Gonzales Asynch 1 KWL Chart

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Before, whenever I hear the

word assessments, I could not I want to know the detailed
help myself but to feel scared process of how computation Assessments are truly
of the examinations we were of assessments are being fascinating in nature. It is a
about to take. With this, I only done. This interests me the reliable tool which we can rely
had a shallow perspective of most because I still lack on on as a basis if the
what assessments truly are. technical knowledge about instructional materials
As I became immersed on our this. Additionally, I would provided and the teaching
field, I learned that want to explore how certain strategies used are effective
assessments are conducted grade levels are being to the students. With the
for the sake of students, for assessed. released department orders, I
the teachers, for the parents came to realize how vital
and for the school assessments are and their
administration. distinct role in the field of
education. I am delighted that
For the students. I was enlightened on
components under summative
Assessments are critical in assessments, which are
tracking the progress students written work, performance
have made. Gathered task, and quarterly
information are organized and assessment. I have also
are interpretted accordingly. learned what the existing
The analysis would contain grading system is like. It
the strenghts and weaknesses utilized both standards and
of the students. This way, competency-based grading
appropriate needs could be system. The complexity faded
catered by the teacher. It can as soon as I grasped how
be in a form of formative and students' progress are being
summative test. The main recorded and computed. The
benefactor of the assessment steps provided gave me the
is the student, in which they standard procedure how
are being assessed in the transmuted grade is
areas of content and calculated. Moreover, under
performance standard, DO no. 8 s. 2015, indicators of
learning competencies and how students are promoted
concept development. and retained are included.
This proves that teachers
undergo strict assessments if
learners would be promoted
or not.
For the Teachers. As Values Education major,
These assessments are
efficient as a basis for them to what stood out to me the
know if their students are able most is the descriptors
to attained the learning and indicators of the
standards. Additionally, this observed values. This
gives them knowledge on
areas they have to nurtured implies the significance it
on the students. For instance, hold among students life.
student A performed below Hence, it instill that
satisfactory in a formative continuous development
assessment. Hence, this is an
indicator that the teacher of instructions that help
should prepare activities and good behaviors to manifest
effective teaching strategy should be utilized.
that would cater student A's
needs for that topic for him to
develop the adequate skills.

For the Parents.

It is necesarry that parents
are also involved with their
children's educational
journey. Assessments provide
them access to the progress
and status of their children.
This enables them to gain
awareness of how the
students are doing. In line
with this, they would know
what support they should give
to help their children in the
pursuit of knowledge. It can
involve talking with their child
and to their teachers about
the assessment done.

For the school administration.

Through assessments, they
would be aware on the
progress of the learning
process taking place. They
would know whether the gap
is being bridged, and if the
teaching strategy of their
faculty is aligned with the
students learning ability.
In general, from what I know,
assessments play a critical
role in educational process. If
it is being treated as such, and
proper actions are done with
the data collected from the
assessments, then effective
learning is more likely to
achieve. This can be utilized
to further implement a good
instruction from the
assessments conducted.

In relation to the Values

Education, I knew that
assessments contain
importance in the whole
teaching and learning
process. Effectivity will take
place if we knew how to value
the progress our students,
and using that knowledge to
cultivate a more engaging

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