Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexually transmitted infections
Drug and substance abuse
Sexual abuse
Mental health
Barriers in improving adolescent sexual
and reproductive health
This refers to a situation where services are
designed and planned for youths alone and
are offered in settings that meet only the
needs of the youth and not include other
Services may be; clinical, non-clinical or both.
Refer to a situation where young people
receive services as part of the general
population but special arrangements are
made to make the services more
acceptable to them.
Minimum services for youth friendly
1. Youth involvement-:
young people know better how to
identify their health and related needs
and therefore in a better position to
prescribe solutions in meeting their
2. Group discussions
In a youth friendly site, group discussions and
talks on various aspects of health particularly
those related to reproductive and sexual
health, should occur routinely.
A schedule of topics and times should be
widely published to allow as many as
possible young people to attend.
3. Necessary referral mechanisms
In all cases, any facility offering youth
friendly services must have an effective
way of referring youth who need more
specialized services.
4. Wide range of services (one-stop shop)
Health services offered in youth friendly site
should meet the widest possible available
range of needs for youths.
Particularly services related to; sexual and
reproductive health e.g. counseling, STI
diagnosis and treatment , STI prevevtion and
VCT etc.
5. Education material available on site and
to take away;-
IEC materials particularly those critical
issues on sexual and reproductive health
should be available for youths to read
and to take away.
6. Community mobilization:-
Any youth friendly services established
without the support of the community is
likely to fail.
Therefore, the involvement of the
community in planning and establishing
such services will help in mobilizing
support and ensuring a long term
sustainability of such services.