Tuberculosis (TB) - Important Notes

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Introduction-Causes-Symptoms & Treatments

List of contents for Tuberculosis

Contents Importance Page No.

Introduction of Tuberculosis It will cover basic information Page -03

Types of Tuberculosis Varieties of TB available Page- 04

Risk factors & cause of Tuberculosis So that you may get away from these Page- 06

Sign & Symptoms of Tuberculosis Warning will alarm you to be prepared Page- 07

Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Diagnosis may confirm or dissolve your doubt Page- 08

Prevention of Tuberculosis How to be safe from this infection Page-11

Treatment of Tuberculosis What are the drugs available for it’s treatment Page-12

Introduction to Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, also known as TB, is a contagious bacterial infection that can be found nearly anywhere in the body, but is
found most commonly in the lungs. Bacteria of tuberculosis may communicate to one person from another by direct
contact like coughing, sneezing, or transmission of air. Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease infected by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a treatable, communicable disease that has two general states: latent
infection and active infection. Mostly developing countries are affected by this disease because of improper hygienic and
health conditions. If we compare TB with other disease then we will find that bout 1/3 of worlds populations are
suffering from Tuberculosis. In India TB kills more adult than any other disease, from this we can understand its severity.
New dimension has been added in 1980 due to spread of HIV with high prevalence of tuberculosis infection among these
patients, because along with HIV infection TB become 08 times more dangerous. The common most symptoms of
tuberculosis includes- cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss, etc. This symptoms may be mild for many months, and
people ill with TB can infect up to 10-15 other people through close contact over the course of a year. The most
common diagnostic test for TB is a skin test where a small injection of PPD tuberculin, an extract of the TB bacterium, is
made just below the inside forearm.

TB infection in breast feeding women is matter of concern. First line antitubercular drugs are compatible with
breastfeeding. Full course should be given to the mother, and breastfeeding should be continued. The infant should
receive isoniazid preventive treatment after ruling out active TB followed by BCG vaccination. Breast fed infants whose
mother is taking isoniazid, and those on isoniazid preventive therapy should be supplemented with pyridoxine 5mg/day.

Activity or visibility Pulmonary & extrapulmonary


Active TB Latent TB Tuberculosis Pleurisy Cavitary TB Miliary TB


1. Active Tuberculosis- Active TB is an infection in which the TB bacteria are rapidly multiplying and invading
different organs of the body as they are in active condition. A person who is suffering from active pulmonary TB
disease has strong possibility to spread this infection to others by airborne transmission of infectious particles
coughed into the air. The person who is having tis type of TB infection must show a gentle man behavior by
informing every possible person with whom he or she is meeting. Because active TB condition is contagious, so that
these people should get diagnosed and treated as soon a possible. Multi-drug treatment is employed to treat active TB
2. Latent Tuberculosis- Many people how received the infection of TB may not get infected with it immediately. They
have no symptoms and their chest x-ray may be normal. The only manifestation of this encounter may be reaction to
the tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). However, there is an ongoing risk that the
latent infection may escalate to active disease. The risk is increased by other illnesses such as HIV or medications
which compromise the immune system.
4. Tuberculosis Pleurisy- This is the condition which takes place just after initial infection. A granuloma located at the
edge of the lung ruptures into the pleural space, the space between the lungs and the chest wall. In this case few ml of
fluid can be found in the pleural space. Once the bacteria invade the space, the amount of fluid increases automatically
and compresses the lung, causing shortness of breath (dyspnea) and sharp chest pain that worsens with a deep breath
5. Cavitary TB- This type of TB is generally associated with the upper part of lungs. The bacteria cause severe
destruction of lungs by forming cavities, or by making large air spaces. This type of TB is generally seen in reactivation
case. The upper lobes of the lung are get into trouble just because there is a high amount of oxygen and TB bacteria
love this condition, for their growth. Cavitary TB may occur after primary infection. Symptoms are common like
cough, night sweats, fever, weight loss, and weakness.
6. Miliary Tuberculosis- This is a rare form of active tuberculoidal disease that occurs when TB bacteria find their way
into the bloodstream, means this disease take place only after the entry of TB bacteria into the blood circulations . In
this form, the bacteria quickly spread all over the body in tiny nodules and affect multiple organs at once. This form of
TB can be rapidly fatal.
7. Laryngeal TB- TB can infect the larynx, or the vocal chord area. It is extremely infectious
8. Osteal Tuberculosis
9. Renal Tuberculosis
10. Adrenal Tuberculosis
11. TB Meningitis
12. Tuberculosis Pericarditis.
13. Tuberculosis Peritonitis
14. Lymph Node Disease
Risk factors & cause


Medications that suppress the immune system Other risk factors

Medications that suppress the immune system can also put people at risk for People who use tobacco or misuse drugs or
alcohol long term are more likely to get
developing active TB disease, For example- Immunosuppressant that suppress
active TB. Following factors may contribute
immune system. Other medications that increase your risk of getting TB include
for the propagation of TB.
those taken to treat-
Disease/Disorder Details Factor Reason

Rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain and Poor Economy Unable to take medicines
arthritis damage throughout your bod
Illiteracy Can not identified symptoms
Crohn’s disease inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of your digestive tract,
which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Disease Other disease increase risk

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system. Symptoms Malnutrition Poor nutrition decrease immunity
include flaking, inflammation, and thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin
Lupus Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system Hesitation Fear that diagnosis will create bad
attacks your own tissues and organs. impression in society, and they will
made isolated from surroundings.
Cancer Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade
Other Transmission via air, droplets. Etc.
or spread to other parts of the body

Reference- 6
Sign and Symptoms

Sign/Symptoms Description with justification
Weight loss It is considered to be immunosuppressive and leptin is involved in weight regulation and cellular immunity,

Night sweats It seems likely that the night sweats associated with active tuberculosis are a response in part to signaling molecules
released by cells of the immune system as they react to the infectious organism.
High temperature (fever) The bacteria themselves may also be releasing fever-causing signals. In response to these circulating chemical signals
the hypothalamus resets body temperature to a higher level for a while
Tiredness and fatigue This is because of excessive coughing and tightness in chest along with problem in breathing.

Swellings in the neck If tuberculosis affects the lymph nodes (about 25% of cases), it can cause swollen glands, usually at the sides and
base of the neck
A persistent cough TB bacteria most commonly grow in the lungs, and can cause symptoms such as: A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or
longer. Pain in the chest. Coughing up blood or sputum
In bone and joints Bone pain, stiffness, restricted movement of hip and knee joints. Back pain, stiffness of back, several symptoms due
to compression of the adjacent nerves like inability to control bowel and bladder activities, weakness to frank
paralysis of lower limbs, loss of sensation etc.
Meninges High fever, excruciating headache, confusion, drowsiness, stiffness of neck etc.

Impairment of liver and kidney Hepatobiliary tuberculosis is a rare manifestation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and is usually secondary
to tuberculosis of the lungs or gastrointestinal tract

Diagnostic Methods Description
Blood test A blood sample tested on TB bacteria to see how the immune system reacts. Quanti FERON-TB
Gold in-Tube test and T-Spot. TB test are two examples of TB blood tests.
Skin test The most common diagnostic test for TB is a skin test where a small injection of PPD tuberculin,
an extract of the TB bacterium, is made just below the inside forearm. The injection site should be
checked after 2-3 days, and, if a hard, red bump has swollen up to a specific size, then it is likely
that TB is present.
Imaging test chest X-ray or a CT scan. This may show white spots in your lungs where your immune system has
walled off TB bacteria, or it may reveal changes in your lungs caused by active tuberculosis. CT
scans provide more-detailed images than do X-rays.
Bronchoscopy A scope is inserted inside the nostrils or mouth to see inside the lungs and airways.
Sputum examination A lab examine a sample of the mucus.
Lung biopsy A small sample of lung tissue is taken to analyze.


Tuberculosis- Sputum Diagnosis *
*Representation Only

Presence of Mycobacterium
In Patient’s sputum confirms the
presence of TB


Drop of Sputum

Suspected Patient’s Sputum

Sample Mycobacterium
Tuberculin is a fraction of purified protein derived
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
An injection into the forearm with a small amount of tuberculin.
Skin Test for Tuberculosis
The most common diagnostic test for TB is a
skin test, The skin test for TB, otherwise
known as a Mantoux tuberculin test. where
a small injection of PPD tuberculin, an
extract of the TB bacterium, is made just
below the inside forearm. Tuberculin is a
48 to 72 Hour Later fraction of purified protein derived
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If an
individual is infected with TB, their immune
Negative system will react to the tuberculin given in
the TB skin test. The injection site should be
checked after 2-3 days, and, if a hard, red
bump has swollen up to a specific size, then
it is likely that TB is present.

Result-Test bump smaller than 5 millimeters

(mm), test result negative. test bump larger
Scale in Millimetre
than 5 mm, test result in the positive range
Positive Result for Tuberculosis

Infected people’s coughs, sneezes, talking, singing or anything similar will emit droplets of moisture which can contain
the bacteria. When other people breathe in this moisture they have a chance of getting infected as well. All stages
afterwards are contagious and infected people are often isolated to stop the spreading of TB. Despite this, Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis is a slow growing bacterium, and does not transfer easily from one person to another. In fact, people that stay
close to an infected person for 6 months have a roughly 50% chance of acquiring the disease as well. Following
preventive approaches should be followed by both patient and healthy individuals
Go for a check-up if you suspect that you could be suffering from TB.
Stay away from work, school or college until your TB treatment team advises you it's safe to return
Always cover your mouth when coughing, sneezing or laughing
Carefully dispose of any used tissues in a sealed plastic bag
Open windows when possible to ensure a good supply of fresh air in the areas where you spend time
Avoid sleeping in the same room as other people
People who are infected with active TB should also wear a surgical mask, known as a respirator, to keep TB particles from spreading
through the air.
Keep your immune system functioning properly by adopting healthy eating habits, exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep
Treatment of Tuberculosis
Classification Ref- KD Tripathi- 8th Ed.

First Line Drugs Second Line Drugs

Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, Streptomycin

Fluoroquinolones Other oral drugs Injectable drugs

Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin Rifabutin Amikacin
Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin Terizidone Kanamycin
Alternative Classification Ethionamide
For more details about Grouping criteria- KD Tripathi- (8th Ed- 816) Prothionamide
Group-I (First line oral drugs)
Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol
Paraamino-saliculic acid (PAS)
Group-II (Injectable drugs) Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Amikacin, Capreomycin
Group-III (Fluoroquinolones) Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin
Group-IV (2nd line oral drugs) Ethionamide, Prothionamide, Cycloserine, Terizidone, PAS, Rifabutin, Rifapentine
Group-V (Unclear efficacy) Dedaquiline, Clarithromycin, Clofazimine, Linezolid, Impipenem, Cilastatin
Mechanism of Action Mycolic acid pathway

Mycolic acids are long fatty acids found in the cell walls of Isoniazid
the Mycobacterium tuberculosis the causative agent of the Mycolic acids
disease tuberculosis. They form the major component of the
cell wall of mycolata species. Mycolic acids are composed
Cell Wall
of a longer beta-hydroxyl chain with a shorter alpha- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
alkyl side chain Each molecule contains between 60 and
90 carbon atoms. M. tuberculosis produces three main types
of mycolic acids: alpha-, methoxy-, and keto-. Alpha-
mycolic acids make up at least 70% of the mycolic acids of Mycobacterium
the organism and contain several cyclopropane rings.
Mycolic acids have been involved in maintaining a rigid
cell shape but also they contribute to the resistance to
Cell Wall
chemical injury and to the protection of cells against Made of Mycolic acids
hydrophobic antibiotics
Image- Possible mechanism of action for Isoniazid
Reference- Diagram made by- Solution-Pharmacy

Rifampin (Rifampicin)
Mechanism of Action
A semisynthetic antibiotic produced from Streptomyces Mediterranean. It has a broad antibacterial spectrum,
including activity against several forms of Mycobacterium. In susceptible organisms it inhibits DNA-dependent
RNA polymerase activity by forming a stable complex with the enzyme. It thus suppresses the initiation of RNA
synthesis. Rifampin is bactericidal, and acts on both intracellular and extracellular organisms. Rifampicin (Rif) is one
of the most potent and broad spectrum antibiotics against bacterial pathogens and is a key component of anti-
tuberculosis therapy.

Rifampin is an antibiotic that inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in susceptible cells. Specifically, it
interacts with bacterial RNA polymerase but does not inhibit the mammalian enzyme. It is bactericidal and has a
very broad spectrum of activity against most gram-positive and gram-negative and specifically Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Because of rapid emergence of resistant bacteria, use is restricted to treatment of mycobacterial
infections and a few other indications. Rifampin is well absorbed when taken orally and is distributed widely in body
tissues and fluids, including the CSF. It is metabolized in the liver and eliminated in bile and, to a much lesser extent,
in urine, but dose adjustments are unnecessary with renal insufficiency.

Diagram- General Mechanism of Action for Alternative Drugs
Pyrazinamide Ethambutol
Mechanism of Action Mechanism of Action
Pyrazinamide kills or stops the growth of certain An antitubercular agent that inhibits the transfer of mycolic
bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB). It is used with acids into the cell wall of the tubercle bacillus. The action is
other drugs to treat tuberculosis. It is a highly specific usually bactericidal, and the drug can penetrate human cell
agent and is active only against Mycobacterium membranes to exert its lethal effect. Ethambutol is an oral
tuberculosis. The drug is active only at a slightly acid chemotherapeutic agent which is specifically effective
pH. Pyrazinamide gets activated to Pyrazinoic acid in against actively growing microorganisms of the genus
the bacilli where it interferes with fatty acid synthase Mycobacterium, including M. tuberculosis. Ethambutol
FAS I. This interferes with the bacteriums ability to inhibits RNA synthesis and decreases tubercle bacilli
synthesize new fatty acids, required for growth and replication. Nearly all strains of M. tuberculosis and M.
replication. Pyrazinamide diffuses into M. kansasii as well as a number of strains of MAC are sensitive
tuberculosis, where the enzyme pyrazinamidase to ethambutol. Ethambutol inhibits arabinose transferases
converts pyrazinamide to the active form pyrazinoic which is involved in cell wall biosynthesis. By inhibiting
acid. Under acidic conditions, the pyrazinoic acid that this enzyme, the bacterial cell wall complex production is
slowly leaks out converts to the protonated conjugate inhibited. This leads to an increase in cell wall permeability
acid, which is thought to diffuse easily back into the
bacilli and accumulate. Reference Taken from-

Streptomycin Fluoroquinolones
Mechanism of Action Mechanism of Action
Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced Quinolones and fluoroquinolones inhibit bacterial
by the soil actinomycete Streptomyces griseous. It acts by replication by blocking their DNA replication
binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit of susceptible pathway. DNA is the core genetic material of the cells,
organisms and disrupting the initiation and elongation and is responsible for proper functioning of the cell.
steps in protein synthesis. Aminoglycosides like During protein synthesis and DNA replication, the
Streptomycin "irreversibly" bind to specific 30S-subunit double-stranded DNA needs to unwind into a single
proteins and 16S rRNA. Specifically Streptomycin binds stranded structure, which allows for complementary
to four nucleotides of 16S rRNA and a single amino acid base pairing to occur and synthesis of mRNA to
of protein S12. This interferes with decoding site in the proceed. This unwinding of DNA in the bacteria is done
vicinity of nucleotide 1400 in 16S rRNA of 30S subunit. by enzymes in the bacteria called DNA gyrase or DNA
This region interacts with the wobble base in the topoisomerase. DNA gyrase is a topoisomerase II type
anticodon of tRNA. This leads to interference with the enzyme that unwinds the DNA by introducing negative
initiation complex, misreading of mRNA so incorrect supercoils and can also help relax positive supercoils.
amino acids are inserted into the polypeptide leading to Quinolones and fluoroquinolones inhibit this enzyme by
nonfunctional or toxic peptides and the breakup of binding to the A-subunit of the enzyme due to which the
polysomes into nonfunctional monosomes. bacteria is unable to replicate.

Treatment of Tuberculosis
Reference- KD Tripathi- 8th Ed. 826
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an aerobic organism. In unfavourable
Standard RNTCP regimen for MDR-TB
condition its constant or it may be in dormant condition for long time
till it gets favourable condition. It could be present in patient in various Invasive phase Continuation phase
(6-9 months) (18 months)
Kanamycin Levofloxacin
1. Rapidly growing with high bacillary load- As in the wall of
capillary lesion where oxygen tension is high and pH is neutral. Levofloxacin Ethionamide
2. Slow growing- Located intracellularly and at the inflamed site Ethionamide Cycloserine
where pH is low.
3. Sputers- Found mostly within caseous materials where oxygen Cycloserine Ethambutol
tension is low but pH is neutral. Pyrazinamide
4. Dormant- Some bacilli remain totally inactive for prolonged Ethambutol
periods of time, no antitubercular drug is effective in this case.
+ Pyridoxine 100 mg/day
Note- Goal of treatments- Kill dividing bacilli, Kill persisting bacilli, Prevent emergence of resistance As per revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme Guidelines- 2016

Multidrug resistance (MDR) in treatment of TB
Adopted as such from WHO website

he bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) can develop resistance to the antimicrobial drugs used to cure the disease.
Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is TB that does not respond to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the 2 most
powerful anti-TB drugs.
The 2 reasons why multidrug resistance continues to emerge and spread are mismanagement of TB treatment and
person-to-person transmission. Most people with TB are cured by a strictly followed, 6-month drug regimen that is
provided to patients with support and supervision. Inappropriate or incorrect use of antimicrobial drugs, or use of
ineffective formulations of drugs (such as use of single drugs, poor quality medicines or bad storage conditions), and
premature treatment interruption can cause drug resistance, which can then be transmitted, especially in crowded
settings such as prisons and hospitals. Drug resistance can be detected using special laboratory tests which test the
bacteria for sensitivity to the drugs or detect resistance patterns. These tests can be molecular in type (such as Xpert
MTB/RIF) or else culture-based. Molecular techniques can provide results within hours and have been successfully
implemented even in low resource settings.

Solutions to control drug-resistant TB are to:

1. cure the TB patient the first time around
2. provide access to diagnosis
3. ensure adequate infection control in facilities where patients are treated
4. ensure the appropriate use of recommended second-line drugs.
Treatment of breastfeeding women
Reference- K.D. Tripathi. 8th Edition.

First line antitubercular drugs are compatible with breastfeeding. Full course should be given to the mother, and
breastfeeding should be continued. The infant should receive isoniazid preventive treatment after ruling out active TB
followed by BCG vaccination. Breast fed infants whose mother is taking isoniazid, and those on isoniazid preventive
therapy should be supplemented with pyridoxine 5mg/day.

Tuberculosis in AIDS patients- The association of HIV and TB infection is a serious problem. TB and HIV co-
infection is when people have both HIV infection, and also either latent or active TB disease. When someone has both
HIV and TB each disease speeds up the progress of the other. In addition to HIV infection speeding up the progression
from latent to active TB, TB bacteria also accelerate the progress of HIV infectionThe risk of developing TB in HIV
positive subject increase by about 8 times. HIV positive cases have a higher incidence of extrapulmonary , more
serious, more lethal and more infectious TB. HIV infection is strongest risk for unmasking latent Tb. Apart from this
the adverse drug reaction to anti TB drugs are more common in HIV patients. When people have a damaged immune
system, such as people with HIV who are not receiving antiretroviral (ARVs), the natural history of TB is altered.
Instead of there being a long latency phase between infection and development of disease, people with HIV can
become ill with active TB disease within weeks to months, rather than the normal years to decades

Flow chart
Communication to Treatment Mycolic acid pathway
Tuberculosis Patients
Standard RNTCP regimen for MDR-TB Isoniazid
Invasive phase Continuation phase Normal Individuals
(6-9 months) (18 months) Mycolic acids
Kanamycin Levofloxacin
Poor Immunity
Levofloxacin Ethionamide Cell Wall AIDS or Immune disorders
Ethionamide Cycloserine Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Cycloserine Ethambutol
Latent Condition Active Condition
+ Pyridoxine 100 mg/day tuberculosis
Sign & Symptoms
Coughing with blood*, Fever, Night Sweating

Method Description
Blood test A blood sample tested on TB bacteria to see how the immune system reacts. Quanti
FERON-TB Gold in-Tube test and T-Spot. TB test are two examples of TB blood tests.

Skin test The most common diagnostic test for TB is a skin test where a small injection of PPD
tuberculin, an extract of the TB bacterium, is made just below the inside forearm. The
injection site should be checked after 2-3 days, and, if a hard, red bump has swollen up
to a specific size, then it is likely that TB is present.

Imaging test chest X-ray or a CT scan. This may show white spots in your lungs where your
immune system has walled off TB bacteria, or it may reveal changes in your lungs
caused by active tuberculosis. CT scans provide more-detailed images than do X-rays.

Bronchoscopy A scope is inserted inside the nostrils or mouth to see inside the lungs and airways.

Sputum A lab examine a sample of the mucus.

Lung biopsy A small sample of lung tissue is taken to analyze.

Treatment Approaches Skin Test 27

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