Science News - December 2 2023

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Introducing 2023’s SN 10: Scientists to Watch


Power Plays
New discoveries upend ideas about
who was in charge in Maya cities
VOL. 204 | NO. 9


17 The SN 10: Scientists to Watch

Meet researchers who are taking on some of science’s
greatest challenges. They are figuring out how to
grow more food, treat brain disorders, measure vast
distances in the universe and more.

24 Balance of Power
COVER STORY Archaeologists have long thought
that kings ruled ancient Maya cities with absolute

authority. But recent discoveries reveal Maya politics

were more complicated than that, with rural officials
exerting political power too. By Bruce Bower

6 November 2022 Marsquakes and Human migrations
through October 2023 meteorite hits offer across the globe helped
were the hottest a detailed view of shape lice evolution
12 months on record the Red Planet’s heart
13 Mammalian cells can eat
7 Lowering levels of 10 A desert shrub’s salty bacteria-killing viruses
a DNA repair protein demeanor helps the
might help stave off plant soak up water 14 How diving kingfishers
Huntington’s disease are protected from brain
Some Australian
8 Remnants of the cosmic mangroves may thrive
with sea level rise In a Jedi-like trick, rats
collision that created
the moon may persist 11 Newfound corals moved virtual blocks
deep within Earth flourish in the Galápagos using only their minds 4 NOTEBOOK
Solving a Möbius strip
9 Dinosaur and bird fossils 12 Expanded monitoring at 15 Nitrogen-9’s atomic
mystery; microbial culprit
raise questions about U.S. airports could catch nucleus pushes nabbed in elephant deaths
the evolution of feathers the next COVID theoretical limits
Go online to explore past
and present landscapes of
the American West


Astronomers spot a new
speedy jet on Jupiter

COVER A stone pyramid

rises up from the jungle
at the ancient Maya site
of Caracol in what’s now
Belize. KaraGrubis/iStock/
12 Getty Images Plus | December 2, 2023 1


Under the jungle, a more

PUBLISHER Michael Gordon Voss

pluralistic Maya society EDITORIAL

NEWS DIRECTOR Macon Morehouse
The stone temple in the ancient city of Caracol soars above ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS Christopher Crockett,
Ashley Yeager
the jungle in western Belize, an enduring symbol of the MANAGING EDITOR , PRINT AND LONGFORM Erin Wayman
Maya dynasties that ruled Central America for centuries. RESEARCH AND SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR Karen Kwon
Caracol’s central temple and others like it have long been MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Helen Thompson
ASTRONOMY James R. Riordon
viewed as symbols of the authoritarian structure of ancient BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Bruce Bower
BIOMEDICAL Aimee Cunningham
Maya government, with kings holding all the power. But what lurks below the EARTH AND CLIMATE Carolyn Gramling
jungle tells a different story. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, SENIOR WRITER Tina Hesman Saey
With the help of aerial lidar, a remote sensing technology that maps the PHYSICS , SENIOR WRITER Emily Conover
Earth’s surface with aircraft-mounted lasers, archaeologists have discovered STAFF WRITERS Erin Garcia de Jesús, Nikk Ogasa, Meghan Rosen
the remains of sprawling urban areas beneath the vegetation at Caracol and EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Aina Abell
other Maya sites in recent years. Those discoveries are helping to rewrite the CONTRIBUTING CORRESPONDENTS
Laura Beil, Tom Siegfried, Alexandra Witze
history of Maya society. DESIGN
“It’s increasingly clear Maya cities were organized in a greater variety of ways DESIGN DIRECTOR Tracee Tibbitts
than was often thought,” behavioral sciences writer Bruce Bower told me. ART DIRECTOR Chang Won Chang


In this issue’s cover story, Bower reports on new studies of this vast urban EDITOR , DIGITAL Janet Raloff
EDITOR , PRINT Sarah Zielinski
sprawl. For instance, in Caracol, which covered as much area as Milwaukee, com- ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR Jill Sakai
munities more distant from the central pyramid had distinct artifacts and stone ASSOCIATE DIGITAL EDITOR Lillian Steenblik Hwang
buildings that suggest that these “suburbs” had their own cultural practices and EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Aaron Tremper


local governments (Page 24). PRESIDENT AND CEO Maya Ajmera
Ancient Maya society is not the only civilization where archaeologists are CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Rachel Goldman Alper
reconsidering the king/vassal paradigm. Last year, Bower reported on research CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER David Jenkins
showing that as early as around 3,000 years ago, some societies were following CHIEF, EVENTS AND OPERATIONS Cait Goldberg
“good government” practices that included fair taxation, control over political Gayle Kansagor
officials’ power and a voice for all citizens. Examples include the 16th century BOARD OF TRUSTEES
city of Tlaxcallan in Mexico and Indigenous clans in eastern North America CHAIR Mary Sue Coleman
VICE CHAIR Martin Chalfie TREASURER Hayley Bay Barna
(SN: 11/5/22, p. 16). SECRETARY Christine Burton AT LARGE Thomas F. Rosenbaum
MEMBERS Adam Bly, Christopher Bouton, Lance R. Collins,
On the archaeology beat, Bower has been covering new findings about the Mariette DiChristina, Tessa M. Hill, Charles McCabe,
W.E. Moerner, Dianne K. Newman, Roderic Ivan Pettigrew,
ancient Maya and other civilizations for decades. In 1998, he reported on the Afton Vechery, Gideon Yu, Feng Zhang, Maya Ajmera, ex officio

discovery of caves located beneath Maya temples that were used for ritual ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIBER SERVICES
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and the first and last weeks only in July by the Society for
great cities and civilizations that are now covered up by jungle. The Classic Maya, Science & the Public, 1719 N Street, NW, Washington, DC
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2 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

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Playing with paper leads to a Möbius strip discovery

Any attempt to better understand Möbius The stumper piqued Schwartz’s inter-
strips is bound to run into some kinks. est. He focused on a key property of Möbius
The twisted loops are so strange that strips: While the paper curves this way and
mathematicians have strug- that to form the loop, at every
Excerpt from the gled to answer some basic point on the band there’s a
December 1, 1973 questions about them. For direction in which the paper
issue of Science News
example: What’s the shortest follows a straight line from
Möbius strip you can make for edge to edge, with no curva-
50 YEARS AGO a paper band of a given width? ture at all. He realized that, in
The question hooked any Möbius strip, there must
No planet for mathematician Richard Evan always be two such lines that
Barnard’s star? Schwartz of Brown University are perpendicular and in the
Over the years evidence in Providence, R.I. A mistake same plane, as in the letter T.
has been brought forward in a computer program almost Based on how the paper
for planetary companions prevented him from finding Mathematician Richard Evan contorts to form this T
the answer. Simply messing Schwartz dons a paper mask shape, Schwartz found a new
revolving around two or he made. Paper helped him
three stars other than the around with strips of paper find an error in his study of minimum ratio. It was not √3
sun. The first of these was helped him solve the mystery. the triangular Möbius strip. but a number achingly close
Barnard’s star, which had A Möbius strip is a math- to it, about 1.69, he reported
been studied by Peter van de ematical oddity that anyone can make. Cut a in 2021 in Geometriae Dedicata.
Kamp…. The presence of a strip of paper, twist one end halfway around Schwartz moved on to other topics but
planet could cause a wobble and tape the ends together to form a loop couldn’t stop thinking about the problem.
in a star’s motion across the with a twist in it. The result is a one-sided One day, on a whim, he began playing with
sky. Van de Kamp found a surface. The strips have inspired mathemati- strips of paper. In a head-smacking jolt, he
wobble.… [Further] scrutiny cians, artists and scientists (SN: 7/2/22, p. 5). realized he’d made an error. Schwartz had
does not find the [wobble].… A long, skinny Möbius strip is easier to assumed that slicing open a Möbius strip
Thus there would be no make than a stumpy one. With a very short along a diagonal and flattening it forms
planet. strip, the paper has to contort so much a parallelogram. But when he cut open a
that it flattens into an equilateral triangle. paper Möbius strip, he saw a trapezoid.
The triangular Möbius strip is made from a It turns out that Schwartz had flubbed the
UPDATE: Astronomers now piece of paper that has a length that’s √3, setup of the computer program he used to
know of thousands of exo- or about 1.73, times its width. study the strips, which led to the parallelo-
planets in the Milky Way (SN: In 1977, mathematicians hypothesized that gram whoopsie. “Once I’d made the mistake,”
4/23/22, p. 5). But Barnard’s the triangular Möbius strip was the shortest he says, “it’s like it got locked into my brain.”
star is still without a confirmed possible. Specifically, it’s the limit for a theo- Schwartz hardly ever used paper Möbius
exoplanet despite careful retical version of paper that, like real-world strips in his research. But that’s what it took


scrutiny. A 2018 claim of an paper, can’t pass through itself. But no one to break his stagnant thought pattern. It’s
exoplanet about three times had been able to prove it. Researchers could curious that he didn’t turn to paper earlier,
as massive as Earth has been show only that the length-to-width ratio since he makes paper masks as a hobby.
questioned. In July, a survey must be greater than π/2, or about 1.57. Once Schwartz redid the calculation with
of 200 low-mass red dwarfs, the trapezoid fix, √3 popped out, Schwartz
including Barnard’s star, found reported August 24 at He had
no Jupiter-sized exoplanets proved a nearly 50-year-old math-
(SN: 7/15/23 & 7/29/23, p. 9). ematical hypothesis.
Such stars may have enough A Möbius strip is a loop with a Schwartz wants to take the
debris around them to form half-twist in it. A mathematician work further. What, he won-
only small exoplanets. has now proved the shortest ders, are minimum lengths for
possible paper Möbius strip for a
given width. Möbius strips with more than
one twist? This time, perhaps,
he’ll spend more time playing
with paper. — Emily Conover

4 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023


A rare bacterium joins the list of

elephant-killing pathogens
Three years ago, dozens of African elephants mysteriously
died in Zimbabwe. Now scientists have nabbed the killer: a
rare and little known bacterium that can cause organ inflam-
mation leading to deadly hemorrhaging.
The bacterium, Pasteurellaceae Bisgaard taxon 45, turned up
in samples from six of 15 dead elephants analyzed, researchers
report October 25 in Nature Communications. The pathogen
is closely related to Pasteurella multocida, which can cause
African elephants (one in
hemorrhagic septicemia, or fatal blood poisoning, in elephants. Zimbabwe, shown) can de-
Bisgaard taxon 45 had not been previously implicated in blood velop blood poisoning from
poisoning. infections of Pasteurellaceae
Bisgaard taxon 45 bacteria.
It’s still unclear how the elephants became infected, say epi-
demiologist Laura Rosen and colleagues. Rosen works with the
Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area’s Animal Upon further testing, it became clear
Health Sub-Working Group in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. But
the results do solve one part of a mystery that has haunted
efforts to protect endangered Loxodonta africana elephants in
the country.
that “we did not have P. multocida but
something else similar,” Rosen says. Genetic
analysis of samples from six elephants con-
firmed Bisgaard taxon 45 was the culprit in
African elephants in
Zimbabwe killed by a
From August to November 2020, 35 elephants turned up dead those deaths. Samples from nine other ele- rare bacterium in 2020
in northwestern Zimbabwe. Earlier the same year in Botswana, phants were too degraded to get an ID. Still,
as many as 350 elephants died from cyanobacteria infections. the team suspects that Bisgaard taxon 45 is to blame for all the
But there’s no evidence that cyanobacteria were involved in deaths. Whether the bacterium is part of the typical elephant
the deaths of Zimbabwe’s elephants, Rosen and colleagues say. microbiome, and if so, what may have caused it to become
Instead, necropsies and lab tests found the Zimbabwe elephants deadly, remain unclear.
had enlarged spleens and livers as well as extensive internal The findings add to the growing list of pathogens to look for
bleeding and tissue death — symptoms of hemorrhagic septi- in mysterious wildlife deaths in Africa, says veterinary micro-
cemia. Blood poisoning from P. multocida infections had been biologist Shahan Azeem of the University of Veterinary and
seen in Asian elephants, but never before in African elephants. Animal Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan. — Tawanda Karombo

INTRODUCING The fossils are the oldest lamprey specimens to clearly indi-
cate a preference in feeding mode, say paleontologist Feixang
Newfound fossilized lampreys Wu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and col-
probably feasted on flesh leagues. In fact, the tooth arrangement of both ancient species
Found in roughly 160-million-year-old rocks in northern strongly resembles that of a modern species of flesh-eating

China, the Yanliao Biota is a diverse array of beautifully pre- lamprey in the Southern Hemisphere.
served fossils, including dinosaurs, pterosaurs and even early Yanliaomyzon occisor was larger than Y. ingensdentes. At
mammals. Paleontologists have now unearthed fossils of two about 64 centimeters, the length of a Dachshund, Y. occisor
surprisingly large ancient lamprey species there, swimming fell within the size range of modern lampreys.
menaces that latched onto and bored holes into their unsus- Lampreys, a lineage of jawless vertebrates, have been around
pecting neighbors. for 360 million years. But they rarely fossilize well,
Modern lampreys’ funnel-shaped, toothy mouths leaving large gaps in their evolutionary record and
tend to be adapted to consume either blood or flesh. uncertainty about their ecology and when their
Based on the arrangement of teeth and other feed- feeding styles evolved.
ing apparatuses in the fossils, the newly discovered The earliest lampreys were only a few centi-
species were probably flesh eaters, scientists report meters long and lacked the powerful teeth of later
October 31 in Nature Communications. species. The newfound fossils suggest that by this
time in the Jurassic Period, lampreys had become
The fossilized mouth of the newfound ancient lamprey
Yanliaomyzon ingensdentes, shown in this artist’s rendition, fierce predators, acquiring larger body sizes and
suggests the species ate flesh instead of sucking blood. complex feeding structures. — Carolyn Gramling | December 2, 2023 5


Earth’s hottest 12 months on record

A new report attributes recent extreme heat to climate change

10 different days of extreme temperatures

Andres Matamoros wipes sweat in the last year that were very strongly
from his face as he sells fresh fruit
from his roadside stand in Houston affected by climate change. Those days
amid a record-breaking heat wave in had a CSI rating of at least 3, meaning
the city last summer. human-caused climate change made those
temperatures at least three times as likely.
Nearly 3 out of 4 people experienced those
temperatures for more than 30 days.
The report also reveals inequities in the
burden of climate change. Earth’s poor-
est countries had a relatively high average
CSI of 2, though they have contributed
the least amount of fossil fuel emissions.
Climate impacts also are accelerat-
ing in many of the richest countries,
including the United States. Brutal heat
waves roasted much of the southern
United States over the last 12 months. For
BY CAROLYN GRAMLING t emperatures that people experience instance, Houston endured a 22-day streak
Earth just had its hottest 12 months in day-to-day, and how much those temper- of extreme heat, where each day topped
nearly 150 years of recordkeeping — and atures are attributable to climate change. 38° C (100° Fahrenheit). That was the lon-
probably in the last 125,000 years — due “We have these super important global gest streak in the 700 cities with 1 million
to human-caused climate change, a new numbers such as the 1.5- or 2-degree people or more that the team analyzed.
report finds. warming targets, but that isn’t the expe- The new analysis, which has not yet
From November 2022 through October rience that people on planet Earth have,” been peer-reviewed, is similar to ones
2023, the planet’s average temperature Pershing says. “We wanted to develop a performed by World Weather Attribution.
was about 1.3 degrees Celsius higher than way to really localize that experience … to WWA is a consortium that looks for the
the average temperature from 1850 to talk about how climate change influenced fingerprints of human-caused climate
1900, say researchers with the nonprofit that day’s temperatures on any given day change in specific extreme events around
group Climate Central. That’s just shy of anywhere in the planet.” the world. The group examined a hand-
the 1.5-degree threshold often cited as To that end, the analysis is based on ful of extreme heat waves over the last
a benchmark for avoiding irreversible Climate Central’s Climate Shift Index, or 12 months — all were strongly attributable
impacts on the climate. Over the last year, CSI. It is a daily local temperature attribu- to climate change, says climate scientist
about 1 in 4 people globally experienced tion system that combines observational and WWA cofounder Friederike Otto.
a climate change–driven heat wave that data and climate simulations to determine Immediately eliminating fossil fuel use
lasted at least five days. the likelihood that local temperature vari- would stop global temperatures from ris-
Climate Central released the report ations are attributable to climate change. ing and heat waves from getting worse,
on November 9, ahead of the United Because what is considered extreme Otto says. Keeping the planet below a
Nations Framework Convention on heat depends on both place and time, the 1.5-degree warming threshold “is in reach,”
Climate Change, which began in Dubai researchers defined it for a given location she says, “if we want it to be in reach.”
on November 30. Fossil fuels are driving as daily temperatures that would have In June, Earth experienced the onset
most of this heat, says Andrew Pershing, been in the 99th percentile for that place of an El Niño climate pattern, which can
Climate Central’s vice president for sci- from 1991 to 2020. In other words, tem- bring high global temperatures on top of

ence. Hopefully, he says, participating peratures that locals would recognize as the long-term global warming trend. But
nations will take note of the findings as incredibly high. The team analyzed data the greatest temperature impact from
they negotiate how to reduce fossil fuel from hundreds of countries, states, prov- El Niño takes a year or so to develop as
emissions (SN: 5/7/22 & 5/21/22, p. 8). inces and major cities. heat disperses around the globe, Pershing
Global average numbers can be hard About 90 percent of the global popula- says. That means 2024 will probably
to grasp. So the report also quantifies tion, 7.3 billion people, experienced at least smash records.

6 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023


How Huntington’s
might be stopped
Future therapies could target
a genetic pileup in brain cells


WASHINGTON — Scientists have uncov-
ered a clue about why it takes so long for
Huntington’s disease to develop. And they
may have a lead on how to stop the fatal
brain disease.
Huntington’s is caused by a mistak-
enly repeated bit of a gene called HTT.
Researchers had thought the number
of repeats a person is born with doesn’t
change, though repeats may expand when
passed to future generations. But in some
brain cells, the repeats can grow over
time to hundreds of copies, geneticist Bob
Handsaker reported November 2 at the
annual meeting of the American Society
of Human Genetics.
In this MRI image of a 21-year-old with Huntington’s disease, dark areas in the center of the brain
Once the number of repeats passes a indicate cell death. The gene that causes the disease gains extra DNA over time, causing cells to die.
certain point, the activity of thousands of Targeting a protein that is thought to add DNA to the gene may be a way to stop the disease.
other genes in the cells changes drasti-
cally, leading to cell death. their 30s to 50s. The more repeats a per- 40 repeats to 80, but then the process
The findings suggest that adding son has, the earlier symptoms start. picks up steam. It takes only a few years
repeats to the HTT gene in vulnerable Those symptoms include depression, to go from 90 repeats to more than 100.
brain cells drives Huntington’s disease, mood swings, forgetfulness, balance prob- Once the disease-causing version of
says Handsaker, of the Broad Institute lems, involuntary movements and slurred HTT reached about 150 repeats, the activity
of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Mass. speech. Eventually, a person may be para- of thousands of other genes went haywire,
The research also suggests that prevent- lyzed and can die from complications such the team found. Precise levels of activ-
ing the repeats from growing may stop as pneumonia or heart failure. ity are needed to keep cells healthy, so it
the development of the disease. Handsaker and colleagues examined may be this change that leads to cell death
The new work gives “serious insight individual cells in donated postmortem within months of reaching 150 repeats.
into the disease mechanism,” says geneti- brains from people with and without CAG repeats might get added when a
cist Russell Snell of the University of the disease. Measuring the length of protein called MSH3, which is involved in
Auckland in New Zealand. In the United the repeated genetic bit in all the cells repairing DNA, loses its place. Lowering
States, about 41,000 people have symp- revealed a “dramatic expansion” of the levels of that protein might be a way to
tomatic Huntington’s disease and another repeats in cells called striatal projection limit the expansion and keep Huntington’s
200,000 are at risk of developing it. Inher- neurons in people with Huntington’s from progressing, Handsaker said.
iting just one copy of a repeat-riddled HTT disease, Handsaker said. The extra DNA Experimental methods for managing
gene produces symptoms. wasn’t found in other types of brain cells the disease tend to focus on lowering
Everyone is born with two copies of in people with or without the disease. levels of a toxic protein called huntingtin,
the HTT gene. In one part of the gene, the “Some cells had up to 1,000 CAG which is made from the disease-causing
DNA bases cytosine, adenine and guanine repeats,” Handsaker said. Why the repeats version of HTT and is thought to dam-

repeat. HTT typically has 26 or fewer CAG grow only in this type of cell is unclear. age brain cells. The new work suggests
repeats. But people who inherit even Based on the ages of the donors when targeting DNA instability also “holds
one copy with 40 or more repeats will they died and on computer simulations, therapeutic potential,” says neurobiolo-
develop Huntington’s disease. Symptoms Handsaker’s team noticed an unusual pat- gist Leora Fox of the Huntington’s Disease
generally don’t appear until people are in tern. It can take decades to go from about Society of America in New York City. | December 2, 2023 7


PLANETARY SCIENCE In recent decades, geophysicists have about 10 kilometers across. That allowed

Pieces of Theia discovered two continent-sized zones of

rock at the base of Earth’s mantle where
tracking of the postimpact fragments,
says computational physicist Vincent Eke

live inside Earth seismic waves travel abnormally slowly,

suggesting the rock there is denser than
of Durham University in England. In all,
the simulations tracked about 100 million
Mantle rocks may be debris the rest of the mantle rock. One of these particles.
from moon-forming crash blobs, known as large low-velocity prov- A substantial portion of Theia’s
inces, lies beneath Africa. The other lies core — equivalent to about 3 percent
BY SID PERKINS half a world away beneath the Pacific of Earth’s mass today — was left on our
About 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized Ocean, says Qian Yuan, a planetary geo- planet, the simulations suggest. Soon
object smashed into the young Earth, dynamicist at Caltech. after the collision, that dense molten
spraying debris that coalesced to form the Some researchers have suggested material would have sunk to join early
moon, many scientists think. Some rem- these masses are the remnants of tec- Earth’s core. Meanwhile, a large volume of
nants of that object, called Theia, exist tonic plates that were shoved beneath Theia’s mantle, up to 5 percent of Earth’s
today as large amounts of dense mate- others and then sunk down to the bound- mass, was embedded in the uppermost
rial sitting atop Earth’s core, researchers ary between Earth’s outer core and the 1,400 kilometers of early Earth’s mantle.
propose in the Nov. 2 Nature. overlying mantle. But Yuan and colleagues Moon rocks suggest that Theia’s man-
offer a different origin story. tle contained higher proportions of iron
The moon is only about 1.2 percent the oxide minerals than Earth’s mantle and
mass of Earth, which leaves a substan- was therefore probably denser, Yuan says.
tial amount of Theia unaccounted for. Over a few tens of millions of years after
Using supercomputer simulations, Yuan’s the collision, that material slowly sank
team tracked the fallout from a smashup to accumulate and form the large low-
between the nascent Earth and another velocity provinces, the team suggests.
object about 10 percent as massive. Although many researchers have sug-
In the simulations, each body had a gested that these low-velocity provinces
dense iron core swaddled by a mantle are remnants of tectonic plates, others
of lig hter rocks and was have proposed that they’re remnants of
divided into particles Earth’s original magma ocean. Attribut-
ing the masses to material left in the wake
of the collision between Theia and the
nascent Earth “is a new idea,” says geo-
dynamicist Paul Tackley of ETH Zurich.
Whether or not a run-in with Theia is
what created the low-velocity provinces,
it’s at least plausible that they could have
lasted the 4.5 billion years or so since the
moon’s formation, Tackley says. If the
materials in those zones are dense enough
to resist mixing with the overlying man-
tle as it slowly flows across them, he says,
“they can survive over geological time.”
Known as the giant impact hypothesis,
a collision between Earth and a proto-
planet remains the leading theory of how
the moon formed. Previously, research-
ers have suggested that such a collision
would help explain the slight chemical dif-
ferences between rocks on the moon and
think a proto- on Earth (SN: 7/12/14, p. 14). Besides creat-

planet smashed ing the moon, scientists recently proposed

into early Earth (left in that a collision between the nascent Earth
this illustration), creating
the moon and rocky masses and Theia also may have jump-started
that sit atop modern Earth’s core (right). plate tectonics (SN: 4/22/23, p. 10).

8 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

PALEONTOLOGY Raleigh who conducted the 2019 research.

Fossilization may alter feather proteins In Schweitzer’s work, feathers exposed

to even higher temperatures preserved
Dinosaur- and bird-feather analyses challenge evolutionary ideas their proteins well when kept in sedi-
ment, rather than removed from it as in
BY SAIMA S. IQBAL rich in the beta variety, the team suspects the new study. The effect fossilization has
Many feathered dinosaurs couldn’t fly — at that the proteins transformed during fos- on feather proteins may be more complex
least, not like birds do today. But the rep- silization. The dinosaur feather had mainly and as yet misunderstood, she says.
tiles’ feathers may have been more birdlike beta-keratin, hinting it wasn’t exposed to Scientists increasingly think that feath-
than scientists previously thought. enough heat to morph its proteins. ers primarily kept dinosaurs warm and
In 2019, fossil analyses found that feath- The simplest explanation is that fossil- helped them attract mates. But some
ers from a flightless dinosaur mostly ization’s distorting effects led scientists nonavian dinosaurs flapped their wings
contained alpha-keratin, a flexible form astray in thinking dinosaur and bird as they ran while others glided through
of the protein that makes up modern bird feathers were so different, says Slater, of the air (SN: 11/26/16, p. 9).
beaks, scales and feathers. Scientists sug- University College Cork in Ireland. If feathers are one piece of the flight
gested that feathers evolved to be stiffer, But the conditions that Slater’s team evolution puzzle, keratin may be an even
containing more beta-keratin, as birds, tested may not accurately replicate what smaller sliver, says biologist Matthew
the last living dinosaurs, took to the skies. occurred during centuries of burial, says Shawkey of Ghent University in Belgium.
That idea may be upended with the new Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontolo- The vasculature, shape and arrangement of
discovery that fossilization can change gist at North Carolina State University in feathers may be more important, he says.
feather proteins, making one keratin pro-
tein resemble another, researchers report
in the October Nature Ecology & Evolution.
The study raises the possibility that
dinosaur feathers may have mainly con-
tained the stiffer beta-keratin proteins
found in bird feathers. Such a finding
would not imply all feathered dinosaurs
flew, but it would raise new questions
about feather evolution.
The work also gives scientists valuable
insight into one way the fossil record may
transform over time, says vertebrate pale- PLANETARY SCIENCE
ontologist Julia Clarke of the University of
Texas at Austin. “There’s still a lot more Seismic waves reveal Mars’ true heart
to discover about the process of chemi- Mars has a heavy heart after all. The Red Planet has a dense core of liquid iron
cal alteration that all structures undergo surrounded by a relatively thin layer of molten rock, researchers report in two
during the process of rock formation, studies in the Oct. 26 Nature.
liquefaction and burial,” she says. The finding resolves a recent conundrum that came about when seismic
For the new study, paleontologist measurements suggested that the planet had a surprisingly large, lightweight
Tiffany Slater and colleagues subjected core rich in low-density elements. Such a core would have required a mix of ele-
modern bird feathers to heat conditions ments that wouldn’t have matched the proportions in the material that formed
that mimicked what dinosaur feathers the solar system. The new work shows the planet is indeed made of materials
may have endured during fossilization. common in the solar system at the time Mars formed.
Beta-keratin in the feathers unfolded and Seismic waves from Marsquakes and meteorite impacts, detected with NASA’s
reformed in the shape of alpha-keratin, InSight lander (illustrated above), have helped scientists deduce the structure
hinting that a similar process could have of Mars’ interior. Previously, waves reflecting off the molten rock layer had
occurred in dinosaur feathers. suggested the core’s radius is about 1,800 kilometers with a density of up to
The team then compared a roughly 6,300 kilograms per cubic meter. Now, seismic waves that dipped into the molten
50-million-year-old bird feather and a layer refine that picture. The core’s radius is roughly 10 percent smaller with a

125-million-year-old feather from the density of about 6,500 kg/m3 to 6,650 kg/m3. Because Mars and Earth were simi-
nonavian dinosaur Sinornithosaurus. The lar in their youth, better understanding the Red Planet “can tell us a lot about our
fossilized bird feather consisted mainly of own,” says planetary scientist Henri Samuel of CNRS in Paris. — James R. Riordon
alpha-keratin. Since it should have been | December 2, 2023 9



Sweat keeps a desert plant hydrated Rising seas help

The Athel tamarisk’s salty secretions pull water from the air some mangroves
BY ARIANA REMMEL To investigate, Al-Handawi and col- Unique geology may explain
Sweat keeps some animals cool in scorch- leagues recorded time-lapse videos of unexpected forest growth
ing heat. Salty secretions also serve one Athel tamarisk plants in their natural hab-
desert shrub a refreshing sip of water. itat. These recordings showed that salt BY DARREN INCORVAIA
The Athel tamarisk uses a special selec- crystals that form during the day swell Some mangrove forests off Australia have
tion of salts excreted from its leaves to with water at night. Back in the lab, the flourished in the last several decades.
pull water from the air, researchers report researchers found that at 35° Celsius and And, counterintuitively, rising sea levels
in the Nov. 7 Proceedings of the National 80 percent relative humidity, a naturally may be responsible.
Academy of Sciences. This finding provides encrusted branch collected 15 milligrams Off Australia’s northern coast, the
new insights into the clever chemical sur- of water on its leaves after two hours, skeletal remains of ancient coral reefs
vival strategies that plants have evolved in while a branch washed of crystals yielded form the bedrock of numerous wooded
harsh environments. only about one-tenth as much. islands. These low-lying tropical oases
The Athel tamarisk (Tamarix aphylla) “This result was conclusive to us,” are home to diverse animals and plants,
thrives in the arid, salt-rich soils of Al-Handawi says, “because it proved salts including mangrove forests that pep-
coastal flats across the Middle East. The are the main contributor to the water per the coast and serve as vital habitat
tamarisk is a halophyte, a salt-loving harvesting, and it’s not the surface of and carbon storers. A recent survey of
plant, and secretes excess salt in concen- the plant.” What’s more, the researchers one cluster of those islands — the first in
trated droplets from glands in its leaves. observed dew form on the crystals at just 50 years — shows that swelling seas might
The moisture from these briny excretions 50 percent relative humidity in the lab. have led to a massive mangrove expan-
dissipates in the heat of the day, leaving The tamarisk’s saline sprinkles contain sion, researchers report in the Nov. 8
the tamarisk encrusted in white crystals more than 10 different types of minerals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
that shake off in the wind. Salt crystals are made mostly of sodium Elsewhere, rising seas have put man-
While driving through the deserts of chloride and gypsum. Yet the researchers groves at risk (SN: 7/4/20 & 7/18/20, p. 7).
the United Arab Emirates, materials sci- also spotted traces of lithium sulfate. This But at the Howick Group of islands in the
entist Marieh Al-Handawi of New York mineral is exceptionally good at taking in Great Barrier Reef, the story is different
University Abu Dhabi noticed water con- water and at much lower humidity than because of its unique geologic history.
densing on these crystals. A lot of plants sodium chloride or gypsum. While sodium “We usually are focusing on areas of
have leaf surface structures that attract chloride brings in the largest volumes of mangrove loss,” says Temilola Fatoyinbo, a
liquid water from fog. But Al-Handawi, water, the addition of lithium sulfate to forest ecologist at NASA’s Goddard Space
who looks to nature for strategies to the mineral mélange helps explain how the Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., who was
tackle water scarcity, suspected that the tamarisk collects water even at relatively not involved with the study. “So it’s always
composition of the excreted salts — a low humidity, Al-Handawi says. encouraging to see areas where there’s
chemical adaptation — might have some- “This paper provides a new level of mangrove gain.”
thing to do with the dew. detailed understanding of how some Mangroves — groupings of different
desert plants can both excrete salt and plants that have adapted to thrive along
The succulent leaves of this Athel tamarisk use it to take up water from the air into coastlines — soak up carbon dioxide
secrete salts that soak up condensation. leaves,” says Lawren Sack, a plant phys- and store it as “blue carbon,” a term for
iologist and ecologist at UCLA. Sack is carbon that is sequestered in marine
excited to see the chemical complexity environments (SN: 9/10/22, p. 16).
of the salts. Desert plants have evolved “There’s a lot of interest in using man-
intricate chemical strategies to squeeze grove blue carbon to mitigate climate
every last drop of water from the envi- change,” says study coauthor Kerrylee
ronment, he says, and most of those Rogers, an environmental scientist at the
systems await discovery. University of Wollongong in Australia.
Al-Handawi notes that the salt recipe “But there remains a lot of questions
may differ across regions and seasons. It around [mangroves’] capacity to adapt to

makes her hopeful, she says, that there are sea level rise.”
other exciting water-harvesting materials In 2021, a team led by Wollongong
waiting to be found in the desert. environmental scientist Sarah Hamylton

10 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

grew upward to fill the newly available
Mangrove cover on Australia’s Bewick Island space. When sea levels fell thousands of
has grown by 50 percent since 1973.
years later, sediment could build up on the
exposed reefs. With sea levels now rising
again, the researchers suspect the mixture
of saltwater and sediment makes a perfect
home for the salt-tolerant mangroves.
“As sea level came back down, it wasn’t
suitable mangrove habitat,” Rogers says.
With those parts of the island now inun-
dated by the tides, it “is suitable again, and
it’s largely because it was set up for those
conditions [2,000] to 4,000 years ago.”
The findings highlight the need for
mangrove research on a local scale,
visited the Howick islands to see how tons of mangroves, the team estimates, Rogers says. “In a global model, this would
the mangroves there are coping with sea which is roughly 10,000 more metric tons get lost.” Fatoyinbo agrees. “Studies on the
level rise. Hamylton flew a drone over than was there in 1973. The forests’ reach local scale are really useful,” she says, “to
the mangroves to capture aerial imagery, has also expanded on many islands. For better understand big patterns.”
while other researchers walked through instance, while about a quarter of Newton Rogers and Hamylton are now work-
the brine to assess the plant diversity Island was covered by mangroves in 1973, ing on a bigger effort to study mangroves
and measure individual trees. Using the the forest has now expanded to blanket around Australia. “If we’re going to invest
measured widths and heights of several close to two-fifths of it. in mangroves … to provide us blue car-
mangroves, as well as the drones’ height The Howick islands are uniquely suited bon and to protect shorelines, we need to
data, the team extrapolated tree widths to supporting mangroves as the ocean understand how dynamic they are,” Rogers
for the rest of the forest to estimate the rises. Between 20,000 and 6,000 years says. “And then get some more under-
total mangrove biomass. ago, with glacial retreat, water levels rose standing of how they’re going to adapt to
The islands host nearly 54,000 metric around northern Australia, and coral reefs sea level in the future.”


New coral reefs in the Galápagos

Four decades ago, warm waters from an El Niño event killed
off nearly all the corals surrounding the Galápagos. Most coral
reefs never recovered. But in recent months, researchers have
discovered vast landscapes of thriving corals in deeper waters
surrounding the equatorial islands.
In April, scientists documented the first known pristine deep
coral reef found in the region, dubbed Cacho De Coral (shown
at right), which sits atop the ridge of an underwater volcano and
stretches about 250 meters. On October 26, another team an-
nounced the discovery of an even bigger reef, this one more than
800 meters long, spanning the length of eight football fields.

With coral reefs worldwide in peril due to climate change,

the finds are a small piece of good news. Located within the
Galápagos Marine Reserve, these newfound reefs have been
protected from human influence and the direct impacts of
warming waters, probably because they are in such deep
water, up to 420 meters below the surface.
Unlike corals that flourish in warm, shallow water with a lot
of sunlight to fuel symbiotic algae, deep-sea corals survive in
colder, darker parts of the ocean that don’t warm up as quickly
under climate change. — Erin Garcia de Jesús | December 2, 2023 11



CDC tracks more

viruses at airports
PCR and wastewater tests now
look for dozens of pathogens Travelers arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City and three other
major U.S. airports can be tested for over 30 pathogens as part of a monitoring program.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and health threats that might be “the next program are San Francisco International
Prevention is expanding how it tracks dis- COVID,” says epidemiologist Sam Scarpino Airport, John F. Kennedy International
eases among international travelers, just in of Northeastern University in Boston. The Airport in New York City, Boston Logan
time for the fall and winter virus season. new data may also inform public health International Airport and Dulles Inter-
Travelers arriving in four major inter- guidance during outbreaks of seasonal national Airport near Washington, D.C.
national airports in the United States now viruses like the flu, he says. Wastewater and PCR testing “comple-
have the option to be tested for more Since fall 2021, the CDC’s Traveler-Based ment each other,” Scarpino says.
than 30 pathogens, building upon a pro- Genomic Surveillance program has tracked Participants typically don’t get their
gram that tracks coronavirus variants, the the global evolution of SARS-CoV-2, the results, but the program gives out at-home
CDC announced November 6. virus responsible for COVID-19, through rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2.
This expanded testing will continue for voluntary nasal swab PCR testing at U.S. The expanded program is “a really
several months as a pilot program designed international airports. In August, the pro- smart way” to look for new pathogens
to track respiratory diseases such as sea- gram picked up one of the first known reaching the United States through inter-
sonal flu. The program will also screen cases anywhere of the new variant BA.2.86, national travel, says Rachel Poretsky, a
wastewater from airplanes and airports, in a traveler returning from Japan. More microbiologist and wastewater surveil-
adding population-level data to informa- than 360,000 U.S. residents have partici- lance expert at the University of Illinois
tion from voluntary nasal swabs. pated in the testing as of September 2023. Chicago. She’d like to see testing at more
This program could catch potential The airports participating in the airports plus bus and train stations.

ANTHROPOLOGY Ascunce and colleagues compared

Louse DNA hints genes from 274 head lice found on people
around the world. The parasites mostly

at host migration clustered into two genetic groups — one

in Europe and North America, and the
The parasite’s genes can give other in Asia and Central America.
insights into humans’ past The link between Central American
and Asian populations may have resulted
BY JAKE BUEHLER from humans crossing a land bridge into
Head lice have been bugging humans for the Americas thousands of years ago, the
hundreds of thousands of years, and the team says. The other group prevalent in
insects’ genes record the story of their North America reflects the more recent
hosts’ global voyages. colonization of the region by Europeans.
An analysis of louse DNA suggests that Lice “can help us to see our history,”
the scalp stowaways rode humans to the Ascunce says. A closer look at more genes
Americas at least twice — once from Asia might shed light on how European and
many millennia ago, and again much more Asian lice diverged, and perhaps offer

recently via European colonists, scientists insights into events in human prehistory.

report November 8 in PLOS ONE. Studying louse evolution could “fast-

Because head lice (Pediculus humanus) forward” perspectives on human evolution,
The DNA of
can’t fly, they are closely tied to the move- says evolutionary biologist Andrew Sweet head lice (one
ments of their human hosts, says Marina of Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. shown under
Ascunce, an evolutionary geneticist at Evolutionary patterns might show up in magnification)
tells a story of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture who the genes of lice earlier than in humans, human migration
is based in Gainesville, Fla. because of the lice’s quick generations. across the globe.

12 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

GENES & CELLS in cell growth increased and amounts of
growth-inhibiting proteins decreased.
Human cells might fuel up on phages “Cells that had been given phage were
Cancer cells that ate bacteria-killing viruses showed growth signs actually growing at a faster rate,” Barr
says. This suggests “they’re using the
BY DARREN INCORVAIA noncancerous ones, to use phages as fuel. phages as a food source.”
From the nose to the gut, the human The finding upends traditional biologi- Because the cells were grown in a lab
body is home to diverse microorganisms. cal dogma, says Barr, of Monash University and come from established lines of cells
Such rich microbial ecosystems are prime in Melbourne, Australia. “You’re told that used for research, scientists can’t yet be
hunting grounds for viruses that infect [phages] just do not interact with mamma- sure that cells in the body behave the same
and kill bacteria. But how these bacteria- lian cells,” he says. “And that’s completely way, says immunologist Paul Bollyky of
killing viruses interact with human cells false. They do.” Stanford University. “Cell lines are funny
has remained mysterious. Phages are ubiquitous in the human creatures,” Bollyky says. “They do things
Previous research has shown that body. Our gut cells ingest up to 30 billion energetically that are probably closer to
human cells can slurp up these viruses, each day, Barr estimates. To test how the tumor biology than to normal cell biology,
called phages, when a cell ingests a large viruses interact with mammalian cells, the so it can be difficult to extrapolate.” Still,
amount of the fluid surrounding it. Micro- team grew human and dog cancer cells he says, “like a lot of good science, this
biologist Jeremy Barr and colleagues in an environment flush with T4, a phage study really raises questions.”
wanted to know if the ingested viruses that preys on E. coli. Barr next wants to investigate whether
have any effect on the cell’s immune Barr and colleagues then used protein- noncancerous cells snack on phages. He
response. Instead, the researchers found binding antibodies to determine which also plans to examine more phages, includ-
that lab-grown human cancer cells use proteins the cells made in response to ing ones that — like T4 — live in our guts
the viruses as food, the team reports the phage. The researchers expected and others that are used to treat bacterial
October 26 in PLOS Biology. the cells to churn out immune proteins infections (SN: 1/15/22, p. 14). “We know
The finding shows that it’s possible for involved in inflammation. Instead, they they kill the bacterial hosts, but what are
mammalian cells, including potentially found that amounts of proteins involved they doing to the human host?” he asks.


Buy Ira Schulte’s first two books!

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Social worker | Psychotherapist | December 2, 2023 13



Genes hold clues to kingfisher diving

Genetic tweaks may protect the brain from forceful impacts

BY CLAUDIA LÓPEZ LLOREDA plunge divers had evolved the behavior

Genetic tweaks in kingfishers might help independently rather than from the same
cushion the blow when the diving birds ancestor. Perhaps they converged on the
plunge beak-first into water to catch fish. same behavior through similar genetic
Analysis of the genetic instruction changes. That’s what happened among
books of kingfishers identified genetic species of birds that lost the ability to fly.
differences between diving and non- The team found diving-associated
diving species. Those changes are in changes in 93 kingfisher genes, signaling
genes related to brain function as well convergence. One gene that stood out
as retina and blood vessel development, provides instructions for making tau, a
which might protect against damage dur- protein that normally helps stabilize brain
ing dives, scientists report October 24 in cells and that in people has been linked to
Communications Biology. It’s not yet clear concussions and neurodegenerative dis-
how the changes protect the birds. eases. The change might help the birds
Diving kingfishers smack into water at adapt to diving, the team suggests.
speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour. The idea that tau mitigates hard impacts
The amount of force from such impacts in kingfishers is an interesting hypothesis
A plunge-diving could cause concussions in humans, says that will take more work to verify, says Tim
kingfisher can hit
water at speeds of evolutionary biologist Shannon Hackett Sackton, a geneticist at Harvard University.
up to 40 kilometers of the Field Museum in Chicago. “There Hackett agrees. There’s a long way to go
per hour, which has to be something that protects them.” to understand how genetic changes “turn
risks damaging the
head and brain. Hackett and colleagues analyzed the into what we see in the natural world,” she
genomes of 30 kingfisher species. The says. “We’re just at the beginning.”

NEUROSCIENCE brains mentally time travel by revisiting Next, the scientists trained the rats

Lab rats master memories and imagining future scenar-

ios. Those processes are “part of what
to mentally move a cube to a twisty col-
umn in the virtual world, using only brain

a telekinetic task makes our inner mental lives quite rich

and interesting,” says Lee, who did the
activity patterns in the hippocampus. If
the rodents Jedied the cube correctly,
Moving virtual blocks hints at work while at Howard Hughes Medical they’d get a reward.
how the brain imagines places Institute’s Janelia Research Campus in The furry apprentices mastered the
Ashburn, Va. task. By activating the right patterns of
BY LAURA SANDERS To dip into this complex subject, Lee and cells in the hippocampus, the rats could
Like tiny, hairy Yodas raising X-wings colleagues began with a simple question: concentrate and hold the cube near the
from a swamp, rats can lift digital cubes Can you be in one place and think about column for several seconds as well as vir-
and drop them near a target. But these another? “The rat isn’t doing anything fan- tually transport themselves to the column.
rats aren’t using the Force. Instead, they cier than that,” says Lee, now at Beth Israel The study provides “strong evidence
are using their imagination. Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. that rats can use imagination to perform
This telekinetic trick, described in the The team trained rats to move on a novel, artificial tasks,” says neuroscientist

Nov. 3 Science, hints at how brains imag- spherical treadmill in the midst of a 3-D Daoyun Ji of Baylor College of Medicine in
ine new scenarios and recall past ones. virtual world projected onto a surround- Houston. “It is likely we humans imagine
The research “opens up a lot of exciting ing screen. While the rats poked around by activating hippocampal memories too.”
possibilities,” says neurophysicist Mayank their virtual world, electrodes recorded Compared with rats, Lee says, “humans
Mehta of UCLA. A deeper understanding signals from nerve cells in the hippo- can probably control their hippocampus
of the brain area involved in the feat could campus, a brain structure known to hold for longer durations with a larger reper-
help scientists diagnose and treat mem- complex spatial information. This let the toire, and the concepts being encoded
ory disorders, he says. team match patterns of brain activity with in the brain are probably much more
Neuroscientist Albert Lee studies how locations in the virtual world. complex.”

144 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

PHYSICS protons beyond — was surprising even for

Nitrogen-9 might have made its debut Charity and colleagues.

The atoms of any given element each
The elusive atom’s lopsided nucleus defies standard definitions have a fixed number of protons. But the
number of neutrons can vary, creating
BY ELISE CUTTS skewed ratios of protons to neutrons. Too isotopes of the element. Charity’s team
Researchers may have just spotted the many of either particle — especially pro- had been hunting for a different lop-
elusive, ephemeral nucleus of nitrogen-9 tons, which repel each other due to their sided isotope, oxygen-11, which has three
for the first time. positive charge — and the nuclear bucket neutrons and eight protons. The team
With seven protons and two neutrons, starts to overflow. smashed high-energy beams of oxygen-13
the lopsided atomic nucleus of nitrogen-9 Beyond this stability point, which nuclei into beryllium targets and mea-
pushes the limits of what can even be con- physicists call the drip line, sured the decay products of
sidered a nucleus at all. Yet signs of its nuclei cannot fully bind “These short-lived nuclei produced
existence seem to be lurking in years-old their particles and must experiments in the collision.
data from experiments seeking out a dif- release either protons or show that Years after that study,
ferent unusual nucleus, researchers report neutrons. Charity noticed decay prod-
in the Oct. 27 Physical Review Letters. “People talk about the
the life of the ucts in the data that looked
If follow-up studies can confirm the drip line as something like nucleus extends like they could have crum-
detection, nitrogen-9 will be the first the end of the existence of far beyond the bled away from nitrogen-9
nucleus spotted with five protons that it nuclei,” says nuclear physi- drip line.” nuclei. His theorist col-
cannot stably hold and must expel — until cist Marek Płoszajczak of leagues later confirmed that
now, the limit was four. the Grand Accélérateur the decay products could
“What are the limits of nuclear exis- National d’Ions Lourds in Caen, France, have only come from the isotope. What’s
tence?” asks Andreas Heinz, a nuclear who was not involved with the study. more, the data suggest that nitrogen-9
physicist at Chalmers University of But nuclei do exist beyond the drip lasts for about 10-21 seconds, or about
Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, line, if only ephemerally (SN: 11/20/21, 10 times as long as the minimum cutoff,
who was not involved in the study. That’s p. 20). To qualify as a nucleus, protons and Charity says.
what the study’s authors and physicists neutrons need to hang out together for The statistical strength of the evidence
more generally are trying to understand, something like 10-22 seconds — a blink so for nitrogen-9 falls just shy of what sci-
he says. brief that more of these moments fit in entists would consider a discovery. But
Protons and neutrons, the subatomic a second than seconds fit in the age of the team really does have “strong evi-
particles that make up atomic nuclei, the universe. However, that’s a somewhat dence” for nitrogen-9, Heinz says. “For
are glued together by the strong nuclear arbitrary definition based mainly on just me, this sounds really convincing.”

force (SN: 9/10/22, p. 4). But the force one previous study, Heinz notes. The possible discovery should come
can’t hold together nuclei that have wildly Scientists searching for nuclei beyond as reassuring news to experimentalists
the drip line are testing that definition. looking for other isotopes beyond the
“We’re interested in how far you can drip line, Heinz says.
go before you no longer can con- As for theoretical physicists, the new
sider these things new nuclei,” result should give them a push to improve
says study coauthor Robert their models of nuclei beyond the drip
Charity, a nuclear scientist line, Płoszajczak says. “These experiments
at Washington University show that the life of the nucleus extends
in St. Louis. far beyond the drip line.”
Finding a nucleus as When it came to nitrogen-9, experi-
far beyond the drip line ment beat theory to the punch. But better
as nitrogen-9 — five theories could make it possible to start
looking for extremely drippy nuclei on
Nitrogen-9’s nucleus purpose, which would, in turn, make it
has two neutrons easier to verify theories about how nuclei
(blue) and two protons
(red) encircled by hold together. When that happens, “we
five protons. As the will start to have a kind of a discussion —
nucleus decays, it a talk with nature,” Płoszajczak says.
loses the five protons
and shrinks (dashed “Then, I think the whole field will explode.
lines). So we are just at the beginning.” | December 2, 2023 15

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Lauren Schroeder
University of Toronto

Human evolution is about so much

more than natural selection
Scientists Backstory
Lauren Schroeder has loved dinosaurs
But surprisingly, genetic drift, the loss of
genetic variation due to the chance dis-

to Watch
since age 3 and bones since age 10. During appearance of genes, appeared to be at
university, she started studying the early play in the shape of braincases across
evolution of the Homo genus and it turned the genus, she reported in the Journal of
into her Ph.D. Many fossils have taken her Human Evolution in 2017. Such nonadap-
This year’s scientists breath away, she says, but a 2-million- tive processes may play a bigger role in
year-old Homo habilis skull holds such a human evolution than previously realized.
look to the world special place in her heart that it’s tattooed, “All aspects of Lauren’s research have been
and their colleagues opposite a coyote skull, on her inner fore- consequential for the discipline,” says bio-
arm. “I think I can safely say that I’m doing logical anthropologist Benjamin Auerbach
How do we adapt to climate change? Can what I wanted to do,” she says. of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
we fight back against Alzheimer’s disease? Schroeder, a paleoanthropologist at the “We’re witnessing maybe a change in the
What will it take to build a more equitable University of Toronto, works to untangle way we talk about human evolution.”
society? The researchers on this year’s the various processes by which humans
SN 10: Scientists to Watch list are tackling have evolved. One such process, natu- Overcoming obstacles
slices of these and other grand challenges. ral selection, is adaptive: Changes in an Schroeder, who grew up in South Africa,
For the eighth year, Science News is recog- organism’s features make it more suited to remembers noticing early on that most
nizing 10 early- and mid-career scientists its environment. But some changes are not of the paleoanthropological research in
who have innovative ideas and unique selected for, or are even totally random. her country was conducted by foreign
skill sets — and are applying their talents Despite the existence of these “nonadap- researchers, and the field was “so white.”
to shape our future and our understand- tive” processes, paleoanthropology has As a Black African woman, “it was such a
ing of ourselves. But they aren’t doing it often focused on adaptation alone. While lonely place, actually, for a long time,” she
alone. Each credits parents, mentors and a Ph.D. student, Schroeder questioned this says. Schroeder has struggled to publish
colleagues with inspiring their success. emphasis. “It was very clear that some- papers, received sexist reviews and expe-
Many emphasize the power of collabora- thing was missing,” she says. rienced blatant racism. Some things have
tion, the value of other perspectives and improved, she adds, but there is still a long

the importance of mentoring the next Standout research way to go. Schroeder recently secured
generation of scientists. Speaking of the During her Ph.D., Schroeder scanned and tenure at the University of Toronto. As the
future, if you know someone who belongs analyzed fossil Homo skulls dating from first in her family to attend university, it
on the next SN 10 list, send their name, 2.8 million years ago until just tens of thou- means a lot to her and her parents. “They
affiliation and a few sentences about their sands of years ago. Some features showed don’t necessarily get everything I do,” she
work to [email protected]. a strong adaptive signal; a changing diet laughs. But “we’re in disbelief that I’ve got-
— Elizabeth Quill, Executive Editor likely drove jaw evolution, for instance. ten here.” — Anna Gibbs | December 2, 2023 17


Greenhouse gas
Deblina Sarkar
leaks can’t stay
MIT hidden for long
New York has a greenhouse gas account-
ing problem. The state broadly tracks
its sources of air pollution, from energy
production to transportation to waste
management, but the books don’t
always match what’s actually in the air.
The amount of methane over New York
City, for example, is puzzlingly higher
than expected. It’s a mystery that Róisín
Commane is trying to solve.
Part accountant, part sleuth, the atmo-


spheric chemist at Columbia University
Microscopic machines may one day scours the city from pavement to rooftop

enter — and help — our brains looking for unidentified or incorrectly cat-
aloged sources of greenhouse gases. The
Standout research nanodevices that harvest energy from and info could improve our understanding
Deblina Sarkar makes little machines, for electrically stimulate cells, opening the of New York City’s emissions and assess
which she has big dreams. A nanotech- door for new types of brain electrodes how well its reduction efforts are working,
nologist at MIT, she develops ultratiny and subcellular pacemakers. Or fleets of Commane says, which could help the city
electronic devices that she hopes will remotely controlled devices could replace reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral
one day enter the brain. Her group’s most invasive surgeries — detecting a small by 2050. “We all have great intentions, but
innovative device so far may be the Cell tumor growing in the brain, for example, if we can show it’s reducing emissions,
Rover, a flat antenna that could monitor and maybe even killing it. She’s essentially that’s a much more tangible thing.”
processes inside cells. For a study pub- establishing a new field of science, at the
lished in 2022 in Nature Communications, intersection of nanoelectronics and biol-
Sarkar and colleagues used magnetic fields ogy, says collaborator and bioengineering
to finesse a Cell Rover, roughly the size of researcher Samir Mitragotri of Harvard Róisín Commane
a tardigrade, into a mature frog egg cell. University. “There are many opportuni- ATMOSPHERIC CHEMIST
The researchers showed that they could ties for the future.” Columbia University
make molecules in the nanodevice vibrate
at frequencies safe for living cells, and with Backstory
those vibrations, the device could commu- Born in Kolkata, India, Sarkar credits her
nicate with the outside world. parents as early inspirations. Her bold-
ness as a researcher comes from her
Big goal mother, who as a young woman defied
Sarkar confesses to working day and social norms by working to fund her own
night on her research. “There is an urgent education and speaking out against the
problem at hand,” she says. That problem dowry system. Meanwhile, Sarkar’s father
is Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s dis- sparked her fascination for engineering.
ease and other afflictions that assault the He was always fashioning devices to make
brains of millions of people worldwide. home life more convenient, including an
Sarkar hopes her minute machines can electricity-free washing machine and
someday help detect and reverse these vehicles that could freight hefty loads
disorders. Machines entering the brain down local byroads to their house. “That
may, for example, spot misfolded proteins got me very, very interested in science
that may be early signs of Alzheimer’s dis- and technology,” Sarkar says, “engineer-
ease. Cell Rovers could also be paired with ing specifically.” — Nikk Ogasa

18 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

Commane compares her atmospheric Lab-made organs are built with tools
modeling to solving a complicated puzzle.
“I’ve always enjoyed playing with numbers,”
adapted from Silicon Valley
she says. After studying chemistry and Backstory technique where researchers stamp
mathematical physics in college, she got a While volunteering at the University proteins on glass slides to help cells
Ph.D. in atmospheric chemistry, learning of New Mexico’s Children’s Hospital in attach — he spurred cells to organize into
to build tools that measure atmospheric Albuquerque, Quinton Smith quickly real- the beginnings of artificial blood ves-
gases. Atmospheric scientist Steven Wofsy, ized that he could never be a physician. sels. Depending on the pattern, the cells
who advised Commane while she was a Then an undergrad at the university, Smith formed 2-D stars, circles or triangles.
research associate at Harvard University, was too sad seeing sick kids all the time. Since tissue can’t grow without them, the
praises her ability to “think about prob- But, he thought, “maybe I can help them ability to make vessels to carry blood or
lems holistically.” with science.” Smith had other liquids around the
Her work on Arctic carbon emissions, picked his major, chemi- body is the “holy grail” of
for example, focuses not just on the sum- cal engineering, because efforts to build organs in
mer growing season, like many existing he saw it as “a cooler way the lab, says biomedical
models, but on the winter months too. In to go premed.” Though engineer Milica Radisic of
warmer years, when the ground freezes he ultimately landed in the University of Toronto.
later, she has found, the tundra could turn the lab instead of at the While a postdoc at MIT,
into a net carbon source. That research is bedside, he has remained Smith transitioned to
“slightly depressing,” Commane says. But passionate about finding 3-D, with a focus on liver
moving to Columbia in 2018 to start her ways to cure what ails organoids, which have a
own lab gave her the opportunity to tackle people. complex network of bile
emissions at their source. “Here, I can do Today, his lab at the ducts that can’t always
something about it,” Commane says. University of California, be re-created in artifi-
Irvine uses tools often cial tissue. To get around
Standout research employed in fabricating the problem, Smith and
With colleagues at other universities, tiny electronics to craft his team pour a stiff
Quinton Smith
Commane has developed a network of miniature, lab-grown gel around minuscule
monitors to sample gases, including car- organs that mimic their acupuncture needles to
University of California, Irvine
bon dioxide and methane, around New real-life counterparts. By create channels. After the
York City and the entire state. The net- combining Silicon Valley tech and stem gel solidifies, the researchers seed stem
work is helping explain why actual levels cell biology, scientists are now “making cells inside and douse the cells in chemi-
of methane in the air above the city are tissues that look and react and function cal cues to coax them to form ducts.
at least three times as high as predictions like human tissues,” Smith says. Prod-
would suggest. So far, her group has attrib- ding cells to assemble into these 3-D What’s next?
uted a surprisingly large amount of the structures, called organoids, offers new Such engineering techniques could help
excess methane to chimneys and rooftops, ways to study diseases and test potential researchers study and pinpoint the root
likely associated with heating systems. The treatments. causes behind some liver diseases, such as
researchers have also detected localized fatty liver disease, Smith says. But he and
spikes of methane around certain equip- Standout research his trainees are branching out to explore
ment in now-closed landfills. The largest Smith’s work began in two dimensions, other tissues and diseases as well.
signals have come from older wastewater and with a respect for human induced One of those pursuits is preeclampsia,
treatment plants, Commane says. pluripotent stem cells. These stem cells a disease that affects pregnant people,
On the bright side, refurbished facili- are formed from body cells that are and disproportionately affects African
ties barely produce any methane at all. reprogrammed to an early, embryonic Americans. People with preeclampsia
“The ground truthing that Dr. Commane stage that can give rise to any cell type. have an inflamed placenta and constricted
is doing is really important,” says Ellen “It just blew my mind that you can take blood vessels, and they develop danger-
Burkhard, a senior adviser at the New York these cells and turn them into anything,” ously high blood pressure. Smith plans to

State Energy Research and Development Smith says. During his Ph.D. at Johns examine lab-grown placentas to deter-
Authority, which funds Commane’s Hopkins University, Smith explored mine how environmental factors such as
research. “It’s sort of the old adage: You how physical and chemical cues can physical forces and chemical cues from
can’t manage what you don’t measure.” push these stem cells toward becoming the organ impact attached blood vessels.
— Jennifer Lu blood vessels. Using micropatterning — a — Erin Garcia de Jesús | December 2, 2023 19


How ancient viruses have shaped Don’t ignore

human history and evolution cooperation as an
Motivation our primate ancestors tens of millions
Smallpox, measles, mumps. These are of years ago, he identified one particular
evolution driver
some of the contagious diseases that gene that stuck around throughout pri- Backstory
European colonists likely brought to the mate history. It encodes a protein that Marjorie Weber has long been drawn to
Americas at the turn of the 16th century, helped the virus enter and infect cells. “bizarre and interesting and underappre-
prompting the collapse of Indigenous Studies of cells in a lab dish suggest, over ciated species.” As a kid, she liked beetles,
populations. But the exact viruses that the course of evolution, the virus’s own roly-polys, earthworms and spiders. But
caused the millions of genetic material was used more than individual bugs, Weber, an
deaths remain unknown. against it. Blanco-Melo evolutionary ecologist at the University
Evolutionary virologist hypothesizes that a pri- of Michigan in Ann Arbor, is fascinated by
Daniel Blanco-Melo seeks mate ancestor must have life’s richness. How did this vast assort-
to solve that historical co-opted the viral gene ment come to be? Start talking about
puzzle. and used the related pro- biodiversity, and she bubbles with ques-
Blanco-Melo, of the tein to block entry into tions: Why are there so many different
Fred Hutchinson Cancer cells. “This project not types of flowers? Why are there millions
Center in Seattle, studies only satisfied my curios- of insect species and relatively few species
ancient viruses and illu- ity,” he says, “but we were of sharks? Why did one branch of the tree
minates how they have able to push it into a full- of life flourish while another withered?
shaped human evolution blown story.” “I’m just really passionate about these big
and history. The research biological mysteries,” she says.
holds personal meaning Collaboration Since Darwin’s time, studies of what
Daniel Blanco-Melo
for Blanco-Melo as some- More recently, Blanco- drives evolution have focused largely on
one born and raised in Melo has teamed up antagonistic interactions between spe-
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Mexico. Through genetic with María Ávila-Arcos, cies, like finches competing for seeds or
sleuthing, he studies “something that is an evolutionary geneticist at UNAM, to predator-prey arms races. Yet cooperation
very dear in my heart,” he says, “really study epidemics in the Americas. The appears again and again, Weber says. Her
understanding, with molecular biology, researchers extracted and isolated viral lab looks at how cooperation, particularly
those historical events.” DNA from skeletal remains that they dated between plants and arthropods, drives
to between the 15th and 17th centuries. evolution and biodiversity.
Backstory The remains come from mass graves at
Blanco-Melo’s obsession with viruses a colonial hospital and a chapel in what
bloomed in high school with a chance is now Mexico City, and records suggest
Marjorie Weber
encounter with Matt Ridley’s book they belonged to Indigenous people and
Genome. He’d bought it as a Father’s Day enslaved Africans who had died in epi-
University of Michigan
gift for his dad but ended up reading it demics that occurred during the 1540s and
himself. Later, with encouragement from 1570s. From the remains, the team recon-
his biology teacher, he enrolled in an structed the genetic instruction books of
undergraduate program in genomics at two viruses not previously known to be
the National Autonomous University of circulating at that time — human parvo- FROM LEFT: COURTESY OF D. BLANCO-MELO; M. WEBER

Mexico, or UNAM, campus in Cuernavaca. virus B19 and a human hepatitis B virus.
Blanco-Melo had his first encounter The viruses were similar to contempo-
with ancient viruses as a Ph.D. student rary African strains and appear to have
at the Rockefeller University in New York come from Africa through the transatlantic
City. His research focused on particular slave trade. Published in 2021 in the jour-
viruses called endogenous retroviruses, nal eLife, the study is “of great scientific
remnants of past infectious viruses that and historical interest throughout the
have become integrated into a host’s world, but especially of interest in the
genetic instruction book. Amid the genetic Americas,” says Jesse Bloom, a virologist
remains left behind by an ancient retro- at Fred Hutch who wasn’t involved in the
virus called HERV-T that spread among work. — Pratik Pawar

20 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

Standout research
Weber may be best known for her work on
extrafloral nectaries. These nectar-filled
knuckles bulge from leaves and stems on
some plants, leaking sugary snacks that
entice ants to stick around and fend off Clara Sousa-Silva
predator attacks. Weber looked at extra- QUANTUM
floral nectaries in modern vascular plants ASTROCHEMIST
and then reconstructed the trait’s evolu- Bard College
tion across ancient species. The trait, she
found, was a recipe for evolutionary suc-
cess. Once the sweet structures evolved Will life in alien atmospheres reveal
in a branch of the plant family tree, that
branch quickly accumulated more species.
itself through molecular signatures?
“Somehow, possessing extrafloral nec- Big goal when astronomers thought they might
taries leads to diversification,” says Judith Clara Sousa-Silva is looking for aliens, but have detected the toxic gas in Venus’
Bronstein, an evolutionary ecologist at the she is not hunting them. She finds that atmosphere, they knew who to call. A
University of Arizona in Tucson. “And that’s idea “very distasteful,” she says. “I have team including Sousa-Silva announced
a fantastic avenue for future research.” spent my life … trying to let go of the notion in 2020 that they’d detected phosphine
Weber’s work stands out because she’s that I have to go somewhere to know it, there — which many interpreted as a
able to braid separate scientific threads that I have to touch it to know it’s real.” A possible sign of life on the planet. The
into something “completely new and com- quantum astrochemist at Bard College in detection and its interpretation have since
pletely different,” Bronstein says. “That’s Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Sousa-Silva been called into question (SN: 11/21/20,
how you trailblaze in our field.” studies how molecules in space interact p. 16), including by Sousa-Silva herself,
with light, essential groundwork for fig- but the claim got scientists more inter-
Inclusivity in science uring out what distant objects are made ested in the molecule. As interest grew,
Weber is blazing trails elsewhere too. In of. One day, she hopes her work will help Sousa-Silva’s deep expertise “really put
2018, she cofounded Project Biodiversify, identify traces of life in the atmospheres of her on the map,” Burgasser says.
a program to make biology education alien worlds, including worlds humankind
not only accurate and compelling, but will almost certainly never visit. What’s next?
also “as equitable and inclusive as pos- “Molecules behave on a quantum level, While Sousa-Silva still spends much of
sible,” she says. As a student growing up and they interact with light on a quantum her time puzzling out molecular spectra,
in Grosse Pointe, Mich., she didn’t see level,” Sousa-Silva says. “I’m using quantum she has plenty else on her agenda. One of
examples of women scientists, and she behavior of molecules — so, chemistry — her students is working on a new way to
never thought about science as a career to study space.” Though these quantum quantify how certain astronomers can be
option. A biology course with spider sci- interactions play out on tiny scales, they that they’ve detected a gas — any gas — in
entist Greta Binford at Lewis & Clark leave traces in starlight’s spectrum, the a planetary atmosphere based on spectral
College in Portland, Ore., changed that. chart of intensity at different wavelengths. data. Sousa-Silva also wants to find bet-
“Knowing that was a job and watching her Scientists can read spectra like a chemical ter ways to talk with the public about the
do it was just incredibly life-shaping for bar code to identify the molecules the light uncertainties of biosignatures. “There’s
me,” Weber says. encountered before reaching Earth. an expectation that if we find aliens, we’ll
Years later, after Weber had her own know — we’ll be so sure. And that is so
lab, she and colleagues decided to inves- Standout research deeply unlikely,” Sousa-Silva says.
tigate how well college biology textbooks During her Ph.D. at University College And she is focused on mentorship too.
represented a diverse set of scientists. London, Sousa-Silva simulated the light In the long term, she sees her students
The results, reported in Proceedings of spectrum of phosphine. The simple mol- leading more and more research. But she
the Royal Society B in 2020, called out the ecule, her absolute favorite, is considered wouldn’t mind leading some “less respect-
stark demographic mismatch between a potential biosignature because it’s eas- able” science projects. For instance, there’s
scientists featured in textbooks (mostly ily made by life but considered unlikely some evidence that will-o’-the-wisps,
white men) and the students using them. to form on a lifeless, Earthlike planet. “I those bobbing ghost lights from folklore,

Weber’s team works to bridge that gap by know no one else who is so knowledge- might be phosphine-powered fireballs.
developing resources for teachers that able about one molecule — any molecule,” Though alien hunting is still off the table,
highlight a diverse group of role models says astronomer Adam Burgasser of the she says, “I really would like to do some
in biology. — Meghan Rosen University of California, San Diego. So ghost-busting.” — Elise Cutts | December 2, 2023 21


A new cosmic ‘ruler’ could size up

an early epoch of the universe Daphne
Big goal theoretical physicist Marc Kamionkowski BIOETHICIST
Julian Muñoz has come up with a ruler to of Johns Hopkins University, Muñoz’s Ph.D. Stanford
measure the early universe. A theoretical adviser. But the cosmic ruler, “that’s prob- University
physicist, Muñoz studies the distant, dim ably the most singular idea that he’s had.”
period in the universe’s history known As the first stars of the cosmic dawn
as cosmic dawn. That’s when stars first formed, their light heated the surround-
began flickering on, a few hundred million ing hydrogen gas, causing it to absorb
years after the Big Bang, infusing the uni- light with a wavelength of 21 centimeters,
verse with initial glimmers of starlight and a number that results from the separation
forming the first galaxies. Before the first between energy levels in hydrogen atoms.
stars, the universe was cold and dark — as If it can be detected, this absorption
Muñoz describes it, “boring.” Then, star-
light began to reshape the universe.
signal should have subtle, ring-shaped
patterns imprinted in it, Muñoz reported Preventing the
“It is a very dramatic epoch,” says
Muñoz, of the University of Texas at Austin.
in 2019 in Physical Review Letters. Those
patterns, the basis of his ruler, result from
social harms of
That epoch is also poorly understood;
Muñoz compares it to an uncharted area
the differing behavior of dark matter and
normal matter during an even earlier
genomics research
on early maps of Earth. There, Muñoz period. Though too subtle to pick out by Backstory
says, “there could be dragons.” By studying eye from the data, the rings show up in For five summers beginning in college at
this era, he hopes to reveal the behavior statistical analyses and have radii of half Stanford University, Daphne Martschenko
of one dragon of the cosmos, dark mat- a billion light-years — making for one long worked at Camp Phoenix. The camp, for
ter, the inscrutable substance whose mass measuring stick. youth from low-income backgrounds
binds galaxies. This standard ruler could reveal how in the San Francisco Bay Area, focuses
fast the universe was expanding during on “joyful learning in an outdoor camp
Standout research cosmic dawn. That information can tell environment,” she says. The experience
Scientists have a variety of methods to scientists what the youthful universe was ignited her passion for making education
measure distances in the cosmos, but made of, revealing the amount of dark more equitable for students, regardless of

none reach back to the cosmic dawn era. matter, normal matter and dark energy, their race or socioeconomic background.
That’s where Muñoz’s ruler comes in. another hidden piece of the cosmic puzzle. She ultimately pursued a Ph.D. in educa-
“He’s got an eye for interesting ideas,” says tion, but today her work goes beyond
Backstory that field. Now a bioethicist at Stanford,
Becoming a physicist, in itself, was Martschenko is interested in how findings
uncharted territory for Muñoz. As a from social and behavioral genomics — the
Julian Muñoz
child, he liked science. He recalls being study of how genetic differences among
amazed by fossilized shark teeth that individuals influence complex behaviors
University of Texas at Austin
were millions of years old — perhaps his and social outcomes — affect society at
first experience grappling with such large, including inequity and injustice and
grand timescales. But Muñoz didn’t have how we respond to them.
a scientific role model; his parents didn’t
finish high school. He focused his atten- Motivation
tion on video games and coding until a With abundant access to genetic informa-
high school physics teacher encouraged tion, researchers can ask new questions
his scientific streak. He turned to physics, about what influences human behavior.
he says, where “it was possible to chan- But such studies can be prone to bias
nel all this nerdy energy for knowledge.” and can be misinterpreted or co-opted
That’s what drives Muñoz to explore the to promote unscientific and even harm-
questions that swirl around dark corners ful ideas. Today’s science tells us that race
of the cosmos. “I do it because I think the has no basis in genetics, but genetics has
answers enrich the human experience.” been invoked throughout history to jus-
— Emily Conover tify slavery, racial discrimination, forced

22 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

sterilization and more. Martschenko’s
work focuses on how genomics research Boosting photosynthesis might be
can be conducted in a social and ethical
way, can include community engage-
a big win amid climate change
ment and can be clearly communicated. Backstory published in 2022 in Nature Plants. His
She looks at the downstream effects of Berkley Walker didn’t plan on becoming a group was using flux analysis, which
the research, especially social harms, scientist; he wanted to be an entrepreneur. reveals how molecules move through the
and develops strategies to prevent those In high school in Portland, Ore., he started metabolic network. But the team needed
harms. She wants to stop “the unintended a granola bar company, which helped pay a better way to freeze the metabolism of
consequences of our research from play- for his bachelor’s degree a plant for snapshot views.
ing out,” she says. in microbiology. After col- The problem was, there
Martschenko’s Ph.D. work explored lege, Walker worked as was no way to spray liquid
how genomics research on cognitive abil- a product manager at a nitrogen into the instru-
ities and educational attainment affects company, planning to go to ment chamber that held
how teachers think about their students, business school and then the leaves. After talking to
and how relevant it is to their teaching. into biotech. But a class engineers at the company
There’s a tendency to think of students on environmental bio- that makes the instrument,
in certain racial groups as “not having physics during that time Walker decided to drill
certain abilities,” she says. She wanted to changed his trajectory. The a hole in the chamber to
“contribute to disrupting those harmful course was about using insert a nozzle to spray in
narratives.” mathematics to model liquid nitrogen and hit the
physical systems in nature. leaf instantaneously.
Standout research “Working that math out to “That’s a really criti-
More recently, Martschenko has helped understand how energy cal step,” says Xinyu Fu, a
create a reading list that draws on scien- and matter exchange postdoc in Walker’s lab.
Berkley Walker
tific papers to explore how people think within the environment,” The team found that up
about the relationship between race and Walker says — that was all it to about 40 percent of the
Michigan State University
genetics. She has built a publicly avail- took. He decided to pursue carbon-bearing amino acid
able repository of open-access FAQs on plant science. “I wanted to have some kind serine produced during photorespiration
genomics studies that aims to commu- of usefulness to the world,” Walker says. gets diverted to be used for something
nicate the context, scope and limitations “Feeding people is where I settled.” — perhaps protein synthesis. That points
of studies and so help prevent misinter- to potential trade-offs to be aware of in
pretation and misapplication. “The idea Big goal trying to enhance the processes.
of getting out in front of the contro- Today, at Michigan State University, Walker
versy and explaining things in a clearer seeks to understand the details of photo- Superpower
way,” says bioethicist Steven Joffe of the synthesis, with the aim of improving it. It’s Walker’s colleagues point to his eager-
University of Pennsylvania Perelman a surprisingly inefficient process. A leaf ness to collaborate as one of his strengths,
School of Medicine, “I think that’s the key converts just about 1 percent of the sun’s along with his generosity of spirit. Don
attribute of her work.” light into usable energy, Walker says. In Ort, a plant scientist at the University of
One strategy Martschenko employs is part that’s because of mistakes in the first Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Walker’s
called adversarial collaboration, which step of photosynthesis. The enzyme that postdoc adviser for nearly three years,
invites people with opposing viewpoints captures carbon dioxide molecules and says Walker is a committed teacher and
to collaborate. Another theme of her work sticks them to sugar often grabs oxygen colleague. “He’s very passionate about
is community engagement. She seeks ways instead. That error results in a compound what he does. He does it with a very high
for study participants to be equal partners that actually inhibits photo synthesis. level of enthusiasm and a very high level
with researchers. Getting people together, Photorespiration, a kind of recycling pro- of optimism,” Ort says. “And it’s infectious.”
particularly those who haven’t been his- cess, gets rid of that compound — but Walker sees plant science as one big
torically included in conversations around photorespiration requires a lot of energy. community trying to solve two big prob-
how to study genetics and behavior, helps Any efficiency gains in photosynthesis or lems: how to make crops more productive
make science more inclusive and equita- photorespiration could make a big differ- to feed a growing population, and how to
ble, Martschenko says. “We need more ence in agricultural productivity, he says. do it in a changing climate. And he believes

marginalized representation in research,” To better understand both processes, we’ll start seeing solutions in the coming
she adds, and building trust and access is Walker came up with an innovative tech- decades, whether from his lab or someone
key. — Martina G. Efeyini nique to trace carbon in leaves, research else’s. — Aaron Brooks | December 2, 2023 23


Laser technology known as lidar and

recent excavations have uncovered

urban sprawl around ancient Maya
city centers, such as Caracol in Belize
and Tikal in Guatemala (shown).

of Power
New discoveries paint a complex picture
of ancient Maya politics By Bruce Bower

ots with fancifully molded eyes, noses and mouths were stretched 240 square kilometers, about the size of Milwaukee,
one of the tip-offs. before it was abandoned and swallowed by the forest.
Adrian Chase already had a growing sense that Maya Accumulating archaeological evidence had convinced Chase
society wasn’t quite what it’s been traditionally por- that shared social practices, such as placing pottery and other
trayed as: powerful rulers reigning while powerless commoners ritual items in special shrines, bonded groups of farm families into

obeyed — or perhaps lived far enough from seats of power to dozens of distinct neighborhoods within Caracol’s urban sprawl.
operate largely on their own. Work by Chase and others had Consider those face-decorated pots. Varying shapes and
started to create a picture of a more politically complex society. spacings of molded eyes and other facial features added up
An archaeologist at the University of Chicago, Chase leads to signature ceramic looks at different neighborhood-linked
excavations of residential sites in and near the ancient Maya city shrines. And those pots were just one element of a range of
center of Caracol in what’s now Belize. This city once sprawled shrine offerings — including three-legged plates, curved jars
across valleys, hillsides and hilltops. At its height, Caracol with thin necks, and small medicine bottles and paint pots — that

24 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

neighborhoods appeared to combine in distinctive ways.
And then there were the teeth. Individuals buried at some Caracol, Belize
neighborhood shrines had either carved jade nuggets implanted
in their teeth or their teeth filed in one of two styles. No such
dental decorations appeared among the dead interred at other
shrines. Various tooth alterations further defined neighborhood-
specific shrine practices.
Pottery styles and tooth alterations together formed patterns
specific to neighborhoods, Chase says. “There is a community
aspect to these finds that reflects tight-knit neighborhoods.”
Caracol citizens, including those who lived well beyond
downtown temples and pyramids, were not simple farmers District nodes
growing crops in the service of a king, Chase suspects. Groups 1 km Causeways
Surveyed area
of as many as several hundred people had formed farming
neighborhoods that built local ritual structures and followed
distinctive ceremonial practices, apparently through their own Linked in Causeways linked many administrative centers (district
nodes) within Caracol. At its peak of about 100,000 residents, estimated
collective efforts. population densities reached over 1,000 people per square kilometer in
Neighborhoods, in turn, belonged to administrative districts the city center (dark red; lower densities in pink, yellow then green).
with ties to royalty and other downtown political big shots.
Stone compounds scattered throughout the city — each with Vaulted ambitions
their own ceremonial centers and plazas that probably hosted Laura Gilabert-Sansalvador did not have Mesoamerican politics
marketplaces and ritual events attended by crowds from nearby on her mind in 2013 when she began studying stone palaces at
neighborhoods — represented districts’ bureaucratic service La Blanca, an ancient Maya site in Guatemala. But her project
centers. ended up providing insights into not just physical structures,
Neighborhoods and districts formed rungs of a political sys- but also power structures.
tem in which central rulers sometimes gained power and laid Working toward a doctorate in architecture, Gilabert-
down the law. At other times, royal dynasties crumbled and Sansalvador wanted to decipher ancient techniques for erecting
lower rungs in the political hierarchy assumed primary control. roofs on structures ranging from huts to temples.
Chase’s findings at Caracol have contributed to a shift in Large rooms inside La Blanca palaces featured vaulted roofs, a
thinking about ancient Maya societies that has intensified over tricky technical feat that Maya stonemasons worked to improve
the last decade. for more than 1,000 years. Inspired by La Blanca’s artfully angled
These societies, which originated as early as around 3,000 years room toppers, Gilabert-Sansalvador launched a project to draw,
ago, came to be known for giant stone pyramids, vast plazas and digitize and analyze vaulted buildings throughout the Maya low-
elite ballcourts discovered at jungle sites across Mesoamerica, lands of southern Mexico and Guatemala.
a cultural region that extended from central Mexico to much Vaulted structures featured two horizontal stone walls topped
of Central America before Spanish contact in the 1500s. These by rows of stones arranged to angle inward and meet at a central
edifices had long suggested to researchers that Maya rulers row of stones, creating an inverted V- or U-shaped roof.
wielded absolute power. So did hieroglyphics carved on stone Because Maya vaults required thick, load-bearing walls, they
slabs, which described kings’ exploits. rarely exceeded 3 meters in width. Long, narrow vaulted struc-
But expanded archaeological research, ongoing translations tures in urban centers were often connected to form rectangular,
of Maya writings and the rise of airborne laser technology oval or L shapes around courtyards. Some sites from the Classic
that sees through jungles are revealing a vast urban sprawl Maya period — which ran from about A.D. 250 to 900 and is con-
around major Maya ceremonial sites. Similarly extensive, low- sidered by many to be the zenith of the Maya civilization — include
density settlements have recently been discovered in other small numbers of vaulted stone buildings. These structures were
tropical areas around the world previously known only for much fancier and sturdier than farmers’ huts and thus research-
giant ritual structures, such as Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple ers suspect high-ranking officials lived there. Other Classic Maya
(SN: 5/14/16, p. 22). sites contain a high percentage of vaulted structures that may
Among the Maya, shifting circumstances would have tilted the have served a variety of purposes, including storing important
balance of power. For instance, rural population booms might objects, hosting feasts and housing elites.
strengthen the hand of neighborhood-level elites. Military defeats With her doctorate and a database of measurements for the
of a royal dynasty could shift power to midlevel, district officials. remains of 200 vaulted stone buildings in hand, Gilabert-Sansalvador
“A lot of Mesoamerican settlements probably had nested units arrived at Tulane University’s Middle American Research

of power,” Chase says. “There was no simple division between Institute in New Orleans in 2021 as a visiting researcher. There she
Maya elites and commoners.” met Tulane archaeologist Francisco Estrada-Belli, who viewed her | December 2, 2023 25


Welcome to the neighborhoods

In 2021 and 2022, Gilabert-Sansalvador, now at the Polytechnic
University of València in Spain, joined Estrada-Belli and three
other researchers to review measurements in her database plus
measurements of another 251 vaulted structures collected by
other excavation teams. Those buildings come from throughout
Maya territory, from southern Mexico and Central America to
as far north as the Yucatán Peninsula.
Inspecting the entire sample of 451 structures, the research-
ers found that collapsed vaulted buildings had a much higher
volume of rubble, formed taller mounds and had steeper sides
than same-sized buildings made of perishable materials, such
as thatched-roof huts.
To verify that these mound dimensions spotlight only crum-
pled stone structures with vaulted roofs, the team examined
stone buildings previously identified in excavations and ground
surveys at the Classic Maya site of Tikal in Guatemala. Overall,
the researchers’ method correctly distinguished between rem-
nants of vaulted and nonvaulted structures, such as ballcourts
lined by stone walls, ceremonial buildings and inscribed stone
monuments, up to 97 percent of the time.
Confident in the method, the team then analyzed 11 lidar data-
sets that covered Tikal and seven other Classic Maya urban centers,
along with several rural territories. Lidar analyses encompassed
a total of around 60,000 square kilometers, nearly the area of
West Virginia. About 111,000 previously identified structures were
analyzed for signs of having been built with vaulted roofs.
A picture emerged of clusters of vaulted stone buildings, typical
In the urban sprawl of Maya cities, farmers may have lived in thatched-
roof huts (similar to the modern one, top). Nobles or local officials may of ruling elites’ houses in major centers. But they were in farm-
have lived in vaulted stone buildings (one at Tikal, bottom). ing communities as far as five kilometers from the nearest urban
core. As lidar images of rural stone compounds accumulated,
architectural expertise as essential for solving a Maya mystery. Estrada-Belli felt increasingly surprised: “We checked our tests
Estrada-Belli had spent two decades excavating small struc- many times and concluded that this result was in fact correct.”
tures that had been covered in dirt over time on forest floors at Small groups of huts, possibly occupied by extended families
several ancient Maya sites. Some structures retained only plaster of farmers and other settlers, encircled shared plazas. Neigh-
floors, consistent with having been farmers’ huts made of thatch borhoods were made up of sets of huts clustered around stone
and wooden poles that had long since decayed. But others were buildings, which may have housed low-level nobles or other
bordered by remains of thick stone and mortar walls, raising elites, the researchers reported in the September Journal of
questions about who had lived there. Archaeological Science. Sets of neighborhoods, in turn, clustered
In reviewing aerial images of ancient Maya buildings across around large stone structures that may have housed higher-
southern Mexico and Guatemala, Estrada-Belli had surmised that ranking officials, to form administrative districts.
earth-covered mounds at least 1 meter tall corresponded to the “We now have quantitative measures of ancient Maya
rubble of collapsed stone structures, including those with vaulted neighborhoods, which have been hard to define or identify,”
roofs, like the ones he had excavated. But he could not be sure. Estrada-Belli says.
Gilabert-Sansalvador’s database offered an opportunity to Urban sprawl managed by low- and midlevel officials flourished
evaluate that suspicion with lidar, short for light detection and despite a lack of horses and wheeled vehicles, Estrada-Belli says.
ranging. In archaeology, airborne lidar technology uses laser Transportation consisted of walking and river travel.

pulses to detect remains of ancient structures and objects oth- Raised roads, or causeways, ran from farmsteads, neighbor-
erwise hidden by forests and ground cover. Lidar has revealed hoods and districts to urban centers, making foot travel easier
general features of interconnected Maya cities and exten- and pit stops convenient. Public plazas dotting the country-
sive rural drainage channels and terraces dating to at least side hosted ritual gatherings and served as marketplaces. Rural
2,300 years ago (SN: 10/27/18, p. 11). elites’ duties included mediating local disputes and orga-
The challenge was to develop a geometric measure of nizing community projects such as reservoir and causeway
collapsed vaulted structures that lidar could detect. construction, Estrada-Belli suspects. In exchange, local officials

26 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

probably collected taxes on market transactions. ruler, Scherer cautions. If so, it’s not clear who, if anyone, pulled
Toward the end of the Classic Maya period, from around the strings of neighborhood and district officials.
A.D. 600 to 900, local political authorities lived among many Advances in deciphering Maya writing and ongoing excava-
farming communities, Estrada-Belli says. tions indicate that midlevel authorities wielded considerable
Any lingering suspicions that Maya farmers played no part power at rural settlements aligned with urban centers such
in political decisions that affected their daily lives do not hold as Tikal, says anthropological archaeologist John Walden of
up, he contends. “We can now talk about one common model of Harvard University. Midlevel elites ran public rituals and feasts,
urban organization among the Classic Maya that included the less hosted marketplaces and maintained diplomatic ties with their
populated countryside,” Estrada-Belli says. Maya political elites counterparts in nearby communities, Walden concluded in the
directed the construction of stone compounds at prominent Spring 2023 issue of The Mayanist.
locations in interconnected neighborhoods and administrative It’s an open question whether some vaulted structures served
districts. This highlights the importance of central rulers in form- as homes for heads of local kin groups or clans that prioritized
ing and running these complex political systems, he suspects. their own interests over those of kings and urban big shots,
Even among researchers impressed by the new lidar findings, Walden says.
though, some doubt that multilayered political systems always But the new lidar findings underscore a central point, Scherer
revolved around a king or elite political power brokers, as pro- says. “Authority in some fashion was dispersed on the landscape
posed by Estrada-Belli. and not clustered in Maya civic ceremonial centers.”
Some ancient Maya cities featured collective actions by local
communities while others emphasized royal edicts, these inves- Garden city makeovers
tigators contend. And the same community could dramatically At Caracol, one of the largest Classic Maya cities, authority took
alter its political system as times and conditions changed. chameleon-like turns, Chase says. “Caracol shifted between
Political variation across sites fits with archaeological and more collective and more autocratic systems of governance over
lidar discoveries over the last two decades that challenge a its 1,500-year life span,” he says. “The city experienced great
popular idea that Classic Maya cities collapsed rapidly around transformations and changes as it grew.”
A.D. 900, over a span of 50 to 100 years. A group of 15 Maya Chase has reconstructed Caracol’s wild historical ride using
researchers summarized these recent findings July 24 in the an array of evidence accumulated over the last four decades,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. including deciphered Maya written records carved on stone
Residents of Maya urban centers often found ways, whether slabs, archaeological finds and lidar imagery. His conclusions
through local or centralized decision making, to survive droughts appear in the 2023 Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology and
and military defeats previously thought to have been society
killers, research now suggests. Major sites suffered population
losses over as many as 100 to 200 years before emptying out.
At that point, Maya people who had developed a taste for
social and political flexibility established towns and smaller cit-
ies elsewhere. Maya culture soldiered on after Classic period
cities lost their appeal.
Why urban centers turned into ghost cities over a couple
of hundred years, some more quickly than others, is poorly
understood. That raises questions about precisely who lived in
Estrada-Belli’s newly identified Maya stone structures and what
they were up to.

Mystery officials
Excavations of those stone structures, guided by the lidar
findings, will help to clarify who lived there.
Some occupants of rural vaulted structures may have
belonged to noble lineages that served the royal interests,
says anthropological archaeologist Andrew Scherer of Brown
University in Providence, R.I. Ancient DNA evidence indicates
that rulers of a 2,000-year-old nomadic empire in Asia followed
a similar strategy, sending members of royal lineages to oversee
distant territories.
Excavated pots displaying different types of stylized face decorations
But Maya rural elites may have acquired wealth and power (one shown) provided archaeologist Adrian Chase with clues to identi-
in local communities without being appointed by a paramount fying neighborhoods in the urban sprawl of the Maya city of Caracol. | December 2, 2023 27


central rulers for about 700 years. A royal dynasty assumed power
in A.D. 331. Successful wars against the nearby cities of Tikal and
Naranjo between 553 and 680 sparked a population boom. A
minimum of 100,000 people inhabited Caracol at its peak.
Urban and rural areas coalesced into a “garden city,” Chase
says. He has mapped 373 neighborhoods, each linked to a nearby
public space that hosted market and ritual events. In each neigh-
borhood, residents carved agricultural terraces out of adjacent
hillsides and constructed small reservoirs. Groups of neigh-
borhoods formed 25 districts, each containing a monumental
center with reservoirs, ballcourts or other large structures that
provided public services, he reported in the June Journal of
Anthropological Archaeology.
Chase ended up defining neighborhoods not just by com-
binations of pottery offerings and dental practices, but also
by distances of farmers’ huts to the nearest district plaza.
Farmers who would have walked similar routes over Caracol’s
rugged hills to district sites presumably forged ties on those
trips, which cultivated feelings of belonging to neighborhoods
with common practices, such as leaving certain types of offer-
ings at local shrines, Chase suspects.
Naranjo’s military defeat of Caracol in 680 ushered in roughly
a century of decentralized government, Chase says. “Faceless
administrators” who went unnamed in Maya writings oversaw
taxation and the provision of services to urban communities.
Policies at that time led to widespread wealth, community-wide
ritual ceremonies and relatively equal access to market products
and agricultural land.
New rulers who aligned themselves with powerful Maya gods
assumed power in 798. These kings instituted autocratic policies
and oversaw a sharp rise in wealth disparities. Those develop-
ments may have instigated a population exodus from Caracol.
150 m By 900, the garden city had been abandoned.
Estrada-Belli suspects a system of Caracol neighborhood
View from above In this lidar image of the ancient Maya site of and district officials operated out of regularly spaced, elite
Campeche on the Yucatán Peninsula, archaeologists discovered vaulted
structures (red outlines), nonvaulted structures (black outlines) and residences, much like the compounds of vaulted structures his
agricultural terraces (green lines). team has identified elsewhere. Plans are in the works to probe
lidar data at Caracol for signs of collapsed vaulted structures in
in a chapter of an upcoming book that he coedited, Ancient Meso- or near previously identified neighborhoods, Chase says.
american Population History. For instance, carved hieroglyphics Classic-era sites in the northern Maya lowlands of the Yucatán


include dates when specific rulers assumed power and won or Peninsula, which generally have drawn less scientific attention
lost battles with kings of rival cities. And lidar maps have guided than Classic Maya sites to the south, also deserve closer lidar
ongoing excavations of farming sites outside Caracol’s city core. scrutiny. Vaulted structures still stand at some of those centers,
Chase’s own connection to Caracol began before he could including large sites such as Chichén Itzá, Estrada-Belli says.
talk. His parents, anthropological archaeologists Diane Chase New excavations guided by lidar discoveries, and lidar analyses
and Arlen Chase, both at the University of Houston, brought him informed by the dimensions of excavated buildings, may clarify
there every year, starting as an infant, after launching a Caracol Classic Maya power structures at sites on the Yucatán Peninsula.
fieldwork project in 1985. The layering of authority and its reach across ancient Maya
As a high school junior steeped in archaeology, Chase helped urban areas is just beginning to emerge from a forested shroud.
run a Caracol excavation. Now he oversees multiple excavations
and on-site lab investigations of unearthed artifacts. Explore more
Caracol started out small too. Around 600 B.C., three villages „ Francisco Estrada-Belli et al. “Architecture, wealth and
collectively built reservoirs, causeways and ceremonial sites. Resi- status in Classic Maya urbanism revealed by airborne lidar
dents of the villages formed a single site that was governed without mapping.” Journal of Archaeological Science. September 2023.

28 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

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As the capabilities of large language models and other
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the Center for Equitable Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning Systems at Morgan State University in Baltimore,
Md. In her speech, Waters explored the fascinating history
landscape. Instead of regarding this new technology as of AI. She also shared concrete strategies for educators to
an obstacle, it is vital to explore how to leverage it as an incorporate AI ethically and equitably into their instruction
asset that can inspire creativity while improving student — from individualizing study plans to collaboratively
outcomes. workshopping prompts to jump-start inspiration.
This was the focus of Gabriella Waters’ keynote address This year’s conference (shown above) welcomed
at the 2023 Middle School Research Teachers Conference, 75 middle school STEM educators from across the United
produced by Society for Science, which publishes Science States for an immersive weekend of peer-led professional
News. Waters is the Director of Research & Operations at development.

For more information:


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Landscape Explorer transports together historical imagery at small scales to look at how a par-
you back to a more wild West ticular watershed or county has changed, “the real revolution is
With the click of a mouse, a new mapping tool shows how places that we were able to figure out how to do it at scale,” Morford
in the American West have changed over the last 70 years. says. “We wanted to make something that was universal and
With just a Web browser, anyone can open Landscape accessible” for everyone, not just remote sensing specialists.
Explorer (, which will pull up a modern Morford and colleagues processed about 170,000 aerial
Google map of the United States beside a black-and-white aerial images that were taken by U.S. Army pilots during the Cold
image of the western states circa 1950. A slider button allows for War and later digitized. To create a continuous mosaic, the
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You can type a place or address into the search bar, then of adjacent patches of land, the researchers explained in a
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Colorado River’s red rock canyons of the past turn into a res- Conservation. The final step was pairing the mosaic with sat-
ervoir. Type in “Las Vegas” and see Sin City’s sprawling grid of ellite imagery using Google Earth Engine.
streets disappear into desert arroyos as you swipe back in time. Landscape Explorer began as a small project to assess the
The free tool is an easy way for anyone with an inter- extent of woody encroachment onto grasslands in western
est in the American West to peruse the past. But Landscape Montana. Due to fire suppression, conifers like western juni-
Explorer also has a loftier purpose: helping government per or eastern red cedar are taking over ecosystems that were
agencies, landowners and conservation professionals make historically treeless, such as sagebrush steppe and prairies. A
complex decisions about how to manage land. monoculture of these water-guzzling trees is bad news for local
The powerful visual contrast between the historical snap- biodiversity and increases the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
shot and modern-day satellite imagery “allows us to go from Third-generation Montana rancher Bruce Peterson says
zero to 100” in terms of understanding ecosystem changes, says that seeing historical and current aerial imagery side by side
Scott Morford, an applied spatial ecologist at the University of made him realize how the steady infiltration of trees had
Montana in Missoula who led the development of Landscape devalued his family’s livestock pastures. “It’s a little bit like
Explorer. The project was supported by Working Lands for losing your hearing or your vision with these trees. They eat
Wildlife, a conservation initiative led by the U.S. Department away a little of your land at a time, and then by the time you
of Agriculture, and other partners. The impetus, Morford says, get hearing aids or glasses, you realize it’s gotten really out of
was to “give us a reference for how rapidly things are changing hand,” Peterson says.
across biomes that we care about.” Using Landscape Explorer, Peterson and dozens of other
Before Landscape Explorer, most collections of historical landowners involved in the Southwest Montana Sagebrush
imagery of large-scale landscapes went back to only the 1980s. Partnership have prioritized where to remove invading trees.
The group has restored nearly 50,000 acres of treeless range-
land since 2020, according to the Nature Conservancy, a
member of the partnership.
Landscape Explorer also helped the Clark Fork Coalition,
a Montana-based nonprofit that protects and restores water-
ways, to see how urban and industrial development has
impacted floodplains. “This tool gives us the power of time
travel. It’s like a time-lapse showing all that’s been lost and
where the continued pressure is very real,” says Karen
Knudsen, the coalition’s executive director.
After seeing the successes in Montana, the makers of
Landscape Explorer extended the tool to 17 states in the West
to show where forests, grasslands or rivers are most at risk of
disappearing and where intact habitats can still be preserved.

Since the expanded tool was released in September,

researchers have used it to assess glacial retreat in the Pacific
Northwest, measure the historical extent of sand dunes in
coastal California and pinpoint where wetlands have dried up.
Morford is excited to see all the ways Landscape Explorer
Landscape Explorer provides interactive, side-by-side comparisons of
how landscapes looked about 70 years ago compared with today. In can help land managers. “It’s going to be used in ways we
southwest Kansas, native prairie (left) has turned into cropland (right). haven’t even thought of yet.” — Brianna Randall

32 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

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A storm brewing animals, plants and microorganisms,

Warming ocean waters due to human- including protists (SN: 9/15/62, p. 172).
caused climate change are spurring more Vishniac’s work on tiny life-forms
hurricanes to rapidly intensify, Carolyn significantly shaped the field of photo-
Gramling reported in “Why hurricanes microscopy.
intensify so swiftly” (SN: 10/7/23 & Reader Kurt Sroka shared a self-
10/21/23, p. 10). written poem about microorganisms,
The story made reader Barry Maletzky entitled “Hierarchy”: Without Micro-
wonder why hurricanes take a spiral Beings / Human-Beings couldn’t be
shape. here / to “dominate” Earth.
A hurricane’s spiral form is due to a
phenomenon called the Coriolis effect. Bird brain
Earth constantly spins on its axis from Songbirds with complex vocal skills solve
west to east. Objects not firmly rooted problems faster than their less vocally
to the ground, including air currents, adept peers, Darren Incorvaia reported
OCTOBER 7, 2023 & OCTOBER 21, 2023
airplanes and hurricanes, curve as they in “Some songbirds excel at brainteasers”
travel through the air because they (SN: 10/7/23 & 10/21/23, p. 14).
conserve the momentum of the planet’s “The phrase ‘bird brain’ often gets a
rotation. bad rap, but science tells us that bird
Tropical cyclones, such as hurri- intelligence is far from lacking,”
canes, typically form near the equator, @factfrontier_ wrote on X, formerly
where warm ocean waters and air cre- known as Twitter. “Take the African
ate the right conditions for the storms grey parrot, for example, capable of
to occur. Each cyclone consists of a understanding the concept of zero — a
low-pressure center, known as the feat … shared with humans and a
eye, which sucks in the surrounding few primates. Then there’s the New
high-pressure air. The Coriolis effect Caledonian crow, which uses tools to
deflects that air slightly to the east as it extract insects from tree bark, show-
rushes toward the storm’s eye. ing problem-solving skills that rival
At the same time, air from the equa- those of young children.… So, calling
tor moves toward the poles and is also someone a ‘bird brain’ might just be
deflected east by the Coriolis effect. All underselling the intricate cognitive
together, this causes the whole storm abilities that birds possess.”
system to spin — counterclockwise X user @PhillSher also remarked on
north of the equator and clockwise the intelligence of crows: “Crows are
south. exceptionally smart. I once saw a crow
pick up a morsel of food, stack it on
Microscopic marvels top of another that was a couple of feet
A journey through the mysterious world of away, then pick up both and fly off.”
protists reveals how much we still have left
to learn about life on Earth, Susan Milius
reported in “Charismatic microfauna”
(SN: 10/7/23 & 10/21/23, p. 18).
The story reminded reader Michael
Steinfeld of the work of scientist,
Join the conversation
photographer and cinemicroscopist
EMAIL [email protected]
Roman Vishniac.
MAIL Attn: Feedback
1719 N St., NW Famous for his snapshots of Jewish
Washington, DC 20036 communities in pre-Holocaust
Europe, Vishniac spent much of his
Connect with us career zoomed in on the life sciences.
At the height of his career in the
1950s through the ’70s, he studied,
photographed, filmed and wrote about

34 SCIENCE NEWS | December 2, 2023

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Jupiter dazzles in infrared

New infrared shots of Jupiter taken by the James Webb Space The movement of the specks let the team identify the jet stream NASA, ESA, CSA, STSCI, R. HUESO/UNIV. OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY,

Telescope reveal a speedy jet stream encircling the equator at and clock its movement. In these images, cloud brightness indi- UNIV. OF LEICESTER, M. WONG/UCB, J. DEPASQUALE/STSCI

an altitude never imaged before. cates altitude, and the reddish arcs at the poles are auroras.
Researchers have known about jet streams on Jupiter for It’s not clear what causes the speedy jet. “If you have very
more than four decades. The relatively stable winds occur intense motions, you need energy to produce those motions,”
near the planet’s main cloud decks, in the troposphere. The says Hueso, of the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao,
newly spotted jet lies 20 to 40 kilometers above, in the strato- Spain. The energy could come from storms below, or the jet
sphere, and moves at about 500 kilometers per hour, or might be linked to a band higher in the stratosphere where
roughly twice as fast as the jets below, astrophysicist Ricardo temperature and wind intensity oscillate over four years or so.
Hueso and colleagues report October 19 in Nature Astronomy. Future observations could help untangle the tricky physics
In specially filtered JWST images taken about 10 hours apart occurring in the atmospheres at planets’ equators, Hueso says.
(one shown above in false color), the researchers noticed bright “We don’t understand it on the Earth at the level that we would
specks in the white band of clouds around the planet’s middle. like, and we don’t understand it on Jupiter.” — Carolyn Wilke

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Congratulations, Award winners
of tpe Tpermo Fisper Scientific
Junior Innovators Cpallenge!
Tpermo Fisper Scientific and Society for Science salute tpe amazing
young scientists and engineers selected from tpousands of entrants
as award winners in tpe Tpermo Fisper JIC 2023.

Broadcom Coding Tpermo Fisper Scientific DoD STEM

with Commitment™ Award ASCEND Award Talent Award
$10,000 $25,000 $10,000
Keshvee Sekhda Shanya Gill Maya Gandi
Sugar Hill, Georgia San Jose, California Anaheim, California

Lemelson Award Robert Wood Jopnson Award

for Invention for Healtp Advancement
$10,000 $10,000
Adyant Bhavsar Elizabeth Olvera
San Jose, California Goleta, California

Science Award Matpematics Award Team Award

First Place: Veronica Howard First Place: Tate D. Plohr sponsored by TIES

Second Place: Elizabeth Shen Second Place: Amritha Praveen Colin Beckner
Adyant Bhavsar
Tecpnology Award Tpermo Fisper Scientific Shanya Gill
First Place: Advait Badrish Leaderspip Award Akshadha Mehta
Second Place: Chloe Svetlana Fierro Maya Gandhi Venice Parnell
Engineering Award
First Place: Krisha Bhatt
Second Place: Claire Xu

About Tpermo Fisper Scientific Junior Innovators Cpallenge

The Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (JIC), a program of Society for Science, is the nation’s premier
middle school STEM research competition in the United States, created to inspire sixth, seventh and eighth grade students
to pursue their personal passion for STEM subjects into high school and beyond. |
Twitter: @tpermofisper/@societyforscience | Instagram: @tpermofisperscientific/@Societyforscience

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