Blockchain and Healthcare: A Critical Analysis of Progress and Challenges in The Last Five Years
Blockchain and Healthcare: A Critical Analysis of Progress and Challenges in The Last Five Years
Blockchain and Healthcare: A Critical Analysis of Progress and Challenges in The Last Five Years
Abstract: Utilizing the fundamental characteristics of the decentralization, immutability, and trans-
parency of blockchain technology, the healthcare industry has made notable advancements in incor-
porating it over the past five years. This review examines the progress and challenges encountered
in this critical study by assessing 124 articles published by MDPI between 2018 and the current
date. Examining blockchain’s potential uses, like safe data exchange and interoperability in supply
chain management and electronic health records, provides exciting new directions for the future
of healthcare. Blockchain technology can greatly increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness by guar-
anteeing data integrity, protecting patient privacy, and reducing administrative procedures. This
paper objectively evaluates blockchain’s advancement in healthcare through a thorough analysis of
real-world applications and research projects. By highlighting both its advantages and disadvantages,
this analysis seeks to add to the continuing conversation about how blockchain will influence the
way healthcare is managed and delivered in the future.
Keywords: blockchain technology; healthcare industry; advancements; data integrity; patient privacy
1. Introduction
Citation: Taherdoost, H. Blockchain As our population ages, not only do we have a greater demand for healthcare, but also
and Healthcare: A Critical Analysis for increased productivity [1]. The aging population and the prevalence of chronic diseases
of Progress and Challenges in the have increased the focus on health and the quest for better medical care [2]. There is a shift
Last Five Years. Blockchains 2023, 1, in perspective away from traditional healthcare and toward patient-centered care. Recent
73–89. years have seen a shift away from healthcare that focuses on the patient and the hospital,
blockchains1020006 toward healthcare that is more mobile and electronic; this shift has resulted in universal
healthcare [3].
Academic Editors: Keke Gai and
Liehuang Zhu
The industry is at the forefront. Healthcare organizations, equipped with the necessary
tools, are at the forefront of participating in the blockchain movement [4]. The health
Received: 15 August 2023 ecosystem’s primary focus is on patients, and its primary objective is to increase the security,
Revised: 6 November 2023 confidentiality, and portability of health information. The healthcare sector generates
Accepted: 6 November 2023 copious amounts of data, including patient records, data from clinical trials, billing, and
Published: 8 November 2023
research findings [5]. Securing all internet-connected medical devices is the biggest obstacle
to universal electronic healthcare [6].
Blockchain, a distributed, immutable, and powerful technology, is having profound
Copyright: © 2023 by the author.
effects on the healthcare industry [7]. The elimination of third-party middlemen is another
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. useful feature of blockchain technology. These days, blockchain is used for more than only
This article is an open access article cryptocurrency transactions [8]. Since these problems are real ones, the healthcare manage-
distributed under the terms and ment system has social relevance [9]. The overarching goal is to boost happiness by solving
conditions of the Creative Commons actual health problems [3]. Healthcare information technology emerged as a result of the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// incorporation of computer science into healthcare, leading to significant improvements in medical care [10]. There are significant problems and gaps in the healthcare system,
4.0/). notwithstanding its progress [11].
Since its start with cryptocurrencies and continuing with the latest blockchain-based
application for industry 5.0 [12], blockchain technology has been deployed in a wide variety
of areas as part of the infrastructure of some firms that require transparency, integrity, and
reliability [13]. The applications of blockchain technology in healthcare extend far beyond
just patient records and include things like supply chain management and drug security, dis-
ease prediction, medicine traceability, insurance claims, and more. By automating formerly
laborious processes that relied on inefficient configurations and wasted time, blockchain
technology has fundamentally altered how things are implemented [14]. Blockchain’s
trustworthy environment and user-friendly network produce effective results that foster
confidence among parties [14,15].
In light of the rapidly evolving landscape, this paper draws upon reliable research and
current knowledge, primarily focusing on MDPI articles. Our collaborative effort delves
into the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain integration in healthcare, with the
aim of identifying potential areas for development and future research directions. It serves
as a resource for decision-makers, healthcare experts, and technology enthusiasts, offering
insights into the current state of blockchain in healthcare and its potential to reshape the
industry in the years ahead.
2. Background
2.1. Core Features and Characteristics
The potential for blockchain technology to completely overhaul the healthcare sector
has surfaced [16]. Blockchain is fundamentally a distributed, decentralized digital ledger
that securely and permanently records transactions [17]. In the healthcare industry, where
the confidentiality and security of patient data are crucial, this functionality is very use-
ful [18]. Blockchain technology assures that no single party has complete control over the
data by functioning on a peer-to-peer network [17,19]. This increases transparency and
lowers the possibility of data modification or unauthorized access [18]. Healthcare data is
protected by a crucial layer of security thanks to the immutability of blockchain records [17].
Since each transaction or item on the blockchain is cryptographically connected to the one
before it, updating historical data would require changing every block after it [16]. This
tamper-resistant quality protects medical data and critical information, greatly lowering
the possibility of fraud, and boosting patient confidence [18].
All network users have access to a complete transaction history, allowing for the
traceability of medical data, the authentication of products, and regulatory compliance [20].
Additionally, being able to audit and track data access improves accountability and fortifies
security against data breaches. The long-standing issue of sharing medical data among
various systems and stakeholders can be addressed with the help of blockchain’s inter-
operability features. Blockchain-based platforms can enable secure and seamless data
transmission, improving care coordination and minimizing redundant procedures, by
using standardized data formats and protocols.
Blockchain’s special ability, smart contracts, automates healthcare procedures. Among
other things, the processing of insurance claims, consent management, and supply chain
tracking can all be automated using these self-executing agreements with specified rules.
Smart contracts can streamline procedures, lower costs, and improve overall efficiency in
the healthcare ecosystem by removing the need for middlemen and manual interventions.
Despite its enormous promise, the implementation of blockchain in healthcare confronts
difficulties. Significant obstacles still need to be solved in the areas of scalability, regulatory
compliance, data protection, and interaction with current healthcare infrastructure [21].
However, continuous research and development in this field continue to look at novel ap-
proaches to deal with these difficulties as the fundamental traits and properties of blockchain
drive the goal of a more secure, effective, and patient-centric healthcare environment.
Blockchains 2023, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 3
fundamental traits and properties of blockchain drive the goal of a more secure, effective,
Blockchains 2023, 1
and patient-centric healthcare environment. 75
care coordination and a reduction in the number of tests and procedures that need to be
repeated. Because of interoperability, healthcare professionals can make better judgments
and provide patients with more thorough and effective care.
The integration of blockchain technology has enormous potential benefits for electronic
health records (EHRs). Blockchain technology can be used to make EHRs into a unified
and impenetrable system. Authorized healthcare practitioners can quickly access medical
records stored on the blockchain, assuring accurate and current patient information during
medical treatment. A more accurate diagnosis, individualized treatment strategies, and
ultimately better patient outcomes may result from this simplified access to patient data.
The management of supply chains, notably in the pharmaceutical sector, is another
prospective use of blockchain in healthcare [29]. Transparency and traceability are improved
by blockchain’s capability to follow the distribution of medications and medical equipment
from the maker to the final consumer. This supports patient safety and confidence in the
healthcare system by ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medications while also
assisting in the fight against the growth of counterfeit drugs.
Blockchain technology can also have a big impact on managing research data and
clinical trials. Researchers can use the transparent and auditable ledger of a blockchain to
check the accuracy of trial outcomes and guarantee protocol adherence. Medical break-
throughs are ultimately accelerated by the immutability of data stored on the blockchain,
which improves the reproducibility and legitimacy of study findings [30].
Blockchain-based smart contracts have the potential to transform other industries as
well, including health insurance and claims processing [31]. Smart contract automation
of claim settlements lowers administrative loads and avoids errors, resulting in a more
effective and economical insurance system. Additionally, blockchain can give patients more
control over their personal information by enabling them to manage their medical data and
consent through smart contracts.
Despite these promising uses, problems with scalability, legal compliance, and system
integration continue. Blockchain technology is continuing to advance, overcoming these
challenges and advancing the healthcare sector toward a more secure, effective, and patient-
focused future. Blockchain technology is expected to have a revolutionary impact on
healthcare as it develops, transforming how healthcare data is maintained, shared, and
used to improve patient care and general public health.
3. Methodology
To examine the development and difficulties of blockchain adoption in the healthcare
industry during the past five years, this study used a mixed-methods methodology. A re-
view of research papers on blockchain technology in healthcare that have been published in
MDPI journals was performed. “Medical” or “Health” or “Healthcare” AND “Blockchain”
were the keywords. The search encompassed the past five years (2018–19 July 2023) to
ensure that the study included the most recent and relevant information.
The first search produced 158 papers. After screening based on criteria, 124 articles
were selected to review. A variety of adoption-related metrics for blockchain technology in
healthcare were gathered and examined. These comprise the number of articles started,
the number of implementations that were successful, and the growth pattern during the
previous five years.
• The study might be constrained by the data and published studies on blockchain in
healthcare that are currently available, particularly for certain locations or particu-
lar applications;
• Because blockchain technology and healthcare are both quickly growing fields, it may
be difficult to keep up with the most recent advances;
• Examining studies within the context of MDPI publishers.
Providing a comprehensive overview of the progress and challenges in integrating
blockchain technology into the healthcare industry, this study aimed to offer valuable
insights for stakeholders. This approach leveraged the well-established benefits of con-
ducting reviews in swiftly evolving fields, ensuring the synthesis of pertinent evidence.
The purpose of this study’s conclusions was to provide insightful information that will
help stakeholders, decision-makers, and researchers make informed judgments about the
potential applications of blockchain technology in healthcare.
50 47
20 18
5 3
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of Articles
20 17
10 7
5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 3. Distribution of MDPI journals in the case of blockchain application in the medical industry.
Figure 3. Distribution of MDPI journals in the case of blockchain application in the medical industry.
Eleven articles published in the journal “Sustainability” demonstrate the importance
Eleven articles
of sustainability andpublished in the journal
environmental concerns “Sustainability”
in healthcare.demonstrate
Researchersthe areimportance
eager to in-
of sustainability
vestigate and environmental
how blockchain technology concerns in healthcare.
can contribute Researchers
to sustainable are eager
healthcare to in-
includinghow blockchain
supply technology and
chain transparency can contribute to sustainable
waste reduction. healthcare
Furthermore, solutions,
“Healthcare” as
a specialized supply chaincontains
journal transparency
seven and waste
articles reduction.
wholly devotedFurthermore,
to blockchain “Healthcare”
in the health- as
acare domain, demonstrating
specialized journal contains the seven
topic’s articles
niche appeal.
whollyThe remaining
devoted journals, including
to blockchain in the
“IJERPH”, domain,
healthcare “Future Internet”,
demonstrating “Computers”,
the topic’s“Symmetry”,
niche appeal.“Information”,
The remainingand “Cryptog-
journals, in-
raphy”, “IJERPH”,
cluding among others, haveInternet”,
“Future also contributed to the body
“Computers”, of knowledge
“Symmetry”, in this field
“Information”, by
publishing between
“Cryptography”, one others,
among and fivehave articles
also highlighting
contributed to thethe
body aspects and potential
of knowledge in this
field of blockchain
by publishing betweeninone theandhealthcare industry.
five articles highlighting the diverse aspects and po-
tentialThe increasingofnumber
applications blockchainof scholarly articles published
in the healthcare various fields over the past
five The
years increasing number of scholarly articles published intechnology
demonstrates the current condition of blockchain various fieldsin the
over healthcare
the past
industry (Figure 4). Engineering emerged as the discipline with
five years demonstrates the current condition of blockchain technology in the healthcarethe most articles, totaling
82, indicating a strong interest in investigating how blockchain can
industry (Figure 4). Engineering emerged as the discipline with the most articles, totaling be applied to various
82, indicatingaspects
a strongininterest
the healthcare
in investigating These applications
blockchain can may include
be applied tosecuring
medical devices,
engineering aspectsassuring
in the data integrity
healthcare in medical
industry. records,
These and optimizing
applications may include supply chains
in the healthcare industry.
medical devices, assuring data integrity in medical records, and optimizing supply chains
in theEnvironmental
healthcare industry. and earth sciences and computer science and mathematics, with 72
and Environmental
63 articles, respectively,
and earthfollowed
sciences and closely
computer This suggests that researchers
and mathematics, with 72 in
these fields are increasingly recognizing the potential of blockchain
and 63 articles, respectively, followed closely behind. This suggests that researchers in technology to resolve
these environmental
fields are increasingly recognizingchallenges, such asoftracing
the potential the provenance
blockchain technology of to medical
products and facilitating
healthcare-related the secure
environmental exchangesuch
challenges, of dataas between
tracing thehealthcare
provenance providers.
of medicalSim-
ilarly, in chemistry and materials science and physical sciences,
products and facilitating the secure exchange of data between healthcare providers. Sim- with 58 and 48 articles,
there is a great deal of interest in improving the traceability of pharmaceutical products
ilarly, in chemistry and materials science and physical sciences, with 58 and 48 articles,
and ensuring the authenticity of medical equipment and materials.
In the context of life sciences and healthcare-specific disciplines, the quantity of articles
indicates a growing interest, albeit at a lower level than in other disciplines. 22 articles
were devoted to biology and life sciences, 16 to public health and healthcare, and 15 to
medicine and pharmacology. This indicates that researchers in these disciplines recognize
blockchain’s potential to enhance healthcare data management, patient privacy, and medical
research. While business and economics and social sciences, arts, and humanities had
relatively fewer articles, with 14 and 12 publications, respectively, this may indicate a
growing interest in investigating the economic and societal implications of blockchain
Blockchains 2023, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 8
Blockchains 2023, 1 80
Figure 4. Topic
4. Topic distribution
distribution for blockchain
for blockchain applications
applications in theinmedical
the medical industry.
health information, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain are covered. By ensuring
data integrity, enhancing patient privacy, enabling secure and decentralized health records
management, and facilitating creative responses to healthcare concerns, these articles
demonstrate how blockchain technology has the potential to change healthcare.
transparency in healthcare supply chains, giving stakeholders the information they need to
decide whether to implement it and what kind of return on investment to expect. Addition-
ally, a distributed information hiding system built on a blockchain solves the crucial issue
of data privacy in medical supply chains [95]. Sensitive medical data is protected by using
smart contracts and advanced cryptography techniques, which enable authorized parties
to access some information while preventing unauthorized access.
Healthcare-Chain is a comprehensive solution that combines blockchain technology
with Industry 4.0 technologies like IoT devices, AI, and cybersecurity measures to build
a decentralized and reliable system for managing the healthcare supply chain [73]. The
efficiency of the supply chain is increased because of the smooth data gathering and
analysis made possible by this integrated method, which also guarantees data validity,
integrity, and safe data exchange across stakeholders. These research papers collectively
contribute to improving the reliability, security, and effectiveness of healthcare supply
chains by incorporating blockchain’s transparency, data immutability, and privacy features.
In turn, this benefits patients, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders involved in the
management of medical products and data.
5.7. Challenges
The potential of blockchain technology to improve data management, privacy, and
security has attracted considerable attention in the healthcare sector. However, there are
several obstacles to its acceptance. The diversity of healthcare data is one of the main
obstacles [48,62]. Electronic health records and medical photographs are just two examples
of the sources of structured and unstructured healthcare data, which calls for a standardized
approach for effective integration and storage on the blockchain. Another significant
challenge is the protection of patient privacy and data security, as highlighted in studies
by Yang et al. [50] and Fu et al. [77]. While immutability and openness are guaranteed
by blockchain, it needs to also ensure that private, sensitive health information is only
accessible to those who are allowed to view it. Additionally, it is important to ensure
interoperability between various healthcare systems and devices, as discussed in studies
by Figueroa et al. [59] and Kerrison et al. [66]. Robust interoperability solutions are needed
for seamless data sharing and communication between the various healthcare providers
and systems.
Another key problem is scalability, as demonstrated by Ngabo et al. [96] and Islam et al. [73].
The blockchain network needs to be able to accommodate increasing transaction rates with-
out affecting performance as the number of healthcare data grows. The highly regulated
healthcare sector further emphasizes the importance of regulatory compliance in studies by
Jamil [85] and Fusco et al. [74]. For blockchain deployments to be compliant with stringent
data protection laws like HIPAA and GDPR, careful design and compliance mechanisms
are needed.
According to the studies by Sonkamble et al. [80] and Ismail and Materwala [97]
integrating blockchain technology with the current healthcare infrastructure is a difficult
task. Since many healthcare facilities currently have legacy systems in place, meticulous
preparation is necessary to ensure seamless transfer and backward compatibility. Addition-
ally, as discussed in studies by Jo et al. [56] and Ahmed et al. [98] addressing the energy
consumption concerns of blockchain technology, particularly proof-of-work consensus, is
crucial. Healthcare firms need to consider green and energy-efficient blockchain solutions.
fraud, and managing clinical trials and medical data. The assessment of increased efficacy
and efficiency has demonstrated appreciable advancement, showing improved data protec-
tion, streamlined procedures, and possible cost savings in healthcare operations. To fully
realize the potential of blockchain, however, issues including interoperability, regulatory
issues, scalability, and standards must be resolved. Collaboration between healthcare pro-
fessionals, policymakers, technologists, and patients is necessary for successful integration.
Blockchain technology has the potential to lead to a revolutionary change in healthcare,
ushering in a period of enhanced data security, interoperability, and ultimately better
patient care.
While the review has provided valuable insights into blockchain’s current and prospec-
tive impact on healthcare, broader research directions are required to completely compre-
hend the technology’s adaptability. Exploration of how blockchain can intersect with
emergent disciplines such as AI and machine learning to enable secure data exchange
and transparent AI algorithm validation is needed in the future. In addition, investigating
causal inference in healthcare data, blockchain’s applications in unique environments such
as underwater IoT, and its potential in the aerospace, airspace, and finance industries can
yield insightful information. Future research can demonstrate the multifaceted nature of
blockchain technology by incorporating these diverse domains, thereby fostering collabora-
tion among stakeholders and resulting in transformative changes not only in the healthcare
sector but also in other industries.
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