Ice Magic Spell List

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Component: White Dragon Scales Component: Vial of Liquid Sky

A swirl of ice and snow enfolds the caster in a cloud A howling wind of cold shoots from the caster,
of shimmering light. This spell may be cast on any blasting every target, friend or foe, in a 3 square by 3
model in the Wizard's death zone, giving it +1 to square area with at least one square adjacent to or
Toughness until the next exploration turn. diagonal to the Wizard's location. All within the area
take 6 damage dice of injury.

Component: Meteor Dust BRIDGE OF ICE
This spell may be used to freeze over an entire body Component: Platinum Band
of water anywhere in the Wizard's line of sight. The Wizard may transport any number of models
Models may move over it at normal rate for the within a 5 square by 5 square area, friend or foe, to
remainder of the current expedition. It cannot be another unoccupied area within the Wizard's line of
dispelled, though any fire-type spell attack (Fireball, sight. The destination must be on solid ground, and
etc.) cast on the area will automatically melt the ice. the models may be rearranged as the Wizard sees fit
This may be used to cross a chasm, as the water at in a 5 by 5 area centered on the first model placed.
the bottom rises to form an icy bridge.

You know only the above spells at the start of the game. Tick the boxes as you learn the spells below.


Component: Vial of Liquid Sky Component: Platinum Band
From out of the air suddenly appear a flock of A wall of magical, impenetrable ice stretches in a
hawks fashioned from ice, wheeling about and straight line up to 24 squares long and 1 square
striking fear into the hearts of the Wizard's enemies thick, immediately next to the Wizard. The Wizard
with their piercing cries. Until the next exploration may shift models in the way of the wall into adjacent
turn, all enemies in the combat area are affected as squares. The wall remains until destroyed with a
if in a Fearsome Monster's death zone. Creatures Fireball or similar spell, until the next exploration
that cause Fear or are immune to Fear are turn, or until the Heroes have time to flee the
unaffected. encounter.


Component: Platinum Band Component: Meteor Dust and White Dragon
A raging snow blizzard emerges from nowhere, Scales
affecting an entire dungeon section within the A single model within 12 spaces in the caster's line
Wizard's line of sight. The ice-laden winds bring all of sight is frozen solid for the remainder of the
but the Wizard and his comrades to a halt. Those expedition. The victim is protected from all attacks,
affected may take no action until the Wizard's next though the block can be moved. This spell can be
turn, and hand-to-hand or missile attacks are not negated with any fire-type spell without causing
possible in the area of effect. harm to the victim. Upon a failed Intelligence roll, the
victim is frozen only until the Wizard's next turn.

Component: Vial of Liquid Sky and Diamond SHIELD OF COLD
Dust Component: White Dragon Scales
This spell may be cast against any one opponent in Shimmering crystals coalesce around the Wizard,
the Wizard's death zone. Parts of the opponent are protecting him and all in adjacent or diagonal
frozen solid and turn into ice, causing terrible squares around him from fire attacks (such as a
wounds or killing him outright. Roll 1d12 to Fireball). This protection comes into play the first
determine the number of Wounds the victim turn in which a fire-type attack would affect the
automatically suffers. If an Intelligence test is not Wizard or any creature next to him. The protection
passed, halve the result (round down). then lasts until the next exploration turn. If no such
attack occurs during the expedition, the spell wears
off afterward.
Component: Meteor Dust
Sharp icicles fly out from the caster's hand toward a BREATH OF ICE
single model within 12 spaces, within line of sight. Component: Diamond Dust
Upon a successful hit, 12 damage dice of injury are
inflicted upon the target. The Wizard breathes upon the wounds of a single
model in an adjacent square, and a chill vapor
emerges, healing and restoring Wounds to

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