Smaw TQ

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Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which covers the growth of the body and the brain, motor and sensory skills, and even physical health?
a. psychosocial development b. physical development c. cognitive development d. social development
2. It is a person’s development that is most pronounced during one’s childhood and adolescence stages.
a. maturation b. physical development c. environment d. naturalism
3. According to Maslon’s Hierarchy of Needs to theorize the five stages of human development are arranged
according to the following.
I. Physiological
II. Self-actualization
III. Love belonging
IV. Esteem
V. Safety
a. I, II, III, IV, V b. V, I, III, IV, II c. I, V, III, IV, II d. III,V,I,IV,II
4. What do you call the transformation period between childhood and early childhood?
a. adolescence b. adulthood c. middle adolescence D. early childhood
5. The formation of one’s personal identity includes attitudes about religion is called.
a. spiritual and religious beliefs b. adolescence c. physical development d. faith
6. Psychology serves as.
a. Foundation of life b. foundation of personal development c. foundation of education
d. foundation of psychological aspect
7. What is the beginning of knowledge according to Plato?
a. mind b. self-knowledge c. self and action d. self-recognition
8. It is the intangible entity that directs a person’s thoughts and actions.
a. Self b. mind c. spirit d. soul
9. In psychology, the term ________ is referred to as the set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that
identify an individual.
a. personal development b. personal development c. self-knowledge c. self-identity
10. In what dimension that these traits best describe: calm, relaxed, and comfortable?
a. agreeableness b. conscientiousness c. neuroticism d. extraversion
11. Curiosity, interest, imagination, and creation of new ideas of what dimension are these traits?
a. Extraversion b. openness to experience c. extraversion d. agreeableness
12. It is how an individual refers to channels his/her energy when dealing with people, whether it is inward or
a. S or N (sensing or intuition) b. E or I (Extrovert or introvert) c. J or P (judgment or perception)
d. T or F (thinking or feeling)
13. He is one of the modern philosophers of our time and influenced most of mankind with his theory of duality or
a. Socrates b. Rene Des Cartes c. Gen. Jan c. Smuts d. Feist n Rosenberg
14. Who wrote the book Holism and Evolution?
a. Rene Descartes b. General Jan C. Smuts c. Socrates d. Feist n Rosenberg
15. One of the 5 aspects that come to mind that talk about physical attitudes including the five physical stages.
a. physical b. cognitive c. social d. affective
16. It is the manners by which an individual instinct with other individuals or groups of individuals.
a. Social b. psychological c. spiritual d. cognitive
17. How many basic emotions does command Biology has included?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
18. It is the pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself.
a. Hedonism B. Achievements c. Tradition d. Gratification
19. It is the understanding, appreciation, and profession for the welfare of all people and of nature.
a. Universalism b. conformity c. power d. Idealism
20. It is the result of the emotions that one experiences.
a. Feelings b. knowledge c. power d. stress
21. Early adolescence ages around what?
a. Around 10 to 20 b. around 10 to 13 c. around 17 to 20 d. around 11 to 15
22. In what stage does parents has the most influential figure to their child that results to trust others when primary
caregivers provide caring, attention and love.
a. Infancy b. early childhood c. adolescence d. school age
23. At what particular age does Adulthood starts?
a. 25 years old b. 20 years old c. 30 years old d. 19 years old
24. In what stage does intimacy vs. isolation age bracket?
a. 20-25 years b. 25-30 years c. 65-80 years d. 30-50 years
25. What are the hallmarks of the adolescence stage?
a. Beliefs and religion b. adulthood c. idealism and experimentation
d. psychosocial
26. It involves the physical changes that happen during the adolescent stage.
a. poverty b. puberty c. puverty d. fuberty
27. It is the development that happens during adolescence as the brains conditions to grow and develop.
a. Self-development b. cognitive development c. experience development
d. social development
28. What particular basic values are preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is frequent
personal contact?
a. benevolence b. stimulation c. security d. universalism
29. It is a personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards.
a. benevolence b. power c. Tradition d. achievement
30. It is a restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses that are likely to upset or harm others and violate social
expectations or norms.
a. hedonism b. conformity c. self-direction d. security
31. What is the second stage of development espoused by Erikson?
a. infancy b. early childhood c. late childhood d. young adulthood
32. What stage of development that has unfavorable result of withdrawal from school and peers.
a. late childhood b. adolescence c. adulthood d. school age
33. Engr. Grace Perez is a 22-year-old woman that has a lot of houses for rent. What type of adolescence is her age
may be bracket?
a. early adolescence b. middle adolescence c. late adolescence d. childhood
34. Which stage of personality development that community has the most influential figure?
a. early adulthood b. young adulthood c. late childhood d. adulthood
35. It is the last stage among 8 personality development that integrity vs. despair is the conflict that needs to be
a. adulthood b. young adulthood c. maturity d. adolescence
36. _____________ or self-concept evolves from an individual`s own set of beliefs and values system to the roles he
has identified for himself.
a. self- identity b. self-identification c. self-knowledge d. self enhancement
37. _____________ involves the physical changes that happen during the adolescent stage.
a. pubic hair b. adams apple c. puverty d. puberty
38. It happens during adolescence when adolescence desires for more autonomy and independence from their family.
a. cognitive development b. psychosocial development c. physical development d. social development
39. Emotion is taken away from the Latin word__________.
a. movani b. moveni c.mavari d. movari
40. What is the example of holism and gestalt?
a. evident in art b. evident in physical health c. evident in music d. fossil evident

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