, K.t)., 120 Budding bacteria, 163
Bakane disease of Rice, 5 Burrill, T.J., 198
Bakshi, B.K., 320 Butt-bnd rot, 320
Baltimore, Ds, 206
Banana Cain, R.F., 69
ripe rot of, 132 Cairns, J., 180
bunchy top of, 224 Canker, 198, 200
Banana virus I, 224 Cantino, E.C., 39
Basldial apparatus, 91 Carbon cycle, 177
Basidiocarp, 92 Capsid, 208, 209
Basidicmycetes, 8 Capsomerc, 204, 208, 210
Basidiomycotina, 7, 8, 87 Carpenteles, 77
Basidiospora, 47 Caulobacter, 159
Basidiospore Cellulolytic fungi, 10
formation, 90 Central dogma, 206
discharge, 91, 92 Cercospora per sonata, 125
Bawden, F.C., 204,205 Chaetomium, 81
Beggiatoa, 175 C, globosum, 81, 82
Beijerinck, M.W., 203, 205 Chaetovirales, 212
Bemisia tabaci, 223 Chase, M., 205
Berber is, 101 Cheese, 74
Beschel, R.E., 144 Chemosynthetic bacteria, 174
Bessey, E.A., 78 Chemotroph, 174
Biga, M.L.B., 44 Chimaeras, 206
Binal symmetry, 211-213 Chitin, 13
Binary fission, 181 Chlamydospore, 17
Binding hyphae, 110 Chondromyces, 164,183
Biological clock, 55 Christensen, C.M., 70
Biosphere, 176, 177 Chytridiales, 23, 24
Biotypes, 102 Chytridiomycetes, 7, 8, 21
Index 233

Chytrids, 221 Deoxyhelica, 212

Cieudulim sp, 223 Deoxyvira, 209, 212
Orcadian rhythms, 55 Desulfovibrio, 176
Circulating viruses, 222 Deuteromycetes, 8
Ciferri, R„ 142 Deuteromycotina, 124-141
Citrus canker, 200 Dick, M.W., 28
Cladonia, 144, 145 Differential varieties, 102
Clamp connection, 88-90 Dimorphism (^Diplanetism), 28, 31
Claviceps purpurea, 6 Diplococcus, 160, 181, 182, 185
Oeistothecium, 62, 72 Diplodia, 133
Clostridium, 158, 177, 182 Diplodization, 137
C. tetani, 182 Discomycetes, 8, 63-65, 82-86
Cluster cups, 99 Disjunetor cells, 98
Coccus, 160, 181 Dolipore septum, 11, 89
Coelomycetes, 7,125, 129 Donk, M.A., 120
Coenocytic hypha, 10 Double shadowing, 204
Coiiphage —X, 209 Dring D.M., 122
Collema, 142
■C. Zenax, 147 Early blight, 43
Collemomyces, 142 Earth star, 122, 124
Cclkfptrichum, 132 Edible fungi, 118
C. faicatum, 133 Elementary corpuscles, 168, 169
Cobcasia Might, 43 Ellis, J.J.,49
Colourless sulfur bacteria, 174 Enantions, 220,221
Commcnseis, 148 Endobiotic, 24
Compatibility, 92 Endospore (bacterialX 182
Complete medium, 189 • Entomophthora, 56, 57
Conidia, 17 E. muscae, 56, 57,
Contractile sheath, 213 Epibasidium, 91
Conjugation in bacteria, 184, 187-194 Epmasty, 201
Coprophilous fungi, 10 Episome, 192
Cbrner, EJ.H,, 120 Epithecium, 83
Coremium, 58, 75 Ergot, 6
Corcnophorales, 77 Erwinia, 199
Corymhacterium, 199 Erysiphe, 78 .
Crhtispim, 165 E, graminis, 78
Crustose lichens, 142 Escherichia coli, 175, 188, 191, 192 194
Cutinolytic fungi, 10 205,209, 213,214
Cyanophages, 205, 215 Essex, Karl, 137
Cyst in bacteria* 182, 183 Eubacteria, 160, 161
Eukaryotic, 3
Darnell, J.E., 208 Eumycota, 7
Defective phage, 197 Emrtium, 69, 70,72
d* Hereile, 203, 205,213 Evemia, 144
Delbruck, Max, 187, 188", 205,213, Excipulum, 83, 84
Denitrifying bacteria, 176,177
Deexybin&la, 212 Fairy ring, 113
Decxycubtea, 212 Ferrobacillus, 175
234 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Fimbriae, 152 Gram, Christian, 155

Fischer, G.W., 104 Gram’s stain, 155, 156
Fission in bacteria, 17, 179 Graphiola, 103
Flagellin, 152 Graphis, 144
Fleming, A., 5, 74, 166 Green-sulfur bacteria, 174
Foliose lichen, 142 Griffith, Fred, 184, 185
Foot cell, 70 Griseofulvin, 74
Formae specialise 94, 102 Grove, W.B., 129
Fragmentation, 16,183 Gymnovirales, 212
Fraenkel-Conrat, H., 205, 206 Gyorgi, Szent, 1
Franklin, R., 206
Free-cell formation, 62 Haeckel, E.H., 2
Friberg, J., 172 Haemagglutination, 353
Fries, E.M., 120 Hansen, H.N., 137
Frutiose lichen, 142 Haplodization, 340
Fungi Haplovi rales, 212
flagella of, 17, 18 Hayes, W., 390
growth of, 15 Heart-rot, 120
life cycle of, 21 Helminthosporium, 128
nutrition in, 13 H. maydis, 128
reproduction in, 15-17, 18-20 H. oryzae, 125 , 128
Fungi imperfecti, 124-141 H. vlctoriae, 128
Fungus flowers, 92 Hemiascomycetes, 7, 64, 65
Fusarium, 129 Henderson, D.M., 94
F, moniliformae, 5, 125 Herpes virus, 210
F. oxysporum, 129 Hershey, A.D., 205
F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, 125 Hesseltine, C.W., 49
Heteroecious, 94, 95
Gall, 198 Heterogamy, 18
GaUionella, 159, 162 Heterokaryosis, 135, 137
Galzin, A., 120 Heterothallism, 20, 21, 134
Gametogamy, 18 bipolar/tetrapolar, 136
Gametangiogamy, 18 morphological/physiological, 135
Ganoderma, 120 Higgins, M.L., 180
Gasteromycetes, 7, 93, 122 High fertility male, 192, 193
Geast rum, 123 Hilar appendix, 92, 93
Generative hyphae, 110 Holobasidiomycetidae, 110
Genetic recombination, 184 Holobasidium, 87
Gibber el la fujikuri, 5 Holocarpic, 24
Gierer, A., 205 Holton, C.S., 104
Gills, 111 Hooke, Robert, 2
Gleba, 122 Homothallism, 20, 21, 134
Gliding bacteria, 163 secondary, 137
Gloeosporium, 132 Hughes, S.J., 126
G. musarum, 132 Hydrogen bacteria, 174
Glomerella, 132 Hydrogenomonas, 174
Gnarpe, H., 172 Hydromyxomycetes, 7
Gokhale, V.P., 102 Hymenium, 63
Index 235

Hymenomycetes, 7, 93, 109 L-form, 167, 169

Hyphochytridiomycetes, 7, 8, 23 Lichens, 14, 142, 147
Hyphomycetes, 7, 125,126 economic importance of, 146
Hyphomicrobiales, 163 synthesis of, 146
Hypobasidium, 90 Lignin decomposing fungi, 10
Hypothecium, 83 Lithosphere, 176
Lithotroph, 176
Icosahedron, 204 Lobaria pulmonaria, 146
Indole acetic acid, 5 Loculoascomycetes, 7, 64, 65
Induction, 219 Lomasomes, 12
Influenza virus, 208, 211 Longidorus, 221
Ingold, C.T., 124 LPP-1, 215
Ingram, D.S., 27 Luria, Salvador, 187, 188, 205, 208
Irish potato famine, 39 Lwoff, Andre, 196, 205-207, 209, 211,
Iron bacteria, 174, 175 213, 217
Isidia, 145 Lycoperdon, 122
Isogamy, 18 Lyngbya, 215
Isopyron, 101 Lysogenic bacteria, 195
Ivanowsky, D., 202, 205 Lysogenic cycle, 214, 216-218
Lysogenic state, 217
Jacob, Francois, 192 Lysogenic strain, 217
Lysogeny, 184, 196, 205, 217
Karyochoresis, 12, 13 Lysozyme, 165
Kates, J.R. 211 Lytic cycle, 197, 214, 216, 217
Kelman, A., 201
Keratinaceous fungi, 10 Mac Leod, C.M., 186, 187, 205
Kleinberger-Nobel, E., 167 Macrophomina, 133
Koch, R., 39, 198 Mahonia, 101
Korf, R.P., 82 Maize streak virus, 223
Kuhl, J.L., 94 Mastigomycotina, 7, 23
Mayer, A., 202, 205
Lambda phages, 213, 214, 218 Me Carty, M., 186, 187, 205
Lamellae, 111, 150 Me Auslan, B.R., 211
Late blight of potato, 43 Medeolariales, 82
Leaf curling, 220 Mehta, K.C., 99, 103
Leaf-curl of papaya, 220 Mesosomes, 150, 180
Leaf-curl of tomato, 220 Micheli, P.A., 4
Leaf hoppers, 223 Micrococcus, 160
Leaf rolling, 220 Micromonospora, 163
Leaf roll of brinjal, 220 Microsphaera, 78
Leaf roll of potato, 220 Microsporum audouini, 125
Lecanora, 146 M, earns, 125
Lederberg, Joshua, 188-190, 194, 205 Millardet, P.M.A., 78
Leeuwenhoek, A., 2, 3, 148 Mineral cycles, 176
Lepiota, 117 Minimal medium, 189
Lettuce, big-vein virus, 223 Mitotic crossing over, 72, 139
Levi Hula, 78 Molicutes, 172
Levine, M.N., 102 Monera, 2
236 A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Monoblepharis\ IB Orcein, 146

Morchella, 82, 85, 86, 117 Orchil!, 146
M, conica, M. delicosa, M, esculmta, Organotroph, 174
M. hybrida (all on page 117)
Morris, M.E., 205, 215 Paramyxo virus, 211
Mosaic. 220 Paraphyses, 63
Mucopeptide, 153, 154 Parasexual cycle, 134, 137-141
Mucor, 19, 21, 49-52 Parasexual phenomenon, 6, 20
M. hiemalis, 49, 134, 135 Parasitism, 13
M. ntucedo, 49, 135 Parmelia, .144, 145
M. ramannianus, 49 Partial diploids, 194, 195
"Muller, E., 77, 81 Pasteur, Louis, 5, 6, 8, 39, 66, 148, 202
Mushroom, 110 Patouillard, N., 120
Mushroom cultivation, 117 Peltigera canirta, 146
Mutualism, 142- Penicillium, 58, 59, 74, 77, 166
Mutation, 137, 187, 188 P. camemberti, 74
Mycelia sterlia, 125 P. chrysogenum, 74, 139
Mycobacterium, 163 P. cyclop him, 75
Mycobiont, 142 P digitatum, 74
Mycoplasma, 170472 P. expansum, 74
M. hominis, M. fermentans and T- Jf\ griseofulvum, 74
mycopiasma (all on page 172) P. italicum, 74
Mycorrhiza, 14, 15 V. noiatum, 5, 74
Mycostasis, 14 P. roqueforti, 74
Mycota, 6, 7 P. thomii, 75
Myxobacteria, 163 Peridium, 72, 121
Myxomycetes, 7, 26 Periphysis, 77, 98
Myxococcus, 183 Perithecium, 63
Myzus persicae, 222-224 Peronospora, 47
Pestalotiopsis (=Pestalotia), 130
Negative staining, 204 P. paucista, 131
Nephotettix apicalis, 223 P. mangiferae, 130
Neurospora, 5 P. /fcw, 125, 130, 131
//. crassa, 5 Peziza, 82-84
Nitrifying bacteria, 174, 177 P, aurantia, P. repanda, P. vericulor,
Nitrobacter, 175, 177 P. vesiculosa (all on page 83)
Nitrogen cycle, 177, 178 Phoma, 133
Nitrosomonas, 175, 177 Phormidium, 215
Nocardia» 163 Phialide, 69, 70, 71
Nostoc, 142, 147 Photosynthetic bacteria, 174
Nucleocapsid, 208 Phragmebasidiomycetidae, 110
Nucleoid, 208 Phragmobasidium, 87, 89
Phycobiont, 142
Oidia, 17 Phycomycetes, 8
Olpidium, 24, 221 Phyllactinia, 78
0. brassicae, 24, 25, 223 P. corylea, 78
Oogamy, 19 Phyllosticta, 132, 133
Oospore, 19 Physcia, 144, 145
Index 23?

Physiological races, 101 Pseudoperonospora, 47

Physiological specialization, 47 Psilocybe, 111
Phytophthora, 20, 38-42 Psilocybin, 111
P. amphigynous, 42 Puccinia, 90, 91, 94-104
P. colocasiae, 40, 42, 43 P. antirrhini, 96
P. infest arts, 4, 40, 41, 126 P. coronota, 95
P. palmivora, 40 P. graminis, 95, 96,100, 101
P, paragynous, 42 P. graminis avmae - 95, 102
P. parasitica, 40 P. graminis hordet, 95, 102
Pileus, 149, 151 P. graminis secalis, 95
Pilobolus, 54-55 P. graminis tritici, 95, 101-103
Piricularia, 127 P. malvacearum, 95
P. oryzae, 125, 127, 128 P. recondita (--P. triticina), 95, 101
Pirie, N.W., 204, 205 P. striiformis (=P. glumarum), 95, 10 L
Plasmodiophora brassicae, 26, 27 Pucciniaceae, 94
Plasmodium, 26 Purple-sulfur bacteria, 174
Plasmopara, 47 Pycnidium, 17, 58, 59, 130
Plectomycetes, 7/ 64, 65, 67 Fyenium, 98
Plectenchyma, ll Pyrenomycetes, 7, 64, 65, 77
Plectonema, 215 Pythium, 20, 35-38
Pneumococcus pneumoniae, 185 P. cphanidermatum, 35, 36.
Podosphaera, 78 P. debaryannum, 35-38
Polyporus, 120, 121 P. graminicolum, 35
P. betulinus, P. schweinitzii, P. P. my riot Hum, 35
mosus, P. sulphurens (all on 120, 121) P. ultimum, 36
Pontecorvo, G., 6, 20, 70,
Potato Ramus, (pi. Rami), 75
early blight, 126 Receptive hyphae, 98
late blight, 126 Red rot of sugarcane, 132, 13$
leaf roll, 224 Red rust, 97
Potato virus I, 224 Reovirus, 209
Potato virus X, 223 Replication, 179, 180
Powdery mildews, 77, 78 Replicating fork, 180
Pox viruses, 210 Reverse transcriptase, 211
Prasada, R., 103 Reverse transcription, 211
Primary mycelium, 87 Rhizobium, 148
Probasidium, 92 R. lcguminosarum, 177
Prokaryota, 2, 3 Rhizophidium, 20
Prophage, 218, 219 Rhizoplast, 18
Prosenchyma, 11 Rhizopus, 52, 53
Protista, 2 P. w/ger, 5
Protoaecium, 98 P. nigricans, 52, 135
Protoplast, 166, 167, 169 P. nodosus, 52
Prototroph, 189 R. oryzae, 52
Psalliota campestris, 110, 111-118 P. sinensis, 52
Pseudomonas, 198, 199 P. stolonifer, 52
P. solanaceorum, 153, 198, 201 Rhodomicrobium, 16$
Pseudoparenchyma, 11
.238 ,
A Textbook of Fungi Bacteria and Viruses

Ribocubica, 212 Smith, A.H., 111, 137

Ribohelica, 212 Smith, F.F., 198
Ribosomes, 146 Smut of maize, 108, 109
Ribovira, 209, 212 Smut of wheat, 105, 107
Rice Somatogamy, 20, 87
blast disease, 127 Soredium, 144
dwarf virus disease, 223 Sorelium, 144
foot rot, 125 Sparrow, F.K., 6
Rice dwarf virus, 223 Spermatization, 20, 87, 98
Rickettsiae, 165 Sphaeroplast, 167, 169
Ringworm, 125 Sphaerotheca, 78
RNA tumor virus, 211 S. pannosa, 78
Roccella, 146 Spikes, in virus envelope, 210-211
Rochalimaea quint ana, 165 Spirillum, 160, 161
Roper, J.A., 6, 70, 138, 139 Spirochaeta, 165
Rust Spirochaetes, 160,164
artificial culture, 94 Sporangial proliferation, 31
disease of wheat, 95 Sporangiospores, 16, 17
life cycle types, 95 Sporodochium, 58
Sprout cells, 105
Saccardo, P.O., 125 Sreekantiah K.R., 103
Saccharomyces, 65 Stakman, E.C., 102
S. cerevisiae, 65, 66-69 Stalked bacteria, 161
Safferman, R.S., 205, 215 Stanley, W.M., 204, 205
Sagovirales, 212 Staphylococcus, 160, 181, 182
Sahtiyanci, S., 24 Sterigmata, 70, 71 -
Salmonella, 152 Stern, 139
S. typhimurianum, 194 Sticta, 144
Saprolegnia, 29-34 Streptococcus, 160, 181, 182
Sarcina, 160, 181, 182 Streptomyces, 163
Sarcoma, 203 S. scabies, 198
Scab, 198 , Stylet-borne viruses, 222
Schizomycetes, 148 Subramanian, C.V., 126
Schlesinger, M., 204, 205, Sugar cane, red-rot, 132, 133
Sclerospora, 47 Sulfur bacteria, 175
Scott, K.G., 94 Sulfur cycle, 177
Schramm, G., 205 Sussman, A.S., 6
Secondary mycelium, 87, 89 Sutton, B.C., 130
Sedillot, C., 148 Symbionts, 148
Septa, (primary/adventitious), 10 Symbiosis, 142
Septoria, 133 Synchytrium, 221
Serotypes, 206 S. endobioticum, 223
Sexduction, 193, 194 Syngenote, 195
Shockman, G.D., 180 Synnema, 58
“Sinsheimer, R., 206
Skeletal hyphae, 110 Tagovirales, 212
Slime, in bacteria, 153, 201 Takahashi, W.N., 205, 206
-Slime spores, 129
Talaromyces, 76, 77
Index 239
Tatum, Edward, 188, 189, 194 U-scitaminea, 104
Tea, grey blight of, 131 U. tritici, 104, 105
Teliomycetes, 7, 93
Temin, H., 206 Vaccinia, 208, 211
Temperate phage, 195, 205, 216 Vector, of viruses, 223
Tetracoccus, 181, 182 Vector specificity, 223
Tertiary mycelium, 88 Veil, 119
Thalictrum, 101 Vein-banding, 220
Thiobacillus thio-oxidans, 175 Vein-clearing, 220
Thind, K.S., 120 Vein-thickening, 220
Thirumalachar, MJ,, 47 Verrucaria, 144
Toadstool, 110, 118 Verticillium dahliae, 125
Tobacco mosaic, 223 Vibrio, 160, 161
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 223 Vira, 212
Tobacco stunt virus (TSV), 223 Virescence, 220
Tomaselli, R., 142 Virion, 208
Tomato leaf-curl virus, 223 Virology, important events, 205
Tomato wilt, 201 Virulent phages, 216
Tommerup, I.C., 27 Viruses, 202-224
Torula condition, 50, 105 biological status, 207
Tournicr, P., 206, 209, 211 classification, 211, 212
Transcriptases, 211 core of, 208
Transduction, 184, 194, 195, 205 definition of, 208
Transducing phage, 195 diseases,. 220-224
Transformation, 184-187 envelope of, 210
Transforming principle, 186 growth cycle of, 214
Trebouxia, 142 nature of, 203, 204
Trichodorus, 221 shapes of, 209
Trichomycetes, 7, 8, 48 structure of, 204
Trichophyton interdigitale, 125 systemic/local, 220
Truffles, 82 transmission of, 221
Tubaki, K, 126. von Arx, J.A., 77, 81
Tuberales, 82
Tulipomania, 202 Water moulds, 221
Tumor, 220 Waterhouse, G.M., 35, 56
Twort, F.W., 203, 205 Wheat
Twort d’Herelle phenomenon, 203 rust, 95-102
smut, 104, 105
Uncinula, 78 spotted-wilt, 223
V. meator, 78-81 spotted-wilt, virus, 223
Uppal, B.N., 102 Whitehouse, H.L.K., 135
Urovirales, 212 White rot, 120
Usnea, 144, 145 White rust, 44
Ustilago, 104 Whittaker, R.H., 2
U. avenae, 104 Williams, P.G., 94
V. maydis, 104, 105, 108, 109 Wilson, M., 94
V. nuda, 104 Wilt, 198
U. occidentalism 104 Witches broom, 220
240 ^4 Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

Wool man, E.L., 190 Yeast, 65

Yeast stage, 105
Xmtkornonas, 198, 199 Yeilow fever, 203
X. citri, 198, 200 Yellows, 220
X. mahacearum, i98
X oryzae, 198 Zinder, N.W. 194, 205
Xiphinema, 221 Zygomycetes, 7, 8, 48
X /Wex, 223 Zygomycotina, 7, 48
Zygospore, 19
Yarvvood, C.E,, 78

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