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Baptized in quantum fires,

reborn as incarnate gods,

drunk with fame, sacrificed on the altar of power.
We are your heroes, your legends , your icons .
Beware. Your legacy is our future.

From N! documentary
Reaching the Stars:

TV A Decade of Novas ,

- first aired March 23 , 2008

W had th chanc to it down and talk with Randel P rtman , "The

Fireman," in an exclu ive ! interview. We di cu d what it wa lik
being an va, how th w rid ha chang d in n a 'ar ri al and what
th futur hold .
• !: So, r. Portman, what i it lik to b th fir t known nova?
Nttemew • Portma n: It i a di tinct h nor. Actually it' just luck, really. Fat ju t
decided that I would rupt in a rath r tacular way, and I wa lucky
NI thenews nough to sa e Liv . [n gen ral, though, being a nova i a wonderful thing.
ova ar imply peopl with pedal abiliti . Yeah, th powers can
make us m w ird or unapproachabl , but really w are ju t people.
'i Nlslght
• !: ~ u may b und r ta ting the ca a bit. E p rt po tulate that, in
fact, no a have the ability t th or ticaUy d ju tab ut anything.
• Portma n: Th theory alway ound better than the actual fact . ova
Nhernet power tern from our ability to manipulat the fundamental force of
natur : gravity, I ctr magn ti m, th tr ng nucl ar fore and th w ak
one. A urning a nova had n limit in manipulating tho e fore , th n
he would ff tiv ly b G d, but w all hav our limit . Th Proj ct
..., ci nti t t II m a lot ha to do with how an individual nova ee hi
..~ '" abilitie and how they emerged.
I ,,
I .. ,. ~ .. I ., • .. • •

I I I • .. I

• Portman: I wa a fir man, which

i how I g t th nkknam , and had
r ponded to a traffic accident.
Wh n w got to th c n , all I
could wa th outline of a
chool bu in the flame . Fire wa
coming out of every p ible
op ning in th thing. It wa awful. r
heard all the little kid creaming,
and I ju t ort of froz . I c uld f 1
om thing happening, and putting
ut th fir wa all I could think of.
All of a udden, my h ad felt like it
was b ing hit by a l dg harnm r.
Th la t thing I rememb r eeing
wa a huge gout f flame coming right toward m . Aft r that verything
i hazy. Th n t thing I know, I'm kn ling in a puddl of m It d

~eep reading~
asphalt. At the time, I didn’t even think to wonder why I wasn’t hurt. I
couldn’t see any more flames, and the guys were all standing around me
shouting. The rest of it was a blur of sirens and people I didn’t know
asking me bunches of questions I could barely understand. The headache
lasted for almost a week.

The Project docs told me, later, that novas typically emerge during a time
of great stress, and their powers reflect that initial situation. I can absorb
energy. Only recently have I begun to learn how to redirect it. We weren’t
all-powerful. Hell, I can’t even fly. What kind of superguy can’t fly?

• !: How have your quantum powers grown,and how did you learn them?
.. Nltenainment

• Portman: The fire-eating thing- "radiant energy ab orption," the
i'1 ·'
docs call it - ju t came naturally. [ just knew how to do it. Within a few
Ii· - weeks of the initial discovery of novas, the Aeon Society contacted a lot
11 "
1 Nhervlew of us and asked us if we would like training on how to use our power .
:·-~~ They had recruited some amazingly smart novas who had figured a lot
( t out about our abilities. I agreed. I pent clo e to two year with them, on
j ..... '
N!thenews and off, after they et up the Project. They teach various meditation
:~. "''
I.I . ..._
technique , and they constantly test and challenge us to u e our power
in new and different ways. A nova's abilities really are in your mind. You
r1- . have to convince yourself that you can do something new, and you have
to make it an expansion of something you can already do . We ven got a
t ►••J. N!trenous

• ..,: •
crash course in quantum physics, so we would better understand what
we were really doing .
' .
,. ' Nhernet
I ,•. • !: What' your take on the recent criticism of Project Utopia? Some
people are calling it a conspiracy to take over the world, others are
claiming that it want to create a socialist world government. How do
you respond to tho e claim ?
r· .. tonNIgames
i . ....
• Portman: I don't think that's the ca eat all. Project Utopia has done
great things for everyone on this planet, from the global environmental
cleanup to the Palestinian peace
I' agreements to the Ethiopian
terraforming project to fighting
international terrori m ... hell, even
the Zurich Accord, that made the
world accept novas as people. It
shocked people when Project
Utopia got an advisory position on
the UN Security Council, but as
do ely as they'd been working
with the U , it shouldn't have
surprised anyone. I love my
country as much as the next guy-
or the next nova - but the recent
talk of Utopia being a huge con-
spiracy comes from a few right-
wing nutcases with bad attitudes.
othing more .

Most of u novas would have been

lost without Project Utopia. An
erupting nova can be dangerous, whether he means to be or not. At any
]keep reading•
• !: Th world ha certain!
changed in the la t 10 years . D you
think it ha all been for the bett r?

• !: You m ti ned th Trit n Foundation . edical and biological scien

hav mad prodigi us ad van in th last d d . What do you think about
th recent work on the rigins and distinctions of nova biology?

I do know that w look diff r nt. o a tend to b I ek and buff , with

littl body fat and great phy ique . They ay that it come from our
increa ed metaboli m, from forcing the body to channel so much
en rgy. W al o eat lik pig . H ll, I had two t ak and thr baked

!keep reading .,
potatoes for dinner last night, but I can also absorb enough energy to
turn just about anything into ash. I guess it’s the trade-off. Some of us
also display what the religious kooks call an “anima.” Many novas have a
distinct field around them when they use their powers. I guess you’ve
seen the footage — I look like I’m covered in transparent flames when I
absorb energy. I’ve seen weirder displays. I’m just glad that some of the
research has helped with older problems like cancer. I haven’t had a cold
in 10 years, and if a blood sample can keep everyone else from having
one, all the better.

• N!: ot all novas, especiallysome who have spoken out recently,have taken
such a philanthropic position. How do you respond to Divis Mal's melodra-
matically dubbed ull Manifesto and organizations like his Teragen?
• Portman: I don't know much about this Mal fellow, but I don ' t like
what I've heard. Isn't he the guy who ays that we aren't human? Of
N!terview cour e I'm human! I can just do things some people can' t. He says we're
all governments of our own , and that the laws and rules of humans don ' t
apply to us . Per anally, if he really believes that , and it's not just a
publicity stunt or ratings gimmick, then he's a megalomaniac, and his
mom should have spanked him more often . I wish he' d just mouthed off
on Two Minut es Hate, like the rest of the bored wackos, and left it at that.

As far as the Teragen is concerned, they give all novas a bad name . I can't
wait until the Utopians or the UN or someone gets a hold of them . I
don't care how popular or "cool" some folks think the Teragen is, Mal's
group is nothing but a gang of thugs, the Manson Family with super-
powers. They've killed people, destroy ed property, intervened in wars -
and they say they are acting for the good of all novas? They are no better
than Mal. In fact, they' re wor e. At least Mal just mouthed off. These
guys are wreaking havoc. They are the ones who are putting this smear-
campaign crap on the Project.

• N!: Doe the future look bright?

• Portman: I think so.

We've had problems
and bad apples , of
cour e, but all in all,
novas have done a lot
to make the world a
better place. Guys like
Mal will always pop

up, but they'll get their
due. I think the next 10
years will be even
better than the last. I
really believe that the
21st century will be
the dawn of a golden
age for mankind .

• 5
March 23, 1998

Of all th day to
hang the world
Nttenalnment for v r, why th h ll
did God have to pick a
Nherview fucking Monday?

- Dr. Duk R II , p t-
Nllhenews g nzo j urnali t

From Ultim, te edi,' rom th final broadca t of
nous "R living -Day" audi the Galatea, 03/23/9
• Galatea:. . . mmand, w 're
Nnernet having m rt of dilficulti n
• ASA: Sa again. What kind f
difficulti ?
runNIgames " .. . arthquake, at I a t 4.0 n the
Richter cale, rocked D nver ... " • Galatea:Llgh aren ' t functi rung
properly.. . diagn tic ms to
••• ri of xpl ion n the treet indicat m rt of. ..
of w York City, including ne
thr atening a h I bus .. . " • Can ou
ASA: C m in, Galatea.
h ar ?

• Galatea:Y, ... the ·gns are ...

" ... India i blaming a Paki tani
• SA: Gnlaten,
d y u read us?
attack for th udd n flood of th
Gang , which ha wa hed awa ... "
• GaJatea:We read u, ommand.
" ... teenag r wa unabl to be
This isn' t. . . Command, y tern
rushed to th h pital, remaining failun> to indicate core hicld -
1 trically charged for 20 minut , ing breach. We...
d pit paramedi ' att mpt t
ground ut th I trical diarge ... " • AS : Dear God. Hold on, Gnlat
Are you ire that-

. . .. . .
.. :
.. :
., . .. . C mmand, w 're
, t Uour kid ...

[ ignal
!keep reading.,
Excezptfrom ReachingtheStars:A DecadeofNovas
• Chantal D’Aurelion: “The explosion of the Galatea, tragic though it was, was just
the first step in that long series of dramatic events that marked the birth of
the Nova Age. The first eruptions of novas took the world by surprise, but in
America, one particular event stands out. We found an eyewitness to that first
dramatic eruption — and what a story it is.”
• Doreen Maxwell [voiceover as "dramatic re-creation" footage rolls]: ''Lord,
I'll never forget it. The TVs in the store windows had just tarted up with the
new breaks talking about the Galatea. l can remember the Challenger explosion,
and I was just thinking 'Oh my God, not again - not another crew of astro-
nauts lost,' and that's when I heard this screeching behind me. I turned around,
N!tenainment and there was this school bus all smashing across the median and slamming
into cars. Fire was coming out of the windows and everything, and the driver
actually shot up out of the roof into the air. I don't remember seeing him come
Nherview down.
"The flames was getting bigger, starting to hoot all over the place, and we
could see that the kids couldn't get out. I was screaming for somebody to do
N!thenews som thing when the fire truck got on the scene. The firemen started moving
people back out of the way, trying to get there, and the poor kids was just
screaming, and that's when it happened.
Nlsight "The fire just hot up and out of the windows and twisted up together like a
braid, and then it shotdown at this one fireman and hit him right square in the
chest. His helmet blew off and he took a couple of steps back, but he didn't fall
Nhrenous over. And th.at fire just kept on shooting up out of the bus and pouring into him
until the bus didn't have any fire in it left at all. And the fireman, he was down
N!ternet on one knee, holding his head, and h looked like he was on fire - but I looked
twice, and the fire just soaked on up into his body like he was a sponge, and the
a phalt around him was turning all red, and I swear he sank down into the
''Well, things kept on getting
crazy after that. The police
tunN!uames arrived and started shooing
us all back, and I heard
about the rest on TV - how
this sort of thing was going
on all over the place, with
earthquakes, explosions,
freak thunderstorms and all
th.at,and the government all
going to Defcon 'cause they
thought it was some kind of
attack- but the news
finally told us that the
fireman was all right, and
soon after that, we started
finding out about all these
people with powers.
"But when people ask me,
'Where were you when the
Galateaexploded?', I can
look them in the eye and
say, 1 was on the street
where the Fireman erupted.'
Ain't too many people can

say that."
The public1snowfullyconvincedthat the Galatea disaster 1sthe link.A payloadof radioactiveisotopes,detonatedin
a spectacularexplosionand spread via Jetstreamto every comer of the globe: The imagehas certainlycaughton withthe
commonman. "Radioactivitybreeds mutation"- that's all the explanationmostpeopleseem to need.
1haveto wonder,however,1fthe isotopesweren't somehowchargedwith refined"quantumenergy" duringthe pro-
cess. Nothinginmodemscienceexplainshowsucha thingwaspossible- but then again,modemscienceisskatingby with
the barest excusesfor howaberrantpowersfunction,anyway.lt seemsmoreplausibleto me that the geneticcodingfor the
M-R node wouldbe stimulatedby focusedquantumthan by outrightradiation;however there's no wayto test this theory.
Quantum1snotoriousfor not remainingin the backgroundlong in concentratedquantities·short of havmgan already-
manifestedaberrant there at the time, I supposethere's no waywe couldever have knownfor certain. Whichis a damn
shame,becauseotherwise,this conundrummayvery wellhauntme to mygrave.
1wonder: Sincethe mostcommonsourceof focusedquantumappears to be aberrant powers,1s1tpossiblethat some
mutantactuallymanifesteda functioningM-R node beforethe lossof the Galatea'? ls it possiblethat one of the men and
womenaboardwasthe first aberrant, and that he or she somehowengineeredthe explosionto create others likehimselfor
herself'?If so, then logicallythis aberrant wouldstillsurvive;whysacrificeyourself. after all'?The question1s- where 1s
Mustlookmtothis Further.preferablyby enlistingan aberrant withenhancedreasoningcapacities. Are the rumorsof
psychometricpowerstrue? Whateverthe case, I'd better keep this to myself;no need to endangermy current positionby
eammga reputationas a crank conspiracytheorist. 1can collectthe Nobelafter I've gotten proof.

May 1 The Aeon Society publicly and strongnuclearforce. The M·R node
announcesits UN supportand issues an allowsthe novasomedegreeof
invitationto open dialog withany channelingand controlover the quantum
interestednovas. The UN works behi.nd forces.
1998 the scenes to calm and reassurethe
ch l 8 PM GSl Galatea world thatAeon can handlethe nova
researd'lsatelliteexplodes. Its rapidly outbreak.
decayingomit dumps radioactive
materialinto the jetstream. In a matterof
days, increasing radiationlevelsare
r rtedworldwide.

December31 Aeon Society census

reportsapproximately600 known novas
June 30. The UN overwhelmingly in the world population.
passes the ZurichAccord, a docvment Inspiredby the coming of the novas
declaringnovasto be humanbeings, and fueledby millennialislanxiety,various
withall the rightsand responsibilities apocalypticand transcendentalist reflgious
M, .h 2 3 I P ES~ Randel thereof.A few fundamentalistIslamic sects arisethroughout1998. Manyof
Portman becomes the first publicly nationsand dictatorialregimes, all these groupsseenovasas the chosen of
known nova. "The Fireman." as the countrieswith poor human-rights God or the ultimatedevelopmentof
media laterdub Portman, emerges records. protestthe resolution. humanity . The most notable of these is
duringa school-busfire in New York. His August 13. ProjectUtopia, a The Churchof the ImmanentEscheaton,
nascentpowersabsorbthe energy from multipurposeprivatefoundation, is foundedby a charismaticnovastyling
the fire, puttingit out and savingdozens formedunderthe guidanceof both the himselfChrystianKalpa. The Vaticandoes
of lives. UN and the Aeon Society. Project not release an officialstatementof position
Ufopia's statedgoals are to study the on the statusof novas. Protestantsects
nova phenomenonand utilizenovas' and Judaismrelease statementsof
abilitiesto betterthe quarrtyof life on supportfor novas,with WOl'ding in line with
Earth for all its inhabitants. Membership thatof the ZurichAccold. Fundamentalist
and trainingare open to all interested Islamicsects decry novasas the Devil's
novas, underthe directionof Ors. Henri children, but increasinglycomeinto conflict
Mazarinand Farah Rashoud . withSunni philosophyexaltingnovasas
the chosen of Allah.

M n. Apt I Novas emergeworldwide

on an almostdaily basis. Governments
scramble to deal with the phenomenon .
Internationalrelationsbecome tense,
withthe US going to Deleon3. Other
nationsrespondin kind. Emergency
sessions of the UN are called. First
usage of the tenTI"nova " by the press , in
October-Firstuse of the term
response to scientists ' unofficial
"baseline" to refer to humanswithoutan
categorizationof the newlyeruptedas
Homosap/ens novus.
December4 Dr. Henri Mazarinand
12 The Aeon Society, an
Dr. Farah Rashoud releasetheir findings
on the discoveryof a uniquegland found
datingback lo the Leagueof Nations,
in the brain of novas. The Mazarin-
initiatesa cftalogwith the UN, offeringto
Rashoud , or M-R, node is believedto be
seek out and study novas. the root of a nova's abilities. Novas
saplens novus. An independent
pharmaceutical researd'lfacility, the
TritonFoundation,providesfundingfor January8: ProjectUtopiaopens the
Mazarinand Rashoucl'sreseard'l , and first Rashoud facilityin midtown
much of the other nova researchover Manhattan. The facilityis intendedto be
the next decade . A nova's powersare a place where nascentnovas can go to
theorizedto derive from manipulationof learnabout and exploretheirpowersin a
the basic foo:esof the universe, also controlledenvironment Over the next
known as the quantumfoo:es: gravity, decade , dozensof other Rashoud
electromagnetism,weak nuclearforce facilitiesopen worldwide.

r 18: BorisYeHsincf.es, setting unanimouslypasses a resolutionto government.Cuba's relationswith the
off a breo,<oo,vnof the RUSSian freezeexchangeratesin the world rest of the world normalizeby July.
government.The chaos leadsto currencymarket.The movecauses May31 The first movieto feature
Russia's totaleconomiccollapse. massiveinflationin the currencyof novaactorsopens to rave reviews.
Russia's financialwoes spreadthrough developingnations, but leadsto a StevenSpielberg-d irectedNovais the
already weakenedworldmarkets, and gradualstrengtheningof the industrial storyof a youngman who emergesas a
causethe world's worstone-daymarket powers' economies. nova, then dedicateshis life to righting
losses ever. "The Moscow Crash," as it is 21 Japanannounces
N011'8mil>81 the wrongsof society. Variousfamous
latertermed, plungesthe world intoa Saisho, "The New Beginning,• a seriesof
novasfigureprominentlyin the cast.The
massiverecession . governmentsubsidiesdesigned to moviebreaksall previoussales records,
February19. The WorldBank employnovasin high-techindustries. stayingin the top spot throughoutthe
respondsimmeoiatelyby callingfor The Japanesegovernmentagreesto summer.Novagoes on to sweep the
temporaryfreezeson all international pay for companiesto hire novasfor Academy Awards, winning a record18
loan payments. Internationalcurrency researchand developmentpurposes, in Oscars.
marketsclose for the weekdue to hopes that newtechnologieswill salvage 15· Second-quarterfinancial
pressurefrom the InternationalMonetary Japan's economy.The projectis a reportsindicateworldwideeconomic
Fund. WalJStreetand otherworldtrading rousingsuccess, and withina decade improvementThe upswingmarksthe
centersvoluntarilyclose tradingfor the beginningof the largestsustained period
Japan regainsits position as the premier
restof the week to allowa thorough developerof newtechnologies . of economicgrowthand prosperityin
assessmentof the Situation, and to allow December 2· ProjectU1opia's Team wor1dhistory.The UN dropsits freezeof
the panicto calm. Manygovernments, Tomooowannouncesit will be on call the currencymarkets, a.nd most nations
includingthe US and the rest of the G7 aroundthe worldto avertany problems of Westemand CentralEuropeagreeto
nations, implementemergencyprial that may come fromthe Y2K millennium the adoptionof the eurocurrency, linking
controlson consumergoods. muchof Europeinto one econom
bug . Prime-timetelevisionspecials aired ic
rt:h l ProjectU1opiaannounces aroundthe worldshow novasworking entity. The UnitedKingdomdeclines
that its nova-employingresearch withcomputerdesignersto preventthe entryinto the EuropeanUnion.
departmentis workingon a solutionto problem, and teamsof novasperforming Sep ember6: ProjectUtopia
the economiccrisis. It also offersthe disaster-controldrills. announcesthat it has successfully
servicesof the novasassociatedwith Dece 31 Aeon Society census dosed the hole in the ozone layerand
Utopiato the UN, and any government reports approximately1350known introducedCFC-eatingba.cteriainto the
that asks , for reliefwork. The news leads novasin the wor1dpopulation. atmosphereto preventcontinued
to a slightupswingin world markets. Novascontinueto enJptthroughout damage. ProjectUtopiarequeststhat all
Apr, 7 Microsoftbecomes the first the year, despitefallinglevelsof radiation
UN memberstatesbegintransporting
privatecompanyto hire a novafor public from the Galateaexplosion. toxicand radioactivewasteto a
relationsand research. MunguKuwasha
is hiredfor his abilityto interfacewith
2000 collection facifrtyin Siberiafor future
January1: The Year2000 bug hits
computersystems. ember3 RobertSchroer, a
manyof the world'scomputersystems,
Apn 30: Worldunemploymentrates moderateRepublicanrepresentative
causing moderateproblems. Power
quadruplein only two months. Philan-
production,air1lnetrafficcontrol, Internet
from Colorado, is electedPresidentof
thropicorganizationsworldwidefollow the UnitedStates. Schroerbeginsthe
trafficand financialinstitutioncomputers
theAeon Society'slead in offeringrelief Republicannominationprocessas a
are the most affected. Utopia-affiliated
assistance . ProjectUtopianovashelp virtualunknown; his platformcallsfor
novasracearoundthe globe to restore
with distributionof perishablesupplies, continuedeconomicreformand a return
(or, in somecases, generate)emergency
creatingthe mostefficientreliefeffortin to so-called "common-sense • values. He
powerand directwhat few planesare in
history.Governmentsenlistnovaaid in wins a narrowvictoryin the general
the air. Mostpeople noticeonly that the
quellingfood riots. Some novasuse their airlinesand banksare shu1down for a electionoverAl Gore, in whichthe
abilitiesto keepbasic utilities, such as Reformand Libertariancandidatesalso
coupleof days, and that Web pagesand
waterand electricity . flowingin areas e-mailhaveglitchesfor a few weeks. takesizableproportionsof the vote.
wherethey wouldotherwisebe FollowingSchroer's win in the primaries,
Y2K becomes Utopia's bigges1public-
inaccessible. and escalatingwith his election, manyof
relationswindfallsincethe comingof the
the RepublicanParty's far-rightelements
divorcethemsetvesfrom the partyto
Janualy 28 The TritonFoundation
foundsplintergroupsmoreappealing to
announcesthe first successfulgene-
their agendas.
therapytreatmentfor breastcancer. By
2006, this treatment.combinedwith ~
childhoodgeneticscreening, makes
breastcancera thingof the past
February1 ProjectUtopiaan-
nounces, beforethe UN General
Assembly , its intentionto performa
worldwideenvironmentalcleanup. The
June2 The InternationalMonetary world pressapplauds the news, and
Fundannouncesits inabilityto variouscountriesuse the cleanupproject
amelioratethe globalfinancialcrisis. The as a core to createcivil worksprograms
Japanesetake the news especially to help alleviatethe massiveunemploy-
poorty.The Nikkei IndexIOSes50% of its mentthat has plaguedthem since 1999. December3 With the Y2K problem
value overnight.Tokyonewspapers 8· Fidel Castrodies. Cuba and millennialistanxietydistant
reportover 2,000 suicidesthat night spends the followingweeks in political memories , the press realizes that2001 is
alone. turmoil. When the dust clears, a the actualbeginningof the new
June5: Actingon the adviceof Project democraticallyelectedpresidentand millennium. This announcementinspires
Utopia novaprognosticators , the UN legislativebody takecontrolof the the largestNew Year's celebrationsin
ry. Festivitiesincludenova- could see how effectivenovas were 2002
uced energyreleasesin orbit that when used as militaryoperatives.
January2002-earty2005: Much of the
are visiblearoundthe world. The EquatorialWars, as the fightingis
wor1d'scopperand fiber-opticcable
Aeon Society census reports laterdubbed, promptinternational
communicationsnetworl<sare replaced
approximately1800 known novas in the negotiationsconcerningthe use of novas
with advancedoptic cable derivedfrom
wor1dpc,pulation . in militaryapplications. While the talks studiesof Buendiaeufiberand wireless
2001 are neverformalized, the UN and Project
Utopiaopenly supportdiscussionon the
networking. The new ha.rdware, coupled
January24 · ProjectUtopia-mediated with new data-transferprotocols.is
issue. Internationalconsensusfalls short
negotiationsbetweenIsraeland the dubbed"OpNel" OpNet replacesthe
of banningthe use of novas in the Internet.phone systemsand cellular
military, but it is generallyagreedthat
open. The peace talks end withthe networl<s , allowingfor wireless
due to the unpredictablenatureof novas· communicationsfrom virtuallyany
signingof the London PeaceAccord ,
powers, they shouldnot be used against
whichestablishesa Palestinianstate location. It boastsan initial700%
civilianor normal militaiy targetsunless increasein data speed over conventional
along the border of Israeland Egypt
in all-outwar. Strategistsand academics
ProjectUtopiaagrees, as part of the telecommunicationstechnok>gy .
quicklydevise a new school of military March30. CNN breaksa sex scandal
Accord , to monitorthe newly created
deterrentthoughtbased around novas involvingUS presidentSchroer. The
border, althoughIsraelis rumoredto
and formalizethe idea of limited-scale
have almosta dozen novas underits soro!dscandalinvolvesa six-year
conflictsfoughtby nova proxies. General homosexualaffairon the part of the
acceptanceof this idea, as an economi-
March 18: ProjectUtopiaannounces President.Schroergives a televised
cal alternativeto certaintypes of addressthat nightand admits to the
that bioremedialbacteriarecently
conventionalconflicts,leads to large
introducedin the world'soceans , along affair. Evenwith his immediateresponse,
numbersof elitesbeingcontractedby his approvalratingsplummet
witha largeamountof physicalcleanup,
wor1dgovernmentsin the followingyear.
wi.11restorethe water qualityof the
wor1d 's oceansto pre-Industrial
Revolutionlevels by 2006.
March 29 The RussianConfederation
rises from the pollticaland economic
chaos caused by the MoscowCrash of
1999. Russia's downwardspiral
reverses,albeit slowly, thanksto nova
"economicsavant"and Ministerof the
Treasury, VladimirSierka. The reorga-
nized Confederationconsistsof
sovereignmemberstatesallied for
purposes of economicstrength and
foreignrelations. The Confederationhas May 21 The Triton Foundation August 12; ProjectUtopiagives its
one currency, the ruble, and representa- announcesa gene-therapytreatmentfor final report on the state of the environ-
tives of each member-state in the prostatecancer and a geneticscreening ment to the UN GeneralAssembly. Team
Confederationvote on all foreigntrade processthat predicts(with94% Tomorrowcombinesphysicalcleanup
decisioos. The Confederationretainsits accuracy)whethera personwill develop with the introductionof the Zushima
seat on the UN SecurityCouncil, but the any of the common formsof cancer. macrobe, a geneticallyengineeredself-
memberstates are represented June 10: Represenlativesof the regulatingorganismthat will regulate
individuallyin the GeneralAssembly. In UnitedStates,the RussianConfedera- furtherpollution. The environmentis in
effect, the Confederationfunctions tion, the UK and Japan meet in Moscow. belter shape than at any point in the last
somewhatlike a cross betweenthe They agree to form and sponsor a hundredyears, and ProjectUtopia
EuropeanUnionand the UnitedStates multinationalintelligenceagency, which scientistsestimatethat a sustainable
of America BelaruspresidentAndrei they term the Directive. The Directive's levelof pre-IndustrialRevolutionair and
Srebrianskiis electedthe first Confedera- primaiy missionis to monitorthe water qualitywill be a realityby 2005.
tionpresident.AlthoughSrebrianskiis activitiesof ProjectUtopiaand the September15: India, China and
officiallypresident, rumorscontinuein the world'sgrowingpopulationof novas. Pakistanface off over ownershipof the
press that MinisterSierkais the true August7: Anibal Buendia, a nova with Kashmir region. Quick interventionby
leaderof the Confederation. the abifrtyto reconfigurehis cellular TeamTomorrowpreventsan all-outwar,
May-November:Brushfirewars structure, createsthe polymerderivative but severalconflictswithgovernment•
sweep throughsub-SaharanWestAfrica, known as eufiber. This material, which sponsorednovas and mercenaryelites
as Sierra Leone, Nigeriaand Sudan use has the abilityto bond with novacell occur. Kashmirbecomes a demilitarized
nova mercenaries, dubbed"elites"by the structureand channel and redirect zone under UN and ProjectUtopia
press,to fight as proxies. While fewer quantumand bioenergles, becomes the surveillance.
than a dozen elitesdie in the conflicts, most popularfashion accessoryfor November21: The Viacomand
hundredsof civiliansare killedas novasand the wealthy. As a side effect, MicrosoftCOlpOrations announcetheir
"collateraldamage," and the political studiesof eufiberenable the develop- mergerinto an enormousC01pOrate
bordersof Africaare redrawnseveral ment of OpNet cable technok>gy. entity to be called ViaSoft.
limes throughoutthe monthsof conflict. October ProjectUtopiabegins December4. A subwaybombingin
TeamTomorrowtakes peacekeeping coordinatingwith law-enforcementand Tokyobringsworldattentionto
actions on behalfof the UN and finally intelligenceagenciesfrom aroundthe KamisamaBuddhism, a hybrid of Shinto
negotiatesa ceasefire. Presscoverage wor1d(Interpol, FBI, ScollandYard, and Buddhistbeliefsthat is increasi.ngly
of the conflictsbecomes the highest- Mossad)to combatorganizedcrime and pc,pularwithJapaneseyouths. While
ratedtelevisionevent of the decade, so lerrorism. KamisamaBuddhismprofesses
far. Variousconspiracytheonstsdaim December31: Aeon Society census nonviolence, the media play up the
that the conflictswere instigatedby the reportsapproximately2100 known suspectS'involVemen t with the sect.
US and othermajor powers so they novas in the wor1dpc,pulation . Three young fanaticsare chargedin the

bombing, thoughthe leaderof the vaccine. The Wof1dHealth Organization ProjectUtopiaopens a
religion, nova guru BodhisattvaMasato, declares October7th "Red Ribbon Day" special Aashoudfacilityin Bahrain. This
dlsaVO'NS any knowtedge of the attack. and , with the help of nationaland local facilityis ostensiblydesignedto assist
Docembe, 31 Aeon Societycensus health organizationS , vaccinates90% of novas with high levels of quantum
reportsapproximately2500 known the wor1dpopulationover the next three buik:!up,bu1Utopiais given leeway to
novas in the world population. months. confinenovasconsideredin need of
2003 De0I n r 1C. Henri Mazarinand therapyby the UN as a whole . The
Jc, ry 1 The N! channeldebuts on Farah Rashoud receivethe Nobel Prize facility'sopening is not publicized, nor
cab«3and sateuaesystemsin 47 in biologytortheir pioneeringresearch are the media or publicallowedon the
countries. NI, a spinolf of the El channel, into novaphyslology and the discovery facility's grounds, thoughdocumentaries
of the M-Anode . of its existencesoonflood the OpNet.
is dedicatedsolely to coveringthe lives
and exploitsof novas. It features
Decen 3 Aeon Societycensus ' The inauguralmatch
reports approximately2800 known of the Xtreme WarfareFederation, XWF,
biographiesof famous novas, quasi-
scientificdocumentarieson nova abilities novas in the world population. takes place in MadisonSquareGarden .
and physiology , nova sportingcompeti- 2004 The XWF is foundedin response to
increaseddemand for nova sporting
tions, interviewswith novasand nova- F 1 g The Triton Foundation
relatednewsfrom aroundthe world. announcesan advancedgene-therapy events, and a corresponding IOSsof
Wrthinthree monthsof its initialairing, NI treatmentthat fights most known loons interestin traditionalsports over the
becomesthe highest-ratedchannel ever. of cancer . precedingyears. The pay-per-viewevent
gamers massiveratingsand is ca.med
May The Wof1dHeahhOrganization
approvesa host of newgenetic overOpNet. Licensingrevenuestop the
$1 billionmarl<in a singleyear. The initial
engineeringtechniques, manyof which
were developed in conjunctionwiththe match is the highest-ratedtelevision
TritonFoundationover the past few event of 2004.
years. MoS1nationalfood inspection LaurenPendletonis
electedboth the first femaleand first
organizations(sueh as the Food and
DrugAdministrationin the US) copy this Libertarianpresidentof the United
March9. TeamTomorrowstages a move, markingthe first widespread States. The press creditsher victoryto
dramaticrescueof the space shuttle voters disgruntledwithtwo sex scandals
internationaluse of geneticengineering
Discoveryafter a sizable meteorstrikes by two consecutivepresidents from both
for livestock and crops . World food
the shuttle, knockingit off course and production increasesby 25o/oover the
majorpoliticalparties. The Libertarian
ignitingan oxygentank. The entirecrew next two years. Party and various independent
survivesthe rescue. This event mar1<.s Jun., 1 The hypercombustionengine candidatesclaim a sizable portionof
the pointat which governmentsbegin to is released . Designedby novaTetsuo legislativeseats in the election.
considernovas for space operationsand Yamato, the hypercombustionengineis Aeon Societycensus
exploration. reports approximately3000 known
a super-efficientinternalcombustion
engine, suitablefor consumerand novas in the wol1dpopulation.
industrialapplicationS . II boasts a tenfold 2005
decreasein fuel consumptionwhile _ PuertoRico becomes the 51st
increasingpower by a like amount. state of the United Statesof America.
Wrthinthe decade, all automotive TeamTOITlOITOY,Iunseats
transportationand fossil-fuel.based Macedonian dictatorYaroslavRadocani.
electricproduction use hypercombustion Radocanicame to power withthe aid of
engines exclusively. mfli1aryloyalistsand high-tech weaponry.
June 15 In the wake of the Sao Paolo Followingthe revelationthat Aadocani's
bombing, the UN Secretary-General weaponryhad been produced by
grants ProjectUtopia's Science and Japanese corporationSacting in violation
TechnologyDepartmentauthorityto of UN norms, Utopia's Scienceand
May 6 ProjectUtopiaannounces monitor, approveand regulatenew TechnologyDepartmentis grantedeven
plans to terraformthe Ethiopian technologies, particularlythose derived greaterregulatorylalitudein monitoring
Highlands. The project, a cooperative from the "nova boom." Many member "potentiallydangeroustechnological
endeavorbetween ProjectUtopia, the nationsand C01pOrations vehemently advancements."
UN and the Ethiopian government, protestthis decision . Pope BenedictXVI issues
marils the first attemptat engineering Ju 24 The first SummerOlympic Ad Dei Lucem, a bull declaringthat
widespreadgeographicaland environ- games to featurenova-onlycompetitions novas, like humans, have immortal
mentalchanges throughouta region. opens . The novaevents Include souls, are taintedwithoriginal sin and
&>pt 25 A terroriS1organization variationSon traditionaltrack and fiek:! can be savedthroughthe grace of
sets off an explosionutilizingprimitive events, and the games becomethe Christ.
fusion technology.Over 30 city blocks second-highest -ratedsports event of the 0.,. A previouslyunknown
are leveled , and hundredsdle. Team year. nova callinghimselfDivisMal issuesthe
TomorrowAmericasarrivesimmediately Null Manifestoin a broadcastemanating
to supply humanitarianaid and assist in from the Azores. The edict essentially
the criminal investigation. Despite countersthe ZurichAccorcls, and claims
repeatedreportsof nova involvementin that novas are "emancipateo' from global
the bombing, no one has been charged citizenship and any responsibilities
to date. The Sao Paolo bombingis the thereof.The provisionsof the Null
most expensiveterroristattack in history, Manifestostate that novas are not
causing an estimated$20 billionin human beingsand are thereforenot
damages. subjectto human law, boundariesor
Octooor7· The Triton Foundation moral codes , nor may they claim
announcesthe discoveryof an AIDS citizenshipin any nationesta.blishedby
beings. Novasmay be granted 5 A Quebec separatist y 15. Jenniferlanders' closest
oiplomaticprMleges by human group based in Montrealdaims friend, controversialex-T2MnovaAndre
governments, but they are essentially responsibilityfor recentterroriststrikesin Corbin, inexplicablyflees the site of her
"governments" unto themselves. Ottawa and Toronto. Given the natureof funeral.
the strikes, Canaoian authoritiesfear the May 16 UN and Utopiainvestigations
group may be employinga nova elite. finger Slider'smurder as the handiwolk
December31: Aeon Society census of Corbin, who is believedto be linkedto
reportsapproximately4800 known the Teragen. This revelationcomes as
novasin the world population. part of a wolldwide public broadcaston
2007 all major news networks.
May 19: Scandal rockSProjectUtopia
ry 1 Nova astronautJanos
Karagianwalks acrossthe lunarsurface as unconfirmedreportsof mercenary
novas, governmentinfiltrationand nova
withoutartificiallife supportgear. Plans
black ops leak to the media. Aeon
are made to send novaastronautsto
Society and ProjectUtopia
A nova-onlydlSSidentgroupcalling spokespeopleimmediatelycounterwith
1 Toe UN promotesa pact
itselfthe Teragenpubliclyendorsesthe banningall nuclear, biologicaland 0llidence of a Teragenframe-up
Null Manifestoand reoounoesall lies to involvingthe dead Slider. Wary
chemical(NBC)weaponry. The NBC
governmentalbodies. ProjectUtopia observersand conspiracy theorists see
weaponsban is signed by all the
comesout in strong public opposition themselves as vinaicatedand delugethe
memberstates. M~itaryobserversdaim
againstthe Teragen's p05ition, and it that while thereis a trend towards
meoia with dire predictions.
promises, in front of a closedUN May J(l Nova SophiaRousseau
disarmament, most of the nuclear
SecurityCouncilmeeting, to monitor contactsfugitiveAndre
Corbin. Their
powersstill have stockpiledweapons.
Teragenactivity. Sales of Teragen- undergroundorganizationimmediately
Ot r Teragenattaci<sof
specific bootlegmerchandlseskyrocket, begins contactingfriends and acquain-
terrorand random violence begin being
particularlyamong the First World 18-35 tances in the nova oommunity,as well as
reportedby the media. Althoughfewer
demographic. newly eruptingnovas. The group's goal
than half a dozen terroriststrikesoccur,
is to expose the hiddencorruptionin
the media goes Into a frenzy.
ProjectUtopia, and Corbindubs its
members"Aberrants" in an ironic usage
of a popularepithet.

The firstever surgical

trialof a oompletespinal cord reconstruc-
tion is perfonned. The trial is a glowing
sucx:ess.Funding for the research
comes from the Triton Foundation.
Ju 2· In a closedUN Security
I Aeon Society census ~ 3 ProjectUtopiareceivesa Councilmeeting, Utopia's InternalAffairs
reports approximately3500 known pennanent"advisory"seat on the UN Departmentrevealsfindingsindlcatinga
novasin the world population. SecurityCouncil. Many political frame-upof the organization. The US
] 0 observerscreditthe unprecedented and Britishgovernmentsare
The Ethiopiangovernment move as stemming from ProjectUtopia's unconvinced, and Directivesurveillance
announcesthe completionof the agreementto pay off the UN debt, of Utopia's operationsis stepped up.
tenaforming project. The Ethiopian totaling$1.6 billion. June 3 The Teragenmeets in council
Highlands, formerlya dry, flat, desert D r 31 Aeon Society census at a hidden retreat.Topicsof the meeting
plain, is oowa verdantgrassland. The reports approximately6000 known includewhat preciselyis going on with
gratefulEthiopiangovernmentgives novas in the worldpopulation. ks of yet, the now-weakened ProjectUtopia,and
ProjectUtopiaa large headquartersin no nova is known to have been how to use the group's newfound
AddisAbaba . Ethiopiasoonbecomes impregnatedor impregnatedothers. weakness to dismantle it.
the breadbasketof Africa. eitherbaselineornova Utopia-affiliated J 4 ProjectUtopia beginsan
A conservativeTehranmullah scientistsvow to study this phenomenon, internalinvestigationfor remaining allies
is openlyassassinatedby novas at the behestof novawould-beparents. of Corbinwithin its own ranks.
declaringthemselves"membersof the 2008 15 Thereare approximately40
Teragen." KnownTeragensympathizers 'l PopularTeamTomorrow Aberrantsworldwide, all either in deep
disavowthe assassins, daiming that the agentJennifer"Slider"Landersis killed in cover or in hiding. To date, neitherCorbin
Teragenis neitheran organized Calcottaby partiesunknown. The world nor Rousseauhas been broughtto
institutionnor has any single agenda. is shockedat the murder of its •sweet- justice, and the identityof Slider's
Nonetheless, ProjectUtopiaand the UN heart." assassinremains a mystery.
take greaterpains to monitorknown or
Ongoingtensionsin the
Kashmir regionerupt into a small-scale
war. Nova elites representingIndia,
China and Pakistanfight acrossthe
region, turning it into a blastedecological
nightmare. ProjectUtopiasteps in to stop
the fighting, under UN authority, and
arrestsseveralof the novasdeemed
responsiblefor the disaster.
Abstract from the Research susceptibleto even the slightestgenetic mutations. lntrons
are a kind of blankspace in the DNAchain that codes no
Proiect "The Genetic Basis of needed mformabon.1nfact, most of the DNAmakingup a
Homo sapiens novus" geneare actuallymtrons. Assuch,theirexistencemeansthat
Dr. SarahLewis,Directorof the BrooksL. MillerCen- anyparticulargeneticmutation1sstatisticallymuchlesslikely
ter for BiosciencesResearch GeorgiaInstituteof Technol- to be fatalto the organism.However,innormald1v1d1ng cells,
ogy no DNA1sbeingcoded,as 1tiscompressedmpreparationof
September13,2007 d1v1s1on. Allnovasmust have some trigger that codes that
Fundingprovidedby the TritonFoundation DNAimmediatelyprecedingduplicationof the cellularDNA
In the nine years since the first recorded appearance for replicationand mitosis,or that codes introns whilethe
of novas,manyin the scientificcommunityhavespeculated DNAis compressed.
as to a possiblegeneticbasis for the individualsnowclassi- AllHomosaptensnovustestsubjectswerefoundto have
fied as Homosap,ensnovus. The continuedemergenceof the same intron sequencesin their DNA. The HumanGe-
novas,years after the worldwidecleanupof the debrisfrom nomeProJed did not recordsequencingof d1v1ding DNA,so
the Galateaexplosion,has served onlyto fuel the contro- initially,we isolatedand tested 30 researchers at our lab.
versy. Onlyone showedthe particularsequencing.Herexcitement
After five years of research, involvingdata collected over the find apparentlyled to the triggeringof the latent
from over 50 novasand the HumanGenomePro1ect,1feel genetic material,becausewithindays of the discovery.she
confidentinsayingthat Homosap,ensnovusdefinitelyhas a erupted as a nova.
geneticbasis. The findingsof this pro1ectbring into ques- Subsequently,a double-blindtest was run with tissue
tion severallong-standingassumptionson humangenetics. samplesfrom 5,000,000 different individuals . Six of the
Earlyanalysisshowed no statisticallysignificantlink sampleswere fromHomosapiensnovus. Allsixof the Homo
between Homosap1ensnovusDNAsequencesor chromo- sapiensnovussamplesshowedthe DNAsequencing,while
somaltyping and those of Homosap,ens.Withoutan iso- noneof the Homosap1enssamples did.Wehavenot received
lated DNAsequence being responsiblefor Homosap1ens the fundingfor more extensivetesting but computermod-
novusdevelopment,1tled us back to consideringenviron- els indicatethat our current tests are 99.998% statistically
mental causes. A review of the pioneering work of Ors. accurate.
Mazarinand Rashoudprovidedthe dues to unlockingthe
mysteryof Homosap,ensnovusgenetics. M-R Node Development
The M-R node 1skey to novas' ab1l1tyto manipulate The latentgeneticsequencingma Homosapiensnovus
quantumenergiesandforces,andprovidesthe mostconsis- 1sactivatedby severelyincreasedcellulardivisionbrought
tent physiologicaldistinctionbetween Homosap,ens and aboutby large-scaleadrenalinerelease. Uponactivation the
Homosap,ensnovus. The node itself has an mtemalstruc- previouslydonnant DNAsequencestranscribe a series of
ture similarto that of a metaphase-stagemitosisdivision highlymutagenichormones.These honnonesleave the di-
the second stage of cellulardivision,in whichthe DNAhas vidingcell'sDNA,and quicklyinfusethe cell.The hormones
been condensedinto sister chromat,ds,the nuclearmem- are then released from ind1v1dual cells,and maketheir way
braneshavedisappeared,and the chromatidsare linedup in into the bloodstream.
the middleof the cell on the spindlefibers, preparingto be Throughan unknownmechanism,the hormonesappar-
drawnto the poles of the cell. Interestingly,the M-R node ently seek out and bind to specific neuron clusters in the
does not containDNAitself. ln a fashionsimilarto red blood frontallobes.There they cause a rapidmutationof the neu-
cells.it relieson other cellsto create and expandit. rons intothe M-Rnode muchas largedosesof highlycarci-
The similaritiesbetween the physicalstructures of nogenicagents can cause canceroustumors in a matter of
metaphaseand those of M-Rnodesled to an analysisof the hours.The mechanismby whichthe M-R node changesor
genetic materialwithincurrentlyreplicatingcells of Homo expandsafter its initialgenesisis unknown.
sapiensnovus. Extensiveanalysisand mappingof Homosa- Severalof the hormonescoded by the DNAsequence
piens novus dividingDNAshowedthat particularsections were previouslyunknown,and haveresisted all attempts at
of DNAsequenceswere commonto all the novastested. independentsynthesis.
The commonsequenceswere previouslythoughtto be Conclusion
mtrons.An mtronis nontranscribedDNAsequencing.lf ev- Whilewe have identifiedthe genetic basis ForHomo
ery individualbase pair m all the DNAm an organismwere sap,ensnovus the findingleavemore questionsand specu-
used to makeneeded proteins,the organismwouldbe highly lationsthan answers. The specificityof the DNAsequenc-
mg wouldaccount for the relative ranty of Homosapiens
novus,but 1tis unknownwhynovashave continuedto ap-
pear withgreater frequency.The Galateaexplosion,and its
subsequent rad1oact1vefallout, could theoretically have
causedthe changesmthe DNAsequence,but not m the fre- From Encyclopedia
quencyshownby eruptingnovas. Britannica, 2005 edition
Giventhe inheritablegenetic basis of Homosapiens "Mazarin-RashoudNode"
novus. 1twouldseem that we can expect further genera- The Mazann-Rashoudnode, M-R node for short,
tions. Halfof a humanbeing's DNAis fromeach parent, so it is a smallglandbetween the frontal lobes of the brain
is possiblethat allor someHomosap1ensnovusfemalesthat that 1sfoundonlyin novas Homosap1ensnovus. The M-
havechildrenwillproduceHomosapiensnovusthemselves; R node acts as a catalystfor novas'controland manipu-
similarlyfor Homosapiensnovus males. Please note that lationof quantumenergy forces. As the node develops,
thisassertionis JUStthat; we havebeen unableto locateany 1tincreasesin size, takingup progressivelymore space
Homosap1ensnovuswho are currently pregnant, or have 1nthe cranialcavity. Relativelyhttle 1sknownabout how
had children. In lightof the physiologicalchanges inherent the M-R node Functions . The M-R node is namedafter
to Homosapiensnovus 1t1squestionablewhethera Homo Or. HenriMazannandOr. FarahRashoud,whofirst docu-
sap,ensnovusfemalecan bear childrenat all. mentedits existencein 1998and receiveda NobelPrize
Our testingmethodwouldalso implythe abilityto test for their workin2003. SeeNOVA,QUANTUM FORCES
peoplefor FutureM-Rnodedevelopment,possiblyevenina
prenatalstage. Whiletechnicallythis is nowa poss1b1lity,
process of harvestingand analyzingDNAis both laborious On a last, purelyspeculative,note, we foundit inter-
and very expensive.It requires not JUStbloodsamples,but esting that the genetic basis for Homosapiensnovuscame
varioustissuesamplesin largequantities. The ONAanalysis frompreviouslyunrecordedintrons,and at a timewhenthe
requires intensivelab work, and even with the best com- cellularDNAis not supposed to be active. The tnggenng
puter analysis.the process 1sprohibitivelytime-consuming . mechanismis stillunidentified:it couldbe a case of spot evo-
Widespreadtesting for Homosapiensnovus is not some- lution, or perhapsevenoutsidesourceinfluence.Furtherre-
thingthat 1slikelyto occur in our lifetime. searchon this topic 1sdefinitelyinorder.

>Ind tnat bef- h,s ~on. Corbin

fut as o novo d...-,ng the World Cupplayoffs be t-
-- Anclri Corbin the U ond Nt9Cr10, co 1ngo r10t 1nthe process . Suk•
...... March23 , 1985 ,ng to bolster ,ts blic irnoge. Jut Utop ia contoc tod
fllllll- t.e,t . Seo land the fOll'IOUS sports celebr,ty ancf,o,n,d great fcinfare.
...... E><-so«er player . e,r It film s·tar . announced lus <11Try'nta Te.om Tomorrow
e,r-Teom To~O<)Vlt . co-f.....iv-of Aben-ant move- This fflO\I& was,to put rt bultly. o disaster . Corbon"
ment ,n-y,xr-faa, , hedonisticpersonality and lockof ~ for
'-': Corbin was ci profus,011C1Isoccer player CIIIThori1y mode him completdy IM"Clbk to get ajongwith h15
prior to his erupt ion. and the trcnsfonnalion from hY- tecl'MIOluor tcikchlf role senously. Scondolrocl<c.d the
ft\QII 10 novo hos enhcinced cin already e><cept1onolcith- prod,gal'st.....-e , from the Pnncus Fozo...-Mfoir to the
ldlc prowe.u . His strength , speed and reaction lune cir,: Woldorl -A.stor,o Inc,dem lo the shocJongdirttMo-OpNet
all wellobove the hUIIIQI\ norm. ancfhe possesses UIIC4M)I releciseofHtrdballs.on ·ort film"feotirlngCorbonond-·
powers of perception , ,ntu,1,on ond ciCY1ty . Most notable , era! pwchntud1nousccslcrs. Suspendedfrom the tt<IIII.
though . ,s Co.-b,n's seJf -t,tled "lkndu" -waves of qucin- Cori>ln~ oil nr.sto T2M ueept for 11,ose Toht$ un-
ll.ln for« That radiate OYtfrom his body. Persons bathed hk.dyfnend. Junfu "Slider" Landers.
1nthese wcives upuience uce,.d1ngly pol<11!<m0t1011C1I >Ind so It was to Co.-b,n that Sl1du turned whUI
shitts . Would-be lovus hYrl themse lves ot eoch other she d1scow:red evidence linkingProject Utop1c ta o u-
(or ot Co.-bn), rrvolries flcire ,nto Y1ol<11t hatred and mild crel "bicM:koperC1t1on·ccilled Project Proteus . M first
uMaSe becomu m1nd-romb1ng terror . skept iccil, Corbin soonbuome convinced that Slider hod
eni-tod p_,. Lewis : ~ Born on the date that would bccom._ uncovered the f,rst lciyu of o vast global consp1rocy
SfNngttl: 5 N-Ocy 13years lotu. >lndrt Corbin sumed born to star- H,s conviction became concrete whenJ~ ifu wasmur-
li!kllcct : 3 dom. From o worlung-closs fcilnily ,n the industr1C1It n ln Calcuttcion Ma( 13,2008. Since that day. Corbin
SpEod: 6 of Le,th . Corbin rose to become o profess,onol cu hasgone into h1d1 , allying w11hmysterious novaSophlCI
OH..- : <I plciyu 1nLondon. One of the most tal -obout llousseo11. The po,r hove ited oppro><imotdy 40 hke·
t>et..- : 1 co ng stcirs, Corbin sumed dal1ned to sove t de· m1 ed , some of whotDare st,11 off 1c,cillyt ied to
Vlt'S4tlltty : 8 cl1n1ng ed1f1ce of bosehne professional sports - ,f U!OplQ." ,ngthe epithet • >I 1• as the ir 1ronicso-
didn't dutf'oy ,t first . H,s cithldic,sm W1C1S mo.S1as no• bnquet , t e,,..... su to ow:r the trvth
tcible as the fluy , i-1'01s1 pusonol1ty that 1 ,te d Proj«t Utopia ond stop the Projo:ct"s uplo itot ion of
rrots ocros.s the con "nent mode tob lo,d heodHnes novo.sCorbin hos o lot of grow,ngup to do In ci hUNy.
ocrou he world . only 1,rne w•IItell if he succuds .
From "The Coming of Novas: W1ll1am Thompson,whoappears to be surroundedby "ser-
pents" of energy when usinghis abilities; or Randel"The
Evolution's Next Step'' by Dr. fireman" Portman, whoappears to be surroundedby flames
Henri Mazarin and Dr. Farah whenabsorbingenergyfromhissurroundings.Thiseffect 1s
Rashoud,2003 referred to by scholarsas the nova's "arnma."
We are often asked . "Whatexactlyis the M-R node?' The M-R node's controloverautonomicfunctionswithin
Simplyput, it 1sa smallglandlocatedbetween the frontal the bodyis muchsimpler.The node1sableto effectconsider-
lobesof the brain. It 1ssignificantfor two reasons. First, 1tis ablechangesin physiologyand metabolismw1th1n a nova. In-
the organ with whichnovasmanipulatequantumenergies, deed, the nodeseemsto adapta nova's bodyautomatically to
hence givingthem their amazingabilities. Second,,t 1sthe compensateforanymanipulations that ,t makesto theexternal
most reliable and obviousphys1olog1cal differencebetween environment. Thisis not to saythat novasare infinitelyadapt-
Homosapiensand Homosapiensnovus. able. Theyadapt lo environmental changescausedby them-
For allof its importance,the M-R node itself 1srather selves,but do not necessanlychangein responselo environ-
unexciting : a roughsphere, approximatelyI cm m diameter, mentalconditionstheydidnot cause. Forexample.a novamay
of grayishmatter. The nodehas manybloodvesselsandnerve needa coat in the snow,but wouldautomatica lly adapt to his
fibersextendingfrom,t intothe rest of the brain,whichmake M-Rnodecovennghim withcryokmeticfrost.
1tlookvaguelylikean octopus. The M-R node 1scapableof producinggreat changes
TheM-Rnode'sinternalstruchl'e isrruchmoreinteresting , withina novasbody. Somegeneralchangesincludeenhance-
andamiittedy, morethana bttmystifying . Thenodeconsistsof a mentof physiqueand improvementof efficiencymallbodily
tcaji outermeniira~ that!UTOUlds twinpolesconnected byfi- processes. These changesare m response to the increased
bers, with,,,hat appeartoreserrbleclTomosomes .Theouterpor- stress causedby the manipulation of forcesandenergiesthat
tionof thecharooer, outsidethe"spincle,"containsthebloodsa..,:>- the unaugmentedhumanbody 1snot equippedto channel.
plyandrunerousnerveendings , whichrelayinformation backand TheM-RnodeitselfadaptsCNer time.Withiocreasedcontrol
forthtotherestofthebrainTheinnersptncle!UTOUlds a matrixof of quantunForces, theM-Rnodeof a noYa tangibly grows.It ap-
complexproteins.Thematnxdisplays a hg,le.elcl electrochemi- pearsthatthesizecl thenodeaffectstheamot.rtt ofenergythat,t
, thespecificsof v.hcharestilla matterofsb.Jdy. canchannel , andthelevelofcontrol1thas<:Nef"thoseforces.Some
While virtuallynothing1sknownabout how the M-R 11CM1Shavedisplayed M-Rnodesaslargeasanapple.Whateffect.
node manipulatesquantumforces, it 1sinterestingto note if -;ny.th1S hasona noYa is 1n<nowr1 at th1S
that the nodeitselfhighlyresemblesanotherbiologicalstruc-
ture. Withthe exceptionsof the M-Rnodes connectionsto ME M 0
the rest of the brainand its size, its structure is very s1m1lar
to that of metaphasein mitosis.
Eventhoughthe M-R node'smanipulationsof external From: Agt.KyleLanders, DEA
energiesare a mystery, how1taffectsa Homosap,ensnovus· To: MichaelPadgett, NortheastRegionalDirector, DEA
individualphysiology1smuchmore concretelyunderstood. Date:April8, 2006
The M-R node connects to all portions of the brain, both Re: Tn-Cit1esOperation
thosecontrollingautonomicfunctions(suchas heartbeatand The Tri-Citiesdrug rmghas finallybeen brokenup, though
respiration)andthoseresponsiblefor creahv1ty,speech, and no conclusiveties to the C-2 were discovered. 1just turned the
thought.This allowsthe node to both influenceand draw evidenceover to the D1stnctAttorney today. In all 26 arrests
fromallaspects of a nova. weremade, but the group's leader, a suspectednova,eludedcap-
Novascontroltheirabilitieswithconsciousthought,but ture. I guesswe need our ownnovato get him,
the specificactions of the M-R node that are responsible One thingyou need to be aware of, though. The Tri-Cities
for the desired effect are unconscious . Muchlike walking: ring was peddlinga newdrug, alongwithallthe oldfavorites. The
The novadecides to walksomewhere,but the actual inter- dealerscall1t''soma.' Theyclaimit ,s an extract froma nova's M-
playof his leg muscles is handledoutsideof his direct con- R node. The lab boys analyzed 1t,and it 1ssome kindof super-
sciousawareness. The node seems to respond to subcon- adrenochrome.Thisshit 1sscary. Imaginecrack. butabout10,000
sciousdesires and stimuli,in a mannersimilarto muscular times more powerful.It killsmost people that use it, unlessit 1s
reAexesor other autonomicfunctions. There also appears extremelydiluted. Evenworse, ifs rumoredthat soma1sthe only
to be a psychologically significantinfluenceof the uncon- thmgthat cangivea novaa sustainedhigh.Theirmetabolismmakes
sciouson the M-R node, as novastend to displaya kindof everythingelse seem like aspirin.
"signature" when manifestinga power. Examplesinclude If this shit ever gets out, 1tcouldbe a real mess. Luckily , you
havelo k,11 a novato gel 1t, and that can't be easy. Weshouldkeep
our eyes open anyway.
From "Quantum Force Manipu- umverse.Theterm 'quantum·• cameto be appliedto suchforces
as physicistsbeganto understandthat the forces themselves
lations and the Mind" by Dr. operateon an absolutelyfundamentalleveland carry aspects
Shawn Worth ofbothparticlesandwaves;seequantum physicsand quantum
ScientificAmerican,February2008 theory. The quantumforces are gravity,electromagnetism
In the decade since their appearance, there has been strongnuclearforceandweaknuclearforce.
muchspeculationabouthowHomosapiensnovus or novas Gravity:Simultaneouslyvery wellunderstoodand not
manipulatequantumForces. Whileit is wellknownthat the wellunderstood at all, gravity is a force we're all familiar
Mazarin-Rashoudnode 1sthe glandthat allowsthese spec- with, as most of us feel it every day of our lives. Gravity1s
tacular abilities,little is knownabout how the node func- the attraction of massto mass. In other words,matter is at-
tions. Unfortunately , this mystery1sunlikelyto be solvedin tracted to other matter, with more attraction being caused
the near future. Novasare understandablyreluctantto par- by objects with greater mass. Newton was the first to set
ticipatein the direct experimentationneeded to validateany downconcretelawsfor gravity,followedbythe GeneralRela-
theories proposed. This matter remains an issue of much tivity of Einstein. Howevergravity has yet to be fit com-
debate in the scientificcommunity . fortablyinto the quantummechanicalpicture. Manytheo-
Iwishtooffera theoryontheworkings cl theM-Rnode.The ries havebeen proposed,but none havebeen fullysatisfac-
releaser:JDr.Lewis• recentstIJdyon thegeneticbasisof l10llaS has tory. The fact that novascan manipulategravityis perhaps
openedthedoorscl speajation on theongincl nows. I feelthat the strongest evidenceto date that gravity can be fit into
theanswerto boththeoriginr:Jnowsandtheiramazing abilities lie the quantumpicture,however.
intheoriginsr:Jtuna,, conscioosness . Electromagnetism : Thesecond-strongestofthe fourfwi-
Philosophershavelongdebatedthe nature of the mind. damentalforces,it alsohas an infiniterangelikegravitydoes.
Humanconsciousness1sa uniquephenomenon . In the lastde- Easilythe mostfullyexplored of the quantumforces,electro-
cades, computerscientistshavebegunto claimthatconscious- magneticfieldsare fieldsof photonsgeneratedby charged
ness andintelligence are simplya functionofa sufficiently com- objects. Electromagnetism reflects the tendencyof opposite
plexcomputationalability.This theory is proposedby those chargesto attract. Thisforce 1sdisplayedon the atomiclevel
whosupportwhatisknownas strongAl(artificialintelligence) . via ionicbondingand on a largerscalewithsuchmaterialsas
These thinkersclaimthat a fast enoughand complexenough magnets.Electromagnetism WOl'ksthroughthe use of electro-
computerwillmimicallthe functionsof consciousness . magneticFieldsproducedbychargedmaterial.Thesefieldsare
1say "hogwash"to my esteemedcolleagues .-I say that easyto detect: Theycanbe displayedbysuchpedestrianmeth-
consciousness 1sanobservablephysicalphenomenonthathap- odsas sprinklingironfilingsaroundthe end of a magnet.If the
pens on the quantumlevel.The uncertaintyinherentto quan- charge1sstationary,wecallit anelectricalfield,and1Fthecharge
tummechanicsallowsfor the self-reflexivityof consciousness is moving,we alsoget a magneticfield.
unlikethe coldlogicof a binarysystem. Althoughthe propo- StrongNuclearForce: Thisforce holdsthingstogether
nents of strong Al woulddeny it. there has been significant on the atomicscaleand smaller. It has a range of onlya Few
research1nthe last30 years to pointto thisconclusion . femtometers(a millionthof a trillionthof a meter), but within
The phenomenonof consciousnessgives novas their that range 1sthe strongest force m the universe. It holds
incredibleab1lit1es . Novascan manipulatethe Fundamental quarks together into hadrons and holds protons and neu-
forcesof natureon a quantumlevel.Giventhat our conscious- trons togetherto formnuclei. Onlyits extremelyshort range
ness exists primarilyon the quantumlevel,the ab1lit1esof allowsother forces to overcomeit at all. The particle which
novasare merelymanipulabonsof the primarycomponents carries the strong Force1scallthe gluon.
of consciousness.HumansmanipulatequantumForcesevery Weak NuclearForce:The least understood of all the
dayby merelythinking.Novas throughthe M-Rnode,mag- fundamentalforces, 1talsoacts onlyat the nuclearscale. The
nify and externalizethose manipulations . weakforce 1sresponsiblefor a numberof nucleardecay re-
The metaphorical compansonbetweenthe M-Rnodeand actions,but is hard to explainbeyondthat, as it does not act
mitochondria maybe morethanan interestingcoincidence . inanysort of intu1t,ve"push"or "pull"mannerlikethe other
From "Introduction to Physics, three Forces. The intermediateboson,W is responsiblefor
the weak interaction. An early triumphin the search for a
12 edition", 2008, GrandUnifiedTheory(GUT)wasthe unificationof the elec-
entry-level text tromagneticand weakForcesin electroweaktheory.
QuantumForces: What are typicallyreferred to as the
"quantumforces" are in fact the fundamentalforces of the
From N! documentary
"Nova Powers!!!"
TV ova di play a multitude of amazing and incred-
ibl power . Sci ntist have attribut d th
to a nova'
azarin-Ra houd node and it ability to
manipulate quantum nergies and force . While the
mechanic of how the M-R nod functions ar till a
my t ry, the effect of the power th m lv ar
more documented.
ova t nd to " rupt" at points of gr at tre . Th nature of this tre
oft n dictate the kind of powe the nova p e e . For example, nova
·cah W dman, who m rged during a kydiving
accident, gain d th ability to fly. ovas often
di play an outwardly vi ual effect a ociated with
th ir power , call d the "anima." A we e , Micah
di play a pair of glowing n rgy "wing " when he
flie .

th anima, mo t nova b ar om obviou

outward ign of their change. While many nova
po amazing phy iqu , om no a d v lop
furth r chang t th ir app arance, uch a
biolumine c nt aura or ilvery kin.

ova pow r can r u hly b divid d int thr cat gori : int rnal
power , n ory / controlling p wer and e ternal power . Th e cat go-
rie ar merely for purpo e of demon tration; few nova abilitie are o
ea ily cla ifi d.
Int mal Pow r

Som nova di play u ful and amazing b dy m dification . o a with

claw , wing or the ability to with tand th el m nt or ma i am unt
of energy are not uncommon. Changing appearance at will or even
turning com pl t ly invi ibl ar other docum nt d p w r . And, of
cour , o i th ability to fly ....
S n ory / Controlling Pow r
Potentially even more powerful are nova who can en e thing be ond
th limit of normal human p ri nc , or control obj ct through a t of
will. t th imp! t I vel, many of th e abilitie m nothing mor
than normal human en e tended and heightened to an imp ible
degr . 0th r uch p wer includ ing in other part of the electro-
magn tic p ctrum ( uch a infrar d, ultra iol t and -ray wa ) or
ing matter on a micro copic or atomic level.

lkeep reading .,
Novas occasionally display powers that were once considered psychic or
extrasenso ry perception. Acts of clairvoyance or precognition fall into
this category. Other so-called psychic powers, such as the spectacular
"telekinesis" ability, will be mentioned later. Novas often seem more 'in
tune' with the world around them, and some are able to predict future
events. No one knows the limits of these abilities, but they seem special-
ized and relatively rare among the nova population. It probably makes
our viewers feel better to know that no nova has
displayed the ability to read minds. Yet.

Novas have also displayed even more esoteric

abilities. ViaSoft prodigy Mungu Kuwasha, for
example, can manipulate and control computers
and data seemingly by thought alone. Novas have
demonstrated control over purely mechanical
devices, too. Most novas with these abilities seem
to "interface" with the object in question ....
External Powers
By far the most spec tacular and impressive of their
abilities, the external powers account for the most amazing and unbeliev-
able of nova abilities. These powers allow novas to defy nature - to
literally change the world.

Many novas possess the ability to harness ambient energy, then release it
in a focused burst. The tabloids have dubbed this ability the "quantum
bolt," and it can take many forms. Novas have been observed throwing
heat and electrical discharges, even shooting lasers from their eyes. News
footage from the Kashmir crisis and African conflicts show the sheer
power of these "quantum bolt." They can vaporize tanks, crumple
buildings and even simulate atomic discharges. The nova generating a
quantum blast seems immune to its effects, sometimes walking un-
scathed out of a conflagra-
tion of his own making.

Just as some novas can

create energy from no-
where, other can absorb and
destroy energy. Randel
Portman, the famous
"Fireman," is probably the
most widely known energy-
absorber. Last year, an

- unknown nova even

walked into the fires of a
nuclear power plant during
tl,e Calcutta Meltdown, and
when she left, there was not
a trace of radioactivity left.

External powers displayed

by novas take on even
more bizarre forms. Sound
waves, radioactivity and
even biological processes in other creatures can all be controlled by
certain novas. Many of the other so-called psychic powers, such as
telekinesis, also fall into this category. 19
From internal Department of Defense memo,
EYESONLY, 6/6/03
Our scientistshavecompletedtheir studiesof knownand theorizednovaabilities. What they foundis shocking.
First, somenovasdo possessthe abilitylo manipulateemotionsand evendominateindividuals . Mind-readingis not
confirmed,but is not out of the question, either. This informationshouldbe screened and censored from the media
and the scientificcommunityat large. I also recommendthat allsensitiveoperativesbe screened Forundue mAu-
The scientists conclusionis that novascan potentiallydo anything, and I meananything . Theyaffect the very
fabricof the universe. Our scientistsspeculatethat, givenenoughtimeand training,there is literallynothinga nova
couldnot do. Evenmore frighteningare preliminaryreports that novaswith greater levelsof quantumcontrolap-
pear to be less stable. The researchers theorize that the increasedgrowthof the M-R node, necessaryfor greater
power,also impingesthe frontallobe, possiblyleadingto hallucinationsor even personalitydisorders. The last thing
we need is a bunchof psychoswith the power of gods....

From a New Nova Orientation Meeting Speech

Greetings. everyone,andwelcome to thedawnofyou-newfubre.I cW11Or.YujiGo;youwillnodoLDt getto knowmeand of the
otherProiectUtopiastiffintimatelydnngyou-trainingstay hereatthisRashoud . Ifyouhave
facility anyquestions orconcernsruingyou-
stay pleasecontactyou-personal rlalSOllwhowiRtaketheproperproced.-alstepstohavethematteradaessed.
Asyouallu'IOOlDtedy knownow,youhavedemom.trclted thatidentify
abilities youas n<MIS . Takea quicklookarot.ndyou- most
ofyouareinyou-20s, v.+ule a feware 1nyou-early30sanda goodyruroer ofyouarest,D inyou-teens. Obviously, eruption- whichis
v.hatwecallthe actof beco1111ng anactivenoYa ratherthana latentone- happensto relatively ycuig mem>ers ofsociety.&,,looking
arot.nd,you'vealsoprobablycaugiton to thefactthat111M1S arenl restnctedtoanyS1ngle class,raceor ethnicity . Someofyouweredirt
poorsevendaysago,whileothersofyouma'/havebeenbornwithSliver spoonsinyou-mouth . Thatdoesn'tmatteranymore.Whatis
mportantis thatwe're hereto helpyourealizeyou-potential and, shoodyouchooseto remainamongus,becomea contnbubng merroer
of ProjectUtopia, whoseowngoalisbuilding a betterworldfornc,.,as andhtm.rl<incl
If you would,thinkback to the timeof your eruption. It maybe a bit traumaticfor you, but this helpsus immenselyin
directingyourpotential.Recallthe exact circumstances , as theyhavebecomepsychological catalystsfor yourburgeoning pow-
~ -Forexampleif youwere trappedin a burningbuildingand the stresstnggeredyoureruption,youmayfindyourselfinclined
towardthe manipulation of fire. If youreruptionoccurredwhilefalling, you maypossessa Right potential.1Fyoueruptedwhile
facedby a menacinganimal, you maypossesscontrolover nature's lesserbeasts. Whateverthe case, giveit a momentof brief
consideration . Ifyou'd be so kind pleaselookoveryourenrollmentdossierand makesureyourprocessingliaisonrecordedyour
eruptioncircumstancescorrectly.Theres nothingto be ashamedof - remember,1fyoudon't helpus, wecan't helpyou.
Beforewegoanynrlher,howewr,I'dliketo offera bitofpreemptorywarning.Yesyouareallnovas,andyoupoosesstremeodous
abilitiesandvastpower . Butthat powercomeswitha price.I wi warn you nowaboutUS1ng you-powersrecklessly: Donl do il The
14Xoming monthswiUedJcateyouintherudiments ofwhyandhowyou-abihlieswon<., as welas thedangerimerentinabusing themFor
now,simply letus~ide anddirectyouintheuseof}Q.I" noYa potentials. Yo.rveryhealthdependsonit
l can see someof youare uncomfortablewiththis already. We've anticipatedthat. Dunngyour physical examinationyou
were administereda pillor injectionof quantum-retardingmoxinoquantam ine. Whateverpotential you maypossess the drug
limitsit untilyouhavelearnedthe controlandrestraintto do it yourself.Wecannotcontrolthe effectsthisquantumpowerhason
yourbodies, however,and if youinsiston rebellingor makinga show,youwilldamageyourselffar inexcessof the effectyoutry
to create. Please; we do this Fora living. Let us workwithyou.

To: Allfield operatives,clinicstaff and recnutment team captains
From: MichaelHodge,NewPersonnelProcessingDirector
Re: ProceduralUpdate
Effectiveimmediately,all recruitmentstaff are to cease "snatch-and-grab' enrollmentmethods. Whilethis
maybe appropriateto "organizations"likethe Teragen,,tis certainlyout of placewiththe aimsof our organization.
Project Utopiatakes a nurturingstance on novadevelopment.AlthoughI am not a novamyself,I haveseen manyof
you broughtinto the organization,and encourageyou to rememberthe traumaof your ownfirst eruptions.
AllI'm asking1sthat team leaders show a little sympathy. lf we adopt the methodsof the other groups, we
makeourselvesno better than they.
Climestaff, if youhaveanyreasonto suspect that a newlydiscoverednovahas been treated roughlyor unfairly
by his recruiter, please notify me immediately.

To: MichaelHodge NewPersonnelProcessingDirector

From: BruceMclnemy
To: Allfieldoperatives,clinicstaff and recruitmentteam captains
Re: ProceduralUpdate
Look,1alreadytoldyou that McKinneykidrefused to calmdownonce he'd alreadyagreed and his parents had
signedthe release. Readthe report. Thisjob's alreadyhardenoughwithoutsomepenc1l-push1ng, third-rate bureau-
crat trying to tie myhandseven more becausehe's got nothingbetter to do on ProJectUtopiatime.
The moreyou complicatethis. the more difficultit becomes,and the easier it is for these new novasto fallin
with other potentiallydangerous,organizations.
Screwyou Hodge. It'salreadyndiculousthat someonewithmycapab1l1ties has to file paperworkt.o keepa ticklike
youhappy,so countyourblessingsthat I haven'thad to "ensurecomplicity''by knockingyouout witha manholecover.

From a Progreu Report on Nova Development at a Utopia Facility

Date:10Jan 2006
Datun/Oata: Actualizaboncontinuesslowlywiththenewestdetachment ofrecruits.Retarded~ seemsto rest1r1thenabre of
the recnJ1ts:AsM-Rnodeeruptioncan occur in anyone,we haveno !P,Jill"ilfllee of dealingwithanalytical or evensuitablyself-aware
su,jects. IndeedsomeamongtheClJ'T'ellt rosterseemto had&omwhatcoudbeclescnbed asi.nderprivileged, sociallyine411tableor (for
lackofmoresurtabledescriptors) '"white-trash" 14)bnngings.
Whilethedwelopment teamcontiruesto g.iidethese prospectsdownthetrpathsof emchment.it is the0p1nion of thisresea-chet-
thatsomesu,jectswoudaffecttheirenvronment moreradically thantheypossesstheconscience or intelligence to l.liderstand.
1a-aw historyto makemypoint.Starathletesof thelatter20thcenturymadea gooddeal<l money,
on sociological oftenwithlittle
morethancursoryedJcabon. This~ accuruationofmoney. corminedwithpoorknowledge basesandinsufficient made
foraberrations ofsociety- '"hi · ieswithmoney,'whocoudnot conceiveof theproblems theypotentially posed.
Taken tothenextlogical
step,llO'laS possessfarmoreenvnnnentalmfueocethanmoney represents111thepreceding pro-athlete example.
Whena su,jectpossesses theability to distortthemindsof thosearouidhimor causea ruclearconflag-ation ina half-mde rad1JS,yetlacksthe
abilitytodisting.mbetween notonlyrij,tclldwrong butappropriateclld mappropriateaswell~ whom doesthebu-den ofresponsbl,ty fall'?
Asfu1herev1deo::e.1 citecaseUT-117 -UK;MarJoneMcCannagi. At 60 IQ,MarJone wasonlym.rgrnally aw.reofherSl.JTOlm 1ngs,soherpower
to severorganic moleaJ.rbondsclldtlrn hving thmgs intopuddles ofcaroon sLdgeposedmorethreatthanadvaitage .
(Grantedthese aberrations are ISOiated 0Ca.1Tences . Allevidencesuggests tha~mostfreq.iently , the M-Rnodeacclimates and
acceleratesthemindandboclytopea< or even~ levelsof fitnessandperformance. Thisproblemon a largerscale,seemsto be
moreof a sociologicalphenomenon, ~ McCiff1i191 ishardlyaninappropnate ex.alrflle.)
Tothatend,thisresearcher roostrecommend contiruedptflUit of theproposed"M-Rlobotomy" treatmentInsociopathic, asocial
andcnminally su,jects,theProJedroosttakeituponitselftocauterizetheM-Rnode
inclined as ea-iy1nitsel14)t1011as possible. Waiting too
longmayallowthenodeto grfNfbacki.nderthehealingauspicesof itsb,ochenuc:al adjustments.
Welcome to the Nova Site , the only site on the OpNet
devoted to self-made novas by self-made novas .
So you want to be a nova . Join the club. Only one in a million people
becomes a nova, because its really hard to do. First, you have to have the
devotion to do it . Second, you have to have the time to explore your powers .
Third, you have to have an extra bit of meat in your brain, which causes all
your powers to happen.
You can't be a nova without causing that bit of meat (called the node)
to open up . Of course, its not that easy . The node only opens up under
stress. (Mordus says he opened his by drinking an entire case of African
Malt Liquor, but I think he's lying.) That's the hard part. You have to
cause yourself enough stress to open the node, but if whatever you do to
cause the stress might kill you, so be careful.
Also, your nova powers have to do with the thingie that caused your node
to open, so pick something cool . If you open your node by holding up a golf
club in an electric storm you get lightning powers, but if you open your
node by slamming your head in a car door a lot, you probably get some really
crappy powers like only making car doors open .
Learning powers and opening the node usually makes you really sick . Most
people get huge headaches (migraines) when the node opens up, because the
node pushes its way out from the "inactive part of the brain to the
"active• part physically . Seriously.
Also, the power (we novas call it jolt or juice or magnum) sometimes
causes illness in a body not used to it. Your going to be really tired when
you first become a nova, because all the juice just wears you out because
you don't know how to control it yet . Also, you'll probably get some kind of
disease like a cold or the flu because your so tired your immunity system is
tired with the rest of your body .
The best thing to do is practice your powers, though, so let the headache
and sickness wear off and get to work. Practice makes perfect, but here's a
few easy tips to help you on the way.
1 . ) Do it (practice) away from people until you get the hang of it . If
you're just learning you might kill someone or hurt them, so stay away from
other people.
2 . ) Practice at the same time every day. Let your body get used to a
regular series of practice exercises, so you can be at your maximum ability
each day when you "work out . •
3 . ) Go slowly. Only train your powers for a few hours a day - no more
than two until you can learn to control the power flow . Too much will wear
you out and either burn out your node or make you sick again with exhaus-
tion .
4.) a lot. If your really a nova and not a poser. you' 11 eat a bunch
of food all day long. These munchies are caused by the power in your body,
as you have to keep giving it fuel.
5 . ) Don't wear a costume . A nova with a costume is either an Elite or a
poser. Do not wear capes especially because when you get in a fight, that's
the first thing people pull. This isn't a comic book, it's real life. Do
pick a cool name for yourself though, but you probably already knew that.
Being a nova is being important . You have to look like somebody worth
noticing for anyone to care.

CLICK HERE to join the OpNet Novas mailing list

CLICK HER~: 19lb@

Q@C ~ ovaRing site

CLICK HERE to register with the Renegade Nova League

From a Training Session Video Recording at QuebecFac
[TranslatedFromFrench] · Trainer:Okay.[To technicians]Let's have400 migs
of moxinoquantamine. Okay,Jean, I wantyouto thinkabout
· Trainer: Youmadesome excellent progressyester- movingthis magnetagain.
day, Jean. Howdo youfeel today?
· Jean:Wedid this yesterday.
· Jean: A bit tired.
Trainer:1know, Jean, but l don't want to go Forward
• Trainer: Anysymptomsto report? Didyou need any withoutmakingsureyourememberhowto do whatwecov-
medslast night? ered yesterday. [Jeansighs]Ready?
· Jean:l had a nosebleedafter dinner last night.And • Jean: Yep.[magnetmovesvisibly, suspendedin air.
the nursegaveme one adrenocilin,but l only took half the Magnetrotates in air]
pill.1slept likea baby, but I've got kindof a headachenow.
· Trainer:Fantastic,Jean!Not onlydo you remember,
• Trainer: l see. What did you do with the rest of the you're already controllingbetter than you did yesterday!
pill? I likeyourcap, by the way. Are youa Yankeesfan? Greatwork!Okay, nowslowit down...good. Putit downcare-
fully.[magnetclatters to surfaceof table]
• Jean: Flushedit. Yeah, I like the Yankees
. I've got a
jersey, too. · Jean: Dammit.
•Trainer:Allright.Are youready to start Fortoday? • Trainer: No problem,Jean, we'll just try again. You
weredoingawesome.Thistime, though,fee/the magnetthe
· Jean: 1guess. wholetime. l saw you kind of relaxyour mindbefore the
magnetwason the table. Makesure yougiveit yourfullcon-
centrationallthe waythrough.







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M R. l<lK.JAK IS HERE N/ Aft:);H, • N/ POP . KIPS, s,,qy l/11SCNa:;a.::A/IIP
TO S E A SORT OF OON '7"Ot:7&>RUGS. ,A/Ill? RE~Be?, Ya/ CAN





;4/VP Ya/ CRY ;4 "7T ~c, /V,47'.N,4/11.


H~ Y6"w. K-J;4K
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STR,4/oKT n:, tXJl'ffl-
/VATc l;V CW-SoHT.






From the iournal of Dr. Nimal Dharmasena; November 3, 2001
I wonderif Darwinwouldfeel this way,if he were in myplace.
For the last few nights,I haven'tevengonehome. I've calledlmiraover and over again, reassuringher that I'mstillall
nght, that I'mjust at a criticalstage. AndI feellikeI'mlyingwhenI say that; after all,the last batchof test resultshassat on
my desk for a long while. But I reallyam being truthful, after all. I am at a criticalstage. It's JUStone of decision, not
The novasseemedso impossiblewhenthey started emerging.I swear, I almostgaveup scienceand ran out to Nevada
to preachthe gospelof chaostheoryby the freeway.Butas it tums out, they mightjust be quantifiableafter all- and now
that Utopiawantsme, I feel likeI've been giventhe keysto the kingdom.No,scratchthat - the blueprints .
Humanity isn t reallyevolving anymore,I'm sure of that. Andthe emergenceof the novastellsme that Natureknows
this, too; so she jumpeda few peopleahead, to whateverstage we mightnormallyhavereached. The novasare her gift to
us, a wayof examiningwhatwe might become- and evolvingourselves.Us, not her.
The potentialisendless. Onenovaalone,withthe rightgifts,couldend hunger reworkthe worldeconomyor terraform
a continent. If we achievesomelevelof controlover novapowersand whowe investthemm, we couldachieveStar Trek
severalcenturiesearly - my kidscouldgrowup in a worldwithoutpollution,withoutcrime,withoutfamineor fear or
disease. Andthe thoughtthat myresearchmighthelpbring this about....
Whoam I kidding'?I've wantedto jumpaboardUtopiaForas longas it's been in existence. I'msittinghere frettingand
moaning aboutwhatit'll meanto mypersonallife, whatI mighthaveto giveup, whenallI'm reallyafraid of is the possibility
they'll changetheir mind.
It's time I madethat phonecall.

The Genesis
Froma SocialScienceslecture, EnkaHigh School,North Cananyonenamethe movementthat disagreestotally
Carolina with the Zurich Accord'? Anyone'? Good, Emily- the
Obviously nobodyknewwhat to do about the mani- Teragen. Butwe'll get to themlater.
festing novas. It tumed science, religion and society all on Anyhow , Project Utopiawas Formedat the same time
their heads. We didn't even knowwhat an M-R node was. the ZurichAccordwassigned. Its stated goalwas"to utilize
We were baffled. the vast powersof novasto better the quality of lifeForall,
That'swhenthe AeonSocietyenteredthe picture. This humanand novaalike, on PlanetEarth." That's on page 227
philanthropicorganizationhad an extensive, if not widely - better memorize that. Theyalsowoundup havingan en-
publicized history of assistingand backingvarious large- vironmentalistagenda as well,but people have definitely
scale goodwill programs,suchas the Red Cross, benefited fromthat as muchas animalsand plants
the World Health Organization and similar have.
projects. These fellowsdecided that somebody The next step ForProjectUtopiawas two-
needed to stick up for the novas,and it mightas fold. First, they began their intervention pro-
wellbe they. Good thing they did, too. So they grams, where they'd contact newlyerupted no-
started talking to the UN,and theyeventually vas and invitethem to their Rashoudfacili-
workedout a possible solution. ties,specialclinicsdesignedto helpthemad-
TheZurichAccordofJune 1998- and Just to their new powers. Then they an-
youhad better believethis willbe on the test nouncedthe Formation of their specialteam
- publiclydeclarednovasto be humanbe- of all-novaoperatives,Team-
ings. I know, this kind of soundslikea com- Ah, there's the bell. Allright, people
mon-sensething, but there wasa very real finish readingChapter24! I wantto be able
case Forconsideringnovasan entirelydiffer- to pickup wherewe left off tomorrow,and I
ent spe<:ies in whichcase they wouldn't have don't wantto haveto quizyou - but I willif
allthe rights and responsibilit
ies that go with I don't start hearing somefeedback!

Exc t'rpl : " Wl'ck in l' c rs pc r liVl' with W,1lll'r L>onu v,111"; s ho w ,1irl·d l,11u1.irv l h, 2lHIX
:l -1:2hl





-· ~~ .....
,,, :: =

Froman OrientationSpeech. ManhattanRashoudFacility

Believeme, I've seen it before, and I can tell whatyou're thinking.You're thinking, What is this 'save the
planet' politicallycorrect garbage'?"You'rethinking "Why the hell,withall the new opportunitiesavailableto
me,wouldl wantto throwin withthisgiantworldwidehippy-dippylove-in?"Well.I'mnot goingto giveyousome
feel-good,lovey-doveysong and dance about sacrificeand altruismfor the greater good. No one - not even
the chirpiestProJectPR rep - 1sthat na·ive.Now,don't get me wrong,Utopiadoes a lot of good for the world
everyday,and I'mdamnproudto be a part of it. But,first andforemost,Utopiaexistsfor novas. Forus - for our
protectionand, yeah, self-interest, albeit enlightenedself-interest. Becauseunderneathall the hype, the cold
hard facts are there are a fewthousandof us andb1ll1ons of them. Andthose terms- UsandThem,Nonna(and
Aberrant- are exactlywhatUtopiais committedto avo1d1ng at allcosts.
Look,humanityhas a long, longhistoryof destroyingthe Other,the different.We don't wantconAictwith
the baselines.They're our friends,our families.Butwhilemyfriendsaren't a threat to me. they mightbe a threat
to you. for example.Mobmentalityand scapegoatsare ancienthumantraditions. WhatUtopia'sdoingis aggres-
sivelydemonstratingwhat we novascan offer, howwe can help.It is and 1tisn't altruism; you mightevencall it
altruisticself-interest.It's lovingyour neighbornowso that yourneighbors,thoseb1ll1ons andb1ll1onsof anxious,
shell-shocked,understandablyworriedpeople,willrealizethat ultimately,we're not so very differentafter all.
Andthats a goalI, for one. can workto support.Yourfuture isyourown.but I hopeyou'llgivesomethought
to stayingwiththe Project. We'vegot a place for any novawhoasks, and the worldcoulduse someonelikeyou.

secrch ,ng for terronst ocriv,ty or newly erupted no

It wasn't until Ap.-11hot they found who they wer• look-
........ And""wThO!N1$Pl1t'lcu ,ng for - or rotht.r . h• found lhvn . He orr,ved w,th o
... .,._ Septunbu 15, 1989 crash 01 M1<11111 's Utopia off,ces , dropptng on l1t'lll°""d
PIICIIIIIIIIIII: Jacksonville , Florido CM ,1110the pork,ng lot that wosfound to conto,n a small
......_ Teem Tomon-ow agent legion of Spongie r Posse repeal offt.nders When Ula•
'-" Skew hosuceptionally polenl control over p,o persol\Mlpour•d out to ,rweshgote. They found Thal
mogroet,sm. and he ,s cap<lble of n1011,pula1,ngup to 22 the self -titled 'Skew" wasn't go,ng to toke onyth,ng f
Ions of ferrous metal al o d,stance of 300 meters He them but o JOb applicc1,on. He got ,t - dehvered ,n per-
can geroerole electromogroet,c pulses copoble of shorting son by Coestus Pax.
out even shielded electron,cs ond inon,puloTe mognetic /1.swildly erratic and creative as the skew-metal
fit.Ids to create powerful force sh,,:lds He hos even been mus,c from wh,ch he tokes h,s nc,ne , Andrew,s oft~
noled to exert h,s power wildly ,n o 20-meler rod,us . hailed os Team Tomorrow's "loose ccnncn. • He's os hkcly
erecting o cyclone loaded w,th metal weaporus H,s top 10 wrap c foe up ,n a m,ds,zed sedan as he ,s 10 try sub-
fllghl spud ,s p""5ently unclocked (or poss,bly just un, duing him w,1h o barrage of blunt -edg•d me Toi projt.e•
C1V01lable to the pubilc) , but he 1s certainly capable of t iles (which doubl• as JCCl<etaccessories , no less) . Som•
holding h,s own ona cosual dogf,gh observers wryly note tho! h• hos the dubious honor os
Rumors givt. Skew some ob1l,ty to affect the ,ran leader ,n he ·casual property ~- s1ot1s1,cs . bu!
1n a foe's bloodslreom , allowing h,m lo lainpu w,lh th• nobody con accuse Skew of refus,ng 10 help out w,th
blood flow loo torge!'s brc,n ond induce vert,go or hollu• cleanup oft•rwords .
p_,. L&-.als:
c1no1,ons He ,s also ollt.gedly obi• to ge.nerot• pulsf!S thol
Strength : 4
,n1erfere w,th the electrical ,mpulses ,11o htJman ner-
Intellect : 3
vous $)'Siem. However . he hos yet to publicly demonstrate
Sp«d : b anything req1aring th,s l•v•l of subtl•ty ond control .
Offense : 7 ......,_ Andrew 's eruption wasn't one w,th o
l>d- :7 lot of witnesses . but It urT0111ly coptund th• nat ,on s
Vcnat/11ty : 7
attent,on soon enough. After on electromagnetic pulse
h1tthe greater portion of""'""" n February of '07, caus-
ing widespread blackouts. government ond Utopia per-
sonnel ohke combed the area for months afterword,

CNN News
Daphne Myung; Skopj , Macedonia
• My ung: "Sudd nly and abruptly , b for anyon could blink, it' ov r.
Nhenainment Yar lav Radocani, th dictator v hod clar d him If the pr id nt-for-
lif of ac donia, ha b en remo ed from power by Team Tom rrow
Europ . Th op ration lit rally took th world by urpri e; not mor than
Nherview 15 minutes aft r Seer tary-Gen ral Ghali of th announc d that
Pr j ct Utopia had b n de ignat d to act a a peaceke p r in thi
Nllhenews in tanc , Radocani' p r onal flag had b n t ppl d from th royal
palac .

Nlsluht act d tails of the op ration have y t to be fully dis-

do d, it' apparent that T2M mana ed to infiltrate th city und r co er
f no a pow r . Rad cani and hi black-market technology didn ' t go
Nitrenous down lightly - r p rt f d a tati n to th r yaJ pa lac and it bunk r
b neath e timate that an arthquak would have b n farm r g ntl .
Howev r, T2 ha announced that they have uffered no ca ualtie , and
N!ternet that onl a f w of Rado ani' I yali t w r killed in the fighting .

From the journal of Dr. Nimal Dharmasena ; March 16 2007
Got to report to Antaeus again today. It gets more unnerving each time . He was very,
very deep in Sector 3; I could have sworn that one of the imported leopards was going to
take my throat out safety transmitter or not. I walked around for a whole hour, sweating like
a pig, until I finally sat down to rest. And sure enough , there he (she?) was , heaving his
body out of the ground , geocarapace and all.
(Is it really a carapace? I'm starting to really wonder . Is it possible that Antaeus ' entire
cell structure has been replaced with soil and plant matter? Is he really disembodied? Gos-
sip is that he somet imes mentions having "transcended " in some way .... )
Anyway , I laid out the months plan of attack to him. He listened to every word , and then
sat there quietly for a few minutes afterward . I was starting to think maybe he wasn't listen-
ing after all until that strange , deep , rich voice came welling out of his ... well, vicinity.
Turns out that there's some sort of privately owned plant starting up in Madagascar ,
and Antaeus has just made it our next concern . I double-checked the OpNet for as much
info as I could scrounge , and couldn 't find a thing about it. But sure enough , there was a
dossier wait ing on my desk by 5:00.
How the hell Antaeus gets this informat ion is beyond me; we get visits from other direc-
tors maybe once every three months , and they don t usually visit the gardens . He makes
me redefine my idea of the word "nova," that's for sure . How is it that he can be so impossi-
bly brilliant in the field of ecoscience , so erudite as "Dr. Balmer," and yet, as "Antaeus ,"
practically autistic when deal ing with people? I swear , I've learned gigabytes of information
since coming to Utopia, but I sometimes feel more confused than ever.

OpNet post, alt.fan.utopia

Subject: Re: LOOK AT THIS !!!!
Date: 9/ 18/07
Sender : SliderFet ish @unca.edu
2Wikkd @im.not.go ing.to .let.them .trace .me .com wrote :
>i can't believe you people ! everyone here is just talks on and on
>about how great project utopia is but none of you see the whole
>picture ! what about all the things they don t let us see or have? my
>brother is a scientist, and he was working on something relly important
>that would have made all our live alot easier but they came in and
>look all his files and now he drinks alot and can't get a raise cause
>he just wasted all his time work ing on something that utopia wont let
>US have! you utopia slaves suck ! by the way this story is TRUE but i'm not
going to say who my brother he works for because they (utopia} might
>find out and he'd get fired or arrested or something .
>YOUall suck !
So? Look , hobgoblin , the UN granted Project Utopia the power of scientific regulation
for a reason . Did you hear about the guy who was working on a virtual OpNet interface that
would be wired right into the user 's pleasure centers? Now, I know that sort of thing sounds
pretty good at first, but do you know how damn addictive that'd be? It'd be like unleashing a
new drug , something worse than spike ! As far as I'm concerned , Project Utopia (something
properly spelled with the "shift" key, loser) has every right to their environmental and scien-
tific regulatory powers . Might as well go to somebody with the staff smart enough to use
them wisely.
:::::- If you're reading this , Slider, please marry me.- :::::

Froma guestleclure at Bowling GreenUniver5ity; I'msure you'veallheardquite a bit aboutour S&T De-
featuredspeakerDamian Lombroso; date10/02/07 partmentas well.Unlessyou'reinthe fieldyourself.youmight
...I knowthat whenmost people thinkof ProJectUto- notknowthe namesof our top experts - but I'msureyou're
pia, they immediatelythinkof TeamTomorrow . ButT2M is familiarwith their results. Anybodyhere been on a cruise
onlypart of our organization 's overallstructure. They're the lately?Right. Did you notice how much better the ocean
ones whoget a lot of our workdone, that's true, but I'd like looks?IFthe boysand girlsin Sciencecan help it, your chil-
to focusfirst on the manythousandsof menandwomenwho dren won'tbelieveyou whenyou tell them howpollutedand
workJUStas hard to further the Utopianideals- the un- misusedthe worldwas whenyou were their age. There are
sungheroes, if you will. three majordivisionslo the scientificwing- Environmen-
I know that the administrativewing isn't what most tal,MedicalandHardtech.Eachonehaslabsscatteredaround
peopleare interestedin- after all,whenyouhaveCaestus the world,and the staff does a lot of field work. We don't
Paxdestroyingentire chemicalweaponsplantsby his lone- encourageour staff to stay lockedintheir labs,neverseeing
some,the lot of a bunchof paper-pushersdoesn't seem all muchof the worldthey're trying to better. And the results
that interesting. But if it werent for Admin,we wouldn'tbe are pretty dynamic.
here today. Adminkeeps our budgets balanced - even The TritonFoundationisn't part of our direct chainof
thoughwe get a good amountof fundingfrom our parent command,but ifs the best exampleof the semi-indepen-
organizationof Aeonand numerousphilanthropicorganiza- dent projects that we tend to sponsor. Naturallyit's alsoone
tions,to say nothingof licensingand corporate enterprises, of the divisionsthat we're most proudof. Not one person in
wearen't as filthyrichas youmightthink. Mostof that money the world- especiallyyoucollegestudents- missesAIDS
gets sunk right back into our variousprojects. Adminalso one bit. Wecan onlywaitandsee whatthe wizardsat Triton
operatesour Rashoudfacilities(wherewehelpnewlyerupted cure next.
novascometo grips withtheir new selves)and coordinates Allright, I can see you're about ready for me to start
our mainoffices- consideringthat we'vegot an office in talkingaboutTeamTomorrow.(laughter)Asyouknow,T2M
almostevery USstate, and almostevery countryacross the has fourmainbranches.eachone withaboutsixto eightnova
globe,that's a lot of coordination! personnel,plusa rotatingpoolof Floatingoperatives. Heck,
Oh,andIcan't forgetour overworkedlegaldepartment; 1m sure you can probablynamethem all.But T2M is a lot
1fit wasn't for their efforts, we'd be so restricted by mis- more than just novas. Youdon't see as muchof the pilots,
guided lawsuits, outmodedstrictures and just plaincross- translators,trainers investigators,support staff and com-
boundarylegalconfusionthat wewouldn'tget anythingdone. puter wizardswhoare allas muchpart of T2M as our nova
The folksin Legalhavedone a lot for promotingcivilrights agents- but they're there. Anyone of youcouldbe part of
of novaand baselinealike,as wellas helpingpass legislation T2M,if you impressedus.
that takesthe planetwellawayfromthe ecologicalandsoci- So as you can see, we're keepingourselvesquite busy
etal stagnancyof the late 20th century. Our diplomaticex- - and we're doing our best to grow even further all the
perts. legaleagles, fund-raisers,plannersand educatorsare time. 1hope to see some of you in a few years around the
all part of Admin- as youcan see, it's not as boringas you offices- trust me,we're alwayslookingfor the best.
mightthink. Thmkof workingfor a charilyorganizationand NowId liketo open up the floor to questions. Who's
a nationalgovernmentat the same time - that's what it's first?
likefor us.
'Stasia ,

So, you've gotten on the wrong side of the Utopians, have you? Shame
on you. You knew they would enjoy nothing better than tweaking our noses,
and to actively put yourself on their list before you're ready to cope with
the consequences - well , darling , it lacks class. I should leave you to
their tender mercies ; Mal would like nothing better than such a test , I'm
certain. But. .. well , I've always had a compassionate streak. So at least I
can tell you where to hide .
There's no getting around the fact that Project Utopia is quite tight with
the United Nations . For Heaven 's sake, now they've managed to buy off
the UN debts of every single member of the Security Council - and now
they're a member , albeit an "advisory " one, of the council itself! This just
makes it even more difficult to get an "in" among the right people . Most UN
member nations just won 't hear it, and the Continent , of course , is right
Of course , this heaping helping of goodwill doesn't extend everywhere .
The United States, bless its jealous little heart , can't stand Utopia's suc-
cess . Of course , the public-opinion polls might not necessarily reflect that
- but just try to push some bit of pro-Utopia legislature through Congress
and watch what happens. It doesn 't seem to bother Utopia much ; note
that their continental headquarters are situated in the much more recep-
tive Mexico City, and nobody seems to be unhappy with that arrangement.
But you weren 't planning a trip into Mexico, were you?
The United Kingdom 's not in love with Utopia, either ; that might be a
secure place for you to lie low for a while , although you might well be
bored to death there . Mumbai might be a better choice , since the Kashmir
intervention left a mildly bitter aftertaste in India's mouth . You can mingle
with the up-and-coming movie stars while you 're there, although for
Heaven 's sake , don't be seen with them!
Ironically enough , Japan seems to be doing its best to create a Project
Utopia of its own - or hadn't you noticed the similarities between Nippontai
and Team Tomorrow? I suppose Utopia really strikes a chord with the Japa-
nese psyche, but it irks them that they 've lost a nova or three to Utopia,
particularly T2M Asia , rather than to their own patriotic interests . So here
they go with their own nationalistic project. What fun. They might ignore
you, since they have no personal problems with you - then again , it might
tickle them to capture one of Utopia's sworn Teragen enemies .
As a last resort , there's China - but frankly, they're not friendly to
anyone . I have a friend or two there , but they 're quite busy with their own
conversion projects and wouldn 't have time to nursemaid a little white girl.
Well, that's about as much as I feel like sharing with you. You really
should 've thought this thing through a little more before starting your little
war with them . I hope this will teach you some subtlety.


From "The World's
Opinion " segment
dated 4/11/08
I Proj ct Utopia handlin g it pow er r pon ibly?

Nllenainment • Soon Pak, policeman, Seoul: "Th y ar a fine

e ample to all of humanity, nova or otherwi e.
Who el e ha achieved o much?"

• Terrence Rather , pro ecution lawyer , Chi-
Nitrenous cago: "I uppo it couJd b much wor . It' an
awful lot of power th y've got, but they've done
all right by it - o far."

• Jeanne Gri eault, elementary chool teacher ,

funN!games Pari : "What ort of e ample do they think th y
tting if th y ar willing to r ort to vio-
othing can v r b ttl d by th fi t, no
matter how p werfuJ the fi t."

• Cory Evert, tudent , London: "Utopia'

corkin'! o what if tho e tate ide wanker get
all knott d up v r' m? If I had that pow r, I'd
u it too! er w th p 11!"

• Ketem a lemu , farmer, In wari: 'What kind

of an ,ver could you pect? Ten year ago, I
and my children w r i k, p or and h p 1
ow Teat thr m al a d y and m ni
c nd-placed on hi univer ity' track team.
topia and the Team Tomor row are a ble ing,
and I cann t b Ii that you w uld a k th r-

tertainment N! news
Go d evening, thi i Violet Cameron, and welcom Planet,air
to ova Planet. Tonight, our feature profile are four
of th mo t prornin nt figur of Proj ct Utopia - date 03/20/08
p ople who daily work ha rder than we can imagine
to make our world a bett r place. Whether they
work on Team Tomorrow or behind the cen , on-
site or in the lab , the e four nova are b aeons to a
bright r futur .

Cae tu Pax - the center of 1 am Tomorrow

Centra l, and th heart and oul of the entire Team
Tomorrow proj ct. om ay h ' the most pow rful
nova in e i tence today. But more than that, Cae tu
Pax i the ideal of dedication - he i the voice of
Proj ct Utopia' i ion of hop , p ace and the
betterment of life on Earth. Tonight , we' ll follow
him around to watch a day in the life of Pax.

Jenni fer "Slider " Lander - th

m mb rofT2M who gift ha
live from di a ter or viol nc . To many, h i th
living counterargument to the ull anife to -
th girl who prov that no matter what , nova and
ba line are not o very differ nt aft r all. Our
camera go to the location of her op ration , and
tonight w 'll h ar fr m tho e who might not b
h r today if not for h r int r ntion.

Ana Gra~a Texeira - the Brazilian beauty who '

qually at horn couring th oc an b d, taking
gun awa from terrori t guerrilla or helping in the
con truction of new hou ing f r the homele . We
trac h r car er from h r ruption to th mod rn
day and collect report from around the world on
h r late t activitie .

All toni ht: on Nova Planet.

Excerptfroma lecturegivento prospective TeamTom01Tow applicants, 9 /14/06
skip introductions
. Bythis point, the five of you shouldknowwho I am and whyyou're here. You'll haveplentyof
timeto get to knowone another, too; this trainingprogrammakesfor excellentbondingmaterial.Thinkof it as a kindof boot
camp- if that scaresyou, you shouldn'tevenhavemadeit this far. You're powerful,sure, but are youready to represent
allof Project Utopiawhenthe entire world's lookingat you7
You've alreadyundergonethe Project'straining, so we knowyou're able to controlyourpowers. Hereyou'lllearnhow
to masterthem. Youneed to knoweverythingyou're capableof; raw powercan coverup for a few mistakes,but one's allit
takesto screwyouup for good. You'lllearnhowto applyyourpotential, andyou'lllearnself-defense. After all,you're novas
- youalreadyhaveenemies,whetheryou knowwhothey are or not.
But this isn'tthe Army.You'lllearnmuchmorethan self-defense. You'lllearnfluencym foreignlanguagesif youdidn't
haveany already.That's right, youhaveto leaveyourisolationist,dealsat the doorhere - we're TeamTomorrow,and we
represent the world. Notyour homecountryor state or provinceor countyor village- the world. Lookaroundat your
fellowshere; doesn't seemtoo representativeof anyone country, doesit? Yourcellwon'tseemthat way.either. Wetake the
best, and excellencedoesn't recognizepoliticalboundaries. It's no accidentthat CaestusPax and Sliderserve alongside
Makaraand AnaGra~aTexeira,and themalongsideAndreCorbinandJinshuShan.
W,th that in mmd, you'llalsobe taughtetiquette. And I damnwellrecommendyou pay attentionduringyour tutoring.
Youwillbe taughthow to deal withpublicspeaking, howto act responsiblyaroundcrowds,howto be an idealspecimenof
humanitywheneverthe camerasare on you. A poor publicimagewon't get you anywherein this world.
You're probablyaskingyourselves, "WhyshouldI go to all this troublewhenI can get an easier job elsewhere?" You
alreadyknowthe reasons. Agenerouseight-figuresalary. Unmatchedhealthcare and insurancebenefits. Fameand fortune
- a wholeworld'sacclamation.ifyou thinkyoucanhandleit. Andmostimportantly,youcan go to yourbedsat nightricher,
morepopularand withouta scrap of a guiltyconscience - becauseyou are doingthe rightthingwith us. Andyou cannot
get that to sucha degree anywhereelse.
From Virtu ,11To ur s
Inc., Pa cka ge # 108




Fromtranscript of HomoSapiensNovus, History Channeldocumentary,originalair dateFebruary3, 2008
So what exactlydoes someonedo once his Mazarin-Rashoudnode manifests, and he findshimselfpossessedof the
powerof a demigod?
SomehavejoinedwithProject Utopia,to pit their astoundingpowersagainsta challengejust as great - changingthe
worldfor the better. Here novasfrom all countriesuse earth-shifting telekinesisto dig canals,or superhumanscientific
prowessto cure diseases. Someof these evenjoin withTeamTomorrow,the elite cadre ready to fightroguenovasor raise
housing,alldependingon the needs of the day.
Others followtheir patriotism, joiningwith governmentagenciessuch as the armed forces or aer~pace programs.
Nowthe humanrace has walkedunaidedon the moon,and the possibilityof colonizingother planets has leapt centuries
towardus. At least one FBInovahas managedto solvebafflingcases on an almostdailybasis,bringingpreviouslyuntouch-
able criminalsto justice.
Somehaveentered the entertainmentindustry,and theycontinueto offer us spectaclesof sightand soundthe likesof
whichwe've neverseen.
Somehaveentered the employmentof powerfulmultinational corporations servingas spokespersons,specialsecurity
consultantsand even advisorsto their employers.
Some have gone freelance,offeringtheir powers to the highestbidder - often in a militarycapacity. These, the
"elites,' havebeen the decidingfactor in border conflictsaroundthe globe.
Sadly,a few havedecided to use their phenomenalpowersfor personalgain or advancement.In fact, if not for the
efforts of Project Utopia and other novas workingfor law-enforcementagencies, it's difficult to say 1fany of these
ubercriminalswouldever havebeen broughtto justice at all. Andloomingbeyondall the independentnovacriminalsis the
terrorist organizationknownas the Teragen.
The spectre of conflicthangsover all these cliquesand organizations . Larger than lifein every way,manynovasfind
themselvesdrawninto conflictwiththeir fellowsuperpoweredbeingsat leastonce in their lifetime.Sometimesthe deciding
factor is egotismrun out of hand; sometimesit is a conflictof interest, whetheran employer's or one's personalissues. But
in a world where the only thing that can reliablystop a nova 1sanother nova these Prometheangiants find themselves
thrownagainsteach other by chanceor design. And the resultsare alwaysdramatic.
Tonightwe'llbe lookingat the role of the novain modemsociety,fromthat fatefulday in 1998until...

thu gracefully shoctd the rrwtjorityof these people

owoy. negot,oted a s,mpl• contract tk New A1ver
_ _, Alejandra Mar,o Magdalv,o Carrot1.zo R,c<><'ds , ond prouedt.d to mo novox history
-·-- febn,ory 5, 198◄
....... Mexico City, Mexico
....... Novoxsinger
,-. AleJOlldros gifted with !ht powu-of ti\•
h<ulad vocalprojection, as wellos some monnuof con-
trol over sonice.nugy Sh• is capableof producingsoundJ;
from 200 dB To subsonic levds. Hu oblhty To control
Offib1enl sound 1sC\rf'tlltly IJIIIMQSu,,ed
, but she con lower
or increase t he volumeof bockgroundnoise 1nhu YICin •
ity, ond oflt.n docs so with prt.cis• control os port of hu
novox concerts She is also copobl• of a form of
sup,:rpowued ventr,loqu,sm, m1m,ck1ng ond praJut1ng
s~c ific voices or sounds anywhere within eorshot
---- AltJondro 1$onolhu of ThedromoT,c
rogs-10-r1chesstories that the M-R node hos mod• pos-
sible. Hu fom,lywas eight nrong . all stuck in a Mexrco
Esti,natcd p.,..,. Lawli:
C,ty ltntl!IU11. As she Tells,t, onlylht1r faith kepi them
StNJ,¢1, : 2
go,ng •••n 1nTh• ,voke of d,sosrus such os the t(ll'1h-
Ifttcllcct : 3 quoke of 2002
Spud : 3
AltJ<llldrowaso mvnbu of her church's cho,r, ond
1 wos !ht.rt. that hu power first monifwtd ,u,Jf, fnl-
ott- :5 ,ng 1he church wrth a songof celutlOl btoufy It didn't
Def_ , ◄ Toke Jongfor the news 10 p,ck up on th,s , and olmost
instantly her familywasbes1090dwith offt.N of ~ Joy-
ment from music agt11ts. Hollywoodond Bombaymov~
studios. Projut Utop10and re..lll•Jondra ond hu fo-

I'm waiting on b fore - he hang on every on

of her murmuring- tr am yl-
the patio of labl s a if she were telling him
her phon number, and then he
DuMonde's, nap off to the kitchen like St.
George after hi dragon. Then
ifting through the publicity he turn her attention fully to
photograph her office s nt for me, and If l like Mo having
thi intervi w, and alr ady I brunch with the burning bush.
don't feel up to writing thi You would, too.
article. She' po sibly the mo t
beautiful woman I've een -
Elizab th Taylor and Marilyn
onr , two of the 20th
century' bigge t ex ymbol ,
eem almo t tawdry when
compar d to her. A I hift over
a shot of h r p n ively sitting on
th balcony of her Cancun horn ,
it occur to me that word ju t
don't s m to do her ju tice.

Then he whirl into the room

and ettl at my tabl like a
umm r wind, a zephyr adorned
with a white ilk button-down
blou and flared collar, per-
f ctly flatt ring black Rochellaux
pant , and the midnight hair and
eye of an Aztlan angel - and I
realiz that th picture didn't
do h r ju tice, ither.
• lejandra : (laughs) h , it' no thi n .
Thi i , of cour e, Al jandra -
the nova who ha r defined
Hi panic pop music and i
curr ntly shaking th pillar of
th entire mu ic indu try. Sh
laugh an apology for h r tardi-
ne (as if anyone could hold
anything again ta novox d ity-
diva lik h r lf) and g ntly a k
the waiter what local fruit i in • Al jandra : An d ti ll the offer c me.
ea on right n w. I've never een (smiles) Th an kfully, my famil y i a lway
a Du.Mond ' waiter O attentive th r i rm ; l d n 'c kn w wh c I'd d
40 uox
with ut them p litely h oing away udd nly b c ming exp ed to light
me f th e p pie. and color and ound all at the am
time. It wa a tidal wave of n w
n ari n, a wa e chat drenched m
from my kin d wn to my keleton. I
hear thing now that nob dy el can,
and my v ic ... (laughs)It i ome-
thing I beli v I have t write a ng
a uc; perhap the experience can b
pr perly c n ey d only
thr ugh n x.

n your unique

n cage, my

• x: Y u make it und a if it ha a
mind fit wn.

• Al jandra : (laughs)It' n t
c.l a au migh think!

[ he become pensivehere, and restSone

exqui itefingeralongh r chin.]

• Al jandra: I think it mi ht b b t
de cri d in lind and deaf, and
U OX 41
• Alejandra : (gentle smile) Religion • Al ejandra : Ye . Th w rd "aber-
i n't omeching chat I rant." What ha originally
matter only when it' in tarted a a term of mi un-
fa or. hri cianity wa der tanding i becoming a
not "in ryle" in the time thing f hate. (stem wne) I
of the Roman Empire. advi e your reader n r,
ever to u e the word
• ox : G od point. Do around me.
you like to chink of
your If a a role model • ox: Oh, of c ur not!
for Cath lici m then? W 'LLmove on. ow, ome
might ay ou'r bucking
• Alejandra: oc really, all the hott t no a er nd .
no. I a pir to liv a go d You ha en't taken a cage
life. My m th r alway nam , and you don't
caught me that pride wa both r with ny ma k -
th fir t and wor t in, o I on t want which, I under rand, wa a tradition
co chink of my elf a a role m el. If originating in Mexico.
other young pe pie lo k at me and ay,
' Al jandra i ing a g od Chri cian
e n though it i n't p pular - mayb
h uld ive it a econd chance," then
wonderful. But I cannot let my elf
b lieve that chi i wha houldb
happ ning.

• o : o I cake i you don't care for

Rev r nd Tul y' accu ati n chat ch
nova opulacion will naturall et
chem Ive up a , w ll, g n earth?

',' •
•• • ••
• •• • •••

• . . .•
• .

• .•

• ..
• •
... •• •

• . .. .
• A1 jandra: (mi chievous
• o : Beautifully put. mile) H wdoy um an?
Ha l chan ed y ur ju t
• I jandra : (laughs) now?
Why, thank you, ir.
• Vox: Truthfull
• Vo : D anything
r ally g t und r y ur kin?

42 U OX
Between a nouaandanEmployer]
Contract Between Linda Raphael dba Lotus Infinite and TransEurope Expediting, Inc.
This contract is entered into effect as of 5 October 2007 between the parties hereto , who
agree as follows in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein:
1. PARTIES . This is a contract by and between TransEurope Expediting , Inc. (henceforth
"Corporat ion'), whose mailing address is 754 Pharr Rd., Richards Building Suite 1108-D ,
Atlanta , Georgia 30341; and-Linda Raphael dba Lotus Infinite, with offices at the DeVries
Agency , 808 7th Avenue , Suite 1301 , New York City, New York 10011 (henceforth "Opera-
2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OPERATIVE . The Operative hereby agrees to locate and
retrieve 13 OpNet-capable computer information server~,, serial numbered XB4365023WQ ,
XB4365023WR X84365023WS , XB4365023WT .11.84365023WU , X84365023WV ,
XB4365023WW , XB4365023WX XB4365023WY , XB4365023WZ , XB4365024WA ,
XB4365024WB , and XB4365024WC , tentatively titled "Operation : Upgrade " (henceforth,' the
MissTioh~ Is")M.IssIon
· · s h a 11b e pe rtorme d accor d'mg to ce rtam
. specI'f'Icat·ions provI'd e db y th e C or-
~oration , and the Mission shall be undertaken for, and in the name of , the Corporation . The
Corporation is the sole owner of cQPyrights exclusive of the Operative 's payment fees ; the
Mission constitutes "work for hire." Ttie Operative is solely responsible for completion of the
Mission .
The Mission shall incur operational expenses of no more than one million (1,000,000)
dollars in excess of the Operative 's payment fees.
The Mission shall commence upon 11 October 2007.
The Mission shall conclude by 18 October 2007.
a. The Corporation agrees to pay the Operat ive a flat fee of four hundred thirty-seven
thousand (437,000) dollars in two installments , 1O percent of which shall be paid as manage-
ment fee to the De Vries Agency.
(i) The first installment, of 172 total payment, will be paid upon the Corporation 's receipt of
the signed contract. The second installment, of 1/2 total payment , will be paid upon receipt of
the aforementioned servers.
b. A kill fee equal to 10% of the total payment will be paid to the operative should this
contract be terminated by the Corporation .
(i) If the servers or any part of the servers or their required components are delivered to
the Corporation after the specified deadline, a penalty of 2% of project 's total payment will be
imposed for each day that the Mission remains unfinished after the specified date .
c. The Corporation will pay to Operat ive a royalty of four percent (4%) of the net profit per
recovered server sold.
(i) On servers destroyed, given away or sold at or below cost , no royalties shall be paid.
4. RELATIONSHIP . The Operative represents and warrants that , t>etween the Mission
Dates specified by the Corporation , the Mission shall be disavowed and denied by the Corpo-
ration and refresentatives thereof , nor shall the Corporate be under any legal liaoility to avow
this Contrac or the terms herein. The Operative shall not rely on or reveal the nature of
contents of this contract to any individual outside the Corporation or its duly recognized fel-
lows. Should such individuals exist , the Corporation shall provide detailedJ written descrip-
tions of them and shall assume all responsibility for the veracity of those oescriptions , pro-
vided suitable precautions regarding security are taken , in good faith , by the Operative . The
Operative shall under no circumstances discuss the Mission with government or law-enforce-
ment agencies , even if the circumstances of the Mission lead the Operative into conflict with
said agencies .
5 . CIVIL LIMITATIONS . The Operative will endanger no innocent lives , participate in no
unwarranted attack upon individuals not associated with the person or entity responsible for
theft of the Corporation's properfy , and kill no individuals directly associated with the person
or entity responsible for theft of the Corporation 's property. Due to policies upheld by the
Corporation , the Operative shall perform neither the Infinite Wind Technique nor the Infinity
Justifier while carrying out the terms of this contract. Property damages caused by the Opera-
tive are considered to fall under operational expenses outlined in Paragraph 2, and are to be
reimbursed by the Corporation to the extent discussed therein .
6. CONFIDENTIALITY . In consideration of the confidential material and business plans
supplied by the Corporation to assist in the performance of the Mission , the Operative agrees
not to reveal any of said confidential material or business plans to anyone not working lor or
in behalf of the Corporation without the Corporation 's prior written permission .
of the fee paid under this contract , the Operative agrees that, upon execution of this contract ,
he will not participate in any Operation : Upgrade-related project except for the Corporation or
its licensees , unless the Operat ive receives direct written permission from the Corporation .
"Participation " shall include subsequent "re-recovery " of the specified servers or their con-
tents , destruction of or security relaxation of the specified servers or their contents, tampering
with or other consultat ion on matters regarding the spec ified servers or their contents .
"Contents " shall include intangible data or information contained as data on the specified
servers . This shall in no way limit the Operative 's right to write or be interviewed for maga-
zine articles , perform compensated endorsements and the like, subject to Paragraphs 4
and 6.
a. Governing Law. This contract , including all matters relating to the va lidity, construc-
tion, p~rformance and enforcement thereof , shall be governed by the laws of fhe State of
Georgia .
b. Severability . The provisions of this agreement are severable , and if any provision
shall be held illegal , invalid or unenforceaole , such holding shall not affect the legality,
validity or enforceability of any other provision . Any such illegal, invalid or unenforceabre
provision shall be deemed stricken herefrom as if it had never been conta ined herein, but
all other provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
c. Final Agreement. This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreements between
the parties , written or oral, with respect to such subject matter.
d. Notices and Reports. All notices or demands required or permitted under this agree-
ment shall be in writing and shall be deemed served when deposited in the United Slates
Mail , first class postage prepaid , certified or registered mail, return receipt requested , ad-
dressed as provided in Paragraph 1 of this contract , or to such other address as either
party may from time to time designate in writing. All reports or payments required under
this contract shall be served as aoove , but no certification or registrat ion shall be required .
Corporat ion Operat ive

Date Date

Core is moff famous for the rodiont ye llow-wh,ta

• -- Louis ,nF~tmo11
glow of hos ~ powc:N, which cmonotes f
eyesand mouth h" o,xper,cnces •~
buildup" -
an c:vut oft"" accompony,ng an 099"0YOtcd emot ional
...... Augus 4, 1979
......... NYC
11,-ooklyn. sta t e In othu words , the ongriu he: gets , the more
hos powu builds, Th.ls happv,s110W and ogcu ,n toumo-
........, Tournc1menshootf,9hfer. current
XWFWorld H;.avywe ight Champ ion "1vlts , and whu It does. wat ch out - b«ousc: the: Core:
Meltdown"" ,sn't for bch,nd l
,_., Corepossesses po~rlul plC1Smo-g-t<1 •
t!) Iron powus . which he con monifes l in S4'Y4'1'<!1wa,s . Most
common ,s the proj ect ion of plCISmobolts copoble of
loquify ing solid stee l Howc:w.r, he: ,s also able to mon, -
fest a plC1Smo sh ,c:ld that can stop smoll-orms f ire:, as
well as c~ I hos ocess c:nc:NJY through his own form
to increase his physical m~nglk and durob ility .
......, By his OW11occounts . Louos Frurnon
manifested his powus almost ,m,nediotc:ly ofter the
Galatea oplos,on of 1998. Nobody could approach the:
whirling moss of plasma tho! surrounded him - unti l the
effects died down two hours later Louis fled at that
Ertimat&dp_,. Lawis; t,me , eYOdrngpolice:and Noltonol Guard oltkc: to f ond his
S~ : 1, waf undU9found.
Iilt ellcc-t: 3 H" rc:surfoco,d n J'apan IWo y1UJN latu, ere:
Spud : b the: f irst noYO•lc:vc:I shoot fight compet it ions hod begun
Offense : H<Mnglearned to control his Innat e obl!,t ies . as well CIS
Defense : 7 ku p,ng his QJrc:odypot u t t,ghting prowess up t o dote ,
Vcrsotlllty: he rapidly mode a ncune for himself in t he Independent
fighting circu its Whu the XWF first forrMd n 2004,
Fruman - '1ClWundu a newncune- bu one of its
f rrst ~cru ,ts .

Excerpt: CarsonWhitland's orientation interview, HolisticsResearch, Incorporated, 08/17/OS

· Meade:Formalitiesaside, Carson,it's wonderfulto haveyouaboard. We're allvery excitedaboutthe potentialyou're

bringingto Holistics.

· Whitland: Thanksvery much, Ms. Meade. I'm lookingforwardto it.

· Meade
: Oh please - callme Sara.

· Whitland: Um. Sure thing,Sara.

· Meade: Great!Now, let's get started. We're certainlypleasedthat you'veaccepted our offer of employment
; I can't
stress enoughhowhappywe are to haveyou aboard.

· Whitland: Well,to be honest, I haveheard the stories about nova-runcorporations and it did soundpretty tempting
- but I'd rather go ahead and workon research full-time. 1don't havemuchof a head for business,and my... um, powers
seem to lend themselvesbetter towardresearch and analysisthan playingthe stock market.

· Meade:Well,we're certainlygladto hear that. Andas I've mentionedbefore, we're morethan willingto make,t worth
your whileto stay on withus.

· Whitland
: (laughs)It's sure hard to say no to a seven-figurestartup salary!

· Meade: Morethan that, Carson. Yourhyper-enhancedsenses are a very valuableasset to us, to say nothingof your
abilityto handledangerouschemicalswithoutharm. We'veput togetherone very attractivepackageof benefits for you -
fullmedicaland dentalwiththe RostremClinic-

. Whitland:Really!Ahem- sorry.

· Meade : Quiteall right. Anyway,there's also a multtmillion-dollar

life insurancepolicy,expense account,company
transport, provisionsfor retirement,shares in the companystock - I don't thinkyou'll be able to find a better offer out

· Whitland: Well,uh, probablynot. Butreally,I d alreadybeen kind of keepingtrack of the variousresearch institutes
while1was in college, and this seemedlikea great place to comeand work. Doingwhat I want to do, I mean. Youknow.

· Meade
: (laughs)You've got the job, Carson!There's no need to butter us up - you can save that for your first

· Whitland
:(sheepishlaughter)Yeah, I guessyou're right.
· Meade
: Well,if you IIjust signhere, then, 111give you the fulltour of the facilities and start makingintroductions.All

· Whitland
: Soundsgreat, so longas we stop somewhereand grab somelunchsoon. Nova-sizedappetite, you know....

· Meade: (laughter)


•• •

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.. •• .
thenews ..•• • . •


.. .
• • • •
Excerpt from • •
• • • •
General Tobias • ••
N!tenainment •• •

Gahagan's press
. .
• ..

August 10th, 2000
•• • .. •
• ...

• : .

.. ...•
•· •
Nlsiuht • • :• •
... •..
• •
• •

•• : ••
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• •

• • • • .• • • • •
... • I

• • • •
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• • •. .
re p ct ....
• .

• • •
Scriptexcerpt from docu-
mentary program"Cutting
Edge" episode #53
ht (unaired)

The "elite ." ova mercenarie . Superpowered oldier for hire.

By all account , it' a glamorou job. A tandard contract can pay an elite
Nltenainment over 10 million a year - and that' for a relatively raw and unproven
nova. Veteran can demand much, much more. They are among the mo t
notoriou and re p cted men and women in the world - and yet, they
Nhervlew are al o tied into a world of blood and death, where "minor'' war such
a th 2007 Tran -Tanzanian Conflict are fought entirely by elite proxie .
NI thenews Tonight we delve into the deadly world of the elite , where international
boundarie mean little ne t to nova-level power, tarni hed glamour and,
of cour , the univ r al law of curr ncy. W look at the practices of the
ma k-wearing, code-nam d ag nt for hir and ven travel on a mi sion
with one. All tonight, on the Cutting Edge.
[Op ning credit roll]

Nlternet When di cu ing the elite , the mo t obviou place to begin i with the
ma k. Wh r o many oth r nova ar proud to I t th world look on
th ir f ature , th elite ha e evolved a ub ociety in which th ma k, the
per ona, is more important than th p r on b neath. C rtainly, ome of
thi tern from the de ire to keep one' identity concealed, particularly
tunNIgames wh n job take on far from home - or too do to home.

But a ma k i hardly anonymity. It' a per ona, a character larger than

!if . Tak , for instance, the golden kull ma k ofT6tentanz. It' a ymb

!keep reading .,
that has come to represent professionalism and
surgical precision - not mercy. When his mask You own the
comes into view, his opponents, whoever they
may be, give little thought to the man under- attitude - now
neath the mask. Instead, it's Totentanz they fear, own the T-shirt!
a modern-day incarnation of death. The mask is The meanest ,
pure intimidation, pure publicity, without giving roughest , hardest
away anything of the man beneath. SOB of an elite
ever to draw
In such a society, it's no wonder that unmasking breath - the
is a ritual of its own. When two elites develop
Stone Badass ,
such a grudge that they're driven to duel with
one another, the stakes are rarely to the death. Lance Stryker!
N!tenainment However, sometimes one's whole persona is on
the line, as the winner takes the loser's mask as
a trophy. In many ways, this is very much like
N!terview the myth of the Old West, where gunfighters
would challenge one another to see whose
legend would emerge paramount. The winner of
N!thenews such a duel gains boasting rights, which can
lead to more lucrative contracts - after all, he's
just proven himself a better fighter than at least
one rival. But the loser can never really put on
his mask again. The image has been shattered.
Nitrenous The immortal is now a little more mortal.

And yet, the power of a nova is such that even

N!temet an unmasked eHte can command great respect.
One need look no farther for an example than
the self-proclaimed "Stone Badass," Lance
Stryker. When unmasked by rival eHte Borealis
in the spring of 2007, he rallied back with such
tunN!games drive and charisma that his name is now a
household word. His licensing arrangements are
as profitable as even those of Caestus Pax and
Andre Corbin - not bad for a mercenary.

[Add footage of interview with Lance Stryker,

prior to resolution of 5/06/07 Corpus Christi

Stryker: "Yeah, I've heard your fancy-ass press

releases about how you think your sorry asses
are so superior to normal people and how you
think you can lick just about any man on the
face of this planet. You bitch and you moan and
then you don't get anything done unless you
count hiding behind a bunch of women and
children. You wanna sit there on top of your
"moral superiority''? Well, you're about to get
Lance Stryker's boot so far up your ass that your
moral superiority's gonna be fired on out your
nose, and that's a damn fact!"


- 48
Good evening , Dr. Moran . I hope this message reaches you in good
My name is Elaine Katzenbaum , and I'll be your contact with the
DeVries Agency. First of all, I'd like to thank you for your interest in our
operation. We've worked very hard to attain our reputation as the fore-
most contracting agency for freelance novas, and we hope that we can
prove to you that our reputation is justified .
Regulations forbid us from attaching an extended file of our nova
operatives , so you'll pardon me for the omission. I'd like to arrange a
meeting with you at your earliest convenience ; there we can discuss the
nature of employment and the available agents that would be best suited
for your purposes. Rest assured that should you require a task that runs
a high risk of nova-level conflict , we have agents that are fully capable of
meeting that challenge. Naturally, our elite agents such as Pursuer are
available as well, should you require a very visible presence. Our re-
sources are such that we feel confident we'll have someone available to
suit your needs, no matter the place, time or job description .
We've already completed our credit check , so don't let that be a worry.
We can discuss exact terms when we meet face-to-face . Again, I look
forward to it, and thank you once more for coming to us. Rest assured
that your task is as good as completed .
They change the
They move moun-
ta ins.

thenews They define fash-

ion, music, enter-
tainm ent.
They ' re the hottest
thing on the planet .
... And in Kyoto today, th highly
nthu ia tic r ception for th vaca- They're novas. And
tioning Pur u r f ll a little flat with we've got them -
Nhenainment the arrival of Caestu Pa . Pur u r 24 hou s a day, 7
wa disembarking from hi privat j t days a we ek.
and acknowl dging the er wd when N!
Nltervlew Pax dropp d out of th kie , landing
well dear of Pur uer' entourage but Walk among the
certainly do e enough for conver a- gods.
Nlthanaws tion . Seemingly, no cl ar word w r
(Call your di1h network to
e changed, but a taredown of ort
1ub1eribe todayl )
N!sight emerged, on that th crowd ncour-
aged with cheer for both ide . It
nd d inconclu ively when Pa
Nitrenous point dly turned hi back on Pur uer
and lifted off into th ki again.
Nhernet Proj ct topia
has made no
official com-

certainly a
tat ment of
di approval
Pur uer' part
in th lat t
op ration . It
wouldn't be
th fir t time
that th

two force cla h, even non vi l ntly, who benefit ? Well,

the lie n e , for one . Toy ale how an average 10% incr as for Utopia
and DeVrie licen ed pr duct ju t aft r any thr at of ho tHitie b twe n
th two . Apparently if the nation' youth can't th Highwayman and
Skew duke it out on national TV, they'll have to ettl for taging th ir
own battle on the playground or in th arcade .
Recommended highlight thi
week on !:
• und ay, pm: The broadca I premiere o
Y, him Kumito' controversial film Hand
of Cod, tarring ichelle Ca par and Tora

TV Religi n arid quantum powe are

pl red in thi powerful vi ion of what it

mean to ha\'e th power to change the
world. 1ew r di retion i advised.
• Tue day, 9 pm: 811rkmgtireOdd , the
documentary co ering the WF from it
From an N! Broad- inc ption to today. what it's like to
w rk behind the en at th· multimil-
cast of Two Minutes lion-dollar organization, and find out ju t
Hate on January 21, h wit manag to keep on delivering t p-
notch battles every week.
2008 • Wedne day, 10 pm: Th hi hly contro-
The following televi ion program doe versial interview with Mefistofaleez mak
not repre ent the opinion of ! or it this w k' edition of Constellnt1on a
mployee . Two Minutes Hate i int nded tandout. Parental filte are trongl
nc uraged.
a a public forum, wh reby nova of all
• Frida , 2 pm: Kirsten Dun t return. to
creed and ori ntations may make their Storm~at S,mset a iol t rise,; from th
view known. It also erves a an dead in the landmark 200th pisode. Will
ab tract inde of nova popularity, a an thin ever be the ,;ame in Storm Bay?
interpreted from independent poll
conducted by the ! twork.
, SWNrlolieiiiiine nwagar«~ ..... cl
.. ...,rJ-.Ewr-,-..1,-,1w1
m111rycn1 ..
_,, .....
..... ...

_, ,..

Letter to the Editors
As I had no doubts, Issue 37 sparkled and
hone, particularly Will Fraser's fa cinat-
ing look at the decline of the two-party
system in American politics. ot that it's
any of our busine what the presidents
choose to do, but they must accept
responsibility for those actions should
they come to a public light.
Three years ago, Congress brought up a
legislative proposal that would have
created a greater role for the government
in media, entertainment and cultural
development. Proponents of the bill,
citing too much emphasis on novas in the
media, on the big screen and in other
entertainment venues, claimed society
sought unattainable role models. Tho e
opposing the bill upheld the independent
studios' rights to make whatever their
audiences wanted to see, culminating in
then-presidential candidate Earvin
Waterman remark, "as long as it keeps
[novas] out of politics." Well, I've got
news for you, Mr. Waterman. From what
the public see of novas, we know their
plans and agendas. They don't hide
behind petty smokescreens and spin-
doctoring campaigns funded by taxpayer
money. Perhap if this country took a
politicalcuefrom its novas, we wouldn't
have suffered the collapse of our political
engine in the first place.
Anthony Freeman,
Tulsa, OK
Anthony s plea for honesty in
politics couldn't come at a
better time - to refute his
point. See Mim Udovitch' s
shocking expose of RusCon' s
Sierka administration, page 125,
for more insight into the nova-
political arena. - Ed.

52 zmE
Sports Entertainment
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Nlterview . .. -
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NI thenews ti•
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I -
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Of cour , ther i one arena where no a can te t their talent again t

th rand rake in a fortune in m rchandi ing, pay-p r-vi w pr -
c d and ndor m nt deal ....








From the Boole ol Kolpa

' Responseto the comingof the novasand their role in the modemworldhas been so strong that, as of this printing of
the Bookof Ka/pa,membershipin the Churchof the ImmanentEscheatonhas eclipsedthat of manyChnstian denom1nat1ons .
Since our inceptionin 1998, we haveconverteda vast cross-sectionof the Westernworldto our point of view, glorybe to
the One, throughthe mystenes with whichHe has aided our crusade."
- ChrystianKalpa

Chapter Three: On Holy Living: Chapter Six: Meditations:

"The thetans, whichmaysuffer plagueor spiritualde- "Yetthefi.ndcrnentsbehindtherevelatory Ouch ofthelm-
cay, maybest be kept at peak health througha regimented nment Esche.atonare logical
outg-owths of establishedfaith. We
diet. As the Apostlesthemselvesate bread and drank wine do not forma rut,nor are we heretics.Observanceof the Imma-
with the novaChristat the Last Supper,so shouldthe pure nentEsche.aton , a WiJf of life. Godis hereamongus.
is a philosophy
seek to emulatethem, succumbingneither to gluttonynor just as Hewasamongthe Cathol1CS of the Middle Agesandthe
the lusts of indulgence. Blandfoods do not excite the body Protestantscuing the Reformation , andjust as Heisst,n among
unduly,and so shouldtheysupport the mindwiththeir foun- them.God- theOne- lowsallHisch,kren.''
dation of simplicity."

Chapter Four: Ascension to Chapter Seven: A Chorus of

Immanence: Voices:
"WemayallbecomeImmanent, awa<en 1ngthe bloodof the "Andso numberedamongthose practicing the Imma-
novawithinallof us. A properdiet.and observanceof the 30 nent Escheatonwere GautamaBuddha; Jesus Christ; Martin
Escheatic Commardnents. pavestheWiff. Listento thehig,ersou LutherKing,Jr.· the ComteSt. Germain;Louis XIVof France;
dring thedadymeditations,forony bydenying thelowersou mayand MadameBlavatsky.Andso numberedamongthoseprac-
onerevealthepathtowardlrrmanence . ticingthe ImmanentEscheatonare those whoare born into
"Andthosewhohaveearnedtheirlri!nsceooenc:e shallbear the world, for in the purity of birth lies the introductionto
theWuiown's Eye, thoaj, itshallbe invistbleto allbutotherswho Immanenceand the faith that one basks forever in the love
sh.nit.Whetherthisisknownby its~n.:me - theMam-in- of our lord God."
Rashoudnode- or byits spiritualsig,ificance as themarkofthe
, thoselnmanentswhohavebecomeso blessedshall
deity's favor
knowtheWiJf to Heaven "

From CNN
Worldspan At-

thenews2007 November 16,

All eye in Japan have turned

upward to view the grandeur of
Bodhisattva Ma ato, the nova From Fu// Nova
leader of the country's na cent Extra , on NI
Nhenalnment Kami ama Buddhi t movement.
"Hell, I should go over to
According to Kami ama Buddhi t Japan. They worshipnovas

Nherview b li f, nova are r incarnated over there. It's part of that
'bodhi attvas' and 'asura ,' divine Buddhist thing."
being placed on Earth as avatar
to I ad th r t of the world toward - Starchylde

Nlsight Such bell are not uncommon

elsewhere in the world, and this phenomenon parallelsin th W t m
doctrine of th Church of the Immanent Escheatonand veral smaller,I
Nnrenous recognized but no I d vout faiths in any number of countri .

The trend has taken a disturbing twn in Japaneseculture,however,as the nation's

N!ternet youth, obses.sedwith th nova as a popular cultural icon,fonn cults of personality
centeredon certain members of Japan' nova population. In a societyso inun-
dated with a constant flow of media asJapan, th 'n w m iahs' com and go
as quicklyas one can change the channel.For the devoted, however,the nova
becom a way of lifeasw 11asa conduit to the heavens.
ven youths were fowid in an Osaka school yesterday,naked and cold-bodied,
their bloodstreams robbed of oxygen by fatal quantiti of adrenocilin,a drug
used by fledglingnovas to control their quantum powers. Lessthan an hour
after the tudents' bodies were found, 14-year'"()ldToshiroShigematsu turned
himselfin to Osaka authoriti . A documented nova for three months,
Shigematsu claimed to have persuaded the other children to take his prescrip-
tion adrenocilin, telling them it would make them novas. When questioned a to
his motive for telling the children this,Shigematsu tated that he was a demon
sent back from Hell to reap the souls of th innocent.

BodhisattvaMasatohas issued a public censure of the event, but when pressed

by Japanese media representatives,he claimed that, quote, 'with good must
come vii, and th asura wickedly follow th paths th bodhisattvas tread.'
Other members of the I<amisama Buddhist camp have expressed displeasure at
th circumstan surrounding th Osaka child-suicide.

Osakaauthorities,with corroborationfrom other Japaneselaw-enforcement

agencies,claim that incidentslikethis are not isolated,however.In fact,though the
island nation claimsas much as a nin percentpopulationof Kamisama Buddhists,
severalknown groups draw constantpolicescrutiny,as officialsgrow ever wary of
terroristacts performedWlderthe auspicesof religiousfervor.

Until further events develop, I'm Lotta Voorhies, C etherlands

corresponde nt in Japan.
57 !keep reading_,
Church of
From the Associated Michael
Take Your Planet



As a HUMAN you
N!slgbt GOD, and you are
Nitrenous garden and
everything in it.
Stay true to
Nlternet GOD'S ONE WAY
and your SALVA-

But SATAN has

sent his DEMONS
lunN!uames to plague this
earth and to tempt
the righteous with
not with the
aberrant NOVAS,
for in the path
follows the DEVIL
and his EVIL

This is the final

dawn, the AGE of
has delivered his
MINIONS every•
where across the

Take your planet

back - reveal
these aberrants
for what they are:
Welcome to the k Dnr~ "lt"r
d :,,, l:i.
avatars Beltaine. Belial and Grimskull.
.a ' . - the onhne home of Astaroth and his -I
Member Name :


Insbowlonchrsun.Jndn mJsJllowrd10 srorrllprop

·•ithr forchJngrlpoured Ir mnhfirr. rhrumrrrsrorchrd
firm hear.burchmrurscdrhcnJmc ofl,od. mho hadaurhonru
ourrtheseplagues , andrhcudidnorrepent andg1urhim
- l' roclanon 10:,
Astaroth has spoken, and his word takes precedence of those of
the feeble Christian armies lined up for the slaughter. In the name
of our lord Astaroth, the world shall be consumed in a firey cloud,
burning those who welcome the Word of God or the Immanent. And lo,
the world shall end on the Candelmas of 2017, for that is the nwnber
of the great Harbinger Belial.

• Thanks to everyone for the donations for Brother Elias's court

appeal legal fees. Send money to Brotther Elias (Stanley Welty),
#68291-013, MCFP Springfield, PMB 4000, Springfield, MO 65808-4000.
letter torn up . You can also email brother Elias at Error! Reference
source not found.
• The Burning Man Astaroth Reunion drew over 100 (!) Astaroth
servants. Click ~ t.. to see some of the pictures and read the
Convocation Litany as spoken by the Astaroth himself!
• Legal procedures have been finished! The Dark Altar, under the
name Church of Astaroth, is now a legally-recognised, tax exempt

Astaroth, Beltalne. Behal and Gnmskul ere not 8s$0Ciate<I

wllh Uiople. TaregenOf any olher panl$8n novas society


From "Masks and Mar-

vels" in Nova Nouveau
Magazine, April 2007
ht Novas, often perceived as "superheroes"
among the less educated ranks of our
society, seem to have adopted a few of the comic-book tradi-
tions of their fictionalized predecessors. A Mexican innovation formerly
sported only by elites, the mask has become fashionable among other
novas recently, and may be well on its way towa rd becoming the hot
N!tenainment accessory for novas and wannabes alike. NovaNouveaulooked into this
burgeoning trend, hoping to gain a bit of insight into the trend. What we
found was ... interestingto say the least.
N!thenews • Shann en "Shard "
Borlan d: Um, I
thought all novas
were supposed to.
You know, part of
Nitrenous the tradition and all

• Mefistofale ez: So
when I beat your
. :..- .:::----- -_- ~ ~- -
punk white ass, you
can't serve me with
tunNluames a summons. [Ed.
Note:In thecaseof
2007),the Supreme
Court upheld11011-
novas'rightsto bring
chargesagainsttheperso11as of known novas,
regardlessof whetheror 11otthosenovaswere
operatingin a publicor privatecapacity.]
• Jonas "Kikjak "
Kin caid : A mask
commands respect.
You know you're
dealing with a nova
when you see the
mask - when I yell
at an ogling crowd
to get the hell out of
the way, they all
know that I'm about
to throw something big over there.

!keep reading.,
- HOME .
• Nha "Lady Ion " Nguyen: It lets me adopt a
different personality. I've actually got two nova
personas, one of which has a contract with
Nllenainment ViaSoft and the other with IBM. Of course, they
were smart enough to put noncompetition
clauses in those contracts, so I just made up
Nttervlew another "character" to get around that little
obstacle. And my lawyer says it's airtight.

• Sean "Sw itch " Connell: It looks cool, and it
hides the fact that my eyebrows grow together.
I keep a secret, private identity aside from my
public, nova identity, so I don't have to deal
tunNIgames with all the public-servant bullshit when I'm
not "on."

• Lance "Stone Badass" Stryker:Masks are for

cowards. I don't do nothin' I'm afraid to own up
to, and tha t's a damn fact!

UolumeII, Issue
9 (September
Novas-On ly Club Draws Fire From Loca l Scenesters: When entrepreneusse Travius
Diaz designed her latest night-spot for the beautiful people , she had a specific group of
beautiful people in mind : novas. A strict novas-only policy at the glamourous Amp Room
(with one exception made for hostess Diaz herself) ensures that only the superpowerful get
in, and the mundane remain without.
"This isn't bigotry,' Diaz claims , despite no intimation of the journalist to that effect.
"Novas prefer each other 's company . That's what led me to my decision for the novas-only
club. Recent research into the sociology of novas indicates that their biochemistries cause
sympathetic reactions in other novas. They may fight and feud on NI, but on a basic nova
level, they really do share a vibe ."
Diaz' theory seems to have more than a grain of truth to it, if her cover charges and
refreshment prices are any indicator. The price to pass from the street to the door is £60 and
the price of a signature "Amp Well" (a drink consisting of fruit juices , coca extract and dubi-
ous other ingredients , rumoured to include adrenaline from human glands and ketamine
dosages fatal to baselines) . On a special night , the club sees as many as 300 nova guests
and mixes as many as 2,000 Amp Wells.
Local nightlife veterans are outraged , however. Ranging from the usual cries of preju-
dice to the more rare legal actions (which Diaz has already employed a full-time solicitor to
handle) , local patrons want access.
"It's ridiculous not to let us in. Parties make Ibiza what it is, and the professional partiers
should be allowed to enter." So says Nero Krauss , a German transient who washed up on
lbiza's beach with 10 quid in his pocket and half an eight-ball of cocaine in his brain. As part
of lbiza 's insolvent population of starstruck , unemployed clubgoers-by-trade, Nero's state-
ment echoes through the ranks of the youth .
Diaz has no sympathy . "These Eurotrash drifters, they want to get in, but all they do is
upset the clientele. I vacationed in Ibiza 12 years ago, and all the clubgoers snubbed the
visiting middle-class continental men , calling them 'lager louts.' Now that the same thing's
happening to them , they 're up in arms about it."
Don't expect anything to change , either. Among the jet-setting novas who attend the
Amp Room - many of whom travel to Ibiza for one or two nights solely to visit the club -
are noted Indian movie producer Oeepak Palit, American elite Sarge In-Charge , radical
Teragen aristocrat Raoul Orzaiz and even high-society celebs like Amanda Wu. According
to all of these and more, novas enjoy the policy. ''We're very public figures , and this gives us
a place to be private ," says supermodel Lydia Divine . (Needless to say, the Amp Room
bears a constant wreath of paparazzi.)
"I've got 100-plus enormously famous and fabulous personalities to deal with nightly, all
of whom require individual attention ," claims Diaz. "My policy is no more restrictive than -
and just as appropriate to my patrons as - a dress code ."
From Flare's
column by
Dr. Duke
in cant.
And then my ph n rang.
o d ubt thinking he wa intercepting the
cruele t of phone all , p rhap b cw n
d al rand cli nt, th P lice Hun gra b d
th ph ne from my belt and an wered it
with a n er. Exp cting him to offer me a
wicked mile and begin d hing my ~rairu;
ur with hi ti k, I niffl d fc bly. In tead,
um h wever, he coughed out a few word ·,
turned white, looked ar und with an ir of
panic, and pl ced ch phon in my jacket
ket. He then undid my manacle and
helped me to my feet.
With my freed m r cum d, I grabbed my
ph ne and rai ed the god .
"Who i chi ?" I mu d.
f "It' L cer, y u ~ I, now get uc of there
and o to the airport. Flarewant a ,•1dco•
Op et d umentary n 'th world after
che n va came' or omeching." Ble him;
iegfried Le ter, my agenr, had pulled m ·
far from the fir .
"Y, u t Id them that and they let me go?"
" o, I told them you wer a Utopia agent
20/20, and ch r und rd p cover and that a fi Id t am wa
read wid and urveying them. ow et to the airport!"
l only hope chat in the future, when I ring
up a fri nd and m for ign hruce an wer
he phone, I have the pre ence of mind to
noc only peak rhe language but come up
with an impo I ly implau ibl yet c mpel-

ling tory with which co ave my To imply ay all chat, though, denie the
acquaintance's life. ha ic attitude of youth and mu ic. Mu ic i
Anyway, without further ado, l headed co for nightclubs and nightclub are about
the airport, catching the next plane co exce performed to a backdrop of mu ic.
Am terdam and billing it to my revolving Thi much alway ring true, a azir
expen e account maintained by N ! showed me at a nightclub called (roughly
••• tran lated) the Echo' Lick, no matter
I topped at the hotel in Am terdam ju t where in the world one find him elf.
long enough to shower, shave and pick up Bodies whirled and pogoed like the pi ton
my media bag from a rap callion Hindi in an internal combu tion engine .
named azir. A Dutch citizen in on ly the Clubcrawlers threw back drink after drink
loo est sense of the word, azir had - beer, liquor, enzyme-boo ting vegetable
relocated from Saudi about 10 minute elixir , you name it - and catapulted
after the Middle Ea tern "Midnight un" them elve back and forth aero the dance
event the rogue nova Asif ibn Karim had floor. Every pharmaceutical of man' device
cau ed in late 2004. "It' okay," azir told and then ome could be found in the
me. "I don't mis it." Th e little fiend had Echo' Lick, often over the counter. (The
originally established himself in the global club had somehow procured a licen e to
nightlife circuit a part of the late 1990s' prescribe drug , which, when coupled with
world music cene, but that had since gone the etherlands' lax controlled- uh tance
bottom up and azir had reinvented law , made for one hell of a refre hment
him elf as a " haman" of cechno mu ic. bar.) pikehead bumped into herb-
That term - techno - has always cau ed smokers, who crawled pa t agitated Mitoid
a ubconsciou hudder in tho e who don't who whirled like dervi he through clu cers
understand it. Perhaps it' ingrained in u ; of hallucinogen trippers and common
after centuries of making music with drunks alike. After caking a pair of red
"analog" equipment like itars, drum and benn ie for no talgia' ake (much to my
flutes, some people ju t can't relate to later chagrin), I cut a rug to an old favorite
music compo ed with no instruments. - Wonder Factory's anthemic "Baby Left
Since its creation in the lace 1970 , what Me o Kidney" - and demanded azir
may generally be called "techno" has take me somewhere el e.
evolved to eclip e the more traditional "The e cretins are dancing to the ame
rock and roll of the late 20th century. Past damn 16-beats I've heard ince I wa born,"
its primitive (yet compelling) beginnings, I spat at him. "Take me omewhere I can
techno has become the linguafranca of hear some modem music, you on of a
music - the "e tabli hment," as it were. dingo."
Whereas the American "rebel" would pick In the cab, my head exploded. My bennie,
up a guitar, his European counterpart which I had thought were mea ured in
would instead learn to make mu ic on a milligram of potency, were actually
computer. Somewhere after Aerosmith' measured in centigrams. The "nickel " I
75th album, the pop mu ic enthusia ts of cook made up more than a "dollar" worth
the world grew bored with tedious power of dosage. After we found enough pieces of
ballads sung by 60-year-old men pining for my head to rudely fa hion a replacement,
the "hot ugar" in teenage girl ' pantie . we moved on co Groove Yard, a bar
They turned to electronic music - dubbed pecializing in terr'r.
techno for ease of reference - which was Terr'r music (pronounced "tear") grew, I
created by and for energetic young audi- think, out of the 20th century' nihili tic
ences, and which was performed in the hyper-affected "gothic" (sic) genre. From
greatest quantity (if not quality) in Europe. seeds originally sown by urban indu trial
Vulgar, raw and at once emotionless and and goth mu ic, terr'r cake the experience
furiously passionate, techno ignites the one step beyond. U ing pecial uh onic
hearts of the dance floor-regular and frequencie , terr'r mu ic stimulate the fear
partygoer alike. It i not that unreali tic, center of the human (and nova) brain.
then, to under tand how techno ha "taken The e ubtle ound "create" fear in
over the world," to use media peak. Music listeners.
i an e cape, and where better than the Of course, any po cgoth worth hi alt is
synthetic drums and electronic Avalon going to appreciate the irony of chi , and
evoked by cechno? while the vast majority of terr'r band (like

64 Zlnf
the Crypt Ro e and Valhallan Reaver ) where t be een, but I refu e to render any
rum out ome truly overwrought pooky judgment ba ed on my incomplete observa-
tune , c r brat band like Lacefi her focu tion of the ituation .
on crafting what would be entertaining, ovox mu ic (pronounced no-VEAU, ort
amu ing pop and la-la song if they didn't of like nouveau) i defined not o much by
creep the hell out of y u whenever you its ound a it i by its creator.
heard them. Performed by novas,
A for the bar' patron' , novox may sound like
y u've een them II literally anything.
before: alienated ~ln , . Mo c of it takes
alienated vo~ng adult the form of
and indulgent ly enormou ly
alienated Older accelerated
People. Mo c of them • rlwchm, but
eemed bored by the ome ong
scene, but Nazir involve a
told me that ennui manipulation of
i part of the oundwave,
culture. "They · distortion of
want to be the audience'
dead. Or • perception
vampire ,•~1-te • .. andtthe
told me. I creation of
didn't rrt_- effects previ-
In yr. ously impos-
Corre p.' • ible without
opinion, for a the abilitie of
group o alienated, . the performers.
the e cenester sure eemed to thrill at Aficionado of the movement ub cribe to
sniping at each other. If I had a dollar - ome fairly extreme ( though they call it
excuse me, a euro - for every time one of "pure") di tinction . A given novox ong,
them called another a po er, I'd be arch- if performed by a non-nova, udden ly
duke f the Low Countrie . cea e to be a novox song. Likewi e, a nova
It is cur ious to note that the Dutch have may choo e to perform an "unplugged"
everely limited the venues in which terr'r version of a novox song, thu making it no
mu ic may be played. B cau e of the longer novox by removing the " uper"
psychological effects it creates, terr'r i elements. Exactly what genre thi leave
forbidden in moving vehicles and in public the ong in i not exceedingly clear to me,
hou e of le than certain ize. It makes a and azir offered little insight on the
sort of viciou en e; terr'r care normal matter, preoccupied as he wa with a cute
people, on the level of mortal fright or litcle Dutch girl with blue hair that had
amphetamine derangement. en ible poradic, vi ible waves of low-wattage
individuals flee from fear, though human electricity running though it.
society eem to have bred headcases who "Damn it all," I whi pered to the aging
actually thrive on this ort of thing. Marlene Dietrich clone across the table
After flogging azir, l managed to persuade from me, "what's the word I'm looking for
him to how me a novox bar. Out front, we to describe this music?"
met a woman who claimed to have a gun "lmpo ible," came the reply, which wa
"with enough power to stop a nova dead in wholly accurate . he punctuated her
hi crack ." It ounde like a good deal to revelation by standing suddenly and
me, and I looked over her ware . Indeed, flapping coward the bar amid her wintery
the gun looked like it would stop a leather wrap. With that, I looked around
rampaging nova, primarily by exploding the bar and urmi ed one of the great,
the shooter and everything within a few baffling and ultimately cupid truth about
yards of his vicinity. Thanking her and novox mu ic: It is for genuine individuals.
refu ing politely, we entered the bar. On Because it lacks a genre and a definitive
our way out, we noted chat her car wa a sound,novox appeal to tho e who ub-
flaming wreck and the woman was no- scribe to the cult of per ona lity surround-

zmE 65

... Hate





R d-dot

p n makin it

z zmE
Here we are again , with a brand new smattering of what's chic and what's plain weak .
We editors here at TechStep take no small amount of effort to eyeball the current and
coming trends , and we pick the most promising of them to relate to you , our loving readers .
At the same time , we keep our fingers on the pulse of what 's on its way out, because God
forbid anyone should see you using outdated apps or last year s floor model. You'll thank
us, we promise.
Weak: Internet Diehards Chic : OpNet Pioneers
Okay, call us biased , but as the aging US information network degrades ~
beneath billions of daily Ponzi-scheme e-mails and "I Like Karnage Kombat
XIV Gold Turbo" websites , the OpNet looks better and better with each
new dawn . Faster data transmit times , hardwired fiberoptic routing , infinite
POP subscriber capacity and, most important of all, registered user licenses
(to filter out the dimwits and plebes) make the OpNet the wave of the digital future - which
is here and now.

Weak: Clunky Laptops and Palmtops Chic: Cellu lar Voice-Recognition Interface
Why carry your computer when you can talk to it from any phone? Typing ~
takes too long and suffers the vagaries of low motor skills and sausage-
fingers alike . That , and they always scan your laptop's hard drive at the
airport , which is pretty invasive , from a personal privacy standpoint. In-
stead , adopt any of IBM 's, ViaSoft's or Apple 's vocal interfaces and
telecommute at the speed of thought and speech. As long as your computer 's
OpNet-capable , processing power is only as far away as your pocket or glove box (or wher-
ever you keep your digital phone) .

Weak: Bat-Swinging Vigilantes Chic: Nova Activism

Look, the novas are here to stay. Sure, a few of them are selfish bastards
who crash local economies or wipe out city blocks , but most of them are ~
fairly normal people underneath it all. Maybe it's a nai've optimism , but
here at TechStep, we still believe in the fundamental goodness of all people,
novas included. Rather than let a few bad apples spoil the bunch , we'd
rather see another Fireman than another Bernard Goetz or Percy Andreesen (the
New York fall riots of '03, anyone?) .

Weak: Internal Combustion Chic : Hypercombustion Engine

Okay, maybe the hypercombustion engine is still a bit sketchy , but we can ~
hope, can't we? A twenty-five thousand percent reduction in global pollu-
tion from transportation and maintenance vehicles is a good thing and
one that we're willing to risk a few isolated cases of brain cancer for.

Weak: Grass-Roots Ecology Invigoration Chic: The Zushima

Macrobe ~
The editors here at TechStep are basically lazy people, but firmly devoted
to better life through technology . Now that we have garbage-eating "good"
bacteria courtesy of the boys and girls at Utopia, let's use it, dammit! The
Zushima macrobe degrades waste material and converts it to carbon diox-
ide (which, granted , is a simplified statement , but even the post-macrobe undigestibles
occupy less than one hundredth of their original mass) , which our environment is prepared
to handle. Doesn't the grass look particularly green today? Now that we no longer have to
bury our trash or shuttle it around the oceans in toxic garbage scows , let's all take a brief
moment of reverence to throw a discarded McDonald 's cup into the street.

Weak: Propr ietary OSs Chic: ViaSoft One World

Yeah, you Mac enthusiasts are going to raise a stink , but come on. Enough platform war-
fare - let's get back to computing . Word is the VS wants to have a remote-compatible
version of One World (nicknamed Infra, according to our sources in the R&D labs) by early
next year , which should be music to your ears if you 're running DeskAway
1.03b . Don 't get us wrong , Big Blue ; we love using the phone, but that
awkward keyword interface needs to go - and to have the Mac 's floating-
poin t coprocessor on its side .

Weak: Neural Messaging

Perhaps this seems Luddite of us , but does neural messaging offer any -
thing that pocket or wet phones don 't do better? Why read a message
when we can talk directly to the person who wants our attention? Global
Chic: Good 01' Digital Cellular

long-d istance - when you even need it - is cheaper than neural mes-
saging hubs and backup nerve tapes• anyway . Here 's a case of the "break-
through " not living up to the hype . Sorry , PacBell : nice try.
*Yes, we know they 're not tapes , but they may as well be. So sue us.

Weak: Prague and New York City

So long , global telecom . Goodbye, Madison Avenue brand doctors. Hello,
entertainment , technology and hospitality . Since Utop ia's ''terraforming " of
Ethiopia , hundreds of thousands have been flocking to A-A to take advan-
Chic: Addis Ababa

tage of the city 's boom in growth. Corporate and private citizens have made
Addis Ababa a hugely important city, rivaling Tokyo and New York for fi-
nance , Bombay for entertainment and any of those crumbling old European cities for cul-
ture . Provided you like a warm (er, hot) climate and no humidity , you can live like a caliph in
Africa , because it's still burgeon ing , so rent can be found on the cheap .

Weak: Endangering Species Chic: Genet ically Engineered Fauna

Hey , we leave the office sometimes . We know that humans aren 't the only
animals that share the earth . We 're happy , though , that new sciences and
nova-assisted developments have made it easier for us to exist with those
animals . The end of the last century saw over 200 individual species on
the endangered list. Through cloning technologies , we 've brought that down
to a mere 12 , and "adaptations " of existing animals (such as the Triton-backed "garbage
pigeon ") give us a more harmonious environment. Engineered cattle , chickens and fish
provide more nutritional output per animal and in less time than Mother Nature 's way . Even
Utopia 's Zushima macrobe is vectored by a specially bred rat. It may not be Bambi, but it
sure beats eating species like popcorn .

Weak: NBC and Infantry Actions

While it pains us to th<lk that we can oommunh:ate withour friends nine thousand
miles away at the speed of light but we're still fighting with each other over skin
color and religion, at least there's a better way to do it Gas? No thanks. Germ-
Chic: Nova Elites

bombs? Forget it. We'll just hire nova elites to do the necessary ass-kicking and
watch it all on the N! Report.Why risk countless lives when the novas are willing
to pound on each other for a few million bucks plus licensing options?

Weak: Polymer
Polymers are artificial , expensive , unstab le and able to transmit less data
per millimeter than the alternat ive . Eufiber , even the synthet ic stuff, is bio-
degradable , cheap , universal and able to transmit enough data at a one-
Chic: Eufiber

millimeter thickness to grant everyone in the UK access to every subscrip-

tion-service OpNet porn site in the world at speeds in excess of a gig a
second. And it makes a snazzy running suit. No contest.

Weak: Big Five

For God 's sake , people , how many more sitcoms and gritty UN-agent dra-
mas do we need? The answer is none! Maybe we 're just geeks (though
the Nie lsens suggest otherwise ....), but we 'd rather watch the Stone Badass
Chic: NI

duke it out with Electric William any day of the week . And ABC , here 's a
clue : Urkel is 40 years old. Retire him!

Excerpts from
Dr. Duke Rollo's
Why Customs
Officials Hate Me
- The Wretched
World of Contract
Courtesy of ViaSoft Press .


Zlnf 69
repurarioru, for brurnliry in th free worlJ, ana fa: well -aJju teJ, ivil, re pe rful,
but ·uch i Lhe price of etern. I vigilan c. lean and qui t. Prob, hi the arie t pl, e
t lea t, that' , what th nova rent-a• op on Earch.
tell · 1ou when h -•~rat h ·rmg your arm bviou I , non of chi arplic to uebcc.
behind your ba k .... Once again, che French element ha . rai ed
ew Yl rk ha . alway been the rotten it hac kle:- in it long- liveJ hi:tc ry of b ing
apple, bur tho e deifi nova have errainly a thorn in the re r of che country ·iJe.
Jone th ir part in x ising thew rm from Again I moring for e e · ion, raJi al
the fruited ovary. Bymaking ew York the element . o uebc oi ·ociety have even
pla e to he for nova · (a it hru been ~in e I •gun printing their own money, , hi h i
time immemori al for u ha ·cline ·), rhe elite worth roughly rwo 4ui k hell ' laugh , hut
uperpeople have l reatheJ ne, life into little more. rick with the anadian dollar,
what wou lJ hav ' ercainly fe rered into anJ embargo the h •II out of uehec if it
anmher LA. Ameri an a. hion me ve finally Joe e ede.
through ew York, a · d J • any even o
an national or international ignifi an e. ic
More ulturally tliv r e than perhap an ' For a <le riture n rion only marginally
orh ' r ity in the world, ew York i a above the tatu o the Thir I World,
ncxu of glohal ivilization. ccJlc:,. tc M xi l ur know how m cclebnne,
~a , thi · mean · you an't park anywhere. though most of chc fc riviric: rem from
religiou events. That' no big Jeal if you're
an ad a a heathen like yr. orre , p., but devout
Yeah, •eah, you knO\ h 1w boring an I big mJ1viduab of an , f ith haJ he ta limare
and olJ ana la i~. l'v heard tho or ray home.
rnccmenr · o dubiou omi alue n mu h Mexi o elehrate ch mo t morhi I of
a the next penm. o ,1hea I, mock :,ffair , in luJmg Diade losMuerte , or the
anada anJ tell u how ana lian all calk " a of the •ad," whi h apparently
funny. involve ma ive amount , of drinking,
i mi · anada ofn1and, however, , nd you ma · ive amount~ of ther ingc rion an I
leave yourself out of whar the United cuing chin, on fire, but my memory may
care ould hav lone i they'd wanted c be a bit fragmented fr m the fe·tivitie .
le ome b •tr •r r pie in t aJ f bigger, Then again, I ·peak onl en 1ugh pani h
I lU ler, ri her people. anada cnjo · an t order beer and mena e th caballeros
appallingly low crime rate, which works if with a harpenc I - rewJriver, n I'm nm
you like co retain wner hip of your very well ver. Jin the cu ·mm' greater
clonging · but can make thing diffi ul if
you ind your ·elf at th tai l end of a bender.
"May I e your ID, · irt the o fi r a ·ked .
" lcrcainly."

Mar h. At either of
these elebration ( >r
an · of the le :,er acholi
fe·tiv al ·), 1 lexi an iti::en
..I participate with re kle: ·
abandon. B ware <lfpartaking of
"Are you inroxi aced, ·ir?" th• en·eza too liberally, however, a the
"Thar depen:. Whu · th B g v 'rnmcnc has a bit co learn , bout
di tin ·hm? I'm pm~ I coxi aimed by m airne anJ hone c , and mor • than ~me
mother' rnnner<l , but who call he ·hot , gringo h,ls ended up on the wr mg : ide of a
n und here?" wrought-iron grate rever.
" ome with me, ·ir." All if the c clcbrntion , of ou r · , involve
che ubi4uiwu~ mascarasfor whi h Mexi o
i July famou . o, not the tuff the terr'r

kidz put on their eye , but actual full face dulged, one may take the lizard' name too
ma k , which the I cal wear t parry r far. Po ring nd in a an J e jail c c an
hold up liquor tore with little di crimina- arm and a leg, given credit-card c nversion
ti n. Once a localized phenomenon, mask rate , and you may not take the lizard with
pread t th curril u lite ca ce nd, in you ....
true con umeri c fa hion, are now being
bought worldwide by kinny white boy The Caribbean
who want to play ldi r fi ran venin g. Once a main cay f the crui e circuit, the
Mexico ity, home ofT2M America, h Cari b an h c m imultane u ly
turned it elf around miraculou ly in the more and le a lei ure locale. An influx of
pa t LOyear . Once an ve pulated wealthy nova who have purcha ed i land
breeding pit of poverty and violence, fi r hem elve reduce the amount of
Mexi Cicy ha benefited greatly from the public lands available for vi it. Of cour e,
re ence and inve tment f th n va wh the the r ide f the coin i chat many
dwell there. ow one of the cleane t citie n va have d vel ped ch ir private
in rch America, Mexico icy al o holding a commercial resort , catering to
intend t reviv th naci nal c n my, the mo t lofty and ba e c whim imagin-
tarting locally. It i another multicultural able. F r example, Alain Huur ' Heaven
hu b, and all but them t daft f vi it r r rt i a literal garden of earthly delight ,
can find omeone who peak their ac which each vi it r r c ive the ervice
language. In addition, the young economy- of a lave concubine. Um, or o I've heard.
n-th -up wing ha drawn a fair har f By way of contra t, nova Darryl King ton'
entrepreneurs who, if you can look pa t pla h re ore e aim t exclu iv ly family
ch ir awful uics and omnipre ent cell- traffic, offering cuba tours, fi hing char-
phone conver ati n , may turn Mexic ters, coral-gathering expe ition and other
Cicy into a mecropoli of global import. far I uited to th drunken, fornicating
Perhap in pice f chem elve .... horde of modern odom.
P lici have become a pr sing i ue in the
Central America Caribbean recently, and m r than ne
I can ay liccle about encral America of dark rumor ha circulated about a ecret
timely valu , a any giv n government ha Teragen tronghold among the region'
shifted hand in three coup in the la t LS i land . Thi i th kind f thing ne
minute . Al o, I fear to it ac my de k, a overhear in dimly lit drinking e tabli h -
the ri k f catc hin g n f che 2,500 tray men dee raced with cers of Che
bullets that have made their way into my Guevara and trafficking in knive and
r m. Rack d by popular di content, boat headed off-i land, but tho e muttered
poi oned y mon y from th M dellfn drug m1 giving ventually make it co the pre
cartel , and home to what eem like every and certain ly have me ba i in reality.
bu hwhacker conflict in the We tern Again, o I've heard.
Hemi phere, ntral Am rica i a dang r- Cuba, a anyone with an eye for the
ou place to live and an ignominiou place decadent know , ha become the in
t die . At night, the fighting die d wn in Capital f the We t. After Castro' death
ome of the citie , ometim , and th and the i land' udd n (r ad: vi I nt) hift
talwart or cupid can creep into town for to laissez-faire capitali m, money took
deliciou f, d or t trike up a dallia nce pr cedenc ver moral and che once-poor
with ome of the mo t eautifu l Latin Cuban e cabli hed the clo e t thing to a
ople on che c ncinenc. true "free" market anywhere, at lea t a far
ova Ani al Buendia mak hi horn a yr. Corre p. h een. Like the cla ic
here, a well, in the relatively calm movie Casablanca,Havan h a bee m a
(meaning chac on ly every othercitizen cro road of infidel , cretin , archfiend ,
carrie a firearm p nly on the treet ) r dical and other on-th -run rts, who
Co ta Rica. Co ta Ric.a, (un)fortunately, i mix their company with Medellfn a oci-
ne of che plac God ha created naturally ace and drug-crazed college students
occurring well f rum, my experie nce i alike ....
limited to andalwood ar that cool the
fevered foreigner' fie h. Al o, the "Je u South America
Chri t lizard," which am its nam by Colombia ( with an "O"; you pell it with a
running aero the urface of till water , "U," y u'r talking a uc the capital f che
may be een here, but if one ha overin- equally godfor aken ouch Carolina) i

perhap the only country I have vi it d in advancements offered by Project Utopia,
which it is not impo ible to order an England slips a little more each day.
ounce of cocaine from one' restaurant Vi lence continue to ri e in London, and
waiter. ick with the venom f th I'm not talking about the good kind, in
resurgent Med llfn crafficantes, Colombia' which members f the now-extinct Hou e
government remain weak thanks to drug of Lord punched each other and soccer
money and a martial law impo d by the h ligan trampled their own kind beneath
criminal who exi t o t n ibly on the their feet. Rather, L ndon ha t a tone of
wrong id of it. ethnic hatr d and petty crime that the re t
Brazil, on the other hand, ha taken a cue f the nation eems to slowly follow down
from former filth- pawning pit Mexico the trail of general eedin
City and embraced the novas' ameliorating On the newly ( ort of) united cont inent,
way . Much of the Amazon d for tation much ha hifted within the pa t 10 year .
of the pa t 30 year ha been rever ed in a Antwerp, the diamond capita l of Europe,
cant ix, a Utopia-c ntributed genetic- ha al bee me the fa hi n capital of
engineering projects have yielded plan Europe, u urping that title from Pari and
and wildlife chat grow to maturity in a Milan. Perhap the m t una~ ctedly and
liccl a ix months. Project Utopia' inc r ly cyli h p ople of Europe, the
Environmental Divi ion maintains a strict Belgian have et a cultural ton that the
quota over what may legally be felled or re t of the C ntinent would do wi e to
mined in the area. f: llow. A genial, ho pitable people who
ao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro have ri en value their culture and refu e t cake ide
quickly as well, becoming the third and in p litical conflict, Belgium i a model of
I 2th-large t cities in the world, per capita, what an economy hould be, if a bit goody-
respective ly. C ro road of ancient culture goody for yr. Corre p.' ta te .
and modem technology, these cities have Likewi e, Am terdam ha practically
been caught between the rival influence mirrored Antwerp' development, with the
of the ubiquitou Medellfn cartel and added bonu of having virtually legalized
Utopia cru ader , yet have had the will to drug ramp ge , which goes part and parcel
remain largely independent for now. with legalizing alma t every pharmaceuti-
ooner or later, th ugh, mething' got to cal on God' green earth. Removing the
give, and my money' on basic human "getting away with omething" a pect of
greed, which may erve Brazil t th cartel the drug bender does take part of the
readily. my tique away, but I believe that to be part
A few rumors have leaked out of the region of Am terdam' intent.
concerning a specie of uper-piranha Ibiza, off the coast of pain, ha made
genetically engin red to combat nova . I imilar efforts, but ha ucceeded largely in
hear they're called "Jer ey Devil ," only the drug liberali m. You're not going
"chupacabras" and "boogeymen." I there to find any culture in Ibiza, unle it' of
anything the pre won't print ... ? the model-who-ju t-came-off-the-runway-
n-the-Groenplatz- eeking-a-meth-binge-
Europe o- he-can-dance-all-night-and-not-eat-
The bullhead d, traditional Engli h have for-chree-day variety. Granted, that's not
largely re i ted the efforts of Project Utopia much cultural ignificance, but I hall
(dragging Ireland and cotland into the throw no tone from my glas hou e.
mire with them), and it how . For a Venice, home to T2M Europe' headquar-
nation that tarted as a cros breeding of ter , continue to sink into the wamp that
Roman oldier who didn't want to go eem to want to claim Italy phy ically a
home and Celtic barbarians who drank the the g neral cha of the nation wants to
blood of their dead, the UK i a needle ly claim it metaphorically. Italy continue the
stuffy place. tradition of alternating governmental
Such rejection of Utopia's aid i mo t power between p ychotic communist and
vi ible in London, the bacteria-inf: ted crazed fa ci t every other week with the
armpit of the Sceptered I le. With end re ult of not a damn thing. A it ha
London' (and according ly, the re t of the alway been, a it ever hall be, unle nova
nation' ) refusal to support the euro, Giancarlo Vocaccio's eye tum more
accompanied by the degrading value of the eriou ly toward political influence in the
pound, the United Kingdom eems doomed boot of the Mediterranean.
in the long term. Largely unaided by the
72 zmE
peaking f banana republic , half of
Africa' under th p n influen e f n va
elite and the other half r main und r the
concr I f m niacal dictators who want to
be nova elite . m 11- ale war , either

zmE 73
AdJi Ababa i a moJel, perh p I'll nle
( (, r a bit of hepherding. It make you
apprc iate breaking the rules all the
more ....

A fragmented as 1t ha been all through-
ut hi ·tol) ', A ·ia remains the 1ltimat
pla to be ome lo t, both a identa!I and
elc tively. The r gion faun· almo r a
many religion a it Joe citizen , and any
relation . hip one manages to forge m one
country ma become null and voi<l m the
country I yard · away.
In th Middle Ea:,t, (,Jr example, religious
con ervati m yield a gnm outlook regard-
ing novas, whi h r>fl t in the quality of
life e rabli hed there. . nommal-ac-be t
participant · in Project Utopia, the Middle
Ea t i plit lown the middle by ~1 gr lwtng
faction f m Jeratc unni who regard
nova a Allah' cho en. Low-profile
military kinni . he in olve aim ta many
nova freebooter · as the cntral mcri an
confli t:., a the crife over matte religiou
drive neigh r:, m take up arm . Give
peace a chan e, th ugh: Long- u fcring
Pale tine h e tabli hed a national
d vel pment with lip ervice < t e t,
Japane e manufacturer have rocketed
h ad f the indu try urve y 20 year or
more. In their priva e live , h wever, the
till hold a ft poc in their heart for
th e little ail r uit the girl wear to
chool. Bizarre per onal penc h nt not•
with randing, Japane e big bu ine ha a
uri u , had wy relation hip with the
nati n' Yakuza. vernm ntal int rdict
on certain technolo - impo ed by
Utopia pre ure, of our e - forbid ope n
ale of key item . The crimina l organiza•
tion , dint of their lawle ne , elect not
t heed the e r rri ti n and m ve the
product for big profit. Part of th t pr fit
obviou ly return to the manufacturer, who
then u it t pay hi caxc an I ru the
ocher money that come in via variou
ther illi it enue . Obviou ly, nor all
Japan c mmcr i illeg I, but the
acceptance of the crimina l in the relation-
hip between bu ine and government
mak fi r que ti nable echi . Didn't y u
ah ay u pect a much? The government
nly differs from the crimina l in chat they
t II y u it' k y. At I a t when y u deal
with criminal , you know y u're bad ....

highe t cor rate cowers.

For true innovati n , h we er, n mu t
trade in Japan. Followin the nation'
ai h r v luti n, Japan hifted into
re hnolo ical high g ar. A the r gard
Uropia' guideline on techno lo ical
Zlnf 75
Excerpt fromencodedmessage; dated May11,2008

Look the first thing you need to know is that it's absolutelyvital you don't let anyone
catch you reading this. 1went to a lot of trouble to micronizethis print to where it d be all
but invisibleto anyonebut someonewithyour powers. Please, if you valuemy life, don't let
on that you got this message. lt's that important.

Youknowhowwe kept getting that gut feelingthat somethingwas goingon, something

that they wouldn'tshow us? We were right. I saw it.

It was that espionagemissionI took last week; 1did a lot better than 1thought I would.
1 wound up tracing back one of the Noveltymiddlementhrough about six miles of false
trails back to the jackpot. He had 'orders to cooperate" withat least three elites including
Pursuer. So I started hoppingalonghis contact trails to findout whowas payingthese three
and why. l almostwish I hadn't.

There isn't space to go into allthe details here withoutmakingthis messagelookbigger

than a pixel. The short of it is - Rourke,Utopiawas payingthese guysoff. Not directly,of
course. But I recognizedsome of the names at the end of the paper trail, and they work in
the offices down the hall.These people were authorizinglacingadrenocilinwith chemicals
that I know are sterility-inducing, in doses that could only be tailored For people like us.
There was a coded message concerningthe Bahrainfacility:somethingabout detention
and treatment and "Mazarin-Rashouddisorder.' There were funds goingto pro-Kashmir
groups, the groups they send us over there to check. lt was like watchinga conspiracy-
theory movieat three in the morning,only it's all real. Everybit.

Comeand talk to me. Youwouldn'thave gotten this messageif 1didn t thinkyou would
care. But I knowyou do. We have to figure out what to do.


Ca<?DIN, WQJV'T Yat usrcJV n:, ~
WHat PRa.J'.£:7" IS Rio.SEO n:, .KEEP
vs /JV UJVc ra<? S()/1tc'THI/V,S.'


'THEY" HAVE some






IN A SHORT Tl/l'IE, 6UT l'l.L


/1'\0RE HO/l'IEWORK. l'l.L TALK


ST AAT SOWIN' THE SEEDS tVa t::at.'B.' PO/V 'T" T",'U/< n:J .4/WO/Vc
From Project Proteus Audio Files,Delivered to an Operative in SecondWeek of May,2008
Allfteldagents· pnonty.
ConcemmgnovaJenniferLanders, a.k.a. "Slider.•
NovaSliderposes a threat to Utopiaand Proteuslongevity.
Fieldobservationsmd1cateSliderhas madecontact withno fewer than 16 novasand no more than 19novas
ma sympathybidagainstthe obiectives of ProiectsProteusandUtopia. KnownsympathizersincludenovasCorbm,
Mezt1szo, Holm,Greer, YannikCherpaand Fong.
Proteussecrecy has not been compromised,but it 1sof paramountimportanceto mamtamsuch.
Allsympatheticand suspected-sympatheticnovashavebeen assignedto monitoredareas for evaluationand
damagecontrol. Agentsof Proteus are encouragedto assess proximatenovas' performanceand attitudes, and
NovaRousseauhas not been associatedwith this group of anti-Utopianovaslo dale, thoughrecords have
been incomplete.She'sa cannybitch, though, so keep an eye on them and be prepared.
JenniferLanders, a.k.a. "Slider," presents liabilityto ProJectsUtopiaand Proteus to sucha degree that her
continuedperformanceexistsmore as threat than mere agitation. Act per CodeOmegadirectives.under normal
gu1delmes .

A Handwritten Note From Slider to Corbin

Forgiveme for the Bombaycliche,but they're on to me.
l wentto fivedifferentpeople- bigmistake- withthe story, andthey're either part of the cover-up(maybeout of
ignorance)or hostile. Obviously, the guyl talkedto as myUtopialiaison(AlbertPetalan)is part of it, but so are the Calcutta
police, the APreporter and myrepresentativewith AmandaWu's company.I don't knowabout Rourkeanymore.
The bottomlme1s, we can't go to anyone. Get everyonetogether and let themknowthe scaleof this thing, but keep 11
hush-hush.Obviously.1fyou're not part of Utopia's''solution,"you're part of the problem.AndUtopia'sgot almosteveryone
involvedas part of the solutionon some level.
Anywaygotta run. I've left my'·resignation" fromUtopiahere in C.We'lltalk later.
Be careful,
P.S. Heardof somethingcalled"Proteus'? Let me know.

May14, 2008
Calcutta, India- TeamTomorrownovaJennifer"Slider'' Landers,under temporarycontract lo Novelty
Consultation, was reported DOAat UN FranklinMoran field hospital this morningat precisely 4:02 am.
Paraphys1c1ans workedtirelesslyfor eight hours to reinvigorateSlider's failedbiologicalprocesses, only to de-
clare her dead after unsuccessfulattempts.
Sliderhad been relamed by NoveltyConsultationto safeguardagainstTeragencorporate espionage,and
agentsof that organizationare suspectedlo havesomerelationto her death.
Detailsare fewandfar-betweenmthisevent,but the act seemsto be one of assassination,possiblylinkedto
Teragenradicalism . Sliders inJunesappear to havebeen caused in conAictwith another nova,thoughno more
information1sforthcomingat this lime.



I msure I don't haveto tellyouthat wehavea problem. However,whatyouneed to know1sthat you've JUSt
been designateda troubleshooter.The informationleak on class1f1ed materialextendedbeyondLandersand
her 1mmed1ate circle of friends; althoughour plants on the team were able to min1m1ze the damagecontrol
amongTeamTomorrowmembers, she somehowmanagedto transmitsomeof her lies to other Utopians, who
havesubsequentlygone rogue. In alllikelihood,Parkwasthe one responsiblefor their evacuation; naturally,he
is amongthe missing.At least 10havefled[filesfor eachare attached); althoughwe'rewaitingfor confirmation
fromallcells, we believethat numbercouldnse to 15 or 20, all told.
The good news in this situation, of course ,s that the renegades have very few options at this point.
Landers' findingswere rather too comprehensive,and we suspect that Landers put a somewhathistrionic,
possiblyTeragen-insp1red , spinon the data, but that mayworkinour favor. The renegadescan be presumedto
be aware that Proteushas contads amongglobalauthorities and they havelittlereason to trust any particular
agencythere. Similarly, althoughour tense relationswiththe UnitedStatesgovernmentmightseemmoreprom-
isingto them. they wouldhaveto be foolsto try that route openly. The Teragen,thoughquite possiblybehind
this wholeLanderssituation, 1shardlyan option: these renegadesare theoreticallysmartenoughto realizethat
theycan't counton that nest of vipers. Andalthoughsomemediabacklash1scertainlyinevitable,weare already
institutingcontrolsto makecertain that the damage1sminimal.T2M1salreadybeing withdrawn,and we won't
be makingany press conferencesuntilwe're certain we knowexactlywhat needs to be said.
Yourrole in allthis 1sappropriatelysimple. Youare to use whateverresourcesyoucan covertlymobilizeto
track down the rogue novas, silence them howeverpossible,and leave counter-evidenceto draw attention
awayfrom Utopia. We wouldof course prefer that you reason with them convincethem of Landers' clearly
compromisedstatus, and bringthemharmoniouslyback mtothe fold;if that optionFails,however,youare free
to escalatedamagecontroloptionsas you see fit. We cannotafford to be exposedin this; subtlety1sof para-
mountimportancehere so don't let any of your agentsget too enthusiastic.Especiallynot Chiraben.
Whateverelse, be certain that Mercerdoesn't fmdout about this. Hehas enoughto worryaboutalready.
and the worldneeds himfocusedon his tasks. It's muchbetter for all of us if he, like the rest of the world,
believesthese renegadesto be just a fringegroupof conspiracytheorists.

FromUSAToday , 05/2l/08
Doyou thinkthe allegationsof a conspiracy within Project Utopia are true?
Yes 14%
No 58%
Not sure 28%
Whodoyouthink murdered Slider?
Teragen 34%
Corbin 21%
Governmentagency 18%
ProJectUtopia 11%
Criminalcartels 4%
Unknown 12%
Excerpt, phoneconversationbetween public terminals,May30, 2008
Voice 1[male,estimatedage 25): Hello'?
Voice2 [female,indetenninateage]: Thank you for picking up.
Voice 1: Look,whois this'?
Voice 2: Someonewho'swellaware of whoyou are and whatyou're running from.
Voicel: I dinnaehave time for games.
Voice 2: Canyou guarantee that this phone line is completely secure'?Canyou guaranteethat it'll remain so'?
Voice l: ...
Voice 2: 1thoughtnol Listen to me. I can offer you nd your friends shelter. I have resources enoughto keep
you hidden- but 1also have resources enoughto backyou on a more aggressivecourse of action, one that
stands to helpyou correct someof your current problems.
Voice !: Canye prove this isn't a trap'?
Voice 2: Youhave a telepath amongyour number, yes'?He willbe the proof. Nowhangup and start walking
south. I'llcallyou again in five minutes.
[Transmission ends.]

From a TelecomVirusMessageDistributed by Sophia Rousseau,DirectedTowardFriendsandAcquaintances

Greetings.friends. Please listenfullyto this messageand pass 1ton via forwardingto someoneclose to you.
Utopiaclearlywantsnovast.nderitslfurb .Looking at recentlydiscCM!r'edevidence(theobta1mng of whichIrelatebelow),
1amforced to concWe thatelements W1th1nUtopia seekto SU>Jugate or ~te. possibly evensystematically eliminate,novasas
. Howmanyof ushavedied1nmeaningless
a -...hole skrnushes?Howmanyhaveaccepteda corporate-,city-or IJtopca-spoosored
lifestyle,tradingarselves formoney '?Aswearenot theenemiesofh.mai1<md, norareweitsservants .
The recent deathof Jennifer"Slider"Landers1sa pivotalpointin novahistory.Hercloseassociate,AndreCorbin,
hasassembleda collectionof her noteson the matter, andthe aggregatecompilation, especiallyin lightof her mystenous
death, pleadsa very strongcase .
However, weneedmorethana strongcase.Utopiahasinsinuated itself1neveryaspectofnormal life.Wehavenogovemnent
towhichto hrn, noranypolice force.At thesametime, wecannotbecometerronstsforfearoflosingsympathy forar cause.As
wellUtopia hasbecomesoenbei ichedinthegeopolitical strucnrethattoover1lrnpti>lic confidence1n1tcoudleadtocatastrophic
panicworldwide.Nor. mndy,doweknowa~ dealregardingtheextentofthecor,spu-acy , whether
,nUtopia theenbreProJect
hasbeen compromised or onlya selectcabalwithinitsadm1mstrabon .
Nonetheless, we camotremainpassrveagainsta clearandpresentthre-aNw.isinterested1ndefend1ng !her aj,ts as
areencou-aged to gatheron]l.Slel of 2008at theAmpRoom , wherea pnvateroomhasbeen seared . Matterscntica!
to thefuh.-eofar role,nEa-ths history5hallbe dlSCUSSed, andyotr participation IS vitaltoar success .
Thank you for your time.

A Page from Slider's Notes, Presented Before the Assembled

Contraceptivecompoundsmixedintofood/adrenoc1lm (maintainsimpotencyof novasso no morecan be born)?
Utopiareg1strat1onallowsconstant checkupon status of ind1v1dual novas(privacy?)?
Novainfluencein globalgovernmentsestablishes"watcher" network?
Skirmish- levelsof violenceto killoff novas/control nova population'?
Telev1S1011 violence- broadcast'"Death ofTitanPalmyra"
Mandatory stenl1zat1ons/apphcations for childhoodm highpopulationdensity cities

thenewsFrom OpNews
Live, 11/09/07
... In other news, General
N!tenainment Thomas Eddicott was
interred today in Arling-
ton National Cemetery
N!tervlew with full honors. A long
line of Washington's
dignitaries turned out to
NIthenews pay their final respects,
including Captain Donald
R. Baldwin, popularly
N!sight known as "The Shooter."
He is survived by his
N!tlenous wife, three child ren and
four grandchildren.

Nhernet [SCENE: Captain Bald\.\rin's

eulogy. On saying Goodbye,
Baldwin looks skyward and

• Baldwin: "No finer

tunNluames soldier ever drew breath
than Gene ral Thomas
Dwayne Eddicott. I had
the honor of serving
under him for 15 years,
and in that I count myself
fortunate. I know many of
us are ga ther ed here
today to mourn the
soldier and patriot who
always served his country
with pride. H owever,
many more of us -
including myself - are
here to mourn the man
who loved his family and
his country. He was a
good man, first and
foremost. And as he looks
down from Heaven on us
here today, r just want to
say: 'Thank you, Gen-
eral...' - and thank you,
Thomas. We'll miss you."
Froma Departmentof Defense memo, classified Deep Black;08/20/06

Dr. Fielding:

GeneralEndicott1svery insistent that Project: Cornucopia be brought up to operating status within

schedule.The Americanmilitary 1salreadyover-reliant on novapersonnel- weneed these exoskeletonsup
and running, Utopian scientific sanctionsbe damned. Perfectingthe powergrids is youronlyconcern- we'll
handlethe security. GeneralEndicotthas told meto reassureyou that he is privy to information that willkeep
the Utopians off our backs, evenif they shoulduncoverour research. Wecan be certain that they won'twant
to take this to a publicarena.

Cpt. CharlesMoring

Commun ique double

-enayptedwith NavajoDaedalus 3; dated 6/03/08
I'll presumeeverything is going wellon your end, Director. Nonetheless,mybest wishes.
Dr. Ennkssen1sshowing somesignsof restlessness,as I'd projected· allthat intellectcan hardlybe finding
sufficient challengein engineeringand architecture. His abilityto process anddesignseemsto be speedingup,
at least when he's not being currentlyfaced with a direct problemto solve· he's progressed to completing
roughlythree designsper hour, completewitharchitecturalsketches. He's currentlydelegating the computer-
izedreproductionsto assistants- apparentlythere isn't enoughstimulus to finishinga 3-0 modelof a design
that he's alreadymentallycompleted.
I'm thinkingof testing the newgamesof chancefromHattori's pet projects on the doctor. Withany luck,
the advancedprobabilityconfigurationswhenset to cyclethroughshiftingodds in a non-repeatingseries of
patterns. willprovideenoughstimulation to occupyhis mind during non-peakhours. Psychtellsme that he has
just enoughof a gambling bug to take interest, with a minimalchanceof overattachment.
In the meantime, all seems to be going quite wellwith Cocharin.Shes continuingto adjust wellto life in
Engineering,and the departmentheads workedout a schedulethat allowsher to use her matter-transmutation
abilitieson a regularbasis withoutany real quantum-bleedingor signs of stress. I've managedto bond fairly
closelyto her, and fromwhat she's sharing,she seems to be takingthe whole "Slider" incident as she should.
There aren't anyapparent signs of her havingbeen part of Sliders network,and she's in Factexpressed worry
as to whatthe "rogues' mightindeed try. I intend to be at confidant-levelstatus within two weeks; she seems
glad of the regularnon-novacompanyas 1tseems to break downany self-imposedfeelingsof "beingdiffer-
Advisefurther as you see fit, of course.
Communique double-encryptedwithNavajoDaedalus3; dated 6/0 5/08
Goodjob on your recent efforts. Yournext bit of businessis to prep Ishidaand Fashoudand have them
ready to supportT2MAsin the closingof the SopMoei plant·they'llbe wetworkingamongthe localgovernment
and militaryin order to makecertain that the closedownis pennanent.A fulldossier of their role is enclosed.
Businessas usualfor T2MCe,Euand Am.
Also, I wantan updatedfullreport on the Aeonboard - they've takena few steps I hadn'texpected and
1very muchdislikesurprises. Usea second-tier agent· 1wanta purer infonnationfeed to m1nim1zethe chanceof

Unmarked communique,dated06/09/08
I wouldvery politelyliketo remindyou to keep in Fuckingline. We are not an organizationof sadists and
bullies.We are not in this for kicks. We havebeen entrusted with the task of doingwhat needs to be done in
order to better the wholegoddamnplanet.If that meanssomebodydies nowand again, that's what ,t means.
Ouroperatingprinciplesare here in order to preventus fromparalyzingourselveswithevery lastethicalques-
tion· they were institutedby necessityso that we can achieveactual.regular progress on the betterment of
humansocietyas a whole. Theydo not giveyou carte blancheto do whateverthe hellyouliketo somebodythat
has been designateda liability.We are Project Proteus. We are the oil that keeps the gears lurmng.We are the
screen that keepsthe baselinesfromoutrightpamc. Andwe are the onlythingstandingbetweenthe status quo
andwaror genocide,betweenthe rest of the worldand lunaticslikeMalor thoseother THINGS.Inother words,
Chiraben,we do not fuckaround.
Youworkalonenot becausewewantyou to do whateverthe hellyou want.Youworkalonebecausethat 1s
the waywedo things. If wordcomesto meagainof youmisusingyour powerto get yourownsadistickicks,then
I swear to Godthat you willbe the next designatedliability
. Anddon't even Fuckingthinkof trying to blowour
cover to saveyour ownskin. That didn't save Slider- whowasone of the sweetest girlsI've ever known-
and 1tby Godwillnot saveyou. I knowwhereyou live,and I knowwhereyou sleep. Don't eventhinkof doinga
damnthingthat mightpossiblycompromiseus ever again,or whatyou d,d to your last ·'assignment"willlook
likea picnicwithyour grandmothercomparedto whatwe willdo to you.


From WSSB Eleven o'C lock News, dated 06/08/07




Enclosed1smypreliminaryreport on the knownpersonnelandresourcesof the "Teragen"movement(file
PA-2].Operative"Turncoat"continueswithhismf1ltration, and willupdatethe fileas opportunitypermits. The
evidencesupportsour theory that thisorganizationseemsto be morepopularmovementandchansmacult than
anythingelse - the keydifferencebeingthat onlyaberrants are involved.
Director.the moreI learnaboutth,s Teragen, the moregravemyapprehensionsbecome. I'll leave1tto you
lo pore over the filesand piece together the possibleextent of this threat, but evena casualscan provesthat
these peoplehaveinfluenceacross the contmenls,possiblyeven worldwide . I can onlypresumeby the mered-
ablyextensivevarietyof theircontactsand "customers.. that they musthavea highlycellularsetup; there doesn't
seemto be muchof a regimentedcentralstructureat all. Thankfully , weshouldbe ableto closem on, say,one of
the Zukhovcontacts withoutworryingabout the Teragens contacts m the Vatican.
1highlyrecommend1solatmgseveral of these contact pomts and movmgthrough them to the Teragen
membersinvolved.OFcourse,we'IIneed to buildup our reserveof reliableaberrant personnelfirst: of the three
aberrants m the DirectiveI trust. one's m deep cover. the second 1sa b,l unsubtle,and bnngmgm the third
shoulddefinitelybe a last result 1fwe want to avoida mediafiasco.
l repeat: rm worried. 1thmkyou willbe, too. once you go over the file. Althoughthe Teragenhas yet to
fullyblossommtothe worst-casescenarioswe were proJectmgback m '98. I havea naggingfear that it's only
gomgto be a matter of time.
\ .. ·I
\~ /

mo sapiens novus (also

o sapiens . Regulations
sily subverted and mi
y destiny to attain the
es set by beings w
is "ethical" or "mo
s and governing
s must be consi ea inapplicable to Homo sapi-
ens novus.
Until a common gover bodyl compo entirely of novas qualified to
hold authority, is recognize the m ority of e nova population , then it is the
duty of every Homo sapie n vus to vern h1 self or herself as he or she sees
fit. Just as it is preposterous ask hu ans to a e by the strictures of chimpan-
zee society, any attempt to
must be seen as an attack 'te
rce a nova to abi by the laws of human society
righrs of the i ividual nova ....

Private iournal entry: Leland Cornwall; April 23, 2007
Just how I liketo beginmydays: A telepathic probe just after breakfast.I wishI didn't haveto wanderinto people's
mindslikethis, particularlycriminals- and particularlynow. I swear to God, walkinginsidesome people's mindsis hke
goinginto a sewer - it's a hellof a lot differentthan sexplaywithan open partner, that's for sure.
That's howit waswithSluice.To be honest, I wasexpectingsomesort of monstrousasylumdreamsequence likethey
run on Tefepathseverynowandagain. After all the Teragenare supposedto be brainwashedmonsters,fullof programmed
sadism,right? Not Sluice.
HeknewI wascomingm, even thoughwe had "Psi-Dancer"in the roomas a distraction. He didn't bother withher at
all- he wasexpectmgme. Don'task me how;evenPaxcan't tellher M-Rem1ss1onsare fakedwhenI don't wanthimto, so
it wasn'ta problemwiththat. Heplayedthe gracioushost walkingme throughthe mansionof hiscortex and kindlyopening
doors for me. It was likesomedrawing-roomplay.
Worstpart is, he kept meout of someof his memories.Howthe hell?!?Hesaid it hadsomethingto do with"meditative
exercises" and "Funnelingpotential." Right.
Anyway,1managedto pullout answersto mostof the Directors'questions. They weren't happywhenhe said that the
Teragenhadno chainof command,no superiors. The onlyflashof authority-respectthat I couldgleanwaswhenMal'sname
cameup. The best analogyI could comeup withwasthat the Teragenwaslikea bunchof graduatedcollegefriendswhokeep
1ntouchand help each other out nowand again- and the Directorsdidn't likethat much,either.
Sluicesure seemedto be happywith the arrangement.Evenin captivity,facinglife in a solitarydark cube, he wasn't
bothered by thingsat all. "You'llcome around." That's what he said as he was escorted out. "I can wait, and you'llcome
around. Then we can talkabout this likereasonablenovas,withoutall these monkeysscreechingat us."
I didn't likehis tone one little bit. Particularlybecause 1tseemedso genuine. What does he expect, that I'm goingto
havesomeepiphanyand springhim,then we can go waltzoff to Maltogetherand makethe worlda happyplace for novas?
Wheredo the peoplefit in in this arrangement?
I've been stewingover this allday, and 1can't thinkof anythingelse. I mgoingout tonight, no matter whatPaxtonsays.
It's goingto take a goodlongeveningof sex - sensorysharingand all - to get me to properlyunwind.Withat feastthree
ThankGodI'ma nova.

To: Allagents
Re: TeragenFilePA-3· OperativeJesse Hooks
Immediatelycease and desist all operationsreliant on data suppliedm TeragenFilePA-3.PA-3 must be
treated as falsifiedinformation,deliberatelyleakedto the agency. Inaddition,operativeJesse Hooks, codenamed
Turncoat, is to be considereda rogueagent withaccessto classifiedinformation.Agentsare ordered to 1mmed1-
atelyreport even the least substantiatedsightingof Hooksto their superiors. If Hooks1slocated,do not engage
himwithoutheavybackup; Hookspossessesquantumpowersof at least "B ·-class and shouldin every waybe
considereda Titan-class threat. The poss1b1hty of brainwashingor mindcontrol is not an issue; it is utmost
prioritythat Hooksbe treated as a defector under his ownfree will, and dealt withaccordingly.

ranscript from a Formative I'll tell you nght now,my m1l1tary proJectexpendituresare
stretched fairlythin with domesticarmed forces spending
Directive Meeting bemg cut, 60 "policeactions" takmgplace and UNsubs1-
Apparently,the meeting from which this transcript d1eson top of it all. I don't knowthat l can afford another
ongmates was held shortly after the St. Petersburg·•nova "policeforce of the world" sort of action, and I'm not sure
cns1s" of 2001. Russian[sic) phys1olog1sts made break- our peoplewant 11.
throughssimilarto those of Ors. Mazarinand Rashoud,but · N: 1FI maybe Devil'sAdvocate,I'm not sure a nation
withfar lesspublicitypromptinggovernmentofficialsto look can afford not to be a part of this. We've alreadyseen the
mtothe matter. Fromthe spotty recordsandprimarysources powernovaspossess. Anystate withouta direct hand 1nthe
we can assemble, the early Directivediscussionsoccurred governanceof their, ah, superpoweredcitizenry1s goingto
after somedraft of the apocryphal"SterynchM1ss1ve " cir- have difficultymaintainingits administration withoutopen
culated amongcarefullyselected membersof superpower revolt.
governments(thougha fewseemto havebeenselectedwith- · S: And then what are your feelingson Chma.Miss
out regard for their lackof superpowerstatus).
Nakamura ?
At nsk of lendingundueeditorialto my notes I fmd 11 · I: A vast population, best watchedby those sharing
odd that a looseconfederationof EuroSlavstates couldmus- our commonmleresls.
ter the wherewithalto parallelthe M-Rdiscoveriesor unite · 5: Well, I didn't ask you Petr but 1guess that'lldo.
other nationsto formoneof the mostpowerfulpolice/para- [Transcnpl continues.delvinginto budget allocations
militaryorganizationsin the worldwhenthey can't manage and membershipcharters.]
to manufacturea decent gas oven. The pre-Sierkaproblems
Russiafaced shouldhave been enoughto cnpple their re- From the Sherman Report,
search, but maybethe triumphof the humansp1ntis worth presented belore Congress in
more than Hallmarksentiment.Yet,I digress. To get to the
pomt, I suspectguidanceor support behindthe Russians.
Spendingto support the Directivemustcontinue, even
. Anyway,I hope you enjoy this. I lost six people to get
11.The Ministryof Informationis a bit tight-fistedregarding 1fadditionalsupport fromprivatecorporationsmustbe ob-
nationalsecrets. even when11comes to publicdocuments. tamed to secure the United States' ongoingmembership.
I've taken the libertyof translating.add1t1onally. Currently,the D1rect1ve represents the onlyviable recourse
against placingnearlyall faith m novamatters m the hands
- B.F.
· llyanovich {Russian Confederation): So then, were of Proiect Utopia.
agreed? The presence of these "novas"1sa concern for all Directive records show the followingcountries' con-
tributionsand memberships . (All figures shownare in US
our governments?
· Stinson(US): I wouldimagineso. dollars)
UnitedStates $3.5 b1lhonper annum
· Nakamura (Japan): Agreed.
· I: Perfect.Nowthat our semanticscomc1de , perhaps 30 activemembers
we shouldoutlineexactlyhow they wouldbest serve us, m RussianConfederacy $3.2 b1ll1on per annum
the sense that they wouldbe workingfor their government.
of course. If you'lllookthroughmyproposal.gentlemenand Japan $2.85 b1ll1on per annum
lady,you'llsee weopmethat a militarystructureworksbest. 13activemembers
Germany $2.1billionper annum
Althoughour pnor experiment[ / thmk he's talkingabout
Interpol, but Jinnot sure - B.F.]failed, limiting the struc- II activemembers
ture to Fewerparticipantsbetter able lo enforce the Direc-
UnitedKingdom $1.2 b1lhonper annum
tivecode - see the thirdandfourthattachments- should 10active members
Directivepresence and continuedAmericaninvolve-
be far more effective.
mentserves m1htaryand intelligenceends, as wellas allow-
· N: And the membership1slimitedto these novas?
mgAmericanparticipationm globalpolicydirection. With-
· Lathrop(UK): No.we've budgetedfor a...um, normal
supportteam, as wellas a J01ntstaff of policyleaders. Leav- drawalfrom the organizationplacestoo muchpowerm the
ing the organizationsolelym the hands of these novasand collectivehands of countrieswith whichthe UnitedStates
relyingon their sense of patriotismwouldn'twork. has had a historyof conflictand enmity.
By maintaininga strong financial and personalpres-
. · S: Pardonme 1fI'm bemga bit slow, but what exactly
1sthe pomtof this [ soundof papersshuFFling] er, Directive? ence mDirectiveaffairs, Americakeepsthe strongestweap-
ons in its ownhands, or at least under its sway.
Froma CBSEvenmgNewsBroadcast. January13, 2004
Transmission starts m mediares, owmgto storagemedwmdamage.
...Is whywe're here. FederallysponsorednovacontractorsKarmaandTombstoneare withme, descnbmgthe
presenceof these unknownnovasas "territorialand cryptofasc1st. "
The cadre of novas, allwearings1m1larblue-and-whiteumforms, appearedon the scene shortlyafter Karma
and Tombstone, and asked the two mdependentsto leave. When Karmaand Tombstonerefused, the apparent
leaderof the groupdisplayedan official-looking badgeand informedthe two interlopersthat failureto allow 'the
Directive" to handlethe hostages1tuat1on wouldresult ma federalcharge of treason.
Onlookersdescribethe groupmembersas ~daunting" and of "a varietyof ethmc1t1es ."
Moreon this s1tuat1on as ,t develops. Backto you, Dan.

Graffiti from a Subway Train in · ProsecutorDanvers:Andwhatpreciselyis the nature

of this Directive, captam?
Japan (Translated) · Captain Petrograd :The Directivemaintainsglobal law
Super-soldiersor secret pohce? enforcement.Mr. Klem's actionswere criminal,as yourown
The D,rect,vehas ,ts eye onyou. court proved. As a memberof the Directive 1twas my duty
From the Transcript of Klein v. to preventsuchillegalitiesfrom takingplace.
United States • PD: Andwho, exactly, maintainsthe Directive?
· CP: A Jointcommission of Amencan,Russian, Japa-
In2005, EugeneKlemwasarrestedby a Russian0,-
nese and UmtedKingdomgovernmentalofficials. Germany
rect,ve agent whileattemptmg to burn down a Moscow
has recentlybecomea memberas well.
warehousestocked withover 4.000 casesof duty-free al-
· PO: A globalconspiracy,then? No Furtherquestions.
cohol.whichsupposedlybelongedto a smugglingrmg. The
· CP: No, a check againstUtopia'sambitio-
warehouseandattendantproperty msurancewasfoundto
. PO: No further questions,witness.
be registeredm Klem's name,n a Russiancourtof law. Ex-
traditedto America, h,s landof birth. Klemexpected the
· CP:The Directiveexistsas an alternativeto the smgle-
mmdednessof Uto-
chargesto be dropped.wh,chthey were not. After being
. PD: YourHonor!
declaredgwlty man Amencancnmmalcourt.Klein suedthe
W,th J,ttledehberat,on. the SupremeCourtFoundm
favorof the UmtedStates.
tionaldamagesm excess of three b1//1ondollars.


From "The Triton Foundation: Curing the Wor ld",

Time Magazine , February 2008

ill. "I can nly h p tha we an

92 ZlnE
1994: Trir n F undaci n er ated b the merging f e eral pharmaceutical and bio-
m ical r arch c mpanie under the au pice of th A on ciety.
2 00: Br a c cane r cur d v I p d
2001: Pr rcur d v l ped
2003: AID d
r£ ct cur m t kn wn form f cane r·
20 6: Fir t prenatal cane r ere ning for br t cane r; fir c pr natal g n th rapy

arch into gen tic rigin f no a rel a d

pho c sofaris, and s w tured

promil'Cntly,n Naf iono/ tiugraphlc M,ogozine - his
ability lo run with th .. Chuta/it wander w,th
-- RoocJICr<st6bal Oeza,z the hOIIS wrthout fear of honn suvcd his
.. .,.,. Unknown photogn,pl,y te l ts II
flllllllltlllt: Valene"', Spain Orzo,z his odhercnu o the T
...... Socialite.; T n creed olmort i ootelyofter the re of the
,_., Count Orza i1 ,._,._,., to hims..lf as ·an Null Monlfuto . Ho,...vu , his Mllcvior is a far cry
accomplish...i ath let._ af my sp...:,u. ." H._has from h s more casually sociopothoccolleoguu. such
d1shnct,v._1ysuperhumanlevds of stamina, spo.edand as Guyon - the count s unfo,linglypolite, and he
S1rcngth, although he refra ins from publicly notably e11Joystke companyof baselines. Although
dc.monstrating his prowes.s. Secondhand rvmor (usually Project Utopia has stot...i that thq inlelld to kup
attr ibul...i to on,: of his manylodyfr itllds) cites him as o don eye on him, the count has yd to do anyth ing
able to lift a dump truck . run as quickly as a cheetah more subversive thon Jou o few hundred thOl.l5Gnd
and survive smcll•0MIISfire without a scratch . francs on Monaco's casinos.
..._._ They don"t come any more controvus ial
than the celebnited Count Oria iz. This European
playboy is an unapologet ic and public membu of the
infamous Tuogen - and likely the mo_,.t •s most
telegenic spokesman. Although his philosophy is far
from popular. the count doesn't lock for popularity of
StNllgtil : 6 kis own.
J:ilt-.li.ct: 5 Count Oriaiz ho,ls from one of the old ble
Spud • 6 families in Eurapo.,a 8as'IU'-dynasty that sft"-tchu
OffCNC < 7 back for Celltlll'ies HIS lion. which OCCUN'ed
l>cfCNC : 7 shortly aftu lus graduation from un<vusoty,-
Vcnotiltty: 8 woddy publlc,ud h haul Eurapo..H,s powers
d,dn"t seem 10 affect 1s Jetsctt,ng hf le much: if
anyth,ng, ,t,q only UIG<ourc,geG it Orzaiz is fond of

zrnE 93
Script excerpt from documen- worse than you are; they had no choicebut to comeunder
mybanner. You...YouI respect. Zukhov . Youhavetalentsl,ke
tary program Cutting Edge, nobodyelse in this business; comesof beinga damnedKGB
episode #41 special talent. huh'?I wasn't talkingabout you workingFor
The state of organizedcrimeat the tum of the century me. I was talkingabout us workingtogether.
was nothingless than all-outwar. The alreadyvolatilerela- • Voice1:Hm. And I am to trust your goodw1ll 7
tions between nval gangs,Familiesand cartels broke down · Voice2: Youdon't haveto. That's the beautifulpart. 1
intoevenmoreheavyinfighting,whichwasexacerbatedwhen knowyou've already been checkingup on me and mine. I
certainorganizations(mostnotablyamongthe Chinesetongs knowyouknowthat we"rethe last Familystanding,and that
and SouthAmericancocainecartels) beganemployingnova we've dragged a numberof the survivorsunder our wings.
enforcers. Thistrend wasto get worsewhenthe UNgranted Just like 1 know you've managed to pick off all your
Utopia authority to move against internationalorganized Organizats1ya rivals,anddonesomerecruitmentof yourown
crime. amongthe Europeanswhileyou were at 1t.Runyour num-
Suddenlythe criminalcartels and syndicates of the bers. I'm guessingyou'd come out with the same figures 1
worldfoundthemselvesin deep trouble. Notonlywere they would- that if we tried to do each other dirty. wed wipe
killingeach other off at a record rate, but the suddeninter- each other out, but 1fwe cooperated...
ventionof TeamTomorrowmadethe situationmuchworse · Voice1:Yes. That waywe stand a chanceof survival.
for them.By2004, onlya very fewcartels were left stand- and of confoundingone another's enemiesby poolingre-
ing.... sources.
· Voice2: You'requickon the draw,Russk1e .
· Voice1:I havedone myhomework.I willpresumethat
Camparelli-Zukhov my men willbe trainingyours in proper enforcementtech-
Megasyndicate niques.yes'? Youwillabandonyour protectionoperations,
Excerptfroma phoneconversation;03/21/00 of course; there is little need for those whenwe can makea
· VoiceI: I cannot believeyou had the audacityto call muchgreater profiton transportinggoods,bookmakingand,
me. 1havenothingto say to you. of course, • vice.''We are both very good at the vice.
· Voice2: If that's so, whyare youstillon the phone'? · Voice 2:Sonof a bitch. Youwere expectingme to call,
· Voice1: Be very carefulhowyou put your words. weren'tyou'?
· Voice2: I'm not trying to insultyou,Zukhov . Get that · Voice 1:Is that a problem'?
throughyour head. [ENDPHONE
· Voice 1: Oh'?Andwhat are you tryingto do7
· Voice 2: Look,this war's been hittingyou as bad as
me. But you and me, we're both survivors,right7 I wanna Nakato Gumi
talk terms. Draftof scriptfrom "GumiNovaTragic"OAV,aired07/
· Voice 1: Of surrender'? 13/07
· Voice2: Now1shouldbe the one gettinginsulted. But · Ryu:I don't expectyouto understand. Youare rightto
I'm gonnalet that slide. See, 1knowwellas you that we'llbe hate me. My hands are soaked in blood- all shed by the
luckyto get out of this alive,muchless free and stillin busi- order of myoyabun. 1havekilleda hundredmenin the name
ness. We've both got contacts in good places, but when 1t of mygang. I have taken technologiesforbiddenby ProJect
comesdownto iust the two of us, th,s Utopiabunch1sgoing Utopiaand sold themon the blackmarket.I havedefied the
to pick off one - then the other. Just like that. We don't lawsof the worldand obeyedonlythe lawsof myFamily .
havethe muscle and wedon't havethe freaksto resist them. · lchiko:But... but you have a choice, Ryu!Everyone
Not separately. That's whyI've got an offer for you. has a choice!
· Voice1: ls this the sameoffer youmadeSerizyandhis · Ryu:No. not everyone. 1was givenno choice to be
Frenchmen'? born,andno choiceto live. NowI haveno choicehowto live.
· Voice 2: No. No, it isn't. They were woundeda lot

from a DeVriesbriefingletter, dated 03/24/ 08
If you've lookedover the contract, you've probablyalreadynoticedthat you're lookingat a hellof a lot
of moneyfor a simpleextraction. Well,don't be fooled- this is no simpleextraction. Thingsare never
sunplewhere the Nakatoare involved.
I expect you to spend some time doingresearch on the flightover. You'llneed to knoweverythingyou
can about these peopleto pulloff this m1ss1on . I hope your chameleonskillsare up to the task; Japan's still
fairlyxenophobicafter all these years.
Of course, ,t doesn't help that you're up againstone of the majororganizedcrime forces in the world,
and goingafter themm their ownbackyard- wherehalfthe za,batsuin Osakaare likelyin their pockets. I'm
sure you'veheard all the stories about the Nakato- amphetaminesand spikedealing, vice crimes,money
laundering- seems likepretty tame stuff whenyou compare,t to someof the other jobs, nght?
Wrong. The Nakatoare bad, bad news. I'mseriousaboutdoingyour research; you won't havea chance
in Hellotherwise. Forone.youknowthat smugglingof Utopia-bannedtechnologiesthey do'?Don'tthinkFora
minutethat there aren't any gimmickswithmilitaryapplications in their inventory.Someof those mighteven
be capable of droppingGeryon.
For another,you'll havelo watchout Forthe wholeneighborhood:in Japan, the Nakatohavepopularity
and approvalratingsthat are throughthe roof. The numberthree comicin Japan 1sa "true life" rag about a
novawhoserves his Yakuzamasters helpingout the little guyand tweakingthe nosesof Foreignauthorities.
They've madea damncartoonout of it, too; and the thing's been exportedaroundto Americanand European
markets.where we can onlypresumeit's steppingup their approvalratingsas well.
Finally , you can bet that they've got a novaor two up their sleeves.and we have no idea what sort of
powersthey're packing. That comicshowssomebodywithsuperspeed,but there's no reason to believeits
based on real life; probablyjust bankrolledby somekobun. So be ready to expect anything.
Fulldossier's on the chip. Goodluck, and watchyourself. If you pullthis off, I'll buy you the cognacof
your choice.deal?

Heaven Thunder Triad a prescriptionof adrenoc,linbefore our next session.

FromWXLM-News broadcast,11/30/ 06 The subject,MaYuoisa lifetimeresidentof HongKong.
Policecontinueto investigatethe bizarremurdercase Hewasrecruitedinto the triad-sponsoredYellowSilkstong
of HerbertWa, whowasbeheadedin the middleof the Thou- at the age of 13; he killedhis Firstmanat the age of 15. This
sand Miraclerestaurant last Sunday. Althoughthe restau- much1seasy to discern.
rant was apparentlyat peak dininghours whenthe murder However,it is whenI pry behindthe door paintedwith
occurred, the policehaveyet to producea cooperativeeye- the words"HeavenThunder"that the defensesbecomevery
witness. As a further outlandishwrinkle, Mr. Wa's head has thick.Eitherhe has been psychologically conditionedto re-
yet to be recovered; one sourceat the coroner's office ad- sist telepathicinquiry,or he 1sholdingme out withemotions
mittedthat •·,twas ,f hisheadwasbitten off andswallowed ." even stronger than a survivalinstinct.The threat of some-
thingworsethan death is very real to him.
Excerptfrom report filedby Yukiko Takemitsu;08/09 / The images1receiveare fleeting. Ma was apparently
07 onlylightlyinvolved,n anyheroindealingor use, Forit is not
Telepathicscans on the subject are difficultand still a primarymotifat all. He does touchon imagesof fan-tan
not fullyconclusive
. I havedifficultypenetratingthe layers cards and pa1gowdominoes,leadingme to believethat he 1s
of his mentaldefenses; to do so causesh,mgreat pain,and I indeeda rankingsoldier in the triads gamblingring, as In-
experiencesome Feedback . As such I wouldliketo request vestigationsreports.
lt 1sas l attempt to go deeper that the other imagery subiectchoosesto acknowledgethe novaenforcersthat we
rises up. l catch the repeated chantof oaths of loyalty,many knowthe HeavenThunders keep on retainer. There 1sno
oaths of loyalty. ln all a gruesomefate is promisedif he re- evidenceto confirmthat their chairman1sa novahimself. I
vealsthe secrets. The chantingis accompaniedby shadowy willattempt to pry further tomorrow,if that is your wish,
images- demonswiththe smilesof sharks,a manon fire, but I fear that the subiect is in very real dangerof death 1fl
a goutof greensmokewiththe lipsof a woman.At thispoint, pry further. Hisemotionalstate is suchthat dyingof fright1s
the pain becomestoo great, and l am forced to withdraw. quite possible. l awaityour decision.
I can onlyconcludethat these finalimagesare howthe Froma TearnTomorrowAmericas traineebriefing; date

When 1tcomesto organizedcrime, we have three real concernsin the Americas.The first 1sthe trouble
withvariousgangs,a fewof whomnowhavenovaleaders. You'veprobablyheard enoughabout the rise of the
Cnps and the SpanglerPosse,and howtheir leadershaveturned them intosomethingmuchdeadlier; however,
these are moderatelylocalizedthreats, and not the subjectof this lecture. Secondly,there's the statesidever-
sionsof the Nakato,Camparelli-Zukhov and HeavenThunder- but these are largelyUnitedStates-local, and
smallstuff in comparisonto their hometownversions. The real lords of organizedcrimeacross two-thirds of
our protectorate are the Medell(ncartel.
The Medellinare virtuallyunchallengedfor their positionas kingsof the cocainemarket.Not longafter
the Galateaexplosion,the other Colombiancartels began sufferingcripplinghits on their farms, processing
plants, even households- you nameit. To nobody'ssurprise,this swath of destructionhad novasbehindit.
These novas- two of themat first, althoughwebelievethere are morenow- turnedout to be hiredagents
of the Medell(ndrug cartel. The Medell(nslaughteredall their rivalsand set up their own householdas the
unquestionedrulers of the SouthAmericancocaineand cocainevariantstrade. Currently,we suspectthat one
of these novasis the headof the cartel,and the other servesas his lieutenant;filesfor both are availableon the
Ultimately,theres good news and bad news about the Medellin.The good news 1sthat they're pretty
localized;they can be foundwhere the cocainemarketis, and not muchof anywhereelse. The bad newsis that
becausethey don't reallycompetewithanyof the other criminalcartels, there's not muchchanceof themgoing
to war with, say, the Nakato. They stick to the cocainebusinessbecause it's hugelyprofitablefor them, and
they're in tum guarded by not only their own novaenforcers, but their layers of contacts. They makemore
moneythan they can easilyspend; as a result, a lot of their fundsare tied up in variousCaribbeanbanks. This
"investment"has giventhema lot of alliesamongthe appropriatenations, to say nothingof the vanousCentral
and SouthAmericangovernmentsthey have in their pockets.
So as youcan see, they're a real problem for us. Wecan't go in after themgunsblazing,becausethey have
too manyalliesthat mightget us in legaltrouble. We can't easilyset them against rivalsyndicates,because
they're not in competition.That's whyit's one of our primaryobiecttvesto continueour goodwillefforts m the
Americas;every fieldwe terraformor powerplantwe set up makesus looka littlebetter to the governmental
high-ups. lf we can convincethe variousheadsof state that Project Utopia1sa better and morevaluablefriend
to have than the Medellin,then maybewe'llget the sanctioningand help we need to removethese parasites
once and for all.
Untilthen, it's goingto be very tenuousgomg. So if you windup crossinga Medell(nin the courseof your
duties,holdback and playit safe.Let us know. We can stilloppose them,but we haveto be carefulabout 1t.

The Basics strict the action. The rules provide the basic mechanics
for play·beyondthat, the game'sfocus is on the story.
Aberrant 1sa game focusingon the lives and ex- Designed for cinematic storytelling, Aberrantis
ploits of paranormal humans. Set 10years after radia- muchlikea movie. The game works best when focusing
tion from an explodingsatellite triggered bizarre pow- on only a few maincharacters; thus, a group of only a
ers in a fragment of Earth's population, Aberrant half-dozenor so players 1srecommended. Muchof the
chroniclesthe struggles of these "novas,' or 'new hu- game'sintensityandexcitementis lostwithlargergroups,
mans,' and their quest to fit into - or forever change in whichplayersmust compete for attention.
- humansociety.
Aberrantis, at its foundation,a game, but a game
The Sto ry teller
about tellingstories. If you've played other roleplaying Aberrant has more in commonwithplaysthan with
games,you should already be familiarwith the idea. If card or board games. Most notably, one player, called
not, this section explainswhat it all means. the Storyteller, is a "director" of sorts. In fact, the Sto-
ryteller acts as a combinationdirector, narrator and ref-
Storytelling eree, creating the dramathroughwhichthe playerstake
their characters.
Tellingstories is a part of our heritage. The oral
As a Storyteller, you create the environment in
tradition is the oldest method of communicatinginfor-
whichthe characters are placed. Whileplayersand Sto-
mation and entertainment. As society progressed and
ryteller shape events together, you are responsiblefor
became more diverse and sophisticated, so too did
tying the story's disparate threads together and making
storytelling.Unfortunately,it alsobecamemore passive.
sure that the gameruns smoothly.Yourmostusefultools
Whereour ancestorstook turns tellingone another tales,
in balancingstory and game are your imaginationand
we now watchstories on television.
the rules systems. StorytellingAberrant 1schallenging,
Yetthere are stillstorytellers amongus. The film-
but this bookmakesit a simplerand moreenjoyablepro-
makers who create moviesand the writers who create
cess. It's a formidableJOb, but ,t can be incrediblyre-
novelsand comicbooksare just a fewof those whomain-
warding- after all, the reward is the story itself.
tain this ancientart. Aberrantis all about tellingstories,
The Storyteller's role is exploredin detail in Chap-
not just listeningto them. It's an opportunity to create
ter Seven:Storytelling.
new legends- not to merelywatchas old legendsare
recycledon screen. The Players
Most of the people playingAberrantassume the
Roleplaying roles of the story's protagonists. While the Storyteller
Aberrant is a roleplayinggame; playersassumethe sets the stage for the game, it is the playerswho take
roles of central characters in an ongoingstory. lt s much the stage and create the action there. Being a player
likeimprovisational actingwitha dash of "CopsandRob- demandseffort and preparation, but these elementsadd
bers." The make-believeyou playedas a child- imag- richnessand depth to the story.
iningyourselfas a knight in shiningarmor or a brightly Asa playerof Aberran t, youcreate a character with
clad superhero - was roleplaying.Aberrant is simplya incrediblepowers - a nova. Youdecide the character's
more sophisticatedversionof those childhoodgames. actionsover the course of a story as if you were playing
Still,Aberrant needsa fewmorerulesthanthe play- a protagonistin a novelor film. Everythingyou haveyour
grounddid; "Got you!" Didnot!" "Didtoo!" is too sim- character say and do has an impactin the Aberran t uni-
plistic for this sort of game. Aberrant' s rules set the verse. Yourgoal is to help the protagonistovercomethe
story's parameters, allowingthe Storytellerto detennine obstacles facingher, thereby achievingher objectives.
each character's abilitiesand limits.Rulesguidethe story After you describe "your" action, the Storyteller
eliminatingconflict over whether or not a character's willoccasionallydemandthat you rolldice to see if your
actions are plausible- but rules don't dictate or re- charactersucceedsinthe attempt.Beyondthat, youneed

only thinkbackto whenyouplayedmake-believe- it's Abemintworldand our own. The first is the presence
that simple. of superhumans.These beingsare referred to as "new
humans,"or "novas." Novashavea pieceof geneticcod-
Characters ing enablingthem to control the fundamentalforces of
To playAben-ant youcreate a roleandbecomethat the universe,thus grantingthem vast powerover their
person withinthe context of the game. Just as actors surroundings.Althoughthere are only6,000 or so no-
playcharacterson stage, playersare the protagonistsin vas in the worldas of 2008, their cominghas had a tre-
an improvisational story. mendousimpacton culture,politicsandscientifictheory.
Whilea playwright'scharacters have a predeter- The second importantdifferenceis the presence
minedexistence,the Aberrant characteryoucreate de- of a powerful global organization, Project Utopia.
velopsaccordingto yourdesires.The charactercreation Founded in 1998 by members of the Aeon Society,
process is relativelysimple;it takes onlya half-houror Project Utopia'smissionis to foster harmoniousrela-
so to workout the Traits and ratings that designatethe tions between humansand novas whilebettering the
character's capabilities.Evenso, a character is nothing worldas a whole. In its 10-year history,the Project has
but a collectionof numberson a pieceof paper untilyou hadgreat success,savingcountlesslives,curingdiseases,
breathe lifeinto it. and endingfaminein vast areas of the world. So impor-
Character aeationisccmredinChapter Two:Character. tant has the Project becomethat Utopianowoccupies

The Game an advisoryseat on the UNSecurityCouncil .

The "official"beginningof the Aberrantchronicle
There are no "winners"or "losers" in Aberrant. is July2008, a coupleof monthsafter a very important
The idea is not to "beat" the other players,as having event in the Aberrant world'shistory. Recently,the im-
everyone'scharacterscooperateisoftenessentialto your mensely popular nova Jennifer "Slider" Landers was
own character's survival.Nor is the goalto "beat" the murdered.Evidencecurrentlypoints to Landers' erst-
Storyteller,since the Storytellerand players work t.o- whilefriend, maverickex-teammateAndreCorbin.When
gether to create the best story possible.In the end, the Corbinfled the site of Landers' funeraland went into
idea is to rise to the challenge,striving to overcome hiding,suspicionsseemed confirmedbeyondall doubt.
Herculeanodds withyour powers,wit.s and courage. However,Corbinhasapparentlyfoundedor joineda ren-
Althoughthis setting's mainfocus is the struggle egade groupof novascallingthemselvesAberrants,and
for power amongthe superhumaninhabitantsof Earth, this grouphas disseminatedinformationsuggestingthat
Aben-ant is designedfor playersto pursue any number it wasProject UtopiawhomurderedSlider.The fugitive
of goals. Youcan exploreany conceptsthat interestyou. faction allegesthat Sliderdiscoveredincriminatingin-
Yourseries of stories maydeal with matters as epic as formationaboutthe Projectandwassummarilysilenced.
savingthe entire planet, or as personalas findingtrue Utopiapubliclyscoffsat theseaccusations,labelingthem
love. It's allup to you and your Storyteller. the desperate defenseof a fugitivemurderer. Nonethe-
Aberrant's "victory conditions"are less tangible less, the Sliderscandalhas shakennovas'confidencein
than being the only player who isn't bankrupt,or cor- the benevolentProjectUtopia,andfalloutfromthe event
neringyour opponent in checkmate. Success in Aber- is polarizingnovasworldwide . The balanceof powerbe-
rantmaycomeaboutfor a numberof reasons:defeating tween individualnovasand novafactionsis shifting,and
foes in the course of the story, achievingstatus within any nova can make the difference between absolute
an organization,developinga previou.slyuntappedpower, powerand destruction.
uncoveringa world-threateningplot or simplyenjoying As a nova you are one of the most importantbe-
the experienceof playingin the game. ings in the world.Possessedof enoughquantumpower
There is no official"end" to a storytellinggame, to changethe fate of entire nations,youcannothelpbut
merely breaks between game sessions. Each time the leave an impacton the worldaroundyou. Willyou join
playersgather,the story picksup again,just likeanother the Aberrantsin an attempt to uncoverthe truth about
episodein an ongoingTV series or another chapter in a Utopia,or willyouaidthe Projectagainstthe rogueswho
novel. wouldtarnishits goodname'?Willyouignorethe coming
The World of Aberrant struggle,or even exploitit for your own gain'?History
Fundamentally, the worldof Abemintis muchlikeour beckons,and you alonecan makethe choicesthat could
own. Thoughit is set in the near future, the worldas a affect millions.
wholeis stilllargelyrecognizable.Peoplestilllookand The Future
act muchas they do now,mostof the countriesand
Abemintis a prequelgameto WhiteWolf'sTrin-
politicaldivisionsremaintrue to their current
ity sciencefictionroleplayinggame,a far-futuresetting
parameters,and technologyhas not advancedbeyond
featuring evolved humansknown as psions. As such,
what we can presentlyconceive.
events in the Aberrant storylineinfluenceandare influ-
There are two importantdifferencesbetweenthe
enced by the Trinitystoryline.Accordingto the Trinity

JO) IN!ROl)lJC ll<)N

timeline,relationsbetweenhumansand novaswillgradu- roomor makinga speech before millions,you are physi-
ally worsen, culminatingin the great Aberrant War of cally involvedin the action. Imaginationis still impor-
2049-2061. Certaincharacters introducedin this book tant and the Storytellermaystillinterrupt events to de-
willhave a greater or lesser impact on the events that scribe objects and special situations.
lead to - and follow- the Aberrant War. No dice are used in live-action games; alternate
That havingbeen said, playersand Storytellersare rules (like those in White Wolf's Mind'sEye Theatre
free to includeas much- or as little - of the "offi- game products, or simplythe result of the Storyteller's
cial" Aberrant-Trinity metastory as they like. Aberrant judgment}, replace dice. The method of adjudicating
can easilybe playedas a stand-alonegamewithoutneed actions itself isn't important as long as it's consistent,
of Trinity, or the characters' actions may forever alter fair and fun for everyone.
the Trinity timeframeto come. It's all up t.o the players Rulesof Live-Act.ion
and the Storyteller. Youmustfollowa few essentialrules to ensure that
live-actionroleplaying issafe and enjoyablefor all. These
rules must be obeyed in any live-actionactivity; safety
is alwaysthe primaryconcern.
Creating Aberrants in • Don'tTouch:Players may never actuallystrike
Trinity or grapple one another. No combatshouldever be per-
ThoughAberTw1t 1sdesignedas a prequel to formed - that's what the "dice" are for. If anyonegets
Trinity, it's relativelysimpleto use this book to too rambunctious, the Storytellershouldcallfor a timeout
generate the monstrousaberrants of the Trinity and remind everyone of the rules. Repeat offenders
era. The fundamentaldifference between the novas should be askedto leave, or the action shouldbe returned
of 2008 and the aberrants of 2121is the amountof to a tabletop roleplayforum.
Taint accumulated.For Trinity-era aberrants, each • NoWeapons:No props can be used if they must
dot of Quantumtranslates to one point of initial touch another player to be effective. No real weapons
Taint.Trinity-eraaberrants cannot save costs on or realistic-lookingprops (like guns or swords) of any
Traits by buyingthem tainted, but neither are they sort are allowedat any time duringlive-action sessions.
takenout of playwhenTaint equals 10. • RespectPeopleWhoAren'tPlaying: Play in a
Moreover,beginningTrinity-era aberrants private area where only the players are around (your
start witha Quantumrating of 3, and mayraise house, a reserved room on campus or a rented hall).
starting Quantumscores as highas 7. Never perform live roleplay if passersby may be con-
fused or frightened by the event. If nonplayers are
around,understandthat they probablyhaveno ideawhat
you're doing. Be discrete and considerate; respect their
space and don't force them to participate (pausing to
Playing Aids explainthat you're playinga game is also a good idea).
Aberrantis designed Forplay around a table. You • KnowWhen to Stop:Remember: It's just a game.
need little besides this book, some 10-sided dice (also When anyonecalls for a timeout, all action must cease
called"dl0s"), photocopiesof the character sheet, pen- immediately . If the game gets too intense for someone,
cils and paper for taking notes - and, of course, your it's time to stop.
Still,other props can makethe roleplayingexperi- Glossary
ence more vivid. Moodlighting,music, scribblednotes The followingis a numberof terms used in the rules
or sketches;all can serve to makethe gameseem more that new players may not be familiarwith. Each is de-
real. Remember,though, that props are JUStthat; it's the scribed in more detail elsewherein this book.
story that matters.
Character Terms
Live-Action • Aberration : An odd or detrimental physicalor
Live-actionroleplayingis a naturaloutgrowthof the mentalquirk gainedas a side effect of excessiveTaint.
• tabletop" storytellingdescribed above. Live-action is • Ability:A Trait describing learning, knowledge
even more like improvisational theater; the actors (the or appliedexperienceina givenarea. Abilities are added
players)literallyact throughthe scenes. This can create to Attributes to determineyour character's skilltotals.
a very intenseand immediatestorytellingexperience. • Allegiance:The order, governmentor organiza-
In live-actionroleplaying, you don't just describe tion to whichyour character belongs.
your character's actions;you 'are" that character. You • Attribute:ATrait that describes your characters
actuallydo what the character does (within reason - basic characteristics; a reflection of raw, natural capa-
obviously,you shouldn't try to simulateflyingor lifting a bility.
Mack truck). Whether that's simply walkingacross a • Enhancement: A specializationof a Mega-At-


tribute that enablesyou to performcertain superhuman or not your character succeeds in an action. Most ac-
feats. tions are "standard actions"; see below.
• Experience Points:Pointsawarded by the Sto- • Action,Difficult:A task more challenging than
ryteller as "reward" for achievingthe story's objective normal.See Difficulty .
or playinga character well. Experiencepoints can be • Action,Multiple: Taking more than one action in
spent to add newTraits or raise existingones. a turn. The first action'sdice pool is reduced by a num-
• Extras:I) SpecialTraits that can be added to ber of diceequalto the totalnumberof actionsyourchar-
quantumpowersto enhancetheir efficiency.2) Thechar- acter willtake in the turn. Eachfollowingactionlosesan
acters (created and playedbythe Storyteller)withwhom additionaldie (cumulative) .
the team interacts, fromsimplepassersbyand bit char- • Action, Resisted: An action that two or more
acters to t.rusted alliesand dangerousenemies. characters take againstone another. Rollsare made For
• Group: The players who adopt the personas of each against Traits designated by the Storyteller,and
characters involvedin the stories told. the character with the mostsuccesseswins.
• Mega-Attribute: A Traitthat allowsa character's • Action,Standanl:An action with no difficulty
normalAttributeto extend into the superhumanrange. modifiers. Yousimplyroll your Dice Pooland tally any
• Nature:Yourcharacter's core being, her emo- successes. Alltasks your character performsare stan-
tionalpersonality. dard actions unless the Storyteller declares otherwise
• Quality:A remarkableaspect of one or more of (by applyinga difficulty,notingmultipleactionsor stat-
your character's Attributes. ing that the action is resisted).
• Quantum: A measure of your character's power • Botch: A notableand oftendramaticfailurewhen
over the fundamentalforces of the universe. attemptingan action.
• Quantum Points:Points representing residual • DicePool:The total numberof dice availableto
quantumenergy, whicha novaexpends to activate her you for a givenaction. Yourdice poolis equalto the skill
powers. total mostapplicableto the action taken. If yourcharac-
• Quantum Pool:The maximumnumberof quan- ter doesn't havean Abilityratingin a task, youdefaultto
tumpointsa novacan store undernormalcircumstances. the base Attribute involvedand use its score insteadof a
• Quantan Power. A specialmanifestationof Quan- SkillTotal.
tum your character can generate; for example,flying, • Difficulty:Short for the "difficultyof the roll," a
generatinggravityfields, and projectingforce bolts are difficultynotes the added challengeinvolvedin accom-
allconsideredquantumpowers. plishinga task. Youmust roll the standard base of one
• SkillTotal:The combinedratingof an Abilityand success plus the additionaldifficultyindicated(usually
its base Attribute. Skilltotal determinesthe numberof by the Storyteller)to accomplisha difficult action.
dice you roll(calleda "dice pool") whenyour character • Dots:The methodused to indicaterating values.
performsan action. Eachdot equals a die that may be used to perform ac-
• Soak:Yourcharacter's abilityto withstanddam- tions.
age and physicaltrauma. • Max:To channelextra raw Quantuminto a par-
• Specialty: An area of expertise withinan Ability. ticularpower,thereby increasingthe powers potency.
• Storyteller: The person whocreates and guides • Rating:A numberedTrait value; usuallya range
the gamebyassumingthe rolesof allcharactersnot taken fromOto 5, thoughsometimesfromOto 10(often noted
by the players,andthe personwhodeterminesallevents in numbersof "dots").
beyondthe players• control. • Success:A die that rollsequal to or higherthan
• Taint:A score indicatingthe degree of change the target numberof 7. Most actions require only one
wroughton a nova's mindand bodyby the channelingof success; more challengingactions demand more suc-
quantumenergies. cesses.
• Team:Specificallyrefers to the characters within • Success,Extra:Any successes you roll beyond
the game, not the individuals playingthem. the minimum requiredto accomplishan action. Extrasuc-
• Trait: AnyAttribute, Ability,Advantageor other cesses maybe used to makea standardsuccesstruly in-
indexwitha rating. spired.
• Willpower: Yourcharacter'sself-confidenceand • Success,Standanl:Rollingexactly the number
moralcenter. of successesrequired to accomplishan action.
• System:A specificset of game mechanicsused
Rules Terms in a certain situation; rules to help guide dice-rolling
• Action, also DiceAction:Performinga task (a resolutionsto simulatedramaticactions.
consciouslywilledactivity). When you announce that • TargetNumber: The standard rating of 7 over
your character is doing something,she's takingan ac- whichyou must roll Foryour character to succeed in a
tion. This is also calleda "dice action" whenyou must
dice action.
rolldice (knownasa "dice pool") to determinewhether

10 ,1 l~Jlk ODllCW)N

World Terms • Kamisama Budcliism: Ahybridof Shintoand Bud-

• Aberrant: (capitalized)Anorganizationdedicated dhist beliefsespousingnovasas incarnatespirits.
to uncoveringan alleged"conspiracy" in Project Utopia; • Mascara: Spanish for "mask"; also, a synonym
(lower-cased)a derogatoryepithet used to refer to no- for "elite," particularlyin LatinAmerica.
vas. • Mazain-Rashoud (M-R)node:Glandin a nova's
• Aeon Society:A philanthropic organization forebrainthat allowsthe novato channelquantumener-
founded in the early 20th century; founder of Project gies.
Utopia. • N!:A highlyrated televisionchanneldevotedex-
• Anima:A quantum energy field many novas clusivelyto coverageof novas.
project whenusingtheir powers. • Nova:A humanwiththe genetic capability to de-
• AmpRoom,the:Private Ibizanightclubwhose velopthe Mazarin-Rashoudnode and channelquantum
membershipis open onlyto novas. energies.
• Baseline: "Normal," non-novahuman. • NoveltyConsulting: A private HongKongcor-
• Blacktech (shadowtech): Technologythat is far poration specializing in consultation and problem-solv-
ahead of the standardindustrycurveand is typicallyde- ing.
velopedthroughstudiesof novas. Mostblacktechispres- • NullManifesto:A statement by nova DivisMal
ently bannedby Project Utopia's Science and Technol- that counters the ZurichAccord, declaringnovasto be
ogy Department. intrinsicallyseparate frombaselinehumans.
• Churchof the Immanent Escheaton: Popular • OpNet: An advanced communicationsnetwork
Western religion that upholdsnovas as highlyevolved derivedfromstudies of Buendiaeufiber.
spiritual beings;similar to the Scientologyand theoso- • ProjectProteus:A secret division withinProject
phist movementsof the 20 th century. Utopiawhoseostensiblegoal is to support Utopia's ef-
• DeVriesAgency:A private firm specializing in forts throughclandestineactions.
the contracting of nova operatives, elites and bounty • ProjectUtopia: A private foundationwhosegoals
hunters. A sort of "sports agency" for novas. are to better the qualityof life on Earth for all humans,
• Directive,the:A multinational espionageandpo- often throughuse of novaabilities.
liceagencydedicated t.o neutralizingthreats to world(and • Quantum energies:The four fundamentalforces
particularlyFirst World)security. of the universe- gravity, electromagnetism , strongand
• Dormdown: To internalizeand shut downone's weak nuclearforces - as wellas nova-derivedand -
quantumsignature, thus appearingas a normalbaseline channeledenergies transmutedfrom those forces.
human. • Saisho: "The NewBeginning"; early21,t-century
• Elite:A nova who uses her powers to act as a Japanese economicpolicy.
mercenary. • TearnTomorrow (f2M):The nova-ledpublicre-
• Equatorial Wars: A series of resource conflicts lations and defensivearm of Project Utopia.
foughtin Africain the early 21st century. The Equatorial • Teragen:Philosophy/movement foundedby nova
Wars mark the first use of nova elites in brushfire ac- DivisMalwhoseprimarypreceptsare the inherentsepa-
tions. rateness of baselines and novasand the implicit assump-
• Eufiber: A substance secreted by nova fashion tion that novas are more highlyevolved beings than
designer AnibalBuendia, as wellas synthetic derivates baselinehumans.
of that substance. • ViaSoft: 21"-century conglomeratecreated by
• Franchise: A novawhoacceptsan establishedpo- the merger of 20th-century corporations Viacom and
sition of employmentwith a city, corporation or other Microsoft.
body; alternatively,the "identity" of the position itself, • XWF(Xtreme W.-fareFederation): 21"-century
independentof the novafillingit. For example, any nova sports entertainment enterprise featuring contests of
whoaccepts the HoustonTornadofranchise assumesthe nova-poweredshootfighting.
personaof the HoustonTornado. • Zarich Accord: UNresolutiondeclaringnovasto
• Inert: A derogatory term used by certain novas be humanbeings.
to describea nonlatentbaseline, one withoutthe genetic
capabilityto becomenova.

The systemsin this chapter providea structure by Actions
whichmatters of chance are resolved in the Aberrant Characters take lots of actionsin the course of a
setting. These rules are quite simple,but even then, you
story. Players may act out conversationsor simplyde-
shouldn'tfeel constrainedby them. Be flexiblewithyour
scribe actions to the Storyteller.An action can be any-
adjustments,and be consistent whenyou makechanges. thing from havinga discussionto blastinga buildingto
Some actions, such as talking,walkingand other
The Golden Rule simplephysicaldeeds, are automatic,not requiringdice
Theprimaryruleof Abemntis simple: If you don't rolls. Other maneuvers,mostlythose related to combat
like it, changeit. The story 1smore importantthan any are called dice actions,and they demand that you roll
rule. If the systems get in the way, ignore or change dice to determine the outcome.
them. These rules are merelyguidelines;feel free to See "Complications,"p. 108, for informationre-
use, alter or disregard them as you see fit. After all,ifs gardingspecific types of actions.
yourstory. Note that the Storyteller1sthe finalarbiter
of any rules question.
requires 10-sideddice, whichyou can
Time find in any game store. Sharingdice between players
Time is a fundamentalelementof Aberrant.There is perfectly acceptable,but it can slowthingsdownat
are fourdistinctwaysto describedivisionsof timewithin times. If you prefer your owndice, you'llwant around
the game, progressing from the smallestto the largest 10. The Storytellerwillmore than likelywant her own
unit. dice.
• Turn - The smallestunit of time in the game,
consideredlong enoughto take one action.A turnis de-
fined as about three seconds in combat situations, al- Movement
thougha tum of up to three minutesis acceptablein less Yourcharacter's actions may depend on how far
dramaticcircumstances. she can move. These rules keep formulasto a minimum .
• Scene - One compact period of action and A walkingcharacter movesfive meters. A runningchar-
roleplayingthat takes place in a singlelocation.A scene acter movesher Dexterityrating +12meters. A sprint-
is comparableto a scene in a movie. It takes as few or as ingcharacter moves(3 x Dexterity)+20 meters. Char-
manyturns to resolveevents as are necessary. acters with Traits such as Mega-Dexterity, Flight or
• Episode - One independentpart of a series, Hypermovementcan move much faster, though; see
often playedin one gamesessionand madeup of scenes ChaptersFourand Fivefor specifics.
connected by downtime. Movementis often an automaticaction,but a char-
• Series- A completetale, with an introduction, acter can take no other action that tum if she movesthe
buildupand climax, that often takes several episodes to entire distance that she's able to. A character maytypi-
complete. Yourseriesisthe continuingnarrativethat your callymovehalf her runningdistance and still perform a
cast creates. Alsocalledthe story. dice action. Moving under hazardousconditions(com-
Besidesthese four active time divisions,Aberrant bat, roughterrain, buffetingupdrafts) mayalsocallfor a
stories sometimesinclude: die roll.
• Downtime- Timebetweenscenes or episodes
that characters mayspend resting, recuperatingor pos- Trait Ratings
siblylearningnew talents. Any time that characters are A character's Tra,ts- innate and learned capa-
not activelyparticipatingin a story is considereddown- bilities,calledAttributes,Abilitiesand quantumpowers
- are defined by a number of dots. Most Traits are
rated fromone to fivedots; • indicatesa poor or begin-
ner levelof skill,while • • • • • indicates the absolute
Option: Cross-Matching
peak of humancapability. Trait ratings are recorded by Attributes and Abilities
fillingin the appropriate dots on the character sheet. Abenwit:'s Attribute/Ab1l1ty combinationsmatch
x Abysmal/Untrained up the most appropriate Attribute to a givenAbility,
• Poor/Novice whichhelpsgreatlyinstreamlininggameplay. Still,the
•• Average Storyteller may decide that certain unusualcircum-
••• Good stances callfor a more appropriate Attribute/ Ability
•••• Exceptional match.
••••• Humanmaximum On these rare occasions,the Storytellermayask
Because of their powers, novas often exceed hu- for a cross-matched roll simplyby declaringthe At-
mancapabilitiesin variousTraits. tribute and Ab1l1ty combinationhe feels 1smost suit-
able (this 1sthe only time that the Storyteller need
Rolling Dice and Dice callfor the Attributeas wellas the Ab1l1ty to be used).
Youthen take each Attributerating and Abilityrating
Pools (not skill total) and add them together; this 1syour
When your character takes a dice action, you roll dice pool for that roll.
one die for each dot you havein the Traits mostsuited to For Example: KendoHayashifaces off against a
that task. The Storyteller decides whichTraits are ap- nova enforcer in the service of the Nakato Gum1 .
propriate by choosingthe Abilitythat best covers the Hayashidecides to evaluatehis foe's style by observ-
action beingattempted. ing the opponent's stance and katas. The Storyteller
Attributes(innatecapabilities)and Abilities(things thinksMartialArts 1sappropriate, but such a feat re-
you knowand have learned) have individualratings but ally calls for an Intelligencetest. Instead of usinghis
they are added together to determinea skilltotal. lf your normalMartial Arts SkillTotal [Dexterity + Martial
character has a 3 Perception and you put two dots in Arts], Hayash1 's playercombinesthe characters 3 ln-
Awareness,your Awarenessskill total is 5. Whenever telhgenceand 5 MartialArts for a total of eight dice.
your character performs an Awareness-relatedaction,
you roll five dice.
This system holds for novas' quantumpowers, as
well. For example,if a nova has a Dexterityof 4 and a Personali ty Tra its
QuantumBolt rating of 2, and she tries to blast a heli- Three Traits have no Abil1t1es
related to them -
copter out of the sky, the nova's player rollssix dice. Willpower, Taintand Quantum . Additionally,Willpower
This skilltotal (alsocalleda dicepoo◊ is recorded and Tainthaveboth permanentand currentratings. The
on the character sheet in the square with each Ability. permanent rating (designatedby dots on the character
The dice pool is the total number of dice you roll for a sheet) usuallystays the same. However, the characters
single action. Characters usuallyperform only one ac- current rating (noted by the squares under the perma-
tion in a tum, althoughyou may wish to try more than nent rating) can fluctuate during an episode. Dice ac-
one (see "MultipleActions'), and some novascan per- tions usingWillpowerare based on the character's per-
form manyactions in a tum. manent score (the dots), not the current rating (the
Eachdice pool derives from a singleskilltotal and squares).
defaultsto the appropriateAttributeif the character has PersonalityTraits are discussed in more detail in
no rating in an Ability.DicepoolsfiguredfromPersonal- ChapterThree: Traits, pp. 144-153.
ity Traits are the onlyexceptions(seep . 144).
Default Traits Success and Failure
On occasionyour character may not have a rating Whenyou rollyour dice pool, you want each die to
in an Abilitythat the Storyteller designates. lf so, you match or exceed the target number. Unlessspecifically
defaultto the Attributeon whichthe Abilityis based. So indicated otherwise , thetargetnumber isalways7. So
if the Storytellercallsfor an Awarenessroll,but you put each die that comesup an 7, 8, 9 or O(10)is considered
no points in that Ability,you simplyuse your character's a success- a favorableresolution. Conversely,if allthe
rating in Perception. This system reflects the idea that dice you rollcome up less than 7, your action fails.
someone who improves upon her natural capability Allyou haveto knowwhenyou roll 1sthe numberof
throughtrainingwillgenerallyperformbetter thansome- successesyouneed;ifyouget at least the minimumquan-
one whotries to get by on raw talent alone. tity, you achieveyour goal.The standard numberof suc-
cesses necessary for any task 1salwaysone (unlessthe
Storytellersays otherwise). Extrasuccessesbeyondthe


minimumcan sometimesgenerate additionaleffects (at Storyteller'sdiscretion,yourcharacterhas an automatic

the very least, extra successesmeanyour character ac- successif her skilltotal for an action is at least equal to
complishesthe action ina superiorand notablefashion). the target numberof 7. So ifyouhaveeightdiceor more,
See"Complications"for informationregardingeasierand yourcharactersucceedsautomatically- youdon't even
more difficultactions. needto roll.Still,it's merelya standard success;youmight
Tot.al SuccessesRolled Degree of Success want to rollanywayto achieveextra successes.
One Standard Youmay also spend a Willpowerpoint to earn an
Two Superior automaticsuccess. This "free" success is in additionto
Three Remarkable any successesgainedby rollingdice, but the Willpower
Four Astonishing point mustbe spent prior to your roll. Youwon'twantto
Five Phenomenal do so too often. While Willpowerpoints are easy to
ForExample: MeganSensationnoticesanunknown spend,they're not easy to earn.Onlyone Willpowerpoint
novaeyeingher at the Amp Room.Not wishingto con- maybe spent per turn to gaina free success.
front the nova or attract undue attention to herself, The automaticsuccessruleshouldneverbe used in
Megantries to slip out unobtrusivelyduringa particu- stressfulsituations,particularlyin combat.
larly crowded moment. The Storyteller has Megan's
playerrollStealth;Megan'sDexterityis 5 andherStealth
Difficulty and Difficult
is 2, so the playerrollsseven dice. She scores I, 'l, 7, 7, Actions
4, I and 10 - four successes. Meganmanagesto slip Mostof the timeyouneed onlyone
easilyintoa throngof dancersandmakeher wayto the successto completean action. How-
exit. ever,sometasks, likeperforming
a trick shot or
It isn't difficultto get at least one
success,evenwithonlya coupleof dice.
If your group is heavilyinto roleplaying,the
simplerollsdescribedabovemovethe gamealong
witha minimumof distraction.The followingoptions
serve to accent the game's action and cinematicquali-
ties with an added levelof complexity,but they are still
designedfor smoothgameplay. disablingan encrypted lock, can be more challenging .
The Storytellermakesthat distinctionwhen appropri-
Botches ate, designatinga certain numberof successesthat you
Normallyif noneof yourdice comesup 7 or higher, need to rollfor your characterto completethe task.The
yourcharacter simply fails. If anydie on sucha failedroll difficultyto a roll is alwayslistedas a numberof addi-
comesup "1,"you'vebotched.A botch is an unfortunate tionalsuccessesneeded beyondthe standardone. So a
result; not onlydoes your character fail the action, but "difficultypenaltyof two" (or " +2to difficulty")means
she does so rather significantly. However,as longasyou you mustget a total of threesuccesses. The harder the
rollat leastone success,you ignoreany ls. actionbeingattempted,the moresuccessesare required.
The specificcircumstancesof a botchare up to the Anyextra successesyou get beyondthe difficultyindi-
Storyteller, but they should affect the character ad- cate that your character does an even moreoutstanding
verselyand relate to the action beingattempted. job than required.
For&ample:Outof the Amp Room,Meganheads DifficultyRating Degreeof Difficulty
for the beach. The Storytellerasks for an Awareness Zero Standard
roll. Megan'splayerdidn'tput anypointsinAwareness, +1 Tough
so she defaultsto her 5 Perception. Rollingfive dice, +2 Challenging
herplayergets I, 3, 4, 6 and6: a botch. The Storyteller +3 Difficult
decidesMeganis sopleasedwithher exit Fromthe Amp +4 Critical
Room that she not only Failsto see a jacked-up Mitoid For&ample:Meganruns towardthe Ibizabeach,
in the street, but she runsrightinto the thug! the Mitoidhot on herheels. A motorcycleturnsthe cor-
Automatic Successes ner casually . Hopingfor a Fastgetaway,Meganjumps
Forthe cycle. The Storytellerdecidesthat landingon a
Yourcharacter maybe so skilledin a certain task
movingbikeis trickyandincreasesthe difficultyby two.
that you need not roll for it. Such is often the case for
novas,whoperform"impossible" feats withease. At the
Meganhas an 8 Athletics, so her player needs to get

successes on
eightdice. Sherolls:2, 3, 7,
'?,6, 7, 8 and '?. With five sue-
cesses,Meganlandssquarelyon •
the cycle,grabbingthe surprised
driveraroundhis waist.
Extended Actions
to complete. These extend~dactionsoften
take more than one turn to complete. The
additional successesare cumulative,reflecting
that sustainedeffort is neededto accomplishthe
action. Youcan keep tryingto obtainsuccessesun-
tilyougatherthe requiredamountor untilyoubotch.
1fyoubotch duringan extendedaction,the Story-
teller may decide that you lose a "saved" success
Foreach botch, or that you lose them all and must
start againfromscratch- or eventhat youmessed
up so badlythat you can't try again.
Extendedactionsare more complicatedthan
standard actions, and they
should seldom be em-
ployedin the middle

of intenseroleplaying.
The action in the game
shouldreflect what types
of rollsare needed, not the
other wayaround.

ForExample : Noticing the commotionMeganis

causing,the thugposted outsideher flat takes advan- Examples of Rolls
tage of the d,stract,onand breaksmto Megan'sapart- The followingare a fewexamplesof howto usethese
ment. Smee he's hired muscle,not a burglar,the thug rules. Remembereach of the Abilitiesmentionedties di-
decidesto breakdownthe door. The Storytellerfigures rectly to a spec1f1c Attnbute; unlessstated otherwise,you
the thugmustget a totalof foursuccessesinanextended can alwaysdefaultto that Attribute1fyou don't havethe
actionto snapa solidlock. The enforcerhasa 10Might, appropriateAb1l1ty. The entire listof AttnbutesandAbili-
so hisplayerrolls/0 dice. Hegets an abysmalI, I, 2, 2, ties 1sdetailed in ChapterThree: Traits, p. 134.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and '?;the doorbucklesslightlybut doesn't • An electricalconduitblowsnearby.RollAthletics
give. Onh,s next turn,the playerrollsI, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, or MartialArts to dodge out of the way.
8, '?and 10. The four successesthis turnplus the one • Sneaking through the Nakato warehouse, you
from the previous turn are more than enoughto send stumbleacross a guard. Youboth rollInitiativeto see who
the doorcrashingback on its hinges. reacts first.
Multiple Actions • The power 1s out and the warehouse door is
Yourcharacter can alsoperfonn multipleactionsin Jammed. RollMightat a difficultypenalty of two to pry
a turn. The total numberof actions the character takes the doors open.
determineshowmanydice are subtractedfrom the first • You've been drivingacross the MidwestForthe
task attempted in that turn. Each action after the first past 10hoursstraight. hopingto reach Chicagoby dawn.
losesan additional(cumulative) die beyondthat amount. RollEnduranceto avoidnoddingoff.
So if your character tries to perform three actions in a • Two overlycurious soldiers question you about
turn, you subtract three dice from the first task's dice your "borrowed" officer's uniform. Youcouldroll either
pool, four fromthe secondand five fromthe third. If the Commandto order themawayor try Savvyto offer them
total actions bring your dice pool for any one task to a bribe.
zero that action cannot be attempted. • No matter what you do you can't get the young
lf a novaattemptinga multipleactionhas a relevant girlto tell you what's wrong. RollRapport to get a sense
Mega-Attribute,dice lost fromthe multipleactioncome of what's troublingher.
from the character's normaldice pool first; the Mega- • Youneed to Jumpacross the service bay to the
Attribute dice are not lost until the character's normal exit whileavoidingOverkilla's QuantumBolt.RollAthlet-
skilltotal drops belowzero. ics at +2 difficulty.
ForExample: Back on the street, Megan's having • Susp1c1ous customsofficialsdon"t ltkethe lookof
troublegetting the ,rate cycle driver to flee the scene your briefcase. RollSubterfuge,at+ 1difficulty,to assure
whilethe Mitoidsimultaneouslytakes aimat them with them that everythmg's cool.
an SMG. Short on time, Meganperforms two actions: • Youspeak Mandarin,but your Cantoneseis very
shootinga QuantumBolt at the enforcerandintimidat- rusty.RollLingu1st1cs at +2to difficultyto figureout what
ing the driver. With two actions,Megan's player sub- the shopkeeper1syellingabout.
tracts two fromher base8 QuantumBolt[Dextenty 5 + • Despiteyour best efforts, 1tlooksas thoughthis
QuantumBolt3Jskilltotal(rollingsixdice for: 2, 2, 5, 5, M1to1d won't listen to reason. RollBrawlor MartialArts
6 and 6) and three fromher 8 Intimidation(rollingf,ve to showh,mthe back of your hand.
dice for: 2, 4, 7, 7, 0). Megan's shot misses the thug, • The gangbangersoutnumberyou five to one and
but the weapon'sscreamcombinedwithMegan'sshout- they don't look likethey're m the moodto talk. Rollln-
ing startles the driver. He cranks the throttle, and the t1m1dation at +3 to d,ff1cultyto impressupon them that
cycle tears off downa side alley. this willhurt them more than it'llhurt you.
• Youburst into the cockpitto discoverthat the pi-
Resisted Actions lot ,s deadandthe plane1shurtlingdirectlytowarda moun-
Sometimes your character's efforts oppose tain. RollPilotto steer out of hann's way.
another's, just like in a tug of war. Duringresisted ac- • Thistechcan't havebeenapprovedbyUtopiaS&T.
tions,opposingplayersrollusingthe appropriateTraits. RollEngineeringat +1to d1ff1culty to determineits origin.
If you score more successes than your opponent does, • A pair of Jet fightersscreamsout frombehindthe
your character succeeds at her action before the other cloudbank. RollFirearmsto fire your 50mmcannonright
character does. Yourtotal successes are then reduced back at them.
by the amountthat your opponentrolled;the successes • It'syourfirst t,meat thisUtopiabranch,andyou've
remainingthenapplyto the actionitself. ln thisway, even forgottenyoursecuritycode.Makea straightIntelligence
if your opponent can't beat you, she can diminishyour rollto recall,t.
efforts. • Youcould reallyuse that fellow'splatinumcard.
RollStreetwise at +I to difficultyto lift the walletfrom
his breast pocket.
• What'sthatchiming noise?RoiAwareness to fndOlL

ForExample: The cyclist'ssurpriselasts onlyfor a tryingto find the notes thatMegantookof her lastcon-
moment,andhe tries to bringthe bike to a stop. Megan versationwithCount0rzaiz. TheStorytellerdecidesthat
reachesforwardandtightensher gripover the driver's, the enforcers willneed to get three successes to find
hopingto forcethe throttlebackup. TheStorytellercalls Megan'ssafe sinceit's hiddenbehinda falsepanel. The
for bothplayersto makeMightrolls. Thecharactersare first enforcerhas a 5 Investigationand hisplayerrolls
evenly matchedwith no MightAbilityand 4 Strength 5, 5, 6, </and 0. The secondthugmust defaultto his 3
ratings.TheStorytellerrollsfor the driver,getting2,3, Perception,hisplayergetting I, 3 and8. The enforcers
5 and 8. Megan'splayerrolls4, 4, 8 and </ . Whilethe discoverthe smallsafe; nowallthey need to do is finda
driverresists her, Meganhasjust enoughleverageto way to open it.
goose the bike's speed backup.
Someactions are both extended andresisted. One
Second Chances
Failureis frustrating. If you're havingtrouble with
opponent must collect a certain numberof successes in
your computerand can't figureout why,you're in for an
order to win. Allsuccesses rolledabove the opponent's
evening of increasingfrustration and decreasing pro-
total numberof successes in a singletum are added to-
ductivity. Aberrant reflects this "frustration with fail-
gether. The first opponent to collecta designatednum-
ure" byallowingthe Storytellerto increasethe successes
ber of successeswinsthe contest.
ForExample: Megan'simpromptuchauffeurloses needed for any action that you try againafter an initial
failure. So if a first attempt at pickinga simplemanual
his temper and tries throwingMeganoff the bike. The
lockfails,a character's frustrationwithher failurecould
Storytellerstatesthatwhoevergets threesuccessesfirst
make her try too hard the second time. To reflect this
on resisted Mightrollsstays on the hovercycle,while
overcompensation,the Storyteller asks for two suc-
the losingcharactergets tossed to the ground.In the
first turn,the Storytellerrollsfor the driverandgets 3, cesses. Of course if the character failsyet again, things
4, 5 and</;Megan's playercomesup with I, 2, 4 and6. willcontinueto escalate....
The Storyteller shouldn't invoke this rule in in-
Inthe secondturn,the Storyteller's rollis 3, 4, 7 and8;
stances such as combat. Missinga target isn't terribly
Megan's playergets 5, 5, 5 and 8. At the start of the
surprisingunder such circumstances,consideringthat
thirdturn,the cycledriveris up by two successeswith
everyone is dodgingabout, duckingfor cover and gen-
the Storytellerrollingagainfor 5, 6, </and O;Megan's
erallynot beingpolite enoughto stand still.
player, astoundedby the Storyteller'ssuccesses,rolls1,
3, 3 and 7. With a total of three successes,the driver Powe r Use
shovesMeganoff the backof the careeningcycle. Add- Novasemploymanypowers. The Traits represent-
ing injury to insult,the Storytellerimposestwo health ingthese powerstypicallyrate from 1to 5. A nova'sdice
levelsof bashingdamageonMeganas she slamsinto the pool for power use typicallyconsists of the sum of an
unforgiving cobblestones . Meganliftsherheadinstunned Attribute (listed with the power) and her rating in the
disbeliefas the cyclespeedsaway. power itself.
Teamwork ForExample : Embarrassedby her fall,Meganno-
Characterscan combinesuccesses, generallydur-
tices an opportunisticshutterbugracingher way,cam-
ing an extended action. At the Storyteller's discretion,
erainhand. Topreserveherpublicimage(suchas it is),
two or more players can roll separately and total their
she decidesto deter the photographerwitha Quantum
successes. Whileteamworkis effective in repairingde-
Bolt. Megan'splayerspendstwoquantumpointsandrolls
vices, collectinginformationor combat, the tag-team
her Dexterity(5) plusher QuantumBoltrating(3), gen-
approachcan be confusingin socialsituations.
eratinga resultof 1, 3, 5, 5, 7, </,0 and0. Theuncannily
ForExample: Since the enforcer in the street had accurate Bolt blows the camera out of the
no chanceto catchup to Megan,he goes insideher flat photographer's hand,andthe mandecidesto reconsider
his front-pageexclusivefor now.
to help his partner. The two thugs ransackthe place,

CflAPHR Qr~[ SYS!f MS 11 I

Before you enter the Aberrant universe,you must Character creation is not a random process; you
create a character. However,the character creationpro- buildyour character Fromthe ground up to your own
cess involvesmore than iust saying,"I want to be a..." specifications. YouassignTraits and choose everything
Youneed to know who your character is and what she about your character.That way,you're certain to playa
has the potentialto do, her likesand dislikes,her back- character you find entertaining.
groundand more. This chapter providesa step-by-step Aberran t's primary theme concerns the abilityof
plan for discoveringthese facets of your character,giv- the individualto impact her world, and your character
ingyou the chance to create a uniquenovayou willenjoy should choose and uphold personal goals accordingly.
playing. Nonetheless,it is vital to consider how wellyour char-
Charactercreation starts witha basicconcept.Af- acter willinteract with the rest of the group. The Aber-
ter decidingon that, you assign the character's normal rantmilieuis a dangerous place; a team has enough to
and novaTrails to determinewhatshe can do, then fillin worry about without dealingwith internalstrife. It also
the detailsof her personalityand life. Youshouldcreate helps to figure out why the membersof your team are
a character who is interestingfor you to play, for your together. Cultural, ethicalor personalties are just a few
friends' characters to interact with and for your Story- reasons whynovasmightwork together. If your charac-
teller to incorporate into the story. Althoughyour nova ter doesn't fit in with the rest of the group,you mayfind
will indeed be one of the most powerfulbeings m the yourselfeither sitting out of a lot of the action or splin-
world, the goal is not to make the ultimatesuperbeing, tering the group.
capable of destroyingcities witha thought;if you easily
trounce everyone you meet, your series is likelyto be
extremely dull. Indeed, novas with weaknessesare far Character
more interesting; vast power 1sall the more poignant
whencontrasted with humanfoibles. Creation
Allthe steps of charactercreationare detailedhere.
You'llcreate a character in less than an hour by following
Role of the Storyteller this process. This chapter deals primarilywith the me-
The Storytellershouldguidethe playersthrough
chanicsof allocatingpoints for Traits and with fillingin
character creation. It helps move the process along
the blanksof other areas of your character.
witha minimumof timeand fuss if the Storytelleris on
Becausenovasare born as normalhumanswhothen
hand to offer assistance.
"erupt" intotheir fullpotentialat a later pointinlife(typi-
First, pass out the character sheets and give the
callybetweenthe ages of 16and 36), character creation
playersa few minutesto lookthemover and ask ques-
actuallytakes place in two phases. In Phase One, you
tions. Then go throughthe character creation process,
buildyour character as a normalperson, allocatingAt-
helpingthe playerscreate well-balancedcharacters.
tributes, Abilitiesand quantumpotentials.Oncethe "nor-
Sometimescharacter creation can take an entire
mal' part of your character is established,you take the
gamesession,whichis fine. The playersshouldn'tfeel
character throughPhase Two, the origin.Phase Two is
rushed, and they should take the time to create be-
whereyou transformyour character fromnormalhuman
lievablecharacters. If you want to cut down on time
to nova givingher the awesomequantumpowers that
spent.encourageyourplayersto havetheir ideasready
forever differentiate her fromother mortals.
Chapters Three, Fourand flve give expandedand
Onceyou'redonewiththe practicaldetailsof cre-
detailed informationon each of the followingsections.
atingcharacters, youcan spend the rest of the session
runningprologues.These serve as introductorysto-
ries, allowingboth you and your playersto get to know
the characters and the Aberrant setting.

• Scholar : Learning is its own reward (professor,

Phase One: theorist, scientist).
• Warrior:Conflictdraws you (vigilante, soldier,
Human crusader).
Hereyou decidewhatyourcharacter waslike prior ForExample: Rob decides to create an Aben-ant
to his eruption. Forallintentsand purposes, you are cre- character.AlthoughRob likescomicsand bustin'heads
ating a normalhumanbeing,just like any one of us, with as muchas the next guy, he decidesthathe doesn't want
talents,skillsand aptitudesappropriateto hisbackground to play another tedious ass-kicker or mercenary. In-
and profession. Don't worry, you'll get to add plenty of stead, he wantsto playsomeonewhosepowersaremore
powersduringPhaseTwo. For now, though, decide what subtle, used to furtherthe character's whimsandindul-
your nova was like before the change. After all, a fea- gences. Hedecidesthathis characteris a "p/aya"-type:
tureless menuof powers isn't any fun to play. The best smooth, charming in a shallowway and alwaysup to
heroes, antiheroesand even villains are people first and somethingnot quitegood. Robdecides to makethe char-
"supers" second. acter Americanand male;however, tired of gun-flicks
Step One: Concept dwellin' New Jizack Hust/a, Rob decides that his char-
acteris of Asiandescent; a childof a two-parentnuclear
Youbegin by formulatinga basic concept for your
Familywhosimplywentshadysomewherealongthe way.
character. Youdon't need to knowall the details of her
Rob settles on the Gamblerconcept, and he namesthe
life at this point; you just need to havea generalfeel for
whoshe is. Youcan add specificslater on in the process;
right nowyou're just interested in the basics. Nature
You need to determine two thingsat this stage: who As living icons, novas often shape their quantum
you are, and what you're like. gifts into the embodimentsof themselvesor of concepts
dear to them. Accordingly, you should choose your
Concept character's Nature, a personality archetype that best
Novasdon't spring fullyformed into the Aberrant
suits her true personality. This self-perception guides
universe. Yourcharacter had a life before she erupted.
howyour characterinteractswiththe universe (see "Na-
Youmust decide what she did, how she livedand what
ture," in ChapterThree, for detailed information).
was unique about her. This concept may describe her
ForExample: Rob has to pick Philip's Nature. This
profession, her personalityor her interests. The follow-
one's pretty easy:Althoughthe Gallant andConniverAr-
ingconceptsare merelysuggestions; if noneof them fits
chetypes might work, Hedoniststands out as the obvi-
the idea you havein mindfor your character, feel free to
ous choice. Philip lives for the good times, and he does
create your own.
whathe has to do to keep the money coming.
• Affluent :Connoisseurof finethings(idle rich,ex-
ecutive, dilettante). Allegiance
• Artist:A creativepersonality(writer, dancer, ac- In the worldof 2008 , novasoften act at very high
tor, painter). levels of geopolitical power. Accordingly, many novas
• Gambler : Life is a game (thrill-seeker, irrever- have an allegiance to one or more important organiza-
ent, daredevil). tions. Youmay pick your allegiance at this time, though
• Herm it:Castadrift in the universe (vagabond, re- you certainlydon't haveto haveone; shouldyou have no
cluse, scarred veteran). allegiance, simplywrite "Independent" in the space pro-
• Nobody :Just an average, everyday person (stu- vided.
dent, working stiff, grunt). ForExample: Lookingover thepossibleallegiances ,
• Outsider: Fallen through society's cracks Rob tries to imaginewhatPhilipwouldthinkaboutjoin-
(slummer,dispossessed,neurotic). inganyof them, andhe comesup witha resounding"Hell,
• Philosophe r: Yours is a world of potentials no!" Philip, like many novas, willbe his own person at
(dreamer, student, idealist). the beginning of the chronicle,althoughhe couldpossi-
• Pioneer: The universe isa wonderfulmystery(re- bly shift towardthe side of the Aberrantsor even the
searcher, trailblazer, environmentalist). Teragenas his characterdevelops. Fornow, Rob writes
• Protector:Onewhocares for others (police, doc- "Independent" on Philip 's sheet. As a side note, Rob
tor, missionary,teacher). decidesthat Philipentered one of Utopia's Rashoudfa-
• Rebel: Shaking up the status quo (criminal, gang cilities uponfirst erupting; the experiencewasstraight
member, politician). out of One Flewover the Cuckoo's Nest, and Philiphas
• Saint: Youfollowa higher purpose (priest, vi- hadquiteenoughof Utopia's rathercloyingpresence in
sionary,theologian). his life, thankyou very much.



Step Two: Choosing lation.

Rob makesPhysicalPhilip'ssecondaryAt-
Attributes tributecategory. Althoughhisearlyyears were
The nine Attributes are innate potentials repre- spent at home, Philiphad a troubledadoles-
sented by numericalratings. AllhumanshaveAttributes, cence andranawayyoung;as such,he's been
though novas often enhance their Attributes to super- inhisshareof roughsituations.Then,too, he's
humanlevels. These Traits are the basis for all of your too narcissisticto be out of shape....
character's capabilities. Eachcharacter's Attributesare Of the five points availableto secondary
rated on a scale of one to five and represented by dots: Attributes, Rob allocatestwo to Dexterity, one to
• is poor, • • is average and • • • • • is the peak of Staminaand the last two to Strength, givingPhilipa 3
humanpotential(though,for a nova,a • • • • • maybe Strength,3 Dexterityand 2 Stamina. Philipis naturally
quite... mediocre). Novasstart with a rating of one dot graceful,andhe worksout to keep himselflookingfine
in each of the nine Attributes, whichmay then be im- Forthe ladies, but he's lazy and prone to beer-and-
proved uponby spendingAttribute points on a one-for- cigarettebreakfasts.
one basis. Rob makes MentalAttributes the remaining,
Attributes are divided into three areas: Physical, tertiary category. Philipis impulsiveandprefers to
Mentaland Social(see "Attributes,"pp. 133-135,for de- solve problems throughnegotiationrather than
tailed information). Youmust prioritizethese three At- analysis·he's not dumb but he's no egghead.
tribute categories, determiningone area in whichyour With only three points to spend, Rob goes
character is particularlyadept (primary), one in which For the average,assigningone dot to all catego-
she's fairlyaverage (secondary) and one in whichshe's ries. Philip'snot stupid or weak in any area,just
w~ak(tertiary). Youspend sevenAttributepointsinyour not particularlysharp,either.
primary area, five Attribute points in your secondary
area and threeAttributepoints inyour tertiary area. Al- Step Three: Choos-
locate the points withineach group howeveryou see fit.
If an Attributeends up lowerthanyou'd like don't worry.
ing Abilities
As Attributes are your character's
Youmay improveit later with bonus points or experi-
innatequalities,Abilitiesare the skillsand
enc~,and ifyousupplementyour Attributewitha Mega-
talents that she has developedin her life
Attribute (p. 164) during Phase Two, you'll have tran-
(see "Abilities,' p. 136, for specifics).
scended the humannorm anyway.
Abilitiesare rated from • (rudimentary)
Anyelementof your character's concept maysug-
to • • • • • (superior). Abilitiesbegin with rat-
gest the placementof Attributepoints. A crusadingjour-
ingsof zero,not 1as Attributesdo. Youhave23 pointsto
nalistor scientificprodigymighthavestrong MentalAt-
spend on Abilitiesas you choose. Youmay distribute
tributes whilea schemingcon man probably has high
Abilitypoints on a one-for-one basis howeveryou see
fit, althoughindividualAbilityratings cannot be higher
If any of your character's Attributes are rated at
than 3 during this phase of character creation. Bonus
four dots or higher, you need to choose a quality for it.
pointsmaybe spent here, as they can be withAttributes.
See "Qualities,' p. 134,for specifics.
Conceptis important when decidingwhere to as-
ForExampl e: Rob determines Philip'sAttribute
signAbilitypoints. A street thug probablywon't be very
categoriesas follows:
skilledat minglingin highsociety, whilea marine biolo-
Socialis primary. Philip's alwayshad a charming ,
gist won't likelyknowmuchabout heavy weaponry. On
the other hand, choosing seeminglyodd Abilitiescan
self into any group or situation. He alwaysknowsjust
enhanceyour character concept; for example,the street
the right thingto say,just the rightclothesto wearand
thug mightbe a runawayfrom a rich family,or the ma-
just the right time to get out of town.
rine biologistmighthave served in the Navy for years
.Robsplitsthe sevenpointsavailableto theprimary
and knowplentyabout heavy weapons. Youmaychoose
Attribute groupas follows:three in Appearance,three
an area of specializationwithinan Ability;see "Special-
in Manipulationand one in Charisma . Rob adds these
ties," p. 136,for more information.
points to the one free point that novasreceive Foreach
Rememberthat, as a nova, you automaticallystart
Attribute,puttingPhilipat Appearance4, Manipulation
with three free dots in Enduranceand Resistance· see
4 and Charisma2. Philipis a ladies' man, no question,
the Mega-StaminaMega-Attribute(p. 160) for details.
and he can con an Eskimointo buyingan igloo,but he's
better a~leadinga girl into his bedroomthanleadinga Skill Totals
platoonmto battle. SincePhiliphas two Attributes of 4, As Attributesare raw capabilitiesand Abilitiesare
Rob must choosea qualityForeach.Hepicks "Smooth" learnedtalents, the twocombineto formyourcharacter's
for Philip'sAppearance,and "Hustler"for his Manipu-


skill totals. To calculatea skilltotal, take the base
Attribute,add the relevantAbilityand write the
total after the Abilityrating on your character
sheet (in the boxafter the row of five dots).
Wheneveryou make a roll, your dice pool
equals the skilltotal in that box.
For Example : Rob has 23 points to
spendon whatPhilipknows, plushisau-
tomatic3 minimain Enduranceand
each on Style, Streetwise and
Subterfuge; twopoints on Ath-
letics, Intimidationand
Rapport; and one
point on M,ght,
Drive, Fire-
arms, Martial
Arts, Stealth,
Awareness ,

Backgrounds measure
your"place• inthe Aberrant uni-
verse. They represent whomyou
know, who knows you and what
resources you can draw on in times
of need. Youhave seven points to allo-
cate amongyourcharacter's Backgrounds .
Yourchoices should reflect your character
concept (see "Backgrounds,' p. 139,for de-
ForExample : Rob has seven points to spend
onPhilip's Backgrounds . Philip's the
kindof characterfor whomBack-
groundswillbe very important,
so Robgives this sectiona fair
bit of thought.
Philiphas allkindsof ca-
sual, shallowacquaintances , so
Robassignsthreepointsto Con-
tacts. Likeit ornot, Philip's tightlyknit
familystillcaresabouttheirwaywardson,so Robputs a
dot m Allies.Philiplovesthe fastfife, buthe spendsmoney
as fast as he gets ,t, so Rob assignsa singlepoint to Re-
A littlerawpowercan't hurt,so RobdropsapointinNode,


to givePhilipa second-instarMazarin-Rashoud nodepo- (Dexterityx 3) +20 meters. As with Initiative, certain

tential.Finally,Philip'sallaboutthe sty/in' threadsso Rob nova powers enable a character to travel much, much
spendshis last Backgroundpoint on Eufiber(a Buendia faster than the humannorm.
original, cute littletagandall, baby).
Quantum Pool
Step Five: Finishing A nova'sQuantumPoolis the totalamountof "juice"
or energy a novauses to power her abilities. Quantum
Touches Poolbeginsat 20 + (Quantumx 2), and it can be raised
Phase One's about over. Allthat's left to do is to fill with nova points in PhaseTwoof character creation.
out or developthe last elementsof the character. These Quantumpoints are spent from the QuantumPool
final details are as important as any other element of whenusing novaabilities; the character starts the series
bringingyour character to life. with a fullQuantumPool.
Willpower Bonus Points
Willpowermeasures the powerof convictions and Bonuspoints are used to fill in the blanks left on
self-control. The circleson your character sheet reflect the charactersheet duringbasiccharactercreation. You
your character's maximumor permanentWillpowerrat- have 15 bonus points, and you mayspend them on any
ing (also calledthe score), whichis the theoreticallimit Attributes, Abilit ies, Backgrounds,Quantumor Will-
of determination. The squares track your character's power. However,Traitcosts vary(see the CharacterCre-
momentaryforceof will; this currentrating(also referred ationTable). At this time,you mayraise Abilities to 4 or
to as points) drops as willis exerted (by spending Will- aboveif youwish, thoughyoushouldhavea goodreason
power points) and grows as your character reinforces for doing so (your character is a renownedscientist,
her belief in herself (by acting true to her Nature) - championprizefighteror other prodigy).
see "Willpower," p. 144, for further details. For Exam ple: Before spendingbonuspoints, Rob
PermanentWillpowerbeginsat a base rating of 3, notes that Philip'sQuantumratingis 1,his Willpoweris
and bonus points maybe spent to raise it to a maximum 3, his QuantumPoolis 22 andhis Initiativeis 5.
of 10. CurrentWillpowerstarts equalto your character's NowRobgets to spendhisbonuspoints. Hespends
permanentscore. seven points to raise Philip'sQuantumto 2 (doingso
also raises his QuantumPool to 24). Rob spends five
Quantum morepoints to raisePhilip'sWits to 3 (he's too smooth
Novasare novasbecause theycan manipulatequan- to be caughtoff guardvery much). With the last three
tum energies, the fundamentalforces of the universe. points, Rob addsa dot in Followers(a rotatingposse of
With sufficient control of these energies, they can do equallydissolutesycophantsand hangers- on whohang
anythingfrom hyperevolvingtheir basic capabilities to out withPhilipnow that he's a nova)and raises Philip's
creating miniatureblackholes. The measureof a nova's Willpowerto 4.
control over Quantumis the QuantumTrait. This Trait,
morethananyother statistic, is a measureof a character's
'"'power." Phase Two:
Novas-to-bestart with Quantumratingsof I, though
you mayuse bonuspoints to increase it in PhaseOne,as Nova
wellas novapoints to improvethe Trait in PhaseTwo. ln
Now you know what your character is like. Or
any event, no novamaybegin the game with a Quantum
rather, what she waslike before her Mazarin-Rashoud
Trait above 5.
node changedher from humanto nova. ln this phase of
Initiative character creation, you take the manor womanyou've
Initiativeis used wheneverthere is a question as to created and turn him or her into a demigod.
whichcharacterperformsan action beforeanotherchar-
acter. Initiativeis the total of your character's Dexterity Step One: Eruption
and Wits. As with other advantages, you mayraise this The definingmomentof a nova's existence is her
score with bonuspoints; certain novapowersallowposi- eruption- the momentat whichher M-R node "turns
tivelyobscene Initiative ratings as well. itself on" in response to a stimulus. The circumstances
surroundingeruptiongenerallydictate the basic param-
Movement eters of the character's powers. Before continuing, the
Movement indicates the distance your character playershoulddecide on the general events surrounding
maytravel in one action. Yourcharacter may walkseven eruption: what triggered it, why and what powers it
meters, run her Dexterity rating + 12 meters and sprint prompted.



One thing to keep in mindis that quantumcontrol of Philip's shady creditors; perhapsa jealous husband
often manifestsitself accordingto the nova's conscious or loverwhomPhiliphadcuckolded.In the end,Rob de-
and subconscious desires, fantasiesand needs. As such, cides that, in fact, Philip seduced the lover of the mob
playersshouldthinkaboutspendingat leastsomeof their racketeer to whomhe owed an overdueloan, givingthe
novapoints on theircharacters' normalTraitsand Mega- crook two reasons to kill him. Philip's powers enabled
Attributes. 1fyourcharacterhadbeen a pudgywallflower himto survive the gangster's assault, implying thatPhilip
up until the time of eruption, it makes more sense to willhave somesort of specialdefenses, at least enough
spend nova points on Charismaand Appearance(per- to survive street-levelsmall-armsfire. Coupledwith the
hapseventhe appropriate Mega-Attributes) thanto jack superhuman presenceandcharmthatRob alreadywants
up QuantumBolt and Force Fieldto obscene levels. If Philipto have, these powers shouldmake for a pretty
your character has alwayswanted to be the greatest toughcharacter.
musician in creation, raise that Arts Ability before buy-
ingthe world-wreckingstuff. Step Two: Nova Points
Here is a list of possibletriggers for a novaerup- Nowthat you've establishedthe circumstancesbe-
tion: hind your character's eruption, pick the powers most
• Accident:The node erupts while the nova is suited to her. ChaptersFourand Five list a wide variety
caughtin a dangerousaccident: a fire, a flood, whatever. of Mega-Attributes, enhancementsand quantumpow-
Some novashave erupted after taking enoughdamage ers to choose from; characters mayincreasesome nor-
to killthem; a clinicallydead character suddenlyrising malTraits during this stage as well, by means of nova
Osiris-like from his coma. points. Beginning characters get 30 nova points, which
• Deliberate:Thoughrare, this eruption happens they can use to increaseQuantumor QuantumPool, buy
whena latent novasuspects herself of harboringan M- Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds, Mega-Attributes,
R node and takes steps to activate it. Mostsuch people, enhancements and quantum powers. As with bonus
of course, end up injured, crippledor dead, but it's been points, different Traits and powers cost different
knownto workin a few cases. amounts of nova points (see the Character Creation
• Emotional Trauma: The character erupts after a Table, p. 120).
particularlytraumatic experience. This traumacouldbe Notethat mostMega-Attributesand quantumpow-
sudden (intense torture, watching a lovedone in peril) ers have a QuantumTrait minimumto purchase; before
or gradual(a runawayteenager who's been starvingand you buythat power, you mustraise your Quantumto the
cold on the streets for days). appropriatelevel, witheither bonusor novapoints.
• Excitement: The charactererupted duringa sud- When buying novaTraits, you can purchase them
den surge of passion - excitement over winning the more cheaplyby designatingcertain Traits as tainted. A
lottery, a sexualencounteror a suddendiscovery. taintedpower is purchasedat halfcost (roundedup); how-
• Expostre to QuantumPowers:It has been docu- ever, for eachdot of powerso purchased,the novabegins
mentedthat exposing latentnovasto active novas' quan- the gamewithone pointof permanentTaint (p. 148).
tum energies occasionallycauses the latents to erupt. Remember,as well, that no novamaybeginthe game
Perhapsyourcharacterwasan innocentbystanderinthe witha QuantumTrait above5. Furthermore, if you raise
midst of a nova-levelconflict; the chargedquantumen- your character's QuantumTrait to 5, he gains an addi-
ergies activatedher own M-R node. tionaldot of permanentTaint.
• Revelation: The novajust realized she could"do ForExample: Rob decidesthat Philip's powers in-
things." (This type of eruption is usuallyaccompanied volvea heightening of his own naturalcharm,as wellas
by days of splitting headaches, as the node swellsin the a measureof controlover the Forcesof chaosandprob-
forebrain.) ability. First of all, he spends five novapoints to raise
• Threatening Situation: Similarin some ways to Philip's Quantumrating to 3 (whichin turn bumps his
an accident, a threatening situation involvesthe nova QuantumPoolto 26). He now spends 12points to buy
eruptingduring a mugging, war, animalattack or similar Mega-Manipulation at • • ( withthe Tricksterenhance-
event. ment), Mega-Appearanceat • (with the Seductive
Of course, no two novas erupt in quite the same Looks enhancement)and Mega-Staminaat • (with the
ways; feel free to makeup any eruptionthat suits your Regenerationenhancement) . Philipisextraordinarily
fancy(subject to the Storyteller's approval). silient, fascinatingandpersuasive.
For Example: Rob wantsPhilipto be a somewhat With 13points left, Rob has to select Philip's re-
sleazy character, so he decides that Philip 's M-R node maining powers carefully. He decides that Philip's the
manifestedin a somewhatsordidfashion.Philip's erup- sort who can stand a little Taint, so he buys a point of
tion, Robdecides, occuredin responsetoanattack from tainted Quantumforhalfcost (threeratherthanfive nova
someonewhomPhilip had crossedearlier: perhapsone points), raisingPhilip's totalQuantumto 4 (hisQuantum


Poolis now28). A Quantumthishighenableshimto pur- Philipdoes not have any specialmovementpow-
chasetheEntropyControlquantumpower,andRobagain ers,so he gets aroundthe sameasanybaseline.Hiswalk
decidesto save quantumpoints by addingTaint. Philip rate is five meters, his run rate is 16 meters (12+ his
purchasestwo tainted dots of EntropyControlat half Dexterityof 4) and his sprint rate is 32 meters (20 +
cost (or three nova points per dot rather than five), three timeshis Dexterityof 4).
spendingsix dots on the power. SinceEntropyControl Now Rob calculatesPhilip'sstartingsoak scores.
providesa suiteof techniques,andsincePhilipmayse- Philip'sStaminaof 4 giveshimfoursoak versusbashing
lect one techniqueper dot in the power, Rob selects damageandtwosoakversuslethaldamage;to thisbase,
BioentropyStorm (agood all-purposeareaattack) and his Resiliency-enhanced Mega-Staminaadds two soak
EntropicShield(a useful defense - Philip'stoughby versusbashingandlethal,for a totalof six soak versus
humanstandards,butnowhereneartoughenoughto suck bashingdamageand four soak versus lethal damage.
up a seriousnovaattack). Philipcanuse the other tech- Philip'sincrediblytough by humanstandards,but he
niquesin the EntropyControlsuite, but they'llcost six probablyshouldstay out of seriousnova-levelcombat,
quantumpoints to activateratherthan three, and they and his EntropicShieldand Regenerationabilitieswill
activateat + 1difficulty,sincehe hasn'tmasteredthem doubtlesssee a fairbit of use.
yet . Onemoredetailneeds to be taken care of: Since
Robhas fourremainingnovapointsto spend Even Philipraisedhis normalDexterityandStaminato 4, he
withMega-Stamina andEntropicShield,he's not entirely may select qualitiesfor these Traits.He chooses "Run
comfortablewith Philip's defenses, so he spends two Like Hell"for Dexterity and "Functionon Almost No
pointsaddthe Resiliencyenhancementto Philip'sMega- Sleep" for Stamina.
Stamina(this allowsPhilip'sMega-Staminato soak two
levelsof bashingandlethaldamageratherthanone).Rob Spark of Life
spendshislasttwonovapointsto addsix dots to Philip's Nowthat you have the dots and Traits out of the
normalAttributes;he raisesPhilip's Charismato 3, Ma- way,you can personalizeyour creation and make her
nipulationto 5, Appearanceto 5, Dexterity to 4 and uniquelyyours. The moredetailsyou workout, the more
Staminato 4. depthyourcharacterhas. Whiletheyhaveno direct rules
Step Three: Finishing Touches impact,these detailsmakeit easier for bothyouandyour
Storytellerto knowwhoyour character is and howshe
Here's where you have to do a little bookkeeping.
fits into the series.
Yourcharacter begins with one permanentTaint point
• Howoldareyoo?Mostnovasare relativelyyoung,
for eachtaintedMega-Attributedot, quantumpowerdot,
between16and36 years of age at eruption,thoughthere
Quantumdot or enhancementpurchased.Rememberthat
are exceptions. Alsothinkabout whateventstook place
if your Quantumis 5, you gainan extra Taintdot on top
duringyour character's life. Experiences have as much
of any other Taint accumulated.lf doingso drivesyour
impacton howold you feel as your physical age does.
Taintabove3, you gainone aberration(p. 151)per addi-
tionalTaint point.
• Whatdoyoulooklike'?Whilethe Appearance
Trait indicateshowattractiveyouare, it doesn'tsay what
Youshouldfillin your speeds for walking,running
it is that makesyou att.ractive, nor anythingelse about
and sprinting,as wellas speeds Forany other Formsof
your physicalidentity. Consideryour other Traits, in-
locomotion(for example,Flightor Hypermovement) .The
cludingNature and Backgrounds . Also rememberthat,
character sheet has space for youto write inextra move-
unless the Storyteller specifies otherwise, you can be
ment speeds.
fromanyculture,of any religion,race or sexualorienta-
Finally,add together all soak gainedfrom Stamina,
Mega-Staminaand Armor,then calculateyour soak to-
Whileyou're thinkingabout your character's ap-
tals for bashingand lethaldamage. Extra space on the
pearance, decide exactly how your quantum powers
sheet lets youwriteinsituationalsoak(for example,from
manifest.Evennovaswith lowor no Tainttypicallylook
a Force Field, Invulnerabilityor an ElementalMastery
somewhatdifferent fromthe humannorm. Doyour eyes
glowwhenyou activateyour Force Field;do flamesroar
ForExample: Philiphas three Taintpoints, which
fromyour mouthwhenyou fire your QuantumBolt?
Rob dutifullyrecordsin the Taintsectionof the charac-
ter sheet. A Taintthishighdoesnot imposeanyaberra-
• Didyou ever noticeyou were different? The
trauma of eruption merelyunlocksa previouslylatent
tions- yet - but Philipis nonethelessfairlydiscern-
quantumpotential.Manylatents experience brief, un-
ibleas a nova.
controlledflashes of power prior to eruption, whether
they realizeit or not. You mayhavealreadybeen aware


of your potentialbefore eruption,or you mayhavebeen For Example : Rob wants to establishsome more
baffled and confused by the tremendous energies you detailsaboutPhilip'spriorities, originandrelationships
unleashed. Perhapsyou have livedblissfullyunawareof with others. The Storytellerwantsto keep the general
your nature. detailsa little vague, but Rob fillsin some basicinfor-
• HowwereyoudiscoverecP.Manyeruptingnovas mation.
are approachedby Project Utopiapsychologistsand en- As farasphysicalappearancegoes,Philipisa stun-
couragedto enter trainingat the nearest Rashoudfacil- ningAsianmaleof 23, withlongblackhair in a ponytail,
ity. Others find themselvessought out by government a wiry buildand a sharklikesmile. He's alwaysdressed
agencies, corporationsor other groups, thoughmanyuse to the nines, he favorsflashyjewelry andhe takes spe-
their newfoundpowersimplyto slip awayand avoidde- cialpride in his Buendiaeufiber suit. AlthoughPhilip
tection by potential exploiters. hasn't manifestedany aberrations, his Taint is pretty
• Whatareyourquirks'?Everyonehas interesting highfor a beginningcharacter; Rob decidesthat harm-
personal idiosyncrasies; what are yours'? They can be less but eer ie black sparks occasionallycrackle from
anything from alwayswearinga fedora to havinga mor- Philip's eyes andacrosshisbody, flaringstrongestwhen
bid sense of humor. Good quirks help define your per- PhilipuseshisEntropyControlpowersor soaksdamage
sonality and alsogive the Storytellermore to work with with his Resiliency.
for character interactions and story hooks. Philip's basicdisposition is pretty naileddown, but
• Whois importan t in YOU" life'?Howdo you feel Rob thinks that some more work couldbe done in this
about your Family(or do you even have one)'?Are your area. HedecidesPhilip is theyoungestson of a Fam ily of
friends close or merely casual acquaintances? Do you hard-working Chineseimmigrants(whichis, of course,
even keep in touchwith your lovedones nowthat you're wherehe learnedto speak Cantonese).The familywas
a nova, or did eruption sever ties between yourselfand poor and lived in a bad neighborhood; early on, the
your baseline compatriots? Just becauseyou've become clashesbetween the valuesof Philip's frugalparentsand
a novadoesn't meanyou lose your previous ties - al- those of his street-rat friendspulledPhilipaway from
though it maycertainly change how people feel toward his Familyand onto the streets. Mixingwith the wrong
you and vice versa. crowd, Philipbecamea gambler, small-timehustlerand
• Whatdoyou own'?This consideration is usually occasionalpimp; these activitiescombinedto get him
an afterthought,but a littleattention to it is useful. Mun- into some troublewith a localbranchof the Camparelli-
dane things like an apartment or clothes are considered Zukhovmegasyndicate, and his powers activated while
to be covered by the ResourcesBackground.However, defendinghimself from a pissed-off mobgoon.
certain weapons, vehicles or unusualitems are covered Earlyon, Philipentered a Rashoudfacilityto con-
in the Appendix. trol his powers; Utopia's nauseating,PC feel-goodism
• Howdoyouperceive otherpeople'? Are you tol- and authority-with-a-smile didn't sit well with him at
erant of other cultures and lifestyles'?Doyou envyother all, and he left the facility on less thanequitableterms.
novas? Doyou yearn for your old life? Doyou consider He's sure that the Project is monitoring himas a poten-
yourself superior to baselines, perhaps condescending tial threat, and this suspicionhasgnawedat him to the
to or even bullying them? Doyou remain amongbaseline point of paranoia.
society or prefer the companyof other novas? Philipcurrentlylivesina smalldowntownapartment,
• How did you meetthe rest of YOU" team'? The buthe is on the cuspof doingbiggerandbetter (well, big-
"team" refers to the other players' characters. Whilethe ger) things.He's alreadyattracteda crew of hangers-on
team itself can take manyforms, you still need to figure and "best buddies'; for now, he's living the highlife, im-
out howyou allcame together. Whether it's a willingal- pressing(and occasionallyfreakingout) the ladiesand
lianceor a marriage of convenience, be sure that there spendingmoneyas fastas he makesit. The syndicatearm
is some levelof trust betweenyourselfand the others. thathadpreviouslybeenthreatening himhas"generously"
• What areYOU" motivations'? No one lives with- droppedallof hisowedgamblingdebtsandiscajolinghim
out somesort of motivation.Whatare your goals? What into working for them,but Philiphasbiggerdreamsthan
do you fear? What gives you strength'?Alsoask yourself beinga small-time syndicateboss . His familystill cares
"why?" regarding these questions. Motivations can be abouthim and wantshim to use hispowersresponsibly,
vague (a desire to improvethe world) or very specific but Philiphasambiguousfeelingsaboutthem. More than
(you have swornvengeanceon the Directiveagent who anything , hewantsto avoidUtopias scrotiny,andthispara-
murdered your family). Youunderstandwho you are in noiaconflictswithhisdesiresfor wealth,Fameandatten-
fleshing out your ambitionsand priorities. tion. Perhapsif he couldhookup withothersof his kind...


Character Creation Table:
Phase One: Human Phase Two: Nova
This cheat-sheet covers the character- Thissectiontellshowto changeyour char-
creation process in short form; refer to the acter from normalhumanto nova.
appropriate sections for details. Available • StepOne:Origin
points are listedwhere relevant. Choose the circumstances of your
• StepOne:Concept character's transformation.
CnooseConcept,Natureand Allegiance(p. StepTwo:NovaPoints
127) Spend30 novapointson Mega-Attributes;
• StepTwo:SelectAttributes (p.133) enhancements; quantum powers; Quantum;
Prioritizethe three areas:Physical,Men- Quantum Pool ; or extra Attributes,Abilitiesand
tal and Social Backgrounds.
ChooseprimaryAttributes (7 points) Quantumcannot be raised higher than 5;
ChoosesecondaryAttributes(5 points) if Quantum is 5, the character gains+ 1perma-
Cnoosetertiary Attributes(3 points) nent Taint.
• StepThree:SelectAbilities (p. 136) • StepThree:PhaseTwoFinishing Touches
Choosedesired Abilities(23 points) Record Taint and aberrations (if any)
No Abilityhigher than 3 at this time. changes to skilltotals (if any), changesto Ini-
Calculateskilltotals tiative and movement(if any); bashingand le-
• Step Four:SelectBackgrounds thalsoak;decideon any physicalchangesmade
ChooseBackgrounds(p. 139)(7 points) by eruption.
• Step Five:PhaseOneFinishing
RecordinitialWillpower(3) Quantum(1),
Initiative (Dexterity+ Wits), Movement(walk Nova Points
7 m run Dex+12 m, sprint [Dexx 3] +20 m) Trait NovaPoint
Spendbonus points (15 points) Cost
Mega-Attribute 3
Enhancement 3
Quantum 5
Bonus Points QuantumPower(Level I) I
Trait Cost per dot QuantumPower(Level2) 3
Attribute 5 QuantumPower(Level3) 5
Ability 2 QuantumPool 1/2
Specialty(max.tine perAbility)1 3 Attributedots I
Background 1 6 Abilitydots I
Willpower 2 5 Backgrounddots I
Quantum 7 Willpowerdot I
Initiative 1 Italicizeditemscan be boughtas taintedpow-
ers; tainted powerscost half the normalcost
per dot (roundup), but they imposeone point
of permanentTaint per dot so purchased. A
taintedLevelI powercosts one novapointper
two dots purchased.
Addingan Extra to a Level I or 2 quantum
powerincreasesthe levelof the powerby one
for purposes of purchasingthe power. So, a
Level2 powerpurchasedwith an Extra costs
fivenovapoints(or three novapointsifbought
tainted) per dot.

The Team maskedelites escort a high-rankingdiplomatto an in-

ternational symposiumcan make for some interesting
The majorityof novasin 2008 are solitary,focus- roleplaying).
ingon their ownlivesandgoals. Sure, theycometogether • Istherea teamleader'? Decisions must be made
to socialize,and novas titanic egos often lead to highly somehow.Doesyour team go by militaryrank or corpo-
publicized(and ratings-drawing) clashes, but by and rate structure'? Is it a democraticgroup? Are the mem-
large, each novais an islandunto herself. Therefore, the bers well-disciplinedand respectful of others' sugges-
team that your characters are to form is a rarity, one tions, or do they tend toward petty squabbling'?
sure to turn heads in governments,corporationsand in- • Whatis the team'sallegiance '?Dependingon
ternationalorganizationsalike. Backgrounds,your characters may work for (or found/
Because novas are so individualistic , a functional own) Utopia, a powerfulcorporation or a government
team of them is an entity of great power. It is thus highly agency. A group with the support of an agency or gov-
desirablethat the characters basicallytrust and support ernment can draw upon this resource for finances, gear
each other. Muchlikea family,the team may not always and backup - althoughusuallyat the cost of restric-
get along - individualscouldeven have distinctlyop- tions on the members' freedomsand responsibilities.A
posing philosophies- but there remainsa foundation team that goes it alonecan call its ownshots, but it op-
of respect and relianceon one another that can weather erates withouta safety net.
almostany storm. • Who are the team's enemies'?The team might
Creating a Team consciouslychoose to defy a specificgroup. What does
The type of team _the characters comprise has a that group planto do about the characters' considerable
tremendousbearingon whatthe series willbe like.If the threat'?Are there other agenciesoperatingcontrary to
Storyteller plans to run a series steeped in intrigueand the team'sgoals'?Is the teamawareof theseforces'?What
geopoliticalmachinationshe shouldmakesure the play- do these enemiesintend?
ers knowthis before they create a groupof combat-hun- • Whydoestheteam exist?This is perhaps the
gry elites. In the end the story revolvesaroundthe team most importantquestionof all. There's a reason whythe
(and,therefore, the characters);understandingwhatthe characters got together and remain together. Did they
team is about helps both players and the Storyteller to have a friend in common'? Are they all on the run from
immersethemselvesin the Aberrant milieu. Utopiaor some other group'?Were they drawn together
The followingare a few questions that shouldbe by similargoals or philosophies,or 1s1tsimplya mar-
consideredaboutthe teamduringcharactercreationand riage of convenience'?
(hopefully)answeredby the end of the prologue.
• Where is the team based'?The answer to this
questiondepends on where the Storytellersets his se-
ries. Knowingthat the team operates out of T2M Addis The prologueisyourcharacters introductionto the
Ababa,DeVriescorporateoffices,a NewYorkpenthouse worldand story. It combinesback history, personalde-
or someone'sflat givesa good basis for both Storyteller tailsand transformationintoa nova. The prologueis usu-
and players. ally a short, one-on-one roleplaying session between
• How do the team members interact'?A team's playerand Storytellerthat introducesyou andyourchar-
internal dynamics can give everyone a wealth of acter to the Aberrant universe.
roleplayingopportunitiesand story hooks. Are the mem-
bers all close friends'? Is the team a businessor enter-
tainmentventure'?Are there jealousiesor rivalriesamong
members'?Are there anysecrets kept fromcertain mem- Fine Tuning
bers'?What's the levelof trust and camaraderie'?
Theprologueletsyoutest yourcharacter,mak-
• Whatis theteam'spurpose'? A team's purpose
ingsure she can do the things you want her to. It's
usuallyties closely with the type of series the Story-
not unusualto discoverthat an Abilityfunctionsdif-
teller runs. The team may have a specificcharter given
ferently than you thought, or that a higher (or
to it by backers (containand control rogue novas, act as
lower!)Trait makesmore sense for your character.
PR reps and specialagents for their corporations),or it
After the prologue,you maymodifyyour character
may have its own agenda (expose Utopia's hidden ac-
(with the Storyteller's superv1s1on),adjusting her
tivities,subjugatethe humanrace). The team's focusmay
to better fit your concept and the series. Youdon't
be on combator intrigue,and the Storyteller shouldbe
get any moredevelopmentpoints,but you mayshift
sure that missionsare geared accordingly. However, it
existing points around as appropriate. Once you
alwayshelps to mix things up a bit (havinga cadre of
begin the regular series, any further modifications
must be made with experience points.

Mostgoodroleplayersbeginwithideas for the char-

acters they want to play, customizethose ideas during
creation, then get a real feel for those personalities
throughprologues. These first roleplayingopportunities
are criticalto character development,providingyouwith
the chance to get inside your character's head and react
to things as she would. This is a crucial time for setting
uprelationshipswithimportantpeople,placesand things,
making it easier and more natural for your
Storyteller to work those factors into the
series. It's also important to depict your
character's Backgroundsduringthe pro-
logue. Usingroleplayingto introduce the
nova's alliesor patrons to relate the mo-
ment whenher M-R node activatedand to
describeher wealthenhancesyour human
character's depth. and typically
culminatesin the
Storyteller: event that triggered
Areas of the character's erup-
Focus tion. Onlythen, after the
Although player has a sense of who
eruptionleavesa her character was like as a
person forever person, should the Storyteller
altered, allowPhase Twoof character cre-
openingnew ation to take place.
vistas of Describingthe eruption event as it
and possi-
.w.--.~ • '-..,•
•=- .,..,
happensis muchmoredramaticthan say-
..~ . ing "Okay, youerupt. Nowyou're a nova."

bility it No one, even Divis Malhimself, fullyun-

does not derstandsthe processof eruption,or why
change certain events trigger certain people;
who she using that mystique underlines the
changesthat happento the character.
Followingup eruption with a
under- sketch of how the character first
stand the masters her newfound powers
character ' s serves a numberof functions, de-
existence as a pendingon the prologue's direction.
nova, the player ls the novatakenunder the wingof
must know what the character an organization like
was like before she was trig- Utopia, or must she
gered. Brieflyroleplayingher life master her powers
up to that point,highlighting on her own? Does
fining moments" and important she go public,
people,is an excellentwayto es-
tablish the character and to be
entertained at the same time. In-
deed, we recommend going
through Phase One of character
creation, then playingthrough a
short one-on-one prologue be-
tween the player and the Story-
teller. This prologuesketches out
the character's life as a normal

or does :,hetry to hidefromintrusivegovernmentagents, experiencepoint.No character shouldever fulfillevery

Utopiarecruiters and mediabarracudas?Whateverthe single category at one time, althoughmultiplecharac-
specificfocusof a prologue, the key is'to givethe play- ters mayqualifyfor the same award.
ers a taste of the universe,thus makingeach character • Automa tic - Eachcharacterreceivesone point
and the setting all the more real and dynamicin subse- at the end of every story.
quent sessions. • Discovery- The character understandssome-
Eachcharacter's prologueshouldultimatelyset the thingnewand significantabout himself, his fellownovas
scene for the team as a whole. This introductioncould or the universe.
culminateinthe characters uniting, or couldset thingsin • Excep tionalRoleplay - The playerroleplayed
motion to bringthemtogether inthe first episode. What- his character particularlywell.This behaviorshouldbe
ever the case, the Storyteller shouldensure that indi- appropriate to the character; points should not be
vidualprologuesreinforce, howeversubtly, the goals to awarded for outlandish,out-of-character antics.
whichthe team willdedicate itself. • Heroism- The characterriskedlifeand limbto
save the day. Onlythe most dramaticsituationsqualify
Character for this award - stupiditydoes not count.
• Wisdom- The character discovereda wayout
Development of a trap or learnedthe truth behinda mystery.The group
often deduces solutionstogether, in whichcase every-
During a story, your character learns manythings one shouldbe awarded. However,if one characterpieces
abouthimself,hisabilitiesandhisareas for improvement . everythingtogether by himself, onlyhe gets the award.
Success and failure combineto teach you about your • Creativity- This point is reserved for players
character's limitationsand potential. Your character will whoadd to the story'senjoymentwithoutdetractingfrom
makemistakes, gain insight,practice and hopefullynot the game. This includes,but is not limitedto, well-de-
repeat past errors. Allof these thingsare measuredin a velopedbackgrounds,character journalsor introducing
gamethroughexperiencepoints. new story elements. This bonus is highlydiscretionary
and shouldbe awardedinfrequently.
Experience • Cohesion - The characters workedexception-
The Storytellerhas the responsibilityof quantify- ally well together, defeatingtheir opponents or strate-
ing each character's experiences. Whilethe knowledge gically investigating all avenuesof information.
you gainconcerningplotlines,supportingcharactersand
your team cannot be measured, your character'sexpe- Roleplaying
rience can. Experiencepoints are an artificialmeasure
of success or accomplishmentthat translate into en-
Skilldoesn't develop spontaneously.The dots on
hancedpowerand capability.The dramatic situationsin
your character sheet are easy to fill in, but improving
whichAberrant characters often find themselvespro-
suchcapabilitiesin real lifetakes time, practice and ap-
mote fast learningas a meansof survival.
plication.Aberran t characters, likereal people,can im-
Awarding Experience Points proveonlyTraits that they exercise.There are three key
The Storytellershouldawardexperiencepointsat waysto justify increasingyour character's capabilities:
the end of every story. Allcharacters typicallyget the application,researchand training.Assuch, youcanspend
samenumber, althoughparticularlyoutstanding accom- experiencepointson a particularTrait only if yourchar-
plishmentsor roleplayingcan earn an individualbonus acter has used that skill,performed thoroughresearch
experience. The amountof experience points givende- or receivedadditionaltraining.
pends on a numberof factors. It is vital, whatever method of developmentthat
Keepin mindthat a story mightcontinuefor more you follow, that the growthbe roleplayed. Whether that
thanone gamesession, althoughwithholdingexperience meansseekingout your mentor for formalizedtraining
points for too long can frustrate players. Generally,if or swappingtips of the trade with others, development
the Storytellersees a particularstory arc continuingfor mustbe part of the story. Takingan entire gamesession
more than three sessions, she should give experience to roll dice and increase your character's BrawlAbility
about halfway(or even a third of the way) throughthe isn't the point.The Storytellerand playershouldagree
story. upon the circumstancesand time necessary to improve
The categoriesbelowdescribeareas inwhichchar- a Trait. Skillimprovementneed not be the focus of the
acters can winexperience. Eachcategory is worth one story, but it shouldderivelogicallyfrom the plot.


Youcan increase knowledge-relatedTraits at low
levelswith in-depth research. At higher ratings, how-
Exper ien ce Costs ever, you must combinestudy with application.
Once experience1sdoledout. playerscan spend Research materialfor raisingTraits can be found
it m any of the followmgareas. Costsvary dependmg almost anywhere. Websites,educationalprogramming,
on the Trait mvolved.Also, mcreasmgTraits or buy- printedbooksor evenscientificexperimentationcan in-
mgnew ones mustbe roleplayedbefore spendmgany crease your character's knowledgebase. New material
pomts (it's the roleplaymgthat's important). appropriate to a Trait must be studied each time you
Trait Increase Cost wishto increase that Trait.
Attribute current ratmg x 4 Training
Ab1l1ty current ratmg x 2 If yourcharacterisn'texposedto situationsinwhich
Background current ratmg x 2 her Abilitiesimprove naturally,she can seek training.
Mega-Attribute current ratmg x 5 Formalizedtrainingfocuseson improvinga certain Trait
QuantunPower(Level I) current rating x 3
throughrigorousrepetition in a controlledenvironment.
QuantunPower(Level2) current rating x 5 Any Trait can be improved through training, although
QuantunPower(Level3) current rating x 7 some skillsdevelopbetter through "real-world" appli-
Willpower current ratmg cation.
Quantum current ratmg x 8 Yourcharacter can seek training from numerous
QuantumPool 3 per dot sources. Gymspromote physicalfitness, schools edu-
Initiative current rating cate and variousprogramsare designed to improveso-
NewTrait Cost cial skills. Also,the AeonSocietyoffers its Rashoudfa-
Ability 3 cilities, throughProject Utopia,for novas who wish to
Specialty(max.!treeperAbdity) I better their quantum powers (so long as the novas in
Background 2 question are on the Project's good side of course...).
Enhancement 5 Attendingmostof these traininginstitutionscosts money
Mega-Attribute 6 and time. The Storyteller shouldattach an appropriate
QuantumPower(LevelI) 3 price tag and training time, in addition to the experi-
QuantumPower(Level2) 6 ence-point cost.
QuantumPower(Level3) 9 Findingand indulging in trainingis more than a way
Note:A levelof Quantum,Mega-Attribute,en- to improveTraits. A resourcefulStorytellercan tie train-
hancementor quantumpower can be bought tamted ingsessionsinto the series, plumbingnewdepths inyour
for half cost (roundedup); however,the nova 1mme- character's identity and in the story.
d1atelyacquires a permanentTamt pomt, alongwith
all the associatednegativeeffects. Increasing Attributes
Eachof the Attribute groups demandsa different
focus for improvement.PhysicalAttributes can be im-
proved through rigorous training or exercise. Combat
experience manuallabor or athletic pursuitscan all im-
App licatio n prove your character's physicalprowess. Mental At-
Usmga Trait repeatedly 1sthe primaryway to ex- tributes developmostlythroughdiscipline and constant
ercise 1t.Ab1l1tiesthat you use regularlyare perfect to exposure to new material.A stagnant mind never im-
spend experienceon. Such"trainingin the f1eldtt is suit- proves, whilean activeone can overcomeany limitation.
able for virtuallyallTraits. The major componentof improvingSocialAttributes is
Even1fyou fail in a task, related Traits still qualify humaninteraction. Practiceand some trainingwithoth-
as practiced or applied. Sometimeswe learn more from ers can help moldsocialskills.
our mistakesthan from our successes. The Storyteller
shouldallowyou to spend experienceon Traits used in- Increasing Abilities
effectivelyas wellas on those used effectively. Aberrant characters possessa wide range of Abili-
ties, whichimprovereadily with the proper focus. Any
Resea rch Abilitycan be increasedgiventhe proper training. While
Research1susefulfor improvingknowledge-related such improvementis rapid at low levels, the cost in-
Traits. Simplestudy, however,does not complete the creases dramaticallyas yourcharacter'sexpertisegrows.
process. Real-worldapplicationcements such mforma- Evenamongnovas, only the most dedicated individuals
t1on, givingyour character a solid foundationof knowl- can master their fields.
edge and practicalexperience.


An Abilityin whichyour character has a specialty
increasesjust likeany other. Whenthe specializedAbil- Development and
ity raises to the next dot, your character's specialtyau-
tomaticallygoes up as well,remainingone dot higherthan Backgrounds
the Abilityitself. This increase worksthe same for allof CertainBackgroundscan reduce the costs of im-
the specialtiesthat your character has in that Ability(re- provinga Tra1t.Mostnotably,the MentorBackground
memberthat your character is limitedto a maximumof providesyou withdirect access to trainingor research
three Specialtiesin each Ability). materials. Althoughthe mentor acts as an advisorand
Say your character currently has two dots in Fire- confidant. she also can provide your character with
arms, and you had previouslypurchased the Targeting the means to improvehimself. The Storyteller should
specialty(givingyour character an extra die whenaim- decide what Abilitiesyour patron mighthave (deter-
ing). Raisingthe FirearmsAbilityto 3 costs eight expe- mined by the Background'srating and the mentor's
rience points, and you stillkeep the extra die for target- nature). Mentors aren·t automatons that simplyrm-
ing(givingyour character a 4 Firearmsratingwhenaim- prove your character's capabilitywith a snap of their
ing). fingers. Yourcharacter still has to work at the Tnut
and mayeven owe his mentor a favor or two.
Increasing Nova Powers Contacts,alhes and even followersmay possess
The meansfor increasingnovapowersare as indi- superiorskillincertain areas. These peoplemayprove
vidualas novasthemselves, thougha Fewcommonalties more d1ff1cultto tap for educationand training than
havepresented themselves.Tappinginto quantumpow- goingto a mentor,but they are stillexcellentresources.
ers typicallyinvolvessomedegree of lightmeditationor Contactsusuallycharge fees (favors,money,informa-
disciplinaryexercises, though the techniquesvary de- tion), and they certainly aren't as helpful as a real
pendingon the powers invokedand, of course, the indi- teacher. However,your character may haveaccess to
vidualnova herself. Project Utopia'sRashoudfacilities a wide range of trainingthrough contacts. Alliesare
offer opportunitiesfor training·mostcountriesand many often very helpful,and they can present a widearray
major cities host at. least one Rashoudfacility.However, of ab1l1t1es
. Still,socialor familyobligationsbetween
the individualityof novas' powersmeansthat one nova's you and your alliescan interfere with training. Follow-
trainingtechniquesdo not necessarilyapplyto another; ers mayfeel obligatedto teach you, althoughthey may
a novawhospecializesin Mega-Strengthmighthavelittle resent the new respons1b1hty, depending on the na-
to offer a student seekingto masteran ElementalAnima. ture of the bond.
Furthermore,novas are still exceedinglyrare; an "ap- Overall,your character's Backgroundsprovidea
pointment"to be tutored mightneed to be set up months vastrange of potentialeducationalopportunities. The
inadvance. Ultimately,manynovasmusttrain themselves, ease of drawingupon these resources depends on the
throughtrialand(sometimesdangerous)error. Ona more nature of the relat1onsh1p, the backgroundcharacter's
dubiousnote, the Terageneagerlyassistsany novaswho capabilityand your character's own in1tiat1ve.
ask but only in exchangefor favorsor future service.
Developingnew powers is typicallya touch-and-
go process, and accompaniedby searing headaches to ence points to raise. To makethe new rating an intrinsic
boot, as the M-R node channelsenergies in new ways. part of yourcharacter, a keyelementof hisongoingstory,
Accordingly,for the first story or two after developing you mustspend the appropriate experience.
new powers, all uses of those powers are made at a New Backgroundsdevelop in muchthe same way.
greater difficulty- typically+I or +2. This penalty is They're introducedinto the story by you or the Story-
offset if the nova takes adrenocilin(see the Appendix, teller. They are then made permanent by spendingex-
p. 281). perience points.
Increasing Backgrounds This is not to say that your character can have
Backgroundscan be improvedonly throughactual friends,resourcesor gear only1fshe buysthemas Back-
roleplay. New contacts cannot be studied, nor can you grounds. If she stumblesacross a case fullof moneyor
practice increasingyour number of close alliesor your lucksonto an armored Jumpsuit, you needn't spend ex-
mentor's power and influence. Backgrounds develop perience to keep it.
strictly over the course of a story. The Storyteller can Backgroundsrepresent special relat1onsh1psthat
introducea new contact, but if you botch the connec- you feel create an importantdynamicfor your charac-
tion, the contact mightnever call back. Likewise,your ter. Friends, moneyandconnectionsthat aren't purchased
character may activelyseek to gain more influenceby as Backgroundsstill exist but they don't have the same
manipulatingpoliticians and local authorities. Back- strong ties to your character as those bought as Back-
grounds developed through roleplaythen cost experi- grounds do. Youneed to spend experience only on the



Backgroundsthat you want to be a central part of the Changingthe course of these personalityinfluencescan
story,a sort of "supportingcast" of yourvery own. Back- be impossible as the childreaches maturity.
groundsgive yourcharacterspecialbenefitsandshouldn't For the purposes of Aberrant , your character's
be treated frivolously(by either playeror Storyteller). Nature should rarely shift. It might change only after
long-terminfluencefromoutsideforces, in-depth "soul
Losing Traits searching• or after a particularlytraumaticevent.
Generally,Attributes, Abilitiesand powerscan be If youwishto changeyour character's Nature,dis-
reduced only due to extreme injury,loss of a limbor a cuss it with the Storyteller so the adjustment may be
similarcondition.If your charactersuffers an injurysuf- tied into the game. Whateverthe specificcircumstance,
ficient to impairher, the Storyteller must decide what the changeshouldbe a dramaticstory element.
impact the accident has on her Traits. Yourcharacter's Changing Allegiance
Traits shouldbe reducedonlyin the mostextremecases.
Allegiancecan be changed as the story warrants
Backgrounds,unlikemostTraits,can actuallylower
(an Individualistnova seduced by the Teragen, a Pro-
in ratingovertime. Contacts,mentorsandalliesmaycease
teus novabetrayingthe agencyto Utopia,etc.). Though
assistingyou (whether due to poor treatment by your
switchingallegiancecan havegraveconsequencesin the
character, disappearingor even dying),while influence
story - and betrayinga geopolitical power is almost
can end with the next election or coup. Backgrounds
certain to make manyenemies for the character - a
shouldbe reduced onlyif you abuse them (assaultingal-
changeof allegiancecosts no experiencepointsto imple-
lies,squanderingresources) or if the reductionfurthers
the plot - in whichcase the Storytellershouldrestore
or replace the Backgroundat a later date. Increasing Willpower
The Storytellershouldmakesure any changesto a Willpower is a quantified Trait that may be in-
character's Backgrounds are justified through the creased with experience points. However,this Trait
character's ownactionsor that they contributeproduc- shouldnot increasewithoutsomelogicalreason. Forex-
tivelyand significantlyto the story. Followersdon't exist ample, a traumaticevent may harden your character's
for the Storytellerto snuff; they're just as mucha part heart, strengthening her resolve. Focusand meditation
of the character as her Attributesand Abilities,and they couldlead to an improved understandingof her core be-
shouldbe giventhe same consideration. ing. Inshort, eventsduringthe story havea direct effect
on Willpower , muchas they do on any other Trait. The
Personality Develop- maindifference between Willpowerand other Traits is
ment that Willpowercannotbe researchedor taught.Increases
in Willpowershouldnever be approvedcasuallyby the
Yourcharacter's personalitycan change radically Storyteller.
over time. Innocentyouthscan becomehardenedveter-
ans, whilecynicscan learnto believeintrulygoodcauses. Increasing Quantum and
These changescannot be mappedon a character sheet. Quantum Pool
They developthrough roleplayingand interactionwith More than any other Trait, Quantumis a measure
other characters. Certain Traits, however,define your of a character's potential for power. Accordingly , Quan-
character's personality. Nature describes true person- tum can be increased only by continuouslypracticing
ality, Allegiance reflects loyalties, Willpower rates one's powers and exploringone's novanature. Charac-
strength of willand Quantumassesses ability to interact ters who routinelypush the limitsof their power (for
with the fundamentalforces of the universe. example,spendingWillpowerto maxpowersor attempt-
Changing Nature inghigh-difficultyactions)mightbe eligiblefor a rise in
Naturedefinesa personality'soverridingfocus.The Quantumor QuantumPool.(Note that, after game play
forces that shapea childintoan adultmoldthe basicfab- begins,an increase in Quantumdoes not dictate an au-
ric of her personality. These influences(parents,siblings, tomaticincrease in QuantumPool;the two Traits must
friends, enemies) cannot be denied. Even if you reject be raised separately.)
the tenets these influencesuphold,they still alter your Asalways,the Storytellerhas finalsayas to whether
perception and compel you to accept an alternative. spending experiencepoints in this area has been justi-
fied in the game.


Traits register your character's capabilities, Analyst:Youapproach the universe as a riddle to
strengths and weaknesses. Whilelittle more than marks be answered. Youliveby logicand deduction;any prob-
on paper, Traits enableyou to translate a complexper- lem can be solved in a rational manner. Yourgoal is to
sonalityinto the stnctures of game reality. This frame- uncoverthe truth, to understandeverything.However,
workgivesyouthe generalparametersof whatyourchar- your intenseinterest in findingthe answersto questions
acter can accomplish, but your imagination and can be distracting,since you get caught up by minutiae
roleplayingshape whatshe actuallydoes. AberrantTraits and may lose sight of the larger issue.
are designedto be broad; this gameis about characters, GainWillpower whena rational,scientificapproach
not statistics. helpssolve a situation.
The previouschapter outlinedthe character cre- Architect : Youare dnven to create somethmgof
ation and developmentprocess; this chapter contains lastingvalue for those who come after you, whether it
manyof the Traits you maychoose from to designyour be a new socialorder, a company,an art or some other
character. Mega-Attributes and quantum powers are legacy. Disorderand decay are your enemies;you hope
detailedm ChaptersFourand Five,respectively. to bring about order and progress throughyour efforts.
lf you becomefixated on your goal,you may Forceyour

Nature dream on others.

GainWillpowerwhenyou accomplisha significant
Nature 1s a basic description of your character's goal.
self-perception; no character fits any Nature exactly, Bravo:There are winnersand losers inlife,and you
but one usuallydescribes his concept wellenough. Na- are definitelya winner. Youreinforceyour self-worthby
ture isn t all that a character is about. Rather it serves dominatingsituations,whether throughphysicalbrawls
as a basic guide to your character's perspective on the or politicalintrigues. You mightterrorize or protect the
Aberrantuniverseand how to act in and react to that weak, but such weaknessis not somethingyou tolerate
universe. inyourself. Youdon't knowthe meaningof fear, and fail-
While Nature helps describe who your character ure is not an option. Then again, you're not sure what
reallyis on the inside,this maynot be the facade he pre- discretionmeans, either, and compromiseisn't on your
sents to the world. However,a person's mood and de- list of choices.
meanor can change dependingon whomhe's with and GainWillpowerwheneveryou makesomeoneelse
whatsituationhe's in. Yourcharacter's outwardperson- backdown.
alityis handledentirelythroughroleplaying(althoughhis Bureaucrat : Lawswere created for a reason, and
Nature shouldaccent his general disposition). your primaryconcern is to followthem. No matter what
In game terms, Nature is importantbecause it en- the crisis, you followthe proper procedure. lf people
ables the character to regain Willpower points. E.ach don't obey the System,chaos willrun rampant.Youtake
Nature archetype lists the criteria necessary to regain comfortinestablishedprocesses,confidentthat they are
Willpower. "See Willpower,"p. 144, For specifics on the key to victory.Strict adherence to policymay blind
spendingand recoveringWillpower . Additionally,novas' you to better options.
quantumpowers are often shaped by their Nature; an GainWillpowerwhen a crisis is resolved by fol-
E.xplorermightwellgainMega-Perception,whilea Bravo lowingcorrectprocedures.
mightexpresshispotentialviaMega-Strengthor a Quan- Caregiver: Youalways try to make a difference,
tum Bolt. helpingthose around you - and they depend on you
The archetypes listed here are a smallsample of for it. You'renot blindto the flawsof others; 1fanything,
the manyfaces of humanity;feel free to create newNa- that makesyour desire to aid them stronger. Yougain
tures. strength fromknowingthat you makea difference, that
you ease the suffering in the world. Yet you have no- Hedonist: Lifeis too importantto waste,so haveas
where to turn for support. good a time as possible.Youonlygo aroundonce, after
GainWillpowerwhenyou receive tangibleproof all. Youdon't minda little hard work as longas a good
thatyou have helpedanother. time awaitsyou at the end of it. Pleasureis its own re-
Conniver: Whybreakyour ownback whenyou can ward, and you pity those who take life too seriouslyto
talk someoneelse into breakinghis for you?Youalways realizeit. Evenso, your pursuitof a good time can take
try to manipulateothers before applyingyourself. You you too far.
advanceyourcauseby coordinatingyourfriends'efforts GainWillpowerwheneveryou have a truly good
and sowingdissent amongyour enemies. Youfear that time (andbringothersalongfor the ride).
others maybe doingexactlythe samethingto you,mak- Jester:The only sane defense against an insane
ing it difficultfor you to trust anyone. universeis to laughat it all. Sorrow and pain are your
GainWillpowerwhenyou trick someoneinto do- enemies,and humoris your weapon. Youact the foolto
ing whatyou want. take others' mindsoff gloomand despair. Inyour pursuit
Critic:Youfindpurposeinrevealingweaknessesand to spread smiles,you maycross the line,distractingand
faults,whether in artwork,an organizationor a person's irritatingthose whomyou meanto entertain.
habits. Youstrive to perfect others by pointingout their GainWillpowerwheneveryou canlightenthe mood
shortcomings. Youdo this for their own good, whether or ease a tense situation.
they wantyour helpor not. Youcan do yourjob too well, Judge: Youseek to solvethe problemsof others by
convincingsomeonethat he isn't just Aawedbut worth- actingas a mediator,arbitratoror evena friend. Youpride
less, perhaps drivingawayeven those closest to you. yourselfon your clear judgmentand abilityto findcom-
GainWillpowerwhenyou point out a significant promises. Conflictand dissentare abhorrent to you;you
flaw that wouldhave been harmfulhad it been over- knowthere is alwaysan option on whicheveryonecan
looked. agree. Yourgreatest fear is that youmayuse poor judg-
Explorer:The prospect of finding new places, ment, andthinkingthis waymakesyouquestioneventhe
peopleand things- whetherit's a newnaturalresource, mostobviousof choices.
an untappedpoweror a musicalstyle - givesyour life GainWillpowerany timeyou leadothersto anami-
meaning.Discoveriesare your passion,andyou devotea cableresolution.
great deal of time and effort to keepingup withcurrent Leader: You'remeant to be in charge.Youexcelat
events. The routine and commonplacebores you, and organizing,andothers lookto youfor direction. Youtrust
learningof someoneelse's discoveryfillsyou withenvy. your own judgment implicitly,and you have no qualms
Youconstantlyset your sightson the horizon, sometimes about takingover a project and shapingit the wayyou
at the expense of the here and now. see fit.There are two waysto do a job: yourwayand the
GainWillpowerwheneveryou make a significant wrongway. Whileyou maybe a master of direction,ig-
discovery. noringothers' suggestionscouldbe your downfall.
Follower: Leaders need followers,and you await GainWillpowerwhen others followyou without
yourorders.Takingchargeisn'tyourstyle. It isn't inyour disputingyour decisions.
nature to rebel. In fact, your strength comes fromyour Martyr: You'reready to put yourselfat risk so that
abilityto cooperate with a variety of personalitiesto- another person or a causesucceeds,even whenthe sac-
ward a commoncause. Yet,while you mightfollowyour rificeisn't necessary. Youdriveyourselftwiceas hard as
commanderinto the sun, you tend to lack the self-es- anyoneelse does, expectingno rewardother than rec-
teem to question sucha suicidalact. ognitionof your efforts. Despitethis suffering, you en-
GainWillpowerif you help the team succeedbe- dure, clingingfirmlyto the beliefthat youmakea differ-
causeyou carryoutyour assignedduty. ence. In your blind desire to throw yourself into the
Gallant: Youare one of the noticeableones, and breach,you couldsacrificeyourselffor nothing.
others hadbetter damnwellrecognizeit!Yourego thrives GainWillpowerwheneveryou sacrificeyourselfor
on recognitionandthe admirationof others (thoughyou'll somethingof yours to a highergoal.
settle for lessdesirablesorts of attention). Youlovebe- Paragon: Youhave lofty and concrete idealsabout
ing in the publiceye, and nothingbeats performingbe- what is right and noble in humannature, and you strive
fore an awestruckcrowd. Whileyou are certainlyAam- to embodythose ideals.Youconsideryourpowersa great
boyantand fullof vivacity,others often see the potential gift and a tremendousresponsibility,and you feel duty-
inyour overconfidentapproachto leadyou to disastrous bound to use them in the pursuit of righteousnessand
misjudgments . altruism. Thoughyou aspire to be a role model,you are
GainWillpowerwheneveryour deeds areparticu- not a Gallant- publicdisplayis not as importantas the
larly impressive, awe-inspiringor likely to landyou knowledgeof gooddeeds accomplished . Somemightsee
smackin the center of attention. you as self-righteous,but you are your ownworst critic.



Youare completelyintolerantof humanfoibles (espe- "organizationmen"amongtheirranks;novasare courted

ciallyyour own},and this lackof acceptance mightwell as alliesrather than recruited as minions.
driveyou over the edge one day. Nonetheless,certain globalorganizationsdealwith
GainWillpowerwheneveryou accomplisha signifi- novasmore than the ruck and run of humanity,and no-
cant task for the greatergood. vas have accordinglycongregated to groups with the
Rebel:You'rethe ultimatefree-thinker. Whether power and resources to playat somethingapproximat-
youchampiona causeor simplyfeelcontrary,youchoose ingthe novas'ownlevel.At the Storyteller's option,each
your own path. Others are welcometo join your march nova character shouldselect an allegiancefor herself.
to a different drummer,but only if their beat matches Thisallegiance(supplementedby BackgroundTraits like
yours. Youdefy authority in principleand deed, even if Backingand Allies}definesthe organizationor philoso-
you havesimilarviews. phy to whichthe nova adheres, if any. The Storyteller
GainWillpowerwheneveryou defy an established has a hand in this; for example,she is perfectly within
authority. , her boundsto say,"This series is abouta cadre of Team
Survivor:Youcan endure nearlyanycircumstance. Tomorrowmembers, so allcharactershaveallegianceto
No matter what happens, you alwayspersevere. Never Utopia,"or "The characters are all part of a nova per-
say die and never giveup - ever. Youhave no time for formingact, so all characters are Individualistswith no
those whocrumbleat the first signof adversity. In fact, ties to anybody."
to be safe, youavoidformingcloseties withothers. You'll Manyof these allegiancescan suggestor even dic-
pullthroughwhateverthe odds, even if it meanssacri- tate Backgroundexpenditures. For example,rank in or-
ficingothers. ganizationssuch as Utopiarequires the BackingBack-
GainWillpowerwheneveryou survive a difficult ground;a memberof TeamTomorrowwillhavehighrat-
situationthroughyour own cunningandperseverance. ingsin Backing,Allies,Resourcesand Influence(and his
Thrillseeker: Youdon't do things for the ends, but playerwilllikelyhaveto spend somebonuspointsto get
for the rush that the meansprovides. Riskgivesyour life the levelshe needs). Fordouble-agentsor fugitives,the
meaning,and boredomis death. The stakes are neverso CipherBackgroundis absolutelyessential.
highthat they can't be madehigher. As longas there's a Thoughmanyseries willrequire all characters to
thrillin it, you'rewillingto payalmostanyprice. Paybacks have the same allegiance, it is entirelypossibleto run a
are a bitch, though, and you willget in over your head series with mixedallegiances. An "all-Utopian"group
sooner or later. couldconsistof one true Utopian, an Aberrantmasquer-
GainWillpowerevery time you put yourself in a adingas a Utopian, an Individualistwho's workingwith
life-threateningsituation,then escapeit. Utopiaon a case-by-case basis,and a Teragenmember
Traditionalist: Youbelievethe solutionsfor today's masqueradingas an Aberrant masqueradingas a Uto-
problemscan be foundby applyingthe methodsof the pian! Likewise,an Aberrant series could feature two
past. Constantchangedestroys instead of creates. You Aberrants, two Individualists(friendsof the Aberrants
wrap yourself in tradition, resisting innovationsand whoare not convincedof the Utopiaconspiracy,though
breakthroughs. Not all changeis bad, though;in holding they are standingby their pals for now) and a Teragen
too tightlyto old ways, you can misssomethingbetter. member(helpingout her fellownovas against Utopia's
Gain Willpowerwhen a tried-and-true method duplicityin an effort to recruit the Aberrants to the
proves effective. Teragencause). lt is even possibleto have Utopianand
Visionivy:Youhave a goal that onlyyou can see, Aberrant membersin the same series; after all, many
somethingto whichyou'vededicatedyour life. Youmay Aberrantsformerlybelongedto Utopia,and two friends
be a spiritualist,philosopheror inventor,but whatever or lovers maymaintaintheir relationship, each refusing
you are, yousearch for somethingmore. Youcreate new to betray the other whiletrying to talk some sense into
possibilitiesby seeingbeyondthe boundsof conventional their "misguided"companion.
imagination . Thoughyou are fullof newideas,your head Asa player, you do not haveto broadcastyour t.rue
is often amongthe stars. allegiancepublicly,or evento the other players. Indeed,
GainWillpowerwheneveryou takea concretestep all Proteus novas,and manyTeragen,Aberrant and Di-
towardrealizingyour goal. rective novas, do not openly acknowledgetheir alle-
giance. ln theory, a charactercan havemanyallegiances,
Allegiance open and secret. For example, some Utopiansare actu-
allymolesfor Project Proteus, makingsure that Utopia
Ultimately,each novastands alone. In the worldof remainsfocusedon what it needs to be doing. A Direc-
2008, novasare amongthe primemoversand shakers; tive agent couldbe a spy for the Teragen, or vice versa.
each is of potentiallyglobalsignificance.There are few Some novas mightbe triple or even quadrupleagents,
thoughthese characters playa dangerousgame indeed.


Here are the most commonallegiancesin the Ab- the root behindthe corruptioninUtopia. MostAberrants
errant world: are aware of a shadowyagencycalledthe Directive, but
• Aberrants:The Aberrants are a very new fac- they knowlittleof its nature; the Aberrantstance is that
tion havingappeared only in the last coupleof months the Directivecould simplybe a front for ProJect Pro-
(as of May 2008); the name is an ironicadoption of a teus.
commonanti-novaepithet. As of the game's beginning, Suggested Backgrounds: Allies, Cipher,Contacts.
there are only a few dozen Aberrants in the Dormancyis usefulto hide from pursuers.
entire world; mostworkindividually , though • Project Utopia: Manynovas are af-
a few cells of three or more exist. Most filiatedwith this AeonSociety-foundedin-
Aberrants do not publiclyidentifythem- ternationalorganizationin a varietyof ca-
selves as such, since the group's pacities, ranging from the luminariesof
founders, Andre Corbin and Sophia Tearn Tomorrowto the support mem-
Rousseau,are beingsoughtby Utopia bers who handleUtopia's less glamor-
and worldauthorities. Indeed, many ous and more pragmatic concerns.
Aberrantsare stillpubliclyaffiliated MostnovasexperienceUtopia's hos-
withProject Utopia. These "closet pitality at least once 1ntheir lives,
Aberrants" attempt to find out as they are invited to one of
the truth behindUtopias agenda Utopia's Rashoud facilities and
whileavoidingthe revelationof tutored inthe rudimentsof con-
their true allegiance. trolling their powers. Many
The Aberrants firmly novas elect to remain with
believe that Project Utopia Utopia followingtheir initial
has been corruptedbya conspiracy;this conspiracy,they eruption, and manymore retain some ties to the group.
are certain,intendsto enslaveor destroy novas and pos- After all, all Rashoudfacilitiesare open to any novaso
sibly the humanrace as well,througha variety of sub- longas that nova is registered with the ProJect and not
versiveoperations. The Aberrants' primarygoals,then, considereda threat.
are to root out and expose the corruptionin the organi- Utopia'sstated goalis to employnovas•vast power
zation and to recruit other novas to better the world for nova and
to their banner. However, most baselinealike. Less overtly,Utopia
Aberrants are aware of Utopia's also takes great pains to cultivate
manygoodworksand wouldrather a good publicimagefor novasas a
fix the problemthan destroy Uto- whole. The typical Utopian nova
pia outright. The Aberrants also knowsnothingof ProJectProteus'
realize that blatantly exposing existenceandviewsthe Aberrants•
Utopia's agenda would lead to claims of a "shadow proJect"
worldwide panic. Accordingly, withinUtopiaas so muchsed1t1ous
Aberrantsare reluctantto go pub- propaganda. Most Utopians are
lic with what they have learned, highly disturbed by the recent
even if they thought it would be 'Sliderscandal"and the nse of the
safe to do so (whichthey do not). Aberrants, viewingthe Aberrants
The Aberrants are aware of as traitors, murderersand danger-
the existence of Project Proteus, ous subversivespossiblyalliedwith
though they have yet to uncover the Teragen. For its part, Utopia
much of its true membership or loathes the Teragen, seeing the
agendas. The Aberrantsare trying movementas a bandof selfishand
to convinceas manyUtopiansand destructiveradicals.Notonlyis the
lnd1v1dualists as possiblethat Uto- Teragen the ant1thes1sof every-
pia has been compromised,though thingUtopiastands for, but its ac-
their uncertainty as to the extent tions could well turn the tide of
of Utopia's networkforces them to publicopinionagainstnovas. Thus,
do so furtively . Although the Utopia does everything in its
Aberrantsrealizethat the Teragen powerto monitorTeragensympa-
also hates Utopia,they have not yet formed an alliance thizers(andtake themdownwhennecessary). Fromwhat
with it; most Aberrants consider the Teragen to be a little Utopiaknowsof the Directive's existence, it con-
dangerousband of radicalsand terrorists, possiblyeven siders the agencya hostile. reactionarycabalcombining


the worst aspects of J.Edgar Hoover and the Illuminati. • The Teragen: The Teragen movementis a phi-
Utopiatakes a benevolentpublicstance toward unaffili- losophy particular to a few radicalmembersof novaso-
ated novas. In practice it makesan attempt to monitor ciety. Thoughthe movementwasbrought into the fore-
and otherwise keep tabs on nova elements not directly front by the shadowynova, Divis Mal, the Teragenclaims
tied to it; novas whose "selfish agendas" threaten the that Malis not its leader, onlyits inspiration.The Teragen
"cultivationof globalharmony" are often approachedand ascribes to the credo that novasare a separate species
reasoned with, subtlyor otherwise. from the rest of humanity, and thus the laws, conven-
SuggestedBackgrounds:Allies, Backing, Contacts, tions, history and moralityof Homosapiensdo not ap-
lnAuence,Mentor(experiencednovas), Resources.Team ply to them. The Teragen's stated goalsare to "liberate"
TomorrowMembersmust take Backing, lnAuence and novas worldwideand help them realize their potential
Resourcesat 4 or greater, which mayrequire an appro- "by any means necessary."
priate bonus-pointexpenditure. Though the Teragen does not specificallycall For
• Project Proteus: Proteus is a true shadoworga- separation from or aggression toward the rest of hu-
nization.It existsso deep withinthe heart of ProJect Uto- manity, manyof its membersdisplaya supremacistcon-
pia that mostUtopiansare unawareof it. Fewrecords of tempt toward baseline humans,and acts of revolution-
its presenceexist, and those that do are highlyencrypted ary vio- lenceagainst • baselinefascism" are not un-
and classified. Indeed mostProteus "members" are un- known. Some members have also displayed
aware of their allegiance; Proteus tends to use a capricious callousness toward
mercenaryelites, Utopians or other unaf- baseline "playthings,' tarnishing
filiatedindividuals, sendingthem on mis- the movement'simageinthe process.
sions that advance the project's goals Since the Teragen claimsnot to be an
withoutever lettingthe agents in ques- organizationas such, but merelya col-
tion know for whom they're really lectionof like-mindedindividuals , radi-
working.Proteusis absolutelycommit- cal acts by one sympathizercannot be
ted to secrecy, and it willdo anything directly linked to other members;
to maintainit, includingterminating thus, for now,the Teragenas a whole
agents or entire branches. has avoided massive retaliation .
Those Proteus novas who are Nonetheless, the Teragenmaintainsa
aware of their affiliation believe that great deal of secrecy, and it is ru-
Proteus is a necessary adjunct to ad- mored to have hidden members and
vance Utopia's less telegenic goals. bases of operations worldwide.
They see Utopiaas a good organiza- The typical Teragen member
tion, necessary to continued harmony hatesProjectUtopiawitha passionand
between humansand novas; their role, activelyseeks the Project'sdestruction,
then, is that of the gardener, subtly believingthe Project to have the worst
pruningthe Project wherenecessary, of intentions for novas. The Tera gen
pullingup any weeds that surface knowsabout the defectionof the Aberrants,
and spraying destructive pests if and has heard rumorsof the existenceof Project
need be. Most Proteus ops believe the Proteus, but the groupas a wholehas not adopted a uni-
Aberrants to be traitors, perhaps dupes of the Teragen, fied stance toward the Aberrants (not that the Teragen
and they scoff at the Aberrants' claimsof anti-novasen- enacts "policy" anyway). Most Teragen feel that, with
timentpermeatingUtopia. A~er all, mostProteus agents time, the Aberrantswillcometo them. The Teragenviews
are themselvesnovas. the Directive with similarloathing, as a baselineagency
ManyProteusnovashold 'official" positionsinUto- attempting to suppress novas' rightful destiny. The
pia, or even TeamTomorrow; some maintaincovers as Teragen takes a helpful, sometimesnurturingstance to-
internationalcelebrities or act as spies in government wardcorporate, governmentand individualistnovas,at-
and corporate enterprises. No Proteusop ever admitsto tempting to emancipatethem from slavery to baseline
beinga Proteus op except in absolutesecrecy (and often concerns and help them realize their true place in the
not eventhen). As far as the worldis concerned, Project worldto come.
Proteus does not exist, and Proteus' directors intendto Suggested Backgrounds: Allies (other Teragen),
do everythingin their power to keep it that way. Cipher, Mentor, Node. The Teragen has no real struc-
SuggestedBackgrounds:Cipher, Resources. "Offi- ture or chain of command, so membersdo not need to
cial" Proteus ops have Alliesand Backing. Other Back- take Backing. Likewise, manyTeragenspurn humanso-
groundsdepend on the operatives cover identity. ciety and the Influenceand Followersthat come with it
(thoughthere are exceptions, such as CountOrzaiz).


• The Directive:The Directiveis an mternational shrouded in rumor.
security, police and espionage agency founded by the The typical Directive agent heartily distrusts
United States, the UK, the RussianConfederationand Project Utopiaand is very interested in the recent tur-
Japan. Most membersare baseline,but novaoperatives moilwithinthe Project's ranks. The Directivealso po-
fillout its ranks. The Directive'sgoalsare to advanceits licespotentiallydangerousinternationalsituations(ter-
membernations' interests and to act as a check against rorist factions, overly aggressive dictators, powerful
Utopias growmgpower. Althoughthe Directivehas an novas), and it keeps a careful watch over China's large
"official" paper trail its organizationalstructure and novapopulace.The DirectivesharesUtopia'sopinionthat
agenda are classified,and 1t takes pams to stay out of the Teragenis a very dangerousmovement,thoughmany
the publiceye. Thus, most people do not knowof it ex- Directiveagents suspect that the Teragen and Utopia
cept as a name, and its activities and purpose are are secretly in cahoots, only staging an enmity for the
cameras.A few Directivehigher-upshaveheard rumors
of a "shadowcabal"withinUtopia;certainly,sucha group
wouldexplainmanyunusualoccurrences over the past
decade. The Directiveknowsthat certain former mem-
Wheels Within Wheels bers of Utopiahavedefected fromthe group,and agents
At heart, Aberrant 1sa game of mystery and are authorizedto seek out and learnwhatthey can about
conspiracyplayedat the highest levelsof geopoli- this situation, in hopes of findingout "the truth" about
tics. Part of the fun of the game 1snot knowmgev- Utopia.
erythmg that's gomgon. Ideally.the secrets of the SuggestedBackgrounds : Backing,Cipher,Contacts,
variousnovasand allegianceswillrevealthemselves Resources.
over years of playand decades of game time,as the • Corporat e/Other.Novasare certainlyindemand,
hmelme ticks down toward the Aberrant War to and there is no shortage of employers,sponsors and
come other backers all too willingto have a nova sign on the
Accordingly, we're keepingour cards a bit close dotted line. ln the UnitedStates, some large cities fran-
to our chest withregard to who the "real" goodand chise one or more novasas PR reps and "publicdefend-
bad guys are. The Aberrants bel,eve that Utopia1s ers"; residents hold these novas in the same reverence
corrupt...but then again,mostUtopiansbelievethat that they once held their 20th-century sports teams.
Aberrantsharbor a sinisteragendaand that its lead- Severalcorporations,includingthe DeVriesAgency,the
ers are murderers. Utopians and Aberrants alike HongKong-basedNoveltyconsultingfirm,Exxon-Mobil,
suspect the D1rect1veof d1ssemblmg,and the 01- the N! network, ViaSoft,Third MillenniumMotors and
rect1ve in turn trusts no one. Nobody trusts the various Japanese technologicalfirms, employ novas in
Teragen, and almost no one's even heard of Pro- variouscapacities. lt is rumoredthat the globalcriminal
teus. cartels also retain one or more novasas "specialists."
That havmgbeen said,the Aberrant ttmeframe Novaswho work for a governmentor corporation
w1lllmkup with the Trinity t1meframe,and certam
by and large adopt their backers' viewson globalissues.
"official"events willlead to the gradualschismbe- MostnovasviewUtopiawith equalparts fascinationand
tween baselmeand nova,the nse of the ps1ons,and suspicion.While manynovas utilizedUtopia'sRashoud
the devastation of the Aberrant War. lf you facilities upon first erupting, many corporations hate
absottvely,pos1lutelymustdo things"by the book,"
Utopia's UN-granted authority to regulate potentia!ly
we'llhave plenty of "officialcanon" support mate- dangeroustechnology,viewingit as too powerfulfor its
rial for your (hopeful)enJoyment. own good. Mostgovernmentand corporate novasknow
The thingabout"official"and 'canon,"though, littleof the Teragenbeyondgossipamongnovasand what
1sthat frankly.we don't put a lot of stock in 'emour- they view in the media;only a few have even heard of
selves, and the needs of your series are more im- the Aberrant.s, and none of them knowsabout Project
portant thanWhat ls Writtenon pageXX,paragraph Proteus. Novas workingfor a governmentor criminal
YaddaYaddaYadda.Not onlydo we not require you cartel have likelyheard of the Directive,but they know
to adhere to our v1s1onof the 21stcentury, we en- only spotty informationabout it; corporate novas may
courage you to ignore it. Want Utopia to be a or may not knowabout the Directive.
squeaky-clean,four-color NewDealfor the world, SuggestedBackgrounds:Allies,Backing, Influence,
withTeamTomorrowas the Justice League?Gofor Resources.
1t. Want the Teragen to be blatant, snarling • Individualist: Most novas have no defined alle-
superv1llains'? Hey,it's your game. Wantto ditch the gianceto anythingsave their owngoalsand ends.A nova
entire concept of the Aberrant War and have the with Individualist allegiance"is primarilymotivatedby
novaslead the humanrace to the stars? Makeit so. self-interest, tempered with the agenda of whatever


0 or organization
., I
she's currentlyespousing.Individualists
from media icons and youth-culture heroes to

1 mercenaryelites and would-beThird Worlddicta-

tors. If a generalizationmust be made, Individualist
nova.s typicallytake a tolerantbut waryviewtowardUto-
• pia, regard the Aberrant movementwithburgeoningin-

""' terest (if they've heardof it at all)andregardthe Teragen

as simultaneouslydisturbingand intriguing. Most Indi-
vidualistnovashavenever heard of Project Proteus; if
they knowof the Directive, it is throughrumor. An In-
dividualistmay,of course, become involvedwith any
or all of these groups duringthe course of play.
SuggestedBackgrounds: Any.

Attributesare your character's essential quali-
ties, translated into numerical ratings. In the real
world,nobodyhas Charisma4 or Intelligence2. We
havecapabilitiesand potentials,not statistics. How-
ever, such facultiesmustbe translated into num-
bers Forthe sake of the game; the trick is not to
let the statistics get inthe wayof the story. After
all, a character with four dots in Charismamay
bevivacious,charming,magneticor suave.Traits
mayshowwhatyourcharacter can do, but they
don't indicate what your character is like.

at's what roleplayingis allabout.
, \ Ordinaryhumans' Attributes typi-
callyrange fromone to four dots, with
--~ • ~ two being average. Evenbefore the
~~, c-,
eruption of their Mazarin-Rashoud
node, novas are often extraordinary

l£/f 0 • people;as a result,novas' Attributescan

0fjf,5 be as highas 5.

Many novas have Mega-Attributes;a Mega-At- Dexterity

tribute essentiallyincreasesthe effectivenessof a nor- Dexteritymeasuresboth agilityand hand-eye co-
mal Attribute by an exponentialamount, allowingthe ordination. lt describes how fast a character runs, how
character to transcendthe limitationsof normalhumans. preciselyhe aims at a target and everythingelse that
Even characters with Mega-Attributes, however,still relates to speed, grace and control. Dexterityalso de-
retain their nonnal Attribute ratings, and these ratings termines the base number of dice rolled to determine
indicatea character's capabilitywithinthe range of the accuracyincombat,and it is combinedwithWits to cal-
Mega-Attribute.Forexample,a characterwitha Strength culate Initiative.
of 1whopurchasesthe Mega-Strength Attributeat 1can Qualities:Coordinated, Delicate, Fast, Flexible,
lift a ton or so of weight, but little more, whereas a Nimble,Steady
character with a Mega-Strength of 1 and a normal
Strengthof 4 can pushher liftingcapacityto two, three
• Poor:Klutz.
or even more tons.
•• Average: Youcan dance without
steppingon your partner's toes.
For more information on Mega-Attributes, see
••• Good: Youhavea good deal of
naturalathletic potential.
Qualities •••• Exceptional : Youcan juggleknives
Youmayselecta qualityfor eachof yourcharacter's with flair.
Attributesrated 4 or higher. A qualityreflects a Trail's ••••• Superb: Olympicgymnast.
aspectinwhicha personis remarkable,likeFlexible(Dex- Stamina
terity), Suave(Charisma)or Discerning(Intelligence). Staminaindicatesyourcharacter'shealth,tolerance
ln game terms, a quality allowsyou to reroll any for pain and how long she can maintain physicalexer-
"10s" you roll for actions when that qualitycomes into tion. It encompassesendurance,physicalwillto liveand
play(likewrigglingout of bindingsfor Flexible,impress- sheer toughness. Stamina determines the character's
ingothers for Suaveor notingthe relativeworthof gems base soak pool. Most novas develop reasonably high
for Discerning).Anysuccessesgainedon the additional Staminaduringeruption,as a side effect of channeling
rollsare addedto yourtotal(includingthe original"10s"). quantumenergies.
Andifyou rollanother "10~ on a reroll,youkeep rolling! Qualities:Detennined, Enduring, Energetic, Resil-
Onlyone qualitymaybe chosenper Attribute. ient, Tenacious,Unflagging
• Poor:Youcatch coldsas a matter
Physical Attributes of course (1bashingsoak, 0 lethal
Physical Attributes indicate a character's raw soak).
strength, build,agilityand sturdiness.Charactersadept •• Average: Youstay in moderately
at physicalcombator athleticactivitieshavehighPhysi- good health (2 bashingsoak,
cal Attributes. I lethalsoak).
Strength ••• Good: Youseldomget sick,andyou
heal quickly(3 bashingsoak,
Strengthrates physicalpower,includingthe capac-
I lethalsoak).
ity to lift objects and cause damage. This Attribute is
•••• Exceptional : Marathonfront-run-
used to resolvejumps,leapsand other actionsthat draw
ner (4 bashingsoak, 2 lethalsoak).
on rawphysicalpower. Strengthalsodetenninesthe base
numberof damagedicerolledfor successfulphysicalat- ••••• Superb: Youcan shrugoff a strong
man'spunch(5 bashingsoak,
2 lethalsoak).
Of course, novaswith Mega-Strength(p. 156) far
exceedthe capabilitiesof even the strongestnonnalhu-
man. Still,a character with a 4 or 5 Strength is very im-
Mental Attributes
pressiveby the standards of ordinarypeople. MentalTraitscovera character'sperception,men-
Qualities:Athletic,Brutish, Rugged,Stout, Well- tal capacity,imagination and quickwits.Creativeand in-
built,Wiry tellectualindividualshavehighMentalAttributes.
• Poor: Weakling(dead lift 15kg). Perception
•• Average:That about says it all Perceptioncoversalertness and comprehension.It
(dead lift 45 kg). detenninesnot onlyyourcharacter'sattentivenessto the
••• Good:Professionalmover(dead lift worldaroundhim,but howclearlyhe interpretsit as well.
100 kg). Qualities:Astute, Insightful, Intuitive, Nitpicky,
•••• Exceptional : Linebacker(dead lift Observant,Patient
165 kg).
••••• Superb:Olympicweightlifter(dead
lift 240 kg).



• Poor: Youmisplaceyour keys Appearance

routinely. Appearanceis a combinationof physicalattractive-
•• Average: Youkeep abreast of ness and innate appeal. Callit animalmagnetismor at-
generalgoings-on. tractiveness,Appearanceis your character's abilityto
••• Good:Youpickup on subtlesubtext makea good first impression or simplyto generate an
in books and conversations. instinctiveresponse in others.
•••• Exceptional:Yourkeeneye can pick Qualities:Alluring,Exotic, Imposing,Luminous,
out even the most minuteof flaws. Pleasant,Sensual
••••• Superb:SherlockHolmes was an • Poor: Peoplesuppress a cringe
amateurcomparedto you. whenthey see you.
Intelligence • • Average:Just that - another face
Intelligence measures raw mental processes - in the crowd.
memory,retention, judgment,reasoningand imagination, ••• Good: Youturn heads whenyou
as well as your character's ability to find connections enter a room.
between seeminglyunrelated pieces of informationor • • • • Exceptional:Youcould be a model
analyzecomplexideas. This Attribute is not a measure - or maybeyou are.
of howfast your character thinks,but of howclearlyhe ••••• Superb: The "It Girl/Guy"of your
thinks. generation.
Qualities:Bookworm,Bright, Clear-headed, Dis- Manipulation
cerning,Pragmatic, Rational Manipulationmeasuresyourabilityto influenceoth-
• Poor: You're not the sharpest knife ers. Thisabilityrepresentsan aggressivepersuasiveness,
in the drawer (IQ 80) . and it can be subtle or blatant.Manipulationcovers ev-
•• Average: Yourememberfamily erythingfrom leadingothers to trickingthem, frombe-
birthdays(IQ 100). ingsly to dominating.No one likesbeingfooled, though,
••• Good:Yourfriendsdescribeyouas so failinga Manipulationrollhas risks.
"bright" (IQ 130). Qualities:Authoritative,Cunning,Devious,Domi-
•••• Exceptional:You'renot just bright, neering,Persuasive, Witty
you're downrightbrilliant(IQ160). • Poor: Yourarelyget whatyouwant.
••••• Superb: Genius (IQ 180+). •• Average: Youfoolsome of the
Wits peoplesome of the time.
Witsrankshowquicklyyourcharacterreacts to new • • • Good : You'd makea good lawyer.
situationsand indicatesgeneral "grace under fire." This •••• Exceptional: Politiciansenvyyour
Attributedescribesinherentcommonsenseand howwell devious nature.
your character thinks on the fly. Wits combineswith • • • • • Superb: Machiavelli had nothingon
Dexterityto determine base Initiative. you.
Qualities:Clever, Creative, Cunning,Ingenious, Charisma
Level-headed, Shrewd Charismais used to charmothers and to gain trust
• Poor: Pullmy finger. throughnaturalappeal;your character's "force of per-
•• Average: Youknowto quit while sonality,"if you will.It reflects an air of confidenceor
you're ahead. socialgrace whendealingwithpeople. Charismadefines
••• Good: Youkeep your cool in a howlikableyour character is to others and whetherthey
firefight. activelyseek her company.
•••• Exceptional : Youalwayshave the Qualities:Charming,Cool,Eloquent,Genial,Polite,
perfect comeback. Suave
••••• Superb:Youreact almostbeforethe • Poor: Peopledrift awaywhenyou
other guyacts. approach.
•• Average: You'relikableenough.
Social Attributes ••• Good: You'rethe life of the party.
SocialTraits describea character's influence,force •••• Exceptional:Evenyour enemies
of personalityand looks. They often define interactions respect you.
withothers, fromfirst impressionsto leadershipto deal- ••••• Superb: Youcouldlead a nation.
ingwith people in general.



Abilities specialized in driving in bad conditions,he adds three

dice t.o his Dexteritywhenmakingmaneuversin rain or
Skillstarts with raw potential(represented by an snow.
Attribute), combinedwith trainingor education(desig-
nated by an Ability). Abilitiesare groupedunderthe At- Strength Abilities
tributesto whichtheyrelatemostclosely.Whenyouper- Brawl : This skillcovers styles of unarmedcombat
forman action,your dice poolis the combinationof the that rely moreon powerthan on speed; they range from
appropriate base Attributeand the Abilitymost suited professionalboxingto street fightingto wrestling.Brawl
to the task (there maybe exceptionsto this process on inflictsbashingdamage,so whileit isn't immediatelyfa-
occasion; see the "Cross-MatchingAttributesand Abili- tal, it can inflicta fair amountof pain.
ties" sidebar in Chapter One). This combinedrating is Specialties:Blind Fighting,Combinations,Dirty
calledthe skilltotal. Maneuvers, MultipleOpponents, Fighting in Flight
Abilitiesare rated from • to • • • • • , and they are Migit: This Abilityencompassesphysical fitness
added to your character's Attributes. This combination and feats of focusedmusclepower. It rates lifting,climb-
can result in skilltotals up to 10.Evenone dot in an Abil- ing,jumpingand throwingcompetence.Whilesuchtasks
ity impliesat leastbasicproficiency.Althougheach Abil- can be accomplishedwith brute force, Mighthelpsyour
ity functionsdifferently, allfollowa similarscaleof mas- character use his physicalpowerto maximumeffect.
tery. Specialties:Climb,DeadLift, Leap, Throw
x Unskilled : No trainingin the
Ability;rely on naturaltalent (de Dexterity Abilities
fault to related Attribute). Athletics:A measure of fitness, this Abilitycon-
• Novice:A basic grasp of the centrates on skillsrequiringbalance, coordinationand
Ability;suitablefor hobbies. good reflexes. Athleticstraining can cover skillin vari-
•• Practiced:Generalfamiliaritywith ous sports activities,knowinghowto dodge and tumble
the Ability'sapplications;adequate or beingableto maneuverin a microgravityenvironment.
professionaltraining. Specialties:Acrobatics,Dodge,Gymnastics,Spe-
••• Competent:Detailedcomprehen- cific Sports, Tumbling
sion of the Ability's potential; Drive:Most people are familiarwith the basics of
skilledprofessionalcapacity. driving. This Abilitygivesyou a detailedunderstanding
•••• Expert: Profoundunderstandingof of a vehicle's operation,includingperformingtrickyma-
virtuallyallof the Ability'saspects; neuvers,drivingat highspeeds and engagingin pursuits.
peak talent in the field. Driveis used to steer allformsof commercialland-based
••••• Master:Utter commandof every vehicles,from cars to motorcyclesto t.rucks.
possibleway in whichthe Ability Specialties: Bootlegger's Reverse, Inclement
couldbe used; peerless masteryof Weather,Traffic
the subject. Firearms: ThisAbilitycoversweaponoperationand
basic maintenance,from personal sidearms to assault
Specialties carbines to vehicle-mountedartillery. Weaponshandle
EachAbilityrepresentsa fairlybroadarea of knowl-
differentlybased on size, caliber and ammunition type.
edge; it's unlikelythat an individualwouldbe equally
ln the end, though,it stillcomes downto basic coordi-
skilledin allaspects of an entire category. To reflect this
nationand aim.
variety of specialization,Abilitieshave specialties, or
Specialties:BlindFire, Cover Fire, MultipleFire,
areas of expertise. Specialtiesdifferfromqualitiesinthat
MultipleTargets, Targeting
the former are areas of specialtraining,whilethe latter
Legerdemain: This Ability describes skill with
are simplyinnateaspects of the individual .
sleightof hand. Legerdemainis very usefulfor perform-
Playersbuy specialtieswithbonusand/ or experi-
ing parlor magic, card tricks, filchingsmall objects,
ence points. Youmaypurchasea maximumof three spe-
switchingitemsand even pickingpockets. Legerdemain
cialties for each Ability. Refer to Chapter Two, p. 120,
rollsare often madeas resistedactionsagainsta target's
124, for bonus point and experience costs. lf you buy
yourcharactera specialty,simplywrite it after the Ability
on your character sheet.
Once purchased, a specialty gives your character
Mart ialArts:This fightingAbilitycovershand-to-
an extra die on allrollsrelated to that distinctqualifica-
hand styles such as aikido, capoeira,judo, karate, kung
tion. A characterwithDrive2 (InclementWeather)adds
Fu,tae kwondo, muaythai and more. MartialArts styles
two dice to his Dexterity for drivingrolls, but since he's
inflictbashingdamage. Whileit encouragesspeed over
power,this Abilityis as dangerousas any Brawlstyle.



Specialties.Blind Fighting,Combinations,Dirty
Intelligence Abilities
Melee:A broad term for understandingthe proper Academics: Schoolingreflects educationin a given
use of hand-to-handarmedcombatand the proper care ar~a of -~nowledge,such as history, law or philosophy .
of weapons. Meleeweaponsrange from knivesto clubs ThisAbilityrates yourcharacter'sdegreeof understand-
to bottles. ingof the topic, as wellas her status in the field.
. Specialties-.Ax, Chain,Club,ImprovisedWeapon, Specialties.Anthropology , Culture,CurrentEvents,
Knife, Nunchaku,Staff, Sword,Automobile(novasonly) Geography,History,Law,Organization,Philosophy,Poli-
Pilot:This Abilityimpartsskillin pilotingairborne tics, Religion
andsubmersiblevehicles.Pilotcoversnot onlybasiccon- Bureaucracy: This rating measuresa person's un-
trol, but complicatedmaneuversand combattechniques derstandingof general administrationand the bureau-
as well.Handlinga craft in an atmospherediffers from cratic process. It enableyourcharacterto utilizethe sys-
maneuveringunderwater,but allinvolvesimilarrudimen- tem beyondsimpleorganizationalskillsto best achieve
tary pilotingfunctions. his own ends (and to prevent others from achieving
Specialties.Fighter,Frigate,Rotor,Submersible theirs).
Stealth:Stealthcovers the capabilityto avoidno- Specialties.Administration,Procedures, Regula-
tice, move quietly,trail someone and generallyevade tions, Requisition,Rumors,UN
detection.Stealth rollsare usuallymade as resisted ac- Computer: In the 21stcentury,mostpeoplehaveat
tions againstanother character's Awareness. least a rudimentarygrasp of computersand the OpNet.
Specialties.Ambush,CamouAage,Hidingin Shad- However,this Abilityallowsmuchmore than rudimen-
ows, Sneak,Trail tary expertise. A trained computeroperator can access
all sorts of data in the blinkof an eye and even create
Stamina Abilities complexprograms.ThisAbilityfunctionsfor OpNetand
Internet protocols.
Endtrance: This talent describes the capabilityto
Specialties.DataRetrieval,Hacking,Programming ,
endure long-term exposure to severe conditions. This
the OpNet
Abilitydiffers from Resistancein that Endurancesus-
. Engineering: Engineeringrates your comprehen-
tains your character's energy levelover longperiods of
sionof electronicand mechanicaldevices. Yourcharac-
time. All novas start with at least three (free) dots in
ter not only understandshowcomputers,vehicles, ro-
Endurance; see "Mega-Stamina" (p. 160).
bots_and other machinesoperate, but she can repair,
Specialties-.Fasting,Holding Breath,Long-Distance
mod1~yand construct them. Certainnovas with Mega-
Exertion,Sleep Loss
Intelligenceand this Abilityare beginningto changethe
Resistance : Resistance allowsyour character to
very face of technology.
temporarilycombatthe effectsof physicalpainor chemi-
cals. This Ability can be used to restore dice lost due to
injury and resist interrogation. All novas start with at
cations, Vehicles
least three (free) dots in Resistance; see "Mega-
. Intrusion:Intrusionindicatesknowledgeof andabil-
Stamina"(p. 160).
ity to set up or avoidvarioussecurity systems, and to
Specialties.Ignore Pain, Resist Disease, Resist
set infiltrationmeasuresand countermeasuresas well.
Such understandingranges from basic lock pickingto
Perception Abilities advancedelectronicsystems.
Awareness: This Abilityindicateshow muchyour tion, LockPicking,SecurityProcedures
character noticesabouther surroundings.It's a measure Linguistics: An indicationof the languagesthat your
of knowingwhat'sphysicallynearby,coveringinput from character knows. Linguisticsalso imparts a basic un-
allfivesenses.Awarenessis usefulfor pickingout a face der~tandingof languagesystems. Dueto the truly stag-
ina crowdor for anticipatingsurprisesthat waitaround gering numberof languagesthat exist, specializationin
a comer. Linguisticsoperates differentlythan do the specialties
Specialties.Acute Hearing,KeepingWatch,Sharp of other Abilities.Yourcharacter does not automatically
Sight,Smell,Spot Ambush,Track understandall languages.Dots indicatean understand-
lnvestigation: Investigationis the skillof searching ingof language"families"beyondnativetongue. Youmust
for relevant clues or information,whether at a crime choosea language"family," andyourcharactermaycom-
scene, in a libraryor throughspeakingto witnesses.This prehen~tongueswithinthat specific• family"(e.g., while
Abilityis vitalto reconstruct(or uncover)events to gain Mandarin,Cantoneseand Wu are different languages,
insightinto what reallyhappenedat a scene. they allbelongto the Chineselanguage"family").
Specialties.Analysis, ConcealedObjects, Deduc-
tion, Interviews, QuickSearch, Research



Yourcharacter knowsan additionallanguagefam- at least rudimentaryskillin this Ability;it's fun to figure

ilyfor each dot in this Ability(so at • • • • • , he knows out the royaltieson licensedtoys or T-shirts.
five languagefamiliesin additionto his native tongue). Specialties-:
Rollsare needed onlyto understandcomplexwritingor ing,Positioning,Stocks& Bonds
speech, althougha highLinguisticsrating shouldreduce Rapport:Rapport is used to sense and understand
this necessity. The Specialties listed indicatemost ma- peoples' feelings.ThisAbilityis not a novapower;it uses
jor languagefamilies. your character's own understandingof emotions and
Specialties:Arabic, Bengali,Cambodian,Chinese, peopleto get an accuratereadingof whatothersare feel-
English,French,German,Hebrew,Hindi,Italian,Korean, ing.
Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Specialties-:Discern Motivation, Discern Truth,
Swahili,Turkish EmotionalState, Intent
Medicine:This Abilitydetails how wellyour char-
acter knowshowthe humanbody works,as wellas how Appearance Abilit ies
to repair it in case of injury. Medicine also includesan Intimidation: This Abilityenables you to coerce
understanding of drugs and their use, alongwiththe di- another into doing your will, whether through subtle
agnosisand treatment of diseases and injuries. menaceor an outrightthreat. Whether you planto fol-
Suchknowledgecan be usedto harmas wellas heal. low through on your threat is not importantas longas
Characters may use Medicineto take advantage of an your subject truly believesthat you will.
opponent's injury, to apply harmfuldrugs (or helpful For the more vulgarformsof physicalintimidation,
drugs in lethaldoses) or to encouragea greater degree use Strengthinsteadof Appearanceto calculatethe skill
of illnessin a subject due to impropertreatment. Such total.
attempts shouldbe attended closelyby the Storyteller. Specialties:ImpliedThreat, Overt Display, Silent
Specialties.Emergency,FirstAid,Novas,Pharmacy, Urging
SpecializedFields(Neurology,Oncology, etc.), Surgery Style:First impressionsare important,and theyare
Science:Beyond an understanding of scientific usuallybased on physicalappearance.Styleis morethan
theory, this Abilitymeasures how wellyour character simplypresentingoneself to best effect. Beyondrelat-
can put such knowledgeto practicaluse. Sciencecan be ing an awareness of proper fashions (clothing, hair,
used to investigateadvancedconcepts or to cobble to- makeup,accessories)andhowto accentuateappearance,
gether a pipe bombout of householdchemicals. Style can also be used to alter appearance usingthose
Specialties:Astronomy,Biology,Botany,Chemis- same tools - even to the point of disguisingoneselfas
try, Geology,Mathematics,Physics,QuantumTheory, someoneelse.
Zoology Specialties:Disguise,Fashion,Makeup,Seduction
Su-vival: ThisAbility is extremelyusefulto explor-
ers and biologists.It enablesyour character to subsist in Manipulation Abilities
wildernessenvironments. He knowshow to set traps, Interrogation: Interrogationcovers ways to draw
forage for food and water, buildfires and separate dan- informationfroma subjectby manipulation , force,drugs
gerousAoraand faunafrombeneficialones. WithProject or torture. Sometechniquesare moreeffectivethanoth-
Utopia'srecent environmentalcleanups,this Abilityis ers at breakinga subject's resolve,but they may leave
becomingin vogueonce more.... himpermanentlydisabledor dead.
Fire-Building,Forage, Hunt, Navigation , Specialties-:Drugs, Misdirection,Threats, Torture
Set Traps, Track Streetwise: Streetwiserates a character's knowl-
edge of (and skillin interactingwith) society's under-
Wits Abilities belly. This art involvesknowingwhat is needed,whohas
Arts:Arts rates levelof talent in the visualor cre- it and the waysthat it can be acquired. Streetwisehelps
ative arts, from drawing to writing to sculpture. This yourcharacter fit intoan unfamiliarcity or country,giv-
Abilityalso impartsknowledgeof the cultureand soci- ingher an understandingof attitudes and customscom-
ety of a particularart form. Combinedwith highskillin monin the underworld.
one or more novapowers, Arts enablesa novato create Specialties.BlackMarket,Customs,Fence,Infor-
artworksin mediaas diverseas light,flameor pure quan- mation, Scrounge,Street Trade
tum energy. Subterfuge: This Abilityrates howwellyour char-
Specialties:Composition , Design,Drawing, Paint- acter bendsthe truth anddisguisesher motives. Subter-
ing, Poetry, Sculpture,Writing fuge alsohelpsto sense whenothers are doingthe same.
Biz:Yourcharacter knowsthe insand outs of busi- Subterfugecan be used to separate gossip from truth
ness and finance,frommarketingto licensingto balanc- and to discoverif a person is lying.
ingbooks. Morecommercial-orientednovastend to have Specialties.Con, Deception,Gossip,Lying, Seduc-

138 CHAPffR lHRl~ lRAITS


Charisma Abilities Allies

Commandis not only the abilityto lead Almosteveryonehas at least one close friend.Al-
others, but alsoan indicationof howwillinglythey follow lies are people with whomyour character has intimate
your character. The better the abilityto command,the ties: friends,lovedones or simplysomeonewith similar
moreamenablepeopleare to your character's decisions interests to whomshe can turn for assistanceand sup-
(even in extreme situations). Commandsmay be polite port. Alliesrepresent truly dedicated individualswith
requests, written directivesor strict orders. whomyourcharacterhas closebonds. Alliesare not other
Specialties.CrowdControl,Discipline,Field Com- membersof the team; relationshipswith other players'
mand,PoliticalLeadership,Tactics characters are roleplayed.
Etiquette:This Abilitymeasuresunderstandingof Alliesare people in their own right, with lives as
the nuancesand dynamicsof polite society in a myriad involvedas your character's. Friendshipis a two-way
of social circumstances. Etiquette combinesgrace and street, and if your character takes but doesn't give,Al-
manners,and it is usefulduringdiplomaticengagements, lies are likelyto desert her. Alliesdo what they can to
formalgatheringsand inother encounterswith"cultured helpyou,but they don't throw their livesawayfor noth-
society.~ ing, nor are they on call to bailyou out of trouble 24-7.
Specialties.Diplomacy,Negotiation,SocialGraces, Theymayalsogrowwearyof repeated demandson their
SoundBites,Tact time and resources. Of course,alliescan alsocallForas-
Perform: Performcovers the gamutof liveartistic sistance.
expression,frompublicspeakingto dancingto acting(in- Eachdot represents one ally(insteadof signifying
cludingimpersonatingsomeoneelse). This Abilityalso multipleallies,highratingscouldrepresent a more pow-
impartsknowledgeof the societysurroundinga particular erful ally).An allymaybe a fellownova,detective, poli-
art form,as wellas howwellyour character fits in it. tician, soldier,philanthropistor oldcollegepal.Youshould
Specialties.Acting,Dance,Impersonation,Oration, workwiththe Storytellerto detailthe ally;as mostread-
Singing,SpecificInstrument ers of comicsare wellaware,a properly developedsup-
portingcast makesfor rich roleplaying.
x None;you skulk about, havingno
Backgrounds one close to turn to.
Backgroundsare not associateddirectlywithyour • One allyof moderateability
character's inherent capabilities,but they are key ele- (equivalentto that of a starting
ments of who she is nonetheless. They help define her character).
historyand current circumstances. •• Twoallies,or one significantone.
Backgroundstie closelyto character concept.You ••• Three allies, or feweralliesof cor-
mustgiveeach Backgroundsomesort of context beyond respondinglyhighpower.
just a dot rating. After all, allies,contacts and mentors •••• Fourallies, or fewer ones of great
have their own lives,gear and resources don't just ap- capability.
pear magically , and influenceand status aren't handed ••••• Fiveallies(popular,aren't you'?),or
out withoutreason. fewer ones of immensepower.
YourStorytellershouldhaveinputintoyourchoices. Attunement
If your series begins before your character undergoes Generallyspeaking,a nova's quantumpowers af-
eruption,Mentoror Statusmaybe inappropriate.Alter- fect onlyher ownbody. NovaswiththisBackgroundhave
natively,if the characters fonn an elite squad, they may learnedthe trickof chargingobjectswiththeirownquan-
need a fewdots ineachof these Backgrounds.Ultimately, tum signatures,thereby permittingthe objects to sur-
Backgroundshelp the Storytellerensure that the char- vive the rigors of the nova'spowersso longas they re-
acters fit the series and complementone another. mainincontactwiththe nova's body. Attunementis most
Youmayoccasionallyneed to rollfor a task relating commonlyused to prevent a nova's clothingand small
to a Background(say, to see if alliescan come to your personal effects from being damagedor destroyed by
character's aid, or if he can afford a newpiece of equip- her transformations . For example, a nova with
ment). In such instances, the Storyteller chooses the AttunementI could"charge" her clothing,allowingit to
Abilitythat he feels best suits the task (Command,In- remainundamagedeven if she activatespowerslikeIm-
timidation,Etiquetteor Subterfugemaybe appropriate molate, Growth, Density Decrease, Bodymorph or
for the first example,dependingon howyour character Shapeshifting.Attunementcosts one quantumpoint per
presents herself; Bureaucracy,Streetwiseor Computer sceneand confersabsolutelyno protectionagainstother
are goodoptionsfor the second).Alternatively,the Sto- novas' quantumpowers.
ryteller mayhaveyou rollyour character's Background
rating (Alliesor Resources, to continuethe examples).

Oiarged objects maybe organicor inorganic.Dots informationdevelops in the wake of your character's
in Attunementgovern the maximumamountof weight activities.
affected by Attunement: X Normal; just likeeverybodyelse,
• 2 kg (a set of clothes) anybodycan read your life story.
•• 5 kg (a briefcase) • A coupleof your secrets are well
••• 10 kg (a householdappliance) hidden.
•••• 25 kg (a piece of light furniture) •• Yourdata trails are hard to follow.
••••• 100 kg (another person) ••• Youproject the identity you wish
to project.
Backing •••• Evenyou have trouble remember
ThisTrait reAectsstandinginan organization(Uto-
pia, Proteus, a government, a corporation or the Direc-
tive). This Backgroundis less a measureof actualcapa-
••••• Yoursecrets are completelysafe.
bilityor achievementthan it is of perceivedinfluenceor Contacts
rank. At the Storyteller'sdiscretion,youmaytake Back- More casual than allies, contacts are people with
ingmultipletimesfor rankin differentorganizations. With whomyour character has developeda mutuallybenefi-
this rankcomesresponsibility;if yourcharacter has high cial arrangement.Contactsuse their talents, information
Backing,she is likelyto be responsiblefor decisions in- or resourcesto helpyour character, but they alwaysex-
volvinggreat numbersof people and resources. pect somefavor in return.This favorcouldbe a service,
x None;you're a typicalgrunt. trade or evenpayment,but it generallymatchesthe value
• A low-ranking position of little of the contact's assistance. These associatesdon't risk
authority, but a fair amountof themselvesas far as a followeror even an allywill (al-
(usuallydulland unpleasant) thougha well- cultivatedcontact couldgrow into one or
responsibility. the other over the course of the series).
•• A good post with mostof the dis- Each dot represents major and minor contacts.
agreeableduties pawnedoff on un Majorcontacts are individualswith whomyour charac-
derlings. ter interacts frequently. Majorcontacts knowhimper-
••• Midlevelrank, usuallywith ill- sonallyandare fromanywalkof life, of anyfieldof study,
defined authorityand responsibil with access to a variety of informationand resources,
ity (such leewaycan be both a and they are willingto cut a deal. A contact couldbe a
blessingand a curse). data-retrievalspecialistat the locallibrary, a fence spe-
•••• A position of some direction and cializing in vehiclesor a Project Utopia field agent. Mi-
privilege. Youhaveaccess to large nor contacts specialize in fields of influence, like their
resources and are trusted by the major counterparts. They aren't as knowledgeableor
elite. resourceful, though. They mayknowof your character
••••• You'vereached the upper ranks; a by nothingmore than reputationor rumor, but they may
leader in your ownright. Youhold be willingto workout an arrangement.
significantpowerand respect. Tracking downa majorcontact doesn't usuallyre-
quire a die roll, but findinga minor contact does (typi-
Cipher callyBureaucracy,Streetwiseor Etiquette). Whetheror
The worldof Aberrant is a realmof secret.s, covert
not a contact feels inclinedto help is another story, one
conflicts and double-agents. Suchbeingthe case, many that depends on the request. Of course, the more con-
novaswishto maintainprivatelivesawayfromthe bustle tacts your character has, the more peopleyour charac-
of fame. The CipherBackgroundcan represent a num- ter can go to if one doesn't come through.
ber of things - an aptitude for hidingsecrets, lack of x No usefulcontacts; you haveto do
registrationwithgovernmentsor credit bureaus,possi- your ownlegwork.
bly even one or more alternate identities. Cipher is par-
• One majorcontact (withwhomyou
ticularlyprizedby the blackops of Project Proteus and
likelyhave a special arrangement)
the mask-wearing elite caste of novas, as both of these and a few minorones.
groups prefer to hide their true faces and names from
•• Twomajor contacts in different
areas and a smatteringof minor
For each dot you possess in Cipher,the Storyteller
adds an additionallevelof difficultyto any investiga-
••• Three majorcontacts and a
tions into your character. This Backgroundmayfluctu-
respectablenumberof minorones.
ate if you don't maintain a certain levelof secrecy. The
•••• Fourmajor contacts in different
Storyteller shoulddetermine if there's a risk that new
areas (althoughyou maydoubleup
in a givenfield) and a largenumber
of minor contacts.



••••• Fivemajor contacts and a minor Eufiber

contactvirtuallyanywhereyoucare The comingof novashas ushered in manytechno-
to look. logicaladvances,but few so universalas the bizarresub-
Dormancy stance known as eufiber. This organic polymer-esque
Generallyspeaking,most novasare readilyidenti- substancewas originallysecreted fromthe epidermisof
fiableas such. Not onlyare their physiquestoo perfect, CostaRicannovaAnibalBuendia;a syntheticversionwas
their bodies tailored to handle energies beyond human later created from livingcolonies of the fiber. Eufiber
comprehension, but many "bleed" trace amounts of and its derivativeshave proved to have manyindustrial
quantumenergies into the environment.This effect is uses; OpNet cables and a considerable percentage of
relativelyharmless(except inthe cases of novaswithhigh the world'sclothingare made froma syntheticalloyde-
amountsof Taint), but it makesthe novastand out. Even rived from Buendia's creation. True, living eufiber,
shapeshifters and novas with Mega-Appearance en- though,is even more prizedby novas.
hancementssuch as Copycatharbor large amounts of The Eufiber Backgroundrepresents a colony of
internalquantumenergy;whiletheir powersenablethem Buendia-secreted, living eufiber. The colony is most
to avoidcasualdetection, concentrated scans by novas commonly"woven"intoa garmentof somesort. Eufiber
lookingfor traces of quantum might reveal their true shaped in this fashioncan be worn by baselines,but it is
nature. mostusefulto novas,as its genetic and quantumpattern
Novaswith the DormancyBackground,though,are conforms to the nova's own. This property allowsthe
able to "power down" and avoid detection as novas. colonyto store a certain numberof extra quantumpoints
"Dorm'ingdown" takes a turn of concent.ration, after in its cellstructure, givingthe novaa quantum-pointre-
whichall quantumenergies are completelyinternalized serve; the novacan transfer a numberof quantumpoints
and shut down. to the colonyup to the Eufiberrating. The novarecov-
Whiledormant, the nova has no access to any of ers the quantumpointsnormally,whilethe eufibercolony
her nova characteristics, Mega-Attributesor quantum stores them untilthe novadecides to use them.
powers untilshe takes a turn of concentrationto power While the eufiber is charged with quantum, the
up once more. Her appetite also reduces to something colonycan use the stored quantumas an automaticde-
like a normalhumanlevel.Althoughshe retains her basic fense for itself and its owner; this innate defense pro-
nova characteristics (increased Enduranceand Resis- videsthe novawithan amountof extrasoak(versusbash-
tance, extended lifespan, etc.), she recovers quantum ingand lethaldamage)equal to the numberof quantum
points at the reduced rate of one point per day. points currentlystored in the colony.
However,each dot of Dormancyallowsthe player As well,the colonyadapts to the nova'sownquan-
to roll one die in a resisted roll against any attempts to tum powers, allowingit to remain intact and unharmed
detect the dormant nova for what she is. Additionally, even while the nova uses body-altering powers like
each dot of Dormancyallowsa novato suppress one dot Bodymorph,Growthand Immolate. Perfect for the fash-
of Taint, alongwith any accompanyingaberrations, for ionablenovawhodoesn't want to run around naked ev-
as longas the character is dormant. ery timehe turns on the juice (thoughsuchan outfit pro-
Novaswith Dormancyratings of 4 or 5 maychoose vides absolutelyno defense against other novas' quan-
to have a "humanform" and "nova form," transforming tum powers).
between one and the other. At Dormancy4, the nova A eufiberoutfitcan adapt its shape,colorand other
form looksdifferent, but it has certain basic features in parameters to the nova's whim,shifting at his mental
commonwiththe humanform(fingerprints,retinas,blood command.Eufiberfashionshowsare often wondrousand
type); at 5, the humanand nova forms are completely freakish affairs, as nova "supermodels" parade down
different. However,novas who choose to switch forms runwaysattired in gravity-defying,shimmering,trans-
haveno access to any of their novacharacteristicswhile lucent, bioluminescent,scintillatingor otherwise eye-
in humanform. catchingconstructs.
• one die to resist detectionattempts If a nova'seufiber colonyis taken from himby an-
other nova, that novacan attune the eufiber to herself
•• two dice to resist detection
by spendinga quantumpoint.The colonyis nowattuned
••• three dice to resist detection to the newnova'squantumsignature.However,onlyone
attempts eufiber colonycan be worn at a time.
• one-point capacity
•••• four dice to resist detection
•• two-point capacity
••••• fivedice to resist detection ••• three-point capacity
attempts •••• four-point capacity
••••• five-pointcapacity


Followers be drawnon to networkand to makeimportantconnec-

Yourcharacter has one or more assistants,stead- tions - or even to draw more people under your
fast companionsin her journeys. These disciples are character's sway. Most novas eventuallygarner some
drawnto her for anynumberof reasons.Perhapsthey're degree of influence,if they don't start with it.
awestruckgroupiesor evenworshippers;perhapsthey're This Backgrounddoesn't coverstandingor swayin
highlypaidagents,managersandstaff; perhapstheysim- a privateorganization;that's handledby Backing.
ply loveyour character. x None;your 15minutesof famehas
Followershave some useful trade or skill(though yet to begin.
not to the extent that alliesor contacts do), and they are • Moderatelyinfluential;you're a
loyalto a fault.Suchindividualscan thinkfor themselves localcelebrity.
but they chooseto stand byyourcharacterthroughthick •• Well-connected;you're a familiar
and thin. Evenso, poor treatment tests the patience of face in the city, state or province.
even the mostdevotedindividual . A followerwhois con- ••• lnAuential;you are very important
stantly sent to check for ambushesis boundto moveon to one or moresubcultures(funda-
to a less abusive relationship(if he doesn't die first). mentalists,scientists,novoxfans)
Conversely,one treated with care and respect goes to and knownto manyothers.
tremendouslengthsfor your character. • ••• Broadpersonalpower;your words
Followersshouldnot be novas,but they can be hu- carry weightthroughoutthe nation.
mansof any origin. They shouldbe as flawedand as real ••••• Vastlyinfluential;you're a global
as anycharacter. Sinceplayerand Storytelleressentially mediaicon.
share the duty of playinga follower,both mustagree on Mentor
the individual'shistory, personalityand relationshipwith A mentor is many things: a patron, teacher, de-
the nova. No followershouldever be the perfect assis- fender and friend. Yourcharacter's relationshipwithher
tant, nor shouldhe constantlysave the day; he's meant mentor is quite different from any relationshipwith an
to add flavorto the series, not take center stage. ally,contact or follower. Whilea mentor won't always
x None;you haven'tinspiredanyone respondto your character's requests for help,he always
to rallyto your banner. acts in her best interests (or what he considersbest). A
• One followerof averagecapability mentor-studentrelationshipis a complex and personal
(equivalentto a typicalextra). associationthat entailsresponsibilitieson both sides. lt
•• Twofollowersor a notableone. shouldbe the subject of involvedroleplaying.
••• Three followersor fewer disciples A mentormaybe a powerfulnova,an organization
of significantability. as a whole(Project Utopiais happy to tutor any novas
•••• Fourfollowersor feweronesof high whopass the organization'sbackgroundchecks, though
power. there is alwaysa reciprocal price), or even someone
••••• Fivefollowersor fewer ones of seeminglyunrelatedto her circumstanceswhohas taken
great ability. a specialinterest in her development.Dependingon his
Influence capabilitiesand means,a mentormayteach Abilities,
IFnothingelse, novasare certainlypersons makeinformationor resourcesavailable,or even in-
of importance;peopleworldwidewatch,look struct in use of quantum powers. He mayalso serve
up to, emulateor (in the worstcases) fear as your character's advocate in dealingwith a par-
them. The InfluenceBackgroundre- ~ ticularorganization,or may simplyshow up in time
fleetsyour character'spullandsta- ~ 'Ji to pullher out of a tight spot. It's advisablenot to
tus insociety. Thisstatus mayde- i.\l demandthis sort of thing from a mentor too of-
rive from politicaloffice, running ten, though.
a business,being an entertainer or The ratingof thisBackgroundreAects
evenbeinga religiousfigure. What- a mentor's helpfulness.A minorpa-
ever your character's specific cre- tron is better than none(usu-
dentials peoplepayattentionto his ally); a more significant
wordsand deeds. mentor has a corre-
Influencemaybe used to gamer spondinglyhigher rat-
specialfavorsfromothers, to promote ing. Even so, a low-
a personal agenda in public or to rankingmentor can be
simplyget a good seat at the the- a powerfulinfluencein
ater. Additionally,influencemay yourcharacter'sgrowth.
X None;you haven'tcaught anyone's For example, a
attention or you haven't founda character with a fifth-
patron worthyof your attention. instar Node (Node 4)
• Likean older sibling,your mentor gains two points of Taint.Aber-
is just a bit more worldlyand wise rations associated with the Node Back-
than you are. He has a few connec- groundare typicallymentalor psychologicalones.
tions. As the node grows, it presses upon other parts of the
•• A figureof some note, or a true brain. In some cases it even causes the nova's forehead
power who has little time for you. to bulgeslightly.This pressure on the brain can result in
••• A seasoned individual,your men- mentalproblemsfor the nova. The larger the M-R node,
tor is wise and moderatelyinAuen the more likelythat problemswilloccur, and the more
tial. extensivethose problemsare likelyto be. By the time
•••• Cannyand respected, your mentor the node reaches the fourth instar, a problemof some
has significant(perhaps even glo- sort is guaranteed.The humanbodyandbrain,evenwh n
bal) clout. augmentedby quantumpowers, are simplytoo fragileto
••••• Yourmentor is potentiallyworld- handle the awesome energies coursing through them
shaking,and he takes a great inter- withoutbeingchanged in some way.
est inyourwelfare. Beware, though: Other effects of havinga highlydeveloped Node
Sucha mentor's enemiesare now include:
yours. Quantum
Node As mentionedunder Quantum,a nova with Node
recovers spent quantumpoints more quicklythan one
It isn't muchto look at. It's just a lumpof grayish
without, adding her Node rating to her normalrate of
Aeshabout the size of a marble. It can grow bigger -
quantum-pointrecovery. Manynovasthinkof the Node
somehavebeen recorded whichwere the sizeof an apple
as a recharger that juices up their quantumbatteries
or baseball- but it's still just a mass of tissue with a
few bloodvessels, nerve endingsand tendrilsextending
from it. Yet it holds the key to the powers of the uni-
As a receptacle for quantumenergies a Mazarin-
Rashoudnode also enables a nova to detect sources or
The Mazarin-Rashoudnode is what gives novas
conduits of quantumenergies. Typically,these sources
their power. It providesthem with the abilityto channel
are other novas though nuclear reactors, cyclotrons,
quantumenergies. Butat the sametimeit can affect their
generators or other large power sources mightalso be
psychesand their bodies in strange, often deadly,ways.
A character with this Backgroundhas a well-de-
To detect a quantumsource, the nova takes a full
velopedMazarin-Rashoudnode. Note the words "well-
turn to concentrate, then the playerrollsher Node rat-
developed." Allnovas,eventhose withoutthisTrait, have
ing as a dice pool.Rangeof the attempt is 10meters per
a Mazarin-Rashoudnode. Mostnovasdon't take the Node
dot in Node. Difficultyis typicallystandard, though the
Background;they get by with the basic M-R node that
Storytellercan increase it in the case of trace amounts
all novashave. Node as a Backgroundsignifiesthat the
of quantumenergies. Successindicatesthe novadetects
nova's M-R is better developed or channels quantum
a source of quantumenergy in the area. Succeedingon
energies better, than the typicalnode. Thus, a novawith
this rolldoes not let a novapinpointan invisibleor hid-
Node tends to be more powerfulthan others of his kind.
den character , but it does enable her to detect a
He can use more quantumpoints per turn, can recover shapeshift d or ~dormeddown" novafor what it is.
them quicker and possesses certain other powers. In
The player of a nova with the DormancyBack-
general terms, he is more efficient at processingquan-
ground may roll his Backgroundrating in a resisted roll
tumenergies than other novas. However,he is also more
againstany attempt at quantumdetection;successes on
likelyto suffer fromTaint.
this roll cancel out the scanningnova's successes on a
one-for-one basis.

Dots QmnbanExpendibn Taint

X ()st instar) Canspend6 quantumpoints/hnl.
• (2nd instar) Canspend 8 quantumpoints/hnl .
• • (3rd instar) Canspend 10quantumpoints/hnl .
••• (4thinstr) Canspend12quantumpoints/hrn . One
• • • • (5thinstr) Canspend15quantumpoints/hrn . Two
• • • • • (6thinstr) Canspend20 qia,tut, points/hrn. Three
Resourcesare a general indicationof financialas-
sets, but they are more than monetary wealth. Money
can be gained and lost; this Backgroundincludessuch
thingsas property, clothingand basicequipment,as well
as how easily your character can acquire more. While
resources are not entirelyliquidassets, possessionscan
be sold to gain money(thoughdoingso maytake some
time dependingon what is for sale).
EachResourcedot conveysa standard incomebe-
yondanygear or wealthyourcharactergainsduringplay.
The source of this stipend must be detailed (contract
work,employment,royalties,investments),since it may
be increased,reduced or cut off entirelydependingon
events in the series. Wealthis listedin Americandollars;
the actual currency may differ depending on your
character's origin.
As with influence,most novashave few problems
acquiringresources - throughone meansor another.
x None:Youare homelessand broke.
• Smallsavings:Youhavea tinyapart
ment and maybean old used car. If
you liquidatedallyour possessions,
you'd haveabout S2,500.
•• Comfortable:Youhave a respect
able flat and probablya reliable
auto. If liquidated,your belongings
$50,000 . The WillpowerTrait measuresdriveand emotional
stability. A high score reflects a confident, self-moti-
••• Affluent:Youowna house, yachtor
vatedindividual, whilea lowscore indicatessomeonewith
other sizableequity.If liquidated,
these itemswould yieldaround little confidenceor perseverance.
S250,000. Willpowerhas a permanentrating, also called the
score,that reflect your character's total strength in the
•••• Wealthy: Youowna significant
Trait (noted by the circles on the character sheet).
amountof property (a mansion,
apartmentbuilding,officetoweror Whenevera rolliscalledfor,the dicepoolisalwaysbased
similarstructure). You'dhaveat on permanentscore. Willpoweralso has a current rat-
least $1,000,000 if you liquidated ing, calledpoints,that indicateyour character's present
everything. reserves. "Spendingpoints" refers to removingpoints
from the current rating (noted by the squares on the
••••• Amazinglyrich:Youhave more
character sheet). Current rating can fluctuate greatly
moneythan you knowwhat to do
with. If you liquidatedeverything, duringa story.
you'd haveat least $10,000,000 . • Weak
•• Timid
••• Hesitant
Willpower, •••• Diffident
••••• Certain
Quantum and ••••••
Taint ••••••••
The Willpower,QuantumandTaintTraitsare at the ••••••••••
core of your character's being,and they indicatewhohe
is as muchas his originor Nature does. ~4

Using Willpower However,you must do so each time you make such an

Youspend Willpowerwhenyour character pushes attempt.
himselfbeyondhisnormallimitsinan attemptto do some- • Resistmentalpowers: Yourcharacter can resist
thing extraordinary. Youcan spend onlyone Willpower the effects of some mentalpowerswiththe expenditure
point in a turn, unlessotherwisestated. of a Willpowerpoint,or upona successfulWillpowerroll.
• Free success: Youcan spend a Willpowerpoint The specificsdepend on the powerbeingused; refer to
to earn an automaticsuccess. This free success is ChapterFive:Powers for details.
separate fromanythat you roll,but it countstoward • Maxquantu mpower:A nova's playercan spend
your success in an action. Youmust declare that a Willpowerpoint to "max" a quantumpower,enabling
you're spendingWillpowerin this fashionprior to the novato enhancethe effects of the power. Seep. 147
rollingfor the action. Onlynovas may use Will- for detailson this process.
powerin this way. Compulsion
• Resis t instinctualresponse: Sometimesthe Once all of your Willpowerpoints are gone, your
Storytellermayhave your character react to some- character is subject to a compulsion
. HisinnermostNa-
thing out of instinct - whether fear of a monstrous ture comesto the forefront of his personality,dictating
,.._,.__, aberrant, revulsionat the sightof a gruesomecorpse or histhoughtsandactions. Compulsions are the weaknesses
lust for a stunningindividual . Your character can resist mentionedat the end of each Nature'sdescription(see
this urge withthe expenditureof a Willpowerpoint (al- "Natures," p. 127). AnAnalystbecomesdistractedeven
thoughthe urge may return depending on the circum- by the most mundaneof puzzles. A Bravoacts without
stances, callingfor further expenditures). thinking,usingbrute force and bluster.
• ResistTaint: When a Taint-induced Actingat extremes can be very liberating,but it
mentaldisorder causesyour charac- can also cause seriousproblems.Whilethe likelihoodof
\' . ter to do somethingshe would regainingWillpowerincreases(sinceyour characterbe-
\\ \ rather not do, you may havestrue to his Nature},operatingunder a compulsion
spend a Will- can makeyour character ignore importantinformation,
power point to disregardotherwiseobviouswarningsor be manipulated
resist . easily.When at least one Willpowerpoint is regained,
your character shakes off the compulsion, reas-
Willpowerpoints are
regained whenever your
.._ character gets a chance

·---. to rest or restore his

self-confidence. The
Storyteller is always
the final arbiter of

whenand howWill-
poweris regained.

The following
methods are
. entirely op-
""/ tional, and

they shouldencourageroleplaying .The Willpowergained A character's Quantumrating has severaldifferent

shouldserve as a reward for playingyour character well effects and providescertain benefits,as follows:
in the story - it shouldnot be the goal itself. Appearance
• For simplicity'ssake, one point may be recov- The more Quantuma novahas, whethertainted or
ered every morningupon awakening- a fresh start not, the less humanhe looks. HisQuantummaymakehim
each morning,as it were. lf nothingelse, this pointguar- grotesque, or it may make him impossiblyperfect and
antees someWillpower . (Thisruleshouldbe ignoreddur- beautiful,but observers can tell he isn't a baseline. The
ingdowntime.) exact effects of Quantumupona character'sappearance
• If yourcharacter performsan actionthat affirms depend upon the character's powers, the player's de-
her Nature,she mayregainbetweenone and three Will- sires and the Storyteller'swhim.
powerpoints.The exact amountis up to the Storyteller. RawPower
He maydeny your request if he feels the logicbehindit Mostpowers' effects are based, at least in part, on
is Aimsy,or if it appears that your character performs a nova's Quantumrating. For example,a QuantumBolt
certain actionssolelyto regainWillpower. has a rangeequalto [15meters x (dots+ Quantum)]and
• Youmayreceive a point (or more) if your char- inAicts[Quantumx 3] levelsplus(powerratingx 4) dice
acter achievessomespecialsuccess,likerescuinga friend of bashing damage - or [Quantumx 2] levels plus
or discoveringa significantplot point,or if yourcharac- (powerrating x 4) dice of lethaldamage.
ter affirmshis capabilitiesin some way. Similarly,some powers have Quantumminima-
• Youget points equal to your character's Will- they workonlyfor novaswhohaveQuantumratingsof a
power score at the end of a series (not a single game certain levelor higher.A novawhoseQuantumis not that
session).The Storytellermaymodifythis return some- highcannot purchaseor use those powers. To the strong
what if significantstory elementsremainunresolved. go the spoils.

Quantum Quantum Pool

Another importanteffect of Quantumis that it al-
QuantumenergiesAowthroughoutthe universeand
lowsa novato access the energyneeded to fuelhispow-
all thingswithinit. These energiesbindmatter together
ers. This energy is referred to as his QuantumPool,and
and throw it apart, harmonizeenergy and disrupt it, and
the points in that poolare quantumpoints. Eachuse of a
affect all livingthings every day of their existence.As
power costs a certain numberof quantumpoints from
mystic,even arcane,as this sounds,quantumenergiesin
the quantumpool. For example, a QuantumBolt costs
fact derivefromscientificprinciples- albeitscientific
two quantumpoints to fire.
principlesof whichhumanshave little understandingat
A character's starting quantumpool is equal to 20
plus(Quantumx 2). Thus, a novawithQuantum3 has a
A nova'sabilityto controland manipulatequantum
base QuantumPoolof 26 (20 + [3 x 2]).The Quantum
energies - and thus, in general, his "power" - is
Pool'scapacitycan be expanded,at the rate of two ad-
measured by his Quantum Trait. Quantum rates a
ditionalquantumpoints per novapoint expendedon the
character'sabilityto drawon anduse the universe'squan-
QuantumPool.Capacitycan also be improvedwith ex-
tum energies. This Trait is the primarydistinctionbe-
perience points, at the rate of three experiencepoints
per quantumpoint. Once purchased,the QuantumPool
a lowQuantumis pretty powerful;one witha highQuan-
dictates the maximumnumberof quantumpointsthat a
tum - say, 4 or more - can wieldpowerspreviously
nova'sbody can containunder normalcircumstances.
unknownbeyondthe pagesof outrageousfiction.
1fa character losesallquantumpoints,she maynot
Everynovacharact.erstarts the gamewitha Quan-
use anyof her novapowersexcept for powersthat don't
tum rating of 1.Quantumcan be increased with bonus
require quantumpoints to use. She is depleted, spent
and novapoints. ThoughQuantumcan theoreticallyreach
and all too normaluntilshe recovers quantum.She may
as high as 10, no character may begin the series with
sacrifice healthlevelsfor quantumpoints, as noted on p.
morethan a 5 Quantum,tainted or not. So far, onlya few
shadowy(and perhaps deeply twisted and warped) in-
Recharging Pool
dividualshave displayedabilitiesthat might transcend
Allnovasare naturalcollectorsand receptaclesof
the levelof 5 Quantum.
quantum energy. Accordingly, quantum points, once
Characters automaticallyacquire a point of Taint
spent, graduallyreturn to a character, in the same way
when their Quantumreaches 5. See p. 148 for further
that a tired person regainsenergy by resting for a while.
informationon Taint.
lf a novais at ease but not completely relaxing(for ex-
ample, going for a walk, doing some easy paperwork,



watchingtelevision,talking with friends), he recovers (Note:The maxsuccessesmustbe usedon the nextturn;

quantumpointsat the rate of two per hour. If he is com- they may not be "stored for later" or "built up" over
pletelyrelaxed(sleeping, just sitting arounddoing noth- severalturns.)
ing), he recovers quantumpoints at the rate of four per Successeson this roll can be "spent" on the fol-
hour. lowingoptions:
Novascan recover quantumpointsmore quicklyin Damage/Successes : Each success spent adds one
severalways. First, if the novahas the NodeBackground, die (if an attack power) or success (if a mentalpower,
he adds his Noderating to the numberof quantumpoints powerlikeMatter Creation).
he recovers per hour when at ease or relaxing. For ex- Soak: Each success spent adds one to the
ample, a nova with Node 2 wouldrecover six quantum character's soakversusbashingand lethaldamage. Note
pointsper hourof relaxation.Second,somepowers,such that this option can be employedeven if the character
as QuantumRegeneration,allowa character to recover does not have any particulardefensivepowers (a last-
quantumpoints very quickly. Third, it is rumored that ditch survivalmechanismcommonto all novas),though
somedrugs or foods allowa novato boost himselfback the effects last for onlyone turn in any event.
up to fullQuantumPoollevelmuchFasterthan normal. Area: Each success spent doubles the area of an
DyingforPower Area or Explosivepower.
There are times when a nova'sQuantumPooljust Range/Speed: Each success doublesthe range or
isn't fullenoughto get the effect she wants. In this case, speed of a power.
a novamaytrade health levelsfor a temporary boost to Duration:Eachsuccessspent doublesthe duration
quantum points. The novas literallyburns out her life of a power.
force to ensure that she accomplishessome task or de- Extras: A player mayspend two successes to add
feats some enemy. For each health levelsacrificed,the the Area or ExplosiveExtra to an attack that does not
charactergainsan additionaltwo quantumpoints. Doing havethat Extra.
so allowsa novatemporarilyto increaseher quantumpool Each success enhances only one parameter, but
above its normal maximumcapacity. However, these multiplesuccessescan be appliedto different columns.
pointsremainfor onlythree turns,so the charactershould For example,the playerof a novawith Quantum5
use them quicklyor her sacrificewillbe in vain. Health aimsa QuantumBoltat her foe,spendsa Willpowerpoint,
levelstraded for quantumpoints are considered to be a full turn, and seven quantumpoints (five to activate
lethaldamage(p. 253). her QuantumTrait, two to power the QuantumBolt),
LooktheLook then rollsher fullQuantumTrait as a dice pool. She rolls
A nova'sappearancedepends,inpart, on her Quan- four Quantumsuccesses. She assigns two successes to
tum Pool.When the QuantumPool is fullor close to it, the "Damage" columnand two successesto the "Area/
the novaseems charged - vibrant, excited,vigorous. Extras" column. Her next QuantumBolt inflicts+2 dice
She may even crackle with energy, glowor otherwise of damage; furthermore,even thoughthe novadoes not
display visiblesigns of her power. Conversely,a nova havethe "Area"Extra, the shot willbe an Area attack.
whoseQuantumPoolis empty or lowseems fatiguedor A maxedpower(commonlyknownas a "specialma-
drained. Shemaylookcompletelyhealthy,but something neuver," "special"or "stunt") lasts for one turn or use,
about her suggeststhat she's runningout of steam. unlesssuccesses are used to increase its duration. For
example,increasedarea, range or speed all last for one
Maxing Powers and Special tum, decreasingto normalparameters on the following
Maneuvers turn.Furthermore,activatingand usinga specialmaneu-
Quantumpowersare impressiveenough.However, ver is the onlyaction the character can take that turn.
whena novareallyputs her heart into channelingquan- These special maneuversare highlypersonal ex-
tum energies, the effects can be t.rulyawe-inspiring.By pressions of quantumpower, and players are encour-
spendinga pointof Willpower,a novacan "max"a quan- aged to designand namespecificspecialmaneuvers.For
tum power,enhancingits effects to far beyond normal example,Core alwaysdoes more damage (and over a
levels. Onlyone power may be maxedat a time, and a greater area) whenactivatinghis Core Meltdown,while
novamaymaxa poweronlyonce per scene. JinshuShanuses her Quantumto makeherself virtually
To maxa power,the nova's playerspends a point indestructibleby shapingher Force Field into the Iron
of Willpowerand a variablenumberof quantumpoints, Chariotstance.
then spends a fullturn in concentration. For each dot of Example: Lotus Infinitehas Quantum4 and Quan-
Quantumthe novahas, the playercan rollone die, but he tum Blast 3. Harriedby a rivalelite, she says "To hell
mustpayone quantumpointper die rolled. Eachsuccess withthe contract!"andactivatesher devastatingInfin-
on the rollmaybe "spent" to boost the nova'snext use ity Justifier specialmaneuver. Lotus Infinite's player,
of quantumpower,whichhappenson the followingturn. Dana,spendsa point of Willpower,two quantumpoints


(to activateQuantumBolt)and fourmorepoints(to ac- dependingon the shortcuts they take duringcharacter
tivateher maximumnumberof Quantumdice), for a to- creation.
tal of six quantumpoints.
As Lotus Infinitespends a full turn in concentra-
Gaining Permanent Taint
tion, Danarollsfour dice, gainingthree successes. She Unfortunately for novas,
then spends two successesto turn her QuantumBlast there are manyways
intoanAreaeffect andher thirdsuccessinto the "Dam-
age"columnto adda die of damage.Next turn,on her
Initiativerating,the InfinityJustifierblossomsout- ~ ~ ;<
wardfrom Lotus Infinitein coruscatingwaves of ~ J
pure quantumdeath. ·
Ultimately,maxingquantumpoweris a highly
volatileand individualactivity,and cannotbe con-
finedto a rigidset of rules. Particularlywhenmany
successes are scored on the Quantumroll, the ef-
fects can be whateveris cinematicallyappropriate,
and can quite possiblyaffect the area for milesaround
the nova. Storytellers should keep this in mind, using
power maxesto enhance the setting and providespec-
tacular scenes. Does the plot demandthat the charac-
ters catch up to that space shuttle, blowthat buildingto
smithereens,or lift that mountain?Ifso, and if the power
maxroll is good enough,let 'em do it.
lt shouldbe noted, however,that botchinga maxed
poweris deadly. Botchingeither the Quantumrollor the
dice pool roll for the quantumpower leads to the nova for them
gainingone or more points of temporaryTaint. to acquire
Taint.They walka
Taint razor's edge between
powerand insanity,mightand
Quantumenergies are powerfuland, when chan-
destructive force. Ways in which
neled by the humanmindvia the M-R node, often un-
to acquire permanentTaint include:
predictable as well.Even when novas think they have
Too MuchQuanhmor Node
those energiesunder fullcontrol,often they do not. The
Quantumrepresents a basic measure of a
growth of an entire new gland - the M-R node -
nova'spower,and the more powera novahas, the more
coupled with quantum energies seething through the
tainted he becomes.Whena nova'sQuantumreaches 5,
body works changes on even the strongest nova. And
he acquires one point of Taint.Each point of Quantum
the more powerfula nova gets, the more changed he
gained thereafter adds another
point of Taint. Power defi-
This effect on a nova is represented by a Trait
nitelyhas its price.
knownas Taint.Allcharacters start the character-cre-
Similarly, a
ationprocess withTaintratingsof zero. The morepoints
nova whose
of Tainta character accumulates,the stranger and more
inhumanhe becomes, until he becomes an unplayable
god/ monsterand fallsunder the Storyteller'scontrol.
As with Willpower,Taint ranges from zero to 10
t:\\:L __.........___

(in .., r -:•·

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game terms,
and has a temporary and permanenttrack. UnlikeWill-
whose Node
power,temporary Taint is not spent - it is gainedas
rating is 3 or
the character mishandleshis power or tries to channel
higher) ac-
too muchenergy. PermanentTaintis a result of the nova's
quires Taint.
body and mind warpingbeyond humanken, the tragic
The exact amount
side effect of channelingenergies humanbeings were
of Taint, and some notes
not designedto handle.
on the possibleeffectsof that Taint,are
Characters begin the game with zero temporary
discussedunder the Node Background.
Taint,but mayhavea numberof permanentTaintpoints,
BuyingTainted Quantum or Powers
A playercan voluntarilychooseto givehis be-



ginningcharacter someTaint by buying tainted powers. for a point of permanentTaint. HertemporaryTainttrack

Doing so makes them cheaper (half normalcost), but is reset to zero, but she now has an extra point of per-
imposespermanent Taint, and possibly the side effects manentTaint, as wellas any aberration that accompa-
of aberrations, on the character from the very start of nies it.
the series. Eachdot of tainted Quantum,Mega-Att.r ibute
or quantumpower imposes one point of
Gaining Temporary Taint
permanentTainton the character. A nova's body can be harmed by excessivechan-
nelingof quantumenergies. Any of the followingmis-
If a nova gains 10 haps can net a character from one to three points of
temporary Taint temporary Taint. Characters .,;..hogain three or more
points, she im- points of temporary Taint in one "s.itting" mightmani-
mediate I y fest one or moretemporaryaberrationsla.stingfor about
trades in (15- Stamina/Mega-Stamina) days.
those Rememberthat whentemporaryTaintreaches 10,
alltemporaryTaint pointsare traded in for one point of
Power Strain
Usingvast amountsof quantumpowersometimes
backfireson a nova. Something goes wrong - her
concentrationslips, she"is attacked at a crucial mo-
ment, or the energy warps out of her control -
and the energy "feeds back" into her, creating
Taint. This feedback is most likelyto occur
when a nova is exerting her willto draw on
greater power or better manipulate the
In game terms, whenevera nova's
playerspends a point of Willpowerto
max a power in some way, then
botches a roll associated with the
use of that maxedpower, the nova
earns a point of temporary
Taint.At the Storyteller's dis-
cretion, the nova might ac-
quire more than one point
of Taint, thoughthree is
the absolute maximum
(and a nova should
gainthree points of
Taint only from a
truly spectacular

Visually,what typicallyhappens is that the power a Willpowerpoint and roll the character's Willpowerat
the novais callingforth "explodes" insideher, or lashes the end of the story or downtime.The Willpowerrollis
back to hit her and not the target she wasaimingat. Oc- made at +I difficultyfor each point of temporaryTaint
casionally,the nova'sbodyvisiblywarps,twists,mutates stored over the first. Successon the rollbleeds off one
or otherwisealters itself. ln some instances,particularlypoint of Taint; three or more successes bleed off two
when mentalpowers such as Telepathyare beingused, pointsof temporaryTaint.Failureindicatesthat noTaint
the Taintmanifestsitselfpsychically.inthe formof mad- can be bled off during that time period; a botch adds
ness and delusions. another point of permanentTaint.
Rap idRecovery PermanentTaint, once acquired, is just that: per-
Quantumis a naturalforce of energy,meant to re- manent.No reliablemeansof reducingpermanentTaint
turn to a nova naturally . That's why a nova's quantum are knownas of 2008 . It is rumoredin the novaunder-
points return at a set rate, based on howthoroughlythe ground that the Teragen has more effective means of
nova is resting and the strength of his Node. When a bleedingoff temporary, and perhaps even permanent,
novatries to enhancethis rate of return, he runsthe risk Taint,but the specificsof this are unknown.
of acquiringTaint.
If a nova wishesto improvethe rate at whichher
Effects of Taint
quantumpoints return, her playermust makea Stamina The Taint Trait represents how inhumana nova
seemsto be.Taintmanifestsas physicalor psychicdraw-
+ Noderollat a difficultypenaltyof one for every quan-
tum pointshe is trying to recoveraboveher nonnalrate backs, whichare knownas aberrations.A mentalaber-
of recovery.If the rollis successful,the novaregainsthe ration can unbalancea nova'spsyche,causingneuroses,
quantumpoints withoutany problem. If it is failed,she psychosesor other mentaldisordersand derangements.
acquires one point of temporary Taint. If the player Utopia'spsychologistshave begun referring to this ef-
botchesthe roll, the novaacquirestwo pointsof tempo- fect as "QuantumBacklashDisorder,"even thoughthe
rary Taint.Thus,a grievousfailure whentryingto boost effectscan actuallybeclassifiedas one of dozensof other
the rate of recoverycanleavea novaa warped,deranged mental disorderscommonto baselinehumans.
wreck. With physicalaberrations, a nova acquiresan in-
For Example: VeldrisKarimneeds to recover the human feature of some sort - an energy glow or dis-
pointsinhis QuantumPoofquicklybefore the next wave charge; thickmetalplates in placeof skin; possiblyeven
of Mite-crazedthugsattacks him. Inhis desperationhe horns or claws. The possibilitiesare, literally.endless.In
tries to boost his rate of recovery whilehe is at ease. some cases, an aberration even manifestsas inhuman
The Storytellercallsfor a Stamina+ Noderoll. Karim's perfection - the novais impossiblybeautiful, athletic,
Staminais 4, he hasno NodeBackground , andhe wants muscular, you name it. This abnormalitycan be as dis-
to recoverfive quantumpointsinsteadof the usualtwo. concerting as extreme ugliness;superhumanbeauty is
Sincethisreturnequalsthree extra quantumpoints, the as difficult for normal people to cope with as the dis-
difficultyof hisplayer'srollincreasesby three. The roll turbingmutationsmore often associatedwithTaint.
nets a resultof 4, 6, 7 and 7 - failure. Karimnot only A novasuffers one detectableaberrationwhenhis
failsto recoverany quantumpoints,he acquiresa point permanent Taintscore rises above 3. Thus, he acquires
of temporaryTaintas well. hisfirst tangi ble manifestationsof Taint whenhe "earns"
Mental Disorders his fourth pennanent Taint point, and he earns one for
Some mentaldisorders, rather than being the re- each point thereafter. Though relativelyfewnovasmani-
sult of Taint, actuallyimposetemporary Taint upon a fest overt aberrations as of 2008, recent researchsug-
nova. Accordingto recent (and Utopia-censored)psy- gests that it might not take long for a powerfulnova,or
chologicalresearch, the mental instabilityaffects the one whoabuses her gifts, to becomea twistedmockery
nova's quantumprocesses, gainingstrength from them of humanity.
and makingthe nova more inhumanthan ever. For fur- Regardless of what form a nova's Taint takes,
ther details on mentaldisorders, see the sidebar on p. baseline humanscansense it.At first, thissensationmani-
153. fests only as a slightsense of unease or eerieness; in-
deed, as of 2008, few novasinspireeven this extremea
Losing Temporary Taint reaction. With time and additional Taint points,though,
TemporaryTaintcan be forcibly"bledoff," though a nova may provokedisgust, revulsionor even hatred.
this process is difficult. If the character undergoes an The result, in game tenns, is an increaseddifficultyto
entire story or monthof downtimeeither dorm'eddown Socialrollswhena novatries to interact witha baseline
or utilizingallquantumpowersand Mega-Attributesat a human.The novasuffersa+1difficulty on suchrollswhen
maximumof half normalstrength, and does not botch his permanentTaint rating reaches 4; thereafter, every
any powerrollsin the process, the playermayrollspend two fullpoints of Taint inflictan additional+I difficulty.


Needlessto say, there maycome a point at whichpow-
erful, and thus almostcertainlytainted, novasstop try-
Possible Aberrations
ing to relate to normalhumansin any sort of typical, The higher a nova's permanent Taint score, the
healthyway. moreobviouslyinhumanshe is. A list of suggestedaber-
Secondly,permanentTaintaffects a nova's ability rations a Storytellermayinflictupona novafollows,or-
to use his Willpowerin certain circumstances- spe- ganizedinto low-, medium-and high-levelaberrations
cifically,when he is trying to resist succumbingto the (though even the low- and medium-levelaberrations
effects of mentaldisorders. For each point of perma- typicallybecomemoreextremeat higherlevelsofTaint).
nent Taint a novahas, the playermust subtract one die Of course, players and Storytellers are alwaysfree to
from his Willpowerdice pool when rollingto resist the makeup their ownaberrationsif none of the ones listed
effects of mentaldisorders (to a minimumof one die). here is suitable. In that case, use the listed aberrations
Sooneror later a nova's mindsimplycannot resist a de- as guidelinesfor the possibleeffects and levelsof power
scent (whethersteep or slow)into insanity. involved.
Whena nova's permanentTaintreaches 10,he has One important thing to remember when creating
become too inhumanto act as a player character. The aberrationsis that theyshouldneverbe completelyben-
Storyteller takes over the character; the player, if he eficialto a nova. Someof them mayoffer an advantage
wishesto continueplaying,mustcreate a newcharacter. here or there, or providesomeother benefit, but by and
large, they should be disadvantageous. An aberration
Buying Tainted Powers doesn't necessarilyhave to be disadvantageousin com-
A nova may buy Quantumdots, Mega-Attributes bat - an aberration that makeseverydaylife difficult
or quantumpowersas tainted, in order to save pointson for a novais often as effective as (or moreso than) one
them. In effect he is takingthe left-hand path to power, that inhibits his combatabilities.
gettingthere quicklybut sacrificinga part of his human-
ity in the process.
Low-Level Aberrations
Quantumnormallycosts fivenovapointsper dot. A These aberrationsare appropriate for novas with
dot of Quantumthat is bought tainted costs only three four to five points of permanentTaint.
nova points, but the character automaticallygains one • Aberran t Eyes:Something's strange about the
pointof permanentTaintper Quantumdot boughtinthis nova's eyes. They maybe a very weirdcolor - glowing
fashion. red, pure white , jet black - or they maydisplaysome
Similarly, the cost for a tainted Mega-Attributedot sort of picture or pattern. ln general, the more Taint a
or enhancementis two insteadof three novapoints,but nova has, the more inhumanhis eyes become. At lower
at a price of one permanentTaint point per dot or en- levelsthey may simply be an unusualcolor or have an
hancementpurchased. odd pattern - perhaps they appear to be coveredwith
A novamaybuytwodots ina Level 1quantumpower blood-redspiderwebs,havea matrixpattern overlaidon
for one novapoint,but doingso givesthe novaone per- them, or are reflectiveor translucent(windowsto the
manentTaintpointper novapointspent. A tainted Level soul, indeed). At mediumlevelsthey mayappear inhu-
2 or 3 powerdot is onlyhalf of what the powernormally man,lookinginstead likecat's eyes or somethingof the
costs (roundedup), but the character acquiresone per- sort. At higher levelsthey mayactuallychange physical
manentTaint point per dot so bought.A power with a form.
fixed cost, such as Body Modification , may be bought • AnimaBanner: The nova's anima visiblymani-
for halfcost at the price of one permanentTaint point. fests around her when she usesher powers,or evenwhen
Differinglevelsof the same power maybe bought she doesn't. This anima is a holographic,audialor tele-
with or withoutTaint; for example, a player maybuy a pathic manifestationof some object or symbolimpor-
tainted dot of Mega-Strengthfor two novapoints, then tant to the character's subconscious ; for example,a char-
pay fullcost for the next dot inorder not to accrueextra acter who identified with a certain card inthe Tarotmight
Taint.If there is somequestionaboutthe cost of a power, visiblymanifest that symbol when she activatesher quan-
consultthe Storyteller. tumabilities.The animahas no tangibleeffect;it is merely
When buyingpowers with experience points, the a displayof quantumenergies.
character can acquirea new Mega-Attribute/enhance- • Bulging Muscles: The nova'smusclesbulgeinhu-
ment/ quantumpoweror the nextlevelof a power/Mega- manly, making him appear likea bodybuilderon steroids.
Attribute/ Quantumfor half cost (rounded up) if he He isn't necessarily any stronger than he is normally,he
chooses to gain a point of permanentTaint in the pro- just looks likea modem-day Hercules. Observers may
cess. wonderhowhe can keep hisbalancewithsuchhugearms
and chest and relativelytiny legs. This aberration may
inhibithis abilityto fit into crampedspaces.



• ColoredSkin:The nova's skin turns an unusual, the nova's powers. Forexample,a novawithflamepow-
not necessarily unattractive, color - golden, bright ers might emit tiny sparks of fire from his pores, or la-
cobalt blue, green, scarlet, silver or whatever else the valikebloodmaydrip downhis body.
Storytellercanthinkof. A particularlywickedStoryteller • Hormonal Imbalance (Lust):Membersof the pre-
mayeven have the novabecomesplotchedwith differ- ferred sex, especiallythose whoare in any wayattrac-
ent colors, or striped likea zebra or tiger. Whether the tive, tend to inspire unabidingdesire in the nova. More
nova's hair or eyes also changecolor is up to the player honorablenovaswilldo their best to resist this unnatural
Storyteller. attraction, but those of darkeror moreevilbent are per-
• Feeding Requirement: The novadevelopsa de- fectly capable of engagingin acts up to and including
pendenceon/addictionto somefood, substanceor Form rape to get what they want.
of energy, whichshe must ingest to fuel her powers. At • Hormonal Imbalance (Rage):The novabecomes
lowlevelsof Taint, thisdependenceshouldapplyto some proneto fits of blinding,destructiverage. Whenangered,
relativelyordinary food or substance, such as silver. At she tends to attack without regard for her owndefense,
mediumand higher levels, the demands become more her surroundings or the situation; she simplylashesout
extreme. The novaeither requiresenormousamountsof at whatever has infuriated or annoyedher. Unlessthe
the substance, or her desire mutates. A high-Taint nova, playersucceeds ina Willpowerroll, the novawilluse any
for example, might need to consumeblood, plutonium, and all powerat her commandin this sort of attack -
or human flesh. usuallywith fatal results for the target. Onceshe is ber-
• Glow:This Taint is similar to EnergyEmission. serk, the nova's player must make a Willpowerroll at
The novais so filledwithquantumenergiesthat he can't difficulty+1 to "snap out of it"; at the Storyteller's op-
completelyholdthem in. He intermittentlyemits them in tion, the difficulty may be reduced if a friend talks to
a soft glowof somekind, or perhapscracklingsparks or her soothingly, splasheswater on her or uses a mental
some similarphenomenon.The color and nature of this powerto try to calmher down.
effect usuallydepend on the type of powers the nova • MentalDisorders: This aberration is the most
has manifested,as wellas the Storyteller's fiendishimagi- commonform of mentalTaint, and it is especiallycom-
nation; it mayor maynot be attractive. ln the dark, the mon in novas with mental powers or high-instar M-R
difficultyto hit the nova with an attack is reduced by nodes.The novadevelopsa mentaldisorderof somesort;
one. the more tainted she becomes, the more the disorder
• Unearthly Beauty:The nova is the paragon of affectsher behavior(or she maydevelopadditional, even
handsomeness(or beauty, as the case maybe). His hair stranger, psychoses).
is alwaysperfect, his musclesshowjust the right amount • TwistedLimbs: The nova's armsand/ or legs are
of definition, his teeth are straight and white, his eyes a bent, twisted and warped. Theymaybe unnaturallylong,
fascinating color, his build perfect, and it seems as if oddly slender (yet lacking nothing in strength), have
there's not an ounce of fat on him. ln fact, he's just too joints which bend at disturbing anglesor even an extra
perfect - it's eerie and disturbing. Evenother "beau- joint or two.
tiful people" seem uneasy around him, sometimes ex- • Vulnerability: The nova's body becomes so
pressing their unease through vicious jealousy, envy, changed that he takes extra damage from a particular
barbed humoror the like. type of attack (such as fire, electricity or Disintegra-
tion). The effect of any attack or power based on that
Medium-Level Aberrations type of attack is increasedby three dice.
These aberrations are appropriate for novas with
six to seven points of permanentTaint. High-Level Aberrations
• AllergicReaction: The novalosesdice fromdice These aberrations are appropriate for novaswith
pools, or possiblyeven takes damage, fromexposureto eight or more points of permanentTaint.
a particular substance or phenomenon harmless to • Contagious: The nova'saltered bodyexudesa vi-
baselines. Examplesinclude specific elements or sub- rus that is harmfulto baselines. This does not affect the
stances, sunlight (or its absence)or certain types of en- characteror other novas, but for baselines,the novamay
ergy fields. The Storytellerdetermines howmuchdam- wellbe a walking Typhoid Maryor BlackDeath.
age the novatakes(and whattype of damageit is) based • Hardened Skin:The nova's skin can no longer
uponthe amount, purity and/ or powerof the substance. reallybe describedas "skin." Instead, it's hardenedinto
• Energy Emission: The nova's ability to control chitin, metal, horn, wood, scales, shell, sharklike"sand-
the awesomeenergies coursingthroughhis bodyhasbeen paper skin" or something similar. lt's obviouslynot nor-
compromised. He constantlygives off small"sparks" of mal to the touch or the eye. Unless the Storytellerde-
energy, whichmaypose a danger to people and objects cides otherwise, this Taint does not provide any sort of
around him. The nature of the emissions depends upon armor or protection. lt may interfere with the nova's



sense of touch or abilityto manipulatefine objects. At • Sloughed Flesh: The nova's skin and Resh no
the Storyteller's option, it maybe covered with horns, longer sit righton hisbones. Helooksas if he were made
spikes,barbs, ridges or similarfeatures. of wax and left too close to the fire - he seemsslightly
• Megalomania: The nova developsa "god com- melted or askew with skinand Reshbunchedup where
plex." She truly believes herselfto be the loftiest,mighti- it should be thin, and paper-thin where it should rest
est, most powerbeingin the world - of course,with a thick on the skeleton.
nova, this beliefisn't so far-fetched. She requires abso- • VestigialLimbs: The nova has some extra, but
luteobedience (perhapsevenworship) from her lessers. functionallyuseless, limbs. These maybe tiny withered
Megalomaniais a particularlydangerous aberration, be- arms, flightless wings(leathery or feathered) growing
causethe novawillwishto acquire morepower as quickly out of his back, a lifelesstail, or a set of tentaclesbelow
as possible, whichoften meansacquiringtainted quan- his arms or sprouting from his chest. The most any of
tum powers. these limbscan do is weaklyhold on to very light ob-
• Oozing Skin: The nova'sskinis covered withslime, jects, such as empty plasticcups.
mucusor a similarloathsomesubstance.lt mayooze out
of hisporesat a constantslowrate, or maybeit just some-
how remainson himall the time - but regardless,it's
disgusting to look at and worse to touch. At the Mental Disorders
Storyteller'soption, the slimemay be mildly poisonous • Amn.ia:Youforget a significantsegmentof
or acidic. your past due to physicaltrauma or mental scarring .
• Permanent Power:Oneof the nova'spowersbe- Thisaffildion can beso acute as to erase allmemories
comes permanent unable to be suppressed. This per- or simplycause you to forget a few hours of time.
manencehasthe advantagethat the power costs no quan- • Delusions: Yourmindplaystricks on itself. You
tum pointsto use; however, the powermightmakeit ex- see andhearthingsthat don't actuallyextSt. Mild cases
ceedinglydifficultfor a novato interact with the rest of can bedistracting,whilepotent delusionscan cause a
her environment.Examplesof powersthat might become completedetachmentfrom reality.
permanent include Density Control, Immolate and • Multiple Personality Disorder: Trauma can
Bodymorph. causea singlepersonalityto splinterintodistinctshards.
• Radioactive : The nova cannot fully control her Eachpersonalitypossessesits ownNatureandbehaves
quantumemissions.Sheemitssoft, or possiblyevenhard, differentlyFromthe others.
radiation(see "Radiation,"p. 257). The amount of ra- • Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder: Youare un-
diationshe emitsincreasesas she spendsadditionalquan- able to resist a certain urge. This urge maycause you
tum points. to performludicroustasks or to seekabsoluteperfec-
• SecondSelf:Oneor moreother bodiesbeginsto tion in every detail.
sprout from the nova'sbody. Often the 'extra" bodies • Polar/Bipolw Disorder: Alsoknownas depres-
are limitedto just faces - a face on the side of the sion,polardisordercauseslethargy,depressionandan
nova'shead, in his chest, in his stomachor on his thigh. inabilityto functionin normalsociety for monthsat a
But in somecases morebodyparts, such as shoulders or time. Mame-depressives sufferthe samesymptoms,but
limbs, emerge. This aberration seems to be more com- their boutsare interspersedwith energetic btnts.
monamongnovaswithpowerssuchas Telepathy though • Schizopnwlia: ThlSaFAiction causesa complete
no one has offered a convincingexplanationas to why. detachment from reality. Acute cases of paranoid
• SheerHideousness : The nova is too horrifying sch1zophrema are accompaniedby severe delusions of
for description. He is somehowwarped, twisted, de- persecutionand elaborateparanoidtheories.
formedor otherwiselooks likehe was brokenand then
put back together by someonewho didn't know what a
person shouldlook like. He resemblessomethingyou'd
see in your worst nightmare. HisAppearanceAttribute
drops to zero, and he gains a permanentversionof the
Faceof Terror Mega-Appearanceenhancement(p. 172).


normalPerception Attribute when makingany roll in-
Mega-Attributes volvingPerception. However,she may applyher Mega-
Attributedots to the roll in one of two ways:
All novas have the same nine standard Attributes
1) She may apply an additionalnumber of Mega-
- Strength, Dexterity,Stamina,Appearance,Manipu-
Attribute dice to the roll, up to a limitof her Mega-At-
lation, Oiarisma, Perception, Intelligenceand Wits -
tribute rating. These Mega-Attributedice are rolled in
that any other humanhas. However,novas' mastery of
additionto the character's normaldice pool. Likeother
quantumenergies enablestheir Attributesto go beyond
dice, Mega-Attributedice need to roll a 7 or higher to
those of mortal men into the realm of the superhuman.
be considered a success. However, if one of these dice
These enhanced Attributes are known as Mega-At-
scores a 7 or higher, the character gains not one, but
two additionalsuccesses; and if a Mega-Attributedie
Buying Mega-Attributes comesup "10,' the character gainsthree additionalsuc-
LikenormalAttributes,Mega-Attributesare rated cesses.
from 1to 5. Eachlevelof a Mega-Attributeincreasesthe 2) She maysubtract one fromthe difficultiesof any
effectiveness of the base Attribute by an exponential rolls involvingthat Attribute up to a limitof her;Mega-
amount.A novamust have a QuantumTrait equal to the Attribute rating. Thus, a character with Mega-Dexter-
levelof Mega-Attributethe playerwishesto buy, minus ity 4 attemptinga CriticalAthleticsfeat (+4 difficulty)
one. may assign all of her Mega-dots to reducingthe diffi-
Mega-Attributessupplement,not replace, normal culty. Havingdone so, she rollsonlyher normalAthletics
Attributes,anda nova'snormalAttributelevelmustmatch skilltotal,but makesthe rollas thoughthe task is of stan-
his Mega-Attributelevel.For example,if a novawants to dard difficulty!This allocationcannot reduce any diffi-

buy Mega-Strength3, he must have Strength 3 first; if cultybelowstandarddifficulty(+O),but it makesit much
his Strength is only2, his Mega-Strengthcannot exceed easier for superhumancharactersto accomplisheventhe
2, either. Of course,the normalAttributecan exceed the most heroic feats.
Mega-Attributeif the playerdesires. The player may designate some of her Mega-At-
tribute dots as extra dice and others as difficultyreduc-
Tainted Mega-Attributes tions. Shemayalsochangethe allocationof the dots from
With the Storyteller's permission,characters can turn to turn and action to action. Moreover,assigned
buy tainted Mega-Attributesat a reduced cost per dot. Mega-Attributedots applyto allactionswithinthe tum,
However,doing so causes the character to acquire one includingmultipleactions. So, a player who assignsher
pointof Taintfor each Mega-Attributedot so purchased. Mega-Dexteritydots as dice gets those dice on allDex-
lf necessary, the Storyteller shouldchoose an aberra- terity actions for the tum, losing them only when her
tion appropriate to the Mega-Attribute. For example, a normalskilltotal drops belowzero.
character withTaintedMega-StrengthmighthaveBulg- ForExample : Toshiakilizumi,with Dexterity 4,
ing Musclesor a Hunchback;one with Mega-Appear- Athletics3 andMega-Dexterity3, is attemptingto leap
ance might have UnearthlyBeauty or Sheer Hideous- onto a speedingcar. The Storytellerjudges this to be a
ness· one with a MentalMega-Attributemightbecome CriticalAthleticsFeat( +4to difficulty).However,lizumi
megalomaniacalor otherwise mentallyunstable. choosesto applyone of his Mega-Attributedots to re-
ducingthe difficulty, makingit Difficult(+3).
Mega-Attribute lizumi'splayer,Linda,makesthe roll,needingfour
Advantages successes. First, the player rollslizum,'s Athletics skill
total of 7. The dice come up 6, 9, I, I, 3, 5 and 6. Nor-
Possessinga Mega-Attributegives a nova certain
mally, thisresult wouldbe a Failure, as only one success
benefits. The first and foremost advantage to having
wasscored.However,Lindanow rollslizumi'stwo re-
Mega-Attributesis that they makeAttributerollseasier.
mainingMega-Dexteritydice. The dice come up 7 and
The player of a nova with Mega-Perceptionuses her
10!lizumigainsfive extra successes - two Fromthe


"7" die and three from the "10" die - for six total If competingcharacters have the same Mega-At-
successes. Not onlycan lizumilandon the speedingcar, tribute at the same level(both have Mega-Strength 3,
he canlandexactlywherehe wantsandeven do ajig on for example),thenMega-Attributesandthe bonusesthey
the roof. provideare not used. In effect, they canceleach other
Finally, each Mega-Attributehas certain special out. Instead, make any rolls using only the characters'
Traits, calledenhancements,associatedwith it. When a normalAttribute (Strength, in this example). In short,
novabuysa Mega-Attribute,he mayselect one of those don't thinkthat just becauseyou've got Mega-Strength
enhancementsfor free. If he wants to have additional 1, youcansettle for a punyStrengthof I. Ifyoudo, sooner
enhancements(or additionallevelsof the sameenhance- or later someother Mega-Strongnovawillprobablykick
ment), he can purchase them at the costs listed on p. your ass aroundthe block.
124.A novamaynot buy enhancementsfor a Mega-At- Notethat these rulesapplyonlyin situationswhere
tribute he does not possess. one novadirectlyopposesanother ina resistedroll.They
Mega-Attributes themselves cost no quantum do not apply in situationswith a large numberof vari-
points to use. However,most enhancementscost one or ables, such as combat.Just because a novahas a higher
more quantumpoints wheneverthey are used. Unless Mega-Dexterity than her opponent does not mean she
stated otherwise, assume an enhancement costs one willhit the opponentevery time; manyother factors can
quantumpoint to activate. come into play. Moreover, these rules are best used in
direct Attribute-to-Attributeconflict, sansAbilities or
Competing other factors. A nova may wellhave Mega-Intelligence
5, for example,but if the supergeniushas no trainingin
Mega-Attributes Computer, he is unlikelyto out-hack a character with
Sometimes two novas with the same Mega-At- lesser Intelligencebut greater knowledgeof the subject
tribute use their commonMega-Attributeto competein matter (e.g., the ComputerAbility).
a direct, head-to-head resisted roll (such as a grapple
involvingMega-Strengthor a puzzlecontest requiring
Mega-Intelligence).If they have the Mega-Attributeat
differinglevels(say, one has Mega-Strength2 and the Exceptionally Normal
other has Mega-Strength 3), or if one character has a One of the benefits of Mega-Attributes1sthat
Mega-Attribute whileanother has an unenhancedAt- they allowplayersto buildcharacters whohaveminor
tribute, the character with the higher Mega-Attribute abilitiesinstead of the planet-bustingquantumpow-
alwayswins. The only exceptionoccurs if the weaker ers that manynovasdisplay. A character withseveral
character expendsa pointof Willpowerto pushher lim- Mega-Attributesat a lowlevel(typicallylevel1or 2,
its for the durationof the contest.In this case, the char- rarely higher) is definitelysuperhuman,but not no-
acters roll their Mega-Attribute, and only Mega-At- ticeablyso - you mightcallhima ..stealth nova."
tribute, dice in a resisted roll. For example, two super- WhenlowMega-Attributescombinewithhealthy
strong novascompetein an arm-wrestlingcontest. One levelsinnormalAttributes,a generoushelpingof Abili-
novahas Mega-Strength4, whilehisopponenthas Mega- ties and Backgroundsand the latest technologyand
Strength 2. In most cases, the nova with the Mega- gear, you'vegot you~lf a subtlypowerfuland highly
Strength4 winsautomatically . However,the weakernova intriguingcharacter to play. Instead of thinkingSu-
spends a point of Willpower,grits his teeth and twists perman,thinkBatman.Batmanmaynotbe ableto toss
for all he's worth. The contest now becomesa resisted buildingsaround or fly faster than a speedingbullet,
roll, with the stronger novarollingfour dice versus the but becauseof his unmatchedintellect(Mega-Intelli-
weakernova's two dice. The stronger novastillhas the gence and Mega-Wits)and his abilityto apply what
edge, but the weakernovaat least has a chance. power he does have exactly where and when it's
Characters without a Mega-Attribute (including needed, he's JUStas effective as the guy from Kryp-
baselinehumans)mayalsoattempt to competeagainsta ton.
character with a Mega-Attribute;doing so is..however,
phenomenally difficult.The characterseekingto best the
novamust have a naturalAttribute of 5; any lowerand
the Mega-Attributeautomatically dominates. If the char-
acter has a naturalAttributeof 5, he mayspend a point
of Willpowerevery turnof the contest; by doingso, he
gains one die to roll against the nova in a resisted roll.
This die lasts for only one turn; subsequently, the
unenhancedcharacter mustspend additionalWillpower
or get beaten automatically .



Physical When hurling objects, characters with Mega-

Strength may throw anythingthat weighsless than or
equalto their baseliftingcapacity,usingthe normalrules
Mega -Attributes for throwing(p. 236). However,whenthrowingan ob-
ject of a mass is less than half their base liftingability,
Mega-Strongnovasmaymultiplytheir normalthrowing
distancetimestheir automaticsuccesses.
Mega-Strengthis particularlyeffectiveinpersonal
combat.The followingtable indicatesautomaticdamage
successesappliedto any closecombatattack madeby a
character with Mega-Strength. When resisting,main-
tainingor breakingout of disarms,clinchesand holds,
use the rules for "CompetingMega-Attributes"; thus,
most Mega-Strongcombatantsare deadlyin grappling
Mega -Strength For each dot in Mega-Strength,a novacan carry
Mega-Strengthis perhaps the best knownof the up to 100kilogramsof weightwithoutbeingencumbered.
Mega-Attributes. It's certainly the least subtle. Novas At higherlevels,the Storytellermaywishto increasethis
withMega-Strengthusuallyhaveenormousmusclesand capacityeven further.
a loveof showingoff whattheycando withthem. In nova Mega-Strong novas almost always have Mega-
circlesit'scommonplace to see themtossingcars around, Staminaas well.
smashingthroughbuildings,pickingup shipsand crush- • Stupendous:Olympicweightlifters
ingguns into paperweights. lookat you in awe. Youdeadlift
In fact, manyof the feats that novaswith Mega- 1000 kg (one ton) and gain[5]
Strengthperformdefy the lawsof science. Forexample, automaticsuccessesto Strength/
Mega-Strongnovashavebeenobservedpickingup ships Mightrollsand closecombatdam-
withouthavingthembreak - even thoughthe object's age dice pools.
sheer weightshouldcause it to fallapart (not to mention •• Amazing:Whenyour movingtruck
the difficultyof getting a good grip on somethingthat breaksdown,youjust pickit upand
big). Expertson quantumpowersspeculatethat a Mega- carry it to your newhome.You
Strong nova unconsciouslyemits quantumenergies to deadlift10,000 kg (10 tons) and
help keep the object together whilehe lifts it, but this gain[10] automaticsuccessesto
hypothesishas not been provenconclusively. Strength/ Mightrollsand close
Unlikeother Mega-Attributes,Mega-Strength pro- combatdamagedice pools.
vides no extra dice or reductionsto difficulties:,when ••• Incredible:Youcan toss automo-
makingStrength rolls,the character stillrollsher base, bilesfor blocks. Youdeadlift
unenhancedStrength,Brawlor Mightskilltotal.Thus,a 25,000 kg(25 tons) and gain[15]
super-strongcombatantstillrollsher normalStrength+ automaticsuccessesto Strength/
Brawlskilltotal to hit an opponent.However,each level Mightrollsand closecombatdam-
of Mega-Strengthprovidesa numberof extra automatic age dice pools.
successesthat add to manyStrengthor Mightrolls:for •••• Spectacular:Youcan juggletanks.
example,to inflictdamagewitha punchor smashthrough Youdeadlift50,000 kg (50 tons)
a vaultdoor. Moreover,each dot of Mega-Strengthpro- and gain[20] automaticsuccesses
vides an automaticminimumamountof weightthe nova to Strength/ Mightrollsand close
can lift: for example,a nova with Mega-Strength1can combatdamagedice pools.
lift an object of 1000 kg (about one ton) without the ••••• Godlike:Evenother novasare im-
necessityof a rollat all! pressedbyyourphysicalmight.You
When Mega-Strength is used to lift something deadlift100,000 kg(100 tons)and
heavy,consultthe table belowto determinethe nova's gain[25] automaticsuccessesto
base liftingability(suchas 1000 kg for Mega-Strength Strength/ Mightrollsand close
1). Then roll Mightas normal(withoutaddingthe extra combatdamagedice pools.
automaticsuccesses). Eachsuccesson the rollincreases
the amountthe novacan lift by 20%. Thus, a novawith
Mega-Strength1 and three successeson his roll could
lift 1600 kg, or about 1.76tons.



Mega -Strength Enhance- ample, a novawhospends four quantumpointson Lifter

can carry 16 times his normalweightlimit(!).However,
ments the character does not inflict any extra damage with
Enhancementsthat characterswithMega-Strength
punchesor similarattacks. At the Storyteller's discre-
maylearn or purchaseinclude:
tion, the character's abilityto throw heavyobjects may
Crush be increasedin a similarfashion, but onlyto throwthem
Mega-Strengthis, by itself,enoughto causedeadly for distance, not damage(for example,to throw a tank
damageto many people - most normalhumanscan't intoorbit, but not to throwanother character intoa wall
surviveblowsfrom someonestrong enough to pick up and hurt him).
and throw cars. However,novas with this power have Thisenhancementstaysactivefor one sceneor one
refined their abilityto use Mega-Strengthto kill.They "feat of strength," whichevercomesfirst.
are adept at grabbingand crushing people, delivering Quantum Leap
punches powerfuland focusedenoughto go througha
The character's legmusclesare prodigiouslystrong
body, and so on.
- so muchso that she can leap enormousdistances.
System:Strengthdamageis normallybashingdam- Faster than the subwayand twice as fun.
age. A nova with this ability inAictsBrawland Martial
System:A character with this enhancementcovers
Arts damage(modifiedby his Mega-Strength,as usual)
far more distance in a leap than the usual two meters
as lethaldamagewhen he takes a fulltum to focus his
per successon a Jumpingroll.Instead,each successon a
attack and spends a quantumpoint.The Crushattack is
Jumpingrollallowsthe novato leapup to two kilometers
made the followingturn, on the nova's Initiative. This
horizontally, or halfa kilometervertically,timesher num-
enhancementlasts for one strike, but it can be reacti-
ber of dots inMega-Strength(of course, she can choose
vated as often as the nova likes, so longas she has the
to leap less far than this if she so desires). Thus, a nova
with Mega-Strength3 and QuantumLeap could cover
Shockwave six kilometershorizontally , or one and a half kilometers
Whoneeds the SanAndreasFault'?A Mega-strong vertically, for each success.
novawith this abilitycan generate his own little earth- Don'tforget that suchprodigiousjumpsare essen-
quakes. Allhe does is stomp his foot or smashhis fists tially an uncontrolled form of movement. Once she
againstthe ground, causingwavesof force and pressure launchesherself, a nova can't deviate from her line of
to radiate out awayfrom himthroughthe earth. "flight," do muchto dodge attacks or avoidobstacles.
System:When a nova uses this enhancement, he Unless she has a power that allowsher to see for many
may roll his Mega-Strengthdice as a bashingdamage kilometers,she won't know where she's going to land
dice poolto mosttargets withina radiusequalto (Mega- until it comesintosight - and it won't necessarilybe a
Strengthx 10 meters). Any target on the groundis af- pleasant landingspot.
fected; targets above the ground are not. Anyoneaf- The character may also use this enhancementto
fected fallsto the groundunlesshe makesa Strengthroll makea normalDodgerollagainst area and explosiveat-
(at difficulty+3) to keep his feet. Targets maytake ex- tacks, provided she spends the quantumpoint and takes
tra damageif other objects (such as fallingcrockery or a defensiveaction.
collapsing tunnels) fall on them. Additionally, the sur- This enhancementstays active for one leap.
face the nova is hitting also suffers damageas though Thunderclap
the nova had made a normalMega-Strengthstrike -
Whenthe novaclapshis handstogether,a tremen-
so it isn't a very good idea for a character to use this
dous burst of sound and air pressure cracks forth. The
maneuverwhen he is on things like aircraft, bridges or
force of the effect is enoughto hurt people,break win-
dowsand causesimilardamageor harmina nearbyarea.
This enhancementstays active for a singleattack,
System: When a nova uses this enhancement, he
and the novamaymakeonlyone Shockwaveattack per
may roll his Mega-Strength dice as a bashingdamage
turn. dice poolto mosttargets withina radiusequalto (Mega-
Lifter Strengthx 10 meters). However,"hard" targets - such
A Mega-Strongnovawith this enhancementis re- as mostwalls,vehiclesor metalobjects- andextremely
al(ystrong- he makeseven other Mega-Strongnovas "soft" targets- suchas cloth- are not affected. Only
look puny. He's the guy to call whenyou need to move livingcreatures and relativelybrittle or fragile things,
somethinglike,say, a mountain. such as glass, take the damage.
System:The novacan double the amountof weight This enhancementstays active for a singleattack,
he can carry for each quantumpoint he spends. For ex- and the novamaymakeonlyoneThunderclapattack per



Enhancementsthat characters withMega-Dexter-
ity maylearn or purchaseinclude:
SomeMega-Dexterousnovashavean uncannyabil-
ity to aimattacks andjudge howto place their blowsfor
best effect. Certainnovasclaimthat this enhancementis
the ultimateinhand-eyecoordination,whileothersspeak
of "mysticforces" guidingthem. Whateverthe reason,
Mega-Dexterity anyonewho'sseen them in combatcan't helpbut admire
Mega-Dexterityis one of the morecommonMega- their ability.
Attributes.A Mega-dexterousnovais faster, more agile System:In additionto any other bonusesprovided
and stealthierthan normal, and he often has a better re- for havinga Mega-Attribute,the characterreceivesthree
action time.Mega-Dexterityis especiallyusefulfor no- more dice to rollwhenattemptingto hit anytarget with
vas whosepowersare not quite so overt or "Aashy"as any attack (whether close combat or ranged combat).
most. The character must take a turn to aim the attack. This
The Mega-Dexterity rating is added to the bonus appliesonly to firearms, martialarts, melee and
character'sInitiative,run andsprint scores. furthermore, quantum-powerattacks; attacks involvingBrawldo not
when a novawith Mega-Dexterityis in combatand an- get the bonus(since they depend on raw powerand fe-
other character tries to use a delayedactionto interrupt rocity, not precise aim).
the nova'saction, the interruptionis not automatic. In- This enhancement stays active for a singleattack
stead, bothcharactersmustmakeDexterityrolls;the one {hitor miss).
withthe mostsuccessesgoes first. If a novawith Mega-
Dexterityand a characterwithoutit act at the sametime, Enhanced Movement
the Mega-Dexterouscharacter is automaticallyconsid- You'refast - reallyfast. Youcan run faster than
ered to havethe higherInitiative,and thus,he gets to go the proverbialspeedinglocomotiveat times. Yourreac-
first. If both characters have Mega-Dexterityand the tion time isn't any quickerthan the normalMega-Dex-
EnhancedInitiativeenhancement(see"Mega-Wits"),the terous nova,but whenyou've got to cover the milesto
standard rule applies. get somewhere,you can cover them quickerthan any-
• Stupendous: Youcan juggleknives one else.
in zero-g - withyour feet. You System: The character's pace when walking,run-
maymakeDodgerollsagainstbul- ning,sprintingor swimmingis multipliedby (1 + Mega-
lets or other ranged attacks with Dexterity)for one tum (if the playerspends one quan-
out seekingcover or hittingthe tum point) or one scene (if the character spends three
ground. quantumpoints). Thus, a character with Mega-Dexter-
•• Amazing:Yourreactionsare so fast ity 2 couldspend a quantumpoint to triple her move-
that even a martial-arts master ment {1+ Mega-Dexterity2) for one turn.
cannot matchthem. The effects of EnhancedMovementare cumulative
••• Incredible:Wheneveryou run by with those of Hypermovement(p. 203). Applythe En-
someone,they can barelysee you hanced Movement multiplier after determining the
- all they feel is the wind. character's movementrate with Hypermovement.
•••• Spectacular:Youcan do your Fast Tasks
chores injust a fewseconds. At this
When it's time to clean out the house,strip down
level or higher,you maypluckbul-
and rebuildan engineor knit a sweater, your friendscall
lets out of the air by makinga
you. Youcan do it muchfaster than they can - some-
times literallyin the blinkof an eye.
••••• Godlike:Youcan performacts of
System:Thisabilityallowsa novato performtasks
manualdexterity so precise that
at extremelyrapid speeds withoutsacrificingany care
even machinescannot duplicate
or workmanship . Dependinguponthe natureof the task,
the novacan do it in less than halfthe time it wouldtake


a normalperson;simpletasks may,as the precedingde- Novaswith this ability(and indeed, nova.s in gen-
scription indicates,take no more than a second or so. eral) have been banned from athletic competitionwith
Forexample,a novawithFastTaskscouldpainta typical baselines, since they have an obviousunfairadvantage.
interiorhousewallinjust a secondor two; he couldtake However,they can (and often do) compete with other
apart and rebuilda reasonablycomplexmachine(likean novason "supersports" pay-per-views.
automobileengine)insomethinglikehalf an hour. At the System:In additionto any other dice received for
Storyteller'soption,FastTasksmaytum certainextended Mega-Dexterity,the characterreceivesthree extra suc-
rolls{p. 109) into simplerolls. cesses whenmakingany rollinvolvingAthletics,Perfor-
The character mustbe able to perform the task in mance (Dance) or similarskills. This bonus shouldnot
question; Fast Tasks does not grant any new or addi- beappliedto dodgedicepools,nor to skillssuchas Brawl,
tional skills.For example,a nova who wants to repair Firearms,MartialArts, Meleeor Stealth. If there is any
enginesat superspeedsmustknowthe EngineeringAbil- doubt as to whether the bonus applies,the Storyteller
ity. Furthermore,the playermustmakethe standardrolls must decide which Abilitiesare affected by Physical
required to accomplishthe work - FastTasksdoesn't Prodigy. The effects last for a scene.
make the job any easier, it just gets it over with more
In a dangerousworld,sometimesit's the unobtru-
This enhancementstays active for one scene.
sive person who survivesthe longest - and gets the
Flexibility most accomplished. A nova with this Mega-Dexterity
Dexterityisn'tallspeed andreactiontimeand things abilityis the stealthiest of the stealthy,able to walkon
like that. Sometimesit reAects a character's abilityto dead leaveswithoutmakinga soundor run throughsand
contort his body or reach into places ordinarycharac- withoutleavingfootprints.
ters cannot. That's certainly the ca.se, at least in part, System:In additionto any other dice received for
for novaswhohavethis enhancement.In effect they can Mega-Dexterity,the characterreceivesthree extra suc-
make their bodies sufficiently flexible or rubbery to cesses whenmakingany rollinvolvingStealthor similar
stretch their armsfor short distancesor squeezethrough skills. Furthermore,if the character makesa Dexterity
narrowopenings. They are often master contortionists roll, he can avoid leavingany tracks or similarmarks
and escape artists. showingwhere he walked. The difficultyof this roll in-
System:The character has the limitedability to creases by two if the character is runningand three if he
contort andstretch hisbody. Whenhe wantsthemto be, is sprinting. The effects last for a scene.
his fleshand bones becomeextremelyflexibleand mal-
leable. This flexibilityconfers no protection from dam-
Rapid Strike
A novawiththis enhancementcan delivera blurof
age or harm, but it does allowthe character to fit into
rapid-fire punchesor kicksto a singletarget. Whilethe
places inaccessibleto normalhumanbodies. The char-
individualblowsare not any more powerfulthan an or-
acter maystretch his limbsup to two meters per dot of
dinarystrike,they strike so fast and furiousthat the cu-
Mega-Dexterity . HecanalsocontortandreshapehisAex-
mulativeeffect is muchmore powerful.
ible form to fit throughany openingbig enoughfor his
fist to pass through. The Storyteller is the finalarbiter System:For each dot he has in Mega-Dexterity,a
on whichopeningsthe character can squeeze through. nova using this enhancementadds one to his punch or
kickdamagedice pools;the effects last for one turn.
A player may select this enhancement multiple
times.Eachadditionalselectiondoublesthe distancethe
character maystretch his limbsand body. The enhance-
ment stays activefor one scene.
Physical Prodigy
A nova with this ability possesses a certain "ge-
nius" for all physicalactivities, such as sports or run-
ning. Somehowhe knowsinstinctivelyhow to act, what
to do and howto positionhimselffor the best results in
any givenathleticendeavor. It's as if he had the greatest
coachesin worldhistorywhisperingin his ear and giving


one extra soak againstlethaldam-
age, as wellas one extra "Bruised"
health level.
••• Incredible: Participatingin a few
triathlons in a row doesn't even
phase you. Yourhealingrates are
five times those of a normal
human, and your base Resistance
and Enduranceratings beginat 4
each. Lifespan180+years. Dice
pool penaltiesdue to injuriesand
Mega-Stam ina pain reduce by three. The charac
A novawithMega-Staminaishardier,moredurable ter receivesthree extra soak
and more resistantto injurythanyour averagenova. Al- againstbashingdamageand two
thoughnot alwaysas resilientas novaswhoactuallybuy extra soakagainstlethaldamage,as
defensivepowerssuchas ForceField,novaswithMega- wellas one extra "Bruised"health
Staminaare still mightytough. Furthermore,they tend level.
to havea great deal of endurance;it's almostimpossible •••• Spectacular: Bulletspractically
to tire them out. Some of them displaylittle need for bounceoff your chest, and your
sleep, stayingup for days at a time. healingrates are six timesthat of a
Perhapsmost importantlyof all, a novawithMega- baseline. Base Resistanceand En-
Staminafeels very little pain. Regardlessof the source duranceratings equal 4 each.
- injury, disease, accident - a nova with Mega- Lifespan200+ years. Dicepool
Staminacan shrugoff the pain and keep on going. Un- penaltiesdue to injuriesand pain
confirmedrumorsspeak of novaswhowere so resistant reduce by four. The character re-
to pain that they didn't feel the effects of injury until ceivesfour extra soak againstbash
their wounds killed them. In game terms, novas with ingdamageand two extra soak
Mega-Staminasuffer reduceddice poolpenaltiesbased againstlethaldamage,as wellas two
on their health level,as indicatedin the followingtable. extra "Bruised" healthlevels.
x Normalnovametabolism:You're
stillpretty tough.Yousoak bashing
••••• Godlike:Missilespracticallybounce
off your chest. Yourhealingrates
and lethal damageas normalfor are seven times better than any
yourStamina,but yourhealingrates normalhuman's. Yourbase Resis-
are doubled. BaseResistanceand tance and Enduranceratings equal
Enduranceratingsequal3 each (be 5 each. Lifespan250+ years. Dice
fore allocatingany dots into pool penaltiesdue ti>injuriesand
Abilities).Lifespan150+years. pain reduce by five. The character
• Stupendous: Youcan go for weeks receives five extra soak against
withoutsleep, and your healing bashingdamageand three extra
rates are tripled. BaseResistance soak againstlethaldamage,as well
and Enduranceratings of 3 each. as three extra "Bruised"health
Lifespan150+years. Dicepoolpen- levels.
alties due t.o injuriesand pain are
reduced by one. The character re- Mega -Stamina Enhance-
ceivesone extra soak againstbash ments
ing damageand one extra soak Enhancementsthat characters withMega-Stamina
againstlethaldamage. maylearn or purchase include:
•• Amazing:Torturers despair of
breakingyou. Yourhealingrates are Adaptability
four times faster than a baseline's. Thisenhancementallowsthe novato survivenearly
BaseResistanceand Endurance anyadverseenvironmentalcondition. ln effect, the nova
ratings equal 3 apiece. Lifespan uses ambientquantumenergiesto evolveandbolsterher
150+years. Dicepoolpenaltiesdue body's naturaldefenses, thus allowingher to survivein
to injuriesand pain reduce by two. environmentsnormallyhostileto humanlife,suchas the
The character receives two extra vacuumof outer space or underwater. Adaptabilityalso
soak againstbashingdamageand allowsthe character to do withoutfood, sleep or other
necessitiesof life. Often, a novawithAdaptabilityspon-



taneouslymanifests gills, toughenedskin or whatever System:A novawiththis enhancementmayspend

feature is needed. quantumpointsto instantlyhealbashingand lethaldam-
System: The character is able to sustainherself in- age, at the rate of one quantumpoint per health level
definitelyon residualquantumenergies, so longas she healed. Doingso is an automaticaction,but the novamay
has at least one quantumpoint in her body. She does not heal a maximumnumberof health levelsper tum equal
need to eat, sleep or breathe, and can survive indefi- to her Mega-Staminarating.Additionally, this enhance-
nitely in conditionsas hostileas Death Valley,Antarc- ment allowsa novato regrow severed limbsor organs,
tica, or outer space. She is automaticallyimmuneto most but doingso takes a very long time (weeks or months,
poisons,gases, diseases and drugs; against particularly typically).Regenerationdoes not healaggravateddam-
virulentdiseases or nova-derivedpoisons,she gains an age.
extra six soak or Resistance dice. Moreover, the
character'slifespanis increasedbycenturies,if not more.
Toughenedby the rigors of channelingquantum
Adaptability is normallyan automaticenhancement
energies,the nova's frameisevenmoreresistantto dam-
and requiresno quantumpointexpenditure. However,in
age than are most Mega-Stamina novas'bodies.
particularlyhostileenvironments(the vacuumof space,
the bottomof the MarianaTrench,a conflagration),the
System:The soak bonusesprovidedby the nova's
Mega-Staminarating are doubled. Thus, a nova with
charactermightneedto spenda quantumpointper scene,
Mega-Stamina3 and the Resiliencyenhancementre-
or even tum, of exposure. The Storyteller makes this
ceives +6 soak against bashing,+4 against lethaldam-
age, rather than the +3/+2 bonuses availableto other
Adaptabilitydoes not confer protection against
novaswithan equivalentlevelof Mega-Stamina.
weaponryor nova attacks such as flame blasts or the
This enhancementis "built in" and costs no quan-
tum points to activate.
The novais toughas nails. Althoughshe's not nec-
essarilycapableof ignoringattacks outright,she instinc-
tivelychannelsdeadlykineticenergyawayfromher body,
rollswithotherwiselethalblows,or is otherwisecapable Mega-Attributes
of reducingan instant-kill attack to a "Gee, that stung"
levelof injury.
System:Whenever the character is hit with a ki-
netic attack inAictinglethaldamage(bullet, knife, mis-
sile, etc.), she may spend a quantumpoint and roll her
Mega-Staminadice againsta Standarddifficulty. If she
succeeds, the incomingdamageis convertedto ba.shing
damage, whichshe maysoakwithher bashingsoakscore.
The charactermaynot convertenergyattacks(fire, elec-
tricity,QuantumBolt.s, etc.) in this manner,nor mayshe
use this enhancementagainst bashingdamage applied
after she is Incapacitated.
Hardbody Scientists theorize that normalhumansuse only a
This enhancementoffers protectionof a differentfraction of their abilityto observe things. Ask a normal
sort from Resiliency . Althoughit doesn't help defend a
personto describewhathe just walkedpast., and he prob-
character againstordinarydamage,it allowshimto soak ablywon'tbe ableto tellyoutoo manydetailsabout it, if
certain forms of damage against which he ordinarily any. That's not true of novaswithMega-Perception . They
wouldhaveno protectionat all. take it a//in - every detail, every nuance,every little
System:A nova with Hardbodymay use his lethal fact. They may not remember them very long(that's a
soak total to soak aggravated damage. This cost.s one
functionof Intelligence),but they don't overlookthings.
quantumpoint, but the novamayactivate the enhance- They make excellentsentinels, guards, detectives and
ment as an automaticfeat. This enhancementstays in trackers.
effect for one turn. NovaswithMega-Perception almostalwayshavea
Regeneration high Awarenessskill. They often have high ratings in
other "observational" skills,such as Investigation,but
Allnovasheal more quicklythan the humannorm,
such is not alwaysthe case.
but a novawiththisenhancementhealsevenquickerthan
most novas. Sometimesher woundsliterallyclose right
before your eyes!



• Stupendous: Yourememberthe li- by touch alone. This abilitycan be extremelyuseful if

cense-plate numbersof allthe cars the charactercannotsee. It also providesbonusesinsitu-
you just walkedpast in the parking ationswhere an acute sense of feel wouldbe helpful-
lot. suchas lockpickingor trying to figureout the combina-
•• Amazing : Eventhe tiniestdetailsare tion to a safe by feelingthe tumblersfall into place. The
likeinformationbeacons to you. character receives a minimumof three extra dice when
••• Incredible:Youcan tell whata per- makinganyPerceptionrollbasedon touch. Furthermore,
son is thinkingby the waythe the character'sskinis so sensitivethat he can sense faint
nerves in her face twitch. air currents, whichadds two dice to Awarenessskillto-
•••• Spectacular: Youcan locatea single tals when attemptingto detect stealthy opponents like
personinan auditoriumby her body invisiblenovas.
odor or perfume. This enhancementis alwayson and costs no quan-
••••• Godlike:Youcan hear woolgrow- tum points t.o use.
ingon the backsof sheep.
Mega-Perception Enhance- Most people are helplesswhen blind - particu-
ments larlyin combat - but not this character. Thanksto his
Enhancementsthat characterswithMega-Percep- enhancedsenses,he can perceivewherehisfoesare even
tion maylearnor purchaseinclude: when he cannot see them. SomeAsian(or Asian-influ-
enced) novassnidelyrefer to this enhancementas "Zen
Analytic Taste/Touch fighting."
There are plenty of gourmets out there who can System:The character is not subject to the diffi-
figure out what spices were used in a particulardishby culty penalty for fightingblind. In some situations,such
tasting it. A novawith this powercan go them one bet- as those with bad or glaringlighting,he mighteven be
ter: Hecan detect everythingin the food. Givehima cas- better off to shut his eyes and fight without using his
serole, and he'll tellyou every ingredientin it, as wellas sight.Similarly,if an opponentis usingthe powerInvis-
how muchof each was used. Givehima pretzel, and he ibilityto escape detection,a novawithBlindfightingcan
can tell youhowmanygrainsof salt there are on it. Give determineexactlywhere his invisibleenemyis by mak-
himpoisonedfood,and he willdetect the poisonas soon ing an Awarenessroll(opponentresists withher Invis-
as he touches it with his tongue, then spit the food out ibility+ Stealthdice pool).
immediatelybefore the poisoncan affect him. This enhancementcosts one quantum point and
The character's sense of touch is also enhanced. lasts for a scene.
Everyoneknowswhat a dollarbillfeels like- it's got a
uniquefeelinglikeno other type of paper. Mix a dollar Bloodhound
up with a bunchof pieces of newspaperand other pa- Likethe animalfor whichit is named,thisenhance-
pers, and someone can still find it by touch alone. But ment allowsa novato track a person by scent.
onlya novawithAnalyticTouchcan tellyouwithoutlook- System:The charactermaymakean Awarenessroll
ingwhether it's a twenty or a c-note. to followsomeoneby scent alone. If the scent is particu-
A character with this enhancement may use both larlystrong (for example,the person hasn't bathed in a
functions. week), reduce the difficultyby one. If the person being
System:WithAnalyticTaste, the character'ssense trackedpasses throughan area witha lot of other scents
of taste is so heightenedthat he can determinethe com- (likea crowdedcity street), walksthrougha stream or
positionand nature of food he eats, as describedprevi- does anythingelse that mightconfuseor maskhisscent,
ously.Thisenhancementis mostusefulfor detectingpoi- the nova must make another roll at an increaseddiffi-
son or other tampering,but it has other uses as well. If culty (+2 or more, usually).
the Storyteller decides that a particular substance is If the novais exposedto a particularlystrong odor
present in only trace quantities,he mayrequire a Per- - such as havingpepper thrown in her face - her
ception or Awarenessroll to allowthe character to de- Bloodhound abilityis temporarily"blinded." Until she can
tect it.Buteveninsuchsituations,the characterreceives get that scent out of her nose, whichcould take any-
a minimumof three extra dice whenmakingany Percep- where from a tum to an hour dependingon the circum-
tion roll based on taste. Furthermore, by flicking his stances, she won't be able to followany scents.
tongue in and out of his mouthin the mannerof a snake, This enhancementis alwayson and costs no quan-
the character can halveany penalties relating to dark- tum points to use.
ness, as the character literally"tastes" vibrationsin the Electromagnetic Vision
air. By processingand amplifyingwavesin the middle
WithAnalyticTouch,the character'ssense of touch end of the electromagneticspectrum (infrared, visible
is so heightenedthat he can differentiatemanyobjects

16? ( Hi\f'H Rf OUR Mf G/1. /1.llRIBUTLS & ENH/1.NUMENTS


light,ultraviolet),the character providesherself with a

numberof sensory abilities.
System: The character spends a quantumpoint to
activatethe powerfor (Perception+ Mega-Perception)
turns. Whiledoingso, the character gains an additional
three diceon anyAwarenessrollrelated to vision. Addi-
tionally,thisenhancementprovidesa numberof benefits:
• Ultraviolet vision:The character can see in the
ultraviolet("UV")spectrum,allowingher to see clearly
and withoutpenalty wheneverUVillumination(such as
fromthe sun,moonor stars) is present.Likea cat, she is
able to see in conditionsof very little light.The charac-
ter can see as wellin darkness as in daylight,provided
that there is at least some light (even faint starlight is
enough). If she is in total blackness(suchas an unlitun-
dergroundroom), she cannot see.
• Infraredvision: The character is able to see in
the infrared("JR") spectrum.Not onlycan she see any-
thingilluminated by an JRlight,she can see the heat given
off by living things and hot objects. Hot things appear
"bright," cool things"dark."
• Visible lightattuner: The character can magnify
objects in her line of sight, as thoughshe were a high-
poweredtelescopicscope or electron microscope.Usu-
ally,novasuse thisabilityto viewtinyobjectswhichwould
ordinarilybe beyondthe character's rangeof vision,but
it can also helpsee objects at a distance. The character
can alsosee distant objects as if they were close up. For
each dot of Mega-Perception,the character can mag-
nify distant or tiny imagesby a factor of 10 (xl00 at
Mega-Perception2, xl000 at Mega-Perception3, etc.).
Useof thisenhancementnegatesrange penalties,as well
as difficultypenaltiessuffered whenstrikingat charac-
ters withthe powerof Sizemorph(Shrinking).
High-End Electromagnetic
The charactercan transmitand receivewavesfrom
the gamma-and x-ray end of the electromagneticspec-
trum. This allowshimto "see" throughsolidobjects,at a
range equal to (Perception + Mega-Perception)x 20
System: By spendinga quantumpoint, taking an
action and makinga Perceptionroll, the character may
see throughsolidobjects. The Storytellermayincrease
the difficultyto scan throughparticularlydense objects.
Extras : None
Hyperenhanced Hearing
A novawith this enhancementcan hear and trans-
mit soundsthat are too high-pitchedor low-pitchedto
be audibleto the normalhumanear, suchas dogwhistles,
radio waves,or security devices that utilizeultrasonic
System.: The character spends a quantumpoint to
activatethe powerfor (Perception+Mega-Perception)
turns. Whiledoingso, the character gains an additional


three dice on any Awareness,Intrusionor other appro- Ultraperipheral Perception
priate rollrelated to hearing. Additionally,this enhance- Sometimesyou'llhear someonedescribed as "hav-
ment providesa numberof benefits: ing eyes in the back of his head." A novawith this en-
• Infra/ultrason ic hearing: Most characters can- hancementjust about meets that description. He can
not hear infrasonic or ultrasonic soundat all. A novawith sense allaroundhimselfmoreor less as readily as he can
this enhancementcan, though the Storyteller may re- lookstraight ahead.
quire an Awarenessrollif the soundis extremelysoft or System:A character with UltraperipheralPercep-
distant - just likehe wouldwith anynormalwhisper or tion can perceive things in a 360-degree circle around
distant sound. himselfwithout turning his head. This enhancementpre-
• Sonar: Likea bat, the novacan emit sonar waves vents a character frombeingsurprised by peoplesneak-
whichtravel awayfrom her, hit objects and "bounce" ing up on him from behind. Attackers do not gain flank
backto their source. This sense tellsthe characterwhere or rear attack bonuses to hit him. It also allowshimto
things are, how big they are and other gross physical keep track of everythingsurroundinghim.
qualities. On the other hand,sonar does not revealfiner This effect costs a quantumpoint and lasts for a
details or visualdetails, suchas the numberof fingerson scene.
a hand,color,finetextureor print. Sonarworksina 360-
degree radiusaroundthe character and are sufficiently
accurate to allowthe character to launchattacks with-
out any lossof dice or other penalties. Sonarcan be de-
tected with RadioScan.
• Radioscan:The nameof this techniqueis slightly
misleading,since it actuallyallowsthe character to per-
ceiveallbroadcastwaves, includingradio, televisionand
cellulartelephonetransmissions. The character mayalso
t.ransmit alongsuch wavelengths, thoughhe can trans-
mit voiceonly.
The character mayvoluntarily"shut off ' the sense
(to keep frombeing inundatedwith signals). Hecan also
edit out specific frequencies so that he hears onlya spe-
cific radio broadcast rather than all radio broadcasts,
television, and other broadcasts.
Intelligence, according to some, is the ultimate
Quantum Attunement weapon. If that's the case, a nova with this Mega-At-
The charactercansensethe ebbsandAowsof quan- tribute is ready to fight in any war.
tum energies in her vicinity . This gives her a A character with Mega-Intelligence is intelligent
hyperenhancedperception, allowingher to sense her beyondthe dreamsof even mostgeniuses. His abilityto
surroundingson the molecularlevel,even if her other makedeductive "leaps" from unrelatedfacts to a con-
senses havebeen incapacitated. The character muststill clusion,to solvedifficult problemsand to analyzesitua-
face in the generaldirectionof whatshe wishes to per- tions is nearly unparalleled. In some cases, novas with
ceive. highMega-Intelligence ratings have put powerfulcom-
System: By spending one quantumpoint per turn, puters to shame. In fact, even one dot of Mega-Intelli-
the character can attune herself to quantumenergies in gence effectively indicates that the humanIQ scale can
the area. Amongother things, this allowsthe character no longerbe appliedto the Mega-intelligentnova.
to makean Awarenessrollto senseher surroundingseven Like Intelligenceitself, Mega-Intelligencemainly
if completelydeprivedof one or moresenses. The char- representsthe qualityof a character'sthinkingprocesses
acter can also scan other novas by making a Medicine - howclearlyand preciselyhe can put facts together
roll; this allowsthe character to sense the roughlevelof and draw conclusions from them. However , unlikeIntel-
Quantum,Node and TaintTraits possessedby the other ligence, to a certain extent it also measuresthe speed at
nova. Withthree or moresuccesses, the charactermight whicha character can analyzefacts and performcalcu-
be able to guess at the other nova's powers,thoughthe lations. Characterswith highIntelligencesolveproblems
Storyteller should describe this in narrative terms, as quickly, but a novawith even Mega-Intelligence1makes
eddies and shifts in the localquantumflow(e.g., "Your them looklike mental tortoises. Whenit comesto react-
foe clencheshis fists, and quantumforces begin seeth- ing fast under pressure, though, Wits and Mega-Wits
ingaroundhis outstretched hands" as opposedto "He's stillrule the day.
going to throw a QuantumBolt"; "When she stretches,
nuclear forces scream and hiss around her frame," as
opposedto "She's got Mega-Strength 4.").



• Stupendous:Youdo advancedcal- If a novasucceeds in analyzingthe weaknessesin

culusproblemsin your sleep. largerobjects,suchas buildings,vehiclesor bridges,she
•• Amazing:Supergeniuseslookon knowswhere the cracks,weaknessesand/ or stresses in
you with envy. the object are. This analysisallowsher to place explo-
••• Incredible:An auditoriumfullof siveswhere they willbe the mosteffective,or to effect
professorsdoesn't have as much repairs as quicklyand efficientlyas possible. For each
brainpoweras you. success the character achieveson his Intelligenceroll,
•••• Spectacular: Yourmemoryfor even she receives an extra die (or sometimesmore) for re-
the most trivialdetails never fails lated Abilityrolls to affect the object in some way. For
you. example,if the nova's player achievesthree successes
••••• Godlike:Youmakesupercomputers on her AnalyzeWeaknessrollwhenexamininga space-
lookslowand stupid. craft, she receivesthree extra dice for Engineeringrolls
to fixor modifythe craft - or three extra dice for rolls
Mega-Intelligence Enhance- to destroy the ship with a bomb,since she knowsjust
ments where to put the bombfor maximumeffect.
Enhancementsthat characters with Mega-Intelli- If the novasucceeds in analyzinga systemor pro-
gence maylearn or purcha.se include: cedure - suchas a securitysystemor program,a plan
Analyze Weakness of attack, a tactical situation or a bureaucraticsystem
- she knowswhataspects of it are not as goodas they
Virtuallyeverything- every object, every sys-
could be; what parts of it are Aawed,weak or ineffi-
tem, every procedure - has flaws, weaknessesand
cient; and how the system or procedure could be im-
vulnerablepoints. In manyinstancesthese problemsare
proved.For each successthe playerachieveson her In-
so minoras to be unnoticeableto the averageperson. A
telligenceroll,she receivesone die (or sometimesmore)
novawith this ability,however,is not the "average per-
for related Abilityrollsto affect the object in someway.
son." Bydint of her vast intellectand analyticalprowess,
Forexample,if the nova'splayerachievestwo successes
she is able to detect where these weaknessesare, and
when analyzingthe guard patrols and other security
she knowshowto exploitthem to her advantage.
measures protecting a mercenary base in Africa, she
System:A nova with this enhancementis able to
gainstwo extra dice for Intrusionrollsto sneak intothat
detect weaknessesin objects, systemsand procedures.
base. If she were trying to get informationout of the
Sometimesthis Aawis physical(a place wherea crack is
federal court system,she wouldreceive two extra dice
likelyto develop) and sometimesa less tangibleweak-
for her Bureaucracyroll.
ness (a part of a security net where protection is light-
est). but ineither case, the novacan locate the problem. Eidetic Memory
Tofindandanalyzea weakness,the novamustspend AnynovawithMega-Intelligence has a well-devel-
an action lookingat and consideringan object or sys- oped memory.A nova with this enhancement,though,
tem. Then she spends a quantumpoint and makesan In- has a memorythat's virtuallyfoolproof. He can remem-
telligenceroll.The Storytellercan increasethe difficulty ber in precise detail just about anythingthat has hap-
of the roll if the nova is examininga particularlywell- pened to him. Anythinghe takes the time to study re-
madeor relativelyAawlessobject or if the systemor pro- mainslodgedin his mind. However,just because he can
cedurebeinganalyzedis so efficientthat it generallylacks store a particularfact in his memorydoes not mean he
any vulnerabilities.If the roll fails, the object or proce- can recall it instantly. Sometimesa character with Ei-
dure is withoutweaknessesor workingat peak efficiency detic Memoryhas to stop and thinkfor severalseconds
as far as the novacan tell. A novacan try to analyzethe or minutes,slowlyreadingdowna mentalpageor through
weaknessesin a particularobject or system only once a mentalfile untilhe retrieves the fact he wants.
per scene; if she failsit willbe a whilebefore she can try System:A character with Eidetic Memoryis as-
again. sumedto haveperfect, and nearlyinstantaneous,recol-
If the rollsucceeds, there are severalpossibleef- lection of anythingthat has happened to him. For ex-
fects. If the novais analyzinga physicalobject, such as ample,suppose that the characters have spent an hour
body armor or a wall,the soak valueof any armor pro- workingtheir waythroughthe labyrinthinehallsof some
vided by the object (both bashingand lethal)is reduced Teragen base. After the climacticencounter,the char-
by one per success. This effect can be applied t.o any- acters realize,to their dismay,that they cannot remem-
thing that offers physicalprotection, such as another ber how to get out again. Fortunately,one of them has
nova'sForceField,eventhoughit is not literallya "physi- EideticMemory,and he can leadthemback the waythey
cal object." came in withoutany problem.



Rememberingstudiedinformation worksa little dif- lion, are all possible.

ferently. Theoretically, the character has perfect recall The player mustspend a quantumpoint and make
of anything he has studied, from the phone book to ad- an Intelligence rollat + 1difficultyto memorizethe cho-
vancedquantumphysics textbooks. However,the prob- sen information successfully . Once memorized, the in-
lem with this in game terms is that it can provide the formation remainsin the character's short-term memory
characterwithmanyAbilities for free - a situation that for a period equal to one day per dot of Mega-Intelli-
isn't fair to the other characters. Therefore, the Story- gence. After that period has passed, the information
teller needs to restrict this aspect of Eidetic Memoryin beginsto fade at the rate of about 25% per day untilthe
a couple of ways. First, Eidetic Memoryprovides only character's recollection of it is virtuallygone.
academicknowledge. It doesn't teach a character how Characters may, if they wish, use their Enhanced
to do anything. The character might havememorized an Memoryas a justification for buyinga particularAbility,
entire book on plumbing, but since he's never actually which reflects permanentrecollection of a memorized
put wrenchto pipe in his life, he can't fix plumbing sys- subject.
tems. He'd be qualified to advisea character whodoes
havesuch skills, though.
Mathematical Savant
Second, a character may not be able to recall a Calculator'? Computer'? Who needs them'? A nova
memorized fact quickly, as stated previously. Whenever withthis abilitycan run numbersin his head so fast that
the character wants to use his EideticMemory, the Sto- reachingfor an electroniccalculatoris usuallya wasteof
ryteller shouldrequire an Intelligenceroll. The Story- time.
teller mayincreasethe difficultyfor particularlyobscure System:A novawith the MathematicalSavanten-
facts. The Storytellershouldalsoset a base timerequired hancementcan performcomplexmathematicalequations
for the novato recall the fact; this base time can range in his head almostinstantly. Multiplication and division,
from instantly,to one tum, to a minuteor more. Each even involvingfour- to eight-digitnumbers, takesonlya
additionalsuccessachieved on the Intelligencerollcuts secondor two. Morecomplexalgebra, trigonometryor
the recalltime in half. calculusproblemsmay take up to a minute. Extremely
Characterswith Eidetic Memoryshouldbe encour- complexmathematicaloperations such as all the calcu-
aged to spend experiencepoints to buy Abilities related lationsnecessaryto launcha rocket to Jupiter, maytake
to facts they havememorized. Thus, this enhancementis up to an hour.
an excellentjustificationfor characters to buy all sorts Wheneverthe character is using a skillor Ability
of unusualand fun Abilities. involvingmath, such as trying to decode an encrypted
This enhancementis alwaysin effect and costs no message, the Storytellershouldallowthe player to make
quantumpoints to activate. an Intelligenceroll. Eachsuccess bestowsan additional
die for any related Ability rolls.
Enhanced Memory This enhancementis alwaysin effect, and it costs
A novawiththis enhancementlacksthe long-term no quantumpoints to activate.
brainpowerthat a nova with EideticMemoryhas, but
what he lacks in long-termmemoryhe makesup for in
Linguistic Genius
short-term recall. Hecan study a subject and, for a brief Que/leheureet ii?
period, remembereverythinghe studiedalmostexactly. t Hablaespaiiol,senor?
Althoughthis informationfades quicklyafter that pe- Bomdia!
riod expires, it's there long enough for a character to Sprechensie deutsch?
makeuse of it - say, on a mission. EnhancedMemory These phrasesare allas goodas hisnativelanguage
is perfect for memorizingthings like floor plans. guard to a novawith this enhancement.A character with Lin-
patrol schedulesand personalinformationabout a tar- guistic Geniusis, literally,a genius at linguistics and lan-
get - just the sort of facts that come in handyon many guage interpretation. He can usuallyspeak a lot of lan-
m1ss1ons . guages Auently,but more than that, he has an intuitive
System:The character chooses a particular sub- understanding of the structure and nature of language.
ject or collectionof data to memorize. The subject must Evenif he has never heard a particularlanguagebefore,
not be too extensive- he can't choosethe entire works if he listens to someonespeakingit for a little while, he
of Shakespeare,for example. However,a completemis- willbe able to determine what the person is saying. He
sion briefing, or one or two textbooks,or the ability to won't necessarilybe able to speak the languagehimself,
speaka languageenoughto carry on a basic conversa- so he mightnot be able to respond or participate in a


conversation,but he willknowwhat's beingsaid to him, System:Wheneverthe character is involvedwith
and sometimesthat's enoughto solveany problems. situations or problems concerning economicsand fi-
System : Acharacterwiththisenhancementreceives nance,the playermaymakean Intelligenceroll.Foreach
fiveautomaticsuccesseswhenthe playermakesLinguis- successachieved,the playergainsan additionaldie when
tics rolls. Furthermore,the numberof languagefamilies makingrollsrelated to such subjects.
withwhichhe is familiaris quadrupled.Thus,a novawith • Investigative: SherlockHolmeshas nothingon a
Linguistics5 andLinguisticGeniuswouldbe familiarwith novawith this ability. The character is a deductiveand
20 languagefamilies. investigativegenius,able to read volumesof informa-
Evenbetter, the character has a limitedabilityto tion from the smallestclues. Althoughhe does not nec-
comprehendspeech in languageswith whichhe is not essarilyhaveany knowledgeof forensicscience,he has
familiar.When he hears a languagehe does not know, an intuitiveability to figure out what clues mean. This
the playermaymakean Intelligenceroll. The Storyteller abilitymakeshima matchless detective - or a nearly
shouldadd a difficultymodifierfor especiallycomplex uncatchablecriminal.
languages,situationswhere the character has difficulty System:Wheneverthe character is investigatinga
hearingthe languagebeingspokenor when the charac- crime,interrogatingsomeone,or trying to solvea mys-
ter is not able to listen to the languagefor very long. tery or puzzle,the playermaymakean Intelligenceroll.
This enhancement is alwaysin effect and costs no For each successachieved,he mayrollan additionaldie
quantumpointsto activate. whenmakingInvestigationrolls,Interrogationrolls,Sci-
ence rollsfor specialtiessuch as Criminology, Medicine
Mental Prodigy rollsfor the specialtyForensicPathologyor related rolls
This broad enhancementis actuallyseveraldiffer- (it is the Storyteller'sdiscretionas to whatconstitutesa
ent enhancementsgrouped under a commonheading. "related" roll,based on the situation).
Eachof themrepresents a novawhohas an innatetalent • Medical:MarcusWelby,eat your heart out -
for,"feel for" or skillat a particulartype of Intelligence- and if you do, this character mightjust be able to patch
based (or -related) ability. The character must select a you back up. A nova with this enhancementis able to
specificcategory of this enhancement. diagnosediseases,treat injuriesand heal the sick as well
When a character spends a quantumpoint to acti- as an experienced physician.If he actuallyhas formal
vate thisenhancement,the effects and bonusesreceived medicaltraining (i.e., the MedicineAbility),he's even
last for a minimumof an hour,and possiblylongerat the better.
Storyteller'sdiscretion. System:Wheneverthe character is involvedwith
Catergoriesinclude: situationsor problemsconcerningmedicine,healingin-
• Engineeri ng: AnEngineeringProdigyis a certifi- juries, fightingoff illnessesand diagnosingdiseases,the
ablegeniuswhenit comesto workingwithelectronicand player may make an Intelligenceroll. For each success
mechanicaldevices. He has an innate understandingof achieved, he may roll an additional die when making
howsuch devices work,howto repair or improvethem Medicinerollsand any other rollsrelated to those tasks.
and the synergiesthat result whenparticulartechnolo- • Scientific:A ScientificProdigyis to generalsci-
giesare combined.Hecan makeintuitiveleapsthat leave ence what an EngineeringProdigy is to workingwith
ordinaryengineersscratchingtheir headsin puzzlement. technologicaldevices.Hehas an intuitiveunderstanding
System: Wheneverthe character workswithelec- of scientificsubjects in general,includingthe interrela-
tronic or mechanicaldevices, the player may make an tionshipsof various scientificspecialties and the best
Intelligenceroll. For each success he achieves,he may waysto performexperimentsor analyzescientificdata.
roll one extra die when makingEngineeringrollsor re- System:Wheneverthe character is involvedwith
lated rolls (it is the Storyteller's discretionas to what situationsor problems concerningscience or scientific
constitutesa "related" roll,based on the situation). subjects (but excludingsubjects covered by Engineer-
• Financial: Economicsisn'tsucha "dismalscience" ing Prodigyor MedicalProdigy,unless the Storyteller
to a novawiththis ability. Hehas a naturalunderstanding rules otherwise), the player may make an Intelligence
of economicsand economicsystems,highFinance,mar- roll.Foreach successachieved, he mayrollan additional
ket manipulationand moneyin general.Givehima few die whenmakingSciencerolls.
dollarsto investand he'llsoon turn them into a fortune. • Tactical:A novawith this enhancementis a ge-
Givehiman economyto manageand it willsoonbe hum- niuswhen it comes to analyzingtactical and battlefield
mingalongefficientlyand productively.Let himanalyze situations,evaluatingresourcesanddeterminingthe best
the stock marketfor you, and you willbe able to chart a wayto applythose resources to achievevictory in that
productiveinvestmentstrategy for years to come. situation.Hisabilityto pullvictoryfrom the jaws of de-


feat, beat numericallysuperiorenemiesandconcoctbril-
liantstrategicand tacticalplansis nothingless than phe-
nomenal.And this abilityoften worksjust as wellwhen
applied to less dangerous,but no less violent,"battle-
fields" - such as the cutthroat corporate arena.
System:Wheneverthe character is involvedwith
situations or problemsconcerningtactics, strategy or
warfare (includingsuch things as corporate economic
warfareor politicalcampaigns),the playermaymakean
Intelligenceroll.For each success achieved,he mayroll
an additionaldie whenmakingrollsrelated to such sub-
jects. The character alsogainsa permanent+3to Initia-
tive. Mega-Wits is the flip side of Mega-Dexterity.
Mega-Dexterityreflects how quicklysome novas can
Speed Reading moveand react physically . Mega-Witsis howfast some
A nova with this enhancementis able to process novas can act and react mentally.As with Mega-Dex-
writtenand textualinformationfar faster than the aver- terity, each dot of Mega-Witsadds one to Initiativerat-
age reader. Whenhe's studyingsomething,sit back and ings.
watchthe pages fly past. Mega-Witsis one of the mostdisturbingMega-At-
System:The characteris ableto read text (whether tributesfor normalhumansto deal with. Watchinga nova
in a book,on a computerscreen or in anyother medium) pickup a truck or outrace bulletsjust seemssort of sur-
four timesas fast as the averagehighlyeducatedperson real after a while. But to see someone standing there
withoutany loss of comprehension:Additionally , when- calmlyin the middleof a firefight or workinga social
ever he is usinghisSpeed Readingability,the playermay situationlikea grandmasterwhocansee 20 movesahead
makean Intelligenceroll;each success adds one to the isdisconcerting.It's strangeto see suchlevel-headedness
speed multiplier for his reading (one success meanshe in the face of terrifying(to a normalhuman)danger or
is readingfivetimesas fast, twosuccessesmeansixtimes the applicationof superpowersin such "ordinary"situ-
as fast and so on). ations.
Thisenhancementis permanentandcosts no quan- • Stupendous:Evenwhenbulletsare
tum points to use. whizzingpastyourhead,youremain
Taint Resistance calmand collected.
•• Amazing:Everyonearoundyou
Thisnovais ableto makeamazinglyefficientuse of
hangson your witty words.
his brain cells, squeezingevery last drop out of the old
••• Incredible:Nothingsurprisesyou
gray matter.Asa result,the novasuffers less frommen-
- andevenif somethingdid.you'd
tal aberrationsbroughton byexpansionof the M-Rnode
never showit.
and tends to be more stable mentally.
•••• Spectacular:Foolingyou is aboutas
easy as fittingan elephantthrough
a doorway.
NodeBackground,subtractthe character'sdots inMega-
••••• Godlike:Nothingon Earth can dis-
lnt.elligencefromthe Nodelevel. Thus,a novawithNode
turb your savoir-faire.
3 and Mega-Intelligence1withTaintResistancegets no
Taint from the Node Background,and wouldget only Mega -W its Enhancements
one point of Taint if she increasedher Node to 4. Enhancementsthat characterswithMega-Witsmay
learn or purchaseinclude:
Additionally,whenthe novagainsa mentalaberra-
tion, subtract the nova'sdots in Mega-Intelligencefrom Artistic Genius
the character's Taint to determine the severity of the A nova with this abilitypossesses an intuitivear-
aberration. This willnot eliminatean aberration that is tistic sense andskill. Heknowswhat"works"artistically,
only mild,but willlessen the effect of higher Taint on what doesn't, whichcolors complementeach other and
mentalaberrations, allowingthe nova to Functionwith how to knock a chip off a sculpturehere and there to
less impairmentas his brain reroutes around damaged turn a pedestrian piece into a masterwork. He mayalso
areas. be a skilledwriter,ableto express witha singlesentence
Thisenhancementis permanentandcosts no quan- or paragraph what it takes others pages and pages to
tum points to use. say. Novaswhoare ArtisticGeniusesare often the dar-
lingsof the highbrowart scene.



System: Wheneverthe character is attempting to System: The player of a nova with this enhance-
create or analyzeart, literature,cinemaor similarworks ment maymakea Wits rollat a difficulty penalty of one
or subjects, the player may make a Wits roll. For each wheneverhe decides to performmultipleactions(seep .
success achieved, he receives one automatic success 110).If he succeeds,the multipleactionpenalty(the num-
whenmakingArts rollsand related rolls. ber of dice subtractedfromhisdice pool,inother words)
This enhancementis alwaysin effect, and it costs is halved, rounding in favor of the character. Thus, a
no quantumpoints to activate. Multitaskingnovawhodecides to performthree actions
in a tum subtracts one die fromthe first task's dice pool,
Enhanced Initiative two dice from the second task's dice pool and two dice
Reacting in combat isn't just a matter of physical from the third task's dice pool (as opposed to the stan-
reAexes- it's a matter of quick thinking and mental dard dice penalties).
reaction time as well.Someonewho is able to compre- This power costs one quantumpoint per turn of
hend and analyzea combatsituationquickly- such as activation.
a novawith this enhanc~ment- has a definite advan-
tage over combatantswho react more slowly. Natural Empath
System:The playerof a novawith EnhancedInitia- Despite their inhumanity (or, as some wouldsay,
tive mayadd fivepoints to his Initiativerating whenever transcendenceof humanity),somenovasare very skilled
he pays the standard one quantumpoint cost. This bo- at figuringout what people are feeling. They have an
nus lasts Foronlyone turn; if the novawants the bonus instinctiveabilityto gaugeemotionsandemotionalstates.
to continue,he mustpayanotherquantumpointnext tum. Morehonorablenovasuse this poweras a wayto relate
A novamaypurchasethis enhancementmore than once, to {andoffer comfort to) normal people; selfish novas
thus gaining+10Initiative, +15Initiativeand so on. use it as a tool to manipulate,harass or degrade humans.
Additionally,if a nova with this enhancementde- System:Wheneverhischaracteris within10 meters
layshis actionand then acts at the same time as another of a normal human, the playermaymakea Wits roll. If he
character with a delayed action, the nova automatically succeeds, the nova has a general idea of the current
goes first without havingto roll. However, if the other emotionalstate of the person - happy,depressed, an-
character also has EnhancedInitiative or Mega-Dexter- gry, lustfuland so on. The more successes he achieves,
ity, the two players must roll in the usualfashionto de- the more accurate his assessmentof the person's emo-
terminewhoacts first. tions. In the right circumstances, the novamighteven be
able to determinewhat is causing the person to feel that
Lie Detector way, and what to do to change his emotionalstate (if
No polygraphis needed whena novawith this en- necessary).
hancementis around. Whenshe listensto a person talk- At distances greater than 10 meters, the novacan
ing and concentrates on what he is saying,she can in- still try to determine what emotionsa person is feeling,
stantly detect whether he is lyingor not. but it is harder. Out to 20 meters the difficulty increases
System: A novawith this Mega-Witsenhancement by one; 30 meters, by two; 50 meters, by three. The
needs only concentrate on what someone is saying to powercannot work beyond50 meters.
determine(withouta roll) if he is telling the truth or not. Regardless of the distanceto the "target," the nova
However,this ability does not reveal the truth per se, must be able to see himclearly. In some cases it maybe
onlythat someoneis tellinga falsehood. Furthermore, it necessaryto observehimfor severalminutesin order to
does not indicatethat a character is lyingif that charac- analyzehis emotionalstate correctly.
ter believesthat what he is sayingis the truth, even if it Players of novas with Natural Empathgain three
turns out to be wrong. If a "target" is particularlyskilled extra dice whenmakingRapport rolls. These dice come
at hidingthe truth (for example, he has high Manipula- in addition to any bonuses received simply for having
tion or Subterfuge Traits, or is a pathologicalliar), the Mega-Wits.
Storyteller may require the nova to makea Wits roll to This enhancementcosts a quantumpoint to acti-
determinewhether a lie is beingtold. vate and lasts for an entire scene.
One quantumpoint activates this power for an en-
tire scene. Quickness
Similarto both EnhancedInitiativeand Multitasking,
Multitasking this enhancementallowsa nova to take extra actions in
Novaswho wish for two heads and four hands so
combat. A nova with multiplelevels of this ability be-
that they can get everythingdone appreciate this en- comes a whirlwindof carnage and destruction in com-
hancement.It allowsa novato perform multipleactions bat, incapacitatinghis enemiesbefore they can even re-
with much more ease than the typical person. Indeed, act.
some novas make taking multipleactions seem almost



System:By spending a quantum point, the nova

gains an extra physical action during the current combat Social
tum. This action incursno dice poolpenalty- the nova
mayuse his fulldice poolswith both of his actions. How- Mega-Attributes
ever, this act ion comes two places later than the
character's Initiative rating for the turn.
A nova may purchase this enhancement multiple
times, thus gaining the ability to act three, four or more
times ina singlecombatturn with no dice pool penalties.
However,each extra action costs an additionalquantum
point and incurs an additional -2 Initiative penalty. Ac-
tions takenmustbe physicalactions; mostquantumpow-
ers, even "physical" ones likeQuantumBolt, maynot be
activatedmultiple times, thoughsuper-strength punches
or dodges maybe. The effects of Quickness last onlyfor
the turn of activation.
Synergy Mega-Attributesrepresent the extremes of nova
A novawiththis enhancementworksand playswell nature (and thus, some wouldsay, of humannature as
with others. He has an instinctiveability to figure out well). Nowhere is this more apparent than Mega-Ap-
what other people he is workingwith are going to do pearance. It shows, in the mostobviousand up-front way
and what he can do to assist them or complementtheir possible, just howmuchbetter - and howmuchworse
efforts. Hebecomesthe oil that keepsthe machine work- - novascan be than humans.
ing at peak efficiency. Typically, Mega-Appearancerepresentsa novawho
System:Wheneverthe novaperforms a task with is extraordinarily handsomeor beautiful.In this case the
other players' characters in such a way that they com- nova shouldhave a standard Appearancescore of 3 or
binesuccessesto achieve a comn;iongoal, typicallyas an higher,and 5 is not uncommon.Unlikethe "Unearthly
ext.ended action(see p. 109), the nova'splayermaymake Beauty" aberration, the goodlooksderivingfromMega-
a Wits roll. Everyonein the group receivesan additional Appearance generallyare not especially unnervingto
die for each success the nova's player achieves on his normalhumans. They may inspire many emotions -
roll.This die applies to whateverrollsany givenmember love, lust, envy, worship,you name it - but they usu-
of the group is making to advance the group's goal or ally do not give rise to the feelingsof unease, disquiet
complete their task. The die bonus applies to all rolls and even disgust that UnearthlyBeauty does. Indeed,
madefor aboutan hour or untilthe job is finished,which- Mega-beautifuland - handsome novas are among the
ever comes sooner. The player may not make multiple most popular of the "new humans," and they are fre-
Wits rollsto get multiplebonuses; onlyone Synergybo- quentlyfeatured on television, in advertisingcampaigns
nus can apply to a givengroup during a giventime pe- and other mediaoutlets.
riod. Eachdot of Mega-Appearancerepresentinggood
looks grants an additional die on all Style rolls. The
character's beauty or handsomenessis such that he is
ableto makeeventhe worstclotheslookgood(not fash-
ionable, maybe, but good). Similarly, the character usu-
allymakesa good first impression on looksalone.
In somerare instancesMega-Appearancecan rep-
resent the opposite extreme, signifyinga nova whose
looksare Mega-ugly,evenMega-horrifying. In this case
the nova'sstandard Appearanceratingcannot be higher
than I withoutspecialStoryteller permission (perhaps a
half-beautiful, halfterrifyinglyuglycharactercouldhave
a high Appearance and high "ugliness"Mega-Appear-
ance, for example). Mega-uglycharacters typicallyhave
high Taint ratings, and they often become as mentally
twisted as their bodies are physicallytwisted - anti-
socialand cruel, and alltoo ready to destroy any beauty


whichconfronts them. A Mega-uglycharacter is an ex- or decreasingany particularaspect of figureor appear-
ception to the rule that Mega-Attributescannot tran- ance by no more than 20% or so.
scend their normalhumanAttributeanalogs;a character System:The novacan makechangesinhis appear-
can have an Appearanceof I and Mega-Appearance of ance withinthe aforementionedguidelines,either con-
any levelso longas it is definedas Mega-ugliness. sciouslyor unconsciously . Anychangesother than those
Mega-uglycharacters do not receive bonus Style listed require the Storyteller's permission.In no event
dice. However,they receive a likeamountof bonusdice can the character reshape his bodyto growclaws,wings
to any Intimidationrolls. or eyestalks, for example.Onlyoutwardphysicalappear-
• Stupendous:Missor Mister ance can change. Sincethis enhancementdepends upon
Americalooksplainnext to you.You the perceptionsand tastes of those observingthe char-
receive one extra die for all Style acter, it cannot functionas a disguiseor to conceal the
rolls(in additionto your Mega- character's identity.
Attributedice). To change his appearance consciously,the nova
•• Amazing:A face that can launchat need onlypaythe one quantumpointand willthe changes
least a hundredships, if not more. intoeffect.To changeappearance t.o matchwhat a par-
Youreceive two extra dice for all ticularpersonor groupof peoplefinddesirable,the nova
Style rolls. must pay the quantumpoint and be in that person or
••• Incredible:Okay,at least 500 ships. persons' presence for a minuteor two. Duringthat time
Youreceive three extra dice for all the changes willslowly but surely take place. The nova
Style rolls. can draw the changesout over a period of up to a day if
•••• Spectacular:Helenof Troy,Adonis. he prefers, whichis sometimesdoneto keep fromfright-
Youreceive four extra dice for all eningpeople whoare not used to nova powers.
Style rolls. A novacannot use AppearanceAlterationto make
••••• Godlike:Aphrodite,Freya. Youre- himselfresemblea specificother individual;that requires
ceive five extra dice for all Style the Copycatenhancement.Nor can he use it to hide par-
rolls. ticularly grotesque aberrations unless the Storyteller
specificallypermits it. For example,some forms of Ab-
Mega-Appearance Enhance- errant EyesmightbeaffectedbyAppearanceAlteration;
ments VestigialLimbscouldnever be hiddenthis way.
Enhancementsthat characters withMega-Appear- The powerlasts for one scene.
ance maypurchase include:
Awe -Inspiring
Appearance Alteration Many myths tell of gods and demons whose vis-
Don'tlikeyour looks'?lf you're a novawith this en- ages are too "awful"(awe-inspiring)for mortalsto gaze
hancement,you can do somethingabout them. upondirectly. A novawith this enhancementhas taken a
AppearanceAlterationallowsa nova to make mi- page from that book, for his appearance, too, inspires
nor changesto his or her appearance. This can be done awe.
simplyon a whim,or for fun. However,one of its main A nova with the Awe-Inspiringenhancementhas
uses for novaswhorely heavilyon their good looks is to looksthat, for whateverreason, giverise to awe, admi-
makesure they liveup to a particularperson'sor culture's ration and even worship. Normal humans often have
idea of what is ' beautiful." Someonewho is beautifulin, trouble dealing with him in a straightforward manner.
say, America may not meet the standards for beauty Weak-willedpeoplefeelmoreinclinedto edge awayner-
amongcertain ThirdWorldtribes; great beauty in China vouslyor be worshipful;evenstronger-willedpeoplefeel
may be uglinessin Argentina. Even more importantly, intimidated,inadequateand cowed. It's not uncommon
individuals' ideas of what is beautifuldiffer wildly.One for an Awe-Inspiringnova to be surrounded by an en-
guy is a "leg man," another goes wild for womenwith tourage of fawning,adoringlackeyswherever he goes.
red hair. Some womenlike men with "tight," muscular System:This effect works only when the people
bodies, others look at the eyes or some other feature are in the nova'spresence and lookingat him; whenthey
insteadof the figure. are awayfrom himor not lookingat himAwe-Inspiring
A novawith AppearanceAlterationcan satisfy all cannot affect them. Of course, they maycome to wor-
of these people. He can make minor changes or subtly ship and revere him anyway,even if they are not near
remoldhisbodyto conformto the desiresof those around him, but that depends upon the individualsin question.
him. "Minorchanges" include: changinghair,eye or skin Awe-Inspiringis not Domination;it's far weaker than
color; gainingor losingup to about 50 pounds;gaining that, and it shouldn'tbe playedthat way.
or losingup to about four inchesof heightand increasing



For each dot the playerof a novawithAwe-Inspir- System:Face of Terror allowsa nova to assumea
inghas in Mega-Appearance,he receivesone automatic ter rifying appearance. This ability is most common
success whenmakingIntimidation, Commandand Inter- amongnovaswhoare Mega-ugly,but it is not restricted
rogationrolls(inadditionto the standardMega-Attribute to them. Sometimesit is even more horrifyingto see a
bonuses for Mega-Appearance). He shouldget similar Formof great beauty slowlywarp itself into something
bonuses to any roll related to persuadingor inspiring terrifyinglyhideous.
people. This enhancementis one of manyreasons why To use this power, the novasimplyspends a quan-
governmentofficialsare terrified of the idea of novas tum point.If he is ordinarilyugly,the terrifyingchanges
becomingheavilyinvolvedin politics or religion. to his appearance maybe slight,or evennonexistent-
Awe-Inspiringis affected negativelyby Taint.For but somethingabout his appearance becomes not just
each aberration the novahas, reduce the Awe-Inspiring bad-looking,but very frightening. It's as if an aura of
automatic successesby one. If the nova's aberrationsever fear surroundshim.If the character is normallybeautiful
exceed his dots in Mega-Appearance,his Awe-Inspir- (or at least not ugly), the changesto his appearance will
ing enhancement no longer has any effect on people. bemuchmoreextreme.Theywilltake placeover no more
Similarly, a characterwithAwe-Inspiring generallyshould than a minute, and sometimes, it happens much more
not be Mega-ugly; that does little to inspire worshipin quicklythan that.
anyone. ln either case, the nova's appearance remainster-
This enhancementcosts one quantumpoint to ac- rifying for a scene; this time limitcan be extended by
tivate and lasts for a scene. Evenwhen it isn't actively spendingmore quantumpoints. Whilethis enhancement
"on," the novais still phenomenallycaptivating,and the is in effect, the playerreceivesthree automaticsuccesses
Storytellershouldkeep this in mind(servers are defer- when makingIntimidation rolls or other rolls based on
ential, groupiesthrow themselvesat the nova,etc.). fear or disgust.This bonusincludesany poweror ability
that allowsthe character to inspire those emotions in
Copycat others.
Beingyourselfgets kind of boring sometimes. Why To a certain extent, this power depends upon the
not be a famousmodelor actor'?Or the President'? psycheof the person(s) looking at the nova. Uglinessand
Copycatwilllet a novado just that, at least as far as horror, likebeauty, are often in the eye of the beholder,
outwardappearancegoes. After studyingthe subject to so the nova's Faceof Terror maylookdifferent whenhe
be imitated(either in personor froma goodphotograph), confronts, say, a group of Asiansinstead of Americans.
the novacan makehimselflooklikethat person - even
a personof the oppositegender. However,these changes First Impression
are purely cosmetic;no changes to internalorgans oc- First impressionsare just as importantas everyone
cur. says. A character witha highAppearancerating is typi-
System:Copycatallowsa novato shape himselfinto cally quite good at makingthem; one with Mega-Ap-
an exact duplicateof another person. Makingthe change pearance even more so. However,a nova with this en-
does not require a roll. However,the novamustbe in the hancementbeats them both. Unlesshe deliberatelytries
presence of the person to be duplicated, or havea high- to offend or annoysomeonewhomhe is meeting, he al-
qualityvisual representationof himor her to work from. ways makesjust the right impression. Dependingupon
It takes about one minuteto makethe changes;the nova what the person he meets is seeking,he mayseem to be
can cut this time in half by makingan Appearanceroll. an enjoyable,likableperson; someonewho can get the
Copycatcosts one quantum point to activate, and the job done; a potentialmate; you name it. Whatever the
changeslast for a scene. other person is seeking, she willfind it in the nova.
Copycatdoes not allowthe character to add to or System:When meetingsomeonefor the first time
removeanythingfromhis physicalform. He can't growa (or perhapsafter a longtimeapart), the novamayspend
tail, lose his VestigialLimbs, create a sixth finger on his one quantumpoint to activate this enhancement.lf he
left hand, changehis fingerprintsor retina prints, or do does so, the other person automaticallygainsa goodfirst
anythingsimilar. impressionof him. He maydeliberatelysay or do some-
thing to negate this effect, but even an accidentalfaux
Face of Terror pas or unthinkinglytactless remarkwillnot be enoughto
A novawith this enhancementcan resemblesome- shakethe good impressionhe makes. That good impres-
thingout of a horror movie. Hisappearance becomesso sionwillremainwiththe other personuntilthe novadoes
terrifying that few people can stand to spend any time somethingto ruin it (whether in the person's presence
withhim. Instead,theyrun screamingin fear; if prevented or not; bad reports about the novain the media, for ex-
from Aeeing,they maygibber in terror, faint or suffer a ample, mayruin manyuses of First Impression)or other
heart attack.


people convincethe target of First Impressionthat he those attributes that the target finds most desirous or
has the novaall wrong. Of course, even a good first im- arousing, and the nova'sappearance subtly changes to
pressionmaynot get the novawhathe wants- making matchthat perception. The changesfade as soon as the
a good impressionon the guards at the White House target isno longerin the nova's presence; activatingthem
doesn't meanthey'll let you in. again requires another quantumpoint.
Furthermore,this effect also makesthe novaseem While this enhancementis active, the novareceives
like just whatthe other person is looking For. 1fthe novathree automaticsuccesseson any rollto seduceor per-
ison a job interview, FirstImpression willmakehimseem suade the target. If there is any question, it is the
to be perfectlysuited for the job. Ina singlesbar or night-
Storyteller's discretion as to whetherthe bonusapplies.
club,it willmakehimseem likethe perfect date, poten- Playersand Storytellersshouldrememberthat this
tial spouseor one-night stand (dependinguponwhatthe enhancement is based entirely uponthe nova's appear-
other person is there For). ance. lt does nothingto change his habits, attitude, or
personality- as sexy as he looks, he maystillturn the
Mr. Nobody target off. However,Seductive Looks, and the bonuses
ln some ways, this paradoxical power is the oppo- it provides, can be used in conjunction with the Seduc-
site of Mega-Appearance,since it allowsa novato make tive enhancementfor Mega-Charisma.Usedtogether, the
himselflook completelynormal. The otherwise beauti- two enhancementsmakethe novaboth lookandact like
ful,handsomeor uglynovais able to converthis features
the target's ultimatesexualfantasy.
into the unobtrusive ones of Joe or Jane Average. The The effects of the power last Fora scene.
bright side to this anonymityis that it becomeseasy to
pass for a normalhuman.
System:By spending a quantumpoint, the nova is
able to maskhis Mega-Appearance. For all intents and
purposes he has an Appearancescore of 2 - average.
He looksjust like the everydayman on the street. Al-
thoughhe cannot hide the fact that he radiatesquantum
energy (which other novascan often detect), to the av-
erage person he willseem likejust another averageper-
son. Alternatively , the charactercansimplyspenda quan-
tum point to become completely unobtrusive("I'm not
the droid you're looking for.").
However, a character with this enhancementstill
mayhavedifficulties passing for normalifhe hasacquired
any aberrations. Mr. Nobodymaskstwo point of Taint,
plus one extra point per dot of the character's Mega-
Appearance. Additionalpoints of Taint still affect the A Mega-Manipulative novahas the worldwrapped
nova's ability to interact withbaselineswithout disturb- around his little finger. He is a master at influencing
people in many different ways, from subtle methods
ing them. Furthermore, Mr. Nobody willnot hide gro-
tesque physical aberrations such as Vestigial Limbsor (persuasion, personalcharm,bribery) to more in-your-
face tactics (intimidation,blackmail, devious trickery).
SloughedFlesh; it will, however, cover up Unearthly
The fact that the nova is able to see through at-
The effects of this powerlast for a scene. tempts to deceive or influencehimis equallyas impor-
tant. Mega-Manipulative novasare so good at perceiv-
Seductive Looks ingwaysto affect others' opinions that theycan tellwhen
A nova with this enhancementhas the ultimate in someoneelse is trying to do it to them.To simulatethis
sex appeal. He looksjust likethe man (or woman)of the effect, each level of Mega-Manipulationadds bonusdice
target's most lustfuldreams. lf the target is aroused by (inaddition to the standardbonusMega-Attributedice)
leggywomen,for example,a femalenovawiththis power to detect or resist beingmanipulatedor tricked.
wouldseem to the target to be a bit taller and leggier • Stupendous: Experiencedcon men
than she might reallybe - she'd be "just right" as far regard your skillswith reverence.
as the target is concerned. Youreceiveoneextradie on anyroll
System: By spending a quantum point, the nova to detect or resist attempts to ma-
makeshimselfseemextremelysexyand seductiveto the nipulateor trick you.
target. (Notethat the target need not be of the opposite
gender as the nova.) The target perceiveshim as having


•• Amazing:Evenlawyerscan't twist Persuader
facts and persuade others as well A novawiththisenhancementis an expert at bring-
as you can. Youreceive two extra ingpeople aroundto his point of view. He has an innate
dice on any rollto detect or resist talent for knowingwhat people are thinkingand subtly
attemptsto manipulateor trickyou. manipulating their opinionsuntilthey are thinkingwhat
••• Incredible:Peoplewillfollowyouto he want them to think. He's a spin doctor supreme.
the ends of the Earth if you ask System:Whenever the nova wishes to persuade
them to. Youreceive three extra someoneto change their opinion,perform a particular
dice on any rollto detect or resist task, or the like, the player receives bonus successes.
attemptsto manipulateor trickyou. The exact numberof successesdependsuponwhathe is
•••• Spectacular: Odysseuswouldad- trying to persuade the target to do. lf the request is
mireyourcunning.Youreceivefour somethingnormal,relativelyinnocuousor harmless,the
extra dice on any rollto detect or novagets three automaticsuccesses. Requeststhat in-
resist attempts to manipulateor volvechangingstrong opinionsor expose the character
trick you. to minordanger,embarrassmentor troubleget two au-
••••• Godlike:LokiandAnansiregardyou tomatic successes. Requests which are dangerous or
as an equal.Youreceivefive extra could get the target in extreme trouble get one auto-
dice on any rollto detect or resist maticsuccess(and the target normallyhas somekindof
attempt.s to manipulateor trickyou. Willpoweror other resisted roll).
Mega-Man ipu lat ion Enhance- The novamustspend a quantumpoint;the effects
last for one request or series of related requests.
men ts
Enhancementsthat characterswithMega-Manipu- Trickster
lationmaylearn or purchaseinclude: UnlikeP. T.Barnum,you can fool all of the people
all of the time. Trickery,treachery, deceit and sneaki-
Hypnotic Gaze ness are your stock in trade.
A novawith this enhancementpossesseslow-level A novawith this enhancementpossessesan intui-
hypnoticabilities. Althoughnot as effectiveas the Hyp- tivetalent for trickingand foolingpeople. Shecouldtrick
nosisor Dominationpowers,it's stilla usefulabilitywhen Arabs into buyingsand or Eskimosinto buyingrefrig-
the character wants to persuade someoneto do some- erators. Somehowshe can sense a person's vulnerabili-
thing. ties and "soft" spots and use themagainsthim. Noone is
System: The nova must be withinthree meters of safe from a Trickster's wiles.
the personto be hypnotized,andshe mustmakeeyecon- System: Wheneverthe nova tries to trick, fool or
tact with him. lf they are separated or eye contact is deceive another character, the player receives three
blocked,the attempt to hypnotizethe target automati- automaticsuccesses on any roll necessary to the task.
callyfails. Usually,this rollinvolvesSubterfuge,but other Abilities
An attempt to hypnotizetakes a little while- at maybe involveddependingon the situation.
least 10seconds,and usuallya minuteor longer. The tar- The nova spends a quantumpoint to activate the
get must be willingto undertake (or at least not com- enhancement,and the effects lastfor the durationof the
pletely adverse to) what the nova is suggesting;Hyp- situationthat the novais seekingto tum to her advan-
notic Gazecannot be used to makesomeonedo some- tage.
thing she is opposed to doing. However,the attempt to
hypnotizethe subjectdoes not haveto be obvious;it can, The Voice
for example,be workedinto normalconversationif the Just talkingto a novawiththis enhancementcanbe
novais clever. lf necessary,the Storytellercan havethe dangerous. She is ableto pitchher voiceso that she uses
target makea Manipulationor Perceptionroll to figure infrasoundand subharmonics,mixedin with her normal
out what the nova is trying to do. talk,to givenearlyirresistiblesuggestionsandcommands
Oncethe novameetsallthese conditions,the player to whomeverher speech is directed at. Additionally, her
needs onlyspend a quantumpointand makea Manipula- voice is, in general,pleasantto listento; her singingcan
tion roll. lf the roll succeeds, the target is hypnotized be absolutelydivine.
and willdo as instructed. A posthypnoticsuggestioncan System:The nova exerts a subtle mental control
alsobe implantedto makethe target do something(such effect through her voice. Only one person can be af-
as go to sleep or scream) whenhe experiencesa certain fectedby thisabilityat a time.The subjectmustbe within
outsidestimulus.A posthypnoticsuggestionlasts for one 20 metersof the nova,andmustbe ableto hear the nova
day per dot of Manipulationand Mega-Manipulation the - deafnesson the part of the subject, or other noises
novahas; thereafter it loses alleffect. that drown out the nova's speech, prevent The Voice


frombeingused successfully . The other majorlimitation •••• Spectacular: Bitter, lifelong
on this abilityis that any order givenmust be one that enemieswillmakepeace just to be
can be perfonned in one turn - "Drop the knife!" or able to spend time withyou.
"Untieme!", for example, but not "Playcomputergames ••••• Godlike: Evenalienraces find you
until I tellyouto stop" or "Tortureyour friendto death." fascinating and personable.
Any orders or suggestionsthat wouldtake longer than
one tum to perfonnare automaticallyignoredby the tar-
Mega-Charisma Enhance-
get. ments
To use The Voice, the playermakesa Manipulation Enhancementsthat characterswith Mega-Charisma
roll. If he·scores evenone success, the attempt succeeds maylearn or purchase include:
- but the target may stop himselffrom followingthe Commanding Presence
order or suggestion.The target makesa Wits roll to re-
A nova with this enhancement is a born leader.
sist the command;each successhe rollscounteractsone
Whenhe givesan order, people obeyright away- even
of the novaplayer'ssuccesses. lf the net result is zeroor
if it exposes them to harm. Even when they are away
less, the commandfails. The target mayalso spend one
fromhim, peoplerememberhis wordsand try their best
or more points of Willpowerto cancelsuccessesat a 1:1
to fulfillhis orders and liveup to his example.
rate. System:The nova's playerreceivesthree automatic
The playerof a novawithThe Voicemayapplyher
successeson any roll that involvescommandingpeople
Mega-Manipulation bonusdice to any Arts (Singing) or
or givingorders. Thisbonusdoes not apply to attempts
Perform(Singing)rollsshe makes.
to persuadesomeonethroughreason or logic, appealto
peopleon a personallevel, or the like; it worksonlywhen
the character gives commands. The target of this en-
hancementmay makewhateverrolls he nonnallycould
to resist the order, or spend a Willpowerpointto refuse
the order.
A novawith Commanding Presence does not nec-
essarilyhave to be fonnallyauthorizedto giveorders to
someonefor this enhancementto work - he does not
have to be the person's boss, commanding officer or
parent. He can simplygive orders and wait for them to
be obeyed - that's what this powerlets himdo. How-
ever, if he is notably"beneath" the person - an ordi-
nary citizentrying to order a high-rankinggovernmen-
Mega-Charisma tal official around, a corporal givinginstructions to a
Mega-Charismarepresents the ultimatein personal major, or the like - the Storyteller may reduce the
chann and appeal.A novawith this Mega-Attributeex- bonusfor the power, at his discretion, or give the target
udessuchself-confidence,poiseand chann that she can a bonuson any rollshe makesto resist the order.
win over just about anybody. Other people wantto like
and to pleaseher, and they do.
Dreadful Mien
Characters with Mega-Charismaare naturallyat When you reallylike someone, their anger or dis-
homein socialsituations. They carry themselvesso well appointment can come as a crushing blow. SomeMega-
that they are the life of any party. They are bon vivants Char ismatic novas use that phenomenonto their advan-
par exce/fence; even if they don't reallyfeel likebeingat
tage. Their use their charmas a weapon- evenincom-
bat, enemieswantto likethem, and that, combinedwith
a party, they're able to masktheir feelingsand seemex-
tremelyamicableto one and all. the force of the nova's displeasure, makesit difficult for
• Stupendous:Evenyour worst en- the enemyto attack.
emies findyou likable. System: The nova focuses his displeasureon one
enemy, and the playermakesa Charismaroll.Eachsuc-
•• Amazing: Youcould spillfood and
drinkalloveryourself andstillseem cess achieved subtracts one success from the victim's
roll to hit the nova. If this cancellationresults in no net
successes for the attacker, he misses the nova, having
••• Incredible: Not even a tornado can
ruffle your feathers; even in the flinched and pulledhis attack aside rather thanrisk hurt-
most trying situationsyou are ing such a likablefellow.A novausingthis enhancement
poisedand channing.



whotakes any violentor threateningactions toward the Seductive

target (as perceivedby the target) whileusingit auto- This enhancementis the behavioralcomplementto
maticallynegates its effects. The nova may attack the SeductiveLooks. A novawhopossesses it is able to de-
target's friendsand compatriots;however,this allowsthe termine instinctively what behaviors a given individual
victimto makea Willpowerroll to resist the successes finds sexy, desirable and attractive - then uncon-
scored by the nova. If the nova has previouslyattacked sciouslyadopt those behaviors.
the victim during the scene, increase the difficulty for System:The nova must be close to (i.e., within 10
using DreadfulMienby one per tum during whichthe meters of) his target, and the player must makea Cha-
novaattacked the victim. risma roll.If he succeeds, he has determinedwhat sort
DreadfulMiendoes not work at range. If the target of behaviorthe target findssexy- coquettishness,self-
is morethan three meters awayfromthe nova,it is inef- confidence, sluttiness or vivacity. He automatically
fective. adoptsthat behavior as his own, thus makinghimselfeven
The enhancementcosts one quantumpointto acti- more attractive than normalto the target.
vate, and the effects last for the duration of the con- While this enhancementis active, the player re-
frontation. ceives three automaticsuccesses on any roll to seduce
Natural Agitator or persuade the target. If there is any question, it is the
Whenpeoplelikeyou, sometimesthey willdo things Storyteller's discretion as to whetherthe bonusapplies.
for you, or thingsthat you ask them t.o do. That's doubly Of course, this enhancementis based entirelyupon
true for a nova with this power. Since everybody likes behavior or body language; it does not alter looks at all.
him so much, they hang on his every word. If he tells Altering looks in that fashionrequires Seductive Looks.
them to do something, they'llseriouslyconsider it. The two enhancementsmay be combined to create an
System:Whenhe is speakingto a person, or evena almostirresistiblyattractive packagefor any victim.
crowd of people, the novacan use this enhancementto Soothe
persuade them to do things. This enhancement'sname The nova is a natural at soothing others' jangled
derives from one of its obvious uses - sparking riots nerves. Just being around himhas a calmingeffect. He
and agitation. The player makes a Charisma roll. If he even makes it easier for normalhumansto cope with
succeeds, the person or crowdwilldo anyt.hing the nova novas.
says, so long as they would at least be inclinedto per- System:When the player spends a quantumpoint
form the action in question. For example,people are in- and makesa Charismaroll, the character and everyone
clined to buy food, so a novacoulduse NaturalAgitator within 10 meters of him becomes calm. Stress drains
to convincethemt.o buyalltheir foodat a particular store away, leavingpeoplehappier and calmer.Noone affected
or restaurant. by Soothe(includingthe novausingit) can attack or take
IFthe novascores more than one success, he may any other hostileaction unlessthe person either makes
be able to persuade the person or crowd to do things it a Wits roll and scores more successes than the nova
wouldn't normallywantto do - start a riot, for example. achievedon his Soothe roll, or spends a point of Will-
However,the targets get to makeWillpowerrollsto re- powerto overcomeSoothe's effects.
sist Natural Agitator; every success rolled cancels one Additionally , Soothe can help to overcomethe ef-
of the nova's successes. fects of Taint. For each success achieved on the Cha-
The effects of Natural Agitator usuallylinger for risma roll, one point of Taint possessed by any novas
about an hour, or until someoneelse has the chance to within the radiusof effect is temporarily negated as re-
talk some sense into the victim(s). More subtle, agree- gards interactionwith baselines withinthe affectedarea.
able, effects may last longer; extreme effects mayvan- The power lasts for a scene. Alleffects of this en-
ish almost as soon as the victimsare out of the nova's hancementdisappear if an affected person wandersbe-
presence. yond the 10-meter radius.
For Natural Agitator to work, the nova must be
physicallypresent to talk to the victims. The enhance-
mentdoes not workoverradio, televisionor other broad-
cast media. The effects last for a singlescene.


More than any other Trail (except perliapsTaint), ning,but they look and act just likefire or lightning.For
that whichdefines novas is their quantum powers - all intents and purposes they are the real thing, not
their superliumanabilities. Even more than Mega-At- "quantum energy." A power based on fire has all the
tributes, powers separate the superhumans from the chemicaland physicalproperties of fire - it givesoff
humansin a way that's clear for all to see. heat, can set other objects on fire and consumesoxy-
Allnovashavecertain powers in common,mostof gen.
which relate to their ability to resist and heal injuries However, manynovas' quantumpowers are obvi-
and diseases. For further informationon commonnova ouslynot derived from "natural" forces. For example,a
powers, seep . 160. The powersdiscussedin this section nova might Immolateherself with raw nuclear forces
are those whichnovashaveto buy withnovapoints(dur- rather than fire, and even if she seems to wield"flame,"
ing character creation) or experience points (after the it might bum eerie green, feel cold to the touch or in
gamehas begun). some other waybetray its distinctionfrom "real" fire.

Choosing Your
The Nature of Power's Effects
Quantum Powers The upshot of this seemingvariety in game terms,
is that novacharacters shouldchoosesomephenomenon
At their heart, allnovapowersare exactlythe same or "specialeffect" for their powers. Whenyoubuy pow-
thing: manipulationof quantumenergies. Whenyou get ers, customizethem - or at least their names - to
right downto it, that's all a novacan do - control and represent the type of phenomena they resemble. For
work w,th quantumenergies. There isn't a nova in the example, if a novahas powersbasedon manipulatingfire,
world who can actually,for example,ignite fire out of when his player buys QuantumBolt he can write "Fire
nothingness or fry a foe's synapses. The Mazarin- Strike" on the character sheet to give the power a little
Rashoudnode does not give any human the ability to bit of individuality . Eachnova'spowersare different,even
manipulatethe weather or disintegrate objects with a though they are built using the same game effects and
touch - what it does 1sallowa humanto employquan- rules, and your character's powers should reflect his
tumenergiesinsucha wayas to do those thingsor mimic uniquenature.
those effects. Addingan Extra {p. 230) can really help make a
Howeverjust about everyone in 2008 has seen a powerdistinctive. Manynovashave QuantumBolts, for
nova(or footage of a nova)throwingblasts of fire, cre- example. But if a fire-manipulatingnovawantsto be able
ating ice storms or manipulatingmagnetic fields. Their to toss fireballsarouncf,he can create a Fireballeffect"
powersclearlyseem to differ. by buyinga QuantumBoltand addingthe ExplosionEx-
The solution to this paradox lies in the fact that tra to it.
humans- even those whohave become novas- un- In some cases, a nova's manifestationof quantum
derstandquantumenergiesimperfectly,at best.Although energies mightprovideusefulplot hooksfor stories. For
most novasare aware that quantumenergies are at the example,an Immolatepower based on control of fire
root of their powers, they cannot alwaysliterallyper- couldbe extinguishedby dumpingthe nova in water or
ceive those energies m their raw form. Their minds, For coveringhim up with sand. A nova whose Immolateis
whateverreason, simplydon't grasp their powers that based on nuclear forces wouldprobablybe completely
way. unaffected by such treatment. A nova with magnetic
Instead, they often think of their powers in terms powers might not be able to work with computers or
of phenomenathey are used to: fire, ice, wind, super- other magneticstorage media. In short quantumpow-
strong muscles, magnetism or a thousandother formsof ers alwayshavean effect on the worldaround the nova,
energyor matter that are Familiar and comfortable.Thus, and vice versa, and the playerand Storytellershouldal-
a givennova's powers maynot actuallybe fire or light- wayskeep that in mind.

A Nova's Origin
The primary factor that inAuenceshow a nova's
Power: General
powers manifestis the circumstancesunder whichthey
first arise. Sincethe growth of a Mazarin-Rashoud node Rules
is commonlytriggered by a traumaticor stressfulsitua- With a very few exceptions, all powers are rated
tion (and the increasedadrenalinelevelsthat such situ- from 1to 5; this power ratingadds to an appropriate
ations cause), many novas' powers first appear in the Attribute when calculatingthe skill total of the power.
midstof some crisis - a house fire, a car wreck, a riot Likeany other Trait combination,the skill total is used
or anyof countlessother emergencies.This triggerevent to wield the power; thus, a nova with a Dexterityof 4
often influenceshow their powers work and what they and a QuantumBolt of 3 rolls seven dice to hit targets
looklike. For example a fire-wieldingnova mightresult with her QuantumBolt.The nova-pointcost per dot in
from a house fire. A cryokineticnova can result from the powerdepends uponits level;so does the quantum-
exposure to the elements or avalanches. The possibili- point cost per use of the power.
ties are virtuallyendless. Powersactivate automaticallyand instantaneously
Of course, this guidelineis just that; not a rule. A on the character's Initiative rating; for example, a char-
novawhosepowersfirst manifestwhilehe's trapped in a acter with a QuantumBoltdoes not haveto concentrate
house fire might end up with control over gravityfields to fire. However,each activation of a powercounts as an
- it's a functionof the wayhis mindworks as muchas action for purposesof determining multipleactions. For
it is the traumaticsituation. But the trauma often plays the most part, powers are governedby the same rules
an importantrole and it shouldnot be ignoredwhencre- that applyto other attacks. Hand-to-handpowers, such
ating a newcharacter. as Claws,can be blocked; ranged powerscan be dodged.
Mental powers (those notedas suchin their description)
maynot be dodgedor blocked, but they maytypicallybe
resisted; see the individualpower description for spe-
At the Storyteller's option, a character with a
Creating and Altering rangedpower(suchas QuantumBolt)can use that power
Powers to blockanother character's use of that power- in ef-
We've tned to create a list of generalquantum fect, the defending novais usinghis ownpowerto shoot
powers representative of what the novas of 2008 the other power out of the air. This ' power block" is
have been known to do. However, each nova 1san doneusingthe normalrulesfor block exceptthat it works
1nd1vidual, and no rigid guidelinescan accuratelycap- at rangeand the playeruses the nova'sdots in the power
ture every aspect of every nova's powers. These to determine success, rather than his Martial Arts or
powerdescriptions are guidelinesrather than abso- BrawlAbility.
lutes. As such, feel free to twist them around to suit Extra successes on an attack roll add to the dam-
your concept and chronicleneeds. age dice poolof powers that inAict direct damage, such
In general, when altering powers, try to bal- as QuantumBoltor Disintegration,unlessthe text of the
ance one parameter against another. For example, power indicatesotherwise.
maybe you want a QuantumBolt that has an incred- All novas are immuneto all effects of their own
ible range, but loses energy as it travels; ,f so, buy a powers; thus, a nova could shroud herself in her own
normalQuantumBolt, increase ,ts maximumrange, Darkness, or stand at groundzero of her ExplosiveBolt,
but dictate that the blast loses damage effect as ,t with no illeffects. This immunitygrants no immunityto
travels outward. If your character has a stronger or similaror even identicaleffects generated by other no-
weaker version of a listed power - for example, vas, though.
clawsthat extend 30 feet and can slice diamond, or
only the EMP technique of the MagneticMastery
power- increase or decrease the power's level
accordingly.And, of course, Storyteller permitting,
you're free to create your ownpowers: simplycom-
pare your creation to the listed powers, decide 1fit's Eachpower's description containsthe basic infor-
Level 1,2 or 3, and run with it. mationabout that power, including:
Level : There are three "levels,' or classifications
of powers, in Aberrant. Mostpowersare Level2. Minor
abilities, ones that can be duplicatedwith technologyor
other means, are LevelI powers. Level3 powersare ex-
tremely powerfuland flexibleabilities, usuallygrouped



arounda particulartheme or effect. is the power'snormaleffectiverange.The power'smaxi-

ln game terms, a power's levelindicatesits cost in mumrange is twice the listed range. Attacks made at
both nova points and experience points. Powers, like distancesgreater than the effectiverange are at +2dif-
Abilit.ies, are rated in terms of the numberof dots the ficulty.Attacksat point-blankrange(twometersor less)
character has in the power. Each dot either providesa add two dice to the attacker's skilltotal.
certain levelof effect (suchas three dice of damageper Area:The area affected by the power,typicallyin
dot) or simplygives the player more dice to roll when a radius in meters, if applicable.
wieldingthe power. A Level1powercosts one novapoint Usinga power on an area has two effects. First, it
per dot. A Level2 power costs three nova points per presents the possibilityof affectingmultipletargets at
dot. A Level3 powercosts fivenovapointsper dot. Pow- the same time. Second, it gives the attack a +2 accu-
ers can alsobe boughttainted for lowercost; see p. 120. racy; however,extra successeson the attack rolldo not
Unlessthe powerdescriptionstates otherwise,use increase the damage inflictedby the attack. The base
of a power forces the character to spend a numberof difficultyfor hittingan area is typicallyStandard,unless
quantumpointsbased on its level.A Level1powercosts the attack is madeat longrange.
one quantumpoint to activate. A Level2 power costs A charactercaughtinan area of effect cannotblock
two quantumpoints, and a Level3 power costs three the effect, nor can he dodge it unlesshe is on the fringe
quantumpoints.In the case of powerswith multipleap- of the area or has enoughmovementto get out of the
plications,suchas ElementalMastery,the quantumcost area entirely.
is leviedfor each techniqueactivated.Of course,there's Dlration:The power'sduration,if applicable.
no requirement that a character use a power at full "Instant" indicatesthat the power lasts only long
strength; he can save one quantumpoint by usingit at enough for an attack to be launched- for example,
half power. the brief momentin whichthe flashof a QuantumBoltis
If a power is bought with an Extra (p. 230), it is visibleand blaststhe target. The effects, of course, may
treated as one levelhigher. So, the Clawspower (Level last muchlonger;an injury does not go awayjust be-
1)boughtwiththe RangeExtrais purchasedas a Level2 cause the QuantumBolt that caused it is no longer in
power,and a QuantumBolt bought with the Explosion existence.
Extra is purchasedas a Level3 power.A playercannot An Instant power must be paid for each time it is
purchasean Extra for a Level3 power. used.Thus, each time a QuantumBolt is fired, the nova
Certain powers, such as Body Modification,are usingit must spend quantumpoints.
miscellaneousquantum powers. Rather than having a "Concentration"meansthe power lasts as longas
numberof dots and a level,these powerssimplyhave a the nova concentrates on it. While concentrating,the
fixedcost. Once this cost is paid, the novahas the listed novais at +2 difficultyon any other actions he takes. If
power. the novais Incapacitatedor otherwiserendered uncon-
Qu.,tumMininun:This numbersets the minimum scious,a Concentrationpowerceases immediately .
QuantumTrait rating a novamusthave in order to pur- A Concentrationpowermustbe paidfor whenfirst
chase this power. Manyof the more powerfulabilities activated;thereafter, it remainsin effect withoutaddi-
aren't goingto be availableto beginningnovas;they have tionalquantum-pointcost for as long as the nova con-
to "grow into them" by earning experience points and centrates.
increasingtheir QuantumTrait (which,whileuseful,also "Maintenance"indicatesthat the power,once ac-
creates some problems). tivateremainsineffect automaticallyfor a periodof time.
DicePool: The dicerolledto determinewhetherthe Thereafter, the novacan automaticallypayan additional
poweris used successfully,as wellas its effect. The na- numberof quantumpointsto maintainthe power.lt does
ture of the roll,or sometimesmultiplerolls,is detailedin not require himto concentrate on maintainingit, how-
the text. This dice pool typicallycombinesthe power ever. Thus,oncea Maintenancepoweris active,the nova
rating plusan Attribute;if the novahas the appropriate does not lose any dice for any other actionstaken while
Mega-Attribute,Mega-Attributedice or difficultyre- maintainingthe power.
ductionsapplynormally. Unlessspecificallystated otherwise in the power
SomeLevel3 powershave severaldifferent tech- description,assume a power used in combat or other
niques,each with its owndice pool. stressful situationslasts for (Quantum+ power rating)
Range:The power's mediumrange in meters, if turns before needingto be maintainedby spendingad-
applicable. ditionalquantumpoints;whenused under more relaxed
"Touch"indicatesthe charactermusttouchthe tar- conditions,a powerlasts Fora scene. If a novaactivates
get in order to affect it.The novamustmakea roll(using a powersuchas Flightduringa routinemission,but sub-
the power's dice pool) to touch the victim. The victim sequentlyenters combat or is otherwise involvedin a
can dodge,of course,but blockingthe attack is ineffec- dangerous situation, she must begin maintainingthe
tive since a blockstillallowsthe touchto occur. power normallyafter (Quantum+ power rating) turns
Forpowersthat workat a distance,the listedrange have passed. lf a Maintenancepowerhas a variableef-



feet (e.g.• a ForceField. whichcan providea varying de-

gree of protection depending on the dice pool roll to
activate 1t).the novacan choose to keep the same level Mental Powers and Psi
of effect or can reroll the power upon spendingaddi- Increatingantagonistsfor your Trinityse-
tional quantum. ries or extendingyour Aberrant series into the
• Permanent" indicates that the power,oncebought, Trinitytimeline(as 1snot 1nconcervable for some
is considered to be on or present at all times and does of the longer lived Aberrant characters). it is
not cost quantumpoints to use or maintain. important to keep the differences between a
Effect: An encapsulated description of what the nova'sanda psion's powersin mind. True, novas
power does. havemanifestedcertain powers that m1m1c those
ln cases of powers that inflictdamage, a distinc- of their ps1oncounterparts through their con-
tion is made between damageadds (or automaticlevels trol of quantumenergies. However,even though
of damage) and damage dice, whicha player rolls nor- a novaanda ps1onmay both display telepathic
mallyto determine damage. Damageadds are listed in abilities(for example). the two powers are not
[brackets], whiledamage dice are listed in (parenthe- the same. Novascan control only quantumen-
ses). When such an attack is soaked, damage adds are ergies, while ps1onsdevelop a mastery over
subtracted before damagedice. subquantumforces. A novamaynever gain a Psi
Thus, a character with Quantum3 buys the Quan- rating,JUStas a ps1onmaynevergaina Quantum
tum Bolt power at 2 and designates it as a bashingat- score.
tack. A bashingQuantumBoltinflicts[Quantumx 3] lev- Nova "mental powers" are very ind1v1du -
els+ (power rating x 4) dice of damage. The character's alistic.specificto the novamanifestingthe pow-
blast inflicts (3 x 3. or 9) automatic levelsof bashing ers; whilean 1ndrv1dual nova may improve her
damage; plusthe character mayroll(2 x 4, or 8) dice to control through practice, the mental powers
inflictextra damage. themselves are not codified and divided into
MultipleActions:Whether it 1spossibleto use the "Aptitudes," as are those of the more disciplined
power in a multipleaction. "Yes" indicates that it is pos- ps1ons.One nova'stelepathicpowersmaymani-
sible; "No" indicates that the power cannot be used as fest as a "brain-scan" in whichthe novaphysi-
part of a multiple action. callyreads the patterns of the target's electro-
Some powers (Cyberkines1s, ElementalMastery, chemicalimpulses, while another's might mani-
etc.) have manyapplications. If such a power is able to fest as a Facsimileof the target's "soul" rising
be used in a multipleaction, the nova may use several out of her bodyandimpartingsecrets. Thougha
aspects of the powersimultaneously , so longas she pays nova'sraw powermightexceed that of a ps1on,
the quantum-pointcost for all uses. She must still sub- the novamentalistdoesnot havea bodyof study
tract dice normallyfor multipleuses of the power in the and trainingto drawupon, as does the ps1on;nor
same turn. can one nova mentalist necessarily tutor or
Description: A description of what the power does "coach" another, even if the twomentalists have
and the rules applicableto it. the same in-gamepower.
Several powers (like Boost or Sizemorph[Grow]) As mentioned, novashave no control over
are describedas providingbonusesto Attributes. Suffi- subquantumenergiesper se. Studies undertaken
ciently potent uses of these powerscan raise Attributes by Utopia, the Triton Foundation and other
above5, thus effectivelyboostingthe character into the groupssuggestthat nova"mentalists" use quan-
Mega-Attributerange. If this situationoccurs, the char- tum energies to alter brainwaves and brain pat-
acter gains the standard benefits of havingthat Mega- terns physically, whileothers simplyhyperevolve
Attribute (as listed in its descriptionand table), but he their brains into brainwave- mampulating ma-
does not get to choose any enhancements. No Mega- chines,in the samewaythat super-strong novas
Attribute can be raised above 5. However, Mega-At- spontaneouslydevelop musclesand mitochon-
tributes gained through such temporary measures may dria to levelsexponentiallyoutperforming their
be raisedhigherthan the QuantumTrait limit(i.e., a char- baselinecounterparts.
acter with Quantum3 and the Boost power couldraise
his Mega-Strengthas highas 5 even though his Quan-
tum is only3).
Extras : This headingcomprisesany uniqueExtras
(seep . 230) availablefor purchasefor the power, as well
as its effects. UniqueExtras shouldbe bought like any
other Extras,and they increasethe power'slevelaccord-



Quantum Powers !
Master Powers List
Level One Quantum Powers Level Three Quantum Powers
Power QuantumMininun Power Quantum
B,olummescence 1 Clone 5
Claws 1 Cyberkmes1s 4
Hypnosis 1 D1smtegration 5
lntu1t1on 1 ElementalAmma 4
Luck 1 ElementalMastery 5
PsychicShield 1 EntropyControl 4
QuantumConversion 1 GravityControl 4
SensoryShield 1 Healing 4
Homunculus 4
MagneticMastery 4
Level Two Quantum Powers Matter Chameleon 5
Power QuantumMinimum Matter Creation 5
Absorption 1 MolecularMampulat,on 5
Animal/PlantMastery 1 Pretercogmt1on 4
Armor 1 QuantumConstruct 4
Bodymorph 3 QuantumImprint 4
Boost 2 Shapesh1ft 4
DensityControl 3 TemporalManipulation 5
Disorient 1 Warp 3
Disrupt 3 WeatherManipulation 4
Domination 3
EmpathicManipulation 2
ESP 3 Miscellaneous Quantum Powers
Flight 1
ForceField 2 Power QuantumMinimum
Growth 1 BodyModification I
Holo 1
Hypermovement 1
lmmob,hze 1
Immolate 2
lnv1s1b1hty I
Invulnerability I
MentalBlasl 3
Mirage 3
Poison I
Premonition I
QuantumBolt I
QuantumLeech 2
QuantumRegeneration 3
QuantumVampire 3
Shroud 1
Sizemorph(Grow) l
Sizemorph(Shrink) 1
Strobe 1
Stun Attack 1
Telekmes,s 2
Telepathy 3
Teleport 2



thingother thanStrength,such as Staminaor a Quan-

tum Bolt (but never quantumpoints).
• Characterscannotabsorbmorepowerthanisavail-
able; the Storytellershould, if necessary,allowa certain
numberof dots of Strengthto a powersourceto deter-
minejust howmuchpowerit canadd to a character.For
example,no matter how muchAbsorptiona nova has,
he shouldnot be allowedto gainmorethana singlepoint
of Strength from the power in, for example,a typical
householdappliance .
Absorption Extras:ExtendedEffect (dots of Strengthgained
fromAbsorptionlastfor a scene); EnergyMagnet(char-
Level:2 acter with energy Absorptioncan absorbenergy from
Quantu mMinimum: 1 sourcesat [Quantumx JOmeters] rangeas an attack; if
DicePool:Stamina+ Absorption absorbedfrom a nonsentientsource[suchas a fire or
Range: Self electricalsocket], no rollother than the one to deter-
Area:N/A mine how muchpower is absorbedis required;if used
Owation:Special on a sentient source, such as anothernova, the player
Effect:The novaconverts damageor energy into mustrollManipulation+ Absorptionto succeedwithhis
Strength at the rate of one dot per success,to the limit attempt, then rollthe normalStamina+Absorptiondice
of the damagedone. to determinehow muchenergyis absorbed).
Multiple Actions:Na
Description: This powerallowsthe novato absorb
damagecaused by attacks and convert it into Strength.
The power works against either energy damage (like
Quantum Bolts or fire) or kinetic damage (punches,
knivesor bullets); the character mustdefinewhich phe-
nomenonhis Absorptionworksagainstwhenhe buys it.
When the novais hit with an attack of the type he
can absorb, he maychoose to absorb some or all of the
effect. Doingso takes no time,maybe appliedbefore or
after the character'snormalsoak, and the charactermay
do it even if he has alreadyacted for the turn; the char-
acter need not declare he willuse Absorptionuntilafter
an attack has hit and done damageto him. Eachsuccess
rolledon a Stamina+ Absorptionrollsubtractsonehealth
levelof damagefromthe attack; the character mustpay
one quantumpoint per health levelabsorbed. Everytwo Quantum Minimum: 1
healthlevelsof damageare convertedinto one extra dot Dice Pool: Perception+ Animal/PlantMastery
of Strength; above five dots of Strength they become Range: Variable
dots of Mega-Strength. Dots in the power indicatethe Area:Special
maximumdot.s of extra Strength(or Mega-Strength)the Dwation:Special
character can gain; the character maystilluse Absorp- Effect:Novacan communicatewith and summon
tion to reduce damagefromattacks, though. animalsor plants.
ForExample: JasonMercatorhasAbsorption4 that Multiple Actions: No
affects energy. Heis hit witha QuantumBoltthatcauses Description:A novawiththis powerhas the ability
four healthlevels of damageto him. He decides to ab- to communicatewithanimalsor plants(she mustchoose
sorbthe damageinstead. HerollsStamina+Absorption, only one whenthe playerbuysthe power). Thiscommu-
scores six successesand spends four quantumpoints. nicationis telepathic,but if the creatures have the abil-
Heabsorbsallfour healthlevelsof damageandsuffers ity to make noises or communicatein other mundane
no injury. Furthermore,he now has two extra dots of fashions,she can understandthose as well(though she
Strength. He may gaintwo more dots of Strength be- may not be able to reply, and in any event such, "lan-
fore he maxesout. guages" are likelyto be crude indeed).
However,extra dots of StrengthgainedfromAb- Furthermore,the character can emit a telepathic
sorptiondon't last forever. They fade awayat the rate call to summona particularcreature (or any creatures
of onepointper (Quantum+powerrating)turns. At the within range) to her side. This call has a range equal to
Storyteller'soption,Absorbeddots mayincreasesome- two kilometersper dot in Animal/Plant Mastery. Any



creatures subject to the call willcome to the character plates that cover his body. Usuallythe formof the pro-
at their best speed; plants,of course, cannot moveand tection is based on the nature of the character's powers.
willnot be ableto respond. Once inthe character's pres- A character who can manipulateice and cold mightbe
ence, they willtreat her in a friendlyfashionand do their covered witha suit of "ice armor,"for example,whilea
best to respond to her requests, though they are not shapeshiftermightwarp his skeletoninto stegosaurlike
obligatedto take her orders. plates. However,special effects are not required; it's
Plants cannot physicallyuproot themselves;how- possiblefor the charactersimplyto be moredurablethan
ever, characters can attempt to animate foliage in the normaland still look the same as always. ln any event,
immediatevicinity.Forexample,trees mightclubat foes the power is permanent, costs no quantum points to
with their branches,whilevines mightwrap themselves maintainand can be turned on and off at will.
around the character's enemies. The system for this Foreach dot of Armor, the charactermayadd three
power is treated as the Animationtechniqueunder the to soak bashingand lethaldamage. At the Storyteller's
MolecularManipulation power(p. 212),except that the option, the player may vary the ratio of the soak, as-
character substitutes her Plant Mastery rating for the signingmore to bashingand less to lethalor vice versa.
MolecularManipulationrating. Extras:SuperheavyArmor (novacan spend three
Animals(or plants, dependingon the power) will quantumpointsto fortifyhis Armorfor a scene;while so
regarda characterwithAnimal(or Plant)Masteryas their fortified,the nova's Armorprovidesfourextrasoakagainst
friend and boon companionuntil the character does bashing/lethalattacks,andthedifficultyto hithimincreases
somethingto prove otherwise. They willnot harm her, by one per dot of Armor;however,he loses three From
and they willseek to preventothers fromharmingher as Initiative(minimum1], two from walkingspeed and five
well.This powerdoes not enablethemto overcometheir fromrunning/sprintingspeed, and losesone die fromall
basic natures; the Storytellershouldfeel free to assign Dexterity-baseddicepools[minimum 1])
specificpersonalitiesto creatures based upon their na-
tures. For example,lionsand tigers mightseem regal;
poison ivy sarcastic and snide; antelopes nervous and
edgy. However,whatevertheir natures, they willstilltry
to help the character.
Extras:Nature Mastery (character can exercise
both AnimalMasteryand Plant Mastery).

Quantum Minimum: 1
DicePool:Stamina+ Bioluminescence
Dlntion: 10minutesper success
Armor Effect:Characteremits light.
Level:2 Wtiple Actions:No
Quantum Minimum: 1 Description: A novawithBioluminescence can emit
DicePool:N/A visiblelight.Thislightis not strongenoughto blindother
Range: Self characters, but it definitelyhelps lightthe waythrough
Area: N/A the dark places.Touse it, the characterspendsone quan-
Dlntion:Permanent tum point and rollsStamina + Bioluminescence , allowing
Effect:Characterreceives+3soak againstbashing him to emit a soft glowForabout 10 minutesper suc-
and lethaldamageper dot in Armor. cess. This lightis brightenoughto read by easily;it may
MultipleActions:No makethe characterlookeither eerie or angelic(depend-
Description: This power represents a novawho is ingupon the character and his specialeffects).
more resistant to damagethan most.He mayhavethick, For an additionalquantumpoint,the character can
chitinousskin,a glowingforce fieldof somekind(not to project a beamof lightlikea flashlight.This beam has a
be confusedwith the powerof the same name)or metal



range of 15meters per success, and it lasts as longas his usefulas arms/ hands. The charactersubtracts one from
glow. multipleaction penalties (so a character taking three
Extras:Increased Spectrum (normal Biolumines- multipleactionswouldact at -2, -3 and -4 penaltiesin-
cence is onlyvisiblelight;with this extra it emits infra- stead of the usual-3, -4 and -5) . This bonus is applied
red and ultraviolet lightas well) before any reductionsfrom the Multitaskingenhance-
ment (p. 169).
• ExtraHealth Levels: (one novapoint/ three ex-
perience points) The character has extra health levels,
perhaps because he has "duplicates"of some or all of
his important organs. One nova point buys an extra
"Bruised"healthlevelor twoextra "Maimed"healthlev-
• Gills:(one novapoint/ three experiencepoints)
The character has gillsthat allowhimto breathe under-
• Spines:(two novapoint.sf sixexperiencepoints)
The charactercan extrude spikesfromhis body,or per-
haps his body is naturallyedged (for example,a nova
made of livingcrystal). The spines change the nova's
Body Modification clinches,holds and tackles to lethaldamageand inflict
Level:N/A an amountof lethaldamageequalto the attacker's dam-
Quantum 1
Minimum: age dice pool (maximum10 dice) on anyonecontacting
DicePool:N/A the novawith a Brawlor MartialArts attack.
Range:Self • Tendril:(one nova point/ three experience
Area:N/A points)The character can extrude a tentacle, whip,fla-
Duration: Permanent gellumor other similar"limb." This limbcan be physical
Effect:Modifiescharacter's body in variousways. or made of energy; it can be used to grab, lashor con-
MultipleActions:N/A strict a target, or for the character to swingon. The ten-
Description: This power simulatesa modification dril extends two meters per nova point/ three experi-
to the nova's body. This modificationis permanent; it ence points spent. The tendril can inflictStrength +4
costs no quantumpoints to maintainor use, any more bashingdamage(or Strength +2 lethaldamage; player's
than the character's arms or legs do. choice); if the tendril is made of energy or some other
Listedhere are somesuggestedmodifications, along unusualsubstance,it may,with the Storyteller'spermis-
with the nova- or experience-pointcosts to buy them. sion,do damagebased on someother Attribute.
Players may create others if they wish, but the Story- • Webbed Hands/Feet: (one novapoint/ three ex-
teller must approve all new modifications.See also the periencepoints) The character's handsand/ or feet are
Clawspower. webbed,allowing the character to swimat doublerun-
• Adhesive Grip:(two novapoints/fourexperience ningspeed.
points): The nova can physicallyor ionicallybond with • Wings/Patagia: (three nova points/ six experi-
surfaces. This allowsher to walkup wallsor alongceil- ence points)The novagrowsa pair of leatherybat wings
ings at normalwalkingspeed, and to clingto those sur- or feathered bird wings,or he simplystretches a Aapof
faces with her normalMightrating. hisownskinalonghissidesbeneathhisarms.Thismodi-
• Cbromatophores: (one novapoint/ three experi- ficationallowsa character to control his fallssafely or
ence points) The character's skincan changecolor,like glideat his normalrunningpace. (Thismodificationdoes
a chameleon's or squid's. The playeradds three dice to not confer the same amountof control or speed as the
his Stealthskilltotals, as longas the character is mostly Flightpower.)
nakedor wearingattuned eufiber. Extras:None.
• ExtraLimbs: (one novapoint/ three experience
points) The character has one or more extra limbs;he
maydefine what they are and to what part of his body
they are attached. These limbsare consideredto be as


Bodymorph;even one success allowshimto assumehis
alternativeform in time to absorb some of the force of
the attack, and each success reduces the damage the
attack inflictsby one level.
Here are some guidelinesfor the general proper-
ties of most forms:
• Stone/metal/hard solid:The character automati-
cally inflictstwo extra dice of damage with Brawland
' MartialArts attacks, and allattacks directedat the char-
acter incur a difficulty penalty of one to hit him.
Bodymorphdots often translate into levelsof Density
Bodymorph Control(Increase), Armor or Claws.
Level:2 • Liquid/amorphous: The character automatically
Quantum Minimum: 3 gainsthe abilityto breathe and exist in water, maymove
DicePool:Stamina+ Bodymorph throughwater at twice normalrunningspeed, gainsthe
Range:Self Flexibilityenhancement(p. 159), and may use the As-
Area:N/A phyxiation combat maneuver (p. 246) . Among other
Duration: Maintenance things,Bodymorphdots can translateintoequivalentdots
Effect:Allowscharacter to take on aspects of one of DensityControl(Decrease), Poisonor Immolate(for
specifictype of matter or energy. characters whoturn intoacid). At least one Bodymorph
Multiple Actions: Yes dot must be assignedto DensityControl(Decrease).
Description: Bodymorphis a powerfulabilitypos- • Gas:Whiletransformed,the character mayau-
sessed by onlya few novas. It allowsthe novato trans- tomaticallymovethrough air at the character's normal
form her body into a specific type of matter or energy. runningspeed, gains +1soak vs. physicaldamage(fists,
For example, she could transform her body to rock, to bullets, etc.), gainsthe Flexibilityenhancement(p. 159),
fire, to wind or to computer chips and circuitry. The and mayuse the Asphyxiationcombatmaneuver(p. 246 ).
player must choose what form that the character can Amongother things,Bodymorphdots can translate into
assumewhenhe buysthe power. The Bodymorphpower equivalentdots of DensityControl(Decrease), Poison,
provides certain base abilities,dependingon the form Flightor Storm(allowsthe character to becomea whirl-
chosen; thereafter, Bodymorphdots essentiallysimulate ing tornado, thus inflicting the equivalentof the Storm
enhancementsor dots of other LevelOne and Twopow- technique [p. 196] in her immediatevicinity). At least
ers; whentransforming, allBodymorphpowersactivate one Bodymorphdot must be assignedto DensityCon-
simultaneously whenthe characterpaysthe quantumcost trol (Decrease).
to transform. • Energy: Whiletransformed, the character inflicts
The character maytransformherselfautomatically. lethaldamagewith Brawland MartialArts attacks, and
However,the character's dots in Bodymorphdefinehow attacks directed at her incur a difficultypenalty of one
effective the change is. It is up to the player to define to strike her. Bodymorphdots mightbe assignedto Im-
where his character's Bodymorphdots are allocated, molate,Invulnerability (to the appropriateenergy type),
subject to Storyteller approval, but once they are de- the EMPtechniqueof MagneticMastery (p. 206), the
fined, they cannot be changed. For example,whencre- ElectromagneticVisionenhancement (p. 162), Force
ating a character with a rock body, a player mightbuy Field,or DensityControl(Decrease)dots.
Bodymorph4 and assignone dot to Armorand three to These are general guidelines only; players can al-
DensityControl(Increase). He cannot changethat allo- low Bodymorph dots to represent a number of powers
cation later. Of course, if he buys another level of (or even invent their own) subject to the Storyteller’s
Bodymorphwithexperiencepointshe can decidewhere approval. Many of the techniques listed under Elemental
that dot is allocatedat that time. Anima and Elemental Mastery are suitable as Bodymorph
If a nova wishes to use Bodymorphas a defense powers. However, all Bodymorph powers are available
againstan incomingattack (for example,to turn to flame only while the character is transformed. Ultimately, the
to avoidbeingdamagedby a flameblast), he maydo so. Storyteller must arbitrate the use of this power.
This formof defense does not require an action,but it is ForExample: HoustonTornado2 buysfourdots of
easier if an action is available.If the character does not the Bodymorph(Air)power, definingthisas the ability
have a delayedaction to use to do this, he must spend a to turn into wind.She automaticallymay move through
point of Willpower instead. He then rolls Stamina + the airat runningspeed anduse the Asphyxiationcom-


bat maneuver(forcingair out of her foe's lungs);Fur-
thermore,she gains+ I soak versusphysicalattacksand
may use the Flexibilityenhancement.Now HT2 assigns
her four dots to DensityDecrease, DensityDecrease,
DensityDecreaseandStorm. WheneverHT2is in wind
form, she can make herself much harder to hurt (can
activateup to threelevelsof DensityDecrease)andcan
spin herselfinto a localizedwhirlwind(canactivatethe
Storm techniqueas thoughshe hadone dot in Elemental
formed, and the charactermust pay the Bodymorph
quantumcost to activatethem. Claws
Extras:None Level:1
Effect:Convertscharacter's close combatdamage
into lethaldamage.
Multiple Actions:Yes
Oesaiption:This power allowsthe nova to grow
claws,talonsor similarnaturalweapons- maybeeven
a fieldof hissingquantumenergy aroundthe character's
Whenusedinclosecombat,Clawsconvertthe bash-
ing damage caused by the character's normalpunches
Boost and strikesinto lethaldamage. Furthermore,the charac-
Level:2 ter mayrollone extra damagedie per dot he has inClaws.
Quantum Minimum: 2 Thus, a Strike by a character with Claws3 woulddo
DicePool:Quantum+ Boost Strength +2 (for the maneuver)+3 (for the claws),or
Range: Touch Strength+5,lethaldamage.
Are.: N/A Extras:KineticDischarge(the character actually
Otntion:Variable stores up kinetic energy in her body, then channelsit
Effect:Each success adds one dot to a specified throughanythingshe touches;thisallowsthe characterto
Attribute; pointsfade at the rate of one per (Quantum+ add the extra damageto meleeas wellas hand-to-hand
powerrating) turns. attacksor,byspendinga quantumpointpershot, to charge
Multiple Actions:Yes thrownobjectsand bulletswiththeextra damage)
Description: Boostallowsa novato increaseone of
hisAttributes temporarily.The Attribute affectedby the
powermustbe definedwhenthe poweris bought, and it
cannot be changedthereafter. To use it, the novamust
rollQuantum+ Boost.Eachsuccessadds one dot to the
Attribute. Above5, the Attributeconvertsto Mega-At-
tribute 1,to a maximumof Mega-Attribute5.The added
dots fade at the rate of one per (Quantum+ powerrat-
ing) turns, and the power may be used only once per
Extras:ExtendedEffect (dots of Attributegained
fromBoostlast for a scene); Extra Attribute(poweraf-
fects one additionalAttributeat the same time); Other
Person(novamayboost either hisor anothercharacter's
Attributes;other personmustbe touchedto be affected). Clone
Quantum Minimum: 5
DicePool:Stamina+ Clone



Area:N/A character does not have to possess any relevant Abili-

Dlntion:One scene ties (likeEngineering)in order to use these abilities,but
Effect:Creates one duplicateof the character per it is not uncommonfor cyberkineticsto knowsuchskills.
success. A cyberkineticcan send hisconsciousnessthrough
Multiple Actions:No a computernetwork,allowinghimto affecta distantcom-
Description: This power allowsa nova to create puter,ifhe can locatethe machineat all(typicallya Hack-
"clones" of himselffrom quantumenergies and nearby ing feat). Doingso costs one Willpower,requires total
molecules.To use it, he rollsStamina+Clone. Eachsuc- concentration(no other actions)and raisesthe difficulty
cess equalsone clone - assumingthe character wants of the skillrollas follows:
to pay for it. At this time,the character mustspend one Computer Affected Timeto AccomplishDifflCUlty
quantumpoint per clone created, up to the numberof Samenetwork Three turns +1
successes;he may,of course,spendfewerquantumpoints Samecity One minute +2
if he wishesfewerclones. Samecontinent 10minutes +3
Clonesare exactduplicatesof the character- they Transcontinental One hour +4
have the sameAttributes,Abilities,powers,clothesand As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery,this power
equipment(except that clones do not have the Clone providesseveraltechniques.A novamaylearnand freely
powerthemselves).However , they are separate persons use one techniqueper dot inthe power.She mayattempt
in a gamesense; if one is knockedunconsciousor killed, other techniques,but she mustpay doublequantumcost
the others are not affected. Clonesdo not haveany sort and roll against a difficultypenalty of one to activate
of telepathiclink;they communicateby talkingjust like these powers.Techniquesinclude:
ordinarygroupsof people.
Clonesare not as powerfulas the originalcharac-
Alter Data
ter. Clonesloseone die fromallTraits(Attributes,quan- DicePool:Intelligence+Cyberkinesis
tum powers,etc.) for each clonecreated, to a minimum Area:N/A
of 1.Thus, if a character created three clones, those Dlntion:Concentration
clones wouldhave -3 ratings in all Traits. Moreover,all Upona successfulIntelligence+Cyberkinesisroll,
cloneshaveonlyhalf of their creator's QuantumPool. the cyberkineticcan interfacewitha computeror simi-
It takes onlyone turn for a novato create clones, lar piece of equipmentto alter, read or removeexisting
but the charactercan do nothingelse that tum (not even data or insert or create new information. The character
walking).Oncecreated, the duplicatesremainfor a scene can read or alter approximately100megabytesx Quan-
or until they "recombine" with the originalcharacter tumof informationper minute.Foreachsuccessachieved
(usuallyreferred to as the "host" by the clones). To re- on the Intelligence+Cyberkinesisrollbeyondthe first,
combine,two or more duplicates need only touch and this time is cut in half. Any changes to or deletionsof
use an action; again, they can perform no other action informationare permanent; the data mustbe reentered
duringthat turn. Recombining is automatic. Clonesthat into the computerby hand.
do not recombine dissolveintonothingnessat the end of Control
the scene, as the energiesformingthem dissipate. DicePool:Manipulation+Cyberkinesis
Extras:None Area:N/A
Duration: Concentration
The cyberkineticcan take control of any machine
withelectronic,mechanicalor hydraulicparts. The num-
Cyberkinesis ber of successes achieved on a Manipulation +
Level:3 Cyberkinesis roll indicates the "Strength" of the
Quantum Minimum :4 cyberkinetic's control. lf the machine(or its user or
DicePool:Variable driver) tries to counteract the control, assign the ma-
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters or chine a "Strength" to reAect its powerand resolve the
Special situationas a resisted action.
Area:Special Fool
Dlntion:Special DicePool:Manipulation+ Cyberkinesis
Effect:Controlscomputersand machines;the more Area:N/A
successesachieved,the greater the control. Dlntion:Concentration
MultipleActions:Yes The cyberkineticcan insertfalseimagesinsensors,
Cyberkinesisis the abilityto manipu- securitysystemsor communicationsdevices. The num-
latemachines,particularlyelectronicmachinesand com- ber of successes achieved on a Manipulation +
puters, encompassinga variety of related abilities. The Cyberkinesisroll indicatesthe "Manipulation"rating of


the cyberkinetic's control.The Storytellershouldassign Reprogram
the device (or its user) a Perception rating; the more DicePool:Intelligence+Cyberkinesis
sophisticatedand powerfulthe machine, the greater its Area: N/A
Perception. A 'Manipulation" versusPerceptionresisted Duration : Concentration
action then determines whether the cyberkinetic'sat- A complementto Alter Data, Reprogramallowsthe
tempt to trick the machinesucceeds. cyberkineticto changethe instructionsor programming
Ove rloa d used to run a computeror similardevice. The difficulty
DicePool: Wits + Cyberkines1s of the Intelligence+ Cyberkinesisroll should be deter-
Area: N/A mined by the Storyteller; the more sophisticated the
Duration: Instant computerand its software, the greater the difficulty. A
The cyberkmetic overloads the machinein some standard desktop computer would incur no difficulty
way- sends a pulse of electricity or electromagnetic penalty, for example, whilea highlydefended military
energy throughit, stresses it so that it jams or seizesup. mainframecomputerwouldincura penaltyof three. The
If the nova's Wits+ Cyberkinesisroll is successful, the changesor additionsto a computer'ssoftware are per-
machinewillnot work. The Storytellermayincreasethe manentuntilotherwisealtered.
difficultyof the roll for machinesthat are particularly Extras:None
advancedor difficultto affect for some reason.



livenessof the character'sownat

tacksby half;character mayooze
throughcracks at the rate of one
meter per turn. +2 dice to dodge
••• Completelyintangible to physical
attacks; character is affected nor-
\ '- mallyby energy attacks, gravity
, fields, psychicattacks and the like.
Whileintangible,the charactercan
walkthroughwallsand ignore the
Density Control effects of physicalattacks. Attacks
Level:2 such as Strobe, whichaffects
Quantum Minimum: 3 senses the character is stillusing,
DicePool:Variable and any powerwhichaffects the
Range: Self character's mind(likeMirageor
Area:N/A MentalBlast),stillaffect the char
Duration: Maintenance acter even thoughhe is intangible.
Effect:Increases or decreasesthe character'sden- An intangiblecharacter needs to
sity, grantingher armorlikeprotectionor intangibility . breathe,so cannotwalkthroughthe
Multiple Adions:Yes entire Earth; he can take damage
Description: This powerallowsthe character to ei- from attacks such as gases unless
ther increase her density or decrease it, but not both; he has the Adaptabilityenhance
the player must choose whichabilitythe character has ment.Whileintangible, the charac
whenthe power is purchased. ter cannotaffect the tangibleworld
A character whocan increase her density becomes in anyway- he cannot fire a gun,
heavierbut alsotougherand stronger.To use this power, pickup anyobject, punchsomeone
the character rollsQuantum,addinga numberof auto- or do anythingof the sort. +3 dice
maticsuccessesequalto her DensityControlrating;each to dodge.
successdoublesher weightand adds one dot of Strength •••• Completelyintangibleto physical
(or one dot of Mega-Strengthif Strength exceeds 5, to attacks, takes half damagefrom
a maximumof Mega-Strength 5) and one extra soak energyattacksandsuffersonlyhalf
against bashingand lethal damage. The extra Strength normaleffects fromenergy fields.
gained does not increase a character's jumpingability. +3 dice to dodge; otherwise,
In manycharacters an increase in density is accompa- effects are as at DensityControl
nied by visibleeffects suchas the character'sbodyturn- ••• ,above.
ing to rock or metal,but this effect is not required. • •••• Completelyintangibleto all forces
A character whocan decrease her density can do except psychicattacks. Character
so withouta roll;however,the character musthave,and maytake an action to turn parts of
use, an appropriate numberof dots in the power to de- her bodysolid,enablingher to at-
crease density. Eachlevelof Density Controladds one to tack witha solidifiedfist, foot, etc;
the difficultiesof hittingthe character with all physical attackers maytarget the solidified
attacks except Area and Explosiveattacks, so long as parts, but at normaltargetingpen-
the character has the poweractivated. alties. +3dice to dodge;otherwise,
DensityDecrease Effect effects are as at DensityControl
• Reduced density; +1die to dodge; ••• ,above.
charactermayoozeor seep through Extras:FullControl(charactercanboth increaseand
cracks and other tiny openingsat decrease his density); Affects Others (character may
the rate of one centimeterper turn. changethe densityof persons or objects for a scene by
•• Greatly reduceddensity;reduce by touchingthem and rollingManipulation+ DensityCon-
halfthe damagethe charactertakes trol; an unwillingtarget mayrollResistanceto resist; an
fromany physicalattack, object made superdense gains extra soak and weight,
correspondinglyreduce the effec whilean object made less dense losessoak or even be-



ented and unableto take action effectively.The effect

can be physical(inducingnausea) or mental (creating
hallucinations),dependingon howthe poweris defined,
but the end result is the same.
Touse Disorient,the novarollsManipulation+Dis-
orient.; the target mayopposethis witha Willpowerroll.
E.achnet successreducesallof the target's dice poolsby
one. lf any dice poolis reduced to halfor less, the target
cannot use that poweror abilityat all unlessshe spends
a pointof Willpower ; anydicepoolreducedto zerocan-
not be used at all. The target mayspend a point of Will-
Disintegration power to shake off the effects, but the attacking nova
Level:3 mayuse the poweron the same target multipletimes.
QuantumMinimum: 5 Disorient,as a Maintenancepower, lasts for the
DicePool:Dexterity..,Disintegration normal(Quantum..,power rating) turns. The novamay
(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters then spend extra quantumpoints to maintainthe power
Area:N/A automaticallyat the same levelof successes. However,
Dlntion:Instant the opponentmaymakeanother Willpowerroll,and she
Effect:Causes(Quantum+successes)levelsof ag- gainsan automaticsuccesson thisroll. If the novawishes
gravateddamage. to maintain the power for yet another period, the
Multiple Actions:No opponent'snext Willpowerrollgainstwo automaticsuc-
Description: This terrifyingpowerallowsthe char- cesses, and so on.
acter literallyto disintegrate(or in some similarway ut- Extras : None
terly destroy) a person or physicalobject.To use it, the
characterpaysthe quantum-pointcost androllsDexterity
+Disintegration .Hissuccesses,plusa numberofautomatic
successesequalto hisQuantum,equalthe numberof levels
of aggravateddamagethe attack inflicts.
Extras: None

DicePool:Intelligence+ Disrupt
(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
Disorient Effect:Reducesthe effectivenessof powersbyone
dot per success.
Quantum Minimum: 1
Multiple Actions:Yes
DicePool:Manipulation+ Disorient Description: This powerrepresents a nova'sgreat
control over quantumenergies. With it, he can disrupt
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
another nova's controlover anyquantumpower(but not
Area :N/A
Mega-Attributesor enhancements). To use it, he need
only spend the quantumpoints and roll Intelligence+
Effect:Allowscharacter to confuse and weaken
Disrupt.The target mayresist with a Quantum+ Node
roll. Each net success the novaachievesover the num-
ber of successesachievedbyhistarget reducesthe power
Description: A nova with Disorientcan cause an-
by one dot per success.
other character to becomeconfused,weakened,disori-


Disrupt can affect any power; the nova may, for the novascores more successes, he succeeds in achiev-
example,disrupt his target's QuantumBoltone turn, and ing control. The degree of control depends upon how
his Force Fieldthe next turn. However,withoutan Extra manysuccesses the nova has left after subtracting the
it cannot affect multiplepowers at once. Moreover,it is victim'sWillpowersuccesses, as follows:
difficult to use Disrupt multiple times in succession After control has been achieved, a character af-
against the same target; each subsequentuse of Disrupt fect.ed by DominationmayrollWillpower ; if she succeeds
against the same target incurs a + I difficultypenalty. she may then spend one point of Willpowerto decrease
Extras:Extra Power (Disrupt may affect any two the attack's effectiveness - the Willpowerpoint re-
powersat once) duces the successes (and thus the commandintensity)
by one. Forexample,a character whoisbeingDominated
is told to shoot a friend. She makes a Willpowerroll at
normaldifficulty,succeeds, then spends a point of Will-
powerto reducethe effect to Major. The Storytellerrules
that she summonsup enoughstrength of willto turn the
gun aside and shoot a wallinstead of her comrade.
In order to use Domination,the nova must be able
to communicatewith his subject - Dominationis not
inherently"telepathic. If the target is too far away to
hear a commandor cannot understand a commandfor
some reason, even Total Controlmaybe useless.
Extras:Telepathic(Dominationis telepathic - or-
ders can be communicatedautomatically, withoutthe need
for speech);ParasiticPossession(novaspendsthree quan-
Domination tumand a Willpowerpointto discorporateand psychically
Level: 2 possessvictim;nova's bodydisappears, andnovabecomes
QuantumMinimum:3 a beingof quantum-chargedbrainwavesinhabitingvictim's
DicePool:Manipulation + Domination centralnervoussystem; maysubstituteownpersonalityfor
Range:(Quantum+ power rating) x 10meters that of victim,up to the limitof the successesrolled· while
Area:N/A in possessionthe nova gains the victims physicalTraits,
Duration: Concentration Appearanceand nova powers, as wellas his own Mental
Effect: Take control of target's brainwaves; num- Trails, Charisma, Manipulation , Willpower andmentalpow-
ber of successes indicatesdegree of control. ers, and mayleavethe host bodyvia the expenditureof a
Multiple Act.ions: Yes further three quantumand one Willpowerpoint·however,
Description: This mental power allowsa nova to if nova-possessedvictimdieswhilenovais possessing,the
project hisquantumconsciousnessintoa sentienttarget's nova'sconsciousnessdies as well; this power has a range
brainwaves. With suff1c1entsuccesses, he can makehis of [Quantum+ power rating) meters, and the novamust
victimdo anything, up to and includingkillinghimself. makeeye contactwiththe victim;victimresistswithWill-
To use Domination,the nova must spend the nec- powerper normalDominationrules)
essary quantumpoints and roll Manipulation+ Domina-
tion ina resisted action against the target's Willpower.If

Successes Command Intensity

One Minor/Quirky:Blink, eat a bug, weara particularsuit of clothes.
Two Major/Noteworthy:Do the nova's chores; buylunchfor someoneyou hate.
Three Complex/Antithetical: Worship a foreigngod; followa particularset of commands("Fillout this
form, mail1tto Wilkes-Barre, PAfrom Boise, Idaho, and after doingso, take out a full- page
newspaper ad whichreads..."); attack (or refrain fromattacking)whomeverthe nova 1nd1 cates in
Four Total Control:Commit suicide: perform any task, no matter how difficultor vile.
based on the nature of those elementsand the specific
Elemental Anima techniques the nova masters. The player may pick one
Level:3 of the listedtechniques for each dot the novahas in the
Quantum Minimum: 4 power; these techniques are ones the nova has "mas-
DicePool:Variable t.ered" and mayfreely perform. The techniques chosen
Range: Special shouldbe appropriateto the elementthat is being con-
Area:Special trolled - fire or water powersmayprovide movement
Du-ation:Variable abilities, for example,but it's unlikelythat darknesswould.
Effect:Charactercancontrola particularsubstance The character mayalsotry to performother techniques,
or phenomenon. either ones listedhere or entirelyone-shot, off-the-cuff
MutipleActions:Yes "stunts." However,such effects cost double the quan-
Description: A nova with ElementalAnima can tumpointsandsufferdifficultypenaltiesof one; the nova
project her quantumconsciousnessinto a particularel- has masteredonlythe techniques her dots allowher to.
ement - fire, sound, ice, electricity or whateverthe The Storytellerhas the absoluteright to allowor refuse
playercan thinkof and the Storytellerwillallow- in- a particularuse of power, basedon her interpretationof
vestingit with"life." This powerallowsher to take con- the element'sinherent limits.
trol of it and shape it to her will.Notethat the character Forf.xatrf,Je:
LaNinabuysElemental Animaat 3, de-
cannot create the element (doingthat requires the El- finingthe power as the abilityto manipulate , focusand
emental Mastery power) - she can only affect and disperseairandwindForherthreemasteredabilities , she
manipulateelemental"matter" that alreadyexists. The choosesEnhance/Diminish (canwhipwindsto a galeor
playermustchoose whichelementthe novacan control calmthem), LethalBlast(knifelike "wind-serpents" that
whenbuyingthe power. vaguelyresemblehissingmoray eels) and Movemen~
Thiscontroloffersthe novaa varietyof techniques. (shapeswindsinto a cloaklikeform, enablingher to sa,I
The exact techniquesdiffer from element to element, aloftandglidethroughtheair). Shemayuse theseabilities
at thestandarddifficulty.If Ninawishedto focusairintoa Enhance/Diminish
defensivescreen(the Wallability),shecouldtry, butshe'd Dice Pool: Intelligence+ ElementalAnima
haveto paydouble(sixquantumpoints),andshe'dsuffera Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
difficultypenaltyof one. Area : (Quantum+powerrating) x 10meter radius
If the Storytelleror a playerwishesto create addi- Duration: Maintenance
tionaltechniques,the examplescan serve as guidelines The character can increaseor decrease the effect
for levelsof powerand rules. As a basic rule of thumb, of the element in an area - for example, brightenor
no techniquegainedthroughElementalAnimashouldbe dimlight,or increaseor decrease the damagecausedby
as powerful as the same or similarabilityboughton its fire. The effect can be enhancedor diminishedby 25%
own. per success rolled. lf the elementis a damagingeffect,
The durationof ElementalAnimatechniquesvar- each success increasesor reduces the intensityof the
ies. Attacksare typicallyInstant; movementtechniques element (or any element-basedpower) by two damage
usuallyhave a duration of Maintenance;other durations dice. The nova may not enhance her own or another
are noted below. The range of a technique is typically character'spowerswiththiseffect, but she mayattempt
the standard(Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters, but to reduce a rival elemental's powers . 1f another
different ranges maybe noted in the text, as is the areacharacter'spowerisbeingreduced,a resistedactionpit-
of any techniquethat covers one. ting the nova's Quantum+ power rating against the
Alter Temperature target's Quantum+ power rating is required; each net
successreduces the target's powerrating by one dot. If
Dice Pool : N/A
the power rating is reduced to zero, the target cannot
use his power for a number of turns equal to the
Area: (Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters
elemental'spower rating.
Duration: Maintenance
Norollis required,but quantumpoint.s mustbe paid
The character can increase or decrease the tem-
as usual.
perature of the air in an area around himself(whichis
Note: If the elementcontrolledis air, and the nova
appropriatefor fire andice powersprimarily).The char-
reduces the effect to 0%, she creates a vacuumin the
acter can alter temperature by 10degrees Celsiusfor
area. CharacterswithoutappropriateLifeSupport who
each dot in the power. No roll is required, but quantum
are caught ina vacuummaysuffocate;see "Suffocation
points must be paid.
and Drowning,"p. 257.
Blast Lethal Blast
Dice Pool : Dexterity + ElementalAnima
Dice Pool: Dexterity+ ElementalAnima
Range:(Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
Duration: Instant
The novashapes,strengthensand redirects the el- Duration:Instant
The charactercan shapean existingquantityof the
ement,turningit intoa damagingblastthat inflicts[Quan-
elementinto a deadlyattack - sharp shards of stone,
tumx 2] levels+(powerratingx 3) dice of bashingdam-
razor-sharp tendrils of water or air, a laser or the like.
age. If there is onlya smallamountof the element avail-
able, the Storytellermayreduce the range or damage. Thisattack inflicts[Quantumx 2] levels+(powerrating
x 2) dice of lethaldamage.
Elemental Shield Movement
DicePool: Wits + ElementalAnima
Dice Pool:N/A
Range: Self
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
The character canturn the element awayfromhim-
The character directs the element in such a way
self, thus protectinghimselfand anyonedirectlynext to
that he can movequickly.The nature of the movement
himfrom the brunt of its effects. RollWits + Elemental
dependson the element: Novaswhocontrolwindhaveit
Anima;each successcountsas foursoak that applyonly
pick them up and waft them where they wish to go;
to attacks basedon that element.This techniquecan be
elementalswho control earth and rock ride waves of
aborted to as a defensiveaction.
earth or tunnelthroughthe soil. The character can move
at the rate of (powerratingx 2) + 20 meters per action,
or ( 40 x powerrating) kilometersper hour out of com-



Shaping allyleavesthe ground(unlessthe character is creatinga

DicePool:Wits + ElementalAnima screen of hardenedair molecules,for instance). The Sto-
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 5 meters ryteller maydeclare the walluseless against certain at-
Area:Special tacks; for example,a wallof windwouldblowasidephysi-
Dlration:Maintenance cal attacks and snuff fires, but it wouldhavelittle effect
The character mayalter the shape of a quantityof on electricity.
the element. No more than (three cubic meters of the Extras:None
element x power rating) can be affected at once. The
character can create geometricshapesor simple"sculp-
tures" such as fire-people or ice statues. If the player
makesan Arts (Sculpture)roll,the character can create
extremelydetailed and beautifulshapes. If the novaat- Elemental Mastery
tempts to use this power offensively(for example, to Level:3
sculpt a pit under a foe or trap an opponent in a burning QuantumMinimum:5
ringof fire), the playermustmakean attack roll (Wits+ DicePool : Variable
ElementalAnima),which the target can dodge normally. Range:Variable
Area: Variable
Wall Dlration:Variable
DicePool: N/A Effect:The novacan create, alter and controlvari-
Range: Special ous substancesor phenomena.
Area: (Quantum+ power rating) cubicmeters MultipleActions:Yes
Dlration:Maintenance(and see below) Description:ElementalMastery is similar to, but
The character raises a wallof the element in front transcends, ElementalAnima.WhereasElementalAnima
of him. For each dot in the power, the nova gains two allowsa novato manipulatean existingelement, Elemental
soak againstappropriateattacks unlessthe attacker can Mastery allowshim actuallyto create that element or
somehowshoot aroundit. The wallmovesas the charac-
ter moves,but it immediatelycollapsesif she intention-
phenomenon,thus greatlyexpandingthe rangeof his el- tum point duringthe initialattack, it inflictsdamageas
ementalabilities. woulda clinch.
LikeElementalAnima, ElementalMasteryprovides
a listof techniques,andcharactersmaymasteronetech-
Lethal Blast
niqueper dot in ElementalMastery. Charactersmayat- DicePool:Dexterity+ ElementalMastery
tempt to use techniquesthey haven't mastered, but the Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
playersmustpay doublecost and rollagainsta difficulty Area:N/A
penaltyof one. The techniqueschosenshouldbe appro- Duration: Instant
priate to the elementbeinggenerated - fire or earth The charactercan"throw"or project a lethaldam-
powersmayprovideImprison, for example,but it's un- age blast of the element - anythingfrom a blast of
likelythat lightpowerswould. freezingcold to a dehydrativeattack that sucksthe wa-
Charactersmaychoose from the techniqueslisted ter out of the target's body. This attack inflicts[Quan-
here or make up their own, with the Storyteller's per- tum x 2] levels+ (power rating x 2) dice of lethal dam-
missionand approval. age.

Blast Propel
DicePool:Dexterity+ ElementalMastery DicePool:N/A
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters Range:
Area:N/A Area:N/A
DI.ration:Instant Duration:Maintenance
The novagenerates a blast or bolt of the element By creating a "blast" of the elementbehind him-
that inflicts[Quantumx 2] levels+ (power rating x 3) self, the character can moveat rapid speeds - (power
dice of bashingdamage. rating x 2) + 20 meters per action, or (40 x powerrat-
ing)kilometersper hour out of combat.Where and how
Crush the character can movedepends on the element;Propel
DicePool:Dexterity+ ElementalMastery basedon fire wouldbe like Flight,whereasPropelbased
(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters on water wouldwork only in water and wouldbe like
Area:N/A Hyperswimming .
The novais ableto create a quantityof the element
that picksup the target andslamshiminto a nearbysturdy DicePool:N/A
object such as a buildingor tree, or simplycrushes him. Range:
This attack couldrepresent an intenseburst of wind, a Area:N/A
hand of stone which grows out of the groundand grabs Dintion:Maintenance
the victimor phoenix-talonsof fire. The character rolls The character can create a Force Field-likepro-
tective barrier of the elementaroundhimself.This bar-
Intelligence+powerrating; each successallowsthe tar-
get to be movedup to 10 meters (if the novaso desires); rier providestwo extra soak per dot versusbashingand
the victimtakesa numberof bashingdamagelevelsequal lethal damage. For an extra quantumpoint, the Shield
to twice the successes rolled, and her Initiativeon the causes harmto anyonewhotouchesit (it inflictsa num-
next turn is reduced by one per success. ber of dice of bashingdamageequal to the character's
powerrating). The Shieldslightlyobscuresothers' view
Imprison of the character, but it does not interfere withhis vision
DicePool:Wits + ElementalMastery at all.
(Quantum+powerrating) x 10 meters
Dintion:Maintenance DicePool:Dexterity+ ElementalMastery
The novais able to confinea target withina quan-
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
tity of the element.Examplesincludecreating a fiery Area: (Quantum + powerrating) x 3 meters
cage,suspendinga victiminan invisiblefist of air or caus- DI.ration: Instant
ing someoneto sink up to his neck into solidrock. The The character can project a largeballor sphere of
confiningelementhas a Mightequalto twice the number the element , which injuresanyonewithinits radius. The
of successesrolled; the trapped charactermaybreakout blast inflicts (powerratingx 3) dice of bashingdamage
of it just as he wouldfrom a clinch. Imprison inflictsno in the listed radius.
damageordinarily,but if the novaspendsan extra quan-



Storm strongeror weaker.Doingso does not necessarilyprompt

DicePool:Wits + ElementalMastery the target to do anything,but it does makeit morelikely
Range:(Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters that the target willtakesomekindof action. Forexample,
Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters if a nova detects that a target is angry at the govern-
Duration:Concentration ment,he mightheightenthat emotionto a blindingrage.
The character can generate a stormlike area filled Howthe target deals withhis range is beyondthe nova's
withthe element.Examplesincludeblizzards,firestorms, control.The target mightbegina vitriolicletter-writing
sandstorms,earthquakes,tornadoes,sonicfieldsand ice campaign,or he mightpick up a submachinegun, walk
patches. Eachturn, Storm typicallyinflictstwo levelsof into the nearest courthouseand beginfiring.
bashingdamage per dot in the power rating, reduces To detect a target's emotions,the nova must roll
opponent'sdice poolsby two (fromwhippingwinds,fi- Perception+ EmpathicManipulationin an opposed roll
ery gouts or poor footing)and halvesmovementand vi- againstthe target's Willpower . Evena singlenet success
sion. Other effects are up to the Storytellerand should on the nova's part is enoughfor him to determine the
be based on common-senseviewsof the effects of the target's emotionalstate and against whomor what that
element.Forexample,anyonemovingthrougha blizzard emotionis directed.
or earthquakemighthave to makean Athleticsor Flight Manipulatingthose emotionsrequires a Manipula-
rollto keep fromslippingand falling,and they wouldrisk tion+ EmpathicManipulationroll,resistedby the target's
hypothermia;anyone m a firestorm wouldtake lethal Willpower . For each net success achieved,the novacan
damageinsteadof bashing. adjust the target's emotionsup or downon the following
Extras:None table by one step. The Storytellershoulduse this table
as a guidelinefor emotionsnot covered.
The emotionalchangesbroughtaboutby Empathic
Manipulationlast a scene or so (in the case of weaker
emotions)or as longas the novaconcentrateson them
and pays quantumpoints per (Quantum+ powerrating)
turns to maintainthem (in the case of strong emotions).
Afterthat theyabate normally . Lesseremotionstaketime
to fade, but extreme emotionsquickly 'cool down" to
lowerlevels. Circumstancesmayaffect this, however.

Empathic Entropy Control

Manipulation Level:3
Level:2 QuantumMinimum:4
QuantumMinimum: 2 DicePool:Intelligence+ EntropyControl
DicePool: Variable(Willpowerresisted) Range:Variable
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 20 meters Area: Variable
Area:N/A Duration:Special
Duration:Special Effect: Charactercan control and manipulateen-
Effect:Controlsand manipulatesa target's emo- tropic forces.
tions. MultipleActions: Yes
MultipleAct.ions: Yes Description : A character with this suite of abilities
Description:EmpathicManipulationis, in essence, is a master of the forces of entropy that are alwaysat
a highlyspecializedform of Dominationor Telepathy. lt workin the universe.Hisquantumconsciousnessis able
allowsa nova to detect and manipulatea singletarget's to tap into summonand manipulateentropy the same
emotions. For example, the nova can make emotions wayother novasplaywith fire or ice.

Sadness/Happiness Anger Lust Love Hatred Jealousy/Envy

Not sad/happy Not angry Not lustful Apathetic Nothateful Notjealous/envious
Sad/happy Angry Interested Like D1sl1ke Jealous/envious
Depressed/elated Enraged Desirous Love Hatred Greedy
Distraught/ecstatic Berserk Unab1ding lust Madlove Blindhatred Blindjealousy/envy
As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery,this power
providesseveraltechniques.A novamaylearnand freely
use one techniqueper dot inthe power;she mayattempt
other techniques, but she must pay double quantum
pointsand rollat a difficultypenaltyof one to use these
alternativetechniques. Techniquesinclude:
Bioentropy Storm
DicePool:Dexterity+ EntropyControl
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
Area: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
Duration : Instant
The novacan create a field in whichentropic ef-
fects pertainingto livingcreatures run riot.The victims
age, suffer spontaneousinjuriesand experience other
biologicalbreakdowns. The nova rolls Dexterity+ En-
tropy Controlin an opposedcontest againstthe victims'
Stamina; each net success inflictsone healthlevelof le-
havethe HardbodyMega-Staminaenhancement.
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
Duration: Special
The nova can cause any machine,device or similar 1
object to stop functioningas some part of it breaks,
wears out or loses power. This power'seffects are per-
manentuntilsomeonerepairsthe device,providesit with
morepoweror the like.Touse Breakdown,the novarolls
Intelligence+ Entropy Control in an opposed action
against the device's "Stamina." The Storytellershould
determinethe device'sStaminaratingfor these purposes.
The more complexor technologicallyadvanceda ma-
chineis, the lowerits Stamina- it's hard to use Break-
downon a simpleobject or one with few movingparts,
but the more complicateda device becomes,the more
opportunities there are for entropy to gaina foothold.
Entropic Shield
DicePool:Stamina+ EntropyControl
The charactersurroundshimselfwitha fieldof en-
tropic energy. This field heightensthe entropic reac-
tionswithinany incomingattack (especiallythose based
on physicalobjects,suchas bullets),thusdisruptingand
weakeningthem. Eachsuccess achievedon a Stamina+
EntropyControlrollgrants the character an extra soak
against bashingand lethaldamage. However,this extra
soak does not applyto attacks by livingmatter, such as
fists or animals.

... .

Probability Corruption
DicePool:EntropyControl Successes Clarity
Range:(Quantum+ power rating) x 5 meters One Veryhazy,as thoughsensing
Area:N/A throughfog; one sense (sight,
Dtrat.ion:Maintenance hearing,etc.) only.
This techniqueallowsa novato cause the forces of Two Slightlyblurry perception,one
entropy to overwhelma single target, makingit more sense; or hazyperception,allnor-
likelythat he willfaildisastrously.To use it, the novarolls malsenses.
EntropyControl.Eachsuccess achievedresults in a loss Three Perfect perception,one sense;
of one die (or one automaticsuccess) for all rolls made slightlyblurryperception,allnor-
by the target. Additionally,the target willbotch a roll if malsenses; can use one nova
he rollsno successesand any die comesup I or 2. These sense, though1twillbe very hazy.
negative effects last as long as the nova pays quantum Four Near-perfect perceptionwith all
points to keep the entropic forces focusedon the vic- normalsenses; blurry perception
tim. with novasenses.
Extras:None Five Perfect perceptionwith normal or

Extras:Distant Scan (range is increased to [Per-

ception + power rating] x 1000km, but the process of
scanningat this distance takes at least 15minutesper
1000km of distance, and the nova may take no other
actions, or even perceive his immediatesurroundings,
whileso scanmng;furthermore the Perception + ESP
roll to target is at +I difficultyper 2000 km)

QuanbJmMinimum :3
DicePool:Perception+ ESP
Range: (Perception+ powerrating) x 20 meters
EffectAllowscharacter to sense his surroundings
from a "focus point ' at range.
: No
By attuninghimselfto quantumebbs
and Aows,the nova may sense things at much greater
ranges than he normallycould. The sense that ESP af-
DicePool:Dexterity+ Flight
fects must be chosen when the power is purchasedand
Range: Self
cannot be changedthereafter.
Ar~: NIA
To use ESP,the novaneed onlyspend the quantum
Duration: Maintenance
points and concentrate. He then defines a "focus point"
Effect: Allowscharacter to fly at the speed of
somewherewithinthe power'srange. Hecan sense from
{powerrating x 4) + 40 meters per action.
that focuspoint as if he were standingright there. Thus,
MultipleActions : Per normalmovementrules.
this power is perfect for "seeing throughwalls"or oth-
Description:This powerallowsthe character to Ay
erwise spyingon people.
through the air, outer space and similarthree-dimen-
The nova must make a Perception + ESP roll (no
sionalareas. Hecan flyat a speed equalto {powerrating
range penalties) to target the power, and the clarity of
x 4) + 40 meters per action incombat; out of combathis
the scan is based on the numberof successes rolled:
speed is (Quantum+ Flight)x 50 kilometersper hour.



Normally,no roll is required to use Flight.lf the

character wants to perform aerobatic stunts or fly
Gravity Control
throughnarrowopeningsat highspeeds withouthurting Level:3
himself,the Storytellermayrequire a Dexterity+ Flight Quantum Mininun:4
roll lo determinewhether the character succeeds. The DicePool:Variable
character may also substitute Dexterity+ Flightfor a Range:Variable
normal Dodge roll while in the air; dependingon the Area:Variable
character's movement,this mayallowhimto dodge ex- Otntion:Variable
plosionsandarea attacks,thoughparticularlylarge-scale Effect:Characteris able to manipulategravityand
blasts mightcost the character his entire action. graviticfields.
Extras:Underwater(character may use his Flight MultipleActions:Yes
underwaterand throughother bodiesof liquid) Description: A novawith this power is a master of
gravity. He is able to lift and moveobjects, fly by ma-
nipulatinggravitic forces and otherwisecontrolgravity.
As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery,this power
providesseveraltechniques.A novamaylearnand freely
use one techniqueper dot in the power; she mayattempt
other techniques,but the playermustpay doublequan-
tum cost and roll against a difficultypenalty of one to
activatethese powers. Techniquesinclude:
Gravitic Blast
DicePool:Dexterity+ GravityControl
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
Otntion: Instant
By manipulatingmicropocketsof intense gravity
Force Field arounda target, the novacan bashand tear it apart. The
Level:2 end result is similarto a QuantumBolt.Thisattack does
Quantum Minimum:2 [Quantumx 2) levels+(powerratingx 3) dice of bash-
DicePool:Stamina+ ForceField ingdamageor [Quantumx 2) levels+(powerratingx 2)
Range:Self dice or lethal damage(nova'schoice).
Otntion:Maintenance Gravitational Field
Effect:Quantum+ (2/success) extra soak versus DicePool:Wits + GravityControl
bashingand lethaldamage. Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
MultipleActions:Yes Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 3 meters
Desa-iption: This powerprovidesextra protection Otntion: Concentration
for a nova. Mostnovasare alreadypretty hardy,but one The novacan alter the gravity in a givenarea. For
withthis powermaybe virtuallyuntouchable.ForceField each successachievedon a Dexterity+ GravityControl
providesa numberof extra soakequalto the character's roll,he can warplocalgravityby up to .5g (normalEarth
Quantum.The novathen rollsStamina+ForceField. Each gravity is 1 g). Weightof objects is increased or de-
successadds another two soak. This soak protects ver- creased by an equivalentamount; a 100 kg object in a
sus bashingand lethaldamage. 1.5g fieldweighs150kg. Objectsin a zero-g fieldweigh
Force Fieldcan be used to blockor parry attacks, nothing,whileobjects in a negative-g field fallupward
includingattacks withquantumpowers. The nova'sForce until out of the field. The nova can be selective if he
Fieldrating is substitutedfor Brawlor MartialArts. wishes,increasingsomeobjects' mass,decreasingoth-
Extras:Wall(allowscharacter to project a "wall" ers and leavingyet others alone. A creature or object
of force at a rangeof three metersper dot inForceField; that becomestoo heavycannotmove(or be moved),and
the basicwallis two meters longby two meters highand it maycollapseunder its ownweightif it becomesheavy
can be made two meters taller or longerper dot in the enough. lf the nova tries to affect a livingthing with a
power;the character can alter the dimensionswitheach GravitationalField,the target mayresist withWillpower .
use if he so chooses).



Weight vs. Mass

To determinean object's current weight.sim-
ply multiply,ts mass by the localgravitationalfield
strength. A cargo bin that weighsjUStover 240 kg
on Earth weighsonly91 kg in Mars' naturalgravity
(mass 240 kg x Martiangravityof .38 Earth-stan-
dard - 91 kg).
cult. Peopleraisedma I g (normalEarth-gravity)en-
vironmentare strongerand moredurable1nlowgrav-

-------------· ity, but they are sloweddownand weakenedin high

gravity. The effects of gravitychangesare apphed
to charactersm a straightforwardfashionto reduce
the need for formulasand complexmechamcalsys-
one extra dot m both Strengthand Staminain .6 g or
lower,but they loseone dot fromDexterity;charac-
ters with Gravity Control gain the Strength and
Stamina,but they do not losethe Dexterity.Charac-
ters withoutGravityControllosetwodots fromboth
StrengthandDextentyin1.5g or higher,sincethey're
constantly resisting the increased pull of gravity.
These adjustmentsaffect not only dice pools, but
jumpingdistances, lmt1ative,encumbranceand en-
duranceas well.
A flyingcharacter caughtin a G-fieldof 2 g or
above must roll Strength ~ Fhghtagainst the grav-
1ty-w1elder's skilltotal; 1fthe flierscores fewersuc-
cesses, he beginsto fall(see "Falling,"p. 256). De-
pendingon the character'saltitude, he mightbeable
to makeanother Strength + Flightroll to pullout of
his fall m time to avoidhitting the ground,but the
player must spend more quantumpoints to reacti-
vate h,s Flight.
Fallingdamage in altered gravity 1smultiplied
by the strengthof the G-f,eld;thus,a characterfall-
mg20 meters m .5-G gravitywouldtakedamageas
thoughshe'd fallen10 meters,whilea characterfall-
mg 20 meters ma 2-G field wouldtake damageas
thoughshe'd fallen40 meters. This also applies to
fallmgor droppedobjects;the damagethey inflictis
multipliedby the localG-field.

Gravitic Flight
DicePool: N/A
Duration: Maintenance
The nova1sable to manipulategravityto pickhim-
selfup andflycrudely.Hisflyingspeed is equalto (power
ratingx 2) + 20 meters per action, or (40 x powerrat-
ing)kilometersper hour out of combat.



Gravitic Shield son to be healedandspendone quantumpointper health

DicePool:N/A levelto be healed. The character mayheal a numberof
Range:Self bashinghealth levelsup to twice her powerrating, or a
Area:N/A numberof lethal health levelsup to her power rating.
Ot.ntion:Maintenance This power may be employedonlyonce per victimper
The character can project wavesof gravityaround scene.
herself. Doingso providesan excellentdefense against Alternatively,if a character is sufferingfrom poi-
incomingprojectilesand deAectshand-to-hand physi- son or a disease,each quantumpointadds one die to the
cal attacks. Each turn, the character can subtract her afflictedcharacter's Resistanceroll. Once the roll suc-
dots inGravityControlfromthe attack successesof any ceeds, the poisonor diseasestops affectingthe charac-
physicalprojectileattack (bullets, thrownobjects, etc.); ter. Anydamagealreadytaken can then be healedwitha
furthermore,the GraviticShieldprovidesone soak per normalapplicationof Healing.
dot againstany projectileattack that does connect. She Healingcan even regenerate severed limbsor ru-
maysubtract halfher dots in GravityControl(roundup) ined organs, but to do so costs double quantum and a
fromthe attack successesof any hand-to-handphysical Willpowerpoint.
attack. GraviticShielddoes not affect pure energy at- Extras: None
tacks, likeflameattacks or electricalblasts.
DicePool:Dexterity+ GravityControl
Range:(Quantum+powerrating) x 10 meters
The novamayuse his ability to manipulategravity
to pick up objects. He can then throw them or hit other
characters withthem. Doingso is performedin a fashion
identicalto use of the Telekinesispower (p. 224), ex-
cept that the dice pool is Dexterity+ GravityControl
and the novamustscore two successesto gainone suc-
cess on the Telekinesisliftingchart.
Quan tumMininun: 1
DicePool:Manipulation + Holo
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
Effect: Creates images;each success adds one to
the difficultyof Perceptionrolls to determine the true
nature of the image
Description:This power allowsa nova to create
images- illusions, if you will- with whichto trick
and befuddleother characters. The playermustchoose
whichsense the imagesaffect whenhe buys the power.
Healing As its namesuggests, Holois usuallyused to create im-
Level:3 ages whichcan be seen, but auditory imagesare also
Quantum Mininun:4 popular.
DicePool:N/A To use Holo, the novarollsManipulation+Holoto
Range:Touch determinehowpreciseand accuratehis imagesare. Fail-
Area: N/A ure indicatesthat the nova fails to create an accurat.e
Ot.ntion:Instant image. Eachsuccess abovethe first increasesthe diffi-
Effect: Healsone health levelof lethal or bashing cultyof Perceptionrollsto determinethe true nature of
damageper quantumpoint. the illusionby one. If an observer fails his Perception
Multiple Actions:Yes roll, he believesthe imagesare real until he has reason
Description:Thispowerenablesa novato healher-
self or others. Touse Healing,a novamusttouchthe per-


to think otherwise (at whichpoint he mayroll Percep- ter. As longas the character has a line of sight to them,
tion again). If he makeshis Perceptionroll at any time, he can control what they do, just as if they were still a
he instantlyrecognizesthe imagesfor whatthey are and part of his body. If lineof sight is lost, or if they some-
can perceivewhat (if anything)they are hiding. how pass beyondthe power's range, they willcontinue
Imagescreated by Holocannotdirectlycauseharm, with whateveractions they were performinguntiltheir
even if they affect the sense of touch. However,they tasks are completedand then stop moving until line of
couldtricka characterintoharming himself.Forexample, sight and range are reestablished.
if Holois used to makea cliffseem likea grassymeadow, If a detached body part is attacked, it is consid-
anyonewhofailshisPerceptionrollcouldeasilywalkright ered to havethe sameAttributes and Traits as the char-
off the cliff to his doom. acter, but it acts separately from the character (i.e., if
Extras:Extra Sense (power affects one additional the character decides to dodge in a particular tum, his
sense at the same time). detached body parts do not have to dodge; they can at-
tack, block, or do whateverelse they want,just as if they
were separate characters). If one is stunnedor knocked
unconscious,the other maycontinue to act. If the de-
tached body part is killed,the character loses that part
of his body permanently.
A "small creature" homunculushas no quantum
powers, but it is otherwiseconsideredto have half rat-
ings in the character's normalTrails (i.e., if the charac-
ter has a Strength of 4, the homunculushas a Strength
of 2), half normalsoak and a Bite/ Clawattack of Str +I
lethaldamage. The playermayshift points aroundif he
likes(reducingStrengthto addto Dexterity, for example).
lf killed, the maincharacter takes one automatichealth
levelof lethaldamage.
Homunculus At two dots and higher,the character can create
Level:3 more than one homunculus . At two dots he can create
Quantum Minimum: 4 twohomunculi ; at three dots, fourhomunculi;at fourdots,
DicePool:Stamina+ Homunculus six homuncul i; at five dots, 10homunculi . These homun-
Range: Self culican all be the same, or can be different.lt costs no
Area:N/A additionalquantumpoints to create multiplecreatures.
Dlntion: Special Furthermore, if the character has Homunculus4+,
Effect: Allowsnova to separate parts of his body she can break downher entire body intoa "homunculus
or create smallcreatures from his ownbody. swarm" of thousands of insect-sized creatures. The
Multiple Adions:Special swarmmovesat the character's normal speed and can
Description:Similarin many ways to Clone, this flowover an opponent, automaticallyinflictinga number
power allowsa nova to separate parts of his body yet of levels of lethaldamage per turn equal to the power
retain control over them (for example, detaching his rating(soakprotects normallyagainstthis damage). The
hands and lettingthem stranglesomeoneon their own), swarmcan Aowover multipleopponents; the character
to create smallcreatures fromhis ownbody,or even to simplydivides the levelsof lethal damage between or
break down his body into a swarmof tinycreatures. Use amongall appropriate targets. Thus, if the homunculus
of the powerdoes not cause the novaany damage. swarmcouldpotentiallyinflictfour levelsof lethaldam-
To use Homunculus , the novaspends the required age per turn, the character couldflowover three oppo-
amountof quantumpoints and rolls Stamina + Homun- nents, inflictingtwo levelsper turn to one foe and one
culus. Successmeansthat a body part can be detached levelper tum to the other two. A homunculus swarmtakes
or a creature can be created. The creatures in question a maximumof one health levelof damagefrommost at-
cannot be perfect duplicatesof the nova - that re- tacks, but fire, explosionand area attacks affect it nor-
quires Clone - but they could be smaller,or warped mally.
and twisted, versionsof him. lt takes onlyone turn for a novato create a single
Detachedbody parts or creatures can moveup to homunculus,but the character can do nothingelse that
10meters per dot in Homunculus awayfromthe charac- turn (not even walking). Once created, the homunculus



does not cost quantumpoints to maintain;it remainsat the sonic booms(consider this effect the equivalentof
no cost until it recombineswith the originalcharacter. causingdamageequal to the Mega-Strengthenhance-
To recombine,two or more homunculineed only touch ment Thunderclapalongthe character's backwardtra-
and use an action;again,this is the onlyaction they can jectory,but substitutingdots in Hypermovement for dots
performthat tum. Recombiningis automatic;it does not in Mega-Strength). Characters using Hypermovement
require a roll. have to be very carefulabout their effect on the world
Extras:None aroundthem.
A characterwhomovesat fulltilt maytake no other
actions (except Hyperspeed or Aerial Slam) while so
doing,but the difficultyt.o hit himincreasesby one per
dot in the power; thus, anyone attacking a nova men-
tioned with Hyperrunning4 has to roll against a diffi-
culty penalty of at least four if the target is movingat
If a character has to maneuversuddenlywhileus-
ing Hypermovement,the Storytellercan have himmake
a Dexterity+ Hypermovementroll to do so.
Extras:Ext.ra Mode(power affects one additional
modeof movement)

Quantum Minimun: 1
DicePool:Dexterity+ Hypermovement
Range: Self
Duration: Maintenance
Effect:Increases character's running, flying or
Multiple Actions: N/A
Description: A novawithHypermovementcan run,
swim or fly at super-fast speeds. At higher levels,
Hypermovementallowsa character to outpace bullet Hypnosis
trains, jetfighters and other vehicles. The player must Level:1
specify whichmodeof movementHypermovementen- QuantumMinimum:1
hances(running, swimmingor Flight,but not techniques DicePool:Intelligence+ Hypnosis
frompowerssuchas ElementalMasteryor GravityCon- Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) meters
trol) whenhe buys the power. Area:N/A
Hypermovement worksby increasingthe multiplier Duration: Special
used to calculatethe character's movementrate. Each Effect:Hypnotizestarget; number of successes
dot adds six to the multiplier.For example,in combatall definesdegree of control.
characterscan sprint at a rate equalto (Dexterityx 3) + Multiple Actions:Yes
20 meters per action. A character with Hyperrunning1 Description: Hypnosis is, in effect, a weaker ver-
movesat (Dexterityx 9) + 20 meters per action. If he sion of Domination . While it allowscharacters to exert
increases the power to Hyperrunning4, he moves at some control over the mindsof others, it is harder to
(Dexterityx 27) + 20 meters per action. A character use, and it establishesa lowerdegree of controlover the
withHyperswimming treats his base swimmingscore as victim than Dominationdoes.
equalto his sprintingscore, then adds the modifiers ac- A novawith Hypnosiscan do anything a character
cordingly. with the enhancementHypnoticGaze (p. 174) can do
Out of combat,Hypermovement simplyconvertsto (thoughall rolls made are Intelligence+ Hypnosis, not
a speed of 500 kilometersper hourtimesthe dots in the Manipulationor Mega-Manipulation rolls). Additionally ,
power. Thus,a character withHyperrunning4 movesat he can establishmorepowerfulmentalcontrol.Todo so,
2000 kph - breakingthe sound barrier, thus causing he need onlyspend the requiredquantumpointsand roll
significantdamageto structures he runs past becauseof Intelligence+ Hypnosisin a resisted action against the



target's Willpower. If the nova scores more successes, in an opposed test against the victim'sDexterity. Each
he succeeds inachievingcontrol. The degree of control net success, plusa numberof automaticsuccessesequal
depends on howmanysuccessesthe novahas left after to the nova's Quantum,reduces the target's Dexterity
subtractingthe victim'sWillpowersuccesses,as follows: by one (Mega-Dexterity dots are lost first). Attackson
Successes Command Intensity a partiallyimmobilizedtarget gain bonusesto hit (seep .
One VeryMinor:"You are getting 249 for specifics). Whenthe target's Dexterityreaches
sleepy...." zero, he is completelyimmobilized .
Two Quirky:Wear a particularsuit of To break out of Immobilize , the victimmust exert
clothes,pet an imaginarydog his Strength or some other Attribute. ln most cases
Three Minor:Eat a bug; go to a particular, Strengthis the proper Attribute, but the Storytellermay
easilyaccessiblelocation chooseanother Attribute if he feels that is moreappro-
Fouror more Major/Noteworthy:Performa rela priate - for example,if the Immobilizeis defined as
tivelyeasy task for the nova "lockingup the victim's mind," Willpoweror Wits would
Obviously Domination is much more effective in workbetter for breakingout. The Immobilizeis consid-
mostsituations. However,whenused cleverly,Hypnosis ered to have an effectiveStrength,soak and numberof
can be very effective. Hypnosisalso has a longerdura- "health levels"equalto the nova's Quantum+powerrat-
tion than Domination.As longas the novaconcentrates ing. If thistotalrangesabove5, everytwoadditionaldots
on the target, Hypnosisremainsineffect. Oncehe stops provide the Immobilizewith effective levelsof Mega-
concentrating,Hypnosisremainsin effect, if appropri- Strength - thus, a novawith Quantum4 and Immobi-
ate, for a numberof daysequalto the character's dots in lize 5 creates Immobilizeeffects that bind targets as
Hypnosis.Thisgrace periodusuallylasts longenoughfor thoughthey hadMega-Strength2.Whenthe victimdoes
the nova to make his getaway,use an implantedpost- enoughdamageto the Immobilize to break free, it shat-
hypnoticsuggestionor take some similaraction. ters or otherwise vanishes. A fullyimmobilizedtarget
Extras:None can be automaticallyhit, but the Immobilize power's soak
total protects the victim!
Extras: Supertough(the Immobilize effect's health
levels are doubled); Intangible (lmmobilize 's soak and
health levelsdo not protect victim)

Quantum Mininun: 1
DicePool:Dexterity + Immobilize
Range: (Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters Immolate
Otration: One scene or untildestroyed Level:2
Effect:This powerrenders a target immobile;each Quantum Mininun:2
successsubtractsone fromthe target's Dexterity.At zero DicePool:N/ A
Dexterity, the target is paralyzed. Range:Self
WtipleAdions:Yes Area:N/A
Description: A novawiththispoweris ableto para- Otration: Maintenance
lyzeor ensnare targets in some way,which ranges from Effect: Charactersurroundshis body with a dam-
creating blocksof ice aroundthem, to secretinga para- agingeffect; anyonewhotouchesthe novatakes(Quan-
lyticpoison,to imprisoningthem withina quantumfield. tum+powerrating)x 2 diceof bashingdamageor (Quan-
To use Immobilize,the character spends the re- tum + powerrating) dice of lethaldamage.
quired quantumpoints and rolls Dexterity+ Immobilize MultipleActions:Yes


Description: Thispower,a variantof QuantumBolt, Desaiption:Intuitionis a lesser form of the Pre-
allowsa novato surroundhimselfwithflame,electricity, monitionpower. Like Premonition,it warns a nova of
raw quantumForcesor someother dangeroussubstance. potentialthreats and dangers. However,it is less sensi-
The player must choose when he buys the power pre- tive, and it workssomewhatdifferently.
ciselywhatsurroundsthe nova, and this decisioncannot As with Premonition, the playermustmakea Per-
changethereafter. ception + Intuitionroll to determine if there is danger.
When a nova Immolates,he damagesanythinghe The differences are twofold.First, Intuitionis penna-
touches,or anythingthat toucheshim.Histouch inflicts nent. The character does not have to spend quantum
Quantum+ (power rating x 3) dice of bashingdamage, pointsor otherwiseturn his Intuitionon; it's constant.ly
or Quantum+ (powerrating x 2) dice of lethaldamage. activeand on the lookoutfor dangers. Second,the warn-
The player must choose upon purchasingthe Immolate ing providedby Intuitionis muchless precise than the
power whether the effect is bashingor lethal, and this one given by Premonition. When the character makes
decisioncannot be changedthereafter. his roll, the Storytellersimplytellshimthat he feels that
If the nova deliberatelytries to touch someone, "somethingis not right here." The more successes the
doingso counts as an attack. However,the novacan use characterachieveson the roll,the moreprecise the Sto-
a normalclosecombatattack (suchas a punch)and also ryteller shouldbe, but in no instanceshouldhe provide
cause damagefrom Immolatewithoutthe use of Immo- as muchinformationas Premonitiondoes.
late countingas a separate action.Similarly,anyonewho Intuitionalerts the character only to dangers to
touches or grabs the character automaticallytakes the himself. It providesno warningif someonenearby is in
Immolatedamage. Thisdamagedoes not countas an ac- danger.
tion or attack by the nova. Extras:None
Immolatecan be extremelyeffectiveincombat,but
it can also cause problems, since anything the nova
touchestakes damage. If he bumpsintoan innocentby-
stander, smashesthrougha wallor gas pumpor simply
walksdown the street, he damages those people and
objects - with potentiallydisastrousresults.
Extras:Variable(Immolatemay be either of two
damagingsubstances; character may switch between
themas an action); Aggravated(Immolate inflicts[power
rating) levels of aggravateddamage)

QuantumMininun: I
DicePool: Wits + Invisibility
Duration: Maintenance
Effect.: Quantum+ number of successes versus
opponent'sPerceptionto remainundetected
Intuition Description:Invisibility
rendersa novaundetectable
Level:I tovision,andpossiblyothersensesaswell.Invisibilityworks
Quantum Minimum:I againstall variantsof visualsenses (Electromagnetic Vi-
DicePool:Perception+ Intuition sion, High-EndElectromagnetic Scan,machinesandsecu-
Range:Self rity devices),but attemptsto detect the invisiblecharac-
Area:N/A ter withsuchenhancedvisiongainan extra die unlessthe
Duration:Permanent novaspendsa Willpowerpointto fortifyhisinvisiblestate.
Heightenscharacter'sawarenessof dangers.


Touse Invisibility,
the playerneedsonlypaythe quan- Description: Invulnerabilityis just what it says -
tum pointsand rollWits+ Invisibility . The numberof suc- it makesa character invulnerable,or nearlyso, to a spe-
cessesachieved,plusa numberofautomaticsuccessesequal cific formof attack. Eachdot in the poweradds six soak
to the character's Quantumrating, is compared to an whenresistingdamagefrom that kind of attack, even if
Awarenessrollfor any personsdirectlyattemptingto de- the attack is aggravated. In the case of mental powers
tect the character. Playersof characterswhoare not spe- suchas Domination,each levelof Invulnerability provides
cificallytryingto perceivethe invisiblecharacter(suchas six extra successes to any Willpowerroll to resist the
the average person the invisiblecharacter passes on the power's effects.
street) are not allowedto rollAwarenessat all.lf the nova The character must choose the type of attack to
achievesthe sameor moresuccesses,those tryingto per- whichhis Invulnerabilityapplies. Typicallythis applica-
ceivehimare completelyunableto do so. Anyattacksmade tion is basedon a givenphenomenon(fire attacks) rather
based on that sense suffer BlindFighting/Fire penalties than a specific power (QuantumBolt). Some possible
(assumingthe attacker is makinghis attack in the proper examplesinclude:any one attack formdefinedby an El-
directionor locationat all). ementalAnimaor ElementalMastery(fire, ice, earth or
If the onlookersachievemore successes, they per- light); magneticattacks or mental powers. Characters
ceive the character dimly- enoughto launchattacks may not choose to be Invulnerable to "quantum pow-
against the character at a difficultypenalty of onlyone. ers," "physicalattacks" or "energy attacks."
doesnotcloaka character
lnvisi:>ility againstdetection Extras:Broad Category (player can choose to be
b-jothersenses- hemaystillbeheard, smelled,or registered Invulnerableto "physical attacks" or "energy attacks,"
on sorw, for example . However, theEmanced EffectExtra, but not "quantumpowers")
below, allowsInvisibility
to cloakthecharacter againstdetec-
tionb-t senses.Inthecaseofothersenses,theStory-
tellershouddetermine'ill'rfappropriate effects.Forexample,
lnvisbilityto smellmig,trequirea character withBlood,ou,d
(p. 162)to makehistrackingrollsat increaseddiffwty.
worksonlyfor the character's body;ren-
dering one's clothes, effects or carried items invisible
requires the AttunementBackground(p. 139).
Extras: EnhancedEffect (Invisibilityworks versus
one additionalsense per success rolled)

Dl.ntion: Permanent
Effect:Successesachievedon roll reduce damage
and maketasks easier.
Multiple Actions: N/A
Invulnerability Description: A nova with this power is extraordi-
Level:2 narilylucky. Somehowhis quantumconsciousnessis able
1 to tap into and manipulatefate, probabilitiesand per-
: N/A hapsevenrealityitself. Regardlessof howit's done, Lady
Self Lucksmileson the character and looksout for him.
Area:N/A Onceper scene,a charactermayask to rollhisLuck.
DLntion:Permanent It is in the Storyteller'sdiscretion whether the charac-
Effect:Provides+6 soak per dot againsta specific ter may roll Luck;sometimesit's better for the game if
type of attack. the character depends on his own abilities. When the
Multiple Actions:N/ A character rolls Luck, each success achieved influences
the outcomeof other events. Exactlywhathappens is up
to the Storyteller,but here are some guidelines.


CombatWhenthe characteris incombat,the player
maydividethe successeshe gets for Luckin a giventum
between his attack and his defense. Successesadded to
an attack grant one die per success to makethe attack
and determine its effects. Successes added to defense
provide one success (not one die) to alldodge, parry or
blockrolls(or similarrollsto avoidother effects, suchas
Willpowerrollsto counteract Domination).
Abilities: Each Lucksuccess adds one success (not
one die} to any use of Abilitiesout of combat.If a char-
acter makestwo or more Abilitychecks duringthe same
time frame (turn, minute, or whatever else the Story-
teller decides is appropriate), he must divide his Luck
successesamongthe different rolls.
Backgrounds: Luck affects rolls associated with
Backgroundsjust as it does with Abilities.
Remember, though, that Fate is a fickle bitch. If a
character botches a Luckroll, he suddenlybecomesre-
al~ unluckyfor a scene. An unluckycharacter botches if
he rollsno successesand any die comes up 1 or 2.
Extras: None

Magnetic Mastery
Quantum Minimum: 4
Dice Pool: Variable
Range: Special
Area: Variable
Duration: Variable
Effect: Character is able to manipulatemagnetism
and magnetic fields.
MultipleActions: Yes
Desaipt.ion: A novawith this power is a master of
magnetism.She is able to lift and movemetallicobjects,
project magneticblasts and pulses and otherwise con-
trol and manipulatethe forcesof magnetism.If this power

is active, a nova may Blockany incomingmetal attack,
using Dexterity+Magnetic Masteryas the dicepool. The
character mayautomaticallymakea Perception+ Mag-
netic Masteryrollto accomplishminorfeats likesensing
magneticnorth, gaugingthe strength of localmagnetic
fields, and the like.
As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery, this power
providesseveraltechniques. A novamaylearnand freely
use one techniqueper dot in the power; she mayattempt
other techniques, but the playermust pay doublequan-
tum points and roll againsta difficultypenaltyof one to
use these powers. Techniquesinclude:
Dice Pool: Wits + Magnetic Mastery
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10meters
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant

The nova can emit an electromagneticpulse that Magnetic Shield

disrupts electronicequipment.To use it, the character DicePool:N/ A
pays the requiredquantumpointsand rollsWits+ Mag- Range:Self
netic Mastery. The Storytelleropposes this powerwith Area:N/A
a roll based on the target device's "Stamina." The Sto- Duration: Maintenance
ryteller shoulddetermine the machine's Staminabased The charactercanpolarize metalweaponsand pro-
on howwellshieldedit is againstsuchattacks. Most ma- jectilesawayfromherself. Eachturn, the playercansub-
chineshavea Stamina of 1(at most);somemilitaryequip- tract her dots in MagneticMasteryfromthe attack suc-
ment, though, mighthave a Staminaof 5 or higher. For cesses of any metalweaponused againsther character.
each net success the novaachieves, the machineis un- Thisdefensealsoworksagainstnovaswhosepowersin-
ableto function for one hour. At the Storyteller's option, volvemetal.
minortechnologicaldevicesmaybe permanentlyshorted
out. Magnetic Storm
Dice Pool: N/A
Magnetic Blast Range : Special
DicePool:Dexterity+ MagneticMastery Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
Range: (Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters Dura tion:Concentration
Area:N/A This powerallowsthe novato telekineticallylift all
Durati on: Instant in-range ferrous objects of 40 kgs or less, then whirl
The novacan project a damagingblast of magnetic themaroundhimin a sort of "magnetictornado." Hewill
force, similar to a QuantumBolt. This attack inflicts not be hurt by the flying objects, but anyonewithinthe
[Quantumx 2] levels+ (powerrating x 3) dice of bash- area of effect acts at -2 to alldicepools andtakes(power
ingdamage. rating x 2) diceof bashingdamage. The damagedepends
Magnetic Field in part on the objects available.lf there are few metallic
DicePool: Wits + MagneticMastery objects in the vicinity, the Storyteller may reduce the
Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters damagedone proportionately.lf there are a lot of sharp
Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 3 meters objects (like knivesor nails), the damagemaybe lethal.
Durat ion: Concentration Magnetize
The novacan create an intensemagneticfield in a Dice Pool: Perception + MagneticMastery
givenarea. This field interferes with electronicequip- Range : (Quantum+powerrating) x 10meters
ment.Eachsuccessachievedon a Wits + MagneticMas- Area:N/A
tery rollimposesa difficultypenaltyof one for any tasks Duration : Maintenance
attempted by or with electronic equipment. At the The novamagneticallychargesferrousmetalitems
Storyteller's option, some shieldedequipmentmay be withinthe vicinity, causingthem to attract or repel one
able to resist this effect with a "Stamina" roll, as with another. This could, for example, wrencha gun from a
the EMPpower. foe's hand or trap an armored guard against the metal
Magnetic levitation bars of a prisoncell.A magneticallychargedferrousob-
Die~Pool:N/A ject exerts an effective"Might" equalto the character's
Range:Self Quantum plus the successes scored on a Dexterity +
Area:N/A MagneticMasteryroll.
Duration: Maintenance Magnetokinesis
The nova is able to manipulate ambient magnetic DicePool:Dexterity+ MagneticMastery
fields to pickhimselfup and fly crudely. His flyingspeed Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
is equalto (powerrating x 2) + 20 meters per action, or Area:N/A
(40 x powerrating) kilometersper hour out of combat. Duration: Concentration
The novamayuse his awesomemagneticpowersto
pickup metallicobjects. Oncehe has themhe can throw
them or hit other characters with them. This Featmir-
rors the use of the Telekinesispower (p. 224), except
that the dice pool is Dexterity+ MagneticMastery,and
onlymetalobjects can be manipulated.


ForExample: KarenRoperhasStrength4 andMat-
ter Chameleon4. She sticksher handinto ajunctionbox
and scores four successeson a Stamina• MatterCha-
her MatterChameleon ratingis quitehigh,she cannor-
mallyinflictno more thansix dice of lethaldamage-
the amountof currentavailablefromthe energysource.
However, since Karenscoredfoursuccessesonherroll,
the Storytellerallowsher to inflicteight dice of lethal
damageby touch(after all, she's biggerthana junction
Matter Chameleon Next, Karentouchesa flawlessdiamond,scoringa
Level:3 singlesuccesson the Stamina• MatterChameleonroll.
Quanrum 5
Minimum: The Storytellerjudges that a beingmadeentirelyfrom
DicePool:Stamina+ Matter Chameleon diamondwouldhave at least 18 extra soak; however,
Self becauseKarenhas MatterChameleonratingof only 4,
Area:N/A she maygaina maximumof 12extrasoakby duplicating
Otration:Maintenance the diamond's strvct11re . TheStorytellerrulesthatKaren
Effect:Allowscharacter to duplicateproperties of gains two extra dots of Strength (raising Karen's
specifictypes of matter. Strengthto Mega-StrengthI) andthe equivalentof fo11r
Multiple Actions:No dots in the Clawspower,as Karen's fingernailsbecome
Description: Matter Chameleon is similar to diamond-hard.
Bodymorph, but instead of allowing a character to as- If a novawishes to use Matter Chameleon as a de-
sume onlyone form, it gives her the power to have her fense against an incomingattack (for example, to as-
body take on the properties of any type of matter or sumethe properties of fire based on beinghit by a blast
energy she touches. If she touches rock, her body be- of Aame), she maydo so. Doingso does not require an
comesas durableand strongas stone. If she touchestear action, but it iseasier if an action is available;if the char-
gas, she becomes intangibleand can blind people with acter does not havea delayedactionto use to do so, she
her touch. If she touches water, she can flow through mustspenda point of Willpowerinstead. Shethen spends
pipes and ignore manyforms of attack. If she touches quantumpoints and rollsStamina + Matter Chameleon;
fire, she becomesa livingAame. evenonesuccessallowsher to assumethat attack's prop-
To use Matter Chameleon,the nova must pay the erties, and each success reduces the damagethe attack
required quantumand touch the form of matter or en- inflictsby one die or level.
ergy whoseproperties she wishes to assume(doingso ForExample :KarenRoperis attackedby nervegas.
does not cause her any damage, even if the substance She rollsStamina+ Matter Chameleon,scoringthree
wouldnormallybe damaging), and the player must roll successes. The Storytellerrulesthat Karencompletely
Stamina+ Matter Chameleon.Evenone success is suffi- ignoresthe effect of the gasandchangesto gasherself.
cient to allowher to assumethe properties of that form; She gainspropertiessimilarto Bodymorph(gas);addi-
as longas she keeps paying quantumpoints, she willre- tionally,anyoneenvelopedby Karenwillbe affected as
tain those properties. thoughdousedwithnervegas(see theAppendix,p. 280,
SpecificTraits granted by Matter Chameleonde- for details).
pend entirelyon the materialcopied, often includingex- MatterChameleonhas a fewother nice side effects,
tra Strength, soak, or damaging effects. The possibili- too. Byspendinga quantumpoint,the charactercan walk
ties are nearlyendless, andthe Storytellermustultimately on water or other fluidsat normalspeed (this does not
adjudicate as she sees fit. Somegeneralguidelinesare: protect againstthe effects of fluidslikeacidor magma).
No substance may provide more damage or soak than Byspendingthree quantumpoints and touchinga solid
the lowerof a) the substance's normalproperties; b) the suchas a wallor floor,the character can attune her mo-
nova's powerratingx 3. No substancemayprovidemore lecular compositionto that substance, allowingher to
extra Strength levelsthan the nova's power rating. Ex- "phase" throughthe solidat normalwalking speed.
ceptionallevelsof successmayallowfor modificationof See Bodymorph{p. 185)for guidelineson the prop-
these guidelines. erties possessed by varioussubstances.
Extras : None


There is an additionalrestriction on Matter Cre-
ation. The soak, health levels, and/ or dice of damage
the object provides/causesmaynot exceedthe creator's
Quantum+ power rating total. Thus, a character with
Quantum5 and Matter Creation3 can create objectsthat
have eight health levels, provide eight soak and/ or in-
flict eight dice of damage(or less); he cannot create an
object hard or durableenoughto havenine health levels
or providenine soak.
At the Storyteller's option, creating complicated
Matter Creation devicesmayrequire the character to havethe skillsnec-
essary to buildsuch a device from scratch. Those Abili-
ties substitutefor Witsin the roll. Forexample,to create
a car, the character would have to roll Engineering+
Dice Pool:Wits + Matter Creation
Matter Creation.
Range:(Quantum+ power rating) meters
Once created, the substance or object remainsin
existencefor one hourper dot inMatterCreation. A sub-
stance or object can be madepermanentat the cost of a
Effect: Creates matter of varioussorts
point of permanent Willpower.
Description:A novawith Matter Creationcan lit-
erally create matter out of nothingness. He can create
matter in its raw form- such as ordinary iron or wood
- or he can create actualobjects and devices - such
as a sword, computeror chair.
Whencreating raw materials,the novasimplyrolls
Wits+ Matter Creation. The amountof matter created
depends on the numberof successes rolled:

Successes Amount of Matter

One 1kg
Two 10kg
Three 100 kg
1,000 kg
10,000 kg
Mental Blast
Creatingobiectsand workingdevices1sa littlemore
Quantum Minimum :3
The numberof successesrequireddependsupon
DicePool:Intelligence+ MentalBlast
the natureof the obiect andthe object'ssize.
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters
Successes ObjectComplexity
One SimpleObjects:A kmfe,a cup
Two ComplexObjects:Fum1ture,a book
Three SimpleDevices:A clock,a lamp
Causesone levelof bashingdamageper suc-
Four ComplexDevices:A desktopcom
MultipleActions: Yes
puter,an automobile
Description:This power allowsa nova to project
plane,a supercomputer,a m1ss1le
mind, causing psychic pain and injury.To use Mental
Difficulty ObjectSize
Blast, the character pays the required quantumpoints
+O Small:Anythingyoucouldholdin
and rolls Intelligence+ Mental Blast in a resisted roll
one handor arm
againstthe target's Willpower
. Eachnet successachieved
+1 Medium:Anythingyouwouldneed
Causes one health level of bashing damage; if bashing
twoarmsto hold
health levelsgo below zero, further MentalBlast dam-
+2 Large:Anythingyouwouldneed
age is lethal.
twoor morepeopleto hold
+3 VeryLarge:Anythingyouwould
needa forkliftto hold
+2 Rad,oact1ve
+3 Unknownsubstance;substancethat
defiesnormalpropertiesof physics(eufiber,for example)
Oncethe novaestablishesthe illusion,he mustcon-
centrate on it to maintainit. He willknowhowthe target
is reacting to ,t and he can cause it to react accordingly.
lf the illusiondoes not react as the target expects (for
example,someone who is the target's friend does not
knowwhohe is), the target maymakea Perceptionroll,
opposed by an Intelligence+ Mirageroll to break free
from the illusion.
Unlessthe novaachievesthree or more successes,
a target cannottake damagefromillusoryattacks, though
he might, for example, be tricked intorunninginfront of
Mirage a car as he reacts to an illusion.At three or more suc-
Level:2 cesses, the victim'smindwillcausehimto suffer inJuries
QuantumMinimum :3 correspondingto those caused by illusoryattacks - if
DicePool: Manipulation+Mirage shot with an illusorygun, he willtake the same damage
Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 20 meters which he wouldtake from a real gun - but regardless
Area:N/ A of the type of damagethe attack wouldnormallydo, the
Duration: Concentration damageis StunAttack damageonly(see Stun Attack, p.
Effect: Creates illusionsin target's mind. 223).
Multiple Actions:No Extras:None
Description:UnlikeHolo,whichcreates an image
that many different characters can see at once, Mirage
allowsa nova to project an imagedirectly into a single
targets mind. To use Mirage, the nova must spend the
necessary quantumpoints and roll Manipulation+ Mi- Molecular
rage in a resisted action against the target's Willpower
lf the nova scores more successes, he succeeds in im-
. Manipulation
Level: 3
planting the illusion.The more net successeshe has, the
QuantumMinimum: 5
more complex and believablethe illusionis.
DicePool: Variable
Area: Vanable
5uccHUS IllusionIntensity Duration: Special
One Simplelllus1on:Changeappearance Effect:This power givesa character the abilityto
or nature of existingobJectsor mampulateand control molecules.
persons; create illusionthat there MultipleActions: Yes
are minorobjects or peoplewhere Description : A novawiththis powerwieldsultimate
none actuallyexist. control over inorganicand unlivmgorganic molecules.
Two ComplexIllusion:Changeappear Whilehe cannotchangeor affect livingthingsinanyway
ance or nature of importantexist his power is still quite impressive.
mgobjects or persons; create 11 Byspendinga quantumpoint, a molecularmanipu-
lus1onthat there are importantob lationcan makea Perception+ MolecularManipulation
Jecls or people where none actu rollto identifythe chemicalcompos1t1on and properties
allyexist; minorchangesto overall of any substance within a range of [Quantum+ power
environment. rating] x 20 meters.
11.-eeormore VeryComplexIllusion:Illusioncan As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery, this power
completelychange the target's en providesseveraltechniques. A novamaylearnand freely
v1ronmentor the people and ob use one techmqueper dot 1nthe power; she mayattempt
Jects around him. other techmques, but the playermust pay doublequan-
tum cost and roll against a difficultypenalty of one to
activate these powers. Techniquesinclude:



others whileanimated), it mayuse them; the Storyteller

Animation shoulddetermine the exacteffectsand appropriatedam-
DicePool:Manipulation+ MolecularManipulation age.
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 3 meters
Area:N/A Destruction
Concentration Dice Pool:Dexterity+ MolecularManipulation
The novamay"animate"inanimateobjects, giving Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10 meters
them a crude sort of quasi-life. Wheeled objects roll, Area:N/A
furniture and other itemswithlegswalkor run andother Duration:Instant
objectsdo their best to hop or otherwisemotivatethem- The character unravelsor destroys the molecular
selves. The character mayanimateone object of roughly bonds holdingan unlivingobject together, causing it to
humansize for each successon the player's Intelligence disintegrate. Doingso inflictsQuantum+ Molecular Ma-
+ MolecularManipulation roll. Thus, animatinga couch, nipulationhealth levelsof damageto the target object.
which is approximatelytwice the size of a normalhu- Objectsmaysoak; the Storytellershould determinehow
man,wouldtake two successes. Animatedobjects move muchdamagethey can soak based on the materialsthey
at the character's walkingpace, but this speed mayin- are made of and howwellthey are constructed.
crease to his runningpace if he spends an additional
Molecular Alteration
Dice Pool: Intelligence+ MolecularManipulation
Animated objects can attack targets. The Story-
teller determines the objects' Strength, Stamina and Range : (Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
health levelsbased on their size and the materialsthey Area:N/A
are madeof (the Material Strengthchart on p. 257 pro- Dura t ion: Permanent
vides someguidelines); an object's Dexterity is equalto The character can convert the moleculesof an
the character's normalWits Attribute. If the object has unlivingsolidor liquid into moleculesof anotherunliving
solidor liquid, thus, for example,transforminga wooden
any special abilities (such as a gun, which could shoot
chair intoa steel chair. The natureof the changesa char-



Second Skin
Dice Pool: N/A
S.iccesses Transmutation Range: Self
One Change Substance: The charac- Area:N/A
ter may change the elements or Duration: Maintenance
substance of whichan object is Byhardeningair moleculesin a filmabout himself,
made, but he cannot changethe the novacan protect himselfwith a layer of armor. For
object's shape or size. A wooden each dot inMolecularAlteration,the novagains+2 soak
chair becomesa chair of soltd versus bashingand lethaldamage.
gold; a steel knifebecomesa
knife of silk. Shape Alteration
Two Change Size: As ChangeSub- Dice Pool:Wits + MolecularManipulation
stance, plusthe character can Range:Touch
make the object largeror smaller Area:N/A
by up to 20% per success over Duration: Special
one (20% at the m1mmum two The charactercan alter the shape of inanimateob-
successes neededfor this effect; jects. Hecanalter the shape of 10 kilogramsof anygiven
40% at three successes; and so substance per success rolled on an Intelligence+ Mo-
forth). lecular Manipulationroll. He need not affect an entire
Three Change Shape: As ChangeSize, object to alter its shape, but he can alter onlythat part
plusthe object's shape can be of the object whichhe is able to affect. He can cause a
changed. A woodenchair can be hole to open in the object (handy for getting through
transformedinto a lumpof gold; lockeddoors), makeit growcrude arms or legs. or just
a steel kmfebecomesa dress of changeits appearanceor abilityto function.The changes
silk. remainuntilthe novareverses themor repairs are made.
Four ChangeComplexity : As Change A novawith this powercan attempt to repair inor-
Size, plusthe object's nature or ganicobjects. The novamusthave at least some knowl-
complexitycan be transformed edge of the subject to be fixed (generallyspeaking, at
- 1tcan be made into working least one dot in Engineering).The nova then rolls Mo-
electricalcircuitsand moving lecularManipulation+Engineering(or other appropri-
parts. Thus. a tree can be ate Ability); each success repairs one "health level of
changedintoa workingcomputer damagesuffered by the object.
or a car. Extras : None

acter can enact withMolecularAlterationdependsupon

the numberof successeshe achieveson an Intelligence+
Molecular Manipulationroll.
The charactermaynot create objects fromthinair;
that requires Matter Creation.
At the Storyteller'soption, creating devices with
ChangeComplexitymay require the character to have
the skillsnecessaryto buildsuch a device fromscratch.
Those Abilitiessubstitutefor Intelligencein the roll.For
example,to create a car, the character wouldhaveto roll
Engineering+ MolecularManipulation . Poison
Once created, the substanceor object remainsin Level: 2
existencefor one hour per dot in MolecularManipula- QuantumMinimum :I
tion. A substanceor object can be made permanentat DicePool: Stamina+ Poison
the cost of a point of permanentWillpower . Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Character'stouchcan poisonor infect an-
other person.


Description: A novawith this abilitycan poisonor
drug someonewith a touch or infect himwith a disease.
For purposes of this power, poisons, venoms, toxins,
drugs and similarsubstancesare considered to do Stun
Attack (per the power of the same name), bashingor
lethal damage; some poisons subtract from dice pools
instead. The amountof damagethe character's touchcan
inAictdependsuponthe type of damageand a Stamina+
Poisonroll· the character mayadd a numberof successes
equal to his Quantum. Eachsuccess gives himone level
of Stun Attack damage; two successes are required to
get a levelof bashingdamage, or to subtract one die from
the victim's dice pools,and three successesare required Level:2
for each levelof lethalpoisondamage. QuantumMinimum:I
Diseases are handled differently. The number of DicePool: Perception+ Premonition
successes achievedon the roll determine the virulence Range:Variable
of the disease that can be inflicted. The victimmayre- Area: Special
sist with a Resistanceroll; net successes are compared Duration: One scene
to the table below: Effect Allowscharacter to detect dangeror threats
to himself.
MultipleActions : Yes
Successes Virulence Equivalent Description:This sensory powerwarnsthe novaof
One Minor, nonfataldiseases:Colds,in- impendingdangers or threats. To use it, the character
fluenza pays the quantum-pointcost, whichallowsher to detect
Two MaJor.nonfataldiseases:Many danger for one scene. Whenevershe is confrontedwith
types of fever, chickenpox any danger during that time - she is about to trip a
Three Fatal diseases: HIV,leprosy trap, someone points a gun at her etc. - the player
Four Extremelyfatal diseases:Ebolafe- may makea Perception + Premonitionroll to detect it.
ver, Marburg fever,Lhasafever The difficultyshouldbe set by the Storyteller,depend-
ing on the severity of the danger (the greater the po-
tentialharm,the easier it is to detect) and howlikelyit is
to affect the character (a direct threat is easier to de-
Conventional armor,includingpowerssuchas Force tect than somethingthat mightadverselyaffect the char-
Field,usuallyoffers little protection againstpoisonsand acter but isn't intended for her).
diseases. A novawiththe Adaptabilityenhancementmay Premonitioncan detect threats specificallydirected
soak poison effects with his Stamina/Mega-Stamina at the character (someoneaboutto stab her witha knife)
soak; at the Storytellers option, a Resistance roll may as well as threats directed at her general area (a
helpto counteracta poison's effects (in wholeor in part). terrorist's bombthat's aboutto destroy the buildingshes
Rememberthat most poisonsand diseases do not work in). The danger must be withinabout (100 x Premoni-
instantly - they have an "onset time" measured in tion) meters of himin mostcases, thoughthe Storyteller
hours, days, or weeks. Characterswhoexpect to use this may, at her discretion expand this range. Specificdan-
power to cause fatalities in combat are likelyto be dis- gers (such as a sniper pointinga gun at the character
appointed. from a thousand meters away) can usuallybe detected
Extras:ProJectile (can spit, exhale or otherwise further awaythan general threats.
expela venomor virus at a range of 10 meters x power A successfulPremonitionrolldoes not tellthe char-
rating). acter exactlywhatthe danger is,onlythat she is exposed
to it and from roughlywhichdirection or location it is
coming. In most cases warningis enoughto providethe


character with the informationshe needs to avoid the For dramaticpurposes, the Storyteller may, at his
danger. For example, suppose the character is about to discretion, increase the timeframe.Forexample,if a nova
walkthrougha door and her Premonitionalerts her to a withPretercognition foundan ancient Egyptian artifact,
possiblethreat. If the Premonitionindicatesthat the dan- the Storyteller mightlet her "read" imagesassociated
ger is comingfrom the door itself, the door is probably with its creation, even though it is thousands of years
riggedfor some kindof boobytrap. If the danger comes old, because those visionscontain a clue she needs to
from beyondthe door, a more likelyexplanationis that solvea mystery.
someone - or something- is waiting on the other Storytellersshouldbe very careful about allowing
side of the door to attack or hurt the character. this power in their series. It can have an enormousim-
Premonitiondoes not detect danger to those near pact on the characters' actions and on society, and it
the character unless the character herself is somehow can makeit virtuallyimpossibleto run scenariosthat re-
exposed to the threat. volvearound mysteriesor puzzles. However,there's no
Extras: Others (the character's Premonitioncan guaranteethat the visionsreceived are absolutelyaccu-
detect dangers to anyone withinabout (10 x Premoni- rate....
tion] meters of the character) Extras:None

Pretercognition Psychic Shield

Level: 3 Level: I
QuantumMinimum :4 QuantumMinimum: 1
Dice Pool: Perception+ Pretercognition DicePool:N/A
Range: Self Range:Self
Area: N/A Area:N/A
Duration: Instant Duration: Permanent
Effect:Allowscharacter to foresee future (or view Effect: Providestwo extra successes per dot on all
past) events; numberof successesdetermines timeframe. attempts to resist mentalpowers.
MultipleActions: No MultipleActions:N/A
Descript ion: Pretercognitionallowsa novato fore- Description: Psychic Shield is a potent defense
see future events or grants glimpsesof the past. againstpowersthat directly affect a nova's mind(Domi-
The timeframe within which the character can nation, Hypnosis, Mental Blast, Mirage or Telepathy).
"view" events is based on the number of successes Eachdot grants two extra successesto any roll to resist
achieved on a Perception+ Pretercognitionroll. mentalpowers. If the powercauses damage,likeMental
Blast, then PsychicShieldalso provides two extra soak
per dot. PsychicShield is permanent, but a character
SIICCeSNS Timeframe mayvoluntarilyshut it off if he wishes(he can reactivate
One Up to one hour per dot it at any time, whichdoes not require an action).
Two Up to one day per dot PsychicShielddoes not workagainstemotion-con-
Three Up to one week per dot trolling powers (EmpathicManipulation, many of the
Four Up to one month per dot Mega-Socialenhancements), only direct mind control.
Five Up to one year per dot Extras:Extra Mind(character may extend his Psy-
Six Up to 10 years per dot chicShieldto protect one other personwhomhe is touch-



age, not [power rating x 4] ; however, each such shot

inflictsa bashing healthlevelof damageon the novadue
to the stress of channeling the excess energy, and any
botch on the targeting roll inflicts a point of temporary

Quantum Bolt
Quantum Miniiwm: I
DicePool:Dexterity + QuantumBolt
Range: (Quantum+powerrating) x 15 meters
Du-ation: Instant
Effect:Inflicts [Quantumx 3] levels+ (power rat-
ingx 4) dice of bashing damageor [Quantumx 2] levels
+ (power rating x 4) dice of lethal damage (player's Quantum Construct
choice). Level:3
Multiple Actions:Yes QuantumMiniiwm:4; mustalsohaveForceField•
Description:QuantumBolt, in its myriadforms, is or better
one of the most commonoffensive powers used by no- DicePool:Manipulation+ QuantumConstruct
vas. It allowsa nova to project a damaging blast of en- Range:
(Quantum+ powerrating) meters
ergy at a target.The damagemaybe either lethalor bash- Area:N/A
ing (the player must choose what type of damage the Du-ation: Maintenance
power does when he buys it). The target takes [Quan- Effect:This powerenablesthe character to create
tum Trait x 3] levels+(powerratingx 4) dice of bashing "creatures" or objects out of quantumforce; the num-
damageor [QuantumTrail x 2] levels+ (powerrating x ber of successes achieved indicates what beings can be
4) dice of lethaldamage. summonedand howmany.
A novamight try to pullan unusual"stunt" withher Multiple Actions:No
QuantumBolt, suchas bouncingit off a surface to hit an Description:A novawithQuantumConstructis ca-
opponent in the back. The Storyteller may, at his dis- pable of generating raw quantumforces, then shaping
cretion, allowthis effect if the novaachievesa sufficient them into animatecreatures that act at the nova's whim.
numberof successeson a Dexterity + QuantumBoltroll. Manynovaswith this poweruse it to summon"demons"
A nova's QuantumBolt must be defined as a spe- and other such creatures of legend. Regardlessof the
cifictype of energy or power, suchas fire, ice, lightning, creatures' appearance, though,they are obviouslymade
bioenergyor a laser, whenthe character is created. The from quantumforces - a character with control over
energy type cannot be changedthereafter. electromagneticenergies mightsummonconstructs of
QuantumBolt cannot normallyuse the standard living lightning, radiantenergyor the like. QuantumCon-
RangedCombatManeuvers, such as Automatic Fire (p. struct cannot create a duplicate of a specific person or
247). However,for each dot in the powerabovethree, a the like.
nova maychoose one such maneuverfor her Quantum To use QuantumConstruct, a novamustspend the
Bolt.She does not haveto use the maneuverunlessshe required quantumpoints and roll Manipulation + Quan-
wishes to, but it's availableas a "power stunt'' that she tum Construct. The numberof successes indicate what
has trained herself to perform. Performinga maneuver type of creature can be summoned.
costs one extra quantumpoint in additionto the points Charactersmaycreate morethanone beingin some
spent to fuel the power itself. circumstances. First, if they want a being smallerthan
Extras: Extra EnergyType(powermaymanifestas those listed on the chart, they may "divide" the listed
one additionalformof energy); Supercharge(character size up among multiple beings. For example, with two
can spend three quantumpoints to have her Quantum successes, a nova couldcreate one human-sized being,
Bolt inflict[powerrating x 6] dice of appropriate dam- two beingsof half humansize, four beingsof one-quar-



simplyreviewand approvewhatthe playercreates. The

Successes Being(s)Stsnmoned Storytellershouldbe carefulnot to let this powerunbal-
One One beingno larger than a sheep ance or ruin the game;just becausea novahas the abil-
(Strengthand Stamina1,Dexter- ity to summonan armyof demonicsoldiersdoesn't mean
ity 3, four health levels) he shouldbe allowedto.
Two One beingno larger than a human Thispoweris extremelywrenchingto the surround-
(AllPhysicalAttributes2. normal ings and it is best used onlyonce a scene. If a novaat-
humanhealth levels) tempts to use it more than once per scene, each addi-
Three Onebeingno largerthan twicehu- tionalattempt costs doublethe quantumpoints and in-
mansize(Strengthand Stamina4, curs a difficulty penaltyof one.
Dexterity2, eight health levels) Extras:None
Four One bemgno larger than four
times humansize (Mega-Strength
I/Strength 4, Stamma4, Dexter-
ity 2. +1soak,10"Hurt"healthlev-
Five One bemgno larger than eight
times humansize (Mega-Strength
2/Strength 4, Stamina4. Dexter-
ity 2, +2soak,12"Hurt healthlev-
Constructsare simplyshaped matrices of quan-
tumenergy;they are directed by their creator, haveno
Mental Socialor WillpowerTraits. and are immuneto
attacksdependenton thoseTra1ts(for example,Domi- Quantum Conversion
nationor DreadfulMien). Furthermore,constructsfeel Level: 1
no pamandsuffer no woundpenalties.Constructscan, Quantum Minimum: 1
however,be dispelledby powerssuch as Disrupt. Dice Pool: Stamina+ QuantumConversion
Area: NIA
Duration: Special
ter humansize or a larger numberof mouse-or insect-
Effect:Mayconvert up to one quantumpoint per
sizedcreatures. Second, if the character achieves more
dot intostandard formsof energy.
successesthan needed to create the being he wants, he
mayuse the extra successesto increase the numbers-
Desaiption:QuantumConversion is sometimescon-
each extra success doubles the numberof constructs.
si~eredone of the moreunusualpowersnovasdisplay,yet
Forexample,supposea novawantsto summona human-
,t 1sundoubtedlyoneof the moreusefulonesina practical,
sizeddemon,andthe playerrollsfoursuccesses. The two
everydaysense. It allowsa novalo convertpart of his per-
additionalsuccessesdoublehis numberstwice, allowing
sonalquantumenergies- hisQuantumPool- intostan-
himto summonfour demons.
dard fonnsof superquantumenergiessuchas heat, fireor
Some constructs may have additional powers. A
electricity.The playermustchoosewhat type of energy
cr~ationsuccesscan b~ convertedinto five novapoints,
the novacanconverthisquantumpointsinto.
wh,chare used to provideMega-Attributesor quantum
QuantumConversioncan convert up to one quan-
powers to the summonedcreatures. Allsuch creatures
tum point per dot into another form of energy. If con-
havea QuantumTrait of 1and 22 quantumpointsunless
verted into electricity, one quantum point wouldbe
the nova spends creation successes to raise Quantum
enoughto power a typicallarge televisionfor about an
(one success per one additionalQuantumdot).
hour. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of how much
The nova who summonedthe constructs may (at
electricity is needed to power a given device, and for
~nytimeand anyrange) "banish" them,dispersingthem
how long. He also determines the effects and uses of
into the surrounding medium. No roll is required to do
other formsof energy.
QuantumConversioncanalsobe usedto causedam-
Ultimat.ely, the Storytelleris responsiblefor com-
age to other peopleif the novatouchesthemwhileemit-
ingup withthe gamestatistics and rulesfor created con-
tingthe energy. Doingso causesonehealthlevelof bash-
structs, thoughhe may let the player do the work and


ingdamageper quantumpoint converted(or one health Furthermore,whenusinghis imprintedpowers,the
level of lethal damage per two quantum points con- novamayonlyrollthe base Attribute- he does not get
verted), but the person touched maysoak this damage to roll any dice for the power itself. For example, if a
normally . nova imprintedtwo dots' worth of QuantumBolt, he
Extras:Extra Energy Type (power may convert wouldroll only his Dexterity,not Dexterity+ Quantum
quantumpointsintoone additionaltype of energy; char- Bolt,whendeterminingthe power'seffects.
acter chooseswhichtype of energyto emitwithanygiven Extras:None
use of the power)

Quantum Leech
Quantum Imprint Level:2
Level:3 Quantum Minimum: 2
4 DicePool:N/A
DicePool:Dexterity+ QuantumImprint Range:Touch
Range:Touch Area:N/A
Area:N/A Duration : Instant
Maintenance Effect:A successful use transfers (Quantum +
Effect:Copiesthe powers and abilitiesof charac- power rating) quantumpoints from the target nova to
ter touched. the novausingQuantumLeech.
Multiple Actions:No Multiple Actions:Yes
Description: QuantumImprintallowsa novato copy Oesaiption: Manynovasfear thispower,for it takes
the quantumsignatureof another nova. Bytouchingan- from them the one thing they treasure most - quan-
other nova, he can duplicatesome or all of that nova's tum power, in the form of quantumpoints. To use this
powers in himself.The novatouched does not lose any power,a novapays one quantumpoint and touchesthe
of his powersor suffer any injury. victim(standardcontest of Dexterityif the touch is re-
To use QuantumImprint, the nova must make a sisted). The player rolls Intelligence+ QuantumLeech
Dexterity + QuantumImprintrollto touch the victim. 1f againstthe victim'sWillpower.lf the novawinsthe con-
the touchsucceeds,the novamaycopyoneof the victim's test, he transfers a numberof quantumpoints equal to
Attributes,skills,abilities or powersfor each dot he has his(Quantum+ powerrating) fromthe victimto his (the
in QuantumImprint- but he mayonlycopythemup to nova's)ownQuantumPool.Thistransfer evenallowsthe
his numberof dots in QuantumImprint.Forexample,if a novato exceedhisnaturalQuantumPoollimit,up to twice
nova has QuantumImprint2 and wants to copy two of his normalQuantumPool;however,if the novabotchesa
another nova's powers, he may do so, but he only gets roll to steal powerexceedinghis normallimits,he gains
two dots in each power,even if the other novahas five one or morepointsof temporaryTaint.Heretains those
dots in them. He mayalso never gain more dots or use points untilhe uses them or becomesunconscious(in-
the power at a greater level of effect than the target cludinggoingto sleep). The novafromwhomthe points
nova- for example,ifa novawithQuantum5 andQuan- havebeen leachedrecovers them in the usualfashionat
tum Imprint 5 steals a QuantumBolt from a nova with the normalrate.
Quantum2 and QuantumBolt 2, the QuantumBolt can Extras:EnergySiphon(mayuse QuantumLeechat
inflictno greater damagethan permitted withQuantum a range of [Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters)
2 and QuantumBolt2. The novamustalso pay one more
quantumpoint to use a stolenpowerthan he wouldhave
to pay if he had that power"naturally." Thus, the novain
the previousexamplewouldhave to pay three quantum
points to throwhis copied QuantumBolt.


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Quantum Quantum Vampire

Regeneration QuantumMinimum: 3
Level:2 DicePool:Stamina+ QuantumVampire
Quantum 3
Minimum: Range:Touch
DicePool:N/A Area:N/A
Self Ou-at.ion:
Area:N/A Effect:A successfuluse transfers a defined At-
Ou-ation:Special tribute or powerfrom the target novato the novausing
Effect:Spendone Willpowerto add (powerrating QuantumVampire.
x 2) to the amountof quantumpointsrecoveredper hour Multiple Actions:Yes
MultipleActions:Yes Description: QuantumVampireis similarto Quan-
Description: Most novasrecover the spent quan- tum Leech,but it allowsa novato steal powersor abili-
tum points at a steady, predictablerate - two points ties other than quantum points from another person
per hour whileat ease, or Fourpoints per hour if com- (novaor not). The playermustdefinewhichsinglepower,
pletelyrelaxed. A novawithQuantumRegenerationcan Attribute or Trait the novacan steal when he buys the
recover them Farmore quicklythan that. power. QuantumVampire cannotsteal Mega-Att.ributes
To use QuantumRegeneration, the characterwaits or quantumpowersfroma dormantnova, nor can it steal
until he is about to start resting to recover quantum quantumpowersthat havebeen affected by the Disrupt
points. Hespendsone or morepointsof Willpower(not power(p. 190).
quantumpoints). For each pointof Willpowerspent, he To use this power, a nova pays the normalquan-
mayadd twice his powerrating to the amountof points tum-pointcost and touchesthe victim. The playerthen
he willrecover in the next hour. For example, if a nova rolls Stamina + QuantumVampireagainst the victim's
spent two pointsof Willpowerand had QuantumRegen- Willpower . lf the novawins the contest, he transfers a
eration 4, he wouldrecover20 quantumpoints(4 + 8 + numberof dots of the Trait equalto his numberof suc-
8) in an hour of completerelaxation. cesses fromthe victimto his (the nova's)ownTrait. He
Extras:Double(doubles the effect of Willpower retainsthosedots of powerfor one hourper dot inQuan-
spent when using this power;each point of Willpower tum Vampire; the victimloses them for that period of
spent countsas two points). time. NoTrait can be reduced belowzero.
lf stealingan Attributefroma victim witha Mega-
Attribute, the novastealsthe Mega-Attributedots first;
however,the novamust transfer stolendots to his nor-
malAttribute (raisingit to 5) before gainingthe appro-
priate Mega-Attribute. lf the energy vampire is in the
Mega-Attributerange, points transferred froma simi-
lar Mega-Attributeraise the nova's ownMega-Attribute
normally; however,if stealing normalAttribute dots to
raisea Mega-Attribute,the novamuststealtwoAttribute
dots to raise the Mega-Attributeby one dot.



ForExample: Abyss, with Strength 3, no Mega-

Strength and QuantumVampire4, attacks Core, who
has Mega-Strength3. Abyss hits Coreand rollsthree
net successes. Core loses all three dots of his Mega-
Strength, reducinghim to his normalStrengthrating of
5. Abyss gains three dots of Strength, pushinghim to
Mega-Strength f (Strength 4, then Strength 5, then
Mega-Strength f). If Abyss uses the power on Core
again, he must score two net successes(reducingCore
to Strength3) to raisehis Mega-Strength to 2.
If a novauses QuantumVampire to steal a poweror
ability he does not possess on his own (for example, he
Sensory Shield
leachesQuantumBolt, but he does not possessthat power Level:1
himself), the nova may roll only the base Attribute - Quantum 1
he does not get to roll any dice for the power itself.For DicePool:N/A
example, if a novaleached two dots' worth of Quantum Range:
Bolt, he wouldroll only his Dexterity, not Dexterity + Area:N/A
QuantumBolt(or Dexterity+ QuantumVampire, for that Otntion:Permanent
matter), whendeterminingthe power's effects. Further- Effect:Eachdot cancels two successes on Strobe
more, he mustpay an additionalquantumpointwhenus- attacks made against the character.
ingany such power. MultipleActions:N/A
A novamaydefine this poweras the abilityto steal Description:Sensory Shield provides novas with
~life energy" (health levels) Fromhis victim; if this op- protection against Strobe attacks and other phenomena
tion is chosen, the target may resist with Willpoweror that might interfere with their senses. It can represent
Resistance(whichever is greater). The target takes au- eyes which are accustomedto extremely bright lights,
tomaticbashing damage,whilethe novagains "Bruised" armored skin which is so tough the character's nerves
health levels. If QuantumVampire reduces the target cannot be numbedand manyother abilities.
belowIncapacitated, the novamaybegin inflicting lethal SensoryShieldrequires no rolls. Instead, each dot
healthlevelsof damagewith the power,gaininglife-force in the powercounts as two successes to cancelout suc-
(extra healthlevels)normally.Damageinflicted by Quan- cesses achievedon Strobe rolls and successes from at-
tum Vampire is treated as normaldamage and may be tacks such as tear gas.
healednormally;this does not affect the vampiric nova's Extras:None.
stolen health levels.
Extras: ExtendedDuration (the novakeeps stolen
powersfor two hours per dot, and the victim loses them
during that time); MultipleTraits (nova may steal dots
from two Traits at once; successes rolled must be di-
videdbetweenthe twoTraits in whateverproportion the
nova's playerwishes)
Extras: None

QuantumMininun: 4
DicePool:Stamina + Shapeshift
Effect:Allowscharacter to alter her shape; the
degree of alteration depends upon the successes


Multiple Actions:Yes
Description: Shapeshift is one of the most versa-
tile nova powers. lt allowsa nova to use quantumener-
gies to reshape her own body. With the proper degree
of powerand skill, she can turn herself intovariousani-
mals, pieces of furnitureor just about anythingelse she
can think of.
Once a character has so muchas a singledot in this
power, she is able to alter her shape. However,she might
not be able to makeher transformationcomplete- it
requires considerableprecision to copy every detail of
an object. An untrained nova might, for example, turn
himselfinto a tiger but not manageto create the claws; Level:2
or she couldchangeshape intoa bird but not create the Quantum Minimum: 1
wings properly, so she wouldnot be able to fly. More DicePool:Dexterity+ Shroud
experiencedshapeshiftersrarely have these problems. Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 15meters
The degree of changea character can workon her Area:(Quantum+ power rating) x 5 meter radius
ownbodydependson the numberof successesachieved Dlntion: Concentration
on a Stamina+ Shapeshift roll. lf even one success is Effect:Createsa fieldthat stiflessenses;each suc-
achieved,the character can alter her shape, but not her cess subtracts one from effectivePerceptionTraits.
size or mass, and she cannot simulate any powers or Mutiple Actions: Yes
Mega-Attribute enhancements. Successes beyond the Description:The nova creates a field of opaque
first maybe dividedamongthe powersor enhancements quantumenergy, inkyblackness,blindingmist or other
that the character wishesto simulate. Forexample,if the such effect. This Shroudis difficultfor other characters
character wantsto assumethe formof an eagle and rolls to see through. By spendinga Willpowerpoint on acti-
five successes, she could allocate one success each to vation, the character can also hinder other formsof vi-
Clawsand Flightand two to Shrinkingto simulateher sion; for example,the Shroudcould also affect Electro-
eaglebody. Someexamplesof powersand enhancements magneticVision.
often used by shapeshiftersinclude: Armor, BodyModi- To use Shroud, the character must roll to target
fication(each BodyModificationcosts one dot), Claws, the area he wants to affect with his Shroudfield, using
Clinging,Flight, Growth, Shrinkingand Life Support. Dexterity + Shroud. Failure indicatesthe power misses
When simulatinga power that requires a roll, the char- outright.Eachsuccess achievedsubtracts one from the
acter substitutesher Stamina+ Shapeshiftskilltotal for effectivePerceptionTraits of allbeingsimmersedin the
the power's normaldice pool.A nova may put no more Shroud(or whoare trying to perceive into the Shroud).
dots into a duplicated power than she has in the CharacterswhosePerceptionTraits are reduced to zero
Shapeshiftpower; for example,a novawith Shapeshift3 cannot perceive into or through the area at all and are
who wishesto turn her skeletoninto armoredplates may considered "blind" if fighting withinit. See the Strobe
not convert more than three Shapeshiftsuccesses into power (p. 223) for more informationon the effects of
Armordots. blindness.
A nova can use Shapeshift to disguise herself as Extras:Sensory DeprivationField(Shroudaffects
someoneelse. Lookinglikea generic"other person" re- one additional normalor novasense per success on the
quires onlyone success. Imitatinga specificperson re- power roll - for example,hearing, sonar or Quantum
quires at least two successes. Doingso allowsthe char- Attunement); Semisolid(Shroud halves movementof
acter to simulatethe Mega-Appearanceenhancement characters trapped within it and can be formed into a
Copycat. "wall"to soak one levelof bashingor lethaldamageper
Note that the Storyteller is perfectly within her dot in the power rating)
rights to deny simulatedpowersshe feelsare unreason-
able for the shape assumed. Generally speaking ,
Shapeshiftmayduplicateonly physicalpowers; for ex-
ample,a character who shapeshiftsinto a dragon might
wellgain Sizemorph(Grow), Clawsand Armor powers,
but he could not gain the abilityto breathe fire (Quan-
tum Bolt).


then takes all four extra Bruisedboxes and his normal
Hurtbox. If he then returns to normalsize, those four
extra boxes of Bruiseddamageare appliednormallyto
reducehim to Crippled.

Sizemorph (Grow)
Effect:Doubleheight and mass, ..-2Strength, 1-l
Staminaand one extra "Bruised"health levelper dot.
MultipleAdions: N/A
: Bychannelingquantumforces intohis
_ Sizemorph (Shrink)
molecular structure, the character may increase his
Quantum 1
height.Each dot doubles the character's heig_ht, reach
and mass. Eachdot of Sizemorph(Grow)also increases
the character's Strengthby two and his Staminaby one
and adds two to his Dexteritysolelyfor purposesof de-
termininghow fast he can walk or run. If Strength or
Effect:Each levelhalvesheight and reduces mass
Staminaexceeds5, the powerthen providesthe appro-
to 1/8 normal,adds one to all Stealth attempts and in-
priate Mega-Attribute,up to a maximumof 5. Addition-
creases difficultyto hit character by one.
ally, each dot of Sizemorph (Grow) adds an extra
MultipleAdions: Yes
"Bruised"health levelto the character's damagetrack,
Description:Sizemorph(Shrink)allowsa nova lo
makingit muchharder to incapacitate him.
becomesmallerand lighterthan normal- sometimes
However,all is not sunshineand roses. Everytwo
much smaller. Each dot of (Quantum + Sizemorph
dots of Sizemorph(Grow)grants opponentsan extra die
(Shrink))reducesa nova'sheightby half and his massto
to attack or perceivethe character. Furthermore,if the
1/8 of normal.Furthermore,each (Quantum+Sizemorph
character suffers more than two boxes' worth of dam-
(Shrink))leveladds one die to all Stealth att~mptsand
age (bashingor lethal)whilegrown,those box;s mayb~
increasesthe difficulty to hit the character withattacks
absorbed (in wholeor in part) by the extra Bruised
by one. Sizemorph(Shrink)also has less tangible~en-
health levels,but if the damageis not healedbefore he
efits,suchas allowinga characterto fit insidesmallpipes,
returns to normalsize (and losesthose extra levels), the
crawlunder doors and be carried in a friend's pocket.
boxesof damageare appliedto the character's damage
Each level of Sizemorph (Shrink) reduces the
track normally- so a seeminglytrivialwoundsuffered
character's Strength and offensivepowers by one dot
whileusingSizemorph(Grow)may actuallyprove fatal
(to a minimumof I), thoughnot against c.r~atures who
whenthe character returns to his ordinarysize.
are likewiseshrunkor just very small. Add1t1onally, each
ForExample: AbelardSmithhasSizemorph(Grow)
levelof Sizemorph(Shrink)halvesthe character's walk-
4 anda normalStrength3, Stamina3,providinghimwith
ing/ runningand swimmingmovementrates whilehe is
..-8 Strength (which equates to Strength 5, M_ega-
shrunk(but not other modesof movement,likef'.lightor
Strength 5), +4 Stamina(whichequates to Stamina5,
the expansionof runningprovidedby Hyperrunmng).By
Mega-Stamina2) and four extra "Bruised"he~lthlev-
greatly decreasing the character's mass, Sizemorph
els. WhileusingSizemorph(Grow),he takes s,x boxes
(Shrink) also makes it easier to throw t~e character,
of bashingdamage.Thisdamagereduceshimto Bruised,
knock him around with attacks or bowlhim over with
gusts of wind.
sive capabilitiesdo not decrease as he shrinks)


Strobe Stun Attack
2 Level:
Quantum Minimum: 1 Quantum Minimum: 1
DicePool:Wits + Strobe DicePool:Dexterity + Stun Attack
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters Range: (Quantum+powerrating) x 15 meters
Area:N/A Area:N/A
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Effect:Each success disables one of the target's Effect:(Quantum+ successes) levels of damage
senses for one turn. onlyto daze or knockout target.
Multiple Actions:Yes Multiple Actions:Yes
Description: This power allowsa nova to project Description: This attack power is similarto Quan-
an energyfieldthat disablesone of an opponent'ssenses tum Bolt, but it does not cause lastingharmto a target.
temporarily.It is usuallyused to blinda character's sight Allit can do is dazethe target or knockhimunconscious.
(typicallythrougha flashof brightlightor somethingsimi- For this reason it has no effect on unlivingtargets, such
lar), but it can also deafen a target (throughextremely as buildings,vehiclesor devices.
loudfocusedsound), deprivehimof his sense of smellor To use Stun Attack, the character spends the re-
numbhis sense of touch. quiredquantumpointsand rollsDexterity+StunAttack.
The playermustchoosewhichsense his poweraf- The successes achieved,plus the nova's Quantum, are
fects whenhe buysit, whichcannotbe changedthereaf- comparedto those rolledby the target withhis Stamina.
ter; exoticsenses,suchas ESPand Premonition,are also If the novahas the greater numberof successes,the net
susceptibleto this power. To use the power,he spends successesare comparedto the target's Stamina. If they
the requiredquantumpointsand rollsWits+Strobe. Each equal the target's Staminaor exceed it by one, the tar-
success deprivesthe target of the use of that sense For get is Dazed; if they exceedthe target's Staminaby two
one turn; five or more successeswipeout the sense for or more, the target is rendered Unconscious. See p.
an entire scene. A blind character is subject to Blind 249Forinformationon Dazedand Unconscious charac-
Fighting/ Firepenalties;a numbcharacter has a +3diffi- ters.
culty on all tasks involvingtouch (includingholdingand The target may spend Willpowerto reduce the
wieldinga weaponor gun).The Storytellershouldadju- nova'ssuccesses. Eachpointof Willpowerspent negates
dicate the effects of the lossof other senses on a case- one success.
by-case basis.
one normalor novasense per success on the targeting


in Telekinesis.
Telekinesishas other uses as well. For example,a
n?va might use it to grab another character and keep
himfrommoving.Doingso requires a resisted actionpit-
ting the nova's player's successes against the victim's
successes on a Mightroll. Ties go to the nova, and the
victim remains trapped. TK can also be used to throw
objects as if the nova's successes were successes on a
Mightroll (seep . 236). It is usuallyeasier to throw ob-
Jects at another character than to try to hold him
Extras: None telekinetically.
Telekinesis can be used to bash other characters
Telekines is with objects or telekinetically"punch" or crush them. In
Level: 2 this case, the successeson a Dexterity+Telekinesisroll
QuantumMinimum :2 count as health levelsof bashingdamage,whichmaybe
DicePool: Dexterity+ Telekinesis soaked as normal.Additionally,TK can be used to guide
Range: (Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters and/or accelerate a thrown weapon, object or similar
Area:N/A projectile; the characterspendsquantumpointsnormally,
Duration : Maintenance throwsthe obJect, then mayassigndots in her Telekine-
Effect:Character may lift and move physicalob- sis power rating to the object's attack or damagedice
jects without touchingthem· the more successes ob- pool.Dots in the power rating maybe split between at-
tained, the greater the weightthat can be lifted. tack and damagedice pools(e.g a character with Tele-
MultipleActions: Yes kinesis4 can add two dice to her rollto hit and two dice
Description : Telekinesisis the ability to lift and to her damageeffect).
moveobjects without touchingthem by applying quan- Performmgdelicate tasks with Telekinesiscan be
tumenergiesto them. Thisabilitymaymanifestas a men- difficult; it works better for cruder activitieslikelifting
tal power,focusedwinds, energy ~tentacles" or "talons," and moving. lf a character tries to use a DexterityAbil-
gravity manipulationor manyother powers. ity with TK, he first mustbe able to performthat Ability
To use Telekinesis( 'TK"), a novamustpay the re- naturally- Telekinesisdoesn't automaticallyteach a
quired quantumpoints and roll Dexterity+ Telekinesis, character how to pick locks or pilotaircraft. Assuming
addinga number of automaticsuccessesequalto Quan- he has the required skills,every two successes on his
tum. The numberof successesindicateshowmuchweight Dexterity+Telekinesisrollcountas one successfor pur-
poses of performingthe skill.
Telekinesis has no action/ reaction; a character
Succ11111 Wewjit cannotbe draggedby somethingwhichhe is holdingonto
One 50kg telekinetically(say,a vehicle). Nor can he use TKto pick
Two 100kg himselfup and fly.
Three 200kg Extras:None
Four 500kg
Five 1,000kg
Six 2,000kg
Seven 5,000 kg
Eight 10,000 kg
Nine 25,000 kg
Ten 50,000 kg
Eachsuccessbeyond10doublesthe weightthat
can be lifted.

the character can lift.

A character can movean object he has pickedup a Telepa thy
numberof meters per action equalto 10 meters per dot Level: 2
DicePool: Perception+ Telepathy
Range:Lineof sight or Special


Area: N/A
Duration : Concentration
Effect:Allowscharacter to read minds, scan for Telepathic Scanning
mindsand alter memories. Successes Oisbnce
MultipleActions : No One two kilometers
Description: This versatile and efficient power Two 20 kilometers
grants a nova several related abilities which typically Three 200 kilometers
manifestas "mental powers." A telepathic nova is able Four 2000 kilometers
to use his quantumconsciousnessto read the mindsof Five 20000 kilometers
others and performsimilartasks. Each success beyond five multipliesthe scanning
SpecificallyTelepathycan do three things: read an- distance by a factor of 10.
other person's mindand "talk" with himmentally,sense
other minds and alter another person's memories. For
Lastly, Telepathy can be used to alter existing
each use, the player must pay the required quantum
memoriesor false memories. The number of successes
points and roll Perception + Telepathy; the more suc-
needed to alter or implanta memorydepends uponhow
cesses he gets, the greater the nova's degree of power.
importantthat memory1s.
Telepathy can be used to read and communicate
with any mindwithinrange, providedthe novacan es-
tablish a line of sight to his target. A character whose
mindis beingread is automaticallyaware of that fact and Successes Memory
One Tnv1almemories: What you did
of who is doing the reading. Each success achievedon
yesterdcrj,your favoritefood
the Perception+ Telepathyrollallowsthe telepathto find
Two Minormemories: Yourbirthday or
and read one fact per action. Thus, withfivesuccessesa
nova could find and "read" five facts per action. The
Three Importantmemories: Vitalper
Storyteller may, in his discretion, rule that some facts
sonalfacts, blackmailinformation,
are so well-hiddenthat they require multiplesuccesses
insider information
to find and read. For example,intimateor very personal
Four Very importantmemories: Secu
thoughts might require three successes each; criminal
nty codes. nationalsecurity data
activitiesor informationwith whichthe character could
be blackmailedrequirefoursuccesseseach and the deep-
est, mosthiddenthoughtsor facts requirefivesuccesses
each. Mentalconversationtakes place at the same rate Extras:Surreptitious(victimwillnot be aware his
as normalconversation, but Telepathy overcomes the mindis beingread if novadoes not wishhimto be); Tele-
languagebarrier - two characters who cannot speak pathic Channeling(the telepath may use other mental
to each other verballybecausethey don't knowthe same powers, such as Domination,Mental Blast or Mirage,
languagescan communicatewithoutdifficultyusingTe- througha telepathiclink,regardlessof distancebetween
lepathy. the telepath and target)
Telepathy can also be used to scan for another
person's mindor "mentalsignature." The telepath may
finda specific mindwithina variable distance, provided
he scores at least one success on his roll. That one suc-
cess tells him the person's general location and direc-
tion, but nothingmore. The more successes, the more
preciselythe locationcan be determined. A telepathmust
have a specific mind to search for. If he can only de-
scribe the mind 'generically" ('Tm lookingfor the mind
of the nearest UNofficial"),the difficultyof the roll in-
creases by one or more (Storyteller'sdiscretion). Once
he finds the victim's mind, the telepath may attempt
mentalcommunication/reading normally.
DicePool: Perception+ Teleport



Area: N/A Teleportingone's clothes, carried ob1ectsand the

Duration: Instant likerequires the AttunementBackground(p. 139).
Effect:Allowscharacter to movewithout passing Extras: Safe Blind Teleport (difficulty for
throughthe interveningspace. teleporting blind is reduced by one, and the character
Multiple Actions:No takes bashing damage instead of lethal damage if she
Descri ption: Teleportisan advancedformof move- accidentally teleports into a solid object) ; Combat
ment in whicha novadoes not cross throughthe inter- Teleport(teleportdoes not takean action;charactermay,
vening space. Instead she simply"disappears" at Point for example, teleport to a foe's Aankor rear, then make
A and "reappears" at her desired destination of PointB, an attack normally; the character gains three extra dice
bypassing completelyany interveningbarriers, such as to dodge 1fusing Teleport while doing nothingexcept
wallsor buildings. taking a defensiveaction; moreover,the character can
To use Teleport, a novaspends the required quan- dodge an area or explosiveattack as though it were a
tumpoints, and the playerrollsPerception+Teleport.ln normalattack)
combator other stressfulsituations,a novamayteleport
up to 100 meters per success. Providedthe nova has a
fullturn to concentrate,she mayteleport a variabledis-
tance, as indicatedon the chart. ln either case, each point
of Quantumshe has counts as an additionalautomatic
Tempora l
success. UsingTeleport counts as a character's entire Man ipulation
action for a turn. Level: 3
lf a character is unableto see her destination,or is QuantumMinimum:5
not familiarwith it due to previous visits there, she is DicePool:Variable
"teleportingblind and maymissher destinationand end Range:Variable
up somewhereelse. The character must makea Percep- Area:N/A
tion + Teleport roll to "hit" her specified destination. Duration: Variable
The difficulty is one higher if she is teleporting more Effect: Charactercan manipulatetime.
than twokilometers,twohigherif she is teleportingmore MultipleActions:Yes
than 20 kilometersand three higher1fshe is teleporting Description: This exceedinglyrare power gives a
more than 100 kilometers. nova control over that most basic, yet mysterious,of
phenomena- time itself. He can alter or reverse time
to achieve a number of effects, but he cannot actually
Teleport Distance travel through time. That has proved beyond the abili-
Succ-esses Distance ties of even the most powerfulnovas.
One two kilometers As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery, this power
Two 20 kilometers provides severaltechniques. A novamaylearnand freely
Three 200 kilometers use one techniqueper dot in the power;she mayattempt
Four 2000 kilometers other techniques,but the player mustpay doublequan-
Five 20000 kilometers tum cost and roll against a difficultypenalty of one to
Eachsuccessbeyondfivemultipliesthe teleport activate these powers. Techniquesinclude:
distanceby a factor of 10. Internal Clock
Area: N/A
If the nova misses the Storytellershoulddetermine Duration: Permanent
randomlywhere she went.Rollone die to determine the This technique1sknownautomaticallyby all time-
direction(1 • north, 2 • northeast, and so on; reroll 9s manipulatorsand does not use up a dot in the power. A
and 10s) and another die to determine how manyunits character withTemporalManipulationpossessesa highly
of measurement the character is "off" (if she is accurate internal clock. He alwaysknows exactly how
teleportinga distance in meters, it's one to 10 meters; if muchtime has passed between two events, and he can
kilometers, one to 10 kilometers; if tens of kilometers, mentallytime events as if using an extremely precise
one to 10 times 10 kilometers). If she accidentally stopwatch.Thisabilityrequiresno rollandcosts no quan-
teleports into a solidobject, she reappears in the near- tum points; it functionsautomatically
est empty space but takes ldlO health levelsof lethal
damage, reduced by one for each success achievedon a
Stamina+Teleport roll.



Age Alteration Accelerate Time

DicePool: Manipulation+ TemporalManipulation Dice Pool: Wits + TemporalManipulation
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters Range:(Quantum+ power rating) x 10 meters
Area:N/A Area:N/A
Dlration:Instant Duration: Maintenance
This abilityallowsa novato makeanother person This abilityallowsa novato put himselfor another
age rapidly or regress back to his youth. For each suc- person inside a bubbleof "fast time." Doing so makes
cess achievedon a Manipulation+ TemporalManipula- the character moveand act muchmore quickly than a
tion roll, the novamayadd or subt.ract up to two years person in a normaltime frame. E.achsuccess on a Tem-
fromthe target'sage;the target mayresist witha Stamina poral Manipulation rollallowsthe character to take one
roll.For reasons as yet unknownto science, this ability additional action per turn. These actions are not mul-
has no effect on the size or power of another nova's tiple actions; they are extra actions. However,they may
Mazarin-Rashoud node. It also does not affect the be used only to take additionalphysical actions(punch-
victim's mindor memories. A victim of Age Alteration ing, running,or dodging, for example,but not using more
willsimplyhave to live withthe effects ever after unless TemporalManipulation powers). The nova'spowerrat-
he can get another time-manipulator to reverse them. ing dictates the maximumnumberof extra actions that
Age Alterationcan also be used on objects. De- maybe gained.
creasing their age willrepair minordamage (wear and
tear) and makethem looknewer and shinier. Everytwo
years added to an object inflictsone healthlevel of dam-
age on it, possiblycausing it to crumbleinto ruin.



Dilate Time Effect: Allowscharacter to create "gates" permit-

Dice Pool:Wits+ TemporalManipulation ting her or other characters to move without passing
Range:(Quantum+ power rating) x 10meters through the interveningspace.
Area:N/A MultipleActions : No
Duration: Maintenance Desaiption :Warpissimilarto Teleportinmanyways
Dilate Time is the reverse of Accelerate Time; it - it involvesthe samemethodof movingwithoutpassing
allowsa novato slowdownanother character by slowing throughinterveningspace.However,whereasTeleportation
the flowof time around him. Eachsuccess on an Intelli- normallyworks on one person only(the nova who pos-
gence+ TemporalManipulationrollreduces the victim's sesses it), Warpcreates a "gate' that anyonecan use.
Initiativerating by one. If InitiativefallsbelowI, the vic- It takes an entire turn to create a warp; the nova
tim is treated as havingan Initiativerating of I, but hemay take no other actions during this turn. Warps are
mayact onlyonce every other tum. typicallythree meters square; the nova may alter the
shape by one meter (either dimension)per dot. Any-
Stop Time thing that cannot fit through the warp cannot use it.
DicePool: Intelligence+TemporalManipulation Warps are usuallyopened up at ground level,but a nova
Range:(Quantum+ power rating) meters maycreate a warp anywherewithinhis range.
Area:N/A To use Warp, a nova simplyspends the required
Duration:Maintenance quantumpoints. In combat or other stressful situations,
This power 1sperhaps the most potent one in the a warp can teleport anyonewho passes through it up to
TemporalManipulator'sarsenal. It allowshimliterallyto 100 meters per success; if the nova has a full turn to
stop time around a specific person or object. That per- concentrate, Warp can teleport persons a variabledis-
son cannot moveor use any powersor Abilities,he does tance, as shown on the accompanyingtable. In either
not age and he cannot be affected by (and is unaware case, each point of Quantumshe has counts as an addi-
of) any outside force, phenomenonor attack while in tionalautomaticsuccess. Passingthrougha warp volun-
suspension. Stop Time is very difficultto set up - the tarily counts as one of a character's actions for a tum.
nova's playermustachievea success on an Intelligence+
TemporalManipulationrollat a difficultypenaltyof two,
and a livingvictimmay make a Willpowerroll to resist. Warp Distance
Once established,the effect lasts as longas the charac- S.iccesses Distance
ter pays quantumpoints to maintainit. One two kilometers
Extras:None Two 20 kilometers
Three 200 kilometers
Four 2000 kilometers
Five 20000 kilometers
Each success beyond five multipliesthe warp
distance by a factor of 10.

A novamayuseWarpas an attack by openingit up in

frontof a target.Amovingtarget maydodgeto avoidpass-
ingthroughit; thisdodge takes no time. A nonmovingtar-
get maybe "enveloped"by the warp if the nova's player
succeeds with a Dexterity+ Warp roll; the target resists
that rollwithan Athleticsroll. Doingso is alwaysa "com-
bat" warp;a novacouldnot for example, warp a foe into
Wa rp the vacuumof space unlessshe had a fulltum to concen-
Level:3 trate and the victimwas helplessto dodge the warp.
QuantumMinimum: 3 Characters can see through the warp (unlesscon-
DicePool:NIA ditions on one "side" of it prevent sight) and willknow
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) meters where they are goingbefore they pass throughit.
/A Extras:None


Quantum Mininun:4
Range: Variable
Duration: Variable
Des0ription:Weather Manipulationprovides the
character with powerover weather in its manyaspects.
As with ElementalAnimaand Mastery,this power pro-
vides several techniques. A nova may learn and freely
use one techniqueper dot in the power;she mayattempt
other techniques,but the playermustpay doublequan-
tum cost and roll against a difficultypenalty of one to
activatethese powers. Techniquesinclude:
Alter Temperature
Range: (Quantum+ powerrating) x 2 kilometers
Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 kilometers
Duration: Maintenance
The character can increaseor decrease the tem-
perature of the air in an area aroundhimself.The tem-
perature can be altered by 10degrees Celsiusper dot in
Weather Manipulation . No roll is required to do so, but
quantumpointsmustbe paid.
DicePool:Intelligence+ WeatherManipulation
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 5 meters
Area:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
: Maintenance
The character is able to create a thickbank of fog
over a widearea (or, if the playerprefers, hard, driving
rain whichis so thickas to inhibitvision). The fog inter-
feres withsight, makingdrivingandother formsof move-
menthazardous.Eachsuccessachievedon an Intelligence
+ WeatherManipulation rolladds one to the difficulties
of allvisualPerceptionrollsmadeto see into or through
the fog. The foglastsas longas the characterpaysquan-
tumpointsto maintainit, then dissipatesat normalrates
for the current environmentalconditions.
Lightning Bolt
DicePool:Dexterity+ WeatherManipulation
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 10meters
The charactermayproject boltsof lightning. These
inflict[Quantumx 2) levels+ (powerrating x 2) dice of
lethaldamage. Typicallythe bolts are projects from the
character's hands, but the player may have them strike Extras
down from stormclouds, for dramatic purposes, if he Extras are specialadvantagesthat can be added to
wishes; however,this effect shouldnot provideany bo- existing powers. They make the power better in some
nuses to hit a target or other combatbenefits. way - more effective, able to work at greater ranges
Weather Alteration or effectiveagainst moretargets. The choiceof whether
DicePool:Intelligence+ Weather Manipulation to t.:ikean Extra, either the ones listedwithspecificpow-
Range:(Quantum+ powerrating) x 2 kilometers ers or the ones described here (which can apply to any
Area: (Quantum+ power rating) x 5 kilometers
appropriate power) is up to the playerand requires the
Duration: Maintenance Storyteller's permission. Extrasare never required.
This effect is the most basic of the Weather Taking an Extra has two effects beyond the ben-
Manipulator's abilities. He can, as the power's name in- efits of the Extra itself. First, it raises the power's level
dicates, alter weatherpatternsovera largearea. Foreach by one for purposesof the cost to purchaseit withnova/
success achievedon an Intelligence+ Weather Manipu- experience pointsand powerit withquantumpoints_For
lationroll, he mayadjust the current weatherconditions example,a Level2 powerwithan Extrabecomesa Level
up or downone step on the followingtable. 3 power in terms of its cost to buy and use. Sincethere
are no powersaboveLevel3,Level3 powerscannottake
Extras. A playercan purchaseup to twoExtrasfor a Level
Weather PhetlOflMll1a Table One power.
SwelteringHeat A power with an Extra is considered a separate,
Clear/Sunny distinct power. A character maynot buy one powerand
Cloudy/Hazy severalExtrasand then "trade off ' the Extrasfromturn
Drizzle to turn to get the most effectiveattack. An Extra, once
Rainstorm (orsnow,,f temperaturemakes,t possible) purchased for a power, must alwaysbe used when that
StrongRain/Thunderstorm power is used.
Gale Gaining Extras with Experi-
A character may"upgrade' her powerby purchas-
Thus, if the current weather is a rainstorm(and the ing an Extralater in the game withthe Storyteller's per-
player of a nova achieves two successes on his Intelli- mission. The cost of doing so is equalto the total differ-
gence+ WeatherManipulationroll), a novamayincrease ence between the costs of allthe dots without the Extra
it up to a gale or decrease it to cloudy/hazy. If the nova and the cost of all the dots with the Extra. A character
changes the weather conditions to gale or higher the mayhalvethis cost by takinga point of Taintat the time
effect is treated as the Storm technique of Element.ii the Extra is purchased.
Mastery (p. 196). ForExample: Lotus Infinitehas QuantumBolt 3.
After practicinga good bit with her InfinityJustifier
Windriding specialmaneuver, she wishesto buy the AreaExtraas a
DicePool: N/A permanentFeatureof herpower. The totalexperience-
Range : Self pointcost to purchaseQuantumBolt3 "Fromthe ground
Area:N/A up" is 30 points (5 + 10 + 15), whilethe similarcost to
Duration : Maintenance buy the power withan Extrais 44 points('?+ 14 + 21).
The character manipulateswindsso that they carry Thedifferencebetweenthe two costs(14points)is what
him,similarto Flight.The character can moveat the rate LI mustpay to buy the Extra.
of {powerrating x 2) + 20 meters per action, or (40 That'spretty expensive, soLI takesapointof Taint
kilometersper hour x power rating) out of combat. to purchasethe ExtraForhalfcost. A Fterspendingseven
Players can create other Weather Manipulation experiencepoints, she maynowuse the AreaExtrawith
techniquesif they wish, but the Storytellermust review every shot of her QuantumBolt; however, she pays
and approve allsuch techniques. three, not two, quantumpoints to fire the attack.
Extras: None



Aggravated flicts fulldamage/ eff.__~ -~ th .. three-meter-diameter

This Extra, when applied to a power that causes area at "groundzero" ot th-;-.,i.Lack. However,for every
bashingor lethaldamage,makesthat damageaggravated. three meters after the three meters at groundzero, one
The character inflictsa base amountof aggravateddam- success (or health levelof damage) is subtracted from
age equalto Quantum,then adds attack successes from the total applied. When the successes/ damagereaches
her skillroll to determine the total aggravateddamage zero, the Explosionhas reached its maximumradius.
inflicted.For informationon aggravateddamage,see p. Damageadds are lost before damagedice.
253. ForExample: Derrick Tremaineuses a Quantum
Bolt, Explosionagainstan enemy, Raf Karnazian.The
Area center of the explosion is seven meters away from
This Extra allowsa power to affect an area. It ap- Karnazian . The first three meters radiuscoveredby the
plies onlyto powers, such as QuantumBolt, that do not explosiontake the full damage- 18 healthlevels of
alreadyhavean area of effect. The typicalarea is(Quan- damage. The three meters beyond that take 17health
tum+ powerrating) x 5 meter radius,but playersshould levelsof damage. The three meters beyondthat, where
confer with their Storyteller to determine the area he Karnazianis, take 16healthlevels. Karnazianmay soak
wants a powerto have. this damagenormally.
For informationon the effects of powers that af-
fect an area, see p. 248. Homing
A Homingattack can "lock on" to its target and
Armor Piercing followit no matter where it tries to moveor dodge. The
A powerwith this Extra is able to pierce soak eas- attack suffersno penaltiesor modifiersfor range(though
ily. For every attack success, the attack mayignore two it cannot movebeyondits maximumrange) and the at-
levelsof soak.ArmorPiercingcannotbe appliedto pow- tack ignoresthe target's first dodge success.
ers that do not inflictdamage.
Burning Imperviousis an Extra for defensive powers like
This Extra is typicallyapplied to an attack power, Force Field. Impervioussoak is not reduced by Armor
but it is appropriate for a few other types of powers as Piercing, and it converts any aggravated damage into
well. A Burningattack inflicts normaldamage when it normallethaldamage,whichcan be soaked normally.
first hits, but it continuesto "burn" the victimon subse-
quent turns. The victim of a Burningattack automati- Increased Duration
callytakeshalfdamagefromthe attack (which, of course, A power with this Extra lasts longer than normal
may be soaked as normal)for an additionalnumber of - it is doubled. Obviously,this Extra can be applied
turns equalto the attack's power rating. onlyto powersthat havea durationdefinedby someunit
of time.
This Extra allowsa nova to generate an attack in Increased Range
the formof a cloudof gas or energy. It fillsan area equal This Extra, whichappliesonlyto powerswitha de-
to three meters radius per dot, whichadds one die t.o fined range in meters, doublesthe medium range of the
attack rolls; extra successeson the attack rolldo not in- power. The powercan be used at longrange all the way
crease the attack's damage or effect. However,the at- out to lineof sight.
tack lingersin the area for one extra turn, duringwhich MIRV
it inflictshalf damage on anyone who moves into it or A MIRVranged attack power is able to split itself
remainsinside ii. The cloud willtend lo fill up enclosed up amongseparate targets. The attackingcharacter de-
spaces and sink to the lowestpart of the area it fills. clares whichtarget.s he wishesto affect and makesone
Explosionis similarto Area, but ii works differ-
ently - it coversa biggerarea, but its effect decreases
graduallyover that distance. A power withExplosionin-



roll to hit them usingthe worst modifiersfor any single Reduced Quantum Cost
target; die bonusesapply only if all targets wouldpro- A power with this Extra costs only half as many
videthat bonus. lf he succeeds,alltargets are hit, though quantumpoints to use and maintain(round in favor of
each target maydodge normally.He mustthen dividehis the character). A LevelOne powerwith this Extracosts
damagediceamongthe varioustarget.s . If the powerhas no quantumpointsto use.
a damageadd, every target takes the base damage-
onlythe additionaldamagedice mustbe split. Spray/Jet
ForExample: DerrickTremaine,with Quantum2, ThisExtraallowsthe novato use a power(typically
has a bashingMIRV Fire Blast (QuantumBolt 5). He a QuantumBolt) as a "spray" or "jet" attack, likea liv-
wantsto use it to hit five targets- oneat point-blank ingflamethrower.Eachturn, the novacan chooseto use
range,threeat mediumrangeandoneat maximumrange a jet or spray. When usingthe poweras a jet, the nova
(+2difficulty). Hemustmakeone attackrollat +2diffi- makesa normalattack roll; the range of a jet power is
culty;he gets no bonusesfor apoint-blankattack,since halved,but each turn the novauses the power,she gains
not alltargetsare at point-blankrange. He managesto an additionaldie to accuracy,to a maximumof fiveextra
achievetwo successes,so he hits allfive of his targets. dice.
Eachtargettakes the damageaddof six healthlevelsof When usingthe poweras a spray,the novaemits a
damage,andhe splitshis extra 20 damagedice evenly steady stream of energy,not unlikea fire hose, whichis
amongthe targets. Eachtarget,then, takes[6J+ 4d/O swept over an area. Thisenergy spray functionslikethe
damagefrom the MIRVattack. Strafing maneuver(p. 248), adding 10 dice to a stan-
dard attack roll, witha difficultypenaltyof one for each
Range meter in area of effect covered beyond the first. Suc-
Powerswitha range of Touchcan work at a range cesses are dividedup just as in strafing and appliedto
of 10 meters per dot if they have this Extra.To attack, the damageeffect.
use the normaldice poolfor the power;if there is none, Difficultiesof dodge rollsagainsta jet or spray are
use Dexterity+ powerrating to hit. increasedby one.


Aberrant'sfocuses on roleplayingand character • (limbing[Athletics]:Whenyourcharacterclimbs
interaction.Still,we knowyou're just itchingto blastsome an inclined surface (rocky slope, cargo container or
punk througha building, and such drama often involves building),rollAthletics. For an average climbwith avail-
an element of dice rolling. As Chapter One shows, the able handholdsand nominalcomplications,your charac-
rulesare designedto streamlinethis process as muchas ter movesthree meters per success. The Storytellerad-
possibleso that you can pay attention to the story. To justs this distancebased on the climb'sdifficulty(easier:
assist you and the Storytellerfurther, this chapter cov- four meters per success; more difficult: two meters per
ers more specificdice mechanics, includinggeneraldra- success). The number of handholds, smoothnessof the
maticsystems,combat, damageand recovery. surface and, to a lesser extent, weather can all affect
rate of travel.A short, difficultclimbmayhavethe same
Dramatic difficultyas a long, easy climb.The extendedactionlasts
untilyou've accumulatedenoughsuccesses to reach the
desired height.On a mildbotch, your character mayonly
Systems slip or get stuck; on a more severe one, she may fall.
The onlythingslimitingyouractionsare your imagi- IFyour character has the Clawspower, each level
nation and your character's skill.Duringa gamesession, adds one die to all climbing attempts unless your
characters - both playerand Storytellerpersonalities character's "claws' are reallydischargedkineticenergy
- attempt numerousdiverse and complicatedactivi- or the like. A characterwiththe Clingingpowermayclimb
ties. The Storytelleris responsiblefor keepingallof this withouta die roll.
actionorganizedwhiledeterminingsuccessor failureFor • Driving/Piloting[Drive, Pilot]: A Driveor Pilot
all characters. roll isn't needed to steer a vehicleunder normalcircum-
Dramaticsystemssimplifythe Storyteller'sjob by stances - assumingyour character has the appropri-
supplyingrules for a numberof commonactivities. The ate skill.However,bad weather,the vehicle'sspeed, ob-
appropriateAbilityis bracketedafter the systeminques- staclesand performingcomplexmaneuverscan challenge
tion in each case. If a task requires a specialty,you may even the most competent drivers. Specific difficulties
add a die to your character's dice pool Forthat test. based on these circumstancesare up to the Storyteller,
Storytellers should,and willundoubtedlyhave to, but they shouldincreaseas the conditionsbecomemore
invent their own dramatic systems for new situations. hazardous.
The list of systemsbelowis in no wayexhaustive,but it Forexample,drivinginheavyrain increasesthe dif-
providesa solid foundationon whichto base events. Bear ficultyby one, but goingfast whilealso trying to lose a
in mind that characters lackinga specific Abilitymay tailjumps the penaltyup three. Similarly , pilotinga plane
default to the Attribute on which the Abilityis based, through artillery fire is +I, but addinga breakneckpace
unlessstated otherwise. whileavoidingpursuit bumpsit to +3. A failedroll indi-
A number of these systems may be tried again if cates trouble,requiringan additionalrollto avoidcrash-
the first attempt is unsuccessful.Subsequentefforts may ingor losingcontrol. Playersof characters in control of
require additional difficulties, however at the a vehiclewho have no dots in the appropriate Ability,
Storyteller's discretion(see "SecondChances,"p. 111) . must roll for almost every change in course or proce-
dure. On a botch, the vehicle mayspin out of control or
Physical Tasks worse.
These systems cover tasks involvingthe three • Encumbrance [Might]:The temptation to carry
PhysicalAttributes (Strength, Dexterity and Stamina). loads of equipment to satisfy everysituationcan be over-
Rememberthat players of characters with Mega-At- whelming . The Storyteller should make life difficultfor
tributes have extra dice to roll, and they act at reduced playerswhosecharacters haveextensiveequipmentand
difficulties. weaponrylists. Characters without Mega- Strength can
carry 10 kilograms(22 pounds) per dot in their Might

skill total without penalty; characters with Mega- Characters can work together to lift an object,
Strength use the systems listed under that Mega-At- which requires a teamworkrollwith the individualplay-
tribute. ers rollingseparately and combiningany resultingsuc-
Shouldyour character exceed this total, allactions cesses.
involvingphysicalskillsincuran automaticdifficultypen- Lifting is allor nothing- if you failthe roll,noth-
alty of one due to the added weight.Also, for every 10 ing happens. At the Storyteller's discretion, the diffi-
kg over the allocationyour character's base movement culty maybe reduced by one if allyour character wants
drops by one meter (see "Movement," p. 106). IFthe to do is drag somethinga short distance. On a botch,
total weightcarried is doubleher Mightallocation, your your character maystrain something or drop the object
charactercan't move.Thissystemisa guideline;the Sto- on her own foot.
rytellershouldnot callfor an inventorycheckevery time CharacterswithMega-Strengthuse a differentsys-
your character picksup a pen. tem for lifting. Each dot of Mega-Strengthprovidesa
• Feats ofEndurance [Endurance]: Endurancede- base liftingability:
termineshowwelland for howlongyour character can • 1000 kg/I ton (automobile)
run beyondher normalcapacity, stay awakeafter a day •• 10,000 kg/10 tons (truck)
of activityor holdher breath for an abnormallylongtime. ••• 25,000 kg/25 tons (fighter plane)
Sustaining such acts depends on your character's En- •••• 50,000 kg/50 tons (tank)
duranceskilltotal (see "Sourcesof Injury," p. 255), and ••••• 100,000 kg/100 tons (bluewhale)
it requires Endurancerolls after that point. The fre- To liftmore weight,the playerrollsMight normally,
quencyof the rollscan range fromevery hour for trying and each success allows20% more weightto be lifted.
to stayawake, eachhalf-houror so for maintaining physi- Thus, a characterwithMega-Strength2 maylift 20 tons
cal activity or everyfewsecondsto keep holding breath. on a Might rollof five successes.
CharacterswithMega-Staminafind suchfeats exponen- • Opening/Closing [Might]: Openinga door with
tiallyeasier, perhaps even automatic. brute force callsfor a Might roll. A standardinteriordoor
The Storytellershouldadd one to the difficulty(cu- requires onlyone success to bash open or slamshut. A
mulative) to each subsequentroll after the first to re- reinforced door or airlockgenerallytakesfivesuccesses.
flect the increasingstrain on your character's vitality. A magneticallylockedblastdoor mighttake 10successes.
Botchesshouldsuit the feat attempted (e.g., stumbling, These successesmaybe handledas an extendedaction.
reflexivelygasping for air, nodding off, lunging for the While teamworkis possible(and recommended),a door
nearest availablefood). can stillbe forced open througha single individual'sre-
• Jumping[Might): ln normalEarth gravity, each peated hammering.Obviously, a door not held in some
success on a Mightroll launchesyour character half a waycan be opened without resorting to force. A botch
meter verticallyor two meters horizontally . On a botch, causes a level of bashing damage to your character's
your character may trip over her own feet, leap right shoulder.
into a wallor do somethingsimilarlyembarrassing. The Novas with Mega-Strength add their automatic
QuantumLeap enhancement(p. 157) allowsnovas to damage successes to their players' Might rolls, should
cover truly amazingdistances. the Storytellerdecide they even haveto rollat all.
• Lifting [Might]:The chart belowprovidesMight • PlnUit[Athletics, Drive,Pilot]:Catchingsome-
skilltotals needed to deadlift various mass categories. one who's tryingdesperatelyto avoid yourcharacter in-
The Storyteller determines any difficulties involvedin volvesseveraldifferent rolls, whichcan includeTrack-
lifting; generally,the numberof dots by which your char- ingor Investigation. Basic pursuit is an extendedaction.
acter is belowthe minimumMightrating required is the The target starts witha numberof free extra successes
additionaldifficulty incurredto lift the object. However, basedon his distance frompursuers. This systembreaks
if her Might skilltotal is at least one dot higher than the downas follows:on foot, one for everytwometersahead
minimumneeded, the Storytellermay allowyour char- of pursuers; in vehiclesor flight, one for every10meters
acter to pickup the item withouthavingto roll. ahead of pursuers. Exceptionallylongfoot chases might
Mightskilltotal Mass(kg) Exam
ple involveEndurancetests.
• 15 Chair If one participant has Hypermovement or Enhanced
•• 45 Movementand the other does not, or if one participant
••• 100 Grownperson has Hypermovement at a higher levelthan the other, the
• • •• 165 faster character alwaysescapes/ catches up unlessthe
••••• 240 Empty
ca-gobin Storytellerdictatesotherwise. Inallother cases, the tar-
• • •• • • 300 get and pursuersrollthe appropriate Ability (depending
••••• •• 360 Motorcycle on the type of pursuit) each turn, addingnewsuccesses
•• ••• ••• 420 to anysuccessesrolledin previous turns. Whenthe pur-
••••• •••• 480 Girder
• • •• • ••••• 550


suer accumulatesmore total successes than the target, out necessarilycatchingher - and whilenot being no-
she catches up and maytake further actions to stop the ticed by her! The target's player can roll Awareness
chase. Asthe target accumulatessuccesses,he gainsdis- whenevershe has a chance to spot her tail (thE(Story-
tance fromhis pursuersand mayuse that lead to lose his teller decideswhensuchan opportunityarises); the pur-
opponents. Each success that the quarry accumulates suer opposes this rollwitha Stealthroll. The target must
beyondthe pursuer's total acts as a difficultypenaltyof get at least one more success than her shadowdoes to
one to any Awarenessrolls that pursuers have to make spot the tail;if so, she mayact accordingly.This resisted
to remain on the target's tail. The Storyteller may call action is handledindividually for each person shadowing
for the pursuer to make an Awarenessroll at any time the target (if the target is beingfollowedby three people
(althoughnot more than once per turn). If the pursuer her player makes three separate Awarenessrolls, one
fails this roll, her target is considered to have slipped against each target's Stealth roll).
away(intothe crowd,off the sensor screen). On a botch, • Sneaking [Stealth):Ratherthan fightthroughev-
the pursuer loses her quarry immediately . If the quarry ery situation, your character can use stealth and cun-
botches, he stumblesor ends up at a dead end. ning. A sneakingcharacter uses Stealthas a resisted ac-
• Resistance [Resistance) : The Health track on tion againstAwarenessrolls fromanyoneable to detect
your character sheet normallydeclares the number of her passing. Unlessobservers receive more successes
dice you lose from dice pools as your character takes than the sneakingcharacter does, she passes undetec-
damage. Youmayroll Resistanceonce each turn; a suc- ted. Noise,unsecuredgear, lackof coveror largegroups
cessful rollrestores a numberof dice to your poolequal of observers can increase Stealth difficulty. Security
to your ResistanceAbilityrating(not skilltotal). The re- devices, scanners or superior vantage points may add
stored dice last for as manyturns as successesyou roll. dice to Awareness rolls. On a botch, the character
This benefit requires the Resistance Ability; it cannot stumblesintoone of the people she's avoiding,acciden-
be performedas a default task. tallywalksinto the open, or performs some other obvi-
• Shadowing[Stealth): Shadowingsomeone re- ous ad .
quiresthat yourcharacter keeps tabs on the target with-



Certainnovapowers,particularlyInvisibility,make and beingawareof one's surroundings.Awarenesscov-

sneakingmucheasier. ers anythingthat doesn't requirespecifictrainingin ob-
• Swimming [Endlrance]: Assumingyour charac- servation,as Investigationdoes. Awarenessisoften used
ter can swimat all(beingable to do so requires one dot in resisted rollsagainstAbilitieslikeStealth.
of Athleticsand enables a maximummovementof the • Hacking[Computer]: A person seekingto hack
character'swalkingspeed plusone meter per dot inAth- intoa computersystemmakesan extendedrollusingthe
letics),long-distanceor long-durationswimming requires ComputerAbility.The difficultycan be normal(for an
successfulEndurancerolls. The first rollis necessaryonly ordinaryPC)or up to +4 (for hackingintomilitarymain-
after the first half-hourof sustainedactivity,and it re- frames). Likewise,successesneededcanrangefromfive
quires onlyone success. A cumulativedifficultypenalty or so up to 50 (or even more!).
of one applies for each subsequenthalf-hour. If a roll Activelyblockinga hacker is a resisted action;the
failsat any time,your character tires; she mayAoat,but adversarywiththe mostsuccesseswins. Ona botch,you
she is too exhaustedto swim.Yourcharactercan rest by maytrip a Aagor evenrevealyour identityto the system
floating,but the current difficultydoesn't drop untilshe you're trying to breach. Hackingrequires the Computer
can get to solidgroundand recuperate.On a botch,your Ability;your character cannot perform it as a default
character sinks and, if she doesn't have gillsor appro- task. Note that characters with the Cyberkinesispower
priateLifeSupportpowers,beginsdrowning(seep. 257). (p. 187) maysubstitute that powerfor these rules.
• Throwing[Migit]:Objects (grenades, knives) • Hi!IJ Finance [Biz]:The BizAbilitycovers any
witha massof one kilogramor less can be throwna dis- attempt to amass wealth, from internationalbankingto
tance of the character's Mightskilltotal x 5 in meters. licensingoneself to a toy company. The character or
For each additionalkilogramof massthat an object has, sponsor typicallyinvests an amountof money(usually
thisdistancedecreasesby fivemeters(particularlyheavy equal to a Resourcedot) and rolls Biz. Eachadditional
objects don't go very far). As longas the object's mass Resourcedot investedadds one die to the Bizroll.One
doesn't reduce throwing distance to zero, your charac- success means the deal breaks even; the character/
ter can pick up and throw it without havingto make a sponsorneithergainsnor losesfromthe deal.Moresuc-
Mightroll. A character with5 Mightskilltotal can throw cesses allowthe character to gainone temporaryunit of
a 1kg object 25 meters. He can throw a 2 kg object 20 Resourcesfor each successrolled;these unitsequalone
meters and a 5 kgobject five meters. If an object can be month'sworth of one Resourcedot.
lifted, but its mass reduces throwingdistance to zero, ForExample: HarveyWilder,withResources2 and
the object can be hurled aside at best - about one a Biz skilltotalof 7, needs cashfast. In an all-or-noth-
meter's distance. Obviously,if an object can't be lifted,inggamble, he invests his entire fortune(two Resource
it can't be thrown at all (refer instead to "Lifting,"p. dots) in the stock market. Hisplayernowrollseightdice
234) . (seven for his Biz skill,+-1for the additionalResource
The Storytellermayreduce throwingdistancesfor dot invested). Theplayerscoresthreesuccesses- two
particularlyunwieldyobjects, or increasethemfor aero- over the total to break even - so Harveygains two
dynamic ones. On a botch,your character maydrop the units of Resources. The playermay choosefor Harvey
object or strike a companionwith it. to have an effective Resourcesof 4 for one month or
CharacterswithMega-Strengthmaythrowobjects Resources3 for two months.
of weightsequal to their base liftingability; to do so, Five or more successes on the Biz roll allowthe
they use the normalrules for throwing. However,when character to raisehisResourcesby onedot permanently.
throwingobjects whosemassis less than half their base Failuremeansthe character losesall investedResource
liftingability(e.g., a novawithMega-Strength2 attempt- dots for one month,then regains them at one invested
ingto hurla 1000-kgautomobile),theymaymultiplytheir dot per monththereafter. A botchmeansallinvestedRe-
normalthrowingdistance timestheir automaticdamage sources are lost permanently.
successes! • Investigation [Investigation]:Any search for
clues,evidence or hiddencontrabandinvolvesInvesti-
Mental Feats gation. The Storytellermayadd a difficultyto investi-
Thesesystemscovertasks involvingthe three Men- gationsinvolvingobscurecluesor particularlywell-con-
tal Attributes(Perception, Intelligenceand Wits). Men- cealed objects. One success revealsbasic details; mul-
tal tests provideyou with informationabout thingsyour tiple successes provide detailed informationand may
character knows,but you don't, or they determineyour even make deductionspossiblebased on physicalevi-
character's skillat certain mentaltasks. Still,depend on dence. On a botch, he maymissor accidentallydestroy
your creativity whensolvingproblems- not on dice- obviousclues.
rolling. • Intrusion [Intrusion]:Intrusioncovers breaking
• Awareness [Awareness]: Thisfeat involvespick- and entering, evading security devices, pickinglocks,
ing a face out of a crowd, keepingan eye on someone bypassingkeypadand retinalcountermeasures- and



preventingothers from doing the same. When bypass-

ing active security, your roll must succeed on the first
Social Graces
attempt; failureactivates any alarms present (opening These systemscover tasks involvingthe three So-
manuallocksmaybe attempted multipletimes, though). cialAttributes(Appearance,ManipulationandOiarisma).
Intrusionrollsare usuallystandard actions,but they may Roleplayingusuallysupersedes any Socialskillroll, for
be difficult actions depending on a security system's better or worse. Storytellersmayignore the Socialsys-
complexity(the Storytellerdecidesthe actualdifficulty). tems whena playerexhibitsparticularlygood or excru-
On a botch, the clumsybreak-in attempt goes horribly ciatinglybad roleplaying.
awry. • Carousing [Style,Streetwise]: Youinfluenceoth-
Setting up security measuresis a standard action, ers to relax and have Fun. Applicationsof this roll might
but multiplesuccesses achieved in the effort increase include showinga potentialclienta good time, loosening
the system's quality (essentiallyadding to its difficulty an informant'stongue or makinginstant drinkingpart-
to be breached). ners who come to your aid when a brawl starts. It's a
• Repair[Engineering]: Before repairinga device standard action whendealingwith an individual,though
that's on the fritz, your character mustidentifyits prob- diff!cultiesmaybe added for large or surlygroups. On a
lems(accomplishedas a standardresearchroll).The Sto- botch,your character comesoff as an obnoxiousboor if
ryteller then sets the difficultyof the repair roll, if any. not worse. '
This difficulty depends on the problems' severity, • Credibility[Sd>terfuge]: Subterfugeisused when
whether the proper tools or any replacementparts are perpetrating a scamor trying to detect one (a scamcan
on hand and if adverse conditionsexist. An inspiredre- range from impersonating the authorities to using a
search rollmayoffset these factors somewhat.A simple forged passport). Allparties involved,whether detect-
tire change is a standard action, whilererouting power ing the lieor perpetrating it, rollSubterfuge. The scam's
througha secondary system is more difficult.Basic re- "marks" mustroll higherthan the perpetrator to detect
pairs take at least a few turns to complete. More com- any deception. False credentials and other convincing
plex ones are extended actions that last 10 minutesper props mayadd to the difficultyof uncoveringthe dupe,
success needed. On a botch, your character maysimply whileteamworkmay help reveal the scam. On a botch,
waste time and a new part, or may make the problem the entire planfallsapart.
worse. • Disguise[Perform, Style]:Disguiseusuallyin-
• Research [Academics, Science,Engineering]: A volvestwo Abilities,althoughonlyone maybe calledfor
character performs research whensearchingcomputer at a time. Style is used to copy someone's appearance
databases for historicalfacts, whenlookingfor obscure successfully.The Storyteller may apply difficultiesde-
loopholesin anti-terrorism lawsor whentrying to learn pendingon the resources at your character's disposal.A
a device'sfunctionor origin.In allcases, the numberof standard roll is suitableif ample visualreferences of the
successesachieveddeterminesthe amountof informa- subject(andappropriatemakeup,wigand wardrobe)are
tion discovered;one success givesyou at least basic in- available.Goingby a photo or havingaccess to a limited
formation,while ext.ra successes provide more details. wardrobe maybe more difficult.Tryinga disguisefrom
The Storyteller may apply difficultiesfor particularly memoryor with little resources could be increase the
obscure data. On a botch, your character may not find difficultyby as muchas three. A proper disguisetakes
anythingat all,or he mayuncovercompletelyerroneous at least 10 minutesto create (the Storyteller may add
information. additionaldifficultyfor sucha rushjob); an hour or more
• Tracking [Awareness, Strvival]:Unlikeshadow- offers the best results.
ing, trackingrequiresyou to followphysicalevidenceto To act like someone requires a Perform roll (the
finda target. Discoveringfootprints,brokentwigs,blood Oratory Specialty is useful only to imitate someone's
trailsor other physicalsignslead the tracker right to the voice, while Acting can be used to imitate someone's
subject. Followingsuch a trail is a standard action; mul- mannerisms).It is necessaryto study a subject to create
tiple successesprovideextra information(subject'srate a believabledisguise.A standard roll is adequate if the
of speed, estimatedweight,numberof people followed). subject is in your character's presence for at least an
The quarry can cover her tracks with a successfulSur- hour (or suitable photos are on hand). Workingfrom
vival roll. Each success on a Survivalroll modifiesany poor-qualityphotosor rushingthings can result in + 1or
tracking difficulties by one. Abnormalweather, poor +2 difficulty. Meetingthe subject briefly(or simplyfak-
trackingconditions(city streets, installationcorridors) ing it) mayresult in +3 or +4 difficulty.
and a shortage of time alsoadd to trackingdifficulty.On Aside from these systems, the Storyteller should
a botch, your character not only loses the trail, but he take into account the player'sroleplaying.An adequate
runs the risk of destroyingthe physicalsignsof passage disguiseroll may stillsucceed if the player does an im-
as well.


pressiveimitation,whileeventhe most inspireddisguise inflicteddependson the toolsused - fire and electric-
is ineffectualif the playeracts no differentlythan usual. ity cause lethaldamage;punchesand kickscause bash-
On a botch, the disguisemay be simplytransparent or ing damage. The combinedeffect of physicaland mental
patentlyridiculous,but it is obviouslynot convincing. torture has devastatingresults.A botchedInterrogation
• Fast-Talk [Subterfuge]: When there's no time rollcan destroy the subject's body or mind.
for subtlety,baffle themwith nonsense. A target can be Whateverthe interrogationmethodused,ifyouroll
overwhelmedwith a rapid successionof almost-believ- moresuccessesinthe resistedaction,the target divulges
ablehalf-truths. Hopefully,the subjectbelievesanything somethingfor each extra success rolled. If your extra
she hears just to get away from the babble - or be- successesexceedthe victim'sWillpowerscore, she folds
comesso annoyedthat she ignoresyour character com- completelyand revealseverythingshe knows. The ex-
pletely. Tryingto Fast-Talksomeoneis a resisted action tent and relevancyof shared informationare up to the
- yourcharacter'sSubterfugeagainstthe target's Will- Storyteller(detailsare often skewedto reflect whatthe
power.Whoeverscores more successes wins. On a tie, subject knows or by what she thinks her interrogator
morebabblingisneeded. Ona botch,yourcharactergoes wants to hear).
too far, angeringthe target and ramblingwithouteffect. • Oration[Perform]:From a general's rousing
• Intimidation [lntimidation]: Intimidationhas two speeches to a politician's slickdouble-talk,the capacity
effects.Intimidation's passiveeffectdoesn'tinvolvea roll; to sway the masses emotionallycreates and destroys
it simplygivesyourcharacterplentyof space- whether empires.Whenyour character speaks publicly,whether
on a shuttle, tram or in a bar. The higheryour Intimida- to a smallboard meetingor to an entire N!TV audience,
tion skilltotal, the wider the berth that others givehim. rollPerform.The Storytellermayincreasethe difficulty
Intimidation'sactive application works through for a huge, dispassionateor openly hostile audience.
subtlety or outright threat. Subtletyis based on a per- Orationis hit or miss- yourcharacter either succeeds
ceivedthreat (losingone's job, goingon report, painand or fails. Ona botch,yourcharactermaydamageher repu-
agony later in life). RollIntimidationin a resisted action tation or even be assaultedby the audience.
againstthe subject'sWillpower;the target mustget more • Performance [Perform]: Performcan be usedto
successesor be cowedeffectively. impressan audienceor to pay the bills. As withoration,
The blatant form of intimidationinvolvesdirect the audience'smoodcan increase the difficulty,as can
physicalthreat. In this case, you may pair Intimidation the performance'scomplexity.Onesuccessindicatesan
withStrengthina resistedrollagainstthe subject'sWill- enjoyableif uninspiredeffort, while additionalsuccesses
power. Ona botch,your character lookspatentlyridicu- makethe performancea truly memorableevent to even
lous and doesn't impressanyone in attendance for the the most surly crowd. On a botch, your character for-
rest of the scene. gets linesor makesa gaffe.
• Interrogation [lntem,gation ]: Anyonecan ask • Seduction[Streetwise,Etiquette,Style,Subter-
questions. Withthe InterrogationAbility,you ask ques- fuge]:The particularsituation and style of the seduc-
tions and have leverage. Interrogatingsomeonepeace- tion determine whichAbilityis used. In pleasant, cul-
fullyinvolvesaskingstrategic questionsdesignedto re- tured circumstances,roll Etiquette. In a seedy under-
veal specificfacts. This methodis a resisted action be- bellybar, Streetwise is appropriate. Style encompasses
tween your character's Interrogationand the subject's any attempt to physicallyattract an individualor even a
Willpower . Rollsare madeat keypointsduringquestion- group.RollSubterfugewhenyour charactermakesa se-
ing, probablyevery few minutesor at the end of an in- ductionattempt throughexaggerationor fabrication.In
terrogationsession. all cases, the target rollsWillpower. As longas you get
Violentinterrogationinvolvestorturingthe victim's more successes,the target is definitely interested (the
mindand/ or body untilhe revealswhathe knows. Doing degreedependson the numberof extrasuccessesrolled).
so is a resisted action betweenyour character's Interro- Otherwise, the subject hasn't bitten yet, but you may
gationand the target's Resistanceor Willpower(which- try again(althoughat an increaseddifficulty).Ona botch,
ever is higher).Rollsare madeevery minuteor turn, de- your character ends up witha drinkin his face (at best).
pendingon the type of torture used. The subject losesa
healthlevelfor each turn of physicaltorture, or one cur-
rent Willpowerpointper turn of mentaltorture. Damage



Combat Systems Describing the Scene

CombatinAberrantattempts to capture the larger-
Before each tum, the Storyteller shoulddescribe
than-life feats commonto nova-levelconflict without
the scene fromeach character's perspective. Sometimes
downplayingthe grimreality of injuryand death. What
this descriptionwillbe a wrap-up of the last turn, mak-
results is a system true to the dynamics, limitationsand
ingwhat occurredclear to allplayers. This constant de-
viciousnessof real combat - particularlycombat in-
scription is essential to avoidconfusion.
volving superheated plasmablasts and building-rattling
This narration is the Storyteller's chance to orga-
punches - that leaves room for the spectacular ele-
nizeandarrangeevents so that all goes smoothlywhen
ments that novasbring to it.
the players interact with the environmentshe has cre-
The Storytellershouldbe flexiblewhenarbitrating
ated. The Storyteller should make her descriptions as
combat situations; no rules can fully reflect the variety
interestingas possible , leavingopen manypossibilities
of situationsencounteredin warfare. 1fany part of these
for characters' actions.
systemsslowsthe gameor causesbickering,don't use it.
Combatsystems are meant to add depth to the game,
not create out-of-game conflict.
Each player rolls a die and adds it to her Initiative
Types of Combat rating[Dexterity+ Wits); the character with the highest
There are three types of combat, each involving result acts first, with the remainingcharacters acting in
the same basic system with minordifferences: decreasingorder of result.If twocharacters get the same
• CloseCombat : This designationcovers unarmed total, the one with the higher Initiative rating goes first.
combat and melee. Unarmed combat can involvetwo 1fInit iativeratings are also the same roll againuntil the
Mega-strong bruisers wailingon each other or skilled tie is resolved. (Note that novas with Mega-Dexterity or
martial artists facing off. Opponents must be within the EnhancedInitiativeenhancementoften transcendthe
touching distance (one meter) to engage in unarmed normalInitiativeorder.)
combat,unlessone or morecombatantsis superflexible, Although you declare your character's action now
has the Tendrilpower,or is otherwiseable to strike from (including stating that your character delays her action
a distance. Meleeinvolveshand-heldweapons,frombro- to see what someone else does), you wait until the at-
ken bottles to katanas. Opponentsmustbe withinone or tack stage to implementthat action. At this time, you
two meters of each other to engage in melee. mustalsostate if any multipleactionswillbe performed,
• Ranged Combat: This designationcovers com- or if Willpower points will be spent.
bat usingprojectileweaponsor powers- guns, teleki- Allof yourcharacter'sactions are stagedat her rank
nesis and QuantumBolts for example. Normally,oppo- in the order of Initiative. There are only two exceptions
nents must be withinsight (and weaponrange) of each to this rule. The first is if your character delays her ac-
other to engage in a firefight. tion, in whichcase her maneuvershappen when she fi-
• Armored Combat: This term covers combat be- nallytakes action. Your character may act at any time
tween vehiclesusingmountedweaponry- from tanks after her designated order in the Initiative, even to in-
to fighter planes. Opponents must be within weapons terrupt another, "slower" character's action. If twochar-
range to engage in armored combat. acters both delay their actions, and both finallyact at
the same time, the one with the higher Initiativescore
Combat Turns for the turn acts first.
Incombat,manythingshappenat virtuallythe same The second breach of the Initiativeorder occurs in
time. Sincethis fact can makethingsa bit stickyina game, the case of a defensiveaction (see "AbortingActions,"
combat is dividedinto a series of roughlythree-second p. 242, and "DefensiveManeuvers,"p. 243), whichyour
intervalscalledturns. Eachcombattum has three stages character may performat any time as long as she has a
- Initiative,Attack and Resolution- to makekeep- maneuverleft.
ingtrack of thingseasier.
Stage Two: Attack
Stage On e: Initiat ive Attacksare the meatof the combatturn. Anaction's
This stage organizesthe tum, and it is the point at successor failureand potentialimpacton the target are
which you declare your character's action. Variousac- determinedat this stage. Youuse a certain Ability de-
tionsare possible- anythingfromleapingbehinda wall pendingon the type of combat in whichyour character
to shouting a warning. Youmustdeclare whatyour char- is engaged:
acter does, in as muchdetailas the Storytellerrequires. • CloseCombat: Use Brawl, MartialArts or Melee.
• Ranged Combat: Use Firearmsor the quantum
power skill total.



• ArmoredCombat:UseFirearms.
Remember,if your characterdoesn't havepointsin
the necessaryAbility,simplydefaultto the Attributeon Puny Human •••
whichit's based (Strength ForBrawl;Dexterityfor Me- Somenovasare truly imperviousto injury.As an
lee, MartialArts and Firearms). optionalrule,the Storytellercan declarethat, if a nova
In ranged combat, your weapon or power may has naturaldefenses(not artificialarmor) m the super-
modifyyour dice pool"accuracy"(due to rate of fire or humanlevels(sixextra soakagainstbashing;three ex-
a targetingscope, for example);check the weapon's vi- tra soakagainst lethal), and the nova'ssoaksubtracts
tal statistics or power descriptionfor details. Attacks twice the amountof the attacker"sdamageeffect, the
are usuallystandard actions, but a difficultymayapply attacker may not even roll his one die m hopes of at-
dependingon the circumstancesof the attack. 1fyou get taininga singledamagesuccess. In this manner,novas
no successes,the character failsher attack and inAicts with soak ratings of 12, 15 or even higher can wade
no damage. If you botch, not only does the attack fail, throughhuman-levelattackers or small-armsfire with-
but somethingnasty happens; the weaponjams or ex- out a care.
plodes, youhit an allyor your powerbacklashesintoyour
Stage Three: Resoluti on Normally , additionalsuccessesgamedon a skillroll
Duringthis stage, you determine the damage in- simply mean that you do exceptionallywell. In combat,
flicted by your character's attack, and the Storyteller eachextra successyou score on anattack rollequalsan
describes what occurs in the turn. Resolutionis a mix- additionaldieyou addautomaticallyto your damageef-
ture of gameand story; it's more interesting for players fect! This additioncreates fatal and cinematiccombat.
to hear "YourQuantumBoltknocksyourfoe throughthe A maximumof five damage dice may be added in this
air and into the side of the nearbybuilding"than simply fashion.Furthermore,area andexplosiveattacksmaynot
"Uh, he takes four health levels." Attacks and damage add attack successesto damage, as there is littleoppor-
are merelywaysof describingwhathappensin the story, tunity for finessewhendeliveringsuch an attack.
and it's important to maintainthe narrative of combat Damage Type s
even as the dice roll. Allweapons,powersand other attacks have spe-
cificdamageratings, indicatingthe numberof dice that
you roll (or successes you apply) for the attack's dam- Pulling You r Punches
age (calledthe damageeffect). Eachsuccesson the dam- Novas don't have to hit at full force. A nova may
age effect roll inflictsone health levelof damage on the subtract anyamountshe wishes,fromdamageadds and/
target. Most damageconsists of one of two types: or damagedice, before rollingdamage. If this reduction
• Bashing :Punchesand other blunttraumathat are takes the nova's damage effect below half of its normal
less likelyto killa victim instantly. Characters use their value the novapays onlyhalfthe normalquantum-point
full Stamina ratings to resist bashing effects, and the cost of the effect (round up).
damageheals fairlyquickly.The maneuverand weapons ForExample : 0verkillajust gotjumpedby a skinny,
charts (p. 250, 274-275) listbashing attacks witha "B," 14-year-oldand obviouslystupid street kid. 0verkilla
and damageis appliedto the Health boxeson your char- fires back; however, not wantingto kill the Ii'/ rugrat,
acter sheet with a"/ ." 0verkilla'splayerdeclaresthathe willpullallof hisdam-
• Lethal: Attacks meant to cause immediateand age adds and use only eight of his damagedice in the
fatal injuryto the target. Baselinehumancharacters may attack.Sincethisisless thanhalfof 0verkilla's full- Force
not use Staminato resist lethaleffects, and the damage blast, 0verkillahas to pay only one quantumpoint to
takes quite a whileto heal. Most novas have a smallde- attack. If he hits, hisattack willinflicta bashingdicepool
gree of defenseagainstlethalattacks, but eventhey tend of eightdiceplus whateversuccesseshe rollson the at-
to heal lethalattacks more slowlythan they heal bashing tack - likelyknockingthe kid out, but not killinghim.
attacks.The maneuverandweaponscharts (p. 250, 274-
275) list lethalattacks with an "L," and damage should Soak
be markedon the Healthboxes on your character sheet Allcharacters can resist a certain degree of physi-
with an "X.' cal punishment;doingso is called"soaking" damage. Your
A few particularlyvirulent nova powers deliver an character's soak1sbased on her Stamina.
even deadlier type of damage, which is referred to as Baselinehumanscan soak one die of damage per
aggravated.Aggravatedattacks includethings likedis- point of Stamina, but they can apply this reduction only
integrationattacks, moleculardisruptionsandother hor- to bashingdamage (reflecting the body's natural resil-
riblydestructiveforces. Aggravatedattacks are treated ience to suchattacks). Novaslikewisesubtract a base of
as lethaldamage,but they take fivetimesas longto heal, one die per Staminadot from bashingattacks.
and they cannot be soaked except with certain special Baselinescannot use Staminato soak lethal dam-
quantumpowers.Whennecessary,use an asterisk c•) to age, due to the brutal and invasivenature of such at-
denote aggravateddamage. tacks. The humanbody can endure some abuse, but it's
Damageeffect rolls cannot botch; a botched roll not capable of dealingwith a bullet's traumatic impact
simplymeans the attack glancesharmlesslyoff the tar- or a laser's searing intensity. However most novas have
get. Specificson applyingdamageeffects are described
under ' Health,' p. 252.
Damage Adds versus Dam- Lethal Soak
age Dice The humanbody isn't designed to withstand the
brutal physicaltrauma inflicted by gunshots and kmfe
Novasand heavyweaponsdelivera wallopfar dead-
wounds.Most novas, however, automaticallygainacer-
lier than the average humanbeing can withstand. While
tain amountof lethalsoakas part of the eruption pro-
most human-levelattacks are made in terms of damage
cess. The transformationof the body into a Quantum-
dice- thus inflictinga fair bit of damageor none at all,
channelingdynamomakes 1thardier and tougher, even
dependingon the roll- particularlydestructiveattacks
with regard to novas whodon't otherwise display any
often do a certain minimumlevelof damage even on a
sort of special resiliency.
glancingblow. Thus, manynova powersdelivera certain
Novas, and only novas, have a certain automatic
numberof automaticdamage successes, whichare de-
amountof lethalsoak .A nova's naturallethalsoakequals
livered in additionto the damage roll.
half her bashingsoak, rounded down. The soak func-
These automatic damage successes are known as
tions just like a naturalbashingsoak, except that it ap-
damageadds and are alwayspresented in brackets.
plies to lethaldamage.
ForExample : 0verkillanailssomeschmuckwithhis
Additionally novas with Mega- Stamina, Armor
QuantumBolt. Hisattack inflicts[10) .. 12df0bashing
and/orForceFieldgainextra lethal(and bashing)soak.
damage. The attack delivers10 levels of bashingdam-
age automatically , plus an additionalnumberof health
Stam inaRating BaseLethal Soak
One Zero
levelsequalto the numberof successesOverkilla 's player
Two One
rollson his damageeffect.
Three One
Four Two
Fwe Two
a smallamount of lethal soak (p. 241).A side effect of bines withyour base soak for purposesof reducingdam-
eruption, lethal soak enables novas to withstand small age. Light armor offers a smallamount of protection,
amountsof lethaldamage. but it doesn't hinder mobility. Heavyarmor provides a
Soak rating is subtracted automaticallyfrom your lot of protection, but it can restrict Aexibility
. Somear-
attacker's total damageeffect before it is rolled. More- mor is designed to shieldagainst bashingeffects, some
over,yousubtract soakfromautomaticdamagesuccesses against lethal- and some protects against both.
before you subtract damage dice. Even if your soak is Armor is not indestructible. If the damageapplied
higher than your attacker's damage effect, your oppo- from a singleattack equalstwice the armor's rating, the
nent stillrollsone die. armor is destroyed.
Armor, whether from Mega-Stamina, quantum Armor types, their ratings and other specifics are
powers or artificialsources, providesextra soak against described in the Appendix(p. 277).
bashingand/ or lethaleffects (see "Armor"). Especially
in the case of quantum powers, this extra can provide
extremelyimpressivesoakscores,enablingnovasto laugh Per sonal
off weaponstrikes, small-armsfire or even heavy artil-
lery. Combat
For&.ample: Overkillafireshis QuantumBolt at 2 These maneuversgive you a variety of choices in
Bigg Bettie, who has 15 soak versus bashingdamage. combat.Roleplayingcombat is more entertainingif you
Overkilla's attack inflicts[/0 successes] + 12dice of can visualizeyour character's moves instead of simply
damage.Bettie's 15soak completelycancelsOverkilla's rolling dice.
automaticsuccessesand removes an additionalfive of
his damagedice. Overkilla's playermay now rollseven
dice in an attempt to inflictdamageon Bettie. Maneuver Characteristics
Armor Maneuvers w,th specific combat effects may
Though most novas scorn artificial armor such as modifyyour attack roll, difficultyor damageeffect.
flak jackets and Kevlarvests, manybaselinesand a few Ability:The Trait used for the action taken. If
novas wear this type of protection. Simplyput, armor your character doesn't have a rating in the Ability,
adds to your character's soak. The armor's rating com- default to its base Attnbute.
Acan,cy: The dice added to the roll to hit an
opponent.A '+3"adds three dice to the dice poolfor
that attack.
Combat Summary Chart DifflCUlty: The added successesbeyondthe base
StageOne:Initiative one needed to accomplishthe action. A "+2"' diffi-
• Roll lmt1at1ve
. Everyone declares actions. The culty meansyou need a total of three successes.
character with the highestlmt1abveperformsher action Damage: The mod1f1erto the damage dice pool.
first. Actionscan be delayedto any time later in the or- A • +I" meansyou add one die when rollingthe dam-
der of lmtiabve. age effect.
• Deda-eclrf nmff:!dicepoolsaccarclrqy .
• For unarmedclose-combatattacks, roll Brawlor General Maneuvers
MartialArts. • Aborting Actions:Youcan abort your character s
• For armed close-combatattacks, roll Melee. declared action to a defensive action as long as your
• Forranged(withhand weapons)or armoredcom- character hasn't acted in the turn. Actions that can be
bat (with vehicles),roll Firearms. aborted to includeblock, dodge and parry. A successful
• For power use, roll the skilltotal listed with the Willpowerroll(or the expenditureof a Willpowerpoint)
appropnate power. is required for a character to abort an action and per-
• A character can abort to a defensive act,on form a defensiveone instead. (See "DefensiveManeu-
(block, dodge. parry) at any time before her action 1s vers, p. 243, for descriptionsof block, dodgeand parry.)
performedas longas the playermakesa successfulWill- • Ambush :Ambushesinvolvesurprisinga target to
power roll (or a Willpowerpoint 1sspent). get ina decisivefirst strike. The attacker rollsStealth in
StageThree: Resolution a resisted action against the target's Awareness. If the
• Determinetotal damage effect (weapon type or attacker gets more successes, she can stage one free
maneuver), addingany extra dice gamedfrom successes attack on the target and adds any extra successes from
on the attack roll. the resisted roll to her attack roll.On a tie, the attacker
• Subtract the target's soak (if applicable),then still attacks, althoughthe target may perform a defen-
apply the remainingdamageeffect.


sive maneuver. If the defender gets more successes, he three (or four) maneuvers,your character can defend
spots the ambush, and both, parties roll Initiativenor- againstvirtuallyany kindof attack.However,your char-
mally.Targets alreadyinvolvedincombatcannot be am- acter maynot be able to avoidevery singleattack that's
bushed. directed at her. She can't dodge whenthere's no roomto
• Blindfi!liting/fire:Stagingattacks whileblind maneuver,and she can't block or parry if she doesn't
usuallyincurs a 1-2difficultypenalty. The Abilityspe- knowan attack is coming.
cialtiesBlindFightingand BlindFirereduce that penalty. Eachdefensivemaneuveruses the same basic sys-
Specialtiesnormallyadd a die to the rolls to whichthey tem: The defensiveaction is a resisted roll against the
apply.BlindFightingand BlindFire reduce the penalties opponent'sattack roll.Unlessthe attacker gets moretotal
imposedby fightingwithoutseeing by one; alldifficulty successes,he misses. If the attacker gets moresuccesses,
penaltiesfor beingin pitchdarknessor for beingflashed those that he achieves in excess of the defender's suc-
by bright light reduce to one. Novas with certain en- cesses, if any, are used to hit (the attacker doesn't nec-
hanced senses (pp. 162-164) may act without penalty essarily use allthe successes he rolled). So even if the
even if they cannot visuallyperceive their targets. defender has fewer successes than the attacker does,
• ~ andRe.-Attacks: Charactersattackingtar- the defender's maneuvercan stillreduce the effective-
gets from the flank gain an additionaldie to accuracy, ness of the attack, even if the maneuvercan't counter-
and they gain two additionaldice to accuracy whenat- act it completely.
tackingfrombehind. • BlodcA Brawlor MartialArts maneuverusing
• Movement: A charactermaymovehalfof her run- your character's own body to deflect a hand-to-hand
ningdistance[Dexterity1-12meters, or half of whatever bashingattack. Lethalattacks cannot be blockedunless
a nova's enhancedmoveis) and still take an action in a the defender has an appropriate quantumpower or ar-
turn. Other maneuverssuch as leapingor tumblingmay mor that providesspecialprotection.
be consideredseparate actions,dependingon their com- • Dodge: An Athleticsor MartialArts maneuver
plexity. usefulfor avoidingattacks of all types. Yourcharacter
• Multiple Actions:If you declare multipleactions, bobs and weaves to avoid Melee or Brawl attacks (if
subtract dice from the first dice pool equal to the total there's no room to maneuver,she must block or parry
numberof actions taken. Each subsequent action loses instead). In firefights,your character movesat least one
an additionaldie (cumulative).If a character performs meter and ends up behind cover (if there's no room to
onlyan abort action in a turn, use the appropriate block, maneuverand/ or no cover available,she can drop to
dodge or parry system. the ground). If your character remainsunder cover or
• Target.ing:Aimingfor a specificlocationincursa prone thereafter, cover rules applyagainstfurther Fire-
difficulty,but it can bypass armor or cover or result in arms attacks (see "Cover," p. 247).
an increased damageeffect. The Storytellershouldcon- Novaswithat leastone levelof Mega-Dexteritymay
sider special results beyond a simple increase in dam- dodge ranged attacks without the necessity of seeking
age, dependingon the attack and the target. cover;they simplymoveout of the way,as withanyother
TargetSize DifficultyDmgEffed attack.
Medium(limb,briefcase) 1-l None • P.-ry:A Meleemaneuverusinga weaponto block
Small(hand,head,computer) 1-2 1-2 a Brawl, Martial Arts or Melee attack. If a character
Precise (eye, groin, lock) 1-3 1-4 makesa Brawlor MartialArt.s attack and the defender
parries with a weapon that normallycauses lethaldam-
Defensive Maneuvers age effects, the attacker can actuallybe hurt by a suc-
It's a giventhat your character tries to avoidbeing cessful parry. If the defender rolls more successes than ,
hit incombat- that's whyeveryonemakesattack rolls. the attacker does in the resisted action, the defender
Sometimesall your character wants to do is avoid at- rolls the weapon's base damage plus the parry's extra
tacks. Youmayannouncea defensiveactionat any time successesagainstthe attacker as automaticdamage.
before your character's opponent makesan attack roll, • PowerBlodcManyquantumpowerscan be used
and as longas your character has an action left to per- as part of defensiveactions. ForceFieldis the mostlikely
form. You can declare a defensive action on your power for such a feat, but Gravity Control, Elemental
character's tum in the Initiativeor can even abort to a Masteryand similarpowerscan also provideprotection
defensivemaneuver. Youmust makea successfulWill- against certain attacks. Some attack powers can liter-
powerroll(or maysimplyspend one point of Willpower) allyshoot an incomingprojectileout of the sky.
to abort. IFthe Willpowerroll fails, your character must To perform a power block,the player takes a de-
carry out the action that you declared originally . fensive action as normal, then simply substitutes her
There are three basic types of defensiveactions: Dexterity1-powerrating skilltotal for the normalblock,
block, dodge and parry. Some novas have access to a parry or dodge roll. Each success on the power block
fourth defensive action: the power block. Usingthese rollsubtracts one from the attack successes,as normal.



A power mightbe able to perform a power block • 0inch:On a successfulattack roll,the attacker
againstsomemaneuvers,but not againstothe1"3. Forex- goes into a clinchwith the target. In the first turn, the
ample, MagneticMastery can certainly pull bulletsoff attacker may roll Strength +2 damage effect. In each
their trajectories, but it is uselessagainsta Aamethrower subsequent turn, combatantsact on their ordel"3in the
attack. The Storytellermustarbitrate powerblockson a Initiative. A combatantcan inflictanother Strength +2
case-by-case basis. damageeffect automatically,or attempt to escape the
Block, dodge, parry and power blockcan be per- clinch.Neither the attacker nor the defender may use
formed as part of a multipleaction in your character's any other standard combat maneuvel"3 until one com-
turn (punchingthen blocking,shooting then dodging, batant breaks free; however,charactel"3with body-al-
parrying then striking,blasting a tank shell out of the tering powel"3such as Density Decrease, Shapeshift,
sky then blastingthe tank to smithereens). Usinga mul- Flexibilityor Immolatemay attempt to use them nor-
tiple action to act and defend is advantageousbecause mally.To escape a clinch,makea resisted Brawlor Mar-
your character can still accomplishsomethingin a turn tial Arts rollagainstthe opponent.If the escapingchar-
other than avoidingattacks. acter rolls more successes, she breaks free; if not, the
ForExample: Jimmythe Body wants to punch two characters continueto grapple in the next turn.
thugs,then be readyto dodgetwo attacks- a multiple Ability: Brawlor MartialArts
action.Doingso is consideredfour separateactionsus- Diff1CUlly:Normal
inghis'?Martial Arts for the punchesandhis 10Athlet- Acancy : Normal
ics for the dodges. The first punch is reducedby four Damage: Strength+2
dice (givingJimmy five dice in his dice pool) because
Jimmyperforms four actions. The secondpunch is re- • Disarm: To knocka weaponfroman opponent's
duced by five dice (four actionsplus an additionalcu- hand,the attacker rollsat+ I difficulty; if the attacker is
mulativepenalty), givingJimmyfour dice to strike. The unarmed,she rollsat +2 difficulty.If successful,the at-
first dodgeis reducedby six dice (for a dicepoolof four tacker rollsdamagenormally.lf successesrolledexceed
dice) as per the multiple-actionrules. The finaldodgeis the opponent's Strength score, the opponent takes no
reducedby seven dice (leavingthree dice). damagebut is disarmed. A botch usuallymeansthe at-
Rather than makedefensive maneuversa part of a tacker drops her ownweaponor is struck byher target's
multipleaction, you may declare that your character weapon.
spends an entire turn defending. The multiple-action Ability:MartialArts or Melee
rules are not used in this case. Instead, you have a full Difficulty: Special
dice poolfor the fil"3tdefensiveaction,but you lose one Accuracy: Normal
die, cumulatively, for each subsequent defense action Damage : Special
made in the same turn. It is difficultto avoidseveralin-
comingattacks. • Hold : This attack inflicts no damage,as the in-
ForExample: Jimmythe Body spendsa wholeturn tent is to immobilizerather than injurethe subject.On a
dodging. Witha 10Athleticsskilltotal, he candodgeup successfulroll, the attacker holds the target until the
to 10 attacks!Jimmy's player rolls 10 dice againstthe subject's next action. At that time, both combatantsroll
first attack, nine dice against the second, eight dice resisted Brawlor MartialArts actions; the subject re-
againstthe third,seven dice againstthe fourth,six dice mains immobilized(able to take no other action) until
againstthe fifth, five dice againstthe sixth, etc. Jimmyshe rollsmore successesthan the attacker does.
can't do anythingelse that turnbut dodge. Ability: Brawl or Martial Arts
Difficulty: Normal
Close Combat Maneuvers Acancy : Normal
This list comprises the most commonmaneuvers Damage : None
usedinclosecombat; feelfree to developyourownmoves
(with the Storyteller's approval). Allhand-to-hand at- • KidcKicksrange fromsimplefront kicksto aerial
tacks inflict bashing damage unless stated otherwise. spins. The base attack is +I difficultyand inAictsthe
Damage inflicted by melee attacks depends on the attacker's Strength+3 in damage. These ratingsmaybe
weapontype (see the MeleeWeapons Chart, p. 274). modifiedfurther at the Storyteller'sdiscretion,increas-
Difficultyand damagefor these maneuversmaybe ing in damage and/ or difficulty as the maneuverin-
modifiedat the Storyteller'sdiscretion, dependingon the creases in complexity.
combat style the character uses. As always,drama and Ability:Brawlor MartialArts
excitementtake precedenceover rulessystems. Difficulty: + I
: Strength +3


• MultipleOpponents : A character who battles
multipleopponents in close combat suffers attack and
defensedifficultiesof I, cumulative,for each opponent
after the first (to a maximumof +4).

• Strike: The attacker lashesout with a fist. The

base attack is a standard action and inflicts the
character'sStrength+2 indamage. The Storytellermay
adjust the difficultyand/ or damagedependingon the
type of punch: hook, jab haymaker,karate strike.
Ability: Brawlor MartialArts
Accuracy: Normal
Damage : Strength+2

• Sweep:The attacker uses her ownlegs to knock

the legs out fromunder her opponent.The target takes
Strength +I damageand must roll Athleticsat +3 diffi-
cultyor suffer a knockdown(see "ManeuverComplica-
tions," p. 248).
The attacker can also use a staff, chainor similar
implementto performa sweep. The effect is the same,
althoughthe target takesStrength+ Weapontype dam-
Ability:MartialArts or Melee
Difficulty: Normal
Damage : Special

• Tackle :The attacker rushesher opponent tack-

linghimto the ground. The attack rollis + I difficultyand
inflictsStrength+3damage. Additionally, both combat-
ants mustrollAthleticsat +2difficultyor suffera knock-
down(see "ManeuverComplications," p. 248). Evenif
the target'sAthleticsrollsucceeds,he isunbalancedsuf-
fering+ 1difficultyto his actionsfor the next turn.
Diffteulty: +I
Acwracy: Normal
Damage : Strength+3

• Throw:The attacker grabs her opponent at +I

difficultyto hit, then uses the target's own momentum
to throwhim. The target is launcheda numberof meters
equalto the attacker's Strength(opponentswitha lot of
momentummaytravel up to an extra two meters). The
target suffers a knockdown(see "ManeuverComplica-
tions," p. 248) automatically , and he takes Strength +I
damageplusan additionaldie of damagefor every two
meters he was thrown(roundeddown). Characterswith
Mega-Strengthautomaticallythrow a target two addi-
tionalmetersper automaticdamagesuccess. Landingon
harmfulobjects or debris can increase the damageef-

Ability:Brawlor MartialArts To administerthis attack, the nova mustsuccess-

Difficulty:+I fullyenter a clinchwithher victim,usingher Strength +
Accun,cy. Normal Bodymorphskilltotal rather than Strength + Brawl.On
Damage: Special the followingturn, the novarollsStrength + Bodymorph
againstthe victim'sEnduranceskilltotal.Successon the
• WeaponStrike:A slashingblow,thrust or jab, nova's part indicatesthe nova cuts off the character's
dependingon the weaponused. oxygensupply;the victimimmediatelybeginstakingone
Ability:Melee automaticbashinghealth levelof damage per turn the
Difficulty: Normal nova maintainsthe attack, and must also makea Will-
Accun,cy. Normal power check to avoid panic (see "Suffocation and
Damage: Strength + Weapontype Drowning,"p. 257,for detailson this roll). Oncethe vic-
tim fallsto Incapacitatedfrom this attack, he willdie in
Special Nova Maneuvers [Stamina+ Mega-Stamina]turns if the nova maintains
• AerialSlam:The novaflies full-tiltinto a target. the attack.
The novainflictsa base Strength+3 diceof bashingdam- Failureon the attack roll meansthe attack has no
age. Additionally , assumingthe nova is movingat full effect that turn, but the nova may attempt the attack
speed, each dot of Flightadds an extra twodice of dam- againon the followingturn, so longas the clinchis main-
age. The novaherself takes half damagefrom the slam tained. lf the victimbreaks the nova's clinch,he imme-
(thoughher soakmightwellreducethis damageto zero), diatelyceases takingdamagefromthe asphyxiationat-
and she can reduce the total damageof her slamby any tack.
amountshe chooses,so longas she announcesthis ahead Obviously,this attack has no effect on novaswho
of time and slowsher pace accordingly.The victimof have no need to breathe.
the slam must check for knockback(p. 249), whilethe Ability:Bodymorph
attacker makesa Flightroll to keep herself oriented. If Difficulty:Normal
the defendersuffersno knockbackand the attacker fails Accuracy: Normal
her roll,the attacker alsotakes fulldamagefromthe slam Damage: Special
(she just ran into the equivalentof a brick wall).
lf the novahas Hypermovement(Flight),each dot • Hyperspeed Slam: The novaruns into someone
of Hypermovement adds another+1to damagedice pool. at superspeed. This moveis treated as a Tackle(Str +3
Ability:Flight bashingdamage). Assumingthe nova is movingat full
speed, each levelof the Hypermovement poweraddstwo
Accun,cy. Normal dice to tackle damage,whilethe EnhancedMovement
Damage: Special enhancementadds an additionaltwo. The nova herself
takes halfdamagefrom the slam(thoughher soak might
• AerialStrike:The novawhizzesbya target, bash- wellreduce this damage to zero), and she can reduce
ing it with a limbor weaponas she passes. The moveis the totaldamageof her slamby anyamountshe chooses,
treated as a Strikeor Weaponattack, but the playeradds so longas she announcesit aheadof time and slowsher
her dots in Flightand/ or Hypermovementto the dam- pace accordingly . The victimof the slammustcheck for
age dice pool inflicted. knockback(p. 249), whilethe attacker makesan Ath-
Ability:Flight letics roll to stay upright, just as with a normalTackle
Difficulty:+I maneuver.If the defendersuffers no knockbackand the
Acwn,cy:Normal attacker failsher roll,the attacker also takes fulldam-
Damage: Special age from the slam(she just ran into the equivalentof a
brick wall).
• AsphyxiationAttack (Prereq:Appropriate Ability:Brawl
Bodymorph power}:Somenovascan transforminto liq- Difficulty:+I
uids,gases or other altered states, then use their altered Acwn,cy:Normal
formto smother foes dependenton an oxygensupply. A Damage: Special
novaseekingto deliveran asphyxiationattack musthave
the Bodymorphpowerand musthaveit currentlyactive. • Hyperspeed Strike:The novaraces by a target,
Furthermore,due to the nature of the asphyxiationat- bashingit witha limbor weaponas she passes. The ma-
tack, the novamayapplyit at fulleffect even if partially neuver is treated as a Strikeor Weaponattack, but the
intangible(i.e., is usingBodymorphto simulateDensity player adds two dice for EnhancedMovementand/ or
Decrease • or •• ). one die per dot of Hypermovement.


Ability:Brawlor MartialArts • Aiming .: The attacker adds one die, up to her to-
Difficulty:-+-1 tal Perceptionrating, to her accuracy on a single shot
Accuracy:Normal for each turn spent aiming.A scope adds two more dice
Damage: Special to the attacker's poolin the first turn of aiming(in addi-
tion to those added for Perception).The attacker may
• Smackdown (Pren,q:Mega-Strength •, Brawl do nothingbut aimduringthis time. Additionally,it isn't
or Martial
Arts2): Sometimesyou just gotta lay the possible to aim at a target that is movingfaster than a
Smackdownon somepunk. A Smackdownattack repre- walk.
sents any of the various insane, over-the-top custom Players of characters with Mega-Perceptionmay
combat maneuversavailableto novas. Smackdownat- add those dice to the roll, but only once they've added
tacks are uniqueto the novasusingthem;a Smackdown their normalPerceptiondice.
can be a GiantHaymaker,Super Uppercut,TripleSpin- • Automatic Fire:The weapon unloadsits entire
ning Crescent Death Kick,Thunder Fire Jackhammer ammunitionclipinoneattack againsta singletarget. The
Slamor whateverthe playerwishesit to be. attacker makesa singleroll, adding10 dice to her accu-
A Smackdowncan be a Striking Smackdownor racy.However,the difficultyon the attack rollincreases
GrapplingSmackdown;the twouse differentsystems.A by two due to the weapon'srecoil.Extra successes add
StrikingSmackdowntypicallyinvolvesthrowinga dev- to the damageeffect, to a maximumof five extra dice.
astating punch, kick or other blow,whilea Grappling This attack is permissibleonlyif the weapon'sclip
Smackdowninvolves grabbing the victim,hoistinghim is at least half-full.Also,full-autois possibleonly with
up and slamminghimwithgreat force. automaticweaponsand certain quantumpowers. When
To use a StrikingSmackdown,the playerdeclares usingthis maneuverwithquantumpowers,a playermust
the action,spends a point of Willpowerand takes a full pay twoadditionalquantumpointsfor the automaticfire.
turn to "wind up." Duringthis tum, the novamaytake no Ability: Firearms
actions except to defend against a single attack. Next Difficulty:-+-2
turn, on her Initiative rating, the nova launches the Acaracy: ...10
Smackdownattack at -+-2 difficulty. lf it hits, the victim Damage : Special
takes Strength -+- 6 dice of bashingdamageand is auto-
maticallyknockeddownor back unlesshe rollsAthletics • Cover:Cover increases an attacker's difficulty
at-+-3difficulty.If it misses, the Willpowerpointis wasted. to hit a target (andoften the target's abilityto fire back).
Touse a GrapplingSmackdown,the playerdeclares The difficultieslistedhere are the extra numberof suc-
the action, spends a point of Willpowerand attempts a cessesthat the attacker needs to hit a target undercover.
Holdmaneuver. Followingthe successfulcompletionof A character whofires back from behindcover is also at
the maneuver,the nova must hold the victimrelatively somethingof a disadvantageto hit, as he exposes him-
immobilefor a full turn, taking no other action in the self and ducks back under protection. Rangedattacks
meantime, whilehoistingthe victiminto position. If the madeby a defender whois under coverare at one lower
victimescapes the hold, the Smackdownmaneuverfails. difficultythan listed below. (If a listed difficultyis +1,
The followingtum, on her Initiativerating, the nova's then the defender suffers no penalty to make attacks
playermakesanother Brawlrollto slam,suplex,power- fromunder that cover.) If your character hidesbehind a
bomb or otherwise wreck her victim, administering wall,attackers' ranged attack rolls have a +2 difficulty.
Strength+ 6 dice of damageand automaticallyknocking Yourcharacter's attacks staged from behind that wall
the victimdown. lf this secondrollfails,the victimpar- are at +1difficulty.
tiallyslipsfromthe hold,takesonlyhalfdamageand may Note that difficultiesfor combatantswhoare both
makean Athletics rollto avoidknockdown. under cover are cumulative . If one combatantis prone
Ability:Brawlor MartialArts and one is behind a wall, attacks staged by the prone
Difficulty:Special character are at +2 difficulty,whileattacks staged by
Accuracy: Normal the character behindthe wallare also at -+-2 difficulty.
Damage: Strength -+-6 CoverType Attacker Difficulty
Light(lyingprone) -+-1
Ranged Combat Maneuvers Good(behindwall) -+-2
Most physicalconflictsinvolveranged weaponsat Superior(onlyhead exposed) ,..3
somepoint.The followingmaneuversallowfor a number
of usefulactionsduringa firefight,but don't feel limited • CoverFire:This maneuverisn't meantto hit tar-
by this list.If the need arises, try developinga new ma- gets; it is used instead to force opponents to dive for
neuver (at the Storyteller's discretion). Most ranged cover (allowingattackers to advance,withdrawor per-
weapons inflict lethal damage. Refer to the Ranged form some other strategic action). Cover fire is a re-
WeaponsChart, p. 275, for specificinformation. sisted action betweenthe attacker's skilltotal and each



opponent's Willpower . Each opponent who gets fewer • Strafing:Instead of aimingat one target, full-
successesthan the attacker does abandonsany planned automaticweaponscan be fired across an area. Strafing
actionand dives for cover automatically,losingany fur- adds 10 dice to accuracyon a standard attack roll,and
ther actionsthat tum. lf an opponent'ssuccessestie the he empties the clip. A + I difficulty(in addition to any
attacker's, the opponentperseveres,but he takeshisnext other modifiers)is added for each meter in area of ef-
action at a base + 1 difficulty.If an opponent gets more fect coveredbeyondthe first.
successes,he steels his nerve and endures the volley.lf The attacker dividesany successes gainedon the
an opponentbotches,he's struck by a shot and takesthe attack rollevenlyamongall targets in the covered area
attack's base damage. (successesassignedt.o hit an individualare added to that
target's damage effect, as well). lf only one target is
• Multiple Shots:An attacker maytake more than withinrangeor the area of effect, onlyhalfthe successes
one shot ina tum by declaringa multipleaction(the first affect him. The attacker then assignsany leftoversuc-
shot's dice pool is reduced by the total numberof shots cesses as she desires.lf fewersuccessesare rolledthan
fired, and each subsequentshot is reduced by an addi- there are targets, onlyone maybe assignedper target
tionaldie, cumulative).The attacker can fire a number untilthey are all allocated.
of shots up to the weapon'sfullrate of fire. If usingthis Dodgerollsagainst strafingare at + 1difficulty.
maneuverwith quantumpowers, a nova may make as Ability:Firearms
manyshots as he wishes, but he must pay the normal Difficulty:Special
quantum-pointcost for each attack. Aca,acy:+ 10
Ability:Firearms Damage: Special
Aca,acy:Special • TwoWeapons: Firingtwo weaponsgivesthe at-
Damage:Weapontype tacker a distinct advantage,but it has its share of com-
plications. Doingso is consideredperforminga multiple
• Range: The RangedWeaponsChart(p. 275) lists action,completewithreduceddice poolsfor total shots
each weapon'smediumrange; no modifiersapply when taken and for any recoil. Additionally , the attacker suf-
shootingat this range. Twicethat listingis the weapon's fers +1difficultyfor her off-hand (unless she's ambi-
maximumrange. Attacksmadeup to maximumrange are dextrous); if the attacker has Mega-Dexterity,she is
+2 difficulty.Attacksmadeat targets withintwo meters automaticallyconsideredto be ambidextrous.
are consideredpoint blank. Point-blankshots add two Pistols,carbinesand other smallarmsincurno fur-
diceto the attacker'saccuracy.Rangesfor quantumpow- ther penalties. However,wieldinga sidearmand a heavy
ers are listedunder each power'sdescription. weaponrequiresa minimum4 Mightskilltotal; usingtwo
heavyweaponsat once requiresa minimum6 Mightskill
• Reloading : Reloadingtakes one fullturn and re- total (default to Strength). Each point the attacker is
quiresthe character's concentration(likeany other ma- under this minimumis an additionaldifficultyappliedto
neuver,reloadingcan be performedas part of a multiple each shot.The attacker can fire a numberof shots up to
action; no die roll is required to reload, but doing so each weapon'srate of fire.
countsas an actionfor reducingother die rollsina turn). Ability:Firearms
• Semiallomatic &nt: The attacker gainstwo ad- Aca,acy:Special
ditionaldice on a single attack roll,and he expendsthree Damage : Weapontype
shots fromthe weapon'sclip. Onlyoneburst maybe fired
each tum. Allfirearmsmay perform this maneuver,al-
Maneuver Complications
The followingare some of the commontypes of
thoughat + 1difficultyon the attack due to recoil.If used
combat complications . The Storyteller shouldadd any
withquantumpowers,this maneuvercostsan extra quan-
others as the situationwarrants(see "Sourcesoflnjury,"
tum point to evoke.
p. 255, for further information).
• AreaandExplosion Attacks :Area and explosion
attacks add two dice to accuracy,and targets cannot
block or parry them, even with nova powers. Targets
maydodge,but they musthaveand use sufficientmove-
ment to get clear of the affected area. Area and explo-



siveattacks do not add attack successesto damagedice If the damagedice pool is greater, the target fliesback
pools. two meters per damagedie above the Mightskilltotal,
• Blinded: Addtwodiceto attackrollsmadeagainst plustwo extra meters for each net successon the initial
a blindedtarget.Furthermore,blindcharactersare at +2 attack roll(that is, successesleft after defensiveactions
difficultyon allactions. such as dodges). The target takes one die of bashing
• Dazed : lf, in a singleattack, the attacker rollsa damagefor every two met.ers of knockbackinflicted.If
numberof damagesuccessesgreater than the target's a knocked-backtarget smashesinto something(a wall,
Stamina,the victimis dazed. The target mustspend her anothercombatant, the side of a building),he effectively
next available turn shaking off the attack's effects. suffers a collision.The person or thing takes the same
Characters with Mega-Staminamay add double their amount of damage that the knocked-backcombatant
Mega-Stamina dots to their Stamina to determine suffers. and dependingon the sturdiness of the sub-
whetheror not they're dazed.Also,see "Unconscious." stance, a collisionmay change the knockbackdamage
• Immobilization: Addtwodiceto attack rollsmade dice to lethaldamage.lf the target hits with sufficient
on an immobilized (i.e., heldby someoneor something) force, he mighteven blowright throughthe intervening
but stillstrugglingtarget. This penaltyappliesto char- materialand continueon his trajectory. See "Material
acters whoseDexterityhas been reducedby the Immo- Strengths," p. 257, for specifics.
bilizepower. Attacks hit automaticallyif the target is A knocked-backtarget maymakean Athleticsroll
completelyimmobilized (tied upor otherwiseparalyzed). at +2 difficulty;successon this rollreduces knockback
• Knockback: Novaattacks pack a lot of punch. damageby half, as the target rollswith the blow. A tar-
Sometimes,an attackhitswithsuchforcethat a defender get whocollideswithsomethingmaynot makethis roll.
is blastedhalfwayacrossthe battlefield,or evenfurther. Lethal attacks cause only half the normal
This phenomenonis knownas knockback. Bashingat- knockback.Additionally,the Storytellerhas the option
tacks suchas punchesare the phenomenamostlikelyto to declare that certain attacks simply don't cause
cause knockback,but lethalattacks of sufficientforce knockback.Forexample,a QuantumBlastthat manifests
mayalso inflictknockback. as a laser beam or flamegout maydo a lot of damage,
Knockbackiscinematicandveryappropriateto the but neither one is likelyto cause muchknockback.
genre,but includingit in a gameinevitablyinvolvesbor- Finally,if an attack is extremelypotent (say, 20+
ing,un-funstuff likemathand physicsand whatnot.Ac- raw damage dice) and inflicts 10 or more dice of
cordingly, we present two systems to represent knockbackdamage,the Storytellermaydecree that the
knockback: knocked-backvictimflies as far as is cinematicallyin-
Thesimpleway:If an attack does a lot of damage, teresting . The target takes the normal amount of
it mayblastthe target backa ways. Combatantswhoare knockbackdamage,but he mightbe blastedback a kilo-
big or heavy(for example,those with DensityIncrease meter or even more.
or Growth)won't fly back far, if at all.Combatantswho • Knockdown: Quitesimply,the victimfallsdown.
are light(likethose withShrinking)get knockedaround After sufferinga knockdown,the subjectmakesan Ath-
realgood. Acombatantwhoisknockedbacksufferssome leticsor MartialArts roll. If successful,she gets back on
amountof bashingdamage- whateverthe Storyteller her feet immediately, but her Initiativeis reducedbytwo
decides is appropriate - when she smashes into the in the next tum. Ona failedroll,the subjectspends her
ground,througha wallor whatever.That's it. Simple, up next action climbingto her feet. On a botch, she lands
to the Storytellerand fun. particularlyhardor at a severeangle; the Storytellerrolls
Thecomplicated way:Some players aren't going a bashingdamageeffect equalto the botchesrolled.
to be happywiththe simplesystem,and someStorytell- ManeuverslikeTackle,Throw and Sweepare in-
ers actuallyenjoy incorporatingcomplicatedformulas tended to knockan opponentdown. However,an espe-
into their games.lf you feel the need for a precise for- ciallypowerfulattack of anykindmaysend the target to
mula,try the following :Comparethe attack'sdamagedice the ground. Such instances are best left to the
pool to the target's Mightskilltotal. E.achactive dot of Storyteller'sdiscretion,and theyshouldoccuronlywhen
DensityControl{Increase)adds three to the target's ef- appropriatelycinematicor suitableto the story.
fectiveMightskilltotal, whileeach activedot of Shrink- • Unconscious: lf, in a singleattack, the attacker
ingsubtracts three. (Notethat evenan attack that does rolls a number of damage successes greater than the
not actuallyinflictdamageon the target maystillknock target's Staminaplustwo, the victimblacksout.Uncon-
the target back.) sciousnesslasts fromfivetums to an entire scene (spe-
If the damagedice poolequalsthe defender's ad- cific duration is at the Storyteller'sdiscretion). Again,
justed Might, the defendermustcheck for knockdown. characterswith Mega-Staminaadd doubletheir Mega-
Staminaratingsto their Stamina.


lose Combat Maneuvers Table
Maneuver Ability Acaxacy Diffimty Damage
Block Brawl MartialArts Special Normal 0
Clinch Brawl,MartialArts Normal Normal Strength+ 2
Disarm MartialArts, Melee Normal Special Special
Dodge Athletic , MartialArts N/A Special 0
Hold Brawl,MartialArts Normal Normal 0
Kick Brawl,MartialArts Normal +1 Strength 3
Parry Melee Special Normal 0
PowerBlock Dex+powerrating Special Normal 0
Stnke Brawl,MartialArts Normal Normal Strength+2
Sweep MartialArts. Melee Normal Normal Special
Tackle Brawl Normal +1 Strength+3
Throw Brawl,Mart,alArts Normal +1 Special
WeaponStnke Melee Normal Normal Weapon

Special Nova Maneuvers

er Ability Acancy Difficulty Damage
AerialSlam Fhght Normal +1 Special
AerialStrike Flight Normal +1 Special
Asphyxiation Bodymorph Normal Normal Special
HyperspeedSlamBrawl Normal +1 Special
HyperspeedSbN Brawl,MartialArts Normal +1 Special
Smackdown Brawl, MartialArts Normal Special Strength +6

Ranged Combat Maneuvers Table

Maneuver Ability ka,acy Difficulty Damage
AutomaticFire Firearms +10 +2 Special
Mlt,pleShots Firearms Special Normal Weapon
Semiauto&.-st Firearms +2 Special Weapon
Spray Firearms 10 Special Special
Strafing Firearms +10 Special Special
TwoWeapons Firearms Special Special Weapon

Armored Damage and Armor

Combat Aswithnovapowers,vehicleweaponsare designed
Vehiclecombat systemsdiffer from those of per- to deal significantamountsof damage to vehiclesand
sonalcombat in only two ways: damageeffect and ma- other durablestructures (buildings,orbital stations). A
neuvers. The weaponryinvolvedm vehiclecombatdoes craft can also take more punishmentthan a person can.
a significc1
ntly higher amountof damage (thoughsome Essentially,peopleand vehiclesfighton differentscales.
novas'attacks equalor exceedthose of vehicularweap- Toreflect this,vehiclearmamenthas damageadds,while
onry), and the character directs a craft's maneuversin- vehiclesthemselveshave armoradds. A damageadd is
stead of performingthem herself.Otherwise,Initiative, listedinbracketsnext to a weapon'sdamageeffect (e.g.,
attacks and resolution are handledin the same wayas in 5d10 (10] L), whilean armor add is bracketedafter the
personalcombat. vehicle's soak (e.g., 4 [10]). Armor adds are applied
As of 2008, space travel is still in its infancy,al- againstboth bashingand lethaldamage.
though certain novas are theoretically spaceworthy. Thedamage addis theruroer ofdamage SUCCE!$E!Sin-
Shouldyourchronicle requirerulesfor space travel,con- just as witha ncm's damage
flictedautomatically, adds.If a
sult Aberrant's sister game, Trinity. personfiresa weaponat a vehicle,thearmoraddistheruroer
ofdicest.btractedfromtheweapon's damage effect


When a vehicleweapon fires on another vehicle,
the damage and armor adds are ignored. Instead, the
weapon's base damage effect and the craft's base soak
are rollednormally . Thissystemreflects that artilleryand
armor are specificallydesignedto inflictand resist huge
amountsof punishment,whilestillkeepingdice poolsto
The damage in vehiclecombat is applied just
like in personal combat. Whilethe systems are
identical,a damaged ship isn't the same as a
damaged person. Refer to the Appendix, p.
278, for specificson vehicleweaponsand ap-
plyingdamageto vehicles.
Vehicular Slams
Vehicles that collide into pedestrians, flying
novasor other vehiclesinflictone die of lethaldam-
age per 20 kph of speed. Base damage can be
reduced for smallervehicles(a motorcycle)or ~
increasedfor large/ heavyvehicles(a tank).
Flying Obiects
Novas(andaircraft)can performa se- •
lectionof maneuvers; dice actionsusually
come into playwhen the nova
iseither closingon or avoid-
ing another flyer. The skill
total for most such rolls is
Pilot(for vehicles)or Dex-. · ,
terity +Flight(for novas). New
maneuverscan be added with'
the Storyteller'spermission.
• Spin:lf travelingat no
greater than one-halfspeed,
the novacan rotate directly
on her axis, thereby turn-
ing around or even spin-
ningina completecircle.
craft and hovercraft
may perform this ma-
neuveras well.Con-
vent i on a I
f(xe~- ~
wing air-
craft and aquatic craft cannot change
they must makea tum.
• Tam: Anythingfrom a casual left
to a severe swerve or U-turn. The Story-
teller mayassigndifficultiesdependingon the
sharpness of the turn.
• Climb: The nova(or pilot) heads up. As-
cent canrangefroma slowclimbto a sharp-angled
ascent. The Storytellermayapplya+ 1or +2 diffi-
culty for a sharp climb, since such a maneuverin-
volveshighg-forces (characterswithGravityControlare tion (except damage effect and soak) until the wound
assumedto compensateautomaticallyfor such things). heals.
• Dive:The oppositeof a climb; the characterplum- The penalty also indicates impaired movement,
mets downward. The Storyteller mayapply a difficulty translating mto the number of meters by which your
to the die rollfor a hard divedue to g-force stresses, as movementis divided. Furthermore,at Woundedand be-
with a sharp climb. low,yourcharactercan no longersprint.A characterwith
• Loop: The character makesa verticalloop, end- a 3 Dexterity who's at Maimedcan walkonlytwo meters
ing up in roughlythe same positionthat he started in at a turn, or can run four meters. At Crippled,your charac-
the beginningof the move. Difficulty depends on the ter can onlywalk(or crawl)one meter per turn.
loop's tightness,usuallybetween +1and +3. HealthLevel Dice/MovePenalty Description
• Roll: The character flips upsidedown(and usu- Bruised O You're slightlybattered,
ally right-side up again). Repeated rolls are possible (a suffering no penalties.
"corkscrew ") with increasing difficulty, at the Hurt -1 Somescrapesandlxmps;
Storyteller's discretion. notsenously impaired
Injured -1 Minorinjuries; notice
Health Wounded -2
able damage.
Youcan walkand run,
This section deals with your character's current but you cannotsprint.
physicalor mentalstate, as wellas various factors that Maimed -3 A bloodymess, you
can improve or worsen these conditions. Healthcan be hobbleabout in pain.
affected by anythingthat injures the body or the mind, Crippled -4 You're severelyinjured,
such as simplelackof sleep, mentalassaultor a bullet to stumbling and wrecked.
the head. Dependingon her condition, a nova's current Incapacitated Youloseconsciousness
health can greatly impede her ability to perform even fi-omthepainand!rat.ma .
the simplest of tasks. Noactionsare possi>le.
Dead Simplythat. Notifythe
Physical States next of kin.
The comingof novashas contributedto consider- • Incapacitated : The stage immediately before
able advancesin medicine.The HumanGenomeProject death Incapacitateddiffers fromunconsciousness in that
has been completed, HIVandmanyformsof cancer have your character collapsesfrom the combinedeffects of
been wipedout and peopleare healthierand livelonger, physicaltraumaand pain. She fallsto the groundand re-
on the whole,than ever before. Which is good in theory, mainscomatoseuntil her Healthrecovers to Wounded.
but a fewMega-Strengthpunchesor QuantumBoltscan Successfulmedicaltreatment that rest.ores at least one
put a damperon anyones good day. healthlevelcan bringher aroundbefore this. Anymore
damagesufferedby an Incapacitated character killsher.
The Health Chart • Dead :Whenyourcharactersuffersa totalof eight
The Healthchart on the character sheet helpsyou levelsof lethaldamage, she dies. Medicinebeingwhat it
track your character's current physicalcondition. It also is in the 21stcentury, a trained professionalhas a brief
lists the penaltyimposedon yourdice poolfor each level amountof time to resuscitateher. Yourcharacter is be-
of injurythat your charactersustains. Asyour character yond helpafter a numberof turns equal to her total En-
suffers more injuries, her health declinesuntil she be- durance.
comes incapacitated - or dead.
Humans have eight health levels, ranging from
Bruisedto Dead. Somenovas, particularlythose withthe
Growthor BodyModificationpowers,havemore. When Optional Rule: Extras
an attacker rollsa successon a damageeffect, yourchar- To makelarge fights cmemabcand easy to man-
acter takes one health levelof damage. This damageis age, assign "extra" Storyteller characters only four
marked on your character sheet in the appropriate box, health levels[Hurt -1, Manned-3. CrippledandInca-
althoughthe markyoumakedependson the type of dam- pacitated/ Dead]. Extras are nameless thugs whom
age inAicted(see "ApplyingDamage"). characters run into from time to time, not key Story-
The number to the left of the lowestmarkedbox teller characters. They're diversionswhoare usually
indicatesyour current dice penalty. As your character controlledby the more importantenermesand villains
gets more and more battered it's increasinglydifficult whomyotr charactersare reallyafter. Theseextras are
for himto perform even the simplestof tasks. The dice a plotdeviceandshouldn'tinterferewiththe mainstory.
penalty is subtracted fromyour dice pool for every ac- After takinga Fewlumps,extras retreat, surrender or
fallover so the real action can get underway.



Applying Damage Bashing Damage

Most damage in Aberrant consists of one of two Bashingdamage, froma distracting headacheto a
types. Bashingdamageincludesall forms of temporary punchin the nose, covers all formsof injurythat aren't
injury. Lethaldamagecoverspermanent, killingwounds. likelyto kill instantly, or which fade relativelyquickly.
Allinjuries are cumulative, whetherlethalor bashing,and Mostformsof hand-to-handcombatinflict bashingdam-
the combined injury determines your character's cur- age, as do mental"injuries" such as headaches, drunk-
rent health level.Specificson each type of damageare enness or other mental distractions. Bashingdamage
provided. generallyimpairs less than lethal damage does, and it
When your character takes bashing damage, it's heals faster.
recorded as a slash("/") inthe appropriate Healthchart Your character can die from bashing damage,
box. Lethaldamageis markedwithan "X" for each level though. A punchmaynot causeas muchtraumaasa bul-
inflicted.Lethaldamagealwaysgets markedabovebash- let does, but enoughpunchescan kill. After your char-
ing. So if you mark a level of bashing damage in the acter reaches Incapacitatedon the Healthchart, each
Bruised box, then take one lethalhealthlevellater,"move new bashing injury, whilesoaked likea normalbashing
down" the bashinglevelto the Hurtbox by markingthat effect, is markedwitha secondslashon the highestbash-
box with a "/ ." Bashinglevelstaken after lethal levels inglevel. This way,bashinglevelsturn progressivelyinto
are simplydrawnin on the next open box. Bashingdam- lethaldamage.Onceyourcharacter's Healthchart is filled
age isn't as severe as lethal, so it's alwaysmarked last to Incapacitated with lethal damage, the next level of
and healedfirst. damagetaken, whether bashingor lethal, killsher.
ForExample: Lotus Infinite, flyingwith three lev-
els of lethaldamage(X, X, X) and one of bashing(/), is
HEALTH swatted out of the sky by her nemesis Geryon.A squad
-0 of Mitoidscatch up andbatter LI (inflictingthree more
[Z] bashinghealthlevels- /, /, /) until she blacksout. LI is
at Incapacitatedwithfour bashing damagelevelsleft.

Hur+ LotusInfinite's mercilessopponentsthensmashher
pronebody withpunchesandkicks. The first hit after LI
□ fallsto Incapacitatedcausesone level of bashingdam-
age. So Li's Woundedlevel, previouslybashing,hasan-

Wounded other slashdrawnthroughit (for "X'J, makingit lethal.
Thisprocesscanbe repeatedthreemoretimesuntilLI 's
ForExample: LotusInfinitehasalreadytakena level remaini(Jg healthlevelsare changedfrombashingto le-
of bashingdamagefrom a Mitoid's glancingpunch(Ms. thal. Regardlessof whether it 's bashingor lethal, the
Infinite's playermarksher Healthchartwitha "/" in the fourthlevelof damagewillkillher.
Bruisedbox). A Teragennova shoots LI with a flame lf yourcharacterfallsto Incapacitated due to bash-
blast, scoring three lethal health levels. Li's chart is ingdamagebut then takes a levelof lethaldamage,she's
marked with an "X" in the Bruised, Hurt and Injured dead.
healthlevels, anda "/" in the Woundedbox (essentially
movingthe punch's damagedown the chart).The com-
Lethal Damage
Lethaldamageis intended to cause immediateand
bined damageputs LI at -2 dice to all rolls. Trying to
escape, Lotus Infiniteactivatesher Flightand hightails grievous injury. Knives,pistols, clawsand flamegoutsall
it. cause lethal wounds. Such woundsdon't heal easily, and
they usuallyrequire medicalattention for any hope of
recovery. Nature, too, provides numeroushealth haz-
HEALTH ards for humansand even novas. Electricity,vacuumex-
posure,hard radiationand fire allcause lethalwounds.

Bruised -0 Lethaldamagekillswithruthlessefficiency. When
your character's Healthchart fillsto Incapacitatedwith
~ lethaldamage,anyfurther damagetaken, whetherbash-
ing or lethal, kills her.
~ Aggravated Damage
A few particularlyvirulentnovaattacks inflictag-
Wounded [Z] gravateddamage. Aggravateddamagerepresents disin-
tegration, flesh-eatingviruses, moleculardisruptionor



some other formof completetissuedestruction.Aggra-

vated damage may not be soaked except by novas with
the Hardbodyenhancementor other s1m1 lar powers. To Healing Bashing Damage
record aggravateddamage,markan asterisk ( '*") in the Bashingdamage up to the Woundedlevelcan
Healthbox. Aggravateddamageis markedover allother be cared for withoutmedical skill;these woundsheal
kmdsof damage. on their own, without treatment. Bashingdamage
Againstbaselines,aggravateddamageispermanent beyond Woundedmay have deeper consequences.
the woundsneverheal.Novasmayhealaggravateddam- Yourcharacter's vision or hearing may be altered
age, but theyget no multiplierfor their metabolisms;they due to a concussion,she maysufferexcruciatingpain
healaggravateddamageno faster than a baselinehuman frominternalbruising or experiencesomeother ex-
healslethaldamage. The Healingand Regenerationpow- treme discomfort.Receivingadequate medicalat-
ers can heal aggravateddamage, but each levelhealed tention negates these effects.
costs triple the normalquantum-pointcost. Health
Level Recov.yTime
Bruisedto Wounded One hour
Soak Maimed Three hours
As noted above, bashingdamage isn't as immedi- Crippled Sixhours
ately fatal as lethaldamage1s; bashingdamagealsoheals Incapacitated 12hours
more quickly(see "Recovery') . The human(and nova) Once bashinglevelsreach Incapacitated,any
body can take more punishmentfrom bashingdamage further bashingwoundsare X'd over previousbash-
than 1tcan from lethaleffects. Useyour character's full mg ones, makingthem lethal (see "BashingDam-
Staminarating to soak bashingattacks. Baselinescannot age"). At that point, recovery 1shandledas lethal
use Staminato soak lethal attacks; however, all novas damage.
mayuse halftheir Stamina,roundeddown,to soak lethal
attacks. Seep . 241for specifics. Healing Lethal Damage
Aggravateddamage cannotbe soaked unless the Lethal damage of any sort can be deadly -
nova has the Hardbodyenhancementor other similar that's why it's called lethal.Lethal woundsthat go
protection. unattended may continueto bleed untilyour char-
Evenwithsoak,mosthumanscrunchrealgoodwhen acter passes out and dies from blood loss. Other
caught in the midst of nova-levelcombat. Many nova dangers can also arise from infection,cellulardam-
powers,though,protect againstboth bashingand lethal age or broken limbs.
damage, and their benefits may add to your base soak Any lethaldamage past Hurt requires medical
against attacks. treatment to prevent further harm. Untreatedlethal
Certain types of artificial armor protect against woundsworsen by one level of lethal damage per
bashingand lethal attacks as well,though even if your day. Whensomeonesustainslethaldamagedownto
character wears such protection (considered laughably Incapacitated,he's one healthlevelawayfromdeath.
wussyin manynovacircles), most novaattacks worthy If he takes one morewound(whetherbashingor le-
of the name shred conventionalarmor easily. See "Ar- thal), he dies.
mor,"p. 277, for specific ratings. If the individualis at Maimedor higher,hemay
recover with rest over the times listedbelow. How-
Recovery ever, 1fyour character 1sCrippledor Incapacitated,
Minorin1unessimplyrequire time to heal. Medical no recovery is possibleunlesshe receives medical
attention or quantum powers are required to recover attention. Indeed, at Incapacitatedthe 1nd1vidualis
from senous levelsof bashingdamageor fromany Form comatoseat worse anddeliriousat best, andhe could
of lethal damage. If your character reaches Crippled, still die.
whether from bashingor lethal damage, she must get Health
Level Recov.yTime
professionalhelp. At that level,yourcharacter canbarely Bruised One day
walk. Hurt Three days
The precedingcharts list the time involved in heal- ln1ured One week
ing damage. Bashingand lethaldamage recover differ- Wounded One month
ently.RecoveryTimelists how longit takes to heal that Maimed Twomonths
specifichealthlevel;the time is cumulative.A nova with- Crippled Three months
out Mega-Staminawho takes three levels of bashing Incapacitated Fivemonths
damage takes 30 minutesto heal each one before he's Note that these healingtimes are for baseline
humans. All novashealat least twiceas fast as the
t,rneslistedon the charts,andnovaswithhighMega--
Staminaheal muchfaster. See "Mega-Stamina,"p.
160, to calculatea nova's normalhealingtime.



fullyfit. A novawithoutMega-Staminawhosuffers five

lethal damage levels takes one month to recover from
Sources of lniury
Maimedto Wounded. After that, he needs an additional Novasliveina hostileuniverse. The dangers inher-
two weeks, five days and 12hours to recover from the ent to such an environmentare many,and they inflict
rest. If the samecharactertakes fourlevelsof lethaldam- the same kindsof harmthat combatdoes.
age and one of bashing, he needs '10 minutesto recover Somesources of injury require that a damage ef-
the bashinglevelbefore he starts recoveringfrom the fect be rolled,whileothers causethe subjectto takedam-
lethalwounds. age automatically. If a systemstates that the Storyteller
These recovery times assume the individualre- "rolls damageeffect," the damageis treated likean at-
ceivesonlybasiccare (first aid and bed rest). The times tack, includingapplyingthe character's soak. lf it says
improveif the individualhas access to modern health the character "takes a health level,"she takes the dam-
care. If he's treated by a physicianwith adequate skills age automatically,regardless of any defenses.
(Medicine2 rating) and medicineduring his recovery Disease
time, the character heals each health levelat one time Novas,thoughstillhuman,are muchmore resistant
category higher on the Healthchart. If the patient for- to illnessesthan their baselinecounterparts. Still,a viru-
goes special treatment at any point, he heals at normal lent enoughdisease- for example,a biologicalweapon
rates. - can affect novas. For game purposes, diseases are
If the individualreceivescare fromadvancedmedi- appliedas bashingdamage,althougha soakrollisn't nor-
cal techniques (Medicine4 rating), he recovers each mallypossible(Mega-Staminamayallowone, whileap-
healthlevelat two categorieshigheron the Healthchart. propriate Life Support enables the nova simplyto ig-
If this advancedtreatment is not received at any point, nore the disease). A fever or Au inflicts one or more
normalhealingrates apply. bashinghealth levels,whilerare diseases or genetically
No matter the qualityof the treatment processes engineered viruses can be more devastating, even in-
involved, each levelof bashingdamagestilltakes at least flictinglethaldamage.
fiveminutesto heal,and lethaldamagestilltakes a mini- The Storytellershoulddecide on the exact effects
mumof one hour per levelto heal. (includingaltered perception and delirium)of severe
These recoverytimesdon't take intoaccountquan- sicknesses. Permanent Attribute reductions may even
tum powers.The systemsdescribed for the Regenera- occur. The ResistanceAbility(of whichallnovashaveat
tionenhancementor the Healingpowertake precedence least three dots) can helpcombatinfectionand sickness;
over these systems. Storytellersshouldadjust appropriately.
For Example:Lotus Infinite is saved by fellow
DeVriesagentsbefore the Mitoidsfinishher off They Electrocution
take LI to a nearbyclinicwherea resident(Medicine2) The strength of the electricalflowdeterminesthe
tends Li's injuries(she has currentlytaken lethaldam- amountof lethaldamageyour character takes fromelec-
age to Woundedandbashingdamageto Incapacitated) . trocution. She suffers the damage effect noted below
Thanksto the residentand the clinic's medicalre- each turn untilcontact with the source is severed (not
sources,LIhealseverythingone categorymorequickly. alwaysan easy thing to accomplish,since electrocution
She is a novaandhas one dot of Mega-Stamina,so she tends to contract the victim's muscles,lockingher in
healsalldamagethree timesas quicklyas a baselinehu- place as the electricity flowsthroughher body).
man.LIhealsthe Incapacitated bashinglevelin twohours, Electricaldamageis a lethaleffect. Artificialarmor
· the Crippledbashinglevel in one hourand the Maimed doesn't protect against it (dependingon the subject's
bashinglevelin 20 minutes. LI then healsher Wounded defenses, the circumstanceand the Storyteller's deci-
lethallevel in two daysand eight hours,her Injuredle- sion), though novas' natural soak against lethaldamage
thallevelin a day andher Hurtlethallevelin eighthours. does.
Finally,herBruisedlethalleveltakesanothereighthours Damage Effect ElectricalSol.ne
to heal. Two Minor;wallsocket
Inshort,LIrecoverscompletelyin fourdays,three Four Major; protective fence
hoursand 20 minutes. If she had been a normalhuman Six Severe; vehiclebattery, junction
andhad not receivedmedicalcare,it wouldhave taken box
41daysand 18hoursto healfully. Eight Fatal; mainfeed line,subwayrail



Falling Fire
Evena nova can suffer great damagefrom falling A fire's size and fuel determinethe amountof le-
significantdistances. The Storyteller rolls one die of thal damage your character endures. She suffers the
bashingdamagefor every three meters (roundeddown) damageeffect each tum that she's in contact with the
that your character fallsbefore hittingsomethingsolid. flames;she mustleavethe area and/ or put out any fire
However,on a controlledfall,roll Athletics;each suc- on her to stop taking damage. Fire damage is a lethal
cess equalsone meter that your character mayfallbe- effect that mayignoreartificialarmor(dependingon the
fore sufferinginjury. Withtwo successes,your charac- armor type, the fire type and the Storyteller's discre-
t.er coulddrop fivemetersbeforetakinga die of bashing tion), thoughnovas•lethalsoakprotects themagainstit.
damage- however,if she fallseight mete~. she takes DamageEffect Type of Fire
two dice. Two Lighter
Fallingdamagemaybe soaked as normal,but the Four Campfire
Storytelleralwaysrollsat least one die. Eachsuccessis Five Bonfire
a ba.shinghealthlevelthat yourcharactertakes. Landing Six Weldingtorch
on sharp objects can change the damagefrom bashing Seven Raginginferno
to lethal,at the Storyteller'sdiscretion. Fire type x 2 Chemicalfire
lf yourcharacterplummets30 mete~ or more, she If your character falls to Maimed,she is scarred
reaches terminalvelocity.The damageeffect reaches a temporarilyby the flames(reduce Appearanceby one
maximumof 10 dice at this point, and it is considered untilher woundsrecover to Bruised).1fshe is reduced
lethaldamage.Additionally,all soak is halvedagainsta to Crippledor Incapacitatedby the fire, the bumscover
terminal-velocityfall;only the toughest novasare de-
signedfor this sort of punishment.

the majorityof her body, resultingin permanentscar- one bashinghealthlevelfor each tum that she is exposed
ring (reduce Appearanceby one if Crippled,by two if to highdoses of soft radiation.
Incapacitated).These results maybe corrected withad- • H.-d Radiation:This category includesallother
vancedplasticsurgeryor the Regenerationenhancement. types of radiation, includinggammarays, cosmicrays
Althougha fair numberof novas can walkunhurt and microwaves . Evenminimaldoses of hard radiation
through flames, the intense heat may still overwhelm can be lethal.A character suffers one lethalhealth level
them. A playerwhosecharacter is trapped in the middle for each turn that she's exposedto hard radiation.
of a severe conflagrationmay have to make a Stamina
rollor lose dice due to dizzinessand overheating;novas
Suffocation and Drowning
with Mega-Stamina,particularlywith the Life Support A character withoutthe LifeSupportenhancement
enhancement,typicallyignorethis effect. can holdher breath one minuteper point in her Endur-
ance skilltotal.After this duration,you mustrollEndur-
Material Strengths ance each turn (at an increasinglevelof difficulty;see
Combatin this genre inevitablyinvolvessomeone "Featsof Endurance,"p. 234). Whenyoufaila roll,your
beingput througha building,water tower or other "im- character suffers one bashing health levelof damage.
movable"object. To simulatethis enjoyablepastime,we Yourcharacter automaticallysuffers a levelof bashing
providea chart listingprotectionratingsand healthlev- damageevery minuteafter your first failed Endurance
els for varioussolids. roll, until she can breathe again. After reaching Inca-
This chart, of course, applies to knockback. If pacitated, your character dies if she is not resuscitated
someoneor somethinggoes flyinginto a solid,the sub- (Medicine1requiredto do so).
stance immediatelytakes the knockbackdamage;if that
damageexceeds the substance'ssoak, the solidbreaks,
Temperature Extremes
whileif it completelywipesout the healthlevels, the solid Mosthumanfacilitiesare kept at a comfortable20
is completely destroyedand the knocked-backperson/ degrees Celsius. Still,humanitycan survivefar warmer
itemcontinueson throughthe object. or colder temperatures. When exposed to dangerously
Material HealthLevels(perabc meter) Soak high(35 degrees Celsiusor higher)or low (-10 degrees
Glass 2 0 Celsiusor lower)temperatures,characters withoutap-
Ice 3 2 propriate LifeSupport suffer one lethalhealth levelFor
Wood 5 3 every day in that environment- this damagecannot
Stone and soft metals 8-10 5 be soaked, nor can it be recovered untilyour character
Hardmetals 10 6+ gets to a more hospitableclimate.
This rate of damage increases if the temperature
Radiation exceedsthe survivablerange(say, insidea freezer, where
Radiationcovers the broad range of energy emis- the temperature can drop as low as -20 degrees Cel-
sions that surroundand penetrate everything. Allthings sius). A temperaturefar beyondhumansurvivability(the
reflect and create a certain amountof radiation;lifere- heart of the sun, deep space) killsin moments.
quires it, but too muchradiationcan kill. For the pur-
poses of gameplay, radiationis divided into two simple
categories: soft radiation and hard radiation. Damage Exposureto the vacuumof space involvesmany
from either type cannot be soaked normally, although dangers. Firstof all,the temperaturecan rangefromover
Life Support, Absorption(energy), Invulnerability(ra- 1000 degrees Celsiuswhenexposedto the sun, to -273
diation) or Mega-Stamina of 4 or greater willbestow degreesCelsiusina planet'sshadow- either way,death
protectionagainstradiation. is instantaneousto anyone exposed without adequate
Victimsof largeor extendeddosesof radiationmay protection. Space alsotransmitscosmicradiationunim-
suffer cancer, hair loss, brittle bones, mentalproblems peded - even minorexposurecan be lethal.
and other debilitatingeffects. Assumingyour character is trapped in a vacuum,
• Soft Radiation: This category includesall types but he is not exposed to outer space, survivalchances
of radiation that bombardhumanityeach and everyday. increase dramatically . In that case, asphyxiationis the
Highdoses of soft radiation(x-rays, infrared)can cause main threat (refer to "Suffocation and Drowning").
sicknessand even physicalinjury. A character suffers


At its heart, Aberrant isn't a gameabout competi- and time again, alwayskeeping the players hungry for
tion. There's only one goal for an Aberrant game - to more,there are somebasicsthat can ease your task quite
tell a story about these beings of great power and have a bit.
funalongthe way. However,the differencebetweenplay- First and foremost, you need ample preparation.
ingan Aberrant gameand standard "storytelling' comes Preparing doesn't mean devisingan 1mposs1bly convo-
in the interaction. Here,the audiencedoesn'tjust sit pas-luted plot and Forcingthe playersto adhere preciselyto
sivelyandwatchthe story unfold- theywanderthrough your visionof the storyline, scene by scene. Rather,you
it as principalplayers uncoveringthe plot and manipu- shouldcreate a flexibleoutline of probable events and
lating the setting. They meet people and do things that characters. Start the playerswith the first event on the
ultimatelydecide the story's outcome. And whodefines outline- say,havingthemwitnessan upstandingmem-
where they are and what they see'? ber of TeamTomorrowbrutallymurdera spikedealer in
Youdo. an alleyway.Howthey react to that first scene - where
As the Storyteller,your role in all this is a pretty
they go fromthere - willstart the story in motion. You
demandingone - to use a comicbook-stylemetaphor, don't need to script every line for every possiblescene
you're part artist, part writer and mostlyeditor. Youde- following , but you should have some idea of what will
sign the overallplots and subplots,draw out the back- happen if they try to capture the "hero," or if they try
grounds,design the greater part of the book's cast and to reasonwithhim, or evenif they ignore the wholething.
improvisedialogueas the stories unfold. Everything the Handin handwith preparation 1sflexibility- this
players'characters see, hear and react to - yes, you're is a valuabletrait for the Storyteller. At least once in
responsiblefor providingit all.Youdescribe their sur- every gamesession, a playerwilldo somethingyou won't
roundings,the people and things therein, and you gen- expect. This is virtuallya guarantee. lf you can react
erallyadjudicate"whatwouldhappennext.' Bydescrib- quicklyand logicallyto whatevertwiststhe playersthrow
ingthe worldaround them you help to define the char- at you, your story will run smoothly and maintainits
acters - who they are and what they're trying to ac- strength. On the other hand, 1fyouwereabsolutely,posi-
complish. Daunting'?Sure. But it's not as impossibleas it tively relyingon them to turn the datad1scover to the
sounds. Directive the story willsuffer if they decide to keep it
Beinga goodStorytellerrequiresa mixtureof quali- for themselves. When snags comealong,you can either
ties, but you don't have to master them all - or even workthem into the frameworkof the story or try to find
any. The primaryobjectiveof any gamesessionis to en- some other way of bnngingthings back on track. 1fyou
tertain the playersand havefun. That's all.Howeverthe can't immediatelythinkof a wayto repair the story, don't
more you practice, the more involvedyour stories can panic - there's stillopportunity to fix things over the
get. Before long, you can be escorting your players on course of the next few scenes. And besides, sometimes
journeys that work on multiplelevels, with symbolism great inspirationcan strike in the heart of desperation.
and foreshadowingalludingto the greater picture. You'll Motivatingyour players 1salso key. Never force
be able to helpyour players livethe story. them alongthe plotline- lead them alongwith tempt-
mgstory hooks and strange riddles. If they take off en-
The Story thusiasticallyin a d1rect1on
you hadn't expected,youcan
let the story go along without directly intervening; ei-
Developinga story requires some work. As a Sto- ther followthem along and improvisethe outcomesto
ryteller,you have to not only devise the basic plot but their actions or wait untilan appropriate point to rein-
add hooksto keep the playersinterested and makepro- sert the next plot point. For example, 1fthe playersde-
visionsfor whatever actions the characters might take cided to let the T2M hero off the hook after the spike
as well. Thisresponsibilityis particularlyimportant when dealer's murder, hit thema fewdays later withan OpNet
you're trying to sustain the players' interests over the headlineaboutsome newnova-poweredpresence in the
period of an entire series. Althoughthere isn't a magical drug trade. lf they decided to go to the "hero's" superi-
formulafor "the ultimatestory" that can be used time ors, maybethey findit evenmoredifficultto get Project
Utopiato believethat one of their chosen is a common course, the horror story. Alien was obviouslymore at-
criminalthan it wouldhave been to confront the nova mospheric than situation-based - the situation was
then and there. But above all, don't punish the players original, yes, but the moviewas devised to explore the
for deviatingfromthe "script" - let themexploreother atmosphereof horror in a new fashion. An atmosphere-
avenues,andsubtlytry to nudgethembackon track when based story can also be based on a moral or theme; if
you can. youwantto illustratethe cutthroat violenceof the crimi-
One final piece of advice: Devisethe agendas of nal underworld,you can certainly pick characters and
the story's major players, particularlythe antagonists, events to do so. And, of course, you can alwaysuse an
in as muchdetailas yousee fit. Try to get a good feel for atmosphericstory to givethe playerswhat they want; if
yourantagonist'ssinisterplot, as wellas anybackupplans they've had a littletoo muchpolitickingover the last few
he might have made should interference arrive. lf the stories and are ready to have their hearts beat a little
playersdon't interfere,you can alwayshit them with the faster, there's nothingwrongwith givingthem a break-
aftereffects of the antagonist'ssuccess. lf they do, it's neck story that makesthem fight for their livesand ap-
mucheasier to improvisehisbackupplansifyouhadsome preciate the adrenalinerush.
ideaof what they are ahead of time.
Story Elements
Creating a Story There are a few things that allgood stories have in
When you start to planyour story, any numberof common. A well-toldstory typicallyhas a single theme
thingscan sparkan idea. Youmightdrawinspirationfrom and a singlemood. The setting is evocative,and a con-
a movieor book, or even from your environment.Ulti- flict lies at the heart of the story. The plot has a begin-
mately,though,most stories are based on one of three ning,middle and end, with a climaxand (usually)a reso-
things:a strong character, an event or a powerfulatmo- lution. And of course, the Storyteller has some sort of
sphere. purpose in mindwhenhe devised the story.
The character-based story is easy enough. Lookat
RomeoandJulietor Hamletfor classicideasof howone
A story can't have it all; it's next to impossibleto
or two people can propel an entire story. With such a
story, you generallycenter events on one or two char- depict a scene of massacre early on in the eveningand
acters - generallyan antagonistor archvillain.Perhaps then expect the players to enjoy a more light-hearted
you have an imagein your head of a powerful,elemen- scene later on. To keep events coherent and help devise
tally attuned Indiannovawho's taken it into his head to ideas for the story, you shouldprobablythink about the
story's theme. For instance, say you decide that your
purifythe Ganges- by turningallthe humancitiesalong
its length into wilderness. Or maybe the character in story's theme willbe "the powerof a novais dehumaniz-
question is one of the characters' allies; perhaps their ing." Alreadythis suggestionbegs a few possibleevents
contact in the DeVriesAgencyis suddenlyhavingper- and characters - a nova who has lost touch with hu-
sonal troubles with the Medell{nCartel, but he doesn't manity,a scene in whichthe Mega-Intelligentcharacter
suddenlyrealizesthat he doesn't havea thingin common
dare moveagainstthem himselfbecause his daughter is
with his girlfriendany more.
one of their enforcers. Youcan even focus a story on
one of the players' characters if you feel that the char- Most of the story's events and characters should
acter in question has been overshadowed by his team- somehowbe relevantto the story's theme. Evenso, that
doesn't mean you should paint the theme in mile-high,
mates for a while. Naturally,you shouldbe careful with
this last one, so as not to be perceived as "playing fa- glowingletters for the players. They don't have to no-
vorites." tice it at all. The theme is there to provide internalcon-
An event-basedstory is alsopretty easy to define; sistency, and it doesn't have to be blatant to be effec-
lookat the rash of disaster moviesthat wereout a couple tive. Evenif the playersdon't pickup on the connection
betweenthe emotionlessTeragen"emancipator"and the
of years ago. Althougheach of these stories made an
effort to have strong characters, a definite atmosphere difficultiesthey're experiencingwith their home lives,
and even an interestingplot, there was never really any they'll still subconsciously perceive the strength of the
questionwhat the story's basic premisewas. The situa- story as a whole. Andthey'll resent it a lot less than they
tion was alwaysthe starting point for the story idea. lf wouldif you started preachingthe theme from on high.
you prefer a less sensational(and rather more powerful) Aberrant's overalltheme is that of power, both ac-
example,look at The Seven Samurai- althoughit had tual and perceived. A nova has enough raw power to
a fascinatingset of characters and a strong atmosphere, shape the courseof a countryif unopposed; what'smore,
the premisecouldbe traced to the event "seven unem- the public'sperception of that power adds a new ele-
ployedsamuraiare hired by peasants to protect a vil- ment.Wheredoes the powerpickup and the humanleave
lage." And look what came out of that. off? Willthe absolute power of the novascorrupt them
Atmosphericstories can be tricky, but there's no absolutely? What willthe people in control do in order
lack of those, either. The most obviousex.ample is, of to remain in control? Althoughthis theme doesn't have



to be the default theme of your stories, you should at of their penthouse or firing off even more impressive
least think about what kind of impactit has on your se- displaysof power, just because such actions seem ap-
ries . propriate.
1fAberrant has a commonmood,it's probablythat
Mood of awe. The novasare likeunto gods. Everythingthey do
IFa theme is an intellectualhook into the story, a is muchlarger than life. Whilethe novashollowout as-
moodis an emotionalhook.Once the playersare able to teroids for their summerretreats and catch solar flares
respond to the story emotionallyin muchthe same way in their hands,humanitystares up at them slack-jawed.
that their characters would,the game experience be- There's fear there as well- but the novasare so much
comes muchmore vivid. more than humanitythat they cannot help but inspire
Differentmoods lead to different kindsof stories. awe. Again,this shouldn'tbe the mood of every story
A dark, sinister story about Project Proteus is entirely you run (or evenmoststories), but it shouldbe a consid-
differentfroma wildstory aboutgoingon a musicalworld eration.
tour. Don't limityourselfto just one kind of mood;sure,
you may find that you're talented at creating a moodof Setting
paranoiain your stories, but you shouldnt limityour se- Theme and mood aren't necessarilytangibleele-
ries by maintainingthat moodexclusively . ments of a story, but the setting is. Workingout a be-
Start early. lf youwantto establisha moodof dread, lievable,vividsetting makes the rest of the story flow
beginwith a nightmarethat one of the characters is ex- smoothly. lf properly described, it'll probablyeven in-
periencing. lf you wanta moodof awe,beginby describ- spire your players to interact all the more enthusiasti-
ing wonderingmasses far below,shadingtheir eyes and callywith their surroundings.
pointingup to the characters Ayingby overhead. First The setting for a story mayrequire severaldiffer-
impressionsare as vital in storytellingas they are any- ent "backdrops" - an Aberrant story couldwellhave
where else. Once you've got them hooked,rememberto separate scenes set in India, on the E.iffelTower,on a
reinforcethe moodwheneveryoucan; beforelong,they'll luxurycruise liner and finallyon the moon's surface!lt s
be helpingyou out by anxiouslycheckingevery corner
your duty to describe these settings as vividlyas you Plot
can, so that the playersdon't start laggingand losingin- Everystory hasa beginning,middleand end.A story
terest. Bear in mindthat you don't wantto use too much is composedof a series of events that cometogether -
detail, either! Keep your descriptions brief, but make the openingscene usuallyattracts the players' interest
every word count. The players don't need to know all and sets the stage, the middlescenes expand and de-
the different beers advertised in the bar's neon signs velop the conflict,and the final scene is a chance for a
- but mentioningthat the neon throws an unhealthy resolution.The plot,plain and simple,isthe order inwhich
blue lightover everythingis a detail they'll remember. these events occur.
Describethingsaccuratelyandcompletely.Takeinto A plot can be highly complicatedand layered in
accountthingsliketemperature,weather,open space (or mystery,but this complexityisn't necessary. It can also
the lackthereof), physicalobjects, sights,smells,sounds be pretty simplistic,but sometimes,simplicityisn't nec-
- all the details that makea place come alive. Youcan essarilydesirable,either. A good plotallowsthe charac-
evenuse the setting to reinforcethemeor mood- hor- ters some free will,yet retains an overallsense of pro-
ror writers do this allthe time. The worldof Aberrant is gression. It's paced well,with simpleplot advancesbal-
a vibrant, colorfulplace. Helpyour players experience anced by the occasionaltwist or subplot, just to keep
it. things interesting.
Conflict Thinkof a good plot as a rollercoaster. Start out by
The core of every story is conflict - not combat setting things in motion. Youcan either havethem climb
(althoughthat's certainlyone aspect of it), but conflict. the first hill slowly,learningto anticipate the first plot
The characters shouldalwaysface somelevelof opposi- twist, or you can drop them without warninginto the
tion inpursuingtheir goals,or else there's reallyno point thick of things with the first scene. In either case, it's
in botheringto tell a story at all.A Proteus op refusing vital that you set the scene - make sure they under-
an order to turn his powerson humansoldiers,a Teragen stand where they are and what's goingon.
membertrying to convinceanother nova to come over Then you go into the scenes in the middle,the se-
to the Teragen's way of thinkingand a Directiveagent ries of ups, downs,spiralsand loops,that allowthe char-
discoveringthat his brother is somehowentrenched in acters to enjoy the ride as a wholebut are stilla buildup
the cartel he's investigatingare allexamplesof conflict. for the final stretch. Throw in subplots and plot twists
Each one has the potential to break out in a battle at here and there (just as a roller-coaster designer adds
somepoint,but the real conflictcomesbetweenthe Pro- the occasionalspiralor loop) to keep things interesting.
teus op and his superiors or between the Teragenmem- Finally,you hit the climax- the biggest spiral or
ber and his "recruit." In fact, these situationscouldeven the steepest drop. Nowthe playershave the finalcon-
result in multipleconflicts;considerthe Directiveagent, flict ahead of them.
who willbe pitted not only against the cartel, but who Climax and Resolution
willhaveto workagainstthe Directivein order to some- Everygood story has a climax- the point where
how "go easy" on his brother - or against his con- all the buildingtension hits the fan. The climaxis the
science to bring his brother to justice in the first place. penultimatemomentof the story - do or die time -
The actualconflictsinvolvedina story vary widely, the point where the characters succeed or fail,fight or
dependingon the players' roles. For instance, a Team compromise. It's the pivotal point of the story, so im-
Tomorrow cell will probably have fewer clashes with portant that it can overshadowor color everythingelse
publicopinionthan a group of Aberrants would. For the that's happened alongthe way. The actualnature of the
most part, of course, the conflict willusuallyboildown climaxmay have changed entirely from your plans, but
to novavs. humanor novavs. nova. If the conflictis one you should stillplayit up - after all,this is whatevery-
of novasversus humans,it willusuallypit novas against thing else has been leadingup to.
humansocietyor an organization,somethingthat is big- A commonthing to do is to continue play Forone
ger than any one person. Strugglesagainst other novas finalsceneafter the climax,lettingthe playerswinddown.
can involveanythingfrom a manoy manostrugglewith This allowsthem to look back over the story and wrap
the localbruiserto a convolutedstruggleagainstthe peer up any loose ends. Of course, they probably shouldn't
pressure of novasociety as a whole. take care of allthe loose ends - those are the stuff
Of course, there are plenty of other potential that future stories are madeof.
sources of conflict - the characters might have to
struggleagainsta hostileenvironment,againsttheir own
innertaint,or againstthe unknown.It alldependson what
sort of story you want to tell.



Telling the Story some extent. Don't start punningin the middleof a man-
hunt for a virallycontagious,high-Taint aberrant. Don't
There's more to tellinga story than simplymemo- litter the street with children'scorpses in the middleof
rizingthe plot. Youcan just set things in motion and tell a light-heartedstory about greedy agents and overzeal-
the story by rote, but there are a few elements of style ous fans. Youowe it to your playersand yourselfto see a
that you shouldbe aware of. Part of becomingan expert story throughin moreor less the sametone that it started
Storyteller is findingyour voice,but there are alsoa few - unlessthe changeintone is a majorfacet of the story.
guidelinesthat can makeyour job a lot easier. There's certainly nothingwrong with starting the game
• WorkwithyOtJ" players. This one's very, very im- out in highsp,nts onlyto hit the playerswith something
portant. Don't designyour series withouttheir input - hornfic or brutal - it happens all the time in stories.
otherwise you might find yourself spending days on a However, be careful about reversing the order. lf even
plotlinerequiringthe playersto face down the Teragen, one game starts out in a grim, paranoid moodand sud-
onlyto discoverthat yourplayerswantto roleplayTeragen denlylightensup, it'llbe more difficultto get your play-
membersthemselves. Encouragethem to Reshout their ers to take the next horror-themed story seriously.
characters'BackgroundTraits,thuscontnbutingsupport- • Letyourplayersaccomplishthings.Remember
ing cast membersand other details. ("So, Aaron, who is the characters are the stars of the show;nobodywould
youroldbeat partner? Howdidyouguysget along? Where's pay to see the latest IndianaJones movieif Marcusdid
your apartment, and what does ,t looklike?") Dont force all the trap-dodging and Nazi-outwitting. This rule is
them intoroles. Ona similarnote, makesure that everyone doublyimportantfor Aberrant , where the novasare rap-
understandsthe rules of the game, as wellas any house idly becomingthe most important beings in the world.
rules you mightenforce - the playersdeserve to know Youdon't have to give the players their every wishon a
howlevelthe playingfieldis. silver platter, but let them make progress. Their envi-
ronment shouldbe visiblychanged by their very pres-
ence; they shouldbe affecting lives. Even if their influ-
ence is purelylocal, it shouldbe real. Makethem feel like
Baselines they're all stars now, and they'll be dying to come back
One of the advantages of Aberrant's two-phase for the next installment.
character creation process 1sthe fact that Storytellers
can havethe players generate and play normalhuman
characters, withoutany novaTra,ts at all.A Storyteller The Series
could have all the characters begin the chronicle as Creatinga series can be a fair amountof work, but
baselinehumans, playingthrough one or even several it's a lot less arduous than it mightseem. After all, the
stones before beinggiventheir novapoints and erupt- comic- book industry was built on the concept of ongo-
mg. Or, for a real challenge,try playingunenhanced, ing chronicles; limitedseries are nice, but the ongoing
..inert"baselinesin the Aberr.itworld- Utopiasup- titles are what keep the fans comingback. An Aberrant
port staff, government agents, cartel operatives or senes can continuefor years - theoretically,one might
otherbaselines whoseduties force them to interact with even last untilthe Aberrant timelineends and the Trin-
novas, often far too close to ground zero. ity timelinebegins in AD2120. Younever know.
In order to makeyour series worthwhile,it should
have a life of ,ts own. A good series is more than just a
string of scenes featuring the protagonists goofing
• Knowthesystem- or be ableto fake it con- around - it's a story with a plotlineof its own. As it
vincingly . Younever, ever want your game to bog down progresses the playersand characters alikeshare in the
in an argument over whether Timmy Typhon's overarchingthemes and moods that linkstory to story.
magmablastshouldhave slaggedthat support columnor There's a sense of continuity,of belonging.One story
not. It's your responsibilityto keep up with what your influencesthe next; things change around the charac-
players' characters are able to do, and likewisefor the ters. The stones grow bigger and grander; the antago-
major Storyteller characters in the series. If contention nists more fierce and awe-inspiring.The characters start
arises,don't be afraid to makean on-the-spot rulingand planningfor the future, and they work their changes on
get on with the game - lookup the exact rules later, if the world. Bythe timeyou're finallydone withthe series
need be. (,f indeed you ever end it at all), you and the players
• Maintainthe mood.Comicrel,ef 1sall well and alikeshouldbe welland rightlysatisfied by what you've
good, but if you decide to take the characters on a tnp accomplished.
through Carroll's Wonderland, don't act surprised 1fthe
players have difficultytaking next week's session seri-
ously. Youshouldn't be tyrannical when enforcing the
mood, but you do need to keep the players focused to


Gathering the Group with powerfulenemieson all sides, and few alliesto be
found. Perhapsthey can get assistancefromthe Teragen
So what sort of group are your players interested - but would they wantit? This isn't a series aboutglam-
in playing?Dothey want to be heroes of a fairlyclassical our and fame, but every one of the characters' deeds is
mode, or are they more interestedin playing aroundwith thrownintosharper reliefbecausethey struggleon with-
what a self-centered demigodmightbe like? Aberrant out expectinga reward. AnAberrants series is good for
offers hundreds of possibilitiesfor a series' direction, playerswholikea great deal of say in howtheir organi-
but the roles the characters play inthe worldshouldhelp zationis run - as of mid-2008, there are onlya couple
you narrowdownthe field. dozenAberrants in the entire world, and so the charac-
It's important to realize that it's very unusualfor ters willconstitute a considerablepercentage of the en-
novas to gather in numbers. To be frank, your average tire group!
nova(althoughthat.'s as oxymoronica term as ever was) • Corpora te/City Novas:The characters maybe a
just doesn't needanybodyelse; he can get whathe wants collectionof novas in the employof one very wealthy
on his own. These are possiblythe most important(and megacorporation,individuallyemployedby variouscor-
rarest - approximatelyone in one million)people in porations, or even the founders and top brass of a cor-
the world; as such, a gatheringof like-mindednovaswill poration they've foundedthemselves. Naturally,a no~a
attract a tremendousamountof attention,as wellas para- employeeis of tremendousvalue,so the characters will
noia. Everyonefrom Joe Civilianto the Directivecom- commandexcellentsalariesand significantbenefits(en-
mandwillwantto knowwhat this group's goingto be up courage the appropriate BackgroundTraits). Manyof
to; after all,four to six like-mindednovasisa force equal your stories willinvolvethe players protectingtheir em-
to a smallcountry. ployers' interests, whether it's undertakinghigh-profile
• Utopians: On the face, this is one of the most charity work for PR purposes, using their powers to
"black-and-white"seriesdirections,and it can be played speed up industrialprocesses, or playingsecurityguard
severalways.Naturally,there's the straightforwardap- for import.ant projects and personnel. There's ample
proachof playingtrue heroesina tarnishedworld,backed opportunityfor conflictwith Utopia'sscientificregula-
by the benevolentUtopiain your efforts to makea bet- tion policies;after all, the playerswillprobablywant to
ter place. Another,more cynical(or realistic)approach work in the corporation's (and even the world's) best
is one of a more-or-less idealisticband of novas doing interests by disseminatingnew technologies. This sort
their best to liveup to Utopia'sideals,even as they be- of series can continueon with the playersremainingto
come involved in intriguesand graduallydiscover that offer their services to their employersand eventually
perhaps Utopia itself - or at least certain elements earning enough of a position in the corporations to fi-
withinit - aren't quite so dedicatedto the highestide- nallyhavea say in corporate policy- CEOsure sounds
als.There's eventhe optionof roleplayinga bandof cyni- nice,doesn't it? Alternatively,the characters can havea
cal, Proteus-affiliatednovas who haveno illusionsabout falling-outwith their benefactors (possiblyover ethical
Utopia'sless telegenicaspects and are willingto do the issues,possiblyas a side effect of personalityconflicts),
dirty work necessary to improvethe world as a whole and either try to pursue new employmentwith their old
(and their bank accounts in the process). 1fyou want to corp's rivals or find some other use for their abilities.
get reallymessy, you can even have a group consisting Eitherway,the corporationprobablywon'trespondwell
of allthese types of characters - expect your series to to such ingratitude - and the corporation that can af-
take on a paranoidtone, as conflictsarise and the play- ford to hire a nova (or novas) can afford to make life
ers start trying to figureout who'sin the right.As series very miserablefor its enemies.
options go, the Utopianseries is one with lots of lati- ln the UnitedStates, certain large cities retain one
tude; the characters can be as well-known or covert as or more novas as highlypaid publicservants and fran-
you like, and the game can take on any sort of theme, chised PR reps, in the manner of a sports team.This job
from"shiningarmor" to unapologeticgrimness. Youcan tends to be cushy (and thus not overly suitable for an
easilyswitch from pitched battles with nova dissidents adventuringtroupe), but it stillprovidesopportunityfor
to ethical dilemmasover keeping too-nosy journalists stories. Franchisednovasare expectedto supplementthe
quiet to careful intrigues at the heart of the project. local police/ Firedepartment in times of crisis (espe-
Project Utopiais a big place, with a lot of room to play. ciallywhen the cameras are rolling)and represent the
• Aberrants:A good choice for players who like city in highlypublicized"athletic" and power competi-
the role of the underdog, an Aberrants series sets the tions with rival cities' novas. Competitionamongnovas
characters againstthe doublymassiveforces of Project for these plumpositions is high, and watch out for the
Utopiaand disapprovingconventionalauthorities. This sleazyagent who signs the novasto a "sweet" contract
series is certainlyone about heroism- presumablythe that includessome unforeseenfine print....
characters' idealscompelledthemto join Utopia,onlyto • Governmen t Agents:Thecharactersare allmem-
strike out on their own when the project's secret poli- bers of a specific governmentagency(likelythe Direc-
cies came to light.The characters willfind themselves



tive), or perhaps membersof a variety of government

agencies,commonlyassignedto worktogether on nova-
levelcases. Individualscan be agents of everythingfrom
the CIAto the EPA,dependingon their personalitiesand
powers. The series' conflictscan come from a number
of directions,fromdissidentnovasintenton weak-
eningthe government'spowerstructure, to ,,
agentsof hostileforeignpowers,to the t '7,
internal threats and conspiracies -~
popularizedby The X-Filesand ~-·'1'iMt~~~~;
similarsources. The charac-AJ
ters willprobably have their
loyalties rigorously tested
alongthe way,and theywillfind
that as novas and government
agents,they're on a lotof hit lists.
Still,there's plentyof inspiration
for such a series. Picture Clear
andPresentDangeror The Si-
lence of the Lambswith novas
in the central roles....
• Elites:It's probablynot ,
difficult to figure out how to
makethis series work.After all,
there's a fairamountof ro-
mancein clearingout dis-
sidents in Thailand in
the morningand clean-
ing up in time for din- ., •
neranddancinginTokyo. 10 7 ~~
Consideringthat novascan ~ ,; ·
go anywhereand do virtuallyany- A. /A 1'' Y,
thingfor the right fee, some re- j)1 ,-j'/f!
ally outlandishstories can re- •}
suit. If you want a lighterver- ~
sion of this series, take
the James Bondroute
- the characters are
no angels,but they're
usuallypitted against
properly despicable
peoplewithsociopathic ~
agendas. A darker ver-
sion can involvedirty jobs,
ethical dilemmas - there
are almost countless ways to
add spice to the pot. Source
materialisn't hard to come
by,either;we couldalmost
fill this chapter with
books, movies,televi-
sion shows, comic
books and manga
or anime series
that address
the subjectof

,,. guns for hire. To be sure, if you start borrowingplot.s, - but the important members,and thus the charac-
you'llhave to adjust some factors - Ronindidn't ac- ters, shouldbe somethingmore.ATeragenseries can be
countfor peoplewhocouldbouncebulletsand meltsteel playedas lightlyas a "what city shallwe wreck today'?"
- but inspirationis everywhere. beer-'n'-pretzels game,or it can delveinto the ethicsof
• Slackers: This sort of series may seem strengthandspecies,encouragingthe playersto roleplay
directionlessat first, but it can also havea lot of poten- througha series of interestingmoralchoices. As for con-
tial.This can be the classic"road trip" series, with the flict, this series won't disappoint - when your
characters findingthemselvesin a new locationevery organization'sleader is PublicEnemyNumberOne on
weekand almostinvariablystumblinginto troublethere most governments'lists, there's no shortage of people
pretty quickly.After all, if you can Ayaroundthe world liningup to take you down. DeVriesbountyhunters, Di-
inunderan hour,what'sto stopyoufromgoingand hang- rective agents, criminalcartels and Utopia'ssoldiers-
ing out in Monacowheneverthe itch strikes you? The there are plenty of antagonists to go around, and not
only trouble with such a series is that there's no long- person one outsidethe Teragen is goingto stand up for
runningsource of conflictendemicto the ongoingstory you. Goodluck.
- if the characters don't have anythingbetter to do • Criminals: No,not "supervillains." Oneof the ma-
than wander around and amusethemselves,they obvi- jor differencesbetween the Aberran t setting and, say,
ously aren't going to be pursuingsome vital goal. Still, the MarvelUniverseis that in Aberran t, there are very
there's no shortage of recurring antagonists and few costumedsupercriminals.After all, most novascan
possiblehunters for even a motleycrew of slacker parlaytheir powersintoall the wealth,fameand gratifi-
novas;remember,novasare just so damn important cationthey require throughentirelylegalchannels. (Be-
that nobodyin their right mindwillpass up a chanceto sides, whenseekingto attract lovelyyoungcompanions,
try and bringan unalignednovaover to their side. a tuxedois muchmorepracticalthana set of purpletights
• MediaIcons:The most commonversion of this with a skullon the chest.) Why bother to knock over
series is, of course, the musicband. There's no denying First Nationalwhenyoucan makemore moneyas a con-
that an all-novaact, whethera novoxsideshowor a psy- tracted "consultant,"on the talk-showcircuit, or even
chedelicretro band,woulddrawcrowdsthat wouldmake entirelythroughlicensingfees'?
Elvisspin in his grave. However,that's far from the only However,antisocialtypes exist ineverysociety -
option.Moviestars, performanceartists, solomusicians and eruptiondoesn't lessensociopathictendenciesone
- even XWFcontenders and realsupermodelsare all little bit. In fact, it usuallyaggravates such problems,
possibilities.Ifs not even muchof a stretch to havethem alienatingthe deviant even further from humanityas a
all knowone another - look how incestuousthe lives whole. If your group's interested in such a series, it can
of our own mediaicons are. This series focuses largely be a cathartic experience (as long as you don't take it
on Fameand its price, and it is likelyto bring its own too Far - most people have a limitto the amount of
strange lookat heroismto the table; after all, disgustingbehaviortheycan "witness"or "perpetrate").
whenyou'rebotha novaanda householdname, There's plentyof opportunityfor the enterprisinganti-
you're alwaysgoingto be a role modelof some social nova. Many criminalnovas eventuallydrift into
sort, whether you like it or not. Some conflict is likely positionsas enforcers and bosses of the criminalcar-
going to arise from the demandsof the public,agents tels, but certain elites also specializein terrorist work
and studios;more hazardousconflict is availablein the and enforcement.Mentalpowersare perfect for black-
role of criminalcartels and similarthreats. After all, a mail,espionageor worse.A fewnovacriminalshaveeven
media icon nova is worth billions- and you can bet becomequite popularamongthe young,bored and re-
that someone'sgoing to want a piece of that pie. And bellious;black-marketmerchandiseand convenientN!
don't forget allthe peoplewhowantto plugtheircause, interviewscan prove as lucrativefor charismatichood-
whether it's cloningthe snow leopard or "liberating" lumsas the initialacts that impartedtheir notoriety.Of
Egypt.Someof themjust won't take no for an answer. course, a whole group of affiliatednova criminalscan
• TeragenMembers: Sometimesit's relaxingto play becomePublicEnemyNumberOneon mostgovernments'
the bad guys for the change. A series in whichthe play- hit lists. Worse, they'll be ruthlessly and mercilessly
ers take the roles of various Teragen members,how- hunted downbyUtopia- Utopiadoesn't wanttoo many
ever, is going to be a particularlyinterestingkettle of antisocialnovasto appear andprosper,lesta publicback-
fish. DivisMal's"children"are more than just a hodge- lashagainstallnovasresult.What's more, if roguenovas
podgeof supremacistnovas- they're philosophers,and harm other novasin the course of their criminalactivi-
someof their viewsholda certain degree of logic.To be ties, they can also be targeted by the Teragen.What's
sure, the Teragen harbors a few mindless nihilistsand that - hunted by Utopiaand the Teragen'?Yep.Wel-
heedlessbuffoons- bluntweaponsare useful,after all come to a very interestinglife....



One of the most important things to think about binationsof tiny dots in four colors) can actuallyhave "vil-
when designingyour series 1s the level of realism you lains" withcodenamesandagendas , as wellas "heroes" who
plan to maintain. It's vital that you think about how "re- stop them. In this setup, TearnTomorrowbecomesmore like
alistic" you want your game to be, and that you talk this the Justice League and spends more time fighting
over with the players. If you want a gritty, Watchmen- supercriminals;similarly,you mightwant to introducemore
esque story where there are no real heroes or villains, archetypalantagonists, either by puttinga more four-color
and your playersstart generating four-color characters spin on groups likethe Teragenor by debutingactualteams
ba..edon their favorite'7Os Legionof Super-Heroesis- of supercriminals . Areallygoodsourcefor four-colorthemes
sues, you have a problem. whilestillmaintainingsomeplausib1l1ty is the Astra C,tycomic
That's why ,l's important that everyone be on the - it's hard to find a better exampleof a cla..sicsuperhero
same page. Talkit over withyour players - howoutra- setting where the superheroes. villainsand supportingcast
geousdo they want thingsto get? Dothey wantan over- actuallyact likereal people.
the-top game reminiscentof animesuperheroics, or do Conversely, more "realistic" games might focus on a
they wanta worldwithoutcostumesandcodenames? And more gntty approach, one where superpowersare treated
willyou be happy runningwhat they'd hkeZ It's impor- like the deadly weapons they are. Youmightwant to halve
tant to find a happy medium, a style that you and the the pointsg,venout in character creation, m order to havea
playerswillboth enJoy- otherwise, whyplaythegame? less epic scale of conflict - in such a setting, novasdon't
The default realism level for Aberrantcan be have near the amount of influericethey do m mainstream
summed up as "mostly realistic" - there are some Aberrant games, and they can't changethe worldas readily.
people who dress up in uniforms, adopt nomsdu guerre There are plenty of sources for such games, from Watch-
and try to save the worldfrom itself. However,most no- men to the WildCardsseries of novels(althoughthe latter
vas use their powersto achievefame and fortunethrough gets boggeddownin shock-valuescenes and themes pretty
more "normal" channels {show business, industry, quickly).
academia) , and there isn't much of a trad ition of It's 1mposs1ble to chart all the different degrees of re-
supercriminals dressing up in tights and knockingover alisman Aberrant series mighttake. The best thing for it rs
Jewelrystores. (After all, ,f you can maketen m1ll1on on to think about what you'd like to do, then talk it over with
the stock marketin a coupleof months, whyrisk arrest?) your players. Odds are, you'll strike a levelof realismthat's
More "four-color" games {namedafter the days not quite hke anybodyelse's game - but that suits your
whencolor comicbooks got their colorationfrom com- group perfectly.

tionships that could provide interesting drama even if

Common Bonds the characters have never met before in their lives. If
It's worthasking:Whyare the characters together? one person's playinga world-weary type whose erup-
No, not just because that.'s the series' setup - whyare tionhas givenhima newfoundvigor, try to arrangethings
they a group? so that he has an interestingfirst meetingwith another
It's easy enoughto just say "Well you were allre- player's youthfulnovawho'snowhavingto learnrespon-
cruited by the Directiveand assigned to a single unit.• sibility.Sure,the oldernovawouldbe a terriblerolemodel
However, this isn't necessarilywhat you want to do. If for the youngerone - but that dynamicwouldbe a lot
the characters are throwntogether randomly,you IImiss of fun for the players to roleplay, as wellas potentially
out on a lot of potential group dynamics. Televisionhas very interestingto the entire group.
recentlyshowna heightenedinterestin the ensemblecast Considerthe exampleof TeamTomorrow- they
show - that's because if done well, an ensembleworks weren t all friends from the same college, or relatives,
muchbetter than woulda primadonna and a fewcostars or anythingof the sort. They didn't have muchin com-
orbiting his celestialglory. mon at all, save their powers, but the dynamics that
Talk to your playersbeforehand; get a feel for what formedwerethe core of everythinginterestingthat hap-
sort of characters they're planningto run, and extrapo- pened later. Who would have thought that Slider would
late some interestingconnectionsfrom there. We don't havebefriended,of allpeople,the libertineCorbin? And
mean the soap-operatic clunkers like havingeveryone yet, because she did, the group's history worked out in a
be estrangedsiblings,ex-loversor shadycharactersfrom fascinatingfashion. If she'd warmed to the authoritative
each other's pasts - instead, try to figure out rela- CaestusPax, there mightnever have been an Aberrant
movementat all.



This group dynamismis what you should work to Of course, the novas' relative importancedoesn't
achieve. Get the playersinterested in each other's char- meanthat you shouldhand the playerevery goalhe sets
acters. Youdon't have to require them to share all the out after - changingthe worldshouldn'tbe likeusinga
details of their characters, but everyone should prob- vendingmachine. (Deposittwo quantum,makeselection
ably have some idea of the other sorts of personalities - ooh,you've takenover Bolivia!)After all,allthe fin-
they'llbe dealingwith. Encouragethose whohaveinter- est heroes - and virtuallythe same percentage of an-
estingpotential linksto sit downand workout whattheir tiheroes - have to bust their asses to get what they
characters mighthave in common. want. Nothing'sever free - the one true law of the
After all,the alternativeis windingup with a situa- world. But witha littleeffort, a person can changethings
tion where your playerscreate "moodyloners" who do significantly. With a nova's powers behind him, he can
nothingbut hang around, act taciturn and wait for the change things almostcompletely.Naturally,the greater
other characters to become fascinated with their mys- the forces that alignagainsthim,the more dramatichis
tique. Everyonetakes the passive road, no bonds are success willeventuallybe - and even failurecan work
formed and your series loses all its energy into a black a lasting effect on the character's environment.After
hole of self-absorbed entropy. all, the Alamofell- and that made all the difference.
It happens a// the time. But you won't let it happen
to you, right'?Great.
Icons and Archetypes
It's onlyappropriateto followup bynotingthe iconic
levelof an Aberrant game. It's no coincidencethat a good
Heroism portionof recent superheroliterature directlycompares
There's no wayto tell a story about "superheroes" superheroes to gods. In many ways, they are. Spider-
withoutactuallytouchingon heroism. Evenifyour series Manreallyis the mortalturned demigod, the Everyman
isof the sort wherethe charactersare in it for the money, gifted withsuddenpowerand responsibility.Batmanis a
fameand luxuries,you stillcan't ignorethe basicpremise Plutoniankingof the underworldwhoconstantlystruggles
that superhumanpower can indeed create superhuman to keep his damnedsubjects in line (and the same could
responsibility.Aberra nt doesn't require that the char- be said of Spawn),whilethe shiningyoungsun-god ar-
acters wear whitehats and dedicate their livesto stop- chetype is visiblein characters from CaptainMarvelto
ping injustice; indeed, most novas do not. Ultimately, the HumanTorch. The same shouldhold true of novas.
novas are individualsjust like the rest of us; heroism Even an average, everydayperson who receives power
on this levelhas managed to ascend intothe mythic.They
comesfrom the person, not the powers. Nonetheless,in
a world where the characters' every action can have stand for something- whether they likeit or not.
grave or even world-shatteringconsequences,it's vital Naturally,there are waysyou can use this to your
to havea strong idea of just howheroismis applicableto advantage . Plentyof writers are retellingvariousmyths
your series. with modern superbeingsin the place of demigodsand
legendaryheroes - why ignore such a fine source of
One Person ideas'?Considerthe underworldruler who abdicates his
The mostbasictenet to the whole concept of hero- throne for a whileand sets up a mortalin his place. Would
ism is that one person can indeed makea difference. In one of the playersfind it interestingto take over a cor-
Aberrant, this holdsas true as anywhereelse - infact, porate nova'spositionfor a while'?Then there's the trick-
more so, since a single nova is capable of doing almost ster who steals the sun for the benefit of mankind. Is
anythinghe puts his mindto. Eventhe novawhodecides there a character in your series who'd be appropriate to
to withdrawfrom the world and spend the rest of his liberatesomestrange newsciencefromProject Utopia'?
days fishingfor bass (whichhardly makesfor an inter- What about a solar-system-wideversion of Jason and
esting character,but it is a logical decisionfor a person the Argonauts'?Takea look at your players' characters.
to make) is probablygoing to have some impact on his Considerwhatrolesthey'd playinsuchepicstories.Think
environment,like it or not. Maybe he doesn't want to big.
use hispower,but whathappenswhenthe Teragenshows
up on a membershipdrive'?What if Utopia or Proteus
operativesdecide they don't likethe thought of a nova Not everyonehas what it takes. Some people have
with no obviousallegiances,and they begin investigat- the courage and determinationto becomeheroes - and
ing'?Certainlythe remainingcriminalcartels aren't above simplydon't care enough. The antihero hasn't always
threatening familyand friends to compel cooperation. been a popularstaple of superhero fiction,but with the
After all, every last nova in the world is that one nova adventof TheDarkKnightReturnsand Watchmen,sud-
who could tip the scales, who might be the difference denly the "grim warrior who doesn't give a damn about
betweena project's success or failure. These peopleare anythingbut destroyinghis enemies" started cropping
up in a lot more comics. Althoughindustry critics are
that important.


stilldividedon whether this was a good thingor not, ul- be it conscience,excellentPR,familymembersin trouble,
timatelyit allboilsdownto one thing: Likeanyother ar- patriotism, loyaltyto the Utopian idealor whathaveyou.
chetype, the antiherois a strong characteronlywhenhe To throw in a coupleof monkeywrenches,what if a new
is a character, not a cardboardstand-up. Batmanhasn't novaspontaneouslyerupts in the confusion- howdo
lasted as longas he has just by treating readers to tales the playerscontain himas wellas the disaster, andwhere
of one guy beating up crooks, after all.The myriad of willthey guidehim afterwards? What if a Teragenmem-
complicationsin his life - his aversionto guns, being ber arrives and heaps scorn on the characters' efforts,
haunted by the ghosts of his parents, the struggle be- trying to coerce them into "not being such suckers'"?
tween his desire for justice and his obvioussexualat- The characterswillcertainlyearn newadmirers for their
traction to certain criminals, the gradual loss of touch help - are there possible romantic interests, political
with "Bruce Wayne" - is what keeps Batmancomics contacts or rivalsto be gained? This story seed can be a
stillsellingtoday. good introductionfor newplayers, allowingthemto test
The real problemwith antihero characters is that their powersin creative fashionsand find waysto make
their admittedlylaxapproachtowardethics can windup even the most destructive powersdo somegood.
workingagainstthe series. It canget a lot harder to make • PublicityStunts: The worldmayall but worship
a story properly dramatic when the characters (and novas, but nobodyis immuneto bad publicity. Nomatter
sometimes,the players)are jaded towarddeath andsuf- what sort of series you're running, the characters can
fering in all but the most extreme circumstances. After easilyrun afoulof the media. And whenyou're a nova,
all, when the characters have strolled into the Nakato it's virtuallyimpossibleto hide. So whatdo you do when
gamblingden and effortlesslysnuffedout every last tat- the globalmediastarts wondering if you're on the take,
tooed, missing-a-pinkyhatchetmanin the building, how or criticizingyour employers' policies? What about the
exactlyare yougoingto get thememotionallyinvolvedin vocalanti-novagroups? What if someteenagerkillshim-
the death of a bystander? self in a half-bakedattempt to emulatehis role model,
If the playerswant to playantiheroes(and at least and someonesuggeststhat the novahimselfis to blame?
one of them willcertainly want to), you shouldn't dis- Remember,inAberrant , critics of novabehaviorare ac-
couragethem to do so out of hand. However,you'lldefi- tuallyinthe minority- thus far - so this sort of story
nitely have a lot of work on your hands with such a se- can actuallyserve as a sharp relief to the hero-worship
ries. You'llneed to developa revolving stable of antago- to which evenTeragencharacters mighthavegrownac-
nists and not get too attached to any one. Youshould customed. Do the characters' accusers have an ulterior
also makecertain to focuson the characters' personal- motive, or is this a signof things to come?
ity t.raits, hangupsand weaknesses, perhaps even more • YoungNovasin Love:Althoughromanticinter-
so than usual. Sucha series is an intenseendeavor, and it ests are usuallyrelegatedto the statusof subplot, there's
shouldbe - otherwise, it's just a bunchof shallowkill- noreasonthat amourcan't be the focusof an entirestory.
em-where-they-standscenes,andyoucan get thatfrom The romancein questiondoesn't even have to focus on
Hollywood . one of the players' characters, althoughit tends to be a
littlemoreimmediate whenthe playersare moredirectly
Sample Story Hooks involved.What if one of the characters is beingstalked
There are hundredsof possiblestory hooks for an by an obsessive nova, someone who's convinced that
Aberrant series, and the characters' backgroundsand they'd make the perfect genetic match? Howabout a
personalities should lend themselvesto dozens more. genuinestoryof love(or at leastgenuineattraction)from
Fromstories that take placebeforethe characters' erup- the opposite sides - say, between a Utopianand a
tions (as a sort of prologue)to the finalconflict between Teragen member? The chemistrybetween lovers from
the charactersandtheir worst rivals,the possibilitiesare opposite sidesof the fenceispretty damnedpotent.Love
virtuallyendless. The following ideas are onlythe tip of trianglesand the usual amountof soap-opera cliches can
the iceberg, but if you've never run an Aben-ant game add to the tension, but one of the most distinct prob-
before, they might offer a good starting point. lemsis that even if allgoes well, the couplecan't expect
• DisasterRelief:Whether flooding in the Ameri- much privacy - an individual nova doesn't quite get
can Midwest, a hurricanein the tropics or earthquakes the media attention that the President of the United
battering Japan, the worldoffers plenty of opportuni- States does, but they get a lot more than the occasional
ties for novasto help their fellowman. Mostpowerscan mentionin People. Can a relationshiplast in the bright
be useful in these situations - telekinesis to rescue lightsof globalattention?
people caught in floodwaters,superhumanstrength to • MobWr. Only four crime syndicateshavesur-
supporta bridgefor a fewminutesmore,andevenplasma vivedUtopia's purges to prosper in the undergroundof
generationto burnfirebreakswithincredible speed. Give the worldof Aberrant . Andto manyof these syndicates'
the characters a personalreason to involvethemselves, higher-ups, that's three syndicatestoo many. Although


the internationalcrime market is pretty neatly divided
up at this point,there are stillplentyof areas - suchas
Antagonists and
the UnitedStates - where the territoriallinesare con- Supporting Cast
stantly shifting. What happenswhen the characters are You're onlyas goodas whatyou know- or 1nthis
caught between two (or more) warringunderworldfac- case, whoyou know. No hero ever amountedto anything
tions, some of whichmay have brought along nova en- withoutproper enemies. Similarly,it's damnrare to find
forcers'? What if the characters themselvesand their an interestingstory with onlyone character. Just as ev-
resourcesor contactsare part of the "stakes inthe war'? ery comic-bookcharacter who's managedto last more
Howcan the characters act to preserve their interests than a couple of years has his or her own vibrant sup-
without bringingdown the wrath of the syndicates on portingcast, your series shouldbe stocked with intrigu-
their lovedones' heads'? ing people who seem real.It's no coincidencethat the
• Exploration: To novas, there may well not be a worldis more familiarwith LoisLane than it is with the
finalfrontier. If the characters are capable of exploring latest faddishbad girl or muscleboy.
the solarsystemwithoutbenefitof a ship,wouldn'tsome- When designingStoryteller characters, the first
one pay themquite a bit of moneyto see what's real/yon thing you should probably consider is the character s
Mars'?E.venif the characters need a space shuttle or the motive. Youprobablyknowwhat they're goingto be do-
like,the heightenedsurvivabilityof novas(to say noth- ing in the series whenyou create them - but you also
ing of complementarypowers) are a valuableasset in need to knowwhy.Ifyouknowthat the scientistisdriven
exploration. The deep seas wouldbe a similarlyappro- by intenseJealousyof novapowers,youcan better judge
priate venue for exploration, possibly even more so howhe'llreact to the players'characters whenthey show
(easier for novasto survive,and rather moreconvenient). up at his lab. Figuringout whether the hitmanis in it for
Of course, who's to say that other novashaven't beaten the money,familyloyaltyor desperation can help you
them to the punch'? A resource war couldresult from a refine his tactics, to say nothingof his personality. Treat
particularlyrich find, or Utopia might try to keep the your importantcharacters as if they're actors whojust
characters fromdisclosingany unusualscientificdiscov- asked what their motivationsare in this scene - they'll
eries. The sky's the limit- well,not really,but you get be muchmore vivid for the trouble.
the idea.

LING 269

lt can't be stressed too highlythat motivationis very one, and there's no reason you shoulduse them if you
important for antagonists. Even the most avaricious don't feel comfortablewith them. But if you're looking
criminal has some idea of what he's actuallygoingto do for something to makethe story touchthe playersa little
with allthat moneyhe's tryingto steal.Similarly , the thug- more deeply, give one or two of these a try.
gish XWFfighter who"just likes to beat peopleup" has
to havesomereason for that, whetherit's coldsadismor
some sort of revenge against perceived tormentors. lf You'veseen them incomics, movies, novels, televi-
your antagonists don't have believablegoals, hopes and sion shows and even video games. The flashbackhas
dreams, they're not reallygoingto be that effective. Many becomesucha staple of our storytellingvocabularythat
of the best antagonists are people whoaren't "evil" - it's only technicallyan advanced technique. Youknow
they simplyhavegoalsthat are at odds with those of the the basics: Somethingtriggers a memoryin one or more
characters. Andeven if you do bring in a sadistic mon- of the characters, and the scene shifts to a scene from
ster with onlyone redeemingvalueto his name, you have the past that is relevant to the present. In manycases,
the option of making him a recurring threat in the series. youcan just describethe scene and howit playsout, but
Nothing gets the players into the gamebetter than some to makethings reallyinteresting, you can let the players
bastard that they loveto hate and can't wait to cat.ch. roleplaythroughthe flashback.
After motivation, yournextstep is probablyto make The characters in the flashbackare onlyrarelythe
players' main characters. lt's importantthat the players
sure that the character is distinctive. Doing so is pretty
easy. A detailed physical description is a great place to not use anyinformationgained in the flashbackthat their
start. Be certain to stress details that give away the characters wouldn't have access to; the flashbackis to
character's personality; pretty red-hairedreporters are flesh out the story and make it more vivid, not to give
a dimea dozen, but if you givethe local journalista habit the characters an edge. For instance,a flashbackmight
of showing up in rumpledskirts and jackets, you've es- recreate the Galateaexplosion, with the playerstaking
tablished something about her personality - maybe the roles of various people on board the Galatea . Al-
she's too busyto keepup with her ironing, or maybeshe's thoughthe characterswon't be anythe wiser(Forthere's
just a slob. Either way, it's a hook. no waythey'd knowjust whatwent on aboard the space
Mannerisms are also important.Does the Utopian station prior to its explosion), the playerswillbe more
agent constantly polishhis glasses duringdebriefings'? fullyimmersedin the storylineof the series - andthat's
Does the Interpoldetective munchon slightlywithered what's important.
carrot sticks that he keeps in his jacket pocket'? ls the Symbo lism
up-and-coming starlet desperatelytrying to tone down Sometimesa cigar isn't just a cigar. That's symbol-
her strong Southernaccent'?lt helpsif you can comeup ism Foryou. This techniqueallowsyou to splicein layers
withat least one slightlydistinctivefeature for each castof meaning to your story that wouldn't otherwisebe evi-
member; this keeps the stain of genericaout of your se- dent. Symbolscan recur throughoutthe series, or only
ries and givesyou a headstart on creating a supporting appear once or twice where appropriate. They needn't
cast with a collectivepersonalityall its own. even be allthat evident.However,the powerof symbol-
ism is suchthat even if the playersdon't realizewhatthe
Advanced tattered newspaperlittering the street stands for, they
maysubconsciouslypick up on the themesthat it repre-
Storytelling sents.
One exampleof symbolismmight involvethe play-
Sometechniquesrequire a little more workon the ers tracking a rogue novathroughseveralscenes, many
Storyteller's part, and they don't offer much help in of which are markedby the presence of brokenshards
streamliningstories or advancing the plots. These tech- of mirroredglass. The glassrepresents the fragileself-
niquesare tricky to use, but they can reallyenhancethe esteem of their prey, and the players will almost cer-
story in which they're used. tainly subconsciouslyassociate the brittle, jagged sub-
lt should be stressed that advanced storytelling stance with their target. Althoughdefiniteexamplesof
techniques aren't Forthe benefit of the players' charac- symbolism in comics are hard to come by (as they're
ters; they don't appear to givethe characters access to rarely labeledas such), comics today are certainly lit-
information they wouldn'totherwise have. They're tools tered with symbols. Read through a few titles and pay
to entertain the players and bring them more fullyinto particularattentionto the use of lightand shadow, back-
the worldof Aberrant- tools to makethe story more groundelementsand color. There's almostalwaysa pat-
vivid and meaningful. They obviouslyaren't Forevery- tern, and it's a trick worth picking up.



Dream Sequences Meanwhile •••

Admittedly,althougha dream sequence can be a Noteverysceneinthe story hasto involvethe char-
particularlyvividstorytellingdevice, youhaveto becare- acters. Comicbooks, movies,novelsand all mannerof
ful howyou use it. Eventhe best-laid, most masterfully stories abound with scenes in whichthe protagonists
crafted story is goingto cause resentment in its audi- aren't involved. For instance, we might see the scene,
ence if it ends with"...and then he wokeup and realized 20 years before, where the science lab noticed there
it was alljust a dream." But if you avoidthis trap, you was something strangelywrongwith the test-tube ba-
can wringa lot of dramaout of a well- playeddreamse- bies they were growing. Similarly, the scene mightshift
quence. to the antagonist'sAlpine bungalow , where he carefully
Sucha scene can be shared by all the characters, explainshis plot to his henchmen(and, likelyexecuting
or specificto onlyone. The playerstakethe rolesof their one of them for incompetencealongthe way).
characters, or sometimesoutlandish parodiesof them- Althoughsuch scenes can be essential for helping
selves. Even if only one character is doing the actual the audienceunderstandthe wholestory, they're rather
dreaming, the other playerscan still participate (either trickier to implementin a roleplayinggame. After all, if
playingtheir characters in the dreamer's dreamscape, you show the playersthe scene where the villainhides
or other "supportingcast" in the dream). the bombunderthe ballpark's press box, roleplaying the
Althoughthe dreamsequencecan be broughton as search for the bomb is meaningless. Never use such a
a key elementof the plot - the comic booksare thick sceneto givethe playersinformationthat youwantthem
with villains who've hookedtheir captive nemesesup to to figureout for themselves.
"dream machines" - it is usuallyless of an obstacle Naturally,you probablyalso want your playersto
that mustbe overcomeand moreof a meansof provid- handleany information gained honorably- don't show
ing the playerswith insight.Of course, you can always themthe cartel hit that killedBorgia'sfianceif youthink
up the emotional stakes in such a scene - havingthe they might abusethat informationin trying to negotiate
characters dream about losingtheir powers, or losing with her. But if they're ready for it, go ahead and use
control of their powers, is a commonenough theme. this technique. Eventhoughthe charactersmightnot be
However , to makethis evenmoreeffective, youcancom- fullyinformedby the end of the story, the playersmay
binethe characters' insecurities withsomerelevantplot wellbe "fat and happy" for having seen the entirety of
twist. For instance, maybeCG. Crescendo, the media the story itself.
icon, has a horrible dream about losinghis movie-star
girlfriendto a facelessstalker whilehe's powerlessand
Parallel Stories
invisible, unableto preventthe murder. Onceyou begin Somethinglikea flashbackand somethinglikethe
the game, youcan introducean antagonist that has even "Meanwhile ..." trick, parallelstories are another inter-
a tinyresemblanceto the dreamstalker, or havehis girl- estingwayfor the playersto step out of their usualroles
friend mentionthat somefanhasgottenholdof her home for a while. In a parallelstory, nobodyplays the same
phonenumber- and then watchCrescendosweat. characters; onlythe themeremainsthe same. Usuallythe
Of course, the dream proper doesn't even have to parallelstory's protagonists are created by the Story-
belongto one of the characters.The charactersmightall teller, in order to best showcaseother elementsof the
be"gueststars" in a Storytellercharacter's dreams,play- mainstory. For instance, if the usualgangof characters
ingsome role that stresses their relationship to the un- is busyingthemselvesin a prolongedstrugglewith the
knowndreamer. Forexample, maybea right-wing evan- HeavenThunderTriad, perhapsthe parallelstory might
gelist has a horrible nightmarein whichthe characters depictHongKongnativesundergoingtheir ownstruggle
appearas devilish versionsof themselves.Thistechnique with a different cell. As the two stories progress, the
canreallyunsettlethe players, althoughyoushouldprob- playerslearnmoreaboutthe interconnected, almostin-
ably use it only whenyou're sure they'll enjoy the in- cestuousnature of the tong.
sightstheygain andnot try to havetheir charactersabuse Naturally , the lure of the parallelstory is the vast
the informationthey wouldn'tlogicallyhave access to. amountof unchartedterritory that it can explore. The
Of course, there's more than one way to make such a playerscan see things they wouldn't otherwisesee with
revelation. their normalcharacters, and there are boundto be sur-
prises aplenty. To be sure, this isn't a techniqueto over-
use, but if you're willing to put in the work to craft the
occasionalparallelstory,youcan makeyour story allthe

CHAl'ltRSl:-VtN SIORYlflllNG t'/ 1


Foreshadowing When It All Goes to

It's a commontrick, and a good one. Foreshadow-
ing is the art of carefullyplacingcertain elementsin the Hell
story early on that alludeto what's to come. This isn't lt happens even to the best games: Sometimesthe
the same thing as revealinga surprise - rather, it's a playersgo berserk, the die rollsget so improbablethey'd
trick to buildsuspense. When a playwrightplaces a gun get your group thrown out of Vegasand you find your
inActOne,SceneOne,the audienceautomaticallyknows game spinningrapidly out of control. What do you do
that gun is going to get used at some point during the then?
story. However,they don't know when,or on whom- The first thing to remember,of course, is that it's
and thus anticipationand suspenseare created. The au- not just your game - the gamebelongsto you and all
dience is at the playwright's- or in this case, the the players, andyou're all there to havea good time. It's
Storyteller's- mercy. Theyaren't going to findout the unfairto force all the playersto adhere to your visionof
specifics until it's the right time, no matter how much Aberrant if they havea differentone; ifyour playersare
they speculateon the outcome. The timingis what'skey psychedto playa rollicking,high-spirited,white-knight
here, not the surprise itself. T2M series, it's in poor form to force them to play
The mainthingto rememberwhenusingforeshad- Aberrants on the run from the sinister Project Utopia
owingis to be subtle.Don'toverusethe gimmick,or your and its Proteus pitbulls.
stories willbecomepredictable;similarly,don't makethe That said,youshouldn't let the majorityalwaysbully
cluestoo obvious,or there won'tbe anysuspense. lf your you into doingtheir will.Mostgoodstoriesrequires that
players pick up on the hints, that's great; if they don't, somethinggoes againstthe characters,and not allplay-
they'llbe surprisedby the plot twist rather than the tim- ers appreciate high adversity. lf the players were in
ing.Youwineither way. charge,noneof their characterswouldeverget captured,
die or even be slightlyembarrassed. (Well,it isn't true of
Repetition allgroups,but if youknowthat your playersare the kind
Byrepetition we don't meanalwaysusingthe word to put their characters in losingsituationsfor the ben-
"sultry" to describe each and every one of the female efit of the story, you probably don't need this advice
charactersyour playersencounter. Rather, repetition is anyway.)
a subtle way of enforcing a story's continuity. Again, Ultimately , you have to balance the requirements
subtlety is a key element; it doesn't haveto be anything of a good story with the desires of the players. lf the
more outrageousthan a recurringseries of green neon players really want to killDivisMal and take over the
signs (not even necessarilyadvertisingthe same thing) Teragen, maybethey'd havea good time in the process
or multiplebackgroundradios tuned to the same oldies - but anystory after somethingthat dramaticand im-
channel.This elementcan be powerful,and it's a favor- probablewouldhave to be insanelygreat, or else it's a
ite of manyfilmmakerstoday.Maybethose neon signs letdown.Worse, sometimesthrougha mixtureof luckand
get your playerssubconsciouslythinkingabout money. skill, the playerskillthe villainin Act One (or achievea
Maybethe oldies songs makesthe veteran nova in the success or failurethat's similarlyanticlimactic) . At this
group feel old. point,you have one of two options - proceed on and
Once your players pick up on the repeated ele- improvise,allowingthemthat victory(whichis difficult,
ments, the fun increases. They're very likelyto get para- but it sometimesleads to even better stories), or cheat.
noid about the whole thing. Why exactlydo their con• What do you do?
tacts and hired thug nemesesalikehave empty Pompeii The first thingto keep in mindis that playersare a
Pizzaboxessomewherenearby? ls there somethingabout creativelot,andyoucan't alwaysanticipate their actions.
the localfranchisethey shouldknow? Maybethere's a Whenyou work up the plot for a story, thinkabout the
greater conspiracyat workhere! different directions each scene couldgo. Dothe players
Well,probablynot. But it's certainlyworth it to get interrogate the cartel hoodlum, or do they waste him
them thinking. without asking questions? Howdo you get them to the
next scene in either case? Willthe next scene have to
change - for instance,willthey wind up goingto the
ski resort instead of the luxuryliner? lf you do some


preparationahead of time and plan at least a little for expressionand break the bad news of the character's
your players' creativity, you won't be caught as flat- severe injury and poor luck. Just don't tell them what
footedwhenthey do somethingcompletelyunexpected. the dice had dictated; it's reallynone of their business,
Cheatingis unfairby nature, but it's not as unfor- anyway. Who's in charge of keepingthe story running
givablein roleplayinggamesas it is in competition.The smoothlyand entertainingly , anyway,youor the dice'?
differenceis that youshouldn'tcheat to makeyour play- Of course,the mostequitablewayto cheat - and
ers lose- youshouldcheat onlyif it wouldgreatly im- one of our favorites- is to balanceeverythingout. So
provethe story. Allowthem the majorityof their victo- youfudgeda die rollto keep the player's romanticinter-
ries, but if somethinghappens that wouldgreatly alter est alive'?The next timethingsgo ea.sy for her in a tight
the focus of the story (they obliterate the Sons of situation,have them get a little more tense. Fudgeda
Astaroth with one luckyshot to the fusion generator HeavenThunderenforcer'sdodge rollto keep him alive
before discoveringthat one of the Sons is a traitor who untilthe finalshowdown '?That'sfine; havehimdo poorly
can guide them to the series' climaticshowdown),it's on another roll whenthe showdownoccurs. What goes
probablyokay to fudge things just a little. Eventhen, aroundcomesaround.
don't take their effort.s completelyawayfrom them; let The best storytellingis a mixtureof preparation
them cut a more modest swath of destruction, maybe and improvisation,the exact proportionsof whichare
destroyingone or two of the Sons out of hand and se- best left to the Storytellerto define. Evenif your first
verelywoundingthe traitor. few stories stick in places and don't go completely
Bear inmindthat it'salsookayto cheat forthe play- smoothly,don't give up; storytellingis a skillthat only
ers - somethingthat rarely happens in competitive improveswithpractice. Beforelong,you'llbe stirringup
games,but whichis also fine here. A flukydie roll has subplotsand launchingthe playersintoorbit at the drop
just killeda character throughno faultof his own,with- of a hat. Besides,it's not like putting in your hours of
out even the opportunityfor a dramaticdeath scene'? practice isn't any fun, right'?
Rollsome extra dice behindthe screen, put on a grave

vehiclemakesit a highlyaccurate weapon, able to hit
Weapons multipletargets in one swipe. It mayalsobe thrownand
Manynovaspossessmorefirepowerthanan entire
(if it's largeenough)employedas an area attack. Occa-
platoonof heavilyarmedsoldiers. The followinglists of sionally,trucksandbusescomeintoplay,withappropri-
weaponryare presented for those novaswhochooseto ately adjusteddamagemodifiers.
outfit themselveswith standard weaponsin additionto
• Ax:.Most modern-dayaxes chop firewood. In
their quantumpowers. The Storyteller can also outfit
combat the reinforced-steelblade, attached to a one-
antagonistswith weaponsfrom this list, givinghuman meter-longhandle,makesan effectiveoffensiveweapon.
opponents at least a small chance against the • Olain: Whetheran improvisedweaponor one de-
superenhancednovas. signedfor a martialartist, the chain is a painfulweapon
The chartslistweaponsas generictypesrather than whenused againstbaselines.
specificmodelsor namebrands.The charts also list the
• Club: Just about any bluntobject can be consid-
damageeach weaponinflictsand whetherthat damage ered a club. Chairs, lumberand glassbottles all fallinto
is bashing(B) or lethal(L). thiscategory. Largerobjectsmakeexcellentclubsas well.
Me le e Weapons Urbannovasoccasionallywield lampposts, whiletrees
MeleeCOYef'Sall1TBY1er ofclose-COODat
weaporry .This are effectivein the wild.
categoryalsoC<M!f'S itemsthatmaynotbeintendedforcom- • Knife: Anyedged weaponlessthan50 cmlongis
bat,yetgettfrowninthemixbydesperateattacker.. considereda knife.
• Automobile : Whentwo heavyweightnovasduke • Sword : Not very popularas a modern form of
it out on a city street, the most convenient,effective defense,the swordremainsin use by enthusiasts, mar-
melee weaponis the car. The overallsize of a common tial artists and certain unorthodoxnovas.

Melee Weapons Chart

WeaponType Damage Sb-Min Sb-Max Conceal Mass Cost
Automobile Str + 6/IOdlOB Mega• Mega• • • N 1mton • •
Ax Str + 4d10 L •• ••••• N 3 kg •
Cham Str + 5d10 B • Mega• P 2.5 kg •
Club Str + 4d10 B • ••••• T 1kg •
Lamppost Str + 6/IOdlOB Mega• Mega•• N 100 kg • •
Knife Str + 2d10L • ••••• J 0.5 kg •
Staff Str + 6d10 B •• ••••• N 3 kg •
Sword Str + SdlOL ••• Mega• T 3 kg ••
Tree Str + 6/IOdlOB Mega• Mega• • • N 0.5 mtons•
Truck Str + 7/12d10B Mega• • Mega• • • • N 10 mtons • • • •
Damage: Indicatesthe damage dice poolfor the weapon.Nonstandardweapons(e.g.. automobiles)have two damage
codes: the lower levelshouldbe applied to normalswings;the higher levelis appliedwhen the nova swingsat full force,
wreckingthe vehiclein the process.
Sb-Min: Indicatesthe minimumStrength required to use the weaponm question. Characterswhodo not possess the
1nd1catedlevelof Strength simplycannot use the weaponeffectively.
Sb-Max:Indicatesthe maximumStrength at whichthe weaponcan effectivelybe used. Characterswithhigherlevelsof
Strength than indicatedwillbreak the weaponon its first use, thoughthey can ~pull" their blowsto the Str Max{reducing
damagedice poolsaccordingly}in order not to breakthe weapon.
Co11cealme11t: P • Canbe earned in a pocket;J • Canbe hiddenin a jacket; T • Canbe hiddenunder a trenchcoat;N •
Cannotbe hiddenon a person at all.
Mass: Indicatesthe massof the weaponin kilogramsor metrictons.
Cost: Representsthe valueof the weaponin Resourcedots.

Ranged Weapon s duct a massive jolt of electricity. The weapon is used

Rangedweaponsincludefirearms,archaicranged throughoutthe worldto subdueopponentswithoutcaus-
weaponsand newweaponrydevelopedsince the advent ing permanentdamage.
of novas. As with melee weapons, ranged weaponsare • Machine gun:Capableof firingmultipleroundsin
listed in terms of generic categories rather than brand seconds, these weaponsvary from handheldsemiauto-
names. maticsubmachineguns (SMGs)to high-calibervehicu-
• Revolver. The first modernhandgun, these fire- lar-mountedmilitaryvariety.
arms havebecomeoutdated by the modernclip-loaded • Shotguns:Deadlyat short range, shotgunsre-
pistol.They'restillreadilyavailableon the streets of most leasea spray of lethalpelletsthat lose potencywithdis-
moderncities. tance. Multiple versionsexist, includingpumpactionand
• Pistol: Modernpistolshaveovercomeearlyjam- twin-gauge.
mingproblemsand nearly replaced their predecessor, • Thro wnobject Mega-strongnovasoften uproot
the revolver. A standard amonglaw-enforcementoffi- and throwlargeobjectsat their foes. The varietyof po-
cials. tentialthrownobjects1stoo vast for categorization. Most
• RiAe: Highlyaccurate, even at long range, the objectsinflictStr damage(which,inthe caseof novaswith
rifle remains the hunter's number-onechoice. Military Mega-Strength, 1sconsiderable), thoughsome objects
and law-enforcementunits use rifles to take downdan- mightinflictless(brittleobjects)or more(aerodynamicor
gerous opponentsat longrange. particularlydense objects). See "Throwing," p. 236, for
• Flechette Riffe:The flechetterifle is a highlyex- information on range. Mostobiectsinflictbashingdamage,
perimentalmagneticallychargedweaponcombiningthe thoughsharpor edgedobjectsinflictlethal.
automaticfire of machineguns with the spray effect of Note that most thrown objects inflict about the
shotguns. This lightweightweapon, availableonlyto the same amountof damage; after all, a Mega-Strongnova
militaryor on the black market, fires a deadlyspray of can throwa mailboxor a car, but the mailboxwillimpact
depleted uraniumfragmentsat ultra-highspeed. with muchgreater velocity. The primary advantage of
• Taser: The taser fires two smalldarts that con- large thrownobjects (likeautomobiles)1sthat they can
be treated as area attacks.

Ranged Weapons Chart

Type Ace Damage Range Mnv RoF Clip Cone Mass Cost
Revolver,Lt. 0 4d10 L 50 MsTw 2 6 p 0.5 •
Revolver.Hvy. 0 5d10 L 50 MsTw 2 6 J 0.5 ••
Pistol,Lt. 0 4dl0 L 50 AfMsT w 4 17+ I p 0.5 •
Pistol,Hvy. 0 5d10 L 50 Af MsTw 3 7+ 1 J 0.5 ••
RiAe +2 8d10 L 200 n/a 1 5+ 1 N 3 ••
FlechetteRifle +1 6d10 L 35 Ms St 5 40 J 1 ••••
Taser O 6d10 8 20 Tw 1 20 J 1.5 ••
SMG. Small O 6d10 L 50 AfMsSaSITw4
0 40 J 2.5 ••
SMG,Large O 7d10 L 50 AfMsSaSITw45 50 N 3 •••
Shotgun +5 6d10 L 30 Ms 2 8+1 T 3 ••
1lrownObject 0 (Sir~. Spec. n/a I n/a n/a Spec. n/a
~ Accuracyindicatesthe numberof dice added to the shooter's dice pool.
Damage:Indicatesthe damagedice pool for the weapon.
This gives the practical shot range in meters.
Mnv:Maneuvershsts the special attacks available to the weapon. Effects of these maneuversare hsted in the
C~t section. Af • AutomaticFire, Ms • Multiple Shots, Sa • Sem1a
utomat1cburst, St - Strafing,Tw • TwoWeapons.
, Cover
A1m111g , CoverFire and Reloading applyto all weapons.
Raf:This represents the numberof shots that can be made 111 one turn of combat.
C1ip:The numberof shots a guncan hold.
Cone:Concealabihtyof the weapon. P • Canbe carried ina pocket; J • Canbe hidden111 a Jacket;T - Canbe hidden
a trenchcoat; N • Cannot be hidden on a person at all.
Mass: Theweapon'smass 111 kilograms.
Cost:Representsthe valueof the weaponin Resource dots.

Heav y W eap o ns fective against both armored and unarmoredpersons,

Mostordinary, personalweaponryhas littlechance as armor tends to conduct the intenseheat. The napalm
of harminga fully powered nova. The military on the continues to burn for severalturns (halving,ts damage
other hand, has had decades of practicedevelopingmu- dice poolevery tum), and it is hard to extinguish.
nitions capableof killinglargegroupsof peopleor heavily • Grenade Launcher: Availableonlyto the military
armoredopponents.The followinglistof weaponsshould and lawenforcement,grenade launchersare capable of
be availableonlyto m,l,tarypersonnel, governmentagen- firinga varietyof explosivesor gas grenades. The dam-
cies or well-connectedcriminals. age this weaponinflictsvarieswiththe ammunitionused
Likemanynovapowers, these weaponsoften have (see the Grenade Chart}.
damageadds. Damagembrackets[ ] representsthe num- • Mortar:A portable, indirect-fire weapon, the
ber of automatichealth levelsof damageinflictedby the mortar is a commonfield artillery piece used by most
attack before a character appliessoak. armies today. While the most commonshellsare frag-
• 30mmcannon: A vehicle-mounted , belt-fed ma- mentationor armor-piercing,the mortar can also fire
chine gun, the 30mm cannon uses armor-penetrating gas or smokegrenades.
ammunitionto punchthroughtank armor. • PortableLaser.Condensedpower packs have
• 105mmgun: The 105mmgun represents typical made two-man laser units possiblefor the military. In
tank armament. the field, one soldiercarries a two-wayradio whilethe
• Antitank Missile:The antitank missilecan be a other carries the actuallaser. Bothsoldierscarry a cum-
portable, shoulder-launchedtank-killer or a vehicle- bersome,rechargeablepowerpacks. Designedunderthe
mountedguidedmissile. The portable versionstend to auspiceof an antitankweapon, portable lasers have al-
be both less accurateand less powerful. ready seen use againstnovas.
• Artillery:The classicsupportweaponof the mod- • Surface-to-AirMissile: The surface-to-air mis-
ern military, artillery pieces, such as the howitzer,can sile (SAM) is designedto destroy enemyaircraft using
levelbuildings, collapsebridges and even knock novas "fire-and-forget trackingtechnology.The missilescan
off of their feet. lock onto their targets with radar or the target s own
• Flamethrower.A backpack-mountedtank car- heat signature. As with the antitank missile,SAMscan
ries three canisters of napalmand a rifle-likenozzle Fo- be portableor vehicle-mounted,withthe samevariance
cuses the spray of flame. Flamethrowersare highlyef- in power,range and accuracy.

Heavy Weapons Chart

Type Ace Damage Range RoF Capacity Mass Cost
30mmcannon 0 8dlOL[5] 800 21 100 50 ••••
105mmgun +2 15dl0 L [10] 1200 1 I Special •••••
Antitank,portable 0 lOdlOL [8] 200 1 1 10 •••
Antitank.vehicle +4 12d10L [10] 2500 1 8 120 ••••
Artillery -2 20d10 L [15] lOm1les 1 1 3 mtons •••••
Flamethrower +4 IOdlOL/turn 10 I 30 100 •••
GrenadeLauncher -2 Varies 400 I 1 12 •••
Mortar -2 IOdlOL [8] 1300 1 1 100 •••
PortableLaser +2 13d10L [12] 1000 1 10 100 •••••
SAM, portable +2 12dl0L [12] 4km 1 I 50 ••••
SAM,vehicle +4 ISdlOL [15] 40km 1 4 3 mtons ••••••
Ace:Accuracy1nd1catesthe numberof dice addedto the shooter's dtce pool.
Damage:Indicatesthe damagedice poolfor the weapon. The rating in brackets indicatesthe numberof auto-
maticdamagesuccesses the weaponreceivesagainsthuman-sizedtargets. This bracketedrating also reduces the
armor rating on armoredvehiclesor supertoughnovas.
Range: This givesthe practicalshot range in meters.
Rof:This represents the numberof shots that can be madein one tum of combat.
Capacity: The numberof shots a gun can hold.
Mass:The weapon's mass m kilograms.
Cost:Represents the valueof the weaponin Resourcedots.

Grenades Armor
Grenadesare the mostportableexplosives,and they While novas tend to be tougher than normal hu-
are used for both antipersonnel and antitank attacks. mans, there is no guaranteethey willdevelopexceptional
Advancedgrenadesare designed to carry tear gas, Aash physical defenses. Armor provides protection from
powder, concussiveexplosivesor evendeadly hot white physicalharm wheneither baselinesor novascome mto
phosphorus. The grenades listedhere can be hurled,set conflictwith one another. Armor tends to be bulkyand
by handor fired from a grenade launcher. therefore obviousto casualbystanders,as wellas a hin-
drance to movement.Mostheavyarmor is availableonly
to militaryor law-enforcementpersonnel.As withweap-
Grenade Chart onry, developments111 anti-nova defenses have led to
Type Damage Special enhancedarmor for dealingwith aberrant threats.
Fragmentation 8d10 L Fulldamageto all Armor ratings are split between protection from
targets with111 three bashingand lethalattacks. Armormayalso be limitedto
meters, half damage a certain part of the body, as noted.
to six meters from • Reinforced Oothing:Althoughit provides only
ground zero. minimalprotection, every attempt is made to makethis
Shapedcharge IOdl0L [8] No blast effect. armor resemblenormalclothing.
Tear Gas 4d10 B Seetear gas (p. 280) . • ArmoredT-shirt: Made from light,flexiblema-
Concussive 6dl0 B Fulldamageto all terial, an armored T-shirt can easilybe hidden under a
targets withinthree jacket or normalclothing.
meters half damage • KevlarVest:Standard police issue, the Kevlar
between three vest reduces the penetratingpowerof bulletsand other
meters andsix projectiles. Althoughan expert could spot it, the vest
meters from ground can be hiddenunder a coat.
zero. • FlakJacket: Military-issueprotection designed
Flash 2dl0B Blindstarget (as to prevent explosivesfrom harmingthe wearer.
Strobe •• ). • FullRiot Gear:This suit covers the body com-
White Phosphorus 8dl0 L Continuousdamage, pletely fromhead to toe, includinga handheldshieldand
halvedevery tum helmet.
after the first. • BombSquad Armor:This armor is specifically
Chaff 0 Disruptselectromc designedfor bomb-disposalunitsand is the highestpro-
sensors (as tection available to civilianorganizations.
Cyberkines1s• ). • Advanced BodyArmor: Anenhancedversionof
fullriot gear, BodyArmor is an environmentallysealed,
electrically insulated, steel-reinforced body suit. The
armor provides enough oxygen for 30 minutes when

Armor Chart
Class Bashing Lethal Protection Penalty Conceal Cost Destruction
Reinforced Cloth111g 0 2 Fullbody 0 •• 8
Armored T-shirt 2 1 Torso 0 J •• 8
KevlarVest 2 3 Torso I T ••• 10
FlakJacket 4 4 Torso.arms 1 N ••• 12
FullRiot Gear 5 5 FullBody 2 N •••• 12
BombSquadArmor 6 5 FullBody 2 N •••• 13
AdvancedBodyArmor 6 6 FullBody 2 N ••••• 15
Bashing: The armor's soak versus bash1119attacks.
Lethal:The armor's soak versus lethalattacks.
Protection: The coverageprovidedby the armor.
Penalty:Eachdie of penalty subtracts one die from any Dexterity-basedd1eepool due to bulkiness.
Concealment: P • Canbe earned in a pocket; J • Canbe hiddenin a jacket; T • Canbe hiddenunder a trenchcoat:
N • Cannotbe hidden on a person at all.
Cost:Represents the valueof the weapon111 Resourcedots.
Destruction:If an attack 111A1cts
this manydamagesuccessesor greater, the armor 1sdestroyed.
• Reinforced clothingpasses for normalattire except under met1eulousexamination.

Vehicles on a heavy-duty suspensionpulledby a powerfulen-

In terms of design, speed and power, the modern gine.
car has not changed muchover the last decade. When • PropPlanes:Prop planes vary in size from light
speaking of efficiency, however, the automobile has personalaircraft to heavy commercialversions.
changed dramatically. Hypercombustionengines have • JetAircraft:Available only to corporations,the
drasticallyreduced pollutionand decreased the deple- wealthyor the government,jets are the standard means
tion of natural resources. Electricaland solar-powered of long-distance travel. Commercialversions are de-
cars havebecomemore popular, but they remaina small signed for either cargo or passengers. Militaryplanes
percentage of civiliantransportation. carry a variety of armamentsfor various combat func-
Vehicles,becauseof their sizeand metalconstruc- tions.
tion, provide a certain amountof protection to those in • MilitaryJet Aircraft: The backbone of modern
or behind them. Damage shouldbe soakedby the vehicle armed forces, military jets filla variety of roles, includ-
before hitting any passengers. ing close ground support, long-rangebombing,recon-
• Cars: The standard mode of transportation for naissanceand intercontinental nuclear deterrence. For
most industrial and postindustrial countries, the car simplicity, militaryjets are divided between bombers
comes in a multitudeof shapes and sizes. The sports car (long-range, ground-attackvehicles)and fighters(high-
stands out as the top performance model available for speed interceptors).
speed and maneuverability. • Helicopters :An increasinglycommonsightin ur-
• Motorcycles :Capableof tight maneuvering,mo- ban environments, helicopterscan access any location
torcycles can often go places inaccessibleto automo- withtheir verticaltakeoff and landingcapabilities. Most
biles. Motorcyclesare a popularchoiceamongnovaswith hospitals,policedepartments and newscrews haveac-
no movement advantages. cess to helicopters.
• Trocks:Trucksformthe backboneof cargotrans- • MilitaryHelicopters: Militaryhelicopterssport
portationin any moderncountry. Eachcarriesbulkyloads high-calibermachineguns and antitank missiles. Close

Vehicle Chart
Vehicle SafeSpeed MaxSpeed Maneuver Passengers Amwx Cost
Compactcar 100 180 5 3 2 ••
M1ds1ze car 150 250 6 4 3 ••
Large car 150 280 5 5 4 •••
Sports car 200 420 6 2 2 ••••
Motorcycle 180 280 8 2 0 •
Smalltruck 125 200 5 2 3 •••
Large truck 100 200 4 2 4 ••••
Smallprop plane 220 340 5 4 2 •••
Large prop plane 540 760 3 40 5 ••••
Jet aircraft 700 900 4 20 6 •••••
Fighter 700 Mach3 7 2 3 [7] •••••
Bomber 600 Mach2 5 5 3 [10] ••••••
Helicopter 300 500 7 20 3 ••••
Militaryhelicopter 360 600 9 2-8 3 [8] •••••
Personnelearner 60 90 3 16 5 [10] •••••
Urbanassault vehicle 80 120 4 5 5 [10] •••••
Mambattle tank 60 90 2 4 6 [12] •••••
SafeSpeed: Indicatesthe safest possiblespeed (in kilometersper hour) at whichto perform maneuversin the vehicle.
MaxSpeed: The highestpossiblespeed (in kilometersper hour) for the vehicle. Maneuversare extremelydifficult, if not
impossible,at this speed.
Maneuver: The maximumdice pool allowableby the vehicletype. Penalties(i.e., damagepenalties)shouldbe appliedto
the character's dice pool before limitingthe pool by the maneuverrating.
PassMgen: The normalseating capacity of the vehicle.
Armor: The protection afforded to passengersof the vehicle. Damageshouldbe soakedby the vehiclebefore h,ttmgany
passengers. The rating m brackets 1nd1catesthe minimumnumberof damagesuccesses required to penetrate the vehicle's
armor. This rating is reduced by the damageadd indicatedForheavy weaponsor novaattacks.
CostRepresents the valueof the weaponm Resourcedots.
support and personneldeploymentare their mainroles
on the battlefield.
Optional Rule: Vehicles as
• PersonnelCarrier.An armored car or treaded "Extras"
vehiclecapableof sustaininga lot of damage. Bothmili- Vehiclecombatcan take sometimeto resolvewhen
tary and law-enforcementversionsexist. all craft have eight structural levels. lf the Storyteller
• UrbanAssaultVehicle:Changesin locallaw-en- wants to makevehiclecombatfast paced, craft that are
forcementprioritiesand increasesin terrorismhaveled ins1gnif1cant to the plot should be assigned only four
to the need for higherfirepowerin urbanenvironments. structurallevels[Dented-1,Breached -3, Brokendown
As an alternative to martial law and its accompanying and Demolished].Suchvehiclesare usedto create cin-
bad PR, manylarge-citypoliceforces haveacquiredthis ematic effect, are piloted by namelessgoons, and are
minitankfor dealingwithparticularlydangerousthreats. under the direction of the powerfulforces whomthe
• MainBattleTank:Everygovernmentcapableof characters are after.
sustaininga modernarmy owns variousversionsof the The Storytellermayalsowish to take thingsa step
tank. A treaded vehicle,the tank can take its heavy ar- further.givingsmallcraft fourstructurallevelswhenbat-
mamentinto almostany terrain or situation. Heavyar- tling significantlylarger vehicles (e.g., a motorcycle
mor protects its smallcrew and payload. againsta tank, or a fighter planeagainsta battleship).

Vehicle 1
Everyvehiclehas eight structural levels,muchlike
your character has healthlevels. Asa vehicletakes dam- at Breachedor lower must be taken to an appropriate
age, its structuralintegrityis reduceduntilit is destroyed maintenancefacilityto haveaccess to necessaryrepair
(and may blowup in the process). A vehicle'sperfor- equipment.
manceis reduced as it takes damage. Recoveringeachstructurallevelrequiresa success-
The chart belowlists structural levels, along with ful Engineeringroll. The repair times listed below are
vehicles'relative status at each level.The dice penalty cumulative . A Dentedvehicletakesfourhoursto fix, while
listedis subtracted fromyour character's Driving/Pilot - a Smashedvehicletakes almosta day to repair.
ing and Firearmsrolls, reflectingthe increasingdegree StructuralLevel Repair Time
of difficultyinvolvedinholdingthe vehicleon courseand Scraped One hour
getting its systems to respond. These modifiersapply Dented Three hours
until repairs are made. Vehicledamage is noted with a Battered Sixhours
"X," as with lethaldamage. Smashed 12hours
Structural Level Dice PenaltyDescription Breached One day
Scraped 0 Slight scoringand dents; Wrecked Three days
nothingsignificant. Brokendown One week
Dented -l Minor structural dam- Demolished It's scrap remember?
age; not seriouslyimpaired. If repairsare madeusingsuperiorskill(4 Engineer-
Battered -l Serious structural dam- ingrating)andequipment, repair timeis movedone cat-
age; top speed is limitedto cruisingspeed. egory higher on the repair chart (to a minimumof one
Smashed -2 Significant damage; hour).
cruisingspeed is halved.
Breached -3 Structurallyunsoundthe Poisons a nd Drugs
vehicleis a death trap. Novaphysiologyhas opened new doors for scien-
Wrecked -4 OnlybasicsystemsFune- tists. Not onlyhaveold ideas of humanmaximumpoten-
tion; speed is minimal. tial been disproved, but a new species of humanityhas
Brokendown The craft is one step emerged. Novabiologyproduces new hormonesnever
from beingscrap metal.It cannot perform any maneu- before seen insidethe humanbodyor anywhereelse on
vers and has no power. Earth for that matter. The medicaluses for suchchemi-
Demolished The vehicleisdestroyedcompletely cals seem limitlesswhen applied to normalhumansys-
(the Storytellermayhaveit disintegrate,explodeor sim- tems.
ply fallapart). On the darker side, a new black market has also
emerged to exploit these new drugs. Drugcartels, still
Repairing Vehicle Damage makinga tidy profit traffickingin narcotics, realizethe
A craft mustbe repaired before it returns to prime vast potential of nova drugs and their derivatives.
workingcondition. Fixinga vehicle'sstructural damage Throughbriberyor coercion, organizedcrimesyndicates
takes time,toolsandappropriateparts. Minimal damage have hired biologists to explore the most profitable
may be repaired using existingparts, but damage be- abuses of nova-createdchemicals.
yondBattered requires replacementmaterials. Vehicles For their part, certain novas have created a new


marketdemandfor drugs powerfulenoughto overcome Antidote: Antidotes are notoriously ineffective

their high metabolismrates and enhanced tolerances. againstnervegas, as it affects the victimso quickly.They
Combinations of cocaineandsyntheticnovasteroidshave are madestrictlyto helpvictimsof accidentalexposure.
been the vanguardsof this blossomingindustry,but a
true narcoticfor novashas yet to be perfected.
Amphetamines and Cocaine
Description: Highly addictive drugs used
The military,neverto be left out, has usedthe stud-
recreationallyon all levelsof society. Cocaineand am-
ies t.o create virulentnewpoisons.Rumorspersistof top-
phetaminesused to be the most profitable controlled
secret militaryresearch investigatingnerve gases and
poisonscapableof subduingnovas. Also, leaks in the in- substanceson the marketuntil the advent of nova-de-
telligencecommunityhave pointed to genetic research riveddrugs.Recently,a highlypotent synthetic amphet-
to replicate nova physiologyin baselines. The truth of aminecalled"spike"has been makingthe roundsamong
these rumors,as wellas their successor failure,remains clubkids and the junkieset.
a mystery.
Vector.Inhaledor swallowed
Notethat allnovasare very resistantto mostdrugs.
Effect:These drugs makethe user excitedand hy-
When ingestingnormal, non nova-specificdrugs, the peractive. In this state, the user usuallyfeels superior,
player of a nova may (in fact, must) make a standard even invincible. The drugs provide no game mechanic
bonus,but after the effect wearsoff (one to three hours)
Resistance roll; even one success enables the nova to
the user willbe sluggishandtired.Reducethe character's
ignore the effects of the drug. Nova-specific drugs
(soma, adrenocilin,moxinoquantamine) have been de- Staminaby two for purposesof endurance.
signedto overcomethe novametabolism,thougha nova's Users of spikegain +2 to Initiativeand becomeei-
playermaymakea singleResistancerollat +2 difficulty ther euphoricor jittery and paranoid. Eachtimespikeis
taken,rollStamina;on a botch,the user immediately suf-
to purge these drugs from the nova'ssystem.
fers a heart attack.
Tear Gas Long-term effects include heart problems, high
Description : Tear gas is commonlyused by military blood pressure, paranoia and loss of judgment.These
and law-enforcementagents when killingthe opponent drugs are also highlyaddictive.
is not the maingoal.A grenade is launchedinto the tar- Antidote: Thoughnot an "antidote"perse, depres-
get area, where the cloudof noxiousfumes drives the sants counteract amphetamines'effects; mixingdrugs
victimsout of hiding. in this fashion,though,is highlydangerous.
Vector.Contactor inhaled
Effect:Severeeye irritation,coughingand gagging
incapacitate the victim.All dice pools are reduced by Description: Commondepressants includealcohol
three dice for 10 minutesafter exposure. and barbiturates. Medicaldepressants are often pre-
Protection : A gas mask,similar breathingappara- scribed for individuals sufferingfrom hypertensionor
tus or other formsof self-containedbreathing(i.e., the who have difficultysleeping .
Adaptability enhancement)prevents the effects of the Vector. Swallowed or injected
Effects:Depressants suppress pain and thought
functions, putting the user in a listless,lethargicstate.
Subtract two from all dice pools whileunder the influ-
Nerve Gas ence of these drugs.
Description: Military-gradepoisongases,the vari- Antidote: As depressants counteract amphet-
ous types of nerve gas are designedto killtheir victims amines' effects, so amphetaminesand other stimulants
quickly. Nerve gas typicallytargets the nervoussystem counteract depressants' effects; again, mixingthe two
or the brain directly,renderingthe target immobilebe- types of drugs is dangerousand just plainstupid.
fore killing.Evenlowdoses of nerve gas can be lethal.
Vector.Contactor inhaled
Effect:At lowconcentrations,nervegas causesone Description: Viewedby someas gatewaysto other
formsof consciousness,hallucinogensaffect the mind's
lethalhealth levelper minute,with no soak possible. At
higherdosages, the rate increasesto one healthlevelper abilityto maintaincontact with reality. Powerfuldoses
turn, againwithnosoakpossible. Nervegas typicallydis- can even cause full-environmenthallucinations .
orients the victim,reducingall dice poolsby three dice. Vector. Contact or inhaled
Protection: Nervegas can pass throughthe skinbut Effect:Lowerall dice poolsby one to three dice,
dependingon the strength of the dosage. Powerfulhal-
is mosteffectivewheninhaled. Gas maskspreventsome
forms of nerve gas, but more powerfultypes require a lucinogenscan producean effect similarto Mirage• • .
fullenvironmentsuit. Novaswith Mega-Stamina• • or The effects can last from one to six hours.
higherare unaffectedby most formsof nerve gas.

Novasunder the influenceof powerfulhallucino- Whileadrenocilinis obtainableat any Rashoudfa-
gens have been knownto "accidentally"activate their cility,it is somewhataddictive(Willpowerroll to avoid
powers,unconsciouslytappingtheir M-R nodes. addictionif used morethan three timesa month). A nova
addicted to adrenocilinmust have the drug in her body
Mite at alltimes; otherwise, alluses of quantumpowersare at
Descript.ion:Extracted fromnovasteroids and de- +2 difficulty. Whileon adrenocilin,a nova is also some-
veloped from nova mitochondria,mite is a controlled what lethargicand passive (Willpowerrolls at + 1 diffi-
substance in the UnitedStates and manyother nations. culty). Other side effects mayexist as well.
Nonetheless, use of the drug to increase musclemass in ln baselines, adrenocilinis a deadly poison (each
athletes has become popular. The First World's current dose inflicts10 - Staminalevelsof lethal damage).
obsessionwithphysiqueand muscletoninghas skyrock- Antidote:Moxinoquantamine
eted the price of black-marketmite.
Vector:Injected Moxinoquantamine (Mox)
Effect:Mitehas the sameeffect on novasthat ste- Description: Often given to newlyerupted novas,
roids have on humans(increased body mass over time, moxinoquantamine isa regulatordrug that interfereswith
heart problem,sterility). Baselineswhoingestmite, how- signals fromthe M-Rnode. lt is thus used whentraining
ever, are overcomewith elation and orgasmicpleasure. novaswhohavelittle controlover their quantumpowers
Combinedwith a rigorous workout, mite can dramati- or novaswhowishto exerciseand train alreadyexisting
cally increase muscletissue to dangerous levels. Over- powers.
doses of miteare common,as the drug is stillnewto the Vector:Ingested
marketand highlyaddictive. Effect:Moxinoquantaminemakes it more difficult
After taking mite, a normalhuman'sStrength and for novas to use quantumpowers. Alluses of quantum
Mightare increased by one temporarily. Over several powers, includingMega-Attributes and enhancements,
months of continuoususe, the effects become perma- are at +2 difficulty. Additionally,any rollof 'T' or "2" is
nent. Shouldthe user continueto take mite, the effects treated as a botch; however,botched power rolls while
increasein a mathematicalprogressionuntilthe baseline's on moxdo not inflict temporary Taint.The effects last
Strength/ Mightskillrating reaches 10. At this point, the approximatelysix hours per dose.
baseline'smusclemasshas reached grotesque levels(-1 In baselines,moxis a deadlypoison(each dose in-
to Appearance,minimum1). Continueduse of the drug flicts 10 - Staminalevelsof lethaldamage).
at this point pushesthe humanto Mega-Strength1(and Ant.idote:Adrenocilin
a further -1 to Appearance), but each weekof use there-
after, the user must makea Staminaroll at + 1difficulty.
If she fails,she suffers immediateand total cardiac ar- Description:The normal adrenal gland creates
adrenochrome,one of the most powerfulchemicalsin
Gangbangershave discovered this drug to be an the humanbody. Chemicalsextracted from a nova's M-
effective weapon against rivals and police. Addicted R node are manytimes more potent. A baselineingest-
ingM-R hormones,whosestreet nameis soma,experi-
thugs, called"mitoids" lose control under stress, often
displayingtremendousfeats of strength and violence. A ences the most potent highpossible- if he survives.
mitoid who has reached Mega-Strength I often goes Somacan be producedonlythroughdirect extrac-
berserk when angered; whileberserk, he feels no pain tion from a livingnova's M-R node. The process always
and thus suffers no woundpenalties,but mindlesslyat- killsthe "donor." Obviously,the drug is extraordinarily
tacks his chosen target (or even his friends') untilsub- rare, and most peoplebelieveit to be nothingmore than
dued or killed. an urban legend.
Ant.idote:No knownantidote exists,but the effects
(good and bad) wear off graduallyif the user stops tak- Effect:Somakillsa baselineuser outrightunlesshe
ingthe drug. makes a Staminaroll at +I difficulty. The effects of the
drug overwhelmthe humansystem in a manner similar
Adrenocilin to a transplant rejection. ln this case, soma rejects the
Description: Exclusiveto Project Utopia'sRashoud frailhumanbody,destroyingit in the process.
facilities, adrenocilinis a drug given to newlyerupted Shouldthe user survive, she gainssome semblance
novas t.o help them control their powers. It also acts as of nova powers. Enhancedspeed and strength (Mega-
an effectivepaindeadener for the debilitatingheadaches Strength • , the Quicknessenhancement)are common
and other trauma commonto new quantum-channelers. to baselineusers. The effects for baselinesare tempo-
Vector:Ingested rary (four hours) but highlyaddictive.
Effect:Adrenocilin adds one die to any quantum Ingestedby a nova, somaadds one dot to allMega-
powerskilltotal. As a side effect, it lowerswoundpen- Attributes, enhancementsand quantumpowers.The ef-
alties by one. Effects last for four hours. fects last for four hours.


When cut with cocaine, soma creates the only of the organization.The captaincontrolsthe soldiersand
known narcotic capable of consistently overcominga handlesthe day-to-day affairs of the boss in his desig-
nova's enhanced metabolism(treat as amphetamines/ nated area. The crime boss possesses the political and
cocaine, above). Again,rumorsamong the novacommu- economic clout to maintain the entire organization while
nity suggest that a few repulsiveepicures indulge, and seemingto remain perfectlylegitimate. Of course,names
even traffic, in the drug. and evenorganizationwillvary fromgroupto groupand
Antidote:None country to country.
Red 7 Physical Attributes 3, allother Attributes 2, Biz1, Brawl
Description:Military research laboratories have 2, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Intimidation 2, Might 1, Resis-
managed to splice M- R node hormones with human tance 2, Streetwise 1,Willpower4; automaticpistol or
adrenalineto producea potent combat- enhancingdrug. SMG
Safer and less powerfulthan soma, Red 7 increases the Captain
recipient's physicalabilitiesbut has detrimentalside ef- Physical Attributes 4, allother Attributes 2, Awareness
fects. 2, Biz1, Brawl/MartialArts 3, Command3, Drive 3, En-
Vector.Injected durance 1, Firearms 3, Interrogation 1, Intimidation 3,
E.ffect:The recipient adds two to all PhysicalAt- Might3, Resistance 3, Stealth1,Streetwise3, Willpower
tributes (maximum5) for the one hour the drug lasts, 6; automaticpistol,SMGor assault rifle
but he becomes prone to aggressive behavior. There is CrimeBoss
an escalatingchance the drugwillkillthe user, beginning Charisma, Manipulationand Wits 4, allother Attributes
at about fivepercent and increasingby fivepercent with 3, Awareness3, Biz4, Brawl/Martial Arts 3, Command
every dose. 4, Drive2, Endurance1, Firearms3, Interrogation 2, In-
Antidote: None, althougheffects wearoff withtime. timidation3, Might1, Resistance2, Streetwise 4, Style
1, Subterfuge3, Willpower7; automaticpistol(possibly
Henchmen with heavyweaponsif givensufficient time to prepare)
The players mightcome into conAictwith a wide
varietyof underlings used bycorporations, lawenforce- Gangs
ment,criminalgroupsor other organizations.Henchmen Gangsare largelydisorganizedbands of criminals
are generic villainfodder who complicatethe charac- who clingtogether for security and camaraderie. Most
ters' lives. They need not be describedin great detail, as gangs, however,deal in drug trafficking, and they usu-
the heroes should handle them with ease. Henchmen allyanswer to organized crime cartels. It is their num-
serve to fillout the forces of the antagonist and whittle bers and influence on the local community that make
downthe players' quantumpoints before facingthe real gangs a threat. Gangsfeed off the localpopulationlike
challenge. parasites, through larceny, drug dealingand extortion.
Organized Crime PhysicalAttributes 3, all other Attributes 2, Brawl2,
Mostorganizedcrimecartels havebeen eliminated, Drive1,Firearms2, Intimidation 1,Melee1, Might1,Re-
but the four primarysurvivors haveconsolidated power sistance 2, Streetwise 2, Survival1,Willpower4; auto-
to become very strong indeed. Criminalcartels vary in maticpistol or SMG
character and organization across the world. Fromthe GangLeader
MedellinCartel in South Americato the HeavenThun- PhysicalAttributes 4, allother Attributes 2, Awareness
der Triad in China, cartels' strength comes from their 2, Biz1, Brawl/Martial Arts 3, Drive 3, Command2, Fire-
control of numerousactivities. Each group controls its arms 3, Intimidation3, Melee2, Might3, Resistance3,
territory 's gambling, prostitution, racketeering and Stealth 1, Streetwise 3, Survival2. Willpower6; auto-
money-laundering- in short, anything that willmake matic pistol, SMGor assault rifle; possibly with Miteor
money. Dependingon the city or country,severaldiffer- Red 7
ent groupsdivideup activities, or allactivities fallunder
the purviewof one central organization. Police
Whilefew altruistic"superheroes' havededicated State and localpolicerepresent a significant por-
their livesto riddingthe worldof organizedcrime, T2M tion of the UnitedStates of America's law-enforcement
finds destructionof international syndicatesto be good capabilities.Overall,they havelimitedabilityto dealwith
PR. Accordingly,syndicatesall over the world interact nova-levelthreats, and they usuallydefer to those more
with novas, quite often for less-than-legalreasons. capable. Individual city or state governments, however,
Most groups containa numberof grunts who per- vary their stance on novainterventionregardlessof the
form the organization'slegwork. These soldiersanswer dangers. Whilesomecities franchiseglitzy nova "public
to the equivalentof a captain, whothen answersto head defenders," others seek to avoid the publicity and ex-

pense of these rent-a-cops. In this case, the localpolice millions of dollarsin financing for a wide variety of ac-
are forced to handleeven renegade novaswith normal tivities handled under the umbrellaof "national secu-
tactics. Policeforces across the globeface similardiffi- rity." Any one of these programsmight easilyconflict
culties. with characters' valuesor lives.
Characterswhorun afoulof the lawwillinevitably Governmentagenciesusuallyhave access to pow-
have to deal with the police. The averagepoliceofficer erful weaponry. If conflict with novas is a possibility,
has little chanceof apprehending even the least power- agents are likelyto be heavilyarmed. The Directive in
fulnova. Whentakenas a whole,however,an entire city's particular is developing both energy- and toxin-based
policeforces can becomea hazardousopponent.Larger weaponsto deal with aberrant threats.
cities havespecialCrisisResponseteams, helicoptersand Spec ialAgent
urbanassaultvehicles,and they are thussomewhatmore AllAttributes 3 (or higher in the case of elite agents),
effectiveagainst novas. Awareness2, Brawl/MartialArts 3, Bureaucracy1,Drive
PoliceOfficer 3,.EnduranceI, Firearms3, Interrogation2, Intrusion 3,
PhysicalAttributes 3, all other Attributes2, Awareness Investigation 3+, Medicine 1, Might 1, Resistance 3,
1, Brawl/ MartialArts 2, Bureaucracy1, Drive2, Fire- Stealth3, Streetwise2, Style2, Subterfuge3, Willpower
arms 2, Interrogation 2, Investigation1 (or 3 if plain- 7 +; automaticpistol, armoredT-shirt, electronic com-
clothes detective), MedicineI, Might I, Resistance2, municationand surveillance gear
Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Willpower5; automaticpistol,
police car, night stick, armored T-shirt (possiblyflak
11 Mitoids"
jacket if expecting serious trouble) "Mitoids' are 'roid freaks, 2008-style . Only now
SWATOfficer the lunatic not only feels no pain in his drug-induced
PhysicalAttributes,Perception and Wits 3; allother At- frenzy, but he lifts cars and tosses themat innocentby-
tributes 2, Awareness2, Brawl/MartialArts 3, Drive 3, standers . "Mite" is the common street name for a
Endurance3, Firearms4, Melee(laser) 2, Might2, Re- strength-enhancing drug developed from nova mito-
sistance 3, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Willpower6; auto- chondria. Baselineswhouse mite on a regularbasis de-
maticpistol, SMGor assaultrifle, flakjacket or fullriot velopabnormalstrength levels,borderingon superhu-
gear man. Unfortunately , continualuse of mite inducespara-
Crisis ResponseSpecialist noia and evenpsychosis.Victimsof a miteoverdosehave
Physical Attributes 4 (plusbonusesfor Red 7), Percep- been documentedtwistingmetallamppostsand tearing
tion/Wits 3, other Attributes 2, Awareness3, Bureau- up concrete. A few street gangs, tongs and other crimi-
cracy 2, Endurance3, Firearms4, MartialArts 4, Melee nal groups use mite to gain an edge over their rivals or
(taser) 3, Might 3, Resistance 3, Stealth3, Streetwise 2, the police.
Willpower 7; automatic pistol, assault rifle, grenade Strength5, Dexterity3, Stamina4, allother Attributes1
launcher, bombsquador (rarely) advancedbodyarmor, or 2, Athletics 2, Brawl3, Endurance 2, Might 5, Resis-
Red 7 tance 3, Willpowe r 4; chainor other improvisedweapon
Mega-Strength • (no enhancements);punchdamage[S]
Government/Directive + 70 (B); chaindamage[5] + 100 (B); no woundpenal-
Agents ties
In the postindustrial, nova-alteredworldof 2008 ,
espionageand subtletyare more importantgeopolitical Nova Threats
commodities than massive standingarmies. Manynations Novasare as variedas anyother humanbeing.Their
havedevotedsignificantresources towardinvestigating motivations, characteristics and powersmakenovaan-
novasand their threat to nationalsecurity. The mostim- tagonistsnew and dangerousthreats. Conflictbetween
portant is the multinationalDirective, but nationalagen- novasoccurs for any reason, fromdifferences in politi-
cies also deal with novas. Within the United States, the cal ideologyto ego-drivenconflictsof interest. The an-
CentralIntelligenceAgencyandNationalSecurity Agency tagonists belowrepresent the smallestsampleof pos-
keep detailed files on all known novas, tracking their sible threats posed by other novas.
movementsandassociationswheneverpossible.The Fed- El Cuchillo
eral Bureauof Investigationworks in concert with local
Cuchillo'ssuperspeed and agility are renownedin
lawenforcement,dealingwith nova-levelthreatsas care-
Southern California and Mexico. An independent nova
fullyas possible.
of limited imagination, El Cuchilloseeks only personal
The playersmaycome into conflictwith the gov-
gain at the expenseof others' reputations. Heworkswith
ernmentin anynumberof ways. Breaking the lawor pos-
mediaagencies to arrange "mask duels" between him-
ing some other threat to public safety is sure to draw
self and localnova favorites. For a not-so-modest fee,
attention. The players mightalso find themselvesbeing
Cuchillowillduel a local favorite in a publicbout. In ex-
watchedas part of the Directive or CIA's ongoingnova
changefor exclusive footage, and therefore higher rat-
investigations. Governmentintelligenceagenciesreceive

ings,the localmediagiveElCuchillofuelfor his ego, in- Powers: Mega-Strength • • • (Crush,
telligenceon his opponent, a large sum of cash and a Thunderclap),Mega-Stamina••• (Resil-
quicktrip out of town. iency), Armor • • , Danger Sense • • • .
Cuchillo's true identityremainsunknown,as he pre- Mega-Perception • (Nightvision)
fers a mask. He claimsnever to have lost a duel,and he
refusesto removehis maskuntilhe is defeated. Whether
Marissa Dunlop
he willstick to his bargainis unknown.What is knownis A seasoned combat
that he takes fulladvantageof the media's hospitality, veteran before she
often leaving them with thousandsof dollarsin room- erupted, Marissa has
service fees and other bills. takenher experience and
Nabre:Gallant abilities to the privatesec-
Allegiance: Independent tor. As a nova
Attributes: Strength5, Dexterity5, Stamina4, Percep- for hire,
tion 3, Intelligence2, Wits 4, Charisma4, Manipulation
4, Appearance2 ('?)
Abilities:Arts (Performance)2, Athletics 5, Awareness
2, Drive1,Endurance5, Intimidation3, Legerdemain3,
Linguistics1, Martial Arts 4, Might 3, Resistance 4,
Stealth 3, Style 3
Back~: Attunement1,Cipher4, Influence2, Re-
sources 3
Quantum3, QuantumPool30, Willpower6, Taint2
Powers: Mega-Dexterity••• (RapidStrike, FastTasks,
EnhancedMovement) , Mega-Stamina • (Regeneration),
Mega-Wits• • (Quicknessx2), Hypermovement•
Hugo the Bouncer
Hugo"the Bouncer" Pinnelaworksfor Luciano
Camparelli of the Camparelli-Zukhov megasyndicate.
Hugowasa simplebouncerin one of Camparelli's
establishmentsuntila near-fatalbeatingerupted
his M-R node. Hugo now possesses brutal
strength, armored skin and a preternatural
dangersense. With suchenhancements,Hugo
immediatelymovedup instature in the syndi-
cate, eventuallyfindinghimselfin an enviable
positionas the higher-ups'bodyguard.
Hugohasshownhimselfto be every bit as smartas
he is strong. Whether his intellectgrew with his phy-
sique is unclear,but he continuesto surprisehis boss at
every turn. It has been whispered in back rooms that
Hugohas too muchinfluenceover the bossand should
be removed. No one dares execute this plan, how-
ever, as Hugowouldno doubtsee it comingand deal
with it.
Allegiance: Camparelli-Zukhov megasyndicate
Atb-ibutes: Strength4, Dexterity 3, Stamina4, Percep-
tion 5, Intelligence5, Wits 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation
5, Appearance3
Abilities:Academics3, Athletics1,Awareness5, Biz4,
Brawl5, Computer3, Endurance4, Intimidation4, Might
4, Rapport 4, Resistance4, Streetwise4, Style2, Sub-
terfuge 4
Badqounds: Allies2, Backers4, Followers2, Node2,
Quantum3, QuantumPool26, Willpower8, Taint2

answeringonly to her Swissbank accounts,she often
finds herself workingfor the wrongside of the law. No
job is too dirty for her, and no fee is too large.
Raisedby her mercenaryfather, Marissagrew up
on battlefieldafter battlefield,wherethe horrors
of war and the blatant facts of life in a combat
zone scarred her psyche. When her father fi-
nallydied fightingfor the "good guys," who
couldbarely cover his expenses, she had had
enough.Thereafter, she opened her services
to the highestbidder. Moreoften than not, she
"endedup workingfor criminalcartels, corrupt
governmentsand the CIA.
Marissawas capturedas part of a CIAbe-
trayal - they turned her over to the newlyin-
stated Nicaraguangovernmentin the name of political
goodwill.Neverone to go quietly,Marissastarted shoot-
ing her way out. The Nicaraguanregulars, taking no
chanceswithsucha dangerouswoman,fired an antitank
missileat her. A momentbefore impact,she mentally
grabbedthe projectileout of the air and hurledit at her
assailants. In the confusion,she escaped int.o the jungle
and eventuallyout of the country.
Marissanowhas a bone to pick with the US gov-
ernment,and she gladlyworks for anti-Americanmili-
tary operationsworldwide . Hertelekineticpowershave
onlyincreasedthe valueof her servicesand she contin-
ues to pay the billswithmoneyfromthe highestbidder.
Allegiance: Independent
Attributes: Strength4, Dexterity4, Stamina3, Percep-
tion 3, Intelligence2, Wits 4, Charisma2, Manipulation
3, Appearance4
Abilities:Athletics3, Awareness4, Drive2, Endurance
5, Firearms4, Intimidation4, Linguistics2, MartialArts
4, Might3, Pilot 2, Politics2, Resistance5, Stealth 3,
Style 1,Subterfuge2, Survival3
Backgrounds: Cipher3, Contacts2, Dormancy
2, Eufiber1,Node 3, Resources3
Quantum3, QuantumPool 30, Willpower7,
Taint3 (Glow)
-Powers: Mega-Dexterity • (Rapid Strike),
ForceField • • • • , Telekinesis• • • • , Flight

Af'PfNDIX 7b'i
OriginalConceptandDesign : Robert Hatch, with
Andrew Bates, Ken Cliffe, Greg Fountain, Sheri M.
Johnson,ChrisMcDonough, EthanSkemp,MikeTinney,
RichardThomas,StephanWieck,Fred Yelk 735
AdditionalDesign :JustinR. Achilli,StevenS. Long,
MarkMoore 128
Authors: Justin R. Achilli,AndrewBates, Robert
Hatch,Sheri M. Johnson,StevenS. Long,MarkMoore, , GA
AdditionalMaterial: Brooks Miller, Dave Van WHI TE WOLf USA
StorytellerGameSystem: MarkRem-Hagen PUBLISHING
RevisedStoryteller System: AndrewBates
Developer : Robert Hatch
Editor:CarlBowen <O1999White WolfPublishing , Inc. Allrights
Art Direction: RichardThomas reserved. Reproductionwithoutthe writtenpermis-
Artists:GuyDavis,GlennFabry,ThomasFleming sion of the publisher1sexpresslyforbidden,except
Langdon Foss, Michael Gaydos, JeffHolt Mike for the purposesof reviews,and for blankcharacter
Huddleston,MarkJackson,PhilJimenez,LeifJones,Matt sheets, whichmay be reproducedfor personaluse
MillburgerChristopherMoeller,WilliamO'Connor,Paolo only. Aberrant, WhiteWolf,Vampirethe Masquer-
Parente, Steve Prescott, Jeff"Send Me More Powers' ade, Vampirethe Dark Ages and Magethe Ascen-
Rebner,Steve Rude AlexSheikman , UkoSmith, Larry sion are registered trademarksof White WolfPub-
Snelly,RichardThomas,MelissaUran lishing,Inc. Allrightsreserved. Trinity,Werewolfthe
CoverArt: TomFleming Apocalypse,Wraith the Oblivion, Changelingthe
Layout:RonThompson Dreamingand Werewolfthe WildWest are trade-
LimitedEditionDesign: RichardThomas marks of White WolfPublishing , Inc. Allrights re-
Playtesters: Bryan Armor, Bruce Baugh,R. Sean served.Allcharacters,names,placesandtext herein
Borgstrom, Deird'Re M. Brooks, James V. Coleman, are copyrightedby WhiteWolfPublishing,Inc.
Bryant Durrell, Brian Goodson, Jess Heinig, Chris The mentionof or referenceto anycompanyor
Hemphill, Brooks Miller, Clayton Oliver, Charlsie productinthese pagesis nota challengeto the trade-
Patterson Mikki Rautalahti,Eric Thompson,DaveVan markor copynghtconcerned.
Domelen,WillVanMeter, DaveWeinstein,DaveWendt, Checkout WhiteWolfonlmeat
AlexWilliams http : //www . wh1te-w0IF . com;
alt.games.wh1tewolf ; and rec.games.frp.storyteller
Birth Name: Eruption:
Nova Name: Nature:
Series: Allegiance:
e oooo
ion__ 00000
Style_ ___
_____ 00000 _____ 00000 _____ 00000


_ __ 00000 Academics _ _ 00000 lnterrogation
__ 00000
Drive___ 00000 Bureaucracy__ 00000 Streetwise__ 00000
Firearms___ 00000 Computer__ 00000 Subterfuge__ 00000
Legerdemain__ 00000 Engineering__ 00000 _____ 00000
__ 00000 lntrusion
___ 00000 _ ____ 00000
Melee___ 00000 Linguistics
__ 00000 _____ 00000
Pilot____ 00000 Medicine ___ 00000 ____ _ 00000
Stealth~ _ _ 00000 Science___ 00000
_____ 00000 Survival
___ 00000
_____ 00000 Command ___ 00000
Etiquette 00000
STAMINA eoooo w1Ts eoooo Perform 00000
Endurance _ _____.
_ 00
~ Arts
~ _____ 00000
_____ 00000
----- 00000 Rapport 00000 ___ __ 00000
_____ 00000 _____ 00000 _____ 00000

00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000
WILLPOWER 00000 00000
□□□□□□□□□□ 00000 00000
0000000000 00000 00000
□□□□□□□□□□ 00000 00000
00000 00000

00000 00000

QUANTUM 00000 00000


__ D_D □ rno □
__ D DD rn □□
__ D DD rn □□
___ D DD I I 1 □□
__ D DD rn □□
__ ___.II I I I I .___I
_ ____._I
_ ___.
Walk Run Sprint _ Bashing Lethal

__ -o_ □

__ □
Dead □
(Writein healthlevelsas needed)
............ -
LM OicePoal 0lntion l.ut;pioA.dm Effect
Gu•IIUffl .t.b,«ptoon 2 Stam;na• Abtorpt,on NI" Spe<ul No ('..,_; damogo/-s, no Sl,....t,
l'ercept,on • ~ -..., Vanoble
Spe<iol Spe<ul
r, ..........
1e1......... """""'
3....Wdol... 811.
Onepowen Boobno,o,conc• I Stam;na• Bdum.oesconce Vanoble Spe<ul 10mnutesper-success No o-.ct« ... h19">l
BodyMod,f,cat,on M..c. NI" Sell NI" p.........,. NI" Modof..sd1ancters body.,.....,...,..

nova point
Quant.... Boo,t
(VanabloJ. c~
(Q.PR)dO,not'" o, Spe<ul

T... _ .. of onospecif,ctypo of ma11

Crstes 1~e
.. 1-w
AddsI dot per succen to speofoc"thixrt•
0... coriial damage,.leth,I damage
of dwxtR""per'IUCCJHS
....... _
point/two Oons,tyC'ootrul 2 v......... Soll r'"'-. Yes ~., deo-.-chonde< ·, den,,ty

clotalalntN) D,,,nt...,-.t.., 3 0..1 ....ty • D,,,nt...,....., (Q,PR)dOIMlen NI" lnstonl No c.....(Q.suc,..... ) i.,.i, of __.-,.ted damage
0....- 2 M>nofdatoen • 0--- (Q,PR)alO...ten NI" Mmenance y., Mow. choracterto con!.,.. and,...,_ opponents
per clot 2 1n1.a.g.,,c..o..n..,i (Q,PR)alO,note,s Yes Recb:n elfect......., of powen
punhaecl. °""-"' 2 Ma,,;p,at.... Domo,ot,cn (Q,PR)alO...ten
Concentrabon Yes Tokecontrolof•~ ·• t,,_,...

En,polhotMon<pulot""' 2
(Vanable). Elem,,ml"""""
(Vanable)• El,,...,i.1 Mauery
v......... resrsted)

Controlp,,1,cwr 5'b>tonceo, phenomenon
Crate, alterand
Controlond~ to,get', --
,J,,t,nces ., phenomen,

E"'-- MOK. NI" NI" Sell p.,,..,,... No ~ buysonemonc""""

lhNenova (Vonoble)• Ent"'I')'C'ontrul Vanable v.- Spe<oal Yes Coetrolond~e ..-ropcf0tte,

Ent"'l')'Control 3
points(or two E5I' 2 Pe«ept,on• ESP (P,PR)alOmeten N/" c- ... No
p.,. non,,al
A9>1 2 O..tenty • A+t NIA ..... ~==4),40,.,.ienpe,ocl,on
nova points f0ttef..id
Gnv,ty Control
(Vll'lll,le)• GroY,ty
v.- v-
Qu,,,tum• (2 p,, lllCUH) .. 1r1
~•ri:::yond ~•IIC f,eldo
lalntN}per H<al,ng l NI" Touch NIA lnsbnt y., liNk 1heal i...! of damage pe, quantumpoint
Holo 2 (Q,PR)xlOlllfflf1 (Q,PR)aSmoten Concentrahon No CreatestmaigH
clot,-. ~--Holo

2 St......·"""'""""'
0..lMty • Hype,,no,o.,.nt
~ ... s.p..te part• of body« create ....ii , ,...,..., frombody
n...powen Hypno,,,
lntd,g,nce • Hypno,,,
Oe,t,nty • lmmobol<le
1,cone o, unUoe,t,.,_.i
Hypnataes I~
coltflvenova lnwnolab 2 NIA Stll NIA Moontenonce Ye, (Q.PR)x28 damagel(Q,PR)l damage
P..-cept,on• 1nt.. 1..,
W,1, . lr,,,...t.Wrty
Heq,lened -
Quont,n • rurhe< al
ol danger
•b ,ook per dol "'- spoc,Fictype ol~
.=·• Percept""'
S..:c...., on rol redocedomogol'"" tosk, ,....,
talntN)per Magr,et,cMa,te,y 3 (V-). Magr,et,cMastery Sp«iai Vanable Vonoble v.. Mon,pulole mogno1...,ondmogne1oc loeld<
dotpu~ MotterChomeleon l St....,., Mou..-n..m.i..n Sell NIA Maontenan<
e No Dupl,c«e p,_..., of spec,ioctyposol "'"'tor
MotterCml.,on l Wib:• M.,lte, Creahon (Q,PR)...ten NIA Spe<,ai v.. Creole,lllllter of.......,. ...-ts
chasecl. Mtntlli!lo,t 2 lntd,g,nc• • Mental8bst (Q•PR)xlOIMlen NIA louant y., 1lewl 8 damagep,, ...«ffl
M.-.ge 2 Monopulolm • Miroge (Q.PR)x20...ten NIA C'"ontentral,on
MoleaAarM,n,p.,1,1,on l (Vll'lll,le)• MoleaAarMonopulolm Vanable V.-..blt
p°"°" 2 Sta,,w'II • POISOf'I Toudi NIA lmtant y., p.....,., o,(ed anoth« p,,100
P......... 1oon 2 Perception• Premon1bon Vll'lll,le Spe<iai l,cene Yes Dotectdanger..- thmu
Pr«ercongn~oon l Per«j)(,on• Pretertogn,hon Sell NI" lnstanl No Forsttr.._we or view pnt ewnts
P~l..M I Pe«ept,on• Ps)'<li,cLd. (Q.Ps:,dwcLd. •Nodt)xlOOO
km NI" Spe<ul NI" Esblil...,...ntal lri< bet....n 2 or-• ch•nden
P~Sl.<ld I WA NI" p..........,1 NIA •2 successn per-doton allat~ ·:stonsnt mentalpoMN
Quantumllolt 2
O..tenty • QuantumBolt
Monopulolm • QuantumCOMINCI
NIA lnstent
lQaj J,(l'Rx4) ol 8 damage : ( J,(l'Rx4) ol l damage
rt~t ·c:rutwes'" or obJtcts From q.anlwn fon::t
Quant"'" Conwuct NI"
........... I St......,QuantumC_.._ Touch Ni" Spe<,ol y., I Q point per dol ..to stard,rd form,of -'Jr
Quantumlmpmt 3 O..ter,ty • Quantum..... int Touch NIA ~ N.o r~~onc1.wa ... ofchorctertoochtd
Q,.,.,tuml.ff<h 2 WA Toudi NIA Instant Y.. (Q. ) ..,ani ... point, tnon,i.,,.td fromto,,gel to chorocte,
St......• ~um Vamp,,,
~ I ~ to odd(Pl\x2)to
le, iied l.ttnbote o, _,.
pointsrec....,.td per hour
roo, urg,t lo chn,ct.,
SensoryShield I WA Sell NIA p- NIA Canc.12- per dot on81.ndottacksvs.charocter
Sl,apesl,,lt 3 St...... • Slupe,h,ft Stlf
-en tU" M.nl111111«1 y., Alter<Ntder', ,hapo

Sm:a,d 2 O..t...;ty • Sm:a,d tPR)alS (Q,PR).Smet..- rad.us Conc-tntrallon y., c...... f,eld to limit-
~(Grow) 2 N/" N/" MainllllOnCe N/" Doubleht9'Iondmn,,: 2 Strength.•1S-.... • I -sn...d" p..- dot

~(Slwv-l<) 2 NI" Sell N/" y., R.d.oca1:':t;andnmsto 118nannal: ,I toalSl.aal,~ ,lclll"rutytohtdwact..-

Stn>be 2 O.,.tenty• Stn,l,e (Q.PR)dOmelon lnstent Yes OmbleI ~sensts ForI hnl perilnen

S....A11ac:k 2 Dextenty. St...Attod< (Q.PR)dS met.,. N/" Instant Yes (Q.sucoesses) of damage to dazeo, MOd. N urg,t
T.W..-. 2 Oe,t...,ty• TeWune,,s (Q.PR)dOmeten Yes L.,ftand._ phy,ial objedswithoul touclw,g
Telcpothy 2 P<n:eptm , Tdepod,y '-- of ~ ... Spe<ul
NI" r_....,..,.., No Rudm.nd,.,conl..-mondsondolter-
Telepo,t 2 P..-cept.., • Telepo,t Self NI" lnsbnt No ~ ...!hoot-~ ,nt.,,,.,,,ng-•
TemponlMa,,;p,at.., 3 (Vnble) • TemponlMa,,,pulo4ion Vanable
NI" Vll'lll,le Ye, Monordot• I...,
Worp 3 N/" NI" No Crate~es• to poss~ ,nt.....,;r,g..,_
W,otht, Ma,,;p,alm 3 (Vwblo) • Wnthtr Ma,,;p,alion Vlriablo Vll'lll,le y., Alter .,...;pulote_...,.
Mego-Attributes: Physical Enhancements
Mego-Attributes cost Crush
three nova points per Shockwave
clotto purchase (two If Lifter
tolnted) and grant one Thunde<-clap
free enhancement. Mega-Dextenty
Adclltlonalenhance- Accuracy
ments cost three nova fast Tasks
points to purchaM flex1b1l1ty
(two If tolnted). Catfooted
Scan ------
Radio scan
face of Terror
first Impression
Mr. Nobody
The Voice

..... _-


Pe<W91..,• luwoal/l'lri Moste,y
10mn.ltet. ptr iuccns
t.UtlploActior. Effod


C'h.ncter emits '9,t

ModlF.nct.xter·s bodyin vanouswa,s

Moc. NIA Stll P..- NIA
Bodymor!)I, 2 St1m,na • Bodymor!)I, Soll NIA Maintenanci11 y., Takeaspech el one speaf1etype el motter/fflff'J)'
novapolnt Boost 2 ~·Boost feud, NIA V>riable y., Adck I dot per RJCC<fl lo ,po<1f1<Attnbule
Clows I NIA Stll NIA Maintemnce y., Closecan-botdamage,. letholdamage
Clone 3 St1m,na • Clone Self NIA I sc<n1 No of dund" per 111t<ess
C....t..1 .._,,.l<Ole
point/two c~
tPP.)xlO meters« Spo<itl ~ ... Spo<oal
Corotrol a,mput.,.. ond,_.,_
clolstalntecl) O..on1'9'1i
... 3 Dt.<tenty • °"""-'9"(oon (Q•PP.).10.,.,.,.. NIA lmbnt No c..,,..(Q.w«o,ses) '-"" _.....ted don,oge
~ .... o..or.....
°"°""" (Q.PP.).10met....

2 NIA ~nlenmc:e Yn Alow>diorod.,.lo<onl"'° ond......... ._,.«($
per clot
g::._ 2
lnt<log,n<e• Onn.pt
~ .... o....n.t ...
(Q.PP.).10met... NIA
Reeb:.. tlfe<t,_,"
J torgefs bro,,......,
ElernMtaiAn""' 3 (V...ble) • Ei.m.nbl Am"" Spo<oal v....... r.. Controlporoaw...W-e or phenomenon
L--'Two Ei.m.nblM.ste,y 3 (Vanablo)• Ei.m.nbl Ma.le,y v....... Vonol,le r.. C....te. olte<ond«ontrolv.,-, somtonceo"' ~
poww9COlt Eq,atl,,c:Mono
......... 2 V....,._(W.......,,....,od) (Q.PP.)"20meten NIA Spo<oal Yn Controlond.,...pojot, target's..,.....,.
~ M,.._ NIA NIA Sell P...........t No Pl.,...~11nefflln<Offlffll
threenova EnhopyCorotrol 3 f.::...b1el
• Entropy Ccont.-ol Vonoble Vonoble Spo<oal Yes Ccontrol ond~• entrop,cfe«H
points (or two
~,ty Control
si.,,.., • For«F",eld
(V....ble) • ~,ty Corotrol

(2 per su«... J ..
gra.~y ond
per actoon
n. BILdom.ge
HoakI htolth 1-1 el BILdom.geper quanbm i-,1
M.n,pwloon• Holo
Oc:xtenty ...Hypcnno
NIA ~--


c...>1.. mogn
Sop,nte port<el bodyor cro>le.....II uo>t,.... f..,.. body
1ncro..,."""""9- flyingor -- speed

1hrMpoww9 Hypnolu"'"'lJOI
~ 2 O..tenty • lmmobolozo (Q•PR)xlOmete,s NIA l><onoor... ~dostroy,,d y.. R.ocden"'lJOI
............ lrty
P«cept,on • lntut.>n
w... i.-bWoty
(Q.PP.)"28 dom.gel(Q.PP.)L dom.ge
........... J danger
rur,ber of 51JCcess
.(, toal<per dot Y>, 'f)O<lflC
lype oilocl,
So«esses on ,ol recb:e dom.ge/,.... lad.,.....,.
talntN)per Mognot,cMa,t..y 3 (V...ble) • Mognot,c Ma.l..y Speo,,j v..... V....ble Y.. M.n,p,bte _,.t""' ond_,.toe loelds
M>ltorO--. 3 si.m.... M>lte<Cham.i.on Self NIA MoontCNOCO No D,,plo<>tepropert,es el 'f)O<•loctype, el motl«
clot put'- ~ter-Cre;ahan 3 Wits• Mitter-CrHhon (Q.PP.)met... NIA Spo<oal Yes (rules matter of vanous 1«t1
chcuecL MonulBbst 2 lnt<log,n<o • Mont,1Bbst {Q.PP.)xlO,..,.,.. NIA
ln>lont Y.. 11-!Bdon,ogep,<1'1«.,.
Mngo 2 M.n,pwloon• M""!I< {Q•PR)x20met.,. Conc.entrat.on No Cre>tesMoOn ,n "'lJOI'• m,nd
Moleculr Mon,pAat... 3 (V....ble) • Moleculr M.nopulot'°" Vonoble Vonol,le Spo<oal Yes ~- ondcontrolmoi«ule<
p......, 2 St,m..,.p..,... Touch NIA lmlant Yes Po..one<.,fodanoth«p,nan
PJ'efflOfllhon 2 PerceptllOII • Premorwhon Vonoble Spo<oal lxene y., o.t.<t danger or ttr ... ,
P..ie«ongool'°" 3 P«ceptoon• P,et...,ogn,l,on Self NIA lmbnt No Fonee futL.-eo,-v,ew p'5t nfflts
P>yd,,cln I Pe,cept,on• P')do,c l.,nk (Q.P,y<hocln•Nocle),1000 km NIA Spocoal NIA E.tablnh.......,1"-2or mo<edioroden
P>yd,1< Shoeld I NIA NIA Ponnonont NIA •2 succ..... per dot on al >llempblo,_ mental_,
Quonlum Bolt 2 D.xtenty • QuontumBolt ~,;),ISmeten NIA lmbnt y., ~QxlJ.(Pl\x4) of 8 dom.ge:[Q"2J.(Pllx4)el Ldamage
Mon,p,At,on• Quant..,.Con,tn,ct {Q•PR)mete,s
Sum.... Quant..,.c-
o..tonty • Quantumlmpront
Maintenance No
f"Nf.e•cre«...-es· or obJeclsfrom~
IQ poonlper dot w,tostondanllonns
Copy..ri::ondobM,esel CNr'elorI

Quont,.,,Leech 2 NIA Tcud, NIA lmbnt Y.. (Q. ) .......- poontslnMlerred fromtarget lo characte<
~ R,gc,,e,ol,on 2
~v....,... 2
- • Quant... v...,...
r,:;:1 '~
,.,..1., ,nod Altnbolee< -
lo odd (PR,c2)lo poonts.--.....1 p«hoi,-
target to chn<tor
S......,.Sl..id I NIA Self NIA P...........t NIA Con«!2 suc<nse. per dot on 81,ndlll>cks"" charo<te,

Shapw,11 3 - • Sh,posl,,lt Sell NIA Yes IJle<CNreler"sshop<

Shroud 2 O..t..-.ty • Shroud (Q•PR)n mete<radous Conc.entnbon Yes Cre>1Hl..id1oLmo1,,;,;..,

5-norJ,h (Grow) 2 NIA NIA NIA Do,ble he9'I ond,_., •2 Str.n¢,. • I Stmn.. • I "lln,,,ed" per dot
5-norJ,h (Shnr-lt) 2 NIA Self NIA Yes IW..ce';';fi,ond"'""to V8"°"""' .11o•~111..,,u. •I dfmlty tohtdincler
St<obe 2 Oext..-.ty• St<obe (Q.PP.),10meten NIA v.. ~ I ~semes

ror1un persuccff5
S....Attoc:k Oextenty• Sm, Alto<k (Q.PR),IS meten y., « dom.gelo done< MC>d<out "'lJOI

2 NIA lmbnt (Q.,u:.,.....)
T.........., 2 Oextenty• T.w.n.... (Q.PP.)lclOmeten NIA y., Loftond..,.. phys,c,IobJecb wilhoulloudwog
Tl!l,pathy 2 P«cept,on• Telepolhy I.no" ..;,. "'Spo<,,j NIA Concentne:ion No R.eodrntneh. scon for""""' ondolter......,..
Toloport 2 p.,.ep1,.. • Tclq,ort Self NIA lmbnt No ~ "'thoul pou,ng ~ WWO<Vfflll9'1'KO
T""'P""-Mnp,A>l,on 3 (VanabloJ.r.._..i~oon V....ble NIA V>riable Yes
(Vanablo)• W<>lh«Mnp,j>t,on
V...ble c No
Yes Aller
toposs ~ lllffl"OOingspoc•

Mego,Attributui Physical Emancements

Mego,Attributu cost Crush
three nova points per Shockwave
clotto purchcue(two If Lifter
tolntecl) and grant one Thunderclap
free enhancement. Mega-Dextenty
Aclclltlonalenhanc. EnhancedMovement
ments cost three nova FastTasks
points to purchcue Flex,b,hty
(two If tolntecl). Catfooted
V1s1blelightattuner_____ ~
Eid he Memory
Faceof Terror
Mr. Nobody

Commanding Preience

A Perception 134 DamageAdds 241
Wits 135 DamageDice 241
Aberrants 102, 130 Physical Attributes 134 Lethal 241, 253
Aberrations 151 Dexterity134 Dexterity134
High-Level Aberrations 152 Stamina 134 Dice Pool 107
Low-LevelAberrations 151 Strength 134 Difficulties 108
Medium-LevelAberrations152 SocialAttributes 135 Directive 132
Abilities 136 Appearance135
Academics 137 Charisma 135 E
Arts 138 Manipulation135
Athletics136 EmpathicManipulation 196
Awareness137 EntropyControl196
Biz 138 B Eruption 116
Brawl 136 Eufiber 141
Bureaucracy137 Backgrounds139 Examples of Rolls 110
Command139 Allies 139 Experience123
Computer137 Attunement139 Experience Costs 124
Drive 136 Backing140 ExperiencePoints 123
Endurance137 Cipher 140 ExtendedActions 109
Engineering 137 Contacts140 Extras 230
Etiquette 139 Dormancy141 Aggravated231
firearms 136 Eufiber 141 Area 231
Interrogation138 Followers142 ArmorPiercing 231
Intimidation138 Influence142 Burning 231
Intrusion137 Mentor 142 Cloud231
Investigation137 Node 143 Explosion231
Legerdemain136 Resources144 Homing231
Linguistics137 Baselines262 Impervious 231
MartialArts 136 BonusPoints 116, 121 IncreasedDuration231
Medicine 138 Botches 108 IncreasedRange 231
Melee 137 MIRV231
C Range 232
Perform 139 ReducedQuantumCost 232
Pilot 137 Spray/Jet 232
CharacterCreation 112
Rapport 138 PhaseOne: Human113 F
Resistance137 PhaseTwo: Nova 116
Science 138 CharacterCreation Table 120 Failure 107
Stealth 137 CharacterDevelopment123
Streetwise 138 Charisma 135 G
Style 138 OoseCombatManeuversTable 250
Subterfuge138 Glossary103
CombatSummaryChart 242
Survival138 GoldenRule,the 106
Actions 106 GrenadeChart 277
ExtendedActions 109 OoseCombatManeuvers244 H
MultipleActions 110 CombatTums 239
ResistedActions 110 DefensiveManeuvers243 HealingBashingDamage254
Adrenocil in 281 GeneralManeuvers242 HealingDamage254
AeonSociety 102 ManeuverComplications248 HealingLethalDamage254
Allegiance113,129 PullingYourPunches241 Health252
Aberrants 130 RangedCombatManeuvers247 HealthChart 253
Corporate/Other132 SpecialNovaManeuvers246 Recovery255
Directive132 StageOne: Initiative239 HeavyWeaponsChart 276
Individualist132 StageThree: Resolution 240 Henchmen282
ProjectProteus 131 StageTwo: Attack 239
Project Utopia 130 Compulsion 145
Teragen 131
Appearance135 D Initiative116
Armor 242, 277 Intelligence135
ArmorChart 277 Damage240
Aggravated241. 253 L
Attributes 133
MentalAttributes 134 Applying Damage253
LethalSoak 254
Intelligence135 Bashing241, 253
Lifting 234
Mega-Strengthand, 234 p TemporaryTaint 149
Live-Action103 Teamwori< 111
Perception 134 Teragen 131
M PhysicalAttributes 134 Throwing236
PhysicalTasks 233 Mega-Strengthand, 236
ManeuverCharacteristics242 PoisonsandDrugs 279 Time 106
Manipulation 135 Adrenocilin 281 Trails 107, 127
MasterPower1List 181 Amphetam inesandCocaine 280 Trinity 102
MaterialStrengths 257 Depressants280 aberrantsin, 103
MaxingPowers 147 Hallucinogens 280
Mazarin-Rashoud node 143 Mite 281 V
Mega-Attributes 154 Moxinoquantamine 281
BuyingMega-Attributes154 NerveGas 280 VehicleChart 278
Enhancements15S Red7 282 Vehicle Damage279
Mega-Appearance170 Soma 281 Vehicles 278
Mega-Char isma 175 Tear Gas 280
Mega-Dexterity158 PowerUse 111
Mega-Intelligence164 ProjectProteus 131 Weapons274
Mega-Manipulation173 ProjectUtopia 102, 130 Grenades2n
Mega-Perception161 Prologue121 HeavyWeapons276
Mega-Stam ina 160
Mega-Strength 156 Q
Qualities 134 Willpower116, 144
TaintedMega-Attributes 154
Quantum116, 146 Recovering Willpower145
Mega-Strength 156
QuantumDetection143 UsingWillpower14S
MeleeWeaponsChart 274
MentalAttributes 134 QuantumPool 116, 146 Wits 135
MentalDisorders 1S2 RechargingQuantumPool 146
Mentalfeats 236 QuantumRecovery143
MentalPowersand Psi 180
Mite 281
Mitoids 283 RangedCombatManeuversTable 250
MolecularAlteration212 RangedWeaponsChart 275
Movemen t 106, 116 ResistedActions110
Nature 113,127 Soak 241, 254
Analyst127 LethalSoak 240
Architect127 SocialAttributes 135
Bravo 127 SocialGraces 237
Bureaucrat127 Soma 281
Caregiver127 Sourcesof Injury 255
Conniver128 Disease255
Critic 128 Electrocution 255
Explorer128 falling 256
follower 128 fire 2S6
Gallant128 Radiation 257
Hedonist 128 SuffocationandDrowning257
Jester 128 TemperatureExtremes257
Judge 128 Vacuum257
Leader 128 SpecialManeuvers147
Martyr 128 SpecialNovaManeuvers250
Paragon128 Specialties136
Rebel 129 Stamina 134
Survivor129 Storyteller 101
Thrillseeker129 Storytelling 258
Traditionalist 129 Strength 134
Visionary129 Successes107
nova 102
NovaPoints 117 , 121 T
NovaThreats 283
ElCuchillo 283 Taint 148
Hugothe Bouncer284 Aberrations151
MarissaDunlop 284 PermanentTaint 148

Enhancements155 Quantum Powers177

Accuracy 158 Absorption182
Adaptability160 Animal/PlantMastery 182
AnalyttcTaste/Touch 162 Armor 183
B1olummescence 183
AnalyzeWeakness 165
BodyMod1ficat1on 184
AppearanceAlteration 171 Bodymorph185
ArtisticGenius 168 Boost 186
Awe-lnsp1nng171 Claws 186
Blmdf1ghtmg 162 Clone 186
Bloodhound162 Cyberkmes1s187
Catfooted 159 DensityControl 189
Commanding Presence 175 D1s1ntegrat1on190
Copycat 172 Disorient 190
Crush 157 Disrupt 190
DreadfulMien 175 Domination191
Durab1l1ty161 ElementalAmma 192
E1det1c Memory 165 ElementalMastery 194
ElectromagneticV1S1on162 ESP198
EnhancedImitative 169 Flight 198
EnhancedMemory 166 ForceField 199
EnhancedMovement158 GravityControl 199
Faceof Terror 172 Healing201
FastTasks 158 Holo 201
First Impression172
Hardbody161 lmmob1l1ze 204
High-EndElectromagneticScan 163 Immolate204
HyperenhancedHeanng 163 lntu1t1on205
HypnoticGaze 174 205
LieDetector 169 lnvulnerab1hty206
Lifter 157 Luck 206
LinguisticGemus 166 MagneticMastery 207
MathematicalSavant 166 MasterPowersList 181
MentalProdigy 167 Malter Chameleon209
Mr Nobody173 Matter Creation 210
Multitasking169 MentalBlasl 210
NaturalAgitator 176 Mirage 211
NaturalEmpath 169 Poison 213
Persuader 174 Premonition214
PhysicalProdigy 159 Pretercogmtion215
QuantumAttunement 164 PsychicShield 215
QuantumBolt 216
QuantumLeap 157
QuantumConstruct 216
RapidStrike 150 QuantumImprint 218
Regeneration 161 QuantumLeech 218
Res1l1ency 161 QuantumRegeneration219
Seductive 176 QuantumVampire219
SeductiveLooks 173 SensoryShield 220
Shockwave157 Shapesh1ft220
Soothe 176 Shroud 221
Speed Readmg 168 S1zemorph (Grow) 222
Synergy 170 S1zemorph (Shrink) 222
TamtResistance 168 Strobe 223
The Voice 174 Stun Attack223
Thunderclap157 Telekinesis224
Trickster 174 Telepathy 225
UltrapenpheralPerceplton 164 Teleport 225
TemporalMampulat1on 226
Warp 228


Aberrant Storytellers Screen
What Lies in Wait for the NewGods?
The Aberrant worldis fullof mysteriesand hiddensecrets. Somethings only the Storytellershouldknow.Have
the mysteriesof the Aberrant setting at your fingertips.
The Secrets Revealed
The Aberrant StorytellersScreen is the first supplementfor Aberrant It presents all the charts and tables
necessary to run Aberrant, as wellas additionalsetting informationand a ready-to-run story ma 72-page book.

To Baskm the Light...
The Aberrant world1sa vast and often terrifying
place. Who knowswhat secrets luri<in the NovaAge of
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eerily sterile paradise of AddisAbaba, this sourcebook
providesall mannerof exotic localesfor characters to
control...or die exploring.
Or Lurkm the Shadows
This sourcebookdetails the Aberrant worldas 1t
stands m the year 2008 . A host of cities from around
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items,give Aberrant characters all the hotspots and
heat they can handle.

The Center CannotHold
Fugitives... murderers... or unsungheroes'?The
controversial Aberrants faction is outgunned,
outnumberedand has the weightof the worldagainst
it. Aberrants wouldn'thave it any other way.
The Price of Liberty
Expose: Aberrants details the nascent Aberrants
organizationand its fight againstAeon'sProject
Utopia. At only S4.95, this book's a steal for Aberrant
players and Storytellersalike.

Guiding Humanityto a Better Tomorrow...
It is more powerful than nations. 1tcontrols more novasthan any other entity in the world. 1tis Proiect Utop,a,
stalwart guardianof Earth. Utopiahas ended wars, cured diseasesand savedentire populationsfrom starvation.
So why are some novasso hell-bent to take it down?
Along a Path of Blood
This sourcebookdetails Project Utopiaand the novaswhoserve ,t. An entire organization- includingsubsidiar-
ies TeamTomorrow and Project Proteus - is covered in minutedetail in this 144-page tome.
December 1999

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