The End of Stress Tools

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Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Stress is psychological fear;
Peace is neurological power.

Success is inner peace;

Succeeding is letting go of fear.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Start the Day
In Quiet

• Wake up a little earlier ahead of the rush. Start your day in quiet in
a place where you won’t be disturbed.
• Close your eyes or take a downward gaze. Tilt your head toward
your heart. Follow your breathing. Imagine each breath softening
your heart and opening it wider.
• Feel appreciation for the gift of another day of life. Feel
appreciation for another day to be with the ones you love.
• Set the intention to have a great day, achieving meaningful results
in your work. Equally, set the intention to succeed at becoming
more of who you want to be.
• Reflect for a moment on how you want to feel as you work. Now,
imagine feeling this way.
• Reflect on the state of mind you want to sustain throughout the day
Imagine yourself achieving this state of mind.
• Reflect on how you want to be with other people. Imagine relating
to people in this way.
• Recall the statement of William James: You can change anything if
you believe you can. Belief creates the actual fact.
• Then believe what you just imagined will happen.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

A Dynamically
Peaceful Attitude

Check three qualities listed below that you want to strengthen.

 Calm  Resilient
 A clear sense of personal  Faith in the face of adversity
power and the integrity to  Trust in the process
assert your power without
overpowering others  Joy in the challenge
 Unafraid  Empathic
 Unhurried  A willingness to forgive
 Free of worry  A disinterest in judging or
 Self-confident
 A felt connection with one’s
 Creative own heart, with others, and
 Open-minded, receptive, and with life itself
accepting  An enduring sense of the
 A curiosity that is fully present whole that transcends the
 Energetic
 A sense of the sacred

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Thought Awareness
I Could See Peace Instead of This

Peace is clearly an internal matter, and so is stress. Both must begin with your own
thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from an anxious, worried mind that a stressful
perception of the world arises. Equally, it is from your peace of mind that a stress-free
experience of life arises.

Practice this throughout the day, until your pattern of stress changes:
1. Be aware of stressful, fearful thoughts, anxiety-provoking situations, "offending"
personalities or events, or anything else that provokes in you stressful, unkind, hostile,
or pessimistic thoughts. Note them all casually, whenever they occur. Notice the way
these thoughts morph into negative emotions that produce a perception of threat.

Initially, as you look at a negative thought or feeling, don’t try to change it. Simply
observe it. If you criticize, blame, or condemn yourself for thinking and feeling
negatively, simply observe this as another negative thought.

2. Tell yourself: This thought or feeling is in me, not in reality. Take a moment
and see the truth in this. Let it sink in.

3. Don’t believe a stressful thought: If you don’t believe an anxious, stressful,

pessimistic thought it has no power. It’s just a thought that comes and goes. When you
don’t believe a negative thought, it doesn’t turn into stress, anxiety, or depression.

4. Tell yourself: I could see peace instead of this. Repeat this idea to yourself in
an unhurried manner, as you watch your perception of the world change.

5. Conclude by remembering that although negative thoughts and feelings

are in you, they are not you. They come and go like clouds. But the essence of
your being is like the blue sky these clouds travel through and sometimes cover. Let
your mind go completely and become the blue sky for a moment.

Shorter Applications As Needed

Shorter applications of the idea should also be made throughout the day, whenever a
fearful thought begins to make inroads on your peace of mind in the form of depression,
anxiety or worry, intervene by stating: I can replace my feelings of depression, anxiety, or
worry with peace. Repeat the idea until you feel some sense of relief.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

What Am I Afraid Of?
Write the answer here:

What I am afraid of Inquiring if it’s true

1. Bring to mind a concern, worry or situation that is 1. Look at each of your fears one at a time. Are you 100%
causing you stress and anxiety. Briefly describe it in the certain this is true?
top box entitled, The concern or situation. 2. If the answer is no, look at this fear realistically,. What
2. Ask yourself, in this situation: “What am I afraid of?” statement comes closer to the truth about this? Record
Record your answer in the left column. that statement in the right column.
3. Then ask yourself, “If this fear were true, what am I 3. Go through the list of fears, repeating steps 1 and 2 for
afraid of?” Record it. each of your fears.
4. “And if this fear were true, what am I afraid of?” 4. Next, read the What Am I Afraid Of column, as if
5. Record it. reading a story. “How does that feel?” Then read the
Inquiring if It’s True column, again as if telling a story.
6. Repeat three more times or until you sense you have “How does that feel?” Which did you choose to believe
reached the bottom of your anxiety about this situation. when stressed?
5. Ask, “Who would I be without these fears?

Track 3 provides an example of a Track 4 guides you through the

person going through the process What Am I Afraid Of process

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Blunders, Absurdities,
and the Old Nonsense
(Peace is Not About You Being Perfect)

Finish each day and be done

with it. You have done what
you could. Some blunders
and absurdities no doubt
crept in; forget them as soon
as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely,
with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old
Ralph Waldo Emerson This day is all that is good
and fair. It is too dear, with
its hopes and invitations, to
waste a moment on

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

30-Second Time
Out for Peace

Stress-free is the quality of presence called peace that flows into whatever
you happen to be doing. We often assume that we have to strive for this
quality but the fact is your brain is wired for peace. Evolution wired it into
the neuro-circuitry of the right brain to make peace part of human nature.

The problem for most of us is that we don’t give peace the chance to flip the
switch for a better life experience. Instead, the primitive brain takes charge of
our auto-pilot and the day goes to hell-in-a-hand-basket of fight, flight, or
freeze (also known as STRESS).

But don’t stress, peace is still there for the choosing. It is always right here,
waiting for you to simply choose it … right now.

Here’s one easy way of flipping the switch to peace in just 30 seconds:

• Stop what you’re doing and step away from the world for a moment.

• Let go of what you were thinking and allow yourself to relax a little.

• Now allow yourself to relax a little more.

• Let go of everything. Feel your brain relax as you let go.

• No worries, no problems, no goals. Just let them all go for a moment.

• Take a slow, deep breath – and as you do - let your mind and heart open
wide. Allow peace to begin to emerge as your experience, all by itself.

You can do this short exercise just about anywhere: standing in line, walking
to a meeting, or looking out a window. Try it a few times throughout today
and see what happens to your day.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Getting Clear
Watching the Thinker

Sit comfortably in your chair, both feet set firmly on the ground and
hands folded and resting in your lap. Become conscious of your
breathing and on the next breath close your eyes.
All you are asked to do is observe. Simply be with whatever your
mind generates. Notice what you are thinking, feeling, and

“Out perceiving. Don’t become involved in the thoughts, don’t judge

them or try to change them. Simply observe.

beyond At first, it may seem there is nothing but chatter and chaos. It may
seem that your mind is lost in a proliferation of thoughts, judgments
ideas of and evaluations. Observe this. Notice the thoughts that come and
go, the residue of emotion they carry, and the pictures they paint.
right and Stand back from it by observing.
The mind will present you with the impulse to do something other
wrong, than this meditation. Ignore this impulse and bring your attention to
your breathing. The body will also demand attention. Ignore this,
there is a returning attention to your breathing.

field. I'll Now allow yourself to sink into your mind, letting go every kind of
interference and intrusion by imagining that you are quietly sinking
meet you past them. Lay all these thoughts aside, not separately, but all of
them as one. They are all the same.
there.” Your mind cannot be stopped in this. Let go and allow your mind to
take its natural course. Observe your passing thoughts without
involvement, and quietly slip past them. The quality of mind that is
Rumi able to observe and slip past all the thinking is not a thought. It is
the freedom from thought. It comes from beyond the thinking mind.
It is the field that is out beyond ideas of right and wrong.
Relax into the feeling of freedom. This feeling is the very essence of
your being. Feel it expand as you relax into it. Sense the light it
shines. This is the very essence of who and what you are. Now
bring your attention to your breathing. On the next breath open
your eyes. Be present, right here, right now.
When we are quietly present and observant, we discover how
beautiful reality can be.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Mark the Moment

Mark the moment whenever an experience opens you up.

These moments are like an ancient mariner sighting land. It All water
means you are closer to home than you might imagine. It’s has a
also a glimpse of neurological power. perfect
It might be a moment of spaciousness and peace during memory
meditation or prayer. It might be when the beauty of nature and is
captures your attention and lifts your heart. It could be a forever
moment when your passion is ignited or when you relax trying to
after working and feel a sense of satisfaction. It could be as get back
simple as the joy in watching a child at play to where
Whenever a moment occurs that elevates or deepens your it was.
experience – whatever it is, for whatever reason – mark it.
Tell yourself this moment is important. Allow the experience Toni
to imprint on your brain. Don’t try to hold on to the Morrison
experience. Simply surrender to the moment for as long as it
lasts with a willingness to experience it fully.

When you mark the moment in this way, your brain literally bookmarks the
experience. The next time it happens the experience is likely to be more vivid
and last longer.

Mark these moments throughout the day. Tell yourself this moment is
something important.

You’ll be turning on the neural circuits of peace.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Clear Button
Getting You Through
The 90-Second Window
Built into your brain is a 90-second window that gives you the chance to
extinguish stress provoking thoughts and judgments that are about to
escalate into a stress reaction.

Miss the 90-seconds and it can take hours for your brain to recover.
The Clear Button gets you through the window in time. Here’s how:

• Imagine there is a button at the center of your palm that, when

pressed, sends a signal to your brain to stop fearful, worried,
judgmental, or pessimistic thinking.

• Press the button and keep pressing it.

• Next, take a breath and count “1” and think red.

• Take a second breath and count “2” and think blue.

• Take a third breath and count “3” and think green.

Now take a final breath and as you exhale, come into the present
moment. Be right here, right now, and relax, letting fear go
completely. Quietly re-engage with the situation and consciously
choose to be at peace, regardless of circumstances or outcome,
confident in the clarity your calm now affords you.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

There’s Only Three
Sane Choices

 (1) Decide to change the situation.

 (2) Walk away from the situation.
 (3) Accept the situation completely.

“ … nobody says you

have to keep the
somebody else gives

Amy Tan

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Feel It to Heal It
De-stressing the Body
1. Close your eyes. Allow yourself to feel your body.
2. Notice stress in an area that is particularly uncomfortable.
3. Feel the discomfort or tightness or tension there. Feel it without
imposing any judgment, letting go of the tendency to want to
change it. Simply feel it.
4. Now scan your body for tension or discomfort in another place.
Feel it. Again, don’t judge it or yourself. Don’t try to change it.
Simply feel it.
5. Scan for another area of discomfort. Keep scanning in this fashion
for a few moments more, until you have uncovered most of the
tension in your body.
6. Now see if you can feel your body as a whole. How does your
whole body feel?
7. Imagine for a moment that your body is neutral and that there is
an emotional body that can be felt through the physical body.
8. What is the predominant emotion that emerges? Feel it without
imposing any judgment, letting go of the tendency to want to
change it. Simply feel how it feels with curiosity.
9. Gradually, allow yourself to relax into the feeling. Let the
sensation come to the surface. Simply be with whatever you feel.
10. When you are ready, open your eyes. Look around the room and
take in the colors and shapes of what you see.
11. Be present in a fresh, alert way.
12. Embrace this moment as new and relax. Feel the alive-
ness that is inherent in simple awareness.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC


• Recall a specific place or time when you felt happy and peaceful.
• Bring that happy, peaceful feeling to life by remembering anything particular about that
time, such as the weather, the surroundings and the period of the day, or who you were
• As this happy, peaceful state comes into focus allow it to lift your mind with the good
feeling it produces. Relax into feeling good. Allow it to form your attitude as you look
out on the world. Sense the shift in consciousness this generates.
• Next, bring to mind the situation you perceive as irritating, stressful or tedious and
imagine you are in that situation right now. Bring the peaceful, happy attitude into this
• See yourself at peace, confident, optimistic, and energetic in this situation.
• Imagine that, as you work, you are absolutely present in what you are doing. You sense
an awake, alive stillness within you.
• You are open-minded, not so focused on the outcome that it pulls you away from the
peace you feel.
• Imagine that you feel increasingly larger than the situation simply because you are no
longer afraid of it.
• If other people are involved, imagine that you don’t abandon your sense of personal
power. Rather, see yourself able to communicate what you want to say and able to
listen carefully to what they have to say, with no antagonism toward them.
• Imagine that as you settle into this state of heightened awareness the situation is no
longer stressful, but is actually becoming enjoyable.
What you are enjoying is not really the task but rather this positive inner dimension of
consciousness that flows into the work. Make a positive, peaceful attitude your primary
aim as you approach whatever you have to do, and you’ll return home at the end of the
day with the vitality to enjoy the evening.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Stop and
Stand Still
Start each day in quiet.
• Wake up a little earlier ahead of the rush. Start your day in quiet in
a place where you won’t be disturbed. Initially, be receptive to any
ideas the right brain offers. The right brain generates creative
intelligence and some of its best ideas happen when you are in the
drowsy state between half-asleep and fully awake.
• When you’re fully awake, take a few minutes to frame the day in a
positive light. Close your eyes or take a downward gaze. Tilt your
head toward your heart. Follow your breathing. Imagine each
breath softening your heart and opening it wider. Feel appreciation
for the gift of another day of life. Feel appreciation for another day
to be with the ones you love.
• Set the intention to have a great day, achieving meaningful results
in your work. Equally, set the intention to succeed at love, peace
and joy.

Once a week, count your blessings.

• At the end of every week, recall three things that happened during
the previous week for which you are grateful.
• Then acknowledge three things in your life, generally, for which
you feel blessed.
• The research suggests that people who “count their blessings”
experience lower levels of depression and stress and are more likely
to make progress towards important personal goals.2
• There is evidence that counting your blessings once a week is more
beneficial than doing it every day.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Stop and
Stand Still
Take breaks. Take Walks.
• Every 90 minutes take a break from work. The research establishing
the gain in performance derived from taking breaks is substantial.1
Take a 20-30 minute walk three times a week in a green
environment to dissolve stress hormones and oxygenate the brain.
Research has found that moderate walking three times per week for
a year increased brain connectivity and brain function. 2
• Step away from work. Look at the sky. Watch the wind blow.
Sense the way the sunlight encourages the grass and flowers to
grow. Look at people with the clear intention of not judging
• Be as free as you can be and…

Let your mind wander.

• Let go and allow your mind to wander. Your openness to the
seemingly irrelevant content that comes from letting your mind
wander or daydream intensifies the brain’s creative process,
increasing creative intelligence by as much as 40%.3
• Allowing your mind to wander or daydream allows the brain to
associate two or more ideas from different brain networks.
• It creates the brain state in which the dots begin to connect
themselves without you doing anything. In fact, the brain needs
you to get out of the way for a spell.
• Taking a break or letting your mind wander is an art form. You
need to maintain enough awareness so that even when you mind
starts to wander you can interrupt yourself and notice a creative

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC


1. Bring to mind someone who is difficult for you to forgive:

a person you do not like, one who irritates you, or causes
you to experience regret; someone you blame, or try to
overlook, or actively despise.
2. Try to perceive light somewhere in this person; a small
glimmer which you had not noticed.
3. Look until you see some little spark of brightness shining
through the painful picture that you hold.
4. Then let this light extend until it covers this person and
makes the painful picture brighter and kinder.
5. Silently repeat to yourself the following words:
• I forgive you
• I release you to your highest good
• I free myself from this grievance and all the pain
that has come from it
• I release the present from the past and free my

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Releasing Me

1. Bring to mind a mistake you made or injury you caused

another that has been difficult for you to forgive. This could
be something that makes you dislike, judge, or condemn
yourself. It may cause you to experience regret, blame, or
2. Try to perceive light somewhere in yourself; a small glimmer
which you have not noticed.
3. Look until you see some little spark of brightness shining
through the painful picture that you hold of yourself.
4. Then let this light extend until it covers you and makes the
painful picture brighter and kinder.
5. Silently repeat to yourself the following words:
• I forgive myself
• I release myself to my highest good
• I free myself from this grievance and all the pain that
has come from it
• I release the present from the past and free my future.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Before Arguing
Ask Yourself

Do I prefer that
I be right or

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Three Simple
Ways of Being
That Grow a Relationship

1. Listen better
2. Judge less
3. Forgive more

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

Shaping Reality
The Power of Expectancy
 Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.

 Select a current goal and state to yourself the outcome you wish to achieve.

 Imagine this outcome as you want it to happen. Pretend that it has already come to pass,
and see your life as it would exist at that moment. Let go of all restraints on your thinking.
Tell yourself it’s all right to imagine anything, regardless of whether you think it’s probable
or even possible.

 Involve the sensory parts of your brain. Hear the sounds that are present when the
outcome is realized. Smell the air and feel the temperature in the environment. Picture
what you will see.

 Now see into the periphery of the picture. What elements of life are around you? Who is
with you? Make the colors and elements of your imagined outcome vivid. If people are
present, what are they saying to you? What are you saying to them?

 As you continue to experience the vivid picture you have created, feel the feelings you
imagine will overcome you when this outcome is realized. Do you feel joy? Do you feel
satisfaction? Do you feel relief from pain or fear? And as you imagine the feelings you will
have, bring them close and actually feel them as if they are your experience, right here,
right now.

 Make these desired feelings as strong as you can. If you are happy, allow them to place a
smile on your face or make you laugh out loud. If you are relieved, let the relief lift your
spirits. Let the emotions become real.

 Sustain these desired emotions for as long as you can, but for no more than a minute.

 Then let everything go. Let go of the emotions and let go of the picture.

 You have now primed the pump of your thinking and emotional centers to lock your
internal guidance system on your desired outcome.

Copyright © Don Joseph Goewey :LLC

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