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Computation of Lightning Overvoltage

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Volume 14 Issue 01 June 2018 ISSN 0973 - 0338

Power Research www.cprijournal.in

Vol. 17(1)/53-58, January-June 2021

ISSN (Print) : 0973-0338
Central Power Research Institute DOI : 10.33686/pwj.v17i1.168566 Power Research

Computation of Lightning Overvoltage in 220

kV Substation due to Direct Stroke on Overhead
Transmission Line
Ved Prakash Yadav* and J. Sreedevi
Power Systems Division, Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru – 560012, Karnataka, India;
[email protected], [email protected]

This paper deals with the computation of overvoltage in a 220 kV line as well as at important locations of the associated
substation caused by the lightning, especially, in the event of direct stoke to the line’s phase conductor. Comparison of the
voltages at various locations of the substation with and without the presence of the lightning protecting system is also
carried out. The computations have been carried out using the Electromagnetic Transient Program. Simulation results
for the case of without the presence of lightning arrester anywhere in the system showed the obvious very high lightning
over voltages at all locations of the system. The results of the case study with the presence of 216 kV lightning arrester
only at line terminal (at substation entry) showed that over voltages occurring across all the substation equipment are
within the accepted protection margin of 25% with reference to their BILs. However, inadequacy of this protection margin
for transformers, prompted use of lightning arresters at its HV terminals also. Computation results of this case study
showed the new protection margin 37% for the transformer which is more than the requirement of 30%. It is inferred that
lightning arrester on HV side of the transformer is a must for avoiding failure of insulation of transformer due to lightning
striking the connected transmission line. The full paper describes the system considered, its modelling in EMTP, study
methodology, results of case studies and inferences drawn.
Keywords: BIL, Lightning Arrester, Lightning Overvoltages, Protection Margin, Shielding Failure, Substation

1. Introduction current rating as well as the protective characteristics of

the lightning arrester plays an important role in protecting
Lightning is the natural phenomenon which is beyond the line and substation equipment insulation. IEC60071-
the control of human being. It causes tremendous high 11,2 specify the insulation withstand level of the line and
voltage when it strikes the shield wire of a transmission equipment against standard lightning impulse voltage
line or directly to its phase conductor. In actual system called as the Basic Insulation Level (BIL). Computation
operating conditions, lightning could strike the overhead of over voltages occurring on the insulation of substation
shield or ground wire and protect the phase conductors. equipment is necessary to ensure the adequacy of the
However, the shielding offered by the shield wire is BIL or establish the need for additional over voltage
statistical in nature and it is likely that some lightning protection.
strokes may hit phase conductors. This is called as direct
stroke and the phenomenon is called shielding failure.
Though it happens rarely, it could be catastrophic, if 2. System Description
suitable and effective protection is not provided by use The system considered here is an air insulated 220 kV
of lightning arresters against over voltages caused by the substation with equipment such as transformer, CT, CVT,
lightning stroke to the phase conductors. The voltage and bus duct, cable, lightning arrester, etc., and also having

*Author for correspondence

© Power Research
Computation of Lightning Overvoltage in 220kV Substation due to Direct Stroke on Overhead Transmission Line

a 30 km long outgoing line of ACSR Zebra conductor as where, H is the Height of Tower in meters and R is the
shown in Figure 1. The Basic Impulse Insulation levels Radius of the tower base in meters as shown in shown in
(BILs) of 220 kV line and associated equipment i.e., the Figure 2.
standard lightning withstand voltage levels are given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Standard rated voltages and BIL
Rated Voltage BIL (kV,
(kV, Peak) Peak)
Transmission line
245 1050
insulator at line entry
CT 245 1050
PT/CVT 245 1050
Isolator 245 1050
CB 245 1050
560 (LA
LA 216 Residual
Transformer bushing 245 1050

Figure 2. Transmission line geometry.

3.2 Modelling of Lightning

The Lightning stroke is modelled by Surge current source
as shown in Figure 33.
Figure 1. Single line diagram of the system considered.

3. System Modelling
Overhead transmission line is modelled using travelling
wave model, with its surge impedance and propagation
velocity3. The transformers and other substation
equipment are represented by bushing/stray capacitance.
Conductors in the substation are modelled with J. R. Marti
model from3 with distances and real geometry of the bus
bars. The system modelling and simulation has been done
using Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP).

3.1 Modelling of Tower

Transmission line is of single circuit configuration and Figure 3. Lightning current source.
its tower dimensions are as shown in Figure 2. Tower is Imax= Max current (few kA to 200kA)
modelled by its surge impedance Z and is calculated using tf = front time
equation4 Sm = maximum steepness
th = time to half peak value: 20µs

54 Vol 17(1) | January-June 2021 www.cprijournal.in

Ved Prakash Yadav and J. Sreedevi

3.3 Modelling of Lightning Arrester Table 2. Modelling parameters of system equipment

The lighting arresters are simulated by their respective V-I Surge Stray
Sl. Travel time
characteristics as shown in Figure 4. Real time lightning Equipment impedance capacitance
No (µs)
(Ω) (pF)
current magnitude distribution is in such a way, that its
occurrence below 10 kA peak is having probability of 85 1 306.83 90.25 -
to 90%. Hence accepting certain amount of risk, arrester
impulse current rating has been selected as 10kA peak. 2 139.3 7.80 -
The voltage rating of lightning arrester is chosen based
3 Bus duct 310.57 2.35 -
upon the effectiveness of the grounding system. For non-
effectively grounded system the arrester rating should 4 CT - - 50
be 90% of the maximum system operative line – line 5 CVT/PT - - 30
voltage and for effective grounded system arrester rating 6 CB 106.4 - 30
should be 80% of the maximum system operative line 7 Isolator - - 30
– line voltage. Considering the worst-case scenario, the Modelled
arrester rated voltage chosen here is based upon 90% of as constant
the maximum operative system voltage. 8 Grid Voltage
Source of
In this study the 220 kV transmission lines are
provided with lightning arresters at both ends. The
voltage and impulse current ratings of the chosen arrester
are 216 kV and 10 kA peak and the arrester has residual 4. Methodology
voltage of 510 kV peak at 10 kA. Each segment of the V-I
Lightning current of certain magnitude and wave shape
characteristics is represented by ten sets of voltage and
is applied to one of the phase conductors (R-Phase in
current values in the EMTP program.
this study) close to the substation entry point (at 100
m) such that the nearest arrester passes its rated current
with approximately 8/20 μs wave shape. Using the EMTP
simulation, over voltage magnitudes and their wave shapes
are computed at line entry points of the substation and at
locations of each one of the substation equipment4,5. The
safety margin achieved for each of the line and substation
equipment with reference to their rated BILs are computed
and compared with the standard requirement.

5. Simulation and Results

It is necessary to limit the lightning overvoltage
magnitudes below the Basic Impulse Level (BIL) of the
Figure 4. Arrester V-I characteristics.
equipment with a minimum safety margin of 30% for the
line & transformer, at least 25% safety margin for other
station equipment like CT, CVT, Isolator etc. The BIL
3.4 Modelling of Transformer and Grid of line, station equipment and transformer for 220kV
Transformer is modelled with its stray and bushing system is 1050 kV. Standard withstand lightning voltage
capacitance of 5nF. Whereas grid is modelled as the with 30% and 25% protection margin are respectively 735
constant voltage source of 220 kV. kV and 787.5 kV.
Surge impedances, travel time and stray capacitance To investigate the impact of the lightning stroke on
of the system equipments considered in simulation are substation equipment insulation, one lightning stroke
provided in Table 2. has been injected in the one of the phases of the line near

Vol 17(1) | January-June 2021 www.cprijournal.in 55

Computation of Lightning Overvoltage in 220kV Substation due to Direct Stroke on Overhead Transmission Line

to the substation at 100m. As the over voltage caused by having magnitude of 31.5 kA with a wave shape of 8/20
the lightning strike is dependent upon the intensity of µs is injected in the phase A of the transmission line at a
the lightning current and not on the distance from the distance of 100m from the substation entrance (lightning
substation. To investigate the adequacy of the arrester striking the line within the first span of the line). Due to
protection characteristics and its location, following three this, lightning current of 10 kA with a wave shape of 8/20
different simulations cases are considered. For each case, µs is passing in the arrester, which is its rated current.
voltages have been computed at substation entrance and The computed voltages at the substation entrance and
at the transformer terminal for all the three phases. transformer terminals are shown in red colour in the Figure
Case 1: No arrester installed 5 and tabulated in Table 4. The comparison and reduction
Case 2: Arrester modelled at substation entrance in voltage at substation entrance as well as transformer
Case 3: Arrester modelled at substation entrance and terminal after installation of arrester is shown in Figure
transformer terminal 6. By modelling the 216 kV arrester at the substation
entrance, the over voltages are reduced to 4.38 pu and
Case 1: No arrester installed
4.73 pu at substation entrance and transformer terminal
In this case, a lightning current having magnitude of
respectively. Since voltage at transformer terminal has
31.5 kA with a wave shape of 8/20 µs is injected in the phase
been reduced after the installation of arrester at substation
A of the transmission line at a distance of 100 m from the
entrance but due to reflection of transients this voltage is
substation entrance. The magnitude considered here is
still more and the protection margin is around 19% which
the current to produce 10 kA peak magnitude having an
is less than the required protection margin of 30%. Hence,
approximate wave shape of 8/20 micro seconds. Voltages
to reduce the voltage further at transformer terminal
at the substation entrance and voltage at transformer
due to the reflections one more arrester is required to be
terminal are shown in blue colour in the Figure 5 and
installed at transformer terminal.
tabulated in Table 3. The voltage computed at substation
entrance and transformer terminal is having a wave shape Table 4. Voltage after installation of arrester at
of 2.3/55 µs and 2.1/51 µs respectively. The reason for the substation entrance
high voltage of more than 20 pu at substation entrance
Sl. Voltage Voltage rise time/ tail
and transformer terminal is attributed to not considering Equipment
No. (pu) (kV) time µs
the arrester in the simulation. These over voltages are Substation
unacceptable and points to the need for arresters at the 1. 4.38 786.77 1.93/43
line entry as well as at transformer terminals. Transformer
2. 4.73 849.64 1.7/40
Table 3. Voltage with no arrester at substation Terminal
rise time/
Sl. Voltage
Equipment Voltage (pu) tail time
No. (kV)
1. 25.54 4587.5 2.3/55
2. 19.81 3558.3 2.1/51

Case 2: Arrester modelled at substation entrance

The simulation of CASE 1 is repeated with arrester
modelled at substation entrance. It is assumed initially
that for short separation between station entry point and
the transformer, the arresters at the line entry themselves Figure 5. Voltage at substation entrance and transformer
would provide adequate lightning over voltage protection terminal (Blue graph is without arrester and Red graph is
to the transformer also. In this case a lightning current with arrester).

56 Vol 17(1) | January-June 2021 www.cprijournal.in

Ved Prakash Yadav and J. Sreedevi

Figure 6. Comparison of voltages.

Case 3: Arrester modelled at substation entrance and Figure 8. Comparison of transformer terminal voltage.
transformer terminal
The simulation of CASE 2 is repeated with arrester reduction in voltage at transformer entrance as well as
modelled at transformer terminal along with substation at transformer terminal after installation of arrester is
entrance. The rating of this arrester is same as the shown in Figure 8. By modelling the 216 kV arrester at
arrester used at the line entry to the substation. In this the substation entrance and at transformer high voltage
case lightning current having magnitude of 31.5 kA terminal, the over voltages at the transformer terminal
with a wave shape of 8/20 µs is injected in the phase A has been reduced from 4.73 pu to 3.68 pu. With this,
of the transmission line at a distance of 100m from the the protection margin of 37% could be achieved for the
substation entrance, due to this lightning arrester passes transformer insulation.
its rated current of 10 kA with a wave shape of 8/20 µs.
Voltages at the transformer terminal are shown in the 6. Conclusion
Figure 7 and tabulated in Table 5. The comparison and
Overvoltage caused by the lightning specially in the
Table 5. Voltage after installation of arrester at event of direct stoke to a line are computed for 220 kV
transformer terminal
substation and the connected line. Modelling of the system
Sl. Voltage Voltage rise time/ is carried using the EMTP software. Initially, The system
No. (pu) (kV) tail time µs was simulated without arrester to find the magnitude of
Transformer over voltages. Further, protection performance of the
1. 3.68 661.45 1.63/37.5
lightning arrester in the 220 kV substation, in particular,
lightning overvoltage protection was investigated by
modelling the arrester at the substation entrance and
both at substation entrance and at the HV terminal of
the transformer. Simulation shows that with the help of
216 kV rating arrester installed at line terminal, lightning
overvoltage can be clipped to the voltage of 786.77 kV at
substation entrance with a protection margin of 25%, and
the voltage of 578.40 kV at transformer terminal with a
protection margin of 19%. As the protection margin of
19% for transformer is thought to be inadequate, study
repeated with arrester also at the transformer terminal
showed ample protection margin for the transformer. The
Figure 7. Voltage at transformer terminal after the protection margin is improved from 19% to 37%. This
installation of an additional arrester at the transformer demonstrates the need for arrester at the transformer
terminal. terminals in order to safeguard its insulation against

Vol 17(1) | January-June 2021 www.cprijournal.in 57

Computation of Lightning Overvoltage in 220kV Substation due to Direct Stroke on Overhead Transmission Line

lightning caused over voltages. This study also justifies the 2. International Electro Technical Commission, IEC 60071-4.
practice of using arresters at the high voltage terminals of Insulation co-ordination - Part 4: Computational guide to
a transformer in 220 kV substations. insulation co-ordination and modelling of electrical net-
works; 2006.
3. Marti J R. Accurate modelling of frequency-dependent
7. Acknowledgment transmission lines in electromagnetic transient simulations.
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems. 1982;
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of PAS-101(1). https://doi.org/10.1109/TPAS.1982.317332
Dr. R.S. Shivakumara Aradhya, Dr. Amit Jain and Mr. 4. EPRI. AC transmission line reference book-200kV and
Sudhakara Reddy S and wish to thank the management above. Third Edition, Electric Power Research Institute;
of Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru for 2005.
permitting to publish this paper. 5. Vasileva M. Lightning overvoltage in electrical substation
220 kV due to shielding failure of overhead transmission
8. References
1. International Electro Technical Commission, IEC 60071-1.
Insulation Co-ordination - Part 1: Definition, principles,
rules; 2006.

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