AI Model Exam
AI Model Exam
AI Model Exam
1) Which of the following expert system that is used to determine the type and level of lung
a) DXplain b) PXDES c) MYCIN d) DENDRAL
2) Which of the following is the reasons for underfitting?
a) High bias and low variance
b) The size of the training dataset used is not enough.
c) The model is too simple.
d) Training data is not cleaned and also contains noise in it
e) All f) None
3) Which of the following is a family of probabilistic algorithms that use Bayes’ Theorem to
calculate the possibility of words or phrases falling into a set of predetermined “tags”
(categories) or not.
a) Naive Bayesian Algorithm
b) Support vector machines
c) Random forest algorithm
d) Decision trees
e) All
4) Which laws of Robotics states “A robot is not allowed to injured humanity, or, through
inaction it allows humanity to come to harm”.
a) Third Law b) Second Law c) First Law d) Zeroth Law
5) Among the given options, which search algorithm requires less memory?
6) If a robot is able to change its own trajectory as per the external conditions, then the robot is
considered as the__
a) Mobile b)Non-Servo c)Open Loop d)Intelligent
7) The component of an Expert system is_________.
a) Knowledge Base b)Inference Engine c)User Interface d)All of the above
Artificial Intelligence Model Questions for Exit Examination